#hes just a happy kid with his brother and despite how he grows in height and as a person
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tb-png · 5 months ago
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moociaoafterdark · 1 month ago
Ultramarine Gene Flaw AU: Farm edition.
You thirsty bastards look what you did. You read the tittle. You heard of UltraMOOrines before. You know what you're about to read. The genetic flaw of the Ultramarines is that they're essentially cattle. Not just "GW's cash cows" kind of cattle. Not just "Throw enough Ultramarines at the problem and hope that will solve it" kind of cattle. They have cow/bull like features. It is mostly tied to their behavior. In this AU, they're much more likely to act out and be aggressive (something that may or may not be canon?? idk, I know Robu's geneseed is one of the purest ones). However, they're also way more protective of each other, as well as being more likely to be friendly with humans (unless they piss the Ultramoorines off). They do have other changes, though. The Ultramarines are split into two types: bulls and cows. Bulls usually stand out because of their increased height (being taller than their battle brothers), as well as being more aggressive, something that they learn how to temper. Some also may grow tiny numbs on their head, that if left untreated may turn into horns. This is often mistaken as a sign of corruption, but in reality, those horns are completely harmless and don't indicate anything. A bull Ultramarine may choose to surgically remove them, or, he may choose to keep them to use in combat. In those cases, they are equipped with specialized helmets, that allow for full head protection and coverage, but leave the horns poking out. Bulls are also noted to be the only Astartes capable of reproduction, albeit with their fellow battle brothers, cows in particular. Cows usually look no different from other Astartes, though they also can grow out horns, just like bulls, but this is a much rarer occurrence. In case a cow chooses to keep the horns, he also will be provided with a modified helmet. Cow Ultramarines are capable of lactation and the milk, as well as its consumption, has become an important part of the Chapter's culture. Sampling milk from one's battle brother is a very delicate and intimate process. Usually, though, it is gathered by the serfs and, in more notable cases, Apothecary, and is redistributed to the rest of the Chapter. Considering that the large quantity of milk in his chest makes the Ultramarine uncomfortable and feel heavy, he is more than happy to share milk. The milk of a cow Ultramarine is extremely nutritious and was proved to increase Astartes' healing capabilities. This is why cows, despite what one may think, are really valued as battle brothers. The cows are also still seen as Space Marines, therefore they are expected to and are sent to engage in combat. Cows are also capable of pregnancy, though they only can get impregnated by the bulls. The newborns are usually born as extremely promising, physically strong and in great health, meaning the Ultramarines and their Chapters are never in shortage of new possible recruits. Boys that were born from cow Ultramarines are also notably more likely to survive the grueling process of being converted into an Astartes. It is after birth that a cow's aggression levels rise significantly, which can only be explained by a supposed "maternal instinct" built into their genome. *ehem* So, which one of the Ultraboys is who? (the ones I can name from the top of my head)
Marneus Calgar - bull, of course. Did not remove his horns. Agemman Severus - bull. Removes his horns. Varro Tigurius - cow, of course. Also did not remove his horns. Has given birth to at least a couple of kids by now. guess who the father is Cato Sicarius - cow, much to everyone's surprise. Doesn't remove his horns in order to pretend to be bull. Haven't given birth to a kid... yet. Uriel Ventris - cow. Removes his horns regularly. Unknown if he has any children. Demetrian Titus - bull. Used to keep his horns, but after his time in the Deathwatch, got a habit to regularly remove them instead. Leandros - cow. Removes his horns. Was recently found to be with a child. Gadriel - cow. Doesn't remove his horns. Chairon - bull. Doesn't remove his horns. (honorable mention) Malum Caedo - bull. Removes his horns, surprisingly. Maybe he really likes his bird aesthetic? What of Ultrapeepaw himself, Roboute Guilliman? He got the best (and worst) of both worlds ~
@twerk4macragge @robot-roadtrip-rants THERE, YOU HAPPY NOW?
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55sturn · 9 months ago
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pairing: psycho!matt sturniolo x fem!reader [ implied/past tense ]
synopsis: in which matt has always leaned towards all things horrifying and brutal his entire life, his very obvious issues coming out in the form of a deeply disturbing interest in gore, murder, death. he’s always known that he needs help but he’s also always been capable of keeping his instincts under control, until that fateful saturday night.
warnings: angst, blood, gore, death, guns, fire, slightly descriptive murder, swearing. literally nothing happy.
everyone knows that there are three extremely distinct signs of something evil, dark, and severely fucked up manifesting in someone. and they primarily show during one’s childhood.
the signs are bed-wetting, cruelty towards animals, and some sort of obsession with either fire or something that can seriously harm, maim, or even kill someone.
and for matt, he never showed those three specific signs, but he did show a heavy and deeply twisted interest in horror, gore, death, and murder from a young age. he loved watching horror movies from as young as six. he would grow giddy as the fake blood spewed across the screen, he would even laugh as the victims in the movies died gruesome deaths.
his traits manifested in the sign of extreme intelligence despite struggling horribly in school, a strong lack of remorse and empathy, no genuine emotional connection to anyone or thing, extreme poorly regulated anger, narcissistic behaviour, and ease when it came to manipulation paired with an unbelievable level of charm.
he was never harmed or abused as a kid, in fact he grew up in an extremely stable and loving family, so when his parents started noticing how…different, matt appeared compared to other children his age, especially his brothers, they were concerned. at first they thought it was a phase, him trying to be like the effortlessly cool guys he saw in the movies he loved, until he “accidentally” set his family home on fire one day while playing with matches.
he was striking the matches, letting them burn out until they were nothing but nubs before tossing them to the floor, and chris had walked into the room, ignoring matt’s actions until he got nervous, and then chris proceeded to yell for matt to stop and that just egged matt on, so instead of listening, he took a handful of matches, struck them, and threw them in the recycling bin full of cardboard boxes and newspapers before holding chris in his arms, preventing his brother from ratting on him. matt forced chris to watch as the flames grew to a increasingly dangerous height, his eyes glistening at the sight of his creation, before letting chris run to warn their parents.
from that moment on, matt’s parents were deeply worried and took matt to therapy, in hopes that it’d help, and it did, until the one saturday night that ruined everything.
matt mulled over every way he’s seen someone kill another person in the movies in his head, trying to figure out what the fuck to do with the unconscious douchebag in the trunk of his car. he knew about fifty-two ways to kill someone total.
if he had taken his meds this morning, he wouldn’t have hunted the guy that you went on a with down, he wouldn’t have picked the lock and snuck into the stupid asshole’s closest, holding a police grade flashlight in his hand, the weight of the metal cylinder heavy beneath fingers, waiting until tyler opened the door to clock him over the head with it.
but he had no time to dwell over what he didn’t do, and instead he drove to his family’s cape cod house, the first two ways that popped into his head were suffocation and strangulation, but considering tyler’s build, it’d take far too long. he took a moment to breathe as he reached over and popped open the glove box, finding a box of matches sitting atop the insurance papers and the glock that he bought as soon as he turned eighteen, and an idea came to him.
as he pulled into the driveway of the family lake-house, he pocketed the matches and tucked the gun into his waistband before popping open the trunk and dragging tyler over to the fire pit, throwing his body in the middle of it before grabbing the rope from his trunk, quickly binding the guy’s arms and legs together. as he waited for him to wake up, he texted you, telling you to come to the cape house, stating it was an emergency.
when tyler woke up again, he was quick to knock him out again, planning to lead you in through the front of the house. but when your car pulled up, matt wasn’t sure what to do because you were quick to climb out and run over to him, your body trembling as you realized what matt had done.
your hand shook as you covered your mouth, you couldn’t fathom what you were seeing. you knew matt had some issues, and that he had a few dark fantasies but you never thought that matt, the quiet, seemingly gentle boy from your history class, was capable of murder. there was no way that your best friend, your matt, was capable of something so gruesome but he was.
“what the fuck is wrong with you matt?” you scream, unable to move your feet, feeling anchored to the spot you stood in.
“listen i didn’t want to do this, but seeing you with him set me off. i wanted to drop by your house and surprise you because i was thinking about you and i know when you’re home, but you weren’t home. so i checked your location. and then i drove by and saw you with him.” matt spits, his mind racing as he tried to reason with you.
“so what? did you ambush him in the fucking parking lot?”
“no. i tracked him down and whacked him with a flashlight and drove him here before calling you. it wasn’t hard to track him down considering how well known his family is.” matt scoffs, rolling his eyes as if that was the most obvious answer.
“you’re sick. did you call me here so you could kill me too?” you seethe, growing angry with matt’s audacity and terrified of how dangerous matt truly was.
“no. i called you here to prove that i’m doing this for you. for us. without tyler, there’s nothing standing in our way and we’ll be able to finally be together.” matt hums, his demeanour eerily calm as he flicks a handful of matches, throwing them on to tyler’s now dead and gasoline soaked body, matt had underestimated how hard the last whack to tyler’s head was before dumping a can of gasoline on him.
your sobs echoed in matt’s head as the flames grew, once again finding himself entranced by the way he could cause such a beautiful thing.
“you’re fucked in the head! i could never love someone like you!” you scream, watching as matt laughs at your comment before turning around and walking over you to, taking you face in his hands, you wanted to rip yourself away from him, to push him off of you, but you stood frozen in fear as matt looks at you.
“you don’t mean that, sweetheart.” matt whispers, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, bringing you back to reality as you shove him away.
“don’t touch me you sick bastard! i will never love a demented monster like you. you should’ve been locked up from birth or even worse, i wish you died in the fire you started as a kid.” you screech, watching as matt’s jaw clenches, his hand slipping beneath his sweater, your heart pounding as you see the gun sitting in his hand, realizing it’s now aimed at you.
“take it back you bitch. say you don’t mean it and i can spare you and we can run away and live together and fall in love.” matt whispers, his voice cracking as your words cut him deep, all he wanted was for you, for someone, to actually love him, but the things you were saying were making him think you couldn’t and if he couldn’t have you, no one else will.
“no. i don’t want to love someone as severely fucked as -“ your words were cut off as a gunshot rang through the air, and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears, and suddenly you felt something warm dripping down the front of your body. you went to wipe it away but in the gleam of the fire you see the thick, dark liquid coating your fingers, as you slowly fall to your knees.
matt had shot you in the chest.
“no no no. fuck!” matt mumbles as he pulls you into his lap, his hands trembling as he brushes your hair back, the blood in your mouth gurgling as you struggle to breath. the blood pools in your mouth causing you to cough and spit up a mouthful of blood.
“i’m so sorry sweetheart.” he whispers, tears falling down his face as he feels a strong sense of guilt for the the first time in his life, scared of what was going to happen.
“if you’re really sorry-“ you start, pausing to spit out more blood,
“you’ll turn yourself in.”
matt sobs against your shoulder, holding you tight to him as your body grows colder by the second, your breathing growing ragged and short, the time between each breath growing longer than the last. matt holds you for a long time after your last breath, softly brushing his fingers through your hair, whimpering as it grows matted with blood.
as matt drove back to the city, his head filled with everything he forgot to tell you before you died in his arms. he had taken what you said in your past moments seriously, deciding that if he wants to genuinely make peace with himself and what he had done, he needed to confess to his crimes.
but a song on the radio caught his attention, BRIGHTSIDE by the lumineers, which was coincidentally yours and matt’s song. and subconsciously, he headed toward your favourite place. the drive-in theatre just outside of the city.
as he parked in the back row of the drive-in, he climbed into the backseat, listening to the rest of the song play as he sobbed against his hands. he knew what he had done, and there was no way to undo what he had done, so as the song finished, he climbed back behind the wheel and drove toward the police station.
as matt sat in the interrogation room, he mulled over what he could do if they set him free while the cops investigated. he figured he could possibly stop by your house, and sit in your room and smoke a cigarette, like you two used to do in highschool, one last time.
or maybe he could find a way to end his life, so he could see you one last time and hug you again, and apologize for how irrationally he acted.
but the one thing he did know was that he was coming clean for you, honouring your last words.
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @gamermattsgf @vanteguccir @sturnioloshacker @mattscoquette @sugrhigh @bratzforchris @teapartyprincess4two @lustfulslxt @patscorner @guccifrog @muwapsturniolo @soursturniolo @solarsturniolo @sturnioloshacker @raysmayhem-72 @meanttomeet @breeloveschris @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @freshloveee @fawnchives @cindylcuwho @thc-bolter @freshloveforthefit @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @sturnifyed @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chriss @evie-sturns @hysteria-things @sturniolossss @iliketotalk @dazednmatthews @bambi-slxt @nickgetsmewetter @inkyray @jnkvivi @cdbabymp3 @certifiedstarrr
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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dimepdf · 2 years ago
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. when you initially asked Neteyam, the eldest Sully son who also happened to be smitten for you, for more assistance with your Na'vi knowledge, he was happy to help with a more hands-on approach.
─── ☆ notes. saw the new avatar and the way i had to pause and react and take in every detail cause it felt so short,, i cant wait for the 3rd movie to come out while im pushing fucking 40 or something with kids. | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
─── ☆ length. 2.8k (21 min read) .
─── ☆ genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni | mutual pining | friends to lovers | fem reader | pwp | porn with feelings | not movie canon | size kink | height difference | stretch marks | body worship | fluffy | confessions | monster fucking(?) | handjobs | fingering | grinding | manhandling | oral sex(f) | cute aftercare | not beta'd | title inspired by this song.
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"You can't, Tuk!" Only grumbling at his two most annoying younger siblings who had been following closely behind him, Neteyam dismissed the two in the typical older sibling tone of irritation. 
Both of them were curious, like cats, to find out where he was going when he broke his patrolling routine and made the error of asking both their father and mothers for permission to spend the rest of the day helping you at the labs with your studies that you had been struggling with.
No matter how much he tried to pull both parents aside, at least one sibling had managed to eavesdrop, and then his plans of keeping it on the down low had fallen through like a domino effect. 
This was why Tuk was bouncing on her heels, trailing after her two bickering brothers, Neteyam and Lo'ak. "No fair!" She tantrums, adding to the chattering back and forth, "I want to see y/n too, how come you're the only one that gets to go?" 
With your parents being loyal scientists passionate for a change, standing alongside Jake Sully were a group of good hearted human beings that were allowed to stay on Pandora to live alongside the Na'vi colony. 
Given that you were the second less rogue lab baby, it was the story that set the stage for your loving and extremely intelligent life. 
Maybe it was the fact that you still had your two loving parents, ending up more bubbled and growing up to be more of a homebody constantly wrapped up in some sort of new experiment scattering around the lab despite working with people twice your age. 
Everyone had grown to feel like one big nerdy family within the lab walls. 
Neteyam tightly inhaled with his hand wrapped tight around the leather hand grip from the holster for his Ikran. He was starting to grow thinner and thinner with the patience of telling the little girl every excuse under the sun other than flat out saying that he just wished to spend time with you alone. 
Lo'ak, of course, had been no help in calming Tuk down; his motormouth only added fuel to the flame as he continued to pester him alongside her. 
"He doesn't want us to come so he can finally make a move on his girlfriend." The youngest boy teased. Lo'ak flinched away from his brother's attempt at kicking him in the shoulder with a knowing chuckle, the comment only made Tuk whine more in disgust.
Muttering an insult as he mounted his ride, Neteyam ignored the tightness in his stomach at just the mere mention of your name beside his hinting towards a romantic relationship; it was an odd pretty relationship you had with the eldest son.
“I won't be fawning, I'm just going because she asked me for help with her research.” Neteyam gave his siblings one more stern glare.
“And she's not my girlfriend.” 
Lo’ak doubled in laughter, fuel only added as Neteyam showed more signs of annoyance. “Research? For what, exploring each other's bodies?” Neteyam had only rolled his eyes at the lewd question, taking off just in time for Tuk to ask what the joke had meant. 
Neteyam had been to the labs a handful of times, whether it was to hang out with Spider, accompany Kiri to see her mother, or just keep a close eye on Lo'ak to make sure he would stay out of trouble.
But he felt like this visit was just different from all the others—more intimate, greeting the few familiar faces as you guided him by hand through the lab rooms. Ducking through doorways and crouching through cramped human sized halls to your quarters that had been cleared out for a separate space all to yourself. 
It had been an old rec room redesigned and rearranged to your liking to hold all your personal belongings and decor. What was notable to Neteyam was the lack of boring control panels, odd techy devices, and bland white furniture all over the rest of the lab. 
The usual white and blue alien sleeping pod had been swapped out for a netted hammock similar to the one he would use at home, making your room appear completely disconnected from the rest of the sterile and overly organized aesthetic. 
A long desk piled high with books and paperwork was located across from your resting place next to the hatch entrance door, taking up its own space next to the large window overlooking the forest below the cliff. Your desk served as a clear confirmation to Neteyam that you were as intelligent as you appeared.
To enter Neteyam had to duck down enough to fit under the sliding door frame. As he did so, he peered around your messy bedroom with big curious eyes, soaking up as much information as he could about the space you loved to lock yourself up in all day rather than with him. "Okay, so this is what I've got done so far."
He followed the slight gesture of your hand, following towards the splattered spread of canvas against the once white wall now covered in layers of small paintings and scribbled wordings, but there was once a portrait that had caught his eye the most, a towering blue warrior posed with a bow. 
You had painted him on your wall.
Neteyam exhales as his long fingers run against the textured wall, his ears folding back, expressing his hidden bashful feelings as he comes face to face for the first time with a beautiful mural of himself.
"Ah, don't touch it," The gentle grasp of his elbow draws his attention back to you, "it's still drying, dummy."  
Your entire hand could only manage to wrap around two of his large fingers as you used the bottom hem of your shirt to wipe away the smudged paint on his fingertips, the view allowing Neteyam to look down at you while swallowing at the peak of your midriff.
In a good way, your body was very different from his. In contrast to his towering frame, you were much shorter with skin a warm shade of brown rather than the light sky blue he was used to seeing around.
It was more enticing to Neteyam, you weren't like anyone else he was used to, not even similar to Spider. You were a woman for one, he couldn't help but find himself entranced by you just so soft and plush looking, especially as you stood before him collecting your art supplies from around your bedroom.
He liked the way you always seemed to exude confidence with every step you took. How whenever you were concentrating on a task, your expression would soften, biting at the skin at your lip enough to draw his attention to the shape of your lips.
“Okay, so sit for a moment.”
He does as you say and sits with his legs crossed in front of you while kneeling on the ground. He had managed to have a height difference that reached your collarbone even while he was seated while you stood in front of him. Neteyam felt a bit insecure under your studied, silent gaze, watching your eyes move down his body with an uncomfortable exhale.
It didn't help his anxieties much that you were a more hands on learner, blinking as your hand reached out to caress his face.
A shiver ran up his spine at the gentle brush of your fingers against his cheek. "Your marks are so distinctive, pretty," you complement breathlessly with the trace of your pointing finger against his temple.
His ears twitched, and before he could react, his tail wrapped itself snugly around the middle of your thigh and drew you closer to him.
He murmurs timidly, "Yeah, they're kind of just all over," Before his hands could rest flat on his lap, he gestures while briefly puffing out his chest.
His eyes were looking anywhere but yours, as he was almost close to purring under your gentle touch. He just couldn't trust how his body would react to anything else. It was a mental war, trying not to make it seem as if he was completely gawking at your body.
The lift of your shirt exposed that same part of your stomach that his eyes could only see but his hands longed so desperately to trace. Neteyam’s fingers twitched, making a fist before hesitating in his grasp on your hips, his palm engulfing your sides.
The sight of his thumbs not being able to touch caused him to let out a shaky breath.
You nearly fell over when he suddenly wrapped his strong hands around you. The only thing you noticed was the curious look in his large, yellow eyes that were raking up from your waist as you used his shoulder to help you ground yourself. "Can I see it?" he asks.
You took a moment to process what he was trying to ask before your other hand could instantly cover the pudge of your stomach. "Hm, sure." You finally nod, lifting your shirt just enough to reach the midsection of your torso. 
You had your marks in the form of a scar, a healed claw mark that stretched just below your rib, and a memory of the first time Neteyam nearly saved your life from a rogue Thanator that had wandered too far from its territory. 
His face winced as he tried to push back the dreaded feeling he still would get in his chest thinking back on that horrible day. His fingers stroke against the rough skin, gentle enough as if he were afraid that he would crush you between his fingers by accident.
"I'm sorry," he mutters shamefully. "I let it leave a mark on you." He felt as if he had taken an arrow to the chest, the clench that he felt nicking in his ribs with every flooded memory of having betrayed your parents and his trust by being unable to truly ensure your safety in his hands.
"I told you to stop apologizing. You saved my life, Neteyam." You reassure him, yet he would fail to feel the same way, his fingers continuing down the scar tissue low enough to reach the waistband of your pants. 
Neteyam’s fingers brush more towards your sides, his interest lingering at the hints of stretch marks on the skin of your hips. 
"And what about these?" Foreign were the marks embedded against your hips and the dance of his fingers as they dragged down the jagged lines under them, hidden under the waist of your pants. 
It was a daring request, meeting eyes with a soft gaze that had a flaming heat feel as if it were flowing through his veins. 
Peering down at him with a dark look that made the tug of his tail more inviting, you closed the distance, falling against him with enough reaction time to straddle his waist. “Aren't I the one supposed to be the one studying you?” you whisper 
“I don't mind, go ahead.” Your back arches as you encircle his shoulder with your arms and tuck yourself closer as Neteyam watches how you react. 
His hands had taken the place of his previous grasp on your thighs, his tail wrapped possessively around your midsection. “Ohe think ohe'm keye’ung love.”
The beating in his chest was dangerous, but so was the way you looked at him before your lips could meet.
Neteyam didn't consider himself to be much of a romantic, the closest he had come to experiencing true love was through the example of the close bond his parents shared.
But as he kissed you, suddenly it all just made sense.
When you pulled away, exhaling hard, all he could do was chase after your mouth. The proportions were only a bit off—not too much that either of you had any objections against—as he swallowed each moan and whine that would pull from your throat.
Neither Neteyam nor you have ever kissed anyone before, maybe it was the way it felt so right to just let each other's instincts take over, grasping and tugging each other tightly as if there were any possible way you could get any closer.
Pure lust was what had taken over as Neteyam felt you shiver under his fingertips, the tangle of your hand in his braids had sent a new, inexperienced spark through his body.
Neteyam hissed at the odd feeling that struck him like a wave. "Oh, sorry," you mutter with a lick of your lips, your arms still laced around him.
He hadn't understood what you were apologizing for at first until he had followed your pointed stare to his crotch. 
The feeling that had waved through him was now all too clear as you both glanced shyly at his bulging situation—that you had the guts to reach out and fondle before he could even process how to breathe once more. 
With a sigh of breath, Neteyam practically whines at the contact, too caught up with the pit forming in his lower stomach to feel the embarrassment he would have felt at the pitch of the noises that parted from his lips. 
You readjust yourself in his hold, wincing slightly at the death grip he had on your thighs. The small space you created was enough for you to fully get a better grasp on his length, disregarding the cloth that held his privacy and rubbing your thumb over the dark blue tip of his dick, smearing the precum that he oozed.
Neteyam doesn't know whether he wants to watch or squeeze his eyes shut, his expression pained, yet his body felt everything but. 
His breath was shaky, and his limbs were tensing with each fisted stroke. 
All he could do was tremble and moan as you jerked him off. "Ah, hold on, p–please." As he sagged forward and whimpered, Neteyam attempted to catch his breath.
His sudden deadweight forced you to fall backward onto your back, where you then caught yourself lying beneath him. You followed suit to the small moment of mercy, mostly for your own sake at the dull tiredness in your wrist.
Now that the position had not helped much to ease whatever was building up inside, Neteyam sighed at the newfound feeling of rutting himself against the soft skin of your leg that his dick was pressed against.
Wanting more of the skinship, Neteyam’s hands wandered to whatever they could grab, hearing you giggle slightly from the ticklish sensation. 
It was the guide of your hand wrapping around his wrist, guiding his hand lower past the waistband of your pants. He felt drunk watching the way your expression shifted at just the mere feeling of his long fingers finding just the spot where you needed him most. 
It was an otherworldly sensation that Neteyam was experiencing, feeling you tight around his fingers and pistoning in and out of you at a careful, almost unbearably slow pace with each thrust.
Even as you finished with your tense muscles clenching around him and a broken moan that made him shiver, a noise of encouragement would make him never want to stop praising you.
Once Neteyam got a look at his slick covered fingers, it was like a lightbulb had switched on.
Before you could even process the end of your orgasm, Neteyam had crawled down closer to your legs, leaning down desperately and tugging off your pants. Both of you still found the atmosphere light and comfortable enough to humor each other's eagerness. 
Your laughter faded into small gasps at the strength with which Neteyam had elevated you enough to bury his face into your pussy sitting crouched on his knees as if you weighed absolutely nothing.
The same tongue he used to shyly babble to you with is now showing its true talent as his fingers probe you open the twitch of your hips shift against his mouth, directing him straight to his tongue sucking at your clit. 
It doesn't take much strength for him to hold you in place, your entire lower half is lifted in his grasp, knees bent and held up against his shoulders, and you use your elbows to perch yourself up as your muscles clench from the pleasure of your orgasm.
Neteyam, who hadn't had much of a grasp on the ecstasy of climaxing, continued to suck and finger until you trembled all over and were begging out his name for mercy. 
He was practically boneless, and tears threatened to roll down your cheeks as he finally allowed you to collapse into a heap of putty mess flat on the floor.
You push out your arms lazily, beckoning Neteyam into your embrace as you tug him down to lay on his chest with each other's legs tangled together, panting the same breath. 
It was a comfortable moment of silence, listening to the matched rhythm of each other's heartbeat.
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a-whispering-echo · 5 months ago
UE - Killer (+ Lust)
TW: brainwashing, killing, implications of SH, slavery, child labour, implications of sex work, implication of underage sexual content, abuse
"The Acolyte's Assassin" Tiefling Rouge Age: 19 Height; 5'7 Gender: Non Binary he/they
Was born into an institution of assassins.
Is fairly brainwashed
When he tells people his age, people think he's joking, because he comes across as older.
Has a brand on his back of the number 592 - his assassin number, its tried to be scratched off and Is covered in small scars. Mentioning it will case him to dissociate, which its quite jarring to his normally mischievous demeanour.
He makes little wooden toys for the kids. Both in the group, and when the do runs.
The Highway Woman's Curse
The face scales are genetic, it comes from a curse set on his great great great grandmother - called the "highway woman's curse", it makes them stand out from others, and as such they are more recognisable, and can be caught easily, killer learned to hid them pretty early on, it's something he still holds shame over, but is mostly over it. The others think it makes him look cool. It was cast on said ancestor for thievery, and they believed back then that people of the same bloodline were all of the same impulses, so they cursed the whole generation to be recognised easier, so they could know who did it. Unfortunately, many people used this against them, claiming they were robbed by one with the curse, when they were because they made easy scapegoats.
Killer was born into an institution, and, as his name implies, killed people he was ordered to. Everyone in this institution had different roles, and were named accordingly. They all had to report to the one family who owned them.
He spent most of his younger life here, with limited exposure to people outside.
He was quite popular in the group, mostly due to his high charisma, and his skill in his job. He's very sneaky, and could get kills without being noticed. While many people appreciated him, he wasn't really close to anyone but Lust, a fellow tiefling a few years older than him, who worked in the brothel owned by the same family. Lust liked preforming, but wished that he could do so in a less sexual manner, and Killer suggested music. So together they learned how to play several instruments, and while it was never really Killers thing, he kept at it to Lust happy.
Killer was the first person Lust came out to a trans, saying that while she didn't mind being male, she also definitely wanted to be perceived as female. Killer in response said he didn't really feel male, and the both started to present how they wanted to more, Killer growing his hair out, and stealing dresses and skirts for Lust when he went on trips.
But Killer desperately wanted to leave, to explore the world out there that he hadn't explored, and so, despite the fact he believed he would be killed for it, he leaves.
He snuck out at night when everyone is asleep, so that if he did die due to the curse over them, no one he cared about would see him die. When he didn't, he ran like the wind, leaving his past life (and friends) behind them.
The owners cover up Killer leaving, saying that he had died on a mission. Lust was heartbroken, but felt that something was off. Killer hadn't told her that they had a mission that night, strange, as they told each other everything.
Killer spends a few months just trying to understand how the world works, when he is unexpectedly stopped by some guard while trying to enter a city. They recognised their scales, and the multitude of knives on his person didn't help matters. They were about to lock him away and send him back to the institution, when he was saved by another tiefling, strikingly similar in appearance, who claimed that they were her brother to steer the guards off course.
The tiefling introduced themself as Buttercup, and stated that in return for her help, she wanted Killer to work for her. She first told him to kill a long term enemy of hers, and, should he succeed, she would employ him and cover the costs of anything he should need. Killer immediately accepts, trusting her completely.
It turns out, Buttercup worked as some kind of of assassin boss, she got requests for people's murders and sent those she had manipulated to do the dirty work.
Killer believed this to be such a lucky thing, he was good at killing people! She wouldn't get rid of him for his failures, and he didn't have to go back to his institution!
One day, Buttercup gives him a necklace, a large white circle pendent with a circle in the middle of no colour, stating that wearing it would make him stronger, and that she wanted to give it to him, as they were her best worker. When Killer puts it on, the part of the necklace with no colour turns a vivid red colour, swirling around in the white. The necklace had immediately bonded to his life force, sucking any magic he had straight into the pendent. And when he tried to take off the necklace, he found he couldn't, not without breaking it, which Buttercup said would kill him, so its stuck now. This did make his stronger technically, as he's now semi-immortal, you cant kill him without breaking the necklace, and if you don't know this, he's mostly safe. However, having his life force just sitting in front of him does make him much easier to kill if you know his weakness.
Buttercup did this so she could threaten his life every time he "misbehaved."
She then starts hurting him physically, now believing that she can get away with it; that he's too scared to run. Whipping his back for anything she can twist into being a mistake.
One day, Killer is ordered to kill a man known as "Horror," a half-orc from a neighbouring district, who was said to be blamed for the famine in the region, When Killer get there, and meets the guy, he realises he just cant kill him, he's way to much of a sweetheart, and ends up telling Horror that he was meant to kill him and didn't. Horror lets him know that he doesn't hold it against him, and that they were being manipulated into doing horrible thing. Killer starts to realise that what he's doing is not a good thing and stays with Horror for as long as he can, before being called back to Buttercup. He's tells Horror to meet him in a nearby tavern in 3 months, planning to grab his stuff and run away from Buttercups home.
When he gets there, he kills Buttercup, swearing this to be his last murder, grabs anything of value, tells the others working there what had happened and runs again.
When Killer come to the tavern at the agreed time, hes dismayed to find Horror very scarred, thin and clutching his sister in his arms. Horror explains what happened to them, and that they were exiled, and suffered to find anywhere where they would serve an orc. Killer feels immensely guilty, and promises to never leave him along again.
In this tavern, they notice a small elf in the corner, covered in a large purple cloak, and staring at them intensely. When they ask what hes looking at, he hesitates before stating that he's looking at Killer necklace, that he recognises the magic, and that he's sorry for what happened. Killer, taken aback, asks for the elves name. The elf freezes, his eyes darting back and forth, before breathing heavily, "Dust" he introduces himself as.
The three of them work as a team for a few months, before encountering a Dragonborn pillaging a village. When they stop to find out what's going on, they find themselves pickpocketed of their valuables. Enraged, they get into a huge fight, with the trio winning. They capture him end up working with him for around 7 months.
This is the point where a bunch of characters start meeting, so i'm not gonna put all this here - but i think you can see where its going, yes?
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stargazing-sapphire2 · 4 months ago
Daniel Walker
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Full Name: Daniel Elijah Walker
Date of Birth: September 1st, 1983. Los Angeles, California
Nationality: American
Occupation: United States Marine Corps
Rank: Sergeant
Age: 28 years old (At time of death)
Status: Deceased / KIA
Family / Relatives:
Andrew Walker - Father (Deceased)
Arabella Addington - Mother (Deceased)
Elias Walker - Older brother (Deceased)
Mina Hutchinson - Wife (Deceased)
Arabella Walker - Daughter (Alive)
David "Hesh" Walker - Nephew (Alive)
Logan Walker - Nephew (Status unknown, MIA)
Elias Walker II - Grandnephew (Alive)
Helena Walker - Grandniece (Alive)
*Hair color: Brown
*Eye color: Green
*Height: 5'11 / 180 cm
*Scars/Beauty marks/blemishes: N/A
*Faceclaim: Glen Powell
On the surface, Daniel comes off as your "typical" Marine: Loud, stern, a hard ass, and uses crude humor as well as being slightly unhinged to a degree. But through all of that, he is caring, kind man who would move the world for his friends and family.
Having lived a difficult life at a young age, Daniel holds somewhat of a cynical view of the world. "Can the optimism; shits only going to get worse so do yourself a favor" was typically his saying to recruits. However, this attitude lessened after he married and became a father; of which something he would not have for long or live long enough to let it change him completely.
Daniel was born on September 1st, 1983 in Los Angeles, California, to Andrew and Arabella Walker née Addington. He was the couple's second child, seven years younger than their first son, Elias.
Shortly after Daniel's birth, their mother had caught Andrew in bed with another woman, the affair having started months prior. The divorce was nasty, and Andrew signed away all of his parental rights, having no interest in being a father to his sons. Due to this, their mother worked herself to the bone to provide for her children, while Daniel was left in the care of Elias.
Growing up, Daniel was a happy, outdoorsy kid, from skateboarding with his friends and playing sports after school; he was never one to stay inside for too long. The only drawback was Daniel wishing Elias could spend time with him outside of just being a babysitter whenever their mother wasn't around.
When Daniel was 11, the then 18 year old Elias left home and joined the Army right out of high school. Despite still remaining in contact through letters, phone calls and sending money so his mother could provide, Daniel grew resentful and angry, seeing this as a form of abandonment much like how their father left. Daniel changed for the worst; often getting into trouble at school, whether it was mouthing off to a teacher or getting into fights, and when he got older, he turned to partying, drinking, drugs, and chasing any skirt that came his way. Whenever Elias was home, Daniel would often start arguments with him, despite Arabella's best efforts to keep the peace between her boys.
After he graduated high school, Daniel decided to join the Marines, seeing as college had not been for him and he had flunked out in the first semester. This decision was supported by Elias, hoping it could bridge the gap between them, but Daniel remained cross with him, still clinging onto the bitterness he had when he was younger.
The military life was an entirely different perspective for Daniel. The rigorous training and tight schedule whipped him back up into shape and straightened his bad attitude, something that he grew to be grateful for, as he knew he'd be dead in a ditch somewhere if he continued the way he did prior to enlisting.
Months after he completed basic training, Arabella was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and did not have much time left; her final request being that she spends the remainder of her days with her boys. Both Elias and Daniel, for their mother's sake, stepped up and looked after her when they could. She would eventually pass away in her sleep in late 2003, and this would lead to Daniel and Elias reconciling, and Daniel would be introduced to his nephews, David and Logan, whom he had grown close to.
Daniel gained combat experience throughout the Tel Aviv war, although he would not come out unscathed, with both physical and mental scars.
In 2004, Daniel met Mina Hutchinson, a waitress who worked in a cafe when Daniel was visiting South Dakota. The two eventually fell in love, and got married two years after dating. Mina's good nature and patience tempered out Daniel's hotheadedness, and he considerably mellowed out, much to the gratefulness of Elias, as he was more than happy to see his little brother find someone.
In 2007, Daniel and Mina would have their first kid, a girl they named Arabella after her paternal grandmother. However, Mina passed away shortly after giving birth due to complications, leaving Daniel as a single father. Despite the struggles and grief, after having been abandoned by his own father, Daniel swore to never let that behavior repeat, and with the assistance of Elias he stepped up, and made sure Arabella was loved and taken care of.
Unfortunately, Daniel would not be in his daughter's life for long. In 2011, while on deployment, he and his unit were ambushed by Federation soldiers. Daniel was killed instantly, having been struck by a sniper's round through the back of his skull; he was only 28 years old at the time of his death. He would leave behind the 4 year old Arabella, who would then be taken in by her uncle Elias not long after her father's passing.
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devynshaw · 2 years ago
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About // Pinterest // Timeline // Connections
General Info
Name: Devyn Shaw Nickname: Dev, Shaw Age: 28 Gender & Pronouns: Cis Female, She/Her Home: District 3 Role: Tribute for the 75th Hunger Games Personality Traits: Adroit, Observant, Charming, Headstrong, Blunt, Impulsive Song: Church by Aly & AJ
Character Biography
tw: parent death Devyn was born a year before her younger brother, Luke. Their mother stayed home with them and looked after them, making sure that their lives were happy and safe despite the living conditions for the poorer citizens of District Three. Even though their mother was looking out for them, Devyn felt an obligation to look after Luke. She would stand up for him if kids ever picked on him, and even included him when she would hang out with her friends. Despite her lack of height, Devyn was a tough kid. She was more than happy to challenge bullies twice her size to protect Luke or her friends. Of course that got her in some trouble at school on top of tendencies to be listless in some of her classes. It didn’t mean she lacked the intelligence; Devyn was very smart. She was only motivated when something sparked her interest. And when it came to helping Luke with his work, a lot of Devyn’s lessons ran along the lines of “do as I say, not as I do”. Devyn wanted to be just as present in Luke’s life as their mother was, because their father sure as hell wasn’t around. Had she not seen him once or twice when they were younger, Devyn never would have known who her father was. Whenever Luke asked about him, their mother would fumble through an answer, or a false promise that he would come home someday. Devyn, however, knew better than to believe those lies. As far as she was concerned, he was dead to her, especially when she heard their mother crying quietly to herself when she was sure she was alone in their small home. One day when the kids had come home from school, they found their mother collapsed on the floor. An illness she had been dealing with for months finally caught up with her and was killing her. Devyn and Luke tried to get in touch with their father, getting help from family friends and their mother herself. At first Devyn was adamant about not going to her father, but Luke had been the one to convince her to try and contact their dad. They didn’t have anyone else to reach out to. But none of their messages were answered. Devyn took up the mantle of guardian, looking after both Luke and their mother up until the sickness took her and she passed away. Having to watch her mother die and getting no answer despite her reluctance to reach out to her father, Devyn’s burning resentment for their father grew. A friend of their mother’s, a woman named Astrid, took the kids in and watched over them as they grew up. Astrid quickly became a respected parental figure for Devyn and Luke. She ran a repair shop with her husband, Curtis, that the Shaw kids worked in. Astrid was firm yet kind, and she taught the siblings discipline and how to think for themselves. A lot of that stemmed from her distain for The Capitol and The Games, which Devyn already had growing up. Watching people getting called for the slaughter tended to instill fear and anger in people, yet many of them were too scared to rebel. And for good reason; The Capitol was not afraid to show its power over the citizens of District Three. Not to mention The Hunger Games taking place every year to quell any sort of resistance. Devyn hated watching neighbors and friends have their lives destroyed in seeing friends and family going into The Games and never come back home. Devyn’s biggest fear was Luke’s name being drawn for The Games and she wouldn’t be able to protect him. They both thought they had managed to evade it by aging out of the Reaping pool, lived under the ignorant assumption that they would lead quiet lives in District Three. But then, Snow changed the rules of the Quarter Quell and Devyn Shaw was named one of the Tributes for the 75th Hunger Games. The only solace she had was that Luke’s name had not been called, but she was still going into The Games. While she did have fight in her, Devyn carried the weight of the sinking dread that there was a very good chance she was not going to make it back home. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try. She had to, for Luke.
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verdanabdit · 2 years ago
What do you think of Sans being slightly taller than Papyrus as kids and then Papyrus slowly outgrowing him? It’s a hc I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone talk about. Also it reminds me of this comic from another fandom
I love it!! I've seen a lot of then-and-now artwork of them portrayed like that and I love it every time.
Most seem to gravitate toward Sans starting near his adult height when Papyrus is like 5, though, which implies a pretty big age gap. This height discrepancy is more fun to think about when they're way closer in age, though. Like 4 years or less. (Even better if twins.)
I wonder how they'd feel about it at the time? If they're still young enough at the time, maybe Papyrus tactlessly asks why Sans isn't growing like he is, and Sans starts thinking maybe there's something wrong with him.
When they're a little older, maybe Sans is just a little sore about it, even if he likes seeing Papyrus excited every time he measures an inch taller. Maybe Papyrus, despite being happy to be growing taller, is kind of sad that the physical dynamic is changing so much, that he doesn't fit so well in his brother's embrace anymore, and he likely won't ever be fully enveloped like he was when he was smaller.
If we go down the route of them being each-other's romantic or s☆xual awakening, maybe it'd actually sort of delay their realization if it's still a sore point at that age. When you're young enough that you don't know what matters or even what you like, a height discrepancy "outside the norm" can seem super unattractive. On the opposite end of that, it could also be yet another point of shame. Not only are they having inappropriate thoughts about their brother, but those thoughts sometimes focus on that height discrepancy. Papyrus feels bad for the mixed fantasies of crowding his small older brother who obviously still isn't happy about being so short, and of still being so well taken care of by his loving brother despite being so much taller. Sans feels bad for the thoughts of someone so much bigger than him being reliant on him, and of his younger brother growing big and strong enough to take care of him if he needs it when he should be the one taking care of Papyrus.
Typically, you don't carry a height complex into adulthood and be a pleasant person, so any worries about their heights faded away a long time ago by present day. It was awkward coming to terms with it at the time (especially when admitting both ends of it is kind of attractive to both of them), but it's just normal now.
(Conversely, Papyrus wants to grow even taller, and insists he's not done growing yet.) ... (10 years go by and he hasn't grown again. He still insists.) ... (Suddenly, at the age of 32, he grows 5 more inches. "I TOLD YOU SO!")
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aiyumiyeou · 2 years ago
yumi interacting with the other ninja? how would he?
also I love ur art ❤️
AHHH thank you for asking this anon so i can openly brainrot ahwkdhsk
adding a read more simply because i want to ramble and because i'm a little shyy and thank you so much i'm so happy people enjoy my art >//<
starting off with some info: yumi's 'elemental' power of yāojing (fairy) is influenced heavily by empathy & his OWN feelings towards things (which more or less can be helpful..? if he's empathetic enough to feel for more than himself if that makes sense)
his powers grow when he eats the livelihood (counted in years.. etc. if yumi hit a person with his elemental powers he just stole 2 years off their life hfkfjdk) and emotions of people as well.
older yumi just has different physical features (taller, around kai's height by the end? at least in my head) with gumiho features like fox ears and a pretty silky tail
kai: younger yumi was the shyest with kai.. he prob had one of those mini kid crushes on him but as yumi grew older he acknowledged kai as lloyd's older brother who he likes to tease way too much. in general they're really competitive but have a comfortable-silence kind of friendship
cole: best older brother in the world to yumi. [head in hands] first ninja to interact with yumi after wu takes in yumi first! cole p much redefined what a good older sibling is supposed to be like and yumi easily has separation anxiety from him c': in general they are super funny and unserious tgt in contrast to all the angst they probably experience..
jay: yumi loves to listen to jay's rambles but he gets the most confused/overstimulated from the lightning ninja's emotions & loudness combined. all in all despite jay using up yumi's social battery the faster, he really likes jay's versatility and love life issues (yuyu is def a romantic & resident gossip horder, which he will share with jay on the promise he doesn't spill any secrets)
zane: yumi always appreciated zane's patience and tolerability & sense in situations but similar to kai they have that sweet but silent kind of relationship! put yumi and zane together in a kitchen and some puppy eyes and suddenly dinner is all high quality meat dishes.. yumi always tries to help zane out with chores they are both avid cleaners.
nya: yumi loves nya's company. before he aged up he always went to her when yumi felt both of them being excluded from the team and she would play with yumi's hair. yumi vents to nya the easiest and he tends to go wild in his whining whenever helping the water nya fix up her mechanics. they have a really cute bond.. nya is 2nd place for best older sibling in yumi's heart
lloyd: Ahhh. where do i begin. yumi has the strongest bond with lloyd which ends up with a lot of teaming up, oblivious flirting, and craving spending time with the green ninja the most. when they were younger they were half friends half rivals (a lot of tension in general..) but yumi and lloyd are the type to like and trust each other so much that it also causes problems (ex. lloyd keeping his emotions from yumi to not burden him and yumi stubbornly pushing away lloyd to prevent becoming a weakness to him)
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gothammybeloved · 2 months ago
omgomgomg! i completely forgot about this ask so this is a wonderful way to start 2025 <3  itty bitty just in case tw for mentions of canon typical violence <33
completely agree on Bruce!! and while it makes sense that criminals would try to do that to the Waynes it brings up two things to me. 1. Imagine wing injuries in kidnappings…. imagine the whump… the healing process???…. (Now i want to write this lol) 2. Think about how much WORK Bruce put into protecting his (and his kids) wings when they go out. Flying through a metropolitan area canNOT be easy nor safe. Again i’ll urge you to think of the whump <3
Dickie!! I agree with the reasoning behind bluejay wings which is why I’ll present something else… you guessed it. Whump. His parents' death would have been so fucking tragic, you have wings right?? they shouldn’t have fallen. But maybe their wings got snapped, maybe they were injured beforehand maybe they died in the air. that wouldn’t go very well for Dick’s development. Imagine this little fledgling who just saw his parents' wings break, an acrobat who THRIVES in the sky, who is now scared of heights and flying despite its everyday nature. He would push past it and try to get Zucco, and try to be Robin and we would watch as all the pent up fear continued to build. I could see if breaking once after he first starts as Robin. and another time catastrophically worse when he’s in SPACE and his brother dies a caged bird. anyhoosies
Jason. Darling. Baby. i love this. I’m gonna go with the condor because while I LOVE the flashiness of the secratry bird, in all my head cannons I make Jason big and strong even when he was on the streets. (obviously malnourished and not doing well™️ but some kids hold onto their form better. and alfred’s cooking obviously built back most of what he lost. Moving on, his death would be even more traumatic for a couple for reasons! YAY 🎉🎉 For one, broken wings can’t feel good nor plucked feathers nor…. torn muscles—functional wing muscles would tie into the persons lats and around their upper chest. you could easily completely break the functionality of wings with a very simple slice. And again dieing a caged bird… i GAWT to write this. coming back Jason could feel a lot of “relief” in the LoA because Talia lets him fly and grow and groom his wings to his heart’s content. Which… jason think. you were a BABY and now you’re a fridge. Bruce would have never let you just fly around by yourself… not to mention you’re now in a desert cult that wants you alive and happy useful not a major metropolitan area that wants you for ransom.
Tim!!! my favorite boy!!!!!!! love this guy frfr i’m going to go with raven wings because while crows are more often in cities i like the idea of… baby tim… rich boy tim… having to adapt to his self-inflicted/self learned street skills. i also would love it if wings could have traits i.e. recessive/dominant. imagine Tim with black wings that don’t match Janet’s sloping cream swan feathers or Jack’s beautiful reflective hummingbird wings. he looks like them but without matching wings… imagine high society gossip. can you tell i like emotional angst? (don’t answer that)
Damian baby!! Ok so hear me out on this. Spitting image of Bruce but with warm brown skin, matching wings but that are technically rarer…. middle school kids are so incredibly and inconsistently bigots. ESPECIALLY high society/rich ones (i work with kids trust me on this) Despite with Bruce’s face and wings i can just imagine the bullying. am i secretly projecting my childhood trauma? maybe. i don’t remember most of it.
Steph! while i like the cockatoo and am still a fan i’d love to tell you about purple martins <3 they look black while in shadows but turn purple in the light! and if lets say… her father was a cockatoo… martins are bigger and i think that Steph wouldn’t all get pride in having bigger wings then her biggest opp /silly
Cass is obviously an owl but i’m just thinking about how thick owl feathers are. she would have gotten so dirty… and how many times do you think she got to wash while on the run. look me in the eyes and tell me if you think she didn’t have to run away from her first kill with blood on her feathers and how long that had to stick to her
Duke!! I love the idea of the lorikeet and i would like to present in turn a kingfisher! they have yellow chests and reflective blue backs which I think matches the sky in a fun way since our dear boy is the day shift. another plus, kingfishers are carnivorous which I think plays nicely into Duke's whole "normal" but actually just as insane niche
And Alfred lines up perfectly with my visions cause an albatross is what I've always tied him to <3
do you think you would ever do a wingfic? cause i LOVE your writing style and your shifter fics have lead me to believe that you would be super good at it :]
like brucie would obviously have batwings cause ✨drama✨ and maybe for the rest of the fam they have wings that match their hair colors and personalities? if that makes sense 🫠 and maybe the reader has just super duper soft wings :}
if you ever decide to do something wingfic esq. just know that i would be the first to read :3
with love - @gothammybeloved
Rising from the dead with this one (I have twenty asks in my inbox)
Happy Holidays you mfs
Def a bat. Causes him problems with the press having similar wings to Batman sometimes but there's a lot of other people with bat wings so it's generally a baseless accusation. This likely goes for the entire batfam because lots of people have similar bird wings. Ye
I'd think that he and Lucius Fox probably designed some kind of protection for bat wings (and then later of feather wings once he adopted Dick etc) because criminals would purposely or accidentally rip the membrane/break the bones of batfam wings.
Dick is a Blue Jay because;
A) blue does it need explanation
B) Blue Jays have elliptical wings which are shaped in a way that "allow birds to maneuver tightly in confined spaces and minimize drag for rapid ascent and descent". And it makes sense for Dick who is flexible to concerning degrees. So. Neat
We have two options here:
A) secretary bird bc they beat the shit out of snakes. I promise. Snakes = dirty criminals yk??? Also that bird looks like it reads Jane Austen
B) Andean Condor which is the largest bird of prey
because Jason is a brick shit house
Crow/Raven. Doesn't matter cause they're both smart and have been known to use things like tools and other stuff etc.
Also black would fit with the Red Robin suit I'd think so yeah 👍
Like father like son, so bat wings too. In the League I'd think they would treat the wings of the Al Ghul (I'd wanna say all have bat wings too? Cant see Ra's with bird wings) family as...
Idk but see the vision ok: painting the membrane with special paint that doesn't weigh them down, in gold intricate patterns. They'd have people do it for them but when moving to Gotham, Damian would probably keep doing it himself.
Red (or yellow) tailed black cockatoo. Cockatoos have a fun personality I think and the wings of the red tailed black cockatoo are black, fitting in with her suit, but also have a fun sprinkle of yellow colouring.
Idk what birds have purple wings I sorry
An owl with black wings (black banded owl, black barn owl etc.) because:
A) black . Black bat? Like?
B) owls are silent in flight which makes sense for Cass because she's very stealthy and quiet.
Keeping a trend of Australian birds I think he'd be a rainbow lorikeet. Lovable colourful birds that no one can find a reason to hate except for when there's fifty squawking next to your bedroom cough cough
Have mostly yellow wings. Bonus their chest feathers reflect in ultraviolet light to signal (! See what I did there) to other birds. Let's pretend their wings do that too
Some kind of albatross. This man went from British special forces to a butler for billionaires in America. He has travelled. He has seen shit. He makes it look easy
Bonus most albatross species live up and over of 50 years which isn't the longest but still pretty cool.
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rubysunnday · 3 years ago
it's a bad idea, me and you
requested by @magpiencrow: CONGRATS ON LITERALLY EVERYTHING!!! 🥳 also #24 is just destined for bridgerton <3
A/N: I've fallen back in love with Viscount Anthony Bridgerton and all his grumpy so I had to write to him. Lovers to enemies to lovers, anyone? Also this is the closest you will ever get to smut from me so take it and be happy
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Y/N moved her rook across the chessboard into a blank square. Daphne narrowed her eyes at the board and moved her knight.
It was a surprisingly quiet Friday morning considering it was the height of the social season. But that was perhaps down to the fact that Daphne was now married and had no real need to participate as much as before.
They were sat in the warmth of the drawing-room, the windows thrown open to let in the summer breeze that danced with the net curtains hung in front of each window. It was calm and peaceful and everything Y/N needed after the last year.
"Who taught you chess?" Y/N asked quietly, contemplating her next move with a thoughtful expression on her face.
"Anthony. He was the chess master when we were growing up," Daphne replied, leaning back in her chair. "He also cheated but, that is beside the point."
Y/N chuckled softly. "Sounds like him. Cheater in games and love."
Daphne raised her eyebrows slightly, letting out an almost silent sigh. "He is not that bad."
"I did not say he was bad. I merely said he was a cheater." Y/N moved another rook. "He acts as if every woman in the ton is below him - as if finding a reputable wife is not worth his time."
"He has what the majority of men do not - brothers."
Y/N laughed. Loudly. "Please. Benedict Bridgerton and Colin Bridgerton are lovely but neither are looking for a wife - they are happier flirting with every young lady within a mile radius. Anthony must be kidding himself if he thinks your reputation can succeed with them."
"Why do you hate my brother so much?"
"Which one?"
Daphne chuckled, leaning forward and moving a rook. "Anthony. Every time he is in the room or he comes up in conversation you begin insulting him with words I associate with hate."
"I do not."
"You do too."
Y/N placed the chess piece down a little too hard, knocking over three other pieces as she did so. "Daphne, as much as I respect and love you, please change the subject."
"Yes, of course." She righted a fallen piece. "Are you going to Lady Cowper's ball tonight?"
"Unfortunately - despite how much I despise the woman, she does throw a good ball."
Daphne hummed. "Anthony's going."
Y/N almost threw the entire table over. "Daphne."
"I am simply stating who is going," Daphne replied calmly, completely unphased. "Benedict is also going. As is Colin. As am I."
"Oh, good, I can throw a glass of lemonade at you." Y/N moved another piece - neither one of them was actually playing properly now, they were simply moving chess pieces around a board.
"He's not as bad -"
"Daphne, why are you so determined to sell your eldest brother to me?" Y/N asked, leaning back in her chair, raising her eyebrows. "You have been complimenting him every time I have come over for the past three months."
"I simply think that you have a misguided opinion of him," Daphne replied, her words obviously carefully chosen.
Y/N leant forward and moved her queen. "Of course. I did use to like your brother."
"I know."
"I know." Daphne opened her mouth to speak and Y/N braced herself. "But he has changed, Y/N, if you -"
A knock on the door cut Daphne off before she could finish her sentence - something Y/N was grateful for. Until Anthony Bridgerton walked into the room, hands clasped behind his back, a beaming smile on his face as he looked at his sister, oblivious to Y/N's presence.
"Anthony! What a pleasant surprise!" Daphne exclaimed, standing up and approaching her brother, engulfing him in a tight hug. "I thought you were busy with business."
"I am but I was passing and decided to come by and check on you," Anthony said, pressing a kiss to Daphne's cheek.
He stepped back and turned his head to the right, his eyes stopping as he finally noticed Y/N's presence in the room.
"Miss Y/L/N."
"Lord Bridgerton."
The loving atmosphere had vanished like a candle being snuffed out. Y/N swallowed and sniffed quietly, looking down at her dress, avoiding Anthony's gaze.
"Yes, anyway, things to do, people to see..." He reached out and squeeze Daphne's shoulder. "See you tonight, Daff."
And with that, Anthony was gone.
Daphne looked over at Y/N. "You hate him."
Y/N looked up at her with burning eyes. She shrugged. "Perhaps." Leaning forward, she began to reset the chess board. "To be honest, Daphne, I do not think I entirely know how I feel. Now, shall we play properly, this time? No cheating."
"Ah, I don't cheat," Daphne exclaimed indignantly, sitting back down.
"Oh, you do, I watched you move my piece back to where it was."
The game began again but Y/N was paying even less attention than before. Her eyes strayed to the door where, minutes before, a smiling Anthony Bridgerton had walked in. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen him smile.
She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen him smile at her.
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Despite the rain outside and despite Lady Cowper's notorious ability to be spiteful and cruel, the house and ballroom looked like it had come out of a fairytale. Pink walls, roses and decorations littered every piece of empty space visible and the candles provide warmth and light to the room.
Almost every woman was wearing a variation of pink. Lady Cowper had sent out strict instructions in the invites for the women to wear pink and for the men to wear black and white.
And the result was a see of pink dotted with black dots - much like a bee visiting a rose.
Y/N stepped out her carriage, accepting her mother's outstretched hand, and climbed down the step onto the paved ground. She looked up at the outside of Cowper House, eyes wide with awe.
There were roses of pink and white nestled amongst green foliage shaped into an arch around the front door, lanterns sitting at either end. Gentle, soft music was emitting from inside the house and there were many excited gasps as more people arrived, staring up at the house.
There was a reason Lady Cowper had yet to be ostracized from the ton despite her rude behaviour. She knew how to throw an almost perfect ball.
Y/N and her mother walked inside, following many others dressed in pink and silver, their chaperones dressed similarly or in black and white.
The floor was littered with rose petals and candles and lanterns, all guiding the way to the main ballroom where even more flowers waited.
She spotted Anthony instantly.
It was hard not to spot the three chestnut-haired men standing awkwardly next to their mother as she introduced them to yet another young woman. Y/N almost laughed at the identical looks of boredom, despair and annoyance the three were wearing.
She turned around and instantly a smile appeared as Daphne practically ran up to her - her bemused husband following behind. Y/N hugged Daphne and held her by the shoulders, looking down at her dark pink gown, her eyes snagging on the baby bump just beginning to appear.
"Oh, you are not, are you?" Y/N asked, looking back up at her.
Daphne hit her husband on the arm. "I told you it was too small."
"Nonsense. We want people to know," Simon said fondly, a hand straying to the bump as he kissed Daphne's head.
"You two are sickeningly sweet," Y/N said, a disgusted expression on her face. "Who knows?"
"My mother - we were waiting to tell everyone else about the - Anthony!"
Y/N didn't dare turn around. She smelt him before she felt his presence. The deep scent of his cologne mixed with smoke, whiskey and something sweet. He came to a stop on her right, his jacket sleeve brushing the bare skin between where her sleeve ended and her white, silk gloves began.
She could barely breathe.
"Daphne, you look beautiful," Violet said, blissfully unaware of the panic attack her eldest son was giving Y/N by simply standing next to her. "Simon, as do you."
"I told you pink was my colour," Simon said, preening ever so slightly.
"Yes, Hastings, pink compliments your skin tone beautifully," Anthony said dryly. "Why Cowper chose pink of all colours is beyond me."
"It's her favourite colour."
Y/N didn't realise she'd spoken until four sets of eyes were staring at her. She cleared her throat quietly. "She always has some element of pink on her in whatever she wears - as does Cressida. Pink is the Cowper family colour like blue is the Bridgerton's."
"Blue is not our family colour," Anthony argued.
"It is, have you seen your house? Blue."
"It is not blue."
"The interior is."
"It is white."
"And blue."
"Anthony, darling, why don't you offer Y/N a dance, hmm?" Violet said, cutting their argument off.
Anthony glowered at his mother.
"There's no one in her dance card," Y/N's mother helpfully added.
Y/N glowered at her mother.
Anthony sighed. Reluctantly, and only because she was aware of multiple people watching, Y/N held out her wrist. Anthony's fingers brushed the inside of her wrist as he took the dance card and scribbled his name down, his handwriting sloped and neat.
"There, happy?" Anthony asked, glaring over at his mother.
Violet smiled.
The conversation moved on and Y/N zoned out, looking anywhere but at the man standing next to her. She could feel the warmth radiating off him and instead of comforting her, it infuriated her. It physically ached how close he was to her yet how far away he was.
Y/N gathered her skirts, unable to cope with the feeling. "Excuse me."
She turned from Anthony and walked over to the refreshments table, gratefully accepting a glass of pink lemonade from the waiter and taking a big gulp. It was far too sweet but it gave her brain something else to think about other than the eldest Bridgerton.
A presence to her left made her pause. She gripped her glass tighter.
"They're about to play the first dance."
Anthony reached across her and grabbed a glass of water. Y/N looked down and tingles ran down her spine as his arm brushed her stomach. True to his word, the orchestra was tuning their instruments and warming up, the gentle hum of music beginning to fill the room.
"We should dance -"
"Yes, we should, my lord." Y/N turned around, setting her glass down, and looked up at him. She held her hand out. "You may lead."
Anthony looked at her, dark eyes staring into her own. He drank the water in one go and set the glass down next to Y/N's. Then, he raised his arm and grasped Y/N's fingers - gentle but firm. As the other couples in the room began to move into the centre, Anthony led Y/N forward - his back rod straight and each movement stiff yet calculated.
He guided Y/N around to stand in front of him and then spun her around so her back was against his chest. Y/N could feel his breath on the back of his neck, the buttons on his waistcoat pressing into her back. Y/N's left hand was in front of her stomach, Anthony's right holding the tip of her fingers, the warmth seeping through her silk gloves.
His left was resting near her shoulder, his fingers brushing the bare skin of her chest. Y/N held his hand with her right, crossing her arm across herself to hold his other hand.
Every other couple was in the same position but for some reason, it felt strangely intimate - as if Anthony was almost being scandalous by having his bare hand brushing her skin. His hand tightened around hers and they stood there in silence.
The orchestra began to play but was quickly cut off by a loud screech.
"No, no, no, no!"
Lady Cowper stomped forward, the pink feathers in her hair flouncing with each step. Her target was a young man with a bright yellow waistcoat and blue velvet jacket - one that looked very similar to ones worn by Benedict.
"Pink, white or black only!" She screeched. "No other colours! Go, shoo!"
She began flapping her hands around as the man argued back with her and Y/N couldn't help but giggle. Stepping back a little as she readjusted her weight, she nudged Anthony's foot slightly and he tightened his grip on her hands.
Lady Cowper was still screeching.
Anthony and Y/N were still frozen in the opening position.
"She looks like an exotic bird throwing a tantrum," Anthony whispered into her ear, leaning forward slightly.
Y/N felt a smile pull on her lips and lowered her head, attempting to hide it. "We should ask Colin which bird she best represents."
This time Anthony started smiling and he had to duck his head. "I suspect an extravagant version of a peacock."
She couldn't help the snort of laughter that escape her lips, her shoulders shaking, and Y/N turned her head, looking up at Anthony. He smiled at her, eyes sparkling, and the two of them burst into quiet laughter, trying not to draw attention to themselves.
"My apologies, ladies and gentlemen," Lady Cowper called. She waved at the band. "Chop, chop."
The conductor almost dropped his baton in his haste to restart the music. Y/N stood up straight, raising her head up, and took a step forward, Anthony following behind her.
For a minute, both were lost in the music. Nothing else mattered. She looked up into his eyes, concentrating on him and no one else. The room was a dizzying array of roses and petals but it didn't matter.
Because Anthony was there.
As long as Anthony was here - nothing else mattered.
Y/N raised her arm, Anthony holding her hand, and twirled around, coming to a stop in front of him. He stepped forward and placed his hand on her waist, the other on her back.
They were breathing hard, both staring at one another, unable to break away from the trance they'd been caught in. Anthony's thumb stroked her back, brushing the bare skin. Y/N's breath got caught in her lungs as she breathed deeply and struggled not to cough.
This was wrong.
She couldn't do this again.
She wouldn't do this again.
Abruptly snatched from the trance, Y/N stepped back, Anthony's warmth and comforting grip leaving her instantly. She looked at him, her chest aching as she saw the confused and upset expression in his eyes.
"I cannot... I cannot do this again, Anthony," Y/N said softly, her eyes brimming with tears. She reached a hand out, fingers brushing his - one last touch to keep her going. "I am sorry but I cannot. I just... I cannot."
Y/N turned and walked away from Anthony. Away from the man who had captured her heart and refused to let go.
And straight into Simon Basset.
Y/N stumbled back, instinctively grabbing onto Simon's arm as she lost her footing.
"My apologies," Y/N said, face heating up as she stepped back.
Simon looked at her, instantly reading the hurt on her face. "Are you alright?"
He looked behind her, his eyes landing on a dejected Anthony standing next to Benedict. "Oh."
"What am I doing, Simon?" Y/N asked, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I cannot do this again! Besides, I do not love him anymore."
Simon smiled down at her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure?" He asked gently. "My wife would disagree."
"What do I disagree with?" Daphne asked, magically appearing next to her husband.
"That Y/N does not love your brother," Simon supplied. He looked at Y/N and then over at Daphne. "I shall leave you two to talk."
Daphne stepped up to Y/N as her husband left and took her hand. "Y/N, darling, you are in love with him."
"I cannot be."
"I know you do not want to be but we cannot control the heart," Daphne replied, looking over fondly at Simon as he chatted to Colin.
Y/N glanced over her shoulder at Anthony and felt her heart jump as if she'd tripped and fallen. "Shit," she swore, not caring that she was in public, "I think I am in love with him. Despite everything... I still love him."
"At last," Daphne muttered. "What gave it away? Acting like a fool around him or the fact he held your hand and stood inches away from you and you nearly fainted?"
Y/N whacked her on the shoulder. She paused and exhaled heavily, the weight of the situation hitting her. "I thought I had moved on. After he left me for Sienna I thought I had... I had gotten over it and that the love had gone. Turns out I was wrong." It never went away."
"He is a changed man."
Y/N distractedly nodded, not listening to a word Daphne uttered. "I need some fresh air."
Daphne called after her as she left but Y/N ignored her. She needed space, she needed to see some other colour than pink and needed to think.
The french doors led to a little outdoor hallway with arched windows overlooking the gardens. Y/N stayed under the roof, not wanting to get wet in the rain. Leaning back against the stone wall, she felt the stress fade a little now that she was in the dark and away from the overwhelming smell of roses.
"God, what am I doing," Y/N muttered, hand pressed to her chest as she tried to calm her speeding heart.
Y/N all but froze as a familiar scent hit her. She let out a shaky breath, eyes burning, and she bit her cheek - desperately trying not to cry. The smell of him was enough to send her into a spiral.
She refused to turn.
"Y/N, look at me. Please."
She moved her head in his direction but kept her eyes on the ground, refusing to meet Anthony's gaze.
Footsteps approached. Then stopped.
"I am sorry. For what happened with Sienna."
She knew he was sorry. The numerous bouquets of flowers had all had a sorry note attached to them. She'd burnt each note.
"Y/N, please believe me when I tell you how ashamed and appalled I am by my actions back then," Anthony continued, slowly approaching her. He halted a few feet away. "But believe me when I say I have changed. Because of you."
"Why, because I broke your heart?" Y/N snapped, finally looking up at him. "Because I did not come crawling back to you when she left. Because when you knocked on my door, crying and begging to be let in, I ignored you?"
Anthony was silent. Then, "No. Because I realised that... that what I wanted was here all along. I... I do not expect you to be able to understand my actions and why I did what I did... but I was in a place where irrational decisions were my coping mechanism."
"You broke me," Y/N said quietly, her voice almost lost to the rain.
"I know I did."
"Yet you still seek forgiveness." Y/N looked past Anthony, her eyes focusing on a brick in the wall. "I loved you." She looked back at him, the weight of her words sinking in. "I waited." Y/N paused, letting each word hang in the air. "I waited." Y/N inhaled deeply. "I waited for you to figure out what was going on in your head. To figure out why you constantly shirked your responsibilities.
"And I waited the night you were with her. I waited for you. I waited for you to take me to the ball so we could dance the night away. But instead you were with her. And when one lover pushed you aside you came crawling back to the other. Like I am nothing more than your second-best bed.
"One second you are refusing marriage and flirting with every woman in London and the next you are demanding a wife and children like you are running out of time. Anthony, I cannot wait for a man who does not know his own mind - I do not possess that luxury."
Anthony was crying. He was trying not to but Y/N could see the redness of his eyes - could see how his hands shook. She had never seen him show so much emotion - been so open. They were both broken and unashamed to show it.
Y/N inhaled deeply, steeling herself. "Anthony I am going to say this only once because I... I love you. Despite everything I still... I still love you. And I know I shouldn't but I cannot help it because you are intoxicating - like a drug I cannot get enough of. So. If I were to say 'I forgive you'... if I were to utter those words... what would you do?"
The rain was the only sound between the two. Anthony was looking down at the ground, eyes brimming with tears, a few dripping down his face. He inhaled deeply and looked up at her, his eyes dark.
"I would do this," he said, approaching her, only coming to a stop until he was inches away.
Anthony leant forward and pressed a kiss to Y/N's lips. His hand rested on her waist, the other on the back of her neck. Y/N tried not to lean into him as he kissed her but it was so difficult to not simply melt and give in.
As he pulled away, Anthony rested his forehead against hers, his eyes shut. His lips tasted like lemonade. Y/N inhaled deeply, his scent comforting her and bringing back so many memories.
"That's what I would do," he said softly. "That and so, so much more." He licked his lips and sighed. "I am sorry for what I did to you. For everything I did to you. I just hope you know that I deeply regret it all and that... that I will always be here, even if you never forgive me. I will always be right next to you."
Y/N was crying now. She didn't bother to hide it. The tears fell down and as Anthony looked at her his tears spilt over too, trailing down his face. Y/N reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, wiping them away with her thumb. She rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes.
Neither one knew what to do. They were at a crossing except there was nowhere to cross. To move on would be to accept the past and try to mend the pain. But the pain was still to raw for both of them. It was a deep, festering wound that wouldn't close.
They were poisoning one another but it felt too good to step away and stop. They couldn't stop.
Y/N pressed a kiss to Anthony's lips, salt water the only thing she could taste now. Her hand curled into his hair and she held him tightly, refusing to let go even as he dragged her down into the ocean.
"Tonight," she whispered, pulling back a bit. "We have tonight and then tomorrow... tomorrow we decide."
"Tonight," Anthony repeated, nodding. He opened his eyes and found her. "Tonight is ours."
He kissed her again, pushing her back against the wall, a hand trailing up her dress. For once, neither cared about who saw and whether or not they ended up in the middle of a scandal. Perhaps it would be good if they did - if society decided their future for them.
But for now, for tonight, neither cared. They moved around the pain and pretended as if nothing had happened. As if they were the only two people in the entire world.
Anthony's hand reached higher and Y/N's grip on his jacket tightened as she arched her back, everything in her aching for more. Aching for him. She wanted more. Anthony was hungry and she was so full that she let him take her.
Tomorrow she would decide.
But tonight, on the dark terrace, hidden away from the rain and from life, she let Anthony take everything.
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nikos63 · 3 years ago
Secret santa, match maker
For @transformhim as part of the 4th Annual Writer Story Exchange. Merry Christmas, my friend!
  Planning out what to wear to the colleges winter party was going to be fun. I wasn't sure if i should buy something new or wear something i could find. It was a themed holiday party where you dress as your favorite movie character with a winter twist. You had your own room but three other guys shared your suite with bathrooms you all had to share. It was a much better setup than your room last year having to go down the hall to use the bathroom. The upside was you met your roommates throughout the year. You're best friends now with Brandon and you like hanging out with John and Ryan. Brandon is taller than you at 5'11" with you being the third tallest at 5'9" after John then Ryan being 1/2" shorter. He likes to wear shoes with a bit a heel so he is only shorter when barefoot which you've gotten to see a lot more that you share a suite.
You liked Brandon's height but he seemed to upset being under 6 foot. it might also have been from his older brothers all being over 6 foot. Maybe you'd get the courage to ask him out at the party.
"Hey Brandon what are you going to wear to the party this Friday? You're going right?"
Brandon replied, "yeah i'm going, i think we should do something matching like be the Fantastic Four or something. What were you thinking?"
I liked the idea of matching but i wanted to think about it longer.
Ryan and John goofing off, maybe someday i can do this with Brandon.
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They ended up heading out before me, i still wasn't sure what to wear but i got a text from Brandon saying to wear winter workout gear, with pants. Just as i got dressed pulling on my jock strap i always wear when working out i heard a ping go off.
"Take the pill on the counter we already took ours, one for everyone invited to the party." I look around and see a baggie with instructions on front, take one of these for everyone in your group going. Wishing all a fun night!
Intrigued despite my usual avoidance of taking anything i haven't looked into more I swallow it down hoping for a good night. There was supposed to be a Santa, and no not one for little kids. Heading out i looked in the mirror smiling at my face. I shaved but my roomates were a mixed bag. I might want to grow a new beard with how sexy a guy with a full beard looked to me. Having body hair or not didn't spoil it but i liked to see tattoos so much i'd offered to shave my ex's back where he had a sexy tiger. How i liked to make him purr.
Showing up at the building texting to find out where they were.
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Hello young man have you been naughty or nice? A door had opened and in it was probably the promised Santa. Chuckling, "I might have been nice but i want to be naughty tonight" "Down the red hallway then." I saw there was a green and a red hallway behind him. I entered the light and my stomach gurgled just then, "Hey dude, r u in yt?"
Brandon seemed to be a bit drunk or just not paying attention to his text. "Yeah i'm in the red hallway."
In response i got an eggplant emoji which he'd never sent me but made my grin in hopeful response, "I'm wearing my favorite hat."
Down the hallway, had it always been so narrow? My arms were close to the curtained door just ahead.  Anyway, I went through to quiet club music to the side with dancing people and leather chairs on the other for sitting in groups.
While i couldn't see my friends there was a tall barely clad guy ahead of me, just as i reached out he turned to show me a big red bulge he had and... what seemed to be exact matches for Brandons tattoos except he was much too tall to be him.
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"Hey how's the party."
The tall sexy guy i felt i'd met before reached out, "you have got to try the punch Mike. It makes the party so much better." Did he say my name, maybe we share a class.
Happy to be near the tall guy i happily got a glass to drink, it tasted like fruit punch without any alcohol but my stomach clenched once i'd downed the glass. I dropped the cup, leaning over to get it i took full inventory of my new "friend" wearing  the exact watch and bracelet that Brandon always wears, Brandon? never mind." He leans  in oh I thought you might notice, I am Brandon and it's thanks to the punch that I'm the height i've always wanted to be. We all get one wish from Santa tonight. If you took the pill it's supposed to be permanent. I thought i'd wished for something else but this is great too. "
I, what? You're really Brandon?" He has the same dreamy eyes but i hadn't let myself think so openly before not wanting to make him feel awkward when we studied together.
Of course I am and just take a look, that beard you've always wanted is coming in."
If i had to wish for something it would have been for Brandon to like me the way i like him but it seems I got a want instead, a beard i could have grown out..
Just as I slumped a bit the music beat got much louder. My other friends must have been hanging out near the dancers.
If i could have just not pulled my hand back the last time i'd asked if he had a pen i could use, when we were studying. Maybe we could have, something.
The little stage nearby was filled with the Santa who gyrated his hips rolling that belly around. He was saying something but we were too far away to hear.
I felt Brandons arm behind me, Come on Mike, let's go over. I was waiting for you, John and Ryan wanted me to dance. I wanted to make sure you had a friendly face when you came in. He didn't have a hard time talking now, the texting must have been his bigger hands.. well his bigger everything now that i took a moment to look.
We stood in front of the stage and Ryan waved over at me and i noticed he looked a bit shorter than what looked to be John next to him. The audience was full of smiling guys standing in small groups all seeming to be paired up. John must have been hitting the gym, i hadn't seen him doing weights. My mind wandering taking in the barrage of lights, sound and slightly musky air a hand rubbed my back again.
How could i ever not notice he'd left his hand on my back, he was so dreamy standing next to me. I should have asked him on a date the first time i bumped into him, we'd been lab partners in Botany and he kept making me smile telling jokes all the time.
"Bro, for real I keep wanting to kiss you, would that be ok? I think this will make more sense if we just.."
Of course I reach up to kiss him, I seemed to be the same height but he was a little taller. He could be a bit taller i rememeber thinking, I had to go up to finish the kiss. Was it my imagination or was he looking farther down now. My loose pants began to tent and I think i blushed.
"We should have done that sooner." Brandon huskily said in my ear. "I had a thing for you since the first time you laughed at my jokes."
Santa was stripping out of his large robe dancing for the cheering crowd. I could hear better now that we were closer, you all were invited here for one reason or another. Some of you are usually the shy type or are forever hopeful of someone to help you be who you've always dreamed of being. I have taken special interest in the adults of many colleges and here and now take a look at each other. No more mists.
His dancing slowed and I felt my face again. A light stubble on my face instead of the beard i had. Brandon suddenly seemed to appear in my mind what i remembered and how he looked now. He had a trim beard and he was definitely taller. The music went back to a background hum filling my feet with a heartbeat pounding of the bass or, maybe my feet were bigger?
"oh Mike, you are just my type i've always wanted to be the bigger spoon. You have always been so strong but i didn't feel good enough being shorter than everyone in my family. If this doesn't last past tomorrow i will get lifts for my shoes but it doesn't really matter. I want to be your boyfriend if you'll be mine. We hang out all the time and.. what do you think?"
Of course i wanted to jump into his arms hearing his words. He was just my type too. Maybe our Christmas wishes really were met. I thought he was perfect but i hadn't changed except for maybe a bit more weight on my arms. My feet I'd look into later that night when we could relax in each others arms, preferably after some bonding experiences. If you get my drift, I Mike wanted to be Brandon's boyfriend and he seemed to want me to be me with a few enhancements we would explore for years to come.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 4 years ago
182 Centimeters | Tall!F!Reader x Surprise
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A great boon has been bestowed upon Aoi Todo. First, he got to meet Takada in person. Second, he gained a brother. Third, he was able to fight a special grade all in one month.
Is there anything else that could make this trip perfect?
Todo didn't think so until he lays eyes on you, standing in the middle of the hallway with luggage tucked under one arm and the other holding onto a rolling suitcase. He remembers now about Mai mentioning a late edition transfer student who was going to be joining in the school games a little late. He only wishes Mai had warned him about the other thing about you. The fact that you are an amazon in the flesh.
"She has to be 187," Todo thinks upon first seeing you and sizing you up from a respectable distance. "No, she's definitely closer to 185. Definitely, 185," he corrects as he tries to measure you by judging how far your head was away from the top door frame. When he glances down at your feet, he realizes his stupid mistake and smacks himself on the forehead. "I'm such an idiot. I forgot about her shoes." Taking your soles into account, he finally narrows down your height range. You have to be 182cm. An even 6 feet. That makes you taller than even Takada!
Todo's eyes widen upon the realization.
You had half his attraction factor right there; and with his help in training, you would definitely have the second half. He knows plenty of exercises that would make your ass look great and have the rest of your body strong enough to toss any curse. You guys could make training into dates, and dates would lead to the two of you making kissy faces. Aoi can already picture it. Naturally, you'd be admiring him, shirtless and glistening with sweat, unable to take your eyes off him. Then, you'd grow embarrassed when he would call you out on it and try to look away like you were never staring in the first place. Luckily for you, he wouldn't mind if you wanted to look at his chiseled chest a little while longer. Or better yet, touch it. 
Todo isn't sure what he's done to deserve such luck. Perhaps the world is rewarding him for finally breaking his record of 1000 sit-ups in an hour or maybe it's the limited-edition lucky Takada-chan charm that arrived in a mail a week earlier working its magic?
Either way, this might be the best year of his life, Todo decides.
That is until he hears a familiar voice. 
"Hey there! How are you doing?" Yuuji asks loudly as he walks up to your person. Todo should've known. Of course, his brother would sense best girl material walking into the building.
"My name is Yuuji. What's yours?"
"I'm (Name). I'm a new student here. I'm a little lost actually. Could you help me out?"
Even your voice sounds so cute! You were so perfect.
That means Yuuji had no chance with the way he was doing things now. Despite Todo wanting you for himself, he could never leave his brother to make such an embarrassment of himself. If the two of them are to battle for your love, it has to be a fair battle.
"Yeah, the dorms are thi—" Yuuji yelps as he's suddenly tugged away from you and dragged around the nearest corner, leaving you in a confused state where you stood.
"What’s the big idea?" Yuuji asks, breaking free from the grasp that held him.
"I'm trying to save you, brother! What do you think you're doing walking up to a woman like that so casually?" Todo asks.
It takes Yuuji a few seconds to realize that Todo meant you were the woman that couldn't be so casually spoken to since he's fairly sure you're a first-year like him. "I'm pretty sure she's the same age as us, dude."
This is worse than he thought. He's definitely going to have to give Yuuji the rundown on how to properly ask a girl out. "That doesn't matter. She's still a lady that requires finesse if you're going to try to ask her out," Todo says. 
Sadly, they are too busy in their discussion to notice you getting impatient for Yuuji to return or to notice another one of your classmates passing them and heading in your direction. You are just thankful to finally have someone help walk you to your dorm and not ditch you instead.
For the rest of the day, Yuuji is stuck with Todo lecturing in his ear. The first time being at the baseball game against the Kyoto school.
"First, you need to set the mood. And by mood, I mean you need to get her attention on you. Do something to impress her without her knowing you're trying to impress her," Todo instructs as you round home base on long legs, which Todo claims is made for a goddess. You were able to get a score for the team thanks to Fushiguro's sacrifice bunt, and the two of you take a seat in the dugout.
"Shouldn't you be helping your team?" Yuuji asks Todo after seeing him compliment your score. Todo sighs. Obviously, Yuuji needs more lessons. 
Eventually, Yuuji steps up to the plate for his turn. Naturally, he hits a home run. As he rounds home, he sees you applauding loudly. Your eyes perfectly on him. It definitely feels good to have a cute girl's attention, and Yuuji realizes that he did really want to ask you out. He wonders if Todo thinks that's a good way to set the mood.
The next time Todo decides to instruct Yuuji is after they all take their showers and decide to rest up before dinner. "Next, you need to leave a letter under her door. Something to pique her interest and make her want to meet up with you."
Luckily, Yuuji has seen this before in anime. "Right, right. I heard of that actually." He easily drafted a letter and slid it under your dorm door. It sounds like you're talking to someone else on the other side so Yuuji hopes you'll see it in time so the two of you can meet up in fifteen minutes.
"Finally, make sure the place you meet up is scenic," Todo says, nodding his head and closing his eyes to repeat the steps in his head as he follows his brother to the school's courtyard. Impress? Check. Letter? Check. Scenic meet-up place? Check.
It isn't until he feels Yuuji's hand on his shoulder and a quick thanks that Todo realizes his mistake. Yuuji rushes away from him to the other side of the courtyard where you're waiting with the letter in hand. 
"My name is Yuuji. I don't know if you remember me from class."
"Oh, yes, I know! You hit that homerun. It was really great."
Todo stands in shock. 
...He was so busy trying to teach that he actually forgot to pursue you first!
"Really? Thanks! I was just trying to make sure I actually hit it. I wasn't expecting it to go so far." Yuuji laughed. "So, (Name), I was wondering if you wanna go out together?"
Todo could cry. Actually, he already feels the tears coming down his face, but his brother could at least be happy. And if his brother is happy, that's all he needed!
"I'm sorry," you say sweetly. "I only showed up because I didn't want to stand you up, but the truth is I already like someone, and I wouldn't feel comfortable going out with someone when I have a crush on another person."
Todo's ears ring with your words. You already like someone!
"Oh, well, that's too bad, I guess. Thanks for telling me," Yuuji says with a disappointed yet understanding smile while Todo finds the opportunity to scoot in the middle of your conversation.
"Excuse me but your crush wouldn't happen to be on me by any chance?" he asks, hopeful.
You force a smile onto your face and tilt your head. "Sorry...Have we met?" you ask, nervously.
Todo gasps as he feels his world crashing down. Your date. Your marriage. Your kids. All gone, and it’s all black in his memory after that. The next thing he can recall is sitting in the eating area with Itadori. He remembers this heartache once before. "It's just like with Takada-chan..." he mumbles heartbrokenly.
"I told you already. We never went to the same middle school, and you never confessed to Takada," Yuuji grumbles, but Todo knows that Yuuji is only trying to make him feel better. He is so lucky to have such a good brother.
"Who...Who do you think it is anyway?"
Yuuji pauses.
He actually wonders that as well.
Then, they hear your voice ringing through the dining hall. Immediately, both sets of eyes are on you. 
"Fushiguro-kun, I wanted to thank you for helping me get settled into the academy. My mom gave me a buy one, get one free for a sushi place for when I made some friends, so...I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one?"
Then, Yuuji finally gets it. He had been ignoring the small conversations happening around him the entire time thanks to Todo's interruptions.
The Hall.
"Excuse me. I'm looking for the dorms. Gojo-sensei was supposed to show me, but he got sidetracked so I've been sort of left on my own."
"Of course, he did. Geeze, that guy." Megumi sighs. "You can follow me. I'll show you where some empty rooms near the other girls are."
"Thank you so much! I'm (Name) by the way."
"Fushiguro," he states plainly and simply as you struggle behind him with your luggage. "Is that stuff heavy? Want me to help you carry it?"
”Yes. My arms got numb while I was waiting. Thank you so much!”
The Game.
"Out!" Gojo says. Fushiguro rounds first base to head back to the dugout, but you at least made it home to score. You head to the dugout as well.
"That's too bad, Fushiguro. You'll get it next time," you say, sitting next to him.
"As long as Kugisaki made it to second and you made it home then it's fine. I'm not really too hyped up on winning anyway."
”Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing you get one.”
”Too bad. Guess you’ll have to wait,” and by “wait” Megumi had meant probably not ever but you laughed anyway even though you had got what he meant. 
”I don’t mind waiting.”
The Dorms.
"Kugisaki-san said you could summon different shikigami animals."
"That's true."
"Would you mind showing me sometime? I love animals."
"What is your favorite?"
"I really like rabbits. Are you able to summon those?"
"Not at the moment, but I’ll show you when I learn it. How do you feel about dogs instead?"
”That cute dog was yours? That’s amazing.”
And now.
"Yeah, sure. I wasn't really in the mood for anything at school anyway," Fushiguro agrees, and your face lights up with a glow that could rival sunshine. Yuuji thinks if he squints he can see the anime hearts starting to dance over your head but Fushiguro didn't seem to mind.
Itadori could almost laugh. That's a new record in anyone ever befriending Fushiguro. The two of you must have hit it off really well. Yuuji smiles. In that case, he couldn't be upset. That must mean fate has something in store for you guys, and he didn't want to get in the way. "I guess girls really do like that cool, quiet type."
Meanwhile, Todo is crying in defeat. How could a woman like you like Fushiguro? 
"He's so boring though..."
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urlkssknt · 4 years ago
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nanami kento x fem!reader (2.9k)
nsfw!! mdi!!
warnings; unprotected sex, it’s just very soft and vanilla
a/n; this is a scene from a series i might write, i’m not sure if i want to commit to it, please let me know your thoughts, feedback is much appreciated!
The marriage announcement caught you off guard, it felt like someone had thrown you into the deep end of a pool and you didn't know how to swim, drowning slowly in the snarky whispers from the attendants of the party that reached your ear - wasn't he married to Y/n? Poor girl, I wouldn't be able to show my face if I was her. Many eyes around the room turned towards you in anticipation, waiting for some display of anger or a rage-induced outburst. Much to their disappointment, you stood your ground. You wouldn’t let the perfectly crafted mask fall from your face, especially not now, you couldn’t let the woman, who held a leash over your ex, know she caused an effect on you.
From a distance over, Satoru watched you closely through the peripheral of his sharp vision, you leaned further into the dark long haired man standing beside you to whisper something into his ear. Suguru handed you a small rectangular box discreetly. He was equally as shocked as you. Satoru expected Toji to pull a stunt like this, maybe another pregnancy announcement or a business merger. He never expected it to be announced publicly, in a Gojou family setting. Whilst claps of congratulations sounded around the hall, Gojou's cold gaze threw daggers towards your ex-husband, standing beside your parents with a hand on the waist of his fiancée. The sight of gleaming smiles across your parent’s faces made Satoru feel sick to his stomach. The white haired man also took a mental note of the people who seemed genuinely happy for the wretched couple. Those people didn't realise that they had gotten onto Gojou Satoru's bad side and ruined any promising positive relationship with the businessman.
There was a chill in the evening air as you stood on the balcony, you were grateful no one else was outside to witness the devastation on your face, only the night sky being witness to the single teardrop that fell along the expanse of your cheek. The cold air nipped at the bare skin of your arms and neck, raising the fine hairs which run all along your skin. As a thought of regret for not bringing a jacket along with you popped into your mind, you opened the cigarette packet that Suguru handed to you, bringing one up to your lips to rest as you fish for a lighter in your purse, praying that you had one despite having quit the disgusting habit years ago.
The temperature of the chilling air around you rises as a warming presence pressed against your back, you only relax when the familiar scent of rich cologne mixed with cinnamon infiltrates your senses, allowing yourself to melt into the heated hands that run along your naked arms.
"Do you even have a lighter?" Kento questions as you continue to search through your bag, which was so small, the blond was sceptical about it being big enough to fit any necessities.
Peering up through your lashes, your azure eyes narrowed at him as your lips formed into a deep scowl. Kento was right, you didn’t have a lighter, specifically for scenarios like this, where your fingers are itching to grab at the first intoxicant to cloud your mind. Smoking would help calm the stress that scratches the walls of your brain as the tobacco fills your bloodstream.
“Suguru probably has one-“ you mutter under your breath, speaking with the white stick sitting comfortably between your lips before a hand quickly reaches for it and throws the small object off the balcony, out of sight and out of reach. “What the hell-“ there was little time to process the sudden action as your words are cut short with kento’s palms encasing your face to tilt your head slightly and allow him to lower his lips onto yours in a short kiss. The anger that rushed through your veins quickly dissolved, leaving as fast as it was produced.
A small smile creeped along your lips, “maybe I should take up smoking again.”
Kento couldn’t help the chuckle that let up his throat, his eyes crinkling in the same way that the twin’s did. His hands dropped from your face to hold your hips over the silk material, pulling you closer towards him, your breasts pressing against his chest.
“Let's get out of here.”
Earlier, before he followed your footsteps to check on you, Kento felt a strong grip latch on his arm to prevent him from moving further. The culprit was your brother. Satoru held an intimidating aura, his sapphire eyes bearing a look cold enough to pierce skin. The older man whispered short words to Nanami, advising him to take you away from the party, in order to protect you.
As Kento was texting the babysitter he had hired for the night, making sure his kids were safely sleeping in their beds, you were checking in with the two Zen’in girls that were looking after Megumi for the night. Maki and Mai loved spending time with you, when you announced the divorce with their cousin, they were undeniably upset, not because Toji’s heart was broken but it meant they wouldn’t be able to see you as often.
It wasn't as difficult as you thought it might be to locate the hotel room. Thankfully, both of you were in a conscious state of mind, avoiding the sparkling alcoholic beverages being served in crystal flutes. The hand on the curve of your waist held you close to Kento’s embrace. Just from a short glance, any onlooker would be able to know you were his, there was a loving atmosphere surrounding you two which was hard to miss, from the pearly smile painting your glossy lips to the radiant sparkling of gold among the hues of brown. The booked room was found quickly. Anticipation began to bubble in your stomach, you felt excited to spend the night with such a handsome man, again.
All of your hair was pushed to one side on your shoulder, exposing the tender flesh of your neck. A beautiful and plain canvas just waiting to be painted with deep and dark shades of pinks and purples. The plain sight caused a stir in Kento’s mind, he desired to mark you, in a way he knew no one ever would. Acting on impulse, the father of two kissed a spot where your neck met your shoulder so lightly it felt like petals brushing against your skin. A smirk found its home along Kento’s lips when you craned your head to the side, offering more of yourself to him. The innocent kisses progressed into deep bites, a sudden sharp nip against your pulse point causing a gasp to slip into the air. You couldn’t care less if a horrible bruise formed from Kento's lustful ministrations, his scent clouded your mind like a drug, your thoughts swirling into nothing. Your attention was fixated on the hands wandering from their place on your hips to groping your breasts through the silken material of your dress, sending arsoul to pool in your panties.
A deep timbre tone filled your ears, you turned to face the man speaking. “Would you like to know my new favourite colour?” Kento doesn’t wait for your answer, his hands squeeze at your chest again with more pressure, sadly eliciting another gasp from your lips. The corners of Kento's lips turn downwards ever so slightly, he had hoped that his ears would have been graced with a moan. “Sage green.”
The blond guides you to the queen-sized bed, lined with the finest material he had ever seen, Kento didn’t expect anything less from your brother, who handed him the key card. The hotel room was grand, almost as big as his own apartment, which was quite large.
Kento sits himself against the headboard with his suit jacket and tie discarded somewhere on the floor, falling victim to your travelling hands, eager to undress him. The clothing was no longer his concern as you situated yourself in his lap, thick thighs straddling his waist the best you could in the confinement of your dress. “Tonight,” Kento's eyes move from the swells of your breasts, your cleavage in his direct eye line, to meet your gleaming eyes. He was surprised to find his own reflection in them. “I'm yours.” The words felt heavy on his tongue and heart, it felt like he was confessing to you again, proving to himself that it was you that his heart yearns for.
Slowly, you clamber off of the blond man’s lap without voicing your intentions, not missing how his hands reach out to hold onto you for a moment longer, you giggle lightly at the display of clinginess, never expecting such a stoic man to behave like that. It was refreshing. It reassured the persistent whispers in the back of your mind that Kento wanted you like you wanted him. as you stood at the foot of the bed, you kicked off your nude heels, dropping your height by a few inches. A laugh fell upon your ears, Kento was amused, his smile hidden from your eyes behind his palm. However, the light atmosphere shifted when the sound of a zipper filled the room. Swiftly, the dress dropped to the floor from the pull of gravity, leaving you exposed except for the black lace thong, which barely hid anything from his eyes. Kento wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse.
Finally, it was your turn to smirk when your sharp eyes caught the growing tent of Kento's trousers.
Slowly, you crawled along the bedsheets at an agonising pace, it felt like hours before you finally reached your destination. Within an instant, you felt two large palms squeeze at the pudgy skin of your hips. You couldn’t help but press your hands against Kento's chest, fingers running aimlessly as you met his lips, kissing him with such desire, as if you had planned to devour him.
“Do you know what good boys get, Mister Nanami?” you say in a sultry tone, the touches of the small pads of your fingertips tracing unrecognisable shapes along his chest becoming distractive.
The words registered into the blond’s mind, you had previously asked the same question to the three toddlers, in hopes of containing their erratic behaviour in the kitchen. This should have been degrading, yet, despite using the childish question, a rational voice in Kento’s mind screamed at him to just give in for once.
“Rewards,” it was the same answer Sukuna gave you, it was the correct answer. However, Kento's voice only managed to speak just above a breath, finding himself unable to trust his own voice.
“Well done daddy,” you praised him with a sweet kiss, a shiver running up his neck, before making an effort to unbutton the shirt, “treat me nicely and I’ll reward you.”
All the remaining pieces of clothing were thrown off hurriedly, desperate to feel the pure heat of Kento's unbelievably hot body. It stunned you how he was constantly warm, maybe you could make him your personal heater.
Kento couldn’t help but groan loudly as your hips grinded against his dick, coating him with your wetness, he felt himself throbbing against your folds, ever so desperate to fill you to the brim. As if reading his mind, the teasing touches paused as you lined your entrance up with his cock, only after giving the hard member a few pumps with your hand. The broad shoulders of the businessman were used as an anchor, you cling onto him desperately as you sink onto his dick. In the span of a few hours, you had completely forgotten the thickness of kento’s sex, surprising yourself as you struggle to relax yourself to take him in. Wanton moans fell from both parties as you stayed still for a few seconds to get used to the burn from his fat cock stretching you. The hands on your waist squeeze tightly to help Kento ground himself from rutting up into you. Being enveloped with your warm cunt felt too good, especially when the gummy walls clamped around him, you were all he could think about.
Just from the position alone, the soft tissue of nerves which caused you to see stars were grazed upon, you couldn’t stop the moan escaping from your lips. “I could cum like this,” you relish in the feeling of the palms coaxing the movement of your hips and the mouth that latches onto your mound. A sharp nip against your peak leads to you arching into Kento's mouth, desperate for more of his touches. Despite spending the night before together, the pair of you couldn’t get enough of each other. Not when your tits would bounce as you raised your hips and begin a steady rhythm of grinding against Kento’s lap, each slam against his hips hitting a spot that causes your head to spin. The vision of you on top of him, riding his cock like your life depended on it, spurred the coil tightening in the pit of his stomach. The wetness that pooled between your thighs now began to drip down onto the pelvis of the man below you. A mixture of juices squelching and low moans sounded throughout the room. You had no time to feel embarrassed by the pornographic noises as you desperately chased your high.
“You’re making me feel so good angel,” a sense of pride blooms in Kento's chest as he feels you clenching around him from his praise. His hands stretched lower to graze his fingers over your ass, they latched onto you, his nails creating deep crevices in the area that would still be there in the morning.
You could no longer think straight, completely drunk off of Kento's cock, filling you up so well you wished he’d never leave. A numbness started to form in your thighs, creating a painful burn as you continued to move up and down, pushing through the pain and reaching for your high. From the hand gripping his hair and the way your walls were spasming, Kento knew you were so close to cumming, you just needed a little push. The brush of his thumb circling your clit leans you over the edge and causes your orgasm to hit you like a wave. Kento groaned loudly as you creamed his cock and gripped onto him like a vice. The man felt kind enough to let you catch your breath, he was still painfully hard and so close to his own high.
“As much as I’d like to be rewarded,” a cheeky smile spread through Kento’s lips, chocolate eyes sparkling at you with excitement. His playful and cheery expression leaves as quick as it comes, you almost whine in protest as he uses his strength to pull you off of his lap, and gently lays you down against the bed. The giddy look in Kento's eyes darkens to a lustful stare as your blown out eyes meet his. “Daddy wants to cum, so be a good girl and help daddy out.”
It hadn’t been longer than a few moments since your climax, you had barely calmed down. Without a second thought, Kento thrusts into your sopping entrance, your cum still coating his dick which makes it easier for him to slide back into your cavernous walls. A cry emmits from you due to the overstimulation. The feeling of being filled up again overtook the discomfort you experienced, it felt so good that you could cry from it, it was as if kento was made to fit inside your cunt so deliciously. The hands on your hips migrate to your thighs, pushing them up so that your knees are almost next to your head. Somehow, the angle of the position allows Kento to hit deeper into you.
“Fu- fuck,” your mind is lost for words as it completely blanks, no longer have the ability to form a coherent sentence.
A layer of sweat covers the blond’s body. The slapping sound returns as Kento's heavy balls hit against you with every rut. It was astonishing that the bed frame didn’t move with his frantic movements. Each thrust of his hips were more calculated than the next, earning a cry from you each time as his cockhead continuously came into contact with your g-spot. Kento knew he’d only be able to last through a few more thrusts. From the way your thighs quivered, your second orgasm was closer than he thought.
“Cum with me angel,” Kento's lips found yours in a haste of teeth clashing against each other, desperate to feel closer to you. As soon as the coaxing words fall on your ear, your walls clench around him as another climax ripples through you, this one hitting you much harder. The tension finally snapped, a growl ripped through his throat, no longer being able to hold back, as ropes of his cum shot inside your pussy, hips faltering slightly.
Your eyes flutter shut from exhaustion, trying your best to catch your breath and calm your erratic heart. Gentle hands help drop your legs so they could wrap around Kento’s waist instead of being folded in the air. Kento noticed the drowsy haze you were in. He took it upon himself to find a towel in the bathroom to clean up the mess between your thighs. Exerting his strength, the stoic man helps you to move into the sheets, the cold air no longer able to nip at your naked body.
“We need to buy plan b,” you shifted yourself close to Kento.
A kiss is pressed to the crown of your head. “We can worry about that in the morning.”
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dreamrecorder · 4 years ago
Three - Family in the Inn
Zhongli witnesses the love Xiao deserves.
A bit heavy at the end- i teared up at some point ksks ill add the cut thingy when get my laptop
Starting from the earliest memory your mind can remember, you've already heard stories of the god that ruled over your home land. From your mother, your father, from the merchants and adventurers resting within the inn. You often heard how the Geo Archon would always fly above the lands, overseeing the safety of Liyue- in the form of a great and majestic serpentine dragon. To protect the land, the Archon will not hesitate to strike down his foes with his spears made of stone! Spears that were huge as mountains and can shake the very core of the earth! A fierce god he is, but to his people, the Archon is just and kind. For he has guided Liyue for a thousand years even before Liyue was founded.
Those stories always left you in awe, your mind conjuring up imaginations of a mighty dragon soaring up high in the sky!
"Bai, I can't sleep…" You whined loudly to your black cat with gold eyes and a white diamond spot on its forehead. But alas, the cat can't understand you, simply giving you a somewhat dismissive meow. You puted at its direction. It was always like this if your brother wasn't able to tuck you to bed. Without his voice lulling you to sleep, right now you're vibrating energy.
"I wanna play…" You mumbled but then an idea popped up. With some effort, you hopped off your bed and went to the door. A bit of a struggle because of your height, but you manage to reach the doorknob and get out of your bedroom to the lobby. Bai was following close by.
With quiet footsteps, you went to the balcony and called in a whisper of excited glee-
"Thousand Winds?"
Just by those two words alone, the breeze picked up and your ears were then filled by the joyful voices of the wind. To emphasize that happiness, you were carefully lifted up from the ground and twirled you a bit, leaving you in a fit of giggles.
When the wind calmed down, they asked, The Little Wind calls! What is it do you want little kin?
"I wanna play!"
And play they did without a care for the world. Usually these wind spirits were careful when their brother Demon Wind is around- but with him gone for now, these spirits have different ideas. Little Wind do you want to fly like us?
You didn't even miss a second to say yes. After all, you've always dreamed of flying! Just like the stories you heard about your Archon flying up high in the sky!
"If I can fly, I might get to see Rex Lapis! Please please pleaaaase Thousand Winds, I wanna fly!"
The wind spirits cheered in delight, their whispers growing louder by the second. The breeze grew stronger and stronger around you and soon enough you were lifted off the ground as anemogranas surrounded you. You'll get to fly! How exciting!
At that age, you were unaware of the dangers that lie ahead- all too buried in that naivety and innocence that children possess. 
Rather than flying- it was more like gliding. Of course the wind spirits had some sense not to put you in harm's way! Flying requires some force to make you go higher- as for gliding, a gentle breeze simply does the trick.
It was a slow descent and you were amazed all throughout! You could see the entire Dihua Marsh along the ruins that littered around! You were amazed how the stars and the moon seemed brighter and closer now that you're up in the sky! The feeling of the rushing wind on your skin! It was cold but you didn't care! 
Every now and then, the spirits would suddenly nudge you up higher, rewarding them with your joyous scream and laughter. 
You landed softly at the concrete ground, near a statue. Curious, you noted that the statue was of a man sitting on a throne. This was the first time you've seen this statue but you could feel something from it. Geo? And the statue's hooded eyes, you felt like you were being watched through them.
This, Little Wind, is the statue of the Geo Archon.
The wind whispered with respect but you- you were puzzled.
"I thought the Geo Archon is a dragon? Can he turn into a human, like me?"
You could hear the wind laugh gently, the breeze ruffling your hair. Suddenly, the wind sounded older, wiser. A story for another time, little one. It's about time you went back home.
Again you whined, but the spirits promised you flight and that's all what you needed to be convinced. The spirits and the anemogranas alike were about to lift you- but a voice stopped your tracks.
"Yo kid! You seem lost!" The voice was heavy and gruff.
You turned around to the voice's direction and you were greeted by a burly man who wore a staw hat and some kind of black cloth wrapped around his neck.
"I'm not lost, sir." You replied politely, slowly taking a step back. You noticed how the air stilled. Tense. But of course, the man is not convinced. Seeing how he kept walking to you, you were starting to become scared, but you remembered the words from your brother, Always keep calm-
"Are ya sure, kid? We're kinda in the middle of nowhere. No houses and all that. How 'bout I help you get home?" The man offered cheerily. The forced kind with another sure step towards you. But that was what doomed him, the winds were quick to blow him away and you were surprised!
It wasn't a big distance, and the man was quick to recover. Instead of a cheery smile on his face, it was of anger and that was when you became really scared. "You!" He barked as he walked to you again with equally angry steps. "You're coming with me brat!"
If you find yourself in danger- don't hesitate to call my na-
"That's enough." A man's voice spoke- clear and commanding. The man stood next to you as he landed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. It was brief moment, but he also made sure to give you a quick gentle smile your way. You… you trusted this man with amber eyes.
"Who the hell are you?! I've got no business with you!"
"And you also have no business with this child for I am her guardian." The man replied smoothly as he simply stood his ground with you, despite the other now seemingly ready for a fight. Feeling the anger, you tightly clung onto the newcomer's coat and hid behind him. On his back, you were met by a Geo Vision.
"Like I'd believe you! Just swooping in and play hero huh rich guy!"
The Geo user sighed, and the next thing you knew, the man summoned a spear out of thin air! "I have no intentions of fighting you. But I promise you- You will suffer the wrath of the rock should you choose to continue this behavior."
His voice was light, but you noticed the silent message under his tone. The would-be kidnapper shivered at the amber gaze and decided, that it was wise to back off- Not without leaving a few curses that is. 
"He's gone now." The man spoke gently as hebturned around to look at you. Oh how his heart softened, seeing your frightened look and teary eyes.
"You're safe, I promise you. My name is Zhongli." 
Zhongli? You heard this name somehwere, but you couldn't pin point where or when… still a bit shaken up from whay happened. Remember, Little Wind. Zhongli was mentioned in passing a few times by your brother. Perhaps this is the very same Zhongli your brother speak of…
"Umm…" Your voice squeaked, "Do you.. do you know my brother?"
At that question, Zhongli confirmed that you are the rumored little sibling of Xiao. It would have been delightful to meet you on different circumstances, but he was glad nonetheless to save you from the previous situation.
"May I know the name of your brother, little miss/sir?"
"His name is Xiao." You replied and Zhongli noticed a bit of happiness in your voice.
"I do know you brother, quite the stern one, too. And he will be stern with you if he learns what happened here and you going out during the night. Does he know that you're out right now?"
With that question, you finally realized the gravity of the situation. You left during the dead of the night- without permission whatsoever! Oh no, I'm in big trouble… What if you made them worry? You were so far away from home! All these thoughts made you start tearing up again and Zhongli was quick to notice. He was about to speak up and console the little one when a gush of air stopped him. And that very same gush of air made you tear up some more and clutched on Zhongli's coat.
"Name, where have you been?" Xiao's voice was calm- but he's not the perfect brother nor human. There was something in his tone that suggested he was clearly not pleased about the situation. You could feel his gaze boring onto your back.
With a bit of coaxing from Zhongli, you faced you brother. "I-I'm s-sorry, gēgē…" Your voice cracked as tears started to blur your eyes. But your brother was not yet done.
"Name, do you have any idea how worried our mother was when she found out you were out of bed and could not find you anywhere in the inn?"
The thought of your mother searching all over you made you tears form more. "I- I do."
"Do you really?" 
It was a sharp question without even missing a bit, and that was the starting point for you and for him. Even Xiao winced at his own words, he swore he'll have to make it up to you later- but for now you had to understand. He remembered the panicked face your mother wore with tears threatening to fall. He remembered her panicked voice when she called for him. He remembered the worry he felt and the dip in his stomach when she said you were missing.
"I-I'm so sorry, gēgē. I-I was just p-playing. I d-didn't want you and mama t-to worry…" You couldn't meet his eyes.
"Just. Playing? Name, you left home in the middle of the night- when dangers are high- just to play! Name, you could have gotten hurt! We were not just worried, Name- we were scared that something might have happened to you!" 
Every word he spoke- his voice rose higher- not being able to contain the pits of his negative thoughts. Every word- it was like a stab to his heart. But he had to be firm.
"I will ask you again, Name. Do you really understand what you did and their consequences?"
And thay was the breaking point and the night was filled by you whimpers, your wales, and your aplogies. Your shoulders began to shake and tears flowed freely and lungs struggling for breath. "I-I'm sorry, gēgē- I-I shouldn't h-have left h-home! Pleas-se d-dont stay m-mad at me… I p-promise i-it-t won't happen aga-ain- I-I'm s-sorry p-please don't h-hat-te m-me.
You kept going with your rambles and your tears. And for every whimper you released, Xiao was close to breaking too. The brother lost count many times you've repeated your mantras- but he decided- I can't do this anymore. Not with you crying breathless. He'll talk to you about this when everything's calm- his emotions and yours.
With swift steps and sure movements, Xiao pulled you into a hug and your cries grew louder. "Just don't do that ever again, okay.." He said gently but voice cracking, leaving a kiss on your forehead as you nodded readily. Once your cries have calmed down, Xiao carried you to his arms followed hy him wiping away your tears.
Your eyes met, and the anger was no longer there, but instead worry and love.
"I love you."
You could feel his genuinity. The words brought a smile to your face, albeit small. "I love you, too, gēgē."
Xiao smiled and left another kiss on your nose. "Sleep now. You had a long night and way past your bed time."
You didn't even protest, you were out like a light bulb as you comfortably laid you head on his shoulder and closed your eyes- not missing the golden dragon floating behind the man who saved you.
The walk home was silent. A teleport would be quicker, but Xiao didn't want to disturb your sleep. It was an awkward walk to say the least. Him carrying his sibling, along with the last of his tears stinging his red eyes, all while his master accompanied them home.
But Zhongli- Zhongli was amused. Amused with the blooming dynamic siblinghood between you and Xiao. But he decided to hold his tongue. He knew Xiao was still wrapping his head around what had transpired. Still he does leave a praise to reassure Xiao that everything will be fine.
"You're the best brother your little sibling could ever ask for, Xiao. Remember that."
A/N: Welp ksks lots of loose ends if you squint ksks- like example the tone of the wind spirits, the cat and such
Taglist: @hanniejji @suckerforgenshinboys @arson-frog-art @anime-read-write-repeat @kryzi @riiasekai @sweetstrawberrybabe
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honeyhenry · 4 years ago
Sweet as Pie
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With some much needed time off, and excitement crisp in the air, you had flown over to Jersey with your husband Henry for Christmas to stay with his family, and they had been delighted to have you both back on his homeland. You settled in to Henry’s old room, unpacking all of the gifts you had brought for his family. You knew his nieces and nephews were going to love you even more when they saw what would be lying for them under the grand Christmas tree in the living room. Secretly, you were their favourite - not that they’d ever tell their poor Uncle Henry.
The large home is tidy, but scattered with family members in every room, all feeling at home in the place where Henry and his brothers grew up. You’d been able to catch up with the relatives you didn’t often see, and promise to spend some quality time together over the holidays.
It was so sweet to watch all the children’s faces light up on Christmas morning. You were glad that you and Henry could be spared an extra few moments in bed, being the only childless couple in the house. Yet moments later, Kal had leapt onto the bed - much to Henry’s annoyance; “down Kal, careful now” -  as soon as he had heard the pattering of his small friends’ feet out in the hallways. And what Kal wanted, you usually gave him.
Which is why, at 6.45am, Kal dragged you and in turn, dragged Henry down to the living room where the rest of the family sat, with the kids lit up like the Christmas tree that their plethora of presents laid under, grinning to their bleary eyed parents who’d barely had a wink of sleep on the cold winter morning.
“You’d think after 6 years it gets easier” you’d heard someone murmur, and so you’d decided to put the kettle on for those poor souls. Luckily for you, 45 minutes later, you’re able to snuggle back into bed with Henry, warming your feet on his legs to annoy him. You kiss the offended pout right off his face, before feeling his beefy arms wrap around your waist. It’s the last thing you had recalled, as you dozed off in his arms only seconds later, feeling his fingertips rub against your hip softly.
The kitchen was bustling with about 10 bodies all completing their various tasks; cooking, washing, baking, roasting, timing and tasting. Well, you had kicked your husband out of the kitchen for sneaking a taste of your dessert before it was ready, chastising him out of the door. 
“You can either help properly or go and play with your siblings” you had bargained while he’d grinned, leaning against the doorframe. He raised an eyebrow, looking you up and down like you were a pastry he was keen to ravish himself; “But who is going to compliment the chef?”
With that, you’d folded your arms across your chest, blushing at his words. The cheek of that man was not lost on you, and it still got you every single time. 
And you loved him for it.
The meal was a total success. A wonderful soup starter, followed by a small appetiser, and then the most magnificent turkey. Feeding over 20 people - now probably closer to 30 if you were to include the children who were growing up so quickly in front of your eyes - had proven to be difficult, but it was a challenge the family had clearly tackled before.
You had been so excited to prepare the desserts, and present your dish. However, halfway through the day, somewhere between the main course, watching your nephews with their new toys, and the dessert course of the delicious homemade Christmas feast, you’d fallen asleep on the sofa completely tuckered out. Your legs rested on Henry’s lap as he’d covered you with a hand-knitted blanket that he’d once slept with as a boy. Henry’s mother speaks up, careful not to wake you. She has a gleam in her eye, not that you or even Henry notice, too wrapped up in your own cozy sleepy bubble together by the fire.
“Dessert can wait” his mother says to the gaggle of children and adults swarming the living room, “go out and get some fresh air.”
She turns to the children, specifically.  “Do not disturb your Aunt, okay?”
Your cheeks are warm as the fire heats the living room, and after a particularly competitive game of rugby with his brothers, nieces, and nephews, Henry quietly checks on you. He had left the room earlier when you had shifted your legs slightly, taking the opportunity to get some fresh air himself. It had indeed been a long day. His brothers had questioned your tiredness briefly, making sure you were well. With the knowledge that you were simply sleepy, they had begun to joke that you obviously just couldn’t keep up with the rest of the Cavills - despite having married into the family for 2 years and been around for the holidays for 4. Henry had promised them that you were fine -  that you still weren’t used to the long trip back to the island for the holidays. 
Not exactly a fib, he’d thought.
Kal was laid beside you, loyal as ever, watching out for anyone who may disturb your rest, sending a rumbling growl towards anyone who approached. Except Henry. 
While checking on you now to make sure you were still comfortable and resting well, he smiled, taking a picture of you wrapped up cosily by the fire, at peace in his childhood home, completely at rest and ease with him and his closest relatives. Petting Kal softly, he thanks him for looking after his mama so well.
His mother, he hears. She’s alone for once as there was no one rushing to check for updates on food, no enquiries about the house, or any funny stories woven into a ten minute tale from her grandchildren. She’s alone, with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised.
Henry stands up straight. There’s nothing that can wipe the tremendously cheesy grin off of his face. He can’t even speak. Even after dessert had finished, you were the one who would be doing all the talking, the telling, the explaining.
“Henry. She’s not ill. and i know you’re sensible enough to not be up the whole night with your wife...at least under my roof. So…?”
He looks over at your peaceful form, and then scratches his neck, blushing at being caught out, but also ecstatic that he can finally say something about it.
“She’s eleven weeks. We’re expecting a baby next summer”
With that, his mother almost leaps with joy over to her son, who she hugs closely despite the obvious height barrier. 
“Oh i knew it, I knew it! I’m so happy for you Henry, for you both. I thought, ‘She normally loves that bread for starter’, hm? Oh my boy! A father!”
With her proclamation, Henry finds that he has tears in his eyes as he holds his Mother close, finally glad that it’s not just a little secret between the two of you - well, the two of you and Kal, who had already been a stellar protector and big brother.
“We had planned to tell everyone after dessert…we’ve known for nearly 2 months and it’s been killing me that I couldn’t say. We’ve had to be so careful-“ 
“Henry?” he hears your quiet voice from across the room, as Kal’s collar jingles. He turns to see you sitting up from your nap with Kal booping his nose at your stomach. You’re scratching at his head, thanking him for being such a wonderful boy, while looking up at the two Cavills.
It takes less than a second for you to realise what is happening in front of you. Your jaw drops and louder than your previous call, you exclaim, “Henry you told her?”
“She worked it out! Practically forced it out of me.” he grins, holding his hands up as his Mother pretends to smack his arm.
You stand, watching not to step on Kal or any stray Legos that your nephews have left strewn across the floor, and walk over to hug her. She’s been so caring and kind since you’ve joined the family all those years ago, and you know that she will be an incredible Grandma to your little one. 
Breaking apart from the hug, you find Henry pulling you to him carefully, letting you melt into his side. Kissing your forehead he asks, for your ears only, “Good sleep? No pains? Sickness?” He has a small crease of worry between his brows and you always do your best to soften that small tense area with regular updates and sweet kisses.
“Yeah i’m okay honey” you reassure him, patting your stomach, “this ones growing up a storm in there”. 
And they really are. Henry’s mother cannot believe she’s seeing it, and mostly can’t believe she missed it. You’re already showing, but a large loose sweater -probably one of Henry’s old ones that has since become yours - over your dress, has hidden a sizeable roundness to your stomach that you were excited to finally show.
“How did I miss this!” Your mother-in-law gasps, causing you to grin, and Henry’s chest to puff with utter pride and excitement.
“I know it’s bordering on having too much to eat, but we’ve been hiding it for a couple weeks now. Doctor thinks that baby’s gonna be big. Just like their daddy.” You explain, giving your stomach another gentle rub, surprised to find Henry’s hand there on it already.
If you’d thought Kal was protective, Henry was another thing altogether.
He’s still grinning as you kiss him, before you pull away to speak more to his mother about all the details, especially when you’ll be coming over to Jersey again. Kai follows you closely, making sure you’re staying safe. He’s known that there’s something up with his mama, there has been for weeks, especially with the way his master looks after you now.
Henry, deciding to be sneaky while the two women in his life are currently distracted chatting, takes another taste of the dessert you made, now set out on the kitchen. The worst part is, he thinks he’s got away with it.
He realises he doesn’t the second you smack his hand from the dessert.
“Strike two Mr Cavill! Step away from the pie.”
“And if I don’t?” he raises an eyebrow, watching your reactions as you hold a butter knife in your hand trying to look at least vaguely threatening - failing miserably. “Maybe i’ll strike out tonight, hm?” he continues with that wonderfully mischievous glint in his eye, taking cautious steps towards you. “You look even sweeter than your pie with this little bump here. Maybe I’ll have a taste later after all.” 
Henry’s mother had not been right in her assumptions, for under her roof, you and Henry were not sensible at all.
please let me know what u think! i am v nervous to post but excited!!!
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