#heroes of might and magic is nostalgic for me
dyingvictorian · 5 months
Hello! I have a bunch of questions. 1. Do you like videogames? 2. Did you like furry (If this so, than which type of furry you are?
Hi :D Thanks for the ask!!
1) I do like videogames but I usually watch other people play them. I always get lost and give up (°▽°). Favorite is probably Tetris or Heroes of Might and Magic III. Also a sucker for the Zelda games
2) Im a furry in the sense that I like Anthropomorphic animals, I wouldnt consider myself a therian. If you meant fursona then probably a possum or raccoon? Ive liked furries for a long time but never got into drawing them until recently
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beevean · 3 days
(1/2) Unpopular opinion: While it is a problem, as seen with so many villains being woobified and others being stripped of their edges, I think the criticism about judging characters by whether they're likable is only one half of the scale, since you have characters like Lanolin being praised SPECIFICALLY for being an unpleasant asshole with no other traits on the basis of "we need more cynicism uwu, you just can't handle a woman being real and honest uwu".
(2/2) And that's not even going into other current year female characters who are written similarly and for similar reasons, or the continuing trend of derailing idealistic characters because the writers consider them boring or unrealistic. Bad or contradictory character writing comes in all shapes and sizes, and I fear that Tumblr's focusing solely on just the one type could lead future writers to learn the wrong lessons, and instead triple down on OTHER bad writing pitfalls via overcorrection.
I think it's all a matter of trends coming and going.
Sonic is a good time capsule. At first, Eggman was the main villain, the only villain even not counting minor spinoffs, and he was always depicted as a goofy guy who nonetheless could be a serious threat. As we all know, the very name was considered too silly for the Western audience of the time, so he got renamed Robotnik and given an edgier redesign in cartoons.
Then come the 2000s, and Eggman isn't good anymore. He's too goofy, too stale. We moved onto cataclismic gods, whose appeal was how scary and dangerous they were, with little to no funny qualities (intentionally ofc). This is also the era where Sonic, the quintessential '90s mascot, was unofficially replaced by 2000s mascot Shadow.
2010s, we're going back to appreciating the Classics, Eggman is once again the star of the show and the series takes again a lighter tone, in hopes of recapturing the series' lost magic. (Sonic was far from being the only one, shout out to Mega Man 9 ofc)
And now the 2000s are en vogue again, but with a distinct nostalgic "hey remember when we were cool?" flavor, and the desire to have "deeper" stories - this is where IDW and its pseudo-moral dilemmas thrive. On top of that, fandoms have become more... socially aware, let's say, and they grew tired of the tired old sexist tropes, so now it's time for new sexist tropes! Such as the tough, no-nonsense, harsh #girlboss who is just as good as any man, and if you dislike her then you are just sexist! "you can't even handle [insert mildly controversial female character]" and all that. Before, women were only "good" if cute and demure, while now, women are only "good" if they're aggressive and strong in combat.
We got used to the idea that the best characters are the "morally grey" ones. Asshole heroes, woobie villains. Soft, cute men and brash women. And these characters are absolutely allowed to exist, but in the worst cases the "subversion" is the only appeal, and they simply lack charisma. Presence, style, a reason to root for them that goes beyond their tragic past. I don't care about Lanolin's potential trauma being conveyed in an unsympathetic way that might be #relatable to some if she's as interesting as a rock and her only purpose in the plot is being frustrating.
I find myself a bit unequipped to talk about this, but I'm reminded of this very good video from Mr. Enter comparing the OG Fairly Oddparents with A New Wish, and how trends have changed in 20 years:
Two points jumped to me: the difference between Timmy being "the average kid" and Hazel having her own unique quirks, and the infamous meanspiritedness of the OG show that was all but retconned in ANW, because we generally grew tired of it and no longer find it a joke.
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wereallylostnowbois · 3 months
Echoes of Wisdom first thoughts
Full disclosure i meant to get this post out yesterday but circumstances prevented it
Im not going to be doing much "theorizing" so much as just commenting on things that I think are neat.
And to start, first and foremost, ZELDA'S GOTTEN HER OWN GAME!!!!! IM SO HYPE!!!
Though with prior statements from various loz directors over the years I can't help but wonder why now? Even as of very recently their stance has been that Link is the protagonist and will always be the protagonist. I joke sometimes that this is because the cdi games scared them away from doing a protagonist Zelda, but in truth its probably because if Link isn't heroing then what is his narrative purpose? I'd be curious to know what internal decision led to us finally getting Zelda as a protagonist.
And on that note: meaningfully different gameplay as a consequence of a different protagonist!!! Fighting enemies via clever usage of environmental pieces is a lot more Zelda than swinging a sword around. The narration doesn't mention this, but if you watch closely in the demo section for the echoes you can see the echoes begin to flash yellow a few seconds after being summoned. I theorize that this probably means the limitation on echoes is a time one rather than a quantity one. Do with this info what thou wilt.
I will admit I am surprised though, in side games where Zelda is playable she tends towards a similar moveset to Link, though you won't see me complaining about this change.
On to the smaller details.
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Based on this small feature we see in the overview shot I think we can reasonably conclude this is the same Hyrule as in alttp and albw, as only those games feature this field of stones. I won't do any timeline speculation because I find such things inane, but I will helpfully note that whatever area Zelda emerges from after the sequence with Ganon is southeast of Lake Hylia, a part of this map we don't get to see much of. From this angle we should also be able to see Link's House, as it resides just south of Hyrule Castle, but its nowhere to be found, so the map probably isn't identical, only similar, in probably the same way alttp and albw are similar to each other.
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The Great Deku Tree is here and appears to have a very oot-ish design, which paired with the Deku Scrub seen later in the trailer has me a bit nostalgic.
The dias here has a similar vibe to the Master Sword pedestal in many prior games, though bears nothing save for the design of the Triforce. This is probably a place where Zelda will get an upgrade of some variety, though who can say what that might be. Based on the mist this is almost certainly somewhere in the Lost Woods, where Link obtains the Master Sword in uh. Oh so many games.
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Of further note, this is our first time seeing both kinds of zora in the same setting. I can't help but wonder what the story is here, but I don't see any use speculating from the few frames we got.
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This game will also mark the second appearance of the Gerudo in a top down loz game, with Four Swords Adventures being the first. The presence of a desert town also furthers my note that this is the alttp hyrule, but also isn't. Perhaps the bounds of the map have expanded?
Im obligated to wonder why Zelda seems to be sneaking in though.
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Based on the motif of floating islands it seems like we'll be able to traverse the world Hyrule is being consumed by, which follows with the "two worlds" motif most loz games have. In the opening shots of the trailer we see that Ganon's Trident is what opens the initial portal to this place, and in fsa certain npcs will mention the trident being used to banish people to the Dark World, but I hesitate to confirm its identity just yet. It certainly doesn't look like any iteration of the Dark World we've seen before. Reminds me more of Another Dimension from Kirby honestly.
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And speaking of Ganon, his classic design makes an appearance! He's got his throwable trident and silly ping pong magic! Look at him go! To do the most mild amount of timeline speculation, because he seems to be enacting a plot of some variety (kidnapping Zelda) this has to take place before the Oracle games, as post-Oracle he's rendered a mindless beast by a failed resurrection. Thats my obligatory timeline note for the month tho.
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Not even gonna open the can of worms that is speculation on Tri. I just wanted to say that I love this design. So marketable plushie.
If you were, however, to press me for speculation. I would then make note of the fact that at the end of alttp the Triforce speaks. No one has ever been clear on why. I've mostly lent myself to the assumption that this is because alttp was the first loz game to have any solid lore. Stuff was weird back then. Best to not worry about it.
In any case, these have been my non-comprehensive immediate thoughts. Im looking forward to playing this game.
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theredtrails · 6 months
What are your recent favorite video games? (Bonus if you also tell me the stuff you played when you were younger that influenced you the most)
I bought FF7 Rebirth the day it came out and I'm still not done with it 🙃 but I really enjoy it though!! I'm curious to see if it sticks the landing but I enjoy spending my time maximizing my relationship with Tifa 😌
I recently enjoyed The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, it's a tarot-building narrative game, very well written and amazing characters 🥰 obviously I spent a lot of time playing BG3 and Alan Wake 2, I just wish I had more time 🥺 the latest Prince of Persia seems right up my alley, I love Metroidvanias/platformers like these. The Castlevania DLC for Dead Cells was another 10/10 for me, happy to see French studios releasing fun stuff!
Bonus answer: it's hard to say because my tastes have changed so much... I played a lot of Heroes of Might and Magic and Sims on my family computer but that doesn't really appeal to me anymore.
I grew up with a SNES as a child, and my favorite game was the fighting game Killer Instinct! It was edgier and darker than Street Fighter 2, which I really loved, and it had a killer soundtrack too 😌
I don't play fighting games anymore, maybe a Tekken match here and there, but I think it has influenced my taste for fast-paced action games... I also was a big fan of the old God of War games!
I had a JRPG phase as a teen with several Fire Emblem and Tales of games, FE3H was very much nostalgic in a way 🥲 I finally got a decent gaming PC in my early 20s and that's when I discovered BioWare games 😌
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pesterloglog · 10 months
John Egbert, Jade Harley, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 5283-5307
JOHN: jade...
JADE: hm?
JOHN: i think i just realized something.
JADE: what?
JADE: whaaat
JADE: but you love this movie!
JOHN: yeah, i know.
JOHN: i mean... i thought i did.
JOHN: it's been kind of a long time since i last saw it. i really remember it being a lot better than this!
JOHN: but now everything just seems so cheesy and stupid.
JADE: but you were making such a big deal about finally getting me to watch it with you on your birthday!
JADE: you were going on and on about how i wouldnt be disappointed... but now youre saying you dont like it?
JOHN: i don't know. i'm trying to like it. i WANT to like it.
JOHN: i want to feel the same magic that was there all the other times i watched it.
JOHN: but i can't, because...
JOHN: it's just...
JOHN: not...
JOHN: good. :(
JADE: really?
JADE: i was actually kind of enjoying it!
JADE: its very silly
JADE: i really dont think its the kind of movie youre supposed to take all that seriously john
JOHN: but i DID take it seriously!!!
JOHN: i guess maybe that's kind of the point.
JOHN: i always thought all this hokey bullshit was legitimately awesome and compelling.
JOHN: what was i even thinking!
JADE: i dunno....
JADE: but people can change their minds about things
JADE: i think youre allowed to change your mind about a silly movie
JADE: i used to LOVE the squiddles show when i was really young
JADE: but as i got older i started to realize it wasnt as great as i thought it was
JADE: i was just too young to see how it was actually a flagrant vehicle for selling merchandise
JADE: and if you believed the conspiracy theorists it might have even been pushing some other dark hidden agendas.....
JADE: so i stopped liking the show itself as much but that didnt change the fact that i had a lot of fond memories about it
JADE: i still loved all the cute characters and could enjoy it on a nostalgic level
JOHN: well, maybe later i'll be able to rekindle some nostalgic feelings about it.
JOHN: but right now, i just feel like a dope for talking this up so hard.
JADE: what is even the problem with it?
JADE: ive just been watching this and thinking, yup, i can see why john was so obsessed with this movie...
JADE: its funny!
JOHN: it's just non stop terrible action movie cliches!
JOHN: look.
JOHN: i love nic cage. he is basically my hero, ok?
JOHN: but i'm kind of just realizing now that he is EMBARRASSINGLY BAD in this movie!
JOHN: he is just doing this corny parody of a southern guy who is down on his luck, and acts "charming" with his goofy accent and stuff.
JOHN: some things i used to think were so badass are just coming off as ridiculous now.
JOHN: can you believe that one time we were watching this movie, when he said "put the bunny back in the box" i actually high fived my dad?
JOHN: this time that line just made me roll my eyes.
JOHN: there's so much crappy dialogue!
JOHN: "cyrus, this is your barbecue, and it tastes good..." arrgh!
JADE: but he was trying to sound like a hardened criminal to win the trust of john malkovich!
JOHN: jade, please. it was a cheesy line, don't be so naive.
JADE: what!!
JADE: you spent your whole life worshiping this dumb movie and now youre calling ME naive????
JOHN: ok, i'm sorry. i guess in fairness to you, you have only just begun to climb the steep learning curve of this vexing and hypnotic film.
JOHN: but i am no longer bound by its spell, jade.
JADE: oh god
JADE: vexing and hypnotic??
JADE: its a movie full of explosions about a guy with a mullet
JADE: what is with you lately? you seem to be in such a crappy mood these days
JOHN: i am fine. this MOVIE is what's crappy these days.
JADE: oh bluh bluh
JADE: can we just finish the rest of the movie?
JADE: look you made us miss a whole bunch of stuff!
JADE: hang on im going to rewind it...
JOHN: who even cares what we missed.
JOHN: just cameron stupid poe in his idiot wife beater babbling some more southern home spun heroic nonsense.
JOHN: heart of gold my ass!!!!!
JOHN: everything dave ever said about this movie was right! i can't believe i used to think he was just trolling me.
JOHN: the stupid junkyard scene where cyrus makes a little model out of rocks and stuff, just so he could tell the criminals to surround some army guys and shoot them... that was pointless!
JOHN: and all this heavy handed scoring. oh my god. the music makes every little thing into such a federal issue!
JOHN: there. now you officially know they are all badasses.
JOHN: also, i somehow didn't even remember dave chappelle being in this movie. he was pointless too.
JADE: whos dave chappelle?
JOHN: and you know the malloy guy, the dick head cop who we're supposed to hate, because of how he gives john cusack a hard time and makes asshole decisions with a helicopter?
JOHN: well screw that! he wasn't so bad. so what if he was a little grumpy? he was just trying to do his job. he had one of the best lines in the movie actually, which was another thing we were supposed to hate him for.
JOHN: what was it? about how cusack was probably out saving a tree and recycling his sandals or some shit? HAHAHA! now that i think about it, i fucking LOVE malloy.
JOHN: i'm going to rewind it to watch that scene again...
JADE: no!!!
JADE: dont touch the remote
JOHN: oh, and we're supposed to be like "YEAH" when cusack wrecks malloy's awesome sports car.
JOHN: but that was a nice car! john cusack shouldn't have ruined it like that for laughs.
JOHN: i know *I* wasn't laughing, were you?
JOHN: john cusack was such a terrible character in this movie now that i think about it. i don't really get what he added to it?
JOHN: he was like the second hero... but dorkier? what did he even really do? he scampered around the junkyard for a while goofing off, and then when it was his time to shine...
JOHN: HE DEMONSTRATED HIS MASTERY OVER HEAVY MACHINERY! wow, he can operate a crane! i am thrilled by the exploits of this pedantic weenie.
JOHN: i guess he's actually like cage's estranged sidekick? almost like the robin that batman never realized he had.
JOHN: now that i think about it, this movie was always an oddly poignant tale of bromance between cage and cusack. just two bros separated by destiny, waiting to be united.
JOHN: when they finally come together to kick some ass, it is arguably more moving than when he reunites with his wife and daughter!
JOHN: i wonder if i'll think that scene sucks now too? it used to move me to tears, but now i'll probably think it's so lame, i'm almost afraid to watch it. maybe i should try to leave at least SOME memories untainted.
JADE: john you are kind of sounding like a crazy person here
JOHN: yeah right! crazy like a fOWWW!
JADE: what???
JOHN: oh...
JOHN: i guess there was a stray feather clinging to my pajamas and it just poked me in the ass.
JOHN: god damn dave sprite.
JOHN: that guy molts like it's going out of style.
JADE: oh...
JADE: heh
JADE: yeah
JOHN: where is he anyway?
JOHN: i specifically told dave sprite several times when my party would start, because i knew he would do this.
JOHN: he's already missed half the movie!
JADE: why do you always call him dave sprite?
JOHN: um... because that's his name?
JOHN: dave sprite.
JADE: no, i mean why do you always say it like that? with the space between words?
JADE: its not dave sprite, its just davesprite
JOHN: what ever.
JOHN: i can't believe he's standing me up on my birthday.
JOHN: maybe he doesn't want to hang out with jaspers?
JOHN: jaspers, i hope you're not going to start chasing him around again when he gets here.
JOHN: dude, shut up.
JADE: yeah.... john
JADE: i dont think davesprite is coming tonight
JOHN: aw, man. really?
JOHN: i knew we shouldn't have invited both him and jaspers.
JOHN: that's just party planning BASICS.
JADE: no...
JADE: it has nothing to do with jaspers
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: then why?
JADE: he uh...
JADE: kind of broke up with me
JOHN: what!!!
JOHN: when did that happen?
JADE: a couple days ago
JOHN: no. no way.
JOHN: i cannot accept this!
JADE: john its ok you dont have t...
JOHN: you and dave sprite were like the glue holding everything together on this miserable road trip!
JADE: we were?
JOHN: yes, jade.
JOHN: you were our rock.
JADE: your rock??
JADE: what are you talking about?
JOHN: come on, jade.
JOHN: you and dave sprite were like... an INSTITUTION on this stupid golden battleship.
JADE: we were not an institution!
JADE: you are just saying meaningless things now
JOHN: why did he break up with you?!
JADE: um...
JADE: its complicated
JADE: basically hes just going through a lot of stuff right now
JOHN: stuff??
JOHN: what stuff.
JOHN: jade, we are all going through stuff. you don't see me flying off the handle and breaking up with MY girlfriend.
JADE: do uh...
JADE: you have a girlfriend?
JOHN: that is not the point.
JOHN: the point is that dave sprite is a douche.
JADE: i dont think hes a douche, hes just...
JOHN: no, he's an orange feathery douche.
JOHN: why is he such a basket case? he's like regular dave, but like, aloof enigma edition.
JOHN: maybe it's because he's part bird? i think becoming a bird and a sprite did something weird to him.
JADE: i dont think being a bird ever bothered him
JADE: like i said... its all more complicated than that
JOHN: normal dave was so much more level headed.
JOHN: i have to admit, i spend a lot of time wondering what he and rose are up to.
JADE: me too
JOHN: ehh...
JOHN: maybe it's for the best he broke up with you.
JADE: why?
JOHN: well, what kind of future do you think you would have with him?
JOHN: he's a sprite. like really, what even is a sprite? how long do they live? will he still be around if we win the new game we are allegedly trying to get to?
JADE: i dont know
JOHN: there are a lot of things we don't know.
JOHN: and also...
JOHN: how do things even work if you marry a sprite?
JADE: what do you mean
JOHN: i mean...
JOHN: ok, he has a ghost butt, for one thing.
JADE: uh
JADE: so
JOHN: i'm just saying...
JADE: and whatever youre trying to gesture with your hands there, stop doing that too!
JOHN: what? no, i was just...
JADE: nope!!! totally not talking about this
JOHN: but
JADE: put your hands down john
JOHN: ok, fine.
JADE: thats not down, thats up!
JADE: oh well, at least youre not making those unsettling gestures...
JADE: john...
JADE: what are you doing?
JOHN: nothing!
JADE: i hope youre not entertaining some awkward train of thought about, uh...
JOHN: no!!!
JADE: what is with you??
JADE: today is your birthday, youre supposed to be having fun!
JADE: but youve been so testy, as if youre committed to not having a good time
JOHN: well, maybe i'm just getting a little tired of being stuck on this lame boat!
JOHN: don't you think it's gotten kind of old?
JADE: yeah, i can see how you might find it a little slow here
JADE: i dunno, i havent minded much... maybe its different for me though because i used to live all alone?
JOHN: oh sure, i'm sure it's GREAT for you. you get to spend your days smooching and breaking up with dave sprite and what not, and you can shrink down to any old planet you feel like, any time. whereas i have to make this whole big deal of ASKING you to shrink or unshrink me, and...
JADE: but i dont mind doing that any time!!!
JOHN: i know, but you think i want to bug you about that at the drop of a hat? when you're busy and on dates and stuff? i just happen to have respect for something called PERSONAL BOUNDARIES, jade.
JOHN: and it's not like there's really anyone else to talk to, except the inscrutable chess people and a bunch of brainless consorts and an idiot cat princess. oh and also nanna, but i mean, she's my grandmother, and she's great, but a guy can only spend so much quality time with his grandmother before he starts to feel like kind of a loser whose friends are too busy to spend time with him!
JADE: john... if you told me this earlier i would have...
JOHN: and i still never visit any interesting dream bubbles, and we can't even finish our cool planet quests because the moment we broke through the window all our denizens decided to go back to sleep, and...
JOHN: i guess what i'm saying is, i'm MORE than ready to get to the other window and meet our friends and other new people and stuff.
JOHN: are you sure you can't make the ship go faster???
JADE: were already going as fast as i can make us go
JOHN: and how fast is that again?
JADE: about the speed of light!
JOHN: well, can't you use your space powers and bump it up a notch?
JADE: no! nothing can go faster than light john
JADE: unless you teleport of course
JOHN: and why can't you teleport us again?
JADE: i already explained this! i cant do that here, its not within the domain of the green sun which gives me those powers!
JOHN: is that why we can't go faster than light either?
JADE: no thats just a regular law of physics!!! jeez
JOHN: ok, i mean, i know that. but this isn't really a regular place, right?
JOHN: isn't the speed of light like a thousand miles a second? so what does that really mean here? are miles and seconds the same here as on earth? how does this nonsense dimension we're racing through jive with all the relativity mumbo jumbo?
JADE: ok first of all, thats not even close to the speed of light
JADE: light travels at a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second no matter what frame of reference youre in... even this one!
JADE: second of all special relativity and comparing laws of physics between different frames of reference, those are tricky issues to talk about!
JADE: but id be more than happy to talk about them if youd like. actually i would enjoy that because i never really get to talk about science wi...
JOHN: no, i don't want to talk about physics! i don't know anything about the laws of physics, because they are hard and boring.
JOHN: i simply would like them to behave in a way that is most convenient to ME and MY LIFE! is that really asking too much?
JADE: yes as a matter of fact it is!
JADE: you take that back!!!!!
JOHN: no.
JOHN: magic is awesome.
JOHN: science blows.
JOHN: the end.
JADE: john.....
JADE: what is that?
JOHN: what?
JADE: under your hood...
JADE: looks like a piece of paper stuck to your back?
JOHN: huh?
JOHN: oh god dammit.
JADE: what?
JADE: what is it??
JADE: where are you going?
JADE: what! john, no...
JADE: ok yes, that practical joke is in poor taste, but you should try to calm down and...
JADE: um
JADE: which one?
JADE: sigh
JADE: :|
JADE: john...
JADE: theres no one there
JOHN: oh he's THERE alright.
JOHN: he's probably just using some sprite magic so only i can see him.
JOHN: don't you see, jade? he's antagonizing ME PERSONALLY, not you. he's done with you, remember?
JOHN: he already used you like a rented mule, and now he is moving on to greener pastures.
JADE: what pastures
JOHN: it's me.
JOHN: I'M the pastures.
JOHN: and now his mule is grazing all over them, while he has a good laugh.
JADE: what
JADE: wasnt i supposed to be the mule?
JADE: i dont think i understand your analogy
JOHN: no, you see, it's...
JOHN: the mule represented, like...
JOHN: i don't know, like the spirit animal of his douchey ways. or something.
JADE: ....
JOHN: who cares about mules, or pastures, or dave sprite's stupid ephemeral sky visage.
JOHN: who cares about anything!!!
JOHN: who cares about my birthday, or nic cage, or this boat full of idiots.
JADE: john i think youre officially throwing a tantrum here
JADE: ...
JADE: john?
JADE: john...
JADE: are you asleep?
JADE: please dont tell me you just fell asleep in your driveway
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do you have Taylor song recommendations? or what are your favorite ones?
Hi! Yeah, of course, it's called "Her whole discography." Um, I think it's about 300 hours long, but it's a great song, you should check it out!
dksjfn just kidding😂 If you're looking for recommendations, I would have to ask what mood you're in for because Taylor has songs for every emotion in the spectrum I think hahah. But I can tell you some of my favorite ones, for sure ^^
All Too Well might be a cliché answer but it's a classic for a reason. This song is so beautiful in a sad, reminiscing way. I love how in the original version it ends with repeating old verses but this time saying "You were there, you remember it all", like saying "this is not just my story, we were both there and I know it haunts you too." Then we have the 10 Minute Version which added so much to the original. There is much more vitriol in this version, more resentment, all of it coming from this more raw pain like "I'm a soldier who's returning half her weight" and "Did the love affair maim you too?" Not to mention the verses that broke the internet: "I'll get older but your lovers stay my age." Oof. My girl really knows how to throw punches.
Enchanted. In Taylor's own words, one of the most romantic songs she's ever written. I love how magical it all sounds and how relatable it is. Another classic. (Also, did you know this was about Owl City's Adam Young and he answered with his own version of Enchanted? Go check it out on YouTube, it's the most romantic thing I've ever witnessed.)
Okay, I need to stop writing paragraphs for each song or I'll never finish. I'll leave some of my favorite here divided in general categories.
Strong, badass, scream it at the top of your lungs: Haunted, Look What You Made Me Do, I Knew You Were Trouble, Better than Revenge, Story of Us, Getaway Car, Blank Space, Long Live, Sparks Fly, Red.
Fucks you up in a good way: You're on your own kid, Last Kiss.
Romantic, beautiful: Call it what you want, You are in love, Treacherous, Love Story, King of my heart, Lover, Mary's Song, Tim McGraw, Mine, Ours, Wildest Dreams, Daylight.
Sad, Nostalgic, Poetic: Cornelia Street, Sad beautiful tragic, Tolerate it, August, Illicit Affairs, This is Me Trying, Champagne Problems, Tis The Damn Season, Cardigan, My Tears Ricochet.
Fun! Gorgeous, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, ME!, Anti-Hero, You Belong With Me, Karma, Bejeweled, Message in a Bottle, Delicate (just because the video has a choreo and I can't stop dancing ever since).
Also, I don't know where to put it and Taylor hasn't released it on streaming yet but You're Losing Me also makes you want to scream the lyrics but in a heart-wrenching way skdjfn.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Disney VHS Request REview Aladdin
So I have a fondness for old home media formats and have a bunch of Disney movies on VHS ,thought it would be fun to let my mutuals pick which ones I watch .And to answer your question ,I am watching these specific films on VHS ,cause it legit adds to the nostalgic feel
Requested by @goodanswerfoxmonster ,we shall look at Aladdin
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The plot of this 1992 film is street urchin Aladdin (Scott Weinger ) gains posession of a magic lamp holding an all powerful Genie (Robin Williams ) who will grant Aladdin three wishes which Aladdin uses tomake himself a prince and woo PRinxess Jasmine (Linda Larkin ).Can Aladdin not only stand against the machinations of the royal vizier Jafar (Johnathan Freeman ) but also his fears of being himself ?
So do I have nostalgia for this film:Yes I do! Saw it many times as a kid ,as well as its sequels and TV series (I mightve saw Return of Jafar first ,I'm not sure ) .As a kidI thought it was a very good movie but as an adult......I have the same exact opinion
Yeah sorry folks I dont have anything groundbreaking to say about this film,most people agree it is pretty darn good,and I think it is pretty darn good.Its not among my favorites but everything is pretty solid in terms of entertainment I feel ....I am actually at a loss at what to talk about on this
I think Aladdin is a pretty solid protagonist with a solid character journey with his own insecurities while also being a very clever and resourceful hero .JAsmine is I think my third favorite Disney Princess (Behind Repunzel and Belle ) and I like the chemistry between the two protags .Side characters are good,love Abu the kleptomaniac monky and the Magic Carpet who is a character in its own right .The film,even seen on VHS and 30 years later ,I maintain is one of Disneys best looking films ,the animation is spetacular
The villain is great ,Jafar is a good mix of classic villainy while being a good foil to our hero,our hero is a poor kid ,our villain is this elegant guy in high power ,and that is his defining thing ,he DESIRES power.He might be one of the best power hungry villains I have seen ,because no matter however powerful he is.....Its never enough for him,and this comes to bit him in the butt ,which tends to happen with villains. HE is also just a good classic style villain,very elegant,cackling ,cracking puns and just enjoying his own evil .He is wonderfully designed and animated by Andreas Deja and I must give credit toJohnathan Freeman ,Jafars voice actor ,who is so comitted to the character he has played him various animated projects ,video games and even on STAGE over the past 30 years .I also must mention he has one of the best minions ,Iago ,his parrot voiced Gilbert Gottfried who is really funny .I dunno I love that there are moments where they are friends (Till the end at least ) and the contrast of this loud mouthed crass bird with this refined villain ,they are a good duo
I also think the film has some great action scenes ,including possibly the best climax to any Disney film next to Sleeping Beauty . The final fight between Aladdin and Jafar is legit exciting starting as a struggle,then becoming Jafar throwing spells at Aladdin and then escalating to Jafar becoming a GIANT COBRA while Aladdin battle him with a sword.Its cool I like ir
Of course ya cant talk about this movie.....Without talking about one character/performance. The Genie is just such a perfect melding of character animation and actor .Much has been said of Robin Williams performance with is various adlibs and impressions giving the character a zany feel ,but one must give credit to ERic Goldberg ,the animator who makes the character a litteral shape shifter and is somehow able to match Williams chaotic energy .Comedically just cause of how random some of the refrences are not all the jokes work......But he is really funny most of the time .Most of all his friendship with Aladdin and desire for freedom.Also "Youll always be a prince to me".....Always makes me misty eyed
Now lets talk about the songs cause this soundtrack is great....And it is kind of a miracle they are .See originally the songs were done by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman ....But then Ashman died and they tried to keep as many songs as they could but there were story changes so they got Tim Rice to work with Alan Menken ....So we went from Little Shop of Horrors guy to the Jesus Christ Superstar Guy ,kind of a weird mix .I am impressed by the work of all three and how it all fits together .Not gonna rank the songs,they are all great but I am gonna talk about them .Also will JUST talk about the songs in the film, as much as I love Ashmans deleted songs like the heartfelt PRoud of Your Boy and the villain song Humiliate the Boy (And its kind of tragic subtext )
Arabian Nights while I like Bruce Adlers singing and the actual instrumentals(And it became kind of Aladdins theme song ) is for me the weakest song.It sets a mysterious mood which is hilariously subverted by Robin Williams adlibbing a bunch of stuff as a merchant ,but its just not a favorite
One Jump Ahead is great ,I thought it was an Ashman song but its actually a Rice one,its a great comical intro to Aladdin as a character and I like short softer reprise
Friend Like Me ...Is the best.It is the best song .Contender for best scene.Robin Williams justs add so much energy ,the animation is so wild ,and Its just such a fun show stopper
Prince Ali is another great showcase for Williams this one is just such a fun hype song for Aladdin when disgusised as a prince
PArt of your World is one of the most romantic scenes in Disney ,Aladdin and Jasmine seeing the world on a magic carpet is just so damn lovely and the song is just so sweet
Prince Ali Reprise......Is one hell of an underrated villain song . They actually went through several possible villain songs for Jafar , till they decided to have him sing a reprise of Prince Ali .Its pretty short and I can see someone being disappointed they didnt use say Why Me (A villain song which gives us more about his character ).....I think this was the right choice cause it his BEST moment in the film ,he is GLEEFULLLY taking down Aladdin by VENEMOUSLY spitting back his own theme song,now thats a villain !!! .Also it is punctuated by a TERRIFYING evil laugh
Now Question time
1.Is Iago Furry Bait
Oh most certainly not
2.Is Jafar like KINDA hot
Honestly he kind of is . Johnathan Freemans voice is alluring and I love his elegance
3.do you enjoy this movie more or The Thief of Baghdad?
I like this film.....But The Thief of Baghdad is just better ,it appeals more to the side of me that loves fantasy and the performances are just so good
OVerall good movie
@ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster @princesssarisa @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @filmcityworld1
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anyways here's the list!
books on this list range from things i read from around 2013-2020 i think :3 anyways. not all of these are recommended but they are mostly nostalgic sooo.
also note that this is not a complete list cause my memory sucks. anyways check some of these out maybe if you want to know a thing i like/liked
- holes
- the giver
- hatchet
- the kane chronicles*
- stargirl*
- the phantom tollbooth
- smile*
- drama
- ghosts
- little house in the big woods*
- the fog diver*
- unusual chickens for the exceptional poultry farmer
- the inquisitors tale
- maybe a fox
- all's faire in middle school
- baby sitters club (graphic novels)*
- 5 worlds*
- the pals in peril*
- the witch boy*
- the one and only ivan
- the mysterious benedict society*
- circus mirandus
- iron hearted violet
- the witch's boy
- the girl who drank the moon
- the mostly true story of jack
- the invention of hugo cabret
- savvy*
- echo
- down down down
- zita the space girl*
- the neptune project
- upsidedown magic*
- the girl who circumnavigated fairyland in a ship of her own making*
- flora and ulysses
- cleopatra in space*
- the heros guide to saving your kingdom*
- the ghosts of tupelo landing †
- roller girl
- space case
- a handful of stars
- nightmares!*
- hamster princess*
- the great shelby holmes†
- friday barnes*
- the key to extraordinary
- the last kids on earth*
- the bicycle spy
- me and marvin gardens†
- the miscalculations of lightning girl†
- the cardboard kingdom
- shadow weaver†
- gallagher girls*
- nimona
- from the mixed up files of mrs basil e frankwiler
- tiffany aching*
- coraline
- my side of the mountain
- the war that saved my life
- hilo
- amulet
- bone*†
- mr lemoncello's library*
- misty of chincoteague
- serafina*
- the wolves in the walls
- cinnamon
- the day i swapped my dad for two goldfish
- fortunately the milk
- the incorrigible children of ashton place*
- judy moody*
- goddess girls*
- dragonbreath*
- babymouse*
- a snicker of magic
- york: the shadow cipher*
- the lost treasure of tuckernuck
- the twenty one balloons
- the secrets of eastcliff by the sea
- the ordinary princess
- the tale of emily windsnap
- calpurnia tate
- the frog princess*†
- foxcraft†
- the number devil
- good omens (i read it in 6th first, i can count it)
- percy jackson*
- the heroes of olympus*
- magnus chase*
- awkward (svetlana chmakova)*
- theodosia and the serpents of chaos*
- the serpent's secret*
- starry river of the sky
- where the mountain meets the moon*
- the storm runner*
- revenge of the flower girls*†
- raymie nightengale
- the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy*
- jeronimo stilton*
- lumberjanes*
- the wizard of oz*
- ivy aberdeen's letter to the world
- the mighty heart of sunny st james
- thaw (elyse springer)†
- sidekick squad*
- the wrong side of magic
- the selection†
- the princess in black*
- the school for good and evil*
- the jumbies*
- animal farm
- pax
- the wild robot
- wishtree
- aru shah*
- sal and gabby break the universe*
- akata witch*
- the library of ever*
- the graveyard book
- the afterward
- bloom
- keeper of the lost cities*
- last night at the telegraph club
- a wolf for a spell
- beetle and the hollowbones
- komi can't communicate*
- scary stories for young foxes*
- martin mclean, middle school queen
- etiquette and espionage*†
- autoboyography†
- redwood and ponytail†
- the prince and the dressmaker
- the lost coast†
- geography club†
- spinning†
- every day†
- two boys kissing†
- the fire never goes out
- the very nearly honorable league of pirates*
- the gay teens guide to defeating a siren†
- loveless
- time bomb
* means there's a sequel/more books
† means i might not like it now/don't remember it SUPER well
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felicitykings · 1 year
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my bestie @holly-mckenzie tagged me to post 8 shows to get to know me. 
tagging: @justabritishmusicallover , @gothamstreetcat, @brvceselina, @apple-grass-and-smiles, @sonyarebecchi, @kaz-breker, @jennortegas, @mike-el , @gaffney, and @charlieconwayy
(please note: this is in no particular order)
stranger things (2016-) - i’ve been obsessed with this show since the start really, there’s just something about it, particularly those first two seasons, that just keeps me coming back. there’s fun characters that i enjoy watching and it has an awesome soundtrack!
gotham (2014-2019) - truthfully this was the first piece of media that really connected me to batman and that world. i’d seen movies before but i never felt connected to the character. but something about watching this kid grow up and earn the cowl, especially with all the choices he made that eventually led to him becoming batman had me rooting for him. and honestly, every single cast member on this show is so perfectly cast - particularly RLT as oswald. they’re the gold standard for me now. and i loved how everything fit together in this retelling.
primeval (2007-2011) this show has always been that show that has felt like mine, you know? i have so many fond memories of watching this growing up and it has always stuck with me without it ever being repeated on tv or having a large fanbase that regularly makes content long after the show is over. no, the show has just always stayed with me all through its own merit of having lovable characters and a really great storyline that i will always be upset was never allowed to be completed.
dark (2017-2020) - admittedly, i was super late to this party having only watched it earlier this year but WOW what a show. i think i can honestly say that this may be the best written and conceived show of all time - certainly of the shows i’ve watched. i have literally no complaints about it. the fact that most, if not all, the story seems to have been planned from the beginning is obvious with the number of twists and turns and strong character development/story arcs and it just makes it all the better when you can rewatch and spot even more each time. this show is incredible! i really can’t say enough about it and if i keep going here, i’ll never stop.
stargirl (2020-2022) - stargirl my beloved you were taken from me far too soon. i’ll be honest and say that i wasn’t expecting to love this show as much as i do when i decided to give it a shot. but it was so utterly charming with truly likeable characters - whether they’re heroes or villains - that you can genuinely enjoy watching. and it has a strangely nostalgic feel/tone despite its modern day setting that just adds to its likeability. 
rtd era! whoniverse (2005-2011) - this is probably cheating but just including doctor who in general felt wrong when it is this era (main show and spinoffs) that i cherish the most and i couldn’t include one without the others. maybe its the nostalgia idk but this was when the series felt the most grounded to me and despite its issues i still adore it as an era of this show’s history. the shows worked great side by side, targeting different audiences, with characters that felt real. in the case of the main show, you really felt that the companions were real people, with real lives who were plucked out of them to go travel with the doctor and it really dealt with the consequences of that which has been seriously lacking in recent years. for torchwood, the characters were allowed to be messy, truly truly messy and just plain human. they made mistakes, there wasn’t always some magical fix for them, they were on earth with limited resources just doing the best they can and sometimes it might not be the ‘right way’ but they still try and it’s beautiful. for sja, they’re just kids but they’re still real kids and they were never treated as less than their adult counterparts, they were given room to grow but never in a way that seemed patronising. there’s a magic in this specific era that i will love my whole life.
roswell (1999-2002) - i’ve always adored the balance that this show managed to get between the typical early 00s teen drama side and the sci-fi/fantasty elements. while in a lot of teen sci-fi fantasy shows these days focus on that rather than character dynamics/growth, this one really excelled at giving each character a compelling arc throughout the show, while developing a strong individual dynamic between every possible pairing of its main cast which is amazing compared to some of its contemporaries where there’s always characters who never interact outside the group setting. as such, you really get to see why these characters are putting themselves on the line for each other time and time again. they’re really a family and it’s shown consistently through the show (rather than characters just saying it without any development or actions to back it up) and it’s incredibly endearing.
the originals (2013-2018) - what can i say? i love this disfunctional “frankenstein family”. the show has its ups and downs but they’re all a mess and i love them. how many times can a group of people stab each other in the back? plenty and i truly love every second of it. morally grey characters / villain protagonists and such an interesting concept because there are barely any “good” guys to root for, it’s just a case of season by season, and sometimes episode by episode, deciding which ones are right this time, if any of them are.
other faves include:
all creatures great and small (2020-)
swamp thing
the tracy beaker franchise
waterloo road (2006-2015)
get even
on my block
nowhere boys
we are lady parts
one of us is lying
teen wolf (specifically s1-4)
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diznam · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh! Thank you for such a great and difficult question!
A looong text awaits heh (and I could certainly write even more!!)
I think I'll limit myself to only one character per fictional universe, and I'll only choose from internationally famous works to make it easier. I will surely forget someone and I will never be able to choose if I think it over for too long... So, without contemplating too much, and in no particular order (except for the first one), i'll go with this:
1. Dustfinger from Inkheart -- This man was probs my first fictional crush ever and my forever nostalgic number one. He's a morally gray character, deeply troubled, kind, selfish, painfully human, but also gorgeously magical. Oh, and fire loves him. Can’t beat it. Even though for children, Cornelia Funke writes and illustrates beautifully. If you haven’t read any books of hers, you should try one!
2. Fred and George Weasley (yes i'm sorry but I will write them as one unit) from Harry Potter -- Need I say more than that they make everyone laugh in times of darkness? As the youngest, and only daughter among numerous siblings, I relate a lot to Ginny, and really love these two - the ultimate big brothers.
3. Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece -- The perfect paradoxical mix of incredibly selfish but with a huge heart. Luffy just lifts everyones spirits, and he's so stupid, ambitious, and wholesome that you can’t not love him. As someone who has a hard time being impulsive and living in the now, I find him so terrific and almost inspiring.
4. Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender -- Underrated character. I would've never claimed him as my favourite when I was little (especially since i was mad for Katara), but as an adult I’ve come to see just how fuckin awesome he really is. Like, he's funny, kind, relatable, smart, strong, brave and just an all around realistic character. Love. Also, I think I just automatically love all the kind big brothers that remind me of my own ones (♡)
5. Jace Herondale from The Mortal Instruments -- Could have just as well written Will Herondale here, but I’m not going to write two Herondales on the list (especially since they are VERY similar. Will is a book nerd tho, which is like the ultimate perk). Anyways, so, after Dustfinger, my second fictional love was Jace I think. Attractive, strong, sarcastic, troubled, kind, LOVING, and with such character development and ambition. Ya. Just so so good. I think I mostly focused on his hotness as a 13 y.o tho -.-
6. Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games -- Honestly, I just love him because he shows how truly important and helpful kindness is. Loyalty, kindness and bravery - this man has them all. Plus he's a friggin baker and an artist. Like, come on, how lovely can you get??
7. John Watson from BBC's Sherlock -- Another example of a profoundly realistic character. I thought first about writing Sherlock's name, but I think I might actually love John more. He’s just so complex, but at the same time real simple. And surprisingly funny. Much, I attribute to Martin Freeman's amazing acting skills, but yeah, John's awesome.
8. Katsuki Bakugou from Boku no hero academia -- Honestly, I'm questioning myself putting him on this list, but I think he deserves a spot simply for the fact that his character development is So. Fucking. Good. Almost as good as Zuko's from atla. And he deserves a spot purely because surely the amount of fanfics I've read starring him must be telling me something.
9. Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -- Ah, okay, so once again an older sibling who is funny, strong, kind, brave, energetic, troubled, and who loves so painstakingly strongly (I'm starting to see a pattern here...). Idk, but I just really like him. And I felt like I had to include someone from Fmab because the show slaps.
10. Victoria Spring from Solitaire (and the Osemanverse in general) -- Honestly, Tori is just such a great character, because in all her melancholy, depression and numbness, you can still find so much to love about her when reading from her perspective. Also, shes an older sibling who adores and takes great care of her little siblings. I've struggled a lot with mental illness, and I can teally relate to both Tori and Charlie's problems. So finding that I can love these two characters so much despite all their issues, makes me realise that maybe I can like myself a little bit more too
THAT WAS TEN! I could easily write more, but I’m gonna stop myself now. Sorry if this was a lot longer than you expected, but I really liked this question.
Thank you for asking it! Hope you got what you wanted. Have a great day/night wherever you are :) <3
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bunnimew · 7 months
Who are your fave morally gray, animated villains (can be from Dreamworks or any other companies)? I never kept up that much with Kung Fu Panda past the first movie, but it felt surreally exciting when I saw and heard Tai Lung in the newest film's trailer (he was the first film's villain). I got very nostalgic and remember he had a point in being mad that he got denied what he worked for, because he had "darkness in him" (that doesn't justify all he's done as a villain, but still).
Hi, Anon!
Man that morally gray really messes me up because I desperately want to say Yzma from Emperor's New Groove because she's just so much fun but I'm not sure she's in the gray at all 😂😂😂
I'll say the Diamonds from Steven Universe, though. They have a lot of personal growth to get through, and they're still on that journey, but that makes them so relatable and their struggle with it is pretty hilarious. A judgy person learning not to be judgy can be absolute gold comic relief. We're also fans of Jasper in this house. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be strong; Jasper just needs some lessons about what inner strength means and the overall strength that comes with self-control and restraint. Said another way, Jasper's a white belt. Everybody starts as a white belt. Steven Universe was a good show.
I'm gonna throw Doc Ock on this list because s/he's been animated several times and s/he's great. Most of the Spider-man villains are. They're rarely one-dimensional, which is what makes Marvel so good, but Ock in specific makes us feel for him, a lot like Conners, and the Spiderverse version clearly has a history with May and I want to know *all* about it.
Ursula (The Little Mermaid) in the movie is not morally gray, but in my heart she is. One day I might write the fic about it 😂
GASTON. He's clearly a villain in Beauty and the Beast but he's legit just doing what he thinks is right. He's a total idiot but great for a meme and therefore a fav.
MEGAMIND! He might be the palest on the grayscale but I love that. He subverts all villainous expectations and does it in such a clumsy and endearing way, how can you not love him?
Also Bog King from Strange Magic. His motives aren't wrong AND he gets to sing?? AND he gets the 'hero' in the end?? It's everything I wanted for Pitch 🤣 He also has a great design and great VA. We love us some Bog King.
And of course Pitch Black. Anyone who stumbles on our blog can see how much we love Pitch. 🖤🖤🖤
Honorable mentions go to Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls), Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas), and Alastor (Hazbin Hotel).
Thanks for the ask, Anon! Morally gray is the best color 🤣
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rosekillerismylife · 1 year
Astérix: Le domaine des Dieux
So, I just watched the animated movie and damn, it is sad. Like full on sad. I think it is the only Asterix movie that could get me to cry because half of the village lives in the city of Gods and only the 'Golden Trio' (Astérix, Obélix and Panoramix/Miraculix) remain in the village, so there is still an ounce of hope. But then, Apeldjust and Panoramix are captured by the romans, and everything relies on Astérix and Obélix. During the time in the forest, Obélix is kind of weak and tired because he hasn't eaten much, so that hope is already vanished before the romans capture him. So there's only Astérix left with no magic potion and no Obélix to help him. And then the romans attack.
Until then and even before, I get very emotional or mainly nostalgic because this is probably the only part of the series, where the romans are a real danger for the village and its people. The only part where Cesar is a real danger. They all get separated and the main part even lives in the city of Gods. So you think that this is it. This is the end. You also see it in Astérix's eyes as he watches the rest of the villagers getting captured by the romans. It's like his whole life is being played in front of his eyes. And in that exact moment, he loses hope and reaches for the nearest branch of hope he can grab which is the unfinished magic potion. Without thinking, he grabs it and makes the last approach to save his people. But he fails. In the history of the series, I think I never saw Astérix pulling a stunt like this. In this moment, he was hopeless. I think he probably knew that his plan would fail. But he still tried. And then, Obélix emerges from the earth and you know that it will be fine. That the last half or even twenty minutes of the movie will not be spend crying and mourning over the lost freedom of the indestructible Gauls and their village. It will not be spend mourning our childhood heroes.
For me, Astérix: Le domaine des Dieux will always be a grey zone because for one, I really prefer the older versions of Astérix movies because they just look better and realer and for another, this movie breaks so many barriers in society which makes it a really good movie. I mean, the slaves deciding if they are free or not, the soldiers demanding nicer treatment from their centurion and the lost family who joins the village of the Gauls? How many barrier breaking do you need to realize that it is a fucking masterpiece, the ugly visuals of the movie aside? Maybe they didn't thought anything while making the movie but as I said, it is the only time in the history of Astérix movies where Astérix acts unreasonable and desperate to save his people. Well, The Secret of the Magic Potion might top that but this isn't a real Astérix movie for me because the Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny didn't write/draw the comic for that one. It is also too dark to be an original Astérix movie.
Astérix is my childhood and will always have a special place in my heart because no one will argue with you when you say that you want to watch Astérix because deep down in their hearts, they know that it is not too childish and that they also want to watch it.
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bookio · 2 years
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My Friend Percy's Magical Gym Shoes (1991) by Ulf Stark
Had to read for class, observing the environment of past Swedish childhoods. Really cute and interesting, i was so surprised how nostalgic it made me feel even though it was before my time ?!
The story is about Uffe, who looks up to his classmate Percy. Percy is spontaneous, brave and (only according to Uffe) very clever. Percy lies that it's all because of his worn-out gross broken sneakers. Uffe wish for them and they agree to do a trade. Percy want a lot of things from Uffe including his new shoes, food, the driveable box car and his father's favorite expensive LP record. Uffe, being young and naive gives him all of this and finally get to put on the old "magical" sneakers.
Uffe instantly become over-confident and start doing mischief. Destroying belongings of classmates, talking back to teachers, and blowing up neighbors mailboxes with fireworks. When he decide to balance on a deadly high up bridge, Percy tries to stop him and promise to give all the stuff back, but Uffe prefers his new "powers".
I can't remember exactly how of why, but Uffe starts a fire that begins to spread closer to a couple of apartments. It's either Percy or the severity of the situation that finally kicks him out of his confidence-spell and he calls the fire department. Before they arrive, the boys decide to burn the old sneakers and are later praised as heroes (even though they were the one starting the fire) for calling the adults, stopping the public rumors of being bad kids. Percy says something like "No one ever given me a show of firetrucks before" and the boys declare each other as best friends.
A really cute story about friendship with some sort of class difference undertones maybe (?). I enjoyed it! 5/5 stars
- - - - -
If I Have a Bad Day, Someone Might Die (2018) by Christian Unge
Really mesmerizing book, took me a couple weeks to get through due to school work but it was totally worth it. Doctor Christian Unge shares his thoughts growing up and evolving into the doctor he is today. He discuss modern medicine while sharing his experiences and what he witnessed when working for Doctors Without Borders in third world countries. It's really from a perspective i've never thought before, how doctors reach diagnoses and deal with deadly mistakes. It kinda gave me the same intense feeling as The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister's Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine (2017) by Lindsey Fitzharris when it's like listening to a very well-educated person talk about something they're very passionate about. This book left me feeling a bit humble about my health problems. 5/5 stars
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fatalfangirl · 2 years
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It's Friday! I'm traveling today and am distracting myself from flying anxiety with fics. Forever thankful for the quality of writing in this fandom. Here are some recent favs:
His Mercy, Mine - NSFW - by @facewithoutheart
What a damn roller coaster. I went into this only having read some of the snippets posted on tumblr - didn't read the tags, didn't skim - zero spoilers. And that's how I think this fic should be consumed if you want maximum gasps. The split timeline storytelling is really effective, as are the descriptions/language used for the gladiatorial AU. I loved it. The only other thing I'll say is don't skip the second chapter :) I'm also currently reading the author's latest WIP: This Will All Go Down In Flames and would rec that too. The Austin based fic is full of feels, music, and local beer. AND a goat.
wasabi - NSFW - by xivz
Roommates snowbaz stuck in quarantine and featuring cam boy Simon! What is not to love! Baz's thirst is so good in this. Wonderfully demented. Perfect amount of lust, which is to say an overflowing bucket of it. The author also recorded a podfic for wasabi and holy hell 🥵 the narration was so hot. It made me pause mid folding laundry with a flush. Had to fan myself. Definitely worth both a read and a listen!
network connectivity problems - SFW - by BasicBathsheba
This one came as a rec from @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @whatevertheweather after I confessed having only read one Ban fic before. And wow. I loved it. Textfic gold. GOLD I tell you! Simon texts a number thinking he might be IT and help his computer woes, but in reality it's Baz, Simon's uni nemesis, former roommate, and ruthlessly good footballer. The fic is charming and funny and goes where you hope it does with a few little surprises in between. Strong rec for a late night read. (I'm also currently obsessed with Local Hero, which I'm half through, and cannot believe I didn't read these fics sooner, but happy I have them now.)
The Boy and the Summoned - NSFW - by @takitalks, art by @ic3-que3n
I am a sucker for demon Simon. It is one of my favorite versions of Simon (next to dragon) and this fic hits the damn spot. Very cool AU with a canon divergence that has Natasha surviving the Watford attacks, but as a price - and how she dealt with the fallout of that event is a mystery that seems connected to a ring (and a demon) Baz finds on Pitch grounds years later. I love the vibe of this fic, the sort of gothic creepiness of the Pitch estate and the menacing dark fog that surrounds Simon. Excited to see where the mystery takes us!
in the Dust of Dragons - NSFW - by @martsonmars, art by @nick-eyre
This fic is so well written. It's fantasy done exceptionally and makes me feel nostalgic for my childhood of curling up with a books and escaping to fantastical lands. The lore and storytelling is pulling cleverly from canon and has us following Baz on a solo journey (thus far) carrying the weight of his trauma and a heart that is still soft at its core. There is dragon Simon and magic and a Penny that will not take shit from anyone. And we're only 2 chapters in. This is going to be good folks. Dive in and enjoy the ride with me.
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jesuis-melodrama · 3 years
LadyNoir Inequality: Chat Noir’s Fall from Significance
How does Ladybug and Chat Noir's roles differ between the seasons? How was responsibility, positions, duties delegated between them? This essay analyses in detail how the LadyNoir fallout of Season 4 came to be, and how Chat Noir ultimately fell from hierarchal significance.
What attracted me to Miraculous, apart from the stellar animation and the potential of the in-universe powers, was the dynamic between Ladybug and Chat Noir. Like the camaraderie of the Phantom Thieves in Persona 5, the partnership between Ruby and Clancy in Ruby Redfort and the hierarchy of respect and power between the Hashira of Demon-Slayer, Marinette and Adrien interested me, because they are two very dissimilar people on separate standings who mutually trusts, supports, and depends on one another despite being different in almost every single way. Their powers, although complimenting, are not comparable, and their personalities, although cordial, are inverse. But despite these odds, Ladybug and Chat Noir are not just friends, companions, and confidants, but equals.
 The first episode of the series, The Bubbler, demonstrates this splendidly (Author’s Note: The Bubbler is the first episode available on Netflix. Chronologically, Stormy Weather is the first official episode, but the same values hold up). It was a jarring introduction to a new show. The audience has no idea who Adrien and Marinette were, what Tikki and Plagg were or why these magical girl transformations suddenly granted them the powers to fight the maniacal butterfly man, but we can recognise the symptoms of two people already deep into the composition of their friendship. The Bubbler threw the smoothness and effectiveness of their teamwork directly into the faces of the audience, and it was brilliant.  
We weren’t weighed down by the gritty details of the beginning, we don’t have to watch the awkward bumbling, the introductions or the unsurety of two strangers who have yet enough reason to trust one another. We were immediately thrusted into the middle of their partnership. The first thing Chat Noir did when he stepped onto the scene was to defend Ladybug and the first thing she did was to joke around comfortably, clearly relieved that he had finally arrived. After watching Marinette obsessively creep around Adrien’s house, trying to show love to a boy she barely knows, and watching Adrien uncomfortably trying to enjoy a social event which he desperatedly wanted but is clearly inexperienced in, the sudden switch of persona and their sudden familiarity and reliance on one another was a fresh breath of air and it made Miraculous a show worth investing in.
We may not know what happened between them, how they received their powers and how they know each other, but it is obvious some catalytic event has tied Ladybug and Chat Noir together. And by all the features exhibited (another great thing, the words spoken were only secondary to the demonstrative body language) the audience was immediately aware that they have stepped into something sacred, something unbreakable. And even with the thick wall of secret and unspeakable identities between them, we feel comforted when we see them together, because they are comfortable and happy with one another.
So, fourteen monster-of-the-day episodes later, when Season 1 presented the first inklings of Miraculous’ overarching plot, watching Marinette and Adrien receive their Miraculous, meet each other as civilians and then as superheroes, the scene is nostalgic and sentimental, and aided by the fantastic animation, the audience can appreciate and remember the defining passage as an evocative and triggering moment for years afterwards.
But that is not to say their partnership hasn’t been without fault.
The cracks were always present, but as the seasons rolled on, it only became more obvious. Their roles were disparate. Ladybug comes up with the plans, Ladybug comes up with the solutions and more often than not, Chat Noir is used as a tool and a distraction for Ladybug’s success. Ladybug had the Lucky Charm and the Miraculous Cure. Chat Noir can stand on his own, defend and attack as an individual, but apart from using the Cataclysm as Ladybug directs, Chat Noir has no outstanding impact on the defeat of any akuma. He does not contribute to any tactics, and he cannot win without Ladybug because he has nothing to offer strategically.  
Assets aside, there is also the matter of leadership.
The audience finds out that Chat Noir initially took the frontman role in The Origins. He attacked Stoneheart first while Ladybug dithered behind. But as Ladybug regained confidence, she took the leadership position in both episodes, and Chat Noir was more than happy to follow. Thus, their dynamic was laid down. They both showed satisfaction with their place in the relationship, Chat Noir often yielding to her judgement, such as in Stormy Weather and Dark Cupid, and Ladybug asserts that Chat Noir was in her team in Antibug.
The first big indicator of disagreement in this mutually agreed arrangement was in Syren. A contentious episode, the consequence of Chat Noir physically rebelling against Ladybug’s decision for the first time. All the way to Season 4, Rena Rogue has stirred conflict and mistrust between the duo. When I watched Ladybug leading Rena Rogue away while Chat Noir stared angrily at their retreating backs, I remembered hoping that the episode would end with Ladybug telling Chat Noir everything, so that they could have their Season 1 relationship back. Where they navigated this confusing and alien new world together, hiding so much from the public and each other, but never their authenticity and belief in one another.  
I wished that Ladybug had told Chat Noir about the Guardian. I wished that both of them had been privy to the information from the very beginning and I wished that both of them knew who the other Miraculous Holders were because they chose them together. Realistically, someone in the show should’ve connected the dots, and realised that most of the Miraculous Holders were attending a specific class in Collège Françoise Dupont and were all associated with a specific person. That was the only reason I could think of why having Ladybug and Chat Noir choosing the Holders together is a bad idea. It would threaten their identity (which at that point, was still a concern).
But canonically, Ladybug constantly chose Holders who were dangerously close to the situation. Kagami in Ikari Gozen, Chloé in Malediktator, Rose in Guiltrip and Max in Startrain. The only Holder Chat Noir has chosen wasn’t even chosen by his particular identity. Adrien suggested that Luka might be a good Snake, and Ladybug heeded his words, not Chat Noir’s. I wished there was a single scene where Ladybug and Chat Noir analysed the situation and the potential Holder together, looked at each other, no words needed to be said, just a nod and a telepathic agreement shared through their eyes, and Ladybug would present the next Holder with a Miraculous with her and her partner’s approval both given.
What was the point of keeping their identities hidden?
In Season 1, it made some sense. They had no idea the Guardian existed. Even if Chat Noir was reluctant, they can both agree that they could not take their chances, should one of them be captured. But with the reveal of the Guardian’s identity in Season 2, the need for secret identities is almost eradicated. Clearly, there is someone who is an even bigger threat to their civilian lives than Ladybug and Chat Noir are to each other. Ladybug is now burdened with a bigger cache of knowledge. Should one of them be captured, it can only be hoped that it would be Chat Noir, because unlike Ladybug, he could not spew information about potions and kwami and secret books and the Guardian’s location.
In Season 3, the climax of Miracle Queen places the duties of the Guardian directly in Ladybug’s hand. She is now in charge of all the heroes in Paris, she is now the leading physical and strategic force in the battle against Hawk Moth and she is now officially stated as Leader, not just holding a de facto position.
In Season 4, the need for secret identities is gone. Ladybug is the Guardian. She and her original partner, Chat Noir, has no more safety nets in keeping their identities hidden from each other because there is no longer a background link tying them. Should Marinette be incapacitated, should Adrien meet an accident, there is no one reading their news who is available to inform the other person. The only reason why Chat Noir’s identity continues to be hidden from Ladybug is because she does not want to know. The only reason why Ladybug does not reveal her identity to Chat Noir is because she does not want him to know.
Chat Blanc could be inserted as a contending factor. Chat Blanc saw to it that the reveal of their identities to one another could lead the end of the world.
But Chat Blanc was not the only factor.
Season 4 Marinette is overwhelmed and stressed and guilt-ridden. Season 4 Marinette tore herself apart trying to maintain the kwami, her Guardian duties and continue moonlighting as Ladybug. Season 4 Marinette was at the end of her tether, and at this point, Chat Noir’s presence and his insistence was no longer a support or a comfort but another chore and responsibility to be balanced.
Her support network as both Marinette and Ladybug were extinguished. Thus, in a peaking moment of weakness, she finally revealed her identity to Alya.
Marinette met Alya and Chat Noir on the same day. Two strangers both became her friend, two insistent strangers who were united in their goal to find out Ladybug’s identity. Marinette hid her secret life from Alya, Ladybug hid her civilian identity from Chat Noir. As Marinette, she was supported by passionate, fierce, and rash Alya who jumped to conclusions and unnerved Marinette with her determination to find out the truth about Ladybug. As Ladybug, she was supported by passionate, fierce, and rash Chat Noir who impulsively leapt into battles and irritated her with his constant declarations of love.
But Marinette had connections to Alya as both Marinette and Ladybug. She found herself acknowledging Alya’s true character and learned to rely on her through a multitude of trust falls and confrontations. Marinette made the decision to trust Alya, she made the decision to depend on a person she knows as both a citizen and a superhero.
She had no choice with Chat Noir. She never knew who he was, only that he was thrusted into the same situation as she was. Truth was an important concept to Marinette, she stated multiple times that she could not stand liars. And subsequently, she could never really trust Chat Noir because she does not know who he was.
Chat Noir was an emotional crutch during the finale of Season 2 and Season 3. He was the reason why she found the courage to go on despite the anxiety of her failures and the culmination of her carelessness. Throughout Antibug, Heroes’ Day, Gamer 2.0 and Miracle Queen, it was demonstrated that the only way Marinette could trust him and confide in her vulnerabilities was through Ladybug with him as Chat Noir. She couldn’t afford the trust the boy behind the mask, so, when it came to the end of her line, when she has no other choice, Alya was the one to receive the relinquishment of her identity, not Chat Noir.
Gang of Secrets signified the end of Chat Noir’s reign.
He was a founding member, one of the original team, once upon a time on equal par with Ladybug. But now, his presence only matters as much as a temporary hero’s. The released episodes of Season 4, Mr Pigeon 72, Sole-Crusher, and most noticeably, Optigami and Sentibubbler, demonstrated the redundance of his company. Both physically and emotionally, Rena Rouge (now known as Rena Furtive) has filled in as Ladybug’s partner. Chat Noir has to be sneaked around, shield from the fact that there is a new permanent hero and shield from the fact that now, there is one other person in the world who knows Ladybug’s identity, that isn’t him.
With Ladybug’s circle of temporary allies expanded, she no longer needs to rely on Chat Noir to be her support. She could gather up any number of useful powers she has at her disposal and expend them as she wished. In Megaleech, among the five-men team Ladybug had gathered, each one of them has contributed to the defeat of the akuma, with Polymouse outshining as the victor over the army of mini Malediktators, and each one of the other heroes playing a vital role in Ladybug’s plan. Chat Noir’s delegation? To distract the enemy while Ladybug gathered up her soldiers. In the end, he didn’t even use his power, marking the first time in a Miraculous episode that a hero was called upon and left without use. The Cataclysm is no longer necessary for the defeat of an akuma. But the Lucky Charm and the Miraculous Cure are as relevant now as they were when Stoneheart first attacked.
Optigami and Sentibubbler reached the apex of his unimportance. Both times, he was more of a hindrance than a reinforcement. He unconsciously prevented Marinette from becoming Ladybug, which derails the plan to Rena Rogue’s command. He has to be told by Marinette, the civilian, to stay out of the superhero’s plan, because there was nothing he could do that Rena Rogue wasn’t already doing.
The Cataclysm is a one-use power, Chat Noir is a one-trick pony. He’s still stuck in Season 1 mode while Ladybug has broadened to new powers, new suit, new duties, new partners, and new goals.
Hawk Moth knows the identity of all the heroes but Chat Noir don’t. Chloé knows the identities of all the heroes but Chat Noir don’t. Alya has more privileges and inside knowledge than Chat Noir has, and with Rocketear, Nino is now another confidant privy to more secrets than Chat Noir is.
All Chat Noir is left with, is the comedic side-kick routine he is now entrenched too deeply in to crawl out, the knowledge that his best friend in both his civilian life and superhero life think he’s annoying, and the realisation that Ladybug truly no longer trust him, because the heroes around him, his subordinates in a sense, now ranks higher in prominence.
Did Ladybug mean for this to happen? Absolutely not.
But Chat Blanc is no longer a reason big enough to cover all the discrepancies. And she has grown so used to keeping him in the dark to realise how much the darkness was causing the chasm between them to grow. Chat Noir is now outwardly lying to Ladybug that he’s fine, refusing to tell her that he knows to some extent the secrets she has kept from him. In Season 2, he angrily confronted her about being left behind. In Season 4, now that Ladybug holds all the power, now that he no longer has the authority to demand reasons and explanations, the only thing he could do is keep his mouth shut and hope that the sheer cliff he’s balancing on does not shear away even more.
Because Chat Noir is still fun for him, isn’t it? Being a hero, being himself? Chat Noir isn’t a role for him to act, to fake being happy, to pretend to be something he’s not. Chat Noir is a persona where he can be as expressive, as temperamental, as coquettish, and childish and experimental he wants. An entity where he can safely explore all the emotions children his age usually experiences without consequences. A place where he isn’t held under fear of abandonment or emotional abuse, where he can explore his identity and speak his mind without retaliation or repercussions.  
Isn’t it?
Chat Noir’s presence is still prevalent at every akuma fight because he is a founding member. Ladybug has no reason to tell him to go home, and he’s still useful in the sense that he can provide distractions while Ladybug figures out her plan, and feed information to Rena Furtive who is hiding and watching and waiting. And there is still the Cataclysm, a power that is supposed to rival the Lucky Charm, whose potential is still yet unearthed.
But Chat Noir has no more standing to rely on. He is no longer a principal participant in the encompassing war between Ladybug and Hawk Moth, even if he is a principal target. Each side gathers up their warriors and equipment, and Chat Noir is just another treasured pawn in Ladybug’s army. He is alone in the fact that no one knows his identity. Ladybug has someone, Hawk Moth has someone, and both of them has an arsenal of champions to pick from.
He’s a wild card, he’s an anomaly. He was once Ladybug’s partner, he was a prototype for the modern Miraculous hero, and by himself, he had a visible presence. But he lost the novelty quickly.
Even in Season 1, people preferred Ladybug. She was the one to fix their city, she made the flashy speech at the Eiffel Tower, it was explainable. In Season 2, Hawk Moth began to ignore his Miraculous multiple times in favour of Ladybug’s earrings. Chloé called him Ladybug’s second fiddle. In Season 3, Fu’s obvious favour of Ladybug as future Guardian emphasised Chat Noir’s emerging sidelining. And in Season 4, Ladybug herself begun to omit her partner.
What does this have in store for the future? Rumours and headcanons fly, whispers of an akumatization on par with Chat Blanc looms closer and closer. Personally, I hope that something more substantial is done with Chat Noir’s character. There’s still so much to be expatiated, his family history, his own personality, and his unlocked powers. If the Black Cat Miraculous was truly the harmonizing consort of the Ladybug Miraculous, then logically, Chat Noir should be receiving the multiple new upgrades in the near future.
A climax where an issue that has spanned for four seasons ending within two episodes sounds stereotypically Miraculous and nightmarish. But the show has three more seasons to go, and hopefully this conflict will be used as a starting point for what may be in store for those seasons.
What if Chat Noir decides to deflect? What is he decided to derail, and what if Chat Noir becomes the next villain? ShadowMoth is a recurring joke at this point, and with the development of Season 4, ShadowMoth’s return in Season 5 sounds exhausting and repetitive. Looking at the overarching picture, there is only one person that has enough incentive and power to become Ladybug’s future archnemesis.
Love and hate are the opposite sides of the same coin.
But no matter what is in store for the distant narrative of Miraculous, this essay concludes on the now.
We look at Season 1 Chat Noir, and the Chat Noir of the latest episode. Even if his powers and position hasn’t grown, he has developed into his role emotionally, in an unfortunately negative way.
Chat Noir is no longer Ladybug’s partner, and analytically, no longer as important as he once was.
I really hope the show does something good with this.
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Okay but hear me out
Dad villain Izuku.
( I mean dadzuku for the won but still!)
Like, him having his precious little boy/girl?
Fierce protective dad?
Huh...kinda sounds like the start of a Mob AU.
Idk i just like dad izuku so I thought you might too!
You have just opened a can of worms you cannot close!!! Haha but really, here's some pregnancy/baby headcanons because a lot of people tend to enjoy that. Not really my cup of tea, but I'll make an exception here. To your credit, you've got me really thinking on this. 😳
“Not really my cup of tea”, I say, as I make the world’s longest headcanons about Vil!Deku being a dad.
TW: Pregnancy, children, cursing. :)
Dad Villain!Deku HC's
-Look, Vil!Deku is already possessive as fuck. The second he finds out you're pregnant? He will literally be attached to you at the hip. Can't go anywhere without this man. Can you say coddling?
-He's so thrilled and nervous at the same time. Not about being a bad parent or anything, more about you or your child getting injured, threatened, or put in danger.
-It started with some symptoms that looked like the run of the mill flu. You probably got pretty bad morning sickness, and he fussed over you the whole time; held your hair back for you, rubbed your back, made you tea, the whole nine yards.
-Both of you just thought it was a stomach bug. But you just kept getting sick, and Deku actually took some time off work to stay with you and make sure you were okay (what a gentleman).
-After a week of being sick, this man is so concerned about you and your health that he calls a doctor to your place to take a look at you. God help that poor doctor because if he even looks at you the wrong way, Deku will obliterate him.
-Doctor asks if you could be pregnant, and both of you just kind of go quiet.
-Deku had thought of that possibility but refused to acknowledge it because something that good? Happening to an outcast like him? A criminal? To someone who was never worthy enough to be a hero? No. Way.
-But it did! You can probably see Deku's eyes visibly sparkle when the doc asks that question. The doctor leaves with the theory that you're pregnant and tells you to take a test.
-Congratulations! You're both going to be parents!
-Everything is so different after that. Deku has always been soft on you because you're his Sweet, but he's extra soft and caring now. Also extremely protective and possessive?
-"It's just the grocery store. I can do it myself, it's alright!" You're out of groceries? He's going with you. You can't argue it. "I'll go with you." "What if someone recognizes you?" "They won't say a word about it. I’ll make sure of it." You know what that means...
-Pregnancy cravings are wild, but he's miraculously got it covered. Never forgets a single craving you've had. Always has your favorite foods on hand, including the odd ones. Pickles? There's three whole jars in the fridge. Certain flavor of chips? Always a bag in the pantry. And if there's ever an instance where you crave something he doesn't have on hand, he makes his lackeys go get it while he stays at home with you. But if he absolutely had to, he would get it himself.
-Nobody is allowed to touch you, especially not now that you're carrying his child. If anyone so much as breathes too close to you, they're toast.
-Keeps tabs on you 24/7. Has to know where you're at and that you're okay or he's worrying 25/8.
-Somehow he's even more crazy about you? Just the fact that you're pregnant with his child is enough to stir him up any day, any time. You've definitely caught him staring at your stomach obsessively several times.
-Takes THEE best care of you. You are your child's lifeline and the love of his life, so you have to stay healthy and happy. Once again...can you say coddling? Makes sure you've eaten throughout the day, brings you water, makes you rest, runs you hot baths, generally just keeps an eye on you to make sure you're okay. Oh, and if you're working? Say goodbye to that job for now. No way you're doing anything strenuous while he can help it.
-If you for some reason insist on keeping the 9-5 job and you manage to convince him otherwise, he visits you on your lunch break whenever he can and hacks into the security cameras way too often for his own good. Literally will be in the middle of a meeting watching live feed from your store. 
-Whenever the kid is due, he’s gonna have a bit of a rough time during the whole process. It’s hard for him, because he doesn’t trust the doctors and nurses at the hospital to give you top notch care when he’s not there, and he can’t really take you there anyways because of his villain status (do you think maybe villains have hospitals and resources for each other?? That would be kind of cool...). He ends up pulling some strings with a fellow vigilante/former villain connection who works in the hospital, and they work out some sort of undercover deal probably?
-Don’t question, just accept. He’s got it all covered. He gets to stay with you through everything and he’s got the best doctors and nurses on your case, top notch, extremely professional and comforting for you. They don’t bat an eye at a villain and his s/o and child, they just do their job and keep quiet about it (how does some extra cash sound?).
-Super tense right up until it’s all done. If looks could kill, everyone in that room besides you and the baby would be dead. But he softens right up once he gets to hold the baby. Despite you being extremely tired, you’re glad you stayed awake to see this, because there’s a certain look on his face. For a second, it almost seems like he’s back to how he was before...almost as if he was never a villain in the first place. The hope in his eyes is reminiscent of something old and nostalgic; it reminds you of when he aspired to be a hero. But still it’s not quite right.
-He is immediately mesmerized by your child. “They look like you...” He’s never held something so vulnerable before and felt so...warm, other than the times he’s held you.
-He would kill for both you and your child. If anyone ever threatened you or put the both of you in a dangerous situation, he would drop everything without a second thought to come running to save you. Pray for anyone who comes between the two of you; Deku will make sure they meet a fate worse than death.
-You both take turns taking care of the baby when they wake you up at night, but Deku will be willing to get up before you do nine out of ten times. He loves his child, he really does. It gives him something to take care of and nurture and it makes him feel hopeful again. That kid is his pride and joy.
-There was one time (but only one, because you absolutely ripped into him for it) where you heard the baby cry, and Deku offered to get up and take care of it, so you rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. But he never came back to bed, and the baby had been silent for a long time, so you got up to check on them to make sure they were alright, and what did you find? Deku, wide awake at his work desk with his laptop open, baby sitting comfortably on his lap with a bottle, and some surveillance footage and grotesque crime scene pictures pulled up. You were livid.
-”You better not be doing what I think you’re doing. You’re going to traumatize our child.” He looks like a deer caught in headlights when you interrupt his work. The baby just coos and gurgles, and you are absolutely mortified. He looks like he’s about to say something, and you cut him off before he can answer. “Whatever you’re going to say better be a damn good apology, Deku.” Oh, he’s in trouble all right. He just slowly shuts his laptop and brings the baby over to you. Kisses can fix everything, right? ;) He better hope so.
-Even though he’s a villain, the baby always goes quiet when he holds them. It’s like magic, almost. Sometimes you can’t get them to stop crying, and Deku will just come up and look at him with those soft eyes he reserves for only the two of you, and the baby just starts cooing and reaching out for him. Gee, favorites much?
-Never was there ever a moment more peaceful and serene than the time you came home to Deku asleep on the couch with his arms cradled around your child, face soft from sleep and the baby breathing lightly. You feel so lucky to have this in your life. It’s not easy being villains, but this was something you never expected to have, and it’s changed both of you for the better. 
-If Deku still has a relationship with his mom, you can bet he gets her to babysit when you decide to go back to work (if you do at all, because he really wants you to stay at home with him and the baby).
-If your mother wasn’t the best or isn’t around, congrats, Mama Midoriya is now your mother, and there is nothing you can do about it. And honestly? Deku loves seeing the way you bond with her. He’s made himself a tiny family that loves him for who he is. There’s no greater feeling in the world than that.
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