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Mal de dos : tout dépend de l'étage !
On a souvent tendance à généraliser, mais les douleurs dorsales ne sont pas toutes les mêmes.
Pourquoi ?
La colonne vertébrale est divisée en plusieurs parties: Chaque région a ses propres caractéristiques et est susceptible de souffrir de problèmes spécifiques.
Les causes sont multiples: Arthrose, hernie discale, contractures musculaires, stress... les facteurs déclenchants varient selon les individus.
Les douleurs cervicales:
Souvent liées au stress et à une mauvaise posture.
Aggravées par l'arthrose.
Les dorsalgies:
Fr��quentes chez les adolescents en croissance et les personnes sédentaires.
Liées à des problèmes posturaux ou à des pathologies spécifiques.
Les lombalgies:
Les plus courantes.
Souvent causées par des hernies discales ou des contractures musculaires.
En bref, chaque douleur a sa propre histoire.
Pour soulager vos maux de dos, il est essentiel de consulter un professionnel de santé afin d'identifier la cause exacte de votre problème et de mettre en place un traitement adapté.

Pour aller plus loin
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Neue Studie zeigt, wie sich die Schmerzbehandlungspraktiken nach einer Operation verändern Laut einer Studie mit mehr als einer Viertelmillion kanadischen Patienten, die auf der ANESTHESIOLOGY®-Jahrestagung 2022 vorgestellt wurde, ist zwar kein Rückgang bei der Zahl der Opioidverordnungen zu verzeichnen, die Senioren nach einer Operation erhalten, die Dosierung dieser Verordnungen ist jedoch niedriger. Während es eine gute Nachricht ist, dass die Dosierungen bei Opioid-Verschreibungen reduziert werden, zeigt die Tatsache, dass die tatsächliche Zahl der ei... #Anästhesiologie #Anhang #Antiphlogistikum #Drogen #Forschung #Hernie #Herz #Herzoperation #Hüftersatz #Hysterektomie #Intensivpflege #Knie #Knieersetzung #Medizin #Morphium #Operation #Opioide #Paracetamol #Prostata #Schilddrüse #Schmerz #Schmerztherapie #Senioren #Sucht #Überdosis #vaginal
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Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please-
#just hear me out#please please please please please please please please-#finding frankie#herny hotline#frankie
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henryverse via instragram: buck edition
#bucktommy#henryverse#buck posts more than tommy just bc he loves taking pictures of herny and tommy together#am I over this yet? no I am not#emma james this one is for you bestie
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Dolly Parton, Symphony Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, Photo by Herny Horenstein, 1972
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Rita back
Rita is @hernyart's
#rita#my art#original character#oc fanart#drawing#illustration#artwork#pinup#hernyed#fanart#digital art
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A lesson in flirting
Hi friends! This one had been sitting in my unfinished stories for a while. I love a good Henry fic It's another OFC because I can't seem to get off the "Self-insert" thing rn! LOL but you guys seem to love these stories and writing myself as a main character just gives me this air of confidence...Idk lmao... anyway enjoy! Also maybe doing this is part of kinktober?? Idk I’m not really following a prompt list buuut this kind goes with size kink??? Idk? I just wanna post more!
Plot: In which Alayna and her friends are at a bar, she's trying to explain to her friends that flirting is easy. until she sees Henry and her friends tell her to put her money where her mouth is.
Warnings: Smut Like just so much smut. Dirty talk, Oral (male and female receiving), P in V smut, creampie
“No, I mean it! It’s so easy! Men aren’t THAT complicated.” I exclaimed. Hayley shook her head at me. I laughed and downed the rest of my drink.
“You are so boy crazy,” She laughed, “If it’s so easy prove it!” she smirked. Shit, I’d been drinking and lord knows I’m not one to back down from a challenge. I looked over at Skyler who had the same look on her face.
“Come on Alayna, you look so good tonight! Don’t waste it! You’ve been eyeing that guy by the bar for the last 5 minutes. Go for it!” She urged. I really stuck my foot in my mouth here. I’d been telling them about a time I went out a few months ago and decided I wanted to kiss this guy and just … made it happen. I may have been a little overconfident. I looked over again at the guy they were talking about. He was absolutely gorgeous. He was at least 6’1 with beautiful dark curls and one of the sweetest smiles I’d ever seen.
“I-I don’t know, I’m all talk,” I said immediately going back on my previous statement. “This guy is way out of my league.”I sighed.
“No he isn’t!,” Skyler said quickly, “You’re literally so hot! He’d be stupid not to be into you.” Hayley nodded.
“She’s right dude! Prove yourself right! Go talk to him.” I took one look back at him. Well hopefully if this doesn’t work out I don’t make myself look like an idiot.
“Alright,” I paused looking at the girls. “Commencing phase one.” I joked.
“Jesus,” Hayley shook her head and Skyler just laughed.
“Yes! Go get your man!” She cheered me on. Okay, Phase one. Luckily this would be easy. The bartender Nick was already down at his end of the bar so it was the perfect excuse to “Bump into him” and squeeze my way up to the bar to order another drink. It helps that it’s a little crowded too. I pushed past a group of country boys standing around holding their Busch lights. The kind that rolls into the bar in tattered jeans they’ve been working in all day and dirty old work boots. Definitely not my first choice. I shake the thought out of my head starting to get nervous as I approach him. His back is toward me now. I walked up next to him at the counter, my shoulder brushing against him.
“I’m so sorry!” I blushed. He turned to look at me and smiled.
“That’s perfectly okay! It's a bit crowded here tonight huh?” he asked, chuckling softly. Sweet baby Jesus, he’s British! I nodded. Nick was still with another customer so I took the opportunity to make light conversation.
“Whatcha drinking?” I asked. He fully turned to face me. Beer bottle in hand.
“Guinness has always been my favorite.” He said, taking a sip. “Are you a beer drinker?” he asked. I shook my head.
“Not unless I'm already drunk, or it's in an Irish car bomb.” I joked. He laughed and raised an eyebrow.
“An Irish car bomb? Wouldn’t have assumed that’d be your drink of choice.” He smirked.
“Oh, it’s not! but my brother took me out for my 21st with his friends, they’re like my brothers. Anyway, I did a full “bombs away” Not sure if you’ve heard of that?” I raised an eyebrow. He chuckled, nodding.
“I do, That had to be a rough time!”
“It was certainly rough the next day!” The bartender was finally ready so I made eye contact with him to signal I wanted to order.
“What's up?” he asked.
“Hey, can I get another Rum and Coke please?” He nodded and walked away to get it started. Nick was a man of little words. I appreciated that about him.
“Not a bad choice,” I heard the guy say. I laughed
“It’s been my drink of choice since my friend and I started stealing “captain” out of her parent's liquor cabinet senior year.” He chuckled softly. Just then Nick came back with my drink. I smiled and thanked him again. He just nodded. I turned back to the mystery guy and smiled. “Well, it was nice talking to you!” I said.
“You too! Sorry, I don’t think I got your name.” He said.
“Alayna!” I said quickly.
“Alayna,” He repeated and smiled. “I’m Henry,”
“Nice to meet you, Henry!” I said and started to walk away.
“Nice to meet you, Alayna!” He called after me. I walked back to the girls' new drink in hand and a spring in my step. I smirked sitting back down in between them.
“Oh my god how’d it go?!” Skyler asked immediately.
“So he’s fucking British!” I stated.
“You’re kidding!” Hayley added. I shook my head.
“Dead ass! His name is Henry, and that’s about all I know! Except he’s even more beautiful up close!” I tried so hard not to squeal. Having a crush was thrilling and fun even if it went nowhere.
“Okay not to get your hopes up but he’s definitely looking this way!” Skyler said. I brought my drink to my lips took a long sip and let my eyes fall in his direction. He was and he was smiling. Before I could catch his eye his attention was brought back to his friend as they continued their conversation.
“I told you.” I shrugged. Hayley shook her head.
“That doesn’t prove anything buddy, maybe he just thought you were nice,” she stated. Skyler laughed
“He was absolutely staring at her ass as she walked away but okay yeah he just thought she was nice.” She said, I was blushing and trying so desperately to act cool but I knew it wasn’t coming out that way. I took a long pull of my drink and sighed.
“This is gonna be a high school crush situation all over again if I can’t hold it together. God, he’s so beautiful up close though. I really don’t know how I managed that conversation, let alone blatant flirting.” I shook my head and changed the subject. Asking the girls about work. I had neither of them fooled but they let me change the subject.
“It’s going okay but I certainly could use a vacation,” Hayley said. I laughed
“Says the girl who was in Hawaii 3 months ago!” I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, and you left us here!” Skyler argued. Hayley retorted with something sarcastic but I didn’t hear her. Henry was walking in our direction and I immediately caught his eye. He smiled when he saw me slowing down as he was walking past.
“Hey! Are you having a good night?” He asked. I nodded and gave him a big smile.
“I’m having a great night! Just out with the girls. And you?” He quickly glanced over at them and smiled softly.
“That’s awesome,” He turned his attention back to me and it was a bit dark but I’m almost positive he gave me a once over. “And I’m good! Great now, just a little buzzed and headed to the toilet,” He chuckled.
“Well don’t let me keep you!” I laughed. I watched as he smirked slightly, looking me over again. He gave me a quick wink.
“I’ll see you later, love,” He spoke and then walked away toward the restrooms. As he walked away I heard Skyler trying to hold back a squeal.
“He was absolutely flirting with you!” She smiled. Even Hayley agreed.
“Dude it’s like we weren’t even here,” She said. I smiled.
“Yeah, I noticed that. But he does seem really sweet! I’m gonna let him make the next move though.” All of a sudden feeling a rush of energy I downed the rest of my drink. “Fuck it let's go dance!” I said standing up and pulling both of them up with me. I heard Hayley start to complain that she can’t dance so I took her hand and spun her. “Just move! Everyone’s drunk anyway. No one cares! Let loose!” I said. Skyler grabbed my hand and spun me and then jokingly twerked on me. We were laughing and genuinely having a good time.
This is what we came out for tonight. Just to have fun and be carefree. The song switched to some early 2000s girl group. The kind that makes you feel invincible. The girls and I were still dancing. I spun around and almost ran directly into Henry.
“I’m so sorry!” I giggled. Clearly more a little more buzzed now. Henry smirked.
“No need to apologize darling. You’re having fun!” He chuckled.
“I am!” I exclaimed. “You should dance with me!” He smiled but raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not much of a dancer, Love,” He said. I pouted.
“Please? It’ll be fun!” I begged. He chuckled.
“Of course, I will, for you!” He smiled. I let out an excited squeak causing him to laugh. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to a slightly less crowded area of the makeshift dance floor. I turned around and pressed my back to his chest. Immediately his hands found my hips. I slowly started to move my hips against him and looked back giving him a cheeky smile.
“Told you I’d make it fun!” I said. He smirked and licked his lips slowly.
“I never doubted that,” He spoke. He slowly started moving his hands up my sides. I bit my lip. I loved the feeling of his hands on my body. I felt my shirt rise a little as his fingers moved over the hem of the crop top. Then I felt his fingertips against my neck as he brushed my hair back off my shoulder. I pressed against him, grinding on him to the music. His breath was hot against my neck. “Enjoying yourself, love?” He spoke his voice low and gravely. I knew he wanted to make a move. I could feel him against me. But He was trying to be respectful. Or as respectful as he could with my ass pressed to him.
“Mmhmm, but I’d be having more fun if you’d kiss me.” I started trying so hard to play cool. My heart was racing and the anticipation felt like electricity coursing through me. He moved his hands back down squeezing my hips before he turned me around to face him. He was smiling. God, he was such a beautiful man. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face. “You have the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen by the way.” I blushed, losing my nerve now that I was looking him in the eye.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” He said back. I blushed.
“That can’t be true, you’re like, insanely hot!” I blurted out. He chuckled, tightening his grip on my hip and pulling me flush against him. My hands were on his chest. Fuck he was solid. We were so close. I was even more nervous now that I had the chance to really look at him. He was wearing a plaid button-up with the top 3 buttons undone and revealing a patch of chest hair. His shoulders were broad and strong. I felt small in his arms. The way he was looking at me I felt like I’d have fallen over if he hadn’t been holding me up.
“Yeah, and you’re absolutely gorgeous,” He stated. He caressed my cheek softly before leaning in and kissing me. I immediately kissed him back. I moved so my arms were wrapped around his shoulders and tangled my fingers in his hair. He groaned softly, walking me backward until my back was pressed against the wall. He kissed me roughly and as he pulled away he caught my bottom lip between his teeth biting down softly before pressing one last gentle kiss to my lips. He looked down at me hungrily. “I wanna take you home with me.” He growled in my ear before he started kissing my neck.
“I’m sure the girls won’t miss me,” I smirked. He stopped peppering kisses along my jaw and looked me in the eyes.
“Is that a yes, love?” He raised an eyebrow, a small smirk forming on his face.
“If I don’t go with you, you’re coming home with me! I don’t wanna miss out on you!” I said. And maybe it was a little eager but I meant it. There was no way I was walking away from him now. “Give me like two seconds to let my friends know so they aren’t panicking though!” I said. He gave me a soft smile and kissed my cheek.
“Of course darling,” I walked over to where the girls were still dancing not far from me. No doubt they’d seen our spur-of-the-moment makeout session. I didn’t care.
“Hey so um…” I started.
“You Whore,” Hayley stated before I could say anything. I just laughed.
“You know it!” I joked back.
“Just make sure you use protection! I mean it!” Skyler said. “And I want details!!” She added. I laughed.
“Okay well, I’m gonna go then … you guys get home safe!”
After a quick goodbye, I turned around and found Henry at the bar closing his tab. He smiled when he saw me and pulled me to his side.
“Are you ready to get out of here?” He asked. I nodded. He kept his arm around me as we walked out. He led us to his car, opening the door for me. He got in started the car and paused. “My place or yours?” He asked nonchalantly.
“Yours, one of the girls lives right down the hall and I don’t need her keeping an eye on me.” I chuckled.
“It’s sweet that she checks in though. Do you live alone?” He asked.
“Well hold on, how do I know if I tell you that you aren’t gonna stalk me and murder me?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Because you’re already in my car and if I wanted to kill you I could just do it now.” He paused for a second and chuckled. “I’m not a murderer, I promise. Besides if I killed you I couldn’t take you on a proper date after all this. That wouldn’t be very chivalrous, and to be honest I just know I wanna see you again.” I was blushing.
“Okay, you make a good argument,” I said. “I wanna see you again too. And we haven’t fucked yet.” I immediately squeezed my eyes shut. I can’t believe I said that. And I was too nervous to see the look on his face. I felt him put his hand on my thigh. I slowly looked over at him. He was smirking.
“Oh, but we will.” He stated. He looked over at me letting his eyes roam over my body quickly before he focused back on the road.
Fuck. He’s so hot, this man is about to ruin all other men for me. I heard him chuckle. “Doing okay over there love?” He squeezed my thigh and let his hand wander further up. I bit my lip and nodded.
“Y-yeah, having the best time right now!” fucking idiot.
“It’ll be even better in a few minutes. You’re so sexy. Do you have any idea what you were doing to me back there?” It was my turn to smirk.
“I’ve got a pretty good idea. Pretty sure I could feel it!” I teased. He playfully smacked my thigh. God this was gonna be a good night.
“Not sure how you could miss it with your ass pressed against me like that.” I just laughed.
“I didn’t hear you complaining!” I said and laced my fingers with his hand that was resting on my thigh.
“I wasn’t,” he smiled, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing my knuckles. He let go of my hand as he turned into his driveway and put the car in park. He waited for me in front of the car and took my hand again leading me up to his house. He quickly unlocked the door and I followed him inside.
He flipped on a light in the entryway so we could see where we were going. Then he turned back to me grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him. I initiated the kiss wrapping my arms around his shoulder and tangling my fingers in his curls pulling him down to me. It was a very needy kiss. Pressing my lips to his and letting him suck my bottom lip between his. He backed me into the wall and started to kiss my neck. “Fuck your such a naughty girl, what am I gonna do with you?” He asked and then scraped his teeth across my neck. I moaned and tugged at his curls. He growled against my neck, soothing it with soft kisses. His touch was sending shockwaves through my body. I needed more of him. I ran my hands down his shoulders and over his chest. I brushed my hand over his cock, he was already getting hard. I teasingly squeezed him over his jeans. “Mmm” he moaned softly pulling away from his assault on my neck to watch me tease him.
I continued to explore his body, slipping my hands under his shirt and letting my fingers brush across his abs. I bit my lip when I felt him tense under my fingertips. He chuckled and stepped back pulling off his shirt, a proud smirk on his face. He was incredibly muscular. His chest was solid and broad. He was hairy which I had to admit was a serious turn-on. I hadn’t realized it until now. His stomach was hard and defined. It’s like he was carved out of stone. His happy trail matching his chest hair. He had to be incredibly strong. The muscles in his arms were large. He towered over me making me feel small. But his face was so soft and kind and gentle. His eyes were crystal blue and so inviting. He had such a warm smile. God I was mesmerized by this man. His voice broke me out of my trance.
“Come here Darling,” he said, pulling me to him again. He pulled at the bottom of my top and leaned in pressing a sweet slow kiss to my lips. “Take this off for me?” He asked. I bit my lip
“mmhmm” I mumbled, taking a step back to take off my top. I dropped it to the floor and looked up at him. His eyes were focused on my chest.
“Fuck” he whispered and licked his lips. His eyes flicked back up to mine. “I could tell you had big tits but, wow” he whistled jokingly and I rolled my eyes and laughed.
“Omg shut up! Says the guy literally built like a Greek God!” Now he was laughing. I stood on my toes kissing him again. I reached my hand between us rubbing over his jeans. He growled against my lips.
“Mm slow down baby, we’ve got all night.” He led me to his couch and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. Trust me Im gonna fuck you tonight darling, I’m definitely gonna fuck you.” He started kissing my neck down to my chest and he kissed the top of my breasts. Then he pulled my bra down and took my nipple in his mouth. I moaned, arching into him and he wrapped his arm around my back holding me to him.
“But you’re going to make me beg first,” I teased, biting my lip. He hummed around my breast smirking before biting down and dragging my nipple between his teeth. I gasped and ran my fingers through his hair.
“I love hearing the sounds you make for me,” He moaned as he gave the other breast the same attention. He was driving me crazy. I whimpered softly grinding my hips feeling into his. Trying to get some friction against his now fully hard cock in his jeans.
“Please Henry,” I moaned. as he finally unhooked my bra and tossed it aside. He dug his fingers into my hips keeping me still. I couldn’t help the whine that escaped me.
He kissed back up my chest leaving a chaste little kiss on my lips. Fuck he was such a tease.
“God you’re desperate for it, aren’t you love,” He smirked. “Why don’t you show me how bad you want it,” He nodded toward the floor and I knew exactly what he meant. I slid off his lap and onto my knees in front of him. He stood from the couch and pulled himself from his jeans. Fuck he was big, and already so hard. There was a bead of precum glistening from the tip. If he wanted to tease two could play that game.
I leaned forward and licked the head of his cock smiling up at him sweetly.
“Mm don’t stop now love, we're just getting started.” He moaned cock twitching in his hand as the other hand brushed the hair out of my face and rested on the back of my head.
“You’re just so big, not sure I can handle all of you,” I teased. He chuckled softly running his thumb over my bottom lip.
“You’ve been talking big talk all night baby, I’m sure you can make it fit,” He winked. I blushed but let him guide me forward taking him in my mouth. I hollowed my cheeks bobbing my head slowly. At first only took him halfway and slowly let him hit the back of my throat. He was already moaning for me. Tightening his fingers in my hair guiding me along his cock. “That's it, love, just like that, fuck,” He growled. He pushed my head further down forcing his cock further down my throat. I choked and my eyes started to water but I let him hold me there. I knew it had to feel incredible for him. He pulled me back and I came up gasping for air. He chuckled. “Fuck that’s so sexy. I need more of you.” He held out his hand to help me up and immediately crashed his lips to mine. He bit my bottom lip dragging his teeth across it slowly before finally releasing me.
“Are you gonna fuck me now baby?” I asked shyly gently running my fingers down his chest.
“You’ve more than earned it now darling.” He said kissing me again more gently this time. “But I still wanna please you first.” He smirked bending to pick me up over his shoulder.
“Henry!” I squealed laughing softly. He chuckled and smacked my ass as he carried me to his bedroom. He dropped me gently onto his bed finally ridding himself completely of his jeans and boxers. He gave me one last look asking for permission before stripping me completely as well. He didn’t speak just smiled to himself and started to kiss and grab and feel all over. Kissing my chest and my stomach. Squeezing my breasts. He settled between my legs spreading my thighs kissing and biting at the inside. He slowly made his way up to my core.
“Fucking dripping for me. I could feel it when you were in my lap. So needy.” He ran his fingers through my folds spreading my slick smirking to himself. I whimpered softly unable to take it anymore.
“Fuck please don’t tease me, I need you to touch me. Please, Henry.” I begged. He just smirked. He spread my lips swiping his tongue through my folds. He pulled me closer by my hips and started circling my clit with his tongue. He pulled it between his lips sucking softly and continued to lick. I moaned tossing my head back and my fingers found his curls again. “Oh fuck!” He slipped two fingers into me curving them into me as he continued his assault on my clit.
It wasn’t long before I felt the coil build up in my stomach. “Henry, I’m gonna cum!” I whimpered. He didn’t let up just continued through my orgasm licking up my juices and pulled back with a growl. Kissing his way back up my body.
“God you taste incredible,” He moaned in my ear before flipping me onto my knees on the bed and spreading my thighs. “I need to be inside you.” He groaned, lining himself up with my core running his head through my folds gathering the wetness there. He started to push in slowly. “Such a tight little pussy.” He groaned. “Relax for me, baby.” He leaned down kissing my shoulder as he pushed all the way in. “Such a good girl for me, always so ready for my cock.” he growled. I whimpered. I’d never felt so full. It felt incredible. He finally pulled out slowly and started a rhythm holding onto my hips as he took me from behind. Our moans the sounds of our bodies meeting filling my ears.
“Mm it feels so good,” I moaned pulling at the comforter I could feel my orgasm building again. I started to squeeze around him. Henry pulled out and I whined softly. I heard him chuckle. He flipped me onto my back wrapping my legs around his waist as he shoved himself back into me.
“I need to see your beautiful face when you cum on my cock baby.” He moaned picking up the pace. He was starting to get close too. He kissed my neck and I dug my nails into his back surely to leave scratches there tomorrow as I came undone around him. He growled in my ear as he thrusted a few more times letting go inside me.
“You’re so fucking perfect.” He moaned. He kissed all over my face and smiled. “Are you alright darling?” He asked catching his breath
“I’m amazing,” I laughed.
“Fuck yeah you are,” He chuckled. He laid down next to me for a moment pulling me into him. “Just give me a minute,” he breathed.
I knew we were just getting started.
#fanfic writing#henry cavill#henry cavill smut#captain syverson#captain syverson smut#henry cavil x reader#captain syverson x ofc#fanfiction#henry cavill fanfic#Herny Cavill x Ofc#august walker fanfiction#august walker#august walker smut#superman smut#kinktober#henry Cavill kinktober#henry cavill fanfiction#henry cavill imagine#mike hellraiser#walter marshall#captain syverson fluff#charles brandon#henry cavill x plus size reader#henry cavill fluff#henry cavill x ofc#geralt fanfic
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who would've thought that a guy like henry would double as a superstar?
by firenati0n on ao3
T | 6.4K
tags: hannah montana au, crack treated seriously, crack, fluff, angst, crangst if you will, social media au, twitter elements, crack treated so seriously it's now fully fucking earnest
Henry never thought he’d become a global pop superstar. Millions of people screaming his name, hundreds of bras and boxers thrown on stage, so many records sold. A face full of glitter and a heart full of dreams. But no one really knows Henry. Not in a way that matters. Herny Mountana belongs to the fans. Henry Fox has to belong to himself, or else he'll vanish.
Or, Henry is Hannah Montana, and it's crack treated extremely seriously and earnestly. Have fun!
xoxo roop
p.s. thank you @anincompletelist for the fun graphic <3 <3
also i know i talked about this in literally february so tagging some folks who expressed interest in this in the past pls don't mind me <3 ilysm xoxo also tagging folks who had cameos in this LMFAOOOOO
@rockyroadkylers @flickertheory @duchessdepolignaca03 @ad-astra13 @myheartalivewrites
@littlestar2911 @anincompletelist @littlemisskittentoes @blueeyedgrlwrites @welcometololaland
@ships-to-sail @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @kiwiana-writes @itsmaybitheway @wordsofhoneydew
@getmehighonmagic @benwvatt @gay-flyboys @onthewaytosomewhere @violetbaudelaire-quagmire
@anchoredarchangel @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @celeritas2997 @junebugclaremontdiaz
@suseagull04 @saturntheday @captainjunglegym @thinkof-england @sophie1973
@cha-melodius @dragonflylady77 @dumbpeachjuice @largepeachicedtea @whimsymanaged
#roop writes#fic: herny#rwrb fic#fics#rwrb#back to my crack roots#this one makes me scream laugh ngl#the rooputation era of giving zero fucks continues#hope you enjoy fjalsdjflksadf
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MANSFIELD PARK (1999, dir. Patricia Rozema)
#mansfield park#perioddramaedit#romanceedit#jane austen#filmedit#perioddramacentral#period drama#herny crawford#fanny price#janeaustenedit#henry crawford x fanny price#the yearning!!!!!!!#alexa play betty by taylor swift#Romeo and Juliet ..... literally Romeo and Juliet#he's such a clown#henry doing the absolute MOST to get fanny's attention is something v close to my heart#(I love this moment so so soooo much! idc that the line isn't from Mansfield Park!! it works perfectly!!)#fanny x henry#mine#period dramas#I would defend this film and its choices until my last breath btw
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Lois Lane || Man of Steel
#lois lane#mine#lois lane amy adams#amy adams lois lane#amy adams#zack snyder#zack snyder man of steel#man of steel#man of steel zack snyder#zacksnydertrilogy#zs trilogy#man of steel photoset#amy adams photoset#amyadamsedit#lledit#loislaneeditl#superman#henry cavill superman#zs#herny cavill
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✨A Common Occurance✨
Bitzy may be an adult but you never out grow your ✨intrusive thoughts✨
Bitzy: *being cut out* Henry… are you mad at me OnO
Henry: no- no I’m not mad at you…
#fanart#finding frankie#henry hotline#henry hotline finding frankie#finding frankie henry hotline#humor#finding franky henry#bitzy bat#oc#oc x cannon comic#cannon x oc#oc x cannon#herny finding frankie#finding frankie oc#fan art#finding frankie fanart#fan comic funny
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Something in me makes me think here Martha wanted to confess her feelings to Henry but the nerve of the moment came together and stopped her from articulating the words correctly.

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Just watched superhorrorbro play finding frankie and uh...
...just hear me out-
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character by HernyEd
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