#hey if you've got the reputation might as well take it and run with the inside joke
ostensiblyfunctional · 2 months
The unofficial slogan of Lamia Scale is "METAPHORICAL!" shouted at the top of your lungs, because when people give you the side-eye for your guild being named after child-eating snake monsters, you start having fun with your response instead of explaining, for the nth time, that this guild is full of serial adopters and no, children do not get eaten here, they form into roving brat packs and pick a guildmate to terrorize for the day like a murder of crows eyeing up the fries you have in your hand
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undreaming-fanfiction · 7 months
With This Ring (3)
(part two HERE, Ao3 link to the fic HERE)
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“Why Harrington…you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
Steve opened his mouth, then promptly closed it. There wasn't much to say that he could articulate and he didn't feel like screaming that fine evening, well, maybe a little, but Eddie could take offense at that. Don't offend the walking dead guy sounded like a reasonable precaution.
"I don't know, man," he croaked out, mustering a barely visible smile. "You seem too corporeal for a ghost."
Eddie snorted and for a second, Steve could forget what he was dealing with, because Eddie's smile was still mischievous and his laugh, while still a bit rough, sounded genuine. "Shit. True, let me fix that. You look like you've seen a zombie, Harrington."
Shaking his head, Steve attempted to properly sit up and cursed when he put pressure on his ankle. He'd forgotten about the stupid injury for a moment, more focused on the whole Eddie buried in the woods and suddenly walking around and conversing thing, but now the pain came back with vengeance. "That zombie's going to have a free dinner ticket here," he choked out as he inspected his foot. Didn't seem broken, but sprained...sure.
He wiggled around on the ground, trying to find a way to get back on his feet without feeling like something was breaking his foot in half, but failing miserably. And yeah, maybe he should have been a bit more concerned about the literal undead guy standing over him, but Steve was a practical man. Focus on what you can resolve and all that. 
Looking up at Eddie who was watching him with a slight amused smirk, he pointed at himself. “Well? Are you going to eat me or what?” 
Another snort. “Don’t flatter yourself, Harrington. No matter what my reputation is, I wouldn’t eat just anyone, even if they’re sprawled in front of me like the most pathetic stingray in existence.” 
“Stingray?!” Steve spat out. 
Eddie nodded and descended into a squat to look Steve in the eye, well, as much as they could see in the growing darkness and through Eddie’s messy mane. “Yup. Flat and flapping around. Very much a stingray. Now, Harrington…even with your limited belief in the supernatural, I assume you do know that raising the dead comes with a cost.” 
“I’m so sorry.” 
The dark eyes blinked in confusion. “Excuse me, what?” 
Steve shuffled closer to Eddie, which might not have been the greatest idea he’d ever had, but now that the adrenaline was slowly fading, the gravity of his situation felt like his stomach was full of cold lead. “I didn’t know,” he blurted out and it sounded more like a sob, something too painful to keep in. “I thought, I hoped that you’d be safe, that you finally got your wish and made it out of this shitty town. I imagined that…that one day I’d hear your music on the radio and I’d know for sure, but even until then, I just…I thought you were safe!” 
His breathing was coming out shorter and shorter and wasn’t that just hilarious, getting all choked up in front of a reanimated corpse of his former friend. But running wasn’t an option anyway, and Steve just found it so unfair because Eddie used to be so full of life and promise, so bright and now...
“Hey, Steve. It’s fine, really.” Eddie’s voice was gentler now, more familiar, and that made Steve’s breathing even more shaky. “Shit, you’re…look, you really need to breathe, like, now? Please?” 
Steve was inhaling the cool evening air as much as he could, but his lungs wouldn’t cooperate, as if they refused to take what they needed. “…am…trying!” he wheezed out, but his lips were heavy and getting more difficult to move each second. 
He had never fainted twice in the same day. So maybe he’d experience something new. Apart from meeting a living corpse, of course. 
The said corpse was panicking, it seemed. His cold, dirt-covered hands were shaking Steve’s shoulders now. “Shit, look, Steve, I swear it’s not that lonely, I don’t need the company so just…inhale, exhale, all that good stuff, yeah? Don’t…just don’t suffocate. This grave ain’t big enough for the two of us and…hey, Steve?! Steve!”   
But Steve didn’t hear him anymore. With a whooshing in his ears that sounded very much like a descending murder of crows, Steve’s world disappeared into darkness. 
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When he came to, he was sitting in an eerily lit bar, well, more like half-laying on the floor. Someone had been kind enough to stuff an old pillow – mostly eaten through, but still comfortable - under his head. What a fucked-up dream that was. Whatever it was that he’d drunk, it was way stronger than his usual choices. I’m never drinking again. 
And then he saw a familiar figure crouched on the ground, talking to…someone? He couldn’t really see, he was still dizzy, but he tried to clear his head and listen. 
“…a magnificent idea, Eddie. He gets all freaked out because you’re dead and what do you do to help him? You bring him here. To the land of the dead.” 
The voice was annoyed and something felt off about it, but he seemed reasonable enough. Whatever the invisible man was talking about, it sounded right. Except the whole land of the dead thing. And…
And Eddie being dead. 
Steve shot up from the ground and regretted it immediately. His ankle exploded with pain and he had to grasp the edges of the bar to keep himself upright. 
“Hey, young man, careful! That looks like a nasty sprain!” someone said. Steve was so relieved to hear another human being, he turned towards the voice and-
Bob Newby smiled at him, kind and lopsided as always. Except his t-shirt was black with crusted blood, and he was pale, almost blue. “Hi, Steve. Long time no see.” Snapping his fingers – oh god, his left hand was mostly bone, he reached for a bar stool. “Sit down. You can’t put any weight on that foot, at least not until I find a bandage and compress that. It would be better if you could lie down, but at least for now don’t move too much.” 
 Steve just stared at him, familiar and foreign at the same time. He´d known Bob Newby for ages, they weren’t close, but Bob would always recommend the best technology for when Steve had still been brave enough to record his music. “You’ll love this one, Steve, the sound is really much more vibrant,” he’d wink at younger Steve Harrington. “Oh, and I got you a shoe box. An empty one, to carry it home. I know it’s not exactly…well. We all have hobbies we don’t want to share with the world, right? Or at least with some people in it.”
Bob Newby had been dead for two years now. He was mauled by a huge feral dog that attacked young Will Byers and his friends near the junkyard. Bob died a hero – with strength no one knew he possessed, he fought off the aggressive animal long enough for the kids to escape and lock themselves inside an old bus. They saw things they never should have seen, but at least they were alive. 
Steve didn’t want to think about that day, about how he decided to go on a long walk to clear his head after the breakup with Nancy. About how he came across Bob’s body and six terrified voices screaming at him, muffled behind the glass window. About how he heard snarling, how he grabbed the closest thing next to him – a metal rod, rusted but still firm – and smashed the dog’s face in. 
He didn’t want to think about the look on Bob’s bloodied face, pained but also triumphant. 
Bob was unfazed by his silence. He had procured a bandage from somewhere and started wrapping Steve’s ankle with practiced ease. “I hear you avenged me and saved the kids,” he smiled. “I believe thanks are in order.” 
Steve huffed in bitter laughter. “I don’t know about that. If I hadn’t spent half an hour moping about my ex-girlfriend, things would have been different.” 
There it was, that kind smile again. “Sure would be. Maybe I’d still be alive. Or maybe it would have also got you. Then Will and the other children. Ifs don’t help anyone, Steve, so how about you accept the praise where it’s due? You can’t save everyone.” 
It should have been comforting, but the words felt like a punch in the gut. “It feels like I can’t save anyone,” he admitted, more to himself than to Bob. “You from that beast, Nancy from her own family and from myself, Eddie…”
Bob playfully slapped his calf when he twitched, attempting to stand up. “Patience, Steve. You don’t want to join us here yet, I hope? So let me finish treating your ankle, then you can hop off. But to calm you down...Eddie? Your breathing friend is up.” 
Steve didn’t dare to turn around, but the panicked shuffling and muffled “oh shit. Shitshitshit. Shit shit” gave him a good idea of Eddie’s mental state, and he had to admit, it felt good to be the calm one for once. 
He more felt than saw Eddie saunter towards the old bar, leaning against it behind Bob with a feigned nonchalance. Steve knew that posture all too well, from all the times Eddie was a bundle of nerves but putting on a brave front. “Howdy,” he saluted Steve. He’d tried to clean up a little – rubbing his eyes until he created muddy panda circles around them, removing some smaller roots from his hair and dusting off his vest. It was equally endearing and hilarious. 
Steve opened his mouth to speak, but someone else made it before him. 
The bored voice came from behind Steve. Or more precisely...from behind the bar? 
Eddie snorted and tapped the wooden surface. “If you want to talk, have some manners and get up here.” 
“Easy to say for you, these bones are old. Hey Benny, help me up?” 
Benny – god, another name that rang in Steve’s head with painful familiarity – turned around and shot an amused look towards the ground. “One day I’ll make you your own tiny staircase,” he grumbled and reached down, lifting up…
…a cat. 
No, not any cat. It was black, with greying fur around its muzzle, mostly black except for a greyish triangle near its tail. Steve knew this cat well – he scratched it, no, him, for hours when visiting Mrs. Henderson and her son, Dustin. 
Dart turned his head to the side and nodded. “Hi.” 
Steve raised his hand and slowly waved. “…hi.” He half-expected someone to say something because…the cat talked. He was pretty sure cats weren’t supposed to do that. “Uh…” 
The cat rolled his eyes, if that was even possible. “Yeah, cats talk and the dead have their own bar, keep up. You also fainted when Eddie performed that wonderfully dramatic number for you.” He shot a nasty look at the dead man. 
Eddie couldn’t blush, no blood and all, but he had the decency to look ashamed. “Sorry,” he whispered towards Steve’s injured ankle. 
“You should be,” said Dart and Eddie grew an inch shorter under his critical gaze. “You had it all planned out, you had the perfect opportunity and what do you do? You go all zombie-like on him. If I were Steve, I wouldn’t even want to hear your proposal.” 
“Proposal?” Steve blinked in confusion between Dart and Eddie. “I’m pretty sure it was me who accidentally proposed? I guess…yeah, Eddie still has the ring, so why should he have to propose?” 
Bob finally finished wrapping Steve’s ankle in bandages, and rose to his feet. “You’re engaged? Congratulations!” 
Eddie fiddled with the ring on his finger. “Uh, yeah. So that part? Totally unplanned. Actually, also illegal for us to get married. Twice illegal. Man and man, dead and not dead. So…I’m actually keeping the ring for bargaining purposes.” 
Dart stabbed him with another deadly stare. “You. Could. Have. Just. ASKED.” 
“Doing that now.” For someone who always claimed to be as direct as humanly possible, Eddie was stalling, wringing his hands and staring anywhere else but Steve. “So…uh. Harrington. Not that you especially liked me when I was alive and I guess I didn’t become more charming by dying. But still. You brought me back, you’re just a little bit responsible for disturbing my resting place. And I will forgive you for that and calmly crawl back into the ground…for a price.” 
“A price?” Maybe Steve was as obtuse as they said, but what good would money do in the world of dead? 
Eddie nodded, still hypnotizing Steve’s gradually swelling ankle. “Yep. Price. Not…monetary, no. But I need your help with something. So, a small service from you and I will go back where I belong. And you get this back.” Wiggling his finger, the ring caught light from the dim bar lightbulbs. “So, do we have a deal?” 
Steve nodded almost instantly. “Sure.” 
“And before you say no, you should kn- wait, what?” Eddie’s eyes snapped back to Steve’s face. “Uh. Sorry, there might still be some dirt in my ears.”
Dart laid his paw onto Eddie’s shoulder and slowly extended his claws. “Take the yes and shut up, Eddie.” 
The dark eyes narrowed at the claws. “You know I don’t feel pain.” 
“So you won’t mind me meowling on your grave every single night for the rest of your undead existence?” 
Eddie flinched. “You monster.” 
But Dart just rolled his eyes and returned back to Steve, gesturing at him to provide ear scratches. Flabbergasted, Steve obliged. 
“So, Steve,” started Dart and turned his head towards Steve’s hand, “the thing is…to the left, yes, thank you…this isn’t the proper afterlife, as you might have guessed. This place would be way too crowded. So everyone here waits for something. Has something tying them to the mortal world.” 
Did Steve imagine it or was Eddie slowly shrinking under Dart’s critical gaze? 
“Some just wait for their loved ones to reunite. Some just need to process their anger or grief before they go. And some, Edward Theodore Munson, are utterly, hopelessly and stupidly stubborn!” he growled. 
Yep, Eddie was definitely shrinking. 
“See, some of our residents just have grandiose plans and they decide that they’re not going anywhere before they fulfill them. And no, they don’t let anyone local help them. Because it needs to be perrrfect.” Another growl, another twitch in Eddie’s eyebrow. “So here we are, facing a dilemma. Either Eddie stays here forever and drives everyone crazy with his bitching and moaning, or you step in, save the day and save his soul and everyone’s who has to deal with his constant complaints.” 
Steve didn’t dare to stop the movement of his fingers, not until asked. “I already agreed,” he reminded both of them. “What do I have to do?” 
Dart blinked at Eddie. “Cat got your tongue? Wasn’t me, I swear.” 
The dead man snorted. “Right. So, you might remember…I used to play. The piano, I mean. And the guitar and more, but this is about the piano. And I also put together some music of my own.”
Steve’s heart clenched painfully at the memory. “As if I could ever forget.” As if I could forget the days when I felt like myself for once. 
“Yeah, so…I can’t leave before making sure the music outlasts me. I don’t…I used to have this big, big plan. Record what I have and send it to one guy from Indy I knew. He saw potential in me, told me so right before…yeah.” 
“But…” Steve’s tongue was heavy all of a sudden, stumbling over his words. “You were brilliant. Why don’t you record it yourself? Or is it about technology and stuff? I can get you that.” 
Eddie chuckled with all the bitterness in the world. “Yeah, well. Let’s just say that I tried. I tried and tried and fucking tried, but you know what? It’s just not right.” 
“What do you mean? Because I remember you playing and…I don’t think anyone could get it done better than you, Eddie.” 
Dart sighed and pawed at Steve’s hand, finally letting him rest. “What he means is that dead bodies aren’t really known for their flexibility and dexterity, Steve,” he clarified. “Eddie has been practicing for months now, day and night in this bar. Everyone thinks it’s perfect.” 
“Everyone but him,” Steve guessed and Dart gave him an understanding look. One more memory, Eddie playing in the music room in their school until his fingers hurt, wanting to try just one more time, just that one section that isn’t right, not yet. 
Eddie waved his hand, scoffing. “Oh give me a break. If I’m to follow the light, go to the other side or whatever you want to call it, I want it to be worth it. I’ve been making compromises my whole life, but not here, not fucking now. So here’s the deal, Stevie-boy. We go upstairs – your world, that is – and you’ll practice my music like your life-“ 
“Or marriage,” added Dart mischievously, eyeing the ring on Eddie’s finger. 
“Yes, like they depend on it. And then we’ll record it, send it to my contact with Wayne’s contact info, ownership or whatever.” His voice dropped lower at the mention of his uncle’s name. “And then I’ll give you your precious ring back and move on. Being buried and waiting for the worms to come isn’t my idea of a good time anyway. Deal?” 
Without thinking, Steve offered Eddie his hand. “Deal.” Then his brow furrowed, a telltale sign there was something nagging in his brain. “Well, maybe one request from me. If someone sees us in the world above. Can you…like, can you pretend that we’re actually engaged for that time? Or at least that you’re a vengeful zombie who’s crazy opposed to the idea of marriage and is willing to curse me or drag me to the underworld if I marry anyone within the next few days?” 
Eddie’s jaw dropped. “What?” 
Chapter 4 here
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the-unconquered-queen · 5 months
Well now that you've said there are multiple outcomes you'd like for Aerin in Blades... wanna share what those are?
😅 Ah, well, you asked for it. Disclaimer: they are absolutely just personal wish fulfillment for me (post I will be referencing)
The ending where I see him being the happiest is, as I mentioned, with the goblins. To reiterate what I said about that, he'd probably be better off "[living] a simple life with the goblins—who actually appreciate him and don't judge him for his past—while still getting to be intellectually stimulated by the processes of designing their village and helping people". It's possible if he's completely struck from the line of succession and Arlan either doesn't know about him or is content to pretend he doesn't exist to avoid being associated with him. Anyway, I think in this ending Aerin might be well on his way to becoming the second-ever non-goblin to serve as an elder. He clearly enjoys their company and works to improve their community, so yeah, best case scenario for him.
Another ending is the royal ending. Maybe Arlan realizes that he has no one else to carry on the Valleros line and has to suck it up and reinstate Aerin. Maybe MC ends up in charge and Aerin rules as their prince consort (I prefer this second one mostly just because it's funnier, like I said in the other post). Either way, I think this is a good chance for a full circle moment for Aerin. Moreover, it's the only way he can achieve some sort of wider-scale redemption in the eyes of his kingdom. They all know him as the traitor prince who tried to murder his way to the top, but if he gets to be king now and actually does good in his role, then he can redefine his legacy. If he ends up married to MC, they'd even make a good team, because he brings the insider expertise when it comes to ruling a kingdom and MC brings the popularity and good reputation he can sort of piggyback off of.
The following endings are not necessarily the endings I think are the most in-character and much less the most likely, they're just endings based on the relationship between Aerin and my MC:
3. Since I feel like my MC will always be a Riverbender at heart, I imagine she would want to go back at some point, and so I sometimes picture Aerin going with her. The issue is that, unlike the goblins, the townies do very much remember what he did and are not initially as welcoming. I could see him doing several things there:
For one, I like the idea of him opening up an apothecary shop and sort of becoming the village healer, because 1) it would use his alchemy expertise, 2) it would use the healing expertise he's shown to have, and 3) it would be a job helping people, which not only would make him feel useful and like he's doing a good thing, but it could eventually improve the townies' perception of him.
Another I thought of later that I'm also quite fond of now is him becoming a sort of schoolteacher. I can imagine that one happening completely by accident, like he's just reading a book by himself somewhere some day and a little kid (who doesn't know who he is) goes up to him and starts asking him questions, and a while later he's got a whole bunch of kids he's telling stories to. It would let him put his expensive and very exclusive education to good use and also greatly benefit the people of Riverbend, whose kids could now have a much better education than they might've otherwise had (and hey, he might even take the time to tutor some adults too, if they're not assholes to him—overall this man could have literacy rates soaring in Riverbend for all ages). And if the adults are slow to warm up to Aerin, their kids aren't, which helps their parents like him better in the long run. Just the idea of Aerin working with kids because they have the same traits he values in goblins and that make him protective of them makes me happy.
The last thing isn't anything solid or at all likely, but just if MC goes back home and takes over tending to the farm she grew up on, Aerin helping out with that, because there's something about a lot of time passing and people who either were too young when the whole Baldur/Dreadlord shit went down or aren't as familiar with who Aerin is hearing gossip about how that guy over there used to be a fancy prince, but they look over and it's Aerin doing manual labor or some shit and they're like "that one??? 🤨"
4. Absolutely not likely, not in the slightest, but because I like to imagine that my elf MC at some point takes it upon herself to return to Undermount to restore her house as a way to keep her family's legacy alive, sometimes I think about Aerin going with her. As someone raised in the royal court, he'd have a lot of expertise that would be very helpful, and although I think living a simpler life is what's best for him, there's something deeply amusing about the prospect of King Arlan someday visiting Undermount for whatever reason and attending a grand ball and getting hit with the shock that the loser son he thought was either dead or destitute is the hostess's trophy husband who's actually been doing pretty well for himself the whole time.
So that's about it! Again, I'm not necessarily basing these on what I think is most likely to happen or even what I think is best, I'm just going off of vibes and, like I said, personal wish fulfillment to try to make his and my MC's relationship with the ideas I have for her. Also, sorry for taking so long to answer, I just didn't wanna forget anything :)
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
could you do a Vee x Basilisk reader where Vee sees the reader's true form, instead of their disguise?
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request from Tumblr: could you do a Vee x Basilisk reader where Vee sees the reader's true form, instead of their disguise?
A/n: just for clarification, this starts when Vee is pretending to be Luz.
You had escaped the Emperor's Coven and into the human realm a few months ago. And currently, you were living in a random shed you found. Listen, you weren't homeless! You're just... Okay, there is no good way to phrase this, you are homeless. But on the plus side, you have an area to camp out in and a school lunch! Speaking of school, it's time to go to school.
You quickly shape-shifted into the human form you've been taking. It's a bit of a mix-mash of other people you've seen. It does stop people from getting you in trouble with a person whose form you took though. You quickly ran to school.
Once you got to school you saw your friend Luz. She always seemed very familiar since the moment you met her. She reminded you of your old life, but somehow in a good way? "Y/N! how's it going?" "Pretty good!" She smiled sweetly. you felt a warm feeling in your heart as she smiled. "Same here! I've been doing some cleaning." You paused. "How did you earn the reputation as a 'trouble-maker?' You're so chill!" You said. Luz seemed to get oddly nervous, "Well one summer can really change a person, y'know." You nodded. "Yeah, it's like you're a whole different person though!" "I wouldn't say that." You dropped the topic because it seemed to be freaking her out. The bell rang and you both went to your respective classes.
Soon class started. But you weren't really paying attention. You were more focused on Luz's reaction. That might have been when of the most nervous she had been. At least around you. Soon the bell rang that snapped you out of your thoughts. When you walked out you saw Luz talking to one of her other friends in the hallway. You looked at Luz and you could've sworn you saw her blink sideways. At first, you didn't think much about it until you remembered that humans don't do that. You rubbed your eyes and looked at her again. She blinked again, normally. So, you chalked it up to you being tired or something.
Luz looked at you and walked up to you. "Hey, Y/n!" She waved, "Wanna hang out later." You nodded. "Okay, I've never seen your house so-" "No!" You accidentally shouted. Which earned you a few weird looks from other kids and a concerned look from Luz. "Um- I mean, I like your place a lot more. So I want to go to your house instead." You said nervously. "Oookay?" Luz said, "Yeah we'll just go to my place." You sighed in relief. "What time should it be at?" Luz asked. "Um around 8?" "Sure!"
After a few more hours school ended. You gather all your stuff and run to the shed you call home. Once you got there you sighed. You only had enough magic for a week. Even if you used as little as possible. But at least you could hang out with Luz later, that could take your mind off it, if only for a few hours. You lay your head back on the wall.
Suddenly you heard footsteps in the other room. You got up to check it out when suddenly there were banging noises. You ran as fast as you could. You peaked slightly around the corner. And there, in the middle of your shed, was another basilisk. You froze, not sure of what the right way to react was.
A small mirror with a messy-haired Luz caught your attention. You tried to speak but your voice was caught in your throat so you stood still. "Stop moving, you'll make it tighter!" The Luz in the mirror said, "I didn't mean to freak you out. I just want to figure it out, okay?" "Mhm." "Your a demon, from the Boiling Isles. What's your name?" "I'm number five- I mean, I'm Vee." Your eyes widened with shock. Not only was she the closest to you when you were still imprisoned. But she also seems to have been impersonating Luz!
"Okay, Vee, I'm going to help free you. You're going to be alright. Now, back up a bit, give it some slack." Luz instructed, "Now look for a little metal thing-a-ma-boba, sorry I don't know what it's called." Vee pulled on it and released her leg. "There you go!" She jumped out of the trap quickly. You suck in your breath and walked to the basement door. You entered and quietly closed the door.
You just stared at the wall for a few moments. There were a million thoughts going through your mind. Well, God that explains a lot. you went back upstairs hoping they left. Thankfully they did. So you went outside hoping to organically run into Vee.
After a while of walking, you spotted Masha and her other friends. They were holding hexes hold'em cards which had the scent of magic on them. You concluded this would be your highest chance of seeing Vee. "Hey, guys!" You waved. "Hey Y/N!" Masha greeted, "I got some tarot cards I was just giving him a reading." They pointed to their friend. They cleared their throats, "As I was saying, a past connection that left a mark on your soul, has shown up again. And is asking you to shed your old ways and enter a metamorphosis! And be the spiritual leader you were meant to be" "Yeah, that sounds about right." The guy who they were giving a reading to said.
Suddenly Vee appeared. "Yes!" You mentally cheered. "Hello." She greeted you. "Oh, hey Luz! Nice to see you out of prison." "Oh come on, camp wasn't that bad. We did have the best cabin." Cabin seven! Ho-ha-ha" They all said in unison then laughed. You giggled at their goofiness.
"Cool cards, where'd you get them?" She went to grab the card but Masha grabbed it first. Uh-uh. Let me give you a reading first. I wanna practice." They laid three cards down, "You're running from your past. From a previous life that was not kind to you. However, the guilt and fear you carry will eventually catch you in a self-fulfilling prophecy that you won't be able to escape from. You're going to need some bath bombs, girl." You felt slightly tense, it might've been for Vee, but it hit way too close to you as well.
Masha started collecting the cards, "Anyway, I got the cards over at the Graves Field historical society." "Thanks, I'll see you around." Vee got up and started leaving. "Did you see the look in her eyes? I got to find out where she got those contacts." Vee leaving snapped you out of your thoughts. "Here why don't I go find out right now?" You said. "Thanks." With that, you got up and started walking toward Vee.
Once you finally entered you heard Vee and Luz around the corner. "I know what it's like to want to run away from home. I did the same thing." "You and I are not the same. You had a mom that Loved you, a life. You had it good! And you still wanted to run away. I-I didn't have a choice." You cringed slightly at her last sentence. "My real name is Number Five. I'm a Basilisk, and technically I-I shouldn't exist. My kind went extinct a long time ago. But we were brought back. They wanted to see how we drained magic." "I met a Basilisk one. She hurt a lot of people." "For many of us all we knew how to do was feed. Some of us escaped, but I knew it was only a matter of time before he caught us again. But then I saw you and you could be a way out of this!" Vee explained, "I didn't mean to keep playing this role but Camila was nice to me. I resent you for running away. But I'm also thankful you did. I don't know, it's confusing."
Vee turned to you and loudly gasped. You nervously waved. "How much did you hear..?" Vee asked nervously. You dry swallowed, "Umm, all of it." Vee's face went pale. "Y-y/n-" "I'll be fine. You seem to need help." "I do. But you can't do anything. Please, just leave for now." You opened your mouth to speak but words didn't come out. You sighed, nodded, then left. "Did you find out where she got them?" Masha asked when you walked by. "Huh?" "The contacts!" "Oh- um- no she forgot." "Awh, that sucks. Thanks anyway." You nodded and began walking home.
It had been a little less than a week since "Luz '' came to school. Your hope of even seeing her again kept dwindling. But on a saturday morning your phone rang. Your eyes lit up seeing who sent it. Luz. You quickly opened it. "Hey y/n it's been awhile. Can I come over please?" You looked at your phone. "There's a shed by your house, can we met there?" you texted.
What you thought was going to happen, was Vee texting you yes and a time. Not suddenly getting a text telling you that she's at the shed. Your phone rung and your heart sank reading the message. Suddenly your door opened and Vee stood, looking at you in a similar manner as you first looked at her. As quickly as you could, you shapeshifted into your usual form. "Sup-surprise." Vee teared up.
"You okay-" "Number seven!" She ran over and hugged you, "I missed you!" You smiled, "Yep, seems no matter the realm we'll be friends. But I'm running out of magic..." "Oh!" Vee exclaimed. She pulled some cards out of her pocket. "The cards Masha was using had magic! There from the demon realm." "Thanks Vee!" "Anything for us not to be split up again."
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transport-uk · 9 months
Corporate Cars: My Adventures with Airport Express and Taxis
Hey there, fellow travelers! You know how it goes - you land at the airport, jet-lagged and all, and the next big question pops up: how do I get to my next destination comfortably, without breaking the bank or losing my mind in the process? Well, let me tell you about my recent escapades with Corporate cars, Airport Express, and Taxis. It's a tale worth sharing, and who knows, it might just be the travel hack you've been looking for!
Chapter 1: The Early Bird Catches the Corporate Car
So, there I was, at Heathrow, bleary-eyed and in dire need of a coffee. My mission? To make it to a crucial meeting in downtown London, looking fresh and ready to take on the world. Enter Airport Express. I'd heard about their reputation for punctuality and comfort, but boy, they exceeded my expectations!
The moment I stepped out of the terminal, my driver, John, was there with a placard and a smile. He led me to a sleek, shiny car that looked like it had just rolled off a movie set. We're talking leather seats, complimentary water, and Wi-Fi that actually worked! It felt less like a car ride and more like a mini-luxury experience.
Chapter 2: Zooming Through London Like a Boss
Now, let's talk about the ride itself. John, who had the wisdom of a London cabbie and the driving skills of a Formula One racer, navigated through the city like it was his personal race track. We zoomed past landmarks, dodged traffic, and made it to my meeting with time to spare. And the best part? I was able to catch a quick power nap in the backseat. That's the beauty of Corporate cars<; they offer you that rare combination of speed and comfort.
Chapter 3: The Post-Meeting Taxi Tango
Alright, meeting done, and it was time to explore the city. I could've hopped on the Tube or flagged down a black cab, but I remembered something about a Taxi service offered by the same folks who run Airport Express. Curious, I gave it a whirl.
Let's just say it was the best decision I made that day. The cab was there in a jiffy, and the driver, Emma, was a delight. She knew all the hidden gems of London - the quaint cafes, the quirky bookshops, and yes, even a secret garden that I swear was straight out of a fairy tale. It was like having a personal tour guide, and the meter wasn't running up a crazy bill either!
Chapter 4: The Evening Cruise Back to the Airport
As the day wound down, it was time to head back to the airport. Now, I had a choice: repeat the morning’s luxury with Airport Express or go with a regular taxi. I chose the former, because, why not end the day on a high note?
Again, punctuality was the name of the game. The car was there waiting, and this time, the ride back was serene. We took a different route, along the Thames, and the city lights reflecting on the water were magical. It was the perfect ending to a hectic day, and I arrived at the airport feeling calm and collected.
Chapter 5: The Verdict
So, what's my take on Corporate cars, Airport Express, and Taxis? In a nutshell, they're a game-changer. Whether it's the luxurious feel of the cars, the professionalism of the drivers, or the sheer convenience of it all, they've got it nailed down.
Sure, you might think it's a bit of a splurge, but trust me, it's worth every penny. When you're traveling, especially for business, the last thing you want is stress about getting from point A to B. These guys take that worry off your plate, so you can focus on what matters – your trip, your meeting, or just soaking in the sights and sounds of the city.
In Conclusion
There you have it, folks – my little adventure with Corporate cars, Airport Express, and Taxis. It’s not just a ride; it’s an experience, a slice of luxury, and a stress-buster all rolled into one. Next time you're in London, or any big city for that matter, give them a try. You might just find yourself writing a similar story to share!
And remember, traveling is not just about the destination; it's also about the journey. Make it a good one! Safe travels, my friends!
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Inspired by Nickelodeon’s Spectacular! Luke Patterson needs the money for his bands demo, and miraculously, that same night he gets an offer to fix his problem. The catch? Rockstar boy has to join his school’s show choir and put up with their fearless Female Lead Singer. (don’t come here searching for accuracy remember it’s inspired by a movie)
Note: I had a lot of fun with this one, hope you like it! Oh and it’s a little long so keep it in mind +8k👀💜
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Say this is not her scene would be to fall short, but she has to make sacrifices to find greatness. The first thing she notices when she walks into the little club, is that it's packed. The people look excited and somewhat desperate and she doesn't blame them. The pamphlet marked they were supposed to start at 8:00 p.m. and it's already 8:40. She makes her way carefully until she finds a perfect place in the middle of the room.
The musicians take the stage visibly anxious, especially Alex who cannot stop moving his hands trying to probably calm himself down. Reggie and the rhythm guitarist take their positions. They look at each other one last time before beginning to play the enveloping sound of the pop-rock song. The bass line sounds insane and she hasn't heard Alex play drums in years, he’s exceptional. They could both play without their singer all night and she wouldn't mind.
The space in the center of the stage that belongs to who she came to see today, completely empty. The bassist seems about to take the first verse when Sunset Curve lead guitarist and vocalist Luke Patterson appears on stage.
She has seen him multiple times in the hallways laughing with her childhood best friend, Alex Mercer and her lab partner, Reggie Peters, but she has never spoken directly to him. Still, it's hard not to notice how handsome he is and how much of a charismatic personality he has.
“I'm living my life just the way I like, they say I get a little too loud. Try to push me in a box, over analyze. But I'm never gunna turn it down”
His voice is enchanting and mesmerizing, a sound that immediately reminds her of the best rockers in history and his movements and energy are electrifying. In seconds the entire audience is jumping and dancing to the beat.
“They say never and I say right now!” Y/N analyzes him excitedly. The passion with which he sings and plays his guitar reminds her of when she is on stage, although the two of them dedicate themselves to totally different things, their love for music is the same. She definitely has a lot of work to do to polish him and make him the perfect performer she needs, but if there's anyone who can accomplish the impossible, it's her.
“No one's gonna stop me tonight! Thank you, we are Sunset Curve, tell your friends!” The presentation ends and Sunset Curve leaves the stage. The girl moves quickly to catch up with them at the back of the club, but when she finally arrives, screams can be heard from two of the members of the band.
“I know you don’t like me, Bobby. But trying to sabotage the show by giving me the wrong time is just the most stupidest thing you've ever done!” The guitarist looks furious, his muscles are really tense and Y/N can't help staring at his biceps way more than she probably should.
"This fight of egos between the two of you has to stop, we can no longer continue to be in the middle." The bassist cries out, tired of all the bickering.
“You no longer have to, Reggie. It’s time to decide. The lousy rocker or me. Remember that the money for the demo is mine before choosing... I'm not sure Patterson's lyrics can compete without the money to record them.”
The guitarist looks down at the ground, a mixture of anger and sadness on his face. Alex and Reggie turn to see each other for a second and then position themselves on either side of Luke, no sign of doubt on their faces.
“We’ll find a way without you. Let’s see If you find one without us.” Reggie declared with a little smirk. Bobby grabs his stuff and gets into his truck without looking back, completely furious.
"Some things Bobby was angry about are true and you have to improve them. You are not a solo artist, you are part of a band." Alex points to Luke as soon as the truck is out of sight, but before he can respond the blonde intercepts the girl at the door.
“Y/N?” The three of them turn to see her, Reggie smiles at her while Luke looks pissed off.
“Hey guys, I came to talk to Luke.” Luke frowns in surprise while the other two gape for a few seconds.
"Really?” Y/N turns with a murderous face towards her friend, who puts his hands in his pockets and begins to walk. “...Okay. Meanwhile Reg and I are going to figure out how to get the drums in Luke's car."
"If you come for an autograph please be quick, I don't feel like socializing." The guitarist declares to the wind, not wanting to pay attention to the stranger who approaches him in the middle of the alley, no matter how cute she looks.
“I’m not a fan.” She confesses in a firm voice, trying to measure the situation.
"Oh, then I'll go. See you later beautiful." He's about to leave when her voice stops him.
“Patterson, come back here!” There's something about her tone that makes Luke suddenly interested. He turns to see her carefully, her chin is up, her shoulders back. Her lips are press together and her eyes look determined and he can't help but admit that the confidence she projects is really doing something to him.
“2 minutes, firecracker.”
“I’m Y/N Y/L.” Faced with no comment from the guitarist, she decides to continue. “I need a male lead singer for my group and I think you might be the perfect fit, after I'm done with you, of course."
He’s unable to believe what he hears. “A band? I think you know pretty well I'm already in one.”
“It’s not a band, it’s a group. THE group If I can say so myself. Spectacular!” She affirms with the first smile he sees her that night, and he can't believe it is possible that she can look even more beautiful.
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit with the spectacular thing? At least tell me the name or what kind of band is." She rolls her eyes and he chuckles in response, thinking it was adorable and hot at the same time.
“I already told you, Spectacular! It’s a show choir.”
“Is this a joke? Did Bobby sent you?”
“No and no. I know it’s not really your style, but I’m telling you I can make it work. I heard a bit of the conversation you had with the band, the prize of Nationals is 10,000 dollars. I'm willing to give you half for the demo, if we win, obviously. And I can assure you we will if you accept and do absolutely everything I say.”
“Firecracker, are you trying to tell me that all I have to do to raise the money is put on some stupid cowboy or tiger-print outfit and humiliate myself in front of an entire audience with my best jazz hands? Wow, sounds like a dream!” Maybe he got a bit too sarcastic, but meh, as pretty as she is, she's still a stranger.
“My name is Y/N, and I'm not appreciating your tone of voice.” By this moment the girl seems tired of the musician, who feels the frustration in her and tries to be more gentle.
“I- I’m sorry. Thanks for the offer, but I don't feel as desperate yet as to end my reputation in that way. I hope you find what you are looking for, but that’s just not me. I'm just a guitarist.” She nods, entwining her arms against her chest. He admires her for a few more seconds and turns to his car, where his friends are already waiting for him to help with the drums.
Before getting behind the wheel he turns to her one last time, but she is nowhere to be seen.
Fights between Luke and Bobby weren't new to the band. The big-headed attitude of both collided practically all the time and things had been getting worse in recent months with the more overconfident attitude of the guitarist, but they never imagined that they would end up in this situation.
The days go by and the boys are running out of time. They have to deliver the demo to the Orpheum offices in two months so that they can be taken into account for the great concert they will hold at the end of the year presenting the best new talents in the city. All they've heard from Bobby is that he's trying to build his own band but without much success. Still, he doesn’t fold his hands and continues to try on his own.
The three remaining members of Sunset Curve are in Alex's room lying on the floor with their instruments around trying to think of solutions, when Y/N's voice coming from outside refreshes the blonde's memory. “What did Y/N want to talk to you the other day?”
“Who?” Luke narrows his eyes in confusion.
“Y/N? The captain of the school’s show choir? She went to talk to you after Bobby left the band. Small, fire in her eyes, a lot of attitude.”
“OH, Firecracker! So that group is our school's choir? that's even worse. She tried to recruit me, even offered me the money for the demo if we win the competition in which they will participate.”
“What? She wants you in Spectacular? What did you said?” Alex heard that his friend's ex-boyfriend broke up with her and joined last year's national champions, but he never imagined that she would try to replace him with someone like Luke. Luke is distracted by a melody and doesn’t answer his friend's question.
"Why does your mom always leave her music on when she leaves to work?" The music is definitely not his style, they are always usually pop songs or even songs from musicals, but the singer's voice is one of the most beautiful he has ever heard so it never bothers him.
“It’s not her music, is Y/N.” Alex responds, wondering what the young woman is up to since she is never usually home at this hour.
“Who?” Alex's eyes widen, not able to believe his friend.
“Really? I already told you!” The guitarist tilts his head and shrugs. “Firecracker?”
“What does firecracker have to do with this?” Alex opens his balcony curtains and the silhouette of a young woman singing and dancing through her transparent pink ones comes to their visions.
“She’s so good bro, I thought it was a record too.” Reggie looks at her with a big smile as Alex rolls his eyes at Luke.
As soon as he sees her, the musician is in a trance, admiring the grace and energy with which she moves, wanting with all his might to remove the pink curtain that does not allow him to see her properly.
The song ends and a well-known melody begins to play with prominent bass and drums. “Guys, shut up! I’m trying to hear her sing.”
“It’s not us, man.” Reggie answers almost screaming with how loud the girl’s music is.
“What do you-” Luke turns around and sees his friends with their hands raised, the cables finally connecting in his brain. "She is listening our song?"
"Not just listening, she's also destroying your career, her vocals are amazing." The black-haired boy adds, smirking and running to connect his bass.
Luke excitedly opens the balcony window and sings the pre-chorus as loud as he can to get the singer's attention. “Call me in the morning to apologize, every little lie gives me butterflies.” She immediately turns around and smiles at the guitarist's cocky smile. She opens the curtain and the window and her sunset curve t-shirt is the first thing the band notices.
“Something in the way you're looking through my eyes, don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive.” Luke sings seductively towards her, each word fully dedicated to the woman in front of him.
Reggie accompanies them with his bass while Alex looks at his friends incredulously, an "Are you fucking kidding me." Comes out of the blonde almost like a whisper when he identifies the shirt that the girl wears as his.
Both sing the chorus together and the chemistry is unquestionable. Alex had never thought of this two together because at first glance they seem completely different, but thinking about it a little more deeply they couldn't be more similar. They are both passionate, headstrong, live for the stage, and are ridiculously talented and confident.
“Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet. Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth. Late night devil, put your hands on me. And never, never, never ever let go.”
The performance between the duo is playful, driving, sexy and intense and Alex and Reggie can't help but feel like they're interrupting a private moment. As soon as the song ends, the girl moves closer to the window, blows them a kiss and closes it.
"Where did that woman come from?" Luke whispers as he tries to catch his breath. Nobody had enchanted him so much just by singing, well, nobody had enchanted him, period. But she’s definitely something.
“She has been my neighbor since we were 6 years old, we used to be best friends but we both drifted apart when we entered high school. She’s amazing, the best performer in the city.” Alex informs him and then Reggie adds his own piece of valuable information. “She’s my lab partner. Fun, smart, beautiful, the whole deal. A true gem.”
“Answering your question, I said no to her offer. But I guess the group of someone this rad can't be that bad. And we really need the money." The drummer purses his lips and nods. His friend definitely took the hook.
"Honestly, I always wanted to audition, I guess the three of us could try in, to support you obviously."
“Of course man, she sounded desperate when she asked, and if the shirt and song is any indication she is definitely a huge Sunset Curve fan. She tried to fool me by saying she wasn't a groupie, as if that was possible after seeing us perform.”
His friends leave the house and Alex plays on the drums the secret signal he had with the girl when they were younger, a minute later the girl appears in her window with an amusing smile, dressed in her classic blue pajamas.
“Really?” The drummer chuckled and his friend’s smile grows even bigger, a little laugh leaving her lips. “The shirt was a nice touch. A little much, but that idiot must have fallen for it completely. I want it back by the way.”
“You can see right through me. You know the invitation is open, right? I would love nothing more than to have you there.” He has known her his whole life, and realized early on that she was just trying to get his friend's attention to reconsider her offer by raising his ego, and he honestly doesn't mind. It's about time Luke met someone of his caliber. Perhaps her influence could do him good.
“I- thank you. I guess we’ll see. See you tomorrow.” She blows him a kiss and closes the window. Tomorrow sure is going to be an interesting day, Sunset Curve joins Spectacular.
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Having to face Spectacular! And telling them they still don't have a male lead singer who can compete against Damian was not easy. Her options are running out and she honestly doesn't know what to do to save them.
Damian on stage is the best, it pains her to admit that she has never seen anyone like him. At first she thought she could continue without him, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that he is just impossible to replace.
Everyone continues to practice the routine, clearly discouraged after her bad news and it honestly breaks her heart. She knows how much the group means to everyone for different and personal reasons and she can't let them lose this. So whatever she has to do, she’ll do it so they can have the leader they deserve.
“I thought the children in the choir would have more energy, this is just sad, firecracker.” She hides her wide smile before turning to the owner of the voice, who is entering the auditorium with his best friends. Money really talks, otherwise she can't explain what would make him appear here.
“Dude, can you please play nice? This is important!” Reggie looks flustered and scolds Luke probably louder than he planned. The guitarist just ignores him and winks shamelessly at her. Seems her little plan from yesterday was successful, now she just has to play the situation in her favor.
“Mercer, Peters... Patterson. Can we help you with something?” The performer shows a perfect poker face, Spectacular continues to practice but they can't help but turn their attention to the rock band.
“I came to accept your proposal, but only If we can include Reggie and Alex in the deal. I guess as long as I’m in whatever I ask shouldn't be a problem." He crosses his arms and gives her a confident smile.
“I could actually do with a few more members, specially as talented as Reg and Alex. As for you, you've already turned down my offer Lucas, but if for some reason you don't graduate this year, make sure you audition the next one. Now, let’s start boys." Y/N moves within inches of Luke to gently close his open mouth with her index finger, and gives him a small wink before turning and taking the other two musicians each on each arm and pulling them closer to where the group is still practicing.
“Y/N, you can’t be serious.” The skilled singer continues to ignore him as she explains to her new members something Luke can't quite hear.
The musician frustrates and walks until he is directly in front of her. “Y/N” He groans.
“I'm not firecracker anymore? That is just sad.” Luke looks upset, but she's determined to not let him have what he wants after what he said at the club, so if he wants the money that bad he's going to have to prove it.
“I’m going to explain you something quickly so you can go and stop wasting my time. I’ve seen your band play, I know how good these two are at singing, which means I don't need you anymore, nor do I have to put up with your rockstar wannabee attitude. I need someone that I can connect with and have the chemistry that leaves everyone forgetting how to breathe, and after yesterday, I just don't think that's you.” Right now she is grateful to be such a good actress because yesterday's act melted her legs, even though they were separated by the balconies. This man is unreal, totally unfair.
"I do, I wouldn't be surprised if they kissed at any moment." The bassist whispers as Alex looks at him with an incredulous face, he just slowly shakes his head from side to side and continues to see the leader of their band and their new leader in a starting contest, is kind of an amusing sight since Luke is definitely not used to having to face someone like him.
“It’s like you said, you are just a guitarist. Thinking you could handle something like this was ridiculous of me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a group to direct."
Y/N hopes she hasn't pushed the rockstar too much, but remains firm in her tactics and turns to the others to continue with the rehearsal. She signals them to put the most similar song to the Sunset Curve sound that she can remember at the moment to make Alex and Reggie feel more calm and to see if she finishes catching Luke’s interest, who still doesn’t move from where he is with his eyes fixed on her, which she takes as as a good sign.
The moment the song start, both sunset curve members smile, and Luke's voice is heard from behind. “So you're the girl, I heard the rumor.” He sounds powerful and captivating and immediately sets everyone's eyes on him. She doesn’t give him the luxury of turning to see him, but he is not going to give up and in a quick and agile movement he turns her by the hand.
“Why don't you break my heart, make it hurt so bad. Come on give it your best, nothing less, I insist, I want it just like that.” The girl should have thought more about her choice before asking for a song like this. Every word that comes out of the musician's mouth is addressed directly to her with an intensity in his eyes and movements that should be illegal.
She tries to get out of his way but he makes it pretty clear that he's not singing to prove himself to the group, he's doing it to prove something to her. Specifically, to prove her wrong.
“Stare me down, intimidate me. Oh baby please you'll never break me.” He comes dangerously close to her, basically inches apart, his eyes fixed on her lips and smiling flirtatiously as he sings, his eyes glinting mischievously.
She enters the song so as not to make him feel like she’s defeated and starts dancing with him to the rhythm, their movements matching effortlessly as they move across the stage.
She pulls herself back as far as she can, but Luke surprises everyone by doing a body roll on the floor, his arms looking more gorgeous than ever in that sleeveless shirt as they take the full weight of his body without any problem, his eyes never losing contact with hers. All the girls start to do small screams while Y/N's cheeks turn red at her thoughts. He slides on his knees towards her and gets up as he puts his foot on her to make her lose balance and catch her right at the end of the song.
“Why don’t you break my heart.” They've been in a trance since the song started and it's like it's just the two of them in the auditorium. Their lips are almost touching, neither willing to give up eye contact or move from their current position, until the applause and shouts of excitement bring them back to reality.
“I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with, firecracker.” He whispers to her lips before shifting the girl's full weight to his right arm to raise his left one to her face and carefully close her mouth with his finger, winking with a cocky smile before lifting her up.
Immediately everyone begins to advocate for him with all kinds of arguments that ranged from how sensual he was to how much of a presence he had on stage. Her best friend’s comment is the one that catches his attention the most. "You have even more chemistry with him than Damian, I didn't think it was possible." That definitely sounds interesting.
Y/N pretends to listen to her teammates before saying Luke can enter the group. The truth is that she knew from the first moment she saw him perform with Sunset Curve that he was a star, but this facet without the guitar and irradiating passion from his pores was something that left her speechless.
Still, she knew all the work that would go into preparing the band and it really was exhausting. For them to understand that they couldn't just sing like they do at the club, that there are rules to follow, dance steps they have to learn, facial expressions they have to master, notes they have to hit perfectly, wasn’t easy but they succeeded.
Along the way, she regained her bond with Alexander, her friendship with Reggie grew stronger, and each day she felt closer to Luke. She has been practicing a duet with him for weeks now, and the chemistry that they have set to burn the stage more than once. It was hard for her to ignore how the guitarist's hands feel on her thighs as he lifts her or the way he wraps himself around her, breathing softly down her neck or brushing his lips teasingly over her cheekbone. Both are very physical to show affection so small contacts such as hugs or caresses, as well as small kisses on the cheek or hand were very recurrent. They had also gone out multiple times alone and with their friends, from the cinema, the park, to see them play, to small parties at home, to midnight talks.
Reggie was the one who had her alone the most because they were lab partners, but no matter how hard the bassist tried to get information from the girl, he never succeeded. The truth is that not even she knows what is happening with the guitarist, she is for the first time in her life letting herself be carried away and enjoying the moment, and she’s loving it.
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Luke and Alex are in detention after the brown haired boy made a mess in the classroom by putting together a little concert with the help of the blonde, and as they die of boredom, his mind can’t help to go to her for the 14th time of the day. "How did she end up in the show choir?"
Alex is blank for a few seconds but analyzes the question and realizes who they are talking about. “Spectacular used to be the most important show choir in the country, led by her mother, may she rest in peace. Y/N always wanted to be a part of it and when she lost her, it became a goal. She suffered a lot to get to the perfect star we see today, especially because her father is rarely there since he works outside the country. She has practically had to face alone auditions, injuries, she had to learn to sew, comb her hair and put on makeup for the show, sing for hours her solos with no one to encourage her, without mention that the current director could not care less about the group and practically leaves all the work to her. That’s why she’s so be fearless, she kind of has to."
“I didn’t know.” The sight of Y/N as happy as ever with his mother when he took her home for lunch the week before appears in his memory. She looked radiant as she ate his mother's famous stew and listened to stories of little Luke as he gently stroked her thigh while songwriting with his other hand. When was the last time she got to experience something as homelike as that? Luke probably doesn’t want to know.
Alex's sad voice brings him back to the conversation.“I was supposed to be there, you know? At first I was. We were going to audition for Spectacular together, but that summer I met you and Sunset Curve was born, and I didn’t have the time anymore so I abandoned her. I knew how important it was for her to have me there, and I didn't even go to her audition. And do you know how many times she has reproached me? Not even one.”
Luke knows that Alex would never hurt her on purpose and that the situation was probably much more complicated than he expresses it, so he reassures him and lets him know that she loves him and is proud that he took his own path. As soon as the blonde calms down, he begins to tell him multiple stories about when he and the girl were kids, the songwriter takes out his journal and begins to add lyrics to the song he has been working on, more inspired than ever.
“You are falling so deeply for her, man. I’m happy for you both.” His friend comments to him while reading the verses written on the paper. He totally is.
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“Bowling, nice. I'm going to finish you off, Patterson.”
“As sexy as your confidence sounds, I'm not going to let you win.”
“I'm pretty sure you've never gone bowling.” Alex adds with furrowed eyebrows.
“Your point is, Mercer?” She wrinkles her nose and sticks out her tongue. Reggie chuckles amused.
"How can you be so sure that you are going to win?"
“Oh, my dear cute blonde. I’m good at everything.” She makes a slight remark on everything with her eyes fixed on the guitarist, who chokes while blushing.
She smiles cheekily at him and confidently steps into the room, Sunset Curve behind as Alex and Reggie tease Luke for being completely whipped.
Happiness doesn't last long when the first thing they see inside is Damian Miller along with a couple of his new teammates. The moment their eyes meet, Y/N seems to melt, but not in the good way.
Her firm and perfect posture now all bent as she embraces herself with her arms and tries with the strength that has left to hold her gaze at the person who took everything from her without much more than an empty sorry.
When she feels the guitarist at her side again, she unconsciously stretches her hand to intertwine her fingers with him, who tilts his head to see their hands together and then to see her face.
She is not doing it to make Damian jealous, but to feel supported. And when Luke realizes it, he can't help not feeling angry at the boy in from of them. In the month that he has been with her, he has never seen her doubt, fear, or believe anything less than that she is unstoppable. And today for the first time ever he sees her intimidaded, and the fact that it's because of a jerk like this makes it even worse.
He rubbs her hand to make her feel less anxious and when she turns to meet his eyes, he brings his index finger to her chin and winks at her, hoping she gets the message. She seems to do it because she immediately smiles playfully and begins to look more relaxed.
The guitarist is aware that Damian was his firecracker's first boyfriend, and he also knows how much he betrayed her love and trust. No matter how strong the woman is, her reaction is completely normal and valid, and that she has the confidence to be vulnerable and let him be there for her means a lot to him.
“Princess.” Damian whispers as he moves closer to her, his eyes fixed on Y/N and Luke's clasped hands.
“I’m not your princess, Y/L is just fine. Listen, Damian. I could pretend this is not uncomfortable and boring but, I don't want to. So yeah, excuse us.”
She pulls the hand that joins her to Luke to make him walk and Alex and Reggie follow behind them, looking at her ex boyfriend with little smiles of pride. Alex knows how much Damian turned off Y/N’s spark and seeing her put him in his place makes him feel so proud.
"So someone is going to teach me bowling or what?"
“I’ll do it baby, but another day. Today we came here with a different purpose.” Luke points to the large Rock the World machine located in a comfortable corner space.
“Of course, is always about music with you, eh Patterson?” She smirks, getting a little closer to him.
“Pretty much, but I can tell that attracts you, Y/L.” He wrinkles his nose, his lips parting slightly.
“Hell yeah it does.” he smirks, not at all expecting her to admit it so openly but he definitely should have seen it coming.
“Good thing I’m into dominant firecrackers then.”
“Could you stop flirting for a second and start playing? I have plans to destroy Alex and your daily session of sexual tension is not going to ruin it.”
Both smile at Reggie while Y/N takes the games microphone and Luke the guitar. The song that Y/N chooses is She’s so gone by Naomi Scott, and it goes without saying that the boys have never played it in their lives but they love a challenge.
The mastery with which the girl interprets the song makes a good number of people come to see the round, including her ex-boyfriend and his new friends.
“Here I am, this is me, and I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be. Are you shocked? Are you mad? That you're missing out on who I really am.”
The singer sings the verse directly towards Damian, as his friends start pointing out and teasing him. Reggie goes over to tell Luke he thought he would join her, but the guitarist only replies, "I want to see her shine."
She gets carried away with the music and draws Luke to her, jumping and twirling to the beat of the music. The guitarist hyping her up every single second og the song. At the end the night was incredible, the four of them spent it singing, dancing and even bowling, which Y/N ended up dominating from the second round.
Luke thought that there would be no better time than that night to show her what he had been working on, so after saying goodbye to her he went to Alex’s where he had left his journal.
Before he can say goodbye to the blond, screams are heard from the house next door. “I wasn't trying to embarrass you, Damian!”
“No? So what were you doing shaking your hips against the rock boy?”
“I don't have to explain anything to you, but I think it's pretty obvious why I wanted to be against that body, have you seen it?” She says it playfully with her eyes fixed on the guitarist, who is walking with the blonde to her door, her eyes glinting wickedly in the dark. He chuckles, knowing it's the girl's way of reassure him and she smiles as she sees his expressions relax.
“Everything alright, firecracker?” Luke does not stand in front of her like a brave prince, he stops a meter from both of them and asks before intervening, and that makes her heart melt. Because he wants to hear her first, he trusts that she can take care of it and has the confidence to tell him if she needs help, which is also completely valid. And it's something she has to work on, know that there are also times when it's okay to trust someone. That you don't always have to carry the weight alone.
“Go away, punk. My girl and I are in the middle of something.” The three of them start laughing at the ex-boyfriend's intimidation attempt, who seems to get angrier with every laugh that comes out of their mouths.
“I’m fine baby, but you guys could show him the way out? I’m tired of his bullshit.” She asks the boy with a cute smile, and he would disintegrate over the nickname if her horrible ex-boyfriend and her best friend weren't there.
"Don't touch me, I’ll go. Right now the numbers are not working in my favor so we will fix this where it really matters, on stage. Let's see if this attempt at a singer can save you from total humiliation, because let's be honest Y/N, you are nothing without me."
The faces of both members of Sunset Curve begin to tense, Luke's fists completely white from how much he's clenching them. For her part, the singer, who is already used to that type of comments from her ex-boyfriend, only tells him "yes, yes, you're right. It was a pleasure Dami, never come back." while pushing him to the other side to make him go away.
The nickname comes off her tongue in the most natural way in the world, she doesn't even seem to notice it and Luke feels some annoyance hearing it. As if someone had hit him in the stomach. But immediately the discomfort goes away when the girl turns to them again with a big smile and runs to hug them excitedly.
“Thanks for coming to check me out, guys. Things can sometimes get out of control with him.”
"We will always be there for you when you need us, okay? I actually went into Alex's house to get something I wanted to show you but it's late, I’ll come back tomorrow." The blonde turns from his friend to the other, a tired smile appears on his lips as he passes Luke his journal to place his arm on his childhood friend and lean on her.
"No, don't go please. Damian was pretty mad and... I don't want to be alone." She can be very dramatic at times but the fear in her voice sounds sincere, and remembering the scream that brought them outside in the first place Alex imagines how scared she really was before seeing them show up and his heart clenches at the thought.
“O- Okay, sure.” He sounds nervous but the excitement is evident in the way his left leg keeps moving, just like when he's on stage.
“I do have to go in, you already know mom. Will you be alright with just Luke?” He already knows the answer from the girl's radiant gaze but it doesn't hurt to confirm. She hugs him tightly with her arms around his neck and whispers a "Yes, I love you but go away already." which makes the drummer laugh out loud while high-fiving his other friend goodbye.
The third wheel enters his house and finally they are alone. She smiles and takes him by the hand to enter the house. Luke takes a moment to admire it, everything is in place but there are several instruments throughout the living room. A keyboard on the couch, a guitar next to the TV, even a tambourine on the table.
"May l?" He walks over to the guitar and turns to see the girl nodding and pointing up the stairs for him to follow. Her room is quite similar to her style, white is the predominant color but there are many details in pink and gold, as well as multiple yellow lights giving a romantic tone to the room at midnight.
“Do you want to show me now?” she asks eagearly, with joined hands, closed eyes and pursed lips.
“Y- yeah... of course.” He sits on the rug and puts the guitar aside, then puts his notebook between his legs and when he finds the sheet he is looking for, he carefully tears it off. The girl looks at him adoringly, the happiness of having him with her making her heart beat louder in her chest. She sits across from him making sure to brush his legs and waits for him to speak.
“Here.” He looks nervous, his cheeks totally flushed as he avoids eye contact for the first time since they met.
Y/N takes the sheet in his hands and a huge warm smile appears on her face when he sees the guitarist's terrible lyrics. BRIGHT written and highlighted several times in the title.
“It’s for you.” Luke whispers while bringing his face closer to hers, making her shiver.
“You wrote me a song?” She doesn't know what to say. Since her mom, no one had done anything so beautiful, considerate, and selfless for her. Something so vulnerable and full of love.
“Don’t be mad, but Alex told me a little about how you ended up in show choir, your friendship with him, your mom.” He turns to see her looking for her reaction, she just nods to tell him it’s okay to continue. “A sweet story about a little girl with the voice of an angel who loved to sing love songs. And you know what was in my head all that night? That even though I've never written one, I would write millions of love songs for you.”
Some tears fall from the girl's face, she carefully places the lyrics on the guitar and throws herself on the guitarist, who falls in surprise against the carpet, making sure to grab her by the waist so that she falls safely on his chest. She rests her arms on either side of his head and brings her lips against Luke's, brushing them gently.
Luke doesn't move a muscle, not wanting to do something to make her uncomfortable, when he suddenly hears her talk. “And what about teeth? I mean is not the sweetest love story ever told but-”
The boy chuckles, Y/N's curious eyes a few inches away. “Alex wrote that one after his first breakup, Reggie and I did the melody.”
“Good. Guess we’ll have to start making some experiences to help you write all that songs.” At that moment she finally pushes her lips against his, both in a moment of euphoria at the taste of each other. She presses her body against him and he bites lightly with his teeth on her lower lip to shove his tongue against her mouth in response. Her little hands pulling his hair hard as his hands go down her butt. Both of them enjoying what they had been dreaming of for so long.
When the two finally separate they fall in a comfortable silence, she starts to admire his facial features, delicately running her fingers through his nose, his mouth, his cheekbones, until he interrumpts her. “I knew you want me from the beginning, I could see the lust in your eyes. Everything about the choir was a complex plan to get me under you.” Luke affirms with his best poker face, and sees clearly how her eyes fill with light while a pure laugh escapes from her now swollen lips.
“And as always, I achieved the goal. The hot local rockstar is sleeping on my bed tonight.” No matter how hard he tries, he can never catch her off guard and he always ends up being the one blushing. She kisses him softly before getting up and taking the song lyrics back. “Luke, do you mind if I sing a bit of the song?”
“Of course not, it's yours. I will accompany you with the guitar, from the pre-choir?”
She nods and begins to sing the words he wrote for her. “Life is a risk but I will take it, close my eyes and jump. Together I think that we can make it, come on, let's run.”
She is reading the choir as she sings and the urge to cry reappears. He's basically telling her that she no longer has to go on living life alone, that she can lean on him, she can trust him to fight by her side. That it can be us instead of I.
“And rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together. Bright forever.”
As soon as they finish singing Luke puts the guitar aside and goes over to wipe the tears from the girl's face. “I know that at first glance it doesn't seem like a love song, but..."
“But it is. It’s perfect, thank you Luke.” She didn't know that someone other than her could make her feel so special, but he proved her wrong, again.
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The night before was like a dream. Y/N sleeping with his shirt while he wrapped her completely in his arms, singing softly in her ear and leaving little kisses on her neck every few verses until she fell asleep. At this point there is no way to deny how completely in love he is with her.
“Man, we need to talk.” His blonde friend wakes him up from his daydream and starts pulling him down the hall to an empty table in the cafeteria, where Reggie is already waiting for them.
They both sit down and Alex takes a deep breath as he plays with his fingers, trying to form coherent sentences with the words in his head. “Bobby called last night.” Luke's gaze instantly shifted to disgust, while Reggie looks quite shocked.
“So? What did he want?” Luke whispers, trying to sound disinterested.
“He sent some of our videos to an important person at Destiny Management and they are interested in the band. He said that if we comply with certain requests he will give the money for us to record the demo this Friday so that it’s ready for the appointment."
“And I guess you told him we don't need him or his money. What did he answer you? He cried?" the guitarist asks with an amused face, but his friends just look at each other.
“Don't you think we should think more about it? What happens if we don't win nationals? We’ll have lost something as sure as Bobby's deal for nothing."
“She’s my friend and I love her but I have to agree, Luke. As difficult as it is, our priority has to be Sunset Curve, not Spectacular"
“They are right, Luke.” All three look at the girl, as pale as If they had seen a ghost. “Spectacular is my dream, And I know I'd do anything for it. It would be unfair of me to get angry because you’re fighting for yours. Don't hesitate, if anyone can find a way out of this it's me.”
“But, the duet...”
“I’ll just have to be the melody and the words. I’ll be fine, and honestly I'm so proud of you guys, I know you will be rock legends one day.” All three feel guilty but don't know what to say or do to make it right. She goes over to hug the drummer and the bassist who take her in their arms with all their strength, a “I’m so sorry” from the blonde accompanied by an “I know” from the girl can be heard. Then she stands in front of the guitarist and kisses his lips intensely, but breaking away painfully fast. The guys leave lovers alone for a moment of privacy.
“I believe in you, baby. You are destined to be a star, forget everything else, even me. Take the moment and knock them off their feet.” She kisses him lightly on the lips and walks a few steps back. “This month was the happiest of my life in a long time, thank you. Guess I’ll see you guys around.”
“Why do you sound like you are saying goodbye? And a horrible one? I thought you were good at everything.” Luke walks over to her again and places his hands on her cheeks, rubbing them gently. His voice is shaky and his eyes are glassy, she snorts at his sudden taunt, a little smile covered with the tears.
“Once everyone gets back to their own business, do you think you'll still have time for me? Alex is my damn neighbor, and we couldn't keep in touch.” And Luke gets it. She is used to being alone, to people not being permanent in her life. Neither her parents, nor her best friend, nor her boyfriend, nor anyone else has stayed. So this time to protect herself she decided that he too was going to leave, that it would be foolish to think that he of all possible people would stay.
“I‘m not letting you go baby, you're the only one I would let to boss me around.” The girl laughs when she remembers the millions of times she had to correct him and how he always ended up making her blush in some way, especially when they danced. She can't remember telling him but dancing with him has been the most special thing she has ever experienced. She danced with Damian for years and it never felt like the first time Luke put her long, strong hands on her waist and pulled her close to him. She can only hope to feel that way again one day.
“You are my one and only, firecracker. We’ll find a way, neither of us is a quitter.”
They say that actions are worth a thousand words, and Luke had definitely missed his first chance to show Y/N that he was serious about them by not getting in time to wish her good luck before she left with the group to the city of the competition, a few hours from there. He couldn't help but feel more miserable when he returned to the studio and found a small yellow sheet in his journal.
“You got this, rockstar. I have so much faith in you, so go make me proud. And I don’t want you feeling guilty, okay? I always want to see you shine, baby, no matter what. Your firecracker, Y/N.” Luke laughs softly, dazzled by her attempt to be sweet. If she trusts him so much, why doesn't he return the favor? She assured him they could win and when she says something, she follows through.
Why ruin his life with all of Bobby's ridiculous demands while ditching his girl in the process when he can go sing with her and do band things their way, without selling their soul to the devil. He sits on the couch thinking about what to say to the boys when they both rush in and pick him up, one from his feet and the other from his arms.
“What the hell are you two planning this time?” Luke sounds annoyed but does nothing to stop them from moving him, they throw him into the back of the car and he hits his head, getting him to kick them before they close the door.
"I'm not going to let her down again, I can’t."
"Yeah, and surely we can win, the number is spectacular... do you understand what I did there?”
Alex rolls his eyes and Luke smiles. They drive at full speed to Luke’s for him to take all his things and when he returns to the car, stands thoughtfully by the window.
“What are you doing?!” Alex is not having it, looks like a vein is going to burst from stress any second now.
“Do you think we’ll make it?” Questioned the guitarist, clearly nervous.
“If you stop asking stupid as fuck questions and get in the car, maybe.” Luke pouts but listens and finishes loading everything in the trunk.
The road is full of music to try to calm all the nerves, there was also plenty of time to rehearse the number over and over again, Luke analyzing in his mind every move he had to make, from time to time his bossy girl correcting him in his head. The only difficult thing was probably changing into the costumes, especially for Alex.
They arrive directly to register and the band turns pale when they hear the powerful and breathtaking voice of the singer who is playing her solo right now, a heavenly version of 'Never enough’. By the time they are ready to go, the main number has already started, the imposing woman in the very center of the stage with one of the boys of the group, who although does not have the voice of the guitarist, is making a good effort. Damian is on the other side, staring at her with a superiority smirk and Luke can't help but want to punch him.
“I never realized how anyone could make everything so right, I was so sad, you brought me back.” Alex quickly indicates to him how to enter the stage from the back, and Luke prepares to jump in time for the chorus, taking care of not being seen as he climbs the platform. The song is an old pop-rock song from the 80s, specifically chosen to make the guitarist's voice shine. He and his firecracker sat listening to music for hours until they finally found it, the girl's eyes shining with excitement as she imagined all she could do with the potential of the melody.
“You give me something to believe in, after all that we've been through.” He appears on the platform just in time, the lights and smoke coming out right in his grand entrance. Y/N turns immediately upon hearing her voice and he dances his way towards her.
“The love you give, it all comes back to you. You give me something to believe in, you can see the real me. And here with you is where I'm meant to be.” both singing together the remainder of the chorus and dancing to the beat. The biggest smile he has seen in his girl since he met her on her beautiful face. With that he feels satisfied with his decision, whatever happens, win or lose, it was worth it.
“And here we are together side by side, and nothing seems impossible tonight.” the duet between them is electrifying as always, he puts his hands on her thighs and lifts her with ease, both of them moving and enjoying themselves as if they were the only ones in the place. The dance ends as the first time they danced in the auditorium when he showed her that he was the right option, he holds her with one arm, their lips inches from touching but holding the magnetism back for a few more seconds until finally leave the stage.
As soon as they are backstage Y/N throws herself at Luke, wrapping her legs around his hips and devouring his lips with hers. “Someone missed me.” Luke whispers catching his breath.
"I can't believe you guys did this for me." Expressed the girl as she turns to see her other two friends, still wrapped around Luke who has her tightly held with his huge arms around her butt.
“We trust you as much as you trust us. We know that you will win, you worked like nobody for this moment.” Affirmed the blonde, giving her a small kiss on the forehead.
“I feel like I won already.” And she did. She won the trophy, the money for the demo, friends, and a ridiculously gorgeous rockstar who drove her crazy in more ways than one. All this years working hard were finally worth it... and Damian throwing a tantrum in the middle of the stage felt good too, not gonna lie.
“When are you going to ask me to be your boyfriend? As much as I love you more than anything, a man has to have some pride, you know? We've been together for like 5 months and I'm getting desperate.” They are both lying together on the girl's bed, their legs intertwined as he makes little circles with his fingers on his girl's stomach.
She raises her head resting her hand on his bare chest, her thoughts impossible to read. What are you talking about? I'm waiting for you to ask me!” He chuckles, prepared to tease her. “Bu-”she interrumpts him, pushing the hand that is resting on him to sit down. “Ba-”
“Wait a second, Lucas!” He bites his lip, he never liked being called by his name but for some reason it sounds incredibly sensual when she says it. “Yeah, baby?”
“D- did you say you love me?”
“I did, and I do. Everybody knows you've got me trapped in your claws.” He jokes to make her laugh, and he succeeds.
“I love you too, so much.”
“I know baby.” He winks teasingly at her. “Returning to the topic, you are the most bossy and confident person I have ever met, and you want to tell me that you were waiting for me to take the first step? Doesn’t sound like my firecracker. You literally pretended to be a sunset curve super fan to get my attention.”
"I totally did, I was awesome, first thing next day you were at the auditorium.” She says proud while Luke rolls his eyes with a smile. “But if it makes you feel better, I'm 100% a fan now, and...You are completely right, for once.”
She takes a deep breath, intertwining her fingers with his. “Lucas Patterson, I want you, if we're being honest, probably from the first time I saw you at that Sunset Curve gig we met at. You are annoying, cocky, passionate, and I love you with all my heart. Be my boyfriend... please.”
“There it is, that’s my girlfriend.” His eyes full of lust after hearing that she wanted him from the first night, he draws her closer to him to push his lips against hers, his girlfriend's tongue quickly dancing with his.
"Oh my god, we already talked about this, close the damn window, I don't want to hear it!” The blonde cries from his balcony, the couple can't help but laugh before joining their lips again.
Thank you for reading ✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @ghostofmgg @strangerthanfanfiction713 @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @txrii @tuttigunner @dpaccione @justalittleweirdoo @mrstodorooki @averyharrypotterlife
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Go Go Let's Go! Let's Go! Dateko! (Pt 2. Smut)
Warnings: swearing, gross amount of fluff, oral sex (female and male receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cum play, cum eating, implied shower sex
Word Count: 7,000 +
Kenji refused to tell you where the tournament was in hopes that you would just not show. But you knew better. Not only would you get to see your son play but lord that coach!
You wandered into the Date Tech section as you lean over the railings. The team is gathered around the bench ad the coach is giving them a pep talk before the game
"Futakuchi you're mom came" Obara laughs as he nudges Kenji.
"Please don't make eye contact with her it will only encourage her" he says as he places his hands on his face.
Coach Oiwake turns to see you beaming as you wave to the team. He gives you a small nod and a smile as you blush and take your seat.
"Miss Futakuchi?" A voice from besides you says.
"Oh Moniwa! It's so good to see you!" You smile as you wave to the other boys.
The boys look at you as Moniwa introduces you "this is Futakuchi's mom! Miss Futakuchi, this is Kamasaki and Sasaya both former third years on the team."
"It's so nice to meet you boys! I'd like to apologize for my idiot son's ignorance as an underclassmen. He deserves to feel the pain of being team captain" you say as you smile to the boys.
The game progresses quickly as you catch glimpse of the coach looking up at you when he is able to spare a second. You catch his eyes smiling at him.
Kamasaki whispers to Moniwa and Sasaya "damn coach has got it out for Futakuchi's mom. You see those looks." 
 Moniwa rolls his eyes "come on man knock it off"
He looks to you ad he sees his former coach staring right at you
"Ok you right" Moniwa says as Kamasaki crosses his arms laughing.
After the game you proceed the hallway to wait for the boys with the third years. Kenji and the team walk up to you as Kenji rolls his eyes and buries his face.
"Oh knock it off Kenji. You act like I'm the most embarrassing thing in your life" you say as the third years and the team laugh.
"Mom notice how no other parents are here? That's because they care about their kids reputations" he says as he glares at you.
"Awe baby I care. Just not enough" you say as you laugh walking past the boys.
"Good game guys" you say waving as you round the corner.
You walk straight into coach Oiwake as he's reviewing his notes.
"Oh Y/N. I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" he says flustered
"Oh gosh it was all me! I'm such a klutz" you says laughing awkwardly.
"Say thanks for coming out to support the team. I know the boys appreciated it" he smiles.
"Everyone but Kenji" you chuckle as he laughs.
"I'm sure Futakuchi enjoyed it too. He's just into his roll as captain" coach says as he looks down.
"Say Y/N I was wondering" he says as he scratches the back of his head "would you like to have coffee sometime?"
You smile softly "of course Takuro! Only if we don't tell Kenji."
"Deal" he says as he smiles at you.
You started seeing Takuro as often as you could. You could talk nightly on the phone and see each other when you could. It helped that Kenji was the team captain and had his own active social life. Still it was hard to sneak away without him noticing.
You had been secretly seeing Takuro for a few weeks. Things were getting pretty steamy between the two of you. You had several heated makeout sessions with Takuro but nothing even went further. You always had to leave because Kenji expected you home and you already hated lying to your son about your relationship with his coach.
Takuro had asked you to spend the night with him the week prior and you had agreed. All you needed was a plan to convince Kenji of your absence. You start pondering as you begin preparing lunch. You had to tell him something as go why you wouldn't be home. He knew you didn't work this weekend so that wasn't good enough.
"Hey mom I won't be home this weekend" Kenji said as he rushed into the kitchen
well shit that was easy
"Oh where are you going" you question.
"Obara invited me to a party tonight and them tomorrow we are having a game with the third years. Those losers keep hanging around so we might as well put them to use" Kenji says as he chuckles.
You laugh "ok well don't do anything I wouldn't do"
"Geez mom don't set the bar too high. You literally use to sneak out of grandma and grandpa's house all the time" he laughed
"Hey HEY" you say trying to stay serious "ok yeah I was an awful kid. Go be free my child". You wave Kenji off as he bids you goodbye.
You smile as you text Takuro that you will be over tonight. You tell him your going to run to the store to grab ingredients to prepare dinner for the two of you.
As the night approaches you leave for Takuro’s house. You arrive at the store as you begin to shop. Suddenly a hand snakes around your waist as a face presses to your neck.
"I SWEAR TO GOD I HAVE A TASER" you scream as the voice laughs.
"I can't ever be cute can I?" Takuro laughs as you calm down from your near heart attack.
"Well not if you're going to stalk me! Jesus Takuro" you huff.
"I couldn't wait to see you sweetheart" he says as he kisses your neck. You giggle as he focuses on your sweet spot. 
 Unbeknownst to you, 2 pairs of eyes watch from outside the store window.
"Futakuchi isn't that your mom?" Obara says as he stops walking outside the store.
Kenji looks up and sees you hugging Coach Oiwake as he kisses your neck.
"What the fuck?" Kenji says angerly.
"Dude let's go before they see us" Obara pushes Kenji past the store window as Kenji feels his face heat with anger.
How could you lie to him?
You grab your groceries as Takuro carries them to your car.
You arrive at Takuro's house as you prepare to exit your car. He runs up to your car door, swinging it open as he grabs you from the seat.
"JESUS CHRIST TAKURO YOUR'RE GOING TO GIVE ME WHIPLASH" you scream as he tosses you over his shoulder, spanking your ass as he carries you inside.
He sets you down as he starts to kiss you deeply, pulling his track jacket off as he pulls your cardigan from your shoulders.
You giggle as he releases you lips and travels to your neck "impatient much? I just got here what's the rush big shoots?"
"Can't wait any longer" he says as he pulls away from you looking at you "you just drive me nuts Y/N. I just need you so bad."
He kisses you neck violently as he grasps you ass pulling you up to him. He signals for you to jump as he carries you to his room.
"Wait the groceries" you say in-between his kisses as his hands start to travel up your tank top.
"It's fine baby" he says as he lightly tickles your skin as he kisses you. He licks your lower lip asking for access as you pull away. You get up on your knees and crawl away from him towards the top of the bed. You sit on your knees and you cross your arms over your chest.
The man is flustered. His head hangs low as his arms rest on the bed, his muscles stretching his white t-shirt.
"No more sir until you get my groceries in" you pout as you look away from him trying to keep a straight face.
"Fuck-ok" he says waving his hand as he walks to your car to retrieve the groceries. You take the opportunity to strip your clothes, revealing your matching lace bra and panties set.
You kneel at the edge I the bed, waiting for Takuro to come back. Your hands resting on your lush thighs.
"Ok baby no-" Takuro begins to say as he walks into his room.
He stops as his eyes literally bulge from his head.
"Fuck" he whispers as he falls falls to his knees at the sight of your gorgeous body clad only in a small amount of fabric.
"D-Do you like it?" You say shyly. It wasn't like you to be self conscious but then again you haven't had sex in years.
Takuro can't speak.
you literally broke the man Y/N. RIP Coach Oiwake Takuro 2021
He just stares as you start to feel self conscious.
He gets up and walks over to you as he leans in front of you face. He smiles at you as he grabs the back of your head pulling you into a heated kiss.
He guides you back on the bed as you toy with the hem of his shirt. He straddles you as he sits up removing his shirt.
Fuck the man is built. For being in his late 40s he's sculpted like a Greek statue. You feel up his chest as he kisses you deeply exploring your mouth with his tongue. He releases you from the kiss as he stares down at you.
"Y/N I'm going fucking worship you baby" he says as he kisses down your neck.
You feel your core heat up as your panties begin to get wetter and wetter with every kiss. You can't help but moan as he reaches your sensitive spots.
He works his way down your chest. He kisses your nipples over your lingerie as he moves the straps down to kiss your shoulders.
"We are going to leave this on because it's driving me insane" he says as he tugs at your bra. The straps down on your lower arms as the cups barely hold your full breasts.
He moves to your stomach as he kisses every square inch. The man is romantic as hell!
"You ready sweetheart" he says as he moves his fingers into your panties.
You nod as you pull your lip between your teeth. You can't believe how wet you are.
Takuro slowly pulls down your panties as a string of your essence glides with the panties.
"Fuck" he says as he rests his head in your thigh "whatever God decided to bless me fucking THANK YOU"
You giggle as he kisses your inner thighs. You moan at the feeling and growing sensation. He looks up at you as he spreads your pussy lips with his fingers and takes a long lick of your wet slit.
You shiver as your back arches. Takuro takes no time diving into his new home.
Fuck you were so wet and you tasted so good.
"Holy shit Takurō. Fuck right there" you screams as your back begins to arch high and higher. You've never had oral like this before.
"Fuck yes yes yes right there keep going. Omg fuck I'm going to cum" you say as you grab his head and push it further into your cunt. You rub your cunt on his face as the rope inside you snaps.
You screams as you cum hard on your lovers face.
Takuro backs up as he kisses your thighs. He slowly inserts two fingers into your already sensitive pussy as he begins to move them.
"Cum again sweetheart. I need more" he says as he pushes two fingers into your sopping wet cunt. You're still riding out the high from your previous orgasm as he leans over, pulling you up to meet him in a deep kiss.
He grabs your hair as he pulls it back exposing the column of your neck to his lips. He probes your cunt faster as you feel yourself building up.
"Ahhh ahh fuck Taku, ah" you cry as he kisses your neck quickening the speed of his fingers.
"Come on baby give me one more and then I'll fuck this tight little pussy. Please give me one more" he says as you feel your core snap as your cunt spasm around his fingers.
You fall back to the bed as he stands up removing his pants. You stare at his long cock with wide eyes.
"I'll be gentle angel" he says as he reaches for a condom.
You shake your head "I want you to cum in my mouth. Fuck me raw and cum in my mouth Takuro" you say seductively as you pull your lower lip into between your teeth.
"Baby you- you can't say shit like that. Fuck" he says as he flips you around to all fours as he lines up his cock.
"Let me suck you please" you say looking over your shoulder with doe eyes.
"Later baby later I-I'm not waiting any longer to fuck you" he says as he slowly starts to push is cock into your wet entrance.
"Holy- Y/N baby you need to relax" he says as he grabs your hips stopping himself from moving further.
"Relax? I haven't been fucked in years and you want me to relax?" You say as you trust yourself backwards impaling yourself on his hard cock.
"Fucking shit Y/N! God dammit I want to last longer than a minute" he shouts as he spanks your ass. You refuse to listen as you propel yourself back to his cock as he tries to hold you off.
"I swear to God if you don't fuck me-" you say as he flips you around standing up and yanking you down to the edge of the bed as you lay on your elbows.
"You'll do what Y/N?" He says in a sadistic voice as he pushes his cock all the way into your cunt in one swift movement.
"Shit" he chokes "God baby this is the tightest cunt" he says as he pulls back, setting a brutal pace as his balls slap your ass.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel every single centimeter of his cock on your inside walls.
"Fuck Y/N baby are you close" he says as he looks down to you.
You're gone. Where even are you Y/N? Come back to earth Y/N!
"Shit baby I'm going to cum soon you feel so fucking amazing. Fuck I'm going to worship this pussy everyday until I die" he chokes
"Oh Takuro, fuck-fuck I'm going to cum please keep going" you manage to say as he pushes forward trying to bring you to orgasm.
You feel your core snap again as the quick rise and fall of your orgasms over sweeps your body.
"Fuck baby are you ready" he says giving you a moment to recover.
He pulls out as you sink to the floor between his legs opening your mouth to receive his juices.
He jerks his cock as you sit with your mouth wide open "Oh fuck Y/N- baby UGH" he says as he shouts rope after rope of cum into your mouth.
You happily accept his gift as he groans and pants, his abs retracting from the intense orgasm. He throws his head back as he finishes and you wipe up the little cum that managed to fall to the side your lips.
He pulls back ad he sees his fluids in your mouth and on your tongue. You close your mouth, reopening to show him that you had swallowed what he had offered to you.
He kneels down to your face as he pulls you into a deep kiss.
"That was the best sex I've ever had" he chuckles as you smile.
"Yeah it was at least a solid 8" you tease as his eyes widen.
"An 8? Well we can't have that now can we. Date Tech strives to be the best so I only accept 10 and above" he says grabbing you as he carries you to the shower.
He fucks you in the shower until your brain is numb. He suck is cock as you make him finish for a second time during your hour long shower. You both emerge completely blissed out and exhausted.
"I’m hungry" you say as you cuddle into his stomach and he pulls up close.
"Well it's a good thing I brought it those groceries" he says.
"You mean the groceries I MADE you bring in" you say looking up at him.
"Well the trip was worth it because look what I came back too" he says as he hoisting you above him to straddle his waist.
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 13 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (12)
Next part (14) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The funfair is everything you thought it would be, and even more. The colorful lights, the music, the games, the kids running around. It's inebriating, beautiful, mesmerizing... You only wish you could forget what you saw on the road... What you saw a while ago and what James told you he saw. Four beasts so far, if you assume those were all different animals. It probably means there are more, right? Nobody was attacked yet, or else you'd know. News travel fast through Hawkins. But even so, the cops need to know, and whatever it is, it has to be controlled. But what you really need is to know what that is. You think you'll feel better once you know the species, so you can do some research and have some peace of mind.
“(Y/N)? Are you there?” Monica shakes your shoulder lightly, dragging you out of your thoughts. “You look a little pale. Are you feeling alright?”
“Yup. I was just thinking.” You all give a few steps forward when the line for the ferris wheel move.
“I know who you were thinking about,” Christopher says, his arm around Monica's shoulders. “He's coming, by the way.” He tilts his head towards something behind you, and you immediately turn on your heels, and the familiar burning on your stomach hits.
You can't help but smile to see him, walking among the sea of people, eyes fixed on you. It's ok to look now, right? You're dating, you're living together. And Billy looks so... Gorgeous. Hot. Awesome. He's wearing his black leather jacket and a dark blue shirt underneath, which is unbuttoned.
“Hey, princess.” His smile makes your legs weak as he pulls you into a kiss.
“Hey, handsome,” you mutter when you pull away, a hand on the exposed part of his chest. “Haven't you ever heard of buttons, Hargrove?”
“Yeah, but I don't think they're necessary.” He winks and you bite your lip.
“I think I agree,” you whisper before finally turning back to your friends. And, of course, they're all staring with wide eyes. Monica is the only one who knows you're dating. “So, guys... Billy and I.” You mutter, blushing lightly and moving again. You're next in line.
“I knew it!” Jason exclaims, high-fiving Monica. “I knew it, from the beginning.”
“I didn't. I mean... Billy is... Or was...” Christopher struggles with the words, gesturing at Billy and you. “Well it doesn't matter, does it? Congratulations.”
“Careful, Chris. Remember what happened to David last time.” Monica warns him, a smirk on her face.
“Next.” The old man calls and you move.
“Couples first,” Monica says, pulling you and Billy ahead of the others. The car only fits two, so you and Billy go alone.
As you move up, you look down, taking in the amazing view the ferris wheel provides. Billy has an arm around your shoulders, and you lay your head on his shoulder.
“You're quiet. What happened? You sounded very excited about the fair.” Billy asks, placing a kiss on your hair.
You don't want to tell him why you're restless, not today. “I was. I am.” You stutter a little, clearing your throat.
“Are you afraid of heights?”
“No.” You breathe out, cursing yourself for worrying him. “I'm happy, I truly am and this is... This is beautiful and being here with you just makes everything better.” Looking up, you pull him into a kiss, taking in his amazing scent, from the cologne you love so much. “I'm alright, trust me,” you reassure him when we break the kiss.
“(Y/N), you were very, very loud earlier. You literally threw water on me. You can't possibly think I wouldn't notice you acting weird.” Billy keeps his index finger on your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes.
You really wish he could let it go because you don't want to ruin the night, but don't want to lie either. “I just saw something in the woods, but I'm sure it's nothing.” You try hard to keep the fear away from your voice, to keep it casual.
“Was it the same thing you saw the other time?” He asks, the expression on his face changing. It seems that you don't need to ask Billy to believe on what you saw. He does. You have no idea why or how, but it looks like he does. “The same thing James said he saw?”
“Yeah... Two of them. Running, keeping up with the car.” Your voice cracks by the end, as the image comes back to your mind. It's almost surreal that you're so scared of what's probably just some kind of animal. “It's stupid. I'm a big city girl, I'm not used to living this close to the woods.”
“It's not stupid.” He assures you, pecking your lips. “We'll check it out tomorrow, ok?”
“We should tell the police. What if it starts attacking people in the daylight?”
“It won't,” Billy states, not a single hint of doubt in his voice.
“What do you mean it won't? Do you know what it is? Is it nocturnal?” The words come out fast. If he knows what it is, why didn't he tell you on the first time? Billy looks away, taking a deep breath. “Billy?”
“I'll need you to trust me in this, (Y/N).” His voice is different, urgent, deep. Of course you trust him, how could you not?
“I do,” you say in a low voice. “You know I do. Is something going on that I don't know about?” As you speak, your time is over and you're back on the ground. Billy takes your hand and start walking away from the ferris wheel.
“I promise I'll tell you everything. But not here, and not today.” You both stop, and Billy cups your face. “For now, let's us just... Enjoy the moment. How does that sound?”
Taking a deep breath, you nod. It was the plan from the beginning, so you might as well stick to it. “Alright.”
“Come, I'll introduce you to my friends.”
Billy guides you through the fair, holding your hand. His friends are on the Northside, where parking is exclusive for the employees. But you don't think they care. You only know Tommy and Carol, the other two guys and the girl you only know from afar. When they recognize Billy, Tommy raises his hand and waves.
“You'll hate them.” Billy warns.
“Let me be the judge of that,” you whisper as you approach the guys.
“What's up, Billy,” Tommy says, smiling. “...And who's that?”
Of cours they're staring at you. Why would you even hope otherwise? You're not only the new girl, but now you're also the one who actually got Billy Hargrove. People won't just look. They'll stare. “This is (Y/N), my girlfriend,” Billy says and you wave at them. “(Y/N), these are Tommy, Carol, Ryan, Buck, and Emily.”
“Hi. It's nice to meet you, guys.” You simply say, involuntary moving closer to Billy when you notice Ryan's eyes lingering on you.
“Girlfriend? Are you kidding me?” Carol asks, giggling. “I knew you two were hanging out but dating? I must admit I didn't see that coming.”
“Why didn't you introduce her to us earlier, Billy?” Ryan mutters, taking a sip from his can. “Is she too... Pure to hang out with us?”
“Actually, yes,”
“And have you started corrupting her already?" Ryan flashes a smile, and it makes you feel uncomfortable. You can see when his eyes move through your body, up and down, his smile only widening. “Why don't you give me your number, sweetie? I can call when Billy boy here is done with you.”
“Don't you–”
“Do you happen to have Billy's number?” You ask, raising your voice and placing a hand on Billy's chest to stop him from moving. Ryan raises an eyebrow and nods, a big interrogation on his face. “Good. Then you already have my number.”
He bursts into a laugh, furrowing his eyebrows. “Nice one. You could just say no, though.”
“It's not a joke.” Smiling, you feel Billy's arms encircling your waist.
“Wait. Are you two living together or something?” Emily gestures at you and then at Billy, and you feel when he nods. “Shit, it's true then. You're pregnant.” She stands up straight, wide eyes.
“I knew it.” Tommy states.
“That again.” Rolling your eyes, you shake your head lightly. “I'm not pregnant. We're just–”
“Living together,” Billy states, his voice making it clear there will be no further explanation.
Everyone, basically at the same time, gasps, giggles, and Ryan spits out his drink. “Holy shit, Billy. Can't believe you're keeping this one. But this whole innocent act she has going on is very alluring, I must admit.”
“Want me to beat him up a little?” Billy whispers in your ear, and you can hear the anger building up. And you didn't like what Ryan said anyway.
“I did say I wouldn't stop you on the next time so be my guest,” you whisper back, shrugging your shoulders. Who are you to intervene if Billy wants to use his friend as a punching bag?
You give a step back when Billy moves, straight towards Ryan who has the decency of raising both his hands in defeat. “C'mon, Billy. You wouldn't hurt me because of one of your cows, would you? She's just–” Ryan is cut short by a hard punch on his stomach, which makes him bend over and forces the air out of his lungs.
“I would just–” Billy pulls him up again by the collar of his shirt, his fist then connecting to his jaw. “–warn you but–” A kick this time, on the ribs. “–you just can't keep your damn mouth shut, can you?” Billy pushes him violently, and Ryan stumbles down, blood all over his nose and mouth. “I believe my point is made.” He turns to look at the others and you do the same, just now noticing your eyes were fixed on the fight. If you can even call this a fight.
“No screwing with your girl,” Tommy states, exchanging a wide-eyed glance with Carol. “Got it.”
“Let's go, (Y/N).” Billy fixes his jacket and takes your hand. “Want some cotton candy?”
He is acting as if he didn't just leave a bleeding Ryan lying on the ground. “Yeah,” you mumble, raising an eyebrow at his smirk. Billy starts walking, not bothering to wave goodbye at his friends. “Just because I didn't like them it doesn't mean you can't hang out with them. I want to make this very clear.” You have to say it. In a relationship, a person shouldn't try to control who the other hangs out with.
“You're an angel, you know that? The other girls had me for one night and already wanted to control what I–” He stops talking suddenly, shaking his head slightly.
“What? You can say it, I made peace with whatever you did before.” As you speak, you start pulling him on a different direction. This parking lot is outside of the fair, so you're near the back of the attractions. A place gets your attention. It's a bit dark, but there's this blue and purple light, enough to illuminate it just a little bit.
“I know, but I shouldn't compare you to–. Where are you going?”
Not bothering to answer, you just start pulling him harder. “There.”
“I might like where this is going.”
“Jerk,” you mumble, smiling to find that whatever attraction this is, the back is shaped like an L, which gives you a perfect corner to hide. So you move to the very back of it. “Thank you again,” you say, turning around and walking backwards until your back hits the metal wall.
“For what?”
“For defending my honor. It's the second time and now I can thank you better than I did on the first time.” Of course, he already has that smirk on his face. The one you used to hate, that you used to be scared of because it made you feel... Weird. “I–”
The words get caught in your throat when Billy picks you up suddenly, both his hands grabbing your legs and placing them around his waist. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself, giggling. “For the height issue.”
“The height is not an issue,” you tell him, the blue and purple lights illuminating his face enough for you to take in his features. They're already memorized, burned in your brain, but you still like to look. “It's good to be on the same level though.”
“Mhm.” He mumbles and you close your eyes when you feel his lips brushing on yours.
You're used to the burning sensation, the sweet butterflies on your stomach as the anticipation kicks in.
On the moment his lips connect with yours, the amazing, breathtaking sensation is clouded by a groan. A... Growl. Billy pulls away immediately, letting you down. “What was that?” you ask, suddenly aware of the woods across the parking lot.
“Stay here, I–” Another snarl, low and guttural, and then you see it.
The thing comes from behind a large truck, some feet away. You're frozen at the sight. Now you can see it, clearly. And it's not an animal.
It has no fur, just blue, wet skin... And no face. You were right. James was right...
“(Y/N),” Billy calls, but you don't move. “(Y/N), c'mon.”
The thing moves slowly, and you have no idea how, but it knows you're here. It's looking straight at you and Billy, despite having no eyes. You're trying to make your body move, to send any signals to your legs, but it's useless.
Its face starts moving, all of it. You feel Billy grabbing your hand, a distant, numb feeling. Then, the animal's head opens up, and an unnatural growl emerges from its throat at the same moment you're pulled. You don't know how but your legs start working, and you're suddenly running, as fast as you can, back inside the fair. But you feel hunted, pursued. You're among the people again, but Billy keeps running, you don't know where. You can't think. Maybe you're going crazy, but you're pretty sure Billy saw it too. He wouldn't be running if he didn't, right?
“(Y/N),” Billy cups your face, and only then you notice you stopped. The sea of people move around you, but you can't really see it. “Listen. I need you to help me find Maxine. Or any of her friends. Ok?”
You simply nod, taking a deep breath and trying to get yourself back together. “Maxine,” you repeat, clenching your fists. “Or the boys. Alright. But n-no separating to look.” You burst out the last part, holding the collar of his jacket.
“No, we'll stay together. I just need you to–”
“Billy!” A low yell almost lost among the noises reaches you. You both turn your heads at the same time to find Max running, pushing people out of her way. She's with the boys, and someone older. “We gotta go. Now.” She says once she's close.
“The Demodogs are back.” Dustin cuts Billy off, his voice getting all funny again. But you don't laugh this time. You're too scared to laugh.
“(Y/N)? Are you ok?” Max asks, and you don't know what to say.
You're feeling sick. There are too many people here, and that thing is out there... What if it starts attacking? There are kids here, toddlers... You feel your body failing, and a strong arm encircles your waist.
“My place. Everyone. Now.” Billy commands as you struggle to stand up, hiding your face on his chest.
Is there any possibility you're having a nightmare?
Because these... These things don't just happen. It doesn't exist, not in real life. It belongs only to sci-fi or horror movies.
Billy has a hand on your knee as you ride shotgun in his car, not listening to whatever Max, Lucas, and Dustin are talking about on the backseat. You're waiting to wake up, you think. Trying to shake the image of that thing's head opening up like it's been sliced apart. You feel how your hands are shaking when you touch your face, trying hard no cry out of desperation.
“Hey,” Billy says in a low voice. “Remember when I told you to trust me?”
Nodding, you dry off the stubborn tears before looking at him. “We'll fix this. I promise you.”
“How? How do we–”
“We'll tell you everything,” Lucas says, cutting in. “I mean, she saw it. She has to know, right?”
“Right. But your brain may explode, so be prepared.” Max touches your shoulder, but you can't understand why they seem so... Calm about this. They're worried, but not deadly, ultimately scared. How in the hell is that possible that you're the only one here on the verge of losing your damn mind?
“Let's get inside,” Billy says when we stop by his place. “And wait for the others.”
You can barely feel your body as you walk to the house. Billy remains by your side on the couch as the boys stay in the kitchen. The low chattering is unlistenable.
“How are you feeling, princess?”
“I don't know how to answer that. I just say a very weird dog cracking its head open.” Running a hand through your hair, you close your eyes shut. “It's about that lab, isn't it? This whole thing smells like some screwed up experiment that went wrong.”
“The truth is actually a lot worse than that.” As he speaks, the door opens and you jump back to your feet, breathing out relieved when you see it's just the rest of the guys. And three more people, about your age.
Everyone gathers around in the living room and you go back to your place beside Billy. It's creepy the way they all keep staring at you, exchanging glances.
“(Y/N), these are Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan. They're part of our party when it comes to... This.” Max starts, and the three of them nod and give you a little wave. “There are also Robin, Hopper, the chief of police and Joy, Will's mom, but they won't get here in time so... Let's just do this.”
Maxine takes the deepest breath, but when you think she'll start speaking, she doesn't.
“I swear to God I'll lose my freaking mind if one of you don't start explaining to me what the hell is going on here because I just saw some–some sick, zombie, dead dog with no face and the head just opened up like one of those carnivorous plants and I'm sure something is very, very wrong and–”
“Alright, I'll do it.” Eleven speaks up, stepping forward and gesturing for Billy to stand up. She takes his place, looking down at her hands before looking at you. “Ready for the strangest story you'll ever hear?”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @halloweenbitch2764 @redlovett @multific @shinydixon @nikkixostan @clockworkballerina
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samanthalightning · 4 years
She's Got A Date-EoWells X Allen!reader- Part I
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*The GIF is not mine. All rights belongs to the owner*
Summary: You decided to cook for your secret boyfriend, but things did not go accordingly.
Warnings: Smut. Oral (fem!receiving)
Just a month ago, your brother woke up from a 9-month coma he was in. Everything has changed since December. The city mourned it's losses. Joe became more heavily into work, Iris is dating behind his back with Eddie. You graduated from school, you became an employee at S.T.A.R Labs despite of it's downfall. And you were also dating someone behind their backs.
5 more minutes before you're done for the day, you find yourself in the cortex, head laid back on the leather chair, spinning it while you stare at the ceiling. The boredom is not what's bothering you, it's the sweet torture of waiting. You've been excited since the day started, you managed to get through the whole day and a few more minutes is killing you.
Cisco entered the room, holding a tablet in his hand. He took a seat beside you and typed something on the computer.
"You okay, Y/N?" He asked.
"Yeah, just can't wait for this day to over,"
His head slowly turning his head to you, craning it to the side with narrowed eyes at you. "Miss Y/N Allen hurrying out of work? That's suspicious. You got a date?"
Your eyes went wide and jolted upright in your seat. "No!" You blurted loudly.
A perplexed look crossed his face, slightly taken a back with your reaction, as he was only teasing, but you actually thought he was onto you.
You blinked, the blood drained from your cheeks upon the realization of what you've done. You have to throw him off guard or else he'd be actually onto you, and all of the ridiculous excuses you've made will be all gone to waste. And he will kill you for actually spilling the beans without his consent.
You fiddled with the edge of the white sweater that Barry got for your graduation that he missed, as you rack your brain for a decent excuse. You stared at him for far too long, it was just seconds really, but you panicked and went along with whatever comes out of your mouth.
"I mean, I don't have a date, I'm not going out tonight or meet someone, or have dinner with anyone— I don't have a date!" You snapped.
"Okay, chill." He raised his hands up. "I was only teasing,"
You laughed nervously. "Cool,"
He turned back to whatever was he doing on the computer, still wholly confused on whatever was going on with you. You didn't say anything; you didn't trust yourself and your mouth. You checked your watch for time, and your shift officially ended. You picked your shoulder bag from the floor and slung it over your shoulder.
"Hey, I gotta go, Cisco. Bye, good night!" You jumped out of your seat, and picked up the messenger bag you have, slinging it over your shoulder.
"Good night." He watched you as hurriedly left the cortex, he can even hear you running down the hallway . He shakes his head and chuckles to himself; you were very obvious.
Just as you left, Dr. Wells wheeled into the cortex.
"Y/N already left, Cisco?" He asked.
Cisco nodded. "Yup. She got a date,"
You decided that you will cook tonight. You and your love haven't had a decent date night ever since Barry woke up from the coma with a newfound speed. And you never really went out for dinner like normal couples do. So if you can't go to a restaurant, you'll bring the restaurant to you.
Compared to Iris' cooking, you're basically a master chef, but compared to normal people's cooking, you weren't actually that good. But you decided that you will cook for dinner anyway. What's a little steak compared to a mechanical engineer who works for a team that kicks meta-humans' butts? If things go awry, pizza's the back-up plan.
With a steak that's overcooked, the potatoes and the salad barely even done, and you have spent an hour trying to make things go accordingly and you were on the verge of a mental breakdown, but on the bright side, the soufflé are done. Maybe you should've ordered pizza. It's not too late, he isn't here yet.
Abruptly, there was a knock coming from your door.
"No, no, no," you whispered, hurrying out of the kitchen to head for the door.
You opened the door, wishing that it wasn't him, only to be disappointed once you laid your eyes on him. He had a small smile on his face, looking at yourself. He did really take the whole dinner thing seriously, because you're cooking. In a fancy suit, he ditched the tie, and the two buttons were undone. He held a bottle of wine on his lap.
Your boyfriend, Dr. Harrison Wells.
"Hey babe," you leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips, before stepping aside to let him in your small apartment.
You took the wine and placed it on your coffee table, slightly anxious as you stood behind him.
"You're early,"
He merely shrugged. "What's for dinner?" He asked, heading straight to the kitchen, eyeing everything on the counter.
Your face scrunched up, pressing your lips together, following behind him. "About that..." You watched, as his confusion settled on his face, his head tilted to the side, when he saw the food.
Your cheeks were warm in embarrassment, mentally cursing yourself for ruining everything.
"I may have slightly overcooked it. And I haven't cooked the sides," you explained, scratching your head.
You expected a reaction from him, dreaded it, actually, but he glanced up to you with this stoic, blank expression on his face. You can't read it; you don't know what's on his mind, is he disappointed? You have no idea, and it's infuriating, honestly.
Your shoulder slumped with a weary sigh and frowned, "Look, I'm sorry. I really tried, but I don't know what happened," you spoke softly. You still got no reaction from him, he only watched you intently, so you took it as a sign to continue, "I really want this to go perfectly, and it just... I'm sorry I disappointed you,"
That's when he took your hand, his thumb brushing against your knuckles, then planted his lips on it. "Come here." He patted his lap, gesturing you to sit on his lap.
You obliged. He rubbed his hands on your arms soothingly, comforting almost, as if he can sense the disappointment and frustration you feel for yourself.
"I'm not disappointed," he assured you, "I'm amused, actually,"
You whirled your head, facing him. You were surprised by his confession.
You blinked. "What?"
Now, his lips turned up a little bit. And you start to wonder how botching dinner and failing at doing a basic life skill is amusing as this doctor said.
"Well, I appreciated the gesture, even though it did not end well. You didn't have to do this, but thank you,"
You adjusted yourself on his lap, you put your head on his shoulder, you wrapped your arms around his neck. And he kissed your forehead, cradled your neck, coddling you protectively like you were a baby. Well, his baby.
"I really did want to make this special, you know? With all of what's happening— Barry, the metas— and the whole secret relationship is not helping. It's all happening so fast, and we didn't have time for ourselves," you rambled on.
"I know." His chest heaved. "It's okay. You tried,”
Silence seeped through the room. You felt safe and comfortable in his arms. You ran your thoughts, thinking how far you've come in your secret relationship and how intimate he'd become. He wasn't always like this, the kisses were awkward, so was holding hands. He was weird with affection; he wasn't used to it, exactly. You were like high schoolers dating. That built up a lot of tension, which paid off later.
Only 10 months ago, you were just an intern at S.T.A.R Labs. He's just the guy you worked for, he didn't know you existed, hell, you weren't even on his research team for the particle accelerator. Then Barry got struck by lightning and was in a coma, then he offered to help him, bringing him to S.T.A.R Labs. He was nice, he was assuring— he was there.
Although, you admit that you always had a crush on him, you considered it as merely admiring his works. Then something happened, something sparked between you two, and you realize that you're starting to have feelings for the man.
You pursued him. Man, he was hard to crack. He had a bunch of excuses. First, it was the 28 years age gap between you two; then it was his current condition; then ultimately, his new reputation in the city. It was like he's immune to temptation, but even steel can be bent. Two months of pining after him, he gave in. You may have snapped and confronted him and annoyed him in the process, but he gave in.
"Imagine, 6 months of dating and I never cooked for you," you said randomly.
"It was probably for the best," he quipped.
You both shared a laugh. Although you were a bit flushed. You started fiddling with the hem of your sweater again. As much as you want to stop, because you might ruin it, but it just feels nice when it brushes against the skin of your fingers.
"My mom was great in the kitchen," you began. Memories played on your head— memories of family dinners every night. It's a blur, but you remember how it felt; warm, inviting, happy— whole.
"Really?" You nodded.
"If she was here she'd be wondering how on earth am I her daughter." You chuckled.
"If she's here, she would be very proud of how incredible and smart you are,"
Wells exhaled. "Not with what you've done with the steak, but—" you didn't let him finish and swat his chest. He laughed a bit, much to your already abashed self.
"No, I meant it. She would have been very proud. It's a shame she never gets to see the woman you become," he said, as he tuck a strands of hair behind your ear.
You rolled your eyes, but you blushed. You admit, it was nice to hear it. If she can see you right now, you really wish she's proud.
He cupped your chin, lifting it to meet your eyes. "I love you," he said it like the first he said it: stern, yet with such emotions and meaning with it, it makes your heart sink. Only him can do that.
"I love you too," you replied, leaning into him.
You kissed him sweetly and tenderly. Even now, kisses from him make your stomach flips.
Moments like this in your relationship is what makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, it makes your heart flutter. He's a man of logic, of course his words and gestures were often minimal. But when he shows them, it's meaningful and beautiful and just sweet.
You pulled away, grinning ear-to-ear like an idiot.
"Do you want me to order some pizza?"
"I think we should skip dinner and head straight for desserts," you saw the smirk on his face, the glint in his eyes: dark and mischievous.
He leaned closer, slowly, inch by inch, as if torturing you, making your breath hitch. His breath fanned against your lips, his own was hair breadth away from you.
You knew exactly what this is leading to, but it wouldn't hurt to mess with him.
You tilted your head slightly, staring at his thin, pink lips, leading him to believe you're going for it, then pulled away, raising your eyebrows.
"The soufflé?" You inquired, pretending to be clueless. "I can get them if you want,"
You got off his lap, not even fully standing when his hands grabbed your waist and yanked you back down, and you let out a squeal in the process. He wrapped his arms around you locking you in. His hand cupped your cheek, before clashing his lips against yours.
Hungrily, he kissed you. You put your hand on his chest, as your lips moved against his, fighting his dominance, he moved his lips searingly, deepening the kiss that sends chills down your spine. His tongue brushes against your bottom lip, and you open up your lips, allowing him entrance. It was the battle of tongue, which you lost, melting into him.
His hands roamed your back, then your waist, the edge of your curves, alighting a spark in your stomach. Your hands flew to his neck, clutching it.
You broke the kiss to catch your breath. Your heavy breath was seemingly dramatic compared to his. He didn't even break a sweat. You giggled, your head felt light and the room was spinning around, heart was racing. Damn. He's such a good kisser.
You shifted, straddling his lap, you put arms around your neck, reeling him back into the heated kiss. Your hips flicked, groans spilled from your lips. His lips moved to the nape of your neck, vigorously sucking on your sweet spot right there. You tried to suppress the moan in your throat, as his lips lowered down, nipping the skin of your collarbone. The last time you screamed, the neighbor slammed on the wall, complaining. Not having that again.
The need for him builds up in the pit of your stomach minute by minute, rocking your hips faster and faster against him, your own wetness growing. He untied the knot of your apron. He took it off your neck, throwing it to the side, before grabbing your face and capturing his lips again, not getting enough of it.
You took his jacket off of him, without breaking your lips, then your dainty fingers started unbuttoning his shirt skillfully. It was clearly unfair, so he started getting rid of your blouse as well. You discarded each other's top, until you were down to your bra, which he unclasped later on.
You gasped, as you felt your breasts were finally freed. The chilly air inside made your nipples harden. He admired your perky breasts, appreciatively, planting a kiss in between, you hummed involuntarily. His lips trailed closer and closer, he swirled his tongue around the nub teasingly and torturously. A hum wouldn't do anymore, you moaned in pleasure. Then suddenly, he ravished your nipples in his mouth, sucking on the nub, like fingers toyed with the other one.
Your fingers ran across the naked chest, to the taut of his shoulder, before delving in the bed of his locks, gripping them tightly, as he continued on, moving to the breast to give the same attention. He pinched it, bit it; he drove you wild with what he's doing with your nipples.
It's like someone started a fire in your bones; you're all hot and bothered.
He stopped kissing them, which made you whine for the loss of attention. He tugged your short, basically saying you needed to take them off, and you did, leaving you with only your panties on you.
His lustful eyes raked your naked body, as you stood before him, breathless. Your heart pounded in your ears, adrenaline rushing through your veins in excitement. You felt the ache between your legs, slowly feeling your panties dampening. God, you really need him.
He ran his hands on hips, trailing hot, open-mouth, wet kisses down your stomach, it made you bite your lip.
"Stunning. Just stunning," he whispered softly against your warm skin.
You blushed lightly at his comment. He liked making you blush. You realized that pattern back when Barry was in a coma. You'd stay and help out, he would just compliment you for whatever you tackled that day.
You let out a gasp, when he gripped your hips, lifting you off the floor, and placed you on top of the kitchen counter. You didn't expect such force from him. His fingers slipped through the bands of your panties, tugging them down antagonizing slowly. Such a tease.
He lowered his head in between your legs, as he spread them opening. His lips curved at the sight of your wetness, he took your leg and put over his shoulder, and began sucking on the soft skin of your leg, trailing up to your inner thigh. You felt his warm breath ghosting your inner thigh, kissing it, as his lips moved up and up to your womanhood, his fingers lightly trailed against it.
"Harry, please," you cried, screwing your eyes shut and bit your lips harshly.
Hearing your plea, he slowly licked a stripe, then closed his mouth over the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your mouth hung open and you arched your back. Pleased with his work, he hummed, sending vibrations through your body.
"Oh, don't stop," you whined.
"Oh darling, I don't intend to," he said huskily, it ran shivers down your spine.
His tongue thrusted in and out of you, swirling around your clit, driving you to sweet ecstasy. You clampled the edge of the counter and mewled loudly, your hips locked up at the sensation.
Abruptly, a ring cut through the moment. Wells stopped, but upon realizing that it wasn't his phone, he carried on. Breathless, you pat the counter behind you, looking for your phone. Once you took a hold of it, you were going to reject it, seeing the caller ID, you turned to Wells.
"It's Cisco," you informed him.
You thought he didn't just hear you, distracted, so you told him again.
"Answer it,"
Your lips parted, "Wha—"
"Answer it," he repeated nonchalantly.
You can't believe that he's risking being caught. For someone who would scold you to keep your hands to yourself when you're out, this is surprising.
Extremely bewildered and aroused, and worried that something might have happened to Barry, you didn't argue and clicked to answer.
"Hey Cisco," you tried to steady your voice, but it wavered at the end, when he sucked your clit with vigor.
"Hey Y/N. You busy?"
"Not so much. What's up?" you reply, panting.
Your breath stopped in your throat, you weren't able to register the next sentence Cisco said, when you felt Wells inserted a finger inside of you. His finger went in out of you, before adding another finger in. He scissored his digits inside, pumping in and out, looking for the sweet spot, while his thumb rubbed your clit roughly. If he keeps doing this you're not going to last.
You looked at him, mouth hung open. He gave a smug smirk, and licked your clit.
"Y/N? Can you hear me?" You almost forgot he was there.
Your arm fling to your face. Your teeth dug on your arm, squirming quietly, unable to handle the pleasure.
"Y/N!" Cisco yelled in your ears.
There's something arousing and bothering with this; the idea of getting caught while doing it, it's thrilling. But it's weird and you have embarrassed yourself enough.
"I'll call you back!" You gasped, pressing the button and basically threw your phone behind you.
Your hips quivered, locking him up in between. You felt the orgasm bubbling inside of you. You were so close.
"Harry, I need to—"
"No, not yet," he cut you off, his tone authoritative.
You whimpered in return, in need for release. He patted your thigh, gesturing you get off the counter. You hesitated, for you actually thought you would crumble if you got on your feet.
"Come on." His fingers flicked in gesture.
You know you can't sit on the counter forever; you haven't even cleaned it. You have to get off eventually, and slowly you planted your feet on the hardwood floor. You wobbled for a bit, but you grabbed onto him for support.
Your eyes met his dark ones. His hands reached for his belt, unbuckling it and threw it to the side. His pants and underwear followed suit, pooling at his feet. Your eyes wandered to his hardened member and you watched as he stroked it.
"Turn around," he ordered.
That ran chills through your body. You did what you were told. He guided your hands towards the counter, and placed it there. He held your waist, slowly bringing you down on his lap. Anxious to get him inside of you, you tried to sink down, he held you in place, growling at your impatience. He has a thing for taking time slow and being dominant, which you really didn't mind, but with high nearing, you were eager.
He lined himself up in your entrance, you even felt the tip of his length teasing you.
“Stop teasing,” you half-moaned and groaned.
"Say please,"
"Please, Harrison— I can't take it anymore. I need you," you cried.
“More,” he demanded.
“Please, I need you inside me. Please, babe. Please, I can't take it anymore,”
You felt him slowly entering inside. You let out shaky breath and you heard a raspy grunt from him. He stretched your walls, pain was present. You winced. It has been weeks since you’ve been this intimate, you almost forgot how it felt like.
“You okay?”
You nodded, biting your lips.
“Use your words,”
“Yes,” you panted.
He gave you a few moments to get accustomed to his member, before lifting you up to test the waters, starting a slow and gentle pace. You moaned loudly. It felt so good, he filled you up so good. Damn, you missed this. You clenched your walls, a guttural groan escaped his lips. His hand finds it's way to your breast, fondling with it.
“Harry, faster!”
He started picking up the pace, and finding the rhythm that suited him. He thrusted faster and harder, rocking your hips against his, hitting all the good spots, your toes curled in the process. You clamped the counter, knuckles turning white. You held on for dear life, as he took you from behind.
You couldn't keep the voices down anymore, and you couldn't care less about the neighbors anymore— grunts, moans, screams and pleads filled the room. You were a whimpering mess, crying his name and begging for more.
The overwhelming intensity of the pleasure washes over you. You were close, so, so close. You need to come.
“Harrison, please,” you begged weakly.
“Please what?” His voice is deep and raspy.
“Please, let me come,” you whimpered.
“Then come,”
He thrusted in you deeper. Tears pricking the corner of your eyes, desperate for your high. Then you felt it. Your clit pulses and walls clenched again. Eyes are closed, you arched your back and screamed. You screamed, as you came undone.
You thought he would stop, but he didn't. Instead, he gripped your hips tighter, pretty sure that's going to leave an imprint behind. He slammed your hips down on him, thrusting deeply and roughly.
He took you from behind with, until he met his high he felt his own pleasure washing over him. You felt spurts of warm liquid inside of you. Thank God for your pills or else Joe would kill you. Being an adult doesn't make being pregnant less scarier. Especially if your adoptive father is a cop, and your brother is a superhero.
His pace started getting sloppy and slow. You lean back to him, your back meets the skin of his chest, warm and sticky with sweat. Your bodies glistened with sweat.
Short breaths escaped from your parted lips. He trailed sloppy kisses on your shoulder, wrapped his arms around your waist, still not pulling out of you.
You were so dizzy, exhausted, overwhelmed and just happy. You truly missed being with just him and right now, you couldn't be more content in his arms.
"Round 2?” You challenged, panting with a grin plastered on your face.
He didn't reply, but you saw the corner of his lips tugged up. Next thing you know, the wheelchair was moving, heading to the direction of your bedroom.
Part II
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
PS, any chance I could convince you to write some fluff to balance the sad bits you've been writing? I'm worried about the consecutive angst/emo/TW stuff you've created. (Are you okay? do you need someone to be there with you?) IF and only if you feel inspired enough, maybe a "surprise we got married in the middle of quarantine" Lashton fic where no - not even Malum - knew except maybe like 2 random witnesses? -🕷
spidey anon, pat yourself on the fucking back for somehow getting me to write fluff. really can’t explain that with anything except that it is probably affected by the sheer joy i feel from listening to music with cam for seven hours straight <3 anyway. this isn’t Exactly what you said but it’s not, like, NOT what you said and i was gonna write more but then i thought i’d just never finish it and i felt like you deserved something nice so i am just going to give it to you as it is hope you enjoy
Luke finally learns why Ashton’s been restless all week when he pulls out the ring.
“No,” he says immediately, before Ashton can even open his mouth. A look of confused distress appears on Ashton’s face. “I mean, not no. Just, like, no, you aren’t proposing to me now.”
“I one hundred percent am,” Ashton says, sounding exasperated and fond. “Shut up, don’t act like you weren’t expecting it.”
“I wasn’t expecting it!” That’s mostly true. Although it doesn’t mean Luke hadn’t been hoping. “But I don’t want you to propose in quarantine, how un-romantic is that? I can’t think of anything less romantic.”
“Nothing? At all?” Ashton narrows his eyes. “I could have proposed while you were in the bathroom. Just stood outside the door and gone hey, Luke, marry me?”
Despite himself, a thrill runs down Luke’s spine at the words. “Fine,” Luke says. “That would have been less romantic, but only barely. Come on, Ashton, it’s not like being engaged is going to change anything about our situation. We’re stuck at home together anyway.”
“Yeah, but,” Ashton says, “and hear me out on this one: I’ll get to call you my fiancé.”
Luke blushes. “That’s really nothing.”
“You won’t be saying that when I’m calling you fiancé,” Ashton says smugly. “Now if I could please get on with it.”
Luke sighs. “I could always say no.”
“Then you’ll say no,” Ashton says, shrugging. “And I’ll just keep asking.”
Of course he will. Ashton’s nothing if not persistent. To a fault, some might say.
“Alright then,” Luke says, trying to sound as defeated as possible to mask the giddy feeling filling his gut. “Go on.”
Even before Ashton starts talking, Luke knows that in no universe would he ever, ever, ever be idiotic enough to refuse a marriage proposal from Ashton Irwin. And he really wouldn’t even want to.
“Alright, well,” Ashton says, and Luke notices that his knuckles are white from holding the small velvet box, and his free hand is shaking. The steadiest grip of anyone Luke’s ever known, and Ashton’s hands are shaking. It hits Luke, the enormity of this question. “First of all, I want to say that I love you. I’ll love you if you say yes. I’ll love you if you say no. I’ll love you if you break up with me and go fall in love with — with Michael.” Luke snorts. “I mean it, Luke, I really will. Like, you’re it for me. I know that’s what everyone says, but you really are. I can’t even imagine — quarantine without you. Life without you.”
“Grim,” Luke says under his breath, and Ashton laughs nervously.
“Yeah,” he says. “Grim as fuck. I’m not going to waste all my words on this, because — well, for starters because you just said you’re planning to say no, so I’ll save my really mushy romantic stuff for when I know you’ll say yes.” Luke huffs an unsteady laugh. Ashton’s hand is still shaking, and Luke reaches unthinkingly across the table and clamps it between his own palms. Ashton gives him a grateful smile. “But also because you already know it. I don’t think I need to remind you of all the reasons I love you. I will if you ask, though,” he adds, and Luke smiles. “But mostly I think the beauty of a proposal is that it’s not as much about what we have been, but what we will be. We’ve both been here for our whole relationship. You know what’s happened. I don’t need to remind you. I’m just asking if — if you want to see what it can become. What more we can be.” He takes a deep breath, and Luke squeezes his hand. “So, Luke. Cards on the table. Will you marry me?”
And it’s cute that Ashton phrases it as a question, as if there could ever be any more than one answer. Luke swallows thickly. “Of course I’ll marry you.”
“Wait,” Ashton says. “Really?”
“Of fucking course really.” Luke comes around the table without releasing his grip on Ashton’s hand. “God, stop being nervous, Ashton, I’d love to marry you, I’ll marry you literally tomorrow if you want.”
“You were going to say no,” Ashton says, sounding dazed. “What — I really thought you were serious about that.”
“Ashton,” Luke says, falling into a kneel so he can be eye level with Ashton. “I am so ridiculously in love with you I think the only thing that could stop me from wanting to marry you would be actual death. And even then, I’m pretty sure my ghost would haunt you until we figured out necromancy.”
Ashton laughs; Luke recognizes the way his shoulders fall a bit, sees the tension drain from his posture, the stress evaporate from between his brows. “Oh, the fucking ring,” he remembers, and flips the box open, pressing it into Luke’s hand. Luke gazes down at the silver ring with a growing feeling of anticipation, something akin to impatience, if it weren’t accompanied by such elation.
“It’s so pretty,” he murmurs. “Understated. Perfect.”
“I thought you’d prefer understated,” Ashton says, pink-cheeked.
Luke draws Ashton into a kiss, wondering if he can somehow diffuse the warmth pooling in his chest before it grows too hot and burns him. Ashton twists his fingers into Luke’s hair, and they stay that way until Luke’s knees start to feel sore from the tile and he has to pull back. 
“I’d marry you tomorrow,” Luke repeats, breathless, and this time means it seriously. “Let’s just get fucking married, Ashton.”
“That’s the idea of the proposal,” Ashton says, freeing his hand from Luke’s hair but resting it instead on Luke’s shoulder, fingertips drumming against the back of his neck. “We can’t get married tomorrow. As much as I would love to.”
“Why not?” Luke challenges. “We don’t know when the next time we’ll be able to do a proper wedding ceremony will be. This pandemic could last another year, another two. I don’t want to wait a year to be married to you. I don’t want to wait a month, Ashton.”
“You’ve really flipped on this,” Ashton says. “Luke, our parents will kill us. Our bandmates will kill us.”
“Whatever,” Luke says. Adrenaline is racing through his veins, and love for Ashton, although if he’s honest with himself all of his blood is tinged with love for Ashton anyway, has been for years. Ashton is what keeps his heart beating. When he bleeds, it’s all love. “We can have a ceremony later, when it’s safe, I just want to be married now. My husband, Ashton Irwin. Doesn’t that sound good?”
“My husband Luke,” Ashton breathes, and Luke can see the moment he succumbs to the idea. A dry smile creeps across Ashton’s face, and he drops his forehead against Luke’s. “Luke Hemmings, my husband. God. Okay. Fine. Let’s get married tomorrow.”
There’s no stopping the grin that stretches Luke’s mouth ear-to-ear, nor the way a furious stampede of cows/horses suddenly makes itself at home in his stomach. “Getting married tomorrow!” he whisper-chants. “Mikey and Cal are going to kill us!”
“Lauren and Harry will end my life,” Ashton adds, mirroring Luke’s smile. “Your mum will have my head.”
“Oh, she will,” Luke says, nodding in agreement. “But I’ll just go, hey, mum, can you not speak to my husband that way?”
“Jesus,” Ashton says hoarsely. “That sounds so fucking good.”
Luke chews on the inside of his lip. “Might keep using it, then,” he says. “If you ask nicely.”
Ashton shakes his head, with obvious difficulty. “Get up, you absolute menace, we need to eat dinner still.”
“Fine,”  Luke says. “After dinner, then.” He smirks as he pushes himself to his feet, and Ashton swallows.
“Behave,” he says sternly. 
“I’m behaving!” Luke protests. “Why can’t I try and seduce my own husband-to-be?”
“Because we are having dinner,” Ashton says, rolling his eyes and pushing his chair out to retrieve their food from where it’s warming in the oven. “You can seduce me after.”
That’s a pretty fair deal, but Luke still pouts for another moment, because he has a reputation to uphold. “Hey,” he says, settling into his chair as Ashton brings the food out. “Does this make you the housewife? I feel like you do most of the cooking and cleaning.”
“I’m pretty sure that makes you the trophy husband,” Ashton returns, taking his own seat.
Luke snickers. “I can deal with that.” There are much worse things to be than Ashton Irwin’s trophy husband. That’s already a million miles above boyfriend. And frankly, any way Luke gets to be Ashton’s husband is perfect for him.
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pionoplayer · 3 years
I keep having this really dumb idea in my head of like... overly long undertale style genocide run? But in a setting specifically constructed in such a way to keep the serial escalation of it going without derailing/diluting the thematics. I dunno if it's a particularly good idea but since one of Everhood's songs put another fight concept into my head for it I decided I might as well post the original idea that came with it here to tumblr.
Steps echo down a ruined corridor, worn down by calamity and time both. At the far end, a figure slouches against a pillar, notices the newcomer, and stands up straighter to face them.
"Hey there. Didn't expect someone to make it this far.
Let alone for that someone to be you, of all people.
Guess this is the part where I give my little speech, yeah? That's usually how these things go.
There's a line I've heard said, quite a few times in fact. It goes something like…
'Do you believe that even the worst person, no matter how horrible, can change if they just try?'
I've always considered it a tacky line but in the end, I believe it. The answer was 'yes' for me after all…
But here's the thing, buddy.
After a certain point, the question stops being "can this person change" and starts being "how many people will they hurt if we give them that chance again".
Because a person can change, no matter how horrible… but only if they decide to.
And you've been given more chances than anyone could possibly earn at this point.
Some people would draw a line in the sand and dare you to cross it.
Not me. You've already crossed every line that mattered.
Some people would give you one last chance to drop your weapon and surrender.
But you already killed them all while their guards were down.
And some people are like you. Ruthless, cold, downright psychotic.
I'd say it turns out they were right but uh, you didn't really leave any of them lying around either did you?
So I'm gonna ask this question one, final time. Just for nostalgia's sake. Back when there were beautiful days outside, when there were flowers left to bloom and birds left to sing.
Are you ready to have a bad time?
Because you don't get a choice anymore, as far as you've come down your path the only thing left waiting for you is the worst time of your life.
The newcomer - no, the challenger - steps forwards instead, sending an attack towards the figure at the end of the hall. The strike is rendered harmless.
"Yeah, I figured that would be your response. Let's get started then, shall we?"
The defender begins his own assault, attempting a pace to keep the challenger from launching their retort.
"You know, it's kinda funny. Looking at you, you don't look like the kind of person that would be responsible for everything happening."
A gap in the onslaught, another quick and precise strike, followed by the defender resuming his barrage.
"Hey now, that's not a jab at your height. I don't waste jokes on an audience like you. Just a statement of fact, ya know?"
Another opportunity, another missed shot.
"If it weren't for all the bloodstains and equipment stolen from the corpses of people better than you, I'd think you were just some poor sod looking for their way back home."
A gap, a strike. The pattern is established.
"Wherever your home was, it's probably not there anymore. A lot of homes aren't there anymore, thanks to you.
Doesn't that bother you? That wherever you started you can't go back? That everyone you might have ever cared about in whatever times and places you could've been…
Are just gone? Vanished? Obliterated so thoroughly that even we can't bring them back?
Look, kid. I don't know what your deal is. I know you by reputation alone, and even if my job is dealing with 'problems', I was really hoping I wouldn't wind up here. With you.
But every single one of them, even the psychopaths bent on breaking everything over their knee…
They still had something they wanted to see through. Something they wanted to protect, even if it was just their own sorry hides.
I look in your eyes, in your past, I see nothing. Oh, I see a house, and parents, maybe friends. But I don't see anything real. Real to you. It's like you've erased it, severed all your own ties on a conceptual level.
It's almost like you're just as gone as everything you've taken away."
Something changes. The strike lands a little closer, shaving off something small, insignificant. The constant barrage of destruction falters.
"...That fast huh? Go on, do it again. I dare you, kid."
Another strike. Another impossibly near miss.
"I didn't think you'd actually be dumb enough to do it. Guess my little ramble actually paid off yeah? Now I know exactly what you are. Approximately."
Another strike. This time the sound of it hitting the far wall seems to shake the very foundation of the world itself. And then the room fills with death.
"Let's see how you deal with phase two, buster."
The pattern resumes, just with more noise and violence.
"You know, I really don't know why I'm still talking to you. A friend of mine would tell me to stop wasting my energy…
But, you know, it calms my nerves. Pretending I'm talking to a real person.
Now, I'm sure you know the whole catastrophe, inside and out. You were right at the heart of it after all.
To get things straight though? You got lucky. We were busy, other problems were cropping up, and it didn't look like you were the threat you are until suddenly everything was collapsing.
And with what you are… do you think maybe in another branch of causality we could've maybe been coworkers? Maybe friends?
You've got the moxie to be one of us, I'll tell you what. A bit lacking on the 'morals' side of things though.
Guess it doesn't matter anymore. Even if I, if we, stop you dead in your tracks, in a way you've already won.
Can't go back from where we are now after all…
Speaking of 'not being able to go back', I'm getting a little bit tired of this endless back and forth. What do you say I… speed things up a little?"
Abruptly the pace picks up, what was already an assault leaving so little untargeted space it was frankly unreasonable that the challenger had gotten this far - and gotten this far unscathed no less - becomes an unrivaled, personally targeted cataclysm.
"...You know, even knowing what your deal is... watching you brush off one of my best tricks like it's a laser pointer is infuriating."
The challenger lashes out, a set of frantic, angry strikes that are abruptly cut short by a resumption of hostilities from the defender.
"So you know what? I'll take a turn at your game. Go ahead, hit me with your best shot before I can charge up something better. Let's see how this goes for you."
The hall is silent for the briefest of moments, before the challenger lets loose the first noise they've made throughout the entire confrontation; an infernal, blood-curdling shriek. Power ripples through the hallway, searing away pieces of it in a barrage of strikes meant to bring gods to their knees.
Everything freezes. The challenger, the collapsing hall, everything but the defender.
"Wow, you're really ready to have this be over with, aren't you? I'm sure you almost got me, try harder next time and I'm sure you'll get to see what comes after."
There's a crunch and a soft cry of pain. The challenger is forced to their knees.
"I've got a little piece of advice for you though, assuming you haven't gotten it from me already."
Another crunch, a steady pace of dripping liquid can be heard.
"Your little 'quest' doesn't end with me. I'm just the wake-up call. If you get past me somehow, things are gonna get a whole lot worse for you than you realize. You might wanna turn back now before things actually get ugly."
There's no sound besides the slow drip of blood to the floor of the ruined hall. Or something approximating blood at least.
"Now get lost."
...You aren't getting rid of me that easily.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
So I know this is my second ask. And don't feel like you've gotta do both (or either) if you don't want to, but I flipped through the list again and #42 is just SCREAMING Sprace so... How 'bout some that?
You fought someone (physically or verbally) and I am s h o o k.
It does scream sprace, doesn’t it? Also never apologize for requesting more. I need stuff to do, and for everyone out there hesitating to ask:
I’m gonna write this in an AU where they all have powers just because. Think... like... x-men, except powers develop a lot younger and the government doesn’t care. There’s still plenty of prejudice against powered people, but not on a federal level. Jack runs a gang for powered kids that got kicked out or don’t have parents for whatever reason. Spot runs one, too, and they kind of... loosely... associate, but mostly just stick to their own territory. Basically, they’re like the canon Newsie boroughs. The kids do street performances with their powers for money.
Race was in deep shit, and this time, he didn’t think he could get himself out of it.
After all, Race’s reflexes were fast, but against six guys? Even if he dodged every punch, there was nowhere for him to go. He’d tire and mess up eventually, being cornered like this.
Race usually performed alone, letting people (mostly little kids) throw shit at him so he could dodge. Hell, that wasn’t even most of his show. Usually, he just made good use of his natural affinity for dance and used his power as a side thing.
It wasn’t like it was that useful, and he hadn’t been actively using it when a guy grabbed him from behind and he and his friends dragged Race into an alley.
Race was alone. No one knew where he was and no one would know something was wrong to start looking for several hours. There was no way he could stall that long.
In short, Race was doomed.
Oh, well. Might as well go down fighting.
Race raised his fists, fully ready to do just that.
He was too surprised by someone actually interfering to take the escape window while the thugs were distracted.
It was a boy about Race’s age in a red tank top, which wouldn’t be significant, except it was the signature of the Brooklyn gang, just like a blue flannel was for the Manhattan gang.
“Wanna pick on someone your own size?”
The boy jerked his shoulders and his arms lit up with orange hot fire.
That seemed to put off the men threatening Race, but they still didn’t back down.
“Just like a freak,” one of them sneered, “Can’t fight without those damn powers.”
Race saw a challenge spark in the Brooklyn boy’s eyes and the fire went out as if someone had sucked the air out of the space.
That idiot. He’s shorter than me and he’s going to get his fucking ass ki—
But he wasn’t. This kid—who was probably about Race’s age (only 15) and was definitely a hell of a lot smaller than each of these men—was fighting like a demon and winning.
Race’s stomach dropped as one of the guys pulled out a knife.
Brooklyn Boy still didn’t look scared. His hands started smoking.
“I just kicked all you’se asses without my powers. Do ya really wanna see what I can do with them?”
The men ran before Brooklyn Boy flamed up. They both watched them go.
“You know ya didn’t have to prove anything to them,” Race said awkwardly, “Fightin’ them without your powers was a risk ya didn’t have to take.”
“I know,” Brooklyn Boy responded, “I wanted to. I knew I could win, anyway.”
Race tried not to squirm or show any weakness as he looked him up and down.
“You’s one of Kelly’s boys.”
“Yeah. I’m Race. Racetrack Higgins.”
“Spot. Spot Conlon.”
Race tried not to show his reaction on his face.
This was the famous Spot Conlon? The King of the Brooklyn gang was a—what? 5 foot 2?— kid who couldn’t be much older than Race?
Well, he certainly didn’t have a problem defending himself. That was probably why.
In hindsight, Spot Conlon was known for being the most powerful pyro in the city. Race probably should have guessed this.
Spot Conlon was not known for having the kind of brown eyes you could get lost in, but here Race was, losing his train of thought and having to force himself to focus.
“What’re ya doing in Manhattan?”
“Negotiatin’ with Jack ‘bout territory. By the way, this land is Manhattan’s now, but it was Brooklyn’s before today, so what the hell are ya doin’ here?”
Race shrugged, “I gots a talent for makin’ friends.”
“You befriended my guys to get them to let ya perform here?”
“Yup,” Race smirked, “And I bet I could befriend you, too.”
“Really, now?”
“Uh-huh. I could give ya dance lessons.”
Spot laughed, “What? Is your power dancin’?”
“Nah, I’m good at that all on my own. My power is that I’m fast. Or, my reflexes are. I can dodge anythin’, catch anythin’... basically, it ain’t that useful. I’m just a performer. And a friend. Those are the two things I’m good at, so’s I gotta combine ‘em when I can. How ‘bout you?”
Spot shrugged, “I’m good at fightin’ and lightin’ things on fire. Simple as that.”
Race definitely agreed that he was good at fighting. He couldn’t get it out of his head, the way Spot had taken out six guys twice his size with no problem.
Also, pyros had a reputation as being volatile, unpredictable, and very dangerous. Manhattan only had one; Race’s best friend, Albert, and he honestly kind of fit that description. The fact that Brooklyn had several was probably why they were considered the most dangerous gang in the city.
But Spot seemed very in-control, and though, yes, he was dangerous, it was in a different way from any other pyro Race had ever met.
It made him want to figure out how he was like that.
Ah, well. It wasn’t like Race hadn’t done more risky things than attempting to befriend the King of Brooklyn.
“So, wanna meet up tomorrow?” he asked, “I could teach ya some dance, or we could just hang out or whatever. I perform kinda right on the edge of the Manhattan/Brooklyn border, so..?”
“Wow. You really ain’t afraid of me.”
Race tilted his head, “You’re a kid about my age. Why would I be?”
“I can kick your ass. Or burn it.”
“‘Can’ and ‘will’ are two very different things. And ya definitely can, but somethin’ tells me you won’t.”
Spot studied him, and Race grinned as something in the other boy’s face softened, just a little.
“Guess we’ll just have to see.”
“See what?” Race asked.
Spot shrugged before he left the alley, “If I come to see ya tomorrow.”
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
Just as Michael's about to answer their question, Jason's phone goes off. "Perfect timing," he mutters before going outside to take the call. "Jason Morgan."
"Mr. Morgan, it appears Mr. Renault is at the office demanding to speak with you. What should I do?" One of his employees informs him.
"Cyrus has my number. If he would like to schedule a meeting, tell him he can call me and we'll have one."
"I've already told him that and he won't agree to it."
Dammit. Peace in this town is fragile enough; the last thing they need is an angry Cyrus. He's been unstable as of late, not agreeing to this could lead to a gunfight. Well, that's actually to be expected. "We'll meet at the office in twenty minutes then. Tell him to call off his men, including Brando. Look around the perimeter and have the rest of the guards check to make sure that there's no one on the premises or within range of hitting someone."
"Yes sir," the employee agrees, hanging up the phone.
"Business stuff?" Willow asks cautiously. After all, this is the first time she's been in this situation.
"Yeah," Michael answers, sensing from the businesslike stance he's taken in their kitchen. "Let's go check on the kids."
They leave the room and instantly Carly asks, "What did he do?"
"Demanded we meet. I don't know why or what this is about, so please tell me you didn't do anything stupid that could cost the truce to be undone."
"I haven't done anything. I've considered it, but I haven't done anything yet," she tells him. "How long til the meeting?"
"I've gotta get going. You have to stay here, this doesn't concern you. Cyrus is looking for a fight and you'll give him one. He's looking for any reason to violate the truce and take me out," Jason informs her. "I mean it. No showing up."
"Is it a solo meeting?"
"You want me to sit here and list out the times he's tried to kill you this past year and a half? Jason, you can't got to a meeting alone. You'll get killed!" Carly exclaims.
"No I won't, Carly. I've got it handled, I told you," he says, glancing at his watch.
"Yes you will! You need to stop agreeing to these one on one meetings because one of these days he's going to get you killed and I won't be able to survive that!"
"I told you, I'm not getting killed!"
"Can you predict the future? No, you can't! I know you might want to go and have this meeting but you can't do it alone!"
"I'm going to the meeting, Carly. You are going to stay here with your kids, grandkids, and Willow," he says, voice unbudging. She's not going to win.
"Promise me you'll come back."
"Promise me, Jason, or you're not going!"
"I promise."
"Fine, you can go," she surrenders, hugging him. "But be safe."
"As safe as I can be, meeting with him," he agrees.
"Alright, well you better go now or you're not going to be able to say goodbye to the kids."
He bids them all goodbye, hugs Carly again, and leaves for the meeting. His gun is on him, as is his cell phone. Though the usefulness of a cell phone is to be questioned when it's a mob meeting he's having. Not like he can exactly call the police if anything happens, they'd arrest him.
Arriving at the office, he senses that today's going to be a long day.
"Hey Harry, is it clear?"
"Yes sir."
"Alright, thanks," he says before walking into the office. "Cyrus. What's so urgent?"
"Well, Sonny's been gone a year now. I was hoping we could revisit us joining together for a way to continue the peace in this town," Cyrus answers.
"Like I told you the day you found out he was missing, that isn't happening. You're not going to run your product through this town and ruin it. This was Sonny's territory and if he's not dead and comes back, it'll be his again. We both agreed no drugs. It's not happening. Is that all?" Jason asks, bored.
"No, actually. I was wondering how Mrs. Corinthos is holding up. Given that this is the anniversary of losing her husband, I'd presume not well."
"None of your damn business."
"No need to get so defensive, I'm merely posing a question. Trying to make conversation."
"If you don't have anything related to business to discuss, my men will escort you out."
"Oh, but I doubt you will," Cyrus says, laughing evilly. "You'll be too dead to even have the chance to get me out of this room." He takes his gun from his pocket rather dramatically for Jason's taste and aims for him.
Drawing his gun himself, the now mob boss ducks, narrowly missing the bullet before firing his own, missing the other mobster by only a few inches. That was on purpose; a warning shot of sorts. "It never occurred to me," the ponytail clad man continues unaffected, "that you'd be so easy to take out. I mean, really. Your reputation is that you're businesslike and directly to the point, but then you've agreed to several meetings with me alone. I was planning on having some fairly difficult plans to kill you, but you've simply fallen into my lap. I do suppose I feel a bit bad, however, that Mrs. Corinthos will have to deal with you being dead as well."
There's a line you just don't cross in business, and that's been crossed. He remembers his promise to not die and snaps into action. "Fire that gun again and I hit you right between the eyes," Jason warns, setting himself up for his shot.
"I sense I've hit a nerve," Cyrus smiles, "mentioning her like that. Tell me, Mr. Morgan, has it ever occurred to you that you're the reason she even knows about this business? With you gone, I suppose she'll be taking it over. Though I don't doubt her, I do doubt her ability to properly run this business. It's doubtful that she'll even make it a few weeks before she's ki-"
Another warning shot goes from Jason's gun, this one only barely above his head. "Last warning, Cyrus. This isn't a game. She's barely involved in this business and you have no right to bring her up when this fight is between us. So drop the gun and get on the ground."
Chuckling as though he doesn't even really believe that he's about to be taken out, Cyrus stupidly continues, "I'll probably send one of my men to kill her, you know. Try to make it painless out of respect for her."
"Talking about me?" Carly asks, walking in with armed guards. She's got the worst timing.
"Yes I was, Mrs. Corinthos. How are you?"
"I'd be better if you were in a casket six feet under," she answers calmly. "Now, put your gun down before I kill you with my bare hands."
Where the fuck did she learn how to do that? He didn't teach her, neither did Sonny. Who did? Not the point, Carly isn't supposed to be here. She's now got the chance to be shot. That would kill him faster than the bullet wound he feels he could get.
"You heard her," Jason says. "Gun down, on the ground."
Turns out that's what needed to be done. The guards with guns pointed at his head doesn't hurt either, he's sure, but Cyrus finally gets on the ground and drops his gun.
"Good. Get Mrs. Corinthos out of here, now," he orders, to her complaints. "Carly, just go."
"I, personally, have nothing against her being here," Cyrus voices.
"You have no say." When Carly leaves, Jason calmly continues, "You mention her name again in front of me and I'll kill you. Talk about your plan to take me out again and you'll be dead. Nothing is changing. This is your last warning. Next time you try to kill me or someone I care about, you'll be dead quicker than you can even move from the scene. Get out."
Angrily, the ponytail clad man leaves, escorted by the guards. Jason then makes sure everyone knows to make sure there's no evidence of what happened, and that there's especially none Carly was ever there before he joins her in her car.
It's a quiet ride, with him firing off orders for his men and her pouting.
"I was right! He wanted you dead! You fell right into his trap!" She exclaimed when they walked into the living room of her house.
"No I didn't! Carly, I had it all under control!"
"Gun pointed at you, Jason! I walked in and there was a gun pointed at you!"
"I had mine pointed at him too! You can't walk into a gunfight!"
"Oh, but you can start one? You can get shot, I can't? Is that how this works?"
"The only reason you'd be shot in general is because of me, Carly! I introduced you to the business, I'm the reason you and Sonny got together, and I'm the reason you're still apart of it. I can deal with getting myself shot, I've survived other bullets before, but I can't deal with you getting shot!"
"I didn't!"
"Yeah, because I kicked you out of there!"
"I brought the guards, I was safe!"
"You walked into a gunfight when I told you it was the stupid thing to do! I told you not to go but you couldn't help yourself, could you, and you went to the meeting."
"You want me to tell you I was wrong and apologize? I'm not gonna do that! You could've been killed! God knows what Sonny's livelihood status is, but yours is alive. Alive, Jason! I'm not risking you dying, alright?"
"I've survived bullets before, I'd survive this one!"
"How do you know that? I need you to stay alive, so I don't care what your feelings are on the subject and I'm not apologizing! If I had to do it again and it was the only option, I'd go unarmed and alone. I would've been shot if it meant saving you from that! Cyrus wants you dead!"
"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died because of me! Your kids need their mother! Cyrus wants you dead too and I'll be damned if I let it happen."
"So what, Jason, you'll do the noble thing and die instead of me? That'll kill me. I couldn't breathe when we thought you were dead last time. Imagine how I'd be if I knew I was the one who caused it!"
"You're not dying!" He shouts back, but there's no edge to his tone anymore. He's less pissed. "Not when it's preventable. You're not getting shot either Carly. If I cause your death, I'll hate myself."
"And you think I won't hate myself if I cause yours?"
To be continued after midnight bc I have thing to add to my blog
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Queen of hearts.
Summary: Being tied to the mob was hard...loving someone who was on a side you were fighting against made it even harder.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, blood, angst
A/N: Sorry it's a little late!! I've been so busy over the last week that I never had the chance to edit this part until yesterday! 😫 Anywhoooo I hope you enjoy this final part! I loved this little series! And thank you all again for your lovely comments and your patience! 💖
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Part 4.
Your eyes squinted as they adjusted to the light. You were sitting propped up against the wall and it felt as if your head was being kicked around like a ball the pulsating pain was so unbearable. You placed your hand on your forehead and tried to run away the pain before someone shouted at you.
"Where is he?"
Your eyebrows furrowed together "What?" You croaked and rubbed your eyes while groaning. When you fully opened them you saw Brian's dad in front of you, burning his eyes into you with cheeks flushed with anger.
"Where's Brian?!" He screamed in your face and you flinched slightly, trying to move back and desperately hoping the wall would move. "What have you and your father done with him?"
"Mr May...I don't know what you're talking about..." your words trembled out your mouth and tears stung your eyes. "Brian...he was supposed to meet me..." you eyes shut over and you took a deep, shaky breath. "T-the hotel..."
"Was that the plan? Ambush him or something?" Harold sneered.
"What are you talking about? It was his idea to leave!" You cried, tears now falling from your eyes like rain. You eventually took in your surroundings, it looked like some sort of warehouse.
"Leave?" His face was riddled with confusion "What do you mean leave?"
You loudly sniffled "He said we could run away..." you whispered "Start a new life together." He took out his phone and showed you a simple message. But it was one that sent a chill down your spine.
Unknown: They have him.
"Explain this then." Harold was almost growling and waited for an explanation.
You frantically shook your head "No! No I'd never let Brian get hurt! Never!" You yelled, suddenly becoming furious at the thought "I love him!" Thanks to your passionate yells, you had unintentionally confessed your feelings to his father. Harold's eyebrows softened and it almost looked liked he believed you. Almost.
"Sir," you both looked over and saw Roger there "Still no sign or word from Brian. Freddie is in the east end checking, John is in the west."
"I would never let my dad hurt your son, Mr May..." he turned his head back to you "I would rather die than let anything bad happen to him." Brian's father pondered over your profound words. "I swear to you, I don't know where Brian is." He stared at you for a few moments and nodded, releasing a huff of air while doing so. He reached out his hand and you hesitantly took it so he could help you up off the floor and you dusted yourself off.
"She's right, you know." A new voice appeared out of nowhere, a figure holding a gun soon following. "Y/N doesn't know where Brian is." You squinted your eyes a little while Roger became very tense and defensive.
"Paul? Paul Prenter?" You said, eyeing up the man. "I thought you were in prison?"
He nodded "I was. Thanks to him beside you and your father- I was convicted for two separate crimes that they committed!" Paul screamed and you flinched. "Now I'm getting payback starting with you, Miss Y/L/N and you, Mr May." Paul looked at you with a terrifying smile. "Your father wouldn't be very happy knowing his little princess is sleeping with the son of his enemy. I wonder how he'd react if he found out your little secret..." he still had the wide grin on his face. Your eyes went a little wider when it hit you that he sent the text. "Let's ask him." Van wheels screeching made you, Roger and Harold jump and when the door to the van opened, your father and Brian stumbled out before behind grabbed by two of Paul's men to keep them in place. Paul sinisterly grinned "Hello, Brian. Mr Y/L/N."
"Prenter?!" Your father seethed "What the hell are you doing?" He then noticed you and frantically tried to wriggle out of the guards grip. "I swear to god if you've hurt her!"
"I'm fine dad," you weakly assured him. "I'm alright." You stepped forward a little but Paul quickly pointed the gun at you and Brian went to lunge forward but the man holding him held him back. You defensively held up your hands and stood beside Brian's father. Your eyes flickered down noticing he was standing with his hands behind his back. He was trying to reach for his gun.
"Do you know what your precious, loyal, daughter has been doing?" Paul slowly walked to stand between you both and you noticed the worrying glance Brian was sending you. It was as if he trying to transport you both out of the warehouse to somewhere else.
"The hell are you talking about?" Your dad gritted out, annoyed that he was being held back. All he wanted to do was punch Paul in the face.
"She's been doing him." Paul bluntly spoke and motioned the gun at Brian. You looked away from your fathers piercing gaze, he snapped his head back and forth between you and Brian, who was now looking at his feet. You glanced up and saw Freddie and John creep in, trying to be as stealthy as they could. Roger noticed them but if he moved, it was likely he'd be shot so stood still. "Both of you have ruined me and my reputation..." Paul spoke to both your fathers. "It's time you pay."
Harold pulled out his gun and without thinking, you jumped in front of him when Paul noticed and pointed the gun at him, pulling the trigger. It was so fast. Paul was faster to react than Harold.
You didn't feel any pain until Brian's father caught you in his arms and you both fell to the ground. Another shot was fired but you barely heard it, all you could hear was Brian's father speaking to you. "Hey, hey, you're alright. I've got you." There was shouting before another shot went off. Harold pressed his hands to the oozing wound on your stomach and you agonisingly cried out in pain and gripped onto him. "Is Prenter down?" He screamed while still pressing your stomach to try and stop the blood.
"Y/N!" Brian kneeled down beside you, clutching a bloodied shoulder. "No, no, no," he cried and tightly grabbed your hand with his bloodied ones, forgetting his own injury to focus on you.
Your father rushed over "An ambulance is on its way, Y/N. C'mon sweetheart," he tapped your face when your eyes started to flutter shut "You can't leave me too." He sniffled. You weakly reached across with your other hand and he grabbed onto it for dear life.
"I'm sorry, dad..." you tried to focus more on your breathing than the piercing ache spreading through your body.
He stroked your hair "It's okay, you don't have anything to be sorry for." He assured before glancing up to the boy next to him with the curly hair and tears in his eyes. "Hey, I think you and Brian are a match made in heaven!" He tried to chuckle but it sounded more like a sob. "The two of you are stupid enough to throw yourselves in front of Harold and I when a gun is pointed at us." Brian's shoulder was still bleeding, the gun had just grazed it when Paul pulled the trigger in your fathers direction. Brian had pushed him down and took the faint impact of the bullet.
You looked up to Brian and softly smiled "I love you," you whispered out.
Brian smiled with a loud sniffle "I love you too." Your fathers each sent each other a glance. "Don't...don't you dare shut your eyes. We're supposed to go away together aren't we?" He smiled down at you and you nodded. "Where do you want to go? I'll take you anywhere in the world- anywhere you want! Just...just don't shut you eyes." You felt them shutting while he sobbed- you couldn't stop them, not even Brian's tears hitting your skin could lightly jolt them open. "Y/N," Brian softly shook you before his shakes became rougher "Y/N!"
The ambulance arrived and the paramedics patched you up as best they could. Harold and your father had to restrain Brian back from you.
They took you to the hospital, the three men followed and then waited for an antagonising length of time for news.
Brian was in a sling, they had bandaged up his shoulder and gave him some painkillers. He was sitting next to his father who still had your blood on his hands. It was a few shades darker now that it had dried in. Your dad was sitting across from the pair of them with his hand pressed against his mouth, eyes just as red as Harold's hands he was crying that much. "I don't know what I'll do if she dies." He croaked out.
Harold sighed "She won't die, Y/F/N." he tried to remain positive "She's strong."
"Should have got rid of Prenter when I had the chance..." he scolded himself.
"You and me both," Harold added and your dad looked up to him, faintly smiling. Brian was sitting hunched, glaring at the light blue vinyl flooring. He flinched feeling his father rub his back "You okay?"
"I just want to know how Y/N is," Brian admitted. "I really love her dad....despite of who she's related to." He whispered the last part. "We want to be together and I won't let you or him get in the way of that."
"We wouldn't," Brian's head snapped up to your father and he felt a little embarrassed that he had heard the conversation. "Nothing means more to me than Y/N's happiness- I'd never get in the way of that." Your father looked to Harold "And I'm sure you wouldn't stand in the way of Brian's happiness too, Harold."
Harold smiled at his son and pat his shoulder "Never."
A clearing throat made the three men look up, your doctor was standing there, his scrubs freckled with blood. They all swiftly stood and awaited the news. "Surgery went well, we removed the bullet and stitched up the damaged tissue."
"Can I see her?" Your father asked and the doctor nodded.
"Of course you can, she might be a little woozy from the anaesthetic but she is conscious." He explained.
The doctor led them through to your room. A breath caught in your fathers throat seeing you attached to dozens of machines and wires snaked around your hands and arms. Harold held Brian back for a moment and sent him a silent look as if to say 'let him have some time alone with her'. Brian nodded with a slightly begrudging tight smile. Your father entered the room and sat down next to you, gently cupping your hand in his. "Y/N, sweetheart...it's dad. Can you hear me?"
Your eyelids felt like they were being held down by weights "Dad...?" You groaned and managed to open your eyes ever so slightly and took in your surroundings. "Is everyone okay?" You asked and he chuckled with tears streaming down his face "Everyone's fine, trust you to get into the most bother!" He sniffled "You had to go in for surgery to get the bullet removed."
"Bullet?" You groggily whispered and then it suddenly hit you. "Brian!" You gasped and tried to sit up causing the machines to ring and start loudly sounding alarms. Brian jumped and looked in through the window and saw you struggling in bed.
"Calm down!" You hissed feeling a sharp pain in your abdomen and tried to clutch it but you were held back by wires. "You'll do yourself more harm than good if you move about too much!" You let him slowly lower you "He's fine, it's just a scratch on his shoulder."
"Is he here?" Your father nodded "Can I see him?" He cracked a small smile and stood up to get Brian, he let him have a moment with you.
His father and yours watched you both from the window as you both broke down in tears and tightly held each other's hands and pressed kisses against one another. They could see it as clear as day. Their children were in love with each other. It was something neither of them could control.
"We've forced them into a life they never wanted to live..." Harold quietly spoke up while watching the pair of you. "I noticed it in Brian a few years ago...he doesn't want to be like me. He wants to be his own person."
Your father defeatedly nodded while also watching the scene in front of him unfold. "It's all I've ever known and I thought if I involved her itbwpuod all work out alright in the end." He now knew this wasn't the case. "When Y/N's mother died I submerged myself in work...eventually resenting you over such stupid shit and now look at us! We almost lost our children because of it!" He groaned and rubbed his forehead "I'm getting to old for this, Harold. I sure as hell don't want to fight anymore. I want to make London a safer place for Y/N...and Brian too." Harold turned and looked at your father, a small smile forming on his face before stretching out his hand for your father to shake.
"Fancy having a partner on board to help?"
Brian looked up when he saw the exchange of shakes. "Think they've made up..." he murmured while still holding onto your hand that had an IV drip sticking out of it. Every so often he'd press a kiss to your knuckles.
You moved your head and looked out the window and grinned at the two men. "Only took me almost dying for it to happen," you tried to joke but Brian wasn't laughing. You gripped his hand a little tighter "I'm sorry if I scared you."
"Scared me?! I fucking almost had six heart attacks in a row!" Brian yelped "Never- and I mean it- never do that again!" He warned and leaned forward to kiss you on the lips. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." He cupped your face.
You reached up and placed your hand over his and stroked the back of his hand with your thumb. "Where would be going?" You asked and Brian raised a brow "If we were on our way to running away...where would we be going?"
Brian smirked "I told you- anywhere you want. Our adventures can be endless. We can go to Spain, France, Italy, the moon-" you laughed out loud before groaning in pain, your hands and Brian's hovering over the aching spot. "Imagine laughing so much you'd burst open your stitches." You clamped a hand over your mouth and tried to hold back your giggles.
"S-stop!" You squeaked "God, you'll make me laugh again," you breathed steadily to compose yourself before letting out a loud yawn.
"Get some sleep," Brian softly kissed your forehead and you closed over your eyes. "I'll be right here beside you when you wake up." He watched you with a loving smile as you fell into a peaceful sleep. "Our adventure can start tomorrow."
Your eyes felt like they had been shut for seconds when you opened them again.
"Good morning, gorgeous." Brian tiredly hummed and craned his neck forward to kiss you. "Sleep well?"
"Always do when you're beside me," you eventually opened your eyes and flashed a smile. There was a halo of light behind Brian's unruly morning curly bed hair. His hand roamed across your stomach and up your top as he leaned forever forward and pressed kisses up your neck and playfully nibbled on your ear.
"I love falling asleep next to you- I love waking up like this with you just as much." You giggled feeling his breath tickle your sensitive skin. He hummed contently when you ran a hand through his hair.
You then heard the door creak open and you both glanced over the sea of crumbled covers and smiled at the figure standing in the doorway.
Olivia May.
Your very own little queen of both your hearts.
She ran over and threw herself on the bed withan soft thud and a giggle before crawling between the both of you. You and Brian both looked down at her and peppered her with a shower of kisses on her hair and cheeks, you protectively wrapped up in your arms. Brian smiled at the sight. He loved seeing his two girls that meant more to him than the earth itself like that in front of his eyes. It was one of his favourite things in the world. He knew he was incredibly lucky and often thanked Freddie for inviting him to Mary's party. If he didn't go, he would have never have met you. "What time am I seeing grandad and grandpa today?" She asked.
You blinked and looked at her with a quirked brow "Are you that excited to see them?" You lightly chuckled.
"Yeah!" She ecstatically replied and flashed her teeth- two were missing. "They said they were doing to teach me how to glock someone!"
You and Brian both shared a wide-eyed, unimpressed, shocked glance. "Oh did they now?" He said and was about to get out of bed to phone them and give them an earful before you reached over and held onto his arm.
"I'm sure they'll do something a lot more fun! Like take you to that new soft-play place you saw the other day!" You tried to keep smiling but you were internally screaming- Brian could tell. If what she said was true, your father and father-in-law were going to endure your wrath. "You better look out what you want to wear." She nodded and wriggled out your bed and jogged to her room.
"Y/N I swear if they teach our child how to gun someone down-" you couldn't help but laugh at his serious demeanour. "I mean it!" He grinned and you shook your head while chucking.
You managed to escape Brian's alluring hold and made your way to the bathroom, Brian hot on your heels. You reached up to scratch your stomach and caught a glimpse in the mirror of the scar where the bullet hit you almost ten years ago. There was a silver lining to the whole ordeal however; Brian was true to his word and the very next day, your adventure together began.
You sighed and looked at the mark, tracing your fingers over the bumpy skin. "God..." you mumbled under your breath.
Brian noticed. "You're still so worried about that, aren't you?"
"It's just so unsightly," you complained and Brian scoffed.
"Are you kidding me?" He wrapped his arms around you "You aren't not and will never be unsightly." He kissed your cheek and looked at you via the mirror. "You are the most beautiful thing on this earth- badass bullet scar and all." He kissed the top of your nose.
After showering and getting organised, you and Brian dropped Olivia off at your dad's house where he and Harold were waiting to spend the day with your daughter. After many stern warnings from you and Brian about what to teach and what not to teach her, you and Brian returned to the car and found you both had the day to yourselves. It was a rare thing.
"What do you say we head back to my place and play some poker?" He asked, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows and instantly taking you back ten years.
"Well," you reached down and picked up your handbag, unzipping it and then pulling out a pack of cards that you had placed in it a few days before. His smile was replaced with a look of confused wonder and surprise- he didn't expect that. "Let's make it interesting..." you handed him the pack with slightly shaking hands and he took it from you with a curious, yet confused, smile. "Open it." He did as you asked and sifted through the cards.
In the pack of cards there was a little black and white ultrasound scan picture nestled in between the king of hearts and the queen of hearts.
The end.
•Part One•Part Two•Part three•
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chimbbles · 5 years
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A/N: another attempt ladies and gentlemen, once again, it's shitty and my ask is open for more shitty writings! or if you wanna be friends come hit me up pls I don't bite :( anyways, I hope you like it~ 💌
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it's not that big of a deal really
it was truly an accident, but it turned into a crazy myth
and you hate him for it
it all started with someone's rooftop party
birthday boy lee donghyuck decided to throw himself a pool party, on a rooftop
everyone's invited, except for mark because he's lame
just kidding
but are we?
anyways, hell everyone in your college is invited
haechan, his nickname, is pretty popular around school
not the jock kind of popular, he just.....knows a lot of people, and they know people, and it's a typical college party
where you bring a plus one and one plus one and suddenly the party equals a school prom or something
there's even a theme smh johnny the party planner
so you're friends with mark, and he's determined to show off to haechan that he's friends with that chemistry major genius he admires so much
totally didn't invite you just to get back at him nope
anyways, it's mean but you've never heard of haechan before, despite his seemingly large following on instagram
you didn't even know you guys attended the same college
it's not that you're a total homebody and never goes out to parties, you're just....not interested in their parties
and that's strike one, when you laughed in his face when he introduced himself as the "most popular guy in school"
in your defense, you thought it was self-depreciating humour
hyuck in return, wasn't as amused as you were, maybe in private he could've taken it better, but you just snorted at him in front of like, half of his friend circle
he's not pissed, he's just ashamed?
because he talks about you so much renjun literally can't take it anymore
it's like, he knows so much about you, your birthday and cafes you like(from your social media)
heck he even knows who's the bitch you're referring to in your subtweet
it's veronica from chem class 3
but also, you don't even know he exists
fast forward and skipping through his slight, maybe a bit bigger heartache,
he's lying down and just chilling on a hammock, away from you because his ego needs to take a break from that hit
he'd by the pool with the dreamies, half of them, renjun, jaemin and jeno in the pool and jisung and chenle next to him sharing a hammock
this is what was meant by an accident, you just wanted to get to the fruit bar, when ten, this lanky dude bumps into you from nowhere, and by accident
you bump into haechan
splash splash
his balance isn't the only thing he lost when he fell face flat into the pool
apparently chenle's laugh grabbed everyone's attention, and when the one and one is put together, hyuck became the school's laughing stock for a month
his glare at your dumbfounded state was anything but forgiving
that wasn't even the end of things
this sounds like it's made up, because no one can have such bad luck, ever, in one single day
but there goes hyuck, breaking beliefs left and right
you approached him and tried to apologise for basically ruining his day
he didn't actually know what to do, because he honestly wasn't mad at you, he was mad at the situation
you can throw him into the pool 3000 times and he'd say I love you 3000
yes, he might have a minor crush on you
but he's also super embarrassed, this was supposed to be his big day, and you're here
he wants to show you the best side of him
but that doesn't translate well onto his face
he......doesn't even know what he looked like at that moment, he was just stunned
but you must've thought he was growing mad because you further apologized, and your hand motions grew more frantic
and there you go, ssstrrriiiikke three
it was by accident
but you knocked over his refreshment, yes, the one he was trying to calm himself down with from the embarrassment
it could've been worse right, the glass could've hit someone
and you should've hoped so, because then they wouldn't be sober to call the police and have the party cancelled
this, including the series of embarrassing events that happened at haechan's party became the talk of the whole campus
and more than anything you dreaded it
it painted you in a bad light, and was giving you more attention than you ever fancied
what you didn't know was how much it bugged haechan too
he's been trying to get the dreamies to shut up about it, but even if he did, the whole school was chattering about you
he thought he would've gotten the short end of the stick, seeing how he was the laughing matter at his own party
but the jokes quickly turned sour when someone started the speculation of why it happened
and it sounded crazy to him
because why would there be a why? it was an accident, and yes maybe he did feel his face get a bit red and his blood level rise
but you explained that it was complete accidents, there was no malicious intention, or intention of any kind
idiots on campus starting saying that you had a crush on haechan, but you wanted to stand out, so you did all those things on purpose to get him to notice you
it's a total lie, and hyuck has to debunk it before it gets to everyone, but he doesn't know how
this time, it was he who accidentally started something up, and it went a little like this:
"hey haechan do they like you?"
"what? no it's a myth"
he said that, in the spur of a moment, because you liking him back would be a myth only he wishes would be true
but guess which idiots got the wrong idea? the geniuses of spreading misinformation
and said misinformation spread like wild fire, deeming you a bad omen, and especially to haechan
it dealt more damage to your reputation than to you mentality
because if you were a bad omen, the first person you would be cursing is yourself, for bringing all this shit upon yourself
but also, to haechan, because you found out weeks later that he actually said it himself
you can't be more annoyed
you clearly explained to him how it all happened and that it was an accident
you even went to testify with him to prove it was an accident
how could he, knowing all this, sit still and accuse you of being a bad omen??? a bad luck charm????
not to sound dramatic, but he basically ruined your campus life, even the newcomers know of your story
back to hyuck
he's panicking, almost everyday when he has to pass by your class
he feels so guilty even though he basically didn't do anything wrong
he tried to hush down the rumours and even told some people off who were just shittalking you in the hall
like, what does you wearing that sweater have anything to do with this???
he's lost like a puppy, he wishes he had the courage to just walk up to you and come clean, and he has tried!! but he chickens out every time
and after that one time you shot him a vicious glare at the cafeteria, it was clear he wasn't high on your favourite's list and he just lose hope in trying to make amends with you
and that brings us back to present day, where it has been three months since the incident, and a new batch of freshman have flooded the school
hyuck wasn't feeling like having lunch today so he opts for a walk around the campus park, where he spots you and he's bout to run away again
when he hears some bigshot chicks calling you names
yes, still calling people names in college smh
he can't take this behaviour, because you're right there, without earshot
and he just knows they're being mean to get on your nerves
so there goes lee donghyuck, stomping over to the girls and telling them off
"oh, you wanna call people names now? well I have a lot of suggestions for you, mainly inspired by you,"
you can hear everything, because the argument got pretty ugly from there, and everyone just got excused into the counsellor room, where they're told to not be childish and have petty little fights on the school campus bla bla blah
and you know, because you silently followed after them and stood outside to eavesdrop
what else were you supposed to do when haechan, who supposedly started this whole nonsense up was defending you?
so you wait outside until they're done and you call out his name, relishing a bit in the way his whole body halts to an abrupt stop at the sound of your voice
you guys go somewhere more private, and not in front of the counsellor's office because dude no one's trying to get in there again
and you deadpan him for an explanation, because-
"yes, it's what you deserve, I know,"
"well then why did you spread lies about me??"
his eyes goes wide when he's accused, head shaking and promises he never intended to
"it's an accident, I swear. someone just asked if you liked me and I thought, what the hell? that would be a dream to like, like even if someone told me I would say it's a myth because why would you like me back, you know? like I like you but it's impossib-"
"literally shut up for a second,"
you don't mean to sound like that, but he's babbling a lot and you can't get the point, and when you ask him to repeat, his face flushes a bright pink
"I like you, and someone said you like me, and I think it's a myth, and I said it, and this happened. I'm sorry. the end."
taken aback is an understatement
but you literally walk a few steps away from him, just to clear out your mind and think
because this whole time you thought he hated you for embarrassing him at his how party when in fact he explains
that he's just embarrassed to see you because you saw him being embarrassing and that he feels guilty?
it takes you a while, but eventually, you guys sit down properly and talk it out
and you quickly find out why he's so popular, because he's a joy to hangout with, skip the parts where he mercilessly roasts you
you two grow closer by each day, spending free times together and haechan or hyuck, as he lets you call him, even walks you to your classes
the whole campus is dumbfounded, because not only is haechan walking perfectly find beside you, he's smiling and not in pain, even when he has his arms around your shoulder
it takes him a month to finally confess(because he's still a chicken), but you guys finally get together and the whole school's mind is blown
and every rumour about you is debunked immediately, and you guys are deemed the school's next power couple
"what a turn of events huh, my lucky charm?"
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masterlist ask
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themostrandomfandom · 7 years
Hey, so I don't know if you've addressed this before or if it's ever been mentioned, but I've always wondered why Brittany's SAT scores never came up in her first senior year. I understand that they had to shoehorn in a way to get Heather off the show, but what is your take on in canon what happened there, since you're all about writing not being an excuse. Thanks in advance if you get around to answering this!! Love your blog!! :)
Hey, @toomuchtoogay​​!
I’ve puzzled over this question before myself, and, honestly, I don’t think there is any one solid, uncomplicated answer. 
The bottom line is that the Glee writing staff didn’t even think about college admissions exams for anyone until S4, which leaves us a gaping plot hole regarding Brittany in S3. 
While I can suggest a few long-shot scenarios which might possibly explain Brittany’s seemingly peculiar exam history, the fact is that Glee was so terrible at depicting all things academic that none of them truly satisfies.
With that disclaimer in mind, I’ve written out the best explanations I’ve got under the cut. Take them for what you will.
Stretch Possibility #1: Brittany doesn’t actually take any college entrance exams during her first senior year at all.
Maybe because Brittany’s grades are so abysmal, she opts of her own volition not to take any form of college entrance exams.
Alternately, as her guidance counselor, Emma could advise her against doing so. 
In the case that Brittany takes no college entrance exam at all, we can presume that Brittany considers college an impossibility due to her historically poor grades and supposed low intelligence, regardless of what either an ACT or SAT score may say.
Of course, one problem with this scenario is the Santana of it all. 
Sitting for college entrance exams is a rite of passage for most American high school seniors, and it often involves a somewhat social element. Friends sign up to take the exam on the same day and at the same location—even though they won’t be allowed to speak to each other once the exam commences—and they may even attend study sessions together in the days, weeks, and months leading up to the occasion. 
It strains credulity to suppose that Brittany could just quietly fail to take either exam without Santana knowing she were doing so. As Santana signed up to take her exams, she’d be trying to coordinate with Brittany. There would be discussion. Unless Brittany were to just straight up lie to Santana about her intentions, the truth would eventually come out.
—and given everything we know about Santana and her unwavering belief in Brittany’s genius (even before Brittany’s S4 SAT scores corroborate her claims), it also strains credulity to suppose that if Santana knew Brittany had opted against taking any college entrance exams, she would just be cool with Brittany’s decision. If Brittany were to tell her, “I’m not taking either the ACT or the SAT,” Santana would invariably ask why not, and if Brittany’s answer involved any hint of self-doubt or, god forbid, the suggestion that a school official dissuaded her from taking exams due to her supposedly low intelligence, Santana would undoubtedly freak the fuck out (“Ms. Pillsbury told you what?!”).
Even if Brittany were to convince Santana that it was okay that she wasn’t taking any exams because it was her personal preference not to, how could she do so without also letting slip that she had no plans to pursue higher education?
In episode 3x22, Santana’s mother Maribel says that she “understands [Brittany] got into Purdue University.” In an likelihood, she learns this misinformation from none other than Santana because Santana genuinely believes that Brittany is going to college.
If Santana and Brittany had ever sat down and engaged in a discussion about not taking any college exams, Santana would have already known for months that college was off the table for her girl.
That means that either Brittany at some point straight up lies to Santana about not taking the exams—which doesn’t seem likely, given that Brittany is typically unfailingly honest with Santana—or else that the girls never discuss the issue at all.
If we stretch our imaginations, we can perhaps pretend that Santana doesn’t notice Brittany’s failure to take either exam because she wrongly assumes that Brittany is taking the opposite exam that she is or else is sitting for her exam on a different date.
Of course, we would then also have to assume that Santana never follows up with Brittany about her exam scores or else that Brittany straight up lies to Santana when she asks about them, neither possibility seeming either in-character or likely given the state of Brittana’s relationship during S3.
We are also left with the lingering question: If Brittany doesn’t take college entrance exams during her first senior year, why does she take them during her second senior year? It’s not like her grades or academic reputation improves at all between Round #1 and Round #2. 
While it’s true that Will and Emma do become marginally more involved in Brittany’s academic career during S4, given what they think they know about her as a student and thinker, they still would likely assume that she’s just not college material.
Why push her to take the exam when her GPA is so abysmal?
Wouldn’t they just be “setting her up for failure”?
There’s no way they anticipate her fabulous score.
There’s no way they look at her and say, “Well, let’s just have her take it, and maybe by some miracle she’ll score well enough to get into college, despite the fact that she has failed every class she’s ever taken at WMHS, including gym.”
The better bet for them would be to help her learn a trade or join the military (like Puck).
Again, I’m just not buying the idea that anyone would push Brittany to take exams in her second senior year if they didn’t push her to take them during her first.
—and given Brittany’s personality and historic lack of confidence in her own academic abilities, I doubt she would decide of her own volition to take the SAT during her second senior year without some very enthusiastic outside encouragement from someone in authority.
Maybe Sam could persuade her to take the exam “for funsies” because he was also taking it.
But given that the SAT costs $57 to take, I still consider it unlikely that Brittany decides to take it on a whim, particularly in a scenario where she has refrained from taking it before.
Given all these caveats, I find the possibility that Brittany does not take any form of college entrance exam at all during her first senior year somewhat unlikely.
As an alternate theory, maybe we can say that Brittany takes the ACT during her first senior year rather than the SAT.
Honestly, in real life, the ACT is the far more common exam in Ohio anyway.
It is also the more widely accepted exam at non-coastal and non-Ivy League schools across the nation. 
Maybe for whatever reason, Brittany takes the ACT and earns average or even low scores. We as the audience then don’t hear anything about her results because there’s nothing remarkable about them given her previous academic performance, and her failing GPA later renders her score a moot point in any case.
To me, this possibility seems at least somewhat likely.
There could be a lot of reasons why Brittany might fail to score at the genius level on the ACT exam only to later score at the genius level on the SAT exam.
This scenario also removes the problems of Santana’s knowledge of and participation in Brittany’s exam experience. 
The girls both could take the ACT together or else Brittany could take the ACT while Santana takes the SAT.
Particularly if Brittany scores in the average or low-average range, Santana could still assume that college is an option for her, leading to the misconception that after high school graduation, she will be attending Purdue.
Overall, I think this possibility is the one I personally find most compelling. It’s easy for me to believe that Brittany takes the ACT and scores in the way that people might expect her to, and we as the audience just never hear about it because we don’t hear anything about anyone’s college entrance exams during S3.
Another possibility is that Sue interferes with Brittany’s exam experience. After all, during her first senior year, Brittany is still on the Sue Sylvester-run Cheerios, and canon tells us that Sue often doctors the GPAs of girls on the squad in order to keep them academically eligible to participate in sports. It’s possible that Sue—who is truly without scruples when it comes to academic dishonesty—also arranges to get seniors on her squad good college admission exam scores without them ever having to sit for said exams. 
In this case, we can assume that Brittany literally never sits for either the ACT or the SAT exam even though she receives some kind of score for one or both of them.
As with the scenario above, whatever [invented] score Brittany receives on her exam(s) is nevertheless later rendered a moot point due to her low GPA and failure to graduate.
Of course, this scenario doesn’t account for why Brittany would sit for the exam during her second senior year if she already had a “viable” score from her first senior year, as exam scores remain valid for a period of five years.
It is also difficult to explain why Sue would go through the trouble of inventing an SAT score for Brittany but then fail to similarly invent her a passing GPA.
I find this possibility relatively unlikely just given how ridiculous it is. But then again, we are talking about the Gleeverse here.
Stretch Possibility #2: Brittany does take the SAT during her first senior year, but we (as the audience) never hear about it because her scores are low to average and not in the genius level.
Ask any educator: Standarized tests are notoriously poor indicators of raw intelligence, so even though Brittany has genius-level smarts, that’s not to say that she would necessarily score well on every exam she takes.
Maybe the first time around, she has a bad case of exam jitters, so she performs poorly because she’s anxious. Maybe the second time around, she does better because she’s more relaxed.
Maybe for whatever reason the questions on the exam she takes during her first senior year are less amenable to her particular type of intelligence, whereas the ones on the exam she takes in her second senior year are something she can really hit out of the park.
Maybe the two exams are graded differently.
Honestly, there could be any number of reasons why she might do poorly the first time and better the second.
This scenario seems relatively likely to me. It is very easy to believe that Brittany takes the SAT during her original senior year, but her score is unremarkable and later rendered moot due to her failing GPA. She then takes the exam for a second time during her final senior year, scoring in the genius level and immediately being admitted to MIT, her failing GPA notwithstanding. We as the audience only hear about Brittany’s second attempt because, again, college entrance exams only come onto Glee’s radar during S4. 
Stretch Possibility #3: Brittany takes the SAT during her first senior year, and she scores well, but her exam score is for some reason invalidated, meaning that she must take the exam again during her second senior year.
In rare instances, SAT scores can be cancelled due to a number of irregularities, including what the Educational Testing Service deems “unusual answer patterns.” If Brittany’s PSAT scores wildly differ from her SAT scores or her math scores are so unbelieavably off-the-charts good in comparison to her writing and reading scores, then there is a possibility that her test grader flags her exam and moves that her scores be stricken from her record. Since the ETS is not obligated to disclose the reason why a test score has been cancelled, Brittany could well have no idea “what she’s done wrong.”
Given Brittany’s sensitivity about her intelligence, if she received notification that her SAT score had been cancelled, she would probably assume that she had been penalized because her answers were so poor that the ETS just couldn’t handle them. She likely wouldn’t seek arbitration because she would be too embarrassed. She’d just figure she could take the exam again later, hoping that things might go better the second time around.
Of course, in this scenario, the Santana of it all again becomes an issue.
It strains credulity to think that if Brittany’s scores were cancelled, Santana wouldn’t find out about it. Santana reads Brittany so well, and if Brittany were to show up to school looking bummed or confused, Santana would ask her what was the matter. Unless Brittany refused to tell Santana what happened, the truth would come out, and if Santana knew that Brittany had had her exam score cancelled, she would encourage Brittany to try to at least learn for what reason or (more likely) to fight the ruling if she could. Maybe Brittany for some reason would decline to take Santana’s advice. Still, Santana would know going forward that Brittany had no college entrance exam scores and so would not be attending university. Her surprise about Brittany’s fate in episode 3x22 therefore would not make sense.
Perhaps we can imagine that Brittany purposefully conceals her cancelled exam score from Santana because she is embarrassed.
Maybe the cancellation only happens retroactively, so initially Brittany does have a viable score which she reports to Santana. Later, said score is invalidated, but Brittany doesn’t report this turn of events to Santana (and somehow miraculously manages to conceal the news from her).
If we want to, we can maybe say that the cancellation takes place at the same time that Santana is dealing with the fallout from being outed. Brittany doesn’t conceal the cancellation from Santana because she wants to be dishonest but rather because she feels like Santana is already dealing with a lot, and she doesn’t want to bother her with such a petty problem, particularly when she has the option to eventually retake the exam. That’s why come episode 3x22, Santana is so surprised to learn that Brittany isn’t going to be graduating or attending college—because the news literally comes out of nowhere for her, even though for Brittany it’s been in the works for a long time.
This possibility does require some contingencies in order to function, but I consider it viable. We can imagine that Brittany takes the SAT during her first senior year, and she scores remarkably well—so much so that the ETS unilaterally decides that she must have cheated and so cancels her scores retroactively. They don’t tell Brittany why they cancelled her scores, and she’s too embarrassed to ask. She just accepts the status quo and tries to move on, particularly as she and Santana are presently dealing with the aftermath of Santana’s outing and Santana’s grandmother disowning her. Santana is already so sad that Brittany decides not to burden her with the news about her exam. She figures she’ll just take the exam again later, and everything will be okay. But then as more time goes by, it becomes increasingly clear to Brittany that she isn’t going to graduate high school anyway, so why should she bother to take the exam again? It’s not like she’s going to college. She quietly accepts her fate, only revealing it to Santana during the events of episode 3x22.
Bonus: If we accept this scenario as our headcanon, it may also further explain what happens with Brittany’s second exam during S4. Simply put, the first time around, Brittany’s scores are so good that the ETS (falsely) believes that she must have somehow cheated. But then she duplicates her same impressive results one year later, proving that they weren’t a fluke. The ETS is then forced to acknowledge that, no, Brittany didn’t cheat, and, yes, she is a genius, given that she aced their exam not once but twice under highly controlled circumstances.
Like I said, to me, none of the scenarios I’ve described here are necessarily airtight. All of them require a lot of contingencies in order to function. If this were a court case, the opposing counsel would rip them to shreds. 
The real answer to this puzzle is that Glee screwed up—as they so often do—leaving a sizable plot hole for us as fans to deal with. 
But frankly this plot hole is just part of the bigger plot CRATER which is Brittany’s overall academic history. There are so many things about her experiences as a high school and university student which make absolutely less than zero sense, and the mystery of her mystical, magical disappearing initial SAT score is just one issue among the many, many more salient issues which have to do with how Glee treats the topics of her intelligence and fluctuating academic performance.
Anyway, enough ranting form me. That’s all I’ve got.
Sorry I can’t offer a more concrete answer! Thanks for the question.
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