#heres hoping i did the wonderful foxes justice
acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
“With her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean”
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Andromache the Scythian x Witch Reader
gif ▸ queen-shuri ( i don’t know how to link a gif ㅠㅠ )
request ( found here ) by @nightly-polaris
i left her powers to your imagination though i did play around with the idea of them being soulmates. wow it did take me a while. this was harder to write than i thought. frankly, i’m not very pleased with it. i went too long without writing and i feel like i’m getting rusty. i just hope that i managed to do your idea justice 🥹
(=^・ω・^=) leonora the cat made a cameo appearance
Myriads and myriads of millennia. That was how long the Scythian had been walking the earth. There was not a corner of this world where her soles had not touched. Many a time had the sky borne witness to her downfalls, and thereupon, her immediate beginnings. Throughout her journey as an immortal, she had seen it all, privation, plenty and everything in between. The wonders and weirdness of the world could no longer provoke in her a sensation that would otherwise have six thousand years ago.
Regardless of her very old age that could have her certified as a living fossil, and the boundless knowledge that she had collected throughout her very long life making her a walking encyclopaedia, there existed many mysteries that even Andromache had yet to see. Amongst them, magick was a concept that still remained foreign to her; therefore, a threat. Unfamiliar though it was, it was not entirely unheard of. After all, she herself had been caught in the crossfire while trying to free the accused from the witch trials. In the end, they were just that: accused. There ended the extent of her experience regarding witchery or anything supernatural for that matter.
The only occult phenomenon that she knew to be bona fide was their immortality. The rest was sham. That was, until her team notified her of the all too familiar dream. Until a family of four bar Quynh and Booker, became a family of four, plus a hazardous, peculiar individual.
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The arcane parts of you that had remained concealed for the better part of your life had only recently come to light when you unfortunately faced your demise.
The cause of your death had been as good as silly, slipping on a wet tile and cracking your head open on the edge of your bathtub, but it had shed light on an important piece of information nonetheless.
One second, you were dead, and the next, you woke up in a pool of your own blood. To you, who had been revealed to the bombshell of an information about a week ago, that you were a witchling, you were just in assuming that it was part of your newfound identity.
However, on the following day, with the arrival of a mysterious woman on your doorstep, your life was turned upside down. Going with her had not been of your own free will, having been meticulously knocked unconscious and finding yourself on an unfamiliar bed upon awakening.
The root of your sudden perturbation stemmed from the absence of Leo, a majestic Somali cat with gorgeous red mane that resembled a smaller version of a fox. She had been your greatest companion long before you had been made aware that she was your familiar. It appeared that the bond between a witchling and her familiar became only stronger once a witch unlocked her true potential. Only when a fluffy ball of scarlet hopped onto your bed could you calm.
In addition to, quite frankly, the charismatic complexity of a woman that you eventually learned named Andromache, you met three other people; Nile, who looked the closest in age to you, Nicky who had the kindest face out of the four, and Joe who appeared the most laid-back. All five of whom, four who you had just met, and the remaining one who, as explained by them, was away to carry out his punishment, were not entirely unfamiliar to you. You had seen them in the dream that had sought you right after your very first’s death.
Regardless of your non-involvement in being here, the decision to remain here was done of your own free will, reached by not only your instinctual feelings but also the support of Leo. Growing up alone, you had no one to miss you, and no one to be missed by you. It seemed sound to stick with those as peculiar as you were, than to stick out like a sore thumb amongst the ordinaries, or so you had believed.
Oh, how terrible of a mistake you had made by assuming that being immortal would make you the same as them, or them the same as you.
Although the others welcomed you warmly, making you feel at home as best as they could, your confession about your true being was not received kindly by Andy as the others called her. In fact, even the nickname was a privilege that was beyond your reach.
“That’s Andromache to you.” so she had corrected, lips the very picture of a straight line, when you had made a slip of your tongue.
Being forced out of slumber one night by a curious dream, similar in kind to the one you had on your death’s day, led you to seek the group with a question in mind. No sooner had you set foot in the room than the Scythian made herself scarce without so much as acknowledging you.
“Andy, albeit not being the most open person, can be ridiculously protective of her team. You are now one of us which means that she cares.”
“Humans harbour fear of the unknown. Even Andy cannot be entirely immune to it. Give her time.”
“She’ll come around. Take me for example. I had been killed once, beaten to a pulp, and had my bones broken by that woman, all of which transpired within the same day.”
Despite the reassurances from Joe, Nicky, and Nile, you would rather she kill you than disregard your existence altogether. Her aloofness stung you all the more for you felt oddly, albeit rather profoundly, connected to her.
You wanted to believe that it was time she needed, and time, you gave her, but when you were being actively avoided by her like you were the very plague, it only made sense that your tolerance would eventually run thin.
Unlike the Scythian along with Joe and Nicky who had been protecting humanity for centuries, and Nile who used to be a marine, you lacked experiences when it came to being a warrior. Additionally, being a witchling meant that you were a complete novice in magick. During one of your first missions, due to an error on your part, you had hindered your team by causing their unnecessary deaths.
You were not oblivious to the fact that the Scythian’s immortality had reached its end. In fact, it was by dumping all your attention onto the woman that you had not a dot to contribute to your part of the task. Although the mistake was borne of your all consuming concern for the Scythian’s safety, appreciation was the farthest thing from which you ended up receiving.
“Andromache, I keep having this dream of a drowning woman. Is she someone like us?”
When you had brought the question to her with a flimsy hope of instigating communication, sapphire green eyes had coldly held your soft-eyed gaze.
“There is no us.”
Such had been her words, thickly laced with venom that it rendered you absolutely crestfallen.
Thereafter, you were left alone in the room along with your question neglected. The answer to which was being delivered to you presently in what you could only describe as the most unkind fashion.
“You wanna know who that woman in your recurring dream is? That’s Quynh and if I could, without question, I would trade you for her. You should be the one locked up, not her. Quynh isn’t a witch. You are!”
“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-“
“Every day, I worry over whose immortality will be stripped away next now that you’re in existence. What use are your abilities when you can’t even make good use of them? A hazard to the team. That is what you are! Nothing but a liability.”
Razor-sharp and poison-bitter, her frankness certainly did a splendid job of maiming you.
Despite not only being shunned, but also having your sorry little heart wounded by the very kingpin of the team, withering was the last thing that befell you. If it did, you were doing a good job of putting up a front, fragility hidden behind a tough facade.
You trained more. You smiled more. Always so cheery, always so carefree until one day, a relatively trying mission brought about the shattering of the mask that you had painstakingly put in place.
“Have I done something wrong? Why does she loathe me so?”
Having been bursting at the seams with bottled up emotions, it was no wonder that your heart reached its breaking point.
“I can’t. I can bear it no more.”
An endless leakage of tears marred your features as you came apart at the seams, revealing to the team the depth of the wound the Scythian’s coldness had burned into your psyche.
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You were different as they were but at the same time, you were different from them altogether. The Scythian had her suspicions to begin with when, after swiftly sketching the picture of the one who had visited their dream, Joe had handed her the book in which a familiar face stared eerily back at her.
Losing her immortality meant that she was no longer privy to these interconnected dreams. However, there was no mistaking the face that had been plaguing her dreams for years. Andromache did not know what it suggested for them, and it was disconcerting to say the least. Then, once the fact was made known that you harboured powers beyond immortality alone, with her suspicions solidified, you were deemed a threat.
As was with Nile, there, too, was a strong possibility of you coming to be at the cost of one of the veterans’ immortality. The staggering awareness that it could very well be Quynh was a bitter pill to swallow. It did not make it any more palatable that Quynh was unfairly accused of being a witch, and locked up in the bottom of the ocean for centuries upon centuries only for a real witch to take her place.
If her rationality had not been muddled by stress, and the deeply rooted guilt and resentment of having to lose Quynh, she would see that her judgement about you had been done with extreme unfairness. Cruelly subjective instead of reasonably objective.
In the end, Joe and Nicky had to play the role of an eye-opener.
“What’s wrong with you, Andy? You’re being unreasonably cruel to the kid.”
“She proved hazardous to the team.”
“She is a part of the team!”
“She’s not entirely like us.”
“That’s absurd!”
“I lost my immortality upon Nile’s arrival. Quynh is next in line. What if she-” Brushing her palms over her face, a sigh was heaved into the cocoon of her hands. “The innocent has to suffer while the guilty takes her place? Don’t you think it’s unfair?”
Joe levelled her with a glare that screamed incredulity while both of them sounded truly disappointed.
“My god, Andy, are you hearing yourself?
“Where is the Andy I know who’s endlessly caring to her people?”
“Your anger is dreadfully misplaced. It is those pea-brained bastards that should be rightfully crucified, not an innocent kid.”
Even amidst being chastised, Andromache could not help but be awed by the couple as they effortlessly supported each other.
“You’ve been nothing but, to be brutally honest, a heartless bitch towards her, and yet, she’s always been heedful of your safety. Despite her lack of experience, the kid’s been tirelessly pushing herself. Can you not really see? Or, did you blatantly choose not to?”
“The way you treat her is cruelly unfair. You know it to be true. You can’t tell me otherwise. Whether she is a witch, or- or say, a vampire, or whatever the hell she is, she’s irrevocably one of us.”
“Poor kid’s devastated by your actions. You would do well to own up to your mistakes and ask her for forgiveness.”
Slowly but surely, the Scythian was beginning to see the errors of her actions, but it was only after having been knocked some sense into her by her very family could she truly grasp the extent of her callousness.
And thus, she came seeking you, a mission that was accomplished rather swiftly.
The sight that she had walked in on forced her to a stop. Keeping herself hidden behind a wall, she was caught off guard by a pang of…perplexity, she decided to name for now, that started pounding against her ribcage.
You were locked snugly in Nile’s arms, face buried in her chest as you dissolved into tears. Seeing you so broken, and knowing that she was undeniably the culprit behind your suffering did something inexplicable to her, but when the pang only intensified, her mind was transported back to a period of time many many moons ago. She had found the amour who she was particularly fond of mingling with someone else, and needless to say, it had not sat well with her.
The green-eyed monster had taken possession of the Scythian then.
Now, the same monster was knocking on her door, bringing with it an unpalatable sensation.
Confused and overcame with labyrinths of emotions, Andromache who had never, in her immortal life, willingly backed down from a challenge experienced her first surrender. Incapable though she was to approach you, the Scythian’s night was spent fruitfully as she dissected her puzzling reaction.
By morning, the puzzle was solved, and her feelings, understood. The pang of perplexity, as it so happened, turned out to be a pang of jealousy, followed closely by guilt and something else entirely that she was not yet ready to admit out loud.
The question however was, had she been too late in realising her mistakes, and thereupon, her feelings?
She had every intention of talking things out with you, but the sudden emergence of a mission compelled her to put it on hold.
Joe and Nicky took care of driving, and as much as she disliked seeing you stick to Nile the entirety of the ride, she knew that she had no rights interfering. For that, she had but herself to blame.
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Raining down around Andromache in a violent downpour were bullets. None of them were offered a chance to reach her, for as she fought with her foes, her team had taken it upon themselves to guard her. They were playing defence while she did the offence. Although at first, their strategy was working remarkably well, as the troops multiplied on the opposing side, their stance faltered.
Being a burden to her team was the last thing she wanted, and having had enough of her team suffering in her stead, she took off from the formation, aiming instead towards the enemy line with her beloved labrys in hand. At her lead, her team followed suit, coming to grips with the enemy team. They covered her, as one after another, the opponents were annihilated by the Scythian’s effortless execution.
Everything had been working in their favour until, all of a sudden, Andromache found you planted firmly in her way. Although, if only for a moment, she was confused, she learnt just as quickly that a bullet had found home in your flesh. A moment later, and her axe, too, found sweet purchase directly between the eyes of your aggressor. Together, you made light work of defeating your opponents. As you kept them restrained with the help of your powers, she delivered finishing blows.
Between using your powers to assist her in combat and taking damages for her should the assaults were to prove lethal, one too many times had you use yourself as a shield. As a result, your body was riddled with many an injury which the Scythian noticed were taking longer than necessary to heal. Through the wounds leaked blood, and it made Andromache nauseous with worry.
What she perceived next, she heard it first, before she saw it. A loud bang of a gun that sounded from behind you.
Almost instinctively, her hands found home on your hips, soft flesh yielding beneath her calloused fingers as she quickly did a swap of positions. If a bullet were to hit, it would be her instead of you. The inevitable pain, which she was bracing for, never came. She understood why by the time her eyes fell on you. Tendrils of glowing green were dancing to your fingers’s desire as a protection was conjured around the pair of you.
The mission, once again, accomplished, she took the time to admire the delicate blossom of a smile on your lips. A feeling that quickly dissolved into worry upon hearing the little whimper that escaped them. By the time your eyes slipped shut, and your legs gave out, with her heart in her throat, she caught you in her arms.
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The shock Leonora the familiar felt upon seeing you in the Scythian’s arms only continued to crescendo when you were carried not into your room, but, hers.
“She isn’t healing. Why isn’t she healing?”
The question was evidently for her, and so, she answered.
“Immortality doesn’t grant her immunity to damage done by her mate. A mate’s rejection to a witch is quite possibly the most harrowing form of torture. It leads to deterioration of the body.”
Her response took a while to come. “How can I find them?” Leonora eyed the Scythian curiously as plethora of emotions flashed across her face before the words were hissed through gritted teeth. “Her mate.”
“A witch’s familiar cannot be understood by just anyone. Only her true mate can.”
“What are you implying?”
“You’ve been seeing her in your sleep, have you not? Long, long before her immortality came.”
By the way she was looking at her, sage green eyes shimmering with shame, she almost felt bad, emphasis on almost, because in the end, she did not shy away from rubbing salt on her wounds.
“Given your time on this earth, I had surely believed that you would know better than to jump to conclusions. I’ve overestimated you, it seems.”
“My time on this god-forsaken place is precisely why I can’t trust people outside of my team. On more than one occasion have I been led to plight by pity and my sense of duty. Some of which have caused me my comrades.”
“And you thought it wise to reject one of your own?”
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“I fucked up, I know. But I don’t want to fuck up any more than I already have.” The Scythian’s voice was laced with genuine upset as she pleaded with your cat, eyes desperately beseeching. “So, tell me, please. How can I fix this?”
“There are quite a few things you can do. That said, physical contact with her mate is the easiest and the most effective way for a witch to replenish her energy. I would strongly advise cuddling.”
Thus landed the Scythian into her bed that was presently housing your unconscious frame.
Only now, as she was lying face to face with you, did she realise how little she had looked at, let alone appreciated, you.
Tentative fingers touched a cheek so soft to unveil your face curtained by a few strands. Battle-hardened though they were, they executed the task with tremendous tenderness.
The scars that her eyes discovered upon wandering down your neck had the effect of jogging her memory. With the long forgotten memory now dug up and on the forefront of her mind, she was transported back in time.
During one of her travels, she had chanced upon a house on fire. Even though, normally, she would avoid involvement in fear of exposing herself, and consequently, her secret, she felt compelled to enter the roaring flames. What, or rather, who she found was a little girl trapped inside a room. Instead of crying as any child in such predicament most likely would have, she was busy murmuring reassurances to the little kitten that was cradled protectively in her tiny little arms. There was no doubt that she was in intense pain if the wound that had been leaking blood on her neck was any indication.
Now that she thought about it, the familiar dreams began on the very same night. It had been so dark in the house that she did not get a chance to properly see your face. Nevertheless, your cat was right. Andromache should have known. If she had only taken the time to think carefully instead of rushing to conclusion, all the suffering would have been spared. After all, in all the dreams that she had of you, you had never so much as harmed a hair on an ant’s, let alone, a person’s head. How big of a nitwit had she had to be to harbour the thought that you would be capable of intentionally sabotaging them.
With your face as sweet as Baklava and your heart so golden, you had to be the quintessence of innocence, pure, unsullied white, sent into her life to remind the Scythian, who was tainted with darkness and death, that the world was not only teeming with war and wickedness. In contrast, she had to be the wickedest of them all to be able to trample a delicate little bud without giving her a chance to prove herself.
She had, Andromache admitted, oh so cruelly, snuffed out the little shimmering ray of light. Come hell or high water, it was now the Scythian’s duty to chase away the heavy, stormy clouds that were threatening to devour the little sunshine.
If you were to allow it, she would, in fact, declare you her sunshine.
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Meanwhile, feeling rightfully smug, Leonora the cat revelled in having her head scratched as the ginger fur-ball lounged in Nile’s lap.
She might have made a drama out of a crisis while playing cupid, but what she had said, in her defence, were not entirely incorrect. She would be a fool not to make the most of a stellar opportunity if it meant making her best pal happy. After all, unlike you who was annoyingly upright, she was a firm believer that if used wisely, trickery always bore the sweetest of fruits. Plus, if you finally found someone to cuddle with, then, she would hopefully, thankfully be spared the odds of being squeezed to death.
And viola! If love was on your side and luck on hers, you would win yourself a girlfriend, while she got to experience freedom. It might just be the best example of killing two birds with one stone, if Leonora did say so herself.
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Waking up to a muscled body pressed against yours, and strong arms cocooning you, you had half a mind to believe that it was a by product of your sleep-ridden mind.
Only when you heard Leo’s voice in your head did you realise it was in fact not a hallucination.
“You really don’t have to do this.” Unlike your utterance, your actions suggested otherwise. As if possessing a mind of its own, your face had sought solace in the warm dip of her throat. When you spoke again, it was but a murmur. “I’m aware that you love Quynh.”
Her reply came a moment later in the form of a merciless stab to your heart. “I won’t lie to you. I do love Quynh.” Your endeavour to escape from her embrace was doomed to failure. “But, it is no longer the kind of love that I felt once upon a time. Loving her doesn’t equal falling in love with her.”
“It was hard, losing Quynh, and I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive myself.”
You were wounded, and thereupon, healed by her words. The choice, essentially, lay in her hands.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive myself either if something were to happen to you.”
She coaxed your face out of its little haven in favour of her soft-eyed gaze roaming over the planes and hills of your face.
“You must have felt scared. Lost. I was supposed to be there for you.”
In addition to the collapsed eyebrows, her voice had a sad lilt to it as a thumb gingerly caressed your cheek.
“I know a simple sorry cannot fix all the pain I’ve caused you, but if you’ll let me, I truly wish to earn your trust.”
Since the mood had been too gloomy to your liking, you opted for a lighter, more benign route with your response.
“Now, now, Andro-“
“Andy, please. Call me Andy.”
Her name tasted sweet on your tongue.
“You were saying?”
“-someone might think you’re trying to woo me.”
You came dangerously close to disclosing your desire, and if you were being honest, you had been entertaining the idea of confronting her after your facade fell in front of the team. It was an all-or-nothing decision.
After everything she had said and done, you would be lying if you said you were not hoping for her to ruthlessly reject you. At the same time, saying that you were not foolishly hoping for her to miraculously return your feelings, too, would be a downright falsehood.
“What if I am?”
In the end, it was neither foolish nor impossible, though, it did feel miraculous all the same.
You liked her. Tremendously. And although it was true that she had hurt you, you knew for a fact that her reason for doing so was not ill-intentioned. It was done out of worry for her team, and blaming her for it would be ludicrous. You did admit that she had been terribly unkind to you, but you knew that she was altruistically caring at heart. Not only could you feel it, you liked her too much to deem the errors of her way irreparable. Mistakes came to be in the first place as an opportunity for one to learn from them. You were all to willing to give her a chance.
“Well then, Andromache of Scythia, luckily for you, I’m not very hard to please.”
“Kiss me as much as you’re sorry, and I’m all yours.”
You watched, giddy and gleeful, as a smile bloomed on her handsome face.
“With pleasure.”
Fanning the flames of heart palpitations by bombarding one with kisses, as sweet, and soft as soufflé, should be included in the ever-growing list of ways she knew how to kill a man. Of course, she was allowed to use this delightfully tantalising technique on you and you alone.
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this is how i imagine leo would look like as a cat
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mcyt-parodies · 4 months
'its not like i like you' but boat boys lol joel is a tsundere or maybe its etho idk but they fit...im so sorry for spamming u with boat boys stuff lol hoope u dont mind
I don’t mind at all! I absolutely love them! This was super silly goofy. I hope I did the song justice? Sorry this took so long, I’m back on my grind though! Enjoy! (Also, the veil I refer to is a veil typically worn in Japan for women who work in the night life scene, I’ve seen some art of Joel with one and I absolutely loved it)
It’s Not Like I Like You: Boat Boys
Etho: "Hey! That's pretty good!"
Joel: "Wha-! No one asked you! !!!!!"
I've got myself just a little bit of love
That I wanna spend on you
But love, I'll never get that chance
To dance that romance with you
Oh, No, cause
You're always hittin'
And kickin' (HUGH)
And putting me down. [giggle]
I hope you don't mean what you say
[Etho and Joel] But I keep seeing you-
[Etho] stickin' around
[Etho and Joel] Like you/I can't get enough
[Etho and Joel] So I stay and I wonder
[Etho and Joel] How my hand would feel
[Etho and Joel] intertwined with yours
As of now though
Joel: "What are you doing?"
Nothing but closed doors
My boy’s a Dere
A Tsun-Tsundere
Just saying hi gets me a punch in the face
And if I should compliment him, he starts to chase
Joel: "Hey! That was a direct attack!"
Etho: Oh, no! The wild ogre found my hiding place!
Joel: "Stupid fox! Take it back!"
Etho: "So, uh, how’s it going?"
Girl: "Why are you talking to me!?"
Boy: "Wow, I see how it is."
Girl: "Go away!"
[Joel and Etho]
Can we get along? You're so headstrong
There's no way, go away, now so long!
Just talk to me and you will see
That's not fair, soulmates don’t matter anymore
I've got myself just a little bit of love
That I wanna spend on NOT you
Cuz Etho, I'm afraid you'll say
That it's not okay with you
Oh, Oh, cuz
You're always laughin', [chuckle]
And jokin';
You look like all washed up
But I hope you mean what you say
Etho: "I do."
And I wonder what you would think
If I let my pride down, let it sink
Could we hold hands, kiss?
Live our lives in some form of bliss?
Etho: "We could."
Joel: "Ah! I'm not talking about you!"
You're not my lover in this
I'm not a Dere
A Tsun-Tsundere
I have a heart, I'm not that mean!
I'm not blushing, I was just rushing and forgot the sunscreen!
Etho: [laughs] "Your smile is really cute, though."
Joel: You'll never see it from underneath the veil I now wear!
Etho: [sigh] "Alright. I just wanted to let you know."
Joel: "Uh-um hey..."
Etho: "Yeah?"
Joel: "Um-"
Etho: "Are you okay?"
Joel: "Yeah, um- well heheh."
[Joel and Etho]
Hey, hey are you free-free today?
Oh ho ho. Why do you want to know?
It's not like I like you okay!
Alright cool, where do you want to go?
We could go out on a boat and sail
Find a fox and
Feed it some juicy sweet berries
Joel: "No that sounds really stupid."
Okay well how about a;
Classic dinner by candlelight
Or scary stories til midnight
So then I could hold you tight
Ba da ba da ba
Joel: "And get bread crumbs on me?! No Way!"
Ooookay I think you're a little dense
I really don't like all this talk
You and I in the present tense
Ba ba da ba da
So listen here, boy
It's all just a big fantasy
You see inside of your head! No!
So just say goodbye!
Etho: [sigh] "Eh-whatever."
Ba ba da ba da!
[Etho and Joel]
I'm not a Dere
A Tsun-Tsundere. (My boy’s a Dere a Tsun-Tsundere)
Hey! I can kick your butt even in this dress!
UH! I digress! So let's just go to the park I guess
Joel: "Pffffft!You wouldn't even know what to bring."
Oh, come on, will you please just say yes!
Joel: "Ugh geez fin. It's not like I'll enjoy it or anything. You’re so obsessed" [giggle]
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sasquapossum · 2 months
I've discovered a lot of covers of Zombie, by The Cranberries, lately. Some of them have been around for a while but somehow I haven't seen them, while others are genuinely new. Here's the original, to get us started.
This is an extremely powerful song, and I have equally strong opinions about it. If you know anything about Dolores O'Riordan and The Cranberries, or have watched the video, you'll know it's about the Troubles in Ireland. I feel it's critically important for any cover to respect that, both for the sake of Dolores who is now gone and for the sake of Irish people generally. The vocals are meant to express both great sadness and great anger. For that reason I will not be linking to the Miley Cyrus or Halocene covers, because I feel that their performance in an emotionally bland style fails to show that respect.
One particular aspect of Dolores's singing is that at many points she's keening (from Gaelic caoineadh meaning to cry or weep). As the most amazing Elizabeth (Charismatic Voice on YouTube) explains in her reaction video, this involves deliberate crossing from upper CT-dominant to lower TA-dominant registers, over and over again. It's a powerful expression, as you'll see.
The best known cover, by a long shot AFAICT, is by Bad Wolves.
Tommy Vext has a rich, deep voice, so he doesn't do keening. In fact he kind of goes in the opposite direction with an impressively smooth delivery, but he expresses that intensity in many other ways. Again, Elizabeth enlightens with another reaction video. There's also a personal connection to Dolores here (mentioned in the video itself) and a few lyrics changes which I'm sure she must have approved. The first call-back to the original video (at about 1:30) broke me so badly I had to stop and compose myself for a full minute. Very powerful.
Next up is Dan Vasc. I love Dan. Unfortunately, I don't have much to say about his version, except that he delivers this with his customary excellence. Also, this is explicitly a cover of the Bad Wolves version, which makes it third generation and I think that's kind of cool.
Next up is another favorite: Colm McGuiness. This one hits hardest of all IMO. Of all the male singers, Colm comes closest to keening, and his intensity in other sections is something to behold. I hope he had a nice cup of lemon-ginger tea after doing that to his vocal chords. It's hard to believe anyone could go darker and heavier than Dan, or break me worse than the Bad Wolves version, but ... well, just listen.
Shifting gears just a little, but still on the rock/metal side, we have Rock Orchestra. IMO this is the best arrangement of a cover, using all the sounds of an orchestra to great effect. I love the woodwinds, I love the strings, I love the brass, I even love the xylophone. Julian Hinton did a masterful job on that. Erin Fox also does a great job, coming closest to Dolores's sound in the first two thirds and adding some of her own completely appropriate stylings in the last part.
Now for a complete change of pace - sort of a "palate cleanser" if you will. Systir is another one of my favorites. This is an acoustic version, with Lauren McGlynn delivering a shoegaze-y performance that leans much more into sadness than anger. That might seem at odds with the original's intent, but it really does work IMO. One of the things about a great cover is that it can go in its own direction while still remaining connected to the original. As an Irish group, I'm sure everyone involved here understood the importance of respecting the original song and its subject matter, and they thoroughly did those justice. This one might haunt me the most.
There are many more, some of them very good in their own ways. Unfortunately, I need to stop short of turning this into a whole dissertation and - as you can see - the competition for what to include is very intense. I hope you've all discovered some new artists, and maybe learned a little bit as well. Thanks to all of these wonderful artists (and one commentator) for honoring Dolores, and of course the people she was singing about as well.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
You feel painfully alone and dates with other humans fail. There's whispers around town. Whispers of monsters such as wearbeings, vampires and more. All of them are supposed to be attentive lovers and mate for life. In your desperation you sign up to a mating service online and get matched with a wear-being called Andy. The website claims you're his perfect mate. Your first date with him proves that right as it's filled with laughter, smiles, stolen glances and flirting.
(You can decide if it's a wearwolf, wearbear or maybe that wear polar fox that you talked about a while back)
The information sent to you about your match had come through your phone a few hours before your date. After countless attempts to date men who were human like you, you’d lost hope and turned to a dating site that matched monsters, beats and creatures to humans.
Here is where you were matched with Andrew Barber, Andy, a lawyer and werebeast who had lived far longer than you or even your parents had been alive. And while he hadn’t specified what kind of werebeast he was, you had been assured that your connection and your bond was natural and true.
Its a match! Our algorithm’s and matchmaking technology have analyzed the results of your match and-
“Y/N?” He was waiting for you on the curb, waiting for you before he had even set foot in the high class, five star restaurant. “Wow, you look…your picture doesn’t do you justice.”
He was tall, anywhere from 6’5”-6’7”, completely squandering your height, and had appeared broad shouldered. He was strong but not in a manner that was overtly displayed through his suit jacket, crisp button down and tie.
“I got finished with a case, I would’ve changed but I didn’t want to be late.” He apologized and rest his hand upon your lower back to escort you inside, keeping himself between you and any signs of danger, no matter how minute.
“Its okay. You’re a lawyer?” You wee greeted by a waiter who had led you to a private dining area, all while Andy had kept his hand on your back. “I don’t know if I could ever approach criminal defence. Or prosecution.”
Andy had pulled your chair out for you, he escorted you to sit and pushed your chair back in. He was a Prince Charming with a beastly connection, intense blue eyes and soft dark brown hair, a man who seemed perfect.
“The most difficult part of the job is trying to keep a level head with opposing counsel. I’ve been a lawyer for a long time and the debates never seem to change.” Andy observed, studying you with the soft tilt of his head.
“I studied archaeology,” you quipped, nervously brushing your hands on your thighs under the table, “I’ve always been interested in the past that seems forgotten, digging through history to discover unknown secrets.”
“You’re brilliant and beautiful,” he had spoke without a word of a lie, complete and total honesty falling from his lips, “I was elated to have matched with you. I’ve been looking for my perfect match for a while now.”
“That’s what they say anyway,” heat bloomed beneath your skin, warmth that comforted you, “I think they could be right…”
“I hope they are.” He spoke with hopefulness, a kind of endearing draw that made you feel comfortable and safe with him.
You’d felt far safer with him than you did any human make. And it was a welcome feeling you wanted to lean into.
“A panther if you’re wondering,” Andy answered the question you hadn’t even given life to, “I’d like to show you sometime.”
“I’d like that too.”
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2broschlininahotub · 1 year
I apologize for the delay in sending this, I got roped into writing a few very long emails that tools me several days to finish, I am not joking when I say I am not concise lol, as well as playing through events on Goddess of Victory: Nikke, which I highly recommend as beyond the fan service is a wonderful story and excellent characters and soundtrack thought monetization is beyond predatory and it can be a horrible grind at times, and Genshin.
As I told you previously, I don't really have an abundance of information on these 3, I have somewhat more information than i did before on Mr. Fox, and know a little bit about both Demon and wolverine, but I advise you to do your own research in addition to what I am going to list here, with all of that said let us begin shall we?
Also, below this will be some Spoilers for each of these 3 characters. I will also be trying to avoid spoilers for their interrogations where I can, so this might be a great deal shorter than you expect, that said, please feel free to message me if that is the case and I can try a more in depth take on them.
Wolverine: Violent, savage, brash, and yet also steadfast in his loyalty and reliable in his ability to survive and thrive in even the most hostile and cruel of habitats within the area of Dis, this native of the Rust is a skilled hunter through and through, and yet also an embittered soul. 
When one first sees the savage hunter of the rust, they see the brutish looking Sinner that is categorized as part of the Libram of Violence, for quite obvious reasons, though there is more to this hunter than merely a feral and savage warrior. 
Wolverine’s story begins with him being found as a feral child wandering the Rust by a vagrant who called the area home, even knowing it would be difficult and that ti would diminish his already small supplies, this man took Wolverine in and did his best to raise and teach him how to survive in the horrid conditions of their home.
For years the old man did all he could to teach Wolverine and care for him, but there came a time when he realized he could not adequately provide for the young boy, nor could he insure he properly grew by himself, and as such, wishing for a better future for his ward, he gave him to a gang to raise, hoping he would have a future in the slums of Syndicate, as opposed to the hell of the Rust.
He could not have known the hell that wolverine would endure in his time with the gang, beaten and abused, made into little more than their feral attack dog and hunter, denied food unless his jobs for the day were completed and made to eat and sleep on the floor like the beast they saw him as.
For a long time this was all Wolverine knew, the betrayal of the one he saw as a father and teacher, the pain of his existence with the gang, and his desperate drive to survive being all that he could focus on, until there came a time when he awakened as a Sinner. 
The exact means and methods are unknown to me, but he managed to leave the gang’s grasp, and instead made something of a living trading the bodies of Corrupters with the gangs of Syndicate in exchange for meat and such, unknowing that their bodies were being made into Mania weapons to be used in the gang wars that ruled the area. 
It was this, and his Sinner nature, that led to him being detained by the MBCC and thus it was that Wolverine, and his ever faithful lunch/pet Pippy, came to meet the Chief and find his new home in Minos. 
With Wolverine, it is important to understand that his loyalty, once fully earned, is very much that of an unconditional variety, once it is earned he will follow the Chief to the very end of the world, even stating that should they leave he will find them no matter where they go.
He is indeed a very good boy, who asks but for extra meat for the missions he accomplishes. 
Mr. Fox: Greed, guilt, self loathing, pride, a twisted sense of justice, and a silver tongue, each of these words that one can find to be synonymous with the infamous lawyer that rests in Minos, the ‘Invincible Lawyer of Eastside’ as he is known to some, but to us as Mr. Fox. 
When one first lays eyes on him, their first thought is of a corrupt lawyer, one who exploits his power to make others do as he says through his words to make his opponents in the courtroom lie under oath and incriminate themselves as he fights for the highest paying clients, and they would not be far off, but there is as always more to the story.
“Hell is waiting for me.” These are the words Mr. Fox says as he watches the consequences of his actions unfold, held back from joining the child as they plunge from the building and onto the pavement below, even as his Sinner power awakens. 
Since that day, when his actions lead to the death of a young child in a child abuse case, Mr. Fox has lived in pursuit of even greater sins, such that come his final day, his sentence to hell is absolute and he will at last be made to suffer for all that he has done in his life. 
His policy of Justice being the victories he brings to those who hire him, his triumph and them being liberated of the allegations arranged against them being proof of the justice of his actions, seems to be little more than a mask for the true purpose of his actions. 
Despite this, he devotes himself wholly to his job, bringing all that he is to each and every trial that he is hired to represent his clients in, his work ethic rivaled but by the sheer loathing he seems to hold towards himself, even going so far as to aid the MBCC with its own bureaucratic issues from time to time.
His loyalty to the Chief is born of his desire for them to be the one to pass the final judgment on him, to be the one to at last send him to hell for all that he has done, and as such he remains loyal till that final day arrives and he is sent below for all he has done.
Demon: Revenge, anger, hatred, contempt, the weight of grief and guilt pulling him forward as much as his hatred and desire to see the corruption that plagues Discity purged, these are the things that define the S ranked Sinner known as Demon, these are the things that push him forward in his quest to purge the rot from the city of Dis.
A man who has lost everyone and everything he has ever loved, so much so that nothing seems to be able to alleviate the weight of the loss, not even the idea of freedom and the chance of peace is enough to truly warm this giants heart, only his desire to purge the city of the ‘Maggots’ that have infected it keeps him moving day by day.
To best describe not only the will and power of this man, let me quote a line from his Interrogation Intel where it claims that the MBCC, upon learning of his location, dispatched thousands of units to track him down, but even so it took over 60 hours for him to be captured, as expected of someone who was not only born in Syndicate, but was also a member of the Special Task Force that operated under the FAC, and even after having over 300 grams of shrapnel removed from his body and a lethal dose of sedatives given to him mere hours before the interrogation, he is still able to break free of his restraints when provoked.
There is much more I could say in regards to the story of Demon Schilder, but I feel it is one best experienced yourself, as it shows not only how corrupt those that run Dis truly can be, but also just how much a desire for revenge and grief can drive one forward. 
As a closing bit about this titan of a man, let me say that his loyalty to the Chief is a simple one, as long as you walk the same path, then you are friends, but the moment he feels you have become corrupted…at least it will be a painless end. 
Again, I apologize for the lack of real information on these Sinners, I rarely use them and have them at low compliance, as such I have had to consult the wiki for some of the intel I have on them, and go through their interrogations for the rest. 
All of that said, I hope you and your stay safe and cool in this damned heat wave.
It is okay besides this is interesting to read
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newagesispage · 1 year
                                                                      MAY    2023
32% of the country is now Atheist, Agnostic or has no religious affiliation.
Asa Hutchinson and Robert Kennedy Jr. have thrown their hats into the Presidential ring.
So intrigued by the Broadway production of Shucked. We have always joked here in the Midwest about the corn that is everywhere. The corn is held in high regard, not quite the Dark Secret of Harvest Home but it rules.
Summer Camp will come back to Chillicothe, il for May 26, 27 and 28th with Willie Nelson and family, Moe and many others.
Brandon Johnson is the winner in the Mayoral runoff election in Chicago.
May 1, 2011: We got Bin Laden. Thank You.
There are armadillos taking up residence in Illinois!!
Jon Stewart showed up for Roy Wood Jr’s turn at the Daily Show desk. An endorsement?? I do have to say that Wood, Sarah Silverman and Leslie Jones seemed like the best choices to me. They were good at every part of the show. All would be great permanent hosts but some say that permanent revolving hosts would be better. The biggest ratings have come from Al Franken and Roy Wood Jr. And BTW, Roy Wood Jr. Killed it at the White House Correspondence Dinner!! Biden did a great job too.
Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell. - Justice Hugo Black
Check out A Fever in the Heartland by Tim Egan. The book chronicles the rise of the KKK in the center of the country.
Days alert: C’mon let’s get Tripp and Wendy together. They are so perfect so let’s get Johnny out of there and back to Chanel!! ** Surely they will kill off Sloan?!** Let’s bring Mimi and some more of Bonnie’s family to town.** Xander and Chloe?? I don’t know but when is her sister going to come to town??  
Look for the new flick about David Johansen from Scorsese.
Wicked is taking over the 4th spot on the Broadway list of success. The others are Chicago, The Lion King,  and Phantom of the opera. Cats will move to 5th.
If you watch enough true crime, you begin to notice that it is usually the significant other that did it. It also seems that a lot of Police have to be prodded into actually taking murder seriously. There are great cop shops out there but not so many on the true crime shows.
I wonder why Marjorie Taylor Green and Trump are such snowflakes. We can be hopeful that he will finally have to pay for some of his crimes but in reality, he may not get much from these charges. It will give him his favorite things: headlines. Fox and Friends keep saying that if this could happen to Trump, it could happen to any of us. I hope that if we break the law, we have to pay. Why is that so hard for them to accept? They must have a lot of lawbreakers at Fox! The 34 charges include creating shell companies and misdemeanors that became felonies. Scary Clown 45 or criminal defendant # 4913961R showed up over 2 hours late for court. Please let President Fraud pay for all his crimes!!  And don’t let anything happen to the Judge or his Fam since Don Jr. Is calling the out. JAIL THE THUGS! **MTG compared Trump to Jesus and Nelson Mandella. She did a 60 Minutes interview in which she was very defensive. If someone tweets things on their account or says something in public, they should be able to explain their position without being so cruel and dismissive. People just want you to stand by what you say not act bewildered and confused. And I wonder if New York will ever forget how much she claims to hate them? Jim Jordan makes no bones about how much he also hates NY. Toughen up Buttercups!
Can we get a Librarians movie??
A guy’s in an ad saying the phone company he “owns” will keep its rates low. In reality he has a 25% share and it’s being sold to a larger competitor. - Harry Shearer
Th EU would not sell Miller High Life because the bottle says, “the champagne of beers” and they take champagne seriously. A bottle must actually hold real champagne to say it.
Danny Trejo has a new cookbook, Cantina.
It seems the flood protection system in New Orleans is corroding. The 35- year life span of the pumps that were put in at a cost of $14 billion are a mess after only 5 years.
Phone booths were so cool and I miss them.
Idaho has signed into law an abortion trafficking bill which restricts interstate travel.
Are you watching The Diplomat?? Fucking awesome!! Go Mckean!! Keri Russell picks the best material.
Forced birth in a country with no universal health care, no universal childcare, no paid family medical leave and one of the highest rates of maternal mortality among rich nations. This isn’t about “life”. It's about control.  - Robert Reich
I sometimes wonder if anybody besides Trump lost their shit when Seth Meters hosted the WH Correspondent’s dinner. ** This year the dinner was hosted by Roy Wood Jr.
Check it out: Elon Musk’s companies have received more Federal Government funding than NPR has in it entire existence. - Kaivan Shroff** Musk’s spacecraft exploded. ** Musk was on Real Time and boy, did Bill Maher kiss his ass. I found Musk’s talking style very halting and he only seemed to be talking in circles.  
Just as we were hearing word that Don Lemon is a diva prick, he is let go at CNN. Tucker Carlson has also been forced out at Fox.
Clarence Thomas is being looked into for ethics violations after he has accepted big gifts for decades. Being shady and greedy has become a sick art form. Why do soo many who have soo much take pleasure in all this trickery? And why are there no consequences? ** There are rumblings that he may not be the only Justice that has issues. ** In 1969, Justice Abe Fortas was forced to resign because of his rich friend. ** Other judges have to comply with a code of ethics but not the highest court in the land?? Dick Durbin introduced a bill similar to the circuit court of appeals. We must have a threat of legislation.
Everything that Dan Rather used to tell us has come true. There are so many that do not seem to know fantasy from reality.
Sadly, the only thing easier to buy in America than a gun is a Republican politician. Especially if you’re a billionaire who collects nazi memorabilia and owns a mega-yacht.
The Super Mario movie is breaking records.
Why does it sometimes seem like we often got along better in the 70’s when everybody was telling terrible ethnic and dead baby jokes?
***** There was a breech in intelligence from the Air National Guard. How does this 21- year old, Jack Teixeira have that kind of clearance? Is he that special or smart? Does he know somebody? Info in a gaming chat room? This is a 2023 problem.
In Seattle, several pot farms were shut down due to high levels of old pesticides in the ground.
James Corden did a bit with other late- night hosts, past and present for his final show. Where was Conan??
Moms for Liberty is just a new name for an old lie. - Jane of the North
Support the Drag Defense Fund.
Yamiche Alcindor is pregnant with a baby boy.
The newest stars on the walk of fame are: Martin Lawrence, Courtney Cox and Michael B. Jordan. Carrie Fisher will be inducted on May 4.
Aaron Rodgers will be joining the NY Jets.
Love the opening for the John Mulaney special, Baby J and thrilled to see David Byrne did the music.
Hooray!! Houses with History is back for season 2 and they brought along a ghost hunter.
Texas Republican Rep Bryan Slaton, leader of the anti-groomer campaign has been caught for sex and a drink with an under 21 intern that is not his wife.
Chicago is getting the Democratic convention. The city has held more conventions than any other.
MAGAzine is a satirical take on what a Trump rag might look like. It is brought to you by former Spy mag people led by Graydon Carter.
It looks like the charges in the Rust movie case against Alec Baldwin have been dropped.
North Carolina is trying to entice Disney to their state.
SCOTUS has lifted the ban on the abortion plll, mifepristone. ** Will citizens start suing Doctors if they cannot get an abortion and it causes harm or death? First do no harm, right?
Dominion is getting $787.5 mil and Fox sort of admitted they lied. Courts and money are all these scammers seem to understand. People are lining up to sue. Dominion is also suing Rudy, Newsmax, Sidney Powell and Lindell. Smartmatic is next on the Fox docket.. ** Mike Lindell has to pay $5 mil. to the guy who proved that his election nonsense was just that. We have a winner in the Prove Mike Wrong contest!!** Fox news is like its own horror story.  The things they say are scary to the informed. Those that they preach to are hiding in fear from the rest of us they have been told are monsters.
Tyre Nichols family is suing Memphis for $550 mil. over his shooting death.  
Red Table Talk has been cancelled. “Good.” -Nick Cannon
Trump asked people if they would like a slice of pizza that he had eaten on.
A fund raiser for child prodigy Ralph Yarl, yet another shooting victim, has raised over $3mil. He was shot by Andrew Lester when he rang the doorbell.  There have been many instances like that since the beginning of the year from wrong driveways to balls in yards to mistaking a car in a parking lot.
The U.S. got all the diplomats out of Sudan.
2,571 books have been challenged since 2021. Sex, gender and race are being severely banned in 37 states. ** ONLY COWARDS BAN BOOKS.
Iowa loves child labor!!!
Tennessee seems to have violated the equal protection clause when they threw 2 members out of the house. The Jason’s (Pearson and Jones) have since been reinstated. This all came about because they protested gun violence.
When I think of Jan. 6, I can’t help but think of Andrew Jackson’s inauguration. They just seem so similar what with all the simple folk running roughshod over the town.
American Horror Story: Delicate will be the offering for season 12. It does sound like a real life horror.  I stand with Patti Lupone!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bryan Cranston and Allison Janney will star in Everything’s going to be great.
It looks like the George Santos syndrome continues with Nicholas Alaverdian. More tricksters to ruin more lives. How wonderful would the world be if people used all their con energy for good?
25% of the U.S. population is Jewish. 55% of hate crimes in the U.S. are against the Jewish people.
Can we stop with the clothes tags. I thought we had the ability to stamp that info onto fabric.
Bill Hader and Ali Wong are a cute new super couple!!
I loved this piece I saw from Mo Rocca about wasteful meetings. I have been saying this for years. Why are there so many ridiculous meetings in the work place?  This just seems like work for people who do not want to work. And it is even worse when dealing with art. Creative work takes focus. Stop interrupting the flow. It is simple : Reduce meetings and raise productivity.  
Check out RIP Medical Bills.
R.I.P. Leo D. Sullivan, Howell Wayans, Ben Ferencz, Mark Sheehan, Murray Melvin, Michael Lerner, Mary Quant, Keith Reid, Todd Holmes, Hedda Kleinfeld, Barry Humphries, Ahmad Jamal, Moon Bin, Jerry Springer, Harry Belafonte, Ginnie Newhart and Connie Friedan.                                                                        
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Northern Road Trip
This is my piece for the AFTG Gift exchange! I went for Andriel coz im a complete Andriel junkie, but i couldnt resist a little Renison on the side XD
This is for @andthenthefirenationattacked​ - I hope you like it! I’m sorry it’s not very good but I tried! (And if you wanna talk or fangirl about aftg at any point, i’m definitely around for that!)
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Neil couldn’t remember a time he had felt this safe. Which, he had to admit, made no sense considering his current situation. Despite having family in England, an uncle who had once saved his life, the UK had never been a place that had screamed safety. And yet, here he was, standing in the middle of an endless stretch of rolling green hills that looked like they had been taken from one of Matt’s fantasy novels, and he felt…safe. It was as much a disquieting feeling as hope had once been.
The sky was a bright, forget-me-not blue that, after only five days in the country, he already knew was a rare blessing. Fluffy white clouds scudded across the sky, and the relief that they weren’t even a little grey had been unexpectedly strong when they had woken up this morning. Two cars idled behind him, the engines rumbling softly, and those inside were already betting on the upcoming games outcome and snacking on junk food that Kevin had already tried to throw out four times over.
Neil sucked in a deep breath, feeling the cold air settle in his lungs like shards of ice. Beautiful, this country, but cold. And wet. This was the first day they had been there that it hadn’t rained.
He could hear his old team behind him, laughing and joking, teasing Andrew for their stopping. It hadn’t been Andrew that had wanted to stop, but the goalie knew Neil too well now – had feigned car sickness to cover Neil’s need to see something. To see something other than exy courts and press rooms from the place his mother had come from. The woman had been cold and cruel and protective and beautiful, and standing there now, in the place she had always talked about, in Rivington, he could understand. The people he had met from around here felt like they had been born from the place itself. He could almost feel his mother in the wind’s cold fingers as it raked through his hair and cut straight through his winter coat to chill the blood in his veins.
“Neil! Come on! Andrew says he’s okay to keep going now,” Matt shouted, a grin on his face that was far too smug and pleased to merely be teasing.
Dan smacked him in the ribs as she disappeared around the other side of their hire car and slid into the driver’s seat. And then smacked the wheel in frustration, got out and went round to the passenger side door, grumbling about stupid English cars. Neil tuned out Matt and Allison’s teasing, both of them needling Dan about still not being used to which side of the car to get in, and turned to the other car. Renee smiled at Andrew before going to join the others.
Neil slid into the backseat next to Andrew, Aaron on the goalie’s other side, Kevin up front and Nicky driving. Within thirty minutes of driving, Andrew was asleep, head tipped back against the back of the seat – Neil wasn’t surprised, Andrew had barely slept since the flight, as though he was more scared than Neil that some relative would show up at their hotel. It wasn’t a secret they were in the UK; the whole world had known this is where they would be. The press had been covering the US exy team’s trip to the UK in excruciating detail for weeks. They had already had their games in Glasgow and London, and tomorrow, the last game of Us vs. UK, would take place in Manchester. London had been an easy win for the US Court, Andrew had barely bothered to try. Glasgow had been significantly more difficult. It had taken bribing Andrew to lock down the goal for them to come close to winning – even then it hadn’t been enough; they’d lost by two points.
Tomorrow’s game would decide who would face the Chinese team. And the old team from Palmetto State had come out to show their support as Kevin, Andrew and Neil, played their last UK game of the season, fighting to advance closer to the title of ‘Exy International Champions’. Kevin had been training and planning nonstop. It had taken Andrew’s knives to convince him to have this day off.
“Erm…Neil…?” Nicky asked, voice tight. Neil dragged his eyes away from staring out the window as the North sped by, and met Nicky’s worried eyes in the rear-view mirror. “Satnav is freaking out.”
“Get Andrew to fix it,” Aaron grunted, “he’s the tech wonder boy.”
“Waking Andrew up in a car has never been a good idea,” Nicky warned, no doubt thinking of that time all those years ago.
Neil could feel Aaron’s smirk as the man reached over and tapped his twin on the shoulder closest to Neil. From habit, Neil’s hand was out waiting as Andrew jolted from sleep, one hand instinctively reaching out. Their fingers twined together and held on tight. No elbow in the stomach, no fists flying, not anymore – they had been sleeping in the same bed now for nearly two years; Andrew was too used to being woken by Neil’s nightmares to react violently. Now it was a grasping hand and white knuckled grip, each proving to the other that they are here – that they are safe. On Andrew’s other side, Aaron huffed in frustration and turned his attention back to the steady stream of messages between him and Katelyn.  
“Satnav isn’t working properly,” Neil explained quietly, and Andrew shook off his grip, leaning forward to take it from Kevin.
“Going old school,” Nicky muttered to himself. “Gonna have to use these damn stupid road signs.”
Neil didn’t bother to watch what Andrew was doing to fix the machine – he had learnt a long time ago that when Andrew couldn’t sleep, he and one of the cats curled up on the sofa with an instruction manual of some sort. Andrew couldn’t sleep most nights. By this point, Andrew’s eidetic memory had given him the ability to fix almost anything technological.
It took them another hour and a half to reach the Lake District. They were aiming for a shop that the Northern players on the UK team hadn’t stopped raving about since the team meets had started. By the time they finally arrived, it was raining again.
They parked in a garden centre opposite a tiny little place called ‘The Grasmere Gingerbread Shop’ and stared out through rain-streaked windows. Nicky’s phone started ringing. He took the sat nav out of its holder, tossed it onto Kevin’s lap before balancing his phone in the slot instead. Allison’s face appeared on the screen, and then the rest of the others.
“So, how do we decide who goes out into the rain to get the damn gingerbread we drove for two hours to come and try?” Allison asked and Renee, in the driver’s seat beside her, tucked a few stray blonde curls behind her ear, dragging a smile from the otherwise annoyed face.
“Flip for it?” Nicky suggested.
Matt lost to Renee. Dan lost to Matt. Allison rolled her eyes and picked at a perfectly manicured nail, but called heads when she went up against Dan, only to lose. Storm clouds gathered on her face as she waited for the other car to decide who would flip against her.
Aaron called heads, Allison, tails. Aaron won.
Neil hadn’t heard swearing like that for a long time. He couldn’t help but smile. He had missed them all. He loved being on Court and he loved his team and exy, and playing with Andrew and Kevin, but he had missed being a fox.
Renee went with Allison, smiling as the blonde tried and failed to hide under the trees from the rain. Neil could hear through the cracked window Andrew was smoking through as Allison cursed everyone and everything for her having forgotten an umbrella. Renee just laughed and tugged her in for a kiss. Neil smiled again; it had taken them a long time to realise just how meant for each other they were – but now? Together? They were a sight for sore eyes.
Andrew blew another cloud of smoke past Neil’s face. He couldn’t help the deep inhale as the smoke curled past his nose. Andrew watched, utterly unimpressed – but Neil could read the affection in the stare. Smoke was no longer the reminder of his mother, of the fire, of how it had smelled when her body had burned. Now it was Andrew, it was nights on the roof, the bite of his key in his palm, the feel of a thundering heartbeat beneath his fingertips. Andrew’s knee nudged his, and Neil smiled again.
Allison and Renee got back in the car behind and they drove to Windemere, where they had booked out all the rooms in a little bed and breakfast. The man at the desk was the most English person Neil had ever met. He was the embodiment of every single English stereotype, and Neil couldn’t get away fast enough.
Their rooms were all on the second floor, Dan and Matt disappeared into one room, Allison and Renee into another, Aaron claimed his own room, as did Kevin and Nicky. Nicky was already face timing with Eric before his bedroom door closed. And despite Allison’s usual warning of ‘keep it down’, there were delighted giggles and moans coming from her and Renee’s room.
Neil shook his head, smiling, and followed after Andrew into their room. Andrew was already lighting up next to the window, so Neil dropped the bag by the bottom of the bed and slumped onto the mattress, stripping off his black armbands and dumping them over the edge. He heard Andrew shut the window and the bed dip as he settled nearby. Neil reached a hand up, and Andrew’s fingertips trailed over his bare arms, dipping over every scar and mark.
Neil closed his eyes, even now, years later, most touches on those scars brought back the car lighter, the knife, his father’s axe…
But then Andrew’s lips began tracing every raised bump, slowly washing away the memories one by one, until there was nothing left but the two of them, Andrew’s hands under Neil’s shirt, Andrew’s lips pressed hard to Neil’s, and Neil’s fingers tight in Andrew’s hair.
He didn’t realise how much he needed it until Andrew tugged his t-shirt over his head and slowly but steadily began taking him apart. Neil couldn’t stop the moan that Andrew dragged from deep in his throat as Andrew pushed him harder and faster until Neil’s breathing became ragged and Andrew leaned up to press their lips together as though he could swallow Neil’s hard groans when he fell over the edge. He lay limp and sweating, breathing hard, with Andrew beside him, the man’s expression open and soft in a way he had only seen four times so far.
Neil reached out, “Yes or no?”
Andrew didn’t reply, just pressed his cheek into Neil’s palm and closed his eyes as Neil’s fingers played with the tiny hairs at the nape of Andrew’s neck. He wanted to say something, anything to remind Andrew just how amazing he was – how he always knew what Neil needed, usually before Neil knew himself, how even though Neil had long since learned to stand alone, it felt safe knowing that Andrew was there for him if he needed to lean on someone. But he didn’t have the words.
And he didn’t find them fast enough before Nicky pounded on the bedroom door.
“Come on, lovebirds, Allison ruined her hair to get this gingerbread, and Aaron and I went out for alcohol, come and have a drink and a snack like the old days. But put clothes on first!”
Andrew growled under his breath, but Neil smiled.
“When will he leave me alone?” Andrew said, shaking out his hand and pushing up to sit on the edge of the bed.
“He’s been in Germany with Eric for ten months. He can’t leave you any more alone.”
Andrew just stood and stared down at him a moment. “Come on junkie. Let’s go.”
Neil stood and went to the bathroom, cleaning himself up, before he joined Andrew at the now open door to the bedroom, stood in front of a very irate Kevin.
“We have a game tomorrow. Tomorrow. And they want us to drink and eat and party. Why did they come at all, they’re not playing,” Kevin said, face set; cold and hard.
“Tomorrow will be fine. We’ll win or we’ll lose, but it’ll be fine. Let’s go, it could be fun,” Neil said, shrugging. He’d never felt as safe as he was in that moment and he’d never seen Andrew as relaxed – that was all he needed. All he wanted.
They should take road trips more often.
“Three hundred and seventy-four percent,” Andrew murmured.
Neil didn’t bother to stop the smirk on his face.
That’s it! Again, I hope you liked it and I hope it was a good enough gift for you in the exchange! Have a wonderful day!
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hi again i had another idea since tbona left a bunch of loose ends how about writing how you think the 3rd kiss will go...
Okay well, here’s the thing.
I actually don’t have any theories for the third kiss, because I think there’s so many different ways it could go. I mean I think we all know he’ll make her kiss him, or she’ll just go for it, but I don’t think I could really do justice to whatever Stephanie is thinking. I believe it’ll be a spur of the moment thing, probably built on action, but other than that…
I did however discover a plot hole in tbona… and some of you might not like hearing about it, but it does involve a kiss. Bc… if Jacks was gonna go back in time anyways… why not just… yk ;)
DISCLAIMER: I am using a specific scene from Stephanie Garber’s work, and obviously all characters and plot lines belong to her. I am simply putting a creative twist on a scene I loved.
Any Other Way
Evangeline x Jacks
Summary and warning: closed-door smut, 18+, otherwise… find out for yourself :)
“Little Fox, when I saw you, I thought—“
Jacks broke off before he finished the sentence, and Evangeline was left to wonder just what he might have worried about. Was he worried she was hurt? Or that she was with Apollo?
She didn’t get to ask as she was sat atop the twisted sheets, getting the first chance to really scan the room. Apple cores lie everywhere, along with torn maps and crumpled papers. Evangeline’s cheeks flushed, she got the sense maybe she wasn’t supposed to see this. It all felt so personal.
But then his fist was tugging at the nape of her neck, and with a whimper she looked up at him. He would always be beautiful, she realized, no matter how much agony he seemed to be in. His blue eyes flashed as they caught on the blood on her lips. It took everything in her not to project her thoughts and ask him to kiss her.
She wanted him to kiss her so badly, almost as much as she needed air to breathe it seemed. And the way he was staring at her mouth, well… maybe he thought the same.
“You’re still bleeding.” Was all the warning she got before he lowered his lips to hers and licked a line up the center of hers. It was slow, deliberate, and almost torturous the way Evangeline wanted to beg for more. She was still shaking with fear from the hands that had wrapped around her neck and yet— all she wanted was Jacks.
Another whimper escaped when he didn’t immediately pull away, keeping her close with his hand in her hair. She felt like she was watching him battle with himself, and she hoped-this once-he’d let his wants win.
But no. He pulled away and dropped her head. “I have to go.”
“No!” She pushed off the bed, landing in front of him and blocking his path. “What are you so afraid of? What is it?”
He looked at her, positively broken with the way his blue eyes gleamed, “Do you still want to know what the stones do when they’re together?”
Her breath seemed to leave her lungs in one final: “Yes.”
She watched him think it over and over, as if she could hear his thoughts when he wasn’t even projecting them. He stopped at his desk with another apple, “When the four stones are combined, a person has the power to return to any moment in their past. It can only be done once. Once the stones have been used for this purpose, they’ll never have the power to be used like this again.”
Something rolled in Evangeline’s stomach that this wasn’t right. Her heart twisted, as if knowing she was about to hear something she didn’t want to. But she had to know, “What moment do you want to return to?”
He didn’t look at her, “I want to return to the moment I met Donatella.”
There it was, there was her heart breaking. “The princess who stabbed you?”
He nodded, that was all she got. She couldn’t figure out how he was feeling. “Why would you want to go back to her?”
He still wouldn’t face her, “She was my one true love—I want another chance at that.”
No. That couldn’t be it. Evangeline had been with Jacks, and had never seen him bat an eye at the mention of the princess. “Why go to all this trouble for a girl you don’t love?”
Turning to her, he bit down hard on the apple, never taking his eyes off her until he dropped it back onto the desk, “This is a pointless argument,” he spat, “and you won’t remember this anyways.”
“Wha—why are you saying I won’t remember it…” but she knew, Evangeline knew that if Jacks went back in time and met Donatella all over again, he wouldn’t need Evangeline. They would never have this argument, would never have anything.
Unless he made it happen again, “Will we ever meet?” She asked after a long silence.
“No.” His face was stone.
“But… will you remember me?”
“Yes.” His arms were crossed, she didn’t bother trying to change his mind because she knew when a Fate set their heart on something—not even entire worlds could put an end to it.
“So… if none of this ever happened…” Evangeline took a deep breath as a sudden though fell upon her. Jacks wouldn’t like it, and she’d probably embarrass herself but… “Why haven’t you kissed me?”
She watched his eyebrows lift to his forehead, “Excuse me?” He coughed.
“You heard me,” She took a step closer, crowding him to his desk, “If everything will change, then kissing me wouldn’t really kill me because I will have never met you.”
Jacks smirked, but his eyes remained agonized, “That desperate, Little Fox? After all this time you still believe there’s any reality where this works?”
She kept her face neutral, shrugging as she scanned the room once more, “It doesn’t really matter does it?”
Silence fell, the world fell it seemed. It was just them, face to face, inches apart in the trashed room that didn’t even feel real at the moment. He tore his eyes between hers over and over before: “No.”
But she stopped him from sidestepping her, “You’re scared.”
“I am not.” His nostrils flared.
“You are. You’re scared of what could happen.” Evangeline laid her hands on his chest, pushing him against the desk once more. “But you should really be scared of walking out that door and forever regretting that you didn’t take this chance.”
She stared up at him with all the courage she’d mustered this last year. She took all the pain she’d felt, and all the times he’d healed her, and she let the intensity roll off her just as it was him. She watched him break behind blue eyes, watched his fists clench and unclench.
It was when his eyes landed on her lips again that her really broke.
And his fist found her hair again, his free hand landing on her waist. He twisted them, pushing her up against the desk before locking his mouth to hers and—
No, this was when everything fell away. Everything but the two of them as his hands found her thighs and lifted her up onto the desk. He tasted like apples and blood and felt like the most torturous happily ever after. He was smooth but rough. He didn’t bite her until she bled, but his fingers on her hips dug in until she knew she’d have bruises. His tongue slid against hers as he pulled her chest flush to his and she moaned. He was all strong muscle and smooth skin under his shirt.
She wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling him hard between her legs. The sensation had her pulling away for air, dropping her head back with a call of his name. But he didn’t miss a beat, his tongue finding her neck and biting down, sucking bruises no doubt.
“Fates be damned Little Fox,” he groaned against her, “I’ve never told you how sweet you taste, have I?”
“Jacks—Jacks—“ Evangeline moved her hips, this was so much more than just a kiss.
“Yes, love?”
There was a growl against her throat as he picked her up in his arms. With her chest against his, she felt his heart racing. He walked across the room, never taking his eyes off her, before he sat on the bed with her on top.
He tugged on her bodice, his fingers tracing the curves on her breasts. “Tell me how to get this off or I swear, Evangeline, I will cut it again.”
She pushed to stand up, “Laces in the back.” On wobbly legs, she turned around and lifted her hair for him to undo her dress.
His long fingers tugged and pulled and, the world seemed to come back to her. This was moving really fast but, she’d wanted it for so long. Maybe before she’d even known. And his kiss was smooth, worth dying for…
Her dress loosened enough to fall to the floor, leaving her in just a beige slip as she turned back around.
His eyes reflected her thoughts, “Are you…”
“Still breathing.”
His cold hands went to grab hers, “You’re shaking.” He whispered, and she watched as tears welled in his eyes.
“I…” she laughed softly, “I really want you.”
He trailed up her slip, his hands following so he could pull her down with his own laugh. Or maybe it was a sob. Evangeline didn’t care, she was right there with him as he turned her onto her back.
His hand drifted under the slip, and she whimpered as it trailed up her stomach to squeeze her breasts, “Really?” Jacks asked.
Evangeline cupped his cheeks, pulling him down to her, “Don’t leave.” She whispered against his lips.
The evoked a true chuckle, “Trust me, Little Fox, I’m not going anywhere.”
The moment felt endearing, perfect as she stared up at him.
That was, until his fists took her slip and ripped it right down the middle as she squealed.
She wouldn’t have it any other way.
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baronessblixen · 3 years
Are you taking prompts for ficmas??? If you feel like doing a bit of angst that may or may not resolve into fluff, please consider Diana dropping by Mulder’s during the gift exchange in HTGSC. Bonus points if Mulder knew she was coming but forgot.
I am taking prompts! Thank you for this wonderful idea. I hope I did it justice. Wc: 1319. Tagging @today-in-fic
Ficmas Day 6 ~ All I Want For Christmas (Is You)
By now, he should be old enough to know better: Christmas wishes don't come true. He knew it at six years old when he didn't get a puppy. He knew it at ten years old when he didn't get a record player. He knew it at 12 when his sister never returned home.
That's never stopped him from trying, from wishing anyway. Why should this year be any different? His only wish this Christmas was to make Scully laugh. For weeks he racked his brain trying to come up with something that would take her mind off things, to make the worry lines on her forehead disappear. In hindsight, he realizes that a haunted mansion with suicidal ghosts may not have been his best idea.
And yet. Here he is on his couch, Scully next to him with her thigh pressed into his, her laugh sounding like a chaotic melody. His favorite. He, too, is grinning, holding the book she gave him as a Christmas present.
"Help me?" She asks him, her blue eyes sparkling in the dim light of his apartment. She holds out the navy blue cashmere scarf he bought her and he takes it, putting it around her neck. The color compliments her and he sighs inwardly, wondering how on earth he got so lucky this year.
"Do you like it?" He asks, shyness creeping under his skin.
"It's so soft," she says, touching it. "And warm. I love it, Mulder. Thank you. Do you like your present?" He nods enthusiastically, not telling her that the book is just an extra. His real gifts are her presence and her smile.
"Do you want anything to-"
There's a knock on the door and they exchange a look. It's the middle of the night and Mulder doesn't think they've been too loud. Apprehensively, he gets up to see who's at the door. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It's Diana.
She called him yesterday while he was busy trying to come up with a plan to get Scully out of her house and join him, knowing she would be busy with Christmas preparations. Diana kept going on about needing to see him and he had listened half-heartedly, humming his consent.
Now here she is.
There's another knock, more insistent. There's nothing he can do but open the door. His smile is forced but he hopes Diana either won't notice or won't care.
"Hello Fox," she says, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. She smells faintly of cigarette smoke and wine. His stomach rebels.
"Hi Diana."
"Aren't you going to let me in?" She pushes at his chest with a smile and he knows she wouldn't accept a no anyway. He steps aside and his heart leaps into his throat.
"Mulder, who-"
"Agent Scully." The two women speak at the same time, staring each other down. Mulder watches, swallows, and doesn't know what to do.
"Rather early for a visit." Diana is the first of them to find her voice. "But I see you're leaving." Scully touches the scarf that's around her neck and he sees her face fall. She presses her lips together, swallowing what he's sure are some colorful words. It breaks his heart to see her smile gone. He won't hear her laughter again tonight.
"I should leave. My family is waiting for me," Scully says, briefly throwing him a glance. She slips back into her heels and walks past Diana, past him. "Merry Christmas, Agent Fowley."
"Merry Christmas," she replies, walking into his living room, waiting for him to join her.
"Scully this is not what it looks like," he says in an insistent whisper.
"It's none of my business. Thank you for my scarf. Have a wonderful Christmas, Mulder. I'll see you at work." He stares at the closed door for at least a minute, waiting for a miracle that never comes.
He throws Diana out of his apartment an hour after Scully leaves. He claims to be tired and when he sees Diana's surprise change into a flirty expression, he adds that he has a headache, too. She's reluctant to leave and tries everything to persuade him.
There's a part of him that wants to give him. When she strokes his arm, stands close to him with her dark eyes that he once knew so well, he wonders about it. But wonder is all he does. Once he may have wished for Diana to return from Europe to surprise him. Now, his heart screams out for Scully.
As soon as Diana is gone, Mulder showers and puts on fresh clothes. He's a man with a mission.
The roads are empty so he arrives at Mrs. Scully's house in no time at all. Several cars are parked outside, including Scully's familiar one. At least she's here.
He doesn't know what he's going to say, hasn't prepared anything. He should have. With his luck, Bill Jr. will open the door and he won't get a chance to see Scully or speak to her. He rings the doorbell, praying someone who doesn't know him will be on the other side.
No such luck.
"Fox," Mrs. Scully says, sounding almost happy to see him. "What a wonderful surprise. Come on in, I'm sure Dana will be happy to see you."
"I'm not so sure about that," he admits. "Would you please tell her I'm here? I need to talk to her." The older woman's eyebrows knit together. "It's not about work," he adds quickly. "I have no intention of taking her away from her family on this day."
"Please come in for a moment, Fox. I will go find Dana." He steps inside and listens to the chatter from the living room, smiling wistfully. This is what Christmas should be like. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and waits for Scully.
She's dressed in a tight wine-red sweater that takes his breath away. She approaches him slowly, her face full of mixed emotions.
"Hey," he says.
"What are you doing here?" She looks behind him as if she were expecting Diana to be there.
"You left so quickly earlier. I didn't get a chance to apologize."
"You didn't have to drive all this way to tell me this."
"I wanted to. Listen Scully, I forgot Diana was coming over." Scully snorts. "I did. More than that, I didn't want her there. The only person I wanted to spend this day with is you." She lifts her head and looks at him, skeptical as ever.
"I can't prove it to you," he says. And that's the truth. There's no proof and he knows his Scully; she needs proof. Another Christmas ruined, and by his own hand, too. But he can't give up just yet.
"You just have to believe me," he goes on. "All I wanted for Christmas is you."
"Did you just quote Mariah Carey to me?" She tries not to - he can see the way she's trying to suppress it - but her lips twitch into a smile. A bubbly laugh falls from her mouth and if she sends him away right now, it was all worth it.
"Not on purpose," he says with a smile of his own.
"I believe you, Mulder."
"Which part?"
"All of it. I saw the look on your face when Diana got there but... I couldn't stay." He nods, understanding.
"I know. I just needed you to know."
"Thank you." To his greatest joy, he pulls him down for a soft, barely-there brush against his lips. His eyes flutter shut. "I'd invite you to stay but..."
"I don't want to get in the way of your family Christmas," he assures her, squeezing her hand. "But if you get lonely in the next few days," he teases, trailing off.
"I know your number," she replies, smiling.
"Merry Christmas, Scully."
"Merry Christmas, Mulder."
He leaves with his heart feeling light.
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DC Weirdness and Stories
Thingy Two: Interesting Justice League International Members
I wish to give all these characters a big hug like this.
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However I am too small.
This ones gonna be long.
Justice League.
Who do we know?
Of course theres Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Cyborg, Aquaman, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter. Main peeps.
But did you know there were more and interesting in and out members of the Justice League/Justice League International?
Let me tell you some of my favorites.
So first we start with one of my big favorites.
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As a person who loves cartoons, Plastic Man being a slapstick rubber hose man is what made me very intrigued by him. And when he's in media, ANIMATORS KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. I love the gags that happen.
Former criminal Patrick "Eel" O'Brian is his name, being a nuisance is his game. After a stealing job gone wrong, he gains rubbery stretchy powers.
From that day on, he became the chaotic superhero, Plastic Man! (And also DCs "Weirdest Super" but I guess they forgot about COMPOSITE SUPERMAN but ok DC whatever.)
In certain media, he's portrayed with a family. He has a... rocky relationship with them but he does love them very much.
His power is pretty cool because, as his namesake, he can't be hurt normally. He's rubber! He's just a stretchy rubber man! And I love how blunt and funny he is! He's great and DC needs to use these characters more.
And not make them absolute creeps for shock value or for "realistic purposes." No the silly character would never f#cking do that DC. Stop it.
Anyway. Hey look!! IT'S BOOSTER GOLD!!
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Never heard of him? You should've! He's the, self proclaimed, best hero in The Justice League!
So this guy is Michael Jon Carter.
He used to be a quarterback from the 25th century, until he was caught in the act of betting on his own games, ruining his career. He took up a job as a night watchman at a museum where he found A F#CKING TIME MACHINE. This time machine used to be owned by a hero known as Rip Hunter. Booster being Booster, he stole items from the museum including a suit and a ring that gave him the ability to fly (no not a Power Ring.)
Oh and he has a small floating super computer mech friend called Skeets. He has Boosters only brain cell.
Alright. Heres were it gets a bit difficult. There are three Blue Beetles. The first being a... guy, the second is a guy whos best friends (possibly homosexual relationship) with Booster Gold, and the third being in the Teen Titans... I think.
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Now VERY FIRST Blue Beetle was a character that was made for a thingy called Fox Publications. His name was Dan Garret.
After being bought by DC, they changed him up. Gave him a bit of spice. Dan Garrett, they never changed the name, was now an archaeologist who found a mysterious blue scarab in Egypt. The scarab granted Garrett POWERS! Then he became known as The Blue Beetle!
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Blue Beetle Number 2 was Ted Kord (my favorite!), a university student of Dan Garrett, the first Blue Beetle.
Yes. Dan Garrett. An archeologist. Becomes a professor in a university.
Huh. Sounds... familiar.
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Where have I heard that before...
Anyway, Garrett had found that Ted’s uncle was building an army of robots to take over the world, as one would. He tried to stop him as the Blue Beetle, but, OH BOY WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT, was killed after Teds Uncle destroyed his own base. Garrett left the scarab to Ted, hoping he could be the next Blue Beetle... but it never gave Ted the power. BUT TED THOUGHT THAT WAS ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. SO, he made inventions as a substitute! Ted would later on find his braincell partner, Booster Gold, who accepted him as his best friend immediately.
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Our third and current Blue Beetle is Jaime Reyes, a high school student who grew up in El Paso, Texas. Yes, my friends. The land of heat and cowboys.
In Texas, Jamie found the scarab that Ted thought was destroyed early in his career. He found it on his way home from school... on the sidewalk, because yes child, grab the sidewalk beetle. In the darkness of night, it attached itself to his spine, giving him the powers of the Blue Beetle. Apparently Ted wasn't worthy, I GUESS.
The truth of the scarab was revealed... in the most weirdest way. See, in every variations, the beetle was magic. But APPARENTLY. CAUSE WE WANTED THIS. It was ALIEN TECHNOLOGY.
"An infiltration unit, sent by invaders known as the Reach, to blend in and enslave the human race."
No worries however. Jamie f#cked their sh#t up. So now he's his own hero.
Sorry this was long, I would've added Shazam but he deserves his own post.
Next? I hope you're ready for me to lose my damn mind. We're gonna talk about Flash.
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
Journal Entry #42
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I hope everyone had a great Winterfest! Ours was relatively low-key, but it was fun.
First things first... before I get sidetracked, let me show you my gorgeous Winterfest present from Yuri. He'd been hinting about giving me something special, but I had absolutely no idea it was going to be something like this.
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Isn't it beautiful? This kimono and haori were entirely handmade by Seiji's mother, who is a professional tailor. I love the colours and that it has maple leaves on it. It feels really special to have something like this designed specifically for me.
At first, I felt slightly worried about wearing it because I'm not Japanese, but Yuri did his best to assure me that it'd be perfectly acceptable, and that nobody would think I was doing cultural appropriation or something offensive like that. There are appropriate times and places to wear it, obviously, so as long as I stick to those, I think I'll be okay.
I wore it when we all gathered at Seiji's family's house for omisoka on New Year's Eve, and when we visited the shrine on New Year's day. Mrs. Hinamori was thrilled to see me in it, and kept telling me that I was doing justice to her creation.
Just as a side note, in case you were wondering, Japan celebrates the new year on January first, the same as we do in Canada, although the culture and traditions are different . A lot of other countries in Asia celebrate the Lunar New Year, which is usually a little later in January or early in February.
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Right. Now that I’ve showed you my one-of-a-kind kimono, we can get back to the update, such as it is. There hasn't been all that much going on for us since our last update, which I realize was a few weeks ago, but we’re definitely not complaining about life being quiet for once.
Yuki spent Winterfest Eve and part of Winterfest morning with us. We had a fantastic time, dressing in our matching pyjamas, playing games and singing songs. Yuki fell asleep in Yuri’s bed while he was reading us a Winterfest story, and we just let her stay there, snuggled comfortably between us. On Winterfest morning, after breakfast and presents, Yuri took her home while I stayed here to get ready for our dinner guests.
In the afternoon, Sakura and Takeshi came over, as well as Taka and Fox, and Fox's twin sister Clancy who was here visiting him for the holidays. Seiji and his parents were at his grandparents' estate in the country for Winterfest, so he didn't join us. We all missed him, and even Clancy asked about him. If I didn't know better, I'd say there's a small spark of something there.
Yuri says I'm being silly, of course. Seiji barely speaks English, and I'm pretty sure Clancy's only Japanese words are konnichiwa and arigato gozaimasu. They can't possibly have any kind of relationship if they can't even talk to each other. But, I mean... Taka's taking language classes now, trying to improve his English for Fox, and it's astounding how quickly Fox is picking up Japanese just by talking with his host family every day as well as hanging out with us. Maybe Seiji and Clancy will be interested enough to start learning each other's languages, too. It could happen, right?
Yuri says I shouldn't meddle, which I'm trying not to do, but I just want everyone I care about to be happy. That's not unreasonable, is it?
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I think one of the reasons things have been more stable for us lately is that since returning to Mt. Komorebi, Yuri and I have been trying to distance ourselves from his family's problems. Amazingly, we've been pretty successful in our efforts. We’ve made it to this point in January without being dragged into anything, after all. We still get regular gossip from Yuki, and we listen to what she has to say about everything, but that's about as far into it as we're willing to get. Neither of us is really interested in Hana's pregnancy drama or Mr. Okamoto's alleged affair with the former housekeeper and how he kicked her to the curb when he found out she’s also expecting.
Yuki seems happy that it's just her and her dad at home now. It sounds like they've been doing a lot of things together, including cooking and housecleaning. According to Yuki, even chores are fun when she and her dad do them as a team. They've been doing actual fun things as well, like sledding, skating, baking cookies and playing music together. Yuki says she's teaching her dad to ski. Honestly, I'd be shocked if he didn't already know how, but I'm glad he's pretending not to know so that his daughter can feel like she's helping him learn an important skill.
I'm not sure how Yuri feels, hearing about all Yuki's adventures with their father. I think he's pleased that Yuki is having such a great time, but there's something else underlying his happiness. I can't tell if it's sadness or anger, or maybe a mixture of both. Maybe it's resentment because he wishes his dad would do those things with him.
Yuri doesn't like to talk about his relationship with his father, or their lack of a real relationship, because the whole thing is too emotionally painful for him. All he ever wanted was for his dad to love him and accept him for who he is instead of treating him like an inconvenience and a disappointment, so I can imagine how much it must hurt to know his dad is bonding with Yuki the way he wishes he would’ve bonded with him.
I wish Yuri's dad would love him the way my mom loves me. Like, I've never once questioned her feelings for me. She loves me so hard, I can feel it from ten thousand kilometers away. Every time I talk to her, it's there in her voice and her attitude. It's in her body language when we video chat. I can hardly wait till we get home in the spring, so she can hug me with one of those super tight hugs that says I never want to let you go.
Sometimes I wonder if my father would love me like that if he were still alive. I often tell myself he would, because I think that's the kind of guy he was; open and ready to give something good to everyone he met. And you know what? The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced Julian also loves me that way, like the son he never had. I'm sure Mom loves Ellie like a daughter, too.
At first, I wasn't certain I liked the idea of Mom and Julian getting married, but now I'm more than okay with it because it occurred to me that we're essentially a family already, in all the ways that matter, and I think we have been all along. So, why not make it official?
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On the subject of Mom and Julian, they were supposed to be coming for a visit, along with Ellie and Leo, but in light of their wedding, our big move and our Selvadoradan excursion being put on hold for the moment, everyone's decided to stay put. Last week Mom told me that she and Julian want to give their travel money to me and Yuri to help with the down payment on our haunted house. I'm not even joking when I tell you I cried over that. But, you guys know me. I cry over everything.
As for Ellie and Leo, they're using some of their travel money to move out of their respective parents' houses and get a place together. During Winterfest, they finally worked up the courage to tell each other how they feel, and they're now an actual couple. They called me and Yuri to tell us about it, and needless to say we were very excited for them.
Ellie says Julian is relieved that she's moving out, mostly because he wants to sell his house and move in with Mom. I'm glad Julian is moving into Mom's place. Julian's house isn't all that far away from Mom's, so it'd be totally fine if she'd decided to move in with him, but Mom's is right across the street from the home Yuri and I are trying to purchase, and I like the idea of being that close to my mother when we settle in Willow Creek. I like that we’ll be near enough to see each other in person every day, but that we’ll be under different roofs and free to carry on with our own lives.
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In other news, there was an amateur snowboarding competition held here in Mt. Komorebi last weekend. Seiji, Sakura and I all decided to sign up for it, and we were shocked that the organizers actually let us.
Me and Seiji are international-level competitors and Sakura was too, until she retired after last season. Amateur competitions are good experience, which is the main reason we sometimes try to enter them, but it feels kinda wrong to seriously put ourselves up against a bunch of amateur enthusiasts who were just out there to have a good time. To be fair to the other competitors, we asked the organizers to tell the judges not to use our scores for the medal placement, which they agreed to, so maybe that's why they let us enter.
A really great thing about this competition was that Seiji and I didn't need to worry too much about our performances, even if our scores had been counted with everyone else's. This wasn't a qualifier for the All-Japan Snowboarding Championship, so it was the perfect chance for us to enjoy ourselves and maybe show off a little. I'll bet all of you know exactly who I was showing off for.
On the first morning of the competition, which was Saturday, Sakura and Takeshi stopped by our place for tea and a pep talk on their way up the mountain. If I didn't mention it before, Sakura and I work together at the fitness center, but we've been friends for longer than either of us have worked there. We met not long after I arrived, and I think I won her over immediately by praising her hot pink snowboard, Senbazuru. I didn't know he had a name at first, though. I was riding my old board, Silver Storm, at the time and being the snowboarding-obsessed nerd that I am, I introduced both myself and him. Sakura said I was crazy, and then told me her board also had a name. We laughed like idiots, and I think we were instantly bonded for life.
This season, Sakura is also my coach, which is beyond awesome. Last season was tough because Seiji and I had the same coach, and it sometimes felt like we were competing for his attention. Seiji said it felt kind of like a threesome, which is something I really don't want to contemplate. Anyway, Seiji is still with him. Meanwhile, Sakura has been kicking my butt into shape as best she can, considering the chaos and all the interruptions to my training schedule.
Sakura and Takeshi were on the go early. They turned up at our place just as I was putting breakfast on the table. Unfortunately they didn't have time to stay long, because Sakura needed to take Takeshi to work — he's a paramedic with the Mountain Patrol — so I put their tea into travel mugs which Sakura promised to return to us later.
As they were leaving, Sakura offered to transport my gear for me. Naturally, I wasn't going to refuse that offer. With my stuff going up the mountain in Sakura's truck, that meant Yuri and I could enjoy a nice walk without me having to carry anything.
You ever have one of those moments where you suddenly stop and think, 'I'm incredibly content with my life right now'? That was me on Saturday morning. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out, with just enough cloud cover that the snow wasn't blindingly bright, and it wasn't too cold or windy. There'd been a fresh snowfall overnight, and everything around us was glistening and magical as Yuri and I strolled up the quiet Kiyomatsu Point road, hand in hand.
"You're in a good mood," Yuri observed. "I don't think I've ever seen you this calm and relaxed on the morning of a competition."
"I don't really see it as a competition," I said. "Just an exhibition. There's nothing to lose. And I am in a good mood. How could I not be in a good mood when I'm out here with you?"
"This is nice, isn't it? I'm going to miss walking here with you."
"We may be moving, but we're not leaving forever," I said. "We'll come back for visits, and when we do, we'll have our walks. Plus, we can do this every day until spring if you want. Every day you're feeling up to it, that is."
He smiled. "I'd like that."
"We'll find quiet places to walk in Willow Creek, too."
"I know," he said. "I'm looking forward to that, but it doesn't change how I feel about this place. It's part of me, just as much as your hometown is part of you, and it's difficult to say goodbye."
"I'm sorry," I said.
"Please, don't be." He squeezed my hand. "I want to go with you and help you chase your dreams. You deserve to get back some of the things you gave up when you came here for me."
"But, what about your dreams?"
He stopped walking, and gently pulled me to a stop beside him. Turning to face me, he gazed at me and said, "You are my dream, Victor. The only thing I ever wanted was to be loved the way you love me. Maybe I'll come up with a future goal of my own once we're in Canada, but for right now, I just want to be with you and watch you reach yours."
"Thank you," I said, because there were no better words in my head.
Since our visit to Willow Creek in the autumn, I've noticed a big change in Yuri. I don't know exactly how to describe it except to say that he's less clingy than he used to be. No... that's not right. He's still clingy, but not in as much of a selfish, jealous way as before. He's been putting my needs ahead of his way more often, and I've got to say it's doing wonders for us as a couple.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too."
We resumed walking after that, and our conversation turned to lighter things, like our plans to go to our favourite tea house with our friends this evening, and what we were going to get for Taka as a gift for his twenty-sixth birthday at the end of January. We recently found out that Fox's birthday is in January too, and he's also going to be twenty-six. We discussed the possibility of getting them something matching, and Yuri thought matching coffee mugs would be a good idea. I suggested that we could do them up in a cute little basket with some sugar-free snacks for Fox and some of the expensive coffee beans Taka likes. Yuri said he'd be in charge of decorating the basket, which is undoubtedly the wisest option. He has a better eye for that sort of thing than I do. My talents lie elsewhere.
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Up on the mountain, the trail conditions were flawless. We couldn't have asked for a better day.
We found Sakura, and then went to retrieve Elsa and my other gear. Yuri carried my helmet. Whenever he's able to come and watch, we have kind of a pre-competition ritual that we do. He carries something of mine, usually my helmet or wrist guards, and we walk together as far as we can. Then, just before I head up to the top of the run and he goes off to the spectator area, he puts that bit of equipment on me.
"Don't break your neck."
"Arms and legs are okay though, right?" is my typical response.
It's kind of a dark joke, I know, and it probably fits into the category of what my uncle Stephen would call 'gallows humour'. But, here's the thing. Snowboarding is an extremely dangerous sport, especially in the alpine events. If a person doesn't know what they're doing or they're not completely focused, they can get seriously hurt or even killed, and regardless of whether you’re paying attention or not, accidents can still happen. Like, you're whipping down the side of the mountain at speeds that are almost as fast as a car would travel on the highway, except you don't have a seatbelt or an airbag to protect you if you crash. Broken arms or legs are a real possibility. Broken necks, too.
Yuri and I both know this all too well. A friend of his died in a snowboarding accident about three years ago. She suffered a broken neck and a catastrophic brain injury. Back home, I used to be acquainted with a guy who wiped out and injured his spine. He uses a wheelchair these days.
So, even though we joke around, it's not because we're taking it lightly. It's actually the opposite. We need something to loosen the tension, because laughing is always better than panicking.
Before we parted ways, Yuri put my helmet on me. "I'll see you later," he said, once we'd done our little routine. "Be safe."
I leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. "I'll see you in a little while. I've got the third position in line, so I'll be close to the beginning. I'll come and find you, and then we can grab a hot drink and then see if we can catch Seiji in one of his events, okay?"
"Okay," he said. "When is Sakura's event?"
"Women's Super-G is this afternoon."
"Do you think she'll be all right?"
"Sakura can handle herself," I said. "She'll put on a masterclass for everybody here today."
And she absolutely did. She nailed it, and she would've taken first place if her score had counted. In my opinion, she probably could've competed for one more season if she'd wanted to, but I also respect her decision to take her doctors' advice and retire. The next injury might not be so easy to recover from, and I feel like it makes more sense for her to retire on her own terms than to be forced into it because she literally can't ride any more.
I'm going to reach that point some day myself, where I'll have to decide that it's time to stop competing. I don't like thinking about it because sometimes I feel like snowboarding is the only thing I'm really good at, and I don't know what I'll fill my time with that makes me feel as self-confident and satisfied and alive as snowboarding does. I'm concerned that if I don't figure something out, I'm going to end up being one of those people who wastes away inside, remembering the glory days and wishing they could get that feeling back.
Yuri says I'm good at lots of things. He says I'll find my new passion, but honestly, I'm really scared that I won't. Don't get me wrong; I'm looking forward to starting university in September and eventually becoming a physical therapist, but I'm worried that I won't do well enough in school. Even if I manage to graduate, what If I don't love my chosen profession? Or what if I suck at it?
If I could've captured a fragment of last Saturday, with all the exhilaration, optimism and positive energy that went with it, I would have. I'd freeze time in that perfect moment and hold onto it until I was emotionally and psychologically ready to let go and move on. But, of course I couldn't. Life marches forward, whether we're ready or not.
Oh... I guess I should tell you that I finished first in my event, if you were curious. Seiji placed in the top three of both his events, but not first in either of them, which was kind of surprising. There are some very talented up-and-coming freestyle boarders around here, it seems.
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At the end of the day, Yuri and I decided to go home for a while instead of hanging out in the public square and eating stuff from the food stalls. I needed a hot shower, a change of clothes and a decent meal. Yuri said he needed a nap and a snack, and I wanted to make sure he got some protein into him, which would 've been challenging with all the high-carb junk food they sell in the square.
Seiji and Sakura caught up with us at the square’s exit, and said they'd see us later at the tea house. Seiji was going to his parents' place for food first, and Sakura was planning to wait for Takeshi so they could go home together to eat as well. We all agreed that seven o'clock was a good time for tea and desserts, and Yuri texted Taka to see if he'd be off work by then so that he and Fox could join us.
With our tea party organized, we went our separate ways. Yuri and I retraced our path along Kiyomatsu Point Road, once again holding hands. I kept glancing at him, pleased to see that he didn't look as tired as I expected he would.
"You were amazing out there today," he said, and his enthusiasm shone through his entire expression.
"It's because you were watching," I said. "I always do better when I know you're watching. That's how I know I'm gonna crush it in the All-Japan qualifier in two weeks. 'cause you're going to be there."
"Unless something terrible happens to intervene, I'll be there," he affirmed. "I wouldn't want to miss it, and I promised you I'd be there, didn't I?"
"Like what? The only reason I can think of that'd keep you away would be if you're sick."
"I'd have to be too ill to get out of bed."
"If you were too ill to get out of bed, I wouldn't be going to the competition either," I told him. "I couldn't leave you alone like that."
"Let's hope for that not to happen," he said. "Let's hope we're both feeling our best."
"If this is going to be my year to win a medal at All-Japan, and to make it to the FIS Championship next year, everything has to go right.”
“Is it pointless for me to tell you not to worry about it?”
“You can tell me, but I’m probably still going to worry,” I said. “Just wish me luck.”
“Always,” he said. “You know I always hope you’ll do well. I’m your number one fan.”
“I love that.”
“I’m glad.” He clasped my hand in both of his, and gazed earnestly at me. “Fingers crossed that everything goes according to the plan.”
I nodded and echoed, “Fingers crossed.”
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everlarkficexchange · 3 years
Other Human Hungers
Author: @rosegardeninwinter
Prompt 129: AU Inspired by the Greek and Roman mythologies, where the Games take place in an amphitheater/arena turned into a labyrinth. How often do the games occur? Are there mythological beasts/mutts? How do Katniss and Peeta survive? Or do they not? What happens after they leave the arena? [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Rated: T (for now)
A/N: Not sure this fully constitutes as a fic so much as a playful little teaser. I must admit, writer’s block/burnout has got me in its grip right now, so while I have every intention of expanding this story, this little morsel is what you get right now. Hope that’s alright! Rest of the meal forthcoming, because I love this prompt and want to do it justice — anyway, enjoy! 😉
Sunlight and blood drip down from the iron grate that lets us look up into the arena, and the group of us below scream and cheer as a trumpet blares to signal that Clove has won her fight and her freedom. Cato, standing in the midst of the knot of us that huddle under the grate to catch a glimpse of her against the hot blue sky, raises his hands to catch the gold dust motes that fall onto the dirt floor, as though he’s standing in a cataract of water.
“Fortune be with you!” he shouts as loud as he can, though his voice will be drowned under the roar of the crowds.
“Fortune be with you!” all of us echo, knowing Clove can hear us in her heart if not her ears, wishing her luck.
We do not hear her call back “Fortune be with you all!” But we are certain she will, before she is taken away to be washed and dressed and released into the city streets of Rome as a free woman, and a monster slayer at that. At least, we assume that is what happens. We cannot be certain. That is only what they tell us. And even if it is a lie, it is a pretty one.
Cato lowers his hands. He is triumphant in his friend’s victory, as we all are, but I know he will feel the loss of her tonight. My hand finds Peeta’s and grasps it tightly, grateful that in eight years my love from Germania hasn’t been chosen for the Games. Some people are desperate to fight, come what may, death or liberation. Not me. Strange as it seems, I am almost content with the safety of our bondage.
But we are sixteen now. Any day Seneca could come down to tell me I’ve been chosen. Or Peeta. Cato. Glimmer. Thresh. Rue. Any of our friends still living.
Today the odds were in Clove’s favor. May they be in ours tomorrow. Whatever that means.
“Mel,” comes Peeta’s voice, low and gentle. His pet name for me. “Honeysweet,” he says. “It’s time to get up. The chariots are readying.”
Has it really been a week since Clove’s fight? Time passes strangely here, like an island Ulysses might have found on his journey home. But his time was many decades ago. Fewer and fewer monsters dare to run wild. Peeta believes they’re smart enough to realize what might happen to them if they come too close to the city. They don’t offer freedom to a victorious beast. Only fight after fight until there is nothing left but to die. I feel pity for them.
I get to my feet, and brush the dust from my knees. I twist my long, dark hair up into a braid. Peeta’s hands frame my slender hips, thumbs circling gently at my hips, my belly. In other circumstances, they might carry his child. We talked about that, once, on a moonless night when secrets seemed more likely to keep, curled up nose to nose on our bedroll. We spoke of farming land well away from the streets of Rome. Having a family.
“Do I pass your inspection?” I say softly. The sunlight catches at his hair. If it were not blasphemy to say so, I should tell him he looks like Apollo himself, gilt with gold.
Peeta takes my hands and turns me around, my homespun dress of faded red, now a drab orange color, clinging tightly to a body, that, though small, is too big for it now. But his eyes are dark with admiration and even desire. “Beautiful, as always, my honey love.”
I stand on my tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips, lips that gave me my first ever kiss, that worshiped my body with whispered promises, and still cover me in the sweetest touches of love and lust.
“You’re beautiful too,” I say.
“We’re all beautiful,” comes Thresh’s sardonic voice. He smiles a wry smile, close mouthed. “Let’s go.”
“You might have woken me sooner,” I say, as Peeta puts an arm around me and leads me to join the small procession of tributes that files up the dirt tunnel and out into the courtyard where the chariots wait, painted and gleaming in the bright sun.
“You looked so peaceful,” he says, helping me step up into the open back of the chariot. A guard comes to bind our wrists and hands to a set of hooks at the front of the chariot. We don’t resist. This is routine. Peeta and I continue talking as we are bound side by side. “I didn’t want to disturb you before I had to.”
I nod, grateful that my heart belongs to such a generous man. When we first met, we could not speak each other’s languages, and each thought the other looked so strange. But I remember, young as I was, barely eight, huddling with the boy my size as fights raged overhead, his strength becoming my strength, and mine his.
Now, my fingers flex and stretch and find his through the mass of black cords trussing us to the chariots so we don’t try to escape as we are paraded around the city. It’s a veritable weekly holiday, the choosing of the tribute. The crowds will get a look at us, old tributes and new, and decide who they want to be Rome’s champion—or sacrifice—for the week.
Peeta and I have often wondered why we have never been chosen. For a while it was our youth that made us unappealing, but now? Is it pity that stays their choice? You could not see the way we are together and not conclude that we are lovers. Our fellow tributes knew before we did that we loved each other. Fox, a girl brought from Peeta’s homeland, used to tease us about that, before she ...
As the chariots jerk and clatter, starting their journey down into the throngs, I feel the vial of nightlock poison, kept hidden on a cord around my waist, bounce against my skin. Fox taught us how to make the poison from berries, snuck in from the outside by helpful allies. There is enough for one of us, me or Peeta, whichever one might have need.
We do not know why neither of us have been chosen. We do not know if we ought to count it a curse or blessing. But we do know that if there is any life for us at the end of this Roman road, it must be together — or not at all.
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fanartfunart · 3 years
Fly Away
Episode 4: Bibliotech
Ao3 - First - 2 - 3
(Féline Sombre & Paon Lilas designs)
Summery: An AU where Adrien never went to in-person school, not getting the cat miraculous, and found the peacock miraculous. -Adrien sets out to find the Grimoire, and Alya volunteers her investigative skills, interviewing her classmates. Until a librarian gets akumatized and traps them all in a maze of books.
(tw for sickness. very vauge. Much like canon)
Alya hummed along to her CD of Nino’s music, ignoring the sounds of siblingly chaos outside her room. Her phone buzzed and she looked down at the text.
Double A: “Hi, you’re the local superhero expert, right?”
She chuckled at Adrien’s question and texted back, “The one and only! Why? Whatcha wondering about?”
“I’m looking for a specific book, actually? An older one about superheros, with lots of different kinds. Seen it anywhere?”
She tilted her head “Just the one you said Chloé took from your dad’s???”
Adrien spent a long time typing only for his reply to read “Oh. Of course, thank you.”
Alya frowned and called him. Adrien picked up with a delay, piano music playing in the background. His voice was hushed “Hi, uh, why are you calling me?”
“What’s going on? Did you not know what kind of book Chloé, or I guess your dad, had?”
“Oh...oh um. No, no I did. Of course I knew what kind of book it was, that’s why I was asking about it. Because it’s lost and I wanted to find it, for my dad,” Adrien chuckled awkwardly.
“Why are you whispering? Are you at a concert?”
“Oh... no I’m supposed to be practicing piano right now...”
“Oh so you’re playing a recording? Huh. Smart.” Alya got up and grabbed her shoes. “Want me to ask around for your book then? It’s kinda my thing. Plus, Chloé never let me get close enough to look at it.”
“You’d do that?” Adrien whispered softly.
“Yeah boy! Don’t worry about it. If Chloé lost it during or before the Collector situation then it’s probably not too far from the school’s social circle.”
“Wow great! Oh whoops- I gotta get back to my practice, Natalie’s coming- so uh... goodbye!”
Alya chuckled “Bye Adrien.” They hung up and Alya got ready for her interrogations.
The majority of the students Alya could easily get a hold of knew nothing about where it went. So her only leads were Chloé and Sabrina. They had the same story: Marinette and Lila were the last two people they saw besides each other when the book disappeared.
She met with Lila at the library, Marinette scheduled to meet her not too long after.
Lila was looking at the mystery section when Alya waved her over. "Thank you for meeting with me."
She nodded with a smile, putting down her murder mystery novel, "Of course, what did you need?"
Alya got out her notepad, pen at the ready. "Are you aware that the book Chloé brought to class is missing?"
"It is? Oh no, I didn't. Are you looking for it for her?"
"Not exactly," Alya scribbled down a note. "For its original owner, not Chloé. But! Do you mind describing where you saw it last?"
Lila hummed and shook her head, "I'm sorry, I just remember Chloé showing it to me before she fell and ran off. I thought she had it. Sabrina seemed to really want to leave though."
"I already got Sabrina and Chloé's statements… Marinette was with you, right?"
"Oh! Yes, she was. If you want I can talk to her for you?"
"That's okay," Alya said, "I've already arranged for her to give me her story next. I'm just covering my bases."
Lila hummed and nodded, "If you don't mind my curiosity, who's the original owner?"
"Oh, the Aggrestes," Alya said, "Adrien asked me to help."
Lila raised a brow, "Adrien? He's the one whose face is plastered practically all across Paris, yes?"
Alya chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, I guess he's a little famous. He's pretty cool. He almost was gonna be in our class, actually. He would've transferred in just before you," she shrugged, "Guess his dad changed his mind."
Lila tapped her fingers across the mystery novel's cover and smiled, "Well, I don't have much else for you. Hope you find it for him. It seemed like a special book." Lila stood up, and they waved goodbye.
Adrien quietly walked up to the librarian. He smiled, “Hi.”
The librarian looked up with a barely suppressed annoyance, “Hello. How can I help you?”
"I was looking for books related to superheroes?"
He sighed, "Right there. Very popular lately." He pointed lazily and returned his gaze to his computer.
“Oh, thank you!” Adrien followed his direction towards a section that seemed to be dedicated to Féline Sombre and Ladybug. Decorated with red and black spots and green cat paw paper crafts. It was small, secluded. Creating a comfortable nook.
"Come on out, Duusu," Adrien whispered. The kwami zipped out and fluffed his feathers, tilting his head. "Any books you recognize?" Duusu hummed and flitted between the shelves of books. Adrien skimmed through the titles. (How did people get the rights to publish fiction works about the heroes? …Do Ladybug and Féline Sombre get royalties?) He tilted his head at a title "A History of Heroics: the Lesser Known Origins of Paris’s Superheroes"
Duusu came back and hovered in front of him, "Nope, nothing.”
Adrien huffed a sigh, "Well this is the last library nearby I can think of. It's got to be in somebody's private collection then, Duusu." 
Duusu's head drooped, overcome with a quiet sadness. He glanced up, seeing something behind Adrien. He gasped and hid. Adrien spun on his heel. Natalie stood there, hands behind her back.
"You abandoned your piano practice and missed a photoshoot," she said, "I'm glad you're…" she looked around at the shelves, raising a brow, "taking initiative... in your learning, but you can't just abandon your responsibilities."
He nodded, hanging his head. "I- you're right, sorry..."
She glanced down at him and sighed. Her tone softened, "Go finish up and check out your books, we will wait for you outside in the car."
He looked back up with a smile, "Oh, thanks, I'll uh-" He glanced down at the book he was caught holding. Apparently he was into history today... "I'll go check this out…"
Lila waited at the doorway, much to the annoyance of the terse librarian. She ignored him. 
Marinette stumbled through the doors, carrying a box of pastries. Clearly buttering up Alya to make her believe whatever lie she came up with. Lila rolled her eyes at such amateur tactics.
She sashayed towards Marinette, "Hi Marinette, how are you today?"
"Lila! Good, good, how are you?" She smiled brightly and opened the box of macaroons, "Want some? I mentioned I was visiting a friend and we had some leftovers, so my dad kinda pushed them on me."
"No, thank you. I'm just fine. But Alya was asking about that book you borrowed from Chloé. ...I'd be careful if I were you, I wouldn't want it all pinned on you. Who knows what Chloé's reaction would be."
Marinette tilted her head “She was? Why should I-”
”Well you had it last... But I know, you're so sweet, you could never steal, could you?" she smiled, grin sharp and fox-like. "Although… you’ve had ample time to return it... actually, I just remembered something... I should go tell Alya-"
"Wha- no no, I didn't steal it! It's fine, I can explain everything to Alya!" Marinette waved her hands frantically.
"Hm. You still have it right?"
"Er… No...I uh, returned it.... To the… library."
"Well should be easy to find again then," She waved a hand to the library's bookshelves, "I'd love to see it again. I'll make sure Chloé never hears who had it, if you give it to me."
"What? Why do you want it?"
"I want to return it to its original owner, that's all," she said, pressing a hand gingerly against her chest, "and do you really trust Alya to be quiet about it? She's all about truth and justice..."
Marinette frowned, folding her arms, "Alya’s more trustworthy than you, that's for sure… Whatever plan you have, I'm not going to be part of it." 
The librarian abandoned his post, frowning, "Excuse me, what's going on here?"
Lila gave a pitifully sad look to the librarian, "She stole a book from one of my friends and won't return it! She loved that book and-"
Marinette sputtered. "What, I didn't steal-" The librarian raised a hand to stop them both.
"You'd make a very good actor. But, you're a tad over dramatic, young lady. I overheard your conversation. Your earlier tone clearly indicated elements of blackmail."
"Wh- well...well," Lila looked around, at a loss for how to lie her way out of this. Her hands balled into fists, "Well, you're just a dumb book scanner. You don't know what you're talking about," she said, "Stay out of it!"
He balked and his expression hardened, "Out."
She gasped, "What? This is a public library-"
"Yet, this dumb book scanner is telling you to get. Out. You blackmailed another patron and then tried to lie to me," he pointed to the doors, pen in hand. "So, I'd rather not repeat myself a third time."
Lila stomped out. Adrien tilted his head as he walked towards the counter, seeing Marinette watching the sceene. “Marinette?” She turned to look at him, raising a brow.
“Wha- Adrien? What are you doing here?”
A purple butterfly landed on the librarian's pen.
"Bibliotech, I am Hawkmoth. One too many people have dismissed and belittled you. I can give you the power to make sure everyone listens to you. You'll be the smartest person in the room at all times. In return, all I ask is for Ladybug, Féline Sombre, and Paon Lilas' Miraculous."
The librarian narrowed his eyes, adjusted his glasses, and grinned, "They'll all regret underestimating me." His glasses were now a glowing visor, his pen had seemed to have morphed into a staff. He twirled the staff in a motion that made a red “P” in the air.
“Marinette!” Adrien pointed, and ran towards her. Marinette turned and gasped as the window crashed as the pen-staff was thrown towards Lila’s receding figure. Lila disappeared as the pen touched her. Bibliotech summoned the staff back to himself, a meter on the pen filling slightly. He turned towards Marinette and Adrien.
"You seem like smart kids," he said, which didn't sound especially good to be in this context, "I hope you're ready for the test. Unfortunately, I don't have a number 2 pencil for you to borrow!"
He twirled his staff-pen and was about to hit Marinette with it, but Adrien shoved her to the floor. He stared at her for a moment. “You okay?”
She nodded and scrambled up. “Run!” She directed, pointing somewhere for Adrien to go while she ran into another opposite direction.
Adrien took the opportunity to dive behind the library counter. “Duusu, spread my feathers!”
"Akuma! Evacuate the Library!" Marinette yelled. She glanced down each row of books for a hiding spot to transform.... Come on, why does every row of books have at least one person in it?!
Alya stood up as Marinette ran toward her, "Marinette?! Akuma? Where!?" She started getting out her phone.
"Do not go toward the angry supervillain, please!" Marinette exclaimed, pushing Alya in the opposite direction.
Paon Lilas crashed into a bookshelf nearby, chuckling awkwardly. “Hi girls. Don’t mind me.” He stood back up, wobbily, as Bibliotech and a pair of people with a red “F” on their chests walked forward, expressions frighteningly vacant.
“You deserve a bad grade for your attitude!” Bibliotech called.
“My attitude? Who are you, my father?” Paon Lilas snarked back, running back towards him.
“No, I’m Bibliotech,” he said, matter of factually. He side stepped Paon Lilas’s attack and the minions grabbed the superhero.
He hummed, "I don't want to make it easy for you," Bibliotech drew the shorthand for “revise” and tapped a book shelf. The shelves bended and twisted into a maze-like structure. Blocking off Marinette and Alya together, and Paon Lilas with the villains.
"Nonono nooo," Marinette cried.
"If you can escape this I'll let you pass automatically!" Bibliotech's voice echoed. "Trust me, you'll need to pass this test."
"Ugh, we're not gonna be able to see the fight from here…" Alya turned towards Marinette,  "Come on, we gotta stick together if we wanna get out of here. Two minds are better than one, girl. I'm sure the superheroes will have it handled in no time!"
Marinette sighed. "Let's just hope they can find their way through this…"
Féline Sombre called Ladybug again, and huffed as it continued to not go through. She really hoped she hadn't been caught by Bibliotech. They landed outside the library and looked around. It was eerily quiet. She cautiously walked in.
"Hello Féline Sombre. I'll give you one chance to do this easily." Bibliotech sat on the top of one of the book shelves, legs crossed, "Hand me that ring, please."
"I appreciate the please, not so much the everything else," Féline Sombre said, and extended her staff to knock him down towards her. 
He blocked it with his own staff, and dropped to the ground, twirling it. "I hope you're ready to pay your late fees then."
Féline Sombre narrowly avoided being tapped with his staff and giggled nervously. "Do cats get late fee exemptions?"
"No," he said bluntly, twirling his staff and using the back half of it to throw her off balance. They grabbed onto their staff and extended it, twirling on the bar and leaping down to kick him back.
She tumbled and turned around, only for the man to have disappeared. They sighed, “Ladybug better get here fast.”
Paon Lilas threw off the other mindless drone and kicked the bookshelf. He stumbled backwards, barely avoiding the avalanche of books, vision blooming with spots. The akuma’s minions didn’t move after he was out of their grip. “Wow, is that what a failing grade does to you? He made them real dunces.... Oo, Dunce caps. That’s what I’m calling them now.”
He frowned at the rows of books and braced a hand against the wall to keep his balance. Someone nearby was very frustrated. He turned to follow it. It was probably Bibliotech.
Marinette anxiously tried to find somewhere to lose Alya. She took unexpected turns and ran ahead, but no. Alya just turned right with her, despite the fact that she was also recording everything. 
"It seems Bibliotech basically gave the building a revision, like a teacher might to a student's essay." Alya narrated, "He's also making this maze really hard… Marinette no, we went that way before!"
Marinette groaned in exasperation, "Shouldn't we… split up to cover more ground?"
"I'd suggest against it," A calm, overly gentle, masculine voice said, "Besides, I’m here to help now." 
Marinette froze. Please no, please no not him. Couldn’t Féline Sombre have come to save them before him? She turned around and frowned at Paon Lilas. He smiled (annoyingly) at her.
"How did you find us?" Marinette cried, throwing up her hands.
"I followed the feelings of frustration,” he said with an awkward laugh. “Anyway, we should get you out of here-”
“You’re not going to help Ladybug and Féline Sombre with Bibliotech?” Marinette said, folding her arms.
He shrugged, “Can’t be much help if I can’t find any of them, can I?” he offered a hand, "Paon Lilas, if you haven't heard of me yet." 
"Alya, creator of the Ladyblog. I’ve definitely heard of you," Alya accepted the hand and instead of shaking it, he leaned down to kiss her hand. Marinette pointedly did not give him her hand or a name.
"So, you mentioned you followed our feelings- Can you tell who the emotions are connected to?" Alya aimed her phone camera at Paon Lilas, obviously preparing to interview him. Paon Lilas waved for them to follow him and started walking. Alya followed.
"Er, stronger emotions are easier to find, and akuma victims are usually really really strong… So, I can make a good guess? Uh... a few people are… loud? Emotionally. Right now, though." He seemed to wince, minutely. It was covered with a smile. He shrugged, "It's making it a little hard to isolate Bibliotech."
Marinette frowned and turned down a random turn the rest of the group had walked past. Paon Lilas turned around, "Mar- er, Miss, where are you going?"
Marinette groaned in frustration and smiled sharply at him, "Sorry, got excited."
He giggled, a strange (condescending?? No… fond?!?) smile on his lips. "I noticed. Do you need me to hold your hand? ...To keep you from running down every turn out of excitement?"
"Nope! Nope. I'm good." She stuffed her hands in her pockets and glared forward. Alya mercifully was too distracted by Paon Lilas to comment.
Féline Sombre ran past, then skidded to a halt and returned to the group. “Birdy! Seen Ladybug?”
“Nope, no Buggaboo yet. Nice of you to join us though, Kitten.”
Marinette wrinkled her nose at the nickname. Buggaboo? Really?
Féline Sombre frowned, “Okay.... We need a way to work through this maze to get to the Akuma and make sure Ladybug can find us...”
"We could help!” Alya said, “Marinette and I could make a book trail.”
“If you do that, I could probably more easily use my powers to track down Bibliotech’s emotions.”
"What?" Marinette squeaked, "Surely they can do that themselves. How about we… find a good place to hide while they do that!?"
Paon Lilas frowned and glanced at the group. He gently pulled Marinette off to the side.
"You're nervous and frustrated... Do you really want to stay here? Wait until Ladybug captures the akuma?"
Marinette glanced around. Easy out. She nodded. "Sure, you go ahead and I'll stay right here!"
"I could give you a sentimonster to protect you, and your friend Alya, if she wants to stay too. Then Féline and I can just go find Bibliotech."
"Oh you uh, you don't need to do that. I'm fine staying here alone!"
"I want to," he smiled, "I want to help. Trust me."
Marinette frowned and nodded, "Fine…"
He fumbled forward without warning, eyes widening. He quickly straightened himself out and took a deep breath. He smiled again, like the moment never happened. He plucked a feather from his fan and imbued it with power, blowing it towards Marinette in away absurdly close to blowing a kiss. The feather fluttered into Marinette's purse and the twin masks of light appeared on their faces.
"If you need anything just tell me," he said, "I can hear it, no matter how far." He winked and the light faded. 
A fluffy, black and white dog with a pink floral pattern on its forehead and paws, sat next to Marinette. 
Paon Lilas turned towards Alya and Féline Sombre. "Marinette's staying here with senti-pup. Alya, what do you want to do?"
"I'm going with you, I wanna record this!"
Féline humed, "Okay but you need to keep out of the way… I still have no idea what the Akuma is in so-"
"The pen" Paon Lilas said, “The akuma’s in the pen.”
Marinette blinked, “How did you know that?”
He chuckled awkwardly, “I- er, call it intuition.”
“Huh. Great. Cool, go save the day!” Marinette pushed Paon Lilas away, as senti dog barked at the rest of them, herding them like a sheepdog. 
With the group finally gone, she ran down the corner a little farther and sighed as Tiki zipped out.
"I love Alya but seriously, I could've been helping Féline Sombre already."
Tiki giggled, "What are we doing with your new buddy?" 
"Oh. Right. Uh…" She took off her purse so it wouldn't disappear in her transformation. "There, let's go. Tiki! Spots on!" 
She picked up her purse and made a hush motion to the dog, who wagged its tail.
They followed Paon Lilas's lead Alya trailing behind putting down books to keep them on track. The strongest emotions led them into what must be the center of the library maze. Surrounded by Dunce Caps. 
Ladybug ran in behind them, Marinette's Sentidog at her heels. 
"Ladybug?" Paon Lilas frowned at her, "Why do you have Marinette's purse?"
"She, uh, gave it to me, I led her out of the building and she didn't want your amok to go to waste."
He sighed, "So brave," under his breath. He shook his head. “Let's get this over with...”
Ladybug caught his arm before he could jump into fray. "We've gotta be smart about this, this whole thing is a test, right?"
He glared at her hand on his arm and pulled away. "Fine, what is your plan, M’lady?"
She huffed and then glanced at Sentidog and Alya’s phone. "Okay, Alya, I need your phone for a second. Mind pulling up a recording?"
Alya nodded and handed her the phone. Ladybug handed it to Sentidog who bounded off, as the audio began playing. The Dunce Caps turned and followed the noise, leaving the entry unprotected.
The group walked up to it. Paon Lilas tried the door and frowned. "Locked."
"It's a puzzle," Féline Sombre said, pointing to the books above the doorway. She extended her staff to allow her to reach, and began rearranging the books. 
"They're all classics, but," they clicked them into place, "They were out of order.”
The door opened. Paon Lilas raised a brow, "How… do you know the library’s organization system?"
Féline Sombre looked confused, "You don't?"
The group walked in, and Sentidog returned, no longer holding the phone, clearly having dropped it somewhere. (Alya meanwhile got out her tablet to record instead.)
Bibliotech sat on a floating platform of books. “Took you less time than I thought it would... Are you cheating?” He shook his head, “Doesn’t matter, once I deal with you, I won’t have anything else in my way.”
Bibliotech flourished his pen in an P motion and moved to tap Ladybug with it. Paon Lilas jumped in front of her, taking the hit. He disappeared. The staff returned to Bibliotech’s hands.
Ladybug gasped. "Why did he do that? Ugh! Stupid bird- Lucky Charm!" A box fell into her hands.
Bibliotech focused on Ladybug. She used her yoyo as a shield on each hit, searching for how to use the cardboard box.
Féline Sombre extended her staff to meet Bibliotech, landing a solid kick. Bibliotech wrote another Revise note and created another platform for him to jump onto, away from Féline. The red meter went down. 
"It's an ink pen." Ladybug whispered, "Féline, destroy the platform!"
"No problem, Bug! Cataclysm!" Féline Sombre touched Bibliotech’s platform, and he grabbed their hand. They yelped and stumbled to remain precariously on the platform. Ladybug whistled and Sentidog ran up and grabbed Féline Sombre’s leg. She shifted to a less unsteady part of the platform, trying to shake off Bibliotech’s grasp on her arm. He readied his pen.
"You forgot the lid!" Ladybug said, and threw the cardboard box up. Féline Sombre grabbed it with their free hand, and caught the tip of the pen from Bibliotech’s attack.
Bibliotech tried to pull back, but the Sentidog grabbed Bibliotech's staff, growling.  Ladybug tied Bibliotech's arms in her yoyo and sentidog pulled the staff away and raced down the platforms. Féline shifted to keep a hold of Bibliotech.
Ladybug caught the dog as it jumped into her arms, giggling, "Good puppy."
It dropped the pen and she snapped it in half.
The butterfly fluttered out and the book platforms began to crumble. Féline grabbed Bibliotech and extended their staff to catch their fall, sliding down.
Ladybug caught the Akuma and threw the cardboard box in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
Paon Lilas and the rest of the people reappeared. Paon instantly doubled over and coughed. His miraculous beeping.
Féline Sombre ran over to him, "Are you okay?"
He groaned, but nodded anyway. "Fine…Ya know, I was going for knocking the pen off-course but, taking the hit works too, I guess." He stumbled to a wobbling stand. Ladybug walked up to him, the sentidog on her heels. He ran.
"Wait!" Ladybug called. He turned a corner. She tried to follow him, but the aisle of books was empty. He was gone.
A mask of light appeared on her face. “Hey, Marinette. Hope you’re okay. They purified the akuma. I’m uh, pulling the amok, make sure to get your purse back from Ladybug. Sorry-” The mask disappeared, presumably because he had detransformed.
Sentidog was gone when Ladybug returned. She sighed. She was kinda going to miss that dog. Ladybug went to go help the librarian before her transformation dropped. 
Adrien barely caught Duusu as the kwami tumbled out of the brooch, exhausted. He pressed himself flat against the bookshelf, taking deep breaths between bouts of coughing. Pulling out the mango chips for the kwami, he groaned and slid to the floor.
He didn't know how long he sat there. Next thing he knew, Marinette was crouched next to him. Her hand on his shoulder, gentle. "Hey, hey, are you okay?"
He looked up, "Uh… No." He glanced back at the ground, his mind going back to his mother. Her illness. Her unsteadiness and coughs. He felt tears well up in his eyes. "I don't think so."
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ikemen-girl · 4 years
Hello, sweety! I don't know if you're currently taking up request or not (please don't mind this ask if you're not doing it right now ^^). I'm a teacher and seeing how Mitsuhide teaches MC in his route, may I request you for a HC of Mitsuhide finds out that his MC is a teacher as well in her future life? I really want to know how he would react on that. Thank you for visiting my blog beforehand and hoping you a wonderful upcoming weekend! ✨🍀
Hellooooo dear 😍😍♥️♥️, thank you very much for this interesting request 🥰💗! I am also aspiring to become a teacher in few years so I am very glad to meet you😍😍! And I would like to say that you are an amazing artist👏🙌! I hope you also have a great weekend💃🌹! So, here we go😉~
Ikesen Headcanon⚔💗
Mitsuhide reacting to a MC being a Teacher👩‍🏫:
You loved teaching children😍❤ but you ended up in the sengoku era while travelling to Kyoto on a school trip with your students & other teachers leaving a very good life in the modern era😩 & accidentally saved Nobunaga's life to your surprise & Mitsuhide took a special interest in you👀 & his mind-reading skills used to freak you out😨.
You were honestly terrified after stepping on the battlefield for the first time in your life😱 when you have been always surrounded by the laughter & twinkling eyes of children and you were missing it terribly😭, to top it all, the shock of seeing a man die infront of your eyes was too overwhelming, so you fell unconscious😵 & Mitsuhide carried you back in Azuchi Castle.
"Starting from tomorrow, I will be your teacher, little mouse, for the subject matters, I think, tactics, equestrianism, self defense, firearms seems a good start😏!", said Mitsuhide with a huge smirk on his face.
"I hope you will be a good pupil, little mouse🐭!", said Mitsuhide as he stood and gave you a head-pat.
"Pffffttttt, I am waiting for that moment", you murmured, chuckling to yourself🤭.
"Did you say something?", asked Mitsuhide turning back to look at her.
"I am looking forward for tomorrow, Mitsuhide-sensei, goodnight😅!", she straighten up with a slight bow. Mitsuhide smiled at her🙂 and goes outside the room.
"His smile creeps me out, well, nevermind. I am excited to see the surprise on his face tomorrow😁", she let out a huge grin.
"Before starting up on the actual studies, I would like to test your knowledge base, here is your questions sheet, fill it up, little mouse📝!", said Mitsuhide as he gave her the question paper with a smirk on his face😏.
You took it, pretending to be afraid of the test making him amused, "Go on, little mouse, it's not that difficult, I assure you!", he said with a amused grin on his face😄. As you look down at the questions on Japanese literature, history & general knowledge, on the inside, you were so happy 💃while on the outside, you kept a face of a child who is horrified at the thought of giving an exam😱.
You submitted your answer sheet to him and as Mitsuhide scanned it, his eyes went wide with shock😲, he was NOT expecting this at all. You honestly wished that you have a camera 📷 to capture his expression which was so funny to say the least. Each & every answer was correct💯.
"How😳?", it's the only word that came out his mouth. You couldn't control anymore & burst out laughing loudly🤣. "Because I am also a teacher, Mitsuhide👩‍🏫", you said with a proud look on your face. "What😳?", he was left speechless once again which only made it harder for you to control your laughter.
"You really surprised me there, little mouse😅!", Mitsuhide laughs along with you to hide his flustered expression. "So, what do you teach🤔?", he asked, curious to know about you.
"Let's see, I mainly teach japanese literature & history, apart from it, I am well versed in general knowledge, english literature, I love art, psychology, etc, so if any child wants to learn it, I teach these skills to them as well with full excitement as being around them & seeing them grow in their lives makes me so happy🤩❤!", you said with a biggest smile on your face🥰 & eyes shining with happiness since you came to this era👀✨. Mitsuhide was, to be very honest, awestruck seeing your genuine happiness☺️.
As much as Mitsuhide didn't want to interrupt you, but he grew suspicious of your origin as being this educated in this era was surprisingly rare especially in something like english literature🤔. "Who are you & where are you from, mysterious little mouse? Tell me all your secrets, little one", he asked, narrowing his gaze at you👀.
You froze for a moment😳 as you knew very well that you have raised his suspicions when you were rambling non-stop😬 & you couldn't lie or else you will be in huge trouble😓. "Why should I tell you when you are also a potential "traitor" in Oda forces infront of everyone, hm?", you asked jokingly trying to avoid the question😅. "Little mouse, I am used to prying out the secrets and I would not prefer to use the same techniques on you", he said with a frown on his face🤨 unknown to him but you noticed the discomfort in his expression & sighed.
So you showed him your purse👜 and told him everything about yourself as Mitsuhide listened patiently. "So our little mouse came from 500 years in the future, it's hard to believe but you have proof with yourself, now I can see the reason how you are so innocent & untouched by the realities of this time", said Mitsuhide with a amused smirk😏.
"I have only told you the truth, rest is up to you to believe in me", you said with a pout☹.
"Don't pout, I believe in you, little one, as you have been a very nice girl, I will treat you with tea & sweets🍵🍡 as a reward, little mouse", Mitsuhide said caressing your cheek with his thumb😏. You honestly couldn't stop yourself from smiling after hearing the offer😍.
Mitsuhide was overcome with affection for her as she believed in him as a person despite having her doubts and confided in him with everything, he made a secret vow to himself to protect her from everything❤.
You both went to the teahouse together & suddenly Kyubei called Mitsuhide for giving some urgent information. Mitsuhide excused himself for a moment while you were happily eating your sweets😍, but then, you heard some men were talking bad things about him behind his back & you couldn't stand seeing & listening something wrong so you strongly defended him infront of them😡, not caring for the fact that you had no weapons on yourself, one of the men tried to hit you but Mitsuhide arrived in time to rescue you from them😎.
So this started the strong feeling of love in heart of Mitsuhide towards you😍💓💞 as nobody has ever done something like this for him, he was so impressed by the fact that you strongly stood for your values proving your strength of sense of justice as a teacher & a good person by heart☺️💯.
He continued training you in survival skills like self defense, horseriding, shooting as you were already were well-versed in theory. In exchange, you would definitely teach him english literature & tell him about many fascinating things about the human mind & everything you know about future along with many other things😍, you both loved spending time with each other and always look forward to such meetings everyday.
Once, you were well trained in these skills, you gave your gratitude towards your "teacher" Mitsuhide by gifting him a very beautiful portrait✍❤ of him playing with his pet fox, Chimaki🦊. He couldn't resist hugging you tightly the moment, he laid his eyes on it🤗💗. You yourself was the biggest & the most precious gift for him in his life but your gift made him the most happiest person💓😢, he would definitely try to hide his happiness with a amused smirk & headpat but you can see through his facade that he is genuinely happy🥰. He would definitely put the portrait in such a place where everyone could see his little mouse's amazing skills😎😏.
After facing many difficulties together, you both confessed your feelings towards each other💐 and you both were a lovely couple infront of everyone😍👫💗.
You would both use knowledge of english as a medium for infiltration as spies together in other territories🧐. Surprisingly, a language, i.e., english, became a special kind of exchange & secret code between you☺️ and Mitsuhide😏 as you both would often converse in english infront of other warlords much to their surprise & confusion🙄😳🤔.
As you were always willing to stay by his side, he used to take you along to infiltrate certain places, your skill of art would definitely come as a big help for Mitsuhide💯, as you could easily draw the suspects making his workload way more easier than it was before✍😌.
In exchange, Mitsuhide would always make sure that you were not uncomfortable in such investigation trips, he would always give you tips in dancing, singing, acting, etc 🤗 and also expect loads of teasings while he is at it, fufufufu😘.
You both being the best teachers around in Azuchi would definitely use this opportunity to teach as many children as possible who don't have access to proper education without asking for anything in return as you both did it for your own self-satisfaction & happiness in your free times💛. Mitsuhide generally taught the skills of self defense🤼‍♂️, weaponry🔫, etc while you would educate the kids in literatures, general knowledge & art👩‍🏫. Children would also always look forward to meeting both of you everyday🥰❤🤗. It became one of your most favourite & productive ways to spend time with each other❤. Children also ships you both together, mind you👀❤🤭!
Mitsuhide loved the way your eyes sparkles with happiness👀✨ whenever you are around the children🥰😘❤ and can't help falling more deeply in love with you😍💓.
He would always praise you infront of everyone, everytime he gets a chance😏. Cue warlords- We know that already, Mitsuhide, you just told us🤦‍♂️. Mitsuhide: Hooooh~But not that...😏 endless praise begins & he shuts up only when you take him outside the council room dying of embarrasment😳🙈🤦‍♀️ to which he only laughs loudly🤣😏.
Mitsuhide would often call you "my brilliant little mouse💯🐭!", as his way of showing affection towards you💗😏. Cue you blushing deep shade of red tomato and running away from him😳🙈🍅.
"You really love her, huh?", asked Hideyoshi as he was walking down the hallways😆. "Obviously, I love her with all my heart💗, she is the brightest star of my life🌟!", said Mitsuhide, his eyes filled with love and a beautiful smile on his face.
"Was that a genuine smile on your face, Mitsuhide?!", exclaimed Hideyoshi, shocked😲.
"My, My, Hideyoshi, I don't have any idea what you are talking about😏", said Mitsuhide as he realised that his facade broke their for a moment out of his love for you. Hideyoshi *eye twitch* : whatever🙄!
Mitsuhide then went looking for you to tease and shower you with all his love & affection❤😏.
Hope, you all enjoyed it❤😍🤗. Comments are appreciated😇!
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juviasmel · 3 years
Hi I love your blog! And im sorry if this seems like a really strange or gross request 😅 I was wondering if you could do Saeyoung, Yoosung, and Zen reacting to an MC that wants to use a butt plug on herself (or maybe even on them) next time they do the deed? If this request makes you feel uncomfortable you can just delete it.
No worries, this request isn’t weird at all. I’m more than happy to write it! I hope you enjoy!
Zen, Yoosung, and Saeyoung reacting to an MC that wants to use a butt plug during sex
Warning: ⚠️NSFW⚠️
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At first he wasn’t sure why his MC wanted to use one
He loved MC for who she was, and didn’t judge her at all but he sort of got the wrong idea?
He thought she wanted to use a butt plug because penetration in the front wasn’t enough for her
After MC’s explains she just wants to use it for fun and to experiment, zen agrees and they end up ordering one
Zen is 100% intrigued by all the ones they have on Amazon
He’s definitely liking the ones with the tail connected to it
“Zenny why don’t you get one for yourself?”
“No no princess, I don’t think I would enjoy that at all. Why don’t you get that pink one with the fox tail connected to it?”
MC ended up ordering it, and once it came in she put it to good use next time they did it *wink wonk*
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He isn’t weirded out by MC’s suggestion
But he went bright red the second she suggested using a butt plug next time they had sex
“Uh MC…do you mean for yourself or for me?”
“Oh Yoosung for me! But…if you want one for yourself I can get you one” ;)
“No no it’s fine. Just get one for yourself”
The entire time this conversation was happening, he was as bright as a tomato
He probably wouldn’t be opposed to wearing one but he wouldn’t admit that
The day that it arrived, Yoosung was gaming on his computer
Then MC walked in with a short skirt and the butt plug was in her at the moment with a tail hanging out
“Ooo Yoosung look over here”
“What is it MC”
He turned around in his chair and left the game immediately
“Oh…MC…it looks good, do you like it?”
He wasn’t so sure how to respond, so he complimented her instead of becoming a stuttering mess
“It feels weird, but it’s making me feel some sort of way”
Yoosung was sitting still in his chair not knowing what to do except stare at his precious MC
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Thinks nothing of it and says “sure lol”
This dude dresses up in maid outfits and wears wigs, he’s definitely used a butt plug on himself but would never tell you that
Just before MC was about to order one, he grabbed her phone and brought her to his bedroom
“There’s no need to buy one because I have some here”
“But aren’t they used…?”
“Nope! Your defender of justice has collected some over the years and they’re all sealed shut”
He looked extremely proud of all the butt plugs he had in this box
You noticed the red bunny tail plug and looked at Saeyoung, “Is it okay if I wear that next time we do it?”
“No, that’s why I showed you my box of plugs”
“Just kidding lol, you can use them anytime”
At some point, he was wearing a plug and MC wasn’t
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face Chapter Four
No matter how hard she tried, Marinette couldn’t deny the fact that she found Timothy Drake incredibly attractive. But she had to push it down for the sake of professionalism. In all actuality, all of the Wayne brothers were attractive, but she and Tim just… clicked. She wanted to stay here and talk to him, pick his mind about his likes and dislikes. It really did not help that Leo was insistent that Tim got Ladybug red lining. 
Because that was huge. Leo knew Ladybug’s identity, and he was staunchly protective of the heroine because of that. He knew something, or intuited something about Tim that Marinette hadn’t caught onto yet. Leo’s insistence was more than curious, and it consumed enough of Marinette’s thoughts that she managed to avoid pondering the fact that the majority of the family had at least some trace of the Lazarus Pits on them. 
The Lazarus Pits were something that Marinette had only learned about from the book, but the sensation was unmistakable. They were dark, twisted Miraculous magic, a result of a wish born from the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses. It was a magic that was able to heal someone at the expense of their sanity, or sometimes their humanity, at least so the kwamis had reported. But the magic was faded - it had been at least a few years since any of them had interacted with the pools. It had taken her some time to confirm the feeling, but now Marinette was sure of it. If the Wayne family was indeed the “Bat Family,” as Gotham had dubbed the vigilantes, then they were involved in some things beyond even the Justice League. 
If that was the case, then Tim should have been the last person she focused on. He was remarkably free of the vile magic. Even knowing that, as well as Marinette’s responsibilities as the Guardian of the Miraculous, she couldn’t help but gravitate towards Tim.
She really wanted nothing more than to talk to the man for hours, but Marinette couldn’t. It felt like she was with her friends and it was late enough that she knew logically that she needed to leave, but it also felt like she couldn’t help but leave a part of herself behind when she did. But Marinette was an adult, with a job and a child to take care of. Purposely tearing her eyes away from him , she looked at the clock. “Well, it’s getting late, Tim. I’m sure you have important business to attend to, and I have a number of suits to make. It was lovely meeting you, and thank you once again for being so attentive to Leo.” 
“It was my pleasure, Marinette.” 
Slipping away, Marinette couldn’t escape the thoughts and emotions pounding in her mind. The Wayne family was truly an eclectic group. 
Alfred waited for her at the doorway, his posture perfect. “On behalf of the Wayne family, I thank you, Miss Dupain-Cheng.” 
Maybe it was just the residual emotions from the Waynes - because there were many - but now that she wasn’t distracted, something felt… different about the butler. Miraculous. 
“And thank you for all of your assistance, Monsieur. I’m afraid I missed your last name.” 
“Pennyworth, Madame. Sir Alfred Pennyworth.” 
“Well, Sir Pennyworth, I hope to see you again soon,” Marinette said warmly, squeezing Leo’s hand. “Have a wonderful day.” 
“You as well,” he said, inclining his head. 
A car was waiting outside for them, and as Marinette was buckling Leo in, he said, “Monsieur Pennyworth needs something blue like Duusu.”
His eyes were grave - Marinette often thought that she wasn’t capable of possibly fathoming half of the things that went through his mind. Apparently being born to the guardian and wielder of the Miraculous had some side-effects - like his scary accurate intuition. 
“Don’t worry,” she said, ruffling his hair. “I’ll make something special for Mr. Pennyworth. But if he’s blue like Duusu, why is Monsieur Drake Ladybug red?” 
“He matches you,” Leo said simply before becoming fixated on something outside of the car. 
Well. Marinette got to decipher what that was supposed to mean alone, it seemed. 
As soon as the designer was gone, Damian huffed, crossing his arms. “She at least seems marginally capable.” 
“She’s more than marginally capable, Little D,” Dick said, shaking his youngest brother. “She’s MDC.” 
“Are we going to discuss the fact that she’s the tourist from patrol the other night?” Jason asked, lounging across an armchair.
“The one you had to get out of a tree? Why would she-”
“No, the one that took down Scarecrow single-handedly and then managed to kick the replacement in the face,” Jason said, snickering. 
“Are you kidding me?” Dick asked, eyes alight with excitement. “She’s that one?” 
“It was probably just adrenaline,” Damian muttered. “You said she had been looking for her child, didn’t you?” 
“Speaking of the kid, he sees way too much,” Jason butted in. “It’s like he can look into your soul. And you can’t adopt either of them, Bruce, no matter how much they look like Waynes.” 
“There are other options,” Bruce said dismissively. “But if we want to keep our identities a secret, we need to be especially cautious. Tim, I want you to do a background check now that we have a full name. Nothing too deep, she hasn’t given us any real reason to be suspicious yet.” 
“Nonsense,” Damian said with a curled lip. “We should have done a full investigation before she even set foot in Gotham.” 
“Damian, you will show her respect,” Bruce warned. 
“Hey B, do you know anything about a Parisian hero named Ladybug?” Tim asked. “Leo was talking about her like she was a pretty big deal.” 
“The name is familiar. She and a handful of other heroes popped up in Paris a little less than ten years ago. There isn’t much information on them, but they seem harmless enough, leading recycling efforts and such. They’re likely more public mascots than actual heroes.” 
“That would be kind of nice, wouldn’t it?” Dick wondered idly. “What would it be like, worrying about recycling and friendship more than actual crime?” 
“Either the Parisian cops are damn good at their job, or the city is a disaster,” Jason speculated. “The more I think about it, Paris sounds like a great vacation spot. You should take us there on our next family trip, Bruce.” 
“We don’t do family trips,” Damian sneered. 
“You should take us on family trips, Bruce.” 
“Think of all of the family bonding we could do!” Dick exclaimed with stars in his eyes. While they all argued about whether or not a family trip was feasible, or even worthwhile, Tim slipped away to his room. 
His mind was bogged down with visions of blue eyes and a musical laugh. The only word he could think of to describe how he felt was “bewitched,” but Tim felt like that was far from just to the source of the problem. 
It wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door and none other but Dick Grayson pushed his way into the room. “Everything okay, Tim?” he asked, eyes clearly concerned. 
“I’m fine, I just… This is completely embarrassing. I was just… distracted.” 
Dick scrutinized him for a moment before his face cleared. “Oh. Oh.” 
“Don’t make it sound like that,” Tim said, throwing a pillow. “I just… I don’t think I’ve spoken that easily to a woman ever. Marinette… She was amazing.” 
“I did notice that you two were getting along. It’s okay if you like her, Timmie. In case you haven’t gotten the memo, the whole vigilante life doesn’t immediately exclude you from having a love life.” 
“I know, I’ve seen it, but - Ugh, it’s all so confusing. I think I could really, really like her, but she’s too bright, too precious. Gotham would drain the life out of her, just like it does to everything else.” 
Dick thought for a moment before ruffling his brother’s hair. “First of all, I think you’re not giving Marinette enough credit. She’s already been through an attack, and it was with Scarecrow, no less. Somehow she managed to take him down, and she almost took you out too. Gotham’s got nothing on that girl.” 
“I know, it’s just hard to reconcile the Marinette I just met with the one that kicked me in the face,” Tim said, rubbing his temples. “What’s second?” 
“You said ‘first of all.’ That means that you’ve got a second part.” 
Moving to Tim’s doorway, Dick looked back with half a smile. “Second of all, no one ever said you had to stay in Gotham.” 
@ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64  @marinettepotterandplagg @black-streak @purplesundaze @maribat-is-lifeblood @the-fusionist @river9noble @chocolatecatstheron @darkthunder1589 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @dast218 @k-poplunardreams @meanids @changelinggarden @ladybug-182 @pawsitivelymiraculous
This chapter is short on Leo, which is as much as shame to me as it is to all of you, I’m sure. I fully intend on making up for that later. Let me know what you all think. I’m still fairly new to writing romance, so I could use all the input I can get! 
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