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adamboden · 8 years ago
#bitchofliving #springawakening #summercourse @bodensperformingarts
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lindsayzana · 8 years ago
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Flashing back to last weekend getting to sing with these kick-ass ladies and feeling all the emotions! #herturn #musicaltheatre #genderswap #house10productions #girlswithmohawks #bitchofliving #itallfadesaway #springawakening #bridgesofmadisoncountymusical
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lawschoolhurtsmyfeelings · 6 years ago
It’s the bitch of living as someone you can’t stand
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possitivetension · 8 years ago
Rules: Answer the questions and tag some blogs.
Tagged by: @allisonaergents Thanks yoli :)
Star sign: Leo
Time right now: 12:19 pm
Last thing googled: synonim of comfortable
Favourite music artist(s): Andrew Belle, London Grammar, The Weeknd, Yuna, etc
Recent TV show watched: An episode of “Por ella soy Eva” 
What am I wearing right now: Pjs
When did I create my blog: 2010
What stuff do you post: Fashion, films, aesthetics, quotes, photography and architecture
blogs: Mine: newyorkbassterds, fuckyeahbleightonandblerena, member: iheartchair
Why did I choose my url: I thrive in living through positivity, even though life is not easy and besides it’s a Bloc Party song called: Positive Tension. I just enhanced it by adding another s.
Gender: Female
Favourite Colour: Burgundy
Other favourite colours: White, black, blue, pastels
Favourite combo colours: neutrals, pastels
Favourite Characters: Blair Waldorf, Mia Thermopolis, Cecilia Tallis, Elizabeth Bennet
How many blankets I sleep with: 2 (in winter)
Dream job(s): Art, design related :)
I tag: @bcwaldorf - @fatallist - @cafecoton - @majoris - @catherineearnshaws - @bitchofliving 
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sassy-shinigami · 9 years ago
Spring Awakening meets King George III. #jonathangroff #Hamilton #bitchofliving
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broadwaywiz · 9 years ago
When you are playing #HeadsUp with a cast member from @springbway and this happens @LaurenLooeze #broadway #springawakening #bway #timesquare #asl #TouchMeAGAIN #deafwest #deafawakening @springbway #SpringAwakening #MamaWhoBoreMe #bitchofliving #ellendegeneres
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jaymz36 · 7 years ago
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"They walk with my heart, and I'll never let them go" 🎶🎶🎶 One year since purple summer 💜💜💜💜 #dctspringawakening #downtowncabarettheatre #springawakening #openingnight #oneyearanniversary #instagay #gay #gaystagram #gayboy #gayactor #gay19thcentury #musicaltheatre #theatricalhashtags #bitchofliving #totallyfucked #allshallknowthewonder #purplesummer #thoseyouveknown #illneverletthemgo #germanteenagers #oksonowwedotheplay #blahblahblahblahblah #bobbymaler #hesthebest #jktheseguysarethebest #💜💜💜💜 (at Downtown Cabaret Theatre)
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stagechika711 · 10 years ago
It's been a week since Spring has closed & spring depression is still very there..."it's the bitch of living" 😭💜 #SpringAwakening #SpringAwakeningwithdrawls #musicals #musicaltheatre #BitchofLiving #SMwithdrawals #StageManager #stagemanagement
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possitivetension · 10 years ago
i am glad you did because your edits are the best and i love seeing your work hehe
Jess!!! *bunny queen noises arising* you’ve made my day!!! Thanks, i’ll keep making more stuff.
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postscriptum9 · 10 years ago
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Bitch of Living
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noahccerny-blog · 10 years ago
your blog is perfection idk if i have told you that before but :)
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susied93 · 11 years ago
It's only been two days. This is a disaster. #springawakening #springawakeningau #postshowdepression #postshowfeels #bitchofliving
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stagechika711 · 10 years ago
Flash Sale! Friends, family, coworkers, you if you haven't already gotten your tickets for Spring Awakneing, don't fret because tickets are $10 if your use discount code "Danielle D."(include the period) by 10am tomorrow! Get your tickets now & don't miss the chance to experience Purple Summer 🎭🙌🏻 #SpringAwakening #musicals #musicaltheatre #BitchofLiving #promovideo #supportthearts #techtheatre #theatre #StageManager #stagemanagement #SMLife
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possitivetension · 10 years ago
hi bb i am making a chair picspam thing with a quote from the books when they were together because i'm having feels (my rep is RUINED hahahaha) and i was wondering if you could help me with three or caps? i'm stuck on what i want to use and i need at least three more for what i'm doing and of course i thought of you
Oh sure but once i get home lol…i promise!!!!
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mythologize · 11 years ago
Thank you Angelica (cupricanes) :D
rule 1: always post the rules.

rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones.

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post.

rule 4: actually tell them you tagged them.
What is your reason for waking up everyday?
Well the literal answer would be school and the social construct that it's not acceptable to sleep all day, but I guess the actual answer this is looking for would be something like my reason is to see if the next day will be any better than the last (god that was super cheesy sorry).
Have you ever been in love?
Nope I don't think so
What’s your favorite movie?
That's a tough one. I really like The Shawshank Redemption and A Beautiful Mind. Also the first and third Harry Potters are up there (:
Do you like me for me or I need to change something?
No I definitely like you! (:
Do you like spicy foods? Why?
Yes, but I can't eat anything too spicy, I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to really spicy stuff.
How does it feel like living in your country? 
Overall good? There's lots of stupid stuff going on politically but none of it really effects me personally so I guess that's good.
If you can travel elsewhere, where will you go? Why?
Europe just because I've always wanted to go there.
Who do you want to see right now?
Ehh, no one in particular. Maybe my friend Natalie that lives kind of far away that I haven't seen in a while.
Are you close with your family? How close?
I'm pretty close with my family I would say, I'm not that close with my brother but we've actually gotten closer as we've gotten older.
What do you want to get for Christmas?
Mostly clothes and maybe a few movies, I really couldn't think of much to ask for this year.
Morning or Night owl? :D
Night owl all the wayyyyy I am not a morning person at all.
My questions:
Favorite thing about Christmas time/winter break?
If you had to eat only one food (or dish) for the rest of your life what would it be?
Favorite tv show of all time?
Coffee or tea (or both or neither)?
Do you have pets/do you want any?
Current book you're reading or last book you read?
What's a song that you always get stuck in your head?
If there were no repercussions emotionally or legally, would you kill someone?
Favorite romantic comedy?
Mac or PC?
Why did you make a tumblr? 
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