vanillachainsaw · 5 months
me: fuck adhd stereotypes
also me: gets lost in some philosophical mind quest then gets distracted bc "fuck I smell nice" & drops the book I was in the middle of reading,,,,,,
also ALSO me: forgets what the fuck I was doing two seconds ago so it takes 10x longer to write this bc I forgot what even distracted me in the first place :C
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tips-from-john · 9 months
HERPAGREENS - HERPAGREENS REVIEWS - HerpaGreens Herpes - Herpa Greens
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HerpaGreens Review: A Comprehensive Analysis
In a world where herpes has long been a distressing and often stigmatized condition, the arrival of HerpaGreens presents a beacon of hope. This review delves deep into the intricacies of HerpaGreens, a nutritional supplement designed to combat the herpes simplex virus. We will explore its composition, mechanism, and effectiveness, relying on hands-on analysis and user testimonials.
Understanding HerpaGreens
What is HerpaGreens?
Herpagreens emerges as a clinical breakthrough in herpes management. Its primary aim is to target and neutralize the herpes simplex virus, offering relief from both oral and genital herpes outbreaks. Its design focuses not just on symptom management but on addressing the root cause of herpes outbreaks.
The Composition
The strength of HerpaGreens lies in its ingredients, which are selected for their quality and processed under stringent aseptic protocols. This meticulous attention to detail ensures the supplement's efficacy. The ingredients serve multiple purposes: they prevent cell damage by viruses, enhance cognitive functions, bolster the immune system, aid in weight reduction, and promote cardiovascular health.
The Mechanism Behind HerpaGreens
HerpaGreens works by empowering the body's innate immune system. It seeks out and destroys latent herpes virus cells, thus providing resistance against future viral attacks. This approach promises a herpes-free life, free from recurrent outbreaks.
The Formula's Efficacy
The formula's success is attributed to its blend of botanical extracts, minerals, and nutrients. It's specifically tailored for those who haven't found success with other treatment modalities. HerpaGreens claims to not only treat herpes symptoms but also potentially eradicate the virus.
Availability and Purchase
HerpaGreens is available exclusively on its official website, ensuring that customers receive the authentic product. The pricing is competitive, and each purchase is backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee, reflecting the confidence of the manufacturers in their product.
Customer Experiences
The plethora of positive reviews highlights the effectiveness of HerpaGreens. Users report significant improvements in their condition, emphasizing the supplement's role in preventing herpes outbreaks and enhancing overall health.
HerpaGreens stands out as a revolutionary product in the fight against herpes. Its unique formula, backed by positive customer reviews, offers hope for effective herpes management and a healthier lifestyle. Those interested should visit the official website for more information or to make a purchase.
#herpagreensreview #herpagreensreviews #herpagreens
The post Herpagreens Reviews was first published on Legenda Pop BR Channel.
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bobnelson · 1 year
HERPAGREENS - ((☢️HIGH ALERT☢️)) - Herpagreens Review - Herpagreens Revi...
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best--offers · 2 years
🛑 HERPAGREENS - (⚠️WATCH THIS!) - HerpaGreens Review - HerpaGreens Supplement
#herpagreensreview #herpagreensreviews #HerpaGreens
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buddys-ramblings · 2 months
Why is it that, without fail, on every aspec positivity post, there’s always someone who says “actually this post is offensive to allos, herpa derp!” No, it isn’t. It’s just not about you.
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transmechanicus · 1 year
Hey you reblogged some vatnik propaganda that was like:
Durr Hurr the Ukrainians are untrustworthy nazis Herpa Derp they will betray NATO boopy doopy the counter offensive will fail!
So now I have to go on an Adderall fueled essay to counter it:
The Ukrainian combined armed forces, like any modern military, is made of relatively normal people. Thus they need food, weapons, supplies, and reassurances that their families are safe. NATO nations have blatantly provided all those materials and taken in the families of soldiers. NATO members have also arranged supply pipelines to the frontline that will last for years. Furthermore, commanding Officers in the UA have been recieving accurate intelligence from NATO analysts.
I'm not a professional sociologist/psychologist but I do believe that close cooperation which yields positive outcomes does result in closer social bonds between participants. Those kinds of bonds will prevent people from harming each other. It's a fact that Ukraine has yet to invade Poland while the Wagner Group attempted to arrest political opponents on their own side. So I'd say the West's logistics & loyalty between it's proxies is better than the East right now.
All of this isn't enough to make fortified trenches and mine fields disappear overnight. That would take months of organized operations, which are possible because of the factors listed above.
Back to the subject of Betrayal: I will admit it is possible for NATO Nations and "Western" Ukraine to break up:
NATO support could be taken away if the majority of western European leadership suddenly became Pro-Russian American-style Libertarians, like what happened in the UK or the USA. And the Ukrainian armed forces could turn on NATO if the Russians were right and the defenders of the Zelensky regime were actually satanic, queer, far-right, Zionist nationalists thirsting for blood for their bioweapons and any European or American will do.
Only in those realities could such betrayals occur. Notice that the former situation is possible through Russian influence. The latter was (might still be) a major talking point in Russian state media.
Imperialism and war crimes are bad. It's bad when the United States does it, it's bad when Russia does it, it's bad when any country does it. It's bad like the plague.
The Russian Federation's stated objective is the assimilation of Ukraine. So blaming the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex for supplying Ukrainians with weapons seems like... I don't know. Like blaming a venomous snake for your Bubonic Plague infection, which you got from a rat?
The point of the original post I reblogged was "We're giving a lot of fucking guns to a country whose military is positively infested with blatant, actual Nazis, and when NATO/The US military industrial complex no longer sees any benefit in supporting Ukraine against Russia, these cunts specifically are going to be very fucking pissed off about it and will turn those weapons on those they see as their betrayers". This is not a huge leap of logic, and also I am neither a historian nor a political scientist who actually has the time, the fucks, or the platform to justify a Propaganda Check on my one monthly post about the Ukraine conflict. I am simply Some Cunt Online, i hope every Ukrainian trooper with a fuckin SS badge eats their sidearm as soon as possible, and furthermore Carthage Must Be Destroyed.
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crj-200 · 10 months
whats a good gift for a dad who likes planes?
you can never go wrong with a model aircraft 🫡 i'd get an avgeek a plane model super relevant to their favorite things in aviation (like a specific livery/aircraft type/airline/etc), Gemini Jets makes some really nice metal ones. another idea would be Plane Tags, they take retired aircraft skin and turn them into keychains!! they come with metal cables so they stay attached to stuff well and they have information about the specific aircraft etched into the front. i linked some sites for models and the tags below!!!
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herpa derp here we go. Finished thingy. galacta gabe thingy i made because it why not.
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matrixdragon · 1 year
Queerbaiting means whatever it is convenient for me to mean. Please turn off your brain and ignore anything that might suggest I'm part of rwde. Whatever subreddits I may or may not moderate dont matter. You can't mention that. That would be rude.
Herpa derpa dee...
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theygotlost · 2 years
liberal golden kamuy woudl be like. ashe/herpa. aaand post.
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necropticon · 22 hours
I made a choice to literally detach myself from society as much as possible for almost 10 years, because I didn't want to deal with sexual harassment. Literally that is my main motivation.
Now I'm re-entering society and it's kind of bizarre to talk to some of the people who are my age. I'm glad I left, I'm reminded of all the bizarre and pointless cultural conflicts that overtook so many conversations. "What kind of bibo borbo are you? Glup slip, derp huuurrrrp, are you a durrr hurrr or a deedly dip? Hey, why are you acting like a deep heep? Am I too much of a deema heem?"
Culturally-fostered, unnatural personal insecurity. It's so depressing how much meaningless shit takes up people's thoughts. God fucking damn. I used to be part of it, and I felt like it was important to stake my personal identity out as a Herpa Durrrr... everyone must know what kind of Diddly Dum Hurrrrrr that I am.
"this website is full of beetles fucking beer-bottles" --- some blogger describing the people who are talking about only being sexually-attracted to anime characters instead of other real people.
Society is full of that shit. People love it because it directs natural social instincts in the way they want. You can sell merch of a sexy, sexy beer bottle. Sell intimacy. Sell a solution to your loneliness.
Nah I didn't succumb to that bullshit. It always cheapens sexuality. Sex is a beautiful and interesting thing, but commercial sexiness removes everything personal and interesting. Prioritize "the lowest 'common' denominator", cheap sludge.
Hey lady, do you wanna look like a sexy sexy beer-bottle? Men love beer-bottles. Men love humping beer-bottles. For the low price of your entire life savings, we can make you look like a humpable beer-bottle instead of a human woman. Who wants a human woman? Nobody!
(Parody of the plastic surgery & makeup industries. etc.)
You're not a real man unless you spend all day humping beer-bottles, lusting after beer-bottles, directing the entire energy of your being towards acquiring a beer-bottle. You. Want. Beer-bottles.
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moba-bilder · 29 days
Herpa LKW Modelle 1:87
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adakgostarartan · 1 month
ماکت کشنده تریلی اسکانیا 1:87 هرپا herpa Scania CR 20 HD
... ماکت کشنده تریلی اسکانیا 1:87 Herpa 310734 Scania CR 20 HD Tractor with Trux Impact Protection Trux 1:87 #ماکت #ماکت_ماشین #ماکتبازی #ماکتباز #ماکت_باز #ماکت_تریلی _ماکت هرپا #هرپا #اسکانیا #هرپا #ماکت_هرپا #1:87 #تریلی_اسکانیا model #SCANIA #herpa# #TRUX خرید امن و راحت از طریق سایت ::.. In The moment, For the future ..:: ::.. در لحظه، برای آینده ..:: #آداک¬گسترآرتان #آداک_گستر_آرتان #ADKGODTARARTAN #ADAK_GOSTAR_ARTAN
ماکت کشنده تریلی اسکانیا ساخت شرکت هربا مقیاس 1:87        
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jsdgfsdf · 2 months
>herpa derpa I'm cain and I love rearranging chapters for my self insert fanfic at 3 in the morning so now this ones gonna be all the way near the end instead of literally after what i just wrote but at least people won't get fucking blasted by the plotline as fast and i get to write it now anyway but then i have to write the stutf AFTER that and make it nonlinear by moving the 1 chapter but in the end it's ok because im having a lot more fun with it now tjat its all JESUSchrist tumblr lagged ao bad my key oard left ok post ended before i start spoiling things
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edwin1404fr · 4 months
HERPAGREENS ((❌⚠️ WATCH OUT!! ⚠️❌)) Does Herpa Greens Work? HerpaGreens ...
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fnrrfygmschnish · 4 months
So, you may see people online complaining about how Magic: The Gathering is retiring the creature type Efreet and will roll them into the Djinn type in the future.
These people are either uninformed/ignorant, or they're just obnoxious morons wanting to throw a fit about nothing.
An efreet (also spelled ifrit, afreet, afrit, etc.) in Islamic and Arabic folklore is literally a type of djinn! Having them as separate types is a holdover from a time when creature types didn't usually matter in gameplay terms so they gave lots of random odd things separate types that shouldn't have been... Falcon used to be a separate type from Bird, Ball Lightning was not counted as an elemental but got its own unique type instead, and so on. Using the same creature type for both makes more sense from both a "accurate to the real-life mythological source material" standpoint and from a game mechanics standpoint.
When the Arabian Nights set was originally printed, THREE varieties of djinni had their own M:tG creature types -- not just Djinn and Efreet but also the lesser-known Marid, used on only one creature card (Old Man of the Sea.) Marid was dropped as a creature type ages ago, and it got -- guess what? -- rolled into the Djinn type. Because a marid was just one specific kind of djinn.
They're not going to stop using the word Efreet for djinn cards that are specifically meant to be Efreets rather than some other type of djinn. The two LOOK different... just like the Akki look different from Moggs who look different from Boggarts... while all just being Goblins in terms of creature type. Efreeti will still exist just like before, Efreet just isn't going to be its own separate creature type anymore.
But of course, ALREADY I've seen the dum-dums popping up in the comments sections throwing out terms like "woke" which lost all meaning years ago, or "virtue signalling" which just shows that they didn't actually bother to read why the change happened and assumed "oh, the word Efreet must be offensive now, herpa derpa derp."
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