#hes just very obsessed with ciel and his family so of course hes not
deevotee · 2 years
i saw someone say that undertaker isnt really a villain and he's a morally grey character which is crazy to me
i havent gotten to see everything hes done but i think the fact that he canonically said he made zombies to be used as a military force for an anonymous group and then set up an 'experiment' to see how effectively those zombies could kill a large group of innocent people in one go puts him into the pretty morally bad category in my mind 😭
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
Anon: Can I please headcanons with Agni/reader/Soma triangle, where both fell in love with a maid of Phantomhive who is older than Soma, but younger than Agni (about 23-26 years old)?
For your information, Soma is 17 years old and Agni is 31 and I just decided that the darling is 24 in this headcannon. Also as an additional information, there is a passage of time in those Hc’s so Soma is at the beginning of those Hc’s 17 but turns 18 as the story progresses.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, delusional behavior, stalking, overprotective behavior, manipulation, guilt-tripping
Taglist: @lovley-valentine7 @leveyani @chxxz
Falling in love with the same s/o
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🍛​🤜​You are bound to get acquainted with both Soma and Agni, considering that Soma likes to spend time with the young Earl which would be the fastest way for you to meet the duo as well as the case where you would see those two the most. Soma in that case would be the one who would fall for you first without a single doubt, absolutely enamored with you and everything you do. Really, it isn't hard to notice that he is head over heels for you as he is talking about you nonstop and likes to follow you around. He is distracting you from the work you are supposed to do and this is where Agni decides to hold his prince back to give you time and space to finish your chores. He understands that you need to do your duties and that Soma is for the better or worse just hindering you from working as efficient as you normally could. Agni is also just as aware that all of Ciel's servants are extremely skilled and dangerous even if they may not look like it on first glance. You are no exception.
🍛​🤜​Whilst Agni has yet to fall and has sympathy with you, Soma is far more entitled than that. He is angry and frustrated whenever Agni has to pull him away from you and he is almost acting like a bratty child at times, awfully spoiled. Yes, he knows that you are technically the servant of Ciel and not his own but he still wants to spend time with you and your chores seem to be constantly in the way. Can't you just let someone else do them for you or just drop them and spend some time with him instead? Soma is very distracting and it only because of your patience that you seem to be able to skillfully blend him out whenever you are focused on your tasks, much to his dismay. The young prince hates to be ignored, especially since he has even been neglected by his biological family since he had so many siblings. He is whining, complaining and even forcing himself in front of you just so that you have to look at him with a frustrated pout on his face, upset that you ignore him as often as you do.
🍛​🤜​You receive presents, flowers and much more from Soma as the young prince seems to already have the wedding planned for you two. Being delusional truly can be a blessing and a curse at the same time as he even informs Ciel about this spontanously. The young lord is in his office working on some documentaries when Soma suddenly slams the door open and a flustered and apologetic Agni follows him and urges him to think it over again. Yet nothing can stop Soma who slams his palms on the desk and blurts out in Ciel's face that he plans to marry you and that Ciel will have to let you go because Soma doesn't want his wife to work for someone as a wedded couple should spend all of their time together. So bold and confident is he that Ciel chokes on his own saliva for a couple of seconds before he gives the prince a flabbergasted look. The entire household finds out about it within the same day as Soma walks around and declares to all of them that he's going to marry you. Agni is the one who is left apologising to everyone, including you.
🍛​🤜​You get quite close to Agni due to all of the commotion that Soma causes as he is the one defending you against his own prince. He is loyal to the young prince of course but he knows that you work for the Earl of Phantomhive and respects your own wishes. He promises you that Soma is a good person but just very easily caught up in his own daydreams and you can truly see that every single day where Soma follows you around like a lost puppy and tells you about what clothes he wants you to wear, considering which color would suit you best and even brings you jewelry he wants you to wear on your wedding. So ecstatic is he about it all that he even wants to marry you two times considering that you grew up in London and he grew up in India. You can plan the second marriage in England if you want to. Agni can only silently thank the heaven that you are as patient and considerate as you are as you could have easily broken Soma's heart multiple times by now, although somehow Agni doubts Soma would stop even then.
🍛​🤜​Agni's obsession is honestly a slowburn and barely noticeable to the point where he himself doesn't even notice. You spend time with Soma because you like him in a way you would like a friend, you reject his proposals and Agni can only tell his prince exasperated that he should respect your feelings yet Soma doesn't believe you when you tell him that you don't see him in a romantic way. You're just hiding your feelings because if you wouldn't feel the same way he does, why do you still spend time with him? As Agni is busy holding Soma somewhat back from his delusional love, he himself barely realises that he starts growing feelings for you too as both of you also spend a lot of time together and even do chores together when Agni offers his help. Soma offers to help too because he doesn't want to feel left out and doesn't want Agni to just hog your attention but he most of the time only ends up giving you two more work. Soma never learns though so the cycle repeats itself again and again.
🍛​🤜​Agni is much more subtle than Soma, which is admittedly not that hard, but still. His creeping obsession is expressed in his growing protective feelings over you despite knowing that you are very capable of protecting yourself and by the time he comes to realise what has happened, it is already far too late to stop himself. He feels guilty though as he knows that Soma is already a bit overbearing for you and the last thing that you would want is him acting the same. Agni is much more practiced in his own self-control though which is why he holds himself back and that becomes even more apparent as soon as he is aware of his own emotions. He almost grows more distant to not make another burden from you and instead likes to observe from a few steps away but at the same time he also feels bad when you approach him and ask him if something has happened as you have noticed his change in behavior. He doesn't want to give you the impression that it is your fault after all.
🍛​🤜​Soma and Agni are pretty capable of sharing but Agni just doesn't have the courage to tell you nor Soma about his feelings. He feels guilty for admitting that he has fallen the same way for you as Soma has and at the same time he doesn't want to take your time away from Soma as he knows how much Soma adores and loves you yet he also feels guilty for keeping this from the both of you. It is a quite complicated situation Agni finds himself in and he spends days and nights pondering how he could tell the both of you. he actually decides to tell it to you first as he is worried that Soma would react too dramatically. He knows that you will react to it in a calmer way than his prince would and he actually apologises to you for his own feelings. Soma, as expected, is reacting very dramatically. Above all though he is disappointed that Agni hasn't told him about it before and has instead kept it a secret from him. Whilst Agni reassures his prince that he won't try to steal you from Soma, it is actually Soma who makes the decision that Agni should still spend time with you.
🍛​🤜​Agni has been nothing but loyal to him after all. At least Agni balances out Soma's clinginess and delusional thinking as he can hold the young prince back from being too overwhelming with you. The age difference will also have some influence as you tend to treat Soma like a young boy due to him being younger than you and whilst Soma is definitely spoiled and acts like a child at times, he still insists that you see him as a man and stop thinking of him as a boy. Agni on the other hand at times feels more inclined to protect you because he is older than you. Soma is very open with his adoration as he literally worships everything you do but it is worth mentioning that for Agni you are also something more than just his love. You have given him a new meaning to a new life that was given to him by his prince and whilst he isn't as physically touching or as verbal as Soma is, he does a lot of quiet gestures to show you his eternal love.
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ryuichirou · 9 days
About moray sketches, Idia’s little affair with Sebastian, drawing and art and other things.
Anonymous asked:
Morays are so derpy
They really are… the more I look at them the more obsessed I get lol those silly faces
Anonymous asked:
Those eels are so goofy-looking. Are they your favorite sea creature? If not, then what?
Thank you, Anon!
To be honest, I don’t think I have a favourite sea creature. For now, due to my love for the Octa-trio, I have a big soft spot for moral eels and octopuses. A couple of years ago we had a phase during which we read a lot about sharks. The fact that baby sharks are called pups!! I’m still obsessed with this fact.
In general, sea is fascinating and truly beautiful, but it was never really my thing, so I don’t know much about different kinds of creatures… Should definitely work on that 🤔
Anonymous asked:
OOoo Sebastián if Ciel finds out you're in troubleee
HEHE YES even though we still aren’t back to our Kuroshitsuji era and I just replied about it the other day… The desire to ship these two was sudden but too strong to resist.
I think Ciel would just roll his eyes to be honest, maybe he would get a bit disgusted… but overall, the whole thing probably happened due to their investigation, so he shouldn’t complain. Or is it jealousy that sours his mood?~
Anonymous asked:
Idia’s hips are so deliciously grabbable. Grabbing them, nibbling them, groping them, hmmm.
And with how thin he is one would think that he would be too sharp around the edges to probably grab. But I guess his bones make him easier to grab… Cute!
Anonymous asked:
The way Idia looks in the last panel…..I don’t think I would be able to resist going back and “interrogating” him more, perhaps all day even. I’m very dedicated, what can I say? 😔
What a hardworking person you are! This is truly inspiring.
I think the more you “interrogate” Idia, the more “interrogatable” he looks… this is magical.
tardigrade-misfit asked:
I’ve come to a realization that I’ve only ever seen one thing drawn of Leona and I need to see more of the lazy lion man 😭
Omg you’re right, we only posted him once (not counting a chibi drawing + fem!Leona in a big genderswap post). It’s so funny, I feel like I draw him every now and then because of commissions (thank you, everyone orz), but at the end of a day we barely have anything Leona-related. The only character less lucky than him is probably poor Cater…
To be completely honest, Leona just isn’t usually on my radar, and even though I sketch him sometimes, those sketches rarely get finished and are mostly posted on ko-fi. Sorry 😔
Anonymous asked:
my god, imagine a more messed up alternate universe where the Asim family had a "last one standing" competition to decide the successor... The head of the family dies and suddenly Kalim is put against his siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, ecc. He would be so bummed out. As soon as he says "Jamil, I think we'll have to kill my family" Jamil just starts crying from joy. Yes! Let's kill all these rich people! And also make you the new head, that would be cool I guess...
AAAH honestly Anon it would be such an interesting story to read and/or watch. Kalim would probably consider giving up multiple times, but ultimately decide against it because he doesn’t really want to die either lol
To Jamil it would absolutely be a joy though. I think some of Kalim’s relatives would try to bribe him out of helping Kalim though, “kill him in his sleep and we will give you a better life” type of deal. But Jamil would refuse~ Not because he’s loyal to Kalim or anything, of course of course.
Anonymous asked:
Since that other anon asked about Epel might as well join in: Jack and Epel. I can see Epel looking up to Jack because "Oh strong muscle man, wanna be like him" so of course Jack being the goodest boy that he is would help Epel train... in more ways than one ;)
Anon, this ship is so good visually with the size difference and all, and Epel salivating at the thought of Jack’s muscles because he really wants to have muscles himself (in reality he is just attracted to Jack) is such a good idea, and we absolutely see its potential… but unfortunately somehow they don’t click with us just yet. Maybe it’s because it feels too fluffy, with Epel getting in trouble and Jack getting him out of trouble? Maybe we’re missing this spice because we haven’t seen a lot of their interactions. Only time will tell…
Nothing against it of course though! Epel should get railed by a big wolf man.
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
About Real!Ciel, the major thing that I think is that it's not really him anymore, the core of a person is his soul. And his soul is gone. It can't even rest because it has been eaten.
Of course he's "alive" now thank to blood transfusions and fake memories/record but it can't go for forever. It's still the memories of a child. He's can't mature and he can't change, he can't grow up. He's stuck in the past. And I really doubt that his body can't stay forever in this state. Blood transfusions or not, there a point where his body will reach his limit.
Somewhere he still the ten years old who did a tamtrum because his sibling wanted to do something different of him. He's a zombie who will never grow up, mentallly and emotionally. He can't have differents "thoughts" that what he is "programmed" to have as bizarre doll. He's not "programmed" to change Because the memories must be very closes of what he was when he was alive.
If "this day" never happened and that the twins didn't lose their parents, weren't kidnapped, tortured, abused and Rea!Ciel killed…well he may have grow up to be better. Pretty sure that his parents would have done something. The twins grow up without knowing other children than their cousins so Real!Ciel could say "don't need anyone else". But who know, Real!Ciel could have make friend at Weston. He COULD have grow up nicely. We'll never know :/
We can't judge a 9/10 years old, because he's a child (it's more his parents who arer to blame to not have done anything about it sooner). But sadely the child he was is dead and he's just a zombie with "fake memories/record". I just hope that one day he'll be able to rest, because it's not a life, it's even not really him.
Hey Anon! Okay, so I totally agree with you on the idea that, yes, as a bizarre doll, real!Ciel's growth is stunted and he will never be able to be the same as "if he hadn't died and had grown up to now be nearly 14".
Let's be real : UT's greatest wish is impossible, he's biased and full of sorrow, it's made quite clear in the story.
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However, where I disagree with you is that I don't think real!Ciel would have grown up as a good person with a lot of friends.
Contrarily to what you seem to think, it is hinted several times that he only truly cared about his little brother, to the point of obsession, because he only thought about him as family (compared to Ann and the Midfords, it's really made clear in the Japanese version, especially compared to how our!Ciel thinks, you can read the explanation here).
Another striking example is, in a short bonus chapter (ch99.5, that you can read here), he even refused to think about getting "fake brothers" at Weston, when Vincent explained who Diedrich was to him.
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That's actually the RCMT theory (recap post, tag), which I just detailed to another Anon (unless you sent both asks) and which hypothesizes that real!Ciel is probably an accomplice who played a part in the attack on his own home 4 years ago.
Why is still unclear, but I personally think he wanted at least his father to die, so that he would become the next head of the family, with absolute control over his little brother's future (or so he thought, as a kid). That or he was tricked into helping to kill his dad, so that he and his brother would remain safe afterwards.
So, as a BD he's stuck in the past, yes ! but as such he's also even more obsessed with the idea of "being together forever" with his little brother, because of the episodes of "yearning for the future" that were implemented on his cinematic record, which is why he's a villain.
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Look Anon, I get it : he died a terrible death, so it's easy to want to pity him. But with all the hints we've gotten about the kid he was before his death ? I kinda really doubt real!Ciel would have grown up to become a good adult. Not when he possibly played a part into his parents' murder at the age of ten years old, motivated by his obsession with his little brother.
Of course, you're free to interpret his character as you want, but try not to blind yourself with lies, in case you want to decipher where the story is going. :) Also yes, we will find out about the entire truth when it's time. So all the more reasons to get ready for it, because it's certainly going to be absolutely ugly. ;)
I hope it answers your question, have a good day!
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
i wanna know about your ocs 👀
Aight well for now I got that fe3h house I've mentioned occasionally
I call them the Violet Vipers, because I like Violet and I like snakes, shut up
It's supposed to be a House just for commoners specifically, only one of them has a crest and that's only because she's a VERY distant relative of the Gloucester bloodline (Crest of Gloucester of course)
Everything below the cut sgfdfdoghbdfodpdsajiofkbjdf
(edit, VERY long post incoming)
So for more information on the house:
The church decided it wanted to bring in more students from all over, specifically commoners, to gain favor with the general populous. The Violet Vipers are having their first year, the year that the game takes place in The Vipers are very church-aligned, and if they had a "canon" path, it'd be Silver Snow, specifically for my house leader (more on her in just a second) A mass letter of sorts was sent out, and that's how students are picked. Students are still required to pay tuition, but because of their commoner status, they can take loans from the church. This is only so I can make Student Loan Debt jokes
For students, we have:
Ciel Izaac Aldis, the House Leader
Ciel was born a commoner in the Kingdom, but her family would travel around occasionally. She used to visit a church in the kingdom and showed extreme promise and skill. About a year before the start of the game, she was contacted by the Central Church who asked her if she would be the House leader for the commoner trial house. Ciel spent a year in Garreg Mach, leaning from the professors and training under them. She gained a special fondness for Rhea, because she was the person who made this all happen. After Ciel graduates from the Officers Academy, she is expected to become a student helper there, and then soon become a Professor But she doesn't actually want to be a Professor. This is just what is expected of her, she wants to make her family proud. She was gifted a wonderful opportunity, she shouldn't squander it. She THINKS becoming a professor is what she wants, but in a few of her supports she admits that it isn't
Chloe Gloria Benjamin-Frowe, the Retainer
Chloe is the only daughter of a merchant family from Fhirdiad, her family is very very rich. She has three older brothers and two younger ones, who kind of coddle her some. Chloe is very spoiled, she'd probably be good friends with Hilda. Chloe occasionally expects people around her to remind her to do things. She and Ciel became good friends at the class trip camp (like the one at the start of Hopes that's mentioned in Houses). They become very very close over the course of the game Chloe wanted to go to the Officers Academy just because she could. She didn't want to become a knight, she just wanted to go because it sounded fun. She's currently engaged to the minor noble of the kingdom, their wedding will take place after graduation. She's excited, but is this really what she wants? When the war kicks off, her engagement is put on hold until after the war. In her solo endings, she will be married to them
Silvestre Garrit
Silvestre was born to a mistress of some random guy in Hevring territory. When his mother realized she was pregnant, she fled to live with her sister in Alliance territory, where Silvestre was born. When Silvestre's father realized he had a child - because it was unlikely he would even be able to have one - he got into contact with Silvestre's mother and demand she send him back to Hevring territory Silvestre's father was always obsessed with the nobility and crests, he was a relative of nobles after all. He was most obsessed with the Hevring family, he idolized them. When Silvestre was 7, his aunt died in a bandit attack, and his mother couldn't provide a good life for him without her help. Reluctantly, she sent him to Hevring territory, to live with his father. Before he left, she gave him a small locket with a small portrait of the pair in it. As soon as Silvestre was in the care of his father, said father immediately cut all contact with Silvestre's mother, basically kicking her out of Sil's life completely. When Silvestre's father heard of the new commoner trial house, and that Linhardt von Hevring, the heir of Hevring, was attending the Academy, Silvestre's father knew right then that he had to get his son into the academy. He did everything in his power to get an offer from the Church, going so far as to steal the chance from another commoner of student age in the empire. Silvestre can't confirm he did this, but he suspects as much. While Silvestre was growing up, his father would constantly compare him to the Hevring heir. "Linhardt can do this, why can't you?" "The Hevring heir could do this better." Because of this, Silvestre gained a bad habit of constantly comparing himself to Linhardt, and it only got worse when they were schooling together
Ivor Riskin Foucher
Ivor was born in the same town that Silvestre lived in, in fact, they were childhood friends. Ivor was born to a single mother who died at his birth, but he was soon adopted by his two fathers When he and Silvestre were around 12, Ivor attempted to do magic, but a magical accident left him with scars all long the palms of his hands, miasma burns. He can do magic, but now it causes him extreme pain to do so. As a magic unit, his dialogue would change to grunts and groans to show this. Ivor works best when he's punching things however, at the core he's a brawling unit. When Ivor heard that Silvestre was getting into the academy, he showed interest in going as well, and his fathers agreed. Ivor's a big ol softy, literally. He's 6'4 and continues to grow, and will comment on this in passing. Another line of dialogue for him that I like it "Risk is my middle name! No, really, my middle name is Riskin."
Everett Wayne Heymer
Everett has lived on the streets ever since he could remember. along with his older sister. When Everett was still a toddler, a bishop of the church found them, and took them both in. After a year of living in the church, Everett was adopted out to the Heymer family (not canon) in Gideon territory, but his older sister was left behind and eventually became a bishop of the church herself Everett wanted to find his sister. As he grew up, he never stopped looking. He contacted churches, mayors, even other regions, but got nothing. When news about the Viper House swept Fodlan, he decided to go there, as the Central Church was housed at Garreg Mach, he'd have a better time finding her. He didn't care about schooling, he just wanted to find his sister Only in his solo ending will he ever actually find her Everett is an artsy student, he carries a sketchbook around with him wherever he goes. He's a fan of stuffed animals, he even has a teddy bear he keeps in his room. He's very shy, and prefers to be in places where the least people are
Juniper Eloise Ilberd
Juniper was born the only child to a couple in Gloucester territory. Before you ask, yes, she’s the one I mentioned earlier Her bloodline is a very very distant relative of Gloucester. In fact, it was thought no crests would ever show themselves ever, but here she is, born with one. When Juniper was 15, she was almost murdered. An assassin was sent after her, but she was able to survive and get away. Ever since then, she’s been hyper paranoid, and has been held up indoors most of her life and she’s never left home after dark. The stress of this event tore her parents apart, or rather, it was the straw that broke their camel’s back. They separated quickly, as they were never married. Juniper was bounced back and forth between their two houses, her parents were constantly fighting with each other. She was living with her mother when the news about the new trial house was sent out, and she decided to apply JUST so she could get somewhere else, away from the fighting. She thought that it would be the safest place in all of Fodlan, with so many knights there It’s implied that Count Gloucester sent this assassin after her because her existence was a threat to Lorenz becoming the next Count, somehow, but tbh this idea is a bit wobbly after Hopes’ release (yes, this was all thought about before the release of Three Hopes) She was two different paths depending on the Three Houses or Three Hopes universe, because yes, I made an entire other universe for Three Hopes. In Three Houses, she buddies up with Shamir and follows her around Fodlan. In Three Hopes, she becomes a knight under Lorenz, same as Ignatz
And now we have the last one, my favorite
Robin Galter
Robin’s origins are completely unknown. It’s not even stated on their student file where they’re from. Their birthday, their age, it’s all a mystery. They’re a fan of the stars, and love to go out at night to stargaze. While they’re in the Viper house, they tend to hang around Edelgard a lot. The two aren’t exactly friends, but they’re not strangers. Robin loves cats, one of their lost items is a cat toy that can be found in Felix’s room. They love the idea of going sailing, and have crafted small model boats, which is another possible lost item. They’re on course to become the most studious student of the academy to date, they do almost nothing but work and work and work. They’re not close with anyone, they don’t seem to have time for friends Their backstory is EXTREMELY long and would require a whole other post to get into, so I’m gonna cut off here. Let me know if you guys want that, I’d be happy to talk about them!
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mars-writes-yandere · 3 years
Hey bestie!! A, E, G, I, J, S, T, and X for Alois and Ciel pretty pleeeeeeaaaaseee? As always I love your work and thank you so much! <3
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ofc!! and thank you so much it means a lot to me to see people enjoy my work!!
Warnings: None (i think)
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Ciel Phantomhive
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense does it get?
Ciel shows his love and affection through acts of service and gift giving. He’ll buy you gifts like jewelry or things you like and do little things for you like have Sebastian bring you your favorite cake. It gets more intense as his obsession gets worse
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
It takes a while for him to open up but he can become very vulnerable around his darling. Ciel bill eventually bare a lot of his heart to his darling it’s just takes time
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s not a game at all to him. He kidnapped you to keep him for himself and to see you escape hurts him. Ciel just wants to keep you safe.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to build a family with them. He is from the 1800’s so it’s to be expected but he wants children and he wants to give them and you the life that they deserve
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets jealous easily. Not as easy as Alois per say but if you’re talking to a friend Ciel will get jealous. He’ll lash out but at the person he’s jealous of not at you. Doesn’t mean he won’t be mad at you though
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
His childhood definitely. He’s had so many loved ones taken from him that he just can’t stand to loose you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He doesn’t really feel anything. Ciel will feel a little annoyed but he’ll understand. If you start to isolate yourself he’ll feel a little pity but more anger than that.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He’s not one to worship them but (if they behave) Ciel will treat them like loyalty. He won’t go very far to win his darling over but it would be preferred if he did
Alois Trancy
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense does it get?
Alois shows his affection through touch. Hand holding, cuddling, ect. It gets so intense like alois will cling to you 24/7
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He exposes everything to his darling. Alois will become very vulnerable around him. They’re the one person he can actually trust of course he’s going to expose his heart to him
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It can be a game to him but only to a certain extent. He would enjoy watching his darling struggle to try and escape but if they actually did that’s when it stops becoming a game to him
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to get married to them but i don’t peg him as the type that wants children
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets jealous if someone even glances at his darling. You’re his and no one else’s and everyone needs to get that through their thick skulls. Alois will lash out at you and the person he’s jealous of but he’ll apologize to you.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Like ciel his childhood. He lost luca which was the only family to him so he can’t loose you either
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He feels bad but at then end of the day he doesn’t give a fuck. You’re his and you need to get that through your head it will just be easer for the both of you.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He doesn’t worship them but alois completely adores them and will treat them like loyalty. He will go so far to win you over. He just wants you to like him.
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abybweisse · 3 years
To begin with, I wanted to thank you for this fantastic blog of yours, I LOVE it, your posts are always awesome (especially when it comes to Kuroshitsuji) and interesting, and your theories often echo mines! 🥰
Then, I recently read your post about the similarity between the Earl Cain series and Black Butler and so I saw that you (more or less) support the theory that Undertaker could be Cedric K. Ros-(?) who was Cloudia/Claudia's husband (and Vincent's father etc.).
I must confess that I was never really into this theory as I rather consider the reason Undertaker is so enamoured by the Phantomhives is because 50 years ago, he fell in love with Claudia (and perhaps she loved him back) but unable to save her from death, he became obsessed with reviving dead people.
But anyway, after reading your post I was pretty puzzled and searched around to see what things could point into the direction of "Undertaker is Vincent", but couldn't find anything particularly convincing. At some point even, the theory is supported because of some guy holding a bloody/dead Vincent-looking man in his arms (Volume 22, Chapter 105, page 11), however it was proven that these two people were actually Alan Humphries and Eric Slingby, two original shinigami that Yana-san created for the musical Kuroshitsuji: The most beautiful DEATH in the world and who became canon in the manga. So, my question finally 😅 is that I wanted to know YOUR points to support the Undertaker/Vincent theory.
Thank you very much for the answer, your blog (again!) and all the work you do for it every time! (And sorry for the long ask 😂)
Thank you. I’m glad you are enjoying my blog.
Please see my posts about Undertaker likely being Cedric. I’ve blogged about it countless times, including reblogs of others who provided good evidence to support it. Use the tags below to find the vast majority of those posts. You can also just use this link to the Tagging Masterpost and click the link for Undertaker’s identity. I strongly suggest that anyone who wants to ask me theory questions checks out that tagging masterpost. That’s why it’s also linked in my pinned post.
But I will address a few specific things you mentioned.
You think he might have fallen in love with Cloudia/Claudia 50 years prior to the current time? It’s 1889 now, so 50 years ago was 1839. She was born in 1830. Unless Undertaker turns out to be an unforgivable pedophile, he didn’t fall in love with a 9 year old girl. And she didn’t fall in love with some weird dude when she was 9. She didn’t have Vincent until she was 21, and she died in 1866 at the age of 36.
Besides, he tried to destroy the reaper organization’s HQ around 20 years earlier than 50 years ago, which would put that event at about 1819. And there’s reason to believe his initial experiments with corpses and cinematic records started around that time, roughly 70 years ago. He said it started out as mere curiosity about humans, life, and death. It wasn’t until the attack on Phantomhive Manor that he started making the really advanced “dolls”, like real Ciel, Polaris, etc.
I’ve never said Cedric was Cloudia/Claudia’s husband, in fact I’ve said several times that I don’t think she married. She was born into the Phantomhive family and was probably expected to keep that name, thanks to her watchdog duties. Perhaps Queen Victoria even hoped the Phantomhive name would die with her. But she had children by a man she probably never married. The children got her surname instead of their father’s. This continued the Phantomhive name and, if their father is more than human, perhaps these kids would be “stronger” (in some way) than the previous generations.
I don’t know why people get so confused looking at the Phantomhive family tree. It only shows the direct lines (so Frances isn’t shown there, even though we know she’s Vincent’s full sibling; Yana-san confirmed this in a tweet years ago). It doesn’t actually show who is married to whom, unless the married couple is also the biological parents of the children. It does, however, show who the biological parents are, even if they never married each other.
I’ve never heard or read anyone claiming that the reapers shown in ch105 were anyone other than Eric Slingby and Alan Humphries. At least not anyone being serious. So 😆! Of course that’s not Vincent. And there’s no rational Undertaker = Vincent theory. None.
Undertaker became a reaper a long time ago, probably a few (maybe even several) hundred years ago. Vincent was born in 1851 and died in 1885, at the age of 34. The reaper records of births and deaths are likely to be true. Which brings us to Cedric’s birth and death dates. There’s a darn good reason why we can see the days and months but not the years. The years are not even going to be in the 1800’s. Not if Cedric is Undertaker. My best guess, so far, is he died before 1366. He could have been a regular human as early as ~1200. 😊 (Please see the posts about Ivanhoe and Cedric of Rotherwood for why I think it could go back that far. And please see my posts about 136649 to see why I think he died before 1366.)
Sorry, but I have nothing to say about Undertaker being Vincent, other than that’s hogwash. They’ve even worked together and been in the same room together.
And I have every reason to believe that Undertaker is Cedric — Vincent’s and Frances’ biological father. My previous posts and reblogs on the subject should speak for themselves.
However, feel free to ask specific questions about those posts, if something isn’t clear. Sometimes it is clear in my head but doesn’t always come across that way.
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masked-speaker88 · 3 years
Phantomhive Twins
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Note: I feel like this masked talk is a little bit different compared to others I have done, and probably will do. In this one I mainly talk about the unfair disadvantage our Ciel has had his entire life and even down to the unfairness that was directed to him by even his family members. Personally, I do not like the whole twin drama. I cannot wrap my head around where the manga will be going now. My hearts still in the Book of Circus arc, while my brain is just stuck on the what now part of the newest arc. 
From the time of their birth, our Ciel was considered an extra child. A noble family can only have one air to the family name, so a twin would just be a waste unless something happened to both of his predecessors. However this rarely happens, so no one really expected him to ever sit at the head of the house. He was simply just there. He may have taken lessons along with his brother, but he never got the ones that would prepare him to rule over their land. He wasn’t taught in fencing either, which was meant to prepare the Earl to protect himself and his family in the future. Then to make matters worse, our Ciel was a very sickly child. He spent most of his childhood in bed, ravished with fevers and sickness. Matter of fact we get to see a glimpse of him in bed, while Madam Red is checking on him and caring for him in the Book of Circus. I figure it was these moments of caring that made her his favorite aunt. So at this point Ciel was the underdog, he was never expected to succeed and truth be told they probably didn’t expect him to make it to adulthood. However this doesn't really explain why he took his brother’s identity, does it? Especially since he would have been Earl regardless. I actually have an answer as to why he did this. 
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Growing up, Ciel knew that he was never meant to be head, and would never own the title of ‘The Queen’s Guard Dog’. This was reinforced in his mind when he overheard Francis talking to his father. She made it a point to tell Vincent that if something happened to him or the older twin, that our Ciel would never be able to keep up the Phantomhive name. He was too sickly and too weak. She never expected much of him, nor did it sound like she was even fond of him. Matter of fact she was just trying to get Vincent to let her take the Queen’s title unto her household. As you can imagine, this hurt Ciel's feelings. Here he was a young child, who found out his family doesn't expect anything of him. It was made so abundantly clear that he felt this way when he decided he was going to leave the manor and venture out to create his own toy company that sold toys to kids everywhere. Of course this did cause some problems with the older twin not wanting the title anymore, which then took some convincing from the parents to change his mind. Not long after this the twins find themselves in captivity with awful treatment. The oldest twin ends up being sacrificed, which brings Sebastian into the picture. 
In learning all this, the saddest part of this whole situation was the fact that when our Ciel returned home from his time in captivity everyone called him by Ciel. They never once asked about, talked about, or even referred to him. They were only interested in the older twin, the true Earl (even Kelvin was obsessed with him). And in those moments he was faced with the fact he looked identical to his twin and everyone wanted him to be alive. So he took the name Ciel, and informed Sebastian to never refer to him by his birth given name. He then proceeded to rebuild the Phantomhive manor, and take back all their land. He opened up his toy company, and surrounded himself with strong reliable people. He worked at the relationships with his family, making the bonds stronger. He did his job as the Queen’s Watch Dog perfectly, and rarely ever stopped to blink. To even consider regret. He did everything no one expected him to do, and then proceeded to do even more. Yet when his older brother returned from the Dead (literally), everyone (aside from the relationships he personally built) turned their backs on him.
Elizabeth, who claimed she loved him regularly, turned her back on him and left him. She refused to even look at him. Then she had the nerve to be mad at herself for not knowing the difference between the twins. She cried plenty, but I wonder if she even cared about the amount of times our Ciel went out of his way to protect her. When he put her safety above his own. Then there’s Edward who Ciel worked with closely in later chapters. He spent time with him during his time in the academy, and during the musical hall situation in which they worked together to get Elizabeth back. Edward was hurt and even angry about the situation, but I wonder if he was the only one who was generally concerned about our Ciel. There’s also Tanaka who took the older twin’s side, though as a Phantomhive Butler who had been there for generations, this was probably expected. 
Finally we have Francis. This woman makes me so mad sometimes, especially during this part. This woman who would have taken everything from our Ciel had she known his identity, had the nerve to ask why he went by his brother’s name. She literally made the point that the title and everything it held would rightfully be his with his brother's death. She didn’t bother to mention how she wanted the title for herself. She didn't even pause to consider what she would have done if she had known 3 years ago that the boy standing there was not the older twin.  At the time of his return, she would have never guessed nor known what our Ciel was capable of. She would have never been able to guess the situations they would have found themselves, such as the Bizarre Doll fiasco. 
At least the older twin did make it a point to tell her he wasn't mad at our Ciel, but that doesn’t help out in the least. Matter-of-fact now the twins are stuck in a game of cat and mouse. Ciel is now an outcast on the run, and is also faced  with the possibility of losing his Funtom Company. Not to mention that some of his friends think he’s a heartless killer (my heart breaks for both Agni and Soma), because he never told them he had a brother. While the older twin is trying to figure out how to perform as the head of the household, and to keep getting his blood filtered. Our Ciel will have to take any means necessary to expose his brother as a bizarre doll, even if it ultimately ends in his death. 
At this point, I really wonder where Black Butler will go from here. I feel like adding in the twin drama really messes with what we were originally looking to see towards the end of the manga. It also leaves me wondering if Ciel regrets some of the steps he took to get there, such as allowing the deaths of the first stringers and even down to the death of Madam Red. I also wonder about the whole Phantomhive obsession that the Undertaker seems to have.  With these thoughts in mind, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens next. 
What do you guys think about the twin situation? Do you feel that it’s changed your outlook on the manga, or just reinforces it? I’d love to hear what you guys think!
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innovativestruggles · 4 years
Daisuke & Suzue’s Relationship Is Still Unclear
Okay I just finished watching Episode 4 and ta-da!~ Daisuke discloses that Suzue is a relative.
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At first I thought it was the most anti-climatic reveal - ever (actually, it still is!). He said it so monotonously as well. Was pretty funny. 
Anyways, I gotta be really honest here but something really really does not sit well with me. What I mean by that is Suzue’s very over enthusiastic lovey dovey (almost obsessive) behaviour towards Daisuke. 
I am wondering whether this anime is going down the cousin x cousin pathway? Like they do in Black Butler re; Ciel x Elizabeth or something. Because it’s common in anime shows for this whole cousin x cousin thing going on I don’t know. Regardless, i have my theories. So let’s hear it.
The reason why I decided not to drop this whole Daisuke x Suzue relationship kinda thing even after Daisuke disclosed Suzue is a relative are for the following reasons;
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JUST LOOK AT THEM OMG! SERIOUSLY?! It is so fucking romantic and don’t go making weirdass excuses that this is considered normal in an incestuous relationship. Because it is not. Gross.
2. Like i mentioned earlier, Suzue is way too over the top, almost obsessive with Daisuke. In the novel, she is Daisuke’s father’s secretary, so she does tend to the every day needs of the Kambe family as well. To what extent I don’t know but it seems the anime extrapolated this a bit more. Either way, the anime is following the novel quite a bit here.
3. Suzue being the relative completely disregards the sibling theory (which a lot of us non-sibling theory believers have used canonical evidence to dismiss). It also explains why she may look slightly similar to Daisuke. Who knows? But she may also not be blood related as well (see below).
4. Daisuke did not specify what sort of relative she is to him. A cousin? Distant cousin? Cousin’s cousin? How far away? Did one of her parents remarry into the Kambe family and therefore she is considered a Kambe? What about adopted family member? In the novel, Daisuke specifically stated to Suzue that she is “like family” and “consider [you] as family.” Also in the novel, when Suzue plays the decoy role, she would tell people (the men she tries to woo in order to catch them) that she and Daisuke are related/family.
5. I know the anime is loosely based on the novel, but judging from what I have seen so far and comparing novel vs. anime, there are quite a lot of elements they preserved. So I am not surprised that they are following the novel quite closely, with the exception of Haru as an anime only character (and some other bits and bobs).
6. I also noticed something as well in the episode
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Daisuke never revealed to the audience why he left the mansion in the first place but it definitely has something to do with Suzue. There is still a lot of mystery that surrounds her and he seems quite rattled when he saw those (creepy) messages from Suzue cropping up on billboard signs and cash registers (lmao!). Even upon his return, he didn’t really acknowledge her, whereas the reverse reaction could be seen with Suzue.
In the novel, Suzue is extremely fond of Daisuke. Conversely, Daisuke is a bit standoffish with Suzue and i am getting very similar vibes regarding their relationship in the anime as well. So again, if they follow the novel, I don’t know whether Daisuke said “Suzue is a relative” because he just considers her as family or whether she is truly blood related. And again, I feel as if the show is still deliberately leaving their true relationship hidden. 
7. They are being vague again. First it’s her as ‘Kambe’ without specifying the relationship, then it’s ‘his grandmother’ without mentioning Suzue, now it’s ‘she’s a relative’ without showcasing what type of relative. I.e. Mikasa from Attack on Titan considers herself “as family” to Eren, so there could be that type of dynamic based relationship between Daisuke and Suzue as well. Who knows?
And Daisuke is just as standoffish as ever. I don’t know about you but based on the vast anime I’ve watched, Suzue fits a very certain stereotype - that is, when a character likes someone, they act very overly possessive, protective and just wishy washy ...you know what I mean...so regardless of whether she is a relative or not, I am quite certain that Suzue has feelings for Daisuke.
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9. The producers specifically stated in the interview that they added depth to Suzue’s character whilst preserving the original novel Suzue. I can definitely see this being done with her character personality. With regards to her relationship status to Daisuke, I honestly think it would be very poor on their part to turn a non-blood related love interest into a blood-related non-love interest. Just saying. I mean, they might have done it, but again, they did not specify anything. Suzue could still not be blood related (as Daisuke did not make it very clear). But if she is, I am curious to know how distant they are from each other. Would it be like so distant that they can still be considered as potential partners? I.e. Uchiha clan in Naruto or Soma family in Fruits Basket. Members from these families are all considered as relatives to one another (either by blood (distant blood) or marriage) and this could very well be similar in this circumstance re; Daisuke and Suzue.
10. Suzue’s role in the house is interesting. Especially attending to Daisuke’s everyday needs. I am wondering whether it is a hierarchal thing (because this can happen in certain families where there are main families and branch families) or whether again, Suzue was just adopted into the family/seen as a family member, but have taken on the role of attending to Daisuke’s needs. I find it very interesting how Suzue switched from calling Daisuke without honourifics in front of Haru, to calling him Daisuke-sama. That just means there is definitely a hierarchal difference and she is there for serve. Whether as a lower member of the Kambe family or secretary turned adopted family member, I am unsure.
Concluding Thoughts
These are all very speculative of course and I don’t like taking things on face value, especially when they hyped up Suzue’s mysteriousness from the very beginning. Something just does not sit right with me with the reveal and I think what really put me off drawing a solid conclusion was Suzue’s infatuation like behaviour towards Daisuke and how Daisuke was STILL vague about Suzue being ‘a relative.’ 
Of course, all this could be redundant and they may just stop it at Daisuke and Suzue are relatives. But I honestly doubt it. I really think there is more to it than meets the eye. There are 7 episodes left and they still have yet to reveal more family issues on Daisuke’s end. I think we will see a lot of this in the coming eppys.
Anyways, until the anime fully confirms the exact nature of Daisuke and Suzue’s relationship - if they are relative, what kind of relative? - then I will keep speculating.
And please feel free to refute any of the stuff I just said as long as you can back it up with some sort of evidence (either from the novel or anime itself). I know the anime is only based loosely on the novel but because I can see the anime drawing quite a lot of stuff from it, I will accept it as some form of canonical evidence. Please be civil and respectful. That’s all I ask.
Happy Speculating !~
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adarlingsnightmare · 5 years
Ciel Phantomhive Yandere Alphabet
Anonymous said:
Hi! Can I ask for ciel phantomhive yandere alphabet?
I’m very sorry for being gone for such a long time and not posting anything, but I’ve been incredibly busy with school and haven’t had time to just sit down and write something. I will be more active from now on. Under the cut because it’s long.
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A- Attribute: What brought on this side of them? What made them suddenly click?
It's not entirely clear what made him turn yandere, most likely his traumatic childhood affected the way he sees things.
B- Blood- If they're extreme how messy are they willing to get?
Oh, Ciel's not spilling a drop of blood, at least, not directly. Sebastian will be the one killing any rivals or obstacles in the way of his love for you.
C- Cope - Do they try to deal with this jealousy sooner so they don't lash out?
Ciel is smart, he doesn't act rashly, no matter how furious he may be that someone is taking your attention away from him. He'll spend time planning how he's going to make this person suffer, and believe me, they'll be suffering alright.
D-Death, Do they feel any sorrow for their victims at all?
None at all, he believes they deserve their fates for getting near his darling. Even if the victim was someone his darling cared about like a friend or family member, he would not care, only be irritated that they're wasting their tears over them.
E- Earnest, Are they intense?
Yes, 100%. You'll feel like you can't breathe when you're around him -- which is all the time.
F-Fight, How would they feel if you fought back against them?
All you're doing is giving him more chance to prove his power and authority over you, which he loves doing. Of course, if you constantly fought back he would get irritated, but don't worry, after the punishment you receive you won't be doing it again.
G- Game: How much do they enjoy watching you run and have a fearful expression?
Ciel simultaneously thinks it's funny and thinks it's pathetic. He's a bit of sadist, and loves to see the hope leave your face as you're dragged back to him by Sebastian.
H- Hell: What would be your worst experience with them?
There isn't one specific experience that is worse than the others, because let's be real, your life with Ciel sucks. But not being able to the bathroom without Ciel's permission means you are most likely going to end up wetting yourself, which Ciel will then punish you severely for and to me that would be so horrifying. You can never avoid punishment, no matter how hard you try.
I- Iron: How emotionally stable would you be throughout the events that unfold?
You may start out stable, but in the end you'll be broken down to the point of not doing anything without Ciel's permission.
J- Jet- How fast would it happen for them to go yandere?
The two ways Ciel would turn yandere (at least outwardly) would be if you either rejected his advances over and over or you were already together. With the first, it would be fast; the second you leave after rejecting him again, you find yourself being restrained by Sebastian and brought into Ciel's room. If you were already together it would be slow, little by little Ciel would take control of your entire life, and it would be too late before you realised what was happening.
K- Kill- Would they hurt anyone to get to you?
Is that even a question? He'll do whatever it takes, who cares if a few people get hurt along the way? As long as he has you, he doesn't care.
L-Lonely, How much loneliness would they feel if you two were apart?
As if Ciel would ever let you leave his sight for even a second.
M- Might: How aggressive would they be towards you?
Ciel doesn't get particularly aggressive or violent, per say, but that's not to say he doesn't get scary. He usually remains calm, with a menacing low tone in his voice and an intimidating look. He may however start screaming at you if you constantly defied him and his patience wore thin.
N- Next: Would they ever move on after you?
It's not like death would get you out of that relationship.
O- Oppression- How many rights would they take away from you?
Rights? You won't even know what that word means by the first month of being trapped with him. He takes pleasure over controlling every single aspect of your life; what you eat, what you wear, where you go, when you speak, etc. You'll rely entirely on him, and that's exactly what he wants. He sees you more as a pretty doll he owns than a person.
P- Prize: Would they consider this a game?
Oh, definitely, this is a game of chess and you're his Queen.
Q- Quality: Would they to be secretive or be flashy about what they do?
You'll always be with him in public, but no one would ever guess the true toxic nature of your relationship.
R- Rain: Would they keep you trapped inside forever?
No, whenever he has to go somewhere you'll be there with him, arm in arm.
S- Stalker: Would they stalk you? How intense would it go?
He doesn't really stalk you, more gets Sebastian to go out and get information on you.
T-Turmoil, Would they force you to team up with them?
You're not on the same level as him, you're just a doll, why would he team up with you?
U-Usage, Would they use you to get what they desire?
You are the only thing he desires.
V- Version: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He won't seem as lovesick as the typical yandere, but believe me, he is obsessed.
W-Wild Card, a random yandere headcannon.
While Ciel will make Sebastian kill any nuisances, only he is allowed to lay a hand on you. He wants to be the only one causing you pain, in fact he wants to be the only person you think about. And yes, he will brand your skin with his name.
X- Xenophobia: How much would they get angry from their jealousy?
More annoyed than angry, but he is horrendously possessive, so he will punish you for even glancing at another person.
Y- Yander: How many crimes would they commit?
As many as necessary, but Ciel would be careful not to draw attention to himself and would most likely pin the crimes on someone else. If all your family and friends are killed, Ciel will tell everyone it was "your crazy stalker who wanted you for himself", and would claim he was helping you recover.
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frosteee · 4 years
R!Ciel Murderer Theory & Undertaker
Just some mid-afternoon thoughts. Please feel free to correct some of the information I’m using, I’ve only recently rejoined the fandom in earnest - enough to post theories on tumblr anyway lol.
The Background
So, Sebastian took R!Ciel's soul as payment for his summons. That means by the time Undertaker arrived to save R!Ciel's body from the flames, R!Ciel was an empty husk. So, like with Derrick Arden and the others in the Weston Arc, UT must have used R!Ciel’s residual ‘dreams of the future’, which linger long enough within a deceased body for him to use.
But what about the past? R!Ciel is UT’s finest work because not only can he function with a goal in mind like a person, but he remembers his past. UT would no longer have access to the records containing his past memories, as Sebastian had stolen that away when he took the boy’s soul.
So how did UT splice Ciel’s past with his future desires? We know from UT’s history with the Phantomhives and flashbacks where O!Ciel and R!Ciel meet him in their father’s manor, that UT was present or at least knowledgeable about much of the twins’ lives, and thus could be able to somehow use that to create memories of the past.
But of course, UT wasn’t watching over the twins all the time, and he wasn’t there to witness many key, intimate moments, and, perhaps darker moments that may have changed his attitude/treatment of them.
R!Ciel Murderer Theory
If R!Ciel did at least have a hand in his own parents' murder, if not outright killed them himself, I think UT’s knowledge, or lack of knowledge, of this would be significant.
At least twice now we have see UT lament bitterly on how he could not revive Vincent the way he has R!Ciel because his body was destroyed. He cared enough about Vincent to openly cry in front of Diedrich, an acquaintance at best, and express his regret.
It has been theorised by others in the fandom that R!Ciel, if he is complicit, had help from an outside source - on the Queen’s orders - that UT may have been aware of beforehand as one of the enemies of the Phantomhive house. So while UT knew about the other source, their motives and actions regarding the Phantomhive’s demise, he was not aware that R!Ciel had an involvement in it, and believed him just as much an innocent victim as O!Ciel in the whole thing.
Like O!Ciel and those who knew R!Ciel, UT also probably could not fathom the idea that a child could have possibly done such a thing. And if he did not have access to anything except the ‘yearning for the future’ records and his own memories of R!Ciel, Undertaker could be entirely ignorant of this episode of R!Ciel’s life. 
Tanaka, in this theory, is aware that R!Ciel is his parents’ killer, or accomplice to their deaths, but is intent on taking the secret to the grave due to his feelings of guilt and shame. It makes sense for him to have kept the secret from Undertaker as well, and is only going along with R!Ciel out of a sense of duty and because of his personal regret.
I find it difficult to believe, considering UT’s towards Vincent’s death, that he would just brush aside R!Ciel killing Vincent. Even if he considered R!Ciel’s age and surrounding circumstances he was made privy to, UT strikes me as far too emotionally invested in the lives/deaths of those he cared for to disregard their murder at the hands of another family member.
UT does not appear to care about the twins as individuals, but rather their statuses as members of the Phantomhive house, with which he has long been connected. He has no preference for one twin over the other, and even now he is not willing to do more for R!Ciel than keep him alive, declining to fill the butler role while they recruit more servants. 
Therefore, if UT discovered prior to the Phantomhive massacre that one twin had a hand in Vincent’s death, I doubt he would feel much compulsion to save that twin regardless, when he could easily support the other.
The way UT phrases it, at least to me, it sounds as if he intended to save both twins that night, but due to the yet-unnamed ‘obstacles’, that UT has mentioned a few times now, getting in his way, he was too late to do so. The fact that one twin was dead and could be used for his bizarre dolls experiments, which UT admits has been going on for much, much longer than we realised, was an unfortunate, but fixable, consequence as far as UT was concerned. 
Therefore, he poured the majority of his time/effort with reviving R!Ciel rather than the living O!Ciel. It wasn’t planned, but it fit nicely into UT’s already existing goals. Had it not been for that, UT would have probably shifted his focus to O!Ciel.
Of course, this isn’t to rule out the possibility that UT is now so utterly obsessed with preserving the Phantomhive house members that even the reality that one of them killed a dear friend/possible relative (Granddaddy UT Theory) could not deter him from that mission.
Still, I believe this very attachment would definitely put a hamper on UT’s willingness to help R!Ciel if he found out the boy killed his father, especially after going through all that trouble of bringing him to his current state.
If UT’s ultimate goal is to eliminate those who tried to destroy the Phantomhives, and to save both siblings from their fates (death), the revelation that R!Ciel had involvement in causing all this would definitely make UT flip his lid.
It’s pretty clear at this point that UT revived R!Ciel and did all his experiments for the sake of breaking the ‘status quo’, the inevitability of death in regards to the Phantomhives. He is very concerned about fate (making a separate post on that shortly), breaking away from one’s fate, and appears to hold some resentment towards O!Ciel for doggedly walking the path to his own doom, and like Tanaka did not appear at all pleased at R!Ciel’s decision to take on his birthright duties as Watchdog for the same reason.
All in all, UT has gone through the trouble of both reviving R!Ciel and assisting O!Ciel as he is able on the premise that he is helping break the ‘chain of fate’ that, as far as he is concerned, binds the boys to tragedy, despair and death. 
If he were to discover that one of the treasured Phantomhives, particularly the one whom he poured so much time, effort and misdeeds into reviving, had actually had a hand in creating that terrible, twisted fate he’s trying to save them from, killing a person he held dear in the process...
Somehow I don’t think he’d take it very well. What he would do in that scenario I can only guess at, because he has set so much in motion already and he is gunning for somebody other than Sebastian. Would he throw it all away now, when his goal is so close? Would he switch to a backup plan, or was he putting all his eggs in one basket (R!Ciel)? Would he lose it completely and do something rash?
Thoughts? (Because this has gone on long enough lol)
Also do these theories have their own tags?
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Real ciel with a fem darling
In all honesty, if I wouldn’t have been already far enough in the manga, I would have needed to reject this. It’s kind of bad that they didn’t put this into the Anime since it’s ridiculously important. So I apologize if I missed something, but I’m not finished with the manga yet.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, manipulation, kidnapping, gaslighting
Real Ciel with a female darling
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🍵Let’s just say that “Ciel” is a lot more possessive over his darling than his little brother is. Because whilst Ciel had a lot of people around him who seemed to care about him, “Ciel” had no one. He only had Undertaker on whom he seems to look down too as well even though he’s the one who keeps “Ciel’s” body functional. He’s a Bizarre Doll, a very advanced one who can blend in perfectly under humans, but is still no human. He wouldn’t want his darling to feel scared of that fact and for that tries to hide it.
🍵He’s also incredibly isolating, judging from how he always wanted to isolate his brother. But he manages to make it look less like he is isolating his darling, more like just coming over as extremely overprotective, guilt-tripping his darling mercilessly with his past and making her feel bad. Don’t know if that changes later on, but his body seems to be weak and fail him from time to time. No wonder, he is somewhat dead. He uses that as an advantage as well. He’s housebound, just like his brother used to be when they were younger. You surely wouldn’t want to leave him whilst he can’t even accompany you?
🍵Feel like he is also the more dangerous one from the two brothers. To start with, he has far more confidence in himself than our Ciel has, seeing how he was the dominant sibling during childhood and even know doesn’t even seem to falter after everything that happens. It just makes him so much more willing to get rid of people than Ciel, who is already very vicious. Here comes the aspect in that “Ciel” was all alone whilst Ciel had always people around him who cared for him. And whilst he might have pushed them away and told himself, his priority is vengeance, their love had an influence on him. “Ciel” had no one for nearly four years, he had no one who could have influenced him and is in my opinion due to that far more vengeful than our Ciel is. Combined with his possessiveness it makes a horrific mix.
🍵Also feel like he has an easier time charming his darling than Ciel has. He’s more outgoing and playful due to his confidence and doesn’t have the same awkwardness than Ciel does. It would be much more easier for him to sweep his darling naturally off her feet than his little brother might have. He is much more open to his darling and can socialize better than Ciel can. He would most likely find a way to set some rumors up which will lead to his and Elizabeth’s end of the engagement. But he is still smart enough to keep a good relationship with them since they’re good connections to have. Lizzy is anyways confused with her feelings and feels bad for not realizing sooner that the person she’s been with for the last four years was in fact not her Ciel, but his brother. It makes her see herself in a bad light and “Ciel” will use this to his advantage.
🍵Whilst he doesn’t have Sebastian or the butler Ciel used to have, “Ciel” still has influence and Undertaker by his side, next to a lot of other connections. He can draw his darling willingly closer to him if he wants too, but is also not above using manipulation and bribing to make that happen. He is after all good-looking, charming, rich and is a fascinating person to be with, given his past. He’s quite caring, looking back how he always took care of his brother and tries to be just the same way for you.
🍵Being a far more controlling one than his brother is due to only being able to watch his brother acting like him for years makes him a scarily obsessive one. He had little to no control in his life before and doesn’t want the same thing to happen with his darling. He will get his hands on any sort of information he can get and try to charm his way into friends and family’s hearts, expressing his interest in you so they’ll hopefully be more open with him.
🍵He excuses a lot of his actions, not letting you out, not letting you talk to any other people, through his terrifying backstory, having been marked, mistreated, abused and a lot of other horrible things. His paranoia can be so easily excused due to everything he went through and might make you think that he can’t help, but be that way. It might make you more lenient with his behavior. You would most likely want to help him getting over his trauma.
🍵Personally believe he would much more rely on gaslighting and guilt-tripping his darling than his brother might do. “Ciel” is without a doubt a true mastermind and his darling is a person he truly loves, in another sense than his brother. He already wanted his brother to rely on him and had always this feeling that he had to be there for him since he didn’t even want to be the next heir when hearing that his brother wanted to open a toy store. It’s similar with his darling. He wants her to see him as her fiancé and the one person she can always trust and rely on. It’s his pretty dream and he installs indirectly great fear on his darling to make her more frightened from the outside world.
🍵Being a doll makes him run on his desires a lot and you just happen to be the greatest of them all. He causes great troubles without ever being caught by you nor suspected, he’s too smart for that. He’s also far more vicious and brutal when it comes to getting rid of any obstacles in his way due to never having experienced these last four years anyone loving him which made him, as mentioned, more vengeful. He experiences mainly through his darling love again since she matters to him more than anything else, besides his little brother of course.
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chibimyumi · 5 years
Hey! Hope everything's fine (: I wanna ask about the following: what do you think will happen to r!Ciel? I just can't see o!Ciel, Sebastian, the Undertaker etc killing r!Ciel... He might decide to leave the scene for his brother's sake. It would be quite ironic if r!Ciel will choose to sacrifice himself after UT's hard work to bring him back to "life", given the fact that he's an ex-human who committed suicide.
Dear Anon,
First of all, thank you very much, I am doing great. I hope you’re doing great as well! Secondly, I am so sorry for the late reply.
What I think will happen to R!Ciel.
I definitely think that Undertaker will do anything in his power to make sure that R!Ciel does not get killed again; we have seen Undertaker’s obsession with the Phantomhive family, after all.
Sebastian is the titular character of this series, and right now he is incredibly scared of the reaper. Functionally, Undertaker is designed as the main villain and foil to Sebastian. Therefore, storytelling-wise, I think the logical proceeding would be for Sebas to thwart Undertaker when it comes to R!Ciel. Both of them would share the same reason to oppose each other, namely that they are each other’s greatest obstacle in achieving their respective goals. For Sebastian, it is to fulfil his contract and devour O!Ciel, which Undertaker is trying to prevent. For Undertaker, it is for Sebas to NOT fulfil his contract, as he wishes to reunite the Phantomhive family as much as possible. As such, though R!Ciel is of course a character of his own, he does also function as a plot-device for Sebas’ character arc to bear fruit.
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Unpacking ‘Need vs Want’
Any good character arc should contain a good ‘need vs want’ correlation. The part above ⇈ and the greatest part of the manga so far, addresses only the ‘need’ in the ‘need vs want’ in Sebastian’s character arc. The ‘want’ is mostly left untouched. Sure, we could say that Sebastian ‘wants’ to fulfil his contract in order to have O!Ciel’s soul, but there has never been any explicit explanation as to whether Sebas had a choice in the matter to begin with. He did not seem to have any say in whether he gets summoned or not, as was suggested by him telling O!Ciel to dismiss him if he required no service of him. Here, we learned that Sebas can’t just leave on his own accord; i.e. he is chained. From this, we may conclude that sacrificing R!Ciel was the fee to get Sebastian to travel to the human world. If we do accept that he had no say in whether he wanted to come or not, we could say that by ‘paying’ with R!Ciel, Sebas was put in a magic-parcel and sent to O!Ciel, with the included promise to enter a bond of servitude. In order to dismiss him, the same postage fee would have been required to repack him and send him back.
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If we accept Sebas’ condition of entering the contract as being involuntary, all the ‘want’ in him that is left so far is:
wanting his meal to be delicious
to not be a speechless slave.
Out of these two ‘wants’ however, only number 1 counts as the correlation with the ‘need’ which befits a character arc.  Number 2 is more of a coping mechanism, or a means to an end, if anything. Whether or not he acts like a speechless slave will not really change the way he fulfils his contract. For number 1 however, Sebas does need to act differently depending on how he wishes to manipulate the flavour of O!Ciel’s soul. Sure, so far in the manga, Sebastian has done quite a few things already to influence the flavour of his meal, e.g. letting the snakes attack the boy in Snake’s tent in the circus arc, or not allowing him to continue simpering due to trauma in the werewolf arc. (But one could even argue that shocking him out of trauma has more to do with the ‘need’…)
The current development in regards to Undertaker is probably the first time where Sebas’ ‘want’ arc can finally shine. I shall explain below:
R!Ciel and O!Ciel’s bond.
One of the most important things the flashbacks were telling us is that O!Ciel and R!Ciel have an incredibly strong bond, and that O!Ciel used to be hyper dependent on his older sibling. After R!Ciel died, O!Ciel had to rapidly grow up in order to fill the shoes his brother left behind, as well as to establish his own identity, or arguably, his brother’s identity according to the almost idealistic standard to which the younger twin held him.
O!Ciel is no longer dependent on his twin, but if we read this spread page from the werewolf arc as the order of guilt-level O!Ciel feels towards people, we see R!Ciel being in position number 1.
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So the arc for O!Ciel here is to decide whether his sentiments play a role in his decision making.
Will he show that he has entirely let go of his sentiments and see R!Ciel for the zombie he is, and continue his revenge arc in a bee-line?
Or will lingering sentiments flow into a mini personal-redemption arc now that the main object of O!Ciel’s guilt is back?
Considering O!Ciel’s personality, I personally am more willing to bank on a route 2, where the sentiments might threaten to influence O!Ciel, but him having to smack these feelings down even more harshly. If anything O!Ciel has learned in the past almost-4 years, is that the dead stay dead. Back in chapter 19, O!Ciel even lectured Soma on the stupidity of wishing things back that are gone at one point.
O!Ciel realises very well that R!Ciel is not his brother anymore. We have seen his shock upon seeing his brother’s corpse talking to him, yes, but afterwards, the first spoken reaction we see of him is utter outrage. That scene was so full of spontaneity and catharsis, it is hard to believe that he used all those long, looong moments of absolute silence to come up with a script to give people a ‘show’ of how he wants his zombie brother deader. If anything, the long period of silence was probably him considering what the return of ‘the real first born’ means to him, and how it will influence his future. And of course O!Ciel is not happy to find out that the one adversary even his demon seems unable to overcome, has become their adversary again in a major problem that O!Ciel cannot afford to hand-wave. During the Campania- and the Boarding School Arc, O!Ciel could say: “Oh, Undertaker is up to no good, he has to be stopped. If not, then it sucks for others.” But now, if Undertaker doesn’t get stopped FOR GOOD, well… it will become: “That sucks a lot for me!”
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Returning to Sebastian’s ‘want’
So, what does all this rant about O!Ciel have to do with Sebastian’s ‘want’ arc? If O!Ciel goes for route 1 (bee-line to revenge), then Sebastian and O!Ciel’s ‘want’ arc will overlap, and the two of them can head towards the same goal (albeit with different motivations).Here above however, I said that I am more likely to vouch for route 2.
If O!Ciel opts for route 2, then O!Ciel’s ‘want’ and Sebastian’s  ‘want’ will contradict, as surely Sebastian is not waiting for a soul with ‘too-many-sentiments-to-kill-a-corpse’ flavour. In that case, however reluctant Sebastian might be to fight Undertaker again, he will at least make sure that O!Ciel’s resolve to kill the zombie won’t wither. This task however, will require a much greater effort and determination on Sebastian’s part than anything he has done so far in terms of ‘seasoning his meal’. The snake-stunt in the Circus Arc was adding some salt and pepper perhaps, but this time, playing a hand in whether or not O!Ciel has the guts to kill R!Ciel will be as flavour-changing as choosing between boiling or stir-frying a meal.
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Hence, with clashing interests between demon and boy, Sebastian must see to it that his ‘want’ won’t be hindered by O!Ciel’s ‘want’. So,  ladies and gentlemen, and other respectable individuals, here is where we might see Sebastian’s first ‘want’ arc where he acts solely out of personal desire. Regardless of whether O!Ciel would initially choose route 1 or 2, the final result (if Sebas has any say in the matter) will still result in them going after R!Ciel.
R!Ciel Leaving Baby Brother?
As for R!Ciel leaving the scene for his brother’s sake… I personally find it quite hard to believe so. As explained in the Boarding School Arc, Bizarre Dolls – however well they are made – are in essence the embodiment of a person’s strongest emotions and fixations in life. R!Ciel’s fixation is probably his regret that he could not stay by his baby brother’s side to protect him and planning every detail out in their ‘glorious shared future’. Remember how R!Ciel could not handle O!Ciel saying he is going to live his own life and become a toy maker? Yikes.
The possessiveness of R!Ciel that was unfiltered due to his young age became the essence of his current being; a baby-bro-con zombie. Instead of “braaains”, it is “baby-brooooo”. In short, I do not think there is any chance R!Ciel will be able to physically and mentally let go of O!Ciel. As touched upon in this post, I think Undertaker’s and O!Ciel’s shared objective is to force O!Ciel to live a ‘happy life’ together with his twin.
If anything, R!Ciel’s (artificial) intentions fit the theme of Kuroshitsuji perfectly; humans are too greedy to let go and will submit to their greed ever after death.
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If we consider this, then the Bizarre Dolls tell us that: “what makes humans human is their greed and fixation. In order to make a corpse human again, the main and only way to make this possible is to restore this greed and fixation.
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midnight-in-town · 4 years
Hello! I came across your RCMT and I loved it to say the least! Watching their interactions as children tipped me off the wrong way and I couldn't quite place why but I think you hit the nail on the head.
So its about 5 am for me now so I might be going delirious but I was wondering (going by your theory) if r!Ciels participation in the massacre at the Phantomhive manor ( him assisting the intruder if not planning the attack himself) ended up being a bigger reason for his "defiled soul' to be powerful enough for a (as far as we know) powerful demon to be summoned, rather than the horrid things the cult did to him being responsible. ( I adore the thought of Sebastian being a lowlife in the demon world idk why I just want this man to be bullied somehow but thats a whole other thing. )
PS: Also that might be me misremembering the manga but I'm sure no powerful demon would have appeared if the soul wasn't "bad" enough for them , I mean from what we know Sebastian is " spicing up " O!Ciels soul with evil deeds so it'll be tastier later on. So going from that what better soul to consume than the one who has wished and assisted on the death of their father? (And most of their household.)
Again that might just be me and my deep hatred towards the use of sexual violence in horror (and in fiction in general)but I hated the idea that victims of //r*p*// are being seen as defiled, or corrupted. So I rather like the idea of r!ciel being just enough of a corrupt person by himself.
Hello! Wowww, long ask, I didn’t even it was possible to do that now!! 
Anyway, first of all, thank you very much for reading! :3 I know the RCMT is not everyone’s favorite theory (and its name is misleading), but I do enjoy it on several levels. I’m glad it made some sense to you, Anon. :))
Other fans either prefer the theory that real!Ciel never had anything to do with the massacre 4 years ago, or the twist that our!Ciel’s “asthma” was actually caused by real!Ciel [x] (as in some sort of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, if you want). To each their own, Yana will eventually tell us the truth.
Moving onto your idea:
“I was wondering if r!Ciels participation in the massacre at the Phantomhive manor ( him assisting the intruder if not planning the attack himself) ended up being a bigger reason for his "defiled soul' to be powerful enough for a powerful demon to be summoned, rather than the horrid things the cult did to him being responsible”
Hmm, I had never thought about that and I really enjoy the idea. :)
For now, we unfortunately don’t have enough knowledge about demonology in Kuroverse to be able to answer that question. At the same time, that also means that you’re free to imagine whatever you want, until Sensei possibly answers this point one day. :)
The thing is, we don’t even know if Seb ate real!Ciel’s soul to cross over (it’s really unclear), even less about if it’s possible for Seb to be aware of how real!Ciel’s soul got “corrupted” (be it because of the cult, or the possibility of the RCMT). As far as I can remember, he never made any allusion as to real!Ciel’s soul besides the fact that it was how he got to cross over and answer our!Ciel’s call. 
Whereas Ciel’s soul is bound by contract to be Seb’s dinner, so maybe it’s different, as in, Seb (who’s going to eat this soul) enjoys the events “spicing up” Ciel’s soul, because he knows by experience that it’s going to be extra tasty that way:
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It’s really hard to say but, without any hint either way, we can imagine pretty much whatever we want. :)
I rather like the idea of r!ciel being just enough of a corrupt person by himself.
Actually, I do as well, but for different reasons than what you mentioned about the cult. 
After all, we know that the Phantomhive family is said to be cursed: 
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Of course, it has many possible meanings (for example [x][x]), but it’s also interesting that the Undertaker (phantomhive fan #1) has described our!Ciel as being “different from his ancestors” (ch84), as in probably more selfless [x][x][x]:
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Because in that case, it wouldn’t be surprising that real!Ciel was “corrupted” even at 10 years old. It would just be yet another curse befalling this family, amongst all the many other possible ones. 
Besides, when you see his attitude as a Bizarre Doll in the current arc, it doesn’t necessarily come from the time with the cult: I mean, sure, he immensely suffered and probably got slightly crazy because of it, but there is still the obsession with his little brother, to the point that he’d try to kill Soma and to destroy the Bitter Rabbits (proof that Ciel succeeded in becoming a toy maker). 
There has to be a background to this strange attachment from before they were abducted, as the flashback chapters before ch134 do a good job foreshadowing.
TL;DR I’m still sold on the RCMT (real!Ciel not being the big bad/target of Ciel’s revenge, but just being in/directly guilty for the events of 4 years ago).
However, would it have been enough corruption to pay for a demon crossing over (without all the horrors done by the cult)? It’s hard to say, but maybe. Desperation and giving up on God on Ciel’s part were what Seb said triggered his summoning though:
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I don’t know if that answers your question, sorry if not, Anon.
Thanks again for reading and I wish you a nice weekend ahead! :3
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All the Characters that I think can sing and you can’t convince me otherwise so don’t even try
I may or may not end up adding to this list
Kyoya Ootori (ouran high school host club): I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again THIS BOY CAN SING LIKE AN ENTIRE ANGEL. He has a nice tenor voice and is really good at singing ballads. Tamaki’s the only one who knows he can sing though (maybe Haruhi finds out eventually) and he’s absolutely obsessed. He’s constantly pestering Kyoya to sing for him. Apparently Tamaki has a sixth sense and he can sense whenever Kyoya happens to be singing to himself and will just appear out of nowhere to listen (No joke this is a very pleasing mental image)
Koutarou Amon (Tokyo Ghoul): This is like A+ Akiramon material lemme tell you. He’s a bass, obviously. Amon’s kinda bashful when it comes to his singing abilities so he really only sings under his breath or when he’s alone (or thinks he’s alone hehehehe) Obviously I’m about to say Akira catches him because that’s like the cutest scenario ever. Let’s have a little baby scenario shall we: It’s the asscrack of dawn and Amon is in the office early to prepare for a debriefing that he will give later in the day and nobody else is there. (or so he thinks hehehe) He’s walking around just doing stuff and singing to himself audibly but not loudly. (and of course very well  because that’s the point of this list) Enter Akira who always gets to the office early because she’s Akira and she likes to be precise. When she hears a very pleasant voice making its way through the bridge of some old soft rock song she’s very surprised. The voice sounds familiar to her but she just can’t seem to put a face to the vocals. She rounds the corner and sees the mysterious singer standing in their joint office. When she registers that it’s Amon producing this beautiful music her jaw figuratively hits the ground. About thirty seconds go by before Amon turns around and Akira just stands in place completely in awe. When he finally turns around and makes eye contact with her his face slowly but surely turns 18 different shades of red. “oh... Hey Akira... how long have you been there” he manages to stutter. Akira smirked “Pretty nice vocals there sir” she says as she saunters away.
Akira Mado (Tokyo Ghoul): Ok I know I just went on a whole shtick about how Amon can sing but I also think that Akira is a total hypocrite because she can sing too. (Jesus Christ their child is gonna have the vocal chords of a god) She has a really nice soprano voice that just harmonizes soooo well with Amon’s smooth bass (holy hell slay me dude this mental image is gonna kill me) When it’s established between them that they both can sing They would 100% harmonize with each other at random moments in the house. Like Amon will just be walking around doing stuff and singing to himself and Akira will walk in and harmonize with him. I also hc that when their child(ren?) starts to get older Akira and Amon start to notice that their child can sing really well too. (as inaccurate as it may seem I smell a family band) 
Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler): Ok this one’s kinda obvious because well he’s a demon who can do pretty much anything. Sebastian can sing very very well. Sometimes the servants will get the pleasure of hearing his serene calming vocals if they wake up in the middle of the night. It’s canon that Sebastian stays up all night getting ready for the next day so I hc that he sings when he gets bored. The servants love it and Ciel is completely oblivious.
Levi Ackerman (Attack On Titan): So it’s kinda sorta canon that Levi can sing. (no name) Hange of course would find out and of course she would absolutely lose it. “PLEASE SING THIS LEVI PLEASE!!!” and Levi would be like “idk what you’re talking about four eyes leave me alone *sweats nervously*” Ofc Hange would sit outside his door at 3 am to listen to him sing because she loVES HIM. He’s probably a baritone.
Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist): This one is a little bit of a surprise for me just because Roy doesn’t seem like the type but here it is nonetheless. I hc that he can sing really well he just doesn’t do it very often. I think he’s the type to do it without realizing he’s doing it. Like he’s super focused on a document he’s reading and he’ll start singing without realizing it and Riza’s just like O_o. I had a friend who was a really good singer and I asked him why he never told me he could sing (we’d known each other since elementary school) and his headass told me “lmao I didn’t know I could sing until high school” and I was like “how do you not figure that out???” That’s totally Roy
Marie Mjolnir (Soul Eater): She’s like an angel in human form so she has to have the angelic voice to go along with it right. She has a voice that can just spread calm over anybody and everybody. When Stein is stressing out or the madness is messing with him she’ll hold his head to her chest and sing to him and it calms him down immediately. She would also be the best lullaby singer in all of the history of ever. Her kids are very lucky.
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funtomrabbits · 5 years
Ok, so after reading the r!Ciel mastermind theory, I was left wondering 2 things: Why does R!Ciel have an obsession with his brother? Does O!Ciel represent purity to him or something? And why did Undertaker have an obsession/bond with Vincent? Y'know, he's immortal and all that jazz, it's just "silly human drama"
this got to be pretty long so I’m gonna put it under a cut (which sometimes fucks up on mobile sorry)
“Why does R!Ciel have an obsession with his brother? Does O!Ciel represent purity to him or something?”
I mean the twins were really close to each other as kids, and suffered through trauma together, which resulted in the brutal murder of rCiel. After he was revived and still in the process of healing, he spent years being made to watch nearly everything oCiel was up to. Of course he’d be obsessed with him. Was the best reaction for rCiel to humiliate oCiel in front of other family members, intentionally turn Lizzy against him, and attempt to throw him in jail when he came back? Probably not. But with what he went through, you can find pretty good reasoning for how he feels towards oCiel. Which, no, I don’t believe he sees oCiel as “pure” or “innocent” tbh (which I’ve seen a few others say haha). I can’t really see any reason rCiel would have done to give that impression other than talking down to and reprimanding him but I wouldn’t really count that.
And why did Undertaker have an obsession/bond with Vincent?
Personally I’m not as knowledgeable as others are when it comes to reaper/Undertaker related things. I asked @kuro-von-shitsuji (Lily) and @frederickabberline (Suit) about it and they were both a HUGE help, so thank you guys again. I’ll be directly quoting because me trying to sum it up wouldn’t be quite as good so full credit for this portion goes to them.
Lily: I’d say that we don’t exactly know what his bond is with Vincent yet but that we know he was close enough to Claudia to keep a momento of her on him at all times and that Sascha confirmed that the twins have someone supernatural in their family tree that enables him to see reapers when they’re concealing their appearance and that the two facts together has led people to conclude he’s undertakers son
Suit: I don't think necessarily they have something supernatural in their bloodline, the line was vague enough that it could mean anything might be special about the Phantomhives that makes them able to see reapers. I would however point out that while UT is functionally immortal, he is in truth just a very old (ex-) human who has experienced a lot of tragedy and seen countless numbers of deaths. He feels very strongly and gains heavy attachments, and he clings to those he's lost after they're gone. He has no choice, it's not as if he can die and go with them. So if you were filled with endless grief (I don't think reapers are capable of- HAHAH THEY CAN'T MOVE ON. BA DUM TSS), and you wanted to cling to whatever you could of someone you lost, their children and those childrens children would be prime targets for your obsessionSee his lockets, so on so forth, he loves mementosThere's also the weirdly political element to Undertaker's Phantomhive obsession, the fact that he positions himself so firmly against the queen and the hold she has on the Phantomhives. Even beyond his emotional obsession I think there's something else there that hasn't been explored yet to do with the queen vs the phantomhives, possibly specifically her vs Claudia, that's extended to the other Phantomhives.
I think it's something we can't fully predict yet, but I don't think Undertaker was... as attached to Vincent as an individual separated from the Phantomhive name as he was attached to Vincent as an aspect of the larger Phantomhive case. Obviously he cared for him, and he was very distraught that he couldn't bring Vincent back like he could rciel, but I think the Phantomhive Family Status is the key point rather than Vincent the person(edited)The Midfords don't seem to get the same attention, despite being descendants, so there must be something about the title which is very important to his thought process.
In short. He's clingy and desperate to keep mementos, he sees the Phantomhives as a group as being important to whatever his underlying grudge is, and he obviously liked Claudia a whole lot, enough to up the dial on his obsession with the family to 100 even though he doesn't seem to care about the true welfare of individuals within that family.    
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