#hermana María
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Un dibujo de todos los guardianes reunidos con sus disfraces!
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didthebrainameitself · 4 months ago
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Alemania (2023) - María Zanetti
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tacosdefresa · 8 months ago
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María y María ≥↓≤
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wileys-russo · 2 months ago
pass outs and paperwork II fresa putellas (oc) x solstråle engen (oc)
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the people have spoken - a little fresa x sol fic set in the future after they’ve gotten together written by @girlgenius1111 and i for your enjoyment! pass outs and paperwork II fresa putellas (oc) x solstråle engen (oc)
“and you’re sure i have to do this?” sol sighed heavily, refusing to make a move from the passenger seat as mapi cut the engine off, having parked right outside the clinic. “sí mi sol, unless you would rather go back to the doctor and-” the norwegians seatbelt was undone and she practically flew from the car making mapi chuckle.
“can we get a coffee first? we should get a coffee first.” sol tried to run and was stopped in her tracks by the shorter spaniard in front of her. “no you have to fast you know this nena. i reminded you, ingrid reminded you and i know fresa reminded you. clinic first, coffee later, i will even buy you lunch after.” mapi patted her back, turning her around and lovingly pushing her forward toward the clinic.
“oh wait, my phone! i left my phone in the car mapi i have to go back and get it." sol scoffed again trying to turn back as mapi hummed knowing it was a lie, shaking her head and turning her back around, a slightly harsher shove forward this time.
sol couldn’t even take her time entering as the doors were of course automatic, opening by themselves the moment she was within a foot's distance, mapi’s hands on her shoulders still walking her forward despite their obvious height difference the defender was stronger than she seemed.
“vamos solstråle, that nurse there is cute eh? should we go talk to her?” mapi teased making sol roll her eyes, the norwegian's girlfriend not having noticed them come in yet as she sat typing away at the front desk.
“she’s not technically a registered nurse yet actually she-'' sol started, words dying in her mouth as fresa heard her voice and looked up, smiling in their direction as the older girl's knees buckled making mapi snort with amusement and mutter some sort of teasing remark under her breath.
“bon dia! i will not lie maría, i really did not think you would get her here." fresa grinned as the pair arrived in front of her, only three other people sat in the waiting room. “hey!” sol frowned as her girlfriend sent her a wink, reaching under the desk and grabbing out a clipboard with a new patient's form and a pen.
“fill this in then bring it back over and we’ll head back, don’t lie on it solstråle.” fresa warned, a perfectly manicured finger held up menacingly as her girlfriend's eyes rolled and she grabbed the clipboard, the younger girl blowing her a kiss and turning back to the monitor in front of her.
“dios mio you really see the alexia in her as she gets older don’t you? i thought it was bad when she was a niña but now she is so bossy, just like her hermana!” mapi tutted as the pair sat down in the waiting room, sol starting to fill in the new patient sheet with a hum.
“translate please.” the norwegian gave in with a defeated sigh after struggling through the first two questions, shifting the clipboard onto the defender's knee and handing her the pen.
it shocked her that mapi barely had to check anything with her, near flawlessly filling in all of her health details and only clarifying a few small things here and there when the defender wasn’t sure.
“acabado. now go give it to that cute bossy nurse!” mapi handed her back the clipboard with a smirk anna wink as sol shot her a dirty look. “yeah yeah she’s not a nurse, now hurry up i’m hungry!” mapi mocked, shooing for her to go, pulling out her phone as the girl stood.
“you’re hungry? i’m the one whose fasting! you ate two dinners last night!” the younger girl scoffed as the spaniard just impatiently waved her off toward the front desk.
“gracias amor!” fresa sang out, plucking the paper from the girl's grasp, setting it down in front of her and beginning to quickly type everything into their system to set her up with a clinic profile.
“you look very pretty today.” sol smiled charmingly, resting her chin on her fist as her girlfriend glanced up in amusement with a small smile.
“you look pretty everyday.” “you look prettier.” “you’re the prettiest.” “you look prettier than the prettiest so-”
“excuse me this is a work environment not a bar, be professional putellas no flirting with the patients!” fresa rolled her eyes as one of her coworkers, carmen, joined her, watching with a grin as sol's face flushed bright red in embarrassment and she quickly straightened up from where she’d been leaning against the front desk.
“ignore her cari. she is just joking, jealous and hopelessly lonely.” fresa teased her friend with a sarcastic pout who pulled a face back, the catalan sending her girlfriend a wink as she finished inputting her information into their system.
“vale. ready?” the younger girl pushed back out of her chair, swapping out with her coworker who sent sol a kind smile and took her seat at the monitor, fresa moving out from the front desk. “no.” the norwegian mumbled nervously under her breath, following slowly after her girlfriend as mapi joined them, the trio heading out of reception and toward the collection rooms down the hall.
“go into this one here. solstråle mi amor up on the bench and take your hoodie off por favor, mapi you sit down in that chair, and i will be just a minute." fresa slid open a door on the right and gestured inside. “oh and don’t touch anything maría, i mean it.” the youngest putellas warned seriously, closing the door again and leaving the pair alone.
“see! diablillo. so bossy, just like alexia.” mapi scoffed, though the norwegian kicked her gently as the older girl immediately reached out to grab a 3D model of a heart from the desk in front of her. “well she has a point.” sol chuckled as mapi huffed and crossed her arms, dropping the model back down on the desk. though seeing sol's face pale as she looked around at the posters and shrugged off her hoodie mapi sat up properly knowing she was needed now.
“hey. mi sol you will be fine nena, you are in the best hands possible you know fresa would never hurt you.” mapi promised softly, a hand settling on the younger girl's knee as she sat up on the bench with a shaky nod, chest tightening with anxiety as her left leg bounced lightly up and down.
the norwegian jumped suddenly as the door slid open again and closed with a small bang, her girlfriend returning with an armful of vials and a box of gloves, setting them down and messing about grabbing out a few more items from the drawers beneath.
“did you touch this? i said no touching, tonta! why do you have such big ears if you cannot use them to listen?” the brunette narrowed her eyes, smacking mapi on the shoulder and moving the 3D heart back where it came from as the older girl whined about abusing clients in the workplace making fresa roll her eyes.
“now cariño do you want me to explain exactly what i am doing as i go, or do you want me to go ahead and have the bocaza distract you?” fresa stopped right in front of her girlfriend, hands on her knees and a kind smile on her lips as she jerked her thumb toward the tattooed defender beside her.
mapi scoffing in offence at the nickname she muttered something under her breath, resisting the urge to sweep the youngest putellas’s legs out from beneath her.
“i don’t know.” sol answered quietly, fresa grabbing her hands where they nervously fidgeted in her lap. “okay. well first i am going to get this band and wrap it around your bicep, then i will pump it with air and that will feel strange but it is to cut off the blood flow so it is easier for me to find your vein.'' fresa explained softly, sol nodding in understanding.
“aquí bebé, fiddle with this but try to sit still, then we can get this done faster!” the younger girl messed around with the tie on the woven bracelet on her wrist.
sol knew it held a large amount of meaning to her girlfriend, given to fresa by her sister alba to help with her own nerves when she was much younger, the girls older sister now always replacing it with a new one she’d make when the strings would fray and fade.
managing to untie it fresa wasted no time tugging it off and slipping it onto her girlfriend's wrist, tying it back up with a smile and softly kissing the taller girls palm as mapi fake gagged, a loud smack echoing as again fresa’s hand collided this time with the back of her head.
“bocaza, distract her.” fresa ordered addressing mapi this time with a click of her fingers as she grabbed out the band. “no please? no manners? your hermana raised you better than this.” mapi tutted as fresa rolled her eyes. “stop feeding alexia’s delusions that she’s my mami, she is already too protective.” the girl huffed, grabbing her girlfriends arm and wrapping the band around before starting to pump the air which sure enough felt strange as sol grimaced.
“do you think when ale has kids they will call you tía or hermana?”
“maría, you are supposed to be distracting sol, not annoying me. or one of these needles might slip and fall into your leg, or maybe your forehead. ya sabes i am not trained in botox but…” fresa threatened as her girlfriend cracked a genuine smile and mapi’s jaw fell open in shock.
“if we were not in your place of work, diablillo…” mapi inhaled with a shake of her head, the younger spaniard smirking and sending her girlfriend a wink. “i can take you anyday león. i have before!'' fresa reminded as mapi’s face blushed red at the memory. “you cheated and i was drunk! that does not count.” the defender huffed.
“when barca won the champions league a few years ago we went to a big party afterwards with all the family and friends. mapi had a few too many shots and tried to lift leila onto her shoulders, she fell over and thought i pushed her and then tried to tackle me-” fresa recounted, sols eyes never leaving her face nodding along with the story.
“-but she missed and tackled a pot plant instead. then she tried again but tackled alexia because she could not see straight, and la tonta can show you the photo of the black eye which followed.” fresa finished, grinning at the melodic sound of her girlfriend's laugh. “that is not how it happened putellas!” mapi scoffed incredulously, shaking her head.
“i was minding my own business just trying to celebrate with the team. then i tried to hug your sister, diablillo stuck her leg out and tripped me over out of nowhere, and sent me flying into a table and i smacked my face on the corner." mapi’s hands flew around the room determined to defend her honour.
“not what happened.” fresa whispered to sol as mapi continued to rant and rave behind her. “has mapi told you about the time she and leila looked after me for the weekend when i was little?” fresa spoke up again as the norwegian shook her head.
“she tied us up and tortured us for two days!” mapis hands flung up into the air as sol grinned watching her neck and ears turn red with frustration. “i told you both i was in charge, you did not listen. you should be embarrassed, letting an eleven year old tie you both up.” fresa shook her head as mapi scoffed. “you tricked us! you pretended to be sad you were left behind and said you wanted to-”
“and done!” the norwegians eyes widened in shock at her girlfriend who interrupted. “what? already?” even mapi was stunned into silencing her stories, both girls wide eyed as fresa nodded.
“sí. i told you, i am the best!” fresa shrugged, unwrapping the pressure band and setting it down beside sol on the bench as she grabbed out a marker and started to fill in the labels on the eight vials of blood she’d taken while her girlfriend was distracted.
“you even got a lollipop because you were such a good girl.” fresa smiled smugly, holding out the jar to her girlfriend and relishing in the way the girl's entire face blushed beet red at her words and she hastily grabbed one.
with the norwegian the tall and tattooed individual she was everyone always assumed the dynamic between the pair would sway in her favour, which was occasionally true (when fresa allowed it), though really fresa enjoyed nothing more than watching how easily she could get the seemingly more dominant girl to crumble, knowing in reality most of the time she was anything but.
“wait, are those all from solstråle?” mapi asked wide eyed as fresa's head whipped around to glare at the defender, sol’s own eyes dropping to the vials of blood. “por qué preguntas eso, estúpido idiota!” fresa hissed, mapi’s mouth opening and closing trying to find an answer.
though their pending argument was cut off by a loud thud, sol having passed out and fallen to the floor collapsed in a heap, mapi dropping to her knees right away to lay her down properly as fresa let out a loud groan, burying her face in her hands.
“por el amor de dios! maría do you know how much extra paperwork i have to do now because she passed out? i had a near perfect patient record until this, and i just came off my probationary period!” fresa groaned dragging her hands down her face with a sigh.
“mi sol? sol? nena? solstråle?” mapi repeated, tapping gently at the norwegian’s cheeks with the back of her hand. “fresa make her wake up, i hate when she does this.” the girl demanded with a scowl.
“well whose fault is it that she passed out maría? you just had to point out the blood didn’t you? idiota!” fresa bit back and rolled her eyes at the spaniard’s panic, knowing well enough by now that this was a normal occurrence for her girlfriend any time she saw blood.
“this happens when she pulls on a hangnail too hard and see’s a drop of red, how are you not used to it by now mapi?” “well fresa i do not like my girlfriend’s hermanita looking lifeless on the ground in front of me, would you like to call ingrid and tell her what has happened?”
at those words fresa paled and dropped to her knees, admittedly quite terrified of her girlfriends older sister despite the fact ingrid had never really given her a reason to be, mumbling a quiet “no thank you.”
with a light touch to her cheek and soft encouraging murmur from the younger girl, sol was blinking her eyes open, a glazed over look finding its way onto her face as she recognized her girlfriend hovering above her.
“oh hi fres.” the norwegian mumbled, smile only growing when the girl above her smirked back. “hola dopey, did you have a nice nap?” the spaniard teased with a wink, tracing sols jaw with her thumb.
“sol! ay dios mio nena, you have to stop doing that.” mapi exhaled dramatically, clutching at her chest as if the poor girl had just attempted some life risking feat and not fainted at the sight of her own blood.
“you should not have pointed out the b-l-o-o-d and she would have been fine!” fresa snapped, though her touch remained gentle as she ran her thumb across sol’s cheek and forehead, tracing across the taller girls worry lines which she knew from past experiences helped to ground her again.
“i can spell.” sol interrupted. “i know you just spelled blood, i’m not stupid.” “of course not mi amor, maria is the only stupid one here. do you want another lollipop?”
“yes please!” sol replied excitedly, effectively distracted, though it meant she sat up much too fast. “uh oh.” the girl mumbled, head spinning at the sudden movement.
sol shut her eyes tightly, reaching out to grab on to the nearest stable object; that just happened to be mapi’s arm. with a sigh, the defender lowered the girl back down onto the ground mumbling something inaudible and encouragingly squeezing her shoulder.
though whatever was said seemed to reach fresa’s ears who smacked the footballer on the shoulder with an unimpressed glare before getting back up to her feet to finish labelling the vials, handing mapi the jar of lollipops as sol blinked groggily.
“i will be back. once she is a little more stable can you try to get her back up on that bench? legally i am not allowed to let her leave until her heart rate is normal and i test her blood sugar levels.” fresa sighed, collecting the vials and addressing mapi who nodded.
stepping out fresa made her way out back where only staff were permitted, bagging up the vials and slapping on the sticker of her girlfriends details, carefully placing it into the storage fridge and hurrying through to reception where carmen still sat typing.
“can you print me off an incident report please?” fresa asked quietly. “what? did you try to have sex with your girlfriend in one of the rooms and get caught?” the older girl teased as the younger girls ears burned red in humiliation. “carmen! cállate.” fresa hissed looking around to make sure no one heard as carmen rolled backward to grab the paperwork from the printer.
“relax chica i am only teasing. is everything okay?” the girl asked, much kinder this time handing fresa the stack of papers who nodded. “sí, está bien. solstrale is not good with blood, she took a look at her vials and passed out.” fresa sighed as carmen smiled.
“and you know to-” “monitor her heart rate, check her blood sugars, keep her till i am happy with the results?” fresa recounted in a somewhat questioning tone as carmen nodded happily. “perfecta.” the older girl praised filling fresa with pride as she nodded.
“oye fres? when you are done, take your break. go get some lunch with tu novia!” carmen informed as the spaniard frowned.
“are you sure? you started before me so you take your hour first?” fresa questioned as carmen waved her off. “oh sí, i just have to check with the manager…” she paused looking around for a second until her eyes fell down to her nametag on her scrubs.
“oh look, that is me! and i say it is fine, now go before i change my mind amiga.”
“sol will drive you home?” eli questioned as she parked outside the apartment building where her youngest daughters girlfriend lived. “sí mami, and i will be home before ten. gracias!” the girl leaned across the console to kiss her mamis cheek, unbuckling and stretching over to grab her bag from where it sat on the backseat.
“mija do not forget to tell her about family dinner on friday, i will make her favourite!” eli called after her youngest who frowned. “why do you always cook her favourite? you used to like me more than my girlfriend, eli.” the girl scoffed, paling instantly at the hardened look at the use of her mamis first name.
“lo siento mami, i will tell her.” fresa apologised quickly, waving goodbye again before using the key given to her by her sol and letting herself into the building.
stepping out of the elevator fresa barely knocked twice at the front door before it swung open, a squeal leaving the girls mouth as her feet were no longer touching the floor, her girlfriend tossing her over her shoulder.
“solstråle! put me down tonta, ya mismo!” fresa laughed hitting the taller girl on the back who ignored her, kicking the door closed and carrying her further into the apartment making a beeline for her bedroom.
“hi fresa!” ingrid called out with a small smile from the kitchen where she was making dinner, mapi out walking scout to burn off his extra energy since he’d been home alone all day.
“hola ingrid!” was all the girl could get out before sol made it to her room, dropping her girlfriend very ungracefully onto her bed and closing the door. “door open solstråle!” her sister yelled out in warning as sol groaned but opened it just ajar again.
“mi amor no i need a shower por favor i still have my scrubs on and-” but the catalans protests fell on deaf ears, her girlfriend flopping down on top of her without a care. “you can shower later.” the norwegian decided for her, hand patting her cheek lightly as she wriggled around to get comfortable.
“there is blood on them.” but at that she shot bolt upright, rolling off fresa who grinned and pushed herself off the bed. “hey no there isn’t!” sol scowled looking her girlfriend and her seemingly clean scrubs up and down and crossing her arms, fresa only sticking her tongue out and grabbing her bag off the floor, making a beeline for her girlfriends ensuite.
“do you have to do all of that?” the norwegian groaned, dragging herself into the bathroom as fresa made her way through her post shower skincare routine. “you already look pretty all the time babe, even without all this shit on your face.” the girl mumbled, hugging her shorter girlfriend from behind, hunched over and scowling.
“sí amor, quiero.” fresa chuckled, patting sols hands which rested on her stomach as the girl huffed, unwrapping herself and taking a seat on the lid of the toilet. “i am done anyway cariño, your turn!” fresa cheered as sol threw her head back with a loud groan, her girlfriend moving her legs apart so she could stand between them.
“no i don’t wan-” but before she could even finish her sentence sol grimaced and quickly closed her mouth, moisturiser already being smeared across her face as the older girl deflated with defeat, allowing fresa to do as she wanted.
though when finally fresa was done and sol was ready to pull her into bed, ingrid called that dinner was ready and her girlfriend was already up and headed out, the norwegian groaning and begrudgingly following after her to the table.
“no we don’t want to watch a movie, no we don’t want to play a game, no we don’t want to hang out with you both but great dinner so good so delicious one of your best thank you bye!” sol rambled out quickly once they’d all finished their food and fresa had of course insisted she help clean up, grabbing her girlfriends hand and practically hauling her back toward the bedroom, ignoring mapi’s teasing remarks yelled after them.
“finally!” sol exhaled, ever so carefully closing her door with the softest of clicks, waiting a moment and when ingrid didn’t yell for it to open again she let go of the handle.
“wait what? what are you doing?” sol frowned as fresa was knelt down rummaging through her backpack, not making herself comfortable in the middle of the bed like she normally would be, scout already curled up on the end waiting patiently.
“studying amor, i have a unit due at the end of the week!” fresa frowned as she pulled out a textbook, mumbling something to herself in spanish as she hunted for something else and sol groaned loudly, dramatically back flopping onto her bed. “nooo!”
“you should be studying too! your history paper, did you finish it?” the spaniard asked, standing up with an armful of school supplies and staring her girlfriend down who shook her head. “did you start it?” fresa asked, giving the taller girl a hardened look who scoffed. “yes! don’t give me that look putellas.”
“well then don’t lie to me engen. oh did you buy more lego?” fresa realised as she tried to clear some space on her girlfriends desk, noting a few new additions to the norweigans very large and very proud collection as the girl sprung to her feet eager to show them off. “yes! look i got the jaws set, and another succulent and then mapi finally found the add ons for my-” she fell silent seeing the amused smirk on the younger girls face.
“don’t laugh!” sol scowled, crossing her arms and glaring down at the shorter girl who placed her books down on the desk. “i am not laughing mi amor, it is muy adorable how much you love your little legos.” fresa grinned, hugging her and staring up at the stone faced norwegian, stretching up to peck her lips a few times.
“solstråle!” fresa yelped as once again she was picked up off her feet. “i told you to stop manhandling me!” the girl warned, her accent when she spoke english making her girlfriend grin as once more fresa was dropped on the bed, scout jumping off and making himself comfortable in his own bed in the corner.
“no no bebé i told you i need to-” but fresa sighed as her girlfriend again collapsed on top of her causing her to grunt. “you need to cuddle me.” the girl demanded tiredly, fresa wanting to argue but unable to stop the smile curling into her features at the sudden softer shift in sol when she was needy.
“you are such a big baby.” fresa teased, the two of them moving around for a second until both were comfortable, sol grabbing her girlfriends hand and moving it to tangle in her hair, fresa already knowing exactly what she wanted as the taller girl turned on the tv.
“can i pick? you will be asleep in ten minutes.” fresa chuckled knowingly, sol grumbling something in norwegian and refusing to give the remote up making her girlfriend roll her eyes, fingers messing about with her hair.
“another nature documentary?” “they’re interesting!” “sí, for old people.” “fresa!”
“bien. watch your stupid tree show!” fresa gave in with a sigh, admittedly far too comfortable using her girlfriend as a makeshift weighted blanket to be bothered to argue. “well i did go through a horrible experience today, this mean nurse stabbed me and made me pass out!” sol sighed, laughing as her girlfriend scoffed in offence and tried to push her off to no success at all.
“oh lo siento, poor bebé.” fresa pouted sarcastically and rolled her eyes, her feisty attitude part of what had solstråle so attracted to her in the first place. “mmm i think i need spanish kisses to make it better.” the girl grinned wolfishly, tapping her lips as fresa sighed deeply as if it was a chore, sol pinching her softly and shuffling up the bed a little.
“lucky you are cute sometimes engen.” “only sometimes?” “si, you are also very annoying amor.” “so charming putellas.”
“i love you.” sols features softened as she pushed herself up to hover over the younger girl a little whose hands moved from her hair to cup her face, perfectly manicured fingers tracing her jaw. “i love you.”
“i love you more.” “i love you most.” “i love you more than the most.” “i love you-”
“ay dios mio i have had to hear this all day! you two are disgusting give it a rest!”
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latinotiktok · 1 year ago
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Shadow The Hedgehog/Sonic
-Shadow The Hedgehog, ele foi criado usando DNA de 60+ espécies e além disso sabe chutar bem, é brasileiro.
-sonic the hedgehog he is brazilian have you seen him.
-Shadow the Hedgehog / it's basically canon pls.
-Sonic the Hedgehog. Tiene energía extremadamente latina. Se nota que sabe hablar español y portugués. En la vida real, es muy popular en México y Brasil.
-Sonic the Hedgehog and i want him to be latino cause i'm brazilian and i love the him.
-O sonic é bem marmanjo e adepto ao jeitinho brasileiro pra fazer as coisas o mais rápido possível. O moleque faz gambiarra. Ele toma banho com chuveiro a .5 segundos de eletrocutar ele. Vai dizer que o estilo dele não é cabelinho na régua? Tenho certeza que ele fala véi, toma vitamina de abacate e já fez proerd.
-Sonic the Hedgehog, porque ele é obviamente brasileiro
-Dr. Eggman, GeraldO Robotnik, and Maria Robotnik + Shadow the Hedgehog by proxy. I'm biased prero para mí que son cubanos 😎
-Sonic T Hedgehog. Look at that boy who dances and spins around whenever he gets the chance and TELL ME he isn't latino. He would also eat those Brazilian hot dogs in one bite.
Sonic pq tiene respeto por la madre naturaleza, le cae super mal la yuta y estoy convencido de que si existiera un equivalente de latinoamerica en el mundo de sonic se la pasaría en los barrios bajos con casitas techo chapa
Shadow. Su hermana se llamaba María y el imaginarlo insultando en cualquier acento latino está chistoson
Vi a alguien decir que la piratería (as in, the concept) debe ser latino y apoyo la moción, so here i am to say la piratería es mi bebita fiu fiu
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la-semillera · 20 days ago
Emma Larsson & María Elena Walsh
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El 45
Te acordás hermana qué tiempos aquellos, la vida nos daba la misma lección. En la primavera del cuarenta y cinco tenias quince años lo mismo que yo.
Te acordás hermana de aquellos cadetes, del primer bolero y el té en El Galeón cuando los domingos la lluvia traía la voz de Bing Crosby y un verso de amor.
Te acordás de la Plaza de Mayo cuando «el que te dije» salía al balcón. Tanto cambió todo que el sol de la infancia de golpe y porrazo se nos alunó.
Te acordás hermana qué tiempos de seca cuando un pobre peso daba un estirón y al pagarnos toda una edad de rabonas valía más vida que un millón de hoy.
Te acordás hermana que desde muy lejos un olor a espanto nos enloqueció: era de Hiroshima donde tantas chicas tenían quince años como vos y yo.
Te acordás que más tarde la vida vino en tacos altos y nos separó. Ya no compartimos el mismo tranvía, sólo nos reúne la buena de Dios.
_ María Elena Walsh.
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museoparticular · 2 months ago
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Salvador Dalí (11 de mayo de 1904 - 23 de enero de 1989) Artista surrealista español ..................... "Chica en una ventana" / "Figura en una ventana" - 1925 Óleo sobre papel maché 105 x 74,5 cm The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, @museoreinasofia Madrid Spain "Figura en una finestra" es quizás la obra maestra absoluta de la serie de retratos de su hermana Anna María, una de las pinturas al óleo más representativas del primer periodo del artista. La pintura combina los espacios ocupados y los espacios vacíos, dándoles igual importancia composicional a tal punto que el hecho de que simplemente haya eliminado una de las carcasas de ventana (la izquierda) escapa al espectador, que ni siquiera se da cuenta de la anomalía (Rafael Santos Torroella, uno de los Los grandes eruditos Salvador Dalí)
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desorden-en-letras · 8 months ago
Ella iba caminando por aquella calle que le traía nostalgia, de pequeña caminaba por ella con su hermana, reían juntas, se divertía. Un día la hermana mayor le contó a su hermana q en el pasado por esa misma calle habían muerto algunas personas en la guerra, su hermana se quedó pensativa, pero no dijo nada y siguieron el camino. Llegaba la noche y se sentaron para descansar, hasta que de la nada escucharon dos disparos, ambas balas alcanzaron a la hermana menor.
Ahora el caminar se hacía triste y lleno de agua. La inundación venía de su interior.
Sara María
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 1 month ago
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klaudie234 · 24 days ago
Yo creo Que María que estaba un poquito cautelosa con stone como cualquier hermana mayor y no quería que rompiera el corazón de su pequeño primo
of course she was careful but then she started to like Stone very much.. Like a family <3
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senig-fandom · 4 months ago
Adivina quién revivió!!!
Espero que estés bien UwU ✨
Jaja ya ando de vuelta, solo que me entretengo haciendo otros dibujos de los que en realidad debería jaja, anyways, tengo una duda muy dudosa, según los diferentes AU de ángeles y demonios, Sur tiene las alas negras para identificarse entre los que son guerreros de Dios y los que son angeles de otras categorías, se me ocurrió una teoría, según las marcas de Sur pueden ir creciendo/apareciendo por cada cercania con Alemania/Frederick??? Digo, podemos determinar que como era una interacción diferente a la que tienen en las reuniones podría ser, que además de las marcas, su divinidad (poder) podría estar fallando en ocasiones)?
Otra cosa, este Sur específicamente podría también estar conectado con la muerte después del castigo divino??
Son dudas que no me saco de la cabeza jaja 🫠🫠🫠
Holis V3V que bueno leerte de nuevo ( Han pasado cosas aquí y muchas que me hizo todo Octubre y Noviembre algo cansados, pero estoy bien ahora jeje )
Pues si hablamos un poco del tema, tengo dos ideas por lo que me dijiste:
1-Podria que este siendo castigado por enamorarse de un demonio y para deshacerse de el, lo inculparon de un acto que alguien mas hizo y si el demonio se lo encontrará este empezaría a sufrir un dolor causado por sus antiguas marcas de ángel.
2-Y algo que esta un poco mas a mi idea original, es que lo inculparon, el era alguien favorable y hacia su trabajo bien, además de ser devoto a dios, por lo cual a alguien lo inculpa y lo maldicen, lo cual cuando peca sufre la maldición y de allí nacen sus marcas, lo cual lo llaman marcas malditas, Frederick quien lo ama desea su recuperación, por lo cual intenta quitar la maldición y devolverle los recuerdos a su ángel caído.
Tengo la idea de meter mas personajes, y pensaba en poner a Eduardo como alguien cercano a Daniel (aparte de su hermana) por lo cual, pensaba que Eduardo es la muerte, alguien que es imparcial y ve el mundo por sus dos lados. Pero este Eduardo es tambien alguien cercano a Daniel, tan cercano que lo protege y lo ayuda a que el dolor de su maldición no le afecte. ( Eduardo es el bibliotecario que sale en la mini historia)
Pero no estaba segura, por lo que si quieres lo podemos poner para mas lore XD
Y el gringo ( que se llama aquí Alfred) tengo una idea de ser un demonio o cura.
El demonio para que haya alguien interfiriendo en los planes de Frederick, pero al mismo tiempo tiene un interés amoroso en la hermana de Daniel.
Y el cura, que ayuda a su ángel guardián (Maria) a proteger a su hermano de su maldición y que lo apoyo si el tiene dudas. (Ademas en este versión de mi idea el y María no pueden estar juntos porque el es un humano y ella un ángel, por lo cual el esperara todo lo que tenga que esperar para morir y ser llevado por ella al cielo, pero en el camino cuando la ve siempre sonríe, es muy dulce y la alaba mucho XD, [A diferencia con Daniel y Frederick que es como un complemento en sus interacciones y a veces ayuda a Frederick para proteger a Daniel])
Y Japón (Que no estoy segura de como llamarla XD ) pero es seguidora o seguidor de Frederick, y que le ayuda para encontrar la cura ( al mismo tiempo que puede ver al amor de su vida la muerte XD [Pongo el peso ante ti de elegir cual prefieres hombre o mujer para Japón XD, yo lo veo bien por cualquiera de los dos, pero quiero ver que decides tu o los que leerán esta biblia XD])
Y estoy pensando tambien que si Daniel, al volver a recordar y volver a ser un ángel, lo pondría un nombre tambien relacionado mas al matar que a la muerte en si. Porque al final del día Daniel matara a todos los ángeles que lo traicionaron, por lo cual podría ser el mismo el Apocalipsis, o el asesino del cielo.
Ante todo, esto son ideas, podemos seguir discutiéndolas o hacer cada una una versión apoyándonos entre nosotras, por ideas o dibujos a futuro. 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
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Espero y te guste mi respuesta 💛💛💛
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Aquí les dejo a algunos de los guardianes y su difraz de Halloween!
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Capitán mares= Aquaman
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Trajes alternativos para Mares
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Juez = Batman
Mago maestro = Dr. Strange
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Guardiana= brynhildr
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Hermano Richard= Hank
Hermana María= Hermana María
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malevna · 1 month ago
( ⋆˚࿔ ) POST INTRODUCTORIO. ──────-
¡hola! ran por acá presentando a M. MAGDALENA ALMAGUER y PERCIVAL A. GRIGSBY, les dejaré un par de datos de relevancia de su paso por la universidad, así como un par de ideas dispersas de conexiones que podemos usar, cualquier cosa estoy a un mensaje de discord de distancia en ravnitaxs.
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༘⋆ MARÍA MAGDALENA ALMAGUER rogó a sus compañeras para seguir a amelia a través del camino de sangre sin embargo la presión social hizo que mejor cerrase la boca, protegida de boris debido a catatonia presentada tras estos eventos, prometida del hermano menor de buchanan. 
malena, como probablemente le diría su círculo cercano estudió bellas artes y era parte de la sociedad de las señoritas de atenea durante sus años en pomona, actualmente es gestora independiente de colecciones de arte y sigue siendo vocera para la iglesia de su familia 'fuego y gracia' tiene veinticinco años.
es hija de probablemente una de las familias que redefinió el cristianismo en la época actual, malena creció siendo fotografiada con celebridades adolescentes o junto a sus padres y sus seis hermanos siendo ejemplo de pulcritud y perfección, nepo baby convertida en influencer también if you may say.
en pomona es la estrellita dorada, habla con todo el mundo, le sonríe a todo el mundo sin embargo también mantiene un control estricto acerca de quién sí y quién no está en sus círculos sociales más cercanos, quienes pueden verle en qué estados y es experta en controlar las narrativas, lo cierto es que muchas personas la buscan no solo por las conexiones de su familia sino también porque es una buena persona para irse de fiesta, en cuestión de clasismo, lo cierto es que en sus propias palabras, 'la discriminación no está en tendencia con dios', así que suele hacerse mano amiga, aunque, si resultabas ser como amelia, lo cierto es que no te registraba.
( tw. ptsd ) tras encontrarse a amelia y posteriormente ver cómo se perdía dejando detrás un rastro de sangre, malena desarrolló trastorno de estrés post-traumático cuya sintomatología se encuentra en el mutismo y la catatonia, pasa dos semanas en el ala médica al cuidado de boris bleichman quien la termina colocando bajo su tutela, no se sabe si es porque este pertenece también a la congregación o simplemente porque malena le ha dado lástima, pero tras recuperación se vuelve mucho más errática, por ratos, porque también se vulnera más ante la idea de perderlo todo como lo ha hecho alfred.
POSIBLES CONEXIONES: buscamos básicamente desde dinámicas amistosas hasta enemistades muy marcadas por la conveniencia, también un par de pseudo-amistades que estén dispuestas a clavarse puñales por la espalda de ser necesario ( oh un blair x serena por favor ), en cuanto a las dinámicas románticas, malena es bisexual, sí, pero todavía está en el closet por la congregación, aunque fuera de eso, en realidad sus dinámicas sexo-afectivas también serían sumamente caóticas.
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༘⋆ PERCIVAL ANDRÉ GRIGSBY otorga la razón a otis en defensa de su hermana menor, es él quien envalentona a otis a enfrentarse a séquito de alfred, se sabe que esto es debido a infatuación que sentía por amelia en su momento, durante sus años universitarios nunca dejó de buscarla.
percy era estudiante de ciencias políticas y miembro del equipo de polo durante su estadía en pomona, actualmente es el jefe de estrategia política en el equipo del candidato a la alcaldía más joven que ha tenido nueva york.
su familia es de dinero viejo, es el hijo de en medio y como suele suceder es el que muchas veces terminaban olvidando, esto lo llevó a refugiarse siempre en la biblioteca o en los deportes, siempre se ha sentido alienado de su familia aunque tenga un fuerte deber de protección, principalmente con sus hermanos.
en pomona lo cierto es que esperaba que se repitiese la misma historia que en casa, sin embargo se sorprendió en el momento en el que le empezaron a llamar alumno destacado, que la gente parecía también revolotear a su alrededor y es que percy es carismático además de que es gracioso, por lo tanto comenzó a salir del cascarón, disfrutaba la atención, en realidad, más de la cuenta, se vuelve popular y sabe exactamente con quién juntarse, tiene un grupo cercano de amigos y lo cierto es que, aunque con alfred no la lleva mal, sí que prefiere evitarlo porque sabe que hay choque de egos de por medio.
estaba enamorado de amelia, tenían una relación en secreto porque percival jamás podría salir con alguien becado al aire libre, sin embargo así como la tiene, descubre que amelia le pone los cuernos con alfred y se enfurece, manipula a otis para que sea él quien pelea por él y sabemos como termina después, siente culpa, por supuesto, sin embargo clemente y su esposa maude lo protegen, le hacen creer que intentó hacer lo correcto y se convence de ello.
POSIBLES CONEXIONES: él, a diferencia de malena, en realidad no tenía problema con hacerse de un par de enemigos por decir lo que piensa, sin embargo también era bastante leal con las personas del círculo, por lo que me gustaría explorar un poquito lo que pasa por ahí, ya que estamos en las referencias de gossip girl jej, la verdad es que es muy a la nate archibald, así que también podemos esperar un montón de irresponsabilidad afectiva en el plano sexo-afectivo, si es que les interesa también ver algo de por ahí.
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tacosdefresa · 9 months ago
María con pelo de Dora la Exploradora mi amada
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María le robó la peluca a Dora
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wileys-russo · 9 months ago
can i request something with alexia x reader based off one if the videos post win. the one where olga tried scoring on alexia but instead of missing reader makes it and then copies alexias celebration
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goalscorer II a.putellas
you weren't sure whose hand would break first, yours or albas, with the way you both had a death grip on one another as the extra time slowly ticked down to zero and it felt as though the entire stadium held its breath.
then finally, the whistle.
for a brief moment it was like time stood still as the players raced onto the pitch, your body on fire as every hair stood on end and the ground beneath your feet vibrated with the thunderous roar of a stadium full of culers.
then arms were thrown around your neck as alexia's family all screamed happily and exchanged hugs, your own parents sat in the row behind forever supportive of your fiancé since the moment you'd taken her home to meet them.
you blinked and suddenly snapped back into reality, the screams deafening in your ear as you were drowned in affection from the elated putellas-segura family surrounding you.
your heart swelled with pride as you finally caught alexia's eye, a beaming grin flashed your way and both her hands waving before she was called over for the trophy and medal ceremony.
eventually you were all ushered down toward the front of the barrier, eli and alba going first as they engulfed your fiance in bear hugs, both women with tears streaming down their faces as alexia rolled her eyes playfully and squeezed them tighter.
with a nudge in the back from her uncle and a wink you were next, two strong hands helping you over the barrier as your feet touched the pitch and your eyes remained locked with the blonde grinning down at you.
time once more seemed to stop and suddenly it was just the two of you, your congratulations and how proud you were murmured over and over in her ear as finally your arms wrapped around one another and you'd never felt safer than being within them.
you let out a laugh as you were held tighter and lifted momentarily up into their air, spun around for a moment as alexia's forehead pressed against yours, lips just grazing your cheek both of you well aware that despite the intimacy of your embrace it was anything but a private moment.
"taking your captain title to a new level mi amor." you teased, tugging at the barcelona flag draped around her shoulders like a makeshift cape, reeling in the very slight blush which coated her cheeks at your words which you knew if you called her out on she would dismiss as flush from running around.
"captain catalunya, hero of barcelona." you grinned, kissing her cheek and stepping away for a moment to allow some of her childhood friends to rush in and express their own congratulations, dragged away by alba to speak with your own parents and eli.
"no i did not!" you denied with bright red cheeks as your father embellished a story of how the first time you'd watched one of alexia's games with them at home you'd almost thrown the remote through the screen when your girlfriend at the time was fouled.
"stop laughing! you'll just encourage him." you shoved alba who only threw her head back as you playfully shot your grinning father a glare, relaxing as familiar arms looped around your waist and a chin settled on your shoulder.
"hola amor." the soft raspy murmur as a subtle kiss was placed on your jaw and you melted backwards into your lovers touch as praise for her showered down from those around you.
"hermana! we were just talking about the time that-" alba started as you kicked at her causing the girl to gasp and shove you, alexia's hand shooting out to swat her sisters away and a warning look set in her features as alba rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out, turning around to converse elsewhere.
"aye go speak to maría's parents, mami take him away por favor he has had too much sun!" you groaned catching the teasing look on your fathers face and nodding behind them where your second parents milled around happily, your childhood best friend nowhere in sight.
though it wasn't long before she made an appearance, bursting out of the tunnel yelling at the top of her lungs, brandishing her little barcelona flag that had acted like an emotional support throughout her injury.
you'd tried scheming with ingrid to get rid of it after mapi started to sleep with it in the bed and then almost took your eye out waving it around like a mad woman as you sat beside her at a game, alexia almost snapping it herself after seeing the deep purple bruise under your right eye where your best friend had accidentally poked you with it.
but watching the childlike joy twinkle brightly in her eyes as she raced around like an overgrown toddler, chased by lucy's neice and nephew you couldn't help but smile and shake your head.
"maybe she will retire the flag now we are four for four this season and she will be back on the pitch soon." alexia chuckled, still hugging you tightly as you grinned, leaning your head back to catch her eye as she winked.
"at least it has been a distraction from her making us say thank you every time we go out with her and ingrid." you rolled your eyes, turning in her hold to face your girlfriend who hummed.
it had indeed been mapi who introduced the two of you after a game years ago, a friendship blossoming between you and alexia long before a relationship. but despite that the tattooed defender relished in the ego boost felt from telling anyone with ears that it was all thanks to her that you two were together.
"can you imagine her speech at the wedding?" you sighed with a shake of your head, alexia letting go of you to fiddle about with the flag tied around her, picking at the knot.
"i remember the day they first met, because it was all thanks to me that we are even gathered here today! chica's...you are so welcome." alexia mocked making you laugh as she pulled the flag off.
"maybe i can get her so drunk she will pass out before the speeches?" you suggested, your fiancé instead draping the flag around you and tying it loosely over your shoulders.
"a perfect plan cari." the blonde winked, squeezing your shoulders. "who is captain catalunya now?" the footballer teased, tugging at your new cape and glancing over your head where her name was called for more photos.
"go amor, i'll find you later." you promised, squeezing her hands as she nodded and pulled you into another tight hug, lips grazing the side of your head as you softly rubbed her back and begrudgingly let go, her figure retreating into the swarm of people on the pitch.
you were mid conversation with some of the other girls families, stood beside alba and twisting around your engagement ring on your finger when she struck.
"campeones! campeones! campeones!" you hurtled forward nearly barreling over jana's parents as a body launched themselves onto you, legs wrapping around your torso as panos hurried to steady you.
"gracias! lo siento." you thanked the goalkeeper before profusely apologising to jana's parents as the young midfielder was busy doubled over laughing, your cheeks bright red at the disruption.
"mierda!" the brunette swore as you wrenched her legs off, causing her to drop promptly onto the ground with a wince, jana falling to the floor laughing even harder as alba joined in and mapi glared up at you with a huff.
"algunos bienvenidos. is that a way to greet your best friend!" the girl pouted as you rolled your eyes and pulled her back to her feet. "maría!" you groaned as once more she launched onto you, this time in another forceful koala hug but from the front.
"campeones de europa!" the girl threw her head back and screamed, a smile unable to stay off your face as you held her thighs and she grabbed your cheeks, kissing your forehead over and over with a repeated loud mwah noise.
"vale vale!" you laughed, dropping her again though this time she remained on her feet, the two of you hugging normally as you told her how proud you were. "i did not even play idiota!" the older girl shoved your head as the two of you pulled away.
"no, but your contributions to the team morale and being their biggest supporter even not on the pitch mean just as much. you know that, sí?" you promised, tone softening as did the defenders face. "gracias mi chica." the girl smiled, kissing your cheek and waving her flag around which she snatched up off the ground.
"if you poke her eye with that flag again león we are going to have a problem." you smiled as your fiance slotted herself in behind you again, a warning look at the tattooed footballer in front of you making mapi roll her eyes.
"tan dramática her eye healed fine! and she almost broke my flag." the girl cradled the piece of cloth and plastic tenderly in her arms, stroking it like you might a newborn making you roll your eyes.
"oh i am so sorry my poor face nearly broke your stupid flag maría." you shook your head feeling alexia chuckle as her body vibrated against your back. "gracias, now was that so hard?" mapi smiled as you lunged for her and she raced off.
"idiota." you rolled your eyes allowing alexia to lead you away back toward where your families were milling about.
"mi amor." you looked up from speaking with your mother, raising an eyebrow to your fiance who held up a tiny football in her hands with a suggestive grin.
"really?" you chuckled, but sighing in acceptance when her grin didn't drop, gesturing for her to give you the ball as she rolled it to you and backed into goal.
"vamos bebé, score a goal! if you can." the blonde teased in challenge. "what do i get when i score putellas?" you questioned crossing your arms, foot resting on top of the small childrens football.
"if you score, anything you want preciosa." alexia grinned cockily as you rolled your eyes and backed up a few steps. "remember to kick the ball and not the air amor!" your fiance continued to tease.
"vamos captain barça, maybe we will get you a job as the water girl for the team!" you turned to shoot your best friend a murderous glare as her face paled and she scurried off to find ingrid no doubt, her much better other half.
spurred on by the lack of faith from your loved ones, even your own father joining in with alexia's teasings, you took one more step back and lurched forward.
you made sure to do exactly as you'd watched your fiance do a million times in your backyard, driving your foot forward and following through, the ball zooming forward at a pace alexia clearly didn't anticipate as it shot past her.
you let out a cheer and pumped your fist in the air, racing around in a circle and grabbing the bottom of your alexia's jersey intending to tug it off exactly the way the blonde had an hour prior after her own goal.
"ale!" you laughed as a strong arm wrapped around your waist and another swatted your hand away. "mi amor you are ruining my celebration." you tutted with a shake of her head and a sigh.
"my celebration, and you are keeping that shirt on!" your fiance warned as you rolled your eyes and she teasingly flicked your ear. "oh wait-" you pushed away from her as she looked on curiously.
you cleared your throat and took a dramatic bow, a few onlookers clapping and cheering making you grin and alexia now the one to roll her eyes. "mm hilarious princesa."
"i thought so. now cariño...what was that about anything i wanted?"
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kiirostarz · 6 months ago
Bueno, creo que ahora esta época de mi vida es en la que me estoy convirtiendo en mis tías jajaja, me empecé a ver 'Yo soy Betty, la fea' y ya estoy a nada de terminarmela ver. Que novelón, 100000/10. Obvio tiene sus cosas y ajá, pero lo siento muy confortante. Tengo varios pensamientos que quisiera decir, de lo que visto y recuerdo hasta ahora: No relacionados con el lore en sí de la serie: - Sé que la nueva temporada en Amazon ha tenido varias opiniones, especialmente negativas, y no abordaré sobre eso. Pero me hace pensar que hubiera estado chevere que hubieran hecho una serie tipo "precuela", es decir, una serie para enseñar el pasado de los personajes, tipo: Por qué los Valencia y los Mendoza son así como son, conocer a la hermana de Armando, como se conoció con Mario, incluso ver un poquito más de la amistad entre Betty y Nicolás. Igual y si seria complejo juntar todas esas historias, pero un spin-off precuela siento que podría servir. - Otra idea, que se me ocurrió, es que hubieran hecho un reboot a la serie animada, yo me ví un capitulo y no sentí tanta pena como creí que iba a sentir, porque tiene un guión decente, pero la animación si esta bien cutre. Igual estos son solo thoughts, ya cuando me terminé la serie y siga con 'Ecomoda' veré que tal esta la nueva temporada. Ahora sí quiero hablar de los personajes: *ejem* Más de un personaje en esta novela, no es hetero. Y me encanta. No sabía que en Colombia teníamos este tipo de representación en televisión, porque igual siento que, si hay un poco de homofobía pero no siento que los usen como una burla o una parodia, a demás de Hugo también hay otros personajes gay, el que más me impacto fue el de RagTela. Yo fuí tipo- whatttttt 👀- lo cual me agradó porque sentí que en los cap anteriores le estaba coqueteando a Betty, pero no fue de esos coqueteos si quiera tiernos, fue uno de esos incomódos. Y había su razón. (Jsksjks)
No alargaré mucho esto pero creo que diré algunos personajes que me hacen pensar que no son hetero: Mario, es obvio, minimo es bisexual. También amo cuando salen Sandra y Mariana juntas porque, asafdksj, no sé- se me hacen una pareja muy cute. También levanto un 🏳️‍🌈? a Wilson, que aparte de chismosito (y que debian agregarlo al cuartel de las feas), si tenía ahi sus momentos... especialmente con Freddy. Bueno, ya, sigo. Otros personajes que me fascinan, más que por su historia son los Valencia. Toda la familia de hecho. - Los tres hermanos, son huerfanos siendo cuidados por el mejor amigo de su papá. La novela hasta ahora solo se enfoca más que todo en Marcela y como ella si tiene un gran peso respecto a Ecomoda, su familia, etc. Pero aunque la novela no lo diga, definitivamente la muerte de sus papás si les afectaron a los tres, y teniendo en cuenta que los Mendoza tampoco son muy buenos padres:
*Daniel se volvió más distante. Su actitud fría y calculadora podría ser un mecanismo de defensa ante la pérdida y la falta de apoyo emocional, buscando llenar el vacío con ambición y control. *Marcela se volvió más dependiente emocionalmente. Su necesidad de aprobación y su dependencia de Armando reflejan su inseguridad y su búsqueda de estabilidad emocional que perdió con la muerte de sus padres. *María Beatriz... en la novela dicen que ella era la "fea", pero no explican si esto viene de antes, cuando sus padres aún vivían, o fue después de que los Mendoza los acogieran. Siendo así, y sabiendo lo superficiales que son los Mendoza, especialmente Margarita, no sería raro que, siendo tan pequeña y con los comentarios de Margarita como única figura materna, haya sido impulsada a esta percepción de sí misma. También podría ser que los Mendoza les prestaron atención, pero no la suficiente para entender lo que pasaba en su interior. Para evitar que se afligieran más o vivieran en una depresión interminable, les permitieron hacer de todo, enterrando el problema y ya. Igual y también quiero creer que la alegría que aún quedaba en María Beatriz mantenía unidos a los tres hermanos Valencia. A pesar de lo tontos o irrelevantes que pudieran parecer sus comentarios, Daniel y Marcela nunca parecían molestos con ella. Después de todo, era su hermanita, y su presencia era un recordatorio constante del amor y el vínculo que compartían como familia.
Y para terminar con esto, si me termino la novela y Mario y Daniel siguen solteros, los voy a shippear, ya dije. 👀
Me expandí mucho con los Valencia, quería hablar más de los otros personajes como Patricia y las del Cuartel. Pero siento que ya esta muy largo, y aun no tengo mis pensamientos claros sobre esos personajes.
Uy pero no- un spin off de los valencia - me ilusioné yo solita 😭
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