#hes slowly becoming more and more fraggle
peskypawz · 2 years
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my little creature
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michaelnotwheeler · 2 months
hello goobers my name is james, preferably jams though. i am a transmasc minor and a therian. my preferred pronouns are he/it/they. please dont use feminine terms for me, even terms for example, “sister” or “girl” used sarcastically in a greeting can cause gender dysphoria for me and i would appreciate if you didnt. so thank you.
i really like the classic thomas the tank engine show (britt allcroft) how to train your dragon, dhmis (dont hug me im scared) young royals, stranger things, animal crossing, back to the future, the outsiders, sesame street, anything muppet related (except for things recently produced by disney) fraggle rock, our flag means death, red white and royal blue.
i like to listen to the aubreys, marina, glass animals, odetari, asteria, cavetown, the cure, the hitcher soundtrack, tv girl, tame impala, carseat headrest.
i am slowly becoming more and more of a theatre kid, i like to draw, either characters from a show i am hyper fixating on at that moment in time, or just gayness. i also like to write. and swim. and work in my dads shop. and bake. i also like to consume rubber bands.
please just dont interact if youre weird (in a creepy gross way) its not that difficult. im not uncomfortable if youre over 18 and interact, im just not comfortable if you ask personal questions, or are generally creepy and weird.
anyway enjoy this gif of grover being the most something youve ever seen
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The Fraggle Rock Story
CHAPTER 2: Gobo’s Predicament
Gobo, as the intelligent reader no doubt already guessed, was not in love with Red and had no plans to ever be. Gobo hated romance to its core, especially the fact that it was inescapable. Every fraggle had it on their minds, it seemed, at the strangest and most inconvenient intervals, everyone but him. Even Uncle Traveling Matt, it was rumored, had broken several hearts back in his day. Worse, his little house, once his sole refuge from the mushy elements, had become home to two very lovesick Fraggles.
First Wembley had realized he was in love with Boober. And from then on it was Boober, Boober, Boober from dawn till night, an endless chorus from the little greenish creature on how handsome he was, how soft his hair was, how beautifully his tail glowed… Drivel, absolute drivel. Gobo hesitated to even send Wembley’s shirts to Boober to be laundered. Whenever they’d come back, there would be a lot of crying and carrying on over the silliest thing. “Oh, Gobo, it smells just like him!” Wembley would say, and then inhale deeply of the textile, tears leaking slowly from his eyes as he thought about his unhappy love. “Gee, Wembley, that’s great,” he would say, and then go about sorting his postcards or busying himself in the construction of a new twelve-stringed mandolin, looking just industrious enough so that Wembley would clam up and he could get a few moment’s peace. But nothing could have prepared him for the arrival of Red.
Say what one will about Gobo, his arrogance, his hero-worship, his quixotic hopes and often bullish personality, he would never turn away a friend in need. So when Red turned up on his doorstep with, of all things, tears in her eyes, he couldn’t help but let her in, fix her a drink, and listen to her troubles.
“Oh, Gobo,” she had said, “I just don’t know what to do in a situation like this—somehow, the other day, when Mokey was kissing me goodnight—” Gobo raised his eyelids. “Oh, stop it, Gobo, it’s only a goodnight kiss, no more than nine or ten seconds—I suddenly realized that I love her—and yes, I’m afraid it’s in the sappy way, I’m sorry… But such a dreamboat as Mokey could never love me. As you have pointed out, Gobo, I’m too brash, too arrogant, for someone like her to ever love me.”
“At least no more than nine or ten seconds worth,” said Gobo.
“Will you shut up and listen? Gee whiz.”
“Sorry, of course.”
“And since she could never love me, it is impossible for us to live together. I could only make her uncomfortable, I’m really a danger to her. I’d feel safer—for both of us—if I moved out, but I don’t really think there’s a cave available at the moment--”
“Well, Red, if you’re so worried about it, you could always stay over here for a little while,” Gobo said. “I can sleep on the couch until a cave opens up--”
“Oh, thank you, Gobo. But don’t move out of the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch. Why should you give up your bed for me just because I’m lovesick? I hate to impose on you--”
“Really, Red, it’s no trouble. Couch, bed, whatever, just get your things and come over, if you’re so worried. Wembley won’t mind, he’s currently infatuated himself.”
“With who?”
“That bag of nerves? Well, at least I can rest assured I have better taste.”
And so Red moved in with Gobo and Wembley. This turned out, despite everything Gobo said, to be trouble. Every morning Red would start weeping on the couch, softly and slowly. This would wake up Gobo and Wembley a little too early. Gobo would try to go back to sleep but Wembley, always the most compassionate at the worst possible times, would go over to Red and “comfort” her, a process which usually involve him weeping as well.
“Listen to you two!” Gobo said one morning as he took up the breakfast dishes. “You’d think I was running an infirmary for the lovesick. Do you saps need a moss pack? But ah—I forget,” he said, lapsing into a startlingly accurate impression of Mokey, “One cannot apply a moss pack—to the—heart…”
“YOU STOP MAKING FUN OF MOKEY!” Red hollered, her face scrunched in rage. Then her voice softened. “Oh… Mokey…” Then it was back to blubbering among the two of them, even more than previously. “Oh, Boober, will you ever know how much I care?” wept Wembley. “That does it,” said Gobo finally, and he walked out the door. He was taking this matter straight to the Trash Heap herself.
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sclfmastery · 4 years
© mum facts specific to our verses. Permission to fully go off. :D
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Hell yeah, I need soft things.... get ready bitches, this is all my mainverses, so it’s gonna be LONG lmfao.
SIMM X THIRTEEN (kids: Zinnia, Martha, Jack) :  --Became licensed doula just so he could be the one to deliver all his kids. Has done so, with aplomb.  In fact never lets anyone forget that he is in fact a licensed doula. Will mention it 3-5 times per conversation with anyone ever.
--Spoiled Thirteen a lot during pregnancy.  To the point that she starts to like being pregnant, lol.  --Goes interchangeably by “Daddy” and “Mum.”  Whichever the kid is feeling at the time. Secretly likes “Mum” best but doesn’t wanna pressure anybody.  --He is terrified his children will find out one day about the horrible things he’s done to their mother’s companions in the past.  
--He misses being a mother specifically. His clearest memories of parenthood are as a mother of one daughter, in his second face, which is little-known-of, but is the face Missy referred to when she mentioned a brooch the Doctor gave her “when my daughter....”  He is convinced he will fail his three current babies as he did his first child, by failing to protect her during the Time War, when ostensibly she died (but who knows, maybe she didn’t....?)  --Literal best friends with eldest daughter, Zinnia, thusly named after the first earth flower to bloom in space.  She is him, miniature, down to the fat cheeks, tiny nose, and exact shade of blond hair.  Her faceclaim is Elle Fanning.  She’s artistic (she assigns colors to people’s telepathic “feeling,” with the Master as Red, the Doctor as Blue, herself as Purple) and almost bizarrely prescient about the moods and thoughts of others, especially for a child of three. Her vocab is up to that of a seven or eight year old human child’s.   --Learned to sew to make a lot of her stuffed animals. Learned to cook to make her organic baby food and branched out to adult meals. Previously was a disastrously bad cook. 
--Has built the most complex maze of Erector Set toys (think the little builder people from Fraggle Rock lol) for babies.  This, he believes, will be their little playground paradise.  It’s set so that anytime Zinnia opens the nursery door and walks in, a little purple ball rolls along the whole landscape.  During Christmas time (this Koschei loves Christmas even though he hates humans, lol) he also builds in a trainset with a little waving Santa Claus in the engine car.  He delights in spoiling his children with elaborate toys and games.  --Right before Zinnia was born, revamped the entire merged DoctorxMaster superTARDIS to be child proofed, and made the nursery armored so that even in the unlikely event of an enemy penetrating the TARDIS, the nursery would lock and be impenetrable to anyone but either parent.  Woke up at night terrified by nightmares of convoluted ways she could be killed on the TARDIS.  Like, truly implausible ways.  --Took extensive scientifically sound documentation of every stage of both of Thirteen’s pregnancies.  Measured her belly, took videos, asked her roughly every other day if they could go take a new sonogram.  
--Gained about 25 lbs of sympathy weight over the first pregnancy. All custard cream stress-eating. 
--Upon Thirteen’s urging, named their next kids, fraternal twins, Martha and Jack, after companions they both felt they’d especially wronged, as a vow to do better.
--Zinnia adores Bill Potts, or “Auntie Bill.” After the Master offers careful conversation (and profuse sincere apology) to Bill, who is living with Heather on a distant planet, they very slowly reconcile their friendship from their time on the Mondasian ship.  He convinces her to talk to the Doctor, who also apologizes and reconciles with Bill. Zinnia has decided she will be Bill’s best friend forever. 
--Koschei will impenitently kill anyone who threatens his children’s lives, and has. And not in a quick merciful way. 
--Ironically he regularly has nightmares about converting all three of them, but especially Zinnia, into Cybermen: something he would die before ever doing. 
--This Koschei is his babie’s best A) playmate (no game is too silly or undignified), B) storyteller, and C) cheerleader/advocate.  He can pull any child out of the deepest meltdown or tantrum or sad spot or post-nightmare fear with a snuggle and just a few words.  His sanguine disposition and bombastic charm are a comfort to them. 
--This Koschei and Thirteen are planning on terraforming Gallifrey in their timeline, which is POST-Timeless-Children canon.  They want to plant a silver tree and build an entire “home base” farm around it, where their babies can play and grow up knowing the land of their heritage. 
--He absolutely wants a kid, wants to be “mum,” with all the same memories from his Second face, but is afraid to ask Nine about loom tech now that Nine destroyed Gallifrey. Will it upset, guilt, or trigger his husband to bring up anything lost to the carnage? 
--He absolutely wants a kid, wants to be “mum,” and is wholly intending to ask the Doctor at the right moment in their relationship, when the Doctor is more secure that he’s forgiven and that Koschei harbors no lingering resentments or mistrust (he really doesn’t, but this Doctor is very tired and emotionally fragile, and is having a hard time believing him).  As all Time Lords are intersex (EU canon, though I can’t remember the source now, gah), he’s considering carrying the first child the “non-loomy way,”  though managing this will be difficult given the only thing all Time Lords share reproductively is a uterus.  If that can’t be managed, he wants them to build a loom. And he will demand that they do, lmao.
DHAWAN x THIRTEEN (children: Nova): --Thirteen is “mum” and Koschei is “mama.”
--During Thirteen’s pregnancy, Koschei took progress photos of her belly and painted her at every stage, in the nude.   He’s an accomplished visual artist in this face.  
--She asked that he also paint a planet on her pregnant belly.  He obliged of course. 
--He hid all her disgusting sweets and candies during her pregnancy, with riddles and notes explaining “bad for baby xoxo,” and she almost killed him.  
--But he also spoiled her a lot. 
--Koschei is an accomplished seamstress ;) and sews all of Nova’s clothes.  She is very haute couture because of mama. 
--Nova is born deaf.  She and her mama have been telepathically “conversing” since she was in the womb, however, so they already have their own developed language.  Koschei learns comprehensive BSL in one day by putting his brain on three separate simultaneous tracks (as he’s shown able to do in The Timeless Children) and devoting each to mastery of the vocabulary. He then teaches it to his daughter when she’s old enough to learn.
--Thirteen often calls Koschei “mama kangaroo.” This is because he carries Nova everywhere inside whatever shirt he’s wearing, like it’s a kangaroo pouch.  He does this until she’s like seven or eight and just too big for it.  He cries when he has to stop.  She’s pretty bummed out too, but she starts to ride around on his back instead. 
--During the aftermath of the Timeless Children events, Koschei sought therapy, even voluntarily staying at a facility for mental wellness when he could have easily sabotaged the efforts and broken out.  He learned all kinds of self-soothing mindfulness and meditation techniques there. He teaches these telepathically to Nova and they sit together yogi style meditating. Sometimes this is a hybrid event with tea parties. They both wear their best dress.   
--They also enjoy taking a dip in the TARDIS’s pool together.  He plays Jaws to make her laugh.
--I have more but I’ll stop. FOR NOW. 
--Same exact deal as Simm and Nine.  Same. Exact. Deal, but mixed up with Simm and Twelve :3c So he wants to very literally become a mum with his big tough husband-to-be.  
Both of my muses live and die for their children.  They adore being dadmums.  They are the best version of themselves with and for their babies. 
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k-hiphopshit · 7 years
I’m Not Sorry (Dean x Reader)
Requestedby anon. I don’t know if it’s angst but I tried, based on the song “i’m not sorry” by Dean. Enjoy!
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You thought that being with Hyuk would be great, he wined and dined you, he treated you like the most precious woman. You were in the industry too so you did not trust him, you were an underground rapper and you were around rappers and other artists all the time, so you knew the game. You know the saying "things happen when you are not on guard"? exactly that.
He started ignoring you, missing calls and dates became normal, you started feeling used and it hurt, he was only there when he needed someone to warm his bed. The worst part was when you decided to confront him, asking questions he didn't want to answer.
"Hyuk i'm not a hooker, I deserve more than this, you told me I deserve everything! where did that go?"
"Look, I don't have time for this"
He went to get his trousers and pulled a pack of money, he started approaching you with the pack on his hand, you could feel your stomach turning.
"Take this, go buy some nice stuff and have a good night OK princess?"
He instructed you, placing the money on your hand. You looked at him with rage, you might have been sad a second ago but now you were fuming. You acted automatically and slapped him as hard as you could, you threw the money at him and got up to get your stuff. He just stood there looking at you with a devious smile.
"Don't EVER call me again, you are an asshole"
"Whatever you say princess, close the door on your way out"
"Go to hell"
You started issolating yourself, you had true feelings for Hyuk and seeing him treating you like this was a huge pain to your heart but also to your ego. Because of your unstable mind you decided to take a break from everything, from your friends, your studio, social media, the gym,everything. You stayed at home, you knew it would hurt your career but you had to do this, you ad to deal with your heartbreak.
Slowly but surrely you rose back up. You went to the gym, you called a few friends and you heared a few beats for inspiration. Of course your "no show" attitude made your name take a tumble, you just suddenly went ghost mode and people thought you were done for, you had to get started all over again, but you were ready to face the music and show to everyone that you still lived for music. 
"I don't want to face him again"
"This is the best opportunity to put your name back out there, Show me the money is a huge show and can give you back your credibility. If you do get through the team selection pick another team, you have worked with Jay and he would for sure want you on his team"
Your producer argued back. You and him had managed to develop a good friendship, that is the reason he was on your case for applying to this stupid show, you had to admit he was right about how big the show was,but could you really stand seeing his face again. You knew good and damn well that he would feel a great satisfaction for being able to judge you, cause that's just how he was, an asshole full of pride and lust for power over anyone.
"I don't know"
"This is your career (y/n) you are going to throw it away for him? this will give him more pleasure than letting him be a judge. Even if you don't go, you will have to face him, you can't hide anymore"
That hit you straight in your heart. He was right, you have been avoiding him for such a long time, you can't keep doing this, also it will help you one hundred percent move on from this, to finally see him and be comfortable with it, don't just run out the room or refuse to go to an outing just in the thought he could be there.
"Fine, I will apply"
On the first round of auditions you were lucky. Tiger JK was the one that showed up in front of you to hear what you had, so you bowed and waited for him to give you the go 
(These are lyrics from a song I like, nicki minaj ft. eminem Roman's Revenge)
I am not Jasmine, I am Aladdin So far ahead, these bums is lagging See me in that new thing, bums is gagging I'm starting to feel like a dungeon dragon Raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon I'm starting to feel like a dungeon dragon Look at my show footage, how these girls be spazzin' So fuck I look like getting back to a has-been Yeah, I said it, has-been, hang it up, flat screen Plasma, hey Nicki, hey Nicki, asthma I got the pumps, it ain't got medicine I got bars, sentencing I'm a bad bitch, I'm a cunt And I'll kick that ho, punt Forced trauma, blunt You play the back, bitch, I'm in the front You need a job, this ain't cutting it Nicki Minaj is who you ain't fucking with You lil' Fraggle Rock, I beat you with a pad-a-lock I am a movie, camera block You outta work, I know it's tough But enough is enough
You were happy with your delivery, your voice loud and clear with a heavy amount of confidence. Tiger JK smiled and gave you the necklace.
"Good Job, keep working hard"
You smiled and put the necklace on, as you saw the cameras approach you to see your reaction.
"2017 will be the best year, watch out"
Now was the hard part, but you decided to make it even harder so you pulled a few lyrics you had written while heartbroken just to fully let it all out and actually show some emotion other than confidence and the common project of "i'm the best, I get money" that everyone was projecting. So you patiently waited until your name was called and it did, you took a deep breath and walked to the door before the stage with the put of fire.
"Ohh this will be interesting"
Jay said. He was one of the few people you had confessed everything that happened, he sympathised with you and helped you find yourself again, you owed a lot to him.
The door opened and you walked in trying to avoid eye contact with him, inside you were shaking but on the outsdie you just smiled and stood on the spot with the big X.
"Who was the one that passed you?"
"Tiger Jk hyung"
You answered and looked at him. So did the others, waiting to hear the reason behind it.
"She had very strong lyrics, she was very strong and neat with the lyrics so the necklace was very well deserved."
"Thank you"
"Okay so let's go"
(These lyrics are from a song “doin’ good by kittib and Verbal jint)
It’s the first for me too After I met you, I got some sick time off But things just got dull and soft My growth did not become better
Even when you changed things however you wanted I was so busy adjusting to that I didn’t want to acknowledge this But my heart is bigger, even if I became the weaker person
I remember back then, you said, “not you” but I told you that I got this someday I hated myself for being next to you I hated myself but I still believed in myself
I’ve opened my once blind eyes I’ll put away the question mark that I had on myself No one can knock me down I’m turning the light off between us
I’m not a firefighter but now I’m extinguishing So I won’t find myself in anyone else Focus, look in the mirror Believe in what you see, I’ll win it all I’ll give time to myself instead of guys I need nothing
You took a deep breath and pretty much got out of the zone that you were on, you didn't really pay attention to the judges while you were rapping, it was like you were alone in the booth or your house. Although you got an all pass.
"That was a strong amount of emotion"
"I went on a hiatus because of something that happened on my personal life, so I wanted to come back here because I want to show that i'm still worth it but to also give a glimpse of were my mindset was at the time"
You explained looking at Dok2, who was the one that asked. They nodded and you waited for further comments.
"It was beautiful, we don't really see others coming here and admitting feelings like that"
Gaeko commented and you nodded, it was exactly what you wanted to achieve and you were happy someone got the memo.
"That's what I wanted, we are all humans"
"We'll see you on the next round"
Zico chipped in. You bowed and walked away with a happy smile all over your face. You did it, not only you passed, you saw and performed right in front of him, with confidence might I add.
What you did not expect was an unexpected phone call during the night hours. You picked up thinking nothing off it but your breath hitched to your throat once you heard that familiar voice.
"That was quite a show you put on today (y/n)"
Dean. You had stopped calling him by his real name a while ago, since the fame had eaten him up and there was no real person behind Dean. You swallowed the lump in your throat and faced the music
"What do you want?"
"I know you want to hear a sorry (y/n), but i'm not sorry. Actually I think I should hear a thank you from you, since the song that gave you a pass was all about me"
"Is this why you called?"
"Come on (y/n). What do you want to hear? that I missed you? No I don't, why you were hiding I made money. Why did you even performed that? to make me regret what I said? no I don't"
You could not understand why he called you,he was just bragging, honestly you did not feel hurt or pissed anymore, you were just over it.
"Here's what's up Dean. Don't ever call me again, you are an asshole that does not deserve any of my time, let me succeed on my own and please if I do make it in a team I would appreciate it if you NEVER come and talk to me. I hope you rot with your money in hell"
After that you hunged up. There it was, the pain was slowly creeping on to you, why did it had to be like this? why doeshe want to hurt you so badly? he called just to put you down, to rub his success on your face, he acted like you had hurt him and not the other way around. That's when the question came
"Should I give the show up?"
What if he is like this all the time? What if he never stops calling you, can you live with him waiting to rip you in pieces? What will happen next?
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maverick-gone-home · 7 years
Six Crows-Chapter One, Part Six
Two dudes, one bed, and a crap ton of monsters that aren’t that bad.
No Cannon Characters (All I did was use the show as a basis and wrote the story in the show’s universe, but it doesn’t really touch the show’s characters at all. Crowley was there for a few lines though.)
Cannon Typical Violence
Start here to read it on Tumblr
Start here to read it on Archive of Our Own
Warning: V and E talk about the friggle fraggle (doing the do, doing it). It's nothing graphic, but I just thought I'd say that they talk about in case it makes you uncomfortable. Also, don't get your hopes up. It's just E being E. Note From the Future: The writing style in the first part of this is kind of weird/different than the usual stuff.
The apartment's bedroom was still dark when Vincent woke, namely because it was underground and had no windows. I mean, Eli built it in a basement, what kind of windows are you going to have? Windows that show dirt? Just wake up, pull the curtains back and woo, would you look at that! Dirt! Such a surprise.
Really though, Vincent checked the bedside clock for the time. It was seven; earlier than he would usually get up (normal members of the East Pack were expected at breakfast by eight). The real reason Vincent was up thirty minutes early? Food. He smelled food. The one sure-fire way to get him or any other skinwalker to do anything.
He rolled out of bed, messily carded his fingers through his hair to tame the mess that was his bedhead. He stretched, donned some sweats, and headed straight to the kitchen.
Eli was at the stove, an open carton of eggs nearby. He was dressed in the same clothes from yesterday, which have not been described to you. To mend this mistake, said clothes will be described now.
He wore a white dress shirt (A/N: I spelled that shit the first time) the sleeves pushed messily to his elbows and a dark red tie around his neck. His pants were simply black slacks held up by suspenders, of which Vincent had commented on before. Elijah's only response was mumbling, "I think they're cool." He hasn't stopped wearing suspenders. His current ones were black, but had been pushed down from his shoulders and now hung from his hips. On his feet were simple, white socks. Elijah never liked people to wear shoes in the apartment. He had never given a reason to Vincent, but he had always thought he just had a thing about dirt. We've already been over the fact that Eli has messy blond hair, though I'm not sure if we've covered the fact that his eyes are green... Well, they are. It's a forest green kind of color, but even that label doesn't really describe them. Vincent always had thought them to be Eli's most striking feature (they were one of the first things he noticed about him when they met) and Eli had thought the same about Vincent since his eyes were the same color as his dog form, a crystal blue.
That covered, we can return to the morning.
Vincent shuffled towards a chair at the island, now clear of maps and the other odd things that would litter it throughout its time as counter space. Sitting down, he crossed his arms and laid his head sideways over them. He watched Eli cooking through one eye as he drifted slowly towards a more conscience state of mind.
Eli turned the stove off and put the contents of the pan onto a plate that already contained what seemed to be some sausages. Poured some coffee into a cup, added a splash of milk, and carried it towards Vincent.
"Food's ready," He said as he slid the coffee and plate of scrambled eggs with sausage in front of Vincent. "And be careful this time; it's hot food you doof."
"Yeah, yeah," Vincent mumbled as he straightened in his chair and took a sip of his coffee. "Any word on where those ghouls might be?"
"No," Eli answered as he sat down across from Vincent with a cup of tea. "If there's still no word after we get your stuff from the compound we'll start looking on our own."
Vincent nodded, remembering that they had planned to get his stuff from the compound. He took another sip of his coffee and started on his food, slowly becoming more and more awake. He finished the plate quickly, ready to at least try and get the morning going.
"I've got the dishes, you go get dressed," Eli stood and took Vincent's empty plate and mug from his place at the island before dropping them into the sink and turning on the hot water. He washed the dishes quickly as Vincent dressed himself in a simple black shirt, jeans, and his leather jacket.
He exited the bedroom and turned the lights off behind him as Eli finished drying the dishes.
Eli walked towards a different, lower cabinet as he spoke to Vincent. "Hey, why did you tell Roy your not gay for me?" Vincent coughed, surprised.
"Well..." Vincent began awkwardly as Elijah crouched and opened the cabinet and examined its contents. "You know how alpha's voices get lower when they do," Vincent paused to search for the right word, "stuff."
"Sex?" Elijah asked flat out as he stood with a small vial of what looked to be white light in his hand.
"Don't say that!" Vincent flushed. Eli shut the cabinet with the back of his foot before advancing towards Vincent with a devilish smirk growing across his face.
"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Eli stopped in front off Vincent.
"Let me finish you sick pervert," Vincent hit Eli on the shoulder softly as he walked toward the coffee machine, though it was just an excuse to get away from Eli. Eli smirked wickedly as he watched a flushed Vincent walk away before he downed the vial in his hand, his eyes glowing blue for a split second.
"Anyways," Vincent continued, "my voice was lower because I had been asleep, but he didn't know that and just assumed I had been doing... That kind of stuff."
"It's okay to say it."
"I'm not going to though," Vincent narrowed his eyes.
Eli smiled with his eyes closed. "Say it with me now: Sex."
"I will bite you." Vincent was almost at the point of growling, which wasn't something that normally happened to him.
"Ooh, feisty." Eli was struggling to hold back laughter; Vincent was struggling to hold himself back.
"You," Vincent pointed a finger at Eli, "are an ass." Eli pretended to act offended while Vincent glared at him before continuing. "Since I had been coming back to the compound with your scent on me, been spending so much time with you, and since I was now moving back in with you, he just thought it was because we were mates."
"Too bad for you that it's not true; I've been told I'm pretty good in bed."
Vincent bent down to pull his shoes on near the door. "Keep it in your pants and really try since we're going to be at the compound. I know you pride yourself in your strong relationship with the East Pack and they wouldn't take lightly to the likes of you with one of their own."
"But your not part of the pack anymore," Eli said as he pulled his suspenders back over his shoulders and donned his coat.
"Even a low-level, pack deserter is still a Skinwalker, and they'll still protect me from something they think is wrong."
"They don't think I'm that bad, do they?" Vincent sent a dead look to Eli.
"Most of your kind think we're abominations that should be sent straight to Purgatory."
"I'm not fond of most of my kind either, I mean, they tortured me for a few millennia before I escaped and then they hunted me down before I faked my death. Only thing that stopped the majority of them from looking."
"Harsh." Vincent commented as he straightened up. "Ready to go?"
"Just let me put my shoes on." Eli pulled on his shoes and they left for the compound which housed most of the pack of the East Side.
The compound was a large renovated warehouse. When Eli had acquired it, it was dilapidated and abandoned; most of the windows broken and the whole interior of the building caked in dust. Though, with the help of the skinwalkers they had been able to fix the place up.
They walked past the stationed guards at the entrance and continued to Vincent's room. Most of the compound was heading towards breakfast, so there was some foot traffic as they made their way up the stairs. The East Pack was one of the strongest and largest packs in the North East, but they couldn't have grown as much as they had if Eli hadn't helped them.
They stood in front of the door to Vincent's room, Vincent reaching up to the ledge above the door to grab a spare key. He unlocked the door and they both entered the small, drab room.
"Not one for decorating?" Elijah commented as he glanced around the room. It contained a twin bed, a dresser, a box or two, and that was it.
"Didn't feel like home." Vincent began pulling his clothes from the dresser and putting them into one of the boxes contained in the room. Eli hummed in response ad helped Vincent collect his things. It didn't take long and they were out of the room quickly, Eli carrying one box and Vincent another since all of his belongings could actually fit into two boxes (which is sad when you think about it).
They made their way down the stairs which were now relatively clear save for a couple of teens making out in the stairwell (Vincent told Eli to  keep walking, but Elijah teased him as they passed the couple, who paid them absolutely no attention since they were too caught up in each other's faces).
They were about to exit the building when they were approached be Roy.
Roy was a nice guy, older now, but nice. He had black hair with gray peppered throughout and the same went for his beard. Really though, he was just a lovable guy.
"Elijah! Vincent!" He called after them as he jogged towards them.
"Roy..." Vincent smiled, forcefully. He had been hoping to avoid an encounter.
"Good to see you both, especially you Eli," he said, shaking both of their hands (it did force them to move the boxes to their sides).
"Something you need, Roy?" Elijah questioned.
"Me," he motioned to himself, "Nah, I just wanted to tell ya' that a patrol just came in saying they caught the scent of some foreign ghouls coming from the sewers."
"Really?" Elijah inquired, his attention grasped.
"Yeah, I don't know the exact location off the top of my head, but I'll be sure to send ya' a message."
"That'd be great," Elijah was beaming, Vincent confused as to why he was so excited, though the reason was that he wanted to try out his new glove.
"Well, you two look like you need to get home. Oh, and Vincent," he grabbed Vincent's shoulder in a bone crushing grip. Vincent looked to the larger man with a slightly scared look. "Sorry if I made things awkward." Eli snickered, Vincent sending him deathly glare.
"It's fine, Alpha." Vincent bowed his head slightly, not making eye contact as such was disrespectful when addressing the Pack Alpha.
Roy let out a hearty laugh. "No need for that, Vincent. You're just a loner now; hell, I bet you could challenge me and win if you wanted to!" Vincent faked a laugh and kept his gaze pointed towards the ground.
"Well, we best be going. It was good to see you Roy. We should really get together sometime for lunch or something." Roy's grip left Vincent's shoulder.
"We should. Well, I've got to get back to keeping peace at the breakfast table. You two stay safe." Roy left the two and went back into the building.
Vincent breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's get back home."
"He freak you out that much?" Elijah chuckled as they began to walk down the street.
"For a pack-less alpha, such a strong, mated, alpha is extremely intimidating. My hormones will tell me to either try and challenge him or run with my tail between my legs depending on the day." Elijah hummed in understanding, nodding his head slightly.
"Fast way?" Elijah question.
"Sure." They took the fast way back to the apartment.
They placed the two boxes on the ground near the island before Elijah opened a door to a backroom and disappeared for a few short seconds before returning with two machetes and the glove he had made.
"Do you think angel-blade metal works on ghouls?" Eli questioned as he placed the machetes on the island, but kept the glove in his hand.
"One way to find out." Vincent unsheathed one of the blades to examine it before sheathing it again.
Hopefully, they wouldn't have to resort to the weapons, but the chance of them having to was high.
End of part 6. The beginning of this had a much different writing style than the rest of the parts i think, not sure though. I don't think I'll be using that style again unless I really need to fill a plot hole. Also, the scene when Eli was teasing Vincent. Really embarrassing to write. Anyways, that's part six, part seven will be the "battle" kind of scenes and such, though I've never written a fight scene, but we'll see how I do. Hopefully I do well.
A/N: After doing a read through for errors, I'm not sure how much I like the pacing in the last half of this part. I know I'm not going to rewrite it now, but it feels like it went really quick. Idk. Maybe it's because I'm ready to move on to the next chapter. I have a teaser kind of thing for the next chap (it's a song) that will be at then end of the last part of this chapter, but I really want to put it at the end of this part. I'll hold myself back (this time) but I will give you the first letter of the teaser kind of word: R. Welp, I've got tests to not study for. Hopefully part seven will be out sometime within the next week.
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