#hfth count
red-velvet-0w0 · 4 months
Hello from the hallowoods is really good at paralels between characters
the hfth brainrot is going strong and I need to take a bit to rant about how good all of the parralels between all of the characters are because oh my good mx wellman you truly outdid yourself on them
Riot-The Misters R&W-Moth: all three spent their entire time since the black rain in bunkers, only to be forced to leave
Riot-Clara-Moth: all three spent their time isolated in their respective safe houses with their families, only for something to go terribly wrong and them being forced to flee. They lose their parents, but after leaving all found a new mentor/father figure to teach them how to become strong enough to survive
Clara-Olivier: kinda obvious basicaly everybody references how clara is slowly becoming the new olivier and in the season 3 finale they make it even more clear by saying that blackletter didnt even remove olivier from the plan. also both dated riot
Walt-Bern: both were survivors in the woods but while walt used compassion and understanding, bern initialy refused to believe either diggory or olivier should be allowed to survive
Soloman-Irene: both were masters of the dark arts who attempted to reanimate the dead
The Resting Place crew-The Grand Crossroads crew: a group of a renagade devil, a powerful creature animated by the black rains, and a woman who takes her power from another indiscribably who acts as a lancer and supporter of the devil
The Countess-The Count: kinda obvious dont think I need to explain this one
Diggory-Cindy: connection to rizwana and dedication to stopping the end of the world
Diggory-Mort: deceased members of Rizwanas doomed expedition who in the end have to choose which one of them will die saving the world
Diggory-Creep: beings who have stolen the memories of Rizwanas expedition mixed with the black water
Friday-Penny: both have luck based powers that cause them to remain trapped and isolated being tormented for years
Nikignik-Ethel: both communicate stories through dreams, but LEM uses it to talk about herself and tell her own story, while Nik barely ever talks about it, especialy in season 1
Walt&Riot-Winona&Alena: young person with older mentor with a special sword
Ray-Gale-Bill: Moths 3 father figures, each of which take a different approach towards raising moth
Buck&Rick-Hector&Jonah: another pretty simple one
Jonah-Faceless King-Rat King: three kings of the end with three different perspectives on what that means for them
Marolmar-Nikignik-Xizikxiz: watch starcrossed gods please even if you have never watched a single episode of the show before I am begging you its so good
Al-Percy: the two ghosts, both only have one friend who can ever see them and carries their instrument around and a bad single parent
Ms Wicker-Indrid: both mothers who join the church of the hallowed name and have a chance to save their son from the spring service
Riot-Clementine: I really should not need to explain this one
I could go on for literal hours but literaly you can choose any two characters and their stories will parralel each other in some way and let you see something new/unique about how each handles their situation in contrast to the other.
If you have not watched HFTH please do so it is genuinely the best podcast if not the best story I have ever seen(or heard? its a podcast so im not sure what proper terminolodgy would be)
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the-voldsoy · 6 months
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ill be honest this photographed very shittily . the problems of traditional art
anyways enough excuses this is the first piece of art ive ever posted on here, hope im doing it right !!
lyrics from Lost In The Cosmos, by The Mechanisms :) it just fits Nik so well and i Cannot resist combining my favs
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laroldtheheralddd · 20 days
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Been working on my designs for the season 1 gang. I was gonna wait to post Diggory and Percy’s designs together but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to draw the ripped up dress. So his design might take awhile… anyway Diggory!
Also got some alternate outfits. The one displayed above is their late season 1 design while the others are early season 1.
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I’ll tell you I was in the trenches trying to figure this out but in the end it was pretty fun. Plus now I can do this
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Spinnnn (uncropped design sheet below the cut. Mostly sketches I did while trying to figure out shapes and stuff.)
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roki-roki-roll · 5 months
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Part 3 out of 3
Part 1 and part 2
Lyrics from The Machine (Intro) by Jukebox the Ghost
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best-aroace-parent · 2 months
Best aroace parent; Round 1
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Propaganda for Cale Henituse 💛; He mainly parents 3 children (Raon, On, Hong) but also takes care of multiple other children. He is oblivious to other people's affection for him and thinks of beauty objectively and calls others beautiful often without any underlying feelings.
Propaganda for Polly 💛; hes a single dad who works two jobs who loves his kid and never stops. Ok, but seriously, his arc is defined around his familial relationships, namely with his son Mort and his platonic partner Yaretzi, and how their nontraditional (in so many ways) family becomes the thing that consistently inspires him to be better, not only as a man but as a father. It's his love for his family that changes the entire trajectory of the story surrounding him, having him defy the Laws Of The Actual Universe and also His Shitty Boss to be with them at every turn. While he can be read as flirty in a couple scenes, he's never had a romantic relationship in podcast, even openly rejecting romantic advances. The most important thing to him will always be family, and he puts his sons life above everything, even the entire rest of the world in the third season. He's also babygirl!
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abarbaricyalp · 4 months
From my reaction post for ep 144
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And let me just say, I love to see a theory come back 😌
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zaacataac · 6 months
Percy Reed really has one of the worst cases of homeschooled pastor’s kid syndrome I’ve seen since I looked in the mirror
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roguecanoe · 2 years
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This idea hit me like a ton of bricks.
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dissolving-mansion · 2 years
What the eye podcast fellows would think of Cecil Palmer:
Green eye podcast fellows:
Jonathan Sims wants to know everything about Cecil. He is physically biting his tongue to stop himself from asking questions.
Jon does not really understand what the Sexyman Polls are (the Spiral would probably have a better idea than him tbh) but is glad for Cecil anyway.
Jonah was busy with his work (which he loves). He totally isn’t bothered that no one thought to include him.
Red eye podcast fellow: 
Nikignik thinks this Cecil is charming and listens to his radio show when not broadcasting his own show. He is fond of the Night Vale. 
Nikignik is supportive of Cecil winning the Tumblr Sexyman Polls.
(Xyzikxyz finds out about this through Nikignik and becomes obsessed with Cecil’s radio show)
Yellow eye podcast fellows: 
Arthur would think Cecil seems nice from listening to him but would throw something at him and run away if they ever met in person. John is wary of this Cecil...entity but does not hold any resentment. 
Neither Arthur nor John know or care about what the Tumblr Sexyman polls are.
....Kayne, on the other hand, knows exactly what the Tumblr Sexyman Polls are. He voted for Reigan because he thought it would be funny, then switched to Cecil in the final round because he thought it would be funny and has no sense of loyalty.
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mothfrogshroom · 1 year
Ok so was anyone else kinda catching a possible romance vibe between Polly and the count in the last episode or was it just me?
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Fuck yes Diggory, Percy and mx. Morell are heading for The Resting Place!
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hallowoodspolls · 1 year
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unesheet · 3 months
Wait were Solomon and Irene fucking???
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How long is hfth going to be? Do you know like how many seasons/eps?
(forgive me if you've already answered this)
The tentative plan is for up to ten seasons (that's what I have an outline for, anyway). In which case, we're getting to a third of the way through!
Some seasons may be longer or shorter than others; for instance, Seasons 1 and 2 were each 48 episodes, but Season 3 is 44. So, hard to gauge the final episode count until we get closer to the end.
Halloween marks the big finale for Season 3, after which I'll be on break for a couple of months to create Season 4. It'll be a good time for catching up!
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HFTH S4 Bingo Card!! (As of 143, so Spoilers ahead!)
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This is what I’ve got so far, I feel like we’re on the way to “Stitches Reunion (bad ending)”… the ones with the question marks are ones that I probably could tick off, but I don’t have enough info to decide if it counts (like Val saying Riot was dead, and then Clem saying she “is” her sister, we shall see!)
Bingo card template from @whatlizardry !! Thank you very very much I’m having a great time <3
Also here’s an unmarked ver of mine, and a blank for anyone to make their own! <3
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abarbaricyalp · 7 months
What is the German (?) phrase on the count's henchman's motorcycle in episode 80?
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