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busnautica · 5 months ago
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mfw i visibly improve over each piece bc theyre all spread out during my read through of ydhtbah by @minecraftgender KJHFDGKJFDKJ
hiii sorry i took agesss :3
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minecraftgender · 6 months ago
ryley is a car guy but for spaceships
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xandezsims · 1 month ago
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[Reading Something Normal]
Henry: My word, Frederick. Is that a romance novel? In the open? Freddie: I might've hidden it, but I can't put it down... Henry: Must be good. Freddie: It's very upsetting!
Who else talks to themselves while reading? (Besides Freddie, obviously.) It's like if you say it with enough force, the characters will actually hear you and stop being problematic...
Get the books here and find out what all the fuss is about!
Poses by @atashi77 and @sciophobis.
Costuming by @rustys-cc @pralinesims @zurkdesign and us.
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thelucyaddams · 3 months ago
Wednesday Addams x My OC Shadowstrike aka Lucy Blackwood
Scene: A dimly lit alleyway in Nevermore's nearby town
Shadowstrike steps out of the shadows, her glowing red eyes catching Wednesday’s attention as she stands by a weathered, gothic bookstore. Wednesday raises an eyebrow, unimpressed.
Wednesday: “You’re either a figment of my imagination or someone who enjoys dramatic entrances as much as I do.”
Shadowstrike: (leaning against the wall) “I heard this town had a peculiar charm. Didn’t expect to find its mascot lurking about.”
Wednesday: (tilting her head, tone dry) “I’m not lurking. I’m observing. Big difference. And you are?”
Shadowstrike: “Someone who prefers the dark. You?”
Wednesday: “The light annoys me. So does most of humanity.”
Shadowstrike smirks, flipping a small gadget in her hand before stowing it away.
Shadowstrike: “You’d do well in my world. Lots of shadows, plenty of people to outsmart.”
Wednesday: (narrowing her eyes) “Careful. Flattery gets you nowhere with me.”
Shadowstrike: (chuckling softly) “Good. I’m more into action than words. Shall we see who outsmarts whom?”
Wednesday: (smirking) “Finally, someone worth my time.”
The two exchange a look of mutual understanding, a subtle challenge lingering in the air as they disappear into the shadows of the town.
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xgoldenlatiasx · 1 year ago
putting this idea here too. I was trying to think of reasons for why N’s ability to understand Pokémon is different from any other characters in the Heroverse who share the ability (Like Al and Gold) besides just being something that came to him naturally instead of it being a blessing from a Legendary, and thought. what if it’s cause he not only understands them, but can read how they feel? without even NEEDING to communicate? this is already sort of implied in canon I believe so it’d be fun to work with
BUT IT DOESN’T END THERE it also reminded me of aura and how Aura Users work in the Pokémon universe and thought. What if N was secretly one, or more accurately has the potential to become one, he just never had a chance to realize it before.
so consider with me: N finding out he’s an Aura User arc-
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qlsvn · 5 months ago
sometimes, i look out into or think about Downtown Chicago and wonder “why doesn’t spiderman protect here? why should new york and gotham get cool superheroes?” and then i am tempted to write my own heroverse for illinois
hmm i’m gonna call it the bean cinematic universe
ok but imagine someone tries to destroy the bean. or it gets repeatedly damaged in the ensuing hero villain fights. real drama there valid reason to cancel the heroes
imagine the chicago river and an aquatic villain. i’m already envisioning the inevitable ferris wheel evacuation/fight/destruction of the ferris wheel LOOK AT ME. LOOK AT ME.
look at me
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sup3rnov4s · 2 months ago
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when working on sandmans updated reference, i really wanted to make sure the proportions of his staff were accurate …which resulted in these very silly drawings of him standing around
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years ago
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So a while back, my friend @shyyren Showed me This Post and even went out of ver way to assign my ocs to each part. The assignments were spot on, and the chaotic cafeteria discussion just demanded to be drawn. So I drew it!!
Come visit the SPC, the only hero organization around where you'll be spontaneously handed mangoes by random passerby
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sora-g-silverwind · 4 months ago
[Fic | Tales of Graces f] This Broken World
On AO3. Visible to registered/logged-in users only!
✑ This Broken World (ch. 5-8) Hubert?” says the auburn-haired young man sitting at Hubert’s desk like he belongs there. “What are you doing here? I thought we weren’t meeting until next week.”
Hubert, lord of Lhant, wakes up in an Ephinea that isn’t quite right. [Heroverse AU]
Chapter 5:
What if that one comic is right, and having two versions of the same person in the same place is going to mean one of us is going to die in the void between worlds? I mean, I don't know if I'm the prime or fractured version here, but just based on the numbers I'm much more likely to be the latter. And it's not like I'd feel good about killing "myself" even if I did survive!
Chapter 6:
"Gosh, Hubert," Cheria says with a dainty finger to her chin, her voice lightly embroidered with silky slyness. "There's no need to put yourself out like that. We know you're a very busy man. I'm sure we can figure out this mystery on our own." He scoffs. "You expect me to simply sit on my laurels while this — this ersatz replica runs amok in the world?" (Rude, Hubert thinks.) "Besides, someone has to check on Pascal and limit any collateral damage resulting from her mischief."
Chapter 7:
That being said, Hubert isn't particularly enthused to make friends with his double, either, and the unspoken agreement between them to pretend the other doesn't exist affords Hubert the space to safely observe him from a distance, as though the other Hubert is a wild animal to treat with caution lest a limb or two be lost. Well, it's not the first time Hubert has had to tread lightly with a particularly prickly traveling companion. If nothing else, he can handle this part of his plight perfectly fine.  But it's precisely this familiarity that makes a stranger out of the other Hubert. Incredible enough to think that he could ever meet another version of himself to begin with, whether flesh or mere imaginative figment; inconceivable to consider that he could ever look at himself and be so strongly reminded of someone like Raymond.
Chapter 8:
She glances at the other Hubert, who appears to be in the middle of scolding Asbel about something. "You two are such opposites, and yet I feel like I know you both." That makes one of them. "I kinda feel like I should apologize for him, somehow," mumbles Hubert, dropping his voice to hide it from a certain set of ears. "Why? You didn't do anything wrong. You're two different people." "Yeah, but...he's still me, right? So that means he's probably somewhere inside me, like...like some sort of evil alter ego."
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sims4-addiction · 9 months ago
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summersuccubus · 1 year ago
Just realized Gio and Skys godparents are alan and penny but charlottes are Eskalon and Zhiyu
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invaderjjdraws · 1 year ago
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being immortal doesnt mean theres no pain
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minecraftgender · 1 month ago
oh hey everyone say happy birthday heroverse ryley its his special day today. hes 30
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minecraftgender · 4 months ago
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last tidbits of my back log from @minecraftgender 's fic >:] <- read
robinson's gaydar working
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thelucyaddams · 3 months ago
My new design for Jake Anderson! I'll release his book by the end of January! 😍🖤🔥
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sup3rnov4s · 6 months ago
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DAY ONE: FAVORITE OC (and why so!)
For my (current) favorite oc(s), I chose Mimon and Misan. Two escaped experiments trying to live their life outside of their predetermined purpose, discovering what that means to them along the way. These two are long time ocs of mine, so it's comforting to return to their story. No matter how terrible their life becomes, they will always find a way out. They get to live and become people, an identity they've been denied their entire lives. They'll always have each other also, which is just very sweet to me.
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