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balleater696942 · 21 days ago
Hiiiiii I wanna hear your Sebpainter headcanons because I know you also ship Sebpainter!
Also if you’re not comfortable with answering that is totally okay!! Or just pressure headcanons in general! Thank you!! 🫶🫶
ooohh hmm, ive only really started thinking about these two recently (more in depth, at least) so these are still like. developing? ill drabble into both recovery au (post escape) and present hcs! this will also be mainly directed at romantic sebpaint but you can perceive it however you like! i like alot of ideas lol ^_^
this is when seb is going into recovery after escaping, (he has had most of his mutations reversed) and pai (pAinter) has a more humanoid body!
-seb is too embarrassed/scared to get a professional haircut so he has pai pull up tutorials for him on youtube and he tries his best to lazily chop off his hair in their bed. sometimes it looks better than.. other times but he tries. if it looks interesting pai tries to help even it out (i have a doodle of this, once i can post it i will! my camera is still broken unfortunately)
-sebastian has kept his ear fins; he uses them to aid in nonverbal communication alot between him and painter. i would elaborate on this but i don't know how to word properly
-sebastian had a super hard time bathing at first- dry shampoo and leave in conditioner was his BEST FRIEND.. though after enough encouragement from pai, he starts to (begrudgingly) wash his hair either in the sink or bent over his shower. baths are successful sometimes, but they are usually pretty shallow and painter has to dunk water over his hair and supervise him lol (they don't mind it though, pai likes how trusting Sebastian is to allow pai to see him uncovered[NOT SEXUALLYYY]+allow him to wash seb)
-sebastian sleeps verryyy often and stays in bed like a kitty cat :3 pai puts in extra work to make their bed + bedroom comfortable for him, especially if sebastian doesn't have the courage or strength to leave the bed certain days
-painter likes to cook/bake for seb often, they LOVE learning new recipes, but he also knows seb has his safefoods. even if its repetitive to make, those are pai's favorites to prepare because he knows it will make seb feel better ^^
-on the topic of food, seb has a really hard time sometimes to just eat. even if he's recovering, his cravings for raw meats/fish from before are still really strong at times and he HATES IT. sometimes if the cravings were triggered before, he can't eat after that. painter and seb try to work it out, but if they can't then pai reassures him that its okay and they do something else.
-seb lovvessss weighted blankets especially the heavier ones!! they give him a sense of comfort. sometimes he asks pai to lay on him also (totally not projecting)
-he also sometimes has to sleep with support pillows, mainly when he got out of surgery
-pai likes to wear really flowy clothes, especially dresses and skirts. he loves how they make his sillouette look and loves how expressive they can be!
-sometimes seb falls asleep in pais room (involuntarily) and pai has to watch him the whole time, pai thinks he looks so gorgeous when he's sleeping and also wishes he had a blanket to put on him.. even if it won't fit
-sebs third arm sleeve is ripped and sewn on from his handyman jacket, the jacket was not tailored for three arms
-pai and seb talk through vents or the little door screen things sometimes, whenever seb is scavenging for supplies pai likes to say stupid shit over the speakers to try and coax a laugh out of seb :3
-sometimes, seb takes pai on a little field trip to the prettier rooms of the blacksite to try and help give pai some inspiration to paint
-autism seb (projecting???!! no way..)
-seb sometimes draws on pai's screen, the pen cant fit too well in his hand but he tries. it's therapeutic to them both (and quite frankly, pai likes to see him so focused on his screen. it gets him flustered)
-pai is such a yapper and seb LOVES to listen. he isn't much of a talker, anyways
-bipolar painter (possibly bpd but i don't have much research on it as of now, i don't like to just throw stuff around) , seb stays with him and listens no matter what
-on that note, pai will occasionally just. shoot random stuff in the blacksite no matter if its moving or not
-they like to play flash games sometimes (don't know if that's possible? pai doesn't have a keyboard but we can pretend)
-objectum freak(s?)
AHH THERES MORE BUT I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE RN!!! i might make another post in the future?
some of these (mostly post-escape) hcs are either inspired off or straight up taken from @feligayzed surface au (hope you dont mind..)
also im SO SORRY!!! for not getting this done sooner!!!!!!! school has been BEATING MY ASS but i'm caught up for now so let's hope i don't fail before this week ends🤞🤞🤞trust!!
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starrypawu · 4 months ago
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orange citrus cookie ?!!? or something IDK!! the second coming but cookie-fied !!
i dont play cookie run but i like the style:3
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dollya-robinprotector · 2 years ago
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"Hey, with, a ♪ ding ding dan ♪ let's dance! Rougher and rougher, up, down, up, down ♪ heave-ho ♪ Here, until you hit the climax, I'll take good care of you With our school slippers, shall we dance?"
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Inspired by Balleriko - Mikito and this art
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Part 2 with Fem School LIs...?
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sheepthatgobaa · 9 months ago
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it's.... The villian team!!!!
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yuridemon · 5 months ago
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only one person i know that can outfreak clownpierce
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littencloud9 · 27 days ago
rules: Put your "On Repeat" playlist on shuffle and list out the first ten songs that play, then tag ten people!
tagged by @ourheianera <3 thank you for the tag!!
1. black sorrow - park byeong hoon
2. dead man’s hand - lord huron
3. the night we met - lord huron
4. all-in - 6FU;
5. guilty conscience - tate mcrae
6. break! - AK刘彰
7. greenlight - tate mcrae
8. cure - akugetsu, park byeong hoon
9. like i do - tate mcrae
10. love you goodbye - one direction
tagging (no pressure) @chuuyanakaahara @smolhours @that-was-anticlimactic @chrysofightme !!
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kofitiamats-brewery · 1 month ago
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[returns from 1 year crk hiatus, speedruns beast yeast] @screenshotsofdespair edits
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cheriboms · 3 months ago
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i dont really know game lore, i just like the friendly robot :]
(original b&w sketch under cut)
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(i forgot my watermark on this one so pls dont steal lol ;w;)
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vivitalks · 11 months ago
Last night I saw the Great Gatsby musical. Before I went, I reread the Great Gatsby book (for the first time since 11th grade!) to get a refresher on the source material and the original story. Having the book so fresh in my mind made seeing the musical really interesting, and now I am going to do something I never thought I'd do, which is post some lengthy meta about The Great Gatsby. If you haven't seen the musical, this post may still be interesting to read, but it does contain some mild spoilers, so I leave that up to you. If you also haven't read the book, godspeed lol.
There's a lot I could talk about here when it comes to the way the book was adapted for the stage. But there's one particular thing I want to zero in on in this post, and that's the "unreliable narrator" of it all.
In the book, Nick Carraway is our narrator. He's an unreliable narrator practically by default - the idea is that he's retelling events that occurred two years prior, from memory. But even knowing that Nick is probably not reporting all events and characters with complete accuracy, it's hard to know which parts exactly are wrong, or what might have happened in reality, because even though he's an unreliable narrator, he's still the only narrator and this is the only version of events we know. We're forced to take Nick as our surrogate and take him at his word. Until the musical.
(I wondered how the show was going to deal with the fact that the story of Great Gatsby is not only told by an unreliable narrator but also by an outside perspective - generally speaking the events of the Great Gatsby aren't happening to Nick, they're just kind of happening around him. Yet he's the voice of the story, so in that way he's central to it, and I was curious how they were going to balance that fact with the fact that Gatsby is functionally the main character.
I think they struck a really good balance in the end. Nick's beginning and ending lines, lifted verbatim from his book narration, frame him clearly as the anchor of the story - I think that's the best word for it; the audience jumps from scene to scene, many but not all of which contain Nick, but we know that Nick is always going to be where the action is, or that he will at least know about it. He may not be the main character, but he's an essential character. But I digress a little bit.)
The difference between the way the story is imparted to the audience in the book versus in the musical boils down to this: in the book, Nick "plays" every character, so all their dialogue and actions, their mannerisms and the way they're described and reported, it's all informed by the beliefs Nick holds about them. Whether he means to or not, his biases paint certain characters in certain lights, and because he is our eyes and ears to the story, we have no choice but to absorb those biases.
But in the musical, every character is literally played by a different actor. Nick can only speak for himself. Nick can only tell his own parts as they happened. He may be "telling" the story, but we're watching the story. We have the benefit of an unblemished perspective on things - we can watch the events the way they actually unfold, regardless of how Nick believes or remembers they went down.
This difference - between Nick as the narrator and Nick as merely his own voice - is crucial in how the musical develops each character, some of them fairly different from how Nick described them in the book. And there's one book-to-stage change - a fairly small one, all things considered - that, to me, illustrated this difference perfectly.
There's a line towards the end of the Gatsby book. Something Nick says in narration, after his final conversation with Tom Buchanan, talking about how Tom gave away Gatsby's name and location to George Wilson (which ultimately led to Gatsby's death). Nick writes:
"I couldn’t forgive him or like him, but I saw that what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was all very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy — they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made…"
When I read this line in the book, I couldn't help vehemently agreeing. Screw those rich assholes! Money does corrupt! Tom and Daisy ARE careless wealthy people! It was easy to side with Nick, not only because he was the only perspective on the situation that I had, but also because he said this in internal response to a conversation with Tom, who, I think we can all agree, is a major jackass and a deeply unsympathetic character.
But in the musical, this line is spoken aloud by Nick. And he says it to Daisy, in her house, as she's packing up to skip town after Gatsby's death. In fact, he doesn't just say it; he shouts it, visibly and audibly outraged at her audacity to lead Gatsby on, ghost him, skip his funeral, and then move away to avoid the fallout. Nick is angry and highly critical of Daisy. But because we're no longer confined to his shoes, we also get to see Daisy's reaction - not as Nick remembers it, but as Daisy actually reacts. And because of that, we're able to really see, and confirm, that "Daisy is rich and careless" is not the full story.
I have to credit Eva Noblezada for a phenomenal performance (duh). Daisy in this scene is emotional, grieving, and it's clear she has been trying to contain these feelings for the sake of her husband and her own sanity. She's remorseful, not that Gatsby is gone necessarily, but that she allowed herself to entertain the fantasy of running away with him, only for it to be torn from her. She is trying to make the best of her unavoidable reality. And then Nick tears her a new one, calling her careless, accusing her of destroying things and being too rich to care.
And as I watched that scene, I was no longer wholly on Nick's side. I understood that this situation was so much more complex than Nick's chastisement acknowledged. Sure, Daisy wasn't innocent, but she also wasn't the callous rich girl Nick made her out to be. She did love Gatsby. And she also had a whole life with Tom. She had a daughter. She was a woman in the 1920s! That's a kind of life sentence even wealth can't erase.
The way Daisy responded may not quite have landed with Nick (if we consider the kind of fun possibility that the musical is the events as they happened and the book is Nick retelling those events as he remembers them two years later, then clearly Nick's disdain for Daisy's actions overtook whatever sympathy he felt for her), but the musical gave Daisy the opportunity to appeal to us. The audience. Having this omniscient perspective of things allowed us to draw our own conclusions, and I found myself a lot more sympathetic towards Daisy when I could both see and hear how she responded to Nick's verbal castigation.
In the book, Nick is the narrator. In the musical, Nick is a narrator. But he's no longer the sole arbiter of the story. The audience got to make our own judgements on the events as we witnessed them. Every one of us was a Nick - beholden to our own biases, maybe, but at least not beholden to his.
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thermodynamic-comedian · 1 year ago
"problematic blorbo" means nothing to me anymore. to me, that's just another guy. another guy for my collection
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residentialsinyomakai · 2 months ago
You'll never guess who the kinda primary subject of this yappost/doodle dump is
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sigh. it always comes back
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Freaky ahh bowl of rice...what's he on about
"But Yōmakai isn't this a maddiman post. Why are the first two things besides the intro not ma" IM GETTING THERE. PATIENCE
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I redraw Kagemura every now and then to see if I improve!! :) Think I kinda ate w this one frfr
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No me mires con tus estupidos ojos
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UEgh. judging you btw
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Expression stuff cause I love seeing different depictions both from other people and within my own mind
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Mini thing based on a. Trend jm noticing LMAO
Also this Maddiman that scared some of my friends apparently 😔����
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AU shenanigans and this idiot again. HATE HIM BLOW HIM UP NOW!!!! Jkjk i wish people drew him more i love him :)
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Anyways all done :) see you!!
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crispycreambacon · 3 months ago
Hi y'all. I hope you all are well :)
Happy new year first of all. If you're still here with us, thank you. Thank you for getting through 2024, and thank you for being here. I hope 2025 will be kind to you 🫂
Second of all, I'm not sure if anyone is still here, but if there is someone: I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly. Life really got in the way due to college, and I can't guarantee this next semester of college won't be very busy for me either. I've been trying to work on my personal life, and part of that was avoiding social media. I'd like to come back, but I'll be reducing the amount of time I spend on here.
If you'd like to know more about what else has happened to me, read on. If not, I wish you well, and I hope you'll still welcome me with open arms.
If I can be vulnerable for a minute: things have gotten really bad for me last December. I came out to my mom, and it went so badly that I ran away for a little bit. I came back for personal reasons, but now I live with parents who refuse to acknowledge my identity and continue to refer to me with my deadname and AGAB. Moreover, I got triggered really badly at some point during the holidays, and it has led to me realizing I can't keep living like this. I need help.
Thankfully, my college provides mental health services, and from what I heard from other students, they're pretty good. They also provide tests which I definitely need. I can't keep living the undiagnosed lifestyle, y'all, I need to know what's going on with my brain shsldhskshs... I have some clues though. Nothing definitive yet, but I am pretty confident in my suspicions, and whether I'm right or wrong, I just want to figure out what's going on and manage it, start to heal and move on from the trauma I've endured both as a child and now.
I hope this update will suffice. I'm eternally grateful for my friends. They have kept me from absolutely losing it, and they have stuck with me at my worst moments. I love them so dearly, and if they are reading this: thank you :)💞
And to everyone else, thank you for taking the time to read. I'd love to know how y'all have been, so please let me know. I love you all. Please stay safe, and may life bring you the happiness you deserve 🫂
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bizarrescribblez · 10 months ago
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💜 birds of a feather we should stick together 💜
so uhhhhhh… i saw a super cute pinterest pose and was like uhhh what if i drew this with all my d/an s/tevens f/os… i know ive got so many I CANT HELP IT (joey was a last min edition hes a tsum tsum 🥹)
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blushft · 11 months ago
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t4t besties. do you understand?
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fourswords · 10 months ago
i know i don't shut up about it but i think it really truly says something about link's nature as a whole that the four of them got attached to shadow so ridiculously fast. vio at least had the excuse of hanging out with him for however long it was but it was still indicative of that same nature that he quite literally accompanied shadow in burning down a good portion of hyrule's lands and STILL quietly mourned him after they'd "killed" him. but then you have the most obvious examples of blue and green getting so unbelievably distraught when shadow "died for real this time (he did not die for real this time)" after interacting with him in a manner that wasn't "trying to murder each other" for a grand total of like. five minutes. ten minutes tops.
shadow helps them out exactly one time (and really you could see it as him just doing the bare minimum to clean up the mess he created by getting link to release vaati in the first place) and suddenly the links as a whole are like "FORGIVEN!" and if "making friends" was a button they all started hitting it so hard that it broke. shadow was like "still doesn't make me part of the body :(" and green speaking for all of them was like What the fuck are you talking about. Of course it does. We're friends. and by god is that going to influence everything that happens after the manga. like no matter what issues themselves arise between link and shadow that they're gonna have to work through (namely: vio's betrayal) if anyone ever tries to tell him that shadow still poses a threat to hyrule as a whole and he's an enemy and should be taken out then link is just gonna hit them with some flavor of this and that's gonna be the end of the conversation:
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surrender-souls · 2 years ago
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he is pathetic i think im enamored
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