#hexapedal design
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hi-im-kaybee · 2 years ago
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chasing an idea
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sunset-moth · 11 months ago
what level is it if the robot is like, a hexapedal cargo mover or something and not a sexy woman. like, still just as intelligent, to be clear, just not humanoid or gendered or at all built to be attractive. also, do i get points for r4r? (r4r hacking thoughts under the read more)
...immobilizing the cargo robot by replacing its motor skills with mine and suddenly it's expecting two legs and four arms not six and two. imagine you just suddenly feel really heavy and slow because you've had your muscle memory replaced with one made for a high-mobility robot, and you KNOW you were never in a body like that, but part of you insists your body is going way too slow and is entirely the wrong shape
Robotfucking+hacking scale:
Level -1: human sexy woman
Level 0: robot girl who looks like a sexy woman
Level 1: since she's a robot, she can be hacked into doing sexy things! (robot CNC? Or is that something different)
Level 2: you fool! The hacking itself is sexy. You don't have to sideload give_me_a_blowjob.exe to make it sexy.
I'm just saying, I'm seeing too many level 1 stories and not enough level 2 stories, and you will not survive the winter* unless you shape up.
* coming robot apocalypse
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thewalkingwillowtree · 6 months ago
Courting Ayelýn
Series Listing Found Here
Aonung x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Pressured by his parents to enter a formal courtship, Aonung rebels in his own way and what starts as a ruse, turns into something real. 
Note before reading: This is a spin off of my Safe Haven Series.
Reading Safe Haven is not necessary to follow this story.
Some characters have been aged up. Aonung in particular is 25.
Ayelýn is my own creation. *Pronounced Aye-Lin
Warning!! This part contains smut.
Part 4 - When They Fucked
When Aonung had asked for the two of them to do something, Ayelýn thought perhaps they’d still end up somewhere public- for show.
Maybe they’d take a walk along the beach, or even attend a storytelling event, but no.
What she hadn’t intended from his request of it being just the two of them was that it truly was… just the two of them.
Their evening started out with a late night swim. Aonung led her to one of his favourite spots- a brightly illuminated, underwater hidden gem, filled with sea fauna and flora that was too beautiful for words. 
And so captivated by her surroundings, Lýn had missed the way Aonung drank her in- as though seeing her for the very first time.
Later on, they found themselves on his private tiny island, seated inside of the little makeshift structure he had crafted for himself. 
The sort of lean-to design was just tall enough that Aonung didn’t hit his head when standing and wide enough that at least four Na’vi could fit comfortably. 
Mismatched, frayed mats laid scattered on the sand, acting as a sort of flooring that also provided comfort, and there was even a well-worn hammock set up in a way that the amazing scenery was still within view.
Near the threshold, they sat face to face as Aonung revealed dish after dish from a sack that had already been there waiting for them. Their position also allowed them the gorgeous view of the glittering sky and sea- stars all out in their glory as rhythmic crashing waves sang.  
In quick succession, laid out between them was an impressive spread that had Lýn salivating. 
“My Eywa,” she whispered through an excited smile, tucking flyaways behind her ears. “It all looks so good! Is- is this hexapede?” 
“Mhm,” Aonung hummed, loving her reactions. 
“Where did all of this come from?”
“We got a huge delivery of goods this morning from the Omaticaya. I’ve already made sure Keftxo gets their fair share,” he said, trying not to wince guiltily. “I didn’t know any wasn’t given to Keftxo the last two times… but things should be brought down within the next few days since they’re still sorting through everything we got.” 
The trading system between the clans of Pandora was well developed by now. With the use of human technology, communication was up and running, thus, enabling an established procedure.
“Aonung,” Lýn voiced softly. She had no words. He’d gone above and beyond for her little village time and time again. 
He tutted at her affectionately, understanding the wave of gratitude she was trying to express. 
“We got fresh meat this time around. I made us some hexepade stew and roasted hexape-”
“Wait… you cooked? You? I thought you hate cooking?”
He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled something incoherent under his breath and without responding, he continued pointing out the options- one after the other. 
“- oh and Lo’ak gave us a couple of these things from his private stash- something called sari cakes, I think? They’re courtesy Neteyam’s mother-in-law… and finally-” He emptied a pouch that held, “Yovo fruit.”
Ayelýn gasped. “Yovo fruit? You’re kidding! I’ve always wanted to try these.”
“I know.” Aonung had gotten them specially well preserved for the journey- just for her. 
He chose the best looking one of the batch and held it out to her, pleased when she leaned in to take a bite of the fruit between his fingers. 
Tossing the remaining piece in his mouth, he watched as her face morphed into one of ecstasy, eyes rolling in bliss, lips licked with a moan of appreciation. Her reaction had the front of his tweng straining within seconds. 
“That’s sooo good,” she sighed. 
“Fuck, Lýn.” He cracked his neck, willing his body to calm down. “Can you try not to kill me so early tonight?” he half begged, half teased. 
It took her a split second to catch his meaning, but when she spotted his obvious situation- one he made no effort to hide, she managed to mumble an apology through a mortified blush- though a small part of her was pleased she had that much of an effect on him. 
Conversation, fun and flowing after that, they talked about everything and nothing as they indulged in their Omaticaya delicacies- sharing and feeding each other bites of food with exclamations of “you have to try this!” and “oh Eywa, this one is amazing!”
And when their bellies were full and satisfied, their attention fell on the view before them.
A light breeze ruffled their hair while they sat in comfortable silence- both minds preoccupied. 
Fiddling with his bottom lip, Aonung tossed fleeting glances Lýn’s way- a question on the tip of his tongue. And unbeknownst to him, Lýn was also sneaking her own peeks- finding him far more captivating than their scenery. 
Momentarily distracted by a leather waterskin almost sort of hidden behind him, she couldn’t help ask, “What’s in that? Did we forget to try something?”
“Hm?” He turned to see, then, “Oh, no. That’s not for you to try. Lo'ak said it’s lethal. Some insane concoction called Spir’ytüs.” 
Ayelýn looked affronted. “What do you mean not for me to try? I want to try it.”
“Sorry, gorgeous but no.” 
“All I’m asking is for a sip!”
“Lýn, you can barely handle the lightly fermented ones we make here.”
“Says who?!”
“Uh- says me? Says that one time you were stupid enough to have a competition with Rotxo and I had to carry you back to your parents inebriated and had to explain to them that it was in no way my fault, yet your father glared at me as if I had fed you every sip myself!”
“That was one time! You know I usually hold my spirits well!”
“Yeeah. I’m not taking any chances. Especially with something I haven’t tried yet.” 
Determination blazing through her gaze and boldness taking control, Lýn crossed over to his side, careful of the spread that separated them, and in the blink of an eye, she was planting herself in his lap, knees on either side of hips. 
At her shocking actions, Aonung worked his jaw, eyes flickering to her lips before returning to her eyes. “You’re playing a very dangerous game, Ayelýn.”
“Am I?” Her palms danced down his skin, starting from his shoulders, feathering down his chest to land flat against the hard panes of his stomach. They rounded his sides with clear intent on the pouch behind him. “Not if I win,” she whispered in his ear. 
Like lightning, he caught her wrists and clutched them in one hand. Her feeble protests died rather quickly when he lifted his knees- making her land exactly where he wanted. The jaw dropping shock on her face at the intimate feeling of him pressed up against her warm heat was worth the painful ache it came with. 
Lýn could do nothing but watch as he used his free hand to pop off the top of the waterskin and take a deep swig of its contents. 
He tried not to wince at the burn but failed- it was sickly sweet and definitely fucking potent. 
“I win,” he rasped, triumphant grin stretching wide and taunting as he tightened his hold on her wrists- not that he needed to, since the minx in his lap put up no fight. 
Never one to back down, Ayelýn arched her brow as if saying really? And then she surprised him yet again by leaning in and kissing him- tongue darting out to taste the essence of the sweet spirits lingering on his lips and tongue. 
She’d stolen her taste. 
It happened so fast, Aonung barely had time to register, because she was then leaning back with a satisfied smirk and smacking her lips with a pleased hum. 
“No… I think I, win.” 
But Aonung was quick to retaliate. Greedy and demanding, he devoured her with the type of kiss that had her dizzy within mere seconds. 
Wrists released, her hands framed his face as their lips and tongues danced- moving to a tune that worked in perfect symphony. 
“Stay,” he begged against her lips- finally asking that question he knew he shouldn’t be asking.
He chased after her when she tried to break their connection, stealing one last firm kiss before she managed to push him backwards. 
“Aonung, this is a bad idea.” 
Logically, he knew she was right.
It was a terrible idea. 
Eyes roaming over her, he licked his lips. At some point he had released the tie that kept her wild hair confined. She was stunning- swollen lips, flushed cheeks and fully blown pupils. 
He wanted to kiss her again. 
So he did. 
One hand tangled her hair, he angled her head and parted her lips with his own. And though he could still feel her lingering inner fight, she kissed him back just as feverishly. 
Lýn rolled her hips- a single, deep roll against the thick ridge of him that gave her the most delicious friction despite the layers separating them- one that gained her a staggering groan from Aonung.
“Do you have to get back tonight?”
He didn’t want to face her rejection just yet, so he silenced her with another kiss- a kiss that made her tail and toes curl… a kiss that hurt her heart just a little bit. 
The incessant throbbing between her thighs had become overly unbearable and, aching for relief, Lýn gave in, encouraging his touch as his hands explored her skin. 
They skimmed up her thighs and squeezed her ass before traveling up her sides- calloused thumbs sweeping the underside of her breasts. 
A loud swear escaped him and his hips bucked when she rolled again- core rubbing deliberate and way too much for him to handle. He clamped a firm hand on her waist to prevent her from doing it again.
Unhappy about this, she smacked the hand away and he smacked her backside in response, tugging on her tail in warning for good measure. 
“Ayelýn, I’m going to come within seconds if you keep that up.”
“That sounds like a you problem.” She yelped at the tug of her hair and the stinging bite he left on her neck. 
“So mouthy,” he mused. 
“And you’re annoying,” she muttered with a nip of her own against his jaw.
But then, reality creeping in, alarming and loud in her head, Lýn’s mouth moved faster than her mind, spewing, “I’m not a play-thing.”
Aonung reared back to see her face. A flash of hurt crossed his features and despite how fast he’d schooled his expression, she still caught it. “Of course you're not… Where did that even come from?”
“I- I’m just saying… I don’t know what any of this is or what we’re doing, but I needed you to know that.”
“Lýn. You're not,” he emphasized.
She nodded, glad to have at least cleared that with him.
“And anyway… It’s- uh… been a while for me,” he admitted in a soft tone. “I don’t- I’m not that Aonung anymore. I’d hope you think so too.” 
She did think so. Aonung was so much more different than she’d realized. Different from the rumors… different from when they’d first met.  
“When you say a while…”
“Mmm, counting? Over a year…” He scratched his jaw. “Almost two by now since we’ve been together- well not together together-” he rambled. “You know what I mean.” 
“Oh.” Ayelýn turned the information around in her mind as she bit on the tip of her thumb.
He hadn’t been with a woman in that long? How? Why?
“Okay,” she finally said. “And to be clear, you want to-” she gestured between the two of them, “-with me?” 
“Yes,” he answered firmly, fingers toying with the string that kept her top in place. “It’s no pressure though. We’re just having fun, right?” 
“Mhmm.” He ducked his head to nose at that spot where her neck and jaw connected. With one tug of the string, the beaded thing covering her breasts fell into her lap. 
A shudder made her jerk in his arms and Lýn blamed it on a gust of wind. This time of year and this late out, the breeze could get nippy… It definitely wasn’t the way Aonung was mouthing at her flesh, or the way his thumbs brushed over her hardened nipples. 
Definitely not…
“Okay,” she agreed breathlessly, head lulling backwards as his path trailed from her collarbones, to the tops of her chest that rose and fell in anticipation. “But just this one time and we don’t talk about it afterwards. Agreed?”
Aonung paused at her words. 
He didn’t want that. 
And instead of responding, he swallowed her nipple into his mouth. 
Sex with Aonung was not at all what Ayelýn imagined… and yes guilty- she had imagined this moment…. Many times actually. 
In the early days of their pretend courtship, a heartbroken woman named Zers’i had cornered Lýn, giving her a piece of her mind- accusing her of stealing the man she hoped she’d settle down with. 
By the end of the rant, Zers’i had turned from bitter and angry into a sobbing mess. And in the midst of Lýn, comforting the weeping woman on her shoulder, it led to an interesting revelation. 
“You’re going to have to do all the work. I- I guess I don’t feel so bad now,” the blubbering soul had stammered through tears. 
At the time, Ayelýn didn’t know what that meant, but with two other confrontations that bore similar remarks, she gathered that Aonung could be somewhat of a selfish lover. 
Yet here, in this moment as the stars watched over them, Aonung had ripped sounds from her lips she didn’t even know she could make. 
The man was ruthless in his pursuit to learn what she liked- mapping her body with his hands, lips, tongue… tail. 
He was far from selfish as he stayed buried between her thighs for Eywa knows how long, lapping and sucking while his fingers curled deep within her heat, causing delicious pleasure to consume her in wave after wave. 
Then, while she was mid recovery from another glorious orgasm, he was rearing onto his knees, lifting her calf over his shoulder and thrusting into her in one fluid stroke- right the the hilt. 
That first time, the burning stretch and his pace was brutal. 
Skin slapping on skin he took her hard and fast, practically contouring her body to his will as profanity fell from his lips like a prayer. He really didn’t last long at all and he even apologized for it when he dropped down next to her to catch his breath. 
Post orgasmic haze, his lips were everywhere, peppering her with sweet, playful kisses as he whispered things that made her blush.
“Not so mouthy now, are you?”
“You make the prettiest sounds when you come.”
“Will you let me taste you again?”
“...You’re beautiful.”
Eager to have her own way with him, she had slithered between his thighs, mouth watering at the sight of him coated in her arousal. 
Lýn was pretty sure dicks weren’t supposed to look pretty. She guessed he must have been an exception. 
He was quite impressive even though he was half hard. She wouldn’t tell him that though, she was sure it would only go to his head, especially judging by the stupid smirk he’d given her as she took him in. 
Lýn enjoyed teasing him. Within seconds of her little playful strokes and licks, he was fully erect and leaking all over her hand. His stomach hollowed out and his moans and grunts were loud as her head bobbed- mouth taking him deeper and deeper down her throat each time she came up for air. 
And when the cusp of his impending release came near, he was sitting up, impatiently pulling her up his body by the hair and kissing her with such passion, she was on the verge of combusting. 
Drenched between her thighs from her own arousal and his release from earlier, he slipped in with ease, sliding her down his length until she took him all- back bowing because at this angle, the man was impossibly deep. 
Eyes locked in unspoken intensity, they released quiet breathy sighs as they relished in the feeling of him seated inside her- deep and full and tight and warm. 
Limbs folded around each other and lips meeting halfway, they rocked slowly, fucking in a way that didn’t feel like fucking at all. 
Aonung planted kisses on her temple and her cheek and jaw, hands smoothing over every inch of skin he could find while Lýn clung to him- tiny murmurs and mewls escaping her.
They moved in tandem, deliberate rolls and grinds that weren’t rushed or hurried as they climbed higher and higher- the build up so profound and fervent, a few tears sprang to Lýn’s eyes. 
“Fuck, I’m going to come soon.” He licked away the lone teardrop that escaped her, and she tasted the salt on his tongue when he parted her lips with it. “Come with me, gorgeous. Please.”
She nodded and led one of his hands between them, showing him what she wanted- clit needing attention for her to get there. 
It was tempting to increase their rhythm, to want rock harder or move faster, but they both kept their pace, gradually getting to that peak that swelled and blossomed until they neared that break.
Rhythm eventually growing erratic, then faltering, Aonung hid his face- nose pressed into Lýn’s cheek as his fingers tightened their hold- in her hair at her nape, the others circling her clit. 
Ayelýn came with a soft cry and a full body spasm, trembling as she felt his warmth spread inside her. She moaned into Aonung’s mouth- his own groans accompanying hers.
Pleasure thrumming throughout her body, he continued to grind into her- drawing little aftershocks and whimpers from her. 
Both limbless and exhausted, they collapsed against the mats beneath them. 
Aonung slipped out from between her legs and Lýn made a face at the gush of mess slowly escaping her. Though, she was too worn out to care to do anything about it. Eywa, there was so much of it. 
Arm draped around her waist, Aonung kissed her forehead and whispered something she didn’t make out. She squirmed closer, and made a home in his arms, content to use a bicep as a pillow and to squish her face into the space below his shoulder.
And in the quiet of their shelter, the sounds of rolling waves lulled them into calm.
Aonung did not find rest easily that night. While Lýn slept, his thoughts plagued him. Knuckles running down her spine, he held her close… 
Something he’d never done with anyone before. 
Aongung didn’t do cuddling. 
He didn’t do soft and sweet fucking.
And he definitely didn’t do night overs.
He sighed and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping his thoughts would grow tired.
Ayelýn confused him. 
He knew he liked her. He hadn’t realized just how deep, however. The way in which this woman had wormed her way into his constant thoughts, terrified him.
A small dark part of him- a lingering remnant of the old Aonung, thought that fucking her would get her out of his system. 
They’d fucked alright, yet here he was, holding her because he still couldn’t get enough. She was no longer only in his thoughts.
She had seeped into his veins…
Into his heart.
Giving up on his inner struggle, he decided to literally give up. He was done fighting this. 
Done fighting them. 
Cupping her neck he held her to him as quiet prayers to Eywa left his lips, whispers buried into Ayelýn’s hair. 
When morning broke, neither of them spoke about it. 
And in the following hours that turned into days that turned to weeks, neither acknowledged the evident shift between them.  
Please give me calm, give me strength. 
Ayelýn blew out another shaky breath. She was a nervous wreck this morning. 
Tail twitching behind her, she made yet another wrong turn along a bouncing pathway… Maybe it was deliberate? Maybe it was her body’s way of protecting her from what was to come. 
Eywa. She really didn’t want to do this.  
Throughout her journey, Lýn kept a look out for a familiar mountain of a man who she couldn’t seem to find anywhere. Of all days, this was not a day for him to be missing! 
Despite her obvious prolonging, she couldn’t stall any further or else she’d be late, and after final, futile efforts, she at least felt some ounce of relief when she spotted Aonung’s sister. 
“Tsireya!” she called out. 
“Ayelýn!” the woman chirped in pleasant surprise, walking over to meet her halfway. “Are you looking for my brother?”
“Well, yes and no. I was hoping to catch him for a moment.”
“He’s out on a hunt. Won’t be back till late.”
“Oh.” That was disappointing to hear. 
“What’s wrong?”
Lýn licked her lips and tried not to grimace. “My presence has been requested. Your mother summoned me,” she revealed. 
Tsireya appeared unaffected by the news, though she did pick up on Lýn’s nervousness. “I had a feeling this would happen eventually. I told my brother as much… He’s so stubborn,” she muttered with a fond shake of her head. 
“Why does she want to see me then? I was just told to come here.” 
“Sa'nok has been asking Aonung to have you come by for a while now and he’s been swimming around it,” Tsireya explained. “She thinks he keeps you purposely away from her and I’m guessing she’s had enough… and of course she’d choose the day he was on an all day hunt.”
“Ah. I see.” Lýn weighed her options, then, “Reya, I have no clue what to say to her… the few times we’ve interacted were- weird and awkward and honestly, I don’t think she likes me very much.”
“Lýn, trust me, you’ll be fine. She simply wants to get to know you. She did the same thing with my Lo’ak.”
That did ease away some of Ayelýn’s nerves. 
Tsireya took her hand and squeezed it in comfort. “And just a secret between you and me… if she offers you to stay for a meal with her, it means she definitely approves.”
Ayelýn tried not to squirm, but sitting before an intimidating Ronal would make just about anyone uncomfortable. 
They’d been sitting in silence ever since she’d arrived and Lýn decided to cope by focusing on her surroundings while Ronal continued to study her. After all, every nook of the Tsahìk’s marui had something curious to see. 
“What is your appointed position in your village, Ayelýn?”
Lýn startled, not only from the sudden break in their long, suffering silence, but also from the question. 
By now, it was no secret what her role in the clan was. Ayelýn had gotten her fair share of snickers and stray comments and at one feast only a couple days ago, she had to pull away a snarling Aonung when he’d overheard a group of women bad mouthing her and her scrubber status. 
The Tsahìk had also been present and seated nearby and Lýn had even caught her watching the ordeal in great interest. 
“I’m a scrubber, Tsahìk.” 
“Hm. Do you enjoy it?” 
“I don’t think anyone enjoys being a scrubber,” Lyn answered honestly. “But it is work, and I am diligent about it.” 
Ronal appeared to think before she spoke again.
“Should you have the opportunity, what would you prefer to be doing then?” 
“Oh- no, I-”
“T’is only a question, child. Won’t you humor a curious woman?”
“Ah… I- I suppose I’ve always had an interest in mending things.” Lýn held in a chuckle, remembering her first meeting with Aonung and his mortified reaction to her canoe. “Though I don’t believe I’d be any good at it given my lack of skill.”
“Skill can be easily learnt,” Ronal said, helping herself to a sip of her brewed seaweed and herb tea. “If I’m not mistaken, Hythspon is finally considering getting an apprentice- I believe you know him? Perhaps you might be interested in taking the position? I can put in a good word for you, if you’d like.”
Ayelýn sat up straighter. “Truly? I- thank you, Tsahìk… I will give it some thought.” 
“You should… It means, you’d also be closer to Aonung since you’d have to move to Awa’atlu.”
Unsure how to respond to that, Ayelýn mashed her lips together and gave a small nod. 
“My son does not realize it, but he speaks a great deal about you. I, however, am interested in getting to know the women he intends to mate and bring into our family, for myself... So tell me.” Ronal sat back expectantly. 
Lýn frowned. “What exactly would you like to know?”
“Everything, my dear. Everything. You will not be Tsahìk- since my Reya is next in line, but if and when you and my son do mate, you will be the mate of the Metkayina’s future Olo'eyktan. It is my duty to know who that woman is… So tell me, everything.”
And so, Lýn spoke as Ronal asked her question after question. 
She was asked about her family and her completed rites; Keftxo, her childhood, her likes and dislikes, what her values were and what she did in her free time. Ronal asked her what she envisioned for her future, even how many children she wanted to have.
With each question, they became more direct and personal and Ayelýn felt her walls going up and panic bubble in her chest. Her body was so rigid and tense, she had to force herself to unclench her jaw, to uncurl her tail and to give her shoulders the occasional roll. 
When requested, Ayelýn recounted the story of how she and Aonung first met and then Ronal asked her a question she had been dreading the most. 
“Aonung won’t say, but when do you believe you two will take the next step? I am keen to have the meeting of the two families. Tonowari and I have been lenient. We gave Aonung a year, it has now been almost two. I understand this must be a bit difficult for you, but… it has been long enough.”
Stunned, Ayelýn fiddled with the end of her tail, then, catching herself, she stopped. “We will discuss it, Tsahìk,” she feebly promised. 
“That is all I ask,” she said. “You may continue to court of course, there is no pressure to make the mating bond just yet.” 
Tension eased from Lýn’s shoulders at that.
“But, you have to understand, we need to know for certain whether or not this is a secure match,” she explained with surprising gentleness. 
“I understand.” 
“Good… Now tell me, Ayelýn. Are you happy in your courtship with my son? Truly?”
“Yes. He-” Lýn cleared her throat. “I am happy… He makes me happy.” 
“Hmm.” Ronal’s unwavering eyes made Lýn uncomfortable. “I must speak my mind when I say I was quite surprised by my son’s choice of you.”
Feeling another wall of guardedness shift into place, Lýn clenched her jaw. “Because I am a scrubber from Keftxo?” 
Surprise clouded Ronal’s features for a fraction of a second. “Oh goodness, no. Nothing to do with that. If anything I am baffled as to why you- a woman with her head on her shoulders- are with my Aonung- given how he can be.” 
“How he- can be? Forgive me, Tsahìk, but don’t understand.”
“Aonung is… subversive. He is wild and brash- rude. He is selfish in nature and is reckless with his life.  As his mother, I want nothing more than for him to see that he is destined to do great things.”
Lýn’s heart thundered in her chest. She should have bit her tongue but it was quicker to release. “Your son is already doing great things.”
Ronal regarded the woman before her. Gone was the fidgeting, nervous slip of a Na’vi. Ayelýn was livid. 
“You don’t agree with me?” she asked, mildly amused.
“No. No, I don’t. Aonung is defined by none of those descriptions.” 
“Tsahìk, my apologies for speaking out of turn but- Aonung is bold, and kind. He is brave and he may seem selfish at times like you say but he would put his own life in danger for the help of others. He is brash and rude but he is also funny and sweet and charming- and he wants nothing more than your approval of him. He wants you and his father to see him- not as a constant disappointment but as your son…. He’s a good leader, he has heart and strength and the people love him!
“And yes he has his flaws- Don’t we all?! But he is our future Olo'eyktan- his mistakes no matter how big or small are seen as monumental in anyone else's eyes. He’s allowed to make mistakes, he’s allowed to learn from them and not have them constantly thrown back in his face... Like anyone else, he’s allowed to be forgiven…. Especially by his parents.”
Silence followed.
An awestruck appearance of realization formed on the Tsahìk’s face and Lýn braced herself for Ronal’s wrath.
“You speak with such passion for Aonung. I had not realized you were in love with my son.”
Ayelýn released a shaky breath. Not outrightly disagreeing with the statement, she didn’t correct it either. 
Since her mother’s slip of the word love a little over a month ago, she’d had sufficient time to dwell and think. 
At every attempt to reason away the absurdity, Lýn had failed. 
She was in love with Aonung. 
Through and through. 
Flaws and all. 
“We are courting, Tsahìk. Of course I care deeply for him.”
“For someone like Aonung with a commitment to his clan, courting has nothing to do with love, child. It is a path to secure a match in the end. You may care deeply, yes, but finding love in courtship for him is a gift. As leaders, courtship means duty, honor, security.”
Lýn bit her lip. She finally understood the pressures Aonung face day after day.
“Then, as a leader whose duty is for the clan- their needs, their happiness… Doesn’t Aonung deserve that too? You speak of love as this surprising gift between a match. But… can’t he just want to find love for himself?”
Ronal’s lips twitched and instead of answering, she asked her own questions. “Does my son know? Does he know how deep your feelings for him fall?”
“And will you tell him?”
Ayelýn’s head bowed, wordlessly answering the question. 
“Pity… Well. There is still time, no?” The Tsahìk uncovered a platter. “I am famished. Would you like to join me for lunch, Ayelýn?”
Staring stunned at the spread, when Lýn glanced up, Ronal was smiling. 
The type of smile that told Ayelýn she’d passed some kind of test. 
Hello friends! 💛
Firstly, I promise you, I tried so many others, but that's the title that happened to stick for this part... and on the topic, I hope the smut was alright... Hehe.
This part got way too long, so I split it into two. The next one coming out will be the final part. *Fingers Crossed*
As always, please let me know what you think.
Tags:@jakesullyfatjuicypeen@granddearduck@riatesullironalite@strawberri-blonde@earthling55 @innercreationflower @gyuventure @btsiguess-kpop@blkmystery@neteswife@luvteyams@isnt-itstrange@erenjaegerwifee@faatxma@ivysully@bakugouswaif@pinkpantheris @mntx666@ironcaptainnataliabarnes @staymentallystable @neteyamslovrr @melsunshine
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riakhou · 1 day ago
what would a riakhou centuar look like
I put way too much thought into this.
First I went with a very traditional centaur. Just. Half riakhou half horse.
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Then I thought about blending the characterictics of each species to make for a more coherent design.... and I don't really vibe with this one, it's kind of weird to me. BUT I'll include it anyway...
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…maybe if I removed the mane from it? It would look less weird?
Anyway finally I figured. A full on design of "riakhou but with a hexapedal bauplan" might work...
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...holdon i kind of like what I've got going on here.
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stevebattle · 1 year ago
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Spock’s Brain (1990) by IS Robotics (iRobot), Somerville, MA. This hard-wired analogue brain is designed to emulate the brain of an insect, modelling how the insect gait transforms seamlessly from a slow, statically stable walk to a faster dynamic running motion. It controls the gait of a simulated hexapedal robot, represented by on-board LEDs for each leg. The legs maintain synchrony with signals flowing both longitudinally and laterally. Each leg has an identical circuit; the XR-2207 is a voltage controlled oscillator for timing, the 74123 is a dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator producing a square wave output to actuate the leg, and the smaller 8 pin TL082C is a dual op-amp.
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understandableparadox · 1 year ago
Fendir Sanqui
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fendir's a bronzeblood adventurer who idolizes troll indiana jones! hes got a pretty large collection of artifacts and loves learning about history. he also really likes myths and legends!! hes a very emotional guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, though he often (unintentionally) ignores the emotions of others. he's very very silly.
Altair Tascii
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Altair is a Tealblood troll who lived on Alternia long before Karkat and his friends. He's a nerd who's very good with computers. His trolltag is genericCryptographer, and he uses a Hexadecimal themed quirk, and he speaks "in A CAlcul8ED FAshion, so as 2 AppEAr 2 say 2 much, when hE ACtually is kEEping HEXACtly what he wants 2 B sECret, sECret"
He's a bit pretentious and controlling, but many of his friends still trust him. He has a moirail and a matesprit, the second of whom has trolltag AT and initals GC. He's 8 sweeps old, and his classpect is Mage of Light. People often remark that he seems to talk and act like he's a computer, and there's a reason behind that... (no spoilers!)
Friends with PL (another troll I submitted to this bracket). Altair is PL's server player.
His ancestor, the HEXC0DEr, invented Trollian, ~ATH, and the troll internet.
Technically originally meant to be my self-insert, but ended up as his own character.
Has photographic memory and can do complex maths really really fast.
Strife Specibus: Keyboardkind. Fetch Modus: Hex-hash modus. Lusus: Hexapede
Closeted Transfem who has barely realised it yet.
Sprite designed using Farragofiction
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hylias-hoard · 1 month ago
mac here tonight!!!
not much new proper art to show on the blog yet (i promise working on busts for the rest of the links and we're both trying to make some full refs for the people) so i'm gonna talk a bit about hylia's hoard stuff because i can
tonight's topic... gods and fairies!
a distinctive thing about the big gods of this au (golden goddesses, hylia, majora and fierce deity are counted here, and demise, etc) is that they are dragons. so, lots of dragon gods. similar in aesthetic to botw's dragons since hexapedal animals are cool :]
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(din, farore, nayru, and hylia designs)
because hylia is a dragon, all of her reincarnation's descendants have dragon blood and thus may have the ability to turn into a dragon, so if you see a lot of dragon zeldas in this au, that's why! this actually wasn't inspired by totk and was something planned back before its teaser in 2019... can't believe we predicted totk on accident...
now what about fairies? these little buggers have also been cursed with the mac turns everything into a lizard and are now... lizards! specifically geckos of all shapes and sizes to replace the tiny balls of light. that are no longer tiny actually
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(top to bottom, left to right: ciela, proxi, navi, and tatl)
sorry they're really fun to doodle and most of my art is just ciela and navi
if you see uno (our og loz and aol link) with a tail and some big ol freckles, that's because he's also a fairy! less obvious to people who don't know hhoard fairies are geckos and more obvious to people who we've shoved lizards in their faces
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(tael, tatl, and navi with our boy hop)
our askbox is open if you have any burning questions about this au or wanna see more!
have a favorite game? race? link? zelda? general character (who you might even think is underrated)? anything you want us to talk about? maybe a teeny bit of lore? we like to ramble and would love to ramble at tumblr about our au :]
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spearxwind · 2 years ago
Since wings sitting right above the shoulders is bad, (I don't want my dragons to be clapping when flying...) Would you suggest putting the wings in front or behind the shoulders on the back?
sdkjlsfdh I WILL SAY I am poking fun at designs in good fun! Ultimately just do whatever you like the best :]
That being said though, it depends on what type of dragon design you want to make! I personally default to having the wings behind the arms, as that gives the arms a bigger range of motion, and it's best for hexapedal dragons that use their front legs and back legs to walk, but not their wings.
On the other hand, if you have hexapedal dragons with shorter arms that use their WINGS +back legs to walk, it'd be better to have the wings in front of the arms, and have the arms be more like theropod forelimbs (small and used for other purposes)
Either way is good! You can get real weird with it! but yea for traditional dragons itd be behind the arms. Think of the ribcage and the huge flight muscles attached to the ribcage as a sort of corset that restricts movement in that area, and how that would influence the movement of the arms wherever theyre placed
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yourbelovedissy · 1 year ago
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Throughout all of February, I did an art challenge I called Febestiary! The idea is simple: make 5 diff picker wheels of different prompts based on various animal species, body types, biomes, art styles, and unique traits. Then, smack 'em all together! This is the result of my month-long artistic pursuit :3
Oh also, I waive all rights to these creature designs, and release them under the CC0 license. No rights reserved.
[ID: Eleven images, each showing a different original fantasy monster design, labeled Febestiary with the day, and a bullet point list of traits with a drawing.
Day 1: Cosmic Clam: Bivalve, asymetrical, cosmos, cool, herds, saber teeth, monogamous.
The cosmic clams are drawn flying through a starscale, with deep blue shells on one side and a spike for a tail, with soft pale flesh on the other side like an oyster.
Day 1: Mind Magma Money: primate, tripedal, lava beds, low effort, mind control, diurnal, scavenger.
The mind magma monkey has three legs and two arms, with dark fur striped with cream on the arms and legs and above the pink face. It holds a bone in one hand, with lines of green going from its head to the heads of stick figures with swirly eyes, showing they are brainwashed into doing the money's bidding, one of them offering it energy. The background is black rock and lava.
Day 2: Diplopoltus: Dolpocaulus, hexapedal, tir na nog, minimalist, strong smell, spectral, levitation.
The Diplopoltus is shown as a long, blue and white spectral creature with a curved head like a hammerhead shark, and six short legs with three toes. It has four clusters of whiskers on its head, and blank white eyes with slits for a nose. It floats over a fantastic blue field at night the stars covering the sky.
Day 2: David Bowfish: Walleye, bipedal, cosmos, low effort, telekenesis, supersonic roars, bright colors.
The David Blowfish is drawn as a bipedal fish standing on the surface of the moon. It has two fins on its back, one blue, one green, a dark green fin on its tail and matching duck-like feet, red legs and belly, and a body white on the face with a stripe of red around the eye, a thick black band in the center, and the end striped white and green. It telekinetically holds a walkie taklie and has its mouth open, calling into it.
Day 3: Voltacuda: Barracuda, hexapedal, digital, skeleton, venemous bite, scavenger, elemental kinesis.
The Voltacuda is drawn as the skeleton of a barracuda in a digital grid world, with cables sparking with blue electricity ectending from the head, tail, and fins.
Day 4: Digitulas: Tarantula, quadrupedal, nightmares, creepy, nocturnal, sexual dimorphism, hibernation.
There are two digitulas, shrouded behind hazy darkness making them very hard to see, with their six front eyes the easiest thing to see, white-ish with pupils that seem dark red. One is shorter and closer to the ground, the other is much taller, with long hair partially obscuring its eyes. Aside from vague outlines of spider-like limbs and bodies, nothing else can be seen clearly.
Day 5: Proffo Pelican: Pelican, hexapedal, jungles, cutesy, burrowing, eusocial, strong vision.
The Proffo pelican is drawn sitting, with a bird body that is mostly grey-tan, with darker brown on the head, belly, and tail. It has four dark webbed feet, a fan-shaped tail with a center white feather, and the others dark brown with an orange and red-shaped base. The belly is striped with dotted lines of white. Its wing is tan-grey with white tips, and folded. It has a long tall neck, with a yellow face, a round eye, and a pale orange beak that is red at the base, with a large, striped, red, orange, and pale orange pouch below the beak that is puffed up. Atop the head is a small swirl of white, and smaller white "whiskers" on the cheek. The eye has a white line like a cheetah trailing down.
Day 6: Flying Frankfarter: Canine, limbless, clouds, cool, clairvoyance, poison secretions, migration.
The Flying Frankfarter is drawn as a dark brown hotdot with the head of a dog wearing sunglasses, with yellow stripes along the back in loops, and the top of the head like mustard. It has no limbs except for a short fluffy tail. It farts out fire as it flies through the sky like a missile, with a compass in a thought bubble over its head to show it knows where it's going.
Day 7: Soaring Sea Sloth: Sloth, Aquatic, Islands, Ancient, undead, levitation, healing powers.
The Soaring Sea Sloth is drawn in a stylized form with a long head, two large paws or hands off to either side above and below, tipped with three long claws, a long body, and a tail that seems like backlegs used together, with three claw sets on either side. It has a row of dots along the neck and body, and two dots above each paw. The center of the body has five asymetrical partial rings around it like ribs. There is an overlay like smoke or an old map.
Day 8: Mantid Mast: Mantis, many-limbed, underworld, goofy, time travel, camoflage, immortality. The Mantis Mast is drawn as a swimming praying mantis with large cartoony eyes, and a body that is brown and shaped like a canoe, with the legs disguised as oars, ending in duck-like feet below the water. Semi-transparent swirls of ghosts perch on its back as they are ferried down the river, with one swimming besides it. The Mantid Mast has a watch around its neck like a collar or necklace.
Day 8: Cnitaurian: Cnidarian, centaurian, oceans, scary cute, elemental kinesis, chromatophores, strong vision. The Cnitaurian is drawn as a jelly-fish like creature that is partly transparent, with other parts lit up bright blue, red, purple, and yellow. It has a head like structure with two whit eyes, a shoulder structure like the bell of a jellyfish, and a lower body as another bell, appearing shaped like a centaur, with tentacles forming arms and legs. The inside shows all the connections of the tentacles, and small flecks of white like stars.
End ID.]
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alchemyofazeroth · 1 month ago
Cures & Prevention to Basilisk Petrification
The basilisks of Azeroth are a diverse and fascinating group of reptilian creatures, notable for their unusual hexapedal morphology and their petrifying gaze. All basilisk species possess six legs. Basilisks are found in a range of habitats across Azeroth, from lush jungles to arid deserts. While basilisk behavior varies by species, nearly all are ambush predators, lying motionless before attacking passing prey.
Most striking is their ability to petrify creatures through eye contact, though the exact mechanisms and effects differ between basilisk species. Some basilisks induce a paralyzing fear that immobilizes prey. Many species, however, can petrify perceived threats, transforming flesh to stone or even crystal. The crystal basilisks of Stranglethorn, for example, encase victims in a crystalline matrix, resulting in a peculiar state between life and death. The visual processing and gaze of basilisks has been the subject of much research by Azeroth's zoologists and arcanists seeking to understand and potentially replicate their abilities.
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Petrification is an innate magical ability, and basilisks have complex arcane anatomical structures to channel this power. Despite the danger they pose, basilisks play important ecological roles and many species are threatened due to habitat loss, poaching for their alchemically-valuable eyes, and eradication efforts by hunting parties. Conservation of these unique creatures is an increasingly important priority for Azeroth's druids and environmentalists.
Crystal Prisms
The night elves of Talendris Point developed an ingenious method to protect themselves from the petrifying gaze of the Graystone Basilisks native to the area. Through careful study of the ocular properties of the basilisks, the night elves discovered that the petrifying effect was caused by a unique magical energy emitted from the eyes of the creatures. To counteract this, the elves crafted perfect crystal prisms designed to precisely refract the petrifying energy away from themselves. By wearing crystal prisms around their necks, the night elves were able to deflect the deadly gaze at the optimal angles to render it harmless. This elegant application of arcane optics and magical engineering allowed the night elves to traverse basilisk territory unharmed, giving them safe passage through the region.
Petrification Reversal
To reverse the petrifying effects of a basilisk's gaze and restore a victim who has been turned to stone, one can employ a crystal prism capable of refracting the magical light as listed above. The process involves incorporating this enchanted prism into a finely calibrated laser apparatus. By precisely angling the crystal to split the incoming light and filtering it through the prism's lattice structure, the laser focuses and concentrates the refracted rays into a powerful restorative beam. Modulating the amplitude and frequency of the laser allows fine-tuning of the light's metaphysical properties.
When this tightly focused ray illuminates the petrified subject, it acts to phase-shift and revert the state of matter, dispelling the stone curse and returning flesh and life to the victim. Improper application could result in only partial restoration of the lifeform or an induced state of madness.
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drathahdrabbles · 2 years ago
I haven't like, developed this creature at all, but I was thinking about mail, and how the letters and packages might be delivered in my fantasy/low technology/environmentally conscious sciences world, and I thought of the pony express (and now I also thinking about pigeons)
But basically it'd be a large, hexapedal cat-like carnivore. Like an alien fantasy cheetah, that sprints at high speeds and, if you're persistent, kind and a little bit lucky, can be tamed and ridden. I imagine it's definitely an exotic pet, one that's not gonna be truly domesticated for another couple thousands of years or so (Drathah live to 300) and maybe this "cheetah express" similarly doesn't last very long, but it brings these creatures into a spot of niche use for speed and timeliness, especially with the development of some modern, environment sensitive medicines.
But also I was thinking of making them vampires :) More specifically blood eaters. Usually fed on cow horses, due to a comparable size, a moscheetah (mosquito + cheetah) could feed on a cowhorse and leave it largely unharmed, but they bite Drathah sometimes, cause they're also a good sized meal, and that's where the struggles with taming them comes from. They're food motivated and wild and so if they don't like you they'll turn you into a caprisun.
But visually/design wise I'll be basing it sort of on the earth equivalent creatures, with Drathah evolutionary ancestor notes, and also maybe some inspiration from the blue people avatar and Stranger Things' Demogorgon.
I'm having fun making threatening large animals for Thardahk. Will need to spend more time later making smaller creatures to fill out the food chain but for now I'm having fun with my big babies.
little check-in for creators and worldbuilders!
if you see this and have the energy, what's the most interesting thing people can have as a pet in your wips?
feel free to use this as an excuse to infodump :>
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fluloa · 2 years ago
SOAKED | jake sully x reader [mini series pt. 4]
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only warning for u alien fuckers: it’s a bit filthy. mentally prepare yourself ig. TWO HANDS ON THE PHONE PEOPLE
You're sharpening your knife as you sit in the designated spot for your next lesson. You're dreading it, if you're honest with yourself. You have so many emotions bottled up, just waiting to explode and Jake's probably going to be the victim of it. The weather is a bit on the cold side, giving you gentle shivers and making goosebumps rise on your arms. Your stomach is full with a weird feeling, anticipation almost.
Jake's husked voice startles you, "Looks alright."
You sigh quietly. Speak of the devil. You don't look at him when he walks over to you, sits down beside you with his big body as he bends a leg up, leaning his arm over his knee. "It's tricky because you really gotta flick it at the tip," he ghosts a finger along the edge of your knife. "So that it's real sharp."
You flick it hard as he says, but he shakes his head, moving behind you. "Real tight grip here," he closes his hand over yours on the handle, shaking it a bit for exaggeration. You can feel the warm air of his breath, dipping down your neck and it's taunting you. "And— give me your other hand."
You don't give it to him. There's a second of silence before he takes your hand for himself, enveloping it with his own hand before he's lining it up at the thick girth of the knife's base, and striking it up, a nice shing sound coming out of it. He does it a few more times before he's letting your hands go, watching you do it by yourself.
"That's good. Keep it tight." His words of praise shamefully give you a rise, a cool shrivel slivering down your chest. You swear he's doing it on purpose, you swear.
While you flick at your knife with the silver sharpening tool, you look to the side, not directly looking at him but it's enough to grab his attention to your face. "Remember that hexapede I killed?" He hums in a curious tone, and you take it as a response to speak further. "Well, I tried looking for it, but it wasn't there. Some other animal must've snatched it up."
"Nah, I carried it back to the village," he announces.
"Right. When you left me?" you ask, tugging a sharper strike to your knife than the other strikes. Jake notices it. His jaw tenses, blinking to you with his eyes boring holes into your form.
"When I left you." He swallows, "Listen, I wanna apologise—"
"Oh, you want to apologise, Jake?" you laugh sarcastically, venom dripping from your words.
His jaw tenses, "I didn't want to leave you."
You snap your head back, a glare stung into your eyes. "But you did."
"You're making it out like it's a bad thing that I did."
You laugh dryly, chucking your knife onto the ground as you stand up. He immediately stands up with you, glowering over you. "You know that it is."
"Don't tell me what I know and don't know, girl." Jake warns, nose twitching. "I helped you, and then left. That simple."
"You can't tell me that you weren't just fucking me to help me. That's not how it works and if you say otherwise, you're lying," you snarl.
He's quiet for a second, searching back and forth between your eyes with his chest rising with a long breath in, "I don't—"
You give him a harsh shove to the chest, hissing out a groan of anger. His eyes blow out wide, then they relax into a dangerous squint. Your eyes widen. He reaches for you and grabs firmly at your wrist, his fingers clutched tight around your bone and your arm twitches with the sudden  spring of pain. You attempt to slip your wrist out of his grasp, and when it doesn't work and he doesn't budge, you claw at his jaw recklessly. It's successful and he lets go of your wrist with a grunt.
He grabs your hair, fisting his fingers through your scalp before yanking it back. You swing your leg and kick him in the stomach, sending him back as you zoom past him.
He acts quick and grabs your tail, tugging you back towards him and for the millionth time this week, presses you against him. You stamp on his foot, digging your nails into the skin of his arm and he cries out, a half-hiss and half-groan. He flips you, finds the tree right beside you and pushes you flat against it. He takes both of your wrists into his hands as he shakes them angrily. You scramble and squirm in his grip. "I'll tell you what I know, girl, and you'll fucking listen."
You whine out a hiss, heart beating against your rib cage like it's about to pop out and splatter across the ground. He hisses back, edged fangs spiking out from his mouth and it makes your skin crawl in either a bad or a good way, you're not entirely sure.
"I know that you're the most beautiful person I've ever fuckin’ seen," he pants. "You don't know what you do to me, huh? Just your giggle makes my stomach drop. It annoys the shit out of me how you've got me drawn to you, it's damn stupid. I don't know what to do with myself anymore."
You try to wiggle your wrists out from his grip, but it proves to be helpless, a smug look flickering in his eyes that makes you want to clock him straight in the face. Jake picks your joined wrists up off the tree and slams them back onto the wood for a hard warning. "You— you think you're confused?" you sneer between huffed breaths. "Mr. I'mfuckingyoutohelpyouconcentratenotbecauseIwantto. Like that doesn't fuck with my feelings! By the way— it didn't help me focus, just like the last time, what a surprise."
His lips split into a snarl, an annoyed flick of his tail as he glares you down, his chest grumbling with a deep growl. You return him with the same feverous eyes, chest strong and upheld with no sense of backing down.
Then you catch it. The weakness of only a man; the millisecond of a pair of eyes dropped down to your heaving lips. Your eyelashes flutter, a new tension rushing in like a thick cloud of smoke. Your heads jut forward at the same time, teeth clashing in a rushed, wanted motion morphed into a messy kiss.
But it's different this time. It feels different, different than the first kiss he gave you the first time you were pushed up against a tree. You can't pinpoint it, but it's just different.
He lets your wrists go, grip fading to a none until your arms are flopping around his shoulders. His tongue slips with ease into the cavern of your mouth, as he uses a hand to cup the part of your neck just below your ear, bring your face even closer to his. You let your head tilt, allowing him a wider opening to your mouth that he groans lowly in thanks to.
He skims past your loincloth, palming your hot cunt and grinding the hard edge of his palm directly onto your clit. "This give you déjà vu from last time?"
You groan, back arching towards his head. "Shut up and put your fingers in me," you whine.
"I remember leaving with the biggest fuckin' boner. Seein' you all whiney and shit and like putty in my hands," he claims, seeming like he can just feel the pain from remembrance. "Good thing you can fix it for me this time."
He says this as he leisurely slides two fingers into your cunt, and you suck in a tight breath, the thick girth of them lengthening you out. "And just like that, sucking me allll the way in," he whispers in astonishment, just like the last time.
"Will you just shut up?" you groan, wheezing out a groan when his fingers curl into your walls. He strokes them in and out of you, slowly and steadily. He presses loosely at your clit, gentle circles on the sensitive bud.
Then he suddenly pulls his two fingers out, staring at the thin strings of your juices that stick to his finger pads, "Wet enough."
He kneels to the ground in a rush, taking you with him as he fumbles to untie your top. You drag your hands along his skin, touching every patch of hard bone and toned muscle you can manage. You're both kneeling in front of each other, grabbing at any clothing that gets in the way of each other's fingers. He pushes you back with a hand, laying you out in the grass as he scoops his hand down to your pussy, runs a thumb over your clit. Jake leans down, grabbing at the bone of your hips and jutting you closer to him.
Jake cooly wraps a hand around his cock, sighs as he starts to stroke the length in slow movements. He reaches out from behind him, and your stomach drops. He presents his tsaheylu to you with a sense of shyness, his head tilted down. You look between him and the glowy, spiky end of his platt.
Your silence speaks volumes to him, and just before he's going to say something to rub it off as a joke, you're reaching from behind you as well, body squirming in anticipation as you air your tsaheylu next to his. They twitch and fizzle, swaying so close and it's just that tiny bit of space that needs to be filled.
He looks to you, eyes softening in one last ask and you give him a reassuring, hasty nod. He readjusts his grip on his platt, leaning his tsaheylu just a little closer and they connect. A surge of electricity bolts through your body, biting in a gasp as your skin jitters. You feel it, you feel him, understand him. Understand everything.
Jake's blinking rapidly, as he leans over you just to nuzzle his face into your neck, his hot pants of breath pressing into your skin. He slurs over his words, "Oh my... fffuck, s' good, you're so good."
"Jake," you warn, voice wavering as you tremble underneath his warm body. "Need you ins— inside me. Right now, Jake, please."
He teases his cock at your entrance, letting out a shaky breath at your warm wetness trickling down his tip. You gasp when he slips it in with one thrust, bottoming out perfectly as he sits in snug. He breathes out a quiet laugh, "You're so... fuck, girl. So warm and— and ni—hice."
You dig your nails into his back, tail curling around his thigh. You feel everything he feels, connecting with him at such a level that all you can do is hold onto him, just needing to feel him, to hold him and kiss him and fuck him and do everything as long as it's him. You can only rasp one word out. "Jake."
He snaps his hips into you, starts at a pace that's brutal and uncalculated. His cock pushes into your tightness with ease, like it was made for him. You pull him in with each thrust he gives you, welcoming him in to the warmth of your femininity, your body that he's claimed as his.
Your pussy flutters around his girth with every single groan he lets slip from his throat, voice cracked and husky from the euphoria he's coated with. He lands a kiss to your neck, suckling at the skin before biting down, a sting that zips through your body all the way down to your cunt. You squeal, back snapping into an arch and he scoops an arm around it, giving him a better grip on your body to deepen his thrusts, to strive further up into your pussy.
He desperately grabs at your thighs, swings them up and over his shoulders as your feet dangle in the air. It opens up a whole new angle, and you scream out, his dick hitting steeper and stronger inside of you. Your hair is tangled from the ground, the skin of your back grinding against the dirt of it.
At the new found angle, he groans, head leaning up a little as his eyelids close halfway, his eyes bruised in a haze. He's completely lost in the way you squeeze around him, the way his cock feels sliding into your tight body. It's like a drug. A new found addiction.
"Shut up, hah— jus' fuck me," you babble, a moan ripping out of your chest when his hips thrust a sudden jolt into your pussy, brushing over your cervix.
"How funny," he pants out, smirking like a goddamn idiot and you frown.
"What?" you question, a quick moan breaking from you when a random wave of heat splashes through your stomach.
"Bet Selkath wishes he was wearing this necklace." He rasps, letting a harsh laugh fall from his mouth as he reaches up a hand and tugs on your ankles wrapped right around neck.
You make a weak hiss, turning into a groan when he lifts his body higher, angles his cock deeper up into your cunt. "If you don't shut up, maybe I'll let him."
Jake growls, eyes flicking wild, turning a dark and dangerous hue that you can tell is whipped with a color of jealousy, even betrayal. "You won't even be able to feel him graze your pussy once I'm done with you."
You feel a purr erupt from your chest, your inner woman squealing in delight because yes, she screams, he must breed you until all you can feel his body and only his and nothing else.
He brushes a hand over your cheek, face distorted in complete bliss and he stares deep into your face, tail swishing at the way your mouth agapes. His hands slip to your waist, thumbs digging into your stomach and he uses it as a leverage to bring you back harder onto his dick, lifting you up until you're practically leaning on his body to stay off the ground. He bends you to his will like you're a rubber band, like a toy.
"So warm," he coos, and you whine, digging your head into the grass laying beneath it. You don't want him saying that, don't want him climbing his stupid fingers into your heart and taking it any more than he already has. The feminine instinct fixed in the depths of you screams mate, mate, mate. Big, protective mate that needs to pound you into oblivion or you'll lose your mind. That along with the anger that burns inside you, like a match that's been lit way too many times and is about to snap underneath the pressure of his hands.
"Jake, just shut up," you snap, sentence ending on a hasty push when he smashes his lips onto yours, exploring your mouth with the thick flat of his tongue. He kisses you with a fever, an aching want with a grunt falling from his lips and straight onto the slick of your tongue. Jake crawls a hand up your body and to your head, fingers threading through your hair and he turns your head forcefully, allowing him to deepen the kiss and wrap his tongue tighter along yours.
"God, you're just fucking beautiful," he grunts, slapping your hips. "With this pretty fucking pussy, s' good for me and your little noises and— ssshhit, my girl. S' made for me, you're made for me."
My girl. It makes your stomach spin, makes you clench around his cock driving in and out of you and he groans, "You liked that, huh? My girl?"
You feel his pace inch a slower, and you're confused. His hand scrapes to one of your hands, slipping through the gaps of your fingers and he conjoins them together, pressing deep against the ground. His mouth breaks from yours, deep, panting breaths shaking out from his chest as he leans down to ravage your neck, licking and sucking at your skin like it's a ripe fruit.
You recognise the speed of his thrusts. Slow but strong, like he's trying to memorise each drag of his cock squeezing into your pussy, each squelch and pull of your walls gushing around his length. The rock of his hips is sweet, an act of something you can only describe as passion. You scratch out a whine. You squirm from underneath him, attempting to buck yourself up into him to speed it up, make him nail so hard into you that you see stars. But it doesn't work. He stays the same warm speed, slow rocks into your pussy as he lowly sighs with every calming push.
"No," you whimper, voice lower than a whisper, so quiet it could count as another breath. You huff out an angered patch of air out through your nose. You use both hands and push him, and he doesn't expect it because he tumbles back, flipping onto his back and hitting the trunk of the tree with a big thump. You ignore the cold air pushing on your wet cunt, the sudden loss of his cock deep inside of you making you shudder.
You crawl onto him, eyes wide with hunger and from what he can see, anger. Your tail flicks as you palm his shoulders, knees on each side of his legs as you air just above his dick. You grip at his tsaheylo and conjoin it to yours again, a flush rushing through you both. You catch the way his eyes flatten against his head for a second at your determined, heated gaze, now realising the rage you held. A woman who's not satisfied with her mate's fucking, there's nothing scarier. Especially after everything he's teased her for, everything he's done to her for the past week.
"Baby, you ain't gonna last two rocks with those little hips." Jake mutters, emphasising the words two rocks as he places his hands comfortable on your hips. You don't reply, instead lowering your body and inch by inch, sinking down onto his cock. He lengthens you up, and you feel so full and nice that you let out a sigh that screams finally, all the while hearing Jake take the biggest breath you've ever heard him take.
You're not wasting time as you start grinding against him, ears twitching, head falling back in utter bliss. Jake slips out a quiet laugh, and it sounds nervous. He watches as your breasts shift with each sway of your hips, and his cock twitches inside of you at the obscure scene. It's perfect, so, so perfect with the way his cock drags through you. But you need more.
You begin lifting yourself up, rocking right back down onto him, the motion of riding coming into play little by little. Jake's breath hitches, his hands twitching at your hips. Your cunt pulses around him, puffy folds tugging his dick so perfectly. He lets his head slump against the tree, the rise of his chest speeding up.
You lean forward, a sudden desperation taking over you, the anger flickering in your abdomen crackling to a fire. You grab at his hair, press your cheek against the top of his head as your hips move in an up and down circular motion. Jake chokes out a grunt, springing forward to kiss at your chest, shoving his face into your breasts as his tongue lolls out along your bare skin.
He pants, messy kisses along your chest as his mouth fans out hot breaths. "My g—"
"Shut. Up." You pull on his hair, forcing his head further back and moaning as you stride your body, moving his cock in so deep, then moving it just about out before you rock it back in. You shift a hand to grip at the tree for better stability, rising up before gravity whips you back down onto his dick. A whine leaves his lips, a literal whine. It's so, so quiet, but you hear it, and he knows it. He can tell by the way your ears flutter at his head. You puff out a laugh that's hilted with breath.
He leaves deep kisses along your chest, kissing at the plush fat of your tits and decorating the map of your torso with dark marks and tiny red hickeys. His tongue finds your nipple, swirling it around the hard bud and you move your hips faster, huffing out a moan as sweat beads neat at your forehead. The blunt of his nails dig deep into the skin of your hips, and starts to move your hips with his grip, sharpening your strokes into his dick and you hum an appreciated sigh.
You've left him stunned for words, mouth hung open as you grind your cunt deep along his cock, riding him like he's a goddamn stallion. You wrap your fingers around his leathered choker, leaning your head back and pulling him rough into an even rougher kiss. You can feel him pant into the kiss, his silent groans pressing on your tongue. His lips are wet and messed with saliva from previous times, all the while making them softer and easier to run your tongue over.
A broken moan escapes his mouth, muffled by your lips engulfed in his but it only whips the fire tangled inside your tummy, makes your body swing harder along his. You give him a sloppy kiss on the corner of his lips, before nibbling at the bottom centre of it, "Who's whining now?"
His hips jerk up into yours, a stutter of a motion and you can feel the vibration, the angry rumble of his chest and it only encourages you further to drive your hips harder. "Still you," he bites, but his pinched expression melts into a blissful one when you raise your waist higher, slamming back down onto him in one quick motion.
Anger fuels through your bones, all the way down your body to your toes that dig into the ground, dirt blotched on them from the constant movement and curl of them. Jake snaps his hips up into your sopping sex, gaining a low groan through his chest as he digs his messy head of hair into the tree against him.
Your body burns and shakes with every stride of your hips, sliding his cock into you with reckless rhythm. You're shivering with hot emotion, a blurred mixture of adore and vexation, and Jake can feel every single drop of it. You feel him shift underneath you, eyes squinting and his tail whacking the tree accidentally with a swift brush. He mumbles your name, the hoarse gruff of his voice sending a shivered bolt down your spine.
You already know he's preparing some rushed apology, some kind of reason as to why he's been throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes lately but you don't want to hear it. All your body and your being screams at you is to ride his cock and make him spill into you. Mark him as yours.
You want the release, can feel it burning up inside you and splintering at your fingertips, ready to explode into flames. Except this time it isn't him giving it to you, you're giving it to yourself, circling your hips around his cock like it's the last thing you're going to do.
And by Eywa, does Jake fucking love it. He's too focused in the way your perfect little cunt drives him, slipping his cock into your body like it's a piece of cake. He's entranced by the way your hips dance, the perky little bone of them sticking out against your skin each time you lean forward into his stomach. He's getting fucked dumb, and he can't even bring himself to give a shit. Never in his life has he ever met a girl that could ride like you. No, never in his life has a ever met a girl like you. And he doesn't think he ever will, not that he wants or needs to now. Your body is just too sickly sweet, and everything in his body screams at him to just keep his cock glued into you, fill you with his cum until all you can feel is it.
You feel it coming, feel the same mountain morphing as it soars above you. You use your hand to lean at his head, using it as your advantage to ride him rougher, dragging his cock firmer into your cunt. He lets you, now fucking up into you with matched energy and you're bouncing from the capacity. Sweat is slick on your skin, mending with his own and you just need to feel him, touch the soft skin he owns as you bounce on his length. Apparently Jake feels the same, as he pinches and grabs at any part of your body he can reach, mouth touching where his hands can't.
He drags out your name, desperation covering the word and filling in the air after with throaty groans. “Let me come in you, sweetheart. Come on, please. Need to, darlin’ please, need—“
“Yes,” you squeal, scratching at his skin while jutting your hips against him violently. “Pleasepleaseplease,” you beg, crave covering your voice in a high-pitched whine.
Then it hits you, like a bomb setting off, the fire in your belly exploding into millions of little red embers. The mountain erupts like a volcano, and you can feel every little piece cracking down into the ground and out your body. Jake yells out, croaking out a loud grunt as he spills into you, coating your walls with his sticky load. Your head’s spinning, eyes seeing a splash of colors and all you can do is rock in his arms, as you attempt to catch your running breath.
You’re trembling, quaking even as you lay still, Jake’s cock sitting limp in your body. The only thing you can focus on is your conjoined breaths, everything else seeming to hard to even look at. You don’t even realise you’re crying until the tears sink to your neck, and the sound of your quiet sniffles.
You don’t know how long it’s been until Jake begins to shift, and you pull enough strength to lean back. He looks to you, his face set into a hue of content, a small smug smile pulling at his lips. He reaches out to your face, wipes the tears on your face with his thumb lazily. “Holy shit,” he chuckles.
You let out a needed, soft laugh, and his smile widens at the noise of it, tail whisking up at your reaction. He pulls in a breath, chest rising up as he takes both his arms and cups your face. You lean into his warm touch, slumping your forehead against his.
“I see you,” he whispers gently, curling a few fingers around your neck.
“I see you.” You whisper back, mouth cracking into a giddy smile. And when you look into his eyes, you recognise the emotion behind them within a second; love.
wow. biggest chapter out of all of them and i can’t decide whether i like it or not
BIG SHOUTOUT TO @slxttedjakesullyenthusiast who helped me make this filthy fucking piece of whatever it is and if u don’t go follow her im kicking you in the pussy don’t test me
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charseraph · 2 years ago
You’ve probably answered this before, but do you have any advice for anyone wanting to make their own spec bio species? I tried making my own but I feel like they’re too humanoid of designs but that’s also what I’m most comfortable with😔
Don’t worry, I’m happy to answer!
I found that finding a shape, even the most ‘unusable,’ ‘un-animal-able’ shape around you, and then replicating that shape as accurately as you can in a sinch (no streamlining! Shaky messed up lines are ENCOURAGED, living things are all imperfect squiggles, so minimize your erases and undos!) can help with silhouette ideas.
(The reason for that is that instead of deleting a ‘bad’ drawing outright, you can start anew or copy only the parts you liked, and then boom! You’ve got one drawing you’re happy with and another you’ll more likely than not return to in the future, however far.)
(A dozen fast, improvised designs can beat out a single painstakingly planned one. It seems counterintuitive that quantity can be better than quality, but that’s only if you know the quality ahead of time! When it comes to concept art, more is better at the very beginning.)
Once you’ve replicated a handful of shapes, don’t add eyes and ears. In fact, don’t draw anything you’d think of as something an animal would have. The frequent fallbacks are tails, claws, paws, toes, ears, horns, fur, wings, joints, teeth, snouts, and hexapedal, quadrupedal, and bipedal bodies with heads in the front. These things are not universal, they are just our earthly scope of our closest relatives.
Modeling an alien species after insects, birds, reptiles, or sea life will make your alien nonhuman, but still earthling. These categories won’t necessarily arise in an alien world. Evolution doesn’t produce birds as we know them, evolution takes the most convenient source material and produces something to fill the niches birds occupy, and birds happened to be that source material.
I like to think about building a species like building a robot. How does a robot know where it’s going? Light sensors, maybe. Those don’t need to be orbs, or even at the front. How do some robots move? They don’t necessarily need spines or toes or claws or tails. How is fuel acquired? Lots of earth animals happen to have a hole in the front that sucks it in and breaks it up for refinement. Does it only have to be this way?
The more you separate life from Earth and relate it more to processes, means to the goal of continuing one’s design’s existence, creating more and more alien but still feasibly alive creatures becomes easier.
Above all, it should be fun. Researching biological precedent and basis from actual animals isn’t absolutely required, because those processes are based on logic—through which you can invent (or accidentally independently replicate) your own symbioses, organs, life cycles, and body chemistries.
Earth nature is like a template: working too closely from it can make you something that’s feasible, but could be recognizably earthly. Imagination is like raw resources: difficult to refine into something that makes total sense at first (from a lack of reference and guidance), but, with the right balance of templates and shots in the dark—you can make something positively, confidently alien!
You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to of course! It’s not a rule set, and you aren’t doing anything wrong if you don’t do them. The ultimate goal is to enjoy creating, not just the end result. Your aliens should be fun for you to draw. The amount of worldbuilding you want to do is your choice alone and no one else’s. Stopping at a single species, culture, planet is perfectly OK. Don’t let guides or other worlds pressure you into making more than you’re craving to.
I wish you the best of luck, fun, and ease.
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inmyfxith · 2 years ago
Undying Devotion
Pairing: Sully family x f!Omaticaya!reader / Aonung x f!Omaticaya!!reader (mostly at the end)
Warnings: Mention of harm (nothing graphic)
Words: 4k4
-> Requested.
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Kneeling behind a bush, your gaze never left the imposing stature of the Hexapede you were trying to chase. Since High Camp, you had followed its tracks, inspecting the ground with great care to detect its footsteps among all those who had trampled this land. You had sniffed the air, letting the breeze blow the few braids that were not held in place at the back of your head, to find his scent. That's when the hunt really started. A chase that brought you alive, a chase that gave you a daily dose of adrenaline during the search, and dopamine once the beast was in your sights. With your father's bow in hand, you moved with the utmost discretion so as not to reveal your presence to the innocently grazing animal. Once you were within range, you strung the bow the way Jake Sully had taught you, elbow up, palm caressing your cheek, gazing straight at the target. After taking a deep breath to adjust your shot, slow your heart and stop your arms from shaking, the arrow shot out and into the neck of the animal, which let out a shrill cry of pain that broke your heart.
Killing living things was never fun for any Na'vi who respected the world around them, but you needed it to live and prosper. Leaping over your bush, you laid your bow on the still cool, wet grass, pulling your hunting knife from its sheath. The beast, which had fallen on its side, was flailing its legs as if trying to escape, shouting to anyone who would listen to come help it. Kneeling beside it, you placed your hand on its head while closing your eyes before thrusting your blade into its heart to put it out of its misery.
In the middle of the forest, you had cut out the skin, the flesh, the entrails to make it easily transportable. Everything usable was wrapped in the large skin that you had just removed and sealed with sinews from other animals, taken from a previous hunt. Although heavy, the hide found its place on your shoulder and, before returning to camp, you made a detour to what remained of the Voice Tree. There, laying the remains of the animal in front of the half-burned tree, you opened your arms, closing your eyes again to let yourself be overwhelmed by the energies that seemed to endure despite the wounds that the place had suffered.
"Great Eywa, mother of all living things, I come before you with gratitude and reverence. I thank you for the abundance of life that surrounds me and sustains me, and I offer my respect and devotion to your wisdom and power. Today, I have hunted and taken the life of one of your creatures, a powerful and noble beast. I ask for forgiveness and understanding, for I know that all life is precious and interconnected in your grand design. I honor this creature and offer its life back to you, to be returned to the cycle of life and death that you have created. I ask that you bless and guide me as I use this gift of life to nourish and sustain myself, and that I always remember the responsibility and respect that comes with taking a life. Great Eywa, may I always be in harmony with your creation and your will." To end your prayer, you placed the heart of the beast at the foot of the tree, in the image of a religious sacrifice before resuming your journey to the refuge of your clan.
Since the return of the skypeople and their new quest to destroy the forest, the Omaticaya had been forced to leave the tree house, falling prey to a threat they could not afford to face directly. So the Olo'eyktan led his people to a more secure and discreet base in the heart of the Hallelujah mountain range. Although this new camp was nothing like the comfort of the tree house, the clan had eventually acclimated to this refuge, making it a new home. Approaching the entrance to the cave, you clicked your tongue in a steady rhythm, announcing to the Na'vi in charge of camp security that you were not an enemy. Seeing you appear from behind the thicket, some of you nodded more respectfully than sincerely. As soon as the shadow of the stone enveloped your face, you found your way back to the hut you shared with your mother, passing the former hut of the Sully family, now occupied by Tarsem. This path had become almost unbearable to take, but it was the shortest way knowing that what you managed to extract from the animal was too heavy to make the journey longer.
You had the impression that the Sullys had left the clan the day before, you remembered the day you heard the news of their departure with great accuracy. The situation was the same, you were returning from hunting and had just dropped off the corpse of a beast in front of their hut when you came upon Tuk organizing her affairs, her eyes glistening with tears. You smiled, imagining that perhaps Neytiri had ended up asking him to sort her toys. Unwittingly, your foot hit a carved wooden figure of the great Leonopteryx, Jake's legendary ikran that looked so much like your own that sometimes when you roamed the skies, some people claimed the last shadow had returned. When she didn't seem to see you, you took the opportunity to surprise her, reaching under her arms to lift her over your head and make her look like she was flying. The little girl, surprised, started to laugh, making a sound more sad than happy.
"What's the matter with you, Tuk Tuk?" You asked, your arms around her waist and your head resting on her shoulder while your knees were on the ground. Tuk rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand before sniffling loudly. She pivoted so that she could easily wrap her arms around your neck and find comfort in the crook of your arms.
"We're going to leave," she said in a trembling voice. Not really understanding what she was getting at, or what she assumed, you looked around until you came upon Kiri carrying a woven basket, presumably to store provisions. You tried to question her silently, but the girl remained silent, almost ashamed to have to tell you the sad truth. The Sullys were preparing to leave the clan. The Sullys were about to leave you.
Sitting in the grass, the breeze caressed your face as you watched Kiri rest before the big departure. As always, her motionless body was surrounded by forest spirits floating around her. Her expression, peaceful, made her face almost childlike. She was so amazingly gentle that it made you want to protect her. And that was what you had always tried to do when other children had made her the focus of their teasing. You had always been close to the Sullys, but especially to her, acting as a big sister, standing in for Neteyam in terms of her protection. Even though you had already been settled for several hours, and the calmness surrounded you, you were already dreading the moment of farewell because, even if Kiri had asked you, it was impossible for you to leave the High Camp, to leave your mother. And, as you put down the carcass of the hunted beast in front of your hut, a simple glance towards the one of the Olo'eyktan made you feel a strange feeling of mourning.
Tears had rolled down your cheeks as you said your goodbyes, which you convinced yourself were just goodbyes.
"Don't cry, we'll see each other soon," Neteyam said as he hugged you, but the truth is that without them you were lost. Without them, your perfect world would fall apart. You missed Lo'ak's jokes, Neteyam's strange wisdom and Tuk's laughter. The Sullys were your family. Your mother was also deeply affected by their departure; Jake and Neytiri had always made it a point to care for her after your father's untimely death. That's why, while she was brooding in your hut, you put your own emotions aside, pretending to live in harmony with yourself to give her a new environment. Besides hunting and fishing, you spent your free time in the human laboratory observing Grace's avatar as you used to do with Kiri. Before she left, she had almost made you promise to take care of her mother, as if you had the right skills to do so. But you thanked her inwardly when, weeks later, as you found yourself straddling Grace's avatar incubator, you heard Norm start to panic. He had probably forgotten you were there because he didn't hide the reason for his behavior for a second.
Drops of sweat were still beading on his forehead as he hurried to gather medical supplies. As you approached the radar that he kept on day and night, the screen displayed a small mound of islands on one of which a small green dot was flashing with coordinates. You didn't know what it was all about, an earthquake, an important discovery, the imminent arrival of the skypeople in the camp. But your questions ended when Max entered the laboratory after having put several avatars to sleep.
"It's Kiri!" Norm threw to him without further context, drawing your attention further.
"What Kiri? Norm, what's going on with Kiri?" You questioned him, leaving the concern that had just arisen in you. The scientist then became aware of your presence and his mistake. Seeing that he didn't answer, you approached him, frowning and taking a threatening look that you would have preferred not to show. Turning back to Max, he told him they had to leave as soon as possible and, before you had a chance to respond, the two men began to gather equipment.
Your instinct controlled your emotions faster than your reason and, returning to your mother's hut, you suddenly began to cry. Your mind was racing with conjecture, imagining that the worst things in the world had happened to your best friend, one of the people who meant the most to you, and you weren't even there for her. Returning from the gathering with a small group of other women, your mother found you kneeling by the semblance of a fire that was still crackling, your eyes filled with tears, and your cheeks pink with the saltiness of the tear fluid. Without waiting, she dropped her basket to join you, taking you almost instantly in her arms and asking you what could be causing you so much grief.
"I failed, Mom," you blurted out, holding back another sob, letting her arms wrap around you and finding a protection that normally only you could provide. She stroked your hair, rocking you gently, waiting for you to tell her more.
"I failed," you repeated before you realized what you were doing. Of course your mother would never hold you responsible for the situation you found yourself in, it was natural to snap from time to time. Still, you broke free of her embrace, exhaling the air from your lungs several times to regain your composure before explaining the situation as clearly as possible.
"Imagine that the person you love most in the world is in danger, that you know where they are, but you can't get to them because you have obligations elsewhere. And then you feel guilty and helpless and..."
"Sweetheart, we can't help everyone," she took a deep breath at the unconvinced look you gave her. "You know, when the skypeople started this war years ago, when you weren't even an idea, your father saved me. By then he had already become the Olo'eyktan of our clan, and while I was walking in the forest collecting berries, some Men captured me. I was afraid, I was almost beginning to think that Eywa had abandoned me. That I was paying for all the bad things we had done, even without realizing it. And, just when I thought it was all over, he came and saved me." She rarely spoke of Tsu'tey, the man who had saved her and made her his Tsahik. Her eyes had become almost glassy and, she was no longer looking at you. "What I mean to say, my darling, is that I don't need to be saved anymore. I know you promised Eywa to protect me, to take care of me. But that is not your role, and it never was." She approached you again, this time placing her hand on your back. "So if your greatest desire today is to go to Kiri. Then go, I offer you my blessing. And I will pray to Eywa every day for you to find her.”
Although still full of guilt, but this time for a different reason, you packed a few things, including your bow and some arrows, before putting on your flight gear. The helicopter's propellers had just started turning when you mounted your ikran, ready for a journey of several hours.
As your ikran flew over the beach of the village of Awa'atlu, your determination to find Kiri overrode the fact that many of the native Na'vi on the islands seemed almost afraid of your mount's size. When Norm and Max's helicopter found a place to land on one of the stretches of beach, you jumped onto the warm sand, letting your ikran fly away until your next call. With your bow on your back, most of the Metkayina took you as a threat at first before you spoke the next words.
"I am looking for Kiri. Kiri te Suli Kirevsi'ite." Although they spoke the same language as you, everyone seemed to look at you as if you were from a completely different planet. You were about to get angry when the crowd split, creating a path for a small group of boys. At the head of it stood a proud boy who couldn't have been much older than you. He looked at you from head to toe with a look in which you detected a haughty side and another indecipherable expression. As no one seemed inclined to answer you, you let out a sharp cry in the air and, only a few moments later, your ikran came to rest on the sand, a few meters behind you. You didn't take your eyes off the boy, however, he had come to test you, and the mischievous smile he gave you when he saw your beast was enough to convince you that this game was won.
With a nod, he urged you to follow him, and so you did, still holding your bow firmly in your hand. After a few steps on the warm sand, you finally spotted Neteyam, leaning against a palm tree, sharpening the tip of a spear made of a lighter wood than you were used to using. Neteyam was like you, he always needed to keep himself busy so that his mind would not wander to and fro. The young man who escorted you walked with a pride that, beside you, seemed almost out of place. He sometimes glanced over his shoulder at you, as if he were trying to find a way to engage you in conversation but couldn't.
"Sully! Someone's here for you." The boy tossed to Neteyam who instantly raised his head before throwing his spear to approach you as if there was no way you were actually standing in front of him. Neteyam stopped a few inches away from you, as if to make sure it was really you before taking you in his arms. It was a strange sensation, you felt alive again, as if you had just found your home.
"I promised you we'd meet again," he whispered before your gaze caught the shadow of questioning that passed before his eyes. He was probably wondering how you had found them, or why you had decided, only now, to join them. To cut short all that, you spoke up, explaining the situation.
"Norm told Max that Kiri was in danger. You know how much your sister...you know how much you mean to me, I could stand there with my arms crossed...so I followed the helicopter and, here I am." His expression suddenly changed, showing the concern he was trying to curb by sharpening his spear. Without adding anything more, he moved slightly away, pointing with his chin to the hut where his family had been living for the past few months and where Norm and Max had just been unjustly thrown out by Neytiri, whose voice you recognized. Neteyam then glanced at the young man who had brought you to him, offering him a nod of thanks before putting his hand on your back to lead you forward.
As you walked toward the hut, your heart began to beat so fast that you thought it would burst out of your chest. The hand that held your bow began to get sticky because you were afraid of what you would find. Neteyam told you to wait for him a few meters away from the hut, so that he could tell his family about your arrival and make sure that everything was okay. So you observed the surroundings, the crystalline sea, the few Metkayina who were busy fishing for animals more elegant than those of your forest and, as your gaze had just landed on the strange aquatic mount of the members of this clan, a voice diverted your attention. Swinging back toward the hut, Tuk ran toward you, arms open and shouting your name. Laying your bow at your feet, you knelt down to welcome him into your arms.
"I see you missed me, Tuk Tuk. Guess what, I missed you too." You whispered before kissing her forehead. In the frame of the hut, Neytiri was helping Kiri stand and when your gaze met hers, you felt relieved to see that she was alive. Soon Kiri told you what had happened since her family had arrived at the Metkayina home, and why Jake had felt compelled to call in Norm and Max. Although she was almost angry at him for thinking of them, Kiri told you that she was glad he had done so, because you had been able to find her.
Awa'atlu was an amazing place, so different from what you had always known. You were not one of the few Metkayina who looked at you with a worried expression every time you passed by. Perhaps they thought that at any moment the beast you were riding would appear from behind the horizon to take them away from their beloved beach. You missed your mother, and High Camp, hunting had become different here as you turned to fishing under the wise advice of the boy who had led you to Neteyam, and whom you understood to be the son of the clan chief. Tonowari had not made your presence known because of your attachment to the Sully, and he probably just assumed that you were related. The boy in question, Aonung, always seemed to find a way to approach you, whether you were in the water or on the beach. Without really addressing you, he would sometimes tell you the extent of his exploits which, to be quite honest, sometimes seemed slightly ridiculous. Kiri had, of course, told you the story of her altercation with him, which had caused Lo'ak and Neteyam to be beaten up by Jake. So your regard for him was lower than he would have expected. Despite this, you were not unpleasant in his presence, keeping in mind that if he could afford to fight without consequences, he would probably be capable of many other things.
Within a few weeks, you had almost found a place with the Metkayina, learning to live like them and in harmony with the new marine ecosystem. However, the calm could only be short-lived, and before you even had time to make your first trip back to the mountains, the skypeople emerged as a threat on the horizon.
"I forbid you to fight, you are much too young." Being able to understand what was at stake with the skypeople's return, it took you only a few seconds to grab your bow and prepare to ride the heir of the last shadow towards the fight. But Jake didn't seem to think so, and as you were about to leave your hut to meet Kiri and Tuk in the water, he grabbed you by the arm.
Frowning, you broke away from his grip before proudly announcing, "Far be it from me to disrespect you, but it turns out that today you are no longer my Olo'eyktan, nor even my father." Taking on his grave air, he merely offered you a nod, aware that he could not retaliate without a valid argument. Not even your mother could have dissuaded you from going on a crusade, because she would have been one of the first arguments. By ridding Pandora of the enemy, everyone could live in harmony. So it is with determination that you joined the girls, ready to protect them from all possible dangers. But, while you hoped to find in Awa'atlu a strong position, Lo'ak came to divert your plans. Since Kiri had wanted to follow her brother, you followed him, discovering there the impressive Tulkun who answered to the name of Payakan. The boat then emerged from the horizon and, as everyone left the tulkun on the back of their ilu, Tsireya offered you to get on hers, or rather she pulled your hand to force you to leave.
The rest, you knew, was inevitable. Lo'ak, Tsireya and Tuk were captured. Having managed to escape thanks to the pockets of air provided by the immense underwater vegetation, you watched from afar the few attacks of Payakan, amazed by the beauty of a beast that you had surely involuntarily underestimated. You could not afford to remain helpless in the face of the situation and, calling your ikran, you rode it to the boat, your bow attached to its seal, you managed to hit a man while flying over the boat before your mount caught him to throw him into the ocean. As the ship slowly began to sink, you landed. Neteyam and Lo'ak were still on the ship, you had seen them go inside the iron giant, cursing them inwardly. The metal was cold, adding perfectly to the atmosphere of the place. Your bow still in hand, an arrow ready to be shot, you groped your way forward, using your keen hearing to find your prey.
Kneeling behind a thick metal plate, your gaze never left the imposing stature of the Na'vi soldier who held his weapon so firmly that it appeared to be an extension of his arm. From the small gap through which you had entered the ship, you had followed their tracks, inspecting the ground with great care for mud or any trace of passage. You sniffed the stuffy air for an unfamiliar smell. That's when the hunt really started. A chase that made you come alive, a chase that had once given you a daily dose of adrenaline during the search, and dopamine once the beast was in your sights. Gunshots rang out to your right, drawing not only your attention but also that of your prey, who rushed towards the origin of the noise. Following quietly, you saw Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Spider, safe from their enemies' fire, as a Na'vi lay dead on the ground. Other soldiers appeared next to the one you had initially tried to chase away, and while Lo'ak and Spider had just jumped into the water to escape, Neteyam would not have made it, and you were more than aware of that.
Without thinking, you shot your arrow, hitting your prey in the head, forcing him to the ground, diverting for a moment the attention of the soldiers who now had to fight on two fronts. You had just given Neteyam time to flee, and he had seized your opportunity. But now the soldiers knew where you were, and even if you tried to turn back, bullets were raining down on you.
When the air hit your face again, your first action was to call your ikran, which took only a few seconds to reach you and allow you to leave the ship. Aware of your flight, the soldiers regrouped on the deck to prevent you from flying further. Even though you were skilled, two bullets managed to find their way into the flesh of your arm and thigh, causing the pain you were unprepared for. Squeezing one of your wounds, you let your mount pull you back to solid ground as the world slowly began to spin around you. Setting foot on the sand, the pain in your leg was so sharp that you could only take two steps before you collapsed to the ground, letting the waves caress your feet and the sun warm your face.
You emerged into the Sully hut, Tuk's face close to yours.
"Hey, Tuk Tuk, did you miss me?" The little girl offered you a smile and, you winced as you tried to lift your arm to ruffle her hair. You then straightened up, admiring the bands that now adorned your arm and thigh. If Tuk and Neytiri were here, then the battle had to be over. "Did everyone make it?" You asked Neytiri then, suddenly overcome with a sense of apprehension that you had to keep quiet. The mother of the family offered you a smile similar to her youngest daughter's, nodding in response. Then you let out a sigh before lying back down, relieved to have helped bring peace to Pandora.
By the time you were well enough to leave the hut on your own, the Metkayina were already holding ceremonies to celebrate the return of a peace that would probably not last.
As the campfire crackled and popped, you sat silently, lost in thought. You gaze was fixed on the distant horizon, where the first rays of dawn were starting to break through the darkness. Despite this, you noticed Aonung while looking to the waves.
He leaned back against a nearby log, crossing his arms over his chest as he regarded you with a cocky expression.
"Nothing in particular," he replied. "Just thought I'd come and see how you were doing." You snorted, clearly not believing him.
"Right," you muttered sarcastically. "Because that's exactly what you're known for, isn't it? Your kindness and concern for others." Aonung's smirk deepened, enjoying the banter between you.
"Touché," he said, chuckling lightly. "But you have to admit, it's more fun when we're not at each other's throats." You rolled your eyes, but despite yourself, you couldn't help but feel a small smile tug at the corners of your mouth.
"I guess you have a point there," you conceded. Aonung pushed himself up from the log and walked over to you, his expression turning serious.
"But in all seriousness, how are you doing?" he asked, his voice softening. "Do you need any help with your wounds?"
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Tag -> @eywas-heir ; @cullenswife ; @liyahsocorro
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chimeride · 3 years ago
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An art challenge to celebrate the 4th anniversary of this project !
You can do one a day or spread it over months, you can use any style or media you want, you can interpret each word as you want or follow the precisions below, it can be just silly sketches if you want, make this challenge yours and the only true rule is to have fun !
Make sure to tag your work #chimeraquest so I can find them easily, you can send them to me or tag me too if you want to :)
Shitty cryptid : creature submitted on @shittycryptids​ (shittycryptids.tumblr.com).
Pseudophyta : chimeras that looks like a plant.
Shell : full of surprise.
Dragon : show us what a dragon is.
Pun : chimera based on a pun.
Ghost : flotting creatures with disturbing faces, patterns, teeth and tentacles.
Cephalopod : limbs directly connected to the head.
Centaur : hexapedal creatures with two or three distincts torsos.
Pseudofauna : chimeras that looks like another animal.
Bird : they are really cool if you look closely.
Merfolk : swimming creatures, front mammalian (not always) and rear sea creature.
Music : chimeras based on a music, or produce sound.
Vampire : blood-drinking chimera (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hematophagy).
Bug : mostly based on arthropods.
Fae : flying insectoid, probably small.
The Known Ones : tribute to a creature design you like.
Pseudoartifact : chimera based on an object.
Reverse : classic chimera, but upside-down.
Goblinoid : mostly quadrupedal and mammalian, probably small, and considered “ugly”.
Metachimera : fuse two different prompts of the list (except 16 and 31).
Unicorn : creatures with one horn on the forehead.
Zooanthrop : humanoid with animal features.
Demon : can range from classical art and occultism to pop culture.
Pseudopaleo : chimera based on an extinct animal.
Homonculus : humans fused with humans.
Sea creature : seems more adapted to live underwater.
Suggestion : take a suggestion from somebody (a friend, your followers, your mother, that guy you see everyday at the bus stop, etc.)
Gryphon : winged hexapedal creature, front avian and rear mammal.
Sponge people : body horror from the seabeds.
Hellpig : twisted pigs and boars.
The Unknown : original creatures, unknown chimeras of our world until then.
Art challenges have been very important in the Éphéméride des Chimères, they helped me to find inspiration and to give me motivation to draw even more, I hope mine will help you too.
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stevebattle · 2 years ago
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WonderBorg (2000) from Tiger Electronics, Vernon Hills, IL. This beetle-like hexapod robot was produced in cooperation between Bandai and the Japan Science and Technology agency (JST). Designed as an entry-level robot for use in classrooms, JST also developed an accompanying educational game called, rather unimaginatively, "JST Robot Game" where students program the WonderBorg to navigate a maze. A clever feature of the WonderBorg is that it’s reconfigurable, with different gearings favouring torque or speed, and wheels to replace the robot's usual hexapedal design. Left and right motors enable the WonderBorg to scuttle forward or reverse, and turn while moving or rotate in place. Sensors include left and right tactile antennae, a light sensor, and a floor sensor to detect the presence of a drop. It can be controlled via its infrared receiver using a PC with Bandai’s RobotWorks software. “Today, young people are not interested in maintaining much concern about science and technology which poses a significant problem. … [WonderBorg] is so designed [to] allow easy robot assembly and programming. Therefore, even grade school pupil and junior high school students can go through overall fabrication of things covering electronics, machine and software. … every child can start robot study and deepen robot-related knowledge easily at school and at home.” – What is [JST Robot Game] ?.
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