#hey man. leave me alo
stabknives · 3 months
Me: no more jhariah on the vyktash playlist there's enough there already
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
Broken mask
Jake x reader x neytiri
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The exo mask is a fundamental devices that was needed by all the humans, who were on pandora. As human couldn't breath the air on pandora, as told before and one without a mask it could end horrible. One wrong mistake could result in have a hard time breathing and tragic faith in the end, if the mask was not given in time. So what happens when the incident befallen someone.
Y/n " ......." you are walking in the human base hallways towards the door, it had been some time since you and other humans had set up camp here.
norm ' good morning y/n heading off to see the kids and your spouse"
y/n " yes I would use my avatar body but that was no go for max, as him and his team are still setting up the links"
norm " yeah it sucks now most of who use our avatar bodies are stuck as humans"
women " the metekayian not seem like big fans human right now thanks to the RDA, being their greedy and cruel selves as well"
man " I have to agree even as well we can't blame them for how they feel about us, it had taken some time for few forest clans to trust us after battle"
y/n " yes but if we do our best and not cause any trouble we will be good, and maybe in time they will trust to be around us"
norm " y/n is right we use need to wait and see we have also have enough mask and oxygen packs to last, for a long time so no need to worry"
y/n " yes but still be careful everyone on break or the mask ripped off we are in trouble, even when the oxygen pack messed with as well would be bad"
women 2 " got it but we of have the new devices that we all carry, that will help us breath if anything happens"
norm " but it sucks that it only last for short while not long enough"
man 2 " we can make ones that last longer later on"
y/n " we have done well we will discover more solutions later on as we have gone, like we have done in the past" everyone had nodded their heads, once that was over you soon left the base and started heading towards the village.
????? " mama" you had looked up to see tuk standing around, with some kids you had know from the clan along with some reef kids as well.
y/n " hey baby girl"
tuk " you are here"
reef girl " she your mama but I thought your mama is navi like you"
tuk " oh she is but she a dream walker she my mama as human and navi"
reef kids " ohh"
y/n " what tuk says is true I'm human still but have an avatar body as well, that makes me navi like you all"
reef boy " so tuk has two moms and dad"
y/n " yes she does and the same is for her siblings as well mostly, so what were you kids doing anyways"
tuk " we are going for a swim mama over there and there, are some sea otters that we want to see as well"
y/n " well you say in eye of the village tuk tuk and that goes for all of you kids"
tuk " yes mama"
kids ' yes y/n"
y/n " you are free to go now have fun" the kids soon cheered and ran off together leaving you standing there smiling at the whole situation. You soon started walking once again hoping to to run into your older kids and spouses as well.
????? " here caught this"
????? " you sykwang you tossed it to far" When someone came dashing by you along and soon jumped into the water, after doing a spin. It had taken you not the long to see it was lo'ak as you look at him, wonder where he had came from anyways.
lo'ak " come on lets go get it ... oh hey mama"
y/n " hello my son so what are you and other kids playing"
lo'ak " well you see we are trying to see which ones of us has the best moves, sorry about that mama I didn't mean to come out of anywhere like that"
y/n " it okay"
kiri " hey mama"
y/n " hello my daughter it good to see you where is your other brother and cousin"
neteyam "we are here mama"
spider " hey aunt y/n"
y/n " hello kids so how the game going"
kiri " it will going well it seems like our team is in the lead"
lo'ak " forest navi for the win"
aonung " this game is very fun"
tsireya " yes I have to agree and we can alos play it in the water as well"
rotxo " good morning y/n"
y/n " good morning childern I happy to see you are getting along well, like the younger kids"
neteyam " we had the day off our yes dad and mom are not here at the moment, as they went with tonowari and ronal to see the other clans leaders"
y/n " oh well I see them later on today"
lo'ak " will you be heading back to the base right away"
y/n " no I will not I will spending some time out here relaxing and collect data as well"
spider " cool will my dad being around as well"
y/n " he will be out soon when he can"
spider " I understand"
aonung " hey let go back to the game I want to see what other moves you forest kids can do"
y/n " have fun kids but please stay in sight of the village and safe"
kids " yes ma'am" the group had soon taken off leave you alone on the sandy beach, as you are collect some data and enjoying some relaxation as well.
tuk " mama we need help"
y/n " what the matter tuk tuk"
tuk " well there was some rocks we had been standing on when a wave had crashed against us, sending us falling down we got scarps on us"
y/n " oh yes I can see that"
little reed girl " that healers seem to be very busy and our parents, are not around right now"
tuk " don't worry my mama can help us right mama"
y/n " yes I can come over here and I will help you all" you had spray on that that had helped heal, injuries on the kids or help healed them half away. There had bene some homemade bandage places on the kids as well to heal with the healing.
reef boy " how did you do that"
y/n " well this spary here has healing herbs that are suitable for everyone, but you still need to be careful as the cuts will hurt if they do go visit ronal"
reef girl 2 " okay you are an wonderful healer"
tuk " my mama is a healer she used to heal many of clan members"
forest girl " yes y/n is a good healer she has helped us feel better, when we had been sick due to a flower"
forest boy " she has even received praise from moat as well"
reef boy 2 " thank you"
y/n " your welcome and please tell your parents of what had happened today, so they can make sure you all are okay later on today" the kids had nodded their heads and soon took off, still enjoying the wonderful day.
sometime later
y/n " maybe I should make some lunch for me and the kids..."
????/ " human women" you had heard someone yelling gaining your attention, as you saw a women walking towards you and she was mad.
female navi " I'm speaking to you"
y/n ' umm hello there"
female navi " you decide to harm my sister son you demon women"
y/n " wait no you misunderstand the situation"
y/n " no please let talk about this"
male navi " this is the women the child talked about" a male navi soon showed up with his spear, and he was mad as well.
male navi " I will make you pay for your actions against the boy and all the other clan children, you and the rest of your kind are a bad omen on us all" the man had swings his spear at you making you run away, from him as she was chasing you. He had tossed his spear as she glazed your arm and leg, making you fall down in pain.
y/n " ahhh" there is so much pain rushing throat your body as you look at the pair, the man had grabbed his spear and swag it again hitting your arm as you tried to protect yourself. There had been some damaged you had gotten as well.
male navi " this is for the sake of my family and clan....." the man had soon been tackled to the ground, you had looked up to see your sons and spider.
neteyam " how dare you attack my mom"
kiri " mama" kiri and tisreya had come to your side as you try getting up, as aonung and rotox went to the boys.
tsireya " what have you done attacking her like that"
male navi " she caused harm to my son"
tuk " no mama didn't do anything she was being nice and helping us"
y/n " my mask ... I cant..."
spider ' he mask it broken she losing oxygen"
kiri " no no"
y/n " my pockets there is a spare one .... I ....."
kiri " I found it"
lo'ak " mama it going to be okay we are here" kiri and tsireya had removed the mask slowly then placing a new one on your face.
spider" she still in endanger we need to get her back to base, she baldy hurt and that speared cause enough damage"
neteyam " I will carry her on my back mama can you hear us"
mama " yes ... I ...can"
lo'ak " we are getting your help right away spider run ahead and tell your dad and uncle max... tuk go get grandma and tell her" tuk had nodded her head and ran off right away with the other kids.
spider " yes" spider had ran off as the kids helped neteyam place you on his back. The sully kids had ran off with you including tsireya who came as well to be helpful.
male navi " she she most ...."
aonung " enough you will not to anything else you have done, enough today along with your mate my father will learn about this"
norm " kids get her inside quickly" neteyam and lo'ak had gotten you to the door entrance as spider, and norm had taken you from their arms and placed you gurney.
max " we need to get her in the medical room now"
lo'ak " we are coming"
norm " no you kids wait out here please I will come with updates"
kiri " mama"
women " it will be okay kids we are going to help your mama" the door had locked and close, as the kids watch you being rolled away from them. Tuk and mo'at had came after hearing the news, mo'at stand with the children to watch them and comfort them as well. Neteyam had called Jake and neytiri about what had befallen you today, and panic had set in for the whole family and clan.
Neytiri " children" neytiri had landed her ikran and got off right away, as she ran toward the base worried about your safety.
neteyam " she been in there for hour mom"
Jake " kids we are here"
tuk " dada mama was hurt my very mean guy just for helping"
Jake " we are here now baby girl"
tonowari " what has happened here please explain kids"
aonung " one of our warriors and his mate had started yelling at y/n, blaming and saying she hurt a boy when she didn't ... he then attacked her"
neytiri " where is she I will make him and his mate pay"
tsu'tey " neytiri not yet"
mo'at " my daughter your kids need you right now"
neytiri " okay"
ronal " son can you and any others point this couple out"
aonung " yes we can"
ronal " we will speak with the couple and the boy coming from your word, he would be their nephew so we will call his parents as well"
tonoari " I think his parents were the warrior that came with us on visit today"
ronal " Jake and Neytiri we will speak with this pair and make them, any for their actions against your mate"
norm " hey everyone"
Jake " norm how is she"
norm " she is stable now the kids got here on time and she will need time to recover, from her injuries we are lucky that spar didn't do anymore damage then it has done"
neytiri " thank you great mother thank you"
Jake " may we see her with the kids they have been awful worried"
norm " yes you all can"
tonowari " we will leave your family to be with y/n we will deal with, the others"
Jake " thank you" the sully family had went into other part of the base to see you laying in a bed.
y/n " hey"
tuk " mama" tuk soon hugged you happy to see that you are okay and no longer in pain.
tuk " mama I'm sorry if we didn't say anything ...."
y/n " there nothing for you and the other kids to say sorry about my loves, I'm fine now no need to worry"
kiri " we are happy to see that you are doing okay mama we thought, we lost you when the mask had broken"
y/n " I'm not going anywhere my loves"
neytiri " ma y/n we are happy to see that you are safe but that couple will have to pay for their actions"
y/n " I had a feeling that might happened"
Jake " please don't scary us like that ever again"
y/n " I promises"
lo'ak " we are sorry for attacking the man mama we know, we made a promise to not cause trouble"
neteyam " yes mama we are sorry"
Jake " son none of you did anything wrong you had been protecting your mama, and that makes me proud"
neytiri " we are going to be here for you during your time of healing, but we will make sure no one see messing with you as well" you had smiled and nodded your head, the family had spent a few more hours with you there and camped outside that night. The couple had been brought to tonowari and ronal, along with their nephew and the boys parents. Where tension had been raised as the couple had been scolded by both sides for their horrible behaviors, they had been order to stay away from you until further notice and being punished as well. The boys parents had apologized for the couple actions to you and the family, they had been forgive by you as they were not to blame for what happed that day.It will take you days to recover and soon enough you will be good, and back outside with the family having a good life on pandora.
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tojivu · 2 years
a/n “you’re the only one i want by my side when i fall asleep.”
warnings/tags how genshin men look out 4 you! pls don’t Flop i’ll cry (includes childe diluc zhongli xiao)
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CHILDE holds your hand tightly as he leads you through the crowd. it was unbelievable how packed the market was today. all he wanted was to get some fruit and stroll around the city—the weather was perfect. the sun was beating down on you both; you could almost feel the hot concrete through your slippers. ajax insisted you put on sunscreen, saying he doesn’t want you to get burns; dragging you to the bathroom while doing so. it seemed like he cared about your safety more than anything else—as soon as he got home, he had started to complain about how he forgot to put sunscreen on himself.
“ajax, stop moving around. you’re making this harder than it should be.”
“it hurts.” he frowns, sucking air through his teeth as the cold aloe vera lotion spread across his skin. you shook your head in annoyance.
“you were so obsessed with getting the sunscreen on me, now look at you.” he doesn’t take well to this, and you know because you look up and see his face; eyebrows furrowed and ears red from embarrassment.
“didn’t want you to get burned.”
so stubborn, you thought—but you can’t help but smile a little anyway.
DILUC is, naturally, a very busy man. there was a lot of work that he would need to get done, some taking hours to finish up. nevertheless, diluc ragnvindr would always find a way to take care of you, even when he’s piled with work. most nights, you finished work late—coming home to an empty house wasn’t the most pleasant idea to you. coming home later always meant that diluc would be waiting for you, calling out your name as soon as you step in.
the quiet air was not something you enjoyed. when you were at home, you’d often hear a pen scribbling because of diluc—even the most tiniest sound could calm you, knowing that he’s right there, even if he doesn’t speak at all.
you were puzzled as to why you didn’t hear a shout of your name as soon as the door opened. no greeting came, and you were a bit disappointed. why wasn’t he here? he’s always home before you.
suddenly, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and a familiar red-haired figure pops into the hallway. “y/n, hey, i’m so sorry. was in the shower.”
“don’t scare me like that. thought i was home alone,” you gave a sigh of relief, and diluc welcomes you home with a hug—as he always did.
“i’m never late to anything, y/n.” perhaps it’s the professional side of him speaking, though you can’t help but think something in his soft smile says otherwise.
ZHONGLI gets paranoid everytime you cook for him. would you burn yourself, spill oil everywhere? start a fire? he never knew with you. don’t get him wrong, it’s not that he thinks you can’t cook—he just doesn’t want you to get hurt. ever since that one fine evening two years ago (an incident you and your neighbours would rather forget), zhongli has never trusted you to be alone in the kitchen. he fries the eggs in the morning while the most he’d let you do is toast bread.
you find yourself craving a hot bowl of noodles, and zhongli doesn’t realise you’ve left your shared bedroom until he reaches for you in bed—no one.
you’re boiling a pot of water and you can hear rushed footsteps coming down the stairs, and when your boyfriend’s face appears in the kitchen doorway—you know you’re about to get a lecture. his nose is scrunched and his eyebrows are stern, and you think he looks adorable, despite the fact that as soon as he opens his mouth..
“didn’t i tell you to tell me if you’re going to cook?”
“it’s just hot water.”
“let me do it, okay? i’ll drain the noodles for you, then i’ll leave you be.” you know your boyfriend has your best interests at heart, no matter how paranoid he may be. you give up, stepping away from the stove; you can’t complain much anyway, he looks very handsome when he cooks. something about the way he holds chopsticks is very alluring.
XIAO holds your hand tight and walks you home, no matter where you are. if you sent him a text saying you were scared, he’d come running even if you were stuck in the middle of a deserted island. he never wants you to feel unsafe, and he does his best to be with you whenever you do feel unsafe. when you both are out on a date in the late hours of the night, he’s gripping your hand and holding you close—making sure nobody but him could get near. he makes sure you get home safe, watching you step into your house and closing the door before he makes his own way home.
“xiao, hey, i think you should go home. i can walk from here.” you tell him. he looked so tired, and you felt bad because all you did was drag him around the city today.
his eyes blinked slowly at yours, as if he was processing what you just said. it was 2 in the morning and you’re not sure if he was going to pass out.
“nah, i’ll walk you.” he insists, grabbing a hold of your hand and taking the lead—he knows your way home by heart now and he hates how it’s always so dark in your neighbourhood.
arguing with him is futile, most times. you choose to accept it, your boyfriend’s hands feel so warm—so safe and tight, as if he’d never let you go.
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i did childe and diluc so dirty i am so sorry it’s always rhe gingers — 181022
psst join in on my 300 follower event.. — 231022
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pansyfemme · 1 month
hey Man. Leave me the fuck alo me. get
you good?
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babblingbookends · 4 months
Will trade Percy pics for protective big brother Dick with Tim (vs Ra’s, maybe?)
Sorry this took me a couple days to answer! No Ra's, because I sat down to write this and decided I was too tired for anything complicated. Not my finest work, but I hope you like it nonetheless!
“Stay back!” Dick snapped, electricity arcing across his escrimas.
In front of him, a mob of restless drunks, egged on by goons. Behind him, Tim, curled up on the floor, whimpering in pain.
“You alright back there, Robin?” Dick asked, projecting as much confidence and bravado into his voice as he could.
“I’ll live,” came Tim’s voice, shaky and pained but with that cocky confidence that came with being Batman’s partner. It was enough for Dick; he turned his focus to the crowd.
“Here’s how things are going to go. You’re either going to turn around and leave, or I’m going to make you leave. And,” he sparked the escrimas again, “it’s going to hurt.”
There was a moment of uncertainty; he could feel the energy of the crowd building to a tipping point. The only question was which way it would tip. He held his breath, waiting.
He thought maybe they would leave, right up until someone in the back yelled, “There’s more of us than there are of him!” and like that, the peace was broken, and the crowd stumbled forward.
From there, it was on. Whirling, kicking, and dodging, he did his best to keep a half-circle of space between the crowd and Tim.
Three minutes in and he panted out, “Robin, please tell me B is on his way?”
There was a moan that might have been agreement, or might have been wishful thinking. He ducked a wild swing, cracked a man in the back of the head, tripped another goon into two more, sending all three sprawling. “That’s fine, I’m sure I can handle these guys. I don’t have a broken rib from getting hit by a car or anything.”
Tim grunted out something that sounded like “doing great,” and Dick kept getting glimpses of him in his periphery pushing himself into a more upright position from his spot against the wall. Another three minutes and he had maybe half the crowd knocked down; another three and half of that half looked like they were determined enough to get back up.
“N’wng,” he heard behind him. “Duck.”
Dick didn’t hesitate. He hit the ground, twisting and rolling backwards to end, crouched, in front of Tim. Over his head, a flash of light that made him instinctively squeeze his eyelids shut.
Bang! The flare sent several people stumbling, and Dick lunged forward, taking advantage of the momentary distraction to fight his way through some of the larger and more sober goons, the ones shouting and raising enough of a ruckus to get everyone else riled. With them out of the way and a majority of the mob knocked down or out, it was short work for the rest of them. Some just ran, which was fine with Dick.
He crouched by Tim’s side. “Hey champ, how’s it going?”
“Fantastic,” Tim slurred. “Th’s a… a vacation.”
“Okay, bud, let’s get you out of here,” Dick said. Carefully, he pulled Tim into his arms and gathered him up, hoisting him off the ground.
“Th’ bike’s gonna suck”, Tim mumbled against Dick’s chest.
Dick had to agree. His bruised and broken ribs also agreed. Not that they got a say.
He stumbled out into the alleyway behind the building. “Okay, Tim, just gotta make it to where I parked-” A quiet, familiar purr interrupted him, and he grinned. “Nevermind. Looks like we’ll be riding in style.”
At the end of the alleyway, the Batmobile, matte black and more welcome than aloe on a sunburn, rolled to a stop.
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kimmexart · 2 months
hey..🌚should do a match up with me and dbd/slashers... (we both know who i really wanna be paired up with)
okie dokie so my personality is pretty quiet and timid around others. i don't talk much at school (even with my friends LMAO) and i always have my headphones on. im desi with pretty light olive skin (i have no melatonin) and brown eyes! i have dyed burgundy hair that runs up to my breasts that's naturally a little wavy but i always straighten it because i HATE how it looks natural. i have wispy bangs too :3
my hobbies are batman, i literally collect all batman related things, cats, horror movies, video games, drawing and baking. and writing heheheh!! im an INTP and im a huge rainy day and gilmore girls and gothic architecture lover >.‹
i'm 5'4 and i'm extremely sensitive so id prefer my lover to be someone who's quiet and understanding yk, someone who doesn't make fun of me for crying easily or being clingy. i collect ghostface merch for a living as well LMAO.
my appearance isn’t very skinny but i’m not chubby either, i’m like literally in the middle. i have barely a tummy but i have thicker thighs and a round face. i work out everyday by going to the gym when it’s about to close )because i prefer not socializing with others) and i do cardio and pilates.
sorry this is kinda messy i’ve never done one of these before but i saw your page and your cute lil match ups and i knew i had to!! thank you 💗💗
HAHAH ILY ILL DO YOUR RESIDENT EVIL ONE ON A SEPARATE ONE 😫😫 but i’ve been working crazy hours so i apologize if it’s late and sloppy 🙁🫶
I shall match you with…
Ghostface (Danny ‘Jed Olsen’ Johnson)
You were supposed to be one of his victims. A silly little one you are, he followed you home. Lurking in the shadows and thank to the help of the loud music blasting from your headphones masking his footsteps.
He had been following you for weeks now as the days went by he grew more and more intrigued. He hid in the darkness creeping outside one of the windows as he watched you play one of your favorite video games.
“What your favorite scary movie?” his voice was low, but smooth you didn’t recognize the voice as you picked up the phone.
“who’s this?” you asked pushing your eyebrows in confusion pausing the video game. The voice on the other end let out a dry chuckle “Answer the question.”
“Well, i guess… (insert Favorite Movie)” You said softly.
“a classic” he responded with a approving hum as he flipped the knife in between his fingers “I knew i liked y’a”
“uh, okay?” you respond awkwardly “anyways.. im busy i should go now” you cleared your throat hanging up the phone before he could stop you.
The phone began to ring soon after, “Look leave me the fuck alo-“ You blurted through the open line as you held the phone up to your ear.
“Your gonna get it now!” His voice was more sharper and direct. it caused you to tense almost instantly “You don’t get to hang up the phone doll! that isn’t how it works.”
A creaking sound made your head snap to the direction. your eyes glanced over to the window that was once closed now wide open with the moonlight peeking through, and a breeze pushing the curtains.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you dropped the phone and made a run for it, “Logical as always babe!” It was the man over the phone- however his voice was somewhere in your house.
He followed you into your bedroom, a grin underneath his mask as he stared at the closet “i only wanna play” he said with a chuckle “tell me about that scary movie” he crouches infront of the closet door.
You peeked through the small crack to see the cheap mask and leather cloak, your pupils completely dilated unable to respond.
he played with the blade his leather gloves gliding over the knife, “your no fun like this” he said forcing the closet door open, weeks- that’s how long he prepared for this moment he forced your body to the ground straddling your hips. He used his left hand to pin your hands over your head which the knife in his right.
You squirmed and screamed at him to stop trying to free yourself.
He held the knife tightly as he stabbed the knife- he aimed for your head but instead it buried itself into the wood flooring besides your head.
He let out a shakey breath, this was the first time he wasn’t able to kill his victim. How he hated this feeling- he failed. Weeks of preparation and now when having you all to himself he couldn’t.
This was going to be his masterpiece, the perfect crime
The crime no one will ever forget.
“Fuck.” he muttered underneath the mask as he pulled the knife out from the ground and forced himself off.
“Fuck!” he said placing the bottom of his boot against your chest. He looked down at you full of anger and annoyance even if you couldn’t see his reaction you knew. Letting out a small cry as you tried to force his shoe off. “i’m watching, i’m always going to be fucken watching” he says before he disappeared into the night.
“So that’s all that happened?” The pale man across from you type, a small scar on his forehead.
Your head was in your hands in frustration and Annoyance hearing the constant typing from his computer “Yes Danny” you said curtly.
The two of you were at a cafe, Danny was a journalist who had heard about your experience with the new serial killer- who you found out was named ‘Ghostface’
“It was as if he could kill me- no he wanted to” you said taking a small sip of your warm drink “He tried- but couldn’t he wasn’t weak at all, he was… amazing”
His fingers froze, Danny’s eyes glanced back up at you. he was flustered by the fact you called him ‘Amazing’
He nodded “Well,” he clears his throat before continuing “Just be more aware of your surroundings from now on, maybe have some friends stay over”
“i just moved here, im new and don’t have friends or family in town” you said with a small sigh.
He knew that of course, He wasn’t stupid he did stalk you for weeks following you around town and going through your stuff at home to learn more about you.
he wrote his number on a small sticky note “call me, i’ll be your friend” he said with a dry chuckle
as he laughed your eyes flickered in recognition but only for a moment. something about him was off, you couldn’t pin point what. brushing off those thoughts you gave him a small smile and nod “thank you Danny,”
you hand gently brushed over his as you grabbed the stick note.
He’s truly become obsessed with you.
Danny huffed in annoyance as he hooked the last victim onto the hook. He walked away he dug into his cloak pulling out a photo of you.
A frown decorated his lips as he waited for the entity to start a new trial, he missed you dearly you were his favorite victim and partner.
His fingers gently grazed over the folded polaroid.
(What if like, you just appeared in a trail as a new survivor bc the entity was getting tired of danny lacking. But you would only see him as ghostface and not danny. but like would he kill you?) 😫😫 making me think about the yummy angst taht could come from this.
It was between him or Legion 😫😫 but we both know why i picked danny. anyways i luv this idea. i usually write it out differently like sections but this is something new. it’s 2 am so if it’s messy i’m sorrryyyy. I luv writing danny as mean but silly. Hope you enjoy!!!
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pomegrantemoths88 · 1 year
Ch.5 Repatching (Till We're Safe: AU The Maze Runner, Gally x FemReader)
“I have to say, I’m very disappointed in you. If I'd known this silly situation of yours would have affected your work, I would’ve-*sigh*.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think it'd be this difficult.”
“I believe you.”
I woke up in the middle of the night, barely being able to hold on to whatever fleeting conversation that was. Was it a memory? It was the voice of another woman. But as quickly as it came, it quickly left, leaving me in tears. 
Just as I realized daylight was pouring in, I heard the screeching gateways of the maze open. The dream would have to wait another time, I didn’t want to process whatever fleeting memory that might’ve been, it was entirely too painful to think about.
Breakfast was fine and went by with no trouble, then I got the news broken to me by Alby. Apparently I’d start med-jack work a day earlier than expected. All on Gally’s recommendation. 
I started my day with Clint and Jeff, we went around the Glade and set up supplies and repatching Gladers up, tending to some colds and alleviating allergies, which provided a nice distraction, for a while anyway. 
I realized I couldn’t help but feel upset, why the hell didn’t he let stay with them another day. Is a day with me too insufferable? Did I do anything wrong? If it was my lack of work, it wouldn’t have been my fault anyway, the prick shank didn’t let me work. And why the hell was I getting upset over this? It’s not like I wasn’t excited to do med-jack work.
While I wrestled with my thoughts, we headed to the Builders. I could hear my biggest source of stress mouthing off already. Something about how they needed to be more careful with handling the support beams amongst other things, who even cared. How the guys haven’t told him off already blew me, if it was me I’d hav-
“Hey Clint, we’re all good today.” 
“Hey Gally, my legs kinda shucked up.”
“You’ll live.”
“I can take a quick look at it.”
“Since when are you quick?”
“You know what you are? You’re difficult. You are a very difficult man. Difficult to work with, difficult to talk too-”
“And anybody could say the same about you princess.”
“Stop calling me princess, was being difficult the reason I’m not working with the builders for this last day?”
“You slowed us down yesterday.”
A quiet “not true” chimed from a crowd of builders taking a small water break, and Gally shot them a look.
“Will both of you just shut up and kiss already, shucking hell it’s painful to watch!”
Jeff's irritated statement started an uproar of laughs, gasps and two very embarrassed, bright red faces facing his direction. I quickly finished up the builder I was helping and we left swiftly, and I couldn’t help but smile at Gally telling them to shut up in the distance. 
After everyone ate dinner and decided to use downtime to relax, I realized I forgot to put some things away in the med-jack room. I walked in to see Gally struggling to repatch his hand wound from my second day. And I couldn’t help but notice he had some new cuts on his hands too.
“Why didn’t you say anything about the cuts earlier?”
He was startled not realizing I was in there.
“Fuck, don’t sneak up like that.”
“You need help.”
“I’m doing fine, just go relax, it's after hours, what are you even doing here?”
“First of all you’re in MY area and I came because I forgot to put some things away. Just let me redo it.”
Finally admitting defeat, he sat on one of the chairs and held out his hand. As I started cleaning his wounds, I noticed the many smaller scars he had littered all over his hands. I turned around to reach the aloe and he broke the silence.
“I’m sorry about Jeff earlier.”
Him apologizing was something new and almost uncomfortable. 
“It was kind of funny.”
He shot me a confused but incredulous look that for some reason pulled on my heartstrings.
“It was embarrassing.”
“Why? Because somebody told you the truth?”
“What truth would that be?”
“You’re difficult, stubborn, irritating-”
“Watch it greenie. Just remember I went easy on you in the sand pit.”
I found myself starting to enjoy whatever game this was, sure he was still the bane of the Glade but of course someone has to tell him.
“So I’m not wrong?”
“*scoff* You think you’re any better? You’re stubborn, overconfident, dramatic and shucking irritating ”
“Please I’m a damn joy to be around, and you know it too.”
“Yeah Joffrey sure thinks so for some reason.”
He stood up from his chair as I rewrapped the new bandage on his hand, I didn’t notice how much closer we had gotten.
“Are you jealous?”
“Watch it.”
There was a look in his eyes that I couldn’t quite determine but for some reason I wanted to keep poking at it.
 I think it was time to admit a growing problem, and it was getting impossible to ignore, while I had come to despise Gally, he was so fucking attractive. There was no way any of us had room for whatever this was going to lead up to, how could I even think of entertaining this? 
And yet, these small interactions with Gally are sometimes the only things on my mind. I loved and hated it at the same time. 
I should’ve stopped here but shucking hell, that look of frustration fills my heart.
And in a soft but frustrated tone,
“You know why.”
I didn't know how to respond, and in just the nick of time, I had finished repatching his wound. The smart part of me kept suggesting I end whatever this was, and yet another more louder part wanted to know more. But as Gally walked away he said,
“You shouldn’t come by the Builders for a while.”
No, I couldn’t do that.
“I’m sorr-”
“Don’t be.”
He walked away and I went back to whatever I needed to do originally, for some reason my mind was emptier than I thought possible.
Apologies for the late post! Please lmk if you'd like to be tagged in the next weeks chapter! Thank you loves!
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
better than champagne // colton herta
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summary: she tastes better than champagne, and he can’t wait to unwrap his prize (and he’s going to make sure that she knows it, even at the most inopportune times)
warnings: smut, colton has a little bit of an exhibitionism kink, he also vapes (because look at this man and try to tell me that he doesn’t own a juul), face sitting,
authors note: I have stood mere meters away from colton herta and can confirm that there are no thoughts behind those pretty little eyes. he’s actually such a himbo and the effects of standing so close to him and is slutty little waist should be studied in a lab
“cole, for the last time, you know my mom hates it when you vape.” y/n frowned as her boyfriend blew a cloud of watermelon scented smoke into the air as they waited outside of the bar
the andretti driver sighed, nervously tapping his fingers on the side of his juul. “sorry, babe. nervous force of habit. your dad scares the shit out of me.”
she laughed, gently sliding the vape from coltons hands and tucking it into her purse. “you know he loves you. he just loves me more.” she slipped her arms around his waist, resting her chin in his chest as she looked up at him. “colton, you just got p3 in one of the most chaotic Indy races I have ever witnessed, and you started in thirteenth. i know I don’t say it enough, but I am so proud of you, sweetheart.”
“thank you for being here, babe.” colton said softly, pulling his girlfriend closer, one hand in the small of her back, the other cheekily grabbing a handful of ass as he leaned in to kiss her, one of her sunburned hands coming up to take his hair out of the kiss.
she hummed under his touch as colton nipped at her bottom lip. she giggled, hooking her fingers into his belt loops and trying to pull him closer.
“hey lovebirds!”
“motherfucker.” colton groaned, breaking the kiss and hiding his face in his girlfriends shoulder. “save me.”
laughing, she playfully slapped him in the shoulder, turning to her parents. “hi mom, hey dad. careful when you hug me, I’m more than a little sunburnt.”
“sweetheart, you look like a lobster.” mrs. y/l/n frowned, gingerly pulling her daughter in for a hug “make sure you put some aloe on that.”
“I will, mum.”
“colton, my man!” mr. y/l/n shouted, extending his hand to coltons for a firm handshake. “great show today, son.”
“thank you, mr. y/l/n.” colton chuckled nervously, running his free hand through his hair. “it still doesn’t feel real.”
mrs. y/l/n wrinkled her nose. “does the air smell like vape smoke to anybody else?”
colton coughed to cover up his surprise. “no, ma’am. I don’t smell anything.” his girlfriend raised an eyebrow at him, but the group went inside anyways, leaving the cloud of watermelon smoke outside as they head towards a corner booth.
dinner with his girlfriends parents always out colton on edge. they were wonderful people, the kind of working class blue collar folk. but their life was so different from colton’s, and he was so scared of tripping up or committing a social faux pas. he was never sure if something as simple as offering to pay for dinner would warp his in-laws perspective of him.
he was scared to even order a beer: nobody in her family drank and he had no idea what her parents thought about that.
at the end of the meal, while y/n’s mom went to the bathroom and her father went to pay the bill, she sighed, relaxing into colton’s arms.
“you okay, pretty girl? you didn’t seem to eat as much as you usually do.” colton frowned, his lips against the side of her head. if there was one thing he knew well about his girlfriend, it was her appetite. she loved food, and was usually the first to order the biggest, greasiest burger on the menu.
“just feeling a little under the weather. I think I caught the sun. I’ll probably make some toast or something light later.” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
“you know you could have gone to the hospitality tent, right? you didn’t have to stay in the pit lane. actually, I think my strategist would have preferred that you didn’t.”
“what’s the fun in that? you know me, I want to be where the action is.”
true to form, cars had been the reason the two had met. colton was out in the middle of nowhere after the previous years race in toronto. he was on his way to niagara falls but took three wrong turns courtesy of kyle kirkwood who had been left in charge of reading the map. y/n had been on a girls trip for her best friends hen week, and had come across kyle and colton after the tyre on coltons corvette had blown out.
while the rest of the bridesmaids had ogled kyle and whistled at him from the back of the volkswagen golf, y/n had slipped out of the passenger side and shamelessly flirted with colton before offering up the spare tyre in her trunk. she was his angel in levis and a plastic pink tiara, and kyle never let him forget it.
“I’ve got a spare tyre i can lend you, and if you buy me a drink I’ll change your tyre as well.” she had said, leaning against the corvette. “there’s a garage a few kilometres back, just follow our lead.”
sure enough, colton bought her a fruity little drink from bar, right after he met up with the other guys in the zibs and played a set with his band. the man is a musician and a race car driver with incredible hair, what more could you ask for?
“is there anything I can do?” colton asked, his fingers dancing across her slightly sunburnt thigh, feeling the heat from the burn under his fingers.
“massage some aloe into my skin?”
“babe, you need the whole bottle.” colton laughed, gently kissing along her jaw, his hand creeping further and further up his lovers thigh. “what about an orgasm?” he whispered in her ear, gently slipping his hand between her legs to rub her core through the thin fabric of her romper.
“cole.” she whined, legs falling open for him as she rested her head on his shoulder, biting back a moan as she dragged her fingernails down the skin on his arm. “oh, fuck, cole, what if my parents come back? we’re in public.”
her breathing was heavy, voice strained as she tried not to whine.
“just relax, princess.” his voice was husky, and he could feel how wet she was through the fabric, his cock tightening in his jeans. “nobody is gonna hear you, just let me make you feel better.”
to outsiders, they looked like nothing more than a lovesick couple, cuddling up to each other in the booth. they would have no idea what colton's fingers were doing underneath that table cloth, and what he couldn't wait to do when they got home.
all too soon, y/n's parents came back to the table, bill paid as they prepared to leave. colton retracted his hand as soon as he saw her parents, returning to tracing comforting circles on her thigh as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"we're driving out to kingston to see your sister this week." mrs. y/l/n started. "i think we might leave tonight, we've booked a bed and breakfast. you can colton can have the house to yourselves, a little bit of time to relax and spend with each other without your father and i constantly looking over your shoulders."
"oh mom, you didn't need to do that."
"yes we did. your father and i needed a getaway, and after today, you and colton both deserve some rest."
across the table, y/n's father narrowed his eyes as he pointed a finger at the indycar driver. "but no funny business in my house. i trust you two to be responsible adults tonight."
"yes, sir." colton nodded in agreement, knowing full well that he and y/n would be breaking most house rules that night, including the one about vaping inside.
it was nice coming home to an empty, quiet house. since indycar had descended on toronto and colton had come to stay in his girlfriend's childhood home, he had felt overwhelmed, almost never getting a minute to himself when he wasn't at the track or with his trainer.
he walked up the stairs of the backsplit to y/n's childhood bedroom, still frozen with the typical decor of a nineteen year old, before y/n had moved in with some of her friends from college, and then to tennesse with colton: fairy lights hung from the walls, the bed neatly made and adorned in a lilac gingham comforter, a poster for a popular emo band hanging behind her door. the bookshelves were barren, but only because she'd taken most of her books with her when she moved.
she made a beeline for the shower, making the water as cold as she could as to not upset her burn as she washed the smell of the track off her body, massaging hair conditioner into the burns to take away the sting.
after the shower, she dressed in simple cotton panties and a button down shirt she normally wore to work. her damp hair was soaking through the shoulders of the shirt as she made her way back to her bedroom, where colton was sitting on her bed, vape pen dangling from his fingers as he scowled at the instructions on a bottle of aloe vera lotion.
“cole, what are you doing?” she laughed, perching on the end of the double bed.
“I can’t read the writing on his bottle, I think I need a magnifying glass.”
“sweetie, just put it straight on my burns and massage it in.” she chuckled, undoing the first few buttons on her shirt and pulling the collar down to expose her shoulders.
her skin stung as colton ran his fingers over the angry red marks, small moans and hums leaving her lips as he touched her.
“feel better, love?” he asked gently, wiping his hands off on his jeans as he kissed her shoulder, getting a mouthful of aloe in the process.
“a little. I still want that orgasm you promised me.”
colton laughed, leaning in to kiss her. “I can definitely do that.”
he nipped at her bottom lip, sliding his tongue onto her mouth as she tugged on his hair, a moan escaping the back of his throat. one of coltons hands groped her chest, taking one of her breasts into his hand and massaging it between his strong, nimble fingers.
she moaned under his touch, breaking the kiss to guide his free hand between her legs.
colton chuckled, pushing her panties to the side. “you want me to finish what I started earlier, pretty girl? did it turn you on knowing anybody could see us? because I know it turned me on, thinking about getting you off in a room full of people.”
“fuck off.” she whined, unable to form a coherent sentence at the feeling of her lovers fingers circling the area where she needs him most, fingertips coated in her slick as he teased her opening. “please…cole.”
“lie down and spread your legs, I want to taste that sweet, sweet cunt of yours.” colton hummed, sucking a hickey into her neck. “and take that blouse off, I want to see all of you.”
“I’ve got a better idea.” she hummed, getting to her feet and casting off the blouse, a damp spot visible on her panties, still pushed aside enough that colton could see everything.
she made a grab for his collard shirt, yanking it over his head before she pushed him back against the pillows, unceremoniously shoving aside her collection of build a bears. she slipped out of her panties, mounting Colton’s body and hovering over his lips.
colton broke out into a grin, one hand coming up to playfully smack her ass. “eh, what’s gotten into you today?”
“you deserve a prize, podium sitter.” she grinned, carding her fingers through his hair.
“fuck.” colton exhaled as she lowered herself onto him, fingers gripping the wrought iron headboard as he kissed her sopping core, her juices dripping into his mouth and making his eyes roll back. “babygirl, you taste better than champagne.”
he moaned against her as he licked up and around her lips, his hands thoroughly gripping her thighs as he slipped his tongue inside her.”
“oh fuck, colton!” she screamed, bucking her hips against his face.
“that’s it, pretty girl, just ride my face, use me to get yourself off.”
her mind was so clouded with lust that she could barely think, her chest heaving as she moaned, practically screaming as coltons nose bumped her clit. the mattress slid against the bed frame, forcing the headboard against the wall.
the view that colton bad was downright sinful. he looked up, moaning at the sight of y/n on top of him, breasts bouncing up and down and her head thrown back as she moaned. it was enough to make his eyes roll back in his skull, and he found himself fumbling with one hand to get his jeans open, fisting his cock for any kind of relief before he blew his load in his jeans.
it was downright sinful, and he was glad that they were alone. even though there was a part of him that was exhibitionist in nature, he knew that there was no way he could look his in-laws in the eyes if they could hear what he was doing with their daughter right now.
“colton, fuck, i think I’m close.” she whined, legs shaking around coltons head as her grip moved from the headboard to his hair.
at the contact, colton growled, abandoning the pursuit of his own pleasure to smack her ass, gripping her thighs as she continued to rut against him, his tongue plunging inside of her and making a mess of his face as she reached her high, trembling above him.
colton locked up what he could from between her legs before gently lowering her body to the bed, softly kissing her lips and trailing his fingertips over her body.
“sweetheart, that was the most incredible thing I think we’ve ever done.” he grinned against her lips, his hard cock still poking out from his jeans.
“need some help there?” she raised an eyebrow, reaching for his shaft. “lay back and let me treat you. you deserve it.”
colton began to protest, quickly shutting up as she moved his boxers and jeans down his legs. he was a goner as soon as she started kissing up his cock, taking the tip between her cute, plump lips.
“ohhh, thats it, pretty girl.” he grunted, trying not to buck his hips as his hand came to grip her hair. “just like that, sucking me off so well, princess.”
his head dropped back against the pillows as he moaned, losing the battle of wills as he bucked his hips into her face, her nose dusting his pubic bone. more jumbled praises spilled from his lips as he reached his peak, quickly pushing his lovers face off his cock.
she didn’t like to swallow, but he preferred seeing his seed spread across her chest anyways.
giving her boyfriend some time to catch his breath, she lay on her stomach next to him, her legs in the air as she played with his sweaty hair. she leaned in to kiss him again, fingernails scratching at his chest.
“I need your cock.” she breathed, sucking on his earlobe. “I need you inside me, cole.”
colton kissed her again, stumbling to his knees on the bed. “who would I be to say no to my good girl?” he breathed, running his fingertips over the sunburn on her thigh. she shivered underneath his touch, propping herself up on her knees to rub her ass against his groin.
“head against the pillow, pretty girl.” he whispered, kissing up her spine as she rested her head against the bamboo fibre pillow, bent legs pressing her against her lover. “you want me to fuck you? you want me to make you feel like the prettiest, sexiest woman alive?”
“fuck yes, colton. fuck me, fuck me, please!”
colton tapped his cock against her thigh, watching the goosebumps rise on her skin before he pushed into her, a growl escaping his throat.
“you’re so wet, babygirl. so warm and inviting. god, i could stay inside of you all day.”
she whined underneath him as he started to move, being cautious of her sunburn as he pressed his chest against her back, thrusting deeper as he leaned over her.
“fuck, yes, right there!” she shouted, reaching for his hand.
pushing her hair over one shoulder, the driver linked hands with his lover as he pounded into her. she moaned underneath him, his lips leaving gentle kisses along her sunburnt shoulders. she had probably sweated the aloe vera lotion off, her fingernails digging into coltons hand as she screamed his name.
“that’s it darling. yeah, you want to come on my cock? fucking come for me, sweetheart.” he panted, thrusts getting sloppier.
it was a filthy scene, the air filled with the smell of sex and sweat, the sound of skin slapping against skin, moans mingling together as colton straightened up, hands gripping her hips as he pulled y/n back on his cock.
“fuck, yes, colton, i think I’m gonna come.”
with a moan that shook her entire body, her limbs fell limp, her body slumping onto the bed as she came, body shaking as colton ran his fingers through her hair. he pulled out, jerking himself the rest of the way off before he came, his seed coating her back before he slumped down on top of her.
“i love you.” he said softly, tangling his fingers with hers as she softly kissed over the hickeys forming on her neck. “i wouldn’t have wanted to share today with anybody else.”
“love you more.” she hummed, making a futile attempt to roll over underneath her boyfriend. “i think I need another shower.” she laughed, kissing the back of his hand.
colton laughed, kissing the side of her head. “how about I go run a bath? that claw foot tub in your basement is still functional, right?”
y/n laughed as her boyfriend got up, searching for his clothes on the bedroom floor. “give me a second to get my energy back and I’ll bring some candles and bubble bath down.”
TAGS; @magnummagnussen @httpiastri @cartierre @lorarri @scuderiasundays @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @oconso @somanyflippingbooks
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Burning Too Much Daylight
(This series of events is part of the alternate continuity of @robovoidfrog's Funkinverse, and is again not to be considered canon unless they state otherwise by the release of Beyond the Spider-Verse.)
After Benjamin and BluBuni managed to save Goatfriend from a landslide in an area and overpower Kenji proper, they came to a stop at the far end of Aquatic Ruin.
Benjamin: Geesh, what is with you trying to stop us from doing the right thing?
Kenji: Dude, you seriously CAN'T save everybody yourself. That's a given in life, and I've had to witness that over time.
Benjamin: I mean, you have a point about it being impossible to save everyone, but that doesn't mean we won't try to anyway.
Kenji: ...Is this why you're still on board with Salty's thoughts, even when you've seen him turn you down?
BluBuni: He's still paranoid from when your group tried to stop him from doing what he felt the urge to do. He might cool off if more -friends side with his desire to stop The X.
Goatfriend: So this is why you've tried to enable my death? Out of that desire to maintain a linear plot that doesn't exist?! I knew there was something fishy about you when Ben and his pack first knocked you out, but this just sells you off as a murderer by inaction!
Kenji: Murd-?! I'm not the one actively trying to murder people to uphold the multiverse! I... I don't even want to deliberately murder anyone. Having my family drift apart and my own counterpart of Pico being driven to a murderous insanity hasn't helped my situation at all, nor has having to witness practically everyone around me undergo their own angst periods.
Benjamin sighed, knowing he couldn't yet forgive Kenji for his repeated disruptions to their parole, but sympathised enough with him to let him be.
Benjamin: Okay. It doesn't excuse what you tried to do, but I'm letting you go.
Alt MIX Boyfriend: What?! He tried to stop us from saving Goatie there, man.
Benjamin: I know, but a lot of these guys aren't thinking straight, more so than what is necessary.
Neo Girlfriend: Which makes sense, considering Leo and Soft Pico's Ben are both stuck with the Society.
Kenji: I don't get it, Ben. Why WOULD you spare me after I've tried to stop you? After I tried to stop... t-the alternate Aloe?
Benjamin: Simple; I don't believe in killing people for the greater good, not even other -friends. Me and Gracie's groups are trying to do the true greater good, by rallying up others to help stop The X as soon as possible. It doesn't help, however, that we've been side-tracked constantly by you derailing our bids to help Salty out. I'll let you go, but you gotta promise not to continue interfering with our mission.
Kenji: *sigh* Okay. I promise.
They nodded to each other.
Soft Pico: Before we let you go... We need to know something important.
Neo Girlfriend: What Earth designation is the Society HQ at?
Kenji wasn't sure if it was best to tell them, but knew it couldn't be hidden forever.
Kenji: I'll tell you, though if necessary, get in there, get whoever you need to out and then hurry out, before Cam notices what you're doing. Alright, so the location is Earth 1-2-4-
He was interrupted as he witnessed blood splatter, showing horror from what happened.
Benjamin: Kenji? Is that all there is?
Kenji: H-He... He figured it out...
BluBuni: What do you mean by-?
Blu turned around, and to her horror, Goatfriend had been shot in the back, now kneeling on the floor.
She kneeled by his side, tears welling from her eyes. Benjamin did the same, equally horrified.
BluBuni: No no no no! P-Please, stay with me.
Benjamin: Hang tight, G. I'll try and get you healed up.
Goatfriend: I- *cough* I don't want you to waste your strength o-or energy, Ben. That X creep needs stopping b-before he destroys the multiverse.
BluBuni: What about you? I can't just leave you to... t-to...
He put his hand on her cheek, trying to calm her down.
Goatfriend: Hey. Look at me, Blu. You've still got a lot to live for. I don't want your happiness to be permanently gone b-because of this. Y-You need to help Ben and the others stop The X, for m-my sake, alright?
BluBuni: A-Alright, G...
Goatfriend: A-And Ben? Y-You've become tight-knit with B-Blu, haven't you? In case I d-don't make it, please... take g-good care of her for me.
Benjamin: I... I promise she'll be safe with me, Goatfriend.
Goatfriend: A-And, er... just remember that s-she doesn't like carrots. I... heh, I l-learned that the hard way m-myself.
Benjamin: Heh, I'll keep that in mind.
BluBuni smiled to Ben, happy he had the right material as one of her best friends.
Benjamin: I'm gonna get you healed anyway, though. Even if it burns out my strength for a bit, it's better than leaving you to die.
He got started on healing the bullet wound right away.
Goatfriend: Y-You really didn't have to do this, you know?
Benjamin: It's the least I can do for a friend, man. Plus, the shot didn't manage to hit any vital organs, so you're alright.
Goatfriend: T-Thanks, Ben. I really appreciate it.
Grace and Pico arrived on the scene.
Pico: Is he alright? We heard the gunshot before.
Benjamin: Thankfully so. If whoever tried to kill him is still in range, he's not safe here. Grace, can you warp him to a safe spot that's still in this dimension?
Grace: I'm right on it.
She was about to do so, but her neck was clasped by a power inhibitor that prevented her from doing so, right before extra lead was shot into Goatfriend, this time successful in killing him.
BluBuni: NO! G!
She rushed to his body, tearing up a lot as Benjamin went next to her and Grace broke the inhibitor.
Grace: O-Oh, no...
BluBuni: P-Please, d-don't die on me... p-please...
When she realised he really was killed this time, she started crying, now having been through TWO events where she had lost a loved one to outside forces. In response, Benjamin hugged her tightly to comfort her.
Benjamin: H-Hey. I'm here, Buni.
BluBuni: W-Why did it have to be him...?
During the hug, Barbara noticed something close by and pointed Benjamin's focus towards it; a pair of glowing pink eyes that were all too familiar to him. He watched the figure he knew was actively trying to stop him from doing the right thing with contempt, as he slipped away into a portal.
Benjamin: ...Cam!
Pico turned to Kenji.
Pico: Okay, dude. Change of plans, get us straight to his HQ. He needs a reality check.
Kenji kept true to his word, generating a portal that got Benjamin's group into the Funkin' Society HQ at Earth-1249, where Softie was at alongside several other -friends.
Soft Pico: There's Softie!
Softie turned back, seeing his boyfriend having come for him.
Soft Benjamin: Pico?
Soft Pico: Boy, am I glad to see you in one piece. They didn't hurt you, did they?
Soft Benjamin: Thankfully not. Though, I'm not sure I can say the same about all these guys that have been through a lot. Oh, er, who's this (EB!Softie) you've got with you?
EB!Softie: Oh! Hey there!
Soft Pico: It's a long story, Ben. I'll tell you later.
Gracie's group entered the area as well.
Gracie: Did you guys make it?
Benjamin: I... I was so close to saving Goatfriend, but... (through gritted teeth) Cam murdered him in cold blood to try and maintain his "canon"!
Gasps of horror, concern, worry and anger were heard around the other present -friends.
Kenji: I witnessed it happen, everyone. I... I'm sorry.
Judith: I never knew he'd... go as far as to defy our morals just to get his way.
Neo Boyfriend/Leo: The point still stands that, if Salty is out there trying to stop The X, and a few of us couldn't apprehend him ourselves, he needs all the help he can get!
Benjamin: Just what I was thinking.
Gracie: We called you guys together not just to save Salty, but to preserve the very fabric of reality itself.
Benjamin: As it stands, the multiverse needs us to keep it safe, and we need to split from a civil war and unite as one to achieve it.
Gracie: So, our goal is simple. Save our friend, safeguard every universe... and never back down!
Even some of the other defectors, like B3 and Lexi, were present and hearing this.
Galfriend: So how do we go about destroying him if he's pretty much nigh-invincible?
Benjamin: There is a way. Despite him being a distorted demon, his weak spots are going to be where the dark matter in his body hasn't reached. We'll need to make him waste enough of it for us to get good hits in and bring him back down to a vulnerable state.
Leo: Then we shouldn't waste any more time. We're allying as one, and we're staying that way to the end! At this point, no -friend is being left out, no matter what!
Benjamin: And in defiance of defined fates, we'll fix this mess once and for all! Who's with us?
Many -friends in the room raised their fists in their parole to join the cause to stop The X and prove that they're still capable of doing the right thing. However, Cam soon entered the room on a higher level, witnessing what was going on.
Cam: <Everyone, we'll focus on the X after we've stopped Salty's defiance! Get back to your-!>
However, Benjamin spotted him and threw his microphone cord at him, yanking him down by the leg in front of everyone present.
Cam: GAH!
Benjamin: Shut up with your so-called "authority", Blueballs!
Cam: <I'm the good guy here! None of you get it!>
Kenji: He said shut UP!
Kenji speaking up second shocked a lot of the -friends, considering that he had been one Boyfriend the others barely hung around.
Kenji: Everyone, Cam does NOT know what he's doing as a leader, and he's proved that quite well!
Cam: <Traitorous scum! I gave you a simple task, and you botched it on purpose!>
Judith: No! He's right. All of us in here have to atone for our past failures; the loved ones we've lost, the people we couldn't save thanks to your rules... I told you before, Cam. THIS is what we do. We HELP people, even if it affects us badly in the long-run.
Bartholomew/B3: I know it's hard to accept, boss, but THAT is the truth I had been blinded to since you brought me here.
Aloe Mano: In there, you clearly didn't want to hesitate in chasing Salty down the second he got free from your energy cage. And look what things have become now!
Benjamin: It's clear now, isn't it, Cam? Your little society you made under the guise of "protecting the multiverse"? It's nothing but a cult enabling murders by not allowing others to try and save those close to them. Even if you didn't directly kill them, their blood's still on your hands, and on those you and your strike force have prevented from helping those close to them.
The -friends around him were clearly ashamed for enabling the deaths of those close to them.
Benjamin: THAT'S why Salty defied your goals; BECAUSE he isn't going to let his adoptive family meet the same fate as countless others have in your guise of stopping those universes from destabilising! It doesn't help you've been hiring children as young as Lexi into your twisted actions, and I'm sure as hell glad I got to Evan before any of your squad could try and usurp him!
B-Bot: Isn't it obvious from your backstory? It's YOU who's the original anomaly.
Brooke: Make that more of a paradox. You saw the anomalies, attributed them to Salty, and even then, you stood in for a dead counterpart of yourself.
Cam: <That changes nothing. We ARE the good guys, and you all know it. We're still keeping the multiverse safe.>
Softie shook his head.
Soft Benjamin: Not like THIS, we aren't, Cam.
Romantic Boyfriend: Too darn right.
RecD Boyfriend (with accompanying subtitles): Yeah, like, how is this meant to be fair on us when our motive's meant to be doing the right thing?!
Benjamin: In fact, I'll never forgive you for disrupting my attempt to help BluBuni save Goatfriend from his "canon event"! She's been deeply scarred from this second major loss in her life, and his death remains on YOUR hands! AND Kenji's! AND anyone else who deliberately tried to intervene!
Cam growled at Benjamin as other -friends stepped back a little in fear, realising from words alone that the angel was a force to be reckoned with.
Benjamin: THIS is who your leader is, everyone; a deluded and sickening bully who uses force to get his own way! Well, I've made it clear I won't be joining your "alliance", Cam, and neither will any of my pack, end of! We're supposed to be the good guys, and look what you've made hundreds of -friends become!
Cam attempted to lunge at Benjamin before being blocked by BluBuni, who was especially angry at him for what he did.
BluBuni: You're a murderer, and you know it.
Cam: <Get out of the way right now!>
BluBuni: I won't!
Cam: <I will not ask you again, girl! Get the fuck out of MY WAY!>
In response, Bently rushed forward and slashed at Cam's eye again, this time truly damaging it.
Bently: There's a fresh one if you try that again!
Benjamin: ...I guess I should never have bothered trying to redeem you, Malicious.
Toon Boyfriend: You know, you shouldn't even consider yourself a "hero" when you can barely hold a mass group of these guys together!
D-Sides .XML: Like how I don't see myself as a hero. Just shows that you really are a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat, ain't ya?
Cam: <This is for the sake of millions of people. Don't ANY of you get it?!>
Gracie stepped forward.
Gracie: What about YOUR Girlfriend, both in this universe AND the one you crossed into? What would she think of you if she could see what you're doing right now?
In response, Cam's stoic expression broke, his look visibly distressed from the thought.
Cam: I-I... Uh...
Gracie: Yeah, that's what I thought.
Benjamin: You CAN still help us if you want, but we're not forgiving you for murdering an innocent just to maintain your flawed philosophy. We're headed for Salty's world all together, with or without you. We're through with wasting time on a wild goose chase and civil war while a monster runs amok!
The others got their watches ready, teleporting away one-by-one with the now-common goal in mind.
Gracie: Farewell, Cam. May you think about your life choices.
Brooke Jr. blew a raspberry at him to make it clear again his opinion on the fallen hero, as he and his father warped away. Even Evan couldn't help but show his contempt to Cam for his unjustifiable actions.
Benjamin: Alright, guys. Let's go do what we should've been focusing on from the start!
The Funkin' Gang and Benjamin's crew warped away, leaving Cam (and Derpina) the only ones left in the HQ.
Derpina: Well... THAT happened, I guess.
Cam: <Not now, Derpina.> *sigh* <Do you have any idea on how we can get rid of The X?>
Derpina: Should all else fail, I've run scans about a nuclear solution. I've run simulations wherein reversing the polarity of the colliders will destabilise Grimbo's being and erase him from the multiverse, as well as all those in Salty's universe.
Cam: <That's an option I don't even want to consider, Derpina! Haven't you got any more feasible options on hand?!>
Derpina: Oh, I'm certain the solution will work should it need to be employed. It has before... in the universe you lived in temporarily.
This realisation hit Cam like a ton of bricks. Everything in his world view fell apart in an instant as he realised that "canon" was not the cause of his failed act to be happy again, and Derpina knew it all along. He fell to his knees and looked around the now-empty building, his face showing genuine sorrow and regret for the first time in a long time.
He slowly made his way back to the control room, looking at his hands, which flashed blood being on them from time-to-time to hammer in the points thrown at him.
Salty: Who decides that? I'm not a kid! Gracie: We're supposed to be the GOOD guys! Judith: Millions of people will be in grave danger if we keep sitting on the wayside. Kenji: Cam does NOT know what he's doing as a leader! B-Bot: It's YOU who's the original anomaly. RecD BF: How is this meant to be fair on us when our motive's meant to be doing the right thing?! BluBuni: You're a murderer, and you know it.
Finally, he rested his hand by the control panel, remembering that one self-destruct command he had installed just in case the silly and quippy natures of his peers annoyed him so much that he'd blow up the entire building with them and himself inside. He also saw his watch very close to running out of power, a look of determination and the urge to actually do the right thing washing over him.
Derpina: So... what's YOUR plan on stopping The X?
Cam (hovering his hand over the switch): <What I should've done before Salty got here to begin with.> I'm going to help the others out and right my own wrongs!
He pressed the button before using his watch to warp to Earth-405 (Derpina in tow), the building itself blowing up shortly after and leaving only debris and badly-damaged machinery at its former site.
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lovewriting-5 · 2 years
Tumblr media
4. Miracles
6. Brothers in Arms
5. Open Hearts:
Karen drives us back to her motel room. Sean and I walk in and not sure what to do. Karen tells us “You two can get cleaned up.” I tell Sean “You can go ahead and go first.” He says “Okay.” He heads into the bathroom and I hear the shower running. Not really sure what to do, I stand by one of the beds. She tells me “Make yourself at home.” I set my backpack down on the bed. She asks “How do you know Sean?” I tell her “I’m his (girlfriend/boyfriend), (Y/N).” Karen says “Nice to meet you, I’m Karen. So, you have been with him on this journey. Is that right?” I tell her “Yes.” Karen grabs a few things and tells me “I’m going to the store and pick up a few things. When Sean gets out of the shower, let him know I’ll be back in a little bit.” I say “Okay, will do.”
Karen leaves. Sean steps out of the bathroom in clothes that Karen gave him. He says “Man, didn’t clean the pain away, but that felt good.” He looks around the room, asks “Where’s Karen?” I tell him “She went to go get a few things. She said she’ll be back in a little bit.” He says “Yeah…like I haven’t heard that one before.” I say “She wants to help us.” He rolls his eyes.
I head to the bathroom and get in the shower. While the water is running over me, I ask myself “Wonder how long Karen has been here? Did she see one of Daniel’s…’miracles’?” When I was done, I put my jeans and t-shirt back on. When I walked out of the bathroom, I was dabbing my hair with the towel. I saw that Sean was reading a note. I ask him “What’s that?” He tells me “It’s letters between Karen and Jacob.”
I sit on the bed across from Sean. He picks up the phone and dials Jacob’s number. Sean says “Jacob? It’s me, Sean and (Y/N) is here too.” Jacob said something. Sean says “Yeah.” A few more conversations then Sean hangs up. He says “Damn…he couldn’t really talk…all this is so messed up.” I ask “What’s up?” He says “Something seems weird. Jacob wants us to meet him tomorrow at noon on Brandy Highway by a Wild Mice Ranch.” I say “Okay.”
I hang the towel in the bathroom. When I come back out, I say “Let’s just rest while we wait for her.” Sean adds “If she comes back.” I sigh and shake my head. Sean lays down on the bed. I lay on the opposite one. We fall asleep.
After some time, we are awaken to the sound of Karen re-entering the room with several shopping bags. She tells us “Hey, sorry it took so long. Fucking store was packed.” We sit up as she places the bags on the desk by the television. Karen asks “How you two feeling? Nothing broken? Altar boys don’t fight fair.” I tell her “Nothing broken.” Sean says “Yeah, I’m okay.”
She pulls out two fast food cartons. She says to Sean “Double cheese, no onions, right?” Sean stares at her for a few moments and then grabs the carton from her, says “That’ll do.” Karen then tells me as she holds the second carton out to me, “I also got you double cheese.” I take it, say “Thank you.” We open the cartons and begin eating.
Karen says “Got you some gauze and, uh…anti-bacteria stuff for your eye.” It looks like the two of us haven’t eaten in days because we are chowing down on the burgers. She tells us “Hey, don’t wolf that down…Or at least take a breath.” I pause, swallow what I just ate, set the burger back in the carton and wipe my mouth with a napkin. Sean says “Like you care.” She says “Sean…I do…”
“Come on, Karen. Don’t act all hurt. It’s too late.” Sean says. Karen looks down and I look at Sean. I see tears forming in his eyes. I place a hand around his right forearm. He continues “Where were you when I broke my leg when I was 13? Not with me…When Daniel got a bad flu a couple years ago, you didn’t sleep next to him every night…Where were you?! Where…were you?” Karen says “Fair enough. So let’s talk. Because we do have to get your brother out of a cult.” I say, calmly “We’re listening.”
She asks “How did you three survive alone on the road for that long?” Sean tells her “We just got lucky, and got some help along the way. Total strangers…We even had our own little family.” Karen asks “Good. How did you go to Beaver Creek?” He says, blatantly “You know I don’t have to answer your questions, right?” Karen looks at us then says “You’re right. So tell me what you want from me, Sean.” He says “Nothing, Karen. I mean, what do you want from me? A fucking hug?” She says “Hey, I just want you to know what I did and why. If you care. So, ask me anything.”
Sean pauses then asks “All right. Why did you bail on us?” Karen lets out a breath, tells us “I wasn’t meant to be a wife…or a mother. I thought I was supposed to…I tried to pretend for many years…but I was unhappy and the urge to leave became unbearable…I had no other choice.” He says “Are you serious? You chose this life! You fell in love, you made your own choices. Right?” Karen tells him “Making your own choices doesn’t mean you can never fool yourself, Sean…After I had Daniel, you were about eight and Esteban’s garage was getting busy. There was so much going on around me yet somehow I just…felt that my own life was just slipping away. Felt like an empty shell. Sean, it was the hardest decision I ever made. I knew I might never see you all again, but I took that responsibility.”
“Did Dad know about all this?” Sean asks. Karen explains “I was honest with your father. We did family therapy, but it wasn’t about him. It was me.” He says “He was heartbroken for months after you left. Years.” She says “I was too. I was in love with your father. He was the best person I ever met.” He tells her “But just not enough for you…” She tells him “Something was missing from the equation, yeah. I was.” This is all things Sean never wanted to talk about. I never pushed.
I ask “Karen, if you don’t mind me asking…So what exactly are you doing in Nevada? You live around here?” She tells us “No, I’m way out in Arizona. I told you. Your friend Jacob wrote my P.O. Box and said Daniel was in trouble. That’s it.” Sean says “Arizona? Holy shit, it’s just lizards and rocks.” She says “Guess I found something there. New York didn’t really do me good, so…” I move my hand to his right wrist and slide it slightly to on top of his hand.
Karen explains “I didn’t have a choice, Sean. We only have one life, and I didn’t want mine to be spent in regrets. For years I’ve fooled myself, thinking I’d find satisfaction into what society expected me to be, and that was my mistake. I hope someday you can understand that…but I never stopped caring about you…For what it’s worth, I am sorry for hurting you and Daniel…and Esteban.” Sean says a little understanding “I know you are, Karen. That still doesn’t change the way I feel…” She says “Of course not…I know I can’t change the past, Sean.” He says “I don’t think you would…I need some air.” Sean pulls away and heads for the motel door. Karen and I look at each other. She heads outside to join him. I say to myself “I’ll give them a few minutes.”
I walk to the door and join them outside. I sit on the sidewalk to Sean’s left and face them. Sean asks “I mean, I get you wanted to leave and stuff…Okay. But why ghost us like that? Not even a fucking birthday card.” Karen says “I just…I thought if I vanished, you would all move on. But I wanted to contact you guys so many times. I almost did.” He continues “But you wanted a clean break…” She continues “I didn’t want to be a part-time pissed off mother. Not fair to any of you. I left when Daniel was still very young so he wouldn’t remember me.” Sean explains to her “Yeah, I wasn’t so lucky.” She says “Oh, Sean, I know. Do you want to tell me how you felt, then? Or now?”
I sit cross legged and move some rocks around on the ground. Sean explains “I felt guilty that we weren’t enough for you.” She says “No, no. You guys were the reason to stay. I left because of me.” He says “Whatever…You sound so careless. It’s like you can’t even realize how much pain you’ve caused.” She says “I do care, that’s why I’m here…To help you, and your brother…If I didn’t step up to help him now, I couldn’t live with myself.”
She takes out a cigarette, lights it and takes a drag. Sean asks “Hey, um…mind if I bum a smoke?” Karen says “Sure. Still got a few left.” She holds the cigarette pack out to him. He takes one and then she offers me one. I say “I’m okay but thank you.” Sean puts the cigarette in his mouth and Karen offers him her lighter. He declines and pulls out his own. Karen says “Wow…” I look at Sean to see what she’s referring to. She continues “Haven’t seen that lighter in ages…you dad loved that thing.” He tells her “I know. Only thing I have left of his…” I give him a small smile.
Karen tells us “Oh, man, Esteban hated when I smoked…He didn’t want me to die an early death…Fuck…life can be so cynical, sometimes…” He tells her “I remember he would smoke sometimes…long ago…” She explains “We didn’t fight much, but when we did…I would go out on the porch and light up so I could calm down…Esteban would come over and ask for a drag. Then we’d just look up at the sky and watch the stars…or the planes…I do miss that.” Sean tells her “I used to do the same with (Y/N) and our best friend, Lyla…Sitting on the porch, just letting time go…”
A memory just popped in my head, The three of us sat on the porch, Sean and Lyla sat in the two chairs. I sat on Sean’s lap as the two of them smoked. We just shot the shit, as Brody would say. When Lyla would go in the house to do something or to see Daniel, Sean and I would make out. Karen says “That’s when you know they are good to you. When you can just sit together…shut up and let the universe do its own thing.” She gives me a reassuring and approved smile. I give her a smile back. We sit there for a little while longer as they finish their cigarettes. Sean says “We should go back inside. I gotta change this dressing.” I say “Okay. Let’s go.”
We go back inside. I close the door as Karen says “Sean, I know I can’t change the past…or what I did…but this is about helping your brother. You gotta trust me.” As he sits on the bed after grabbing the bag of supplies, he says “I know…it’s still hard…” I add “We have to be a team to rescue Daniel.” Karen sits down next to him. I lean against the motel desk. She says as she places a hand on his leg, “We can do it.” Sean lifts her hand away and asks “Okay…how?” She tells us “We need to get in touch with this Jacob. He obviously knows a lot more than us about the church.” I say “Well…Sean called him when you were out…we can meet him tomorrow.” Karen says “Okay, good. I also got these,” as she pulls out walkie-talkies and adds “Just in case.” Sean says “Okay…better take care of the eye.”
Karen asks “So do you…need any help with that?” He says “Yes…thanks.” She asks “So…you feel like telling me the story here?” Karen carefully removes the bandage from his eye. He tells her “When we have time.” She says “Gotcha.” Karen gets his eye clean and then pulls out an eyepatch from the bag. She tells him “Here. Try this on.” Sean puts it on, ask “How do I look?” Karen says “Great.” I say “Badass.” He says, sheepishly “Thanks…” Karen tells us “Big day tomorrow, so we should get some rest.” I say “Yeah.” Sean says “I’m ready to get Daniel.”
The rest of the evening, we go over the plan to get Daniel back. When the sun started going down more and was getting dark, we got ready for bed. It was a little awkward but Karen didn’t have a problem with Sean and I sharing a bed. The three of us go to sleep until the next day.
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stealing-the-smp · 8 days
Member 11
The Abandoned
Lives by the end: Revived 1
Alignment: Chaotic good
Sides: Lmanburg, Pogtopia, Exile, Greater Smp
Age: 16 at the beginning 21 by the end
Species: Avian / Trait Demon
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Bi
Morals: at this point morals have failed him but he’s usually a follower more then a leader so relies on others morals usually
Goals: Take down Asphodel
Likes: Spiders, Moths, Bugs, His bunker, Being safe
Dislikes: Asphodel, Being abandoned,
Allies: he’s got trust issues at this point but trusts Astin, Vian, Dixie, and slightly Bee then others less like Franklin and Sam Nook
Enemies: Asphodel, Shep
Family: Castiel(dad), Foxglove(mom), Vian(big brother), Cas(nephew), Saylor(adopted son)
Appearance: Chord has longish blonde hair with a white streak that’s sometimes it’s braided by Bee and blue eyes and he has small wings that can’t fly and he eventually grows red horns for some reason and a demon tail despite how he’s not a demon the world just changed him to reflect how he sees himself and he also usually wears a red shirt with grey sleeves
“Viannnnnn where are we goinggggggg?”
“Oh hi person in a box what’s your name?”
“Oh then you’re interests?”
“You’re name is Bee then!”
“Come on!”
“Viannnnnnn we’re hungryyyyy”
“YIPPEEEEEE trail mix!”
“Want the pretzels Bee? I like the marshmallows and Vian will eat the nuts”
“Oh a town!”
“Bee pssst the Asphodel person is uglyyyyy”
“Hey!” after getting elbowed by Vian about the previous comment
“It needs to sound more British! Lmanburg! The L helps!”
“Look what I found! Discs!!!”
“Vian you sure fighting with help?”
“Bee there’s a bakery In Lmanburg now! We should go get cakepops!”
“Hydrangeaaaaaa do we have to payyyyy?”
“Bee grab cakepops and RUN” *runs while giggling*
“Yum! We split our spoils in half!”
“Vian can you get me unbanned from the bakery?”
“Asphodel just like leave us the fuck alone!!”
“That’s gonna scar….”
“Vian when will this war be over?”
“Oh! That’s great! Vian Mahogany has a idea!”
“That went welllllll” /sarcasm
“We can definitely win this Vian!”
“but this is our home….”
“Vian I’m hungry…..and cold and tired….”
“Vian where are we even going…”
“Oh! Yeah this’ll work! We’ll totally not freeze or starve in a underground city” /sarc
“I’m calling our future grave Pogtopia at least….”
“Oh! Fuck! Bee are you ok? I’ll grab you some bandages!”
“And here we go into the shopping cart then I’ll sit here and we can chat for a while”
“I’m glad we can stay friends on opposite sides”
“Vian what are these droppers for?”
“VIAN, MAHOGANY GET A ROOM….I know you’re in Vian’s room but you’re arguing is too loud I can’t sleep….”
“Bee I’m getting tired….you look tired too….”
“Heyyyyy Aloe can I borrow some bandages? Thank you!”
“Vian I’m starting to wonder what you’re planning….”
“Don’t tell me then…..”
“I guess I’ll just manage this alone….”
“Manburg festival huh? I guess I’ll go…”
“BEE shit shit man your face….what do I do….”
“OW fine fine fine I’m going….”
“I’m hungry myself……”
“Exiled alone…..”
“Maybe if I talk to myself I can keep sane…actually I think that makes me less sane……”
“Huh what was that?”
“Vian? Oh hey! You look different more blue….”
“you are different but uh sit beside me I’ll protect you like you use to protect me”
“Is it just my paranoia or are we being watched Ghostan?”
“Nope it’s not paranoia!”
“Uhhhhh I’m Chord”
“Oh if I could have anything I’d have my freedom….or just some bedrock in all honesty that would be pog to own imagine if I just put it in the middle of someone’s build to annoy them!”
“Why are you here Asphodel?”
“fine you can come by occasionally….”
“do i have to get rid of my belongings?”
“Thank you Dixie….you’re the closest thing to a person I got….”
“Bee why have you still not searched for me? I saw Shep died in chat weeks ago!”
“Oh don’t worry Dixie I was just talking to myself…..”
“Dixie do you know why Ghostan is different?…..that makes zero sense but ok….”
“I’ll just ignore whatever you said Dixie don’t worry don’t worry!”
“Asphodel please I need more rest”
“It’s my 18th birthday and I’m all alone….”
“ow sorry shouldn’t have yelled sorry sorry”
“thanks for my only present Ghostan blue dye is good…”
“how long will I be here?”
“where’s Dixie gone? I’m lonely without her….”
“I’m just lonely…..”
“I’m so hungry……”
“I’m tired…”
“what if I left?”
“Home is this way I’m pretty sure…..”
“I think I’m lost……”
“Dad!!! I need help….”
“Thanks for letting me stay dad….I’m going to my room…”
“this house feels so empty…..”
“I feel so empty……”
“I’ll head back to the main area in around two weeks maybe I’ll be less alone there?”
“I really need to stop talking to myself…..”
“I’m taking dinner to my room”
“Oh hey Hydrangea”
“A meeting? Am I allowed?…..fine I’ll just sit here…”
“Dad why did you stab Vian?”
“Ughhhhhh I’m alone and talking to myself again”
“It’s cold out here…..”
“I need somewhere to stay…..”
“oh god I’m growing horns….uhhhh what did Bee use to do? Fluff up hair? ok that didn’t work I’m just gonna ignore it…”
“Oh hey Astin”
“how have you been?”
“ok weird question can I stay at your house for the night? I’m tired….”
“Thank you man!”
“Tell me when I can pet Champ I wanna give scratchies but I know he’s working currently”
“I can finally lay down relax a bit”
“Okay! Champ come here you’re getting scritchies!”
“Astin I adore your dog seriously man he’s so sweet”
“I should go fix up my old house tomorrow”
“Oh thanks for the blocks Astin”
“you’ve actually helped so uh thank you genuinely”
“Yeah I’ll keep you updated on my situation keep me updated too man and you’re always welcome at my house”
“I should make most of this underground it’ll be safer”
“I could add a braille greeting at the beginning of the the stairs to the bunker so I can have a greeting for Astin….I’ll just learn braille it’ll be helpful anyways!”
“Bee you’re really showing up now?”
“Just leave I don’t want to talk currently”
“I don’t care that Manburg is gone go find somewhere else to stay I only have one cot”
“oh god my horns are bigger….and I have a fucking tail…”
“Astin Bee showed up today I feel bad but he left me out there!”
“why do you have the best advice Astin?”
“Bee I’m sorry I acted out of line just because you left me I shouldn’t leave you man”
“Oh! Wow you did well really quickly….a mansion wow…”
“I’m so unlucky compared to everyone ughhhh”
“Hey little spider uhhhh you’re alone uh I shouldn’t leave you here”
“Up we go!”
“Now to my house uhhhhh Saylor fits you lil guy”
“Ow Saylor don’t spike me with your hairs”
“Oh! Hey Astin! I picked up a kid be wary his hairs can injure you he’s a smart little guy”
“He’s a spider Astin”
“I’m glad you’re just accepting this now I want cuddles come on to my cot!”
“Yeah I’ve been a little better Saylor being around really helps gives me a purpose….”
“It’s been awfully calm currently…..it’s kind of nice”
“Bee how are you married with a son? Man what? Also let me meet your son!”
“Astin I need to marry you so Bee doesn’t leave me behind with what place he’s at in life don’t worry I’ll tell no one who you are”
“that worked surprisingly well…Astin why did you have rings on yourself? Eh I guess we were just lucky for your pocket junk”
“Bee I’m calling your husband Enderboob!”
“He didn’t argue so hey Enderboob!”
“Don’t worry I won’t call you it around your kid”
“Heyyyyy Mac awwww you’re adorable! Like Saylor”
“yeah I have a kid as well…did no one know that?”
“I have a husband too but you’ll never know who Bee”
“Hehehe you’ll never knowwwww”
“That went well”
“Astin you’re joining a county made by Franklin? actually you’ll probably only understand once you experience it he’s nice just might make dumb decisions”
“Oh hi Raccoon Robot guy! Do you got a name?”
“Oh well You’re like Tom Nook from animal crossing but you’re also like Sam hmmmm can I call you Sam Nook?”
“Ok Sam Nook uh could you help me build this?”
“Thank you!”
“Astin I think I made friends with a robot”
“What are these red things?”
“Astin do you want to stay with me for the night? with Whiterose acting weird and stuff?”
“At least we can cuddle!”
“I’ll investigate it for you ok Astin?”
“Oh shit shit shit Bee why are we both investigating this? We’re both gonna die!!!”
“Sam Nook? Uh thanks bud”
“Oh shit he’s broken!”
“Nook stay with us….please Bee fix him or something!”
“Sam? Why are you here? Please don’t take him”
“if you’re sure you know how to get him fixed”
“Astin your coworker at Las Nevadas took my robot”
“Also I hate to tell you but Whiterose might be being mind controlled….he also didn’t look right….”
“Astin do you mind if I don’t get involved in the cult situation anymore? I just can’t I’m too afraid….thank you if you do need something tell me though”
“Saylor we get some papa son bonding time okay?”
“Astin you ok? Heard the red banquet was shit”
“That’s a interesting death message Slime?….I’m going to not ask Astin about it in all honesty”
“Asphodel wants me to visit him in prison? I don’t trust this but why the fuck not”
“Hey Asphodel I was allowed to-ow fuck man-potatoes hur-SS-"
“Vian? You’re back!!!!”
“Fuck yeah Vian!”
“Vian can we leave?….thank you”
“Vian you’re acting weird?….”
“why do you always push down my concern?”
“I’ll see you later….hopefully….”
“I guess i now have a white steak of hair ugh I thought my greys were my only issue”
“wait what? Those alarms oh no no not that”
“Saylor we’re no longer leaving the house for now and I’m putting up walls”
“I’m so tired”
“Wait Astin lost a life? I’m texting him”
“Astin come over please”
“Astin! Here let me lead you my bunker is a mess you might trip”
“So Astin I need to know how you died im worried and I-I l-love you so I wanna know”
“Next time just rant to me before doing anything drastic….or living in a cave….and I’ll do the same okay?”
“I love you Astin uhhh mwah…..I can’t believe how long we’ve been married without kissing”
“Now to solve the Asphodel situation….Bee do you still have the nukes?”
“I’m going to text Astin about if this is a good idea or not”
“Astin is this a good idea?”
“oh the idea is nuking Asphodel”
That’s where I’m cutting us off for now :3 because I’ve over done it tbh
This character is replacing
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Porrim Maryam, Kankri Vantas, Karkat Vantas
Act 6, page 5263
PORRIM: Kanny, leave this po+o+r kid alo+ne.
KANKRI: I'd appreciate it if y9u w9uldn't call me that. We've talked a69ut this. That's what y9u call a wiggler. D9 I l99k like a wiggler t9 y9u, P9rrim? N9, I d9n't. It's 6een three sweeps, plus eternity, f9r, excuse me, "fuck's" sake. I think we can safely retire that particular term 9f "endearment". Call me anything 6ut that, even my 9ther nickname. I'm actually 9k with that 9ne.
#micr9aggressi9ns #n9 wait #MACR9agressi9ns m9re like
PORRIM: I'm no+t calling yo+u Insufferable, Kanny. Well, no+t unless I'm using it as an actual adjective.
#And even then, pro+bably no+t to+ yo+ur face.
PORRIM: Well...
#No+t o+ften I mean.
KANKRI: It w9uld 6e nice if y9u'd at least use my pr9per name in fr9nt 9f my studi9us y9ung Alternian descendant. It really kind 9f er9des my credi6ility, and I d9n't need that in the pr9ximity 9f a fresh faced y9ungster wh9 clearly thirsts f9r kn9wledge. Why w9uld y9u want t9 sa69tage a fine y9ung man's educati9n like that?
#Fresh #Faced #Y9ungster #Kn9wledge thirst
PORRIM: Ro+lling my eyes here.
PORRIM: Can yo+u see? Do+ yo+u want me to+ light them up fo+r yo+u?
KANKRI: N9, 6ut thanks f9r 9ffering. C9uld y9u g9 r9ll them 9ver there? Thank y9u. N9w where was I.
#H9w d9 y9u even r9ll eyes with9ut pupils?
PORRIM: I do+n't think he cares.
PORRIM: Hey, there. Karkat? If yo+u do+n't mind my asking... are yo+u even remo+tely interested in the lo+af supplement this guy's serving?
PORRIM: Go+tcha. Yo+u just said all yo+u needed to+ say.
PORRIM: Yo+u kno+w, yo+u are actually very cute.
PORRIM: That girl who+'s been wandering aro+und in the drago+n suit is a very lucky lady.
KANKRI: 9k, w9nderful. That c9nversati9n just came t9 an end.
KANKRI: P9rrim, please d9n't hit 9n my re699ted kid ancest9r-descendant. It's really weird. N9t t9 menti9n, he l99ks exactly like me? I mean, kind 9f 96vi9usly? S9 when y9u're hitting 9n him, it's like y9u're hitting 9n me at the exact same time, which like I said. It's weird.
#It's weird
KANKRI: N9t t9 get int9 all this again, 6ut the th9ught 9f dating y9u... it's just a strange and vaguely 9ffputting idea. N9 9ffense. It alm9st makes me understand at a visceral level the 6izarre human anathema 9f incest, which is s9mething I can't really explain. I'm just saying.
#Trigger warning #Incest #Anathemas #Viscerality #Vaguely #9ffputting
PORRIM: (Very deep sigh.)
#Oh my Go+d.
KANKRI: I'm S9RRY, 9k? I'm s9rry that I am, perhaps literally, the 9nly 9ne n9t t9 ever fall prey t9 y9ur tireless 9mnidirecti9nal s9licitati9ns, 9r t9 get swept up in 9ne 9f y9ur innumera6le flushed 9r caligin9us flings. I happened t9 always prefer y9u as a friend, and in any case, I always preferred t9 lead a relatively chaste existence, as it keeps me f9cused 9n fighting 9n 6ehalf 9f truly imp9rtant pr96lems. Alth9ugh staying "relatively" chaste t9 y9u I supp9se is n9t saying much.
KANKRI: 9nce again, I ap9l9gize. I've 6lundered int9 the pr96lematic territ9ry 9f vacillati9n shaming, thus 9pening the fl99dgates t9 the myriad ways 9ne may 6e disadvantaged up9n 6y its staggering shame radius. I f9rg9t t9 check my piety privilege, and here we are. I was g9ing t9 c9ver this t9pic in a much later chapter 9f my lecture, 6ut we've g9tten 6adly derailed here.
#TW #Derailment #Train wrecks #Ch99 ch99 catastr9phes
KANKRI: Karkat, I'm s9rry f9r this interrupti9n. I pr9mise I'll get 6ack t9 my critical lecture as s99n as this pr9miscu9us 6usy69dy leaves us in peace.
#Village tw9 wheel device
PORRIM: Yes, critical lecture. I'm sure.
PORRIM: And am I right in being just as sure yo+u are assiduo+usly deco+nstructing every co+nceivable, hypo+thetical fo+rm o+f injustice no+ matter ho+w o+bscure, except tho+se that I happen to+ think are kind o+f impo+rtant?
KANKRI: N9. Just, n9, P9rrim. We're n9t d9ing this.
KANKRI: I am n9t g9ing t9 p9llute Karkat's utterly imperative crash c9urse, in which he is intr9duced t9 the A6S9LUTE 6ASICS, 6y indulging in y9ur pet issues.
PORRIM: Yes, ho+w dreadful it wo+uld be fo+r yo+ur sixty nine millio+n wo+rd essay to+ get bo+gged do+wn by even the faintest reference to+ the ro+les o+f gender in Befo+ran and Alternian civilizatio+n.
KANKRI: L99k, it's n9t that I'm insensitive t9 y9ur c9ncerns 9n that t9pic. I'm interested t9 discuss them with y9u 9n an academic, primarily the9retical level.
PORRIM: Theo+retical?
KANKRI: I just think there is inherent danger in muddying the waters 9f disc9urse 6y intr9ducing s9cial issues which are suspect at 6est, thus c9nsuming crucial res9urces fr9m the limited cache 9f rhet9ric which pr9pels these narratives. And furtherm9re, 9ne c9uld argue it's m9re than a little pr96lematic, 9ffensive even, f9r y9u t9 6e appr9priating the lexic9n 9f sensitivity used t9 advance awareness 9f maj9r issues, thus reducing it t9 the level 6uzzspeak and pseud9science. It makes it m9re difficult f9r th9se 9f us wh9 are genuinely f9cused 9n p9sitive change t9 6e taken seri9usly, that's all.
PORRIM: Appro+priating??
#That's no+t #what that even #means?
#Yo+u did no+t just...
KANKRI: I'm s9rry, I just d9n't think there's much there. We aren't like humans, wh9se species 6izarrely en9ugh includes highly specialized r9les f9r 69th sexes in the pr9cess 9f repr9ducti9n, and s9 this naturally had s9cial ramificati9ns f9r the way their civilizati9n ev9lved. 6ut that's n9t h9w it w9rks f9r us, s9 I fail t9 see h9w gender fact9rs int9 the discussi9n in a way that can 6e effectively and rati9nally pr96lematized. Where is the r99m f9r unexamined privilege in the dich9t9my? I d9n't see it. And appr9priating the talking p9ints and awareness-raising tactics f9r du6i9us issues like this is, frankly, fr9wned up9n, t9 put it p9litely. Such appr9priative gestures 9nly serve t9 marginalize and invalidate th9se su6ject t9 seri9us, real life struggles and 9ppressi9n, and I guess I'm a little disapp9inted t9 see y9u 6eing s9 6lithely and inappr9priately appr9priat9ry.
#Fr9wned up9n #Fr9wns all ar9und #Welc9me t9 fr9wn t9wn
PORRIM: Kanny, I'm starting to+ feel just a little bit triggered by all this "appro+priatio+n" bullshit.
#Trigger warning: #Abo+ut to+ kick yo+ur tall pantsed ass
KANKRI: 9h! My sincere ap9l9gies. I sh9uld have d9ne a 6etter j96 tagging my statements, 6ut f9r future reference, it's helpful t9 alert y9ur c9nversati9nal partners t9 y9ur triggers well in advance. Sh9uld I g9 fetch y9ur m9irail t9 help settle y9u d9wn? And if s9, wh9 exactly w9uld 6e filling that quadrant t9day?
#It's the may9r, right? #G9tta 6e the may9r
PORRIM: Alright. Obvio+usly yo+u're in o+ne o+f yo+ur bratty mo+o+ds. I'm go+ne.
KANKRI: D9n't 6e like that. Really, we can talk a69ut whatever y9u like later, and I'll 6e really sympathetic, I pr9mise. Just n9t ar9und my pupil while he is still learning.
KANKRI: 9r... my descendant. What did I say? Haha. Karkat, I mean. Anyway, Karkat, again I ap9l9gize f9r that.
#N9w where was I?
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cwritesforfun · 2 years
Rooster x Fem!Reader: Farm (Request)
Rooster ejects and falls to a forest. Y/N is a farmer and lives alone with her two dogs. Your dog’s names are Coco (border collie female) and Max (border collie male).
Y/N - Your Name & L/N = Last Name
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Rooster’s POV
I need to make an emergency landing. This plane is not going to make it back to base. It’s too old. I don’t even know if it’ll make it to land.
I yell “Come Max and Coco! Let’s go!”
I turn and see them sprinting off past me.
((Like the border collie in the gif below))
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I chase after them into a clearing where there is a plane that crashed and a man who is struggling to get out. I rush over and help the man hold open the opening, so he can squeeze out of the plane. He falls out of it onto the ground and I help him walk away from the plane.
The man pushes away from me and starts to walk on his own. He makes it two steps before he falls to the ground. I rush over to help him stand up and he says “I’m fine. I’m fine. I don’t need help.” I reply “Don’t tell me you’re fine. You’re bleeding! You need medical attention. Look, I have a cabin about 1 mile from here and I can stabilize the bleeding. You can also call your friends or whoever you’re with to let them know you’re okay.” He asks “What’s your name?” I answer “Y/N L/N. What is your name?” He answers “Bradley Bradshaw, but my friends call me Rooster. I feel better knowing your name. That makes me feel like you won’t kill me.” I laugh and reply “I will not kill you, Bradley Bradshaw. I swear on my dog’s life.” He replies “Then it’s been sworn to the truth. I believe you.” I laugh and he leans on me then we walk to my place.
Bradley/Rooster’s POV
I think I am slightly crazy. I took a plane that clearly was not meant to fly then I went with this random girl to her place, so she can fix me up. I better not regret this. She does smell good at least.
We make it to a cabin and I see rows of plants all neatly organized by rows. There are vegetables, fruit trees, and gigantic flowers. 
Y/N exclaims “So this is home. The bathroom is inside and so is the phone.” I reply “The place is beautiful. I truly cannot believe how great your plants are. I kill plants so fast.” She laughs and replies “Get an aloe plant. They do need a little care, but they are great for cuts.” I thank her.
We go into her place and I wash myself off. She then helps stabilize the bleeding from my arm. I then use her phone and call Maverick.
R = Rooster M = Maverick
M - Hello? R - Hey Mav. It’s Rooster. M - Where are you? We lost your signal over a forest. R - About that, I am in the forest. This nice woman helped get me out of my plane that I crash-landed. She let me clean up here and use my phone to get a ride back.” M - Ok. Just let me know how to get to you. I’ll send a plane. R - Yeah let me ask Y/N... Hey Y/N... Could you help for a sec?
I let Y/N tell him directions and then she hands the phone back to me.
M - Rooster, are you back on? R - Yes I am. Did she give you good directions? M - Yes. She sounds kind. Be safe and we’ll be there in an hour. R - Ok. See you then. M - I’m glad you’re okay, kid.
I talk with Y/N until Maverick shows up.  I then leave.
3 days later... Y/N’s POV
I found some great-looking apples and I’m using them for a salad. This is going to be great.
I hear noises outside and I slowly walk to my front door. I look through the peephole and see a plane. 
I open the door and wait. Who could it be?
Bradley gets out holding a bag and walks towards me. I notice his arm is now in a sling and not just gauze I had. I’m glad he got help.
I exclaim “I’m so glad you to see your arm in a sling and not still in the gauze. I take it you are feeling better today..”
He exclaims “Yes, I did get the help for my arm and I do feel better. The other day … I couldn’t just leave the other day and not get you anything. You saved my life and you took me in when you didn’t even have to. I brought you a small bag of gifts as a small thank you.” I take the bag and say “Thank you ... hey if you’re free, would you like to join me for lunch?” He answers “Uh sure. In that case, good thing I brought a present. One or two things can be contributions for lunch.” I laugh and he walks in. 
Max and Coco run up to him. 
I walk to the kitchen and open my bag. It’s a blanket, wine, and chocolates. He sure knows the way to a woman’s heart. 
I finish cooking lunch and I serve us two plates. 
We eat on the porch overlooking my garden. We spend the next few hours just talking about our lives.
Bradley exclaims “I hate to leave. I’ve had such a great time. I would love to see you again. Would you like to go on a date with me?” I answer “I would like that very much.”
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viewer-of-many · 1 year
Queen of the night flower. Perfectly feminine and refined, but also athletic and a great swordswoman . She also looks down upon Bonz-eye every chance she gets.
"please. Anything you can do, I can do better"
Purple ghost bonsai and sugar maple bonsai. They really love dancing, they're really shy and timid to everyone. Purple ghost bonsai, he's mostly the one to do the talking.
"apologies, my sister and I.... Are not used to talking to anybody..."
Valerian, Ashuaganda and Chamomile plants. They love tea and gossip. These ladies are always found at small tea parties.
"oh sisters! Look! They're having some fun! We should go there!"
American Persimmon bonsai. An absolute Florida man. No matter what kind of chaos, it always leads to him.
"I set the water on fire, because they don't want to give me a bagel"
Jade bonsai, she always feels lucky.
"I'm so lucky, lucky!"
Blueberry bonsai, always keeping everyone in check! Nothing is going out of the line.
"alright, the banner goes there. The fruit punch over there and the speakers should be placed here!"
Artificial holographic bonsai, from the future! Similar like Shockwave, but not as an evil scientist way
"my calculations are... Off... Are you sure about this party? It's not safe."
Birch bonsai, he's a tall boi!
"hey! How's it going down there?"
Baobab bonsai, super chill and sweet. Always worries for the Lost Bots wellbeing.
"you shouldn't go there, it's dark and scary... You should stay here... It's definitely safer"
Acacia bonsai. An absolute daredevil and action hero!
"hey everyone! Watch this! I'm going to do a dangerous trick!"
Jacaranda bonsai. Always leaves a trail of weeds everywhere she goes. Like a goddess of spring. She has no idea how to get rid of them.
"oh, I'm sorry, does my weeds bother you? I think I can remove them... I think..."
Willow bonsai. They're always paranoid and skeptical over everything.
"you. You! You must be working with them aren't you?! *Screams*"
Ginkgo bonsai. A scientist. Always prioritizing logic and science.
"Illogical. You're wasting time and knowledge for this... Pathetic..."
Japanese Camellia, a little clumsy witch in training.
"oops! Ah! It's okay! I think I have a spell for that! Oops!"
Tiger tooth aloe. Always tries so hard to be scary... He tried.
"come on! You're not scared a little bit?"
Burro's-Tail. He's like Ulf the orange.
"but the sacred rules says..."
Peyote, similar to Sprinkleberry Duh'nut.
Lotus in a pot. He/ she (the reason why I use these pronouns instead of they/ them, it's because it's a reference to BMO from adventure time) is selfless and caring. The youngest in the squad. A pacifist. Prays a lot. Always puts everyone's feelings first, prioritizing them more. Also found in bodies of water.
"this is unfamiliar... Like you all really party? That's it? Are you sure it's all you're going to do for the rest of your life?!"
The Regal Duskblossom
Vio Acer(like violet) and Syra Acer(like syrup)
Eristalure(the flowers of valerian plants attract those in the genus eristalis), Cherri Chiller(ashwagandhas are also called winter cherries) and Matrica Blau(German chamomile, matricaria chamomilla, also called blue chamomile because of the essential oil it contains)
Simmon DeLand(the town of DeLand is in an area once known as Persimmon Hollow)
Crastella(Crassula ovata, has star shaped flowers)
Cori Bossum(northern highbush blueberry, vaccinium corybosum)
Lentower(betula lenta)
Malgacare(Adansonia Grandidieri, also called baobab malgache)
Tremendous Tortil(vachellia tortilis, was considered an acacia at one point, and is still sometimes referred to as such)
Cauceres(jacaranda caucana, and Ceres, a Roman nature goddess)
Manic Matsu(salix matsudana, and mania, which has connections to paranoia)
Bilobot(ginkgo biloba)
Jinxonica(camellia japonica, and jinx)
Juverror(aloe juvenna, and terror)
Asni the Strict(asni is a Norse word meaning donkey)
Pinkbloomer Cac'us
Heartaceus(Lotus herbaceus[I know it's not a traditional lotus, but I needed to use a terrestrial variety to justify it being in a pot])
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
Nathan and the Decayed
A mages and familiars (WT) one shot
WC: 3147
Content Warnings: Creepy monster covered in slime piloting a corpse. Main character almost throws up at a very bad time. I think those are about it. If you see more things that could use a warning, let me know!
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“Come on, Nathan!” Josh said, slapping his brother on the shoulder. “Join us at the bar!”
Nathan looked up from the huge book he had in front of him, his chicken scratch handwriting sprawled across the pages and his finger pointing to a specific line.
“You do know we were supposed to leave an hour ago, don’t you?” Nathan said dryly, raising an eyebrow. “Suns up and everything. I thought we were going to get the hunt over with in time to get home for mum’s birthday.”
Josh pouted. “Come on, Nathan. Just have one drink?”
“No,” Nathan said, glancing up at Aaron and Faun at the bar who were already three pints in. “I would like to be sober when we go out to fight the Decayed.”
Josh groaned and rolled his eyes. “You’re no fun at all, you know that?”
Nathan shrugged. “I’m practical. Do you three have no concept of the ‘too early to be drinking’ idea?”
Aaron scoffed from the bar. “Isssfine, Natan,” he slurred with a grin. He’d always been a bit of a lightweight. “We're good ‘t fightin’ drunk.”
“Only by necessity.” Nathan rolled his eyes, darting his fingers up to brush over his shaggy hair to make sure his moth familiar, Lyra, was still clinging tight to the strands as she slept. “I’m leaving in 10 minutes, with or without you,” he warned. “I’ll scout out the Decayed and shoot you a message and then I’m going home if you guys are going to be such slow pokes. I am not missing mum’s birthday.”
“Ha,” Aaron said, pointing at Nathan, or rather, just to Nathan’s left. “Mama’s boy.”
“Yes,” Nathan replied as his frog, Jasper, crawled out from a pouch on Nathan’s chest and up onto his shoulder. “I am. That’s why I’m the favorite.”
“We all know I’m the favorite,” Faun argued, picking up another pint to drink but still not showing any signs of even being buzzed. “That's why she trusts me to watch over you guys.”
Nathan hummed and looked back down at his spell book and notes, frowning as he read over the details of a hangnail curse he’d written down from a book he’d gotten off of a witch’s shelf in the mountains. The longer he looked, the more convinced he was that the spell had been misnamed, although none of the ingredients in the curse gave any real hints to what it could be if it wasn’t a bodily harm curse and if so-
A high pitched whirred met his ears, accompanied by a series of tiny chirps as Aloe came in through one of the high up windows. The dark colored hummingbird flitted down to hover by his shoulder. He smiled and closed his book, binding it with the leather straps attached to the cover and sliding it back onto his belt to hang from his side. 
He stood up, putting his pens back into his pouch and tucking the pouch into his satchel. He clipped his light cloak around his shoulders, careful not to sweep Aloe out of the air when he swung it around to do so. 
“I’m heading out!” Nathan called to siblings as he strode to the door. “See you at mum’s place.”
“Hey!” Faun barked, authoritative. “Get back here. You’re not going out looking for a Decayed on your own.”
Nathan simply gave a lazy wave without looking back and left out the front door. He heard his siblings debating who would go with him violently for a moment before Aaron slurred out, “He’s a big man. He’ll take care of hisself.”
And that seemed to settle it. 
Nathan walked past the bar’s stable and caught a glimpse of the bartender putting food out for Faun’s two antelope and Aaron’s deer. 
“Are you aware they’re drinking you out of house and home in there this early in the morning?” the wizard asked and the bartender looked up.
He laughed and said, “Don’t worry, Lad. Your sister paid quite a bit up front. I’m letting them have free reign.”
Nathan hummed. That explained why his siblings were so set on sticking around this long past sunrise. “Alright then. Thank you for the hospitality. I’m leaving a bit sooner than the others.”
“Safe travels, then, Magius Nathan.”
Nathan nodded to the bartender, snagged his walking stick from where he’d propped it against the stable the night before, and started off down the paths. Aloe flew ahead of him, her small body almost disappearing into the details of the landscape, though Nathan could feel where she was through their bond. 
He smiled as he walked, reaching up and shifting some of his hair over Lyra to protect her from the sun as it beat down on him from above. 
After walking about a mile, he had to pull his cloak off and tuck it into his bag. He continued on, Aloe scouting ahead, Jasper hiding in the shade of Nathan’s collar, and Lyra still peacefully sleeping in his hair. 
The sun shone on the landscape in intervals, cloud patches creating temporary shade comfortably often. Nathan kept his eyes open for the Decayed familiar. The reports said that it liked to stick around in this area and prey on passing mages traveling by themselves. Not that Nathan was concerned. He and his three familiars had spent plenty of time hunting Decayed. It wasn’t likely that they would even need Nathan’s siblings to come help him take the creature down, if it came to it. He was planning on leaving all the work to them, though, if he could manage it. He was not going to be late for his mother’s birthday. 
Just as he crested to the top of another hill, Aloe came flying back to him, with mocking titters following her as she went.
:There’s someone waiting just over the next rise,: she said cheerfully into his mind. :They know you’re coming and I think they may have seen me.:
“Thank you, Al,” Nathan said, offering the top of his staff as a place for her to stop and rest while he fished a tube of sugar water out of his pocket for her to drink from to regain the energy she burned off so quickly. “Anything I need to be worried about?”
:Not that I saw, really. He had a pretty big magic stick, but I didn’t get a good look at it before I had to come back.:
Nathan nodded and pulled out a small spell book from a pocket in his shirt. He thumbed through it, eyes flicking over the words on the pages as he prepared for what would likely be a fight. 
“What do you think?” he asked Jasper and Aloe. 
:I think we should use some of the newer curses,: Jasper said sleepily, wiping his webbed hand over his nose. :I’ve been wanting to see that bone breaker curse in use, and the other one that causes all the welts. And of course, fireball is a classic.:
:I think we should use the debraiding curse,: Aloe said, malice in her tone.
“You always suggest that one,” Nathan said, amused. 
:It’s good.:
“Messy, though.”
:And no one survives that one, Aloe. We can’t be so careless with our curses,: Jasper chided. 
:But it’s fuuuun!:
:What’s going on?: Lyra asked sleepily, wiggling around a little in a way that used to tickle Nathan’s scalp when she first started sleeping in his hair. 
“Nothing, Ly,” Nathan replied. “We might get into a fight up ahead. We’ll wake you up if we need you, okay?”
:Okay,: she replied sleepily before passing out again, snuggled deeper in the nest she made. 
Nathan continued down the hill, talking with his familiars to decide on spells and curses to use. He finally agreed that he would use the debraiding curse if all else failed to quiet Aloe down, just as he crested the hill. He could see where the man was hiding, the bushes moving ever so slightly where he sat breathing. 
“I know you’re there,” Nathan said, a bit of a wry grin on his face. “What do you want?”
There was a moment of silence before the man stood up slowly. Nathan narrowed his eyes at him, studying him. He was skinny to the point of frailty, and his slight frame betrayed him as a mage. The man smiled, shaking his blonde hair out from his eyes.
“Welcome, wizard,” he said, the smile on his face stretching even wider. “What we want is simple. We want you.”
The man dropped the black painted bamboo staff he was holding and the world suddenly snapped into focus. The blonde haired man had black bleeding out of his eyes, his arms wounded and the skin hanging off raggedly. Inside of his skull, Nathan could almost see the Decayed hiding in there, disguised by the magic of the staff creating an illusory effect stronger than anything Nathan had even heard of. 
The wizard, suddenly realizing he was in over his head, took a few steps back, ready to disengage and run, throwing up his hand and bringing a binding curse to mind, using Jasper to focus the energy into a perfect point, but before he could get any farther in the spell than that and was about to open his mouth to let the blacklight in his magic flash as he cast the curse, the creature wearing human skin jumped forward, black goop flying out of it’s hand and coating Nathan’s.
His magic sizzled and died in his palms and he tried to pull back, but the strands had dried in the air and had become tacky, causing them to stretch only a little as they solidified like rubber. 
“Aloe!” Nathan cried, trying to move his feet into a better stance and finding them stuck to the path below with the drippings from the stuff on his hands. “Go get the others!”
:No! You need me!: she declared, her strength flashing into his magic, which only sizzled and died in his hands under the noxious goop.
“I don’t need you for voice casting!” Nathan said, voice going higher as he began to panic. “GO!”
Aloe took one more look at the situation before dashing off, just barely missed by a flying string of goop sent in her direction. 
:What’s going on-:
“FLY!” Nathan said, struggling as the creature came closer and sprayed another round of goop on his clothes. 
Lyra took to the sky, her fluffy white wings delicate against the sky as Nathan turned his attention to the creature, Jasper now glued to his shoulder. That was fine. Jasper was the best to help him with voice casting anyways.
“Verte kaths mek altu-”
Before he could finish the spell, the creature sent more goop, getting into his mouth and sticking to his nose, dripping down to create a horrible seal. He gave a muffled yell and tried to squirm out of the bonds, Jasper croaking madly as the frog tried to finish the voice cast for his mage, but a familiar is reliant on their mage for excess magic and to smooth out the edges, so Nathan’s panicking was making it almost impossible for Jasper to pull it off. 
Nathan tried to suck in a breath, but the rubber goo had sealed across his face and was starting to harden, sticking to his teeth and trapping him. 
He heard the Decayed shriek with laughter as he tried to breath again, his chest burning, before he slumped in the rubber mess and the ringing and darkness took over his world. 
Faun laughed at Aaron, who was trying and failing to walk over to the other side of the tavern when a tiny bird fluttered in through the window. The high pitch chattering was familiar as Faun put down her drink and cast an animal speech spell on Aloe, who was zooming around the room. 
Faun was up in an instant, snapping her fingers to rush their things down the stairs from their rooms. She looked at Aaron, who was now laying on the ground in a drunken state. It had been hilarious seeing him get drunker and drunker earlier. It wasn’t funny anymore.
“Come on, Josh,” Faun said, buckling her belt and checking her weapons. “We have to hurry. Aloe, what did the Decayed look like?”
Aloe twittered anxiously before replying, :It was small! It was living in a man’s skull.:
Faun wrinkled her nose, “How did it get Nathan?”
She and Josh were already out the door. Josh mounted Faun’s antelope, Harry, while she got on Juliet. 
:It shot this black stuff at him and it hardened on his hands. He couldn’t cast magic, hurry!: Aloe chirped, flying ahead of them and down the road quickly. 
Harry and Juliet got started running, Josh checking that his mice were in his pouches and whistling for his falcon.
“Do you think he’s okay?” Josh asked as the shape of his falcon appeared in the sky above them.
“I hope so,” Faun said shortly as they carried on.
By the time they reached the spot in the road where Nathan had encountered the Decayed, the only sign left that they were here were black slashes of rotten magic. 
Nathan had a headache. It was a pounding thing, loud and ringing in his ears. He didn’t open his eyes for a few minutes, taking slow, steady breaths through the pain. After an exploratory wiggle or two, he found that he was laying on some sort of slanted surface, his arms caught up in something above him and his feet pinned together below. 
He finally opened his eyes to see the rough stone ceiling. Everything was coated in a layer of black rotten magic made physical and used as a weapon. He tried to tilt his head, but his hair pulled painfully, caught in whatever he was laying on. He groaned, the sound muffled and awkward through his nose as his mouth was almost completely full of the rubber substance. 
There was a rasping shuffle near him and he did his best to see what it was. He could sense the creature was puppeting the human corpse though small flashes of magic that engaged the muscle groups. It leaned forward over Nathan, the completely rotted creature pouring out of an eye socket slightly to get a better look at the wizard. 
Nathan squirmed, his stomach lurching at the sight. He tried his best to stay in control of his stomach. If he threw up now he was likely to asphyxiate. Maybe that was how this creature liked to kill its victims. 
Then, the Decayed spoke, grating and horrible. Nathan shuddered and closed his eyes as it said, :Welcome, little wizard…… Petra’s spawn, hmmmm?:
Nathan gave no reaction to the creature. It wasn’t like he could speak either and he stopped struggling as an emaciated hand gently curled around his throat. He cracked his eye open, but the creature was even closer now. Nathan whimpered despite himself as he realized he was alone with this creature. Jasper wasn’t even on his shoulder anymore. 
:There is power here,: the creature said, leaning and sliding more and more out of the eye socket in which it resided. Nathan’s breath hitched as the fingers tightened on his throat. :I wonder how much power I will swell with when I eat out your brain, too.:
Nathan stared at the creature, pressing himself into the webbing of rotten rubber magic as it laid the corpse's head on Nathan’s chest as the creature crawled the rest of the way out of the eye socket and up Nathan’s collar bones. 
Nathan painted through his nose, trying to shake off the mass of goop, feeling the prickle of small legs completely encased in the rot that the familiar fell to. He could feel the sparking of his magic against the creature’s, incompatible and numbing. 
Nathan closed his eyes, his stomach clenching as he felt the creature on his jaw. 
Then, he heard the whirring of familiar wings. There was a flash of light and angry tittering. He opened his eyes to see his sister smash through the tar barrier at the entrance of the cave, Aloe stabbing her beak into the mass of goop and driving the Decayed off of Nathan.
Faun’s eyes darkened with anger and she pointed her finger at the creature, sage green light flashing from her fingers as she spoke a few words in an archaic tongue. The Decayed screamed and then fell, twitching and thrashing on the floor as the goop boiled off of its body. 
Faun touched Nathan’s restraints, muttering to herself as she undid the bonds of the rotting magic, creating sparks in the process. She freed his mouth, looking pale as she pulled out the huge chunk of material that had been caught in his mouth.
Nathan took a deep breath, finding himself faced with a panic attack now that he could actually breath. Faun kept her hand on his chest after shoving the corpse to the floor while she freed his hands. She rubbed his chest when he started breathing too fast and said, “Stay calm, brother. You’ll be fine now. I found you.”
Nathan nodded a little, stretching his fingers when they were free. 
After a few more minutes of semi panic, Nathan allowed himself to know that he was safe and relaxed, kicking the shell of the Decayed on the way out. It seemed that the creature had once been a crab familiar. Not anymore. 
Faun was quick to pass Nathan into the arms of Josh, who pulled him tightly into a hug. Nathan made sure to mention the artifact to the other two, the one with the area illusion effect and they found it in a crevice with a completely trapped and distraught Jasper while Nathan stroked one of the antelope. They were soon on their way home.
“What happened to your hair?” Petra asked, grabbing her son’s head so she could tilt it back and forth to get a better look. 
Nathan grimace. The rotten magic had been stuck so badly that they decided to just shave it off. He was afraid he was going to get a buzz cut at Faun’s hands but she went with a moderate undercut instead, trimming up the bangs that had gunk in them and leaving him feeling awkward, though grateful that he still had some hair to hide in. Aaron had woken up from his hangover in time to judge it as ’’s pretty cool,’ before passing back out again. 
“I’m trying out something new?” he told her and Petra tilted his face up to look into it.
“It’s nice,” she said before pulling him into a hug. 
Nathan smiled as he hugged her back. 
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dadddybangtan · 2 months
Metanoia | ch. six
cw: bruises, guns, drvgs (don’t be surprised), s/a
word count: 1.6k
a.n. this one is angsty..
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Jin spends the following morning running over safety protocols while tending to my neck in his bathroom. Not once does he mention the events of last night. He's very focused on moving on. He only looks at my bruises, never my eyes that are staring directly at him.
He dabs a witch hazel soaked cotton ball on my neck. I hiss at the light sting.
"I'm supposed to be mad at you for what you said last night. JK's pissed," He warns, "I'm surprised he didn't kill you. Must like you enough to keep you alive."
"He's an arrogant asshole." I mumble.
"I know. We all know."
"Then why do you continue to work for him."
Jin squeezes some aloe vera on his forefinger and pats the gel on my neck.
"We'll die if we don't. And so will you."
I've really roped myself into some shit with agreeing to this. It's a suicide mission no matter what I do. But if I survive, my life could be everything I've dreamed of. I'm discovering that it's not worth the risk, but if I remember Tae, then I can persevere.
"That's the best I can get it for now. We have to heal it before we leave. So don't say anymore stupid shit," Jin says, "Today you're doing target practice with Lucas. It could take all day depending on how much you suck. You shouldn't run into JK today, there's a shipment coming in so he and Jennie will be busy with that."
"What about you?"
"Me? I gotta put your name on this guys guest list for the party he's hosting."
"Who is this man by the way? I'm being trained to kill him and I don't even know who he is."
Jin inhales a sharp breath and leans against the bathroom countertop.
"He goes by Agust D, nobody knows his real name. He comes from a long line of infamous druglords. He could quit right now and his great, great grandchildren can still be rich," Jin starts, "That's why JK wants his head. He started out as a dealer from age fifteen. Started killing his bosses, stealing their assets. Agust is just the next kill. The last one I assume."
"Is he scary?" I let a little bit of weakness show, I can't help it. If I were going to be vulnerable around anyone here it'd be Jin.
"Honestly, yeah. But his scary isn't as upfront as JK. JK will choke you half to death no hesitation. But Agust will entertain your views, play with you a bit before he snaps your neck. Kinda like you."
"Trust is your best weapon, right? You may notice your own game being played against you."
"That's terrifying." I admit.
"It doesn't have to be," He says as he leads me out of the bathroom and to the front door where Lucas is waiting, "It could be fun."
Lucas drives a low red sports car. I'm surprised his tall legs can fit since even I'm having trouble getting into the car. It races through the city until we get to this old, abandoned house. Only, when we get out and walk into the house, I discover that it's not abandoned.
It's dimly lit, but I can still make out that there are people counting money and packing all kinds of drugs. I recognize some, others I don't. I even spot Jennie, the pretty woman from last night, walking around the main floor and supervising.
"Hey, what're you doing here? You know JK's coming in today."
Fuck. Jin specifically told me that I wouldn't see him.
"We'll just be in the basement. Target practice." Lucas says.
"I'll try to keep him upstairs. But there's only so much I can do."
"Thanks, let's go, Jimin."
The basement is pretty dark too. I see two walls of countless guns and a table of knives. Lucas grabs two small hand guns and gives one to me.
"Have you ever shot a gun before?"
"Jesus... This'll take forever," He grimaces, "Okay, undo the top see if it's loaded."
I do as he says and it looks like all six bullets are in place.
"Now pop the safety latch," We both perform this, "Now you're ready."
He walks forward a bit more and clicks on another light that reveals human standees that already look mutilated beyond repair. Some with knives thrown at their legs others with holes directly through their skulls.
"Okay. Aim for the closest one. Aim anywhere on his body." Lucas instructs.
I point the gun at the standee and reposition a few times.
"Shoot." He shouts.
And I do, stepping back at the guns impact and watching the bullet graze the hand of the stand.
"Considering your target is the biggest druglord in Daegu, you need to be quick when you kill him," Lucas says, "So even if you don't know where you're shooting, you have to shoot or he'll shoot you first... Try again. This one."
I point the gun at the heart, align the target for a millisecond before shooting. It lands in the stomach.
"Better. Now try two shots in a row. One for the shock. One for the kill. That one in the second row."
I aim for the head and shoot. Then the throat. It's not perfectly centered but it's there.
"Plant your feet flat on the floor, shoulders width apart, like this," He shoots the same standee I shot, landing straight in the middle. "Try it."
And I do, taking a risk and going for the farthest one. One to the head, one to the throat. Right in the middle.
"Perfect," Lucas says, "Now let's do it a hundred more times."
We chuckle as he grabs more bullets to reload my gun. But we stop when we hear footsteps coming closer. I turn around to see JK and Jennie coming down the stairs. Jennie mouths the words "I'm sorry" then goes back upstairs.
"Ah, Lucas. Training the boy toy, I see." He says, hopping off the steps and walking towards us.
He looks different today than he did last night. Less animal print and notable textures, he wears solid cottons and loose pants. Something Taehyung might wear only more expensive.
"Yeah, he's gonna be a real threat by the end of this."
"Well I'd hope so," He sneers, "Leave us."
Lucas passes a glance at me and slips upstairs rather quickly, taking any oxygen that was left down here with him. I set the gun on the table before he has to ask me to.
"Man, I really hope I won't have to kill you."
"Why would you have to kill me?"
He chuckles in a hush tone that makes me shiver as he steps closer to me.
"There's a million reasons. Some as small as not liking your outfit. Or something as big as betraying my trust. Depends on the day."
I bite back a rude remark, saving my body the pain it may face from him.
"I wanted to kill you last night. But I figured hurting you would bring me more pleasure," He groaned, "Jimin, you were hot before, but with those bruises? Oh, you really turn me on."
He creeps closer and I shift backwards, keeping the space between us wide. I back into a wall and he meets me.
"I-I have a boyfriend." I stutter, making it sound like a white lie.
"I know. The sleepwalker? I bet he'll be dead before you make it back."
I want to strangle him. Just wrap my fingers around his throat and squeeze until he turns blue. Referring to my boyfriend as a sleepwalker?
"That's a low blow for a drug dealer, dontcha think?"
"I guess so. If he dies, I lose a customer." He smiles sickeningly, that fucking lip ring spinning in place.
"He is not your customer. He will never be."
"Oh yeah?" He asked rhetorically as he drew a small bag from his pocket. He held it in front of my face. Taehyung's name and our address was written on it. Only it's a bigger supply than we usually get. "You really don't know where it comes from?"
"He didn't order that much did he?" A panicked question comes out.
"Oh, of course not. He could never afford it. This is a little extra. A thank you, if you will, for letting his boy toy help me out."
I blink at the man. Taehyung shouldn't have that much without proper supervision, my supervision.
"Please don't. Send him money, food, even cigarettes. Just please, anything but heroin."
"I don't know, boy toy, he might need it after he finds out you cheated on him."
"But I didn't cheat on him."
JK snakes his hand around my neck again. This time his index finger and thumb work together to control my head. He doesn't choke me like last night, but rather holds me in place while his other hand traces my thigh. His hungry lips pounce on mine, hand tugging at my belt loops.
If I fight back I fear he'll hurt me even more. I remain unresponsive as he touches me. Maybe it'll stop sooner if I pretend it's not happening.
But when his hand curls around toward my back, I press up against the wall so he can't slip through. That's when he bites hard on my neck, causing me to buck up my hips toward him. He kisses deeper and I don't react. I hold my breath as he makes use of my lips.
"Yeah, you did." He smirks before letting go of me, letting me breathe again.
He walks away and up the stairs. Lucas comes down shortly after.
"Ready?" He asks, handing me my discarded hand gun from the table.
I nod quietly and aim for another far off standee. I shoot for the heart, pull the trigger six times until a hole is burned through.
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