#hes got hidden antennae
tinylittlelilac · 3 months
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artfight is around the corner so also taking this opportunity to nervously introduce my ocs !!!
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I’m sure it’s hard to tell but my favorite character archetype is butler so I sold my soul to the trade and painstakingly put all my neuron action potentials into these two
Rairakku the all perfect head butler who can’t think for himself because he’s trying to prove his family name and a strange, lanky, aloof and nameless guy in his garden. He takes him in to train him as a servant (where he eventually assumes his name is Butler) and Rakku’s behavior is questioned for the first time and Ok I’m done now
Here’s some more ,,,,,eug
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I’ve also tried a little bit of world building aka I had a little too much fun making a bunch of characters and quickly put together drawings of rakku’s sisters as well!! Yasashiku and Junpaku 🫶
these drawings are a little rough around the edges, my apologies ;
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thank u for listening TT 🫶
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It’s like having two dogs
Neuvillette smells Foul legacy
Foul legacy smells Neuvillette
Imagine if Neuvillette goes to visit and it’s on one of those days that Foul legacy is tending to melusine y/n
little Melusine with their Abyssal monster and Hydro Sovereign protectors hehehehehee
almost IMMEDIATELY Foul Legacy's mane of ginger hair ruffles and puffs up, crystalline eye locking with Neuvillette's. the Iudex stops in his tracks, the slim azure antennae hidden amongst his hair shivering as a low, almost inaudible growl rises from his throat. Legacy matches it, and for a moment they just glare at each other while you look back and forth between them, shaking your head in exasperation. you slip off of Legacy's lap and skip cheerfully over to Neuvillette, taking his hand in your mitten and gently tugging, tugging until he stands before Foul Legacy and stares down at him with suspicion and wariness. instinctively he attempts to push you behind him, but you evade his arm and happily curl up in Legacy's lap again, and Neuvillette can only blink before slowly sitting down in front of you
the dragon and the monster regard each other silently- they're supposed to be mortal enemies, after all. eventually Foul Legacy's wings lower, slowly, neatly folding against his back. he gives Neuvillette a tentative chirp, and you smile up at him, colorful little tail waving in the air. the Iudex sighs, giving you a small smile in return and leaning in, quietly asking you to tell the story of how you met this... armored, glittering beast. your bloopy antennae twitch in delight as you sit up, leaning back against Legacy's chest with his arm around you, and both of them listen to you regale them with a long, thrilling tale- minus the parts where you got stabbed, of course
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miguelhugger2099 · 6 months
You Know Where to Find Me
Summary: Miguel is from another planet, fascinated by the stars and nothing else. On Earth, he learns the water might be interesting. A/N: this is so niche i can't find any alien miguel fanart Alien!Miguel x Mermaid!Reader, Fluff, No Warnings
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Humanity loved space, so much so they spent trillions just to find other living sentient creatures just like them. After generations and some centuries, Humanity had managed contact with aliens!
Quickly, and by the grace of the universe, humans and aliens had begun to coexist. It was often that humans would visit the aliens home and aliens to visit Earth. 
Miguel wanted to visit Earth. He loved space as well. A little alien mind that adored the stars and always felt that he was meant for greater things. It’s not that he didn’t love his home planet, but he couldn’t wait to learn and even live with other aliens!
So when he arrived, he did everything he could to learn about Earths space program. Another highlight was that his planets astronomy was still a few centuries behind, so going to Earth was the best choice—and the only one. 
Miguel had gotten along with everyone—his bright mind and leadership skills made everyone admire him! His curiosity knew no bounds! In fact, he grew fond of teaching others about space. So in his spare time, he’d work at a planetarium in Nueva York—one of the only cities in the world that held the largest building that was dedicated to the study of space. 
Despite his unusual appearance, small antennas on the crown of his head and no pupils—his eyes shaded a soft red— his people looked “human enough” for them to be integrated into human society without any problems. He supposed he got lucky—he didn’t like to think of how humanity might’ve reacted to something stranger. Luckily his sharp ears could be hidden behind his curls and his little lisp from his fangs was deemed cute to others—which he’s on the fence about.
He had heard of a new exhibit opening up after a certain discovery humans found within the Earths ocean. Miguel had basically tuned out whatever his colleagues chatted about, especially if it had nothing to do with whatever he was interested in.
However, to his horror, when he passed by the new exhibit during its construction he had found a human body in the tank of water. He hurried out to find security or to call an ambulance—something—to help the poor soul that had fallen underwater. If he knew anything about humans, it’s that they couldn’t breath underwater!
A colleague had seen Miguel’s frantic behavior while shaking a security officer to call for help. The sight was amusing since Miguel was taller than the average human man.
His vacant red eyes found hers. “Jess!” Jessica walked up to them with worry. 
“What’s going on?” 
Miguel breathed in deeply. “There’s—there’s a human! In—in the—they fell!”
“Fell where?” She asked, her tone becoming serious. 
“By the new exhibit! I don’t know how they got there but they fell—I think—and they had their eyes closed!”
Jess became more alert. Civilians weren’t allowed in that section yet and the construction guys weren’t stupid enough to not be able to swim out of a tank.
“Show me.”
Jessica had a bit of a hard time keeping up with Miguel, his long legs taking giant strides while his antennas curled and his ears turned downwards.
Miguel shows her the tank. “Here!”
Inside was definitely what seemed like a human woman passed out in the water. But Jess instead sighed in relief. She places her hand on her chest and laughs which makes Miguel’s antennas curl even more, making it look like a rams horns and his skin turns pinkish. 
Jess giggles after calming down. She taps the glass with her knuckle and falls out your name.
The ‘human’ inside was actually you. Your eyes opened and you give Jess a pointed look. You swam up to the top of the tank which gives Miguel a better look at the tail that was hidden behind a giant sheet of cloth. 
You popped up at the top and leaned on the railing with a glare at Jessica. “I told you not to tap the glass!”
Jessica gives you a grin. “Sorry. One of us thought you were a human drowning so I just wanted to show him that was not that case and to pay attention more to our meetings.”
Miguel’s skin turns a darker shade of red, his antennas uncurling and flops in front of his forehead. Your eyes meet his and he feels the embarrassment running through him.
Not only had he embarrassed himself during his job—but in front of something pretty like you. He glanced between your eyes and your tail, gulping down his nerves and placing his hands behind his back. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled out.
“Miguel, this is our first volunteer for our new exhibition. Since the discovery of mermaids and mermen, this gal,” She places a hand on the glass with a mention of your name. “…is now a part of introducing humanity to the wonders of the sea.”
“I’m a party animal.” You tell Miguel, resting your cheek on your arm with a smile. 
“She’s joking.” Jessica says but he can only stare at you, engraving your smile in his memory. 
“Now that we know a human isn’t drowning, can you go back to work?” Jessica pats his shoulder as he makes her exit. Miguel turns to see her leave and looks back to see you still staring at him.
“You’re not human.” You observe. 
“I’m not.” Miguel clears his throat and approaches your tank slowly. “I’m from Retha. A neighboring planet a couple light years away.”
You him in thought, pretending to know what light years are.
“Didn’t expect to see another alien here.” You splash your tail, a few droplets hitting the ground. 
Miguel tilts his head, one antenna following him. “Alien? But aren’t you from Earth? Just…in the sea?”
You shrug, hanging your arm out. “I’m in a tank, aren’t I? I’ll never be considered like the humans.”
Miguel watches your dive back in the water to rehydrate yourself before popping back up. 
“Miguel. My name is Miguel.” He says, placing a hand on the tank and looking up at you. You smile and dive back in the tank so you can be face to face. You place your hand on the tank where his hand was at. He knows your name, you don’t need to repeat it.
You watch as he turns his head, a soft muffle of talking and you assume he’s heading back to work. He gives you another glance and you puff out a small bubble of air to make a heart in the water and waving him goodbye. His cheeks flush red and he nods, turning away and leaving.
He feels interested in learning about the water this time around. His curiosity knows no bounds.
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butchsunbear · 5 months
Silky Wings (Mothman (mothbutch?)x human druid)
Kinks covered: Monsterfucking (obviously), ovipostion, size difference, slight CNC, pheromones.
Crackling blue flames were the only source of light in dark forest, and huddled close to the campfire was Priya, a human druid. She had been separated from her party and got lost in the woods. After hours of searching, she decided to set up camp. She sighed, "Bunch of dicks they are." She stood up, going into her tent and rooting through her bag to get out her sleeping bag and med kit.
She set up her sleeping bag and left the tent, sitting by the fire which illuminated her. One could see her clearly now. She was fairly tall and slender, with brown skin covered in scars with a head of long, thin black hair. Her brown eyes glowed in the blue fire, as she had to look up at it to keep the spell running.
She pulled off her leather chest armor, then pulled up the sleeve of her undershirt to reveal a nasty gash on her arm. She took out a few of the magic berries she created earlier, squeezing the juice into the wound, wincing at first, but the healing magic caused the wound to slowly close.
As she watched the wound close, a large shadow suddenly cast over her. She turned around, looking up to see a giant moth-like creature in front of her. The creature's body was completely black, with huge wings at least ten feet wide. It had a scarf of dark gray neck fluff and large gray antennae. The creature was at least twelve feet tall, nearly double Priya's height. It had an extra pair of arms, both sets long and lanky. But out of all of those traits, the most noticeable was the pair of huge red eyes the creature had.
"H-hello?" Priya said quietly. The antennae of the moth creature drooped in response. It seemed to have picked up the scent of something. Priya went to stand up, trying to tell if she had any way of communicating with the creature. The creature leaned down, its face nearly at the same level as hers. The creature stared into Priya's eyes, its feathery antennae twitching and pointing towards her.
"What do you want?" The druid asked, flicking her eyes back towards the flames. "Did you want to see the lights?" She asked, motioning towards the fire. She prayed her beast communication skills would be enough to figure this out.
The moth looked over at the flames, grabbing onto Priya's arm, and it began to make its way over to the fire. "Wait! Wait, what are you doing?" She cried out, not knowing the intentions of the moth creature and feared she would be thrown into the flames before she had time to put them out.
The creature seemed to notice her distress, picking her up instead. She was suddenly being princess carried in the arms of a monster. Priya hadn't been picked up like this before. Sure, her party's barbarian could pick her up, but he's a half-elf. They were super close in height. She was much smaller than this moth though, she felt more vulnerable.
As she was held by the creature, now sitting by the fire, she also recognized something. There was a smell coming from the creature. It was the same as the berries! The creature was excreting pheromones. It must've smelled the berry juice.
"Does it think I'm another moth? No... maybe it just likes the light and the smell." She thought, but after a little while in the creature's arms, as she had started to get drowsy from the warmth of the flames and the fuzzy monster, Priya felt something hot and slimy against her thighs.
Priya sat up, the dwindling flames bursting back to life as she opened her eyes fully. The creature noticed her struggling and, in response, just held her closer.
"N-no! Wait!"
She squirmed more, and the creature leaned in, opening its mouth, which was previously hidden by fuzz, revealing a long, gray tongue. It pressed a kiss to Priya's lips, the long tongue entering her mouth, she squirmed for a little, flustered and whimpering before finally melting under the relentless affection as the creature's tongue pushed up against hers.
Priya wrapped her arms around the moth creature's neck, all the kissing making her head spin. Her groin felt warm, her heart was beating fast, and her hands were burying themselves in the moth creature's fluff. The secondary pair of arms stayed wrapped around her waist, the primary moving up to pull off her undershirt. Priya pathetically tried to push the monster away, but the creature was too strong. It pulled off the undershirt, and she couldn't help but try and cover herself.
"N-no, please don't lo-" Priya tried to say, but was cut off by the creature groping and kissing her chest. She felt like she was going to cry she was so overwhelmed. Her back arched as the moth creature ran a hand down her thighs, her lower half exposed as the creature pulled off her pants and undergarments in one pull. Before she could cover herself, the creature pinned her down with its primary arms, the secondary set spreading open her legs. 
"Oh god please don't look there, please moth!" Priya begged, the creature didn't care, nuzzling its soft face against her thigh. It emitted a little purr-like sound, the hands holding Priya's arms down soon linked with hers. It was embarrassing to admit, but she felt...safe. The creature started laying kisses on her thighs, getting closer and closer to where she wanted it most. "Gods this is so embarrassing..." She mumbled, her pussy all wet and needy because of this creature. What would her party think if she was found? Why did she let this thing do this to her?
Priya's thoughts got cut off as the creature let out another purr, laying soft kisses on her slit. "Ohh~ You...you're actually pretty...huff...pretty cute." The creature looked up from between her legs, slowly letting its tongue loll out and spreading Priya's lips. "It's ok...please~ Make me yours~" She said, shutting her eyes as she got too flustered.
The moth cresture started to eat her out. Priya's breathing started to become heavy. She no longer felt the heat from the flames, but felt extremely warm from the monster's touch. The monster's massive tongue licked at her swollen clit, the attention making Priya jerk and twitch, she squeezed the moth creature's hands, and it kept licking. She was getting more and more sensitive, as it went on, her breathing got even heavier.
At this point, Priya let out little sighs and whines. Her clit felt extremely sensitive, every touch going through her whole body. "Too much~" She whined, and the moth creature stopped, nuzzling her leg. Priya looked down, seeing those big red eyes shimmering a little. The moth creature straddled her waist, and Priya felt and saw a long, pink ovipositor on her belly. It had to be at least 10 inches. It tapered off a little at the end and was covered in a slimy fluid.
"You... want to put that thing in me?" Priya asked, though she already knew the answer. "I don't, I don't think that'll fit!" She told the creature, but at the same time, she didn't really care. Honestly, this moth thing was more attentive and affectionate than her previous partners. "Please be gentle. It's been a while."
As if something was triggered in it, the moth creature laid most of its body on top of Priya's, both sets of arms hugging her close and protectively. Her face was buried in fluff as she held on. The ovipositor slowly slipped inside. It was warm, and Priya squeezed the creature as it slowly added more and more. A little moan escaped Priya's lips, the moth creature moving up a hand to pet her head as it filled her up.
The creature managed to get about 6 inches in before Priya couldn't take any more. She felt a bit embarrassed, but the creature seemed to be enjoying her by the way its wings were fluttering, and it let out a purr. "You..haah~ You can move now, just st-start slow," Priya told it.
The creature moved its hips back and forth, Priya letting out loud moans as it cried out in pleasure. The two held each other close, the moth creature leaning down to kiss Priya. She accepted the kiss, all the stimulation making her a little dizzy as the two made out. The creature sped up a bit, Priya moaning into the kiss as she sucked on its tongue. The ovipositor rubbed on her sensitive spots, and she was already worked up from getting eaten out.
Priya couldn't speak, her mouth full of monster tongue and brain full of static as she couldn't even put words together. She wrapped her legs around the monster as she came, her juices coating the moth creature's ovipositor as it continued to rail her.
She was nearly crying from how good it felt, the moth creature's ovipositor starting to throb and was leaking fluid as it came up on orgasm. The moth creature pulled out of the kiss, letting out a screech as it started to fill Priya with lubricant fluid and eggs. Priya's belly bulged out as she felt the eggs enter her womb. She panted and held tight as the moth creature kept petting her head. Eventually it stopped, slowly pulling out as green lubricant fluid dripped from Priya's pussy.
The moth creature picked her up, cuddling Priya close and kissing her forehead. Priya clung to the monster, almost afraid it would leave. It carried her into the tent, having to duck and sit in order to fit inside. The moth creature laid with Priya on the bedroll, letting out a little chittering sound as it wrapped its wings around her. She felt sleepy, the warmth of the monster, and the warm feeling in her belly cause her eyes to droop. The monster laid a hand on her belly, kissing Priya's head and purring.
She eventually fell asleep. The two would have to pack up tomorrow, the monster was going to take Priya home. After all, how could it leave its cute little mate to raise their babies on her own?
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void-ink-studios · 11 months
Wrath of the Wishmaster
You asked, you shall receive.
Thanks for helping me clear my writer's block. I might write more scenes that happened prior to this, but enjoy what's here for now! Might post to AO3 later, who knows?
Enjoy babes!
Word count: 2,500
There were many things Scarab did not understand about the Wishmaster, Prismo.  Many… Many things.
Why did an all powerful being decide to spend its eternity making pickles and writing fan fiction of the universes he observed?  Why, of all things to add to the featureless Time Cube, was there a hot tub?
And why, above all, did he tolerate all of Scarab's... strangeness?
Because no one liked bugs.
That was the lesson Scarab had learned in his eons of existence.
No one liked bugs.  At least, not the kind of bug he was.
Of course, people like butterflies.  They liked to watch the pretty and dainty little things as they flutter along.  But only from a distance.  People still recoiled if they got a good look at their face.  Or anything that reminded them that they’re bugs, and not just living little splashes of color.
And Scarab was no butterfly.
He was a beetle.  Was?  Is?  He wasn’t sure anymore.  So much of himself had changed since he first emerged from his burrow.
And yet, there was Prismo, calling his little chirps and trills "cute." Encouraging him to find places in the Time Room to burrow and hide and crawl.
There was Prismo, who didn't recoil at the site of his real face. Who saw his strange mouth and eyes and decided to kiss it all over, rather than hide it behind his mask again.
So no, he did not understand many of how Prismo operated. But Scarab was not about to complain. He felt more alive in his own shell than he has in eons. He kept his mask off more often than on these days. His hidden arms had seen more exercise than ever before. He was starting to remember the strange language of chirps and trills and buzzes from his old home.
Of course, there were still bad days. Days where he had to sit still and stare at something stationary just to remember what direction was up. Days where he crawled away into one of his hidden nooks to tremble out of sight.
He had been reluctant to let Prismo in on those days, at first. He held up walls and scooted away and flinched enough to get the Wishmaster to back off for quite a while.
But, as he came back into contact with himself, and as Prismo called him beautiful and quirky, rather than disgusting and unsettling, the walls came down.
He wasn't ready to tell him what happened to his antenna and wings. But, Prismo was at least there to turn the screen wall to something calming. Or to rub his aching back and shoulders on days where he could do little else but shake.
It was... nice. He hesitated to call it wonderful, but it really was. Much better than a bug deserved, but he was not about to remind Prismo of that.
No, he had Orbo to do that for him.
He knew he had grown far too comfortable with Prismo when he heard the orb roll into the Time Room, loudly calling for his buddy the Wishmaster. Who was not currently there, but instead tending to his pickles for the moment. He trusted Scarab to watch the main room for any wishers, which he had been doing diligently from his perch on the ceiling.
Scarab froze, stuck to the ceiling like he was pinned there.
Maybe if I don't move, he won't notice I'm here.
It was a nice thought. But when had the universe been nice to him before?
"Uhm... Scarab? Mate? Whatcha doing up there? I thought we cleared up a while back that that creeped people out."
Scarab stayed silent as he crawled back down the wall. He ignored the way Orbo visibly shivered at his method of locomotion, standing at attention once his feet touched the floor.
He unconsciously made a nervous, light buzzing sound, his mouth parts clicking together as the orb stared at him like a disection project.
"So, what's all this then? You think just because Prismo's not here, you can do whatever you want? I thought we talked about this forever ago, Scrabs. You might be just a bug, but you got raised to the pantheon. You gotta act like it."
Orbo rolled to look around the Time Room. Scarab reached gingerly for the remote, trying to alert Prismo to their visitor.
"Seriously, I still feel bad enough for Prismo to get stuck looking at you when you were at your best. If he's stuck with you, it's the least you could do to not creep the guy out. That's not how you show appreciation, Scrabs."
Scarab tried to tune it out. He wasn't creepy, not to Prismo, Prismo called him beautiful, insect traits and all. Orbo swung around to look at him, now noticing his face.
"Where's your mask, man? No one wants to see the horror show your kind calls a mouth. It's bad enough when we have to watch you eat, you can at least put the rest of it away."
Scarab felt small. Tiny. Just like he did when he first met Orbo, who took one look at him, and decided he wasn't meant for the glittery Judgement Hall. He barely even noticed when he shuffled the plates back over his face.
"Much better. So, where's Prismo then? Not like I came all this way to talk to you, right?"
Orbo laughed. Scarab didn't. He just kept his eyes trained to the floor, still quietly chirping to steady his nerves. His world started to feel tilted. What he wouldn't do for his cane right now.
"Cut it with the noise, mate. It's like you've forgotten you're a god or something. You want to go back to the dirt? Is that it? I can talk to Boss for you, if that's what you want."
"...No. That won't be necessary."
"That's what I thought. Now, where in Glob's name- Oh, Prismo! Buddy, there you are!"
Scarab didn't look up to acknowledge the Wishmaster's presence. He felt so tiny. Just like a gross little bug pinned to the wall.
"...What are you doing here, Orbo?"
That made Scarab look up. Prismo's tone. All the warmth had been sucked out of his voice. There was an edge to it. One that the beetle had never heard before, not even during the whole Fionna and Cake disaster.
"Aw, mate, can't I just come check on my good buddy? It's been ages since your last party, man. Us at the office are just itching to groove again. We'd love to see you!"
Prismo's expression was unreadable. Scarab wasn't used to not being able to read the Wishmaster, he was usually an open book. The blue eye shifted between Orbo and Scarab subtly.
"Just haven't been in the partying mood, Orbo. I've been having some friends over for board games, I guess, but I'm not planning on a party any time soon."
The star core seemed to catch Prismo's shifting glance, turning his attention back to Scarab. The beetle stood ramrod straight. Partially to not draw attention to himself and partially to prevent his body from shaking on uncertain legs.
"Oh. Prismo, buddy, why didn't you say anything sooner?" Orbo rolled back over to Scarab, smirking.
"Say what sooner?"
"That this dude was killing the vibe in here! I mean, I totally get it, I wouldn't want a party either if that was lurking in my place somewhere."
Prismo's expression hardened.
"Scarab's not 'killing the vibe' Orbo. He's been nice to have around, he plays board games with me, Cos, and Death."
Orbo rolled his eyes.
"Prismo, you're cool. You don't have to keep it quiet for his sake. Just say the word and I'll find something else to do with him. It's not the first time he failed to learn a lesson."
"I'm not keeping anything quiet. I like having him around. He's actually pretty cool when he's got the space outside of work, and you're being, like, really uncool, Orbo."
Scarab was stunned. He'd been the only one to ever really talk back to Orbo. He'd never expect someone to do it on his behalf.
"What? Me, uncool? Pris, c'mon, mate. You're allowed to say he's creepy, we all know it. He's a bug. You know, those little creepy crawlies? I thought I trained most of the creepy stuff out of him by now. I know you're everybody's buddy, but you really need to make sure the lesson stays in his head if you don't want him weirding you out. Like, I came in here and he was on the ceiling! Looked like a ghost or something. And without his mask! I thought I made it clear his face is a horror show. Thank Glob I got him to put it back on before you had to see it, bud. It's a real doozy, I'll tell ya."
The beetle wasn't looking at Orbo anymore. No, he was watching the growing horror on Prismo's face. Horror not directed at him for once.
"Dude, Scarab's not that bad. A bit uptight when he's stressed, but still a pretty cool dude. Why should he have to hide so much? This is the Time Room, you're supposed to relax in here."
"Oh, Prismo, you sweet dream child. Scarab's not cool. He's not like us, you know?"
"Like us?"
"Buddy, you're the dream of one of the greatest living wizards in the multiverse! I'm the core of a collapsed magic star! That's where gods like us are supposed to come from! Scarab though? He's just a bug. A creepy crawly cockroach that somehow made it up from the dirt he's meant for."
"Didn't he manage to take down a galactic level threat that you couldn't catch?"
"He got lucky." Orbo looked annoyed. That usually ended well for no one. "Knew I should've finished his punishment before he came here..."
"I thought this was his punishment."
"Oh, no, I'm talking about his punishment for trying to start a revolt. Went over my head to the Boss! All over that nonsense with that unauthorized universe of yours. I was gonna take his legs. Maybe should've pulled out his other arms as well. I still can, if you wanted me to, mate."
The silence in the Time Room was deafening. Scarab has seen a lot of expressions on the Wishmaster's face. Contentment, sadness, boredom, amusement, joy, frustration, all of it.
But he had never seen rage. Not until now, anyway.
Orbo seemed to completely miss the change in atmosphere, as he carried on just as before. "Oh yeah, it seems to be the only way he actually learns. Thought the antenna would be enough, but nooo, Mr. Buggy Bigshot still thought himself better. I really thought the thing with the wings would've gotten through to him, but I guess not."
The lights in the Time Room went out. Not even the stars from the void outside shed much light into the cube. Scarab never thought he'd miss the sickeningly bright yellow of the Time Cube, but he's permanently paint his shell its color if it would turn the lights back on.
"You. Did. WHAT?"
There was a guttural hiss coming from where Prismo once was. Blue what replaced by a bright purplish pink, staring down at Orbo and Scarab. A friendly smile was replaced with jagged teeth. Fingers replaced with claws. And a growl rumbled through the cube.
Scarab didn't think. Just acted. He opened himself a passage into the lower levels of the Time Room, scurrying in as fast as his legs could carry him. He could faintly hear Orbo yelling after him, but he ignored it completely. The adrenaline let him ignore the pain, ignore the feeling of constantly tipping over. All his instincts told him was run and hide.
He crammed himself into one of his many makeshift burrows, backing as far into the hole as possible.
Prismo was angry, he knew that much. Anger meant pain. Anger meant he'd lose another piece of himself. What would it be this time, he wondered.
It didn't matter he knew Prismo would never hurt him. It didn't matter he knew he probably couldn't be hurt like that while in this form. All he knew was to curl up and hide.
And so he did.
He shook, in fear and pain, and waited. For what, he wasn't sure. But he didn't dare come out of his cubby.
So he waited.
He didn't know how long it was until he felt the familiar tingle of light against his back. He flinched, a frightened trill falling unwillingly from his throat.
"...Scarab? Sweetheart, are you there?"
...At least he sounded like Prismo again...
"...Yes... Yes, I'm here."
"Good, good. I... I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I don't like what I am when I'm like that but... What Orbo was saying... Your wings..."
Scarab felt his elytra twitch under Prismo's touch. The ragged scraps of wings shivered as well, as the beetle sighed out a soft little chirp.
"...It is the way of things, Prismo... Orbo is not the only one with thoughts like that. It's what I've been taught for eons. No one likes bugs, after all."
There was a long silence after that. Prismo was looking at him with a sad calmness. He reached his other arm into the hole, petting a hand over the parts of his face he could reach under the mask. The bug shivered pitifully into the touch, trying and failing to resist the urge to lean into it.
"...You deserve better, Scrabby."
That's what did it. That's what broke the dam.
Scarab wept into Prismo's hand, shaking hard enough to make his carapace rattle.
"Shh... It's okay, honey... Can you come out here?"
It was slow. Almost painfully so. But he managed to peek his head out of his hiding spot. The Wishmaster gave him a kind smile, if not a sad one.
"Can you let me see you, beautiful?"
Scarab hesitated. Orbo's words echoed in his head, loudly, cruelly.
"...I'm not pleasant to look at, Prismo... Much less beautiful..."
"Nope. Not true, Scrabby. C'mon. Let me see that pretty face of yours."
"Please, Scarab?"
The beetle sighed. His face plates shivered again, tucking behind his head. His eyes stared, wide and wet at the Wishmaster. A soft kiss was planted on his forehead.
"There we go. Much better."
Scarab refused to start bawling again. Instead, he climbed the rest of the way out of his burrow to curl against Prismo's chest.
"You don't have to worry about Orbo anymore, by the way. He won't be coming back. Not for a few eons, at least."
Scarab didn't choose to question it. Not right now at least. Instead, he closed his eyes as Prismo's hand pet gently over his aching back, the beetle unconsciously opening up the elytra. The dream's hands were always careful when working around his sorry wings. They made the ache go away.
Scarab began chirping. Softly, at first. But it slowly grew, morphing into a simple, but filling cricket song. He heard Prismo softly join in with a light humming.
He might've been just a bug.
But it turns out at least one person likes bugs after all.
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chiquitafresa · 7 months
~Vox headcanon~
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Artist here! These are my personal headcanons and headcanons that I stole from others! So enjoy :)
-Vox often like to go on days working in his office and can forget to take breaks -When this happens Val or a Velvette will come in and drag him out, They only do this when Vox try to talk his way out -Wait wait! I need to finish this! -Vox you have been in there for a week. You’re coming with me and it final. -Vox absolutely have a aquarium filled with all type of sharks, and he knows the name of each one by memory -Vox why you have 100 different sharks? They all look the same- -THEY DO NOT, see! Ava and Levi look totally different! -Vox there’s no difference at all, how the fuck you know which one is which? -Vox will fight you if you touch his food, doesn’t matter who you are he will fight -Valentino is a example of this(hint:look at his antennas) -Vox doesn’t need to eat like other demons but it helps keep his battery at 100% -Sleep also helps with this, and so is eating battery’s Don’t ask how he find out -Vox mistaken a battery pack as chocolate bar -Vox have a cable tail (am not explaining) -said tail can be use to plug into a outlet and let him charge -main reason why he can stay up for countless nights -But the tail can be hidden, so Vox only let it out when he’s low on energy or is comfortable. Bonus: it’s every sensitive when touched -Someone please do a fanfic on this- -Vox eyes are connected to every camera of his, so he constantly watch and see everything in hell But do to this he can get easily overloaded or overwhelmed, so he doesn’t do it often -Vox likes to play with Val fluff -Val really likes it when he does -Vox helped Velvette and Valentino to become overlords when he first find them -So both of them view him with respect and high admiration -but their assholes when showing it -they never go too far tho -Vox have a whole mansion for a closet like Barbie in the dream house -but it all the same suit with different colors -Vox have many jobs before, shown in “stay gone” -Vox lies when it comes to these jobs but they believe him because how good of a business man he is -he most definitely started a cult -The cult only got bigger in hell without him knowing -Vox actually have a huge fan base, they constantly fighting against Alastor fans and their winning since Alastor hasn’t been there in over 7 years -most of them actually come from Vox old cult and continue it In his name but in hell -I mean who else is going to buy a 9000$ cereal -Valentino got really close to making a p0rn movie of Vox, for himself of course (Vox didn’t know this) -but Vox back out in the last minute because of work, so there’s Val Dream -Val was mostly mad about this, often trying to get Vox to reconsider -Bro cry over that for a whole week in his room,and is still sad about it till this day -Alastor and Vox have a equal obsession with each other -I don’t care if you think it one sided, Al is obsessed in seeing this man break and how much attention his getting
-Alastor will watch Vox in the shadows if he been inactivate for a while -Vox some how got his brand in heaven, but he can’t go there though the technology. But he still gets the money from there so it doesn’t matter for him -The other Vee’s doesn’t know this, it was part of the deal he made with Lucifer -Vox does feel sorry for accidentally for damaging Val antennas, Val on the other hand doesn’t really care about it that much -Am…sorry Val -For the least time Vox, it fine! It might take a while to heal but it’s fine -Vox watch Val all the time though the cameras in hell, do to his bad vision and damage antenna -Val doesn’t mind being watched and even likes it at times -Vox and Velvette will have days where they replace their parts together, Vox helps removing her limbs while Velvette helps repair/replacing wires -When Vox first replaced his head with a whole new TV he needed to heal for a whole month before he can walk around -Velvette and Val make sure Vox was never alone and help him with everything -Vox is such a sugerdaddy for Val And Velvette, he buy them anything they want -Vox, Velvette, and Valtino have matching rings, they sometime wear it and sometimes not -Vox likes all type of radio, but he can’t show his love for them because of Alastor -Vox 100% record all of Alastors radio shows as soon as he got here, over 200 recordings -Vox was a fan of Alastor when he was alive, and he still like listening to him (before he left for 7 years) -During those 7 years, Vox slowly got more paranoid by the next day, making his reaction with Alastor coming back… weird -Vox take anxiety pills to help with this, he also have ADHD medication that he takes everyday ———————————- Sorry if this was short! I just wanted to put down all my ideas somewhere for others (and me) to see! (can someone explain what happened to the bold words? It appears like that and I can’t undo it)
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I finally finished the OptiRatch oneshot
Its a little short, but wonderful
Here it is
Dont Go.
The footsteps echoing throughout the medbay caught Ratchet’s attention, making his antenna and finials quiver for a slight second from the vibrations before settling. These were not the scampering footsteps of minibots, nor was it like any of the racer Autobots; these were the footsteps of someone big. Setting down his datapad, he turned around from his desk to look at who entered the medbay. Hopefully it wasn't some dumbaft who blew themselves up playing around with weapons, he had no patience for such patients anymore today… they kept giving him a helmache…
No… it wasn't even a patient at all. It was Optimus Prime… his lovely conjunx. His lovely, sweet, and elegant conjunx, his forever sweetspark, his everything… Ratchet couldn’t help but soften his gaze at the Prime. The sun was at just the right angle that made Optimus’s frame shimmer brightly in the rays of the sun. He was glowing, as if Primus was shining his divine light on him. Ratchet stared longingly at his conjunx’s frame before gaining his composure and professionalism, standing up straight and looking into Optimus’s optics.
Now wasn't the time to look at his conjunx like… that. There was work to be done… they could do anything they wanted in their quarters later when he was off his shift…
“Good morning Optimus.” Ratchet said before looking around and looking up at Optimus, slight fear dawning in his optics.
Their sparklings were nowhere to be seen!
“Where are Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Mirage, and Rodimus? Are they somewhere nearby? Are they anywhere in the base at all? Please don't tell me they went out scouting without telling anyone again…”
A hidden panic bubbled up in his spark. What if someone hurt them? What if they accidentally hurt themselves? What if the Decepticons kidnapped them? What if-
What if they were dead again?
Optimus noticed how scared Ratchet seemed and smiled, putting a stop to Ratchet’s worries, “They’re out racing. After the whole…” Optimus’s smile faltered, almost fading away, at this, but he composed himself and continued, “situation… they haven’t really been leaving each other’s sides. I think I saw Smokescreen clinging to Rodimus before they left with the others to race. I don't think Smokescreen will be letting go of any of them any time soon. I don't even think we can separate any of them from each other any time soon…”
“Understandable.” Ratchet sighed, averting his optics from the Prime’s gaze.
He also felt the same way. His conjunx and all of his sparklings except for one… had all died due to some battle that went way differently than everyone had expected… one that went from a simple battle… to an utter bloodbath… Thank Primus for bringing them back to life. This was probably one of the only times he prayed for Primus… he was lucky enough that his prayers were answered and he got his conjunx and sparklings back. But Ratchet couldn’t help but feel scared. What if all of a sudden, he would lose them again? His audial fins lowered at the thought… it had haunted him for solar cycles, stolen countless sessions of recharges from him… and brought him back to as horrible as he felt at the height of the war.
All of a sudden Ratchet realized that Optimus was still staring at him… how long had he been standing there now? Ratchet had completely lost track of time.
“Is something wrong, Ratchet? You seem… sad. Very sad, dear conjunx.” Optimus looked at Ratchet with a concerned expression on his faceplate.
Ratchet paused, then shook his head, “No… I’m fine. I'm really fine. Dont worry about me, I'll be okay. I promise, sweetspark.”
Ratchet knew it was horrible to be pushing Optimus away like this again, but he didn’t want to bother Optimus with his worries anymore. Optimus had too much on his plate already… being revived from the well of allsparks isn't fun, and Ratchet felt like he would just be a burden… which he hated. 
Of course, Ratchet knew that Optimus would notice that he wasn’t saying the truth, and Ratchet hoped that this time, Optimus would let it slide, and not make a big discussion out of it. They were both still dealing with the whole… death situation, and no matter how much they tried to avoid talking about it, it lingered over them like a shadow, waiting for its time to strike.
Not wanting to deal with it right now, Ratchet turned his focus back onto his datapads, hoping that the tenseness would dissipate. But when he heard Optimus leaving, he couldn’t help but say, in a voice that betrayed a great sadness:
“… Stay. Don’t go. Please.”
Optimus stopped and turned around to look at Ratchet, a concerned look forming on his faceplate. After a while of staying still, he eventually started walking back towards Ratchet. Wrapping his servos around his conjunx’s frame, he held Ratchet in a loving embrace, never wanting to let go.
“I won't. I’ll stay right with you, my sweetspark.”
“Please. I don't want to lose you again.”
“Don't worry, I don't plan on ever leaving, my dear dear conjunx.”
They stayed in their embrace for many moments, not wanting to let the other go… 
After a while, Optimus spoke up, breaking the silence: “Ratchet, I guess it's best for you to stop working, come along, have some energon, and spend some time with me… just for a couple of joors, okay?”
Ratchet looked up at Optimus. At this angle, Optimus’s optics looked like wonderfully polished sapphires; optics that could tell millions of years worth of stories, ones that were burdened with troubles, and yet so peaceful… What a wonderful sight.
But wait! He still had work to do… Ratchet looked at his desk, where the datapad was laying…
Frag it.
He went with Optimus.
@optimusprime-stuffs, @ultra-phthalo here ya go! (I forgot if you guys wanted to be tagged or not sorry T>T)
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mothbart · 5 months
hurts just right
introducing mothbart who has quickly become my favorite monster. this was literally supposed to be a fuckin' microfic but tell me why it's over 3k. anyway, this is for @sixlane, who came up with this meetcute. thank u for spending time talking to me about mothbart. and thank u to @theapocryphaofantares for also entertaining this idea with me.
bartylily | mothman au | words: 3.5k
The first time that Barty saw her was when she hit him with her car.
It was the one night that he decided that maybe walking around would be better—he’d been flying around all day and he got lazy. Walking was less work than flying.
But see, Barty knew better than to just walk along the road or even near the road. He was a cryptid, for Christ’s sake, and the most well looked for, too. They even gave him a sick nickname—Mothman. Not the most original name, but humans love it and who was he to judge? People come to West Virginia all the time to try and spot him, but he was pretty good at keeping himself hidden. So imagine his surprise when he thought he could just cross the road to get to the other side of the forest without getting caught and then being slammed into by a car.
The impact made him roll over the hood, and Barty felt his soul leave his body. He truly thought at that moment that this was it, this was the end and he supposed he lived an alright life. He didn’t really get to do the things that he had hoped for—like maybe go around the country and explore a bit. Or maybe actually see if sasquatches were real.
Then he realized that he was fine, he was clearly being dramatic. It takes more than a fucking car to bring him down. But he was annoyed—because who the fuck drives without their lights on? Especially at night? And on a road with no streetlights? He wanted to give whoever a piece of his mind, maybe even try and traumatize them a little—teach them a lesson. As much as he wanted to, though, he knew he needed to get out of there before whoever this was saw more than they should’ve. Barty quickly got up from the wet pavement, groaning while standing up. He looked over his shoulder to make sure that his wings were fine, and when he extended them out a little, he let out a sigh of relief when there wasn’t any noticeable damage.
He felt his head, touching his antennas, and grumbled to himself when he felt that his left one was bent. He hated when that shit happened—not that he’s been hit by cars often. But his antennas were the most painful to try and put back into place when they’ve been bent. Inhaling a deep breath, he yanked his antenna and pulled it straight, flinching when there was a sharp pain that ran through his head.
He brought his attention over to the vehicle, and the hood of this ugly, old green piece of shit car was very much dented (served them right for being an absolute moron). He blinked a few times when the car lights suddenly turned on (a little too late for that), practically shining right into his eyes.
And when he was able to focus better, Barty could’ve sworn that his heart fell out of his chest when he laid eyes on her.
Sat there was a girl frozen in place with a horrified expression. Large, green eyes stared back at him, and he could tell that she was not only freaked out but also intrigued by what she saw. He watched as she slapped her hand over her mouth, clearly needing a moment to process what just happened before she was struggling to get her seatbelt off. He wanted to see more of her looks—get a real, nice close up of her and make sure that he’s not being fucked around with by some kind of deity. There was no way that someone as beautiful as her existed, but here he was, being proved wrong.
He had to get out of there before he decided to do something stupid—like casually introduce himself and maybe ask her to hit him again to see if he was hallucinating.
So he took off before she could get out of her car.
☾ ☾ ☾
Barty saw her the next morning.
After he bolted out of there, he perched himself on a tree a few miles away. He checked himself, making sure that there weren’t any major injuries other than a few scratches here and there. He was exhausted at this point, and who knew that getting hit by a car would take so much energy out of him. He made himself comfortable on the branch and allowed himself to fall asleep.
When he woke up, he figured he should at least go check out the area where he got hit. He’s not sure what compelled him to make him want to go back—it just felt like he was being pulled there, and it was a feeling that he hadn’t felt before. His wings weren’t sore anymore, so flying out there wasn’t too bad.
He landed on a tree that was closer to the road, where he had a clear view of everything. He could see that there was a car just parked in the middle of the road, and it wasn’t the one that hit him last night.
Two people were standing outside, looking around at the opposite side of the forest.
“—I swear to God, James, I know what I saw—”
“Lily, I’m sure it was a deer or something. It was late—”
“Deer can’t fly, James,” the girl snapped. When they both turned around, Barty recognized the girl right away.
And she looked fucking ethereal when she didn’t look scared out of her mind. The sun made her red hair glisten and it fell over her shoulders. Barty could see the scattered freckles covering her arms and face. She looked annoyed, and when Barty looked at the guy next to her, he could see why she was annoyed.
He looked like a douche canoe.
“Listen, it was dark outside, you forgot to turn on your lights while driving,” the guy—James—said. “I’m sorry that there’s damage to your car, I told you that you could borrow mine while you search for a new one.”
“I don’t care about my car,” the girl—Lily—said. “I just want to find what I hit.”
“I don’t think we’re going to find it,” James replied, sighing. He walked over to the driver's side of the car and opened the door. “Come on, Lily, let’s go.”
Barty watched as James shut the car door, and Lily just stood out there, staring into the woods as if Barty was going to come out and say hello.
He wanted to—you know—say hello, but he knew better and stayed put. Lily shook her head and turned around, making her way to the car and getting inside the passenger seat. The two of them drove away, and Barty rolled his eyes.
“You’re never going to see her again,” Barty told himself. “Get real.”
☾ ☾ ☾
Barty saw Lily a couple of days after the incident.
It was late at night, the stars were out and the frogs were croaking loudly. Barty had just finished scaring off some annoying teenagers away from the TNT bunkers, and he was hoping to have some peace and quiet but that clearly wasn’t the case.
Because in front of him was Lily.
Lily wearing a baby pink tank top and a pair of shorts.
Barty wanted to devour her.
She had a look of determination and irritation on her face, and he couldn’t detect a single ounce of fear radiating from her. It was kind of freaky because he’s never had someone just not be scared of him.
Her flashlight was right on him, shining on his fuzzy chest and he watched as Lily slowly brought the beam of light up to his face. Her gaze was intense, and Barty still could not understand how she wasn’t afraid of him. Instead, it was more becoming like he was afraid of her. He's confused, because she seemed afraid when she first saw him, but now looking back on it, it was probably more like she was scared that she hit something rather than what she hit. How could she not be terrified of him? Was it the antennas? The red eyes? The fucking wings? He knew they could be fucking goofy looking but come on.
Either way, this was a first.
“Uh,” Barty said, tilting his head, bringing his hand up to try and block the light. “Did you need something?”
Oh, God. Barty wanted to smack himself in the face. Out of all the things he said, that’s what he picked? He literally had a fucking goddess standing in front of him, and he already made himself look like an idiot. Not only that, but this was his first conversation with an actual human in years. He spent his time talking to himself or talking to a large toad that he named Evan. So, this? Talking to a beautiful girl like Lily? It was a curse and a blessing.
“I hit you with my car,” Lily stated.
“Yeah, you did—Sorry, are you not freaked out right now?”
“Am I supposed to be afraid of some weirdo dressed up like a moth?”
“Excuse me?” Barty asked, glaring. A pretty girl with a pretty feisty mouth on her. He can work with that. "You think I'm a what?"
"A weirdo?"
"Who the fuck are you calling a weirdo?"
“You can’t expect me to think that Mothman is real.”
“You hit me with your car and you’re insulting me?” Barty asked. “Where is my apology, huh?”
Lily walked up closer to him, the flashlight held in her right hand. She was tiny compared to him, the height difference was throwing him off. She shoved her left index finger on his lower chest.
“Prove it.”
“Prove what? That you fuckin’ hit me with your car?”
“No,” Lily replied, rolling her eyes. She put her hands on her hips, the flashlight pointing towards a tree. “Prove to me that you’re real.”
Oh, she’s bold.
“I don’t have to prove you shit,” Barty said. “You should know better than to be in the woods at night alone, princess.”
“My friends have my location, so if you’re thinking about kidnapping me or murdering me, I wouldn’t try it.”
“What? You’re the one who came after me,” Barty replied. “If anything, I should be the one worried since you’re the one stalking me.”
“I’m not stalking you,” Lily scoffed. “I just wanted to figure out what I hit, and now I know it’s some guy dressed up like Mothman. Are you wearing stilts under that suit?”
“I am Mothman,” Barty deadpanned.
“Yeah, okay,” Lily said, sarcasm dripping from her words. “Anyway, I’m heading back to my car now, so don’t even think about following me.”
“What car? You totaled it when you slammed into me.”
“It’s my friend’s car,” Lily replied. “Not that you need that information.”
“So then why did you give it?”
“You’re nosy,” Lily pointed out.
Barty snorted. “I’m nosy? You’re the one who is giving out information left and right.”
“Whatever, grow up, look for a new hobby, and stop dressing up like a fake creature,” Lily said. “And maybe look both ways before crossing the road or you’ll get hit again.”
“Maybe you should try driving with your headlights on.”
Lily ignored his comment and turned around. She started to walk away from Barty, and she waved behind her, saying goodbye.
And for some reason, that one gesture pissed him off. He’s never had anyone just wave him off like that, or even insult him like that in five minutes. He couldn’t help it though—his eyes wandered straight to her ass. He watched as she kept walking away until she was out of view, and the only thing that kept replaying in his head was:
Lily had a nice fucking ass.
He never took himself as that kind of cryptid—one that drooled over humans or fantasized himself with one. He couldn’t deny what was clearly a fact: Lily was hot.
And look, Barty was aware that he explicitly said that he wasn’t going to prove Lily anything, but after watching her just walk away like he meant nothing was a slap in the face. He knew exactly what he was going to do and how he was going to do it.
He waited a while before figuring that Lily was in the car and was already driving down the road—she wasn’t that deep in the woods. He started to flap his wings and when he got good momentum, he ascended into the air and looked around once he was above the trees.
And there she was—driving that stupid car that she was in earlier when she came there with James.
He glided over to her car, hovering over it and keeping up with the speed of the car. He decided that now was the best time to just go for it—do what he’s known best for. He obnoxiously landed hard on the roof of the car and let out a laugh due to the thrill of scaring someone off.
However, his laugh was cut off because what he wasn’t expecting was for Lily to slam on the breaks.
Barty, losing his balance, flew off the top of the car and hit the pavement, rolling multiple times before finally coming to a stop. He let out a loud groan and fluttered his eyes closed.
“—Oh my God, are you okay?” Lily asked, running out of the car. She crouched down next to Barty and frantically started hovering her hands over him. It was like she couldn’t figure out where to start looking for injuries, but also taking in that he was clearly not human. “You’re such an idiot!”
“How are you so fucking normal about this?” Barty asked, voice cracking. He looked up at her and the headlights shining on her made Barty think that Lily was an angel, but so far her actions had been pretty demonic, in his opinion. She was in a state of panic, her eyes searching Barty’s and he could tell when it finally clicked for her.
“Oh,” Lily gasped, shaking her head and moving away from him. “Oh, you’re actually—”
“I told you,” Barty said.
“You flew on top of my car!”
“It’s not your car.”
“Does that really matter right now?”
“It does, because you hit me with your actual car, and now your friend’s car is fucked up, too.”
“And who is to blame for that?” Lily muttered. She took a deep breath and scooted closer to Barty, and this time, she was taking him all in. Her eyes wandered from his face, to his wings, to his chest, to his legs. “Jesus, Mothman—”
“Barty,” he said, trying to sit up. Lily grabbed his arm and used all her weight to pull him up gently.
“My name is Barty,” he told her.
“Okay, Barty,” Lily said calmly. “It looks like you have some cuts on your legs, and I can look at them and clean them up if you want.”
“Nah,” Barty said. “They’ll heal on their own.”
“Wait, really?”
“Perks of not being human, I guess.”
“God, I can’t believe I hit Mothman with my car.”
“Maybe don’t go telling people that.”
Lily snorts. “No one would even believe me if I said that.”
“How come you’re not afraid?” Barty asked, looking at her.
Lily shrugged, her tank top strap falling off her shoulder. “I don’t know. There’s something about you that makes me feel the opposite, like I trust you.”
She stood up and wiped off her bare legs from the bits of gravel that were stuck onto them. Barty followed suit, standing up. He extended his wings to see if there were any cuts on them too, and when he saw small ones, he frowned. His wings always took longer to heal, so if he wanted to go anywhere, he’d have to walk until the cuts went away.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lily asked. She carefully places her hand on Barty’s arm, and he almost melts into it because he’s never been touched by anyone like this before. Soft and gentle—feelings that Barty thought he’d never experience.
“Peachy,” Barty replied. “You should get home. It’s late.”
“I don’t want to just leave you—”
“It’s fine.”
“Will I see you again?”
“Why? So you can try and do another hit-and-run?” Barty asked, grinning. He couldn’t actually believe that Lily wanted to try and see him again, but it was almost too good to be true.
“No, I—I don’t know, I’m just curious about you. I can’t properly explain it.”
“There’s nothing curious about me.”
“You’re literally a monster—”
“I would prefer the term cryptid, sweetheart,” Barty said. “Monster is a bit rude, don’t you think?”
“My name is Lily,” she said. “Not ‘sweetheart.’”
“Lily, huh?” He said. He had to act like he didn’t already know her name, he didn’t want her to know that he’d seen her before and eavesdropped on her conversation with her friend from a couple of days prior. “Cute.”
Lily’s cheeks started to turn into a soft shade of pink, biting her lip as she turned her head away, refusing to make eye contact. “Oh, thanks, I guess. Your name is...nice.”
Barty smirked and brought two fingers up to her cheek, forcing her to look at him. She looked up and stared at him, and he had this whole witty comment that he was going to make, but he forgot all about it due to him getting lost in her. Seeing her up this close, seeing the freckles all over her face—he wanted to sit down and just count every single one of them if she’d let him. He wanted to tell her how he could get lost in her eyes which were suddenly now his favorite shade of green. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair and fuck, maybe he’d even try and learn how to braid hair or some shit if it meant being able to just touch her in any way that he could.
Lily was a light that Barty wanted to orbit around forever.
There was no other way to explain that Lily made him feel like he was meant to be here. Here, in front of her, as if being pulled away from her was going to destroy him.
Well, that was a bit dramatic.
However, he’d rather get hit by a thousand cars than have Lily leave.
But he knew that she had to.
“Thanks for the forced compliment, princess,” Barty said, dropping his hand. “But go home. We’ll find each other again one day, I’m sure.”
"And what if we don't?"
"Then we don't."
"I'm sorry, you know," Lily said, frowning. "For hitting you."
"See? Was that apology so hard?"
"God, you're so annoying," she murmured.
"And you think you're not?"
Lily smiled, and Barty wanted to see that every day.
Realistically, he knew that he couldn't. It wouldn't work. Anything Barty wanted never worked out for him, so why would this situation be any different?
"Come on, go home," Barty said.
Lily hesitantly nodded her head and walked over to the running car. Barty watched her get into the vehicle as he moved to the side of the road, not really wanting to get hit a second time.
If Lily looked back when she drove away, Barty wouldn’t know. He was too caught up in staring at the ground, already missing someone he hardly knew.
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justineangelrococo · 8 months
Hazbin and Helluva boss theories spoiler talk as well.
Alrighty before the new episodes come out I have a theory I want to put out
These three right here Lucifer, Lilith, and Eve are why hell is the way it is, I'm calling it now and I want to be wild with this theory for a moment. These three were in a poly relationship or situationship, or just friends, or Eve might have been like fuck you dude after her experiences with Adam, and was just friends with Lilith.
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Now as we know when Lucifer fell and was sent to hell he got majorly depressed, he is not doing well its hard to say he is functional, as someone with depression he needs help but he gave up. Which is hard and something you can't do especially when you have a child, Eve could have pointed it out, maybe in Charlie and Lilith's best interest maybe not. But we're going to say they left together and raised Charlie together maybe with Eve maybe being her nanny, her tutor who knows but she was there, she has to be because she definitely isn't in heaven from what we have seen.
They could have been twinning it up if the theory is they look identical is correct but I don't know about that, Adam's face looks a screen monitor, and his exorcists follow that trend, which makes me think she's static, the static you see on the TV when you have no signal or looking for a channel and the antenna isn't in a ok position, and you know what this fits to me at least.
Let's look at Lilith in hazbin hotel, she is audible, music song, her voice, Soundwaves carrying empowering messages and songs.
Visual and Audible, almost like two other characters we see Alastor, and Vox. Alastor being audible with radio and his waves casting his shows out, and Vox with his shows, tech, all of the media that requires being seen. Vox is always trying to get at Alastor, what if their relationship is a mirror of Lilith and Eve's. Eve jealous or wanting to be close to Lilith, who knows maybe Eve is the one Alastor made a deal with and the reason he was so mad at Lucifer is because Eve might have been at Lilith's side and this man hasn't done a thing, after years of help raise his daughter now he shows up, like boy if you don't you'r behind out of here like go! Or maybe Alastor did make a deal with Lilith and after hanging out having sometime with the girls got the tea and about Lucifer seeing how he is a parent and was like no, and now has a beef with him.
Which leads us to our other thing why haven't we seen Eve, anything about her seems just hidden or lock and key, we never see anything but her smile, never her eyes which makes you think right, another bit into this ramble of a theory I got eyes are the windows to the soul, straight to the heart right does Eve even have one, like is she a good person, what kind of a person was she because the smile she wears might not be a kind one, she is the mother of Cain and Able and all the other humans, Adam is a asshole, but what is Eve.
Is Eve angry because maybe Lucifer and Lilith didn't take her with them, now she's stuck with Adam and being the eternal scapegoat for years for eating the fruit. Being the reason people put down women because they are her daughters, this could be a big revenge plan on heaven, for letting Adam when he doesn't deserve it into heaven. Lucifer and Lilith for giving her the fruit and ruining everything about humanity, for heaven for creating humanity and letting them suffer, to go through it all and end up in hell
Or the other sad theory is Lilith is Dead, more than likely do to Lucifer and, Eve is fucking pissed but you know what they continue the relationship and someone has the idea for her to pretend to be Lilith, maybe for Charlie's best interest for hell's best interest. Because Lucifer isn't running the show, someone has too mind you the show being run is awful but it's running and why do I say it's awful. Because when you look at helluva boss and the treatment of some hellborn demons they have their problems like when Blitz when to go take Loona for her shots and it took as long as it did for them to even be seen.
Which Lucifer doesn't care about, the other leaders of the rings and the other people in charge don't care the system works for them, Imps, hellhounds. But at the sametime it's supposed to be awful its hell, but at the sametime the people it's supposed to punish can't even leave the top layer, so why is awful in some of the other layers, mainly because the others are left to their own devices, when leading their rings, Mammon is a piece of shit, but Asmodeus isn't as bad of a guy as you would think, Beelzebub as we see her isn't either. Now my other reason why Lucifer doesn't care as much, they don't have his gift, humans have his gift of knowledge and have souls, the hellborn as we know don't have a soul, not sure gonna need to get more proof on this but this is a theory ramble.
The angels and heaven created hell to keep Lucifer in so he would be punished and never see the good results of his work they would be in heaven, out of reach. That doesn't mean he doesn't care about them a little bit he made sure that the hellborn, and his daughter would be spared from being killed by heaven.
But yeah this is my theory rant until the new episodes until they come out or the brain gets going again. I was filled with all thes jumbled thoughts sorry if it wasn't as well organized but I just wanted to get them out folks, hopefully other people also see me and go ayyyyy I had those theories too and remember this is all this is all for fun and just some theory and rambles.
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yourtoocleverfox · 11 months
"I'm exhausted."
Peter yawned loudly, his long arms straining over his head in an exaggerated stretch.
"Probably gonna take a nap before this afternoon. I get the feeling I'm gonna need my energy for all the little ghouls and goblins running around."
You briefly met his eyes as your fingers flowed over your keyboard. "Do you guys have Mayday's costume all picked out?"
"'Course we do." He leaned back in his seat and propped his feet up on the conference table, scattering a few sheets of paper in the process.
"She's gonna be a ladybug. I was partial to the spider costume I made. It had hairy little legs and everything; MJ wanted her first Halloween costume to be something cuter, though. I personally think she's cute in everything she wears, but I digress."
"To be fair, spiders are kind of gross."
You smiled at him and straightened the stray papers before closing your tablet. "I think MJ made the right call."
Peter made a sound of disbelief. "Yeah, you and everyone else apparently. You know, Halloween is when you're supposed to dress up as something spooky, right?"
"Not true. I, for one, plan to wear something cute."
"Yeah? Like what?"
You slide back from the table and stand, slipping your things in your bag and draping it over your shoulder. "You'll just have to wait and see."
You breeze by him on your way to the door.
"Someone's in a hurry."
"I have a few errands to run for Miguel before I can head home and get ready. Speaking of..."
You pause, hand on the doorknob, and fix him with a pointed look. "Feet off the table. You know Miguel hates that."
"I know, I know." He huffs and pulls his legs off of the glossy surface, giving you a glimpse of his mixed matched socks.
"Thank you." You smile at him sweetly before ducking out of the room.
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"Happy Halloween!"
You waved as a group of kids in busy costumes skipped away, plastic pumpkins briming with sweets.
O'Hara Tech was hosting its annual Trunk or Treat festival for company and community children alike. You'd been excited to hear about this event and even more so when you learned that volunteers were encouraged to sport costumes of their own.
So, here you stood, dressed in white silk with a shinning halo floating above your head as you handed out candy to hyper little creatures and heroes and princesses.
Peter was with you, doing his best to wrangle Mayday as she used him like a human jungle gym, crawling and pulling and hanging from his tattered zombie costume.
"Do you need some help?" You asked with a laugh.
"No, no. I've got it. Don't worry. Everything is definitely okay."
Babbling cheerfully, Mayday reached for her father's nose, smearing his hastily applied makeup as her tiny hand latched onto his skin. Peter winced, earning a giggle from the baby.
"Yeah, no, everything's great. Promise."
"If you say so."
With a smile on your glossed lips, you tickled Mayday's sock covered foot, giving Peter temporary reprieve as she laughed again and reached for you.
"She's got her father's grip," he shrugged, adjusting the insect antennas perched on her mop of red curls.
You shook your head at the pair, but honestly their antics added a particular lightness to the already fun evening. And like that, your mind was wandering to Miguel, imagining what it would be like if he were here with you.
He'd hardly spoken to you regarding the event, and you wondered if he'd make an appearance tonight at all. It was hard to imagine Miguel all dressed up, chitchatting with his employees over handfuls of candy corn. Lately, though, you'd caught glimpses of a different side of him, a secret part hidden under his impenetrable facade that made the idea of him being here tonight a not-so-sure impossibility.
All around you, there were friends and coworkers standing by their decorated car trunks chatting in various costumes as they passed out candy to the groups of children roaming the parking lot.
In addition, there were food stalls and craft stations spread out among the cars and spilling over to the adjacent park. Music played from somewhere you couldn't see and there was even a bounce house set up in the grass.
You stretched up on the balls of your feet, hoping to see even a ghost of his unmistakable silhouette, but your attempt was in vain. The crowd was thick and so much was going on that there was no way to keep track of it all from where you stood.
"Hey, will you be alright if I take a look around? I want to see what all is here, maybe find something to eat while I'm at it."
It wasn't a lie, not really.
"Sure, sure. Bring me back something too? MJ's supposed to bring Mayday and I a snack when she gets off work, but if im being completely honest, I cant wait that long."
"Cheeseburger with extra pickles, extra mustard?"
"You know me so well."
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The sun was just sinking below the red and orange trees, but the festival was still in full swing. You'd delivered Peter his burger and allowed yourself to indulge in a massive puff of cotton candy (shared with Mayday, of course). You'd passed on bobbing for apples, but you did manage to win an adorable stuffed cow in a scarecrow decorating competition.
All of this and still not a single sighting of Miguel. You were beginning to feel a bit childish, roaming around like a schoolgirl with a crush in the hopes of seeing the object of your infatuation. It was silly. He was your boss. Any special attention you thought you were receiving from him was just general amicability. An employer looking out for his employee, nothing more. You needed to remember that.
Now, you were skirting the line where the park met the car lot, carrying your little toy cow in your hands, deciding which activity to try next. There was pumpkin carving and a roped off dance floor, or maybe you would head home early and call it a night. To be honest, you didn't feel like doing much of anything now, and you mentally kicked yourself for allowing your mood to be dampened by something so juvenile.
You paused your steps as a chorus of childlike shrieks and laughs drifted toward you from the grassy field to your left.
"You'll never escape me! Your blood is mine!"
You looked over and felt your stomach do a giddy little flip. Never had you thought you'd see the day when your boss, dressed head to toe in a richly designed vampire costume, made himself subject to an onslaught of playful attacks from a small group of children.
You found yourself smiling as he allowed himself to be tackled to the ground and dog-piled by the mass of tiny, squirming bodies.
"No! I've been slain. Mercy! Mercy!"
He was hardly visible underneath them, but you could hear his laughter among theirs. It was a rare sound, his genuine, uninhibited laughter. Witnessing this side of Miguel felt like something secret, not made for your eyes, but you couldn't look away. You drifted closer, watching the scene unfold like some picturesque film on a screen. And then, deep in your chest, a feeling bloomed as his steady hands lifted one of the little girls into the air with ease. A purple princess with her flushed cheeks stretched in a wide smile, giggling as she flailed in his grasp. It was a perfect moment that you were content to watch forever.
But eventually the children were herded away by their waiting mothers, breathless and eyes sparkling from their time playing in the field. Miguel's dark gaze met yours, a lingering smile on his face, as he climbed to his feet and brushed stray grass from his clothes.
You'd been caught now; he knew you'd been watching, so you approached him, stopping an arm's length away. Even from this distance, there was that magnetism between the two of you that you'd been trying to ignore. A feeling, whenever he was near, that drew you into his orbit. Your fingers slid over the soft fur of the toy in your hand, a gesture to soothe the fluttering in your stomach.
His sharp eyes followed the movement before drawing back up to your face. "Cute," he commented.
"I won him a little while ago." You bit your lip to hide a smirk. "I was thinking of naming him Moo-guel. Get it? Because he's a cow."
Miguel rolled his eyes but the amusement from earlier still lingered there. "Clever. Very funny."
"Think so?"
"Don't let it go to your head. I'm just glad you're having fun."
"I am."
He watched you in the way you'd grown used to, silently contemplating thoughts you could only hope to be privy to one day. The two of you stood there like that, the moment marching on until you began to feel antsy under the weight of his gaze.
You decided to interrupt the silence with something that'd been on your mind. "This is a wonderful event, Miguel."
He looked past you to the crowd of families enjoying their night out but didn't say anything.
"Peter says the company's been doing this for three years now," you continued. "What made you come up with this idea?"
Something unreadable passed over his expression. "Peter talks too much."
You could feel the mood shift, and you scrambled for the correct thing to say.
"He only said that this event was special to you. I figured it was because it was a fun way to give back to the community. I mean, you were having more fun tonight than I've seen you have in six months."
He seemed to consider what you were saying, at least you hoped so. He was such a closed book when he wanted to be. You found yourself relying more and more on your intuition than ever before when it came to understanding him.
His head tilted to one side just barely as he regarded you. You prepared for him to reveal something enlightening about himself or the reason behind tonight's importance.
"Your halo is crooked."
"Seriously?" You let out a sound that was between a sigh and a laugh.
"Mmhm," he confirmed.
The corner of his mouth quirked up into an amused smirk as you looked at him with mock disbelief.
"I thought we were talking about the event."
He ignored you and lifted a hand to your hair. You stood stone still, looking up at face as he carefully manipulated the pins and clips in an effort to right your headpiece. He looked completely focused on his task, refusing to meet your eyes a single time as his fingers ghosted over the top of your head.
When he was finally satisfied, he took a step back. "Better."
"Thank you." You smiled up at him and his gaze seemed to soften. "I like your costume, by the way. Very spooky."
He looked down at his clothes as if it was the first time he'd actually considered them.
"Spooky, huh? It didn't keep those little terrors away."
You felt your heart flutter. He was joking, something unusual for him, and it was almost absent of his characteristic sarcasm.
"I was surprised you survived that assault. I was a little worried for you."
He gave a light chuckle and the fluttering in your chest grew. You decided to take a chance and continue the banter. "I thought maybe I'd have to rush in and save you.
"You save me?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Bold of you to assume I wasn't just luring you into my trap."
He took a step towards you, dark eyes pinning you in place as you fought the instinct to step back. He was clearly playing with you, the amused glint in his eyes told you so. Still, your body was reacting to him in ways unfamiliar to you and you felt like you were floundering.
"Oh, please." You made an attempt to scoff at his antics, but it came out as a breathy sound. "I could easily take you. I'm not worried."
"Uh-huh." He took another step forward and you were sure your eyes must be wide as saucers, but you refused to flinch.
This was so out of the ordinary for him. Gone was your stoic, measured boss, replaced by this new man looming over you. This man with a mischievous smirk painting his lips as he took yet another step closer, taking up your space. This man who circled a strong arm around your waist, large hand pressing into the small of your back as he held you in place. This man who sent your heart racing as his face moved closer and closer to yours, so close that you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin.
"Are you worried now?" He asked, voice low and husky in your ear.
You gave your head a small shake in the limited space. "No, never."
Your voice sounded small to your own ears, barely a whisper but you knew he could hear. Your free hand found it's way to his chest and clutched at the fabric of his shirt, urging him just that much closer.
"Mi corajuda angelita."
His breath ghosted over your shoulder, and you shivered. That sensation was quickly replaced by a sting of pain against your neck and then the warmth of his lips against your skin.
You gasped in surprise and you felt him still against you. You had been caught off guard by his actions, but you hadn't wanted him to stop. You'd wanted the exact opposite, really.
There was a rush of cold that replaced the warmth of his body as he pulled away to look at you, and you worried you'd made a mistake.
"What's wrong?" You asked, blinking up at him. Your hand was still fisted in his shirt and he made no move to remove it.
He looked at you in that way again, studying you, trying to read your reaction.
You parted your lips to speak again, wanting to reassure him that you didn't mind his closeness- welcomed it, in fact- or the fact that he bit you. You wanted him to pull you in again, into the shelter of his body. You wanted him to kiss you more, on your shoulder, your neck, your lips. You wanted him.
"There you are!"
You whipped around to see that all too familiar lanky silhouette striding towards you in the shadowy light.
You and Miguel spoke in unison, equally caught off guard by your unexpected guest. Instantly he put distance between the two of you, his fingers gentle as he removed your hand from his shirt.
You glanced up at him, but his expression was unreadable. He instead had his eyes trained on Peter who continued to close the distance.
"Oh, hey, boss! I didn't expect to find you out here. Well, to be honest, I hadn't really expected to find either of you out here."
He looked at you. "MJ just got here and she was hoping to say 'hi' before you left. I told her you might have gone already but decided to have a look around just in case."
"Oh, yeah, Miguel and I were just talking for a bit." You laughed nervously but he seemed none the wiser to just how close you and Miguel had gotten.
You looked to Miguel only to find him looking back down at you. You tried to read his expression but he looked away before you could guess what he was thinking.
"I should let you two get back to the party," he said. His earlier lightheartedness was gone, replaced by his usual tone.
"You sure, buddy? You should come say 'hi' too. You know Mayday just can't get enough of you."
You looked up at Miguel with your own pleading expression. "It'll be fun," you offered, but he shook his head.
"Tell MJ I'm glad she was able to make it tonight and that I hope she has a great time. There are some guests I invited tonight that I hoped to talk shop with a little before it got too late. Enjoy your night, both of you."
Before either of you could protest, he was making his way across the grass, long strides increasing the distance with each step.
"Man, that guy never takes a break. I'm telling you, you're gonna have to sit him down and talk to him about that. Goodness knows, you're the only one he listens to nowadays."
Peter continued to drone on as you followed him off in a different direction. You kept glancing over your shoulder, hoping to see a glimpse of Miguel somewhere in the crowd, but to your dismay he had seemingly disappeared into the night.
Tag List: @sukunash0e
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
Thinking abt skypiea Sanji latey, lil wings and athena on his head sound soo cutee, maybe he fell down from the sky island and found his way to Zeff? Or maybe Sora was a skypiean judge managed to capture to further his bloodline and Sanji has inherited all his mothers sky traits?
Idk im just soft for the wings
I love that so much, though I doubt child Sanji would have survived the fall if he did do that but I think the second option fits really well with either clown!Sanji or Redhair!Sanji. So that's the one I'm going to focus on but I will probably make a loved!Sanji out of this as well. Genius, anon, simply genius.
Sanji being born with little wings and antennae on his head. Judge immediately knows he's likely a failure as Sora holds her babies and sobs that they're all alive. Still everything is mostly the same except for Sanji's wings are just as big a target as his hands and his antenna are threatened often. Sora tells him the legends of Skypiea and sings him the lullabies and teaches him the language as well. When she dies, Sanji is given a tune dial of his mother singing a lullaby by a maid who keeps it hidden for him.
Sanji is thrown in the dungeon and escapes with the helmet on in the East Blue. He's just running like Reiju told him to and he wishes the wings he had were useful. That he wasn't weak. I'm going with Shanks and Benn finding Sanji first.
Shanks and Benn feel the fear and other feelings from some woods nearby so they go check it out and find the eight year old and take him to the ship where they get Sanji out of the helmet. Sanji's wings are hidden under the rags he was in but Shanks knows what he is. And he's headed to the grand line where this would be more the norm for everyone there than the East Blue. Benn reminds him he doesn't want kids on his boat but Shanks insists this is an exception.
Shanks explains his former crew's time in Skypiea and how they would be happy to get the boy back and Sanji says he doesn't have family there, his mother was the wife of Vinsmoke Judge and she hadn't been there for a while. Sanji doesn't know if he has anyone anymore because he's supposed to be dead and asks why they saved him. Shanks and Benn's hearts break a little at that and say it was the right thing to do.
They make it to jaya and then Skypiea. They find no one related to Sanji and the bugs are terrifying the poor kid. Like beyond normal fear of bugs. And the bugs are big but Sanji was freaking out at the small ones so they go back down and Shanks is holding Sanji while Benn holds him and the ship.
They head to Sabaody and stick a hat and coat on Sanji because they're not going to let home get taken as a slave. They roll up to Shakky's to get information and drinks and when Rayleigh rolls in I gotta imagine everyone but Shakky and Sanji are staring at each other in shock until Rayleigh laughs and says of course they followed in their footsteps and got himself a brat and Shanks mutters his agreement. Sanji keeps fidgeting with the hat and hates his antennae being covered after the helmet and Yasopp says when they're on the ship he can take it off. Rayleigh says he can take it off now and pulls Sanji's hat off making him and Shakky gasp. Shanks tells him off and gives Sanji the hat back.
Sanji grows up with the Redhaired Pirates who embrace what he is. Shanks will spend hours if Sanji lets him stroking the kid's wings. This Sanji never learns about Luffy or Usopp and he runs into them and the crew at Sabaody while chatting with Rayleigh and Shakky after all the shit at the auction house. Before they get pawpawd away. Sanji is smiling and chatting with them easily with his wings and antennae free which makes the crew ask him a bunch of questions about why he's not in Skypiea and how he knows Rayleigh.
"I'm the brat of Redhaired Pirates. I'm out gathering some information." Sanji answers with a grin.
"You know Shanks?!" Luffy yells excitedly.
"Wait, they let you go with them?" Usopp asks.
"They didn't have anywhere they could safely leave me with the whole being Skypiean thing." Sanji shrugs.
"Lame, he didn't let us go." Luffy whines as Sanji gives them a questioning look.
"That's Roger's old hat, Shanks gave it to Luffy. Usopp there is Yasopp's boy." Rayleigh tells him.
"Ah." Sanji says lighting a cigarette. "Mutiny it is then."
Rayleigh laughs and the Strawhats demand more information which Sanji doesn't give them. When he gets back to the crew he tells Shanks about what happened on Sabaody and the Redhaired crew goes into action faster than they ever have. They make it to Marineford just after the White Beard fleet.
"You're not going to commit mutiny after this." Shanks tells his crew as they step onto the island.
"Let's see how this goes and then we'll decide, you deadbeat." Roux chuckles.
"Don't miss a shot or you're off the crew too, Yasopp." Sanji tells him as the war begins.
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azuremliam · 2 months
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Finally got around to naming Scarab's kind! They're know known as Crystalliapetras (Crystal Wings), based of when Scarab's carapace was falling apart and it sounded like glass being shattered.
Underneath the readmore is the info on the page 👍
Crystalliapetras (Crystal Wings)
"Masks" and elytra usually match each other. Eye patterning varies from person to person, but those who are closely related tend to have similar eye markings.
Deargadaol: You're looking nice and sharp today my darling. Caeruleus: So are you my dearest Deargadaol.
The spiker someone is the more attractive looking they are at Scarab's homeworld. Deargadaol and Caeruleus are considered very attractive because of their "masks" and sharp points on their carapace.
Cotinis: Remember to always keep your shields on when working with the Crystals.
Their "masks" are referred to as shields at their Homeworld and are commonly "worn" when working in dangerous situations. Partially the reason why Scarab almost always wears his due to his job as a God Auditor.
Antenna are used a lot to add more flair to reactions. When off world many tend to hide them away because its annoying when over curious beings try to touch them.
Scarab keeps his hidden so much due to battles that he sometimes forgets to let them out on the rare instances he can relax.
Carabus: Since you're going to be traveling to other worlds, its time to learn how to do "the face"! Scarab: Uugh, fine. Show me how Carabus.
Carabus: Excellent, you got it down fast Scarab! Scarab: This feels demeaning. Carabus: Oh, nonsense, these kind of faces are important to forging friendships with otherworlders! Scarab: I'm not planning on making friends during work cousin.
The round face that Scarab usually has underneath the "mask" is something his kind does to appear more friendly to other visiting beings. Originally he didn't really care for it, but eventually he grew used to it.
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hype-blue-fixation · 4 months
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Vox has a virus and he's trying to walk Alastor through the troubleshooting process.
Alastor was at the bar. Eyes on the clock. If he thought he showed up early for their business meetings, Vox always showed up even earlier. But the hand tipped past 12 and the box-headed sinner was nowhere in sight. Alastor fidgeted with his pen. Unable to help the thoughts running through his head. Visions of Vox being caught by thugs in an alleyway. A greedy demon breaking into his house. Blood. Wires. Gunshots. Is this what it felt like to worry about someone? He'd almost forgotten what it was like.
He waited a few minutes longer before deciding it was enough. Hurried clicks on the ground followed him on his way out the bar and down the road. The sound of his own footsteps thundering in his ears in spite of the usual screaming and chaos of the hellscape. Above the rainstorm rocketing down. He stopped at an old apartment complex. Going to Vox's door but not even knocking. Inviting himself inside with the spare key hidden under the doormat.
The apartment seemed to be undisturbed, but dark. As if Vox went to sleep and never woke up. More of those terrible images flashed in Alastor's mind. Pills. Nooses. Guns. Goodbye letters. A strange sort of fear went through his body at the mere thought of seeing any of those beyond the door. To the point that his hand was shaking on the bedroom door handle. Annoyingly so. What were these…feelings? And why were they stopping him? He had only a moment to be repulsed by himself before he forced the door open.
On the bed laid Vox's limp body. Screen dark. But there were none of the things that Alastor imagined there to be, which was at least some sort of relief. He unhooked the charging cord and knocked against the side of the clunky box head. “Vox. Vox. Wake up. We're supposed to have our meeting at the bar at the current moment.” His usual tone sounded a bit louder. A bit faster. Is this what it was like to speak frantically? It had been a long time since he heard his voice sound that way.
His whole body shook with some kind of… joyful rush… when the screen finally flickered on. Vox's face was visible, though distorted by several rainbow colored lines and misplaced pixels. It meant nothing, really. Alastor had seen several broken down pieces of technology in his life. That unreliable stuff had no shortage of glitches and weaknesses. But for some reason, knowing this was the face of someone he'd  come to care for in some arcane way, it deeply unsettled him. Made his stomach want to crawl out of his mouth. If that was even possible.
“What is wrong with you? What can I do?”
He pressed his ears against those speakers, trying to make sense among all the garbled buzz. Nothing. But then he saw one of Vox’s antennas flicker to life. His voice faintly broadcasted into Alastor's head. He focused. Attuned himself to the frequency to hear it more clearly. The voice came faintly.
“I got a bug. Can you help me get rid of it?”
Alastor squinted. A bug? He began checking the other's body, as if expecting to find a wire-eating roach or something boring through the plastic.
“A glitch.” Vox clarified with a weak chuckle, “Open my head. There's a screwdriver in my drawer.”
Alastor wasted no time in answering the whim. He'd already seen the entrails of animals and humans, surely this couldn't be worse than that. Except that seeing the mess of cords inside, knowing they were the only things sparking his business partner to life, gave him a nauseous feeling. What if he bumped the wrong one? Pulled too hard and it snapped? Technology was fickle and fragile.
“There's a green board in there. Do you see it?” 
The deer squinted… finally seeing the green board. His hands shook as he went to unscrew it. Nervous that he'd mess it up. Feeding into the shakiness. A vicious cycle. The voice of Vox echoed in his head to calm him down.
“It's okay. You're not going to hurt me. Just relax.”
One deep breath and some fidgeting later, the board came unscrewed. He held it in his hands like a baby bird. One wrong move and it could snap. The wires going in and out looked so thin. Breakable. It surprisingly wasn't too much different from a human body. One very small piece could be the entire secret to life.
“Alright. Now you see the red wire? I need you to unplug that and put it back in. I'll go offline for a moment, but don't worry.”
Panic really started to settle in. Of the several wires going in and out, he could not decipher all their colors. The oranges, reds, and yellows all blended into one amalgamation of color. “Which one is the red one!?” an unsuspected panic crept into his voice, and he had to clear his throat to make it seem like an accident.
A sweet, staticky chuckle from Vox. “I knew you were colorblind, so I tagged all my wires. It should have a triangle.”
Alastor didn't have time to question how or why Vox would do such a thing, so he only gave it a few moments of thought. Searching arduously for the tag. Humming with delight as he found the triangle. Wasting no time in unplugging it. Startled as the monitor died and all signs of life faded. He nearly forgot where to plug it back in. A moment passed. Another. Still the screen was black. He tapped. Shook. Flicked. Impatient.
He checked the cords again. That strange shaky anxiety building up again. Had he messed up? Was there another instruction after the wire that he didn't give Vox enough time to explain? Suddenly he felt like his chest sank to his feet.
If only he knew more. Had taken the time to study Vox half as much as Vox had studied him. He fondled around on the green board until his finger found a moving piece. A small black sliding button. With no hope left, he switched it from one side and back to the other. Suddenly fans kicked on. Hope returned.
��Vox? Vox, hello?” Alastor tapped and shook as if it would make the booting process go any faster. The spinning circle on Vox’s screen was at least some reassurance that something right happened. Then suddenly a black screen with thousands of tiny white monospace words. Flying down the screen. Registers. Directories. Databases. Drives. It was nothing but senseless garble. But he knew one word: “Deleted”.
And the screen was filled with lines of code. Deleted. Deleted. Deleted. More worries filled his mind, if that's what such thoughts were called. Perhaps every aspect of Vox was being deleted and all he could do was watch helplessly. His personality. His memories. What if he woke up and it was just the same as when they first met on that raining bridge? On a night not so different from now?
A playful chime and startup sound pulled Alastor back into the moment. The screen flashed on. It was Vox's usual face without all the distortion and lines. Text across the screen read “restoring backup.”
The Radio Demon had a vague idea of what that meant. But how far back did the backup go? Would Vox remember him? Would he remember their meeting that they were due nearly an hour ago? Suddenly Vox's voice graced his ears. Not just a broadcast in his head, but something audible and real.
Vox's eyebrows furrowed. “IF YOU SHUT UP FOR 2 SECONDS, I COULD SAY HELLO, TOO.” This explosive display let Alastor know that his business partner was back in his right mind. “I still can't move. Can you unplug the blue wire and stick it back in, please?”
“Vox! Did I do it correctly? Hello? Hello? Hello?” Alastor kept repeating like a broken record. Caught on a scratch of concern. That's what he'd decided this emotion was.
Alastor couldn't be more delighted to. But once he did, Vox's whole body jolted and he rolled out into the floor. Crashing head first on the green board. Whatever this new emotion was, Alastor's face managed to get even more pale. The paralyzation of his business partner possessed his body instead. “VOX!? I'm sorry, I didn't have a proper hold on you!”
I'm sorry? Where did that come from? He'd never felt the need to apologize for anything. Vox slowly pushed himself up. Oddly…laughing? “You're so nervous about messing me up, huh? It's adorable. Really! But I'm not that easy to break.” He offered out the green board. Unscathed. “Can you screw it back in for me, pal?”
Pal? That was something they'd called each other for convenience sake or for jokes. But Alastor got the sense that Vox meant it in a different way this time. Not just a business partner. Not just someone to lick your wounds and be a convenience. But a real friend.
“Of course I can. Pa…p…” Alastor couldn't get the word out. What were all these biological malfunctions today? He wasn't any better off than Vox was only moments ago. But as he screwed the board back into Vox's head, a warmth came over him. This wasn't just a normal favor. Or something done for an advantage. It meant something.
“There. Now shall we have our meeting? We're an hour late as it is… friend.”
The word came out effortlessly. A silent understanding was shared between them as they went to the bar for their meeting. Although this had been a sick day for Vox, perhaps they were both a bit healthier that evening.
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stinkybuttwipes · 1 year
Lie. Part 1
Context: You and piccolo have known eachother since the World martial arts tournaments when he was still evil. You guys had grown to feel and love for eachother when he was first training Gohan and got together after the fall of Namek. you guys have now been married for 2 years and fight together, Always..But piccolo has kept a secret from you.
Piccolo x Gn! Saiyan!Reader
Warnings: small Angst to fluff. Reader gets mad at piccolo, comfort, sweet. Post Super Hero
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It’s been a few months since Piccolo came back roughed up from what he claimed was “training” but of course you know that’s not true.
3 months earlier
“Piccolo!? What the hell happened to you? Your gi is ripped and you have wound’s everywhere!” Piccolo looks down and back at you “training with gohan” Damn it, that same excuse to get him out of trouble with you “Again? But I thought he was stuck up in his work?” Piccolo silently walked passed you with his antennas drooped. He walked to the bedroom to change from his ripped clothes “Gee kinda rude” you help him and tend to his wounds before forgetting all this happened..Until now.
Present day
*it’s been 3 months since Piccolo came home beaten up and you haven’t questioned what happened since*
You find yourself babysitting Pan again while Piccolo is out meditating per usual so your stuck watching cartoons with Pan in Your shared House.
(The same house Piccolo has but much bigger inside and outside.)
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You stare at the TV in front of you as Pan lays in your lap asleep. Eventually your phone rings and you try not to wake Pan as you reach for your phone, it’s from Gohan.
Gohan: Hey (name) I’m on my way to grab Pan, sorry we always have her on your backs all the time 😅
You: No worries Han it doesn’t bother me, you have work besides its not the first time I’ve babysat a kid before.
Gohan: Lol, Thanks, I’ll be there in 10!
You: I’ll have her ready by then. See you.
You wake up Pan from her slumber and get her ready to go. Gohan arrives on time and knocks at the door.
You open the door and see Gohan’s smiling face as usual. Pan runs to him hugging his legs. “Thank you for taking care of her again, like I said I’m sorry for being a burden all the time, I’ll buy you a the plushies you like since piccolo ‘hates’ them now.” He reaches to hold Pan “Don’t worry about it Kiddo, and I’m sure Piccolo is just embarrassed to admit he really likes the stuffies you guys get us.” Gohan chuckles at your words “You know him he’ll never confess something embarrassing to him that’s how he’s always been.” You reply “He’s a stubborn one alright.” Gohan thanks you again before looking around him like he’s looking for something lost.
“Something the matter Gohan?” You ask him “Oh! Yeah I just was wondering where piccolo was at. Usually he’s with you or Atleast with Pan.” You think to yourself “You know your right I haven’t seen him at all today actually, I’ll go looks for him later.”
And you did just that, You look around your surroundings as you soar in the sky looking for Piccolo. “Damn it where the hell is he!?” You start to panic worried something might have happened to your husband.
Until you see a orange light flash in front of you. “Agh! What the heck was that!?” You observe around you but see nothing. “Weird?” You tell yourself until you look beneath you.
“Piccolo?” You think. But it couldn’t be you’ve never seen him orange before none the less red eyes and a power lever stronger than yours. You land safely and find a place to hide. Behind a tree you stare at the namekian in front of you who is shooting off beams and new attacks you’ve never seen before.
Did he just now learn this? Did he just now grasp a new power up? You keep yourself hidden and try to put the pieces together.
Eventually You decide to make yourself known to him and come out behind the tree your hiding in. “Honey?” Piccolo flinches at your words “N-Name?!” You look at him confused “How long have you been there for?” He asks “long enough” you walk closer to him so that you look up since he towers over you.
“What’s with the new look? You seem pretty familiar with it.” You grew suspicious seeing how calm piccolo is considering this is the first time you’ve seen this form of his.
“I..um..” usually he never stutters but this time he looks nervous, “Piccolo?, How long have you been hiding this from me?.” You calmly but obviously furious at him. He doesn’t answer and avoids your eye contact.
You grab his chin to make him look at you “I asked how long you’ve had this for.” He looks at you with a form of anger “3 months.” You let go of him “3 MONTHS?!” You scream at him “You’re telling me you’ve had this for 3 fucking months Piccolo and never told me about it? Nonetheless told me how you even got your new form!” He turns back to normal and looks at you annoyed “I kept it from you because I didn’t want you to worry.”
“Worry about what!?, what more is there!?.” He sighs “I’ve been keeping something from you, I fought against Cell max, a creation of Dr.Hedos and Magenta, And Pan and gohan were involved in the fight.” You stare at him in shock. “We all agreed to keep this from you because I know you would go after Dr.Hedo or Gamma 1 if you found out about it, so I’ve been hiding it from you.” Piccolo holds your hand in his but you snap away and scream in anger “Damn it! You promised not to lie to me! You never should feel like you should ever lie to me!” He yelled back at you “You don’t understand! Your a saiyan who’s always looking for fights and your way to obsessed with me to understand anything, all you ever care about is fighting and me you don’t care about anything or anyone else!.your just like Vegeta..”
Piccolo Huffs at you and turns away. Your left in tears as he flys away from you.
He left you, alone, speechless.
You feel hot tears run down your face “he thinks of me that way?..” you try to soak up the “truth” he spilled.
You made a decision to not return to your shared home tonight and stay with your sister in law Bulma. You assumed that Piccolo didn’t want you with him after that and that he wouldn’t care.
You quickly pack your things and leave a letter on the table before Piccolo returns, and then you take your leave.
You arrive at Capsule Corp the home of your brother, his wife, and his kids. You slowly knock on the entrance door and wait.
You start to think no one is there so you start walking away until your hear a rattle.
The door opens to an associate greeting you, “Hello Mrs.Name what brings you here today?” She lets you in and you thank her.
“I’m here to see Vegeta or Bulma please”.
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percyaugod · 5 months
@reesespiecesofart @hauntedtale-au
Raph finds out because the hidden city police have a connection to the galactic federation. Raph still trying to find out where Donnie came from actually finds out where Donnie came from.
He sees the articles about the mad scientist and that describes the dangerous abomination. How it pretended to be just a dumb animal before breaking out of a high-security transport vehicle and is now on the loose. The federation preparing to send in its creator to capture it since he is the only one who could possibly capture such a cunning and destructive creature.
It even shows a picture of the security footage of his escape. Donnie laughed maniacally as the guard cowered before him, gun in each of his four arms, quills raised up his spine, and mask tails raised like antennas.
A living weapon that was created to destroy, and Raph let it into his house with his younger brothers. Raph remembers all the instances of Leo saying something was off with Donnie and all the things Donnie supposedly did. And Raph didn't believe him. All of his time facing villains and criminals Raph has never known such dread.
Raph practically races home to make sure Mikey and Leo are still… okay. He calls the house several times but no one picks up. Raph goes even faster.
The entire time Raph can't help but think this isn't fair. How could someone make something like this? To knowingly make it look like a kid so people let it into their homes. The fact it was all fake is painful enough. Like he's already lost a member of his family.
When Raph gets home he sneaks in, not wanting to alert Donnie. It's so quiet. Where's the usual sound of his brothers laughing and playing? The fighting as a prank or joke gone too far that he needs to break up? He hears a movie playing in the living room. He peeks in and sees… a turtle pile?
a large pile of pillows and covers on the floor as the movie plays unwatched. Mikey is using Leo's legs as a footrest while his back and arms are flailed out. Leo is lying chest down on a large lump of covers, practically hugging it. Raph is about to panic at the lack of "softshell" when he notices a familiar snout poking out of the covers.
Raph doesn't know if he wants to laugh or cry. The whole way here he was worried about Donnie possibly hurting his brothers, and here he is letting Leo practically drool all over him. Leo, who has been suspicious of Donnie since the very beginning, let his guard down enough to fall asleep.
One thing is clear to Raph looking at Donnie right now. He may have been made for destruction, but that's not all he's capable of. Not anymore at least.
Raph looks tiredly at the sleeping Donnie. "It was Mikey that got to you, wasn't it? He has that effect on people." As expected, there was no answer besides quiet snores.
Raph can feel a headache forming. Why do these kids have to make everything so complicated? There's no way he can just capture Donnie and turn him over, but he's not going to let this continue without telling Leo and Mikey. Tomorrow they'll have a family meeting, tell each other everything, and figure things out from there.
But first, Raph is way too exhausted to be awake right now and that turtle pile looks awfully inviting. He flops onto the covers and pillows and drifts off himself.
When Raph first mentions finding where Donnie comes from Donnie doubts he actually found out about him. Meanwhile, Leo and Mikey think he found Donnie's real family, and Donnie's going to have to leave. They're crying and hanging on to an annoyed Donnie while telling him to call them and visit. Raph just trying to get them to listen for a few seconds because guys that's not what he's trying to say.
Mikey gives Donnie an album full of pictures of their time together so he doesn't forget them. The cover is a hand-drawn portrait of their family with Donnie in it. Mikey knows there's no chance of getting Donnie to sit still for a family photo.
Leo's favorite is a picture of Donnie's face scrunched up as he's sprayed in the face with a water bottle like a misbehaving cat.
The constant camera in his face is how Donnie learns to record everything. They find out and try to explain this is different, but Donnie just doesn't get it.
Once Raph gets them calmed down enough to explain Leo is mostly baffled at how Donnie can hide two extra arms "like a morbid jack in the box."
Mikey's just relieved that since he's an alien and doesn't have any family on Earth that means they get to keep him.
Donnie: I suppose my creator could technically be seen as a parental unit.
Leo: Yeah, but we said on Earth.
Donnie: Again, my creator.
Raph remembers reading about the creator being sent to hunt the creation: Oh no.
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absent-enigma · 6 months
Mothman Horror x Reader
Compiling the snippets from ao3, in case people don't want to read 100 words at a time (or however much a chapter I do)
[100 words a chapter (or more) of reader being wooed and doted on by mothman Horror]
Your vehicle broke down on a desolate stretch of highway, help incoming.
Unfortunately, you waited in front of the vehicle’s headlights. In a split second, you were airborne, securely held by four arms. You’re snugly cradled to a massive bony chest attached to a body that dwarfed you two-three times over.
…apparently, mothmen could be skeletal.
A single red eyelight focused on you.
”…missed you.” A deep voice rumbled as large bony fingers soothingly traced along your back. “…not gonna lose you again.”
You issue out the loudest scream known to mankind as you’re carefully flown through the night sky.
Horror was pleased to have found his mate safe and unharmed.
But why were you afraid enough to scream?
Horror’s eye light narrowed to a slit as he pivoted through the air. Wings beat steadily as his fluffy antenna wiggled, inspecting for shifts in the air. 
No threats.
Maybe Horror just needed to get his mate back home to the safety of his nest. Horror would snuggle you close, securely, to keep you warm. Horror would fold his wings around his mate, shielding you from the cruelties of the world that had separated him from you in the first place. 
It quickly became apparent that screaming endlessly would do you no good (and hurt your throat). Your ride through the sky didn’t seem too rattled by the sound apart from a twitching of antenna. You wonder if the big guy didn’t understand you’d screamed because he’d picked you up.
But when a giant skeleton mothman crooned at you while gently yet urgently nuzzling the top of your head to apparently help soothe your nerves, you had to wonder why he believed he knew you.
After all, you damn well would remember meeting one of the well-hidden cryptids of the world.
Horror’s mate finally stopped screaming. He was happy to have been able to calm you down, despite the size difference, with careful attentive nuzzling. As one scarred bony hand moved up to preen affectionately through your hair, Horror heard you make a noise he didn’t recall, along with the earlier scream.
A shuddering, uneasy breath.
Horror’s eye light shrank.
It was not a happy sound.
Preening forgotten, Horror focused on getting his mate back to the nest as quickly as possible.
Something was wrong.
Horror needed to make sure you were safe and comfortable so he could find out why.
The view of the starry night would ordinarily have been an amazing sight, were you currently not being flown to who-knows-where by a massive mothman. A skeleton mothman with an impressive wingspan of gorgeous colors. 
“Safe. You’re okay. Gotta get home. You’re safe.”
The mantra of a concerned giant of a cryptid, who caressed your back reassuringly, as if you were terribly injured. 
You were not.
You’d just so happened to be abducted by a monster of a mothman that thought he’d ‘lost’ you. When (if) you got back home, you were going to have quite a story to tell.
Horror reached his home in record time, briefly circling the treetops to ensure there were no threats nearby. 
…it was safe.
Horror dipped down, folding his wings. He held  you snugly to his ribcage, not wanting you to slip out of his arms. With practiced ease, Horror landed, lighter than his large bulk appeared capable of. Restlessly scraping his clawed feet on the branch beneath him, Horror lumbered to his nest. A hidden place in-between two closely grown-together trees, dead vegetation and fallen branches acting as camouflage; it kept prying eyes away. 
You were home.
Horror’s mate was back.
Had the mothman not drawn attention to it, you could have sworn he was going to walk both of you straight into the side of a gigantic tree. Instead, he reached out with one large arm to part overgrown and dead plants to stoop into a cozy home for a skele-mothman of his size.
There was a smattering of stolen items strewn around, and in the farthest corner of the space was a huge nest full of stolen soft material.
…and a lot of bones. A nest filled with bones that mothman was carrying you over to.
That was worrying.
Horror crooned worriedly over the way you’d not said a single word. He felt the way you froze up over the sight of the bones in the nest.
That was…not good? 
But it showed that he could hunt and provide?
…Had he forgotten that you didn’t like the bones in the nest the two of you shared?
Horror gently settled you in the nest after efficiently clearing out the bones into a nearby pile. Proudly fluffing his fur, Horror approached the nest with a purr, antenna wiggling happily, eager to snuggle with his mate for the remainder of the night.
What did one do when the mothman who brought you back to his home and looked like he wanted to devour you with his gaze approached the nest he’d set you down in?
Seriously, what did you do about this?
Mothman, eye light on you, used his first set of arms to brace himself to enter the nest. His massive size was more apparent now. He could crush you if he wasn’t careful.
Amazingly, the large being went motionless. 
“Who are you?” 
You’d never seen such a look of pure devastation and soul-wrenching heartbreak that mothman gave you. 
You…didn’t remember him?
Horror’s wings hung limply against his back, antenna drooping as reality hit. 
You feared him.
You screamed because of him.
Horror’s body began to tremble, breath shuddering out unevenly. What did he do to help you recall memories? Like you did for him? Helplessly, Horror’s eyelight roved around. 
The piece of wood hooked onto the nest. 
Horror squinted at it. 
Why was your name clawed through above his? When…had Horror been so clumsy to do that? Horror picked the piece up between thumb and forefinger.
A name.
Horror would start with reintroducing himself to his mate.
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