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⊰ ・゚━━ @herodies : y-you're really pretty !!' she blurts it out on impulse, nineteen immediately hiding her face behind her hands. is this where she runs away to hide her utter embarrassment ?? probably. is that what she's going to do ?? no, unfortunately, poor nineteen's feet are rooted to the spot, unable to move an inch to save her pride.
❝Hm ? What ? You COULDN’T possibly mean little ol’ ME ? ❞ she bats long lashes , hands clasped behind her back , rocking on her heels.
DON’T let her FOOL you, she was WELL aware that it was infact her that the other was referring too.
❝ Well AREN’T you SWEET ! ❞ a FAUX giggle slips from glossed lips & There’s a brief pause , as takes a moment or two to observe the female before her.
❝ YKNOW—. . . you ain’t so BAD yourself DOLL ~ A little mascara & lip gloss & you could rack in just about anybody your little heart DESIRES ! ❞
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▸▸ [ @herodies || ??? & eden || eden starter call ]
─「エデン」─ " not knowing where you are means a new adventure, no ? you're exploring and learning things. " golden hues were tilting to the side, not meeting the other's gaze. was she trying to hide the fact that she was LOST ? maybe. but what she said was still true ! while wandering around blindly might be dangerous, it gave that sense of EXCITEMENT as you never know what could happen. that's the fun of it !
" don't tell me you're afraid of the little unknowns in life ? it'd be boring if you know everything ! " just admit you're lost, eden.
#herodies#.ignition#.[ eden | trailblazer ]#[ slides this over !#not sure which muse you'd like the starter for so i left it vague u vu#oKAY SHE'S LOST YES SHE'S JUST MAKING THE BEST OUT OF IT ANYWAY#but she's totally lost don't be fooled by her trying to make it sound nice hlkjhjlkjhk ]
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Daniel Bollius (1590 - 1642)
Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis St. Joannis Baptistae: Act I. Scene 1: Fuit in deibus Herodis regis
Daniel Bollius: St. John's Oratorio. Johann Rosenmüller Ensemble, Arno Paduch. (2016, Christophorus – CHF 77389)
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; —- SORROW.
This world TAKES & TAKES, & you CANNOT understand why. . . your heart CRACKS with each loss, & now, you FEAR it is only held together with fraying strings. perhaps you consider how simpler it would be NOT to care. but, would your SOUL allow you to ?
tagged by: by me bitch tagging: @soulbiinding , @herodies / @astralcrew/ @tragidies @freedthedark, / @diablescharmants , @twilightfated , @pulserisk , @leviaegan , & @herthorns / @skydragn
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Tokarnia, park etnograficzny
W 1991 roku w zagrodzie zaaranżowano ekspozycję rzeźb Jana Bernasiewicza zatytułowaną: „Ocalić od zapomnienia. Jan Bernasiewicz, twórca Ogrodu Rzeźb”. Znajduje się tu ponad 600 rzeźb, liczne fotografie przedstawiające mistrza Jana, jak również pamiątki, które po nim pozostały.
Jan Bernasiewicz urodził się 1 czerwca 1908 r., zmarł 24 listopada 1984 r. Żył i tworzył we wsi Jaworznia-Gniewce w dzisiejszej gminie Piekoszów, 15 kilometrów od Kielc. Do 1975 r. wspólnie z żoną Marią uprawiali pół hektara ziemi. Jego idea ocalenia dziedzictwa kulturowego dla przyszłych pokoleń znalazła wyraz w wymyślonym przez artystę muzeum rzeźb w sadzie, które nazwał „Małe Muzeum w Jaworzni”. Tworzył je przez 19 lat (1966-1984). Do najbardziej interesujących prac Jana Bernasiewicza należą: „Kapliczka na kasztanie”, „Pomnik poległych Żołnierzy Polskich w walce 1939-45 r.”, „Kopernik”, „Herody”, „Husarz”, „Mikołaj Rej”.
Artysta tworzył przede wszystkim w drewnie, rzadziej w kamieniu. Dłutem nadawał rzeźbionym twarzom indywidualne rysy, dolną część kłody zostawiał zazwyczaj nieobrobioną, z jej krzywiznami i sękami. W 1979 r. przyjęto go do Stowarzyszenia Twórców Ludowych, otrzymał również prestiżową nagrodę artystyczną im. Jana Pocka, a w 1980 r. nagrodę miesięcznika „Przemiany”. Na krótko przed śmiercią artysta przekazał cały swój dorobek Muzeum Wsi Kieleckiej.
Tokarnia, ethnographic park
In 1991, an exhibition of Jan Bernasiewicz's sculptures was arranged in the homestead, entitled: „Save from oblivion. Jan Bernasiewicz, creator of the Sculpture Garden”. There are over 600 sculptures, numerous photographs depicting master Jan, as well as memorabilia that remained after him.
Jan Bernasiewicz was born on June 1, 1908, died on November 24, 1984. He lived and worked in the village of Jaworznia-Gniewce in today's commune of Piekoszów, 15 kilometers from Kielce. Until 1975, together with his wife Maria, they cultivated half a hectare of land. His idea of preserving the cultural heritage for future generations found expression in the museum of sculptures in the orchard, invented by the artist, which he called the "Small Museum in Jaworznia". He created them for 19 years (1966-1984). The most interesting works by Jan Bernasiewicz include: „Chestnut shrine” „Monument to the fallen Polish Soldiers in the fight of 1939-45”, „Copernicus”, „Herody”, „Hussar”, „Mikołaj Rej”.
The artist created mainly in wood, less often in stone. He chiseled the carved faces with individual features, usually leaving the lower part of the log unprocessed, with its curves and knots. In 1979, he was admitted to the Association of Folk Artists, he also received the prestigious artistic award of Jan Pock, and in 1980 the prize of the monthly „Przemiany”. Shortly before his death, the artist donated all his achievements to the Museum of the Kielce Countryside.
#tokarnia#muzeum#rzeźby#drewno#jan bornysawicz#kielce#polska#skansen#sculptures#museum#wood#folklore#poland
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Podłącza się tlen i kroplówkę do krzyża
sowa fee
Aufklärung · 23. Februar 2025
"Nie schodzi się z krzyża" na emeryturę z jednym płucem, na obustronne zapalenie płuc
sowa’s Substack
"Nie schodzi się z krzyża", powiedział były prefekt watykańskiej Kongregacji Nauki Wiary. onet.pl/informacje/kai/…
Podłącza się tlen i kroplówkę do krzyża, albo udziela się ślubu córce żydopisowskiego ministra Czarnka lodz.eska.pl/niemiecki-…
bliski współpracownik ministra edukacji Przemysława Czarnka - Bartosz Rybak - obchodził huczne urodziny w Operze Wrocławskiej. W imprezie miał wziąć udział minister Czarnek z żoną, a także m. in. kardynał Gerhard Müller, tvn24.pl/wroclaw/urodzi…
Czy Bergoglio świadomie odchodzi w Klinice Gemelli od wiary rzymskokatolickiej i odmawia przyjęcia ostatniego sakramentu?
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"Bergoglio jest jednym z pięciorga dzieci i jako dziecko cierpiał na chorobę układu oddechowego, która pozostawiła mu tylko jedno płuco". www-cbsnews-com.transla…
Bergoglio is one of five children and as a child suffered a respiratory illness that left him with just one lung. cbsnews.com/newyork/new…
Podobno abdykował, zrzekł się pisemnie jeszcze w pełni świadomie, a tylko masoneria żydokatolicka (Müller, Czarnek, Duda z amputowanym palcem, gloria.tv/post/EcCTTjxh… Rybakiem i innymi) nie pozwala kontrowersyjnemu papieżowi na zejście z krzyża, z jednym płucem na emeryturę!

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linkedin.com/posts/stefankosiewski_sowa-on-substack-activity-7299456426555396096-k3wh Zmuszają Bergoglio do umierania na obustronne zapalenie płuc, substack.com/profile/312807198-sowa/note/c-95597473 chociaż na piśmie abdykował, a jedno płuco mu już amputowano! x.com/sowa/status/1893696198533337443
Dec 08 2024 20:15 24
SZOPKA W KATEDRZE NWO^PPP HERODY Herodenspiel von Stefan Kosiewski SSetKh ZR FO ZECh 20241208
Audio/ video: gloria.tv/post/EcCTTjxhTWSS2B7GFU2mPDxGT
Modlitwa o pogodę ducha SERENITY PRAYER
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A box appears, with roughly 46k in P and the hero dial
And a note "dangit, your to freaking adorable, here, my days makings and the herodial"
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Biographia Iesu
exemplum Prodeo-christianae matricis infanti Gesi dicatum, cui addendum iam visum est Matth. 1-2, sed originalis hatto. Pro his duobus "Infantia Evangeliorum Cri. Pero, c contententiame di unes pamamico essentiale, in pur obbedemás ad exemplar biographicum classicarum scientiarum biblicarum et planorum heroum (cf. Gale 13, e.g. , 17), tegi proto-evangelium, quod allusive sumit in principio capitis de fils Geni vitae nodosae omnia, in quibus gaudium et dolor plectuntur.
Nato Salvatoris, gaudium salutis in terris diffunditur ( 2.1-11.20.38), laudatio exprimitur, quae per quattuor cantica praeclara, ineunte versio primi versiculi latinae notae, exprimitur; Mag at edictus, Gloria in excuba, Nume dita. In ei heilla etiam « plenitudinem » Scriptoris biblici de qua supra memoravimus idem anon- Maria, Zacharias Abetta, Glimeppe, Samenn, Anna XIIII annorum, pastores — pauperes Domini incarnati, in Vetere Testamento Hebraeo. nam, qui puram fidem et ardentem spem fidelium Aracie significat, cosidationem exspectans (2.25) "redemptionis Hierosolymorum" 2.383
Dolens autem notatio quae in oraculo emergit , quod porta Simeone pronuntiat , cum habet
piccos Jesus ductus per gratiam suam in templum redimendi secundum legem biblicam primogeniti (Ex. 13:1-
16) "Gh hic in ruinam et resurrectionem montes in Israel, contradictionis signum et tibi etiam Mariana"
gladius Tanima transibit" (2.34-35) Haec prima pagisa bacana dinis similis est, duae tabulae, quarum scenae etiam per infinitas artis christianae repetitiones claruerunt. Ambae annuntiatione occupatae sunt et angelus Gabriel angelus nuntiat. Zacharias in templo vespertino incenen nativitatem Ioannis Baptistae, quae tunc completur: idem angulus nuntiat Mariae, in domo sua in Galilaea villa Nazareth, natum Iesum, qui factus est. pirata in Romano imperio census
Vinculum quod duas tabulas simul tenet, est sic dicta "visio, id est congressio inter duas matres cognatos inter Elisabetham et Mariam (1.39-56). Textus ante omnia dilatatur in parte Iesu reservata, quae est. secutus usque ad decimum annum, cum ad aetatem pervenisset (similiter ritibus galaiciis hodiernae suae mandatae, "higlie precationis, signum officialis introitus ragaran in comuna, in templo iam resipiscat. unchained ut majestas per excellentiam scribarum sapient
Loquebantur etiam de secunda praeludio quod considerare possumus ut specimen secundae paginae Evangelii Lacae (oc. 3-4). It opens with a singular introductory note " Quintodecimo imperii Tiberii Caesaris anno 128-29 27-28 A.D.), dum Gludeus praefuit, Pontius Pilat of Wales Herodis [Antipas, filius Herodis Magni), tetrarcha. de Hurra et Trachonitidis Philippo fratri suo, et tetrarcha Abilinae Lysaniae, sub Annae summo sacerdote (6 ad 15) Calphas (18 ad 361, verbum Dei descendit Ioannem Baptistam (31-2). SCENA Ioannis et Iesu intra coordinatas politicas superpotentium et parvarum localium potestatum persona Gesi non mo vel symbolum ideam quae coetus hominum binorum peritorum movebat.
Revera, ghee et temporis quod hit vertit in praeteritum dahil promassa in praesenti secundo trina samine tempus arale usque ad 12), praecipuum tempus Gesi (cann. 3-24), tempus Ecclesiae (cann. 3-24), tempus Ecclesiae (cann. Am degli Apomol Narratio iterum interpretata est in key. Paulo post, evangelista construet genesingicam alberam "promunturium Iesum, a praesenti recedens a Christo non solum usque ad Duvidem et Abrahamum, sicut Matthaeus fecerat apud Matth. "descendere" genealogiam (11 -17), sed usque ad Adami 1323-381, racinghendo, con: wilfase de Iesu tota historia.
Secunda haec praefatio, ut diximus, triptychum Baptistae, hattesis Gesis al Gordani et tentationum satanicarum innititur, quae, ut iam ex Matten legere novimus, etiam triptychum, Lucas vero adversa. ordo duarum ultimarum scaenarum post tentationes in eremo et in monte (qui pro Matteo Tape) est, Geo a Satana in pinna templi, meridiem in Tangulo sacrae edificationis mapanatae, imminens Cedron vallis. Iesus Ierosolymis adimplet electionem messianismi non socialismi (lapides in pane), non politio regni della terra, magicam (pepeting e muro pro domibus eventum thaumaturgicum, sed statim illustratur in sua re in pagina illa. sequetur tertia de quinque, in quibus nostram lectionem Laca enuntiat, post duos priores modos descriptos
Synagoga Nata?
Fecoct ergo ad specimen tertiae paginae vel melius, tertiae Evangelii Lucae sectio, quae cap. 4, erecta 16, et sic etiam cap. 9, vers. quod Sevangelista, caput est. In modica synagoga solis pagi pronunciata, Nazareth et ex parte "strate po", locum obtinet in "Sermone Montano" (inter alia, ut iam memoravimus, portio ultimi retractata. et a Luca in fontes Togo patriae planae anno 617-49), G .
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Hermes x Rodi ♡
Hermes (another OC of mine. The red-haired guy with green eyes. OwO)
Might as well post this here, too =v=
The background is not my drawing tbh. 😂
#myart#yumi_ocs#myoriginalcharacters#myowncharacters#romance#shoujo#webtoon#hermesxrodi#herodi#akdbjahskajdgajshh I love them#mybabies
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me every time i translate something that features jason: man fuck this guy
#LIKE EVERY WOMAN HE EVER MET SHOULDA JUST KILLED HIM WHAT A JERK#medea did nothing wrong#hypsipyle? deserved better#im translating herodies 6 by ovid and im just like#OH I GOTTA DEAL WITH THIS FUCKER AGAIN?????#also he's responsible for the death of a dude named talos who was made out of bronze#i feel like tumblr would appreciate that tidbit of info#and he couldnt even do it himself#had to get medea to do it because he's a dumb asshole
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sunny’s emo over a passage from the fd3 book part one:
“It was not until he was behind the wheel of his truck that he looked down at the object that Rita had given him. It was a chipped and faded action figure of Batman. Jason had tons of Batman figures, but this was Lightning Strike Batman, who had white bolts of lightning all over his costume and had some kind of special power that Kevin couldn’t quite remember. That figure had been Jason’s favorite when he was a kid and he carried it everywhere. He’d had it in his pocket the day he and Kevin met. Kevin still had his own corresponding Joker figure sitting on top of his computer, though he had lost the helmet and jetpack that came with it long ago. Jason and Kevin had spent endless hours playing Batman vs. Joker in the scrappy woods behind Jason’s house and in a strange way, those childhood roles had sort of defined their relationship for all the time. Jason was the strong and heroic good guy and Kevin was the mischievous, wisecracking villain. Sitting there in his truck, holding the tiny Batman figure in his big, bulky, grown up hand, Kevin had cried silently for nearly an hour.
Kevin had the little plastic figure in his breast pocket as he stood there in front of Jason’s grave. He could feel it’s little feet and elbows pressing against the left side of his chest, just below his aching heart. He wondered how much longer it would keep on hurting like this, and when he was ever going to stop feeling like Jay ought to be there, standing beside Wendy, while Kevin lay cold and lifeless in the dirt, instead of the other way around. Where was the justice in a world where the brave hero died young and the villain had to keep on living, to try to find some way to define himself without his long time adversary?”
and anyway i’m gonna cry over that but some important notes:
everything ab the action figures means A Lot to me
kevin saw himself as a villain/bad person even before the events of the movie
i feel like there’s something to be said about the fact that he lost the helmet and jetpack but idk what to say ab it
kevin has big hands
kevin was in love with jason and thats Final
kevin would die for jason, and it sounds like when jason’s dead kevin had some big suicidal thoughts
kevin doesn’t know how to define himself/doesnt know who he is without jason around
#╳┊ headcanons#can yall hear me SOBBING#i half forgot ab this and im just Sad#╳┊ jason wise — herodied
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Magister Albertus Parisiensis
Congaudeant Catholici
[(f. 185) Codex Calixtinus. Archivo-Biblioteca de la Catedral, Santiago de Compostela, Spain]
Congaudeant catholici, letentur cives celici, die ista / Clerus pulcris carminibusstudeat atque cantibus, die ista / Hec est dies laudabilis, divina luce nobilis, die ista/Qua Iacobus palacia ascendit ad celestia, die ista / Vincens Herodis gladium accepit vite bravium, die ista / Ergo carenti termino Benedicamus Domino, die ista / Magno patri familias solvamus laudis gracias, die ista. //
Vox Iberica I - Donnersöhne / Sons Of Thunder.
(1992, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi – RD 77 199)
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You Give & GIVE. You are a GENTLE HEART— BROKEN but still standing... ALWAYS lending a hand for those who need it, expecting NOTHING in return. you deserve someone taking your hand & KISSING your open palm, the hands which have SELFLESSLY helped so many others.
tagged by: @astralcrew ❤️
tagging: @soulbiinding , @herodies ( for nineteen lol ) , @freedthedark , @diablescharmants , @twilightfated , @pulserisk & @leviaegan
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#jennifer powell: in character.#jennifer powell: arc one.#jennifer powell: arc two.#jennifer powell: arc three.#jennifer powell: study.#jennifer powell: aesthetic.#jennifer powell: headcanons.#jennifer powell: visage.#jennifer powell: physique.#jennifer powell: edits.#jennifer powell: dash games.#dyn: jen & trevor — jockdied.#dyn: jen & jason — herodied.#dyn: jen & ian — gothdied.#tag dump.
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Tryptyk żydoski po święcie światła Matki Boskiej Gromnicznej AD 2025 Operacja DZIWNI LUDZIE von Stefan Kosiewski SSetKh ODżYDZANIE ZECh ZR FO 20250205 ME SOWA
Audio: gloria.tv/post/3afJdySbdzJNB1FiFPLqTEdka Braun całuje po dłoniach żydokatolickiego Jochemczyka, Krajski robi za żyda i kanclerza Austrii Krajskiego. HERODY Herodenspiel von Stefan Kosiewski Udostępnij klip: youtube.com/clip/UgkxnY1C6io0E289uLM2G8pzE7bTsjtMACPF Kamera obejmie trzech wesołków purimowych jako i ekskomunika latae sententiae…
#antypolskie#bandy#Fascynacja obledem#Odżydzanie#Poland#SB#Stefan Kosiewski#Zniweczona Rzeczywistość
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#jennifer powell: in character.#jennifer powell: arc one.#jennifer powell: arc two.#jennifer powell: arc three.#jennifer powell: study.#jennifer powell: aesthetic.#jennifer powell: headcanons.#jennifer powell: visage.#jennifer powell: physique.#jennifer powell: edits.#jennifer powell: dash games.#dyn: jen & trevor — jockdied.#dyn: jen & jason — herodied.#dyn: jen & ian — gothdied.#tag dump.
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