#heroes of olympus reactions
fbfh · 3 months
Percy is pleasantly surprised. he wonders how he didn't know you have a cat, and starts asking you everything he can think of. do you have any other pets? what's your favorite animal? how did you come up with your cat's name? how long have you had them? he wants to know everything about you that he didn't before. while you lay with your head on his stomach as he picks your brain, you find yourself pleasantly surprised too. your cat will not leave Percy alone. kitty purrs, rubbing against him, demanding cuddles and belly rubs. kitty tries to move you off Percy so they can lay on him instead. kitty licks him, and you watch, giggling.
"I probably just taste like fish." Percy jokes, cuddling kitty right back.
Jason is a little scared of your cat. not because he doesn't like cats, but because he feels like he needs to impress them, gain their approval. and we all know that the more you try to make a cat like you, the more they'll ignore you. you explain this to Jason, but it does little to soothe his inner turmoil over the thought of not being approved by your beloved pet. he starts rubbing cat nip on himself before he comes over, bringing bouncy fuzzy mice and lickable salmon fillet flavored treats. he's armed to the teeth, determined to make your kitty at neutral towards him. slightly favorable would be a huge win in his book. your cat can smell his fear, and thinks it's... kind of funny. after three treats and enough whiffs of catnip coming off him, kitty butts their head against Jason, tail curling in approval before trotting off to nap in the window. never in your life have you seen Jason look so triumphant.
"Good. Good. This is good." You cut him off with a kiss before he can show you his 16 step plan to win over your cat.
you swear your cat loves Leo more than you. you can't believe your eyes when your cat runs right over to him when you bring him home.
"hey gaitito," he chuckles, bending down to give your now purring cat a scratch behind the ears. "look at you."
I swear to god cats are drawn to Leo. in Houston they would gather around his apartment building when he was a kid. he would sneak the neighborhood strays snacks and leftovers, naming them after tv characters from his mom's favorite telanovelas. your kitty is no different. they follow you two around all day, purring and demanding attention. they lay on his chest, drooling when he scratches their chin. never in your life have you seen a cat drool. but you drool over Leo a lot too, so you guess you're in good company.
Frank first meets your cat when you call him, asking for advice. your cat has been weird lately, and seems to be avoiding your kitchen. they won't eat or drink in there, and you can't figure out why. Frank shows up at your place, greets you with a kiss, and you bring him over to couch your kitty is curled up on. in the blink of an eye, Frank transforms himself into a large, gray, maine coon tabby cat. he trots over to your kitty, who wakes up with a little chirp. they stare at each other for a moment, making an occasional noise, tails flicking. your cat gets up and trots to the kitchen door, and Frank follows, entering hesitantly. he leaves as a human a moment later, nodding his head.
"It's white noise from your new humidifier." he explains, your cat's eyes trained on him the whole time. you had no idea one of the perks of dating Frank was dating an animal whisperer, and he tells you and your cat he's happy to help translate any time.
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astraeajackson · 2 months
*before the blood of olympus*
percy: gee, i don't know if you, me, and annabeth working together is such a good idea. i mean, won't it be awkward for you since you have a crush on her?
a very gay nico: believe me, annabeth's not the problem here-
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modawg · 3 months
i don’t like calypso but her ignoring the fact that she literally told percy not to come back to get her and putting a curse on him that someone he loves who can physically be with him no longer can all bc she can’t physically be with him is actually so real of her
girl said “i didn’t think he’d actually do it🙄🙄wtf😒”
percy like sees her again and goes to apologize to her just for calypso to stomp her feet like “FUCK the only reason i left with this lame ass kid was to come find you and you already have a whole ass girlfriend what the hell!!” *puts another curse on him* “how dare you move on from our 2 week imprisonment together after several years!!!”
calypso: it was all a test and you failed😡😡annabeths just me in a mask to see if you’d ever come back to me and you didn’t!!!
*annabeth yanks her hair off and it reveals just calypsos weird invisible hand servants stacked in a trenchcoat*
calypso: i pulled your ass into tartarus and put a curse on myself just to see how you’d react and you still chose fake me !!! i’ll never love you again!!
percy: GIRL WHATTT ???? you’ve been pretending to be my best friend and girlfriend for the past 3 years ???? what the fuck ?? where’s the real annabeth ????
real annabeth who’s been waiting for someone to come get her after she accidentally stranded herself on calypso island since going to find percy post volcano:
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it probably took at least 2 months for calypso to realise he might not actually be coming back
like every morning she woke up excited thinking todays the day he pulls up in that raft again but he never does and she stands on the beach every morning wondering where tf he’s at
calypso was another victim of ricks “hates percy for no reason other then having a crush on him while there was some kind of terrible thing happening in their life that vaguely connects to him” characterizations
why does rick continuously make other ppl hate on percy bro is percy’s biggest opp
pretty on brand of percy for his biggest hater to be his literal creator
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Jason's genuine worry and protectiveness over Nico's well being has me in fucking shambles. The most underrated moment being in BOO, when jason arrived at the camp half blood battlefield with Piper, and once he saw Nico fighting there, the lines said "Jason's heart lurched as he spotted Nico" or something along the lines of that (possibly in relief to see that Nico was okay) like??? He gives off such a worried mother hen vibe and I love it 🥹
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Guys I found the page!!
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dorelia23 · 1 month
Starting The Grandest Game and seeing Lyra gave the same feeling as starting Heroes Of Olympus and seeing Jason.
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I’ve been waiting for a Nico Di Angelo pov for 5 books and now it’s here it’s just unrelentingly sad.
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1800-lemon-boy · 12 days
Friendly reminder that Hera mourned Jason grace, and was upset that Zeus hadn’t.
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rowanrowlandridley · 1 year
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oh no, cringe-
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feelingtheaster99 · 9 months
Everything was so in character in the scene with Percy and Grover by the stables
Grover’s nervous joking
Percy’s loyalty (although I’m not sure if he’s trusting Grover or suspicious of the prophecy at the moment
Grover’s immediate priority sorting of picking the best snacks
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imaginita-est-omnibus · 9 months
Gaea foreshadowing? In my impossible water dive episode? It’s more likely than you think!
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octag0n-l0v3r · 4 months
Hello, mortal
I assume you would like some thanks for supporting me, though truly I don't understnd why anybody wouldn't support me- I'm the greatest there is!
-(Soon to be preator) Octavian
oh my days
i love you can i have your autograph pls
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witchhazelevesque · 9 months
Valzhang try not to kiss challenge where Leo is getting ready to sit down real close like they do in the videos but Franks strategy is to just cover Leo’s whole face with one of his hands and scoot him to the opposite end of the couch.
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Head canon: Thalia and Percy are both very awkward when it comes to receiving gifts cause neurodivergent and childhood trauma and what not. So they decided to only get each other weird things for holidays so they can just laugh instead of feeling all this pressure.
Thalia: Alright Perse, what'd you get me?
Percy: Well, since you've sworn off men and have decided to remain independent forever I got you these so you can still reproduce.
Percy: *holds up a handful of pine tree seeds*
Thalia: *snorts*
Thalia: *dying XD* What the fuck, Percy!
Percy: Do you like them?
Thalia: *wipes away a fake tear* This is the most Thoughtful gift I have ever received!
Percy: *Also dying*
Thalia: *Now southern for some reason* Give me my babies!
Percy: *places them in a forest green pouch with a little lightning bolt embedded on it*
Thalia: *hooks them to her belt* Thank you! I will cherish these forever!
Percy: You're welcome! Now what'd you get me?
Thalia: I also got something that represents you!
Thalia: *Brings out a large yellow object*
Percy:.... Is that a wet floor sign???
Thalia: Yup!
Percy: How does this represent me?
Thalia: Cause you're basically just a walking wet floor sign.
Percy: *loses it* I feel like I've just been insulted!?!
Thalia: *moves the sign away* What do you not want it?
Percy: *lunges for it* No I want it! It's mine!
Thalia: *laughing* alright then!
Percy: *hugging his new friend* One question though.
Thalia: Yeah?
Percy: Did you steal the wet floor sign?
Thalia: That is definitely a possibility!
Percy: *laughs*
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Today on "It is objectively hilarious that Jason and Nico do not tell anyone even a lie about what happened in Croatia": I love the bit where they have that whole exchange re drinking the poison and Nico says "You asked me about trust, and taking a risk? Well, here you go, son of Jupiter. How much do you trust me?" and Jason takes the poisoned chalice and drinks it without hesitation and Frank, whose POV it is, is just like "Well I have no earthly idea what that's about, moving on". Both because Nico calls back to the earlier conversation (which the rest of the group also was not there for) where Jason was like "Maybe take a risk and believe that I actually am your friend" (making this line basically "If you're really my friend drink poison" and Jason just does it without a second thought, it's really no wonder why Nico likes him so much) and because it is this very important exchange about a very personal matter and I'd argue it's a turning point in their relationship (Nico is not used to people trusting him unconditionally just because he asked them to) that they are just having in front of a bunch of people who have zero context and also think Nico is weird and creepy enough when he isn't telling people that if they trust him they should drink poison. Also while it's not mentioned in the narration I choose to believe Jason was making direct eye contact with Nico while he drank the poison just because it has that sort of feel to it and also I feel like it would make the whole thing even weirder for the observing demigods.
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As a kid, Percy was never told his father left or he'd died.
He was merely lost at sea.
Lost at sea...
The same place Percy had lost Jason.
He didn't leave them.
He hadn't di-
Jason was just lost.
He'd been lost before.
He'd come back.
Because Jason was just lost... Lost at sea.
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