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thecagedbird-sings · 5 months ago
Pedals of Progress
The journey through school, is, in some ways like a cyclist's journey.
Pedals Of ProgressHer bicycle wheels spinPropel herTurn her through time and spacePast Madison’s leafy woodsPast the geese-filled Lake MendotaPast restaurants from which waft mouthwatering smellsThrough nature’s serenity and the din of the city’s busy throngs Through wintery mash and autumn foliageAgainst forceful wind currents that threaten to rewind her pedaling and call to mind her Herculean…
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kunst-kiste · 6 years ago
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Her Turn (2018), Jordan Casteel
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theworldonapage · 7 years ago
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Good things come to those who wait. via theworldonapage
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supercoopsquad-blog · 7 years ago
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Relationships are a two way street. Can’t play games all the time without a break! #gameover #herturn #takeabreak
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life-of-lisa-mejias · 8 years ago
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#herturn #buriedalive #sun #sand #saltwater #lovehersomuch #playing #funinthesun #pretendingtosleep (at Roque Bluffs State Park)
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lindsayzana · 8 years ago
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Flashing back to last weekend getting to sing with these kick-ass ladies and feeling all the emotions! #herturn #musicaltheatre #genderswap #house10productions #girlswithmohawks #bitchofliving #itallfadesaway #springawakening #bridgesofmadisoncountymusical
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mrkdmorrisphoto · 8 years ago
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•What do you see?• #herturn • When the children take over the runway, anything is possible. #liveyourdreamsnow @saminamughal_fashiondesigner #kdmorrisphotography #blackrapid #saminamughal @alexthomasphotography @blackrapid #brandambassador
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the-firebird69 · 5 years ago
jenna wanted themen to waste using the crime they try pinning on him then herturn once they ar ewasted away the men think not.  and fear the monster below as they should and it is not nesse... no it is not it is Eliot Nesse...and eliiot is a boy ok but who spiderman perhaps, rhino knows and the et crowd wasnto me though at the time he had me don underoos Zues Hera ahahaha underoos ok you jerk in my room for a photo shoot for hanna barbara and it makes sense. this all makes sense who then in westboro...matt day ok we see he is neo and foley and clint and on and on oh boy and i immiated him sought his body...nobody knows if it worked or not he is not famous as jesus..no proof...de too lol me bja
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instapicsil2 · 6 years ago
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💁‍♀️ When it comes to the 2018 Midterms, we’ve decided it’s #HerTurn: A Record 262 women have the chance to win a seat in Congress, and another 16 could be governors(!!) We created a handy dandy lil candidate tracker to help you get to know everyone 👋👀. _ Tap the link in bio to share the stories and wins of these remarkable women. #AcknowledgeIsPower Design: @sing_seung https://ift.tt/2Ngh55v
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chaoticremedy · 7 years ago
Ece sat on her bed, her knees tucked close to her chest, her arms stretching around them, slowly rocking back and forth. Her eyes drooped and she scratched herself, her arms dripping blood from her tacit to stay awake.She looked around her dingy cell, it was overly dark, lights out here were taken very seriously. Her eyes had slightly adjusted after hours of the blackness but they had lost some of their site from utter exhaustion.Begging every guard she saw to be put in protective custody, they all brushed her off and ignored her. They didn’t understand what she was, or how she ended up within these four walls.Lifting her other hand to her neck she felt the marks still on her neck. The Salvation was after her, as they had been her whole life.For twenty-five years she had remained hidden, but now stuck within these four walls, she was easy prey for them.Ece was tired, she didn’t remember the last time she had allowed herself sleep.She let her hand drop from her neck, yes she did, three days ago, and she had woken up to a bed sheet wrapped around her neck and someone trying to dangle her from the top of her cell.Thankfully she had caused enough commotion that guards came running, and her assailant disappeared into nothing.This lead her to believe the Salvation only wanted certain magic users gone. The Salvation wanted her bloodline dead, she was the last seeker, able to see into the future, a very valuable thing in a time and age magic had supposedly died. Her ancestors had the ability to change fates, turn wars, and place those of power.She wanted none of those things, just to be normal. The Salvation didn’t care about that, she was, to their knowledge, the last seeker in the world. It was their mission to destroy her, by any means possible.Shivering due to utter exhaustion she got up from her bed and paced the cell from wall to wall, four steps each way. She jumped up and down trying to get her body and mind awake, but the efforts were fruitless, counterproductive even.Ece sat back down on the bed and sighed. Her eyes closed and she fell face first into her bed into a deep sleep, her arm staining the bed sheets.She sat on a white cloud, they surrounded her. There was blue sky around her, but she felt trapped, she looked for an escape. She got up and ran, the clouds of white continued, there was no escape.“Ece, I hear you’re having a bit of a hard time.” A voice called from behind herTurning to see who was there she saw a tall lanky man. His cheeks were hollow like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. It was his smile however that made her go into a cold sweat.His smile was genuine, even his eyes showed it. But it wasn’t happiness, it was murderous. Ece backed away but ran into a soft wall behind her, the end of the clouds.With a loud cry, she woke up and looked around her cell. There were no threats, no one there, she fell back with a sigh, her back against the wall. She pulled her knees against her chest once more and started scratching at her arm again.She didn’t know who was with or against her, she didn’t know what was safe, or when. She couldn’t let herself fall asleep again.Bells rang, her arm was completely ripped open, the pain the only thing keeping her awake at this point. She had made it to another morning, how many more mornings would there be for her?She got up and slowly wrapped her arm in a ripped bedsheet to hide the wound. The guards never paid much mind to their clothing, however she wrapped both arms making it look like she was just trying to make herself a long-sleeved shirt.The cell door opened and she stepped out, her mind going through the dream she just had. Her mother had passed when she was too young to help teach her how to interpret her dreams, so she never knew exactly what pieces to take, and what to ignore. Her mother always told her “When she’s older” she’d explain, but that opportunity never came.She filed with the rest of the women to the canteen, she picked up her tray and followed the herd. One by one trays were filled, and groups started to form at the tablesAs usual, Ece sat alone in a corner, she picked at her food, her mind only going to sleep, and how those few moments of slumber she got were the best she had.Suddenly an idea came to Ece, she quickly finished her food and stood. Moments later she was walking down halls, this place was a maze, and she intended to get lost.Far enough away from the normal hustle and bustle, she started trying doors, she was in the utility area, broom closets were all around her. After her fourth or fifth try, she found a door unlocked she looked over her shoulder a few times and slipped inside.She set up a makeshift alarm using a bucket and broom leaning on the door and sat in the back of the closet. She laid her head against her knees and fell asleep.The crashing made her jump, she didn’t know how long she had been asleep, but even before the door fully opened she was on her feet in a defensive position. A sheepish man in a janitor uniform opened the door.“Uh-Miss, you’re not supposed to be in here.” He pressed a button on his walkie and a loud noise echoed from it.Moments later the sounds of boots on the linoleum could be heard, she tried to get past the janitor, but he was twice her small size.The guards shoved the janitor away and grabbed Ece by the arms. She yelped in pain as they rubbed the bedsheet against her open wounds. The guards cringed as the sheets became blossoming with blood.“What the -?” one of the guards ripped off a sheet from her arm to reveal her wounded arms.“We’ve got a Loon here!” With his free hand, he spoke some codes into his walkie and looked at his partner.“They have room in the psych, let’s go”Ece paced the padded room, she had asked for this. But this was too far, she knew places like these, her mother had been put in one. Put in one and pushed full of drugs to make her compliant, moldable, theirs.Her arm was dripping blood again, she fell to her knees, the trail of blood from her pacing now becoming more and more evident.The padded door slowly opened, and a man in all white entered his murderous grin. Her stomach dropped to the floor and she stood in panic.“Ece, I hear you’re having a bit of a hard time.” She backed up against the wall, this was the man in her dream, the one that gave her cold sweats in her dream. Her hands become clammy as she tried to back farther into the corner.Two guards trailed him, also in white, she flashed back to her dream, the clouds. The walls of this cell, so puffy and white like the dream.The trio came closer, the man pulled a needle from his pocket, the guards flanked him then stepped in front of her grabbing her arms once more. She kicked and screamed and struggled, their grips only tightened.She twisted her arm out of one of their clutch, the blood allowing for less of grip. He swore as she flung her arm at his face.The other guard grabbed her free arm and pushed her face first into the padded wall. He turned to his partner and cursed him out.Ece fought, but her efforts were fruitless, she felt the needle enter her arm, then a warm calmness engulfed her body. The guards let go of her arms and she sank to the ground, her eyelids feeling ten pounds each.Things were so calm, the sound of home, the ocean came to her ears as her body forced her heart rate to slow, her eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep. via /r/Tiix
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longislandweekly-blog · 7 years ago
Family & Children’s Association Empowers Women At Risk For HIV/AIDS
Family & Children’s Association empowers women with HERTURN program that delivers vital services to women with or at risk for HIV/AIDS.
Myriam Rivera, Bilingual Outreach Specialist; Sasha Garcia-Rivera, Bilingual Case Manager; Sarah McLean, MSW, Clinical Case Manager; Standing left to right, Johnnetta Allen, Case Manager, Jaymie Kahn-Rapp, MPA, MSEd, LMHC, CRC, AVP Addiction, Treatment & Recovery; and Jeanne Cacciatore, LMSW, HERTURN Program Director.
Friday, Dec. 1 marks World AIDS Day, uniting people in the fight against HIV.…
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carcoachreports · 8 years ago
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Check out our #first drive of the all-new #KIA #Niro - this #hybrid CUV maybe the right fit for you? see what we thought... #HisTurn-HerTurn and at LaurenFix.com (at San Antonio, Texas)
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lindsayzana · 8 years ago
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Getting ready for show #1! #herturn #women #musicaltheatre #genderswap #music #singing
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msdays · 7 years ago
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Robin Wright 
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diarrheaworldstarhiphop · 8 years ago
When did this "le ebin centrist" meme start and why is it almost spouted by angry liberals who've been called out on their shit?
i think it’s coming from both the left and right and it’s a post-trump phenonmenon. left wing loyalists are pissed that #herturn never materialized, letting orange hitler take power from people too bernt out to care... and now people on the right are pissed at their own detractors post-syria airstrike
it’s frustration at nihilists and people who wont back your favourite ideology that are perceivably close enough to “see the light” and come off their indifferent ways
unsurprisingly, there are alot of people burnt out on backing any leading big tent party or ideology these days, given how the same shit will happen no matter who gets elected. Unsurprisingly, the call to back a side at the very least to prevent someone else from getting power is losing it’s lustre
the perception of someone being at the “centre” comes from the perception of someone in between competing ideas just shitting on everyone involved. It appears unproductive and irritating if you support anything, but then again, did hopeful support make things turn out well? The Hope And Change and ReLOVEution yielded fuckall. Now Alt righters are getting their own awakening from their rush to hold up their own 3rd position in trump.
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xanaddams · 9 years ago
Trump: I pick Mi...
Trump: I pick Mike Pence as VP! Dems/lgbt: Nooo! Boo! Our hard earned rights! Hillary: I pushed DOMA and DADT that you've fought against! Dems/lgbt: YAAAS! #herturn
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