twopoppies · 5 months
do you have hereforlou's "hard to confess" as a pdf?
Here you go, love.
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Happy Birthday, Violaineeee!! 💖💖💖🎂🎂🥳
thank youuuuu lovely maggie 💗💗💗
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justalarryblog · 2 years
hi, have you got the drive link or anything fanfics from hereforlou ?
hi love, i have some here.
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charthanry · 1 year
The One Where I’m Nanon’s Cousin?
I had the most bizarre dream last night. One where I was Nanon’s cousin and was staying with him. I was still myself (like I wasn’t using someone else’s identity) but I miraculously understood Thai or at least everything Nanon said to me was in perfect English and he understood me in return. I knew I was an imposter cousin and suspect Nanon knew as well but was humoring me. His sister was also there but she had a different face. Since I knew I was going to wake up at some point (yes, very much aware I was dreaming), I quickly catalogued everything I could about what I saw.
Nanon is messy, like, his room was a mess. He’s the type of person who drops his things as he walks in and forgets about it. There are questionably clean clothes lying about, scattered knick knacks here and there. He’s not gross messy, just very disorganized. Basically the opposite of Pran.
He has My Little Pony bedsheets. I’m not kidding, I double checked to be sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me. I asked about them and he said they were a gag gift from his sister and were perfectly good sheets to not use. So, I felt them and he was right, they’re really soft.
He’s a hardcore gamer. He was watching a gaming stream on his TV while simultaneously gaming on his mobile. He was playing League of Legends.
He’s techie. At one point, I was messaging @hereforlou on tumblr telling them “omg! I am in Nanon’s room right now!” but the message I sent was gibberish and poor hereforlou was trying to use tumblr’s built-in translator (yeah, that’s a thing in my dream world) and it wasn’t making any sense to either of us. I whined to Nanon saying my phone wasn’t working and he held out his hand to take it from me, eyes never leaving his mobile. I watch in awe as he somehow managed to troubleshoot my phone while never leaving his own mobile game. He hands my phone back to me and I felt I had to explain myself and my entire tumblr existence to him saying I’m just a supportive cousin, okay? I get an eyeroll from him in response.
I finally get hereforlou to understand that I’m actually breathing the same air as Nanon right now and photographic evidence is requested. I tell Nanon I need a picture of us together and he obliges, but all of our selfies turn out unusable because he’s hilariously contorting his face in all of them. I tell him to be normal. He again obliges. Then he goes back to his game and his sister walks in.
She plops down on the bed next to me and asks if I’m hungry I say I could eat. I look at Nanon and ask if he’s hungry, he shrugs. I say I could go out and buy us something? Nanon doesn’t respond. I start getting up and his sister tugs me back down and nods towards Nanon. He then pulls out a second phone (wtf? who is this guy?) and places an order for delivery.
I start chatting with his sister while we wait for the food. She’s very much spilling the tea on Nanon’s love life and I of course gobble it up. I’m no fool. She tells me that Nanon has never had an official girlfriend just fellow actresses that he’s been linked with. She reveals that there was this one actress who could have become something but it never went anywhere because her brother is a sad loser. I look at Nanon and raise my eyebrow and he again shrugs as if he can’t deny it.
She gets a text from someone and leaves the room to answer. So, I take this as my opportunity to ask Nanon about Ohm. I ask him what really happened between them. Why are things the way they are. He suddenly puts down his mobile (for the first time!) and levels his gaze at me. I get the patented Nanon intense stare. I’m like ooh, is he mad? Have I crossed a line? But he’s not upset at the questions, more so resigned. He opens his mouth to answer and that’s when my damn alarm clock goes off and wakes me. !$#*^&@*%!!
I snooze the alarm and desperately try to cling onto the dream to get some answers from him, but nope. He and his My Little Pony sheets and messy room are gone.
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gennianydots · 1 year
Artists on Tumblr You Should Definitely Follow
@hereforlou I made a collage of your patpran artwork because I absolutely adore your art style
& I really like making collages
They are my OTP and you capture them so well 😍
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Artist: @hereforlou
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kit-teung · 1 year
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followed @hereforlou's example and drew some crop top pats
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telomeke · 9 months
A new kind of tag game! 🥰
Got tagged by @colourme-feral in this post here and by @lurkingshan in this post here. Thanks sweeties! 🥰 You can head on over to decorate their trees too if you wish. 😍
I was originally planning a quiet Christmas at home (and have been baking fruitcakes by the truckload in anticipation, because I love eating them and they're the taste of Christmas-time at home for me).
But in a sudden last-minute burst of spontaneity I will be jetting off for a week's holiday in Vietnam with my significant other on Christmas Eve, so it will be Yuletide in Hanoi this year instead! 🥰 (My Christmas cakes will have to ruminate quietly in the refrigerator, brandy-soused and awaiting my return in the meantime. Hang in there, my darlings!)
Tagging @pandasmagorica, @waitmyturtles, @neuroticbookworm, @grapejuicegay, @twig-tea, @bengiyo, @7nessasaryevils, @ranchthoughts, @dribs-and-drabbles, @respectthepetty, @wen-kexing-apologist, @brazilian-whalien52, @callipigio, @visualtaehyun, @blmpff, @lamonnaie, @airenyah, @dc-alves, @italianpersonwithashippersheart, @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas, @lurkingteapot, @hughungrybear, @hereforlou and anybody else who wants to play! 💖
To play:
Decorate the tree in the post you were tagged in (and you can leave a little message in there for the OP, that will be opened on Christmas Day); 🎄
Create your own tree, post it and tag others; 🎄
Tell us how you'll be spending the holidays (or don't tell us, also fine 😉);
Link to the post(s) that tagged you so that others can decorate their trees too! 😍
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dimplesandfierceeyes · 8 months
Seven Sentence Sunday - Bad Buddy Edition
(Okay, I know it's always Bad Buddy edition when it's me.)
Guys, girls and non-binary pals, I am SO close to finishing the final chapter of When Tempests Toss, Embrace Chaos. And let me tell you, it has been a struggle. See, when my head wants to write, it wants to write. But when it doesn't? Yeah... Apparently the last few months have been a I dont wanna kinda time in the ol' nogging. Anyway, in celebration of being the in the final throes of chapter 5, I thought I'd revive this little tradition:
“Not that you'd be much competition anyway,” he continued, just to push, just to see if there was more.  He got an indignant squawk and a head appearing above him with scowling eyebrows. But there was no sudden declaration that he was going to prove Pran wrong by swooping Ink off her feet, instead Pat just exclaimed, “Excuse me! I'm great at flirting! The best!” “Oh, really, I've never seen any evidence of that,” Pran countered.  He didn't expect Pat's eyes to narrow and his head to move closer, close enough to make Pran's heart start pounding in his chest.  “Are you asking me to prove it? Do you want me to flirt with you, Mr Pran?” Pat simpered.  Yes. 
@incandescentflower @dancing-out-in-space @danmei-trash @galauvant @snickerdoodlles @jemmo @aroceu @hereforlou @sunshinedobi @airenyah @dudeyuri @grapejuicegay @lurkingshan @lurkingteapot @telomeke-bbs @lost-my-sanity1 @dimpledpran @hughungrybear @stitch-me-not @linkisanenby
I've tagged a few people that I came to mind but anyone else who is writing fic or meta, whether it's about Bad Buddy or anything, please feel free to join in if you would like! Tag me in any seven sentence posts you do please, I'd love to read them!
And if I have tagged you, then no pressure to do this, I'm just putting out there in case people would like to join in
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punpunsutatta · 2 years
Bad Buddy One Year Anniversary Rewatch
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There’s only one month left until Bad Buddy’s first anniversary on Oct. 29th, which means we're all due for a rewatch soon! I talked Nuria @mrdumpling into doing this event with me, we haven't done this kinda thing before & we've been so excited about this (minus the part where GMMTV announced theirs first🙄 lol). We hope you guys will join us!
This event is from Oct 29th - Nov 16th. I wanted this to be fun for everyone, so the pace is a little slow— the schedule below gives us one day in-between episodes, minus weekends & the finale, so hopefully there's less stress over falling behind/finding time to watch.
Reblogging your favorite BB content
Liveblogging your rewatch/watch
Creating your own BB content→ anything! All gifs, edits, textposts, video edits, fanfic, fanart, memes, artwork, etc. for the episodes are welcome.
Please use the #BadBuddyRewatch tag in each of your posts so everyone can find and reblog them! They will be reblogged to a separate blog @badbuddyrewatch during the event.
Episode 1: October 29th
Episode 2: October 30th
Episode 3: Nov 1st
Episode 4: Nov 3rd
Episode 5: Nov 5th
Episode 6: Nov 6th
Episode 7: Nov 8th
Episode 8: Nov 10th
Episode 9: Nov 12th
Episode 10: Nov 13th
Episode 11: Nov 15th
Episode 12: Nov 16th
If you have any questions feel free to message me @patspran or nuria @mrdumpling
Please reblog to spread the word! Tagging people who may be interested below, the other half will be tagged in a reblog🤍
@abashed-the-devil-stood @ablazenqueen @actually-yikes @akksgaypanic @angelbesideme @architectxengineer @ardentlytess @athousandbyeol @baijingting @bearinglight @bevioletskies @billlkin @biwichapas @casualavocados @combeferret @cubedmango @deshimango @danyokz @dimpledpran @dimplespran @dragonsareawesome123 @dramaism @dribs-and-drabbles @earthfluuke @elnotwoods @epiphanjins @frostluvrs @ghostmagnetporsche @ghostpran @gilly-bean @hereforlou @inkpaa @ipromisedthesunset @isvisomewhere @jaehwany @jemmo @kaonoppakao @kinnkittisawasd @kookjis @kornin @laowen @liyazaki @loooreleii @loveisactivated @lovelyghostv
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hereforlou · 1 year
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:miranda priestly voice: user hereforlou? posting a bird's eye view of bed cuddles? groundbreaking.
inspired by @dimplesandfierceeyes 's amazing fic (wishful thinking for next chapter) <3
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telomeke-bbs · 5 months
Thank you so much for the sweet welcome to the Bad buddy fandom 😍 I just love them so much
Ah anybody who loves Pat and Pran is an immediate friend! 🥰💖
Since you're new to the fandom, just off the top of my head here are some of my favorite blogs with Bad Buddy content in case you want to delve a bit deeper (it's been more than two years though, so some of these blogs – not all! 😆 – are now focused on other things 🤷‍♂️):
There are lots more that I love, but I can't name them offhand. If you search through the archives of the blogs above for Bad Buddy posts you'll definitely find other blogs as well, but within these blogs in particular you can discover some gems that will enhance your appreciation of the series even more! 🤩
Extra info: @airenyah's blog has interesting stuff on Thai language, acting and the music of Bad Buddy. @hereforlou has darling BBS fanart. And @dribs-and-drabbles has catalogued the wardrobe, including all of Pat's crazy tees. 🤩
My own blog here has almost all of the filming locations (barring the last few I've not written up) plus a few posts here and there regarding wordplay, Thai culture and the significance of some props.
If you liked the show at first watch, wait until you start peeling back the layers – the depth is incredible! 💖
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hiaa just call me inspiration by @hereforlou seems like it’s been taken off ao3 have u got a pdf
Hi, love. Here a folder of nine of their fics. Including the one you asked for.
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bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme! (created by @fiercynn)
tagged by beloveds @nobodynobodyno & @cornflowershade & @solana-ceae thank you for tagging me this was so much fun! 🌹💖
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
im vi! i'm queer, 23, born & living in India, but brought up in south-east asia!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i saw the show as it aired but i joined the fandom (and tumblr) around ep3!
favorite ship(s)
PatPran (duh!), but also InkPa because they're such a good pair like how Pa is a badass but around Ink she just melts and gigges (both the jundapat siblings are the same skskks)
favorite character(s)
Pran. he is me, i am him. he is a feral, musky scented hoe and i love him.
favorite episode(s)
episode 4! first we got ink and pa projecting her crush pn pat! then we saw pran AND A LOT OF PINING AND JEALOUSY. my boy had gotten his hopes up and then absolutely shattered. we got "only i can have these super cute dimples" & "if you were ink, would you like me?" and that absolutely heartbreaking last scene <3
favorite scene(s) 
i mean there's the obvious ep5 4/4 fight followed by the best kiss in cinematic history. but also pat in the music shop discovering that he likes pran. and pat shouting his love to pran in the architecture faculty. and pat and pran's scene in the corridor with the guitar. and inkpa hotpot date and the photography room scene. the entire episode 8 & 11 (im cheating ik). i will keep on listing all the scenes if i don't stop.
one thing you would change about the show if you could
i wish there was just one discussion about wai being a dick to pran in ep8/9. like i wouldn't change what happened but like after all the dust had settled and all the friends were ok with patpran, i hope there was a discussion or even a mention of that wai apologised to pran somewhere behind the scenes and pran mentioned this to pat. (and i'm not sure if os2 counts but i would most def change ep3 of the crossover where they are just getting lost and screaming each others' names again and again sksksks)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people
this is very unfair ok i love them all but here are a few
i'll just link all the fics here & the post i made about it some time back! (special mention to a soft boy in soft sweaters by @dimplesandfierceeyes)
the entire @badbuddyingifs blog
fanarts by @hereforlou (x) & @architectxengineer (x)
bad buddy costume colour theories by @dribs-and-drabbles
InkPa edits:
this edit by @pranink
this one by @akingyouniverse
episode 7 by @mantrisanu
developer stopper fixer by @oswlld
darkroom confessions by @forcebook
just the way you are by @snimeat
another darkroom edit by @chinzillas
iris fmv by @prantically
enchanted fmv by @thranduel
patpran x zara zara fanvid by @prany
Quotes & Stuff
this cursed (affectionate set) by @guntapon
this quote that makes me cry everytime by @machikeita
yet another one of my fav quotes by @nanons
when we were younger by @alexshenry
you'll never be friends by @taeminie
myth by @tipsyjaehyun
love story by @fourthnattawat
another one by @freensrcha
v. imp kissing patpran set by @patspran
already home by @sunsetandthemoon
pran's life anthem by @morkofday
Character & Dynamics
pat-ink edit by @pranpats
pat saying ma ni by @casualavocados
best boy pat edit by @louwilliam
feral musky scented hoe pran by @seanwhites
best siblings by @ardentlytess
ink by @angelbesideme
page to screen series by @actually-yikes
inspired movie posters by @nanonkorapat
bad buddy rewatch series by @baifengxis
bbs2 by @dimpledpran
concept sets by @i-got-the-feels
episode 7 edit by @ayan-sukkhapisit
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
i did make some edits but my favourite one is the PatPran x Bollywood edit!
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
well obviously same page? by tilly birds. but also way too many taylor swift songs (seven, labrynth, gold rush, our song, the 1, betty, i think he knows, daylight, the great war, mine, enchanted), sleepwalker by julie byrne is so pran coded, home by reese lansangan, straberries & ciggarettes by troye sivan, i'm yours by alessia cara, doors by ben&ben etc. etc.
idk anything else you want us to know?
cursing your feed with this
tagging everyone i tagged above! (if you want) <3
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
ah finally after a gazillion years i've been able to get around to doing this after being tagged by the ever sweet @fiercynn , so lemme straightaway get down to it.
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc.
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hello there, i'm a 24 year old gray-ace panromantic desi on the romance positive end of the arospec (im still undergoing the wonderful but also often difficult and long journey of discovering myself so this is subject to change :3), i prefer going by my username so i'm not sharing my name.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i watched bad buddy exactly 3 months ago on the 15th of May, 2023. i watched all the episodes all on the same day and i know the date because after finishing the show i sent a 7 minute long audio note gushing about the show to my best friend. i ADORED it that much. and that's where all of this started. i loved the show so much and the lack of people i knew irl who were interested meant i had to find other people in the fandom to freak out with. i kept posting one after another favourite bad buddy edit of mine on my twitter page, gushing about it, but i got barely any response and that's when i reminded myself that tumblr exists and i should get back on here. and that's how i made this account 2 weeks after i watched the show and voila here i am surrounded by people who are as crazy about the show as i am and i couldn't be more delighted about it :')
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa ofc
favorite character(s)
i love pat with all my heart, the man he ends up becoming along the course of the show is one of my most favorite portrayals of any man ever BUT pran is my actual favorite, he is my baby, (somehow both) my elder and younger brother and my best friend and he has my whole heart. his love, his hesitance, his anxiety, his bravery, his dimples, his FOREHEAD, his striped shirts, his precious heart i would DIE for him no questions asked.
favorite episode(s)
episode 11. each segment had something for the heart, i adored every single second of it...the sheer volume of beaut quotes from this episode is mind blowing! ("being with you already feels like freedom", "i can be anywhere as long as i have you", "we have been happier a lot too", "thankyou for trying to make a silly guy like me happy..." "i wrote this song for him", "one man can't change the world, but this world can't change me too"), and the soft loving looks of adoration making me clutch my chest, but also there was the quintessential patpran banter and bad buddy humour and wisdom i LOVE this episode with all my heart.
episode 5 is perfection. it comes second for me, but that kiss will always be number 1 <3
favorite scene(s)
rooftop kiss, balcony phone call, episode 7 ending when pat comes to save the day and the play, episode 11 red shirts commitment expression scene, and the final credits and post credits scene
one thing you would change about the show if you could
i wished the gangs didnt bully eo or anybody else even in the beginning, i get it shows growth but still i wished that was shown differently. also i wish we got a conversation where they talk about the guitar. and while we're here i wish it was somehow longer, i could have watched ohmnanon be patpran for HOOOURS.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
traffic was slow for the crash years by @fiercynn aka the creator of this meme. i absolutely adored every single second of the fic. despite it giving me a WORLD of pain. all the pain made it more beautiful and everything was worth it in the end. like i said before you took a great thing and made it even better <3
every piece of art that @hereforlou comes up with. you are a GEM!
all of nanons gorgeous gifsets!!
same page video edit that even p'aof tweeted about. SO good.
enchanted (aka patpran's official song) and other patpran edits by this same SO very talented editor
mudhal nee mudivum nee - another beautiful edit but desi so its even better <3
this super clever edit of patpran to message in a bottle. it's an instant serotonin booster for me.
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
you can hear it in the silence - bad buddy bet era fic (the only one i've written till now)
my bad buddy textposts collection
my pran and pat's growth posts
this post that took me 20 mins to write but is one of my fav things ive written about the show
my long treatise of bet era patpran that took me a week!
list of accounts (hopefully i haven't forgotten any) whose meta and analysis and brainrot i absolutely adore- @miscellar , @telomeke-bbs , @grapejuicegay , @aroceu, @dudeyuri, @dribs-and-drabbles, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @sharingfandoms, @waitmyturtles, @ranchthoughts, @lurkingteapot, @lurkingshan, @thegayneurodivergentagenda, @kenmakaashi, @absolutebl, @charthanry, @bengiyo, @mahuhumaling, @panickedbisexualwatchesbl, @jemmo, @patspran, @fiercynn, @midnightfreeway, @fierceeyesanddimples and a couple more im sure ive missed. it was {and continues to be} a pleasure reading their thoughts about the show (or any other show that we've mutually watched).
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
message in a bottle because of this edit
daylight cos of this edit
enchanted, because of the infinite edits we've got from it and if im not wrong pat ohm has acknowledged it too
and basically all other romantic songs in the history of romance i guess :3
alrighty then i think i'm done with this tag. this was a LOT of fun to compile <3
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lost-my-sanity1 · 9 months
Decorate My Tree
@hughungrybear thank you sooo much for the tag ily
here's my tree
I'm spending Christmas with my family as usual... though Christmas lost some of its charm I mean the charm you get when you're a child and suddenly one day some random person tells you that Santa is a myth. but nonetheless I try to find new ways to enjoy Christmas with my fam every year. we go to church in the morning (tho I'm an atheist myself ) and then spend the day with extended fam
and aside from that ofc my thai babies I won't be missing their episodes 💌🤡
tagging: @sharingfandoms @janujaja @grapejuicegay @dallasthetimetraveler @soundwin @alan-apologist @quodekash @hereforlou @iron-dead @omglord1 @naomi-obsessions @fangirlmedstudentblog
To play:
Decorate the tree in the post you were tagged in (and you can leave a little message in there for the OP, that will be opened on Christmas Day); 🎄
Create your own tree, post it and tag others; 🎄
Tell us how you'll be spending the holidays (or don't tell us, also fine 😉);
Link to the post(s) that tagged you so that others can decorate their trees too! 😍
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jemmo · 8 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
i was tagged by @dimplesandfierceeyes and @hereforlou and yes its not seven or sunday but its been over a year since i wrote anything so just be glad i dragged this from one of my many forgotten google docs
“You know… You can celebrate here too” he murmured, letting his breath ghost against Pran’s ear as he nosed at the skin behind it, arms wrapping further around Pran’s waist and flexing, because he’d learnt from experience that Pran wasn’t immune to his shameless displays of strength.
But Pat was forgetting that Pran was strong too, and he could pry his arms apart just enough to turn around in his hold, greeting Pat’s dazed face with a sly smirk.
“And how would you propose we celebrate?” he asked, playing coy as one of his hands found its place resting against Pat’s chest.
“It’d start with me taking my shirt back” Pat teased as he walked Pran backwards until his back hit the door, the hands around Pran’s waist moving to grab fistfulls of his shirt where it was tucked into Pran’s jeans.
“Oh, but if you take the shirt, what am I supposed to wear?” Pran asked. His ability to school his expression, appear unaffected and innocent, terrified Pat in the best way.
Pat lips tightened into an annoyed grimace, because when Pran was putting on the naive act, and pulling it off this well, he knew he had to step up his game. He leant forward into Pran’s space, tongue poking out to wet his bottom lip as his eyes fell to Pran’s mouth.
“I wouldn’t see the problem with you wearing-” and then he was cut off with a finger pressed against his lips just as they were about to touch Pran’s, and… was Pran shushing him? Really?
Then something vibrated against his hand where it had fallen down to Pran’s ass. The shit-eating grin that spread across Pran’s face was pure evil as he reached around to lay his hand over Pat’s.
“Excuse me?” he said with way too much self-satisfaction, and Pat tugged his hand away with a frustrated grunt, using it to prop himself up against the doorframe instead. Pran slid his phone out from his back pocket and checked it with the most innocent air of leisure, as if they weren’t just in the middle of something important. His eyes were bright with smugness as he looked back up at Pat.
“Wai’s waiting for me outside'' he said, tapping his phone against Pat’s chest with a smirk. And just to add insult to injury, he slowly moved his finger down, pulling on Pat’s lower lip before flicking his chin, as if this was all just some fun to him.
Pat could only stand there, frozen to the spot, mouth hanging open in shock as Pran turned and opened the door, looking back to offer one final shit-eating grin and a “don’t wait up” before closing the door in his face.
Pat stayed there in place for what felt like an hour processing what had just happened, frustrated and impressed and turned on all at the same time. And Pran had just left him like that, to go to some bar and get drunk looking like that.
God he was good.
and if you see this consider yourself tagged if you want to :)
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