#hhh if i vent to much or ask for too much comfort i feel so so so gross and bad and it’s gotten to the point where i’m scared to ask my mom
jackpotsadmon · 2 years
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i think i might be developing a Problem of sorts
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lcs-library · 2 years
can i ask for C,D,E,I and J of the alphabet with omi fushimi please :3
Yes, I’d love to, although this request game isn’t actually the one I’m running right now. Before you request next time, please be sure to look at my pinned post for the current request game and my rules/boundaries. Thank you!!
Request rules
Current request game
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
📷Hello??? Have you looked at this man?? His hugs n cuddles are probably PHENOMENAL
📷I like to think he finds comfort in you playing with his hands because his younger brothers used to do it to him
📷oh, I forgot there were questions to answer
📷YES he loves cuddling you just as much as you love cuddling him
📷he usually likes to lay on his back so you can put your head on his chest and listen to his heart <3
📷his arms lazily lay across your back as he lightly stokes up and down your spine, sending shivers down it
📷With lots and lots of soft kisses all across your face and neck<3
📷Often times, it’s when youre trying to talk, too.
📷But only when youre trying to talk about something that stresses you out
📷he lets u vent of course, but if you’re complaining about something petty like your job and you’re clearly too tired to talk properly he’ll cover you in kisses.
📷“Shhh, if it’s that bad, you should just sleep, okay?” “Mmngh, fine.” “Good.”
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they around the house?)
📷*ahem* yes. He wants to settle down with you, he thinks it’d be a dream.
📷And, admittedly, having to cook for only one other person instead of 23 would be nice.
📷He’s so good around the house have you SEEN him?
📷Of course, you do split chores and housework, because you’re a GOOD PARTNER DANGIT.
📷You take turns making dinner, too, but once a week, you make it together and it’s something you both look forward to.
📷It’s kinda obvious that Omi is clearly comfortable in the kitchen, and he likes to guide you through techniques you don’t know.
📷it’s very sweet and you both enjoy it
📷 “Hey, if you wanna make this cut, you should do it this way.” Omi makes his way over to your small station with the cutting board and gently places his hands over yours to guide you. You blush, slightly backing into his torso, allowing him to take over your movements momentarily.
📷Once it’s fully cut, you notice that it’s much neater than if you’d have done it yourself.
📷“Oh…thanks.” “It’s nothing, dear. You know that.” He softly claims, his deep golden eyes gazing into yours as he gives you a quick peck to the forehead. “Keep it up.”
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
📷I’m honestly stumped on this one
📷He’d probably let you down gently, and he’d attempt to stay friends.
📷Depending on what your relationship was like, it could either work out or not.
📷but for some reason I feel like it wouldn’t
📷And that’s just because he’s such a romantic person that it would be hard to see you as a friend after being in love with you for so long.
📷and I can imagine it’d be tricky for you, too
📷okay this hurts I’m done
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
📷Oh, he’d DEFINITELY wants to get married and settle down, as I mentioned in D.
📷I think he’d want to wait at least 2 years after dating to marry.
📷He wants to be sure he would be okay living with you for so long and if the relationship stays stable.
📷he wants to secure his place before committing
📷And I can imagine that he doesn’t do anything super special when he proposes
📷I can imagine you’re just having a cozy night in, cleaning up dinner, and when you turn around from putting something away, he’s on one knee with a ring out.
📷He’d say nothing and let you process it until you realize what’s going on and accept.
📷Afterwards, you decide to wait to tell your family/friends and just enjoy the rest of your night watching a movie or something with this fluttery feeling in your heart.
📷yeah :)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
📷He probably thinks you’re just so perfect, and if you have other people in your life, that’s fine, everyone does and he understands that.
📷I physically can’t see him getting jealous, like, at ALL
📷So even if he was jealous, he’d not show it, nor would he do much about it.
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michu-writes · 2 years
Can I ask hcs for main 4 + Butters for reader who is something like a parent figure? like they take care of them, make cookies, let them sleep over and talk about what's happened to them lately, what they're worried about and sometimes play video games with them?
A/N: You didn't specify romantic or plotanic or if you wanted it separate or not, so I made it plotanic and just with the whole gang. I hope you're okay with it!
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The boys loves you.
Cartman accidentally called you either mom or dad at least ONCE and got picked on by it. Who could blame him though?
You're just so hhh /pos!! You're literally the one who keeps the group in control LMAO.
Kenny would make "Mommy/daddy" jokes so you'll have to spank him with a shoe. He's weird, but a sweetheart.
When Cartman is having an outburst, literally just say a simple "stop" and he will. He has a soft spot for you, but wont admit it.
Stan always vents to you (with permission of course), and feels so comfortable around you. You both could talk about anything, and he loves how he knows that you wont judge him for anything. The same goes for Kyle.
They love your cookies, they always brag about you to others! Cartman would eat/steal most of the cookies though and the others would get really mad-
And of course theres always sleepovers whenever they can. Like at least once a week or something /hj. It's so fun, and you have to make sure that they don't do anything stupid or stay up too late.
Kyle would probably be like "Listen to (y/n)!" and "Guys how about (y/n)?" like bro omg
Their parents loves you too so much, they're really happy that they have such a sweet friend like you always around!
Also I feel like the others would always go easy on you when you play video games together because they don't want you to feel bad or anything LMAO
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Since when were kids in South Park so sweet and nice what /lh
Would ALWAYS brag about you to his parents and Cartman and the others. Nothing could stop him
He'd always say yes to sleepovers as long as he can stay with you! He thinks being around you is always a stress reliever, and he feels so safe. Also bake together, that would be so nice.
He absolutely loves your cookies! He'd ask you to bake it for him all the time. He says that your cookies could never get passed anything else.
Knowing he coulde talk to you about anything makes him so happy. He thinks you're sucha good listener and everything aaa.
He really do sees you as a parent figure.
He'd gladly play video games with you, it's always really fun!
Cuddles? Cuddles.
Cuddles with him is literally the best what. It's just so fucking comfy and soft and-
No seriously he's literally all in when cuddling, and he's always the small spoon because yeah.
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bigpokico · 4 years
AHHH yes I’m so happy you added BNHA! Can I get some headcanons of sero, Tsu and tenya lida with an s/o who is a lil anxious and tries to study everyday but they are just too hard on themselves
hhh these are unedited but i really wanted to get something out. tell me tho if they’re too bad askgkdn anyway thank you for your support
Sero has some trouble studying himself, and like you, he at moments can get frustrated with himself as well.
It makes his heart ache to see you being so hard on yourself. He’s proud of the fact that you’re looking to better yourself, but when he sees you be so self critical, it really troubles him.
He doesn’t think that he can offer much help in terms of the material you’re reviewing, so he has his other ways of helping. He’ll come up from behind and rub your shoulders comfortingly, suggesting that you take a break for a moment to just catch your breath.
Once he pulls you away, even if it’s just for a moment, listening intently to you vent your concerns over school. Once you’re done letting out all your worries, Sero will take the time to remind that really, no one’s perfect, as cliche as it is.
He’ll remind you, no matter how many times he needs to, that it’s important to take breaks and go easy on yourself. School can be so stressful sometimes, but pushing yourself isn’t the solution. He’s proud of you for being so hardworking, but he really hates to see you overworking yourself.
Definitely will make you something to eat and try to coerce you into cuddling, even if just for a few minutes. Anything to let your mind take a breather.
Asui’s a pretty level headed person so she’s perfect to be around in times like this. If she notices you becoming stressed out over a certain part of your work, she’ll sit down with you. After getting you to feel more comfortable, she’ll try to help you on whatever it is that you’re working on.
She’ll work with you through your work, complimenting you sincerely once you’ve finished.
If you ever find yourself becoming frustrated or flustered with yourself, she’ll reason with you. Her words can be blunt and matter of fact, but it’s definitely the words you need in order to clear your head.
Once you finish for the day she’ll definitely take you out to treat you for your hard work, doing something that’s a favorite of yours to make you feel better.
Iida is the perfect guy for situations like this!!!
Not only is he a master at studying, but his drive and earnestness works as a perfect motivator for you.
While you were once totally stressed about school, his sincere praises had no trouble in lifting your spirits.
Iida loves to study with you, just sitting on the other end of the table, him either remaining rather quiet or him asking you for help for a particular topic.
Iida knows how to set the perfect atmosphere for a calm study session. He’ll make tea, he’ll bring all the right items, even if the lighting’s off he’ll find a way to fix it. Originally, you were completely stressing over the material, but your emotions are instantly lifted watching Iida and his efforts.
After studying, before taking an official break he will quiz you on what the two of you just went over.
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aphrorite · 2 years
hhmmhmm i relaly eeally sad so i felen like m gonan vent ):
tw vent
today was jsuu t really bad ): i woekeu p late so i ddintng et a much tiem to shop for shoes as i needed becacu i ended up ahving to do so after my shift and,, my shift was kinda boring and m and it was sooo strianingn bevaau i had to clean all the dusty bookshelves . my school dance was horrible bc i feltl left out toward s the end and my social anxiety eas really kickin in so i hid in the bathrooom until my mom picked me up and crieid in the car , crie dwhen i got home )): i fellt so lonrly and left out ther evceause my friend was bmosrly payin attention to the other girl so i ws just alone in the crowd , she didnt come w me to the abthroom ejher so when i canebakc i got lost and just decided, ef it im just gonna go abck to the bathroom and go home . and on top of rhahr when iw alked oht of the bathroom although i saw m and her crienbda, her one friend calld me h*t and i ddint really like that m evcasue, i dont wanna b h*t, i m just a teen agtger all and ive been trgijg to chase my lost childhood , or a tleadt heal my inner child and these days , the words h*t or s*xy make me feel me comfortable more than complimented . i wanna be cute i wnana ve pretty, not h*t. i know my mo m was being right when she said that its not sonething i can really avoid but tht was sort of the bittersweet cherry on top ): im happy that people like the way i look but that whole time i felt inferior because everyone wore short dresses and mostly sneakers, i felt so overdressed . today was the first day i ever wore a full face of makeup and if elt so,, fbeauituful in it i felt so polished and glamourous, and i only got a few photos , but wheni got to the dance everyone was wearing short dresses and i felt so out of place )))): i know i shouldnt gave cared about what peopelw ere wearing or thbking but god i just didnt fel good, and seeing how everyone wa swearing short sdresses makes me wish that i wore one too like the one from artizia bevause it was so pretty and partylike . i woore a blue long dress with a cowl neck and jr was vibtage and i felt so pretty before i left, what ahppened ? i jsut wanna curl up in a ball and cry ): i fellt liek that time couldve been spent with the guy i called while i wad there, he made me feel mcuh better and i appreciate his dorky singing . and i t wasnt eveb like he was reassuring me, but it looked like he wanted to hangout and i asked him too if he wanred to watch strnanfe rthings w me , and he was like “yeah sure” and then i was like “you wanna watch it with me?” and he aggrewd and it felt ,, a luttle mixed sigbally , like the one time wheerei think i calle dhim late at nighr on my phone number n not on dizzy. hhhhh ): i sad and feel so inferior ,,, i dont wnana go to work tonorrow or schoool or do anything and j jsur wanna sulk. i dont wnana see people . i know nobody knows how i felt inside but i jsut cant bear it right now. i cant put on a fake smile and say i had a good time when it was horrible towards the middle half. and i might be havinf withdrawl rn because i only got half of my mediciaoton , and i so sad , so sso sad ): i need refil asap. i also sad bc i havent been able to weie a diary log , bur ik that i dont have to everyday , is not a chore, bu i wish iw wsnt so tired n that i could keep a streak of it , and my cat keeps consecutively waking ne ip at 4 am and i wnet to bed at 11 shut my eyes cos i was like “dont fight the slepe antmore” but i wannted more time to browse on my phone because i dont get to in the mornin . hhh. relalt sad ):
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fluffyllamas-23 · 7 years
For @iluvthesnz who sent me this wonderful prompt.  She’s wonderful and amazing and new to the community (so give her some love)
Spencer was exhausted. He was used to being tired - he was in the middle of getting his doctorate, and had spent countless sleepless nights researching and writing papers. His days were jam packed with classes, and work as he struggled to stay sane. Except, this didn’t feel like his usual tiredness. This was deeper, it reached his bones and left him feeling like his entire body was too heavy for comfort.
He’d gotten two weeks off as a vacation, and he had fully intended to spend that time relaxing with Harper. Unfortunately, she had come down with an awful cold, that ended up turning into a sinus infection and bronchitis and left her completely miserable and drained. The first week, she spent the majority of her time sleeping and generally felt like shit.  By the second week, she was feeling better but was crabby and the two of them were going crazy.
“Spencer, I feel better, will you just stop?” She spat from her spot on the couch. 
She loved the man, but she was sick of staying in bed and on the couch. She wanted to be up and around, but Spencer had been overly concerned and protective since she got sick and she wasn’t sure how much more she could take.
He sighed in exasperation, throwing his hands in the air. “Fine. Do what you want. I have to go do homework anyways.”
“I’m going to the store,” she said quickly. “Do you need anything?”
Harper smiled softly at him, wrapped her arms around his neck and then pecked his cheek and mouth. “Thank you for taking care of me. I know I’ve been a bitch.”
“Yeah,” he smirked,  “but you weren’t feeling well, so I won’t hold it against you.”
She chuckled. “Alright, I’m leaving. Have fun with your papers.”
He made a face. “Doubtful. Hey, I’m almost finished with one of them, will you proofread it for me?”
“Yeah, sure. I probably won’t be home for a while. I’m sick of being stuck inside.”
Harper didn’t return for four hours. When she got back, Spencer was still at his desk, typing furiously on his laptop. He was staring intently at the screen, his tongue poking out from between his lips slightly. She was tempted to interrupt him, because she wanted to spend actual time with him when she wasn’t sick, but she knew he needed to get work done.
She had fallen asleep around eight, still drained from her recent illness. When she woke up around four, she patted the spot next to her groggily, hoping to find Spencer so she could snuggle up to him. She pulled herself out of bed and walked over to where he was.
“Spencer.” Harper mumbled sleepily. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him and rested her chin on the top of her head. “It’s four in the morning. Come to bed. You have work in four hours.”
“Why are you awake?” He asked, grogginess in his voice.
She yawned, “I woke up and you weren’t there.”
“Is it really already four?” He asked, eyelids drooping in exhaustion. His eyes were burning and throbbing from the number of hours he had spent staring at his computer screen.
“It is, and you’re going to hate yourself when you have to wake up for work.” She grinned, putting her hand on his back.
He practically collapsed into bed, his eyes closing as he immediately fell asleep. Harper climbed in bed next to him and pulled the blankets over him.
Three and a half hours later, his alarm went off.
“Noooo.” Spencer moaned.
Harper was already up for the day, more than eager to return to work. When he managed to drag himself into the kitchen, she inhaled sharply.
She frowned. “Are you hating yourself right about now?”
Yes. Yes he absolutely did right now. “No, I’m fine.”
“You look exhausted. You should call out and get some sleep. Three and a half hours isn’t nearly enough.”
He shook his head. “No, we need the money. I’ll be fine, Harper.”
She sighed. “Please don’t run yourself into the ground. We can live if you don’t go to work for a day or two. Really. You take care of yourself - you could probably use a few days of just resting.”
“I’m fine.”
The rest of the week dragged, and his symptoms came on so slowly that he almost didn’t notice he was getting sick.  
The exhaustion had come on long before anything else. It had been so constant and so present, that he had just come to accept and ignore it.
The headache was next - it started off in his forehead, which he blamed on not drinking enough water. No matter how much water he drank, the headache just didn’t want to go away. Instead, it just got worse.  Slowly, it  moved from his forehead, to his temples, to the base of his skull. Eventually, his entire head was throbbing with an intense pressure that made his eyes feel heavy and swollen.
The sore throat came after the headache.  It felt raw and swollen, and each time he swallowed, it felt as if someone had shoved knives down his throat.  Talking hurt, too.  Unfortunately, he worked in retail, and his job required him to talk to his customers, which was doing wonders on his throat.
It was Friday before he realized he was definitely coming down with something. A big indication was how frustrated and irritable he was - he was typically very even keeled, but right now, he was beyond annoyed.  
He had just come off of a nine hour, very busy shift.  They were short staffed, and he hardly even had time for his lunch break.  There must have been something in the water, because it seemed like every customer was angry about something, and he had lost count of the number of times he had been yelled at.
“Spencer!” Harper groaned the moment he walked through the door. “You left your shit everywhere.  I thought you said you would pick it up?”
“What the hell is the big deal?!” He exploded, throwing his arms in the air.
Her eyes widened. “I just-”
“-I’m tired, Harper.  I’m sorry I forgot to pick up my fucking jacket and shoes.”
Her mouth went dry.  This was bad. “Spence, I-”
He exhaled sharply, clenching his jaw.  “I’m going on a walk.”
“Spencer!” She called after him, eyebrows furrowing together.  What the hell was that?
She texted him once, asking him to come back home so they could talk.  When he didn’t reply, she called him a few times, leaving messages with each missed call. 
She decided to just leave him alone to cool off.  Harper knew he had been stressed and tired, and that something was obviously bothering him.  Hopefully, the walk would allow him to clear his mind and blow off some steam.  
When he still hadn’t returned three hours later, Harper became worried.  When it started pouring and he still wasn’t back, she became panicked.  She grabbed her coat, purse and keys, and got in her car and drove off in search of her husband.  
It was twenty minutes before she was able to find him, and she was near tears.  
Spencer was curled in a ball, his arms wrapped around his body and on a bench.  She nearly drove over the curb in her attempt to park quickly and get to him.
“Spencer.” She said quickly, crouching next to him.  “Babe, look at me, open your eyes.”
He forced his eyes open as soon as she put a hand on his burning cheek.  “Harper?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Hey, let’s get you into the car, you’ve got a fever.”
“Nnnngh…I d-don’t…hhh…hhn’gSHH! *Snff* feel well.”
“Bless you. Come on, you need to get out of the rain.”
He nodded after a couple of moments, and she helped him to stand up.  Spencer slumped into her, and she grunted as she struggled to hold him up.  
“Okay, okay, Spence? You’re going to need to help me a little. I can’t carry you to the car.”
He managed to stand up straight, but stared down at his feet, as if he was willing his feet to move.  After a minute, they seemed to work, and he forced himself to the car.
As soon as he was in the passenger’s seat, Harper turned the car on and blasted the heater, aiming the vents at him. She chewed on her bottom lip anxiously as she rifled through the back seat, looking for a towel or something she could use to warm him up. He was shivering miserably, his entire body trembling as he was slumped against the window.
“Hih'TSSHHEW! HITSCHIEW! Hihh-hiHTSHHH!! H-hihh…nnnngh *snff*”
Each sneeze sounded like it was ripping from his throat. They were full of congestion, and sounded like they hurt.
Harper couldn’t find anything, and muttered expletives under her breath when she remembered she had cleaned out her car the other day. Normally she had a ton of blankets and towels in her trunk, but she figured she wouldn’t be needing them anytime soon.
The drive home was mostly silent - the only sounds being him sniffling, sneezing and coughing. She was too worried to try and keep up and conversation, and he felt too shitty to do so.
He was too weak to help much, but She had managed to get him from the car, up the stairs, into the shower, and onto the couch pretty much by herself. Her muscles were burning, but she could finally focus on getting him better.
“Tha’gk you.” Spencer rasped when Harper handed him a hot cup of tea.
She nodded, eyebrows furrowed as she pressed the back of her hand to his temple. “Is this why you were so mad when you got home? You’re burning up.”
His eyes filled with tears as he remembered the exchange he’d had with Harper. “I’b sorry.”
“Hey, hey, hey.” She soothed, cupping his cheek. “Why are you apologizing?”
“I yelled at you.” He whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried not to burst into tears.
He hiccuped, his breath shuddering as he did burst into tears. Harper took the tea from him, placed it on the coffee table, and then sat next to her weepy husband and pulled him into a hug.
He buried his face in her neck, and she rubbed his back soothingly.
After a few minutes, he calmed down slightly.
“You okay?”
His breath hitched, “Hhh…*snff* Hih'TSSHHEW!HITSCHIEW!…Hihh-hiHTSHHH! H-hihh…h-heh…*snff*
“Bless you, Spence.”
“Hhh…th-tha’gks…eh-heh…F-fuck-*snff* Hih’TSSHHEW! *snff* *snff*”
Harper handed him a tissue, and then went off in search of the thermometer and some medicine.
When she took his temperature, and it beeped in close to 104 degrees, she all but had a heart attack.
No wonder he was so emotional.
“Hey, Spence?” She asked softly, crouching in front of him. He was lying on his side on the couch, not totally with it. She clutched the fever reducers in her hand so hard her knuckles turned white. “Can you look at me? I need to get your fever down - will you take these for me?”
Once she had managed to get him to take the medicine, she got to work trying to get his temperature down.
When Spencer came to next, he immediately wished he was sleeping again. He was stretched out on the couch, his legs on Harper’s lap as she sat with her head hanging back, fast asleep.
He felt markedly worse than when he got home from work, and he let out an involuntary whimper.
“Spence?” Harper mumbled tiredly, looking over at him.
“What happened?” He sniffled, squeezing his eyes shut. “Why does it feel like I got hit by a trai’d?”
Harper massaged her aching neck. “You spiked a pretty high fever. I think it’s gone down, you seem more with it.”
He went into a harsh coughing fit, his lungs sounded like they were scraping together and trying to eject themselves from his chest.
“Ow.” He moaned, rolling on his side. He curled into himself, but Harper pulled at his arm.
“Sit up. You can’t be lying down if you’re coughing like that, it’ll make it worse.”
He groaned in protest. “Leave be alo’de.”
“I’m sorry.” She sighed. “I know you hate me right now, I hated you when you did this to me, but that sounds bad. You need to be sitting up.”
He grumbled something under his breath, but once he started coughing after a particularly intense sneezing fit, he sat up begrudgingly.
Spencer immediately slumped into her, resting his head on her shoulder.
“I do’dt feel well.” He croaked.
“I know. I might be calling your doctor in the morning.  I don’t like the sound of that cough.”
“That’s ud’ecessary.” He sniffled.
“No, it’s very necessary.” She frowned.  He sniffled again, and rubbed at his aching forehead. 
“I yelled at you, right?” He asked, regret coloring his tone.
“Yeah, but it’s okay.”
“I���b sorry…I didn’t bead to.” He sniffled.
“I know. Spencer, it’s okay. I’m not mad at you. I was more worried, I thought something might be up.”
“By head is killi’dg be.”
“I have something that might help. Are you feeling up to walking?”
“Depe’ds…what is it?”
“Steam bowl.”
His brain still felt too fuzzy, and he wasn’t entirely sure what she was talking about.
“Just…trust me, yeah? My mom always had me do it when I was sick, and it helps break up the congestion.”
He rubbed his eyes tiredly. He was willing to try anything. “Okay.”
Her face lit up. “Okay, sit tight. Try getting some more sleep, I’ll wake you up when it’s ready.”
He was exhausted, but he was so miserably stuffed up that he was having a hard time falling back asleep. Not to mention that he was sitting up and that was not an easy position to sleep in.
“Alright, ready?” Harper asked, holding a towel in one hand.
Spencer was sitting at the table, fighting his urge to curl up on the floor and sleep. He never thought he’d see the day where a tile floor looked like a good place to sleep, but here he was.
“I guess.” He mumbled, sniffling. As soon as he put his head over the bowl of hot water, Harper put the towel over his head and bowl, trapping the steam.
His nose immediately started running, and he sniffled desperately.
Harper was sitting in the chair next to him, rubbing patterns on his back absentmindedly as she yawned.
After a few minutes, he took the towel off of his head.
“Hey, that worked better than I thought it would.” He said, blinking tiredly.
She shot him a tired grin. “Yeah? Ready to get some sleep? It’s almost three.”
He rubbed his aching forehead. “I have work in a few hours.”
“Yeah, no. You’re not going to work. You need to rest.”
“-no buts. You’re sick.”
“I feel better.” He muttered.
She quirked a brow, “temporarily. You’re not going to classes either. You’re staying in bed until you’re feeling better.”
He groaned in defeat, too tired to fight her. “Okay.”
She nodded sharply. “Good. Now let’s go to sleep.”
Harper and Spencer stood up, and he trailed after her as she walked into their bedroom.
“Goodnight.” Harper said, kissing his slightly warm cheek.
Spencer curled up to her. “Goodnight. Love you.”
“Love you, too.” She mumbled, eyelids closing as she drifted to sleep.
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pettrichore · 6 years
Hey, darling. I just want you to know that you're not alone. Other people being in pain doesn't make what happens to you less terrible or unfair, and it doesn't invalidate your feelings and experiences. If you ever need someone to vent to or you want advice or distraction or comfort, I'll be right here--I can be wherever you need me. You're a lovely, wonderful person and you deserve the best. Please don't shut yourself away; you don't have to deal with anything alone.
it's a damn good thing i read this after lab bc crying while mixing chemicals probs isnt advised... thank you so so much that. hhh. it means a lot. thank youi hope those of you who feel this way see this ask and feel a bit better too
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Rant Thingy
Hey. I kinda just wanted to vent so here I go.
First off, I hate popular kids. They don't really do anything wrong most of the time, just the vibe they give off makes me hate them deeply. It's weird I know. But anyways, I have this friend. She told me she doesn't really want to be associated with some of the people in our friend group because of what they've done over the summer. Some of the friends have done illegal things on their own accord, and understandably, she doesn't want to be known as a girl like that. Another friend has just been annoying to her for like 5 years and she's just kinda done. She told me she wants to be more social and more popular. At first I was like 'um okay' but when I asked 'what kids do you want to hang out with?' She started to list off some people who are hella bitchy and mean. I'm really scared, I have hella bad anxiety, and I don't want one of my best friends of over at least 5 years drift to that side of the social platform. Seriously, a girl a few grades above me was like that and she got suspended/expelled (idk which) for selling weed brownies in the hallway of the highschool.
I really want to convince this friend that it's a really REALLY bad idea to do this, but she's not only stubborn, she's determined. This friend is also infamous for as soon as she breaks up with a guy, a few hours later she finds another guy. I love and hate this girl at the same time. I don't know what to do and I'm really stressed out.
Let me also say I'm the type of person that puts my friends above me at all costs. So yeah. I also just started highschool and the place is really confusing and idk if I'll be to class on time hhhh everything is so stressful I can't.
Right now I'm being hella edgy and listening to mcr and doing some doodling to relieve some stress, but it isn't helping much :///
I also have this friend who is in the special ed. Category of kids, but she's really sweet and hella funny. She's being bullied online on Instagram by some fuckboys and she told me during English class at the end of the day last Friday and I was ready to get my ass kicked out of school for beating the shit out of these gelled-up-haired-hoverboard-using-ass motherfuckers. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon.
Then there's my other friend who I'm also really worried about- fuck I'm working myself to much hhhh- and she's in my wellness/health class. We're really close, and she's been through a LOT. I'm usually there to comfort her so I feel it's my duty to support her for any shit that goes down. Without going into too much detail, I'll say she was sexually assaulted (she was raped in other words) by a highschooler. She's really uncomfortable being in health since we'll be talking about sex-ed, and whenever sexual assault or harassment is brought up, she usually spaces out and has a silent panic attack. I don't sit near her so I won't be able to see if she is okay or not during that unit ;__;
What else.. ok. Um I'm scared of not being able to make it to class on time?? I can't carry all my binders in my backpack at once and I barely know the layout of the school,,, I'm just a freshman in this new building which is three floors. Hell, I still need to use a bloody map. I won't get much homework since I'm in the lower classes (bless) and I'm not in gym class because of how low my self-confidence is (blESS) but my locker is on the second floor, there are seven periods, the schedule is hella confusing, my locker is really hard to open (you need to really use force hhh), and lunch is really short. I'm just a hot mess rn. Then again when am I not one.
Uhh life update I guess? I just moved some posters into my new room. I have two aot ones, two loz ones, and a red army eddsworld poster my biological mother @ourvalentinesnight blessed me with on my birthday <333. I just god some hella dorky Loz collecters cards and a triforce pin which is now on my backpack lmao. I also have some aot pins on their of the scouting regimine and another one I'm too lazy to get up and look at despite it being right across the room.
I think I've ranted enough now. My fingers are numb and my thumbs are sore. Listening to P!ATD >:3c
Sarcastic Cuntbag out :O
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