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hisumin3 · 2 years ago
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Hexenschuss⚡ đŸŒȘ
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zondel · 29 days ago
Sometimes a word is just "got shot by a wicked witches' arrow" and that's simply what I'm here for
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lifeoffinguin · 6 days ago
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Hakodate mit Hexenschuss đŸ™‚â€â†•ïž
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weirdgerman · 1 year ago
Does your back hurt? IT’S WITCHES
Okay. I am being so, so honest with you right now. That probably makes me sound less honest. But I mean it. I picked this word yesterday. I already knew I was going to write about back pain yesterday. I didn’t start yet, but it was a firm plan I had. And then, this morning, literally the first thing that happened to me right after getting up, I pull a muscle in my back.
It can’t be.
(Disclaimer: I was being honest about yesterday’s plans and today’s back pain. I do not actually believe that magic causes pain. If you or your loved ones suffer from pain, please seek out evidence-based magic. I mean medicine. Evidence-based medicine.)
So, you know how we didn’t have a lot of that, back in the olden days. Evidence-based medicine. What we have always had, as a species, thanks to our hilariously engineered bipedal bodies, is back pain. Now, don’t get me wrong! I am not here to normalize having chronic back pain, and if that applies to you, you should really get that checked out. But something much more normal is having the occasional lumbar blunder. Muscles and nerves are all finicky and under a lot of constant strain and movement back there, and sometimes, for reasons that, honestly, even today are often still beyond us, we just get really sharp pains in our lower backs. A more Latin term for this is lumbago, which you may have heard before.
All of those sound like words of a sane person, yes? In 2023. Lower back pain, or lumbago, that’s what it is, you either just name the pain, or you use the language all of us have at some point agreed should be the language of medicine. To imply that there is something perfectly explicable at play here.
I have heard German people say “Lumbago,” but only because I’ve worked in hospitals, and the only ones I’ve heard using that term were German nurses. Take that with a grain of salt, obviously, because everyone else I know talks funny. I’m not actually a great sample size for regular German speech. I know all the weird words, though. Like Hexenschuss.
Yeah, that’s right. Hexe means witch (which is a pretty cool word for them, I think), and Schuss means shot, and when you get a sudden pain in your lower back then that’s because a witch just shot you. No, seriously. More than once I’ve had an actual certified doctor tell me with a straight face that what I’m experiencing is a witch’s shot. Because that’s what we call it. And it really is because, several hundred years ago, we figured that if we can’t explain something, it’s probably because witches.
As a little bonus, here’s a picture from the German Wikipedia page for Hexenschuss, from circa 1490:
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(ID: A black-and-white woodcut depicting a woman aiming a bow and arrow at another person from the back. The person seems to be in the process of stumbling and falling, missing one shoe. End ID)
Happy Halloween!
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superstarfighter · 1 year ago
TW: pain, lumbago
Thursday, October 5th 2023
So once again I've had lumbago and I am much too young for the number of cases I've had lumbago*, which is 5. Indeed, I hope most people won't experience even a single one their whole lives.
The pain killers are kicking in and I should get moving (going for a walk would be good), but as I got up, I felt nauseous and dizzy. I already spent half an hour on the mat today and stretched but fuck me– it's a pain once the meds wear off.
I took the last dosage of the muscle relaxants I got and wish me luck my muscles won't cramp up again.
So I guess I'll stay on the couch, laying flat? Yesterday I felt so much better.
*fun fact: The German word is Hexenschuss, which translates to sting of a witch since the pain usually comes all of a sudden.
Not so fun fact: 6 days ago(last friday) I was crawling and in tears when I got back from the toilet and I barely drank 500 ml all day to avoid going in the first place. I've never felt such pain before.
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rovermcfly · 2 years ago
man merkt man geht auf die 30 zu wenn man beim zÀhneputzen nen hexenschuss bekommt
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burlveneer-music · 2 years ago
Burnt Friedman - Hexenschuss - new album of electronic polyrhythms, also available as extended versions
Hexenschuss (Extended Versions) by Burnt Friedman
The vocabulary of modern ‘Western’ music or of the so–called Global North has finally been spelled out. The ever more hasty striving to move forward led to a music that is ‘starving among this embarrassment of riches’. In those days, the music that was oscillating in a state of “permanent obsolescence” — often in short cycles of a few months — and preserved as a sign of the times in musical codes, has gone in the completely opposite direction, into a state of obsolete permanence.
In this drive forward towards refining and expanding a catalogue of superlatives, a never changing, underlying, but underdeveloped isometric schema has irreversibly and imperceptibly cemented in the body. The corresponding theory – the persisting phantom terms of academia – seek to break free of its phenomena. In contrast to this, in the music beyond the 'Global North', a nature of 'polyrhythms’ is detected, or, in other words, every beat that can not be grasped easily must therefor be a polyrhythm and African in essence. Now, shift the focus away from the contrafactual cultural connotations of the record sleeve towards the animating principle of the music, the phenomenological vectors of rhythm and view ‘groove‘ as the intrinsic attribute of regular harmonic motion patterns. This formulaic, animating principle is solely based on the law of the octave (doubling and halving). It appears repetitive, or circular in nature as opposed to linear and progressive. Such a formula is derived from a recurrent, balanced body movement from which every impulse originates as something sensed, as opposed to being subject to will or notation. What sounds merely technical or sophisticated in theory turns out to be basal in practice. It can also be grasped as an energy structure. In other words, a controlled regular movement yields stable interrelated time intervals with the least expenditure of energy.
In 'grooving', or 'composing a guiding path' all those involved (sequencer, drummer, dancer, etc.) become attuned to one another in a resistance against arbitrary dictates such as cultural appropriation, man–made aesthetic framework or notions of folklore. Such a 'guiding path' seeks to dispense with taste as much as possible, ultimately in favour of an experience of harmonic accordance, strangeness, displacement and not least, freedom. (Burnt Friedman) In regard to the people depicted on the cover: The Andamanese are the indigenous peoples of the Andaman Islands, part of India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands union territory in the southeastern part of the Bay of Bengal in Southeast Asia. They have lived in substantial isolation on the islands for thousands of years. Although the existence of the islands and their inhabitants was long known to maritime powers and traders of the South– and Southeast–Asia region, contact with these peoples was highly sporadic and very often hostile; as a result, almost nothing is recorded of them or their languages until the mid-18th century. Until this period, the Andamanese were preserved from outside influences by their fierce reaction to visitors, which included killing any shipwrecked foreigners, and by the remoteness of the islands. The various tribes and their mutually unintelligible languages thus are believed to have evolved on their own over millennia. Some of the tribe members were credited to having supernatural powers. They were called oko-pai-ad, which meant dreamer. They were thought to have an influence on the members of the tribe and would bring misfortune to those who did not believe in their abilities. When the British first established a colonial presence on the Andaman islands, there were an estimated 5,000 Great Andamanese living on Great Andaman and surrounding islands, comprising 10 distinct tribes with distinct but closely related languages. From the 1860s onwards, the British established a penal colony on the islands, which led to the subsequent arrival of mainland settlers and indentured labourers, mainly from the Indian subcontinent. This coincided with the massive population reduction of the Andamanese due to outside diseases, to a low of 19 individuals in 1961.
Music composed and produced by Burnt Friedman 2019 – 2022 Published by Freibank Cover photography – 1875, photographer unknown, group of Andamanese people, person in tropical suit presumably German ethnologist and explorer Fedor Jagor
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naturheilpraxisdenker · 2 years ago
Die Naturheilpraxis Denker & GrĂ€f aus Neunkirchen, Kr. Siegen, hat deine Gesundheit und LebensqualitĂ€t im Focus. 20 verschieden Therapieverfahren finden je nach Erkrankung Anwendung. Diese sind durchweg sanft und dennoch hochwirksam. Behandelt werden MigrĂ€ne, RĂŒckenbeschwerden, Hexenschuss, ErschöpfungszustĂ€nde, Hypertonie, Tinnitus, Allergien, Heuschnupfen, chonische EntzĂŒndungen , Schlafstörungen, Burn-Out, Diabetes, Allergien, Durchblutungsstörungen, Long-Covid und Stoffwechselstörungen. Neu: Hypoxie-Training. Heilpraktiker
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poetischeleere · 2 years ago
Fragmente des Wahnsinns
Rosa Rosen hÀlt Kruges Blau
meine Haut erblasst in sanftem Grau
Gesang ertrinkt in schwarzem Fluss
in meinem Kopf ein Hexenschuss
In bitter Braun ich mich ertrÀnke
Zynismus leck ich in der Schenke
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bearwithme-95 · 1 month ago
Ich hab mir nen Hexenschuss beim scheißen geholt...
Und es zÀhlt nicht Mal als arbeitsunfall
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bullish-adam · 4 months ago
Lyrics: Scheiß auf (eure) drogen Ich bin auf droge leben Ihr knallt euch weg  und glaubt ihr könnt was sehen Das leben ist der lehrer Eure drogen der verrĂ€ter AbhĂ€ngig vom leben Danach muss man streben Bist du nichts ohne droge? Bist du nichts ohne droge Vertraust du auf das leben Wirst du ewig leben Ewiges leben auf erden  oder in anderen welten Sei das gute  und das gute gibt dir gutes Sei das böse und das gute gibt dir hexenschuss aller
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carschach · 4 months ago
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Nietzsches Muse
Die LektĂŒre des Buches enthĂŒllt ein Bild des legendĂ€ren und legendenumwobenen Philosophen, in welchem sowohl die heiteren wie auch die trĂŒben Tage, gezeichnet von Hexenschuss und Geistesblitz, ausgeleuchtet sind. Nur mit dieser Cecile will es nicht stimmen. Wie kann diese umtriebige Frau an der Biographie des Buchnarren und unruhigen Weltenbummlers Nietzsche festgemacht werden? https://shorturl.at/sA2qV
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vorunruhestand · 5 months ago
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hansfallada · 7 months ago
was fĂŒr ein blöder tag. wĂ€re schon alles schlimm genug gewesen (ich habe meine oma im krankenhaus besucht, ihr geht es schlecht und sie ist zurecht unglĂŒcklich ĂŒber ihre zimmernachbarin und allgemein den zustand der betreuung) aber irgendwie habe ich mich beim hinsetzen im zug so komplett am rĂŒcken verletzt dass seitdem alles höllisch weh tut. keine ahnung was genau ein hexenschuss ist aber ich glaube das habe ich jetzt. auaaaaa alles tut die ganze zeit voll weh und dabei ist bei mir so super viel los dass ich unbedingt mobil sein sollte
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world-of-news · 7 months ago
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mrsxshaythamxkenway-cormac · 8 months ago
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Herzlich Willkommen an diesem schönen Samstag Abend!
Das heutige Kapitel erscheint etwas spÀter aufgrund eines bösen Hexenschusses!
Alex macht ihrer Wut Luft und erfĂ€hrt, warum ihr Gatte so ĂŒbellaunig war. Eine alte verhasste Bekannte tritt wieder auf den Plan und lĂ€sst die Eifersucht in Alex emporsteigen. Unbeeindruckt erklĂ€rt Haytham, dass eine Zusammenarbeit auch Vorteile hĂ€tte.
Florence hingegen hat bei den Hathaways einen guten Eindruck hinterlassen und darf ab sofort auch die Schulbank drĂŒcken. DrĂŒcken wir die Daumen, dass keine grĂ¶ĂŸeren Katastrophen passieren.
Ich wĂŒnsche viel Spaß beim Lesen und bleibt gesund.
#fckcancer #fckbreastcancer
Ein lieber Gruß MrsHEKenway
Von schicksalhaften Zeitreisen und dem Ruf der Nornen - Part II - Virginia - Eine alte verhasste Bekannte! (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1445219228-von-schicksalhaften-zeitreisen-und-dem-ruf-der?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Mrs_H_E_Kenway ~~~ Atlantik, 6. August 1768. Die Jackdaw ist auf dem Heimweg nach Virginia. Die Familie Kenway wĂ€hnt sich in Sicherheit, bis die Naglfar mit ihrem KapitĂ€n Hrymr auftaucht. Damit starten wir in den zweiten Part und von jetzt an rĂŒckt der Revolutionskrieg mit seinen Schattenseiten immer nĂ€her. RatonhnhakĂ©:ton tritt auf den Plan und wird bald zu einer wichtigen UnterstĂŒtzung, nicht nur fĂŒr seinen Vater! ~~~
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