#hermitcraft vampire au
years-of-minecraft · 1 year
Chronically creating vampire aus is my hubris
Them being lowkey based on buffy the vampire slayer is just a coincidence
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orphelia4 · 1 month
I started working on hermitcraft vampire AU (for now no story, just outfits)
If you have any ideas for other hermits (color palette, specific clothes, style, etc.) pls share
Here are pinterest boards for some of the hermits that i made (i will be updating this):
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halvedslab · 7 months
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a little rush
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
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worlds most pathetic upiór
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bellamaomi · 5 months
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A Leyendecker study + @mojo-chojo 's spicy chicken au!
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majickth · 2 years
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So dark, no moon, no stars, no stars No sound, just hearts and walls of art
in which Grian goes to a small town and finds that things aren't as the seem.
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doctorsiren · 1 year
Idk if you’re still into Hermitcraft, but if you’re taking doodle requests, could I get some vampire Mumbo? There’s a great Grumbo fic that’s medieval and Mumbos a vampire and stuff and it has infected brain
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I don’t actively watch MCYT anymore (tbh, I haven’t done so in years) but I am still very much a Mumbo Jumbo fangirlie 🤭
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astronomical-bagel · 2 years
au where everyone is a Creature except grian and he's a hard-core skeptic
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modernsuperhero · 5 months
there should be a shiny duo (gem and pearl) high society vampire au where when they initially meet they're competing for, basically, hunting territory, and are rivals at first sight but very quickly realize that outside of being rivals they click like nobody else. so like from an outsider pov these two lovely ladies are absolute darlings to each other. only some of the other (human) socialites clock that their back-and-forths have hidden meanings but they have no fucking clue what they're ACTUALLY talking about behind the pleasantries which probably drives those socialites insane. which obviously they retaliate by starting gossip and spreading rumors about both gem and pearl, some rumors individually about them and others implicating them both. this of course culminating in them being blamed for some hoity-toity white collar Big Scandal that comes out because all these stuck up folks are like I Always Knew There Was Something Up With Them... (but really they're just jealous they're not In On whatever they're talking about). and now gem and pearl must of course unite (they are secretly super excited about having an excuse to put aside their rivalry and work together) and use their joint hundreds of years of experience, connections, and vampiress powers to unravel the threads of lies of the White Collar Scandal that is of course intertwined with something Much Dark (who knows what, not me) that idk maybe also involves vampire hunters too for extra flavor. anyway.
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violet-fire-cat · 6 months
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Random vampire/werewolf au Etho and Bdubs sillies, somewhat inspired by recent Etho discoveries pfft
(Or something. I don't really know. Etho is pale and blonde, though, so that's why Bdubs didn't notice it straight away)
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blitheringbongus · 6 months
Excuse me! I know you drew it a while ago, but I was curious, the human mumbo you drew, is this him pre transition? :D if so, even if he's still a nervous wreck, he looks much more confident nowadays than he does there :]
Hi!! Hello!!
Yes, my human design of him is pre his transition, also there was another ask which asked for more information on my AU for him but I think I accidentally deleted it so I’m just gonna combine the two
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He was a ‚housewife‘ in the late 1800s (I did zero research on clothing and stuff for that time so not everything’s accurate), who had a husband and daughter.
His husband knew of him being trans, and he supported it fully, drawing a mustache on his face and letting him wear his clothes and everything.
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Sadly Mumbo didn’t have the courage to go out like this in public in fear of being found out.
His husband was a painter, he owned an art studio and mostly painted oil paintings of landscapes and portraits, he was overall very bubbly and sweet.
Their child’s name was Eliza, she was quite the chaotic and messy type of child but overall lovable. She grew up to be an art teacher :] (cheesy, I know)
As for Mumbo himself, he spent his day, of course, doing ‚housewife‘ stuff, but he also loved to experiment taking pictures with his camera as well as do overall experiments with mechanical stuff, such as build small trinkets like a walking duckling.
Mumbo outlived both of them
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frog-with-legs · 8 months
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orphelia4 · 1 month
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Aaand she's here! Vampire Pearlescentmoon <3
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gremnda · 7 months
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little doodle of zera's vampire boatem au pearl
she's so small and cute and i will kill for her (so will rest of boatem)
@hopepetal im going to make so many art of this au i can tell, it's just too good hgrfhgrhf the brainrot is so strong with this one
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thathermitweirdo · 7 months
I think my greatest accomplishment in writing fanfiction is coming up with a title for my Grumbo vampire au, that ends up spelling BAT (Blood And Tears). It’s small things like this that make me happy
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Etho: Vampire Hunter AU (Reader-Insert)
Female reader.
Word count: 932
“You’re up late.” A low voice broke the silence of the night.
You looked up from your work maintaining the chapel’s pews. “Etho!” He looked tired, green and black clothes splattered with dark stains, cloak hanging off his body in ripped shreds, and reddish brown smeared all over his bare hand and forearm. 
Adjusting the mask covering the lower half of his face, he smiled with his eyes. “Sister.” Like all your friends, he called you by your title rather than your name—just as you preferred. As far as you were concerned, Sister was your name, not the pretentious mouthful assigned to you by the Church when you came here years ago. Hiding your identity was a drag, although preferable to being claimed by the powerful vampire queen who had marked you as a child.
“I take from the bloodstains all over your clothes, your hunt was successful?” Tossing your screwdriver onto the wooden pew beside where you were crouched, you leaned back to get a better look at your friend; it seemed none of the blood was his this time. Good.
He laughed, almost sounding embarrassed. “It doesn’t feel successful.”
“Rough kill?” You threw your long hair back over your shoulder, keeping it out of the way as you returned to work.
Running a blood smeared hand through his white hair, Etho’s mood darkened. “Even when I know my target has lived for over sixty years, and killed seventeen innocents, it’s not easy to drive a stake through the heart of a creature who looks like a ten year old girl…”
“The abbess always says you’re too kind for this work.” Picking up the screwdriver, you gave it a little flip in the air, catching it neatly. Gently running your left hand over the pile of screws, you grouped them as you counted in your head. 
Etho walked towards you. “Uh huhh. It’s hard to tell when she sends me out every week to kill monsters.” Sighing, he squeezed past your kneeling body to tiredly sink down onto the pew. “I shouldn’t have specialized in vampires.”
“Etho, don’t sit—!”
Splintering wood and the crash of ancient planks smacking beautiful tilework flooring interrupted your warning, as the pew gave way beneath him. “Ohhhhh.” He sounded pathetic as he lay on his back on the floor, gazing up at the decorative ceiling and gripping the pocket watch hanging from his belt. While you knew Etho must be a fierce and capable warrior, you found such an image hard to combine with the slightly hapless, and very nice guy, you had befriended over the years.
You groaned. “I had removed most of the screws attaching the seat to the end of the pew, so I could replace them with slightly wider screws, ‘cause the whole thing’s been getting loose, and had already been jury rigged before I ever came here…”
“Sorey.” His accent always came through when he apologized. “I’ll explain to the abbess it was my fault.”  
“Thanks.” Leaning back against the chapel wall, you mulled over how long it would take you to fix the pew, assuming you had the skill to properly fix something so old, delicate, and ornate—which you doubted.
“And speaking of the abbess, I got permission to take you with me on my next assignment.”
“Really?” At his words, all exasperation fled your body. Usually you were forbidden from leaving the abbey, on account of the mark on the back of your left hand. “Why?”
“You’re good at clerical work, right, Sister?”
You nodded eagerly as he continued.
“My target tonight had quite a library, and chests of saved correspondence. I needed someone to help me catalog all of it tomorrow, and since they made the mistake of letting me choose my own assistant…I chose you.” Propping himself up on his elbows, his eyes crinkled in a smile. “You do want to see more of the world, right? I don’t know why the abbess always keeps you cooped up in the church compound, but I figure I ought to show my friend a bit of the outside world if I can.”
Without thinking, you gripped the back of your left hand, imagining the green symbol hidden by your half finger glove. “I’d love that.” 
Rising from the rather destroyed pew, which now littered the floor, Etho stretched. “I need to wash up. Wouldn’t want to talk to the abbess looking like this.” He pointed at you. “Now go get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow.”
“You’re going to talk to the abbess now?”
“Some of us aren’t night owls by choice, Sister.” Etho chuckled. “If I have to work this late, she can wake up to talk to me in the middle of the night from time to time.”
Grateful for his friendship, and this opportunity to leave the abbey, you wanted to hug the lanky man before you, but decorum held you back. The last thing you had ever wanted was rumors of being romantically involved with anyone, and years of practicing such thinking left little room for nebulous gestures like hugs—no matter how platonically you intended them. “Hm, you’ve always had fun being a bit of a pain.”
“Just doing my job.” His smile shone through in his voice as you packed up your toolbox.
“See you tomorrow, Etho.”
With a jaunty little wave, he strode off, leaving you to wonder what the next day held.
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