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hyann1e · 24 days ago
#ROPA junto a @wooynseok
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estaba probando un nuevo traje, necesitaba estar presentable para lo que fuera a suceder luego, durante lo pasado se había roto parte de la falda. estaba, claramente, molesta por aquello. era el traje que más prefería su madre que use. había sido su estúpida idea el llevarlo puesto a un evento de tan poco calibre para dichas prendas de alta alcurnia. tan pronto sale del mostrador, la figura de su hermana no está allí. "anita" la llama una vez entre dientes. exhala y mirada termina en rostro familiar de los eventos del círculo "¿ha visto usted una morena por aquí?" intenta explicar la altura de su hermana, moviendo una mano ascendente hasta asumir que ha dado con la altura correcta.
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flan-tasma · 1 year ago
With a Baby! (Neuvilette x Fem!Reader)
💖~ Hey, I'm back!
Yeh, I'm not dead, I just disappeared a lot.
Warning: Nope now💖, light spicy at point three, Female Reader | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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Neuvilette ha pensado antes en tener una familia contigo, siempre que te comportas tan bonita como siempre con él, cuando cuidas de alguna Melusine que encuentran en el camino a casa o cuando haces cosas tan normales como preparar algo de comer. Siempre piensa en ti como una madre fabulosa.
La idea de que seas una figura cariñosa con posibles hijos suyos pasa desde los escenarios más dulces y adorables, verte cargando a un pequeñito parecido a él y llamándolo tu amor, levantarse y verte arrullar a una niñita con sus ojos. Está en las nubes cada que lo imagina.
Luego todo lo dulce se va filtrando a la necesidad de que tengas a sus hijos, la necesidad de verte con el vientre abultado por su escencia, la necesidad de criarte. Y eso es exactamente lo que hace.
Luego de que logran tener un descendiente, creo que Neuvillette tiene problemas a la hora de llamarlo. Le dices que es un bebé y él dice que es una cría, con el tiempo aprende a llamarlo bebé, pero sigue susurrando que es una pequeña cría formándose en el vientre de su mamá, todo mientras acaricia tu estómago.
Durante el embarazo se vuelve muy sobreprotector. No quiere que te muevas mucho y te canses, no tienes que levantarte a cocinar porque puedes quedarte, no debes agacharte, él recogerá lo que tiraste o te conseguirá otro. Solo no quiere que te hagas daño.
Definitivamente hace una especie de nido con ropa vieja y cómoda, almohadas y deja alguna piedra brillante porque brilla y cree que te gustará.
Sigue preguntándose si pondrás un huevo o no, solo espera que no te duela mucho. Se prepara mucho para dar la bienvenida al pequeño nuevo ser que tendrá su sangre, ya eligieron un nombre, ropa y juguetes divertidos.
Estuvo muy enfocado en decorar la habitación del bebé, quería que los colores le dieran paz y que le gustara su habitación.
Cuando el bebé nace, casi está rezando a todas las deidades que conoce o conoció porque no quiere que sufras, pero se calma cuando le dicen que todo está bien y que el parto está llendo con naturalidad.
¡Felicidades, tienen un adorable bebé! Al inicio puede ser extraño, tal vez incómodo y doloroso, pero hey, estás dando a luz a un dragón.
Literalmente un dragón, largo y escamoso, con pelo muy corto y casi inexistente. Parece un pequeño perrito, pero Neuvilette dice que es normal, aprenderá a tomar forma humana cuando crezca.
Lleva al bebé y a su pareja a casa y los hace descansar mientras se toma su tiempo analizando al drahoncito que tiene en brazos, cómo se retuerce entre sus brazos y cómo su respiración se siente en su mano. Está casi llorando y lo sabes porque algunas gotitas empiezan a resbalarse por la ventana.
Está muy feliz, abraza a la cría y lo acurruca en su pecho, dándole calor, recordándole que su papá estaba con él. Que nunca estaría solo, siempre tendría a alguien que cuide de él.
Cuando pasa un tiempo y el pequeño ya abre los ojos, Neuvilette está decidido. Te mira con toda la seriedad del mundo y te pide dos o tres crías más. Quiere una camada.
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Neuvilette has thought about having a family with you before, whenever you behave as nice as ever with him, when you take care of some Melusine you meet on the way home or when you do things as normal as preparing something to eat. He always thinks of you as a fabulous mother.
The idea that you are a loving figure with possible children of his comes from the sweetest and most adorable scenarios, seeing you holding a little boy who looks like him and calling him your love, getting up and seeing you cooing at a little girl with his eyes. He is in the clouds every time he imagines it.
Then everything sweet filters into the need for you to have his children, the need to see yourself with a bulging belly due to his essence, the need to breed you. And that's exactly what he does.
After you manage to have an offspring, I think Neuvillette has problems calling the baby. You tell him it's a baby and he says it's a offspring, eventually he learns to call it a baby, but he keeps whispering that it's a little baby growing in his mother's belly, all while caressing your stomach.
During pregnancy he becomes very overprotective. He doesn't want you to move a lot and get tired, you don't have to get up to cook because you can stay, you don't have to bend over, he will pick up what you threw away or get you another one. He just doesn't want you to get hurt.
He definitely makes a kind of nest with old and comfortable clothes, pillows and leaves some shiny stones because it's shines and he thinks you will like it.
He keeps wondering if you'll lay an egg or not, he just hopes it doesn't hurt too much. He prepares a lot to welcome the little new being that will have his blood, you have already chosen a name, clothes and fun toys.
He was very focused on decorating the baby's room, he wanted the colors to give them peace and he wanted them to like their room.
When the baby is born, he is almost praying to all the deities he knows or knew because he doesn't want you to suffer, but he calms down when the doctor tell him that everything is fine and that the birth is going naturally.
Congratulations, you have an adorable baby At first it may be strange, maybe uncomfortable and painful, but hey, you are giving birth to a dragon.
Literally a dragon, long and scaly, with very short and almost non-existent hair. He looks like a small dog, but Neuvilette says it's normal, he will learn to take human form when he grows up.
He takes the baby and his partner home and makes them rest while he takes his time analyzing the little dragon in his arms, how he squirms in his arms and how his breath feels on his hand. He is almost crying and you know it because some droplets start to slide down the window.
He is very happy, hugs the baby and snuggles it into his chest, giving it warmth, reminding him that his father was with him. That he would never be alone, he would always have someone to take care of him.
When some time passes and the little one opens his eyes, Neuvilette is determined. He looks at you with all the seriousness in the world and asks for two or three more offsprings. He wants a brood.
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aleloverlol · 2 years ago
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Jealous - Alexia Putellas
You weren’t known to be a jealous type of person, but you just couldn’t help it this time. Being in a relationship with Alexia means that you would have to see her ex every time you played for your country.
You we’re currently helping Misa while she was benching weight. While looking around the gym, your eyes landed on Alexia and Jenni being extremely close. While they were laughing at something, Jenni slid her hand down Alexia’s arm. She kept her hold for a couple of seconds just above Alexia’s elbow. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Chica.¿Estes tratando de matarme?” Miss asked slightly pissed off.
“¡Mierda! Lo siento mucho” You replied feeling guilty. You took the weight from her and place it back on the hook that the weight was kept on. Slow turning your head to look at Alexia and Jenni, you saw that they were sat drinking whatever the workers gave them. They were giggling about something. Suddenly, you noticed that Jenni’s hand was on Alexia’s thigh. You could’ve sworn that there was smoke coming out of your ears with how angry you felt.
¿Quién te está distrayendo?” Misa asked while looking concerned. She followed your gaze and spotted who you were watching. Her glare softened. She looked at you pitifully.
“¿Crees que todavía hay química entre ellos?” You questioned while frowning. Misa kept quiet for a second, trying to form the words she wanted to say.
“Alexia te quiere mucho. Sé que ella no haría nada.” She replied while giving you a small smile. Your frown slowly disappeared. But not for long.
———————(a few hours later)———————
It was dinner time now. All of the sessions were finished for today. You were say between Ona and Aitana and Misa while Alexia and Jenni were sat in-front of you. Jenni slowly leaned on towards Alexia and whispered something in her ear. Alexia began laughing. While she was laughing, she dragged her hand down Jenni’s arm and kept it there for much longer than you liked.
You felt eyes burning into the side of your head. You turned your head and saw Misa giving you pitiful eyes. Your eyes stared to gloss. You stood up from the table and excused your self. You felt glares being sent your way while you were walking out from the canteen.
While walking through the hallway, you heard footsteps behind you.
“Mi amor. ¿Qué ocurre?” Alexia asked while slightly frowning. You turned around to face her. She saw the tears that ran down your cheeks slowly.
“¿Qué ocurre? En serio. ¿Qué ocurre? Sabes exactamente lo que está mal, Alexia. Me has estado ignorando todo el día. Ni siquiera me has mirado una vez. ¿ Has sido muy cercano y sensible con Jenni y me preguntas qué ocurre? Increíble” You shouted while more and more tears rolled down your cheeks. Alexia was takes back by your outburst.
“Bebé. Sabes que solo te quiero a ti, ¿verdad? Te amo mucho. Jenni y yo somos solo amigos, lo prometo. Sé que somos ex pero nos reconciliamos y estamos en buenos términos ahora. Solo quiero que sepas que solo te quiero a ti. Te amo tanto mi amor.” Alexia explained. She moved closer to gently put her hands on your cheeks to wipe your tears away. You could see in her face that she meant every single word she just said.
“Ay dios mío. Soy tan estúpido.” You groan. Alexia only giggled. She pulled you into her arms and kissed the crown of your head.
“¿Qué tal si te demuestro cuánto te amo, bebé?”She whispered in your ear just incase someone was nearby. You could hear the smirk in her voice.
“Lidera el camino mi amor” You replied with a smirk.
Let just say you both didn’t get a lot of sleep that night.
A/n: Hey guys!! This is my first ever post on hear. I’ve posted this on my Wattpad earlier. I hope you liked it and please tell me who you would like for me to do next time!
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hyann1e · 1 month ago
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"personalmente pediría que me traigan mi propia comida" expresa con mera honestidad mientras desfila suave para observar lo que se presenta como comida. pocas cosas le apetecen. siente de cualquier forma, el estómago cerrado, culpándose aún por su falla en el evento previo "¿es usted una persona quisquillosa a la hora de comer, señor?" inquiere elevando la mirada hacia el más alto. "¿puede confirmar si las medidas de higiene del puesto se adaptan a ese tipo de personas?" quizás si intenta comer algo pueda sanar parte de su agotamiento también.
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"¿qué me recomiendas?" pregunta el masculino a la persona que tenía cerca, no estaba del todo seguro qué se le antojaba para comer. "¿has probado alguno de los platillos típicos de aquí?"
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marjorieswrld · 11 months ago
Solo Trip (A Jude Bellingham Imagine) Part 2
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Jude Bellingham x Mexican!femreader
It's specifically a Mexican reader but there's cute Jude moments on here I think everyone should have a read at :)
Click here to read Part 1!
contains: social media au & text messages!
wc: 6,571 (in total of pt. 1 & 2)
summary: Y/N goes away on a trip to Mexico much to Jude's dismay!
includes: suggestive content and sexting!
I don't see much love for us Mexican and Brown girlies on here so I must deliver 🫡 I honestly had SO much fun writing and creating this, I hope you all enjoy it! I really connected to this post and poured out all my love and devotion to it!
meanwhile y/n and jude oblivious to the whole twitter situation: 
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judebellingham posted a story
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vinijr posted a story
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back to twitter:
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Guy in the photo talking to his friend
Guy in photo: “Ey, ey, ella que no es la novia de jude?” (Hey, hey, isn’t that jude’s girlfriend?) He points out starstruck, pointing at Y/N who was nearby. 
Friend: “¿Parece que sí es?”  (It seems like she is?) His friend replied recognizing her. 
Guy in photo: “Oye le pediré foto?” (Hey, should I ask her for a photo?) He nervously asks. “¡Tal vez me menciona a Jude!” (Maybe she’ll mention me to Jude!)
Friend: “¿estás bien hermano? ¡Tú crees que van a platicar de ti! Ay wey en realidad estas mal” (Are you good bro? You think they’re going to talk about you? Oh dude, you’re so wrong!) 
Guy: “callate! ¡No me arruines mis esperanzas! si hay hasta una pequeña posibilidad de que Jude simplemente escuche de mí por parte de t/n, ¡moriré feliz!” (Shut up! Don’t ruin my hopes! If there’s even a slight chance of Jude hearing of me from Y/N, I’ll die happy!) The boy smiled, determined to go up to Y/N. 
Friend: está bien, vamos (fine, let’s go)
The two boys appeared to walk, on video, towards Y/N. 
They tapped her on her shoulder once they had reached her. She turns around, appearing on camera. 
Y/N smiles kindly at them. 
Guy: Hola perdón por molestarte. Es que soy un gran fan de Jude. ¿Está bien si nos tomemos una foto? (Hey, sorry to bother you. It’s just that I’m a huge fan of Jude. Is it okay if we take a photo?)
Y/N smiled widely at the question. 
Y/N: “¡Claro!” (Of course!)
They both pose for the infamous photo and the friend retrieves it from the video. 
Guy: “Gracias t/n!” Te lo agradezco.” (Thank you Y/N! I appreciate it) The boy expresses. Y/N smiles and nods at the fan. 
Y/N: “¡Por nada! Tengan una bonita noche, que la disfruten!” (You’re welcome! Have a great night guys, enjoy it!) Y/N wishes, ready to part ways. 
Guy: “¡Me saludas a Jude, porfa!” (Say hello to Jude for me, please!) The guy pleads, causing Y/N to giggle at the interaction. 
Y/N: “Cuéntalo hecho!” (Count it as done!) Y/N smiles before walking away. Keeping her promise, later that night mentioning the encounter to Jude. 
Y/N leaves and the friend starts to scold his friend. 
Friend: “No manches! Salistes bien amargado en la foto wey!” (Seriously? You came out so bitter in the photo, dumbass!)
Guy: Es que estaba bien nervioso hermano. O sea es la novia de Jude Bellingham!” (It’s because I was so nervous, bro! I mean it’s Jude Bellingham’s girlfriend!) The boy exclaims to his friend. “¡Cómo crees que me sentia! Estoy por las nubes!”  (How do you think I felt? I’m over the moon!) 
Video ends
Back to Y/N & Jude: 
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liked by yourmom, judebellingham, erling.haaland and 369,583 others
yourusername en el coleadero y empolvada 🏇 dia seis! (in the coleadero [a horse sports event] and dusty 🏇 day six!) 
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yourmom you look so cute mija (darling)
yourusername thank you mami i love you! 💜
com1 she looks adorable in the first pic! 
com2 okay but the sky!!!
erling.haaland I didn’t expect Jude to last this long without you! I just know he’s hanging on by a thread 🤣 I hope you’re having a great time out there y/n/n 
com3 i’m dead erling 💀
judebellingham trust me mate I am not doing well
yourusername you know he’s the biggest baby erl!! Thank you ☺️
judebellingham you look hermosa! 
yourusername did you use google translate? 😂 but thank you bebe 🥰
com4 A+ for effort lmao 
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liked by judebellingham, jesusortizpazfr, and 397,539 others
yourusername bailes en el rancho son mis favoritos! ya estamos listos para mañana 🥳 day 7 (dances at the ranch are my favorite! we’re ready for tomorrow 🥳) 
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yourusername before anyone mentions my cousin on the last pic, he took me out to dance bc I was the only one from my primas (female cousins) who was standing alone at the baile while the rest were dancing w their mans🥺 
com1 y/n better than me bc if my man didn’t know how to dance and I was at a baile I would be dancing!! not my fault my man don’t wanna learn 
com2 you look like so much fun! 
com3 the vibe in all of her daily dumps are EVERYTHING! 
com4 I miss mexico now 😩
primo.user (cousin.user) mi compañera de baile MAS favorita!! 💃🏼 (my MOST favorite dance partner!! 💃🏼) 
yourusername gracias por sacarme a bailar me moría de ganas (thank you for taking me out to dance, i was dying to dance!)
com5 Not y/n wanting to dance but couldn’t bc she’s a faithful woman! props to her cousin for standing up 👏 
judebellingham la mas chula 😘 (the prettiest 😘)
yourusername you got me blushing bellingham 🤭 i’m glad you’ve got the google translate app installed 
com5 not jop in the likes
com7 fr, first peso now jop
com8 jop didn’t have it in him to leave a comment like peso pluma thooo
com9 damn they’re already pregaming for the feria (festival) tomorrow  
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liked by judebellingham and 387,437 others
yourusername sabado de gloria was one for the books ❤️‍🔥 mi mexico querido, el pais con tradiciones increibles 🥹 (saturday of glory was one for the books ❤️‍🔥 my beloved mexico, the country with incredible traditions 🥹)
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com1 okay bc Jude with a Mexican girlfriend was something I never expected but they’re so cute together!!! 💗
com2 the cultural difference between them is mind blowing but i kinda like it
com3 okay it’s been a week we need Jude and Y/N back together ASAP
judebellingham mi niña bonita 😍 I hope you’re having a blast darling! 
yourusername the spanish better not stop when I get home because it’s so cute! 
judebellingham i’m thanking google translate rn 🙏🏽
com4 that last pic is so aestheticly pleasing
com5 okay now I understand why Y/N had to go to Mexico!! That looks like sm fun
com6 fr i was like why would she ever leave Jude but I see why now
com7 her outfit and boots are so cute 🤩
Y/N’s POV: 
I spread my limbs throughout the comfy bed but not as comfortable as the one awaiting me back home. My eyes flutter open, as I bask in my last morning in Mexico. 
The morning sun shining through the window, brightening up the room. I take one last look through the window, the tree tall and green, dogs laying out on the ground, the pretty plants and the great range of mountains surrounding the rancho. 
I let out a deep sigh as I sat up in bed, a mixed emotion about leaving this place. Leaving the peaceful and warm lifestyle that is Mexico was always heart wrenching but my skin tingles at the thought of going back home. Not a home, like a house or a place but Jude. Jude is my home. 
I smiled at the thought of him and a warmth at my core enlights. 
A home cooked meal was already awaiting me in the kitchen and family slowly started filling my grandparents' home to say their goodbyes. 
I frown at the thought of leaving them but I know life would never be the same if I stayed. 
The time is approaching to my last minutes with everyone. An emotional goodbye to the animals, the beautiful home that holds many wonderful memories, and of course to all of my family especially my grandparents. 
“Te amamos mija. Ya sabes que aqui siempre esta tu casa, (we love you darling. You know that you’ll always have your home here” My grandma tells and we pull each other into a tight hug. 
I wipe the tears that we are threatening to spill. 
“Hasta luego muñeca que dios la bendiga! (Until next time doll god bless you!)” My grandpa expressed as he kissed my cheek, pulling me into his arms. 
After all the goodbyes, my uncle started the truck and loaded my luggages. 
On our way to the airport I watched the landscapes contentedly and whispered my goodbyes to the familiar roads. 
yourusername posted two stories 
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judebellingham posted a story 
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taglist: @annab-nana @hoodpankow  @alaynahope714  @jeyramarie @lemur46 @goldenroutledge @valluvsu @paleprincessturtle @hoelesslyt @drewsephrry @northernstarkey
All pics are from Pinterest!
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yumminyy · 1 month ago
hey, meu bem! me vi perdida nesse teu portfólio lindo outra vez e acabei tendo mais uma ideia de sugestão para você! 💖
que tal uma capa com elementos inspirados na sua lenda favorita? do tipo... lenda sobre vampiros, sobre bruxas, fadas, anjos... etc.
caso queira sugestão de um grupo, sugiro o stray kids.
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© 22.01.25 — broken heart (bibi)
📍 obs: adote aqui
notas 🗒: demorou mas saiu essa capa. fiquei um pouco na dúvida mas no fim as lendas de bruxas são as minhas favoritas, e achei que esse pack da bibi combinava muito.
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pinkslipxox · 4 months ago
Hey girl heyyyy
Can I please request angst with Miko where she & reader have been dating lowkey for a couple years, but when Mari & Mauro notice that they've been closer than ever & ask them if they're dating Miko denies it 😫 so then they have a huge fight and reader suggests breaking up and she leaves, then later sees that Miko posted a photo dump announcing their relationship 🥹
Hola my love!!! Eeek yes ofc! Hope u like it ❤️
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Miko’s hand rests on your thigh as she drives expertly through the streets of San Juan. You smile at her and bring her tattooed hand up to your lips, kissing it. It has been yet another eventful yet exciting week for Miko, and today is finally being spent as a much-needed day off. As far as professional affairs go, this week was also special for you and Miko. Just yesterday, you and Miko celebrated your third anniversary, and either of you couldn’t be happier.
You and Miko met one fateful day when you decided on getting your first tattoo. Miko happened to be your tattoo artist. There was something about her that drew you to her, and you were more than happy when she asked you out on a date after your session was done. Since then, it’s been quite the ride for the two of you, especially with Miko’s rising career as a rapper.
As Miko began to gain more recognition, it was a mutual decision for the two of you to date under the table. You are quite proud at how you and Miko have kept your relationship lowkey for as long as you have. Yes, there have been some times where it got difficult, but neither of you would change what you have for the world.
The only ones who know about you two are the sheets you both sleep on, guarded by the four walls of your home, away from the lights and the flashes. Especially from the scrutiny and drama. Just the way you two like it.
The way you two want it to be.
“Ya llegamos, mi amor,” Miko hums as she pulls up to the restaurant’s parking lot.
You two are meeting Mari and Mauro for dinner. You’ve met them through Miko, and have since formed a great relationship with both of them. Neither of them know about your relationship with Miko, either, despite their close friendship with your girlfriend. So far, you two have done a good job at just playing yourselves off as friends— if you do say so yourself.
Miko parks the car and you unbuckle your seat belt. Just as you’re about to open the door and head out, Miko stops you. The moment you turn your head to ask her what’s wrong, her lips clash onto yours in a passionate kiss. You feel Miko’s teeth lightly graze over your bottom lip before she gently takes it in between them, the light pressure sending a warmth throughout your body, and you sigh blissfully.
“Miko…” you half-moan, half-giggle as your girlfriend plants kisses to your neck. You feel her smirk against your skin.
“Que tal si hacemos un quickie, mi amor?” Miko murmurs, her voice thick with desire as her hand moves higher up your thigh.
You whimper. “We had one just before we left.”
“Y? Sabes muy bien que no puedo resistirte, Y/N,” your girlfriend purrs, your eyes fluttering closed as her fingers massage slow, teasing circles along your inner thigh. “Vamos, mami.”
“After,” you compromise, reluctantly, remembering where you are and why you’re there. “We can’t keep Mari and Mauro waiting.”
Miko whines, hiding her face in the crook of your neck, planting a kiss there. “Fine.” She then adds with a smirk, “Looks like you’re gonna be my dessert tonight.”
With a dramatic gasp, you smack her arm and she laughs. She then guides you a quick peck before helping you out of the car. You go to hold her hand, but then you stop yourself. One simple display of PDA is all it takes for the two of you to be on TMZ. God, how you wish you can hold her hand, wrap your arms around her, kiss her lips without a care in the world.
Noticing your slight change of demeanor, Miko gives you a soft smile. When you two are alone, Miko is constantly showering you in affection. It’s just as hard for her as it is for you.
Upon entering the restaurant, Miko informs the host that you two are joining two others at a table, and the two of you are led to where Mari and Mauro are sitting. The siblings greet you two with warm hugs and smiles. You love spending time with Mari and Mauro. Their company always leaves you in good spirits.
“Ustedes estaban esperando mucho?” you ask as you get comfortable in your seat.
“Apenas llegamos, tranquila,” Mauro reassures you with a smile. “Ustedes cómo están?”
“Bien de bien. Just hanging out,” Miko replies smoothly, sending you a playful wink. “Y ustedes?”
“Just hanging out like you guys,” Mari chuckles as she takes a sip of her drink. She then says in a teasing manner to you, “You gotta stop taking my spot as Vicky’s best friend, Y/N.”
Oh, if only if she knew.
You roll your eyes playfully. “Oh, Mari, I couldn’t replace you even if I tried.”
As the conversation flows between the four of you, you can’t help but slide your hand onto Miko’s under the table, who welcomes your affection by intwining her fingers with yours. Her thumb rubs comfortingly over the back of your hand, the simple gesture making your heart flutter. What you would give to rest your head on her shoulder and feel her soft lips press on your forehead…
All of the sudden, Miko gently nudges you, pulling you away from your thoughts.
“Y/N, Mari te habla,” she says softly with an edge of concern evident in her voice.
“Sorry… what did you say, Mari?” you ask, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Te pregunté si vas a querer compartir un appetizer con nosotros,” Mari says as she and the waiter you didn’t realize that’s staring at you exceptantly.
“Oh… sí, me encantaría,” you reply with a smile. With a nod, the waiter writes down the order and hurries off. Out of the corner of your eye, you can Miko looking at you with a worried look on her face, and you give her a small smile in reassurance.
“Vicky… Y/N…” Mari looks at Miko and then at you. She knots her eyebrows, her eyes calculating and curious, as if she is contemplating something. You can’t help but shift awkwardly in her chair.
“Que pasa?” you try to sound as calm as possible. Mari opens her mouth to say something but for a moment, she seems to hesitate before closing her mouth. She then sits straighter, and you squeeze Miko’s hand.
“Está bien si las hago una pregunta?” Mari finally asks after what it felt like an eternity of silence.
Miko shrugs nonchalantly. “Dale, nena.”
“Are you two dating?” Mari’s question slips out without hesitation.
You hold your breath.
“Acho! Que tipo de pregunta es esa, nena?” Mauro chides after he recovers from choking on his drink.
“I’m just asking,” Mari protests, swatting Mauro’s chest. She then draws her attention back to the two of you. “Entonces… están dating, sí o no?”
“No, Mari, we’re not dating,” Miko replies, looking at her best friend in the eye, and your heart sinks at her response. “Why would you ask that?”
“Es porque siempre están juntas. Y… no sé… ustedes parecen estar mas unidas que nunca.” She then adds, “And I’m not just talking about how you two are currently sitting either.”
“Ay, Mari,” Miko laughs with a shake of her head. And at that moment, she hand slips away from yours. “Nosotras solo somos buenas amigas, nada más. Verdad, Y/N?”
“Sí,” is all you can say with a forced smile as it takes everything in you to hold in the tears threatening to fall down your face.
“Bueno…” Mari shrugs her shoulders. “If you say so.”
Miko’s words echo in your ears. You don’t what hurt you more— the fact that she denied you to were dating right in front of you or how casually she handled the situation. During the rest of the time in the restaurant, you are mostly silent, nodding your head or forcing a smile to ensure everyone that you are listening to whatever they were taking about, but inside you feel as if you’ve been punched in the gut.
During the drive home, you do not speak or even look at Miko. Instead, you gaze out into the window, your hurt reflection staring back at you as you bite your lip, preventing yourself from crying. Sometime during the ride home, Miko tries to grab hold of you hand, but you move it away before she can touch you. The moment Miko parks inside the garage, you practically scramble out of the car and nearly slam the door behind you. You step inside your shared home, your chest tightening and your heart beating against your chest as you feel as if you’re about to crumble at any second.
“Y/N…” Miko’s voice pierced through the silence. Her tone soft and cautious. “Estás bien, mi amor?”
And you snap.
“Of course I’m okay! Porque preguntas, amiga?” you shout, your voice echoing through the living room as the tears you’ve been holding back stream down your face, and Miko’s face twists in realization and shock, her eyes full of regret.
“Y/N, por favor, I didn’t mean to—“
“Why didn’t you say the truth about us?!” you demand, taking a step back when she tries to touch you. Pain flashes on Miko’s features.
“I wasn’t thinking, I swear!” She then pauses, her expression changing from hurt to anger. “Espera, don’t put this all on me! Why didn’t you say anything about us, Y/N?”
“I didn’t think you wanted me to say anything! I thought if any of us was going to tell Mari and Mauro, it was going to be you!” you defend yourself, pointing an empathetic finger at Miko.
“Ay, coño, Y/N, tú siempre esperas a que yo dé el primer paso en cualquier cosa. No me hubiera importado si les hubieras dicho algo!” Miko nearly growls, throwing her hands up in frustration.
You groan, rubbing your temples. “That’s not the point, I thought we were on the same page about this!”
“We are! I just messed up! I’m sorry!” Miko protests and you huff.
“Im tired of hiding! I fucking hate lying to everyone about us!” you sob as more tears begin to roll down your cheeks. You don’t even bother to wipe them off. “This doesn’t feel like a relationship!”
“Then what do you want us to do, Y/N?!” Miko scoffs, her voice cracking at the end, her own tears rolling down her face.
Without thinking, the words you never thought you’d say spill out of your mouth: “Maybe we should break up!”
A heavy silence looms over the two of you. Neither of you speak. Or even blink. There is a shift in the atmosphere, and the air is so thick that not even a knife can cut the tension between the two of you.
You are the first to react.
“Y/N, espera, where are you going?” Miko asks, her tone desperate as you make your way towards the front door. Just as you put your hand on the door handle, Miko wraps her hand around your wrist as if her life depends on it.
“I need a moment to myself, Miko. Just… please,” you sigh and break yourself from her grasp.
“No, por favor, Y/N!” Miko begs but you ignore her.
By the time you find a bench to sit on, you are sobbing, your chest heaving as you gasp for air, your body curled up as you let out all the pent up emotion. In all of your three years together, you and Miko have never had a fight like this before. You’re not sure if this is something that either of you can consider bouncing back from. Or if there’s any hope of being together at all.
Just then your phone chimes. Something deep inside you tells you to check, and you obey it. A gasp escapes your lips when you see that Miko has posted on Instagram.
Tagging you in the caption.
“Los mejores tres años de mi vida en fotos. Te amo con todo mi corazón 🫶💕” it reads with your username off to the side.
Tears begin to swell in your eyes as you swipe to see each photo she’s posted, the memories of each of them flooding back to you. The comment sections fills with fans expressing their love and admiration for the two of you, tagging you and Miko, and your DMs start to go off as the news spreads like wildfire. You even see that Miko has posted a photo of you and her from earlier today. Posing along side Miko is yourself as she takes a mirror selfie, her arm wrapped around you as you kiss her on the cheek.
You run back to the house as fast as your feet can take you.
“Vicky?!” you call for your girlfriend as soon as you renter the house. She appears before you in an instant, a mixture of relief and hesitation in her features.
“Y/N, donde estabas?” Miko cups your face, her eyes searching desperately into yours. “Te amo con todo mi ser. Por favor, por favor, no me dejes.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you promise her as you connect your lips with hers, and she instantly kisses back. There’s no way you two are getting rid of each other so easily. You belong to Miko. And she belongs to you.
Fuck everyone else.
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hyann1e · 1 month ago
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“la mecánica hoy en día está tan avanzada que podrían hacerlo parecer tan real” opina nuevamente recordando los aterradores robots que representaban mujeres. una falta de decoro absoluto asumirse castos de manera tan emocionalmente pobre. “prefiero continuar de esta forma, señorita aurélie” rechaza la oportunidad de comunicarse coloquial, al menos un poco más sostener su propia imagen. se había asegurado de estar alcanzando los aspectos de la finura modesta, tal como su madre hacia. estrecha mano ajena con un corto movimiento que converja nombre ajeno con su rostro en su memoria “aneliese heijnen” concreta presentación simplemente. “me gustaría creer que aún tenemos un nivel más avanzados de educación para que se desvíen las situaciones allí dentro” acerca la copa a su nariz, absorbiendo el aroma que despertaba sus sentidos. “¿o es que conoce a alguien que sea propenso a generar disturbios?” consulta previo a beber un corto sorbo. la firmeza de un sabor que se mezclaba con el alcohol de manera homogénea que ni podía separarse. mamá había llevado la mejor camada de botellas, siempre tan intelectual, tan sutil. “ha de ser desesperante si aún no se sabe cuál será el premio por excelencia” observa a su interlocutora. “debe ser algo bueno para ser secreto ¿no le parece?”
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Si siente un poco de nervios es porque sabe que no solo está en juego su imagen, sino también la de su madre y lo último que Aurélie quiere es decepcionarla después de todo lo que a hecho por ella. Está eternamente agradecida con la mujer que le dio la vida y quiere demostrárselo tanto como sea posible.
Es arrastrada fuera de sus pensamientos por la voz femenina que no conoce, pero supone que se está dirigiendo a ella. Al verla, una sonrisa se dibuja de inmediato en su rostro y acepta la copa que le ofrece.
' Un minotauro fue la última de mis opciones entre todas las posibilidades, pero ahora no lo descarto, ' responde con gracia. ' Por favor, no es necesario que me trates de usted. Mi nombre es Aurélie, un gusto. ' Se presenta, extendiendo la mano libre en dirección a su acompañante. ' ¿Crees que las cosas se pongan muy complicadas allí dentro? '
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cherryblogss · 7 months ago
Como vc acha q os boys reagiriam a uma reader que é SUPER girly?
tipo, tem uma conta falando de maquiagem e livros, é super girls girl etc...
eu fico imaginando eles entrando nesse mundinho delas🥺
oi linda⚘️ como um girly girl☝🏻 irei falar um pouquinho sobre nosso barbie world com os que me vieram em mente
editado pq sou burra
Felipe Otaño (pra mim) não engana ninguém e deve amar uma diva toda princesinha🧚‍♀️ ele é do tipo que adora fazer compras contigo e até ser seu bonequinho quando você diz que tal roupa combinaria com a sua ou fala que tipo de roupas ele fica lindo🥰😇 ainda tem o fato dele amar ir na sua casa e ver todos os livros, roupas, maquiagens e paredes coloridas. Eu sempre imagino tbm que ele deixa vc testar maquiagem nele - em segredo pq ele tem uma reputação tbm ne - se vc quer ver a textura de uma sombra ou base, ele se oferece pra ser seu voluntário deixando vc passar na pele dele. Se vc tiver um canal ou conta no insta q fala de maquiagem, Pipe é seu maior fá🥳 sempre compartilha e as vezes é qm tira suas fotos. Um adendo para o meu self insert🙈☝🏻 ele adora mexer no seu cabelo, se for cacheado ainda mais pq gosta de finalizar os cachos e fazer os penteados que ele vê na Internet. - vale pras divas de cabelo liso tbm🫦
Enzo vogrincic... esse aqui com certeza adora uma garotinha bem girly⚘️💋 acho q teve até um tempo q nas redes sociais falavam que ele gostava de patty💅 e padrão então tenho certeza que sempre que viaja vê alguma maquiagem, roupa ou livro compra tudo que lembre vc, cada viagem é uma mala praticamente de presentes para ti. Também vejo ele como alguém q não é muito de expor a relação, mas se vc fosse uma blogueira ou sla, ele sempre comenta e compartilha🥰 Ele sempre pede pra saber a história dos livros que vc lê pq qualquer coisa que vc faz é do interesse dele e só de te ouvir falar, Enzo já fica todo bestinha te admirando.
O Fran por razões óbvias iria adorar ter uma melhor amiga e namorada para compartilhar tudo. ele sempre compra lançamentos de maquiagens pra testar em ti e também ama mexer no seu cabelo. se vc tem um insta focado nessas coisas, ele sempre vai te ajudar e a maioria do conteúdo é orientado por ele⚘️
Rafa me passa uma vibe que adora uma princesa tbm🕊 ama acompanhar seu mundinho de perto, sempre curioso sobre o que significa cada item que você passa ou coloca, adora comprar acessórios para te enfeitar e compra livros tbm, por mais que não se interesse mt pelo conteúdo da obra iria te fazer perguntas conforme vc fosse surtando com a leitura. Apesar de ser low profile, quando vcs começassem a namorar o perfil dele viraria um santuário de fotos conceituais suas❤️ (valentino tbm)
Matias me passa uma vibe que não tem preferência, mas adora mt uma namoradinha toda fofa. só que com crtz demonstra isso de uma forma bem perturbada, por exemplo bagunçando suas maquiagens perguntando o que é tudo e passando no rosto pra ver como fica, mexe no seu cabelo dizendo que quer testar um negócio (se prepara pra desfazer os nós depois), pega seus livros e lê o final pq fica ansioso. Comenta mt safadeza nos seus vídeos te matando de vergonha.
Esteban tbm me passa a msm vibe do Enzo🫦 só irei adicionar que ele foca mais em roupas pra vc, enlouquece mt quando faz compras e vc desfila pra ele com um salto alto, sempre termina em safadeza e vc tendo que lavar as roupas novinhas. Ja falaram mt isso aq no tumblr, mas é OLD que esse homem dorme quando vc maqueia ele e fica lindao com sombras coloridas (off meu sonho ter um homem pra testar maquiagem). adora quando vc lê pra ele, principalmente as putarias do livro🕊
Simon apesar de ser nosso cachorrao, adora ter uma girly girl pra chamar de dele. Vejo mt ele como uma linguagem de amor sendo atos de serviço, sempre te ajuda com tudo, por exemplo limpa seu rosto depois da make, limpa sua estante de livros, limpa sua bancada depois de se arrumar, e tambem fica louco quando vc faz umas maquiagens mais ousadas - adora sujar de porra sua carinha cheia de blush e sombra rosa. fui🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️
O Fernando AMA ter uma princesinha e isso é algo que ele leva mt a sério☝🏻 te banca em tudo, oq vc pede ou nem pede ele ja compra e faz testar pra ele. Adora suas saias e vc toda fofinha lendo com as roupinhas bem girly💋 Entra mt na vida sexual de vcs pq asaim como citei no simon e no esteban ama vc toda arrumadinha com as roupinhas fofas pra te destruir na pica depois. em casa vc só chama ele de papi 🥰🥰🥰
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cartasparaviolet · 5 months ago
Trinta. Três décadas infinitas não tão bem vividas. Aos olhos da primavera, parecia uma flor bela a esconder-se do restante do jardim, mantinha seu brilho apagado para chamar o mínimo de atenção. Sobressaltava as veias pensar em comparação. Por favor, deixe-me quieta em meu canto, para meu espanto pareciam consentir. Até certo ponto. Toda aquela nostalgia da infância foi arrastada pelo vento. Sinto o fardo do tempo sobre meus ombros. As cobranças, as responsabilidades. Sinto saudade de casa, essa sempre foi a minha real necessidade. A verdade é que desejava pegar a primeira condução e partir. Bem longe daqui, na esquina do universo. Lá existirá algum bar para aterrar e brindar a liberdade da alma. Os seres celestiais são mais felizes, pois estão livres dos grilhões carnais. Há um aspecto de Sísifo na raça humana de quem eternamente carrega seus pecados e vive de modo automático sem compreender suas motivações, ou seria um complexo de Atlas por querer carregar o mundo nas costas? Só sei que estava pesado, asfixiante, torturante. Estive acostumada com o ar rarefeito, causa-me estranheza respirar o ar puro da natureza e contemplar toda a sua beleza. Por quanto tempo adormeci? Trinta anos. Trinta invernos rigorosos onde a alma gélida permanecia estática sem estética em sua forma de massa de gelo. Havia algo maior, sem dúvidas. Haveria um fogo para me derreter. Onde encontrar esse calor, esse fulgor? Nas estrelas persigo as tão aguardadas respostas. “Olhe para dentro”, é tudo que eles me dizem. Quando retorno ao meu núcleo deparo-me com o vazio. Em outros tempos, já foi deveras assustador confrontar esse abismo. Luz e sombra a duelar em meu coração. Atinge novos picos de entusiasmo e satisfação. Sinto-me uma estrangeira em minha própria pele, confundem-me constantemente com o fracasso. Apenas não aceito viver de modo raso. Necessito de uma quantidade diária de fantasia mascarada com pingos de realidade para sobreviver a esse caos. Essa selva de concreto e insensatez já não consegue me acorrentar. Sinto saudade de casa, desde a tenra infância, essa é a minha única verdade. E desejo. Retornar aos braços do além de onde essa alma não-pertencente provém. Trinta anos e ainda não encontrei meu lugar no mundo. Escuto dizer que é uma bênção disfarçada, já que o apocalipse encontra-se logo adiante. Talvez seja realmente uma proteção divina não encontrar todas as respostas para as diversas indagações que possuo. “Na hora certa, tudo será esclarecido”, é o que alegam. Aceito com certa insatisfação tal explicação, pois me confortava saber que tinha o controle em minhas mãos. Trinta anos e ainda escrevo sobre solidão, incompreensão, outra dimensão. Esse é o cerne da questão. A minha alma volita pelos ares em busca de uma nova direção. A máscara do escapista fez-me escapar da realidade, enquanto a alma transitava bailando pelas ruas com os pensamentos na lua. Como ser humano se me sinto do Todo? Reside em mim uma saudade de casa e, aos trinta, vislumbro pequenas luzes a me guiar. Sei que um dia hei de retornar.
Ps: texto escrito ano passado, postado as vésperas do meu aniversário de 31 anos.
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indieyuugure · 28 days ago
Hola, Indie! Espero que estés bien ☺️. Tengo una pregunta: cuánto tiempo te toma hacer los comics que responden las preguntas de tus fans y los "cortos" (como el que Leo fue envenenado por el beso de Karai, y el de Rapha buscando regalos de Navidad con Casey)?
Lo menciono porque hace un mes o dos puse preguntas para Splinter y Donnie y hace poco mandé uno en cómo reaccionarían las tortugas y Splinter cuando Abril comenzará a salir con Casey por su relación de hermanos y padre e hija, pero tal vez no fueron tan interesantes como para dibujarlos o comentar de ello.
No me molesta ni nada eso! Solo lo menciono 😅.
Hasta hace unas semanas te iba a preguntar cómo te organizas al hacer comics por semana ya que supe que lo hacías por tu cuenta, pero vi tu publicación de tu decisión de dos semanas (un sábado no y el otro si) y respetaré tu decisión ya que te ha ayudado descansar.
Translation from Spanish:
“Hey Indie! Hope you're doing well ☺️. I have a question: how long does it take you to do the comics that answer your fans' questions and the "short" ones (like the one where Leo was poisoned by Karai's kiss, and the one where Rapha was looking for Christmas presents with Casey)? I mention this because a month or two ago I put up questions for Splinter and Donnie and recently I sent one about how the turtles and Splinter would react when April starts dating Casey because of their brother-sister and father-daughter relationship, but maybe they weren't interesting enough to draw or comment on. It doesn't bother me or anything! I'm just mentioning it 😅. Until a few weeks ago I was going to ask you how you organize yourself when making comics per week since I knew you did it on your own, but I saw your post about your decision of two weeks (one Saturday no and the other yes) and I will respect your decision since it has helped you rest.”
I’m doing good!
Honestly depends, I can usually do those in about a day or so, but I’ve done some that take more like 2-3 days (like the one with Leo and Karai). I don’t really do those anymore because I’d like you guys to see how the comic itself evolves.
I’ve also had people express that since we’re getting into the real meat of the story that they’d prefer I kept spoilers to a minimum or at least marked them as such so they can be avoided, which I 100% agree with.
If you’d like to request to see concept art of something specific then I can see what I can do, but as far as short comics go, it has little to do with time and interest and mostly to do with wanting you guys to experience the story as it comes out. :]
I organize everything the same way I did while I was doing once a week, I’ve just doubled the time I give myself to complete each task.
So now I give myself 2 days for sketching pages which includes paneling, rough dialogue writing and placement, and preliminary sketches of each panel (just to get the ideas down so I don’t forget). Then the next 10 days I use to finalize each page with an average of half a page per day. Anything not completed by Thursday and Friday is put at top priority and I work to get it done before Saturday morning.
Good question! :]
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Hey Wirt ¿que tal el baño ,mejor?
Question: Hey Wirt, how is the bath, better?
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byuvly · 5 months ago
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Es increíble que apenas un mes haya llegado a los 100 seguidores y ahora ya tenga 200 justo un día después de mi cumpleaños 😭, en serio muchísimas gracias a todos los que me siguen y me apoyan en cada contenido que he subido hasta el momento, aún no me creo haber superado las +240 notas en la publicación de los gifs de giselle y que más mbs hayan superado las 100 notas, eso me hace extremadamente feliz 🥹, intentaré seguir subiendo contenido ya que ahora comencé clases de nuevo y eso me consumirá parte de mi tiempo. Pero buenooo, muchas gracias a cada uno de ustedes que me están apoyando, los aprecio un montón y gracias por esos 200 seguidores que llegaron más rápido de lo que pensé, tal vez haga un evento en celebración ya que el anterior quedó en flop JAJA, así que eso, gracias a todos. 🫶💗
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It's incredible that just in one month I have reached 100 followers and now I have 200 just one day after my birthday 😭, seriously, tysm to everyone who follows me and supports me in every content I have uploaded so far, I still can't believe I have exceeded 240 notes in the publication of Giselle's gifs and that more mbs have exceeded 100 notes, that makes me extremely happy 🥹, I will try to keep uploading content bc now I started classes again and that will consume part of my time. But hey, tysm to each of you who are supporting me, I appreciate you a lot and thank you for those 200 followers who arrived faster than I thought, maybe I'll hold an event in celebration since the previous one flopped HAHA, so that, thank you all. 🫶💗
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⠀﹒ㅤㅤㅤ♡ㅤ⠀fav blogsㅤㅤ₊ㅤㅤㅤ✧
@soulari @ningrlz @rkkuri @aegsll @wiotas @n-americano @nikist-4-n @plutism @hadaura @h-aewo @koosuvi @dojeoies @y-urios @y-unjins @ciestial @x-aravv @umiena @iri1s @atsubie @aestradairio @fairytopea @si-eunnis @f-loqweres @y2jiz @treborl @taroism @tzulipss @snowyttck @anqlicrosie @wonity @ecojinri @raeceah @yuzchaes @i-kyujin @i-haerins @pommecita @p-oisn @sugarish @gumishio @gwzitos @haerinism @jnthri @k-charms @lil-liaa @lvrscx @licoryves @chweso @c-heriis @chaeryeos @baesol
— not in order 🫶💕
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mirrorball-leclerc · 1 year ago
track 003. te marque
─── ❝ me merezco alguien más que no me, trate tal como una basura que me ame de verdad ❞ ───
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liked by danieljricciardo, maejones, baileywinters and others
isabellaperez no race this week enjoy this eras tour dump. it was a life changing experience. 10/10 would recommend. (we all cried during marjorie. daniel sobbed the entire time. we had to go back for night 2) the urge to quit my job and become daphne's personal photographer is strong.
tagged: daphnejricciardo
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daphnejricciardo you're welcome to join anytime isa!
user17 isabella jpg account when?
↳ isabellaperez don't tempt me
landonorris how come you never take pictures of me this good?
↳ isabellaperez because you aren't photogenic like daphne?
↳ landonorris are you calling me ugly?
↳ isabellaperez well i'm not calling you pretty.
user89 oh my god, she looks so pretty?
user32 how the hell did daniel ricciardo manage to marry daphne fucking jones?
↳ maxverstappen1 we've been asking ourselves that same question for years
↳ user32 oh my god. excuse me while i go scream in a pillow.
danieljricciardo hey, my wife looks great
↳ isabellaperez doesn't she always?
↳ danieljricciardo yes, she does. i love her
↳ user02 daniel will take any and all opportunity to remind people that he loves his wife.
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lando norris i've come up with a name for nando and seb
isabella perez and that is?
lando norris papa nando and papa seb
daniel ricciardo fucking muppet
bailey winters you gotta give it to him he finally didn't fuck something up
lando norris HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY SORRY FOR LEAKING DAPHNE AND DANIEL'S RELATIONSHIP? bailey winters so many times you muppet
isabella perez what am i missing here?
isabella perez AND I FUCKING MISSED IT?
fernando alonso yes, it was hilarious.
daniel ricciardo anyone, from the original group chat, remember that time seb and nando got pissed at each other and the group chat was named multi-21 for like a year?
charles leclerc it was still named that when i was added, like 5 years ago mae jones and it was a picture of mark, because yes, i remember lewis hamilton dear god, has it seriously been that long? oscar piastri justice for mark isabella perez amen to that pastry boy!
arthur leclerc added one person
logan sargeant yo, who added ollie here?
arthur leclerc i like drama. pierre is rubbing off on me.
daniel ricciardo no. maybe. yes. but only to arthur and pierre, i swear.
+44 1632 960767 arthur, i like you, i truly do, but what the hell is this? and why is the picture fernando alonso in a pool?
arthur leclerc you're one of us because i said so.
penelope trevino 10 cookies says daphne and daniel adopt him as one of their kids.
carlos sainz 11 cookies says natalia and charles beat them to it. ollie bearman why are you betting cookies? sebastian vettel they're forbidden from betting money ever again. fernando alonso they bet $50,000 on what gender baby leclerc was going to be and no, i didn't confuse the dollar sign with the euros sign lando norris listen, i was drunk. ollie bearman and that's a good excuse because? fernando alonso i like this kid, we're keeping him
lewis hamilton further proving the point that this group chat is full of idiots with the survival instincts of a hamster
max verstappen NAME ONE TIME! sebastian vettel you drank only red bull for 80 hours straight. twice. lewis hamilton isabella drank an unknown liquid for "fun" that liquid turned out to be laundry detergent. she was in the hospital for three days. fernando alonso lando swallowed a lego piece, we had to rush him to emergency services. sebastian vettel charles nearly jumped off a balcony on a dare. he was 15+ stories up. lewis hamilton daniel wanted to adopt a venomous snake fernando alonso pierre, yuki, freya, george, and dulce have all fallen down several flights of stairs and said it was a 'fun slide with bumps'. every single fucking time. isabella perez we're just built different fernando alonso built like a bunch of idiots
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liked by danieljricciardo, pierregasly, maejones and others
redbullracing mood because they're telling me i have to "go back to work" after the religious experience that was a daphne jones concert. jeddah gp here we come or whatever. message not approved by our team
tagged: schecoperez, maxverstappen1, danieljricciardo
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user64 isabella is so real for that caption. i went to a daphne jones concert and it was the best day of my life.
maxverstappen1 do you live to embarrass us?
↳ redbullracing yes. i played nonsense to christian for a reason
↳ daphnejricciardo what does that mean?
↳ redbullracing nothing!
user92 admin who's your favorite driver on the grid?
↳ redbullracing for legal reasons my uncle, checo (charles)
↳ user92 you're so real for that
↳ redbullracing this comment was not approved by our team
user21 christian seems like a tired dad trying to rein in isabella and her love for ferrari
maxverstappen1 you're not allowed to leave unless i retire, that was our deal
georgerussell63 we don't want you here
↳ redbullracing well toger gave me a job offer and i declined. so suck on that russell george
↳ landonorris she's not precious trust me.
↳ redbullracing wow. that block button looks real good lando norizz.
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liked by danieljricciardo, charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and others
redbullracing anyways here's the superior red bull duo because our current drivers are pissing me off. (multi-21 vibes)
tagged: sebastianvettel, aussiegrit
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📍 redbullracing damn guess we know who the favorites are because i’m hearing no salty spice complaints
user81 oscar liking posts because mark is in them will never fail to make me soft
danieljricciardo i thought seb and i were your favorites?
↳ redbullracing top 3 drivers for sure. seb, mark, then you, charles then max. i can't say my uncle because that would be biased.
↳ danieljricciardo so you like australians?
↳ user10 why do i get the feeling this is one of their inside jokes?
↳ user61 because it probably is
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isabella sat on a table near red bull hospitality with her buzzing phone near her. it was taking everything in her not to pick and listen to the other voice. oscar, who happened to be walking by saw the girl sitting with a faraway look in her eyes. he looked around, hoping one of her friends was near, with no such luck he approached her and sat with her. she didn’t even look up to greet him, which seemed strange from the girl who greeted everyone.
“bella?” oscar questioned, “are you going to answer that?”
“no,” she whispered, “i’m not supposed to.”
“why not?”
“ah,” oscar replied. he looked at her teary eyes before reaching for her phone and answering, “hello? may i ask why i’ve been getting so many calls from this number? isabella? no, i don’t know who that is. you have the wrong number."
oscar looked at isabella, “problem solved? i hope. if he calls again let me know.”
isabella looked up at him, for the first time since he’d sat down, she reached across the table and hugged him, “thank you but you lied to him.” somewhere in her mind it was still engraved to never lie to austin. he never hit her, but the verbal assaults were still bad, sometimes she prefered he would've hit her. but she knew that if it would've gotten to that point, he would've had several f1 drivers and one team principal on his ass. as much as she disliked austin, she didn't want her friends or uncle in prison for killing someone who wasn't worth it.
“about?” oscar questioned, breaking isabella out of her trance.
“not knowing isabella.”
“oh, i didn’t lie, i only know bella.”
isabella huffed, “stop calling me that.”
“no,” oscar smiled before getting up and begin walking away, “i like calling you bella because it annoys you.”
isabella found herself smiling at the boy walking away before shaking her head and standing up herself to walk back into red bull hospitality. she walked in with a smile still gracing her face, something the red bull drivers and reserve driver were quick to notice. checo couldn’t remember the last time he had seen his niece smile that genuinely.
“todo bien?” he asked her. isabella nodded, “everything’s okay tio. lo prometo.”
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duckling puta madre
super max oh no, what happened?
duckling how does one get rid of feelings? i'm feeling things.
paddock dad i think you're being a tad bit dramatic duckling CONSIDERING HOW MY LAST RELATIONSHIP WENT I'M ALLOWED TO BE DRAMATIC SEBASTIAN
super max we should ask mark for advice on this.
paddock dad why would we ask mark for advice on this? what does mark have to do with this?
honey badger she's in love with oscar? the mclaren rookie?
paddock dad is this what the operation is about?
duckling what operation?
super max so you do have feelings for oscar?
duckling no. why would i? i'm asking about ollie.
honey badger no one actually believes you have feelings for oliver. not even you believe it. besides, you're the one who said you would never date someone younger than you.
duckling oh i know, but it riles arthur up so much i just have to make the joke everyday.
paddock dad so do you like oscar?
duckling it's just a crush. it'll go away by next week.
paddock dad and if it doesn't? duckling i'll ignore it until it goes away. paddock dad that's not healthy duckling my last relationship wasn't either, that's why we are where we are today.
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lance stroll if i commit murder in miami, someone better help me hide the body no questions asked.
logan sargeant i have so many questions?? lance stroll I SAID NO QUESTIONS GEORGE WASHINGTON!!
fernando alonso i think you're father's an idiot.
max verstappen who are we murdering?
esteban ocon and why are we murdering them?
fernando alonso lawrence stroll and austin riley
isabella perez why would we be murdering austin in miami?
lance stroll if you're thinking what i think you are, the answer is yes.
mae jones oh you have got to be kidding me.
isabella perez i don't get it.
daphne jones-ricciardo isa, sweetie, aston martin invited austin to the miami grand prix.
isabella perez oh. excuse me while i go jump off a fucking bridge.
isabella perez logan, what’s the best bridge in florida to jump off of?
freya vettel lawrence stroll is on my hitlist
oscar piastri i'm so confused, who the hell is austin riley?
dulce perez he's isa's ex, who we don't like because he's a dick. lando norris just, listen to logical and that should tell you everything you need to know about that dickhead.
oscar piastri is that the guy who was calling you today? the one i answered?
isabella perez that would be him.
oscar piastri he sounded like dick.
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daniel jones-ricciardo added one person
daniel jones-ricciardo checo, before you leave, again, know that the mission has changed.
checo perez to what?
dulce perez to keep isabella away from austin at the miami grand prix
checo perez puta madre
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! heyyyyy, i say as if i haven't updated this series in like two weeks. i'm not going to lie, i got too busy with the other ones and then i took like a week off but i'm back! hopefully i can get updates for this entire series out sooner. but hope you liked this one.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 2 years ago
First day
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Alex Vause x reader
!!TW: mention of murder and vague drug mention!!
Work count:: 1.2k (not proof read)
Alex POV: (Alex and Piper aren't together in this)
I walked into the cafeteria and joined the que to get lunch, another day of sloppy something, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Yum, I can't complain though because it's better than nothing and if I do complain Red will starve me out. Brushing off hat thought, I get my food and saunter over to a table with some of my friends on it, Morello, Chapman and Nicky.  I take a seat and listen in on their conversation. 
Nicky - "No c'mon, she's hot."
Piper - "I agree, I mean have you seen her. The eyes, hair the hair!" dragging out the r sound at the end as if to make a point.
Alex - "Who you talking about?"
Nicky - "That new girl that showed up in the van this morning, she's very good lookin' although she's been crying in the bathroom since she got here so maybe not the most stable girl in here."
Morello - "There's worse trust me, and besides why are you all getting so worked up about this? Yeah she's nice to look at but what if she has someone outside of here? You know, like a boyfriend or girlfriend or someone, she might even be married for all you know?"
Nicky - "Yeah but you said it, she's nice to look at tuts, she's gunna be getting looks from all over. If she stops crying of course."
At this point my interest was piqued and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so once I'd sat, had a tal and eaten my food I was going to go find this mystery girl and find out if they're actually telling the truth.
Y/n POV:
I can't believe I actually did that. I killed her. I killed my own mother. I keep telling myself it was the only way out but everytime I think about it the guilt and self resentment creeps back in. My mum had munchausen by proxy and she made me believe I was sick and could walk or do practically anything by myself. I really didn't see any other way out so, one night I just did it. Obviously I feel terrible and wish I'd never done it but, there really was no other way out. Anyway, it's done now and I'm in jail, thankfully not maximum security because people could see my side of the story and saw I wasn't just a cold-blooded killer. 
I've been at Litchfield a little over 5 hours now and as soon as I was allowed to go off and do my thing, I went straight for the bathroom and I've been crying ever since. Somehow, I managed to get the only stall with a door so thankfully people can't just watch me cry, hear me yes but watch, no.
All day people have been staring and I don't know why. Maybe they think I'm fucked up for what I did or something. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a soft knock on the door. 
Alex - "Hey, you okay in there? Stupid question I know because well, you're crying but I still feel like I have to ask."
I bite my lip and sigh before responding, I didn't expect anyone to actually care.
Y/n -  "Uhm- yeah, I guess I'm okay. Not my ideal situation but you know, life goes on."
Alex - "Yeah well you got that one right."
After that a not awkward but not totally comfortable silence fell over us. I slowly stood up and unlocked the door. I stepped out and tried to dry my face from the copious amount of tears I'd shead in the past hours of being here. Instantly this woman picked up on it and gently held my face in one hand and helped me wipe my tears with the other.
Alex - "You'll be okay, I'm going to be brutally honest with you, the first few days are actual hell, you'll miss everything and everyone but, I'll be here is you ever want to talk about it okay? Oh, and I'm Alex by the way, but everyone calls me Vause, it's my last name." 
I smiled at Alex and nodded my head a small thank you leaving my lips. She pulled me into her embrace and held me tight. 
Alex - "You know, they were right."
I was confused because I had not a single idea what she was going on about. So, I pulled my head slightly away from her shoulder and looked at her.
Y/n - "What do you mean? Who's right?"
Alex - "Oh just my friends, they said some stiff about how you were really good looking and what not."
You felt a blush creep across my face as you looked into her gorgeous green eyes only now just realising after looking a her properly just how beautiful she really was. A sly smirk found it's way onto her lips before she spoke again. 
Alex - "Hey, don't get all shy on me now."
A she said that her hand found it's way to my waist as she pulled me closer again. Whilst she trailed her other hand up my body and hooked a finger around my chin so I'd look her in the eyes.
Y/n - "You really mean it?"
Alex - "Of course I do, I mean I've known you what, like 2 minutes and I'm already calling you beautiful I think that speaks for itself ." 
I giggle a bit and looked down in an attempt to hide my flustered face yet again, knowing she was right. I looked her in the eyes again only to see her eyes had never left me and she had a wide smile of her face. 
Alex POV:
I looked down slightly because I was a bit taller than her and just marvelled at this gorgeous girl in front of me she had glowing y/h/c hair and shining y/e/c eyes, her smile could light up a room and her laugh was so fucking adorable. Normally, I'm not the one to fall over small stuff like this but she was different,  I don't know why, she just was.
She looked me back in the eyes and I couldn't help myself anymore, I leaned in and captured her lips in mine. They fit together like puzzle pieces. Her hand found their way into my hair while mine rested on the small of her back keeping her safe in my arms. I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance and she happily agreed. She tugged on my hair a little so in return I grazed my teeth over her bottom lip and she let out a small breathy moan which was almost silent but, I could still hear it. We broke away for ir and as soon as we separated we crashed our lips back together hungrily. She was almost as addictive as some of the things women in the jail used to do. 
Just as things were getting heated someone burts into the bathroom.
We both untangled ourselves from each other and apologised. As he left I whispered in her ear. 
Y/n POV:
Alex - "He won't catch us tonight sweetheart don't worry. I'll have you all to myself, I'll make you feel better."
She then gave me a final eck on the lips and walked out the bathroom. Oh man, I was not going to get much sleep on my first night in prison.
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pablitogavii · 2 years ago
On her period
Summary: It's the first time you're on your period since you started dating and Pablo feels clueless on how to help you.
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: cuteness overload!!
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Pablo's POV
I woke up to the sound of alarm that signaled I needed to get ready for my morning recovery training session, confused for the lack of small body of my girl curled up next to mine.
She didn't have school this early, so why was she not in bed with me?
"Amor?" I sat up after stopping the alarm while running my hand through my messy hair. I saw a light inside the bathroom knowing that she must be there but wondering why she wasn't answering.
I got to my feet knocking on the bathroom door not wanted to disturb her but starting to feel a little worried.
"You can come in Pablo!" she said in quite a frustrated voice and I opened the door seeing her frantically looking for something.
"Mi amor, what's going on? Why are you up so early? And what are you looking for?" I said trying to stop her but she just kept moving back and forth searching around the bathroom.
"My pain medication! I think I left it in my makeup bag but it's not here! And I really need it!" she was flustered and her eyes were glossy like she was on the verge of crying.
"Baby, it's in the living room. You let me borrow some after the muscle I pulled during training, remember?" I remind her and she quickly turns to look at me before smiling and running to the living room frantically. She must be in some serious pain...but from what?
I followed after her seeing her drink some water with a pill in the kitchen before walking back towards me now less worried but still pretty flustered.
"Um..I'm okay now..or I'll be when medication starts to work" she said and I smiled pulling her into a hug she happily accepted burying her face into my neck.
"What's hurting you, mi amor?" I ask and she pulls away shaking her head before walking away from me back towards our shared bedroom. Why was she hiding this from me?
"Y/n..what's hurting you?" I followed behind her laying back down next to her curled up body.
"It's nothing serious cariño. Shouldn't you get ready for training?" she said and I smirked pulling her down while kissing her lips passionately..gosh I loved to do that first thing in the morning.
For first few minutes she looked fine smiling and kissing me back but after that her face looked uncomfortable and she became unable to hide in how much pain she actually was..it was apparent and I wanted to know what was going on.
"Y/n you're clearly still in pain..tell me what's going on!" I said a bit harsher than I anticipated but this was making me really nervous.
"Díos! You're so annoying! Just go to your training and leave me alone!" she said and I got off her now really angry with the way she spoke to me when all I wanted was to know what's going on.
What's gotten into her this morning??
"I'll see you later tonight amor.." was all I said quite sadly knowing it will be shit day since I hated whenever we fought with each other which was so rare.
"Bye.." she whispered whining a few moments after while curling up in bed moving side to side as I left our shared apartment to meet Pedri who was giving me a ride to the camp.
"Hey, hermano! Que tal?" he asked and I buckled up sad to have left a house without kissing my girl like always. I checked my phone hoping to see her text but there was nothing, only the most adorable picture of us on my lock screen.
"The weirdest thing just happened just now..I woke up and Y/n was searching the bathroom for her pain medication..I helped her find it and when I asked what was hurting she avoided the question and told me to leave her alone?" I explained every detail confused to see Pedri's smile grow.
"¡Eres tan tonto! Your girl is on her period!" Pedri said and I opened my eyes wide finally understanding what was going on and feeling kinda stupid for not realizing it sooner.
"Why didn't she just tell me that?" I said and Pedri looked at me like I was a complete idiot.
"She was probably embarrassed...girls are confusing like that. They think we won't love them if they are on their periods." Pedri said and I rolled my eyes while grabbing my phone to check again if she texted me.
"Should I text her? She asked me to leave her alone...what if she gets angry?" I said and Pedri chuckled telling me to let her chill on her own until I get back home.
"How did you immediately know?" I said feeling embarrassed that I was so clueless.
"Pablito I know this is your first relationship, but I guarantee every single guy in our team would immediately guess too..." Pedri mocked and I hated that feeling a little embarrassed.
"No way! You're just weird! No guy would guess that" I said trying to make myself feel less stupid and he was determined to prove it to me...asshole!
"Ay chicos, if I tell you a girl is searching for her pain medication and refuses to tell her boyfriend what's going on..after telling him to leave her alone..what do you think is going on?" Pedri asked inside the changing room.
"She's on her period!" most of them say immediately and I roll my eyes at Pedri...whatever, I never had a girlfriend before to know!
"Mierda! What helps with..um..periods?" my cheeks were blushing and everyone teased me about it before sharing some advice.
"Don't get on her nerves, be extra careful and don't make fun of her cravings..even if they are silly" Lewy said first and I was taking mental notes really trying to learn as much as I could if that meant I could her my girl feel better later.
"Buy chocolates, they love those" Ansu added and De Jong agreed. I will buy her favorite dark chocolate with orange filling before going home after training.
"My girl usually loves to cuddle when she is on her period. And massaging her stomach might help with cramps which are kinda horrible btw chicos.." Araujo said before explain the little machine people made to simulate cramps.
"Reassurance, they get really emotional during their periods" Pedri added at the end and I nodded hoping to have memorized everything.
"Flowers, chico! Don't forget the flowers" Xavi overheard the conversation making me that much more embarrassed as he petted my head and told us all to hurry for the training.
Your POV
I felt horrible for yelling at Pablo earlier but it wasn't something I could control. I woke up with stabbing pain in my stomach signaling that my period started.
I felt pain mixed with frustration that I couldn't find my medication before cramps got too bad and I took that out of my boyfriend. There is no excuse and I wanted to apologize when he gets home.
I looked at my phone around the time his training ended getting out of bed finally and cleaning up a bit after a whole day of being in bed miserable.
"Amor?" I heard my boy's voice walking into the living room where he waited for me with a large bouquet of roses and that charming smile I fell in love with.
"Are those for me?" I said unable to stop tears from falling down my cheeks. Damn hormones!
"no no no..don't cry, preciosa..por favor..they said flowers would help" Pablo rushed to hug me and I nestled into his arms taking in his familiar scent I missed so much all day before finally realizing what he had said.
"They said?" I said after pulling away little amused when I saw his cheeks gettin red as he faced me with a guilty smile on his handsome face.
"I asked for advice from the boys about um..what to do when you..um..are.." he couldn't say it with a straight face and I found that so adorable. I couldn't believe he would ask his friends for advice just to make me feel more comfortable..this boy was definitely something special.
"on my period..? I finished also a little embarrassed but happy that we got that out of the way finally.
"yeah..and so I got you these flowers...and your favorite orange dark chocolate..I made Pedri drive to the edge of town for those and um some snacks if you crave them " Pablo opened the bag showing you everything he got while you smelled the beautiful roses in your arms.
"Pablo.." I put flowers on the table before walking up to him snaking my arms around his neck while his instinctively rested on my waist as he looked down at me worried that he did something wrong..so precious.
"Yes, mi amor?" he said with a small pout and I smiled up at him.
"I love you..." I said and he kissed my lips lovingly before pulling me onto the couch saying that we are going to have a cuddling movie night which sounded perfecto to me.
"Which one preciosa? Your choice." he said going to the romantic comedies section knowing how obsessed with them I am and I felt so special knowing how much he hates to watch them but still wants to for me.
"This one!" I pointed and he played it pulling me closer and letting me get comfortable in his embrace as the move started playing.
In the middle of the movie, I started to feel cramps return but I tried to hide it until I could letting a small whimper leave my lips. Pablo immediately paused the TV turning to look at me.
"Tell me what you need amor" he said and I smiled asking if he could being me another pain medication and some chocolate since I was really craving it.
I went to the bathroom meanwhile returning to everything waiting for me and my boyfriend smiling and opening his arms for me to join him.
"Thank you cariño, you're the best boyfriend en todo el mundo" I said after taking my medication grabbing a box of chocolate before returning to my previous position.
Pablo's POV
I could tell that she was still in pain and I remembered Araujo talking about massages being really helpful with cramps. I slowly moved my hand underneath her shirt starting to rub her stomach gently at first but then applying a little more pressure while looking at her face to see if it was doing anything at all.
Her eyes were closed and she rested her head on my shoulder while breathing heavily but still not stopping my movements. I took that as a sign that it was helping so I continued to do it for awhile.
"Does that help, preciosa?" I ask after awhile noticing that she became quite sleepy appearing a lot more comfortable than few minutes ago.
"Mmmm thank you mi amor" she said and I smiled turning off the TV as the movie ended before carrying her bridal style to bed.
"I have very special cure for those mean cramps" I said before joining her in bed and moving lower to leave kisses all over her belly making her chuckle and run her figners through my hair.
"Pablito? Um..could you lay your head on my stomach? I think it will help me fall asleep" she said shyly and I smiled nodding my head before laying down on her stomach while still massaging the lower parts gently hearing her sigh in relief.
I felt so proud in that moment for being able to do something to help my girl in these moments.
"I'm so sorry about this morning..you didn't deserve that and I was horrible" she said sadly and I looked up at her tearful eyes shaking my head and capturing her lips remembering the advice about reasurance.
"Mi amor, it's okay. I hate that you have to go through this..I wish I can take all your pain away for myself right now..and I am so proud of you for telling me what you need..my good girl" I said seeing her face lit up again as out lisp collided before I returned to lay on her stomach.
"Te amo mucho Pablito" she said and I smiled kissing her stomach once more.
"Yo tambien te amo, princesa mía.." I said wishing her a goodnight before feeling myself slowly falling asleep laid on her stomach with my arms wrapped around her protectively.
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