#hermes pagan
wayfind-er · 2 months
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Prayer to Ἑρμης Διακτορος
O’ divine guide, Lord Hermes, giver of joy and good things; please hear my words. If life is a journey, then you are my Guide. In every risky venture I take, I find you. From the dimly lit roads of the countryside, To the realm of gentle sleep you hold, I will follow you. Hear me, O’ divine guide, Shepard of Souls and friend of Mortals, Please bless this journey with your watchful gaze; Watch as I step onto an untried path in your honor, And may your keen gaze stop me from straying away. Lord Hermes, guide me in what is soon to come.
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Inspired by u/ashelone on Reddit, and @temple-of-hermes' celebration of the Fourth. Divider by @/vibeswithrenai
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lost-celestial · 23 days
Celebration of the Soul (Overview)
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Description: This is a modern collection of festivals for Psyche and Hermes that follows the migration of Monarch butterflies. The timing may change yearly. There are four festivals, one for each stage of migration/season to celebrate and honor our past, present, and future. More information will be posted later.
If Monarchs aren't local to your region, I suggest using the migration of a different butterfly in your area. Otherwise, feel free to use the Equinoxes instead!
Inspired by @starry-polytheism's festival for the Southern Hemisphere and @lavenderwaterfall's festival for the Northern Hemisphere. Dividers by @/k1ssyoursister
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Soul's Journey: Spring
🦋 Theme: Looking to the Future 🦋 Timing: Spring Migration, Mid-Mar. to Early Apr. 🦋 Personal Preference: Mar. 31 to Apr. 2
Honoring Ψυχή Ἀνθεία, Psyche, the Friend of Flowers, and Ἑρμης Εριουνης, Hermes, the Luckbringer and Helper.
This is the first generation of a yearlong journey that will span multiple generations of monarchs.
Monarchs are one of the only butterflies that Monarch twice a year. The start of their adventure begins here, usually sometime in mid-March. As the temperature gets warmer, Monarchs will leave their overwintering spots (where they spend the winter) and migrate North. By Spring fully rolls around, the Monarchs have already started their next adventure.
Our first Soul's Journey begins here. This is the time to celebrate the start of a new chapter in our lives and look towards the future. We honor Psyche, the Friend of Flowers, by celebrating the return of the Spring and breathing spirit back into our lives. We honor Hermes, the Luckbringer and Helper, by asking for Hermes' guidance in the next chapter of our lives. He will be our guide through the unknown.
In this soft grassy spot, Psyche lay pleasantly reclining on her bed of dewy turf and, her great disquiet of mind soothed, fell sweetly asleep. Presently, refreshed by rest, she rose with her mind at ease. What she now saw was a park planted with big trees and a spring of crystal-clear water.
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Soul's Journey: Summer
☀️ Theme: Enjoying the Present ☀️ Timing: Summer, June to Mid August ☀️ Personal Preference: Jun. 18 to Jun. 20
Honoring Ψυχή ἐρωμένη, Psyche, the Lover of Love and Ἑρμης Δαις Ἑταιρος, Hermes, the Comarde of the Feast.
After Spring comes Summer.
For the next couple of Monarch generations, they’ll dedicate their lives to continuing North and breeding. Monarchs die, are born, and die again; yet, time continues to move. Monarchs are never stagnant and are always flying towards their next goal.
This is the time to celebrate the present moment and find joy in the little things. It’s the time to remember that everyday we are progressing, even if it feels like we aren’t or that we’re regressing. Every day that we’re alive is a day well spent. We’ll honor Psyche, the Lover of Love, by spending time appreciate the people we care about in our lives and spending time offline. We’ll honor Hermes, the Comrade of the Feast, by showing gratitude for the things we have and actually celebrating ourselves and what we are achieving in the moment. It’s a celebration of self.
As far and wide as the house extended, every part of it was likewise of inestimable price. All the walls, which were built of solid blocks of gold, shone with their own brilliance so that the house furnished its own daylight, sun or no sun; [....] As [Psyche] gazed at all this with much pleasure, a disembodied voice came to her: 'Mistress, you need not be amazed at this great wealth. All of it is yours.'
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Soul's Journey: Autumn
🍁 Theme: Honoring the Past 🍁 Timing: Autumn/Fall Migration, Late Aug. to Nov. 🍁 Personal Preference: Sept. 16 to Sept. 20
Honoring Ψυχή Πτερόεσσα, Psyche, the Winged One and Ἑρμης Αθανατος Δαικτορος, Hermes, the Immortal Guide.
After several months of the heat, the temperature begins to drop and the plants begin to die.
By this point, three generations of Monarchs have lived and died. Now, it’s time for the Monarchs’ biggest journey: migrating down South once again.
Flying down South will be completed in one generation, throughout the Autumn/Fall months. Monarchs of this generation are significantly different than their great-grandparents, whom started the journey to the North in the spring. These months live significantly longer and won’t reproduce as much until they’ve reached their destination.
In the most literal sense, these Monarchs have transformed into something completely different than their parents, and their parent’s parents. This is the start of the end of a long adventure. We’ll honor Psyche, the Winged One, by reflecting on how we can learn from our past. We’ll honor Hermes, the Immortal Guide, by leaving offerings to our ancestors and asking Chthonic deities for their guidance with change.
NOTE: I recommend you take your time with this part of the celebration. It can be heavy, as much of this part revolves around the departed and the end of something. Really take your time to allow yourself to feel your emotions and process what you're feeling. You want to take your time with this.
Then, indeed, Psyche knew that her last hour had come and, that all disguised was at an end and that she was being openly sent to instant destruction. So much was clear, seeing that she was being made to go on her own two feet to [Hades] and the shades. Without delay, she made for a certain lofty tower, meaning to throw herself off it, for in that way, she thought she could most directly and economically go down to the Underworld. But the tower suddenly broke into speech: 'Why, poor child, do you want to destroy yourself by a death leap? Why needlessly give up at this last ordeal?'
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Soul's Journey: Winter
❄️ Theme: Repose (Rest) ❄️ Timing: Winter, December to Early March ❄️ Personal Timing: Dec. 30 to Jan. 3
Honoring Ψυχή, Psyche, Personification of the Soul and Ἑρμης, Hermes, God of Communication, Boundaries and Divine Guide.
After the long migration South again, the generation of super Monarchs will die. Unlike the generations before them, these Monarchs will begin reproducing and laying eggs once Spring rolls around again. Like Autumn, this season is spent mostly traveling South until the temperature warms up again, and they migrate North again to start the next breeding cycle. This generation is truly the most special of all previous generations, and both symbolize the Monarchs' incredible journey and the end of an era. It’s the time to reflect, appreciate, and acknowledge what we’ve done over the course of the seasons. To celebrate, we’ll honor Psyche herself with some much-needed self-care and R&R. Alongside that, we’ll honor Hermes for his help in guiding us every day.
Cups of nectar were served to Zeus by his own cupbearer, the shepherd lad (Ganymede), and to the others by Dionysus; Hephaestus cooked the dinner; the Seasons (Hoare) made everything colorful with roses and other flowers; the Graces (Charities) sprinkled perfumes; the Muses discoursed tuneful music. Then Apollo sang to the lyre, and Aphrodite, fitting her steps to the sweet music, danced in all her beauty. [...] This was Psyche's marriage to Eros, and when her time came, they had a daughter, whom we called Hedone [Pleasure].
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the-purvashadha · 7 months
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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assistedbytherats · 6 months
Zeus and Hera devotees who feel intimidated by them
Poseidon devotees who live far from the sea
Demeter devotees who live in the city
Hades and Persephone devotees who fear death
Dionysus devotees who are perplexed by madness
Aphrodite devotees who struggle to love themselves
Apollo devotees who struggle with inspiration
Artemis devotees who are saddened by animal death
Ares devotees who are too tired to keep fighting
Athena devotees who are easily manipulated
Hestia devotees with unstable home lives
Hermes devotees who get anxious over new things
Every one of you is so valid and so loved by your gods. They love you, and they want you to know it.
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templum-solis · 3 months
I've seen this saying being passed around a few times. Not sure where it is from, but I love it:
If you don't know who to pray to, then pray to Hermes. Even if he cannot help you, he knows someone who can.
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themodernwitchsguide · 10 months
altars for greek gods
this post includes hades, persephone, artemis, apollo, aphrodite, hermes, and hekate. for part 2 including zeus, hera, poseidon, hestia, hephaestus, dionysus, ares, demeter, and athena click here, for nyx click here.
keep in mind that typical offerings to any god includes meat, wine, grain (specifically barley), honey, and incense (myrrh and frankincense would be period appropriate), but i'm listing some specific offerings that can be given if you'd like
colors can be used for candles, banners, decor, whatever you want
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Colors: black, red, and white for association with death. purple and metallics for association with riches/wealth
Offerings: mint, asphodel, white poplar, pomegranate, coffee, cinnamon, elm, money, chocolate
Crystals: gemstones, black crystals (obsidian, black tourmaline, smokey quartz, etc.), pyrite, hematite, labradorite
Animals: black ram, owl, serpent, Cerberus
Colors: purple, pink, yellow, green for association with springtime. black and metallics for association with Hades. white for purity.
Offerings: pomegranate, flowers, grains, asphodel, lavender, rosemary
Crystals: amethyst, gemstones, moss/tree agate, milk quartz, jade, lepidolite
Animals: deer, ram, bat, talking birds (including parrots)
Colors: red and pink for love/sexuality. white and blue for association with the ocean. gold for association with, well, gold.
Offerings: roses, chocolate, shells, myrrh, gold
Crystals: rose quartz, pearl, emerald, opal, aquamarine, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, ocean jasper, morganite
Animals: swan, dove, hare
Colors: white, blue, black, and grey for association with the heavens. brown and green for association with nature/the hunt.
Offerings: moon shaped foods, frankincense, cypress, mugwort, amaranth
Crystals: morganite, moonstone, aventurine, selenite, celestite, moss/tree agate, amethyst, quartz (specific dendritic), labradorite, silver
Animals: deer, wolf, wild boar
Colors: yellow, white, and blue for association with the heavens. red, orange, and pink for healing. purple and green for the Oracle
Offerings: sun shaped foods, bay leaves, laurel, cypress, playing music, poetry
Crystals: sunstone, amber, calcite (specifically honey and yellow), quartz (specifically rutilated or clear), rose quartz, silver
Animals: cow, snake, hawk, crow/raven, cicada, swan, bees
Colors: green and gold for money/luck. white and brown for travels.
Offerings: money, crocus/saffron, strawberries
Crystals: jade, malachite, fluorite, pyrite, lapis lazuli, citrine, alexandrite
Animals: tortoise, ram
Colors: purple, blue, and green for magic. red and black for association with underworld
Offerings: garlic, saffron, crossroad dirt, black salt, ashes, sage, cedar, yew
Crystals: labradorite, obsidian, hematite, black tourmaline, amethyst, bloodstone, serpentine, lepidolite
Animals: wolf, boar, serpent, lion, horse, cow
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theic-manic · 2 months
May Hermes guide those fleeing war, abuse, domestic violence, and any other horrible situation to places of safety and refuge.
May Apollo help with the healing that follows.
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fabledfoxglove · 27 days
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♤ ʜᴇʀᴍᴇs • ɢᴏᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ, ʙᴏᴜɴᴅᴀʀɪᴇs, ᴍᴇʀᴄʜᴀɴᴛs, ᴛʜɪᴇᴠᴇs, ᴛʀɪᴄᴋᴇʀʏ, ɢᴀᴍʙʟɪɴɢ, ʟᴜᴄᴋ, & ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs ♤
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temple-of-hermes · 1 month
My Favorite Epithets of Hermes
Ktêsios - The protector of property
Eriounios - Giver of good fortune
Oeopolus - Sheep-tending, shepherd
Clepsiphron - Deciever
Athanatus Diactorus - Immortal Guide
Mechaniotes - Trickster
Pheletes - Thief, Robber, Rustler
Poecilometes - Full of various wiles
Poneomenus - Busy one
Charidotes - Giver of Joy
Dotor Eaon - Giver of good things
Euscopus - Keen-sighted, watchful
Eriounes - Luck-bringing, Ready-helper
Ericydes - Famous, glorious, splendid
Pompaeus - The guide
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khaire-traveler · 11 months
Isn't it actually so beautiful that deities take the time to try and guide and teach us? How wonderful is it that they care for us so deeply that they'd share their wisdom, knowledge, and insight so freely? I think a deity's love is something to be cherished, and I cherish this. 🧡✨
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inkaitations · 5 months
I love room guardians, go make yourself one out of oven bake clay and paint 🫵
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This is mine he even has a little backpack full of crystals to help him with his job :) what a fellow.
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wayfind-er · 1 month
I had an interview that went really well today after I petitioned Hermes and Psyche for help. Since I know more people tend to honor and worship Hermes, I'll share how I did it (it's simple).
Rub some of your favorite chapstick, lipgloss, or literally anything (that's safe to consume) on your lips. As you trace the shape of your lips, think to yourself: May you, Lord Hermes, bless my words with charisma and wit. May those who hear me listen — use any variation you'd like. Make it personal and unique to you!
Then, rub your lips together and say an affirmation. Keep it simple, like "I can do it." or "And so it shall be done." Thank Hermes for his help, and voila! You've just petitioned the God of Messages.
- If you want to do this often, you can ask Hermes to bless/enchant the chapstick/gloss itself so that anytime you use it, your words are enchanted. If you like everyday glamour magic, I recommend this!
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lost-celestial · 19 days
14 Ways to Celebrate the Soul's Journey into Autumn
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🍁 Theme: Honoring the Past 🍁 Timing: Autumn/Fall Migration, Late Aug. to Nov. 🍁 Personal Preference: Sept. 16 to Sept. 20
Honoring Ψυχή Πτερόεσσα, Psyche, the Winged One, and Ἑρμης Αθανατος Δαικτορος, Hermes, the Immortal Guide.
Clean and cleanse your space.
Consider planting milkweed. NOTE: MILKWEED IS TOXIC TO HUMANS, PETS, AND LIVESTOCK. Before you plant anything, check that you can handle the maintenance and that your preferred species is not invasive to your area.
Light incense or a candle to guide the Souls of the departed.
Leave offerings for your ancestors and departed family members. If you don't want to leave offerings for them, give an offering to Psyche, Persephone, or Demeter as the seasons change again.
Connect with your ancestors or passing Souls (after taking the necessary precautions, such as protection, warding, etc.)
Clean someone's grave or tombstone.
Write a letter to your future self.
Visit a butterfly garden or butterfly sanctuary.
Consider donating winter clothes, socks, or canned goods to those in need.
Go on a nature walk before it gets too cold.
Pour libations to Hades or the Souls of the departed to aid Souls on their journey.
Reflect on where you are now and where you came from.
Consider what you've been doing for the last year. Are you satisfied with the work you've been putting in? Write a journal prompt with your answer.
Write a petition to Psyche to watch over you before the winter.
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elijahrl · 15 days
Hermes is the feeling of happiness when you randomly find money in your pocket.
Hermes is the feeling of excitement when you win a board game.
Hermes is the laughter after you make a joke.
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assistedbytherats · 6 months
Committing piracy as a devotional act to Hermes
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mrhyde-mrseek · 3 months
A little message from me and Hermes:
And yes, there is a story to go along with it below the cut.
Basically what happened is I was doing my daily tarot session where I go around and ask each of the gods I work with what message they have for me today. I also have a job interview on Friday that, until this day, my cards have been hinting will go well (and I really hope saying this doesn’t jinx it).
Today, however, I kept getting the opposite; basically they were telling me that the interview would turn out poorly and I wouldn’t get the job. I was obviously surprised, but before I could fall any further into an anxiety spiral, I asked the cards if someone was messing with them. Turns out it was none other than our favorite prankster, Hermes, fucking with me again.
I don’t think he meant any harm by it. He was just having a bit of fun. But unlike when I gave him his candle, this joke wasn’t funny. I need a job before college, and I REALLY want this one to turn out well, so his messing with the cards scared me and made my anxiety spike.
I told him that his joke wasn’t funny and I wanted him to stop. I then put out a rule to all the gods I work with that they are not allowed to mess with the cards like that again. I got the sense that they all agreed, even Hermes. I forgave him, but I was still upset.
Later, I started to feel guilty for being angry with a god of all beings, and I tried to apologize to Hermes and make it clear that I had forgiven him. Just then, I got a VERY vivid image of him gripping my shoulders and telling me that it’s okay to be mad and I didn’t need to apologize for it. HE was in the wrong, not me. It’s okay to set boundaries as to what’s okay and what’s not within your practice when people (or gods) hurt or upset you.
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