#hhw day 3
faintvibes · 2 years
Historical Hetalia Week Day Three: Discovery
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Day Three: 0 - 1500 // Discovery @historical-hetalia-week
When I saw the prompt for this day, my first thought was the age of discovery and Europeans conquering (duh)- but my second thought was to flip this on its head. When Europeans 'discovered' new lands and people, those people had to 'discover' the Europeans at the same time. You could arguably say they did a better job, considering indigenous cultures tended not to view themselves as superior to European cultures and so approached their ways of life with respect and curiosity- which was very often not true to other way around. So, I decided to show this through three characters (Fiji, Hawaii, and Tangata Whenua- who is explained in my day one post) entering a (mostly) European hall, dressed in relation to the year their tribes formed a kingdom- which could be seen as the 'ultimate' attempt to be viewed as European equals.
More explanation under the cut!
So let's start in the middle, where the story is shortest (and where my vision was most certain): Hawaii. I'd like to preface this by first of all saying that I am very much of the opinion that a personification of Hawaii existed prior to Hawaii becoming a US state- and that the representation of the state is the same who represented Hawaii previously. This is for a variety of reasons:
Unlike, say, Germany, Hawaii didn't become united by all the Hawaiian tribes agreeing to join hands and work together. Kamehameha the Great took control of the islands through a series of conquests for the sake of uniting the Hawaiian islands. Only one willingly joined under his banner- but very much in the sense that they joined under his banner, and not as an equal. So, these personifications likely were subordinates to the Kingdom of Hawaii, should they have stuck around at all. Additionally, as the Hawaiian identity began to emerge, and people associated more with the kingdom than their original tribes, I believe it makes sense that these remaining personifications would have faded, while Hawaii stuck around.
When the US annexed Hawaii, they replaced its government and absorbed the existing Hawaiian nation into the overarching USA. Because of this, it makes most sense to me that Hawaii became a subordinate of America, as opposed to being replaced by a new personification. However, I can understand the logic behind that thought.
And probably others that I'm blanking on right now
However, that's a future problem! For now, we have a Hawaii as a newly established kingdom- from about 1810, which is the generally agreed upon year for when the monarchial government of Hawaii was established. However (as will be the case for all 3 of these characters), she very much is not an expert on European culture. Though she does a lot better than her two companions in this illustration, due to Hawaii being a very prominent trading spot to Europeans (though this hasn't reached its height yet)- something King Kamehameha the Great pushed hard for. Her hair is quite close to the fashionable style of the day, though her bangs are quite a bit longer than what was preferred. Her dress is based off of these French Regency dresses (taken from James Laver's 'World of Art: Costume and Fashion'):
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Particularly from the left drawing- which actually depict dresses from 1803- and which are summer walking dresses. Likely not the right style for this sort of event. So while Hawaii has tried her hardest to dress for the occasion, she's lacks understanding regarding the more intricate details and rules of European styles. This isn't meant to make her look misguided or stupid- I imagine that the traders stopping by on Hawaiian shores are more into selling goods than talking extensively about fashion. And whoever sold her this dress likely... twisted the truth a little.
The purple is a remnant of an old style of dress I was going to draw her in (from Panorama's 'A History of Fashion: From Loincloths to Lycra', by Jacqueline Morley, David Salariya, etc):
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However, I figured dresses that are, quite literally, the height of fashion at the time (and undoubtedly being custom ordered by the wealthy wearing them) aren't likely to yet making it as far as Hawaii. However, I admit that the purple probably isn't the most accurate colour for her dress to be, still.
Now, for Tangata Whenua!
While a more extensive explanation of who she is has already been given in my Day One post, I'll give a brief summary here:
My personal perspective on New Zealand's personification differs quite a bit from canon's, and so I use an OC in place of the canon character. (This character is not Tangata Whenua.) While considering when New Zealand would have originated, where she stands on things such as Māori-Pākehā relations, I came up with the concept of Tangata Whenua. She represents the Māori culture/te Ao Māori, and has been around since roughly when the first Polynesians arrived in what is now Aotearoa New Zealand. While in modern times she likely goes by the name Aotearoa, at this point that has not really caught on in reference to all of New Zealand. The Kīngitanag (Māori King Movement) established its first monarch in 1858, while Pākehā began to use Aotearoa as the Māori name for New Zealand in the late 1800s, while Māori did not adopt it until likely the 1900s (perhaps even the late 1900s), though I cannot find a clear answer for this. For some time, Māori only used it to refer to the North Island. Tangata Whenua means 'people of the land', and is a culturally significant term in Māori- I cannot think of a way to quickly summarise this significance, so just trust me.
**Pākehā is a Māori word initially (and most commonly) used to describe European NZers. Sometimes in modern times it is used to refer to all non-Māori NZers.
So, while New Zealand adopted a monarchy when it became a colony of the British Empire in 1840, Tangata Whenua did not until the establishment of the Kīngitanga in 1858. However, it's important to note that the majority of Māori tribes never aligned themselves with the Kīngitanga, and it was never the prominent government in the New Zealand islands. However, it holds a very significant position when discussing the New Zealand Wars- especially in regards to North Island (where most of the wars took place).
As another additional note, I have realised while writing this that I forgot to discuss Tangata Whenua's extraordinarily long hair in my Day One post- I'll be adding that once I finish typing this up. However, let me also explain here:
In Māori culture, the head (and thus hair) is considered very tapu (sacred). Long hair often indicates high status. In fact, in traditional Māori culture, one's hair may only be attended to by one of more mana (generally refers to reputation/status/legacy- doesn't have a close English concept unfortunately, but for now think of it like rank or status). As the personification of the Māori culture, Tangata Whenua was probably viewed as quite an important atua (god, sometimes translated as spirit), meaning no mortal could have more mana than her. As a result, unless any other atua decide to stop by for a chat, there is no one who can style her hair, or cut it. (I imagine she still brushed it, at least because unkempt hair was a sign of mourning.)
After so long, Polynesians currently being believed to have landed in New Zealand sometime from 1250-1350, Tangata Whenua's hair must be ridiculously long. I believe I likely underestimate its true length, no matter how extraordinarily long I draw it. I am not yet decided on how she keeps it in modern times, however (considering Māori people no longer follow this tradition) she likely drops it at some point.
Now, regarding clothes. Given I have a book on fashionable New Zealand dress around this time period, it is what I have consulted. This book is 'Dressed: Fashionable Dress in Aotearoa New Zealand 1840 to 1910' by Claire Regnault. Specifically, I have referenced (for her bodice and skirt) this evening bodice and skirt once owned by a Margaret Watt from Whanganui:
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This isn't what I'd consider, exactly, the fashionable look in the late 1850s- and that's why I think it's perfect for Tangata Whenua. In her case, she's likely a lot more familiar with Europeans in day-to-day life than Hawaii, and so has had more opportunities to get familiar with the rules of their fashion. I just don't see her as someone who would care much for those details. The Māori quite often worked European fashion/culture/etc into their existing ways of doing things- but very much in their own way. So Tangata Whenua is not (unlike Hawaii) trying to match European fashion, but using it as a suggestion. This is further emphasised by the kākahu cloak she has tied over her shoulders, and her hairstyle- where the front mimics fashionable ideas at the time, but she's mostly left the back alone, in a ponytail. (This already shows some deviations from the traditional handling of her hair.)
And now, Fiji! The Kingdom of Fiji lasted only three years, uniting the tribes in 1871, however it only took months for government overspending to lead the new kingdom to acquire unimaginable amounts of debt. This lead to social unrest, which prompted the Fijian government to reach out to the British with an offer to hand off the islands to them. By 1874, and agreement was met and the Kingdom of Fiji became the Colony of Fiji. As such, I've interpreted the representation of Fiji to be the most nonchalant regarding this whole monarchy thing. This is most immediately noticeable in the suit he wears:
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As you can see, it dates to 1829- quite a while before the unification. I imagine, unlike with the other two, he did not put much effort into picking his outfit beyond 'European' and 'I like it'. Or perhaps this was the most recent European outfit he had, and rampant debt meant he was unable to update it. This is also why, unlike Hawaii and Tangata Whenua, he is not facing forwards. His attention has been drawn away by the walls.
Fijian hair traditions fascinate me, and are certainly something I would like to further explore. In short, Fijians also traditionally applied the concept of sanctity (tabu) to the hair, and in general longer hair meant higher status. However, this hair was never to touch the ground. Style it however you want (dying was also quite possible), but hair must never touch the ground. It lead to some quite interesting fashion trends. Fiji here would have historically had longer hair, but I imagine he took the arrival of European fashions an excuse to try a shorter, simpler style. Here are some examples I've found online:
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From the Polynesian Cultural Center Blog
Regarding the background:
While in general this is meant to be a non-descript European hall (with the purple meaning to imply this is the hall of somewhere quite important- though again, I think I've been a bit too extravagant in my use of purple), the detailing on the rug's edge and the door is Polynesian-inspired.
The pattern on the rug's edge is inspired by the ahu ahu mataroa pattern, which can represent talent and achievement in sports/athletics, but can also represent a new challenge. I'm intending the latter meaning. The pattern on the door is loosely inspired by the koru pattern, which symbolises new life, growth, strength, and peace. The inclusion of the last is meant as ironic foreshadowing. This pattern has been represented with sharper lines than is usual, and in unusual colours (it is usually shown in green, mimicking the koru spiral of an unfurling silver fern)- the former is a sort of hint towards the challenges these kingdoms will quickly face (though Hawaii will have to wait a little longer than the others), and the latter is a show of merging with European culture- where these colours are generally more valued.
And you've made it! Congrats on reading this whole thing (I am patting you very gently on the head should you be comfortable with this). If you don't mind, reblog/comment this with a smile emoticon (your choice of which) to let me know someone's actually paid attention to all this! It's not something I expect, but it is greatly appreciated.
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2023 Prompt Announcement
Hello everyone and welcome to Historical Hetalia Week 2023! This year, the event will be held from February 20st to February 26th, 2023.
Day 1 (20.02): 10,000 BCE – 5000 BCE // Heirlooms
Day 2 (21.02): 5000 BCE – 0 // Celebrations
Day 3 (22.02): 0 – 1500 // Discovery
Day 4 (23.02): 1500 – 1800 // Ages (Ex: Iron Age, Gilded Age, Ming Dynasty)
Day 5 (24.02): 1800 – 1945 // Shadows
Day 6 (25.02): 1945 onwards // Reform
Day 7 (26.02): Free Day
Rules & Content Guidelines:
Your work must be tagged with the following: #historicalhetaliaweek and/or @ this blog, Day and prompt being fulfilled (i.e. #hhw day 1 & #prompt: 0-1500), proper tagging for any mature or triggering content (please see a non-exclusive list HERE)
The event prompts will be broken into time periods to encompass all of history. However, there will also be additional prompts provided for each day. Participants are required to fulfill at least one prompt for that day. Content made for the addition prompt must have a historical setting, but not necessarily the time period it is paired with.
Works including topics like genocide, ideologically sensitive issues, or recent tragedies will not be accepted. Works portraying topics like incest, pedophilia, rape, gore, and graphic violence will also not be accepted. If you are unsure if a work/idea conforms to this rule, our ask box is always open.
Additional Rules and Tagging Guidelines can be found HERE
If you have any questions about the prompts or any of the rules, please don’t hesitate to ask! Our ask box is always open and we are happy to clarify.
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asunsetsobright · 4 months
an intro to my blog !
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hello, i'm aimi! i am new to tumblr and still getting the feel of how things work, but i hope the bandori community here will accept me (^▽^)
i would like to post content such as my thoughts/rants, headcanons and scenarios, and general stuff to do with the game!
! minor ! pronouns: she/her birthday: september 3 (same as moca!)
likes: sweets, stuffed animals, rainy days hobbies: singing, crafts, embroidery and punch needling media: bandori, pjsk, d4dj, band/idol animes
my faves: ran, tomoe, moca, himari, tsugumi + misaki, kaoru, masuki, anon, taki, raana
what have i been listening to lately? ♪ afterglow, awaiting clear skies (l/n), gonna be right (peaky p-key), smile are you ready (hhw), rozen horizon (roselia)
well, that's all i have to say here :) it's nervous posting this but i hope i did everything right and can make some friends here!
have a wonderful day/night <3
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sea-of-dust · 2 years
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Happy! Lucky! Smile!
Hhw relationship headcannons
Authors note: yo I had a request and I wanted to answer it but it deleted on me...then the account deactivated....BRO IF UR READING THIS IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG. But hey I got it out for ya homie 💪
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She adores you! She pinches your checks daily always going on and on about how cute your are <3.
She doesn't like being away from you not even when she has to sleep. She will give you privacy but like as soon as your in school "Y/N!!"
She's energetic normally but when she sees you the energy multiples ten fold.
She almost jumped off a class room from the window to see you.
Your dates consist of going to carnivals, those food truck stands in random alleys, and first row seats to hello happy world shows! You even get to be the witness to hhws next big project. Totally doesn't involve Kaoru going somewhere high
She doesn't tell you outright but she has the suits on you just incase
Private time with her you always end up playing a game together where you end up being super tired so you sleep over at hers, only on breaks tho that's when you two don't have school the next day then you just leave early. Doesn't stop her from sleeping over at yours tho. She packed like she's staying for weeks.
Her dream dates a date where you two hangout quite literally when tomorrow begins she's already outside banging your window "Y/N!!! Y/N LETS GO ON AN ADVENTURE~!" "Kokoro?!? It's like 11:20?!" "Come on come on let's go!!" You stood there shocked but got ready anyway by 11:50 you two were out of there "Why are we waiting outside- ily but don't tell me you woke me out for a stupid reason..." "were waiting for it to reach 12:00" "...your kidding me" she wasn't. The rest of the day consisted of hot air balloon rides, arcades, roller coasters, and ending it off with a sleepover.
She let's you see behind the scenes that the public usually doesn't
She doesn't get jealous like at all. Your with someone else for a long time doesn't mind
You made a joke using a ring pop asking to marry her you had to convince her not to go through with the wedding like she already rented out a whole city just incase.
She sometimes sneaks up to your classroom windows during her lunch break she broke into your gym class once too...
She found out you liked video games and once she totally didn't rummage through your things to find your favorite one you'd find a present by the door of the games merch, Misaki managed to stop her from setting it up
The band also finds you fun and a better event organizer than Kokoro. She may have cool ideas but sweet Jesus were they dangerous. You made sure those ideas wouldn't flop and tested them to see.
She dreamt about settling down and maybe adopting a few pets...a whole zoo
She likes resting in between your thighs. The best pillows in her opinion besides your chest. The closer she is to your face the better
She loves it when you flirt with her publicly. Like when you wink at her, blow kisses, holding her by the waist. She takes it as a sign. A sign to announce her love to you later! She knew you didn't like public displays of affection THAT much. As soon as your alone with her...."Y/N ILY SM MWUUUU" "ilyt Kokoro but your gonna ruin your makeup.."
She loves spoiling you, you have to convince her not to overspend the times you fail...its like a mr beast episode dear christ
She sends you WAYYYY TO MANY MEMES like as soon as she finds something funny she sends it to you, scrolls sends the video to you. she sends you her whole fyp 😭
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She loves every aspect of you! Even when it's a bad day for you she still thinks your cute!
You and her started dating when she kissed you after a game during finals
She hugged you so tightly in the locker room confessing she loves you. You said you liked her back and bam
She likes hugging you from behind. A surprise attack!
Whenever your sick she sleeps next to you. On the floor. She didn't want to get sick too but she's o so clingy
She likes kissing you on the forehead, lips and checks, all the things she likes about you are on your face!
Her love language is physical touch and words of admiration. She loves every bit of physical contact you give her. Even if you touch her hair or brush your hand against her. she's more energetic and happy
She found you at a grocery store and offered to pay for it for you despite carrying her own. You told her you'll pay for it yourself, she was a little sad tho, you ended up letting her pay for snacks
She kinda expects you to lean on her more often with things. Need help with homework? I'll finish it for you! You need to cook? I'll cook a Thanksgiving dinner! She does this so much you had to basically put her on time out
She loves seeing you at her games, even if your the opposing team! In fact she makes it a challenge! If she wins she gets whatever she wants the day after the game no matter if it's a school day! You get the same
What does she usually want? A date! Maybe doing something active or if you aren't in the mood or just not active she's down to play a game or bake with you
She pretty much senses every time your gonna go shopping. She's going to join you. Not ask....join
She randomly tells you bass facts "DID YOU KNOW BASSES HAVE LESS STRINGS THAN GUTAIRS?!?" "Hagumi go to sleep..." "did you know bass strings are longer~" "Hagumi..."
Only a forehead kiss will shut her up
She has too much empathy...she falls for the homeless scams...to much you have to pull at her so she doesn't give money to em.
The band likes you. You were calm and critiqued Kokoro when needed. They even let you keep things from the show like hats or just get you your own outfit or just for a surprise something signed by your favorite celeb
Speaking of celebs you were going nuts over one at a concert. She felt jealous when you spoke about them afterward. Its not that she thought you would leave her if the celeb asked you too...but what if you did, what if you found the celeb more attractive?! WHAT IF YOU MOVE AWAY WITH THEM. You would know she was jealous if she starts pointing and tugging at your sleeve. You had to reassure her by pointing out traits her and the celeb shared.
She doesn't let you out of her sight whenever your alone with friends just because of this. When you tell her you wouldn't leave her she's like "🤨.....really?!?! 😳"
She enjoys piggy back rides after games, sleeping on your back is her favorite thing while walking home. Sure it's near impossible because you carry a bookbag and her weight and the bookbags isn't gonna be a good time. But when it does happen she enjoys it to the fullest
Plushies! She buys one for you..alot....you have a wall because of her no worries! If they ever fall you think you might drown...turns out she almost did. She knocked one off trying to reach for you. A wave of plushies almost drowned her
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You were dragged to a school play because your sibling was in a show and she saw you in the crowd looking bored. She made it her mission to make you look in awe or at least smile! She ends up looking for you during the after show
She failed to talk to you but at least she has your name
She beings asking your sibling what you like and learned your in the same class of her and began her mission!
She began casual conversion with you and learned about your liking of Shakespeare, who she quoted from time to time. You being dropping your guard around her eventually making you laugh. Seeing this for the first time she blushed looking away and covering her face. How were you this...cute..
Ok...how she wants to marry you. She should marry you! She completed her plan to make you smile now it's time for marriage!
She began by giving you a flower after school almost ignoring her fans to see you. She also "conveniently" shows up to shops you go to. You began returning the favor by giving her candies.
She took this as a sign you liked her. Que her starting to treat you like a fan! You weren't really liking it so you spoke to her. That was one of the times you got to experience Kaoru Seta not just the girl that lives to make everyone her "kitten". Kaoru apologized and you said it's fine and then you two hung out more and more since.
She confessed to you at your place where she held a ring pop up to you "my dearest ki- friend you've bloomed in my heart like a rose showing off its petals after bathing in the sun will you be my s/o" a little corny...you said yes
Ever since you became her s/o you started getting her out of situations with fans a little more just to spend time alone or go to a shop together
Her fans started speculating you two were in a relationship, you two promised to keep it secret, you just denied saying Kaoru was only a close friend
She gets treated to miso soup on the down low. Usually when her fans aren't swarming her. Usually when she's like this there's alot of hugs and she becomes just a little more shy
You and Chisato like talking about her and usually tease her together. She always ends up hiding her face. Always something to giggle about
She likes kissing your hand when greeting you
You began to learn that Kaoru doesn't know what she's saying half the time. That's where you step on to correct her from the crowd acting along with her. Her fans tried the same only for other fans to correct them
You copied some of her gestures. She started acting with you till you kiss her hand. Her speech becomes all stuttered she almost dodged a kiss in the check-
She let you meet the band. Everyone liked you but Misaki kinda thought you were just as idiotic as the three idiots. You weren't! Thank goodness. They treat you like family after stalking you for a while making sure you were good enough for there guitarist
She begged you to join a play as a love interest. When you did she wouldn't stop hakani spamming/saying fleeting while circling you. "AH MY DEAR YOU'RE SO FLEETING~" "Kaoru what are you doing- someone help-" "Hakani~"
Speaking of fleeting you had to be held back the band from telling her what fleeting means. It just wouldn't be the same...
The band kidnapped invited you to the second Hello happy phantom thief event. You were so confused who was holding you and lifting you. You tried to escape their grasp only for them to hold you tighter. You screamed as you disappeared with the figure. It was only when you were alone with the figure you noticed their purple hair. "Kaoru?...OH YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME-" "my performances are normally this fleeting <3"
You found out about her fear of heights when Kokoro left you two on the balloon with guards ofc. You held her hand and even asked to go with her. They only let you go before her for safety reasons. So when she did eventually sky dive afterward she flopped into your arms. "Did I fall like a swan my dear?" You sighed and giggled telling her "you fell like a brick a very teary fleeting brick"
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Ah yes her own personal navigation device
You tell her there's a turn and you turn and she turns another way. She doesn't notice you aren't by her side till she looks over and just sees you've vanished. You've walked with your arms locked since then
She likes knitting with you in fact that's how you told her you liked her. To made her a penguin...(attempted if ya don't knit) she panicked and ran out of the room. When class was dismissed she ran up to you and asked if the offer was still on the table
She get so shy at any show of affection. The only way you can show affection without her getting all shy is gifting her something without you in the same room as her
Speaking of gifts if you ever give her one expect her to try and return it. You tell her she doesn't owe you anything but she does it anyway
You like spooking her sometimes from behind. "Boo" and her hair sticks up and she turns around so slowly only to learn that it's you
Chisato met you and did a whole vibe check to see if you were good enough for Kanon. You passed...barely but your good enough for her so your ok.
She also likes watching movies and eating sweets with you. In a warm blanket too? She'll never wanna leave
You got to meet the band and watched them practice. They love you sm, even tho Kanon talks about you every chance she gets
She even day dreams about you while practicing causing some careless mistakes
Her ideal dates a picnic with all homemade food in a field filled of flowers
Your dates usually consist of Café hopping, and amusement parks in summer, you've noticed hello happy world watching you two
Please tell her you love her she's very insecure about it. She always thinks your way out of her league
You took her to an aquarium and you two would leave with her gushing about jellyfish
You like whispering things in her ear whenever your alone with her. The instant blushing is enough to make your heart melt
She likes doing things with you, especially cooking. Even if it turns out kinda...strange...it's still edible!
She knows when you try to sneak up on her for kisses. When your trying to scare her? Nah she doesn't sense you, but for affection. "Y/n what are you doing?"
The one time you did get her she was covering her face and rolling on the floor
You buying her new scrunchies for whatever event calls. It's like yk what hhws planning next. It's another phantom thief "I got one with little masks on it <3" they're about to sponsor plushies? "It has little bears <3"
You convinced her to sleep over. It's nice cuddling with her you do hear occasional fue~s tho and she shivers like alot. She's so nervous about you two being so close. So she doesn't face you for the other half of the night. When you wake up the next morning she just won't look at you for the rest of the day.
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You were her desk mate and only talked during turn and talk
You started conversation with her about a band called Hello Happy World
" the bears so cute~" "Yeah I guess"
She was feeling good so she decided to get you a ticket. "wait really? It's sweet but I already have one let's go together!" She didn't really mind going with you the problem was that she IS the bear. So she told the band about it. What did they do? Ask Chu2 to be Michelle! Chu2 exploded laughing "YOU EXPECT ME TO GET IN A BEAR COSTUME AND PERFORM NURSERY RHYMES HAHSHAAHAHAHA" turns out Chu2 had nothing planned for that day so you got to fangirl over hhw with Misaki
You two became even closer afterward and began going to each others houses to do school work. You had to leave to the bathroom and when you got back you saw a little "go out with me?" On top of your homework. You heard the door open seeing Misaki with some snacks you pretended as if you didn't notice as soon as she put them down. "Ilyt Misaki" she jumped back in surprise "I...I meant going out for a date" "your mumbling~" "ah am I?!" She looks away "this is so embarrassing..." "you like me don't you <3" "shut up" "hehe~" your relationship was kinda weird after than you weren't sure if you were dating or not until you asked her a week after. She looked away again bushing "I mean...if you want to"
And so you started dating Misaki. She set up a few rules when you started dating too
She prefers affection in private, she doesn't want people she barely knows making jokes about it.
Whenever you are alone she sometimes lays on your lap to scroll her phone. She also rants about her day and Kokoros antics
Speaking of Kokoro you found out Misaki was Michelle through her arguing that she was a bear with the others. You joked about your girlfriend was a bear.
Speaking of Michelle she managed to grab ya once. You jokingly started screaming and asking for help when someone actually appeared to see you getting aggressively hugged by a bear...that person was one of Kokoros guards who closed the door and let Kokoro know immediately
"MICHELLE I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS" she bursts in, only to see you and Michelle hugging. "Oh..." she closes the door once again
Later Kokoro asked if she can get free hugs too. You just gave her some yourself. That's how the band began treating you like an older sibling
She likes going under blankets with you. Because you either end up kissing, your sleeping on her chest or vise versa. It's warm under there too another good thing about blankets
You found out she knits and decided to learn to surprise her. You knitted her a small plushie and left it in her room. Then when she came over you saw a little plush on your bed. You giggled and asked her about it, she looked away avoiding the question
She whispers in your ear things she wants to do when others are with you. "Lets go get some snacks" "we should get going". This is usually with the other band members but sometimes they hear her and act heartbroken "YOUR REALLY GONNA LEAVE US MISAKI" Ok maybe they aren't acting.... you had to reassure them you'll be back tomorrow
On weekends you usually call her if she wants to go out the next day. Your dates are usually only things you can afford. A Café date here and there, a walk through the park is mostly what your dates are.
Your parents found out you were dating someone and celebrated. "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!?!? HONEY" "DAD NOOO" they invited her over started an interrogation then asked her to leave. As soon as she left your parents look at you and sighed then started tearing up. "She's perfect" "there there honey *sniffle*" "you two probably gave her a heart attack for nothing" they got up opened the Door Misaki was in and welcomed her to your family.
She likes twiddling with your hair/fingers when you two are just hanging around
She almost made a Playlist of all your favorite songs and keeps it secret like you have to get REALLLLYY close to hear small bits of your favs play and that's pretty rare considering how flustered she gets when your so close
She sometimes kisses your forehead when your asleep. She likes the expression you have when asleep. If your still awake she looks away ashamed you caught her
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maybenotmei · 2 years
kaoru gf hcs pls😭🫶?
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with you !
today i'm going to give you the "precious treasure" that you've always wanted!
— ((( o(*゚▽゚*)o )))♡ —
notes: Hiiiii anon i'm assuming general dating so i'll do that <3 thank you for letting me ramble abt kaoru . i have like four kaoru 4* on jpn so i think it's only right i write a lot about her. can you tell i really Really love kaoru seta .
also another anon sent kaoru seta hcs and im wondering R U guys the same person. if not then this is out to 2nd anon as well!!!
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dramatic. very, very dramatic
dramatic in the "proclaims your love for you from the top of the haneoka building if she could" kind of dramatic
(she shouldn't look down though)
in public... it really depends on if you've made your relationship public or not.
kaoru has a ton of fans. you know this very well, especially if you were once one of her diehard fans. in order not to cause or stir any drama, you both will keep your relationship private for a while.
like. remember how rokka's class reacted to when kaoru called rokka "cinderella" out of nowhere and everyone was already freaking out ("what is this?! explain yourself kaoru-san!!")? yeah think that but for the Whole school if they found out.
dating kaoru is like dating a really really famous person except most if not all her fans are in the same general location at the same time. pda is a little hard for you, but to kaoru? oh she'll treat you like one of her "kittens" as to not draw any attention (but if you squint you can tell she has favoritism towards you.)
cmon, she wants to show how much she loves you in public too, you know?
if you guys DO go public, it's going to be a mess. kaoru will be there for you of course, and both of you make sure that you two will not let the mean words or whatever get to each other at all. you're ready to fight for each other if needed because you love each other
(that prev hc could be tied w the overprotective hcs i've done in the past)
kaoru's the type to give you nicknames,
the ones you're comfortable with, of course. darling, love, a lot more, although just tell her you don't like a nickname and she won't use it on you. promise.
kaoru has a way with her words, so she'd say a ton of flattering praises and compliments towards you. she'd compliment you whenever she has the chance, but you can catch her off-guard by complementing/flirting with her back— and seeing her flushed face is so worth it
she's scrambling to find her words if you return the flirt. "o-oh, that's very flattering, dear.." (trying to keep her cool)
^^ i think this is Exactly how rumors would start (and your relationship will inevitably become public)
but she also loves spending time with you! when it's simple, day to day life, she loves spending it with you. the little things in life start to feel a lot nicer when you're with the one you love, and that's exactly how kaoru feels about you.
that doesn't mean she's not extra extra with your dates sometimes...... although those only happen when she plans it carefully or hhw's willing to help (and fund) it. once, your date was on a literal cruise ship. you two were inside though (and if you're not easily sea sick, you both went outside on the deck)
has she dedicated multiple performances to you? yes. has she tossed guitar picks on stage in your direction in hopes you'd catch it? absolutely. has she given you one personally with her signature during a really special performance on your anniversary where you didn't catch the guitar pick? yes, yes she did.
practices and after concerts are almost the same in a way that she would take up every opportunity to flatter you— except after concerts, you'd congratulate her. whether it'd be roses, chocolates, or maybe just a simple hairpin, she'd treasure it. you might catch her wearing that hairpin the next day, or in a concert for everyone to see.
now, theatrical performances. she loves you but she has to stay in character, right? however that really doesn't stop her from looking over in the audience for you, hoping, just hoping you're there. and when you are, when she sees you, she will perform to her utmost best. (not like she already was... but seeing you makes her motivated)
you mean everything to her, and she'll never ask for anything more.
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cooltrainererika · 2 years
Alt-talia: Student of China
Hello! This is for @hwsasiaweek ! Also for @historical-hetalia-week .
I guess this could be tangentially related to Day 6 “The sun shines for us all”, but I guess it applies more to Day 5: OCs, because the central character here is an OC. Though this fic focuses on the relationship between this OC and China, so maybe one could file this under Day 3: China, Vietnam too. But it covers too many prompts so I ultimately decided to submit under Day 10: Free day! For HHW, this is also Day 7: Free Day.
First of all, I’d like to introduce my OC; Father Korea, as I like to call him. He basically represents Korea before the split, specifically from Goryeo to the Korean Empire. I thought he’d represent Silla too, but after doing a bit more research I thought it would be best if Father Korea started as Goryeo. His human name is still being debated though, because it’s an artifact from when he was still Silla. My idea is that basically, North and South Korea, Hyun and Yong-Soo respectively, were raised by him as Egg Realms, realms in waiting.
Also, Alt-talia is still nationverse, but a bit AU. Characterizations are very different. This particularly stands out with China here.
CW: Drugs, mention of death at the end
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heartsleybyul · 2 years
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⌕ CAUGHT YOUR EYE ; halloween event
— day 03, kokoro tsurumaki
› content : gn reader
› summary : You hadn't expected her to show up, yet here she was bringing a smile to your face.
› a/n : ANON!! im so sorry if this was short .. ;; kinda rusty with writing for hhw
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"..Thank you for watching our show!" was heared loudly from the stage, another successful and fun show was performed by Hello Happy World. You went to congratulate them backshow, once meeting you hand them an invitation to your party.
Whilst Kokoro, Hagumi, and Kaoru were quite happy Misaki had to decline. The date of your party was the same date of one of their shows, saddened by this but you understood. Waving them to return back to your home.
But since you and Kokoro lived in the same district she came with you, purchasing some sweet treats through the stores.
Bidding her goodbye from the walk, and heading onto your house when realization hit you, you had a crush on her.
I mean, she was always so positive, caring, and generouse, and pretty, all these thoughts came crashing down when you finally reached home, it was 10:56. Would Kokoro still be online? You wanted to greet her a goodnight.
Checking onto your messages it seemed that she beat you first with such a sweet message filled with heart emojis which made you a bit flustered.
The day of the party, you were dressed in a nice costume and had waited for the guests, after a few people arriving in the thought of Kokoro once came onto your mind again, but you had to host a party.
While talking to one of the guests, a head of yellow hair caught your eye. Walking away from the conversation to the head, you suprisingly see Kokoro while she had a smile on her face and immediately hugged you.
"Ah..! Kokoro, I thought you had a show?" You asked. "Well, we finished it a bit earlier and since we wanted to do something fun we came!" She said.
Your smile softened, she was adorable.
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© astrea-archive: do not copy, repost, or plagiarize any of my works.
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sketchytea · 3 years
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tradition - of ends and new beginnings
day 3 for @historical-hetalia-week - 1443 A.D.
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oumaheroes · 3 years
For @historical-hetalia-week
Day 3: 1000-1500: Tradition
Characters: England
Wordcount: 1K
‘Lord Kirkland!’
The servant announcing him did not shout but immediately the hall hushes into thick silence. All eyes turn to Arthur, crowd already parted along the sides to leave a walk way in the middle for newcomers and he steps forwards into it, feeling every bit an executioner as the man condemned.
At the end of the hall on the dais, draped in cloth of state and royal finery, sits a young woman. She is pale and drawn but composed, crown jewels glinting on her ears and around her slender neck as she breathes like a glittering shackle. Borrowed, not stolen- rightfully hers, depending on who one asks.
The Duke of Northumberland flanks her in his finest, proud and gleaming with one hand on the top of the throne. He beams when he sees him approach, whole face alight with a relief and desire which Arthur finds pathetic. He does not spare Northumberland the glance of validation and approval he knows that he seeks and instead bows low in greeting, focusing on the young woman in front of him.
‘Lord Kirkland, I am glad to see you safely returned. Spain, was it?’
‘Portugal, Madam.’
She takes him in. There is a recognition in her expression that Arthur does not like and this increases when she tilts her head in slight deference, ‘I have been told about you, Sir.’
Arthur cannot help but glance to Northumberland now. The small, smug quirk that briefly lights at the corner of his lips makes Arthur want to rip them off, ‘I’m afraid that you may have been told things that you should only hear from myself.’
‘His Majesty the King told me everything that he knew.’ Her eyes flick to focus on each of his in turn, searching, ‘He wanted all proper ceremonies to take place for my coronation, as is tradition.’
‘It was a shame that I could not have been there for him in his final hours. I was not aware of the severity of his health until it was far too late.’
‘It was a sudden change,’ Northumberland speaks for the first time, ‘His passing shocked us all.’
‘I’m sure.’ There is no disguising the contempt in Arthur’s voice and the lady holds out her hand to him, forcing Arthur to return his attentions to her.
He bows to kiss her ringed fingers, centuries of English monarchs smoothing the metal which bites against his lips.
‘Thank you for coming today.’
‘It is my honour,’ Arthur pauses. What he has to say is not for the eager crowd behind him to hear and he keeps his voice low when he speaks, the words in his mouth bitter and heavy, ‘Thank you for receiving me, my Lady.’
Lady Jane Grey’s breath catches.
My Lady.
A beat of silence, then two.
‘Yes,’ she says, so softly Arthur hardly hears her. She does not appear to be surprised.
Arthur’s refusal to use Jane’s proclaimed royal title is damning; she understands the implication.
England does not acknowledge her as his new Queen.
Her reign, and this court, will not succeed.
Northumberland understands this as well. He stiffens, hands clenching into tight fists at his sides and Arthur feels a vindictive flame of satisfaction at his reaction. He always did enjoy it when power hungry men met their cold mortality, recognised their end before them as it took shape in the day.
Jane’s hand in Arthur’s shakes, fingers stiff and cold even through the glove and the heat of summer and Arthur squeezes it gently before he rises in a futile attempt to reassure her, reminded with pained regret that it is not just Northumberland whose fate he has just foretold. The desperation of greedy men have forced this child to step to a tune of treason and she is as damned as they.
‘Why have you come here?’ Jane's face is smooth once more, voice clear and steely. She has won Arthur's respect, if nothing else.
‘It is not something I would miss,’ he says, ‘It is an event that I must remember.’
‘I hope that you remember the truth of it.’
Footsteps at the back of the hall sound a new arrival and Arthur’s time with her here is up. He steps back and bows low again and Lady Jane shifts, a sudden twitch of her whole body as if to reach for him that she forces still. When Arthur looks up again her eyes are wide and fearful.
‘Don’t let them see,’ he wants to tell her, ‘Don’t let them see that you’re afraid. Don’t let them see that you have a weakness to be used.’
He would do so, usually. To another Queen or King. Would stand behind them at the seat of power where he belongs and whisper in their ear the oldest advice they will ever hear, first hand experiences now centuries old and worth more than all the gold lost to gain them.
But the flow of English history does not lead to her, but straight through. Arthur feels the tug of influence pull him in a different direction, to a different Queen and to show allegiance for Jane would be foolish at best, war at worst. She is instead just a girl, a poor, innocent girl pushed and forced to sit atop a throne that does not bleed for her the way she will certainly bleed for it. Already, religion barks a hunting song in her name, a triumphant Catholic return after a sickly Protestant end approaching closer every day.
Arthur can do nothing for her but meet her eyes with kindness, seeing her rather than her father-in-law and husband’s ambition. Understanding and empathy are things she sees far too little of, he knows, and she will get no more in the future.
She is only seventeen.
Arthur feels sick.
He steps away from her, melting into the crowd which part to accept him, but her eyes linger on him as he goes, a keening, desperate wish clear for all to see in one quick flash: ‘I do not want this.’
‘I know,’ he thinks, as she rearranges a mask of indifference on her face and settles on her next introduction, ‘I know. But it will make no difference.’
A historical Hetalia fic from me that actually has some true history in it, huzuh!
(I misread the dates, I though Day 3 was 1500 onwards so I am slightly incorrect in my prompt and day here. Sorry about that!)
Historical Notes:
Warning. These historical notes contain dark historical detail.
Lady Jane Grey, 1537 – 12 February 1554, was an English Queen who ruled for just nine days and as such is known as the ‘9 Days Queen’.
Born into a noble family and related to King Edward VI (son of Henry VIII) as his first cousin once removed, she was also the daughter in law of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland.
In June 1553, 15 year old dying Edward wrote her as the successor to the English throne in his will, bypassing his Catholic half-sister Mary (later Mary I- ‘Bloody Mary’) and Protestant half-sister Elizabeth (later Elizabeth I- ‘The Virgin Queen’, ‘Good Queen Bess’). Although it was likely Edward's decision, (evidence does point that he was very much in favour of this) naming Jane Grey herself was possibly instigated by Northumberland who was very much involved with Edward’s Kingship. Due to Edward's young age, Northumberland ruled on his behalf as Lord Protector and some believe this was a conspiracy to put his family on the throne.
I won’t go into the why this succession change happened too much (there’s a LOT of historical religious drama to unpack there, alongside Henry VIII’s own meddling and problems) but in short, Edward did so on the basis that religion and illegitimacy made his sisters unfit for the crown and that the next best person, of the same religion and close blood relation to the King, was poor Jane.
This was not a good idea. Regardless of religion change and regardless of anything else, Mary was the eldest surviving child of the previous King, Henry VIII, and was expected to be next in line after Edward, should her brother die without issue. Support for Mary grew quickly and Northumberland set out from London with troops on 14 July to capture her. Potentially realising that popularity for Mary was far too great, or potentially due to a sneaky coup d’état in his absence, the Privy Council switched their allegiance and proclaimed Mary queen in London, on 19 July.
Jane, by all accounts, did not want to rule. She accepted the crown with reluctance and refused to name her husband, Guildford Dudley as King as it would require an Act of Parliament. Although she did sign documents as "Jane the Quene” it is a general belief that none of what happened was her doing or choice. Little of her life seemed to be, when she was younger, she is said to have complained:
“For when I am in the presence either of father or mother, whether I speak, keep silence, sit, stand or go, eat, drink, be merry or sad, be sewing, playing, dancing, or doing anything else, I must do it as it were in such weight, measure and number, even so perfectly as God made the world; or else I am so sharply taunted, so cruelly threatened, yea presently sometimes with pinches, nips and bobs and other ways (which I will not name for the honour I bear them) ... that I think myself in hell”
Mary originally decided to spare Jane but after the rebellion of Thomas Wyatt the Younger in January 1554 against her plans of marriage with Philip of Spain, she was deemed too risky to keep about and it was decided she would be executed. This was carried out on 23 February 1554 via beheading.
I’ve been fascinated by Jane since I was small. She was so stuck, given so little choice and freedom and so young, yet paid the highest price. Maybe that cruelty really resonated with me, or maybe it was the idea of someone being so helpless im regards to having any say in her own life that I’ve never been able to forget her.
Thank you for reading!
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In the Holy Land
Summary: The third story for @historical-hetalia-week . During the Fifth Crusade a young monastic order meets his cousins.
Characters: Prussia (as the Teutonic Knights), Austria, and Bavaria.
Period and Prompt: 1217, Tradition.
Content Warning: Mentions of War (no violence but this is set during the crusades)
Word Count: 1.8K
The young Teutonic Knights didn’t know what he had done wrong when the squire told him that the grandmaster wanted to see him. He had done nothing through the day except help those caring for the wounded, and he thought he had been doing well. 
He took a deep breath as he walked to meet the head of his order. Whatever he had done wrong, he had to be ready to be castigated. The heat of the Holy Land made him sweat with the slightest anxiety. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve so that it was not obvious that he was worried. It left a vaguely off-white spot on the fabric that he could hide by tucking his arm behind his back.
The grandmaster looked up at him as he entered and smiled. The expression was confusing the young knight. He had assumed that this was going to be a dressing down, but the man seemed pleased. Perhaps, the Teuton reasoned, his work had been exceptionally good. But, that sort of praise was uncharacteristic, and he did not expect it. 
The man ended the suspense by saying, “The Duke of Bavaria has invited you to join him for a dinner.” The Teuton was not certain that he had heard correctly. He said, “Me?” with every ounce of his disbelief. 
The master replied, “Yes, you. I did not question his motives. I do not question the opportunities that God presents us, and neither should you.” 
The knight had many questions about why anyone would request his presence. But he would not say any of them because he understood the importance. The table of a lord was a place of honor, and it was a tradition to only invite those that they deemed important. 
As a soldier and an order who was involved with hospitals, it was an enormous honor that he would not dare to question. He bit his lip to keep his impulsive thoughts to himself. 
But the Master seemed to think that he did not understand the gravity of the situation. He said, “Mind yourself well. The Duke of Bavaria is the representative of the Emperor. Impressing him will mean greater funding for our order.” 
The young knight understood perfectly. His order was dependent on funding from the church, and the Holy Roman Empire held the purse strings. The idea of the whole of the order’s fortunes on his shoulders was daunting. 
He didn’t have a single idea how to act around nobility, since his own role was so utilitarian. He said, “I promise that I will. I will not do anything to endanger us.”
The man nodded approvingly, though the Teutonic Knights couldn’t help but read a continued warning in his face. The Master said, “We will get you some water to wash and some new clothing. You will want to look your best.”
The Teutonic Knights was uncomfortable with the new fabric on his skin as he approached the Duke’s tent. He fixed his gaze on the lion banner flying above it and tried to think of what he should do. 
The formalities of the event escaped him, and he stood outside for a moment wondering what the appropriate next step was. Should someone have come with him to announce his presence? Would it show his roughness if he simply walked in? When he usually saw young knights and nobility, it was because they needed some care.
His period of contemplation was ended by someone approaching him. The boy looked to be in his later teens, and he was clearly growing into a frame that was tall and broad at the shoulder. The Teutonic found himself looking at the golden waves that framed his face. 
It seemed a great mercy that the other person spoke first, “You came! I am glad. I am so happy to meet a cousin.” The Teuton seized upon the last word and asked, “Cousins?” 
He knew very little about his family and wasn’t completely certain who he was talking to. He guessed that the young man that he was talking to was the Duchy of Bavaria, but it also seemed dangerous to presume lest he get it wrong. 
As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he realized that he had not been properly polite. He added, “My Lord.” 
The other young man shook his head and said, “You don’t have to do that. We are family.” 
He seemed to have the revelation that he had not introduced himself. He quickly added, “I’m Bavaria.” 
The golden lion embroidered into the fabric of his surcoat at his shoulder should have been enough of a hint. He extended his hand and said, “You may call me Leopold. I insist that we not be so formal with each other.” 
The Teutonic Knights was not used to someone who was so close to the Emperor being so casual with him. But he knew not to question a gift like familiarity, if not for his own comfort, then for the good of the Order. 
He took the other by the forearm in a casual embrace and said, “And you can call me Gilbert.” 
To his great surprise, Bavaria then pulled him into a full embrace. He made a slightly indignant noise, but it seemingly did not bother Bavaria. He let the little knight go and said, “Come with me. I will introduce you to the Duke and then we will eat.” 
The Teutonic Knights was too curious to hold his question in and he asked, “I must know did he send the invitation or did you?” 
He suspected from Bavaria’s friendliness that he had been the force behind the invitation. If that was the case, then he had some doubts that there was much to be gained by impressing the duke. 
Bavaria smiled, which reassured him that he had not been impudent and said, “Both. He said that he wanted to meet a Holy Order to hear about the work that you’ve been doing in the Holy Land. I suggested that he should invite you since you are family.” 
The Teutonic Knights nodded and decided that he should not ask more questions. The other knights often reminded him that his tendency to ask unending questions was irritating, and he didn’t want to push too hard while he was supposed to secure greater support. Bavaria put one arm around his shoulder and led him into the tent.
The Duke of Bavaria was seated at an elevated table with a velvet doublet that left no doubt of his importance. As he approached, the young knight bowed his head. He didn’t often interact with anyone so close to the Emperor. Bavaria took the lead and said, “Ludwig, this is the Teutonic Order like you requested.” 
The boy dared not look up to see if the duke looked pleased to see him. It was uncomfortable to be so painfully polite, since the knights rarely insisted on it, and there was only occasional reason for it in the hospital. 
He said, parroting what he imagined was the right response, “I am honored by your invitation, my lord.” 
The words were awkward on the tongue, but he hoped that they served their purpose. He could not forget that this was for the good of the order. 
He straightened his neck enough to see the mortal, who had the slightest smile on his lips. The duke replied, “We are grateful for the work that you do. You may join us.” 
He gestured to a couple empty seats at his table. The Teuton drew in a breath through his nose but was careful not to show his reaction. It was a great honor to be invited to a lord’s table. Bavaria took the seat directly to the duke’s right, and the Teutonic Knights took the seat next to him. He glanced to his right as he noticed that there was still an empty chair, like they were expecting someone else. 
The duke spoke as he took his share from the platter of roast pig, “Tell me, how fares the Kingdom of Jerusalem?” 
He then passed the platter to Bavaria. The Teutonic Knight had a feeling that he should be careful with his answer. He started to say, “It is holding. But-“ 
The squeak of the chair next to him moving. He glanced over to see a slight dark-haired boy dressed in purple velvet lowering himself into the seat. Bavaria said with a smirk, “Good of you to join us.” 
The boy shot a glare at Bavaria. The Teutonic Knights couldn’t help but think that the boy might be handsome if he was not so sullen. Bavaria seemed to notice that the Teuton was looking, and he interpreted it as curiosity. Bavaria said, “This is my brother the Duchy of Austria. He’s being very moody about being on crusade.” 
That earned him another pointed glare. There was something that the Teutonic Knights found amusing about the sulky little prince. Bavaria continued completely unfazed, “And this is the Teutonic Order. He is our guest tonight. Try not to be unpleasant.” 
To be polite, the Teutonic Knights offered, “My name is Gilbert.”
For a moment he thought that the other would not answer. But Austria gave him a gracious smile and said, “And I’m Roderich.” 
The Teuton smiled back at him before realizing that the platter had stalled in front of him, and the duke was still waiting for his answer. He realized that he was perhaps being rude. He quickly finished his thought, “But, the Saracens are intent on taking back the Holy Land. We need support from the Emperor to hold our defenses.” 
The Duke nodded like he already had guessed at it. He said, “Once the Emperor’s forces arrive, we will make sure you are supported.” 
It was good news to hear, and the Teuton would have thanked him for it if he was not painstakingly making sure to pass food to Austria. He knew that the Master of the order would scold him for not paying enough attention. 
Before he could form another comment, Austria asked, “Do you ever miss home?” 
There was an honest answer, but he felt like he could not give it. He did miss the more familiar forests of Germany and the comfortable climate. There were days when he wanted to return to the part of the world that he knew best. He said, somewhat tersely, “I go where God needs me to be.” 
Austria nodded and said, “For now. But perhaps I will see you in Germany again.”
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New Beginnings
Summary: For @historical-hetalia-week​ day 3 (I’m very behind). Aztec starts building her new home in a new place. She makes an unexpected acquaintance along the way.
Characters: Aztec (Tenochtitlan), Texcoco, and baby Mexico. All are OCs.
Period: 1326/1500, for 1000-1500, for the prompt Adventure
Word Count: 2.2K
If Aztec could have guessed where the gods would send her to build a city, this would have been the last place she would have imagined. The little island off the shore of a large lake was not a hospitable place. It was often warm and wet, and the wet mud liked to shift under foot. 
When Aztec had come across the prophesied eagle, she had started for several minutes trying to completely comprehend what the gods were showing her. An island with so little to offer hardly seemed like the best place. 
But, she was aware that there were powerful cities around the rest of the shore, and she would need to build her own stable base to contend with them. And even then, she knew that she would have to be canny in her politics and aggressive in her own defense.
After a year, there was enough of a start for people to begin to live comfortably. There was still a modest settlement, but it was better progress than the rudimentary homes that they had built at first. 
Aztec thought, as she walked between people working on building, that this was a test from the gods to test her resolve. The prophesy had said that there would be shining city on this spot, but she had underestimated the amount of work it would take. It should have been more apparent to her from the beginning since the gods granted nothing without work and sacrifice. 
She could feel the blisters on her hands from the day before healing as she ran her opposite thumb over them. Even years of holding a spear and fighting had not given her the callouses to withstand the work of building. Over time it would come, and it would be easier to build the city. 
But the way that her skin healed over the blisters so quickly told her that her people were strong even with the trial of having to build a city from the group up. It was reassuring to know that the trek to the lake had not destabilized her, and she felt a certainty in her destiny even with the work. 
Mexica had been sleeping comfortably in the fabric sling on her back with his small head on her shoulder. But, as she walked, he started to stir like he was waking. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him open his eyes and rub them sleepily with his little hands. 
She knew that within minutes he would get restless, since his energy ebbed and flowed. When he was not sleeping, he wanted to be running around. Once he started the process of waking up, it was predictable that he would want to be on his feet. 
She was certain that she would be able to put him down and let him run once she reached her goal. It was easy to let him wander when he wanted to because he still could not get too far away. His little legs were still limited, and it also limited the trouble that he could get into. 
She reached her goal: A freshly planted plot on the water. It was intended to be a way to grow crops to avoid the problem of limited land and limited agricultural resources. It had been built by driving poles into the lakebed to extend the arable land. With the slowly growing population, they would need to expand beyond what the island could produce. 
She took the boy down and set him on the ground. He immediately turned his little face up to her and smiled. She said, “Just a moment, my jaguar cub.” 
She kept an eye on him, but only in her peripheral vision. She focused instead on the beginnings of the new crops. The recent rains had done much for the sprouts. She could see the little green maize sprouts pushing through the dirt.
She touched one as softly as possible. The last thing she wanted was to accidentally pull it out. It was a fragile new sprout and it needed to be treated with care. The little leaves felt soft under her fingers, but also hearty. It was heartening to see that there was growth, even though it was small. 
Small growth would soon be able to grow into enough to sustain a city. It would take patience, diligence, and the help of favorable weather. But she was prepared to take the time.
Her attention was on the rows of small sprouts until she heard a splash followed by the sound of childish babbling. The two sounds immediately told her that her attention was needed elsewhere. 
She turned in the direction that Mexica had went. Her gaze lighted on him sitting at the edge of the water. She was relieved that he had not fallen into the lake, which would have been worrying. 
She let out a relieved breath, until she noticed that there was a pink tail wriggling in his little fist. The little fist was also moving quickly towards his mouth. 
She moved quickly to put her hand between his hand and his mouth. He looked up at her with an expression of confusion and said the only word his childish mouth was capable of, “Mama?” 
He looked genuinely puzzled that he was not permitted to put a lake creature in his mouth. She gently took his hand and unwrapped his little fingers, and said as she did so, “You must not eat these.” 
A slightly alarmed axolotl wriggled out of his hand and fell with an unceremonious plop back into the lake. 
Little Mexica looked confused and stared at his mother for an explanation. She kneeled next to him so that she could look him more directly in the eyes and said, “I know you want to see the world, but it should not go in your mouth.”
It was not the first time that she had to say this to him, since he had reached the stage in his young life when he most wanted to use his mouth to test everything. But there were few things that were safe for him to test so indiscriminately. 
She wanted to let him run but it seemed that it must be necessary to limit him until he would learn to be more discerning. She picked him up and fit him comfortably in the sling on her back. For the moment he needed to be watched, lest he wander off and try to eat something else ill advised. 
He was a little uneasy, but it was only a few moments before he settled. 
She intended to return to inspecting the emerging sprouts, but there was the sound of someone approaching quickly. It told her, even before the messenger got close enough to speak, there was something that urgently needed her attention. 
She recognized the man as a scout, which meant that someone had gotten close to the settlement when they shouldn’t have. It was confirmed when the scout said to her, “There is a man observing us. We believe he is another city.”
She was glad that the scout was speaking quietly so as to not raise any alarm. She responded just as quietly, “Is he armed?” 
There was a world of difference between approaching out of curiosity and approaching as a threat. She waited with bated breath for the answer, thinking of what she would need to do if they were under threat. The scout answered, “He does not seem to be.” 
Aztec nodded. It meant that there was not yet something to be worried about. But even a curious tribe could turn into an enemy if not dealt with. She intended to leave no doubt about her strength, and what she was willing to do to stay on her island.
Once the scout had told her the direction of the interloper, she retrieved a spear. Though the unknown person may not be armed, she would certainly be. There was no way that she would approach a stranger without some ability to protect herself, and more importantly protect her son. 
The man was standing just outside the settlement, looking as though he was merely curious. Aztec tightened her hand on her spear as she approached. No matter how non-threatening he may seem, she was not willing to take any risks.
She stepped closer, she said, “Who are you?” 
He turned towards her and raised an eyebrow, though he had the look of someone intrigued more than anything else. He said, “You are the one who just arrived. Who are you? I have lived on the other bank for a century.” 
She narrowed her eyes at him and tried to decide how to take the comment, and eventually decided on saying, “I am Tenochtitlan. The gods granted me this land and I intend to build on it.” 
The name rolled off her tongue comfortably, though it was the first time she had introduced herself with the name that she had decided on for her city. It felt like it fit as soon as she said it out loud. 
The man had the lightest hint of a smile on his face as he replied, “And I am Tetzcoco. I rule the opposite bank of the lake. I took notice of your presence.”
She wasn’t sure what to make of his answer. If she wanted to hear a threat, it would have been easy. But nothing about his demeanor seemed to indicate that there wasn’t one. 
She felt Mexica stir against her back and decided that it was best to be clear. She asked, “So what do you intend to do? Will you attempt to drive me out? I warn you: that will not be easy.” 
She tightened her grip on the spear, fully prepared to react to whatever he said. There had been enough hostility for her to expect a fight. He shook his head and said, “I have no desire to fight you. I think that you should be careful, because Azcapotzalco is much closer to you and will not be so kind. They are just there.”
 He pointed at the horizon towards the shore. Aztec turned to look, and already began to consider what to do if a threat came from that direction. She heard Tetzcoco let out a soft gasp. 
She immediately realized that he had seen Mexica when she turned body to reveal the child on her back. She turned, raised the spear, and pointed it at him, making sure that he would get no closer. She said, “If you get any closer, I will kill you.” 
She meant it completely in earnest. If the man took any interest in her child, she was ready to strike. But instead, he raised his hands in a way that clearly communicated that he was not trying to get any closer or be a threat. He said, “Do not worry. I will not touch him.”
Aztec was exhausted. After a long and very fruitful campaign, she looked forward to being home. Tetzcoco met her in her private quarters while she busied herself with removing her battle regalia. 
It felt like she was stripping away the legendary warrior to return to being only a friend and a mother. Tetzcoco had little Mexica in his arms, who seemed to be fast asleep. He smiled at her, since he knew how she looked forward to returning home. 
He spoke softly so that he didn’t wake Mexica, “He was trying to stay awake to see you return, but he failed.” 
The boy was curled up against his chest, eyes closed. Aztec wasn’t surprised. It was late and Mexica ran out of energy on a predictable schedule. She extended her arms and Tetzcocco deposited the sleeping boy gently in her arms. 
She instinctively cradled him against her chest, and he mumbled in his sleep, “Mama.” 
Holding him always felt like returning home. Outside she may be a warrior and an empire, but with her son she was just a mother. It was good reassurance that she was building an empire to keep him safe and to give him a powerful position to inherit.
Tezcoco asked, with the air of someone who already knew the answer, “Did our conquest go well?” He had offered to stay with Mexica while Aztec and Tlacopan undertook the battles for this conquest. It was their normal procedure between them to make sure that one of the three was always in the capital, and they traded places when needed. 
She could tell by the way that he asked that he already had complete confidence in her abilities. She answered, “It went to plan. I couldn’t have asked for better results.” 
Though she had many stories she could tell, she was too tired to do it at the moment. Instead, she asked, “And how was my jaguar cub?” 
She glanced down at Mexica as she said it to see that he was happily sleeping against her chest. Teztcoco replied, “He was well behaved as always.” 
Aztec softly stroked her son’s hair, proud of him as she always was. Teztcoco paused for a moment before saying, “There is something that I must tell you.” His tone was not ominous, so Aztec was not immediately concerned. But she did ask, “What is it?” 
He drew in a breath like he was thinking deeply about what to say. After what seemed like a long silence, he said, “He called me ‘dad’ earlier today.” 
He seemed nervous to say it. It seemed that he worried that she would object to it. 
But she could understand it to an extent. Teztcoco had taken the duty of looking out for Mexica in stride and did seem that he loved the child like a father would. To a young mind that was enough to make him a father.
She answered, “I can understand his confusion. He knows that you love him. One day we will explain it to him but let him think that for now.”
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nakajimahikouki · 4 years
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“Chrysanthemum, as in the symbol of the imperial family... because I am the nation itself. And yet, I grow tired of the over-indulgence. I want to return to the people.”
Though he truly enjoyed the peace and comfort that came with living in the imperial court during the Heian era, Hikaru would have much rather been living a more mundane life among the citizenry. He also gained his human name around this time, a name which he never got entirely attached to, and eventually surrendered... well. Sometime later. It was also around this time that The Tale of Genji was written by Murasaki Shikibu-- the work that inspired the name he received fairly soon after and has kept ever since. 
for @historical-hetalia-week​ (since my stuff rarely shows up in tags) *for anyone wondering why i use “hikaru” as a name, please see my pinned post, thank you. :) it is important to note that this series is following my canon divergent rp blog @/kyokkou through particular moments in their history-based timeline while trying to keep the spirit of each era with appropriate outfits. hairstyles will not be accurate as i wanted the character to remain recognizable.
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For @historical-hetalia-week day three: 1000-1500 A.D., prompt: ink
Do medieval monks dream of electronic writing devices? Pls click for better quality
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sea-of-dust · 2 years
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Tokyo Revengers
Mikey, Banji, Chifuyu, Draken, Takemichi acting like collab counterparts
Rizz Lord reader x Mikey, Kazutora, Baji
Genshin Impact
You think i'm possessed- Scaramouche
Halloween Event 2023-Lyney,Venti,Hu tao
5wirl x Reader
Tamaki s/o x Wanderer, Xiao, Wriothesley
Flirting with lyney
Making chocolate for Lyney!
Honkai Star Rail
Relationship headcannons- Himeko, Juan Yuan, Seelie, Yang Jing
Unexpected Affection- Kafka, Blade, Stelle
Unexpected Affection evil twin-Aventurine,Acheron,Boothill
Soulmates can hear you from across the universe-Jing Yuan
Yandere Acheron
Bandori/BanG Dream
When RAS acts like the TR cast
You think im possessed?-LAYER
HHW Relationship Headcanons
Wakana Rei oneshot-Birthday
Hagumi and Hina-Cute things!
Clingy Reader x Hina and Kaoru
Wakana Rei Birthday 2024
Skye/Blue Angel x GN!Reader-meeting up for valintines day
Bracelet Girls with a Reader that dosent duel seriously
Aigami Gen headcannons
Guilty Gear Strive
So your not gonna give me any?-HC, Bridget, Gio, and Sin
Elphelt x GN! Reader
Bedman, Baiken, Asuka x injured gn! Reader
Twisted Wonderland
You think I'm possessed?-Azul
Identity V
Rock vocalist Reader x Alva, Frederick, Edgar, Demi
Persona 3/5
When you're on your period- Akira/Joker and Ryuji x Fem! Reader
Phantom Theif girls x Reader
Male Phantom Theives x Reader
Ann and Haru x Reader whos not as well known
Makoto Yuki x GN! Reader
Yukari giving chocolates to GN! Reader
Doll of ur soul!!-Joker,Akechi,Haru,Futaba
Dont usually write for/ only select few
Grusha and Rika x Vocalist! Reader
Male Reader x Ranpo, Atsushi, and Chuuya
Birthday hcs Sasuke x reader
You think im possessed- Teru
Tamaki like reader x Yuta, Maki and Inumaki
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a-rory-story · 4 years
Historical hetalia week - Day 3
Prompts : 1000 - 1500 AD / Ink
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In 1192, while coming back from a crusade, King Richard of England, better known as Richard Lionheart, got caught in a storm and instead of going hoome by boat, he had to cross the continent on land. Which meant he had to Cross the HRE undetected because not only being an uninvited king in a foreign catholic country was a big no no, he had also made a few enemies during the crusade due to his behaviour. Unfortunately for him he caught, imprisoned and ransomed for a very high price. He stayed in prison for 2 years.
Meanwhile, King Philippe II of France, called Philippe Augustus, took the opportunity to regain disputed territory from Richard’s brother John. While it is hard to prove, it has been speculated that the king of France could have encouraged the emperor to ask for a large ransom which would take time to gather in order to keep Richard away for as long as possible.
(I haven’t had time to color this, so I’ll make a new post once it’s done.)
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arc-angel-o · 4 years
Day 3 of @historical-hetalia-week !
Prompt: 1000 - 1500, ink
CW: none
Character/Pairing: Portugal and Knights Templars, platonic but can be seen as romantic if you want
Summary: Templars escaping prosecution from France, saying goodbye.
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