#her words actually: i don’t care if i come back a changeling
lillywillow · 2 years
Flirting By Moonlight
Summary: What happens when two supernatural beings meet in the woods on a moonlit night?
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 1187
 Square Filled: Y1- Supernatural AU
 Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Fairy!Female Reader  
 Warnings: Some violence
 The woods could be a dangerous place at night, especially during the full moon. Creatures of the night and beings of magical powers lurked about, waiting for some poor human to stumble into their waiting paths. There was an unwritten rule about going into the woods on nights like these… So, when a being such as yourself met someone in a moonlit clearing, you had to think it was one of two things… Either it was 1) a very foolish human or 2) another supernatural being. He didn’t hold himself like a fae but there was something different about him that you couldn’t place.
 “Well, hello there. It’s little dangerous to be out alone in the woods, don’t you think? You never know when someone with bad intentions might be hanging around,” the man smirked, showing off his fangs.
 Huh… you had heard stories of vampires in the woods but you had never actually met one before… He could be fun to have in your court…
 “On the contrary; I think it’s a perfect night for a picnic. Would you care to join me?” you asked, holding up a perfect pomegranate.
 The vampire eyed you off suspiciously. Most humans would run at the sight of a vampire and yet here you were offering for him to join you…
 He carefully sat down near you on the blanket you had set out.
 “What’s your name, stranger?” you cheerfully asked.
 “Bucky,” he cautiously replied.
 It had to be a nickname. You didn’t get that feeling of power you normally had when you had a person’s name.
 Bucky moved a little closer and breathed in deeply. You didn’t smell like a human, but you weren’t a vampire either.
 “Are you hungry, Bucky?” you asked, subtly provoking him into either eating or attacking… either way, you won.
 Without warning, Bucky suddenly pounced on you, fangs poised to bite down on your neck… but something didn’t feel right to him. He pulled back a little and looked into your eyes which seemed to say, “Try it and find out”. Bucky had been doing this for centuries and in all that time he never found a person so defiant. Just as he pulled away to ask what the hell you were, the sound of his best friend’s voice stopped him.
 “Buck, where are you? The hunters are coming, you need to get out of here!”
 Bucky moved away from you as a blond man ran up. You recognised him from one of the other fairy courts.
 “Hi, Steve,” you waved.
 “Hey, Y/N,” he replied.
 “Wait, you two know each other?” Bucky asked in surprise.
 “Sort of. I know of her… she’s a fae just like me,” Steve informed him.
 “Well not exactly like you. You’re a changeling whereas I have been in a court my entire life…”
 A fae… Suddenly it made so much sense to Bucky. Steve had been his friend for centuries and told him stories about the fae or at least what he could remember. Everything about you fit in with what he had told him. Before the conversation could progress any further, you could hear barking dogs getting progressively closer.
 “Come on. Let’s get out of here. Those hunters don’t take kindly to people like us,” Steve urged, getting both you and Bucky to move.
 As you run away from the hunters, you glanced at Bucky. The moonlight really seemed to bring out his handsome face. There was just something about him that struck you as… fun. Maybe you could meet him again sometime…
 Over the next few weeks, you and Bucky saw a lot of each other. You would both try to lure unsuspecting people into your traps; you for newcomers to your court, him for prey and familiars. More often than not, the person would get away because you were too busy playfully bantering with one another to focus on anything else. It was all a game to you until the night of the new moon. The darkness provided the perfect cover for a vampire to slip by unnoticed but the phase weakened your powers. However, this did not stop you from going out.
 “Hi, Bucky,” you purred when you saw him.
 “Y/N? Isn’t it a little dangerous for you to be out?” he asked, knowing the dangers that were out there.
 “Why? Are there men with bad intentions hanging about?” you giggled.
 “No… well, yes, but…”
 “Oh no! I’m shaking! I better run away!”
 You laughed as Bucky chased after you. You knew these woods like the back of your hand, jumping over creeks and dodging trees… the trap that was set up to catch fae folk… that was new. You never stood a chance as the chain-link net made of iron fell on you, making you scream in agony as the metal burned your skin.
 “We got one, boys! Now let’s get her back before-”
 Whatever the man was about to say died on his lips as Bucky attacked. He showed them no mercy, they never even got to draw their weapons. Once he had despatched of them, he rushed over to get the net away from you.
 “It hurts, it hurts,” you whimpered.
 “I know, doll. I’m going to get you out of here…”
 That was the last thing you remember before passing out from the pain.
 You woke a while later in a strange bed. Looking around, you saw Bucky asleep in the bed next to you. Despite both these things, you didn’t feel like you were in any danger. Gently, you ran your fingers through his hair, causing him to stir.
 “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. You just looked so peaceful,” you whispered.
 “It’s okay… It must almost be dawn,” he sleepily muttered.
 “Where are we?”
 “Steve’s place… I brought you here after you were hurt… I didn’t know where else to go…”
 “Why did you help me? I know our little game is fun and all but… that’s all it is, right?”
 Bucky pulled you into his arms.
 “I feel like it could be more than that. You’re so fun and exciting… I feel like… we could start something interesting…”
 “A fairy and a vampire… I guess just because something hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean we can’t make it work,” you softly smiled.
 “I really want to make it work,” he mumbled, getting more tired by the second.
 “I do too… Good morning, Bucky.”
 Bucky smiled and fell asleep as dawn began to break.
 The next night when Bucky woke up, you talked the whole time getting to know each other better. Steve secretly watched the pair of you, happy to see his friend feel this way about someone. It may have been an unusual pairing but you were both interested to see where this relationship would take you. Under the pale moonlight, you were made to be.
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megan0013 · 2 years
5 is totally fallout so I would like another snippet of my favorite fic of yours...continuing from where barb actually gets the chance to tell Walt
from this prompt list: one night stand and falling pregnant au
(this probably isn't what you were looking for, but i'll totally get to the actual conversation between barb and strickler at some point)
here we have an au of an au, wherein barb manages to tell strickler he knocked her up (with jim) before he leaves the country -
The last thing Nomura expects to find upon slipping into Strickler’s townhouse at six o’clock one random weekday morning is a rather attractive redhead standing in his kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand and an obnoxiously thick textbook propped up on the island in front of her. Her hair is pulled back into a messy ponytail and she’s got incredibly bright blue eyes, and the changeling is really starting to think she’s broken into some young coed’s place by mistake when Strickler, himself, suddenly appears at the woman’s side.
“That one had better be decaf,” he says, smiling affectionately as he leans forward to nuzzle his nose against the pale skin just under the redhead’s left ear.
Nomura arches a brow. In all the centuries she’s known him, she doubts she’s ever seen him smile like that at another person.
“I’m drinking half and half.” The woman’s chin tilts, but her eyes never leave the page she’s reading from. “Don’t worry. It’s only my second.”
“It sounds like you’ve been up a while.”
 “About an hour.”
“That’s a long time to be on your feet, my love.”
Somehow, Nomura’s eyebrows manage to completely disappear under her bangs. Strickler? Using terms of endearment? No way.
“I know you have a test coming up,” Strickler continues as he presses a trail of kisses down a slender neck to the sharp collarbone peaking out from under one of his old t-shirts. “but maybe you could take a short break? I’d make it worth your while.”
A content hum echoes through the large kitchen and Strickler’s whatever finally turns toward him, giving Nomura a very different view of her physique. One that is, quite obviously, pregnant.
“Oh, no shit.”
The words escape before she can stop them, and Nomura’s hands fly to her cover mouth as the couple jerk their gazes in her direction. An uncomfortable silence settles over them as Nomura’s eyes dart from the woman’s confused frown to Strickler’s horrified expression and back again.
“Um, hello.” The redhead is the first to recover. “Is there something we can help you with?”
Nomura blinks.
“Okay. Um, Walt? Do you know this person?”
It takes several seconds, apparently, for Strickler’s brain to process the predicament he’s just found himself in before he clears his throat and nods. “Uh, yes,” he says slowly. “Yes, darling. This is Nomura. My, er, sister? Sort of. Nomura, this is my…”
“Barbara.” She rolls her eyes and gingerly disentangles herself from Strickler, careful not to bump her bump against the countertop as she steps around the island. “I’m his Barbara. It’s nice to meet you, Nomura.”
“You,” Nomura reaches her hand out uncertainly, “too.”
They shake quickly but Barbara, sensing the awkward tension between the two, doesn’t stick around after. “I’m gonna go study upstairs for a bit,” she says, going up on her tiptoes to kiss Strickler’s cheek before grabbing her textbook and coffee off the island. “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
His gaze dips briefly to meet hers, and Nomura can’t help but notice how their fingers have somehow found a way to twine together over her belly during the short exchange. She’s gone a moment later, disappearing up the old wooden staircase with obvious familiarity.
“Fuck, Stricklander,” Nomura hisses the second she hears the bedroom door creak shut. “What did you do?"
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
Ok Picard episode 8.
I procrastinated on watching it. Actual avoidance. So it’s at that stage /sigh.
Spoiler warning as always.
First let’s focus on the positives.
I am not someone that loves to hate. I am frustrated because I love and I do love Trek. So were there any good moments?
Yes Deanna and Riker’s banter was mostly pretty cool. Worf needs to learn a sense of timing as enemies were maybe still around and I wasn’t very taken with Riker’s seeming jealousy? But otherwise everything between Deanna and Riker felt very natural. Even their talk about grief. It would be easy to say Deanna shouldn’t have messed with his head but she was in the throes of grief too. His pain and her own and the love all mixed up together. People make irrational choices in an emotional maelstrom like that. Considering what they went through, I think they were just coping best they could. So yeah their relationship was a high point.
Raffi taking on Vadic’s soldiers with swords made me go “Elnor!!!” because did our favourite sword wielding badass teach her? Watching Raffi fight was cool. Worf banter afterwards was good too.
Seven finally snapping and correcting Captain Asshat was long overdue.
BUT as we’re now getting into the “not so great territory” the fact that he didn’t seem to learn or care about the correction is maddening. Habit might have meant he continued to say Hansen, but what comes out first doesn’t have to be last. He could have acknowledged Seven’s words and ruefully corrected himself and he did not.
Captain Asshat having a go at Seven in the middle of the situation was also a WTF moment. If he disagreed with the call and wants to chew her out, do it afterwards when they are in the ‘report writing phase’. If they can talk under their breath say something useful to think of a way out, or encouraging for morale. Busting her chops was just going to make everyone feel worse. Piss poor leadership to what stroke his own ego?
Also changelings are resilient. If Seven had blown the lift that was no guarantee it would have killed Vadic. They are goo. Besides as I recall it Shaw practically dove in the turbo lift offering himself as hostage. If he wanted it blown that badly I suggest not being in it. Anyway laying the guilt trip on Seven was just inappropriate timing. Was Seven wrong? I don’t know - road not taken - and Seven is going to torture herself endlessly over this anyway. Him sanctimoniously going “that’s not StarFleet” may well be the push to resign her commission at the end of the season.
Seven’s “I’m facing the consequences” snark back to Shaw. She would have sacrificed herself. I think she would have done it anyway but him putting the boot in on the guilt trip only made her need to make it right. Begging Vadic to kill her. Moving to fight to try and force that. All because I think Seven followed Janeway’s teachings who I think said “we don’t trade lives” I swear I remember that. It’s ok to sacrifice your own but not others. Besides it was a split second. A “do I kill Captain Asshat and have a legit reason? Shit I hate him, they’ll think I did it on purpose. Oh fuck I have lost my window as the turbo lift takes less than 17 seconds” I mean we had that conversation a few episodes ago. About how long it took to get to SickBay. It’s not a long time.
Speaking of the whole guilt thing. I am sick to death of only the bridge crew/officer lives mattering. This is how Star Trek got the whole “redshirt” cliche in the first place. It was pretty damn dark showing the crew running scared through the halls, getting locked in with the pursuing killers, and massacred. But then it was like those lives, and those losses, didn’t make an impact. It was all about the “executing the bridge every 10 minutes” and all I kept thinking was “what about all the other poor sods who have been killed already?” I mean they really tried to hammer it home. One guy had a knife in their neck pinning them to the wall. It was pretty gruesome. But then no emotional payoff. That is what is needed. The visuals aren’t enough. All flash and no substance.
I’m really not vibing with the whole ‘chosen one’ thing they have going on with Jack Crusher. Not going to lie my first fanfics were rife with OC’s. They sort of drove the plot. This reeks of the same thing. Admittedly I was 11 at the time. I think I had learned between by the time I was 14 or so. How old is Matalas? Anyway Jack Crusher is the fanfic OC. The special one, and all the characters we know and love are dancing around him and I really don’t give a damn. What reason have they given for us to care? That he was semi-cool for 5 minutes as a Han Solo rip-off? The narrative is on one hand trying to push that nostalgia/the old characters are all that matter, and on the other make Jack Crusher the second coming since Merlin. Erm no.
I suppose it could be argued that Soji filled the same function in season 1 but I would argue it was different because of how the narrative placed it. Soji filled a role and the characters moved to save her, to take her home etc. but the focus of the narrative was on the federation itself, on ideology. It was on Picard getting his purpose back, on making a new life for himself. There was the found family aspect of the forging of the new crew. Yeah you could say Soji ‘drove the plot’ but the narrative focus wasn’t on Soji. Not how it is with Jack Crusher.
Season 3 has been so disparate and piecemeal. There doesn’t feel like there has been any character journeys for those characters we know and love. It’s like soundbite to nostalgia scene, shiny special effect mixed with a plot that fails to make sense.
I did like that Deanna got to use her abilities. About time she actually got to do something. But I don’t think opening the door that evil lurks behind is a good idea. I mean won’t that let it out? Are they ever going to explain how this door thing/telepathy exists in a human like Jack? Because he is special for plot is not a reason I accept.
And then Data /sigh. That was a cool sequence I admit with the memories and Brent Spiner acted the hell out of it. But I don’t know. So much focus on Data. Although as I said to someone, it’s not actually lack of screentime that’s the issue, it’s what they are doing with it. Showing Jack Crusher cry for the 20th time is a waste of film. The plot itself is also very… this feels like a feature film that has been stretched to 10 hours. It doesn’t have the feeling of the character moments that makes a TV Show. The focus is on the ‘big stuff’ but that’s not what I watch TV for. If I want the big set pieces I would watch a movie.
Oh and one last thing (though I have probably forgotten things) I am not immune to visuals. Seeing them all around the briefing room table again sure was something. For me it wasn’t worth screwing over pretty much every character (and especially ones not in that room) but it was very nostalgic.
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lightningflash55 · 2 years
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supercap2319 · 3 years
The Prince and The Fairy chapter 8
Pairing: Sky x Male Reader
A/N: For any Stella fans reading this. I apologize for making her the mean girl of this story.
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“Maybe we continue this in the dorms,” Sky said in between kisses. The two boys had been making out for a good 15 minutes and the sun was starting to go down.
Y/N wanted nothing more than to go back to the dorms with Sky, but he had something to take care of. He reluctantly pulled away from Sky’s lips; his cheeks red with heat. “Wish I could, Blue eyes, but there's something I have to do first.” Sky raised an eyebrow. “Oh, and what’s that?”
“School assignment,” Y/N said. Technically, it wasn't a lie since it was an assignment that Y/N failed to pass. “Maybe I should come with you,” Sky suggested. “That's okay. I won't be long, I promise.” Sky looked at Y/N then nodded his head, “Okay, then I'll see you back at the dorms later than.” Y/N smiled. “See later, Blue eyes,” he said, placing another kiss on Sky's lips.
Y/N walked the same path he had this morning when he followed all the other students to the stone circle. If Y/N could successfully channel his magic at the vessel, then that meant he could control his powers. Y/N laid his backpack down on the ground, as he grabbed his journal and placed it on the side of the stone. Y/N placed a hand on each side of the vessel and focused. He thought of little ice sculptures, and they popped up from the vessel. Y/N smiled as he thought of the sculptures as snowflakes and, to his amazement, they transformed into snowflakes.
“I hear you're broken,” a voice says. Y/N turns around and sees Stella standing there. Great, just what he needed. More drama. “In more ways than one,” she smirks, walking towards Y/N.
“I’m still gonna help you,” Y/N tells her, hoping she’ll leave. “And I’m thrilled,” Stella says. “But I’d prefer we wait until you aren’t completely useless.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry, I’ve got it under control,” Y/N says.
“Let me guess. Clear and positive emotions, right?”
“Actually, I was thinking of love.”
“Love? Are you joking?” Stella asks “Aw!! Maybe you were thinking of the time your dad showed you how to throw a football,” she giggled.
“Mmm. Very funny.”
“Oh, wait, he's not actually your dad, is he?” Stella said.
“Excuse me?” Y/N said.
“Am I wrong? Do you still care about your not-dad, even though you're a changeling and tried to kill him?”
“If you say one more word,” Y/N starts, but Stella interrupts him.
“Or maybe you were hoping a certain blonde-haired prince would take pity on you and maybe even kiss you,” Stella said. “It's actually quite pathetic when you think about it.”
Y/N balled his fists before taking a breath. Maybe if she had told him this yesterday, he might have believed her, but not after today. Not after everything that just happened between him and Sky. Y/N smirked, a reaction that Stella wasn't expecting. “What? Do you think I'm joking?”
“Tell me, Princess. If Sky didn't like me, then why did he give me this?” Y/N pulled the pendant from underneath his shirt and showed Stella. The Princess of Solaria's eyes widened at the sight of the Pendant of Eraklyon. “Where did you get that?”
“I think we both know where I got this from.”
“It's not possible. You must have stolen it,” Stella said.
“I didn't steal anything. Sky gave it to me after it glowed.” Y/N looked at Stella. “It only glows after someone finds their true love, right?” Y/N said.
“You're lying.”
“Now who's pathetic?” he asked, grabbing his notebook and stuffing it into his bag. Y/N turned around to walk away, but stopped and turned back to Stella. “If you ever talk about my father like that again, I'll show you what Snow and ice can really do.” Snowflakes form around them, as they start forming together until they make a ball; Y/N snaps his fingers, and it expands and explodes. Stella looks on in shock as Y/N leaves the stone circle.
The next day, Y/N and Sky pushed through the door of their dorm room with Riven and the girl from Y/N’s magical class from yesterday, sitting on Riven’s bed. “Man, Magical Defense class is so boring.” Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Really? I think it's interesting. Nothing like having a class that can tell you all about the things that can kill,” Y/N said.
Sky smiled then noticed the girl close to Riven’s bed. “Hello,” he greeted. “Hi there,” Y/N said. She took a drag from Riven’s vape, then noticed she wasn't sharing. “Oh, shit, sorry.” She handed the vape out for them to take. “No, thank you,” Sky said, as Y/N shook his head no.
“Daytime? Not smart, Riv,” Sky told his best friend. Riven takes back his vape. “If Silva catches her up here–”
“Beatrix,” Beatrix says. “Not ‘her,’ Beatrix.”
“And, uh, Silva left,” Riven says. “I kinda snooped to make sure. Something about meeting up with a military detachment from Solaria. Ask your girlfriend.”
“She's not my girlfriend, Riv” Sky tells him.
“You’re dating the princess?” Beatrix chuckles. “Shit! Is it weird having sex with someone who looks just like you, or is that kind of the point?” She and Riven laugh at that.
Y/N huffs. “Hey, Riven, is it weird having sex with someone who's an even bigger bitch than Stella?” Riven gets up, but Beatrix stops him. “As far as insults go, that wasn't half bad. Congrats.”
“Thanks.” Y/N kisses Sky’s cheek, then heads to their room on the other side.
“If the Solarians are coming–”
“–Then the rumors must be true. They’ve captured a burned one. The Solarian prison is no joke. I guess they're gonna transfer it.”
“You see, the upshot is we’ve got nowhere to be,” Riven says, kissing Beatrix’s neck, as she smirks. “Speak for yourself. I'm gonna head to the library,” she says, gathering her stuff and leaves.
Sky sighs. “I don't have time to tell you all the reasons why that is a bad idea,” Sky said, indicating about Beatrix. Riven takes a drag from his vape. “Yeah, yeah. You should go check on your boyfriend.” Sky leaves Riven and Sam’s room, then heads to the one he and Y/N share.
Sky finds his boyfriend on his bed, headphones in his ears. His eyes are closed as he bops his head to the song. Sky smiles. He looks adorable. Sky walks towards him and places a quick kiss on Y/N’s lips, causing the shorter to jump back in surprise. “You scared me, Blue eyes,” he said, taking out his earbuds. We're dancing like we're dumb, dumb, d-d-d-dumb.
“Sorry, but I have something to tell you. It's about the Burned one.” Y/N immediately sits up at the mention of the creature that tried to kill him. “What's going on?” Sky sighs. “They’re transferring it to the Capital of Solaria.”
“That means Stella won't be able to get her ring back,” Y/N realized. He stood up and grabbed his red jacket. “I have to tell her.” Sky stands as well, and blocks Y/N’s path. “Wait, I thought you hated her.” Y/N shook his head. “I don't hate her. I don't like her, but that's a different story,” Y/N says. “Well, I'm coming with you. I'm not letting you guys face a Burned one alone.”
Sky changes into his specialist gear. Black leather armor over a sweater, his sword strapped to his back. Y/N frowns. “What's wrong?” Sky asks. “Nothing. You just would look better with a cape and a blue sword.”
“What, like a hero?” Sky asks.
“Exactly,” Y/N smirks.
“So, what's the plan, Army Barbie?” Aisha asked. Stella scoffs. “I'm curious. Did any of you ask Aisha to come, because I didn't?” she asked Sky and Y/N.
“I did,” Y/N told her as they walked towards the barrier. “Why?” Y/N looked at her. “She's my friend, and I thought having more people on this mission will help us succeed.”
“Who are we? The Avengers?” Stella grumbled.
“Oh, good. Everyone’s calm and collected,” Musa jokes, as she, Terra, and Sam meet up with them.
“Oh, sorry. I just needed a bit of help with the Zanbaq. We're all good now though,” Terra smiles.
“Do we know where the barn is at?”
“We do,” Sam said, as he and Terra passed through the barrier followed by Y/N, Sky, Stella, and so on. They walked deep into the forest until they came across the barn mentioned. Musa frowned as her eyes glowed purple and walked off to the right. “Musa?” Terra and Sam followed her as everyone else went towards the barn. “Ready?” Y/N asks as Sky pulls his sword from its sheath and nods his head. They pull the door up, but are shocked to find it empty. “It's not here,” Y/N says.
“They've taken it already. Look,” Aisha says. “No!” Stella cries, running towards the empty chains. “My mum’s gonna kill me.”
“Guys, we’ve got a problem,” Terra's voice says. Aisha Stella ran back out. Sky turns and looks at Y/N. “I'll be back,” he promises as he follows the girls. All is quiet for a moment until Y/N hears someone whispering his name. He follows the whispers into the woods.
Meanwhile, the others have discovered the dead bodies of older specialists. The Burned one is loose. Sky sees Silva resting against a tree. “Silva!” he rushes towards his father figure, as the older man points his sword at him, keeping him from getting closer. “Silva, it's me, Sky.” Silva's eyes are dark from the infection of the Burned one. “I know Sky, but please stay back.”
“The Burned ones cut you and you’re infected, but we're gonna help you,” Terra says gently. She uses her magic to subdue Silva's arm.
”Wait. Where’s Y/N?”
Sky's eyes widened at that. He looks around and sees that Y/N is not with them. “Y/N!” Sky is torn. He wants to go and find Y/N, but at the same time, he doesn't want to leave Silva. Sam walks towards him. “Sky, mate. We'll look after Mr. Silva, while you, Stella, and Aisha go find Y/N,” Sam says. Sky nods his head and gets up and walks back towards the barn, but finds it empty.
Y/N walks around the forest, following the voice calling his name. “Y/N! Y/N!” the voice echoes through the woods. Y/N is not sure why or who is calling his name, but there must be a reason why. He hears the sound of someone stepping on a branch and gasps. He turns around and in the distance, he can make out the silhouette of something. It's a Burned one. The creature sees Y/N, and begins racing towards him, roaring in the process. Y/N holds his hands up, defensively, as he can feel his magic radiating from them.
The creature is getting closer and Y/N’s eyes glow blue as he sends a bunch of ice spikes towards it. The Burned one smashes through the first waves of spikes and keeps charging. Y/N creates an even bigger one and impales it into the creature’s chest. It snarls and tries to wiggle free. A blast of water comes from the side and knocks the Burned one into a tree with a spiked branch poking out of it.
“You ok?” Aisha asks as Sky pushes past her towards Y/N. “Sky,” Y/N says, running towards the blonde boy hugging him. “Y/N, why’d you go running off?” Sky asked him. “I'm sorry, but I heard someone calling me and before I knew it, I was deep in the forest, when the Burned one saw me.”
“Who was calling you?” Aisha asked.
Y/N shrugged his shoulders. “No idea.” He noticed everyone wasn't with them. “Where’s everyone else?” he asked.
“Back at the barn,” Sky says. “The specialists who were transporting the creature have been killed and Silva's been injured.”
“Well, we have to get him some help, but first we need to get Stella’s ring,” Y/N says. He walks towards the Burned one, looking for the ring.
“Where is it?”
“I think it's right there. I think it stuck it inside of itself,” Y/N said, looking at the ring stuck behind the creature’s skin. Y/N tries not to gag as he pulls the ring free from the creature’s dead corpse. It has black goo on it. “I got it. Let's go.”
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ssiggss · 3 years
I made a whole AU in my head yesterday and I'm debating whether or not to invest in it but chances are, knowing me, I'm gonna do it anyway-
Please ignore the absolute MESS that this is- it is completely disorganized 😭🖐
So basically I replaced the Arcane Order with my own OC I literally just made for this specific reason as the villain.
His name is Pyelan, (pronounced PIE-LAN) and he's an old god of peace- very powerful and ancient. However, he's grown corrupted and angry at humanity for the amount of needless war and death in their history.
He sees the pollution of Earth and the sickness, and takes it upon himself to fix it, having gone mad after the eons he spent alone.
The humans stopped worshipping him, that is why they have no peace, they've destroyed everything, in his mind the only option is to create a whole new Earth with a new species that would do better.
He seeks The Arcane Order, knowing who they are (having once been friends in ancient times) and means to have them open the genesis seals and wipe out humanity forever.
(I'm taking what Tobias said in the interrogation scene in ROTT and running- the bit abt The Arcane Order being the creators of everything.)
(Also, I like to think each of them had a hand in different species, Bellroc creating trolls and changelings, Skrael creating humans and goblins and Nari creating the animals of the Earth- with input from eachother of course. Though I'm still hammering out the details)
In this AU, The Arcane Order do not hate humanity, are more so disappointed and eager to fix the imbalance so humanity and all beings could return to their lives.
They understood his plight, but told him that because they created humans, they would find a way to restore balance without killing them off.
This throws him into a vengeful rage- could they not see that their humans have failed them? Could they not see the damage humanity has done to their planet?
If the gods who created this world were too stupid to see the truth and fix it themselves, then he would do it.
During an opportune moment, Pyelan steals Nari away and holds her hostage- this is where The Arcane Order enlists the help of their old friend's apprentice, Hisirdoux Casperan.
Douxie involves the Trollhunter and his merry band of armored children and various peoples, and there ensues many scenes of Bellroc and Skrael interacting with everyone.
So Pyelan pretends to be remorseful, tells them to meet them at the roundhouse to return Nari to them.
Obviously its a trick, but he still manages to gain control over all three of them and releases the titans- now its up to Jim and everyone else to save creation, and the creators.
Steve does NOT get pregnant but instead, the 'seventh kiss' is an engagement, meaning he would become king- a huge responsibility he's not sure he can fulfill. (Possible subplot about Steve gaining true confidence in himself and a tear-jerking scene where he looks up at the sky and hopes his mentor is proud of him after the final battle.)
Claire, Douxie, Archie, his father and Blinky still go to find the Khronosphere- it was Bellroc who told them to find it this time, their last words before they succumbed to Pyelan's mind control.
Archie chooses to stay with Douxie, there would be a heart wrenching scene where he and his father says quick goodbyes as the wall seals.
"Take care of eachother," he says, "I love you, son."
Varvatos still comes down in the bigass robot, but this time he has a co-pilot and its Zadra.
They actually manage to take Bellroc down, and Jim insists on going up and talking to Bellroc in hopes of breaking Pyelan's control.
"Is this what you truly want? C'mon!" he says as he battles against them upon crumbling molten rock. "You are who you make yourself, don't let him think for you!"
Bellroc is freed from Pyelan's control, discovers that they had been tricked by Pyelan and that Skrael and Nari were still in danger- they go ballistic.
Zoe's called in by Douxie to aid them, and she and Krel pair up as the designated tech nerds and they get a whole scene with some crazy cool akiridion tech/mechromancer wizard shit that frees Skrael from Pyelan's control- two down, one to go.
Claire is ofc a badass, portals Bellroc's titan to Arcadia and then shit really hits the fan.
In this AU, Toby and Steve fight alongside Jim against Pyelan, Strickler doesn't die but instead tends to a severely wounded Nomura with Barbara.
Pyelan uses Nari and her titan against the other two, Bellroc and Skrael are trying desperately to not hurt her too badly, but its not going so well.
Varvatos and Zadra's robot goes down against Pyelan, who ends up fighting Jim, Toby and Steve directly.
Instead of Toby dying, Jim sacrifices himself one last time as the Trollhunter, defeating Pyelan but taking himself along in the process.
This prompts everyone else to make a unanimous decision to use the Khronoshpere to save Jim.
The Trollhunter has saved countless lives, and now its their turn to save the Trollhunter.
Rewinding back to when Pyelan first set the trap for Bellroc and Skrael, they defeat him much much quicker this time.
Everyone knows what his next move will be as they all retained their memories, and Jim is safe.
The balance is slowly but surely fixing itself as time goes on, The Arcane Order are dedicated and often visit Arcadia to take breaks or to enlist help for certain missions.
Steve becomes king, ruling alongside Aja and later in their adulthood, they have children. (with much better designs)
Barbara and Strickler get married, and later so do Claire and Jim, and when I tell you that wedding was a sight to behold.
Toby is much more confident in himself, and is known all throughout Arcadia as a hero, The Trollhunters partner- Keeper of Peace.
"I'll do a much better job than the last guy, trust me."
All in all theres lots of things I gotta figure out for this AU, but its purely for self-indulgence because I can't stand the ending of ROTT. And also I was told all headcanons are canon now so I am doing what I must
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dragonthewriter · 3 years
Six Months Later
Six Months. That’s how long it had been. Of course, that wasn’t how long it was supposed to take, Beast Boy had original said he was going to be gone “A month, month and a half at most. Just need to get in tune with my animal nature.” As puberty began to hit him, and rather late, he was starting to show signs of his animal sides taking more control, and even he had to admit it was making him a liability. So he headed off, taking his part of the T-ship. 
Raven had kept in contact with him. All the Titans did, but Raven was the only one who did everyday. A trend noticed by everyone excluding the empath herself. Their nighttime chats had often run so long, Raven would wake up to her communicator still out and still on. The first few times, Raven would apologize the next time they spoke, only for Beast Boy to tell it was fine. He wasn’t about to tell her how cute it was to hear her yawn and snore softly.
He started by heading to Africa, where he was raised. He had stayed with the tribe his parents had befriended, and who had taken him after his parents died and before the Doom Patrol showed up. He would tell her stories of going on hunts with the other men in the tribe. Even with his vegan sensibilities, he understood it was their way of life, and could respect that they took great care in only hunting for what they needed. It was around this time, she noticed his voice cracking a bit.
After two weeks there, he moved on, traveling to every biome on the planet he could reach. The arctic, deep in the amazon rainforest, the arid desert. He would regale Raven with what forms he learned, what unique things he gleaned from his time in their shapes. As it felt he had crossed off every location on his list, he told he was planning on coming home. “Just a week with the Doom Patrol, and I’ll be back in Jump City.”
But things kept coming up. At the six week mark, Mento fell sick, and he wanted to be there until his adoptive father felt better. The disease took longer to overcome than expected, and in that time, the Brotherhood had made a move in France. With Mento still down, Beast Boy joined the Patrol in their mission. Most of their time was just playing recon, Beast Boy and Negative Man doing the work of trying to track down their enemy. 
When he wasn’t flying over the city, he was keeping in touch, talking when he could, texting when he couldn’t. After two weeks, Raven awoke to one last message. “Found Base, Going dark. I’ll message you.” The three days before she heard anything felt like the longest in her life.
Then she got his call. At first, she didn’t recognize his voice, puberty definitely coming hard for the changeling. His voice has already gotten past the random breaking and was deeper. She heard him tell about how the Brotherhood were all back in prison but she wasn’t listening, focusing less on what he was saying and how he was saying it. His regular scrawny form did not match the voice he now spoke with. 
A week after returning from France, Mento was given the all clear, and Beast Boy was sent to return home… Until the Titans East had a problem and needed back up. Since Midway City was closer to Steel City, Beast Boy made the journey. 
A group of rather B-list villains had made trouble for the East team, and an extra Titan was enough to begin balancing the scales in their favor. Raven and Beast Boy’s nightly chats remained, now the empath hearing how he had stopped Johnny Rancid by himself, and other exploits she had to wonder how much he was embellishing. 
A message she did get from Bumblebee gave Raven pause. ‘Are you dating Beast Boy?’ followed by ‘Does he have a girlfriend or is he fair game?’ Raven ended up assuming Bumblebee just wanted a rebound after her and Cyborg broke up due to distance, and her only other choices were a civilian, which always had problems, one of the twins, who were way too young, and Speedy and Aqualad, who were comfortably in a relationship with each other. 
Raven did begin to suspect something though, when Kitten used her one phone call after Titans East arrested her to ask Raven if ‘it was open season on the green guy, or do I have to fight another one of you titans for the privilege?’
Once all villains were in prison, and Titans East released Beast Boy from their service, he was finally on his way home.
Until a storm hit his ship and he crashed just outside of Gotham. A quick phone call to his mentor, and Robin secured a place for Beast Boy to crash at Wayne manor, and the use of the Batcave to repair the T ship. Of course with the watchful eyes of Alfred using schematics from Cyborg to make sure he did everything properly. 
Just a day shy of the six month mark, his ship was airborne and headed back to Jump. Raven decided to use the couple of hours of flight time to mediate before their reunion, figuring six months apart had lower her defenses to Beast Boy’s abrasive personality. On the phone was one thing, but in person was a whole different thing. 
On her way, Robin stopped her, and said Alfred wanted to forward a message to her. “Tell Miss Raven that Master Garfield was quite eager to discuss her at length, and is quite fond of her. Also, if she enjoys tea as much as he says she does, I would love to have her try my own, as it would be nice to have a hero who actually appreciates it come by for a cup or two at some point.” Being the two more emotional stunted titans, neither truly grasped the message, focusing more on the tea portion.
“Really,” Cyborg asked. “No more vegan?”
“No, i’m still preferring to stick to that diet, but there were times I didn’t have the luxury. When in rome and all that.”
“So you don’t want to join us at the next Bbq and…
“Friend Raven!”
Raven barely noticed Starfire call out her name. She had entered the common room to greet Beast Boy, but stopped when she saw him in-between Cyborg and Starfire. Half a year ago, he barely came up to Cybrog’s waist, but now he was just about as tall as Starfire. His body was much more filled out, as well. While he wouldn’t been at Superman level of muscle, he was far past the almost stick figure he had been when leaving. 
And then there was the hair…
It was long, coming down past his jawline on the side of his face, the rest gathered into a ponytail behind his head. With the way his head had been turned, she couldn’t see his face, but when Starfire called out her name, he turned to her.
His eyes sparkled when he saw her. There were still that familiar shade of green, but something in them shined, and Raven noticed his pupils were more cat like. 
Even his face was different. Baby fat cheeks had become chiseled features, and his snaggletooth fang had found a home inside his mouth. But when he smiled at the sight of her, she could see the fangs were only sharper and longer.
And framing either side of his face was that hair. Raven was already back on it, unable to get past seeing it like that. 
“Come over, and say hi to the new Beast Boy,” Cyborg said, patting him on the back. Raven floated over to them, as Cyborg continued. “Notice anything different?”
Raven was never one for being at a loss for words. Even when she answered with silence, it was always clear to the listener, that it was planned. Yet here she was, unable to speak for a moment. 
“You hair,” she muttered out, making Beast Boy blush.
“Wow, I’m like a foot and 3/4 taller and you notice my hair first?” He brought a hand up to his head. “Yeah I never had a chance to get it cut, but first thing in the morning…”
“Don’t!” Raven said too quickly for even her own obliviousness to overcome. Everyone was now staring at her, Beast Boy’s transformation forgotten for her reaction to it. “I mean, you shouldn’t. It looks nice like that.”
It seemed to make Beast Boy relax, but Cyborg and Starfire just gave her a look.
“Well, if you think it looks good, I’ll keep it,” he said, giving her another warm smile that made Raven feel a bit weak in the knees. She could hear the words relay to her by the Batman’s butler. ‘Quite fond of her.’ Raven saw his eyes sparkle once more. 
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader)
Warnings: None 
Word count: 1.4k
Prompt : So this just came to me after wanting so many Winx fics, Y/N is found in the woods by Silva, she’s a changeling like Bloom but she has multiple powers, he takes her back to Alfea where she will start her journey with the other students, however the time spent with Silva leads them to get attached to each other etc...... it’s gonna be a series.
He had found you in the woods, crying, alone, next to a Burned one. A dead Burned one. That’s how your story started. Alfea was next on the list. 
When Silva had found you, you were a runaway, no family left, no place to call home, a human… well he thought. Until you told him your “Magic powers” killed someone. The someone, being the Burned one. The powers, meaning you were a fairy who had been brought up in the mortal realm just like Bloom, but obviously you didn’t know that. To you, fairies were things of myths and legends, little girls bedtime stories. 
That was a couple of months ago, just before school had started. After Silva had taken you to headmistress Dowling, she was shocked to learn there was another Changeling on earth, learning about your background, no family, no where to go, she offered you a place at the prestigious school for Fairies and you agreed, wanting to know how to use your abilities and more about where you came from. Part of you knew that even if you had said no, Farah wouldn’t have let you leave, having multiple powers wasn’t usual, at least it hadn’t been heard of in hundreds of years, she basically said she’d keep an eye on you. 
Luckily for you, you got to grips with the place before all of the other students filtered back in for the new school year. You’d been put into a room that you would eventually share with 5 other girls, apparently one of them was a princess? You’d think being there before everyone else would be a little boring, but it wasn’t, you had Silva. 
Since he found you that day in the woods you’d become pretty close, actually, really close. You confided in him when ever you needed someone to talk to and he even started giving you lessons on how to fight, hand to hand combat was never something a fairy needed to do, that’s what your powers were for, but he had promised that it wouldn’t hurt to learn a few nifty tricks. Between training with him, you’d also met Tara, one of the girls you’d be sharing a room with. She’d arrived early with her brother and dad. Her dad being one of the professors at the school. You got on like a house on fire, she quickly became your friend much to Silva’s annoyance, it meant that you spent less time with him, but he didn’t let you know that.
Tara knew everything there was to know about you. Where you’d been raised, about your past non-existent family life, the day you realised you had powers, multiple powers, and then the day Silva found your crying over a mound of burned flesh. You told her about the time you’d been spending with Silva, the lessons he’d been giving you, and it didn’t take her long to figure out just how much you liked him. She was all for it, even though there was a huge age gap. “The heart wants what it want’s, and to be honest, I think he likes you back.” That’s all she had to say on the matter. Did he? Did he like you back that way? 
It was the day before everyone was due to arrive at the school. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You’d heard that there would be another girl from earth arriving too, so at least you weren’t the only one people would look at like a freak. You’d been having lessons with Headmistress Dowling, she was helping you practise and explore all of the abilities you had before you were thrust into classes, hopefully that would help you seem a little more ‘Normal.’
Also, you now knew Sky. Silva had introduced you one day when you were having your lesson with him. He was practically his son, which… was a little weird considering Sky was the same age as you, but it didn’t matter in the long run. You hadn’t known Sky long, but you knew that you would get on just like you did with Tara.
It kind of bummed you out that today would be the last day you’d get to train with Silva. He’d have to go back to being the strict soldier of a man he was, a teacher… your teacher.. long gone would be the carefree happy man you joked and messed around with openly when no one was around. It didn’t surprise you when you saw him angrily hacking away at a wooden dummy with his sword as you approached the outdoor training area. You frowned, maybe he was feeling as bummed out as you were. Or maybe you were deluded and his anger had nothing to do with you and the fact that you’d both have to stop spending as much personal time together.
“Oi, what did that dummy ever do to you hu?” You laughed as you sauntered over to the make shift arena. He looked up, his forehead beading with sweat, smiling at you as you approached. It was a smile that didn’t reach his eyes like it usually did when you greeted him. Yup something is defiantly wrong. 
“Saul, what’s wrong.” He sighed and put down his weapon, leaning it against the now lop-sided dummy. He came over to you, putting his hands on your arms in a comforting way, something he did often. He liked to be close, touchy feely, it relaxed him. 
“Well for one darling, you’re going to have to get used to calling me Mr Silva and not by my first name, and two, I’m annoyed that things will have to change when tomorrow comes. You won’t be around as much, i’ll be training the future of the army…” His thoughts wondered off, his hands still lingering at your sides. It confused you a little, you knew that you were miffed, but it was unusual for Saul to show his emotions so openly. Maybe you hadn’t realised how much he liked spending time with you. It gave you butterflies. In his daze, you moved his arms so they were more at your side, then moved in wrapping your arms around him in a hug. Your cheek pressed firmly against his chest. For a minute he was still, then he leant into it, his large arms coming around you and his chin resting on the top of your head. “Y/N, you know this is wrong right? If you feel anything like how I feel then it’s wrong.” He sighed and hugged you tighter. That confirmed it, he DID like you as much as you liked him. But to you it wasn’t wrong, and you knew he didn’t actually feel that way either. It was just wrong by societies standards. You didn’t care. 
“No one has to know Saul, it’s no one else’s business okay?” He looked down at you sadly. You didn’t like the way he looked at you. You had a feeling, you knew what was coming next.
“Y/N, we can’t be together. Not while you’re a student and i’m a teacher. It goes against so many rules here..” Tears were pooling in your eyes, before they could drop, you felt Silva’s soft rosey lips collect them, kissing your face tenderly. “Please don’t cry darling, you know how I feel about you, but it can’t work, it won’t work…. by the end of the week, you’ll think of me as nothing less than just another one of your teachers.” This couldn’t be how the two months of you being with each other every single day ended, finally letting each other know how you feel and ending up with this outcome. It wasn’t fair. Life wasn’t fair. You wouldn’t stand there and beg though. One thing Silva had taught you was how to be stronger, since being found that day in the woods to now, you’d grown immensely, you weren’t as weak as you used to be. 
“Fine, whatever you want Saul. But you also know how I feel about you and it isn’t going to change.” With all the confidence you could muster, you stood on your tip toes and looked him in the eyes, his grip on your waist tightened and you leant in, lightly taking the back of his head, your fingers dancing softly at the nape of his neck, and you kissed him with everything you had in you. They say when you meet your soulmate, you’ll see sparks fly, fireworks erupt, feel like you were floating. You didn’t have any of those. You had all of them and then some, when you opened your eyes you knew he’d felt it too. 
But that’s where you left him, standing with his mouth slightly slack, staring at your retreating figure, the sky opened up, only to start crying with you. 
Please let me know what you think, as per usual if you want to be tagged let me knowwww in the comments. Please please reblog and like, follow etc.... I plan on making this into a series, because I love like magical, powers, forbidden love kinda shizzzzz <3 
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I love all your work so much and I saw that you were going to be taking a break from your Bachelor universe so I wanted to throw some prompts your way to maybe help get some other creative juices flowing *waggles eyebrows*
1) switched at birth AU
2) Everyone already knows their dating AU
3) Law and Order (SVU AU)
4) you’ve got mail AU
Thank you anon, I'm glad you like my writing!
Now that I've finished my Bach fic, I've been at a bit of a loss what I want to do next. Maybe it's because I'm all out of new ideas, maybe it's because work has been absolutely hectic, but my creative brain is completely empty. So I figured, why not try to do one of these prompts?
Here's the thing: I have never seen SVU or You've Got Mail. And I'm pretty sure Switched at Birth is also a TV show I have never seen? When I saw "everyone already knows" my immediate thought was "oh! like in Friends!" but then I remembered I have absolutely read that fic somewhere?? Like someone already wrote that for Jonsa. (I tried to find it again but have had no luck.)
So I chose switched at birth as a concept - I'm not sure if you meant the TV show or not, but I just wrote whatever popped into my brain.
A warning: this turned out a bit more angsty than I intended, and isn't necessarily Jonsa? It is if you squint. A few other notes, Alayne is a completely separate person from Sansa, Lysa is not related to Catelyn, and Baelish never knew Catelyn either. Sorry if it's confusing and/or not at all what you were looking for!
Sansa feels as if the world has dropped out from beneath her.
They all sit in the drawing room of what she can only describe as a mansion (and she knows that next to her, Father is likely seething. This is the kind of money he aspires to, but will never be able to reach. He will never have a name. Father is a Baelish, he could never be a Stark.)
She stares at the family sitting opposite and her heart sticks in her throat at the sight of them – the mother, the three sons, they all have the same copper hair that she does and she swallows against the rising tears.
This is what she could have had, she thinks as she averts her eyes, but she only manages to catch sight of the family portrait above the mantel. A father, a mother, siblings. She could have had all of this, if not for the slip-up of an overworked, underpaid nurse sixteen years ago. She could have been Alayne Stark. Instead she is Sansa Baelish.
Switched at birth.
Alayne sits with her family (that should be Sansa's family), and she doesn't look as out of place as she should. Her dark hair matches Mr. Stark's – matches the other daughter, Arya. Alayne fits right in.
Sansa sits with Father (no, not her father; the man who raised her) on the opposite couch and wonders if her Mother (no, not her mother) had known, somehow. Is that why Mother had always been so cruel to her? Why she always seemed to hate Sansa for reasons she could never figure out? Perhaps Mother had known, somehow, that Sansa wasn't hers. Sansa remembers reading fairy stories of Changelings – how the mother would know, insist the child wasn't hers, how no one ever believed her. Is that why Mother threw herself off the roof all those years ago?
“Well this is fucking awkward,” the girl, Arya, mutters, and it breaks the silence as Mr. Stark sighs and presses a hand over his face and Mrs. Stark begins to scold her for her language and impropriety. Sansa watches Alayne laugh, and she feels more than ever like an intruder. She may share the Stark blood, but it seems as if Alayne and Arya are more alike than not. And by the way the brothers are trying to hide their own laughter, it seems Alayne fits in with all of them.
Perhaps it wasn't a mistake to switch them, Sansa thinks bitterly. Perhaps the Starks are better for having Alayne.
She is forced to get to know the Stark family, though she does not think she wants to. She doesn't want to look at their life and wish it could have been hers – wish that Ned Stark with his kind eyes and calm voice could have been her father. Wish that Catelyn Stark with her smiles and her freshly baked cookies could have been her mother. Wish that she could have been surrounded by siblings and dogs and even two strange psuedo-adopted-but-not-really brothers that she meets later on named Jon and Theon. The Stark household is chaotic and confusing and Sansa tells herself she would have hated growing up here.
She isn't surprised to find that she's not sad Father isn't her real father. In fact, there's a sort of joy inside her that when she turns eighteen, she can be free of him. He is still her legal guardian, the courts have decided, but she has less than two years before she is free and they aren't actually related and so she doesn't have to feel guilty about her dreams of leaving him.
It grows inside her as the weeks and months go by – a hatred she has never truly let herself feel before. She hates him, despises him. She always has.
Catelyn Stark is insistent on getting to know her because Sansa is her daughter, but Sansa can tell that Father has no real desire to get to know his own real daughter. He does not care about Alayne – no, what he cares about is ingratiating himself into the Stark family. She wonders if the Starks can see it like she can. She hopes not – she doesn't want them to think she's only coming to these weekly meetings for their money and their name.
In all honestly, she's not actually sure why she keeps coming to these meetings. All they do is remind her that the Starks will never truly be her family. All they do is highlight how much Father cares about social climbing. These meetings are painful and every week when she finally gets home and takes a shower and gets into her pajamas and climbs into bed, she sobs into her pillow for what could have been.
“You know the party's inside, right?”
Sansa startles out of her reverie and whirls around, heart pounding, to find Jon Snow standing behind her, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket.
It's Christmas and the snow is thick on the ground and she's shivering in the thin wrap that she came outside with, her coat in a closet where Mrs. Stark had taken it hours earlier.
“Are you allowed to be smoking?” she asks instead of answering and he laughs, pulling one out of the pack and placing it between his lips.
“I'm eighteen,” he shrugs, speaking around the cigarette dangling out of his mouth. His hands come up and he lights it, with one cupped around the end against the cold winter wind.
“I can't imagine Mrs. Stark approves of smoking,” she sniffs, then shakes her head no when Jon holds the pack out to her in offering. She watches his mouth twitch into a smile for a moment, like he knew she wouldn't take one, before putting the pack back in his coat pocket.
“Seems you don't approve, either.”
“Well, I am her daughter.” She says it and means it to be a joke, but the words come out soft and it wavers at the end.
Jon watches her for a moment, then unzips his coat and shrugs it off and holds it out to her and she stares at it blankly, her mind not processing the gesture. He shakes the coat, like he's insisting she take it and she finally does, slipping it on and then closing her eyes at the immediate warmth of it.
“I get it,” Jon says after a while, when he's halfway down to the filter, clouds of smoke drifting up into the night sky. “I mean, not exactly, I'm not sure there's anyone who can understand... you know-” he gestures at her. “But I get what's it's like - to be a Stark, but not. They practically raised me, but I'm not... I'll never actually be one of them.”
“I used to read fairytales,” she admits, turning her face from him because it's easier to talk into the dark, snow-covered landscape than him. “About secret princesses, and the king and queen were always so happy to have their daughter back. In the stories, there was never another princess who already took her place. Who fit in better.”
Alayne is a perfect Stark, she thinks. Over the months, she's seen it – how Alayne plays football and hockey with her brothers and sisters, makes jokes that Sansa would never. She's nothing like Sansa, who always preferred reading poetry to playing outside, with perfect manners and perfect posture. Cold and reserved. She wishes she were more like Alayne – more like a Stark.
She hears Jon sigh and take one last drag of the cigarette before he puts it out in the snow. “You're a lot like Cat, you know,” he says finally, and she feels something twist painfully in her chest. “And Bran. I mean, I don't know you that well, I guess, but...”
She shakes her head because he's wrong. She's nothing like any of the Starks (though she's not a Baelish, either). Jon sighs again, louder this time, with more annoyance.
“You are,” he insists, and she finally turns to face him again and opens her mouth to argue, but he gets there first. “You'd see it if you let yourself. If you actually tried. Cat's... Cat is trying so hard. You should see how she gets before you come over. Everyone is freaking out about it but you won't even try to get to know them. And I might not get how you feel, but Alayne? Have you even tried to talk to her?”
That painful twist in her chest tightens, it swoops down into her belly and up into her throat. “I am-”
“Like I said, I can't imagine how it feels, you know? And I'm sure it's a lot, and you're allowed to feel how you feel, but the Starks are... they want you here, I promise. But if you don't want to be, if you don't want them in your life, maybe this should all stop, cause it's hurting them and I think it's hurting you. Maybe we shouldn't be trying to force it if it's not what you want.”
Her mind is blank, she can't think of a single argument, though she wants to argue. She wants to say that Alayne hasn't tried talking to her, either. She wants to insist that she is trying, but... but she's not. Not really. She's holding herself at a distance, she's already decided she doesn't belong.
“What if they don't like me?” The words slip out of her, unbidden, her voice barely a whisper. It wavers in the dark. (Her deepest fear – that if she lets them get close to her, they'll decide she isn't worth it, that they don't want her.)
She's not sure what response she was expecting, but it's not for Jon to smile – he does, gives her a little half smile and raises his shoulders in a shrug. “I don't know you that well yet, but so far I like you just fine. And I'm not even a Stark.”
“You seem like a Stark,” she tells him, and watches something flicker across his face and she doesn't know him well enough yet to tell what it is.
“I'm not actually related,” he says, though she already knows this. “Not by blood or anything.” For a moment he brings his hand up to rub at the back of his neck and he suddenly won't look at her and she wonders if she said something wrong. “We should go back inside,” he seems to change the subject and she hesitates, but then he holds out his hand. After a moment, she takes it, and follows him back inside, out of the freezing night air and into the warmth of the house. In the distance, she can hear voices and laughter, she can smell the cinnamon and pine in the air.
She could get lost here, if she let herself.
“There you are,” Mrs. Stark looks up as they enter the kitchen, and Jon lets go of her hand. Mrs. Stark narrows her eyes at Jon, then looks at the back door, like she guesses what he was doing out there and doesn't approve.
“I'm uh...” Jon starts, looking between Mrs. Stark and her, “I should get back to the party.” Before he goes, he turns back to her and she remembers she's still in his coat and she hurriedly takes it off, feeling heat high up on her cheeks as she does. “Try,” he says, voice too low for Mrs. Stark to hear. Then he takes his coat and leaves the kitchen – leaves her in the kitchen. Alone. With Mrs. Stark.
“Are you having fun?” Mrs. Stark's voice is light, but there's something underneath, a hesitance.
“I am,” she says back, wondering if she should make some excuse and leave. Wondering if Mrs. Stark doesn't want to be here talking to her.
“I wanted to thank you for inviting me,” she blurts out, and Mrs. Stark looks at her sharply. “I had some of the pumpkin pie, it was really good.”
It's such a stupid, nonsense thing to say, but Mrs. Stark looks pleased.
“It's a family recipe,” Mrs. Stark says, and then – a bit of hesitation - “I could teach it to you, if you'd like.”
Sansa's breath catches in her throat and it takes her a moment to say, “I like baking.”
“So do I. I could never get Alayne or Arya into it.” Mrs. Stark says it with a fond smile and Sansa feels something break open inside of her and she realizes, she knows, that she wants this. She wants to know this family, she wants to be a part of it. She doesn't want to take Alayne's place, she never could, but she...
“You could teach me,” she whispers. “Sometime. I'd like that.”
“So would I,” Mrs St- her mother, says with a smile that lights up the room.
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f0xwrite · 3 years
The first of the snippets from WIPs (as promised!) I haven't been able to write since my mom passed, so I'm not sure if or when I'll ever get any of these done, but I thought I'd share some unfinished ideas!
This one is still in a dialogue-heavy format. I’ve tried to fill in context in parenthesis. For context, in this story, most of the babies that were taken from the cradlestone are being cared for by goblins at the old Janus headquarters, all overseen by Walter, but some are housed at the Lake residence.
(Douxie is walking out of a record store, humming a soft tune, when his phone rings. He answers. )
“Mr. Casperian.” Strickler's gruff voice floated out from the receiver. “I hope you don’t mind, but I got your number from Jim.”
“Uh, yeah, no it’s fine.” The wizard scratched the back of his head, raising a brow. “Who is this?”
“I’m Jim’s--an ally of the Trollhunter’s. Waltolomew Stricklander. ”
“Ah, yes, Merlin mentioned you a few times.”
“Good, then you’ll recall that I am in possession of all of the familiars—err, human children—who were formerly housed within the Darklands.”
“Oh that’s right! You’re the one with Dr. Lake. How’s that going for you?”
“Er—well, that’s the thing. It’s—we’ve run into a bit of a conundrum.”
“It would be best if you saw it in person. Do you know where Jim lives?”
“Yeah I do, actually." He scratched the back of his neck as he spoke. “What’s going on again?”
“Waaalt, it’s not just those two.”Douxie heard another voice through the receiver.
“I have to go,” Walter’s voice was grave, “Erm, the faster you can get here, the better. We need a wizard.”
“Right then, you got it.”
(Later, at the Lake residence Douxie opens the door and his jaw drops. There are babies flying everywhere, and magic spells being cast to and fro, bouncing off of every wall. In the middle of it all, a haggard Walter and Barbara are trying to reign in the chaos. Douxie inquires about the Trollhunters, who could be there in a moments notice with Claire’s shadow magic.)
“Claire, Jim, and Toby are on vacation with the Nunez’s in the mountains.” Barbara explained.
“Young Atlas needs a break. They all do,” the changeling admonished. “I know Claire could be in and out quickly, but it would be best if we didn’t interrupt them. ”
“What on earth is going on with these babies?!” Barbara yelped as she barely dodged a ball of light being thrown her way. A crash sounded from the kitchen, and with a resigned huff, she strode off to discover its source.
“They’ve been exposed to Morgana’s magic for too long,” Douxie explained. “Creatures like that, like changelings,” he gestured towards Walter, “are naturally more inclined towards magic.”
“How do we keep them under control?” Walter’s voice was desperate. “This house, and the entire Janus base will be destroyed!”
“I don’t know!” Douxie exclaimed, “I’m not used to dealing with magic users this young. I’ve never even seen it. They have no idea what they are doing.”
“You were Merlin’s protege,” Walter growled as he tried to grab two babies that had landed on his horns. “Figure it out!”
“Waaaahh!” NotEnrique screamed from another room.
“Fire! Fire! Baby on fire!” Barbara came running down the hallway towards Walter, who grabbed the child before the flames could spread up the little one’s arms to burn her.
The baby itself giggled as the flames danced around Walter’s clawed and heat-resistant fingertips, seemingly unharmed. He sighed as the charred diaper fell away.
“This is madness!” Douxie held out his arm, and in a flash of blue, put out the flame. Grimacing, he pulled his phone from his pocket, running through his list of contacts. “We need back-up!”
Diaper-less, a stream of yellow came bounding out from between the baby’s legs, promptly splashing Walter’s face.
“Ugh,” he blinked and sputtered as he tried to clear the urine away, “and here I thought Battle of Marengo was hard.”
“Buh, buh, buh--” the baby tried to imitate him as he held it at arms length.
“Hello, Zoe, lovelet, I have an address I just texted to you, can you, uh--” Douxie held the phone to his face , trying to grab a different baby's leg as it floated by, "--do you mind popping by? There's a bit of a situation."
“What situation?” came her voice from the other end
The child escaped the Wizard’s grasp, babbling gleefully while wearing a tricorne.
“Waltolomew Jr, get over here this instant!” Barbara went chasing after the baby with outstretched arms.
“It’s a bit hard to explain…” Douxie’s voice trailed off as three other babies crawled after the doctor, sparks flying out from behind their knees like toy race cars.
“It’s mutiny, I tell ya!” NotEnrique came scurrying into the room, body covered in roots and flowers. “they’ve been savin’ it all for the big day! Oi, Jazz Hands, you mind givin’ me some help here?”
“I’m a little busy at the moment.” Douxie said as he fiddled with the gauntlet. “C’mon, c’mon...” he grumbled to the mechanism. “Ah! There.”
Geometric shapes of light appeared along the floor, bursting out and upward in a cacophony of blue. The babies who were airborne dropped to the ground, and Douxie watched as Walter lunched to catch two or three with his wings.
A thud upstairs indicated that another baby had dropped, followed by a piercing wail.
“Hold this,” Barbara said, seeming to appear out of nowhere, and Douxie found himself with a sudden armful of Walt Jr. as the doctor bounded up the staircase, NotEnrique went scurrying up behind her, shedding petals and brambles in his wake.
“Ah, hello mate,” Douxie quirked a brow as he looked down to the child in his arms, “so you’re the chip off the old rock here.”
(Douxie tries to cast a few spells with some success. For a few moments, the chaos stops and all of the floating babies come back to the floor. Strickler filters back into the room.)
He heard Walter snort, and then yelp as the first baby lit itself on fire again. The children nestled in his wing began to cry at the sudden flash of light.
“I thought you put a stop to this.” Walter growled as he held the baby away again.
“There are limits to my powers,” Douxie asserted, “I’ve got the airborne babies under control, but the other one’s will take longer. “
The changeling grabbed a crystal from a pouch along his loincloth and held it to the baby’s chest, cradling the child in his arms while the others remained in his wing. He muttered something that sounded low and quick, like snapping coals, and extinguished the baby once more. Not seconds later, a different baby with bows in it’s hair shot a beam of frost towards Walter’s head, covering his hair and horns in snow. Uttering, he tried to shake it away.
“They all have different abilities,” Douxie remarked in wonder as he stepped closer to the changeling. “We have fire, frost, earth--” the lights flickered above them, “--electricity,” he added, “and who knows what else? Heaven help us if one of them is in tune with Shadowmancy.”
“Shadow magic I can deal with, to a degree,” Walter’s golden eyes fell on the boy, “I am a creature of shadow, after all. It’s the others I can’t handle.”
Douxie laughed, something wry and time-worn passing across his gaze. “You’re not made of shadow magic, pal.”
“Come again?” his wings tensed.
“You may have been exposed to it in the Darklands, but the creation of life...that requires light.”
Walter stared at him for a long moment, gaze flickering in the dim.
“Shadow magic is what Gunmar was using to create his mindless drones, you’re not that.” Douxie went on. “I may not be as all-knowing as Merlin, but I know that much.”
“Forgive me for having a hard time believing you.” A baby was pulling in his tusks. Gently, he patted it back down. “But I have known nothing else.”
“You’ll see one day,” Douxie offered pale and knowing smile. “I don’t doubt it.”
It was then that Barbara came back onto the scene, hair completely unraveled and soaked, toweling her face.
“Oh dear,” Walter quirked a brow.
“She’s in the bathtub, living it up.” Barbara sneered. “Imagine a baby with a super-soaker.” Water still dripped from her arms. “NotEnrique’s entertaining her for now. I had to change twice.”
The sound of a motorcycle entering the driveway caught their collective attention, and Barbara gave Walter a curious look.
“That’ll be Zoe,” Douxie explained as he headed for the door. The moment he opened it, the power went out, and with the sun setting, the house became shrouded with darkness.
“Fuzzbuckets,” the wizard moaned through the burbles and gurgles and wails.
(Zoe walks up, fascinated to know what the heck could be going on. There’s some light banter, then Douxie introduces them to Walter and Barbara, who are surrounded by babies.)
“Remember the Trollhunter?” Douxie gestured to the couple. “Well, these are his parents.”
Walter tensed, “Er, well, I’m not actually Jim’s--” his words trailed off when Barbara put an arm on his shoulder.
“It’s okay, honey.”
Looking between the two of them, Zoe cocked a brow. “Well, there’s a story." It was well known that changelings couldn’t reproduced and equally known that they didn’t pursue relationships with...well, anyone.
“One we don’t have time to unpack, I’m afraid.” Walter said, curling a wing into a makeshift hammock before adding three or four babies to it.
(And that’s all I had! Obviously there would have been a resolution, and I remember planning to have Steve show up at some point, but I hope you enjoyed the concept! Forgive any typos. Will post more int he next couple of days)
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t4tdexter · 3 years
house of mirrors
2.5k word mlp fanfic. dont judge me >.>
summary: rarity and twilights visit to the crystal empire is more eventful then either had hoped. somethings wrong with the castle, and more importantly, somethings wrong with shining armor...
content warnings: fear of transphobia (no actual rtansphobia bc this is the colorful horses show)
Rarity held back a whinny of delight as she trotted off the train and into the crystal empire station. Everywhere she looked she was dazzled by gleaming crystals of every color refracting rainbows on every surface while somehow remaining the farthest thing from gaudy. Starting to feel faint from excitement, she leaned on twilight's shoulder as her eyes fluttered.
“Rarity come on!” The alicorn laughed as she helped her friend upright. “We’ve hardly been in the empire for a minute! Save your fainting for the ceremony.”
The white horse perked up immediately at the reminder of what she had come here for: she was to assist Cadence and Shining Armor in the preparations for the newborn princesses presentation to the public! She cantered in place with excitement, lifting twilight's luggage with her magic and running off to their suite in the castle with twilight hot on her heels.
The suite was spacious with generous decor in simple light colors. the main focal point of the suite was the giant bay windows which cast giant swathes of warm light across the room. upon closer inspection rarity was amazed to discover that the windows were made entirely of cut crystal rather than glass. the faint color of the gemstone created a slight cast on the light coming in, giving a view of the city below that was ever so slightly tinted. this realization recontextualized the furnishing in rarities mind: it wasn't dull and plain, but simply a blank canvas for whatever the crystal windows brought in. a strange method of decor indeed. or was it a response to the material conditions of living in a house of crystal?
When the two had almost settled into their apartment, they were startled from their rest by a brisk knock at the door.
“A summons for princess twilight sparkle,” a booming voice called from behind the door. “You are needed urgently by princess mi amore cadenza for matters concerning his highness the prince.”
Worry flooded the purple alicorns features. “Urgent? Then I guess I had better go now.” She magically gathered a few items into her saddlebag and gave a parting smile to her friend as she was rushed away by royal guards.
Shocked by the suddenness of it all, rarity let out a chuff and sat squarely on her quarters. Was shining armor alright? she wanted to put her anxieties to rest, but it was plainly obvious that she hadn't been invited. would the entire trip to the empire consist of her sitting alone in her room while twilight attended to all matters of actual importance?
Trying to shake the thought from her head, rarity got up and left her room to explore the castle. It truly was extravagant, with pillars of crystal stretching to the high vaulted ceilings spreading refractions of glittering iridescence that made the whole space seem somehow both extraordinary glamorous and warm and homey. Inspiration flooded her mind as she trotted the decadently decorated halls. She just couldn’t wait to get back to her studio and put this inspiration to good use.
She was halted in her exploration when her ears picked up familiar voices talking from behind an ajar door. She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but she couldn’t help but listen in...
"-i don't know what to do twilight, he hadn't seemed this off for years, and now flurry is here and hes completely absent!"
"i don't know cadence, he hasn't said anything in his letters-"
“- all I’m saying is maybe you could get through to him! He won’t talk to me, or anypony else here. you're my last hope. maybe hell listen to his best friend”
“i've never been able to help him in one of these episodes before. if he’s not ready to talk then confronting him will only make him more defensive.”
“That’s a risk we’ll have to take. I’m worried for my husband twilight.” Rarity leaned on the door to hear better as the princesses voice dropped, “please, if not for shining armor, or for me, then for flurry heart. She deserves to have a father who can dedicate himself to her, not one who’s so preoccupied that he can hardly look after her.”
There was a sigh, then rarity heard twilight speak “very well. I’ll do this for her. Maybe that will get through to my brother.”
Sudden approaching hoofsteps started rarity out of her reverie. She stumbled backwards just in time to miss the swinging door as twilight entered the hall. “Rarity? I thought you were still in the room? Oh well, I need your help anyway." She looked over her shoulder as if to make sure they were alone. "I think somethings wrong with my brother. It's possible that one of the unreformed changelings has taken his place to try too take advantage of the upcoming love boom from flurry hearts royal presentation."
Rarity was taken aback by her friends leap of logic. "Doesn't that seem like an extreme suspicion? Having a baby is stressful enough for normal ponies, I cant imagine what kind of pressure would be on a royal prince."
"I don't know rarity, after what happened at the wedding we can't be too careful. I hope its just nerves and parental stress, but we have to expect the worse if we want to be prepared to handle it."
rarity nodded. "alright, then let's find your brother."
The two ponies galloped down the halls in search of the princes chambers. the crystal walls seemed to burn with energy, the warm cast of light from earlier having turned harsh and almost too bright. rarity wondered absently if this was a product of the changing time of day or a trick of the mind. could the walls of a castle really know how somepony felt, and shine it back at them like a diamond mirror?
a distant commotion pricked the two mares ears. "this way!" twilight called as she rounded a corner, dashing after the sound with rarity at her side.
the two skidded to a stop when they reached an open doorway from which the sound seemed to emit. with a flick of her ear twilight motioned for rarity to follow her and the two cautiously made their way into the room. twilight emitted a small light from her horn, then lit the rooms lamp once she could find it on the wall. with the room lit rarity immediately got an impression of drabness and depression, the tightly draped windows letting in no light and the gemstone walls shining the same dim echo back and forth across the space, almost seeming to beg for the light to go out again.
twilight gestured with her chin to the curtained bed at the center of the room, grabbing one edge of the curtain with her magic and indicating for rarity to take hold of the other. once the unicorn had secured the curtain, twilight gave a sharp nod and both ponies tugged their curtain aside, revealing a stallion-sized lump that spectacularly failed to live up to either mares fearful imagination.
the blue-maned unicorn sat up at once, alarmed by the sudden intrusion. he seemed to calm down slightly when he recognized his sister, but he remained guarded. "twily? rarity? what are you two doing in my private chambers?"
"well to be fair," rarity gestured back at the entrance, "you did leave your door open."
"cadence must have done that when she left." shining armor gruffed. "that doesn't answer my question though: what are you doing here?"
twilight stepped forward with a cautious expression, ready to fight if this really was a changeling. "were just here to check up on you, see how youre handling the upcoming princess presentation" it was clear that twilight was being reserved with her supposed brother.
then, shining armors eyes met hers, and her suspicion evaporated. that peculiar sadness that had haunted her brother in her young filliehood, then she had thought he'd escaped when he found happiness in cadences arms, was burning hot tears from shining armors eyes. she had never seen a pain like that before or since. if there was anything twilight was certain of, it was that this pony was the same one she had known her whole life. but the question still lingered, was he the real shining?
completely without her permission, tears began to well in twilight's eyes. "oh shinning, whats happened to you?"
her brother choked on a sob. "I'm sorry twily, you were never supposed to see me like this. no one was. i should be able to hold it together for you... for cadence... for my daughter..."
"shining nopony wants you to hide any part of you! we want to know when you're hurting so we can help. i had thought you'd healed from whatever's causing this pain but it seems to be back and i wont let you hide it from me this time!" the purple alicorn sniffled as tears streaked down her muzzle. "please shining, tell me whats wrong."
The stallion nervously rubbed his hooves together and cast his gaze to the ground. "i don't even know where to start."
"the beginning," twilight proposed. "i want to know everything. you cant heal until you let your wounds be seen."
shining nodded and took a deep breath, "its just that, when you were a fillie, everyone expected me to be the perfect big brother, and i never measured up to that expectation. it was like being thrown into the ocean with no idea how to swim, and everypony kept insisting that i was a fish and i should know how, but i didn't. then in the royal guard it didn't matter how i felt as long as i followed orders and played the role, so that's what i did. i don't know if it actually quieted the pain or just forced me to ignore it, but for a few years i thought maybe i could live with it. cadence was the only pony i've ever met who could make that noise in my brain silent; with her it didn't matter if I wasn't brother enough fro you or stallion enough for the military. i was always enough for her, no questions asked. i was so happy when we got married that i could almost forget about that feeling, telling myself it was a phase i'd outgrown. but now with flurry heart, all that anxiety is back. its like no matter what i do ill never be able to be a good father for her. i love her more than anything, id do anything for her, but it isn't enough. i'm not enough." the white unicorns neck gave way as he succumbed to quiet sobs, his once proud chin quivering and brushing his chest.
"shining... i..." twilight was speechless. what could be said? her brothers pain went far beyond anything she knew how to mend. at that moment being the princess of friendship meant nothing; she couldn't even move herself to speak in the face of her first best friends deep sorrow.
"i hope im not overstepping here," a timid voice chimed in, startling both siblings as rarity cleared her throat. "but i think i may have an idea as to the source and solution of your distress."
"rarity?" shining choked, "how could you possibly know how i feel?"
the mare nervously flicked her mane with an idle hoof. "there's a lot you don't know about me." turning to twilight, she asked "would it be alright if the prince and i could have a moment alone?"
Twilight nodded and bowed out of the room, and the two remaining ponies listened to her hoofbeats echo down and again further down the labyrinthine crystal hallway, which now seemed to glitter coldly like a sterile knife where it once had gleamed so warmly. rarity shivered at the thought of living in a place like this, which could transform before your eyes depending only on ones own emotion. that was, she mused, the property of crystal. it created nothing, only reflecting what was cast onto it. in a dimly lit cave the finest diamond was often mistaken by novices for a common quartz, but at the heart of a kingdom built on a foundation of admiration it gleamed on every surface like the morning dew on a freshly budded rose. this castle wasn't a cold cage or a warm embrace, it was an endless hall of mirrors, each perfectly angled to show you the deepest darkest crevice of your heart.
"i understand why it tortures you to live here." rarity whispered. "each surface gleams to a pristine chrome finish, yet the face it reflects is fundamentally and inconceivably wrong."
shining armor appeared startled, "that's exactly how it feels. how do you know? is it that obvious how miserable i am?
the mare shook her head, "only to those who have felt the same misery. shining armor, i once lived the same life as you, albeit in a much more drab estate. I felt that at every turn i failed at the very task of existing as myself, my relationships suffered because it pained me to view myself as a part of them. mirrors became my enemy because i couldn't face the pony looking back at me. the stallion looking back at me."
a small gasp escaped the taller unicorns lips "what-"
"think about it shining," rarity pleaded shakily, " everything you cant stand to be: brother, father, soldier, prince. they all have one thing in common." tears welled in her eyes and choked her throat "you cant run from it shining. it never stops. you only make yourself more and more miserable. you can cover as many mirrors as you like but eventually you're going to look around and realize that you're still the same pony you hated, standing alone in complete darkness."
something clicked behind the other ponys eyes. "no, it cant be... what about cadence? flurry? twilight? i cant throw all of them away because i have some twisted dream of living as a-"
"-you're not sick shining. maybe a bit different, but there's nothing wrong with you. you'll find that the friends worth keeping don't care at all. they're suffering by watching you suffer; freeing yourself will only free them too."
"i have no idea where to even start though. aren't i a bit too old for this?" shinings eyes were wide and scared.
"i would love to personally see to all the aesthetic changes you wish for, if you'll have me. you really couldn't ask for a more qualified personal stylist. and as for the social shift, you've got the princesses of love and friendship in your corner."
"but that's just it: they're not in my corner. they may as well be on the other side of equestria, or a gaping cavern. how can i even know that they'll still see me as me?"
"i know how scary it is, especially in the early days, but i can personally account for twilights acceptance. and as for cadence, i'm pretty sure they don't go around giving titles like the princess of love to ponies who cant accept others for something so harmless as gender." her smile faded and her face grew a bit serious "i can be there with you if you want. like i said, i know how scary it is." she placed a hoof on top of the other mares own.
She smiled. "I think id like that."
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Bbrae week day 3 Starry Nights
(A/N I am an astrology hoe and that is the entire basis for this fanfiction. This is based on Gar’s actual birth chart based on his canon birthday. I can reveal his whole chart later and explain what it means if there’s interest. Also enjoy the brief lesson on astrology.)
“I don’t care what you have to say about that, Gar. I refuse to believe you,” 
Garfield trailed behind Raven on the way to her room several paces in front of him, “What did I even say that was so unbelievable?” 
Raven scoffed and turned to him so sharply that he almost ran into her, “There is no way in all the nine circles of hell, that you are a scorpio.” 
Gar threw up his hands in frustration and confusion, “What?! Yes I am! Why is that such an incredible thing to you?”
“Because Beast Boy, I’m a scorpio. A scorpio, you are not. You have to be mistaken, when’s your birthday?” 
“November 12th.” 
Raven’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “Are you sure?” 
“About my own birthday?” Gar scoffed, “Yeah Rae, I’m pretty sure.” 
“OK, so you are a scorpio...you sure don’t act like it...what’s your moon sign?” 
“My what?” 
Raven sighed, “We’re just gonna have to do your whole birth chart, I need to get to the bottom of this. You have to have Aries or Leo or something in your big six or else you’re just a total enigma.” 
“You just said a whole lot of words that make absolutely no sense to me, but whatever you say Raven.” 
Raven continued her brisk pace to her room while Gar stared after her, she instinctively punched in the code and stood in the open doorway turning to look back at Gar. 
“Gar, come on.” 
The changeling balked at the sudden invitation, “You’re room? As in, YOU’RE room?” 
“All of my books on astrology are in here and there’s too many to bring out in the common area, so you might as well come in, but DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING!” 
“Oh trust me, after accidentally being sucked into your mind a few years ago, I’m too scared to,” he said, stiffly entering the room and taking a tentative seat on the floor. 
After a short interview about the year, time and place of his birth, Raven got to work sketching out a circle with several connecting lines and symbols that seemed to mean something to her. 
Gar looked over her shoulder in curiosity as his warm breath grazed her cheek. Raven shuddered at the sudden intimacy of the moment but Gar was too transfixed on Raven’s work to notice. 
“So what is that?” 
Raven continued sketching without looking up, “It’s your birth chart, essentially it’s a map of the stars and planets and where they were at the time of your birth.” 
“Ah, right, makes sense. You really take this astrology stuff pretty seriously huh?” 
“I have to,” Raven said, connecting another line in the circle. 
“How come?” 
“How do you think they foretold the prophecy?” 
“So wait, your birth chart is just…” 
“It shows who you are and what is going to happen in your lifetime, but foretelling the future through astrology means getting into the houses and I don’t have enough training in that area to give you accurate predictions.” 
“So if not to tell the future then why are we doing this?” 
“To figure you out, and why you are the way you are.” 
The tone in the room shifted and Gar's mouth spread wide in a mischievous grin. He leaned forward, and whispered in Raven’s ear, his hot breath tickling her neck, “And why do you want to figure me out so badly?” 
Raven dropped the pen in her hand as her face went crimson and goosebumps appeared all over her body. With a shaky hand, she palmed the changeling’s face and effectively pushed him away from her, knocking him back on his butt. “Cut it out! I’m trying to work!” her voice cracked. 
Raven picked up the pen and finished the last few lines of the chart and stood back to admire her work. 
“Ok that makes a little more sense, but also raises many more questions.” 
Gar looked back over her shoulder, the chart still not making any sense to him, and then leaned back resting on his elbows. “Alright then, lay it on me mama. Explain me to me.” 
Raven glared at the man on her floor, “How many times have I told you not to call me that?” Raven rolled her eyes knowing it was a lost cause. “I’m just going to explain your big six to you, these are the most powerful planets in your chart and sort of explain your personality.” 
Raven cracked open one of her astrology books to reference and began, 
“Starting with your ascendent sign, also known as your rising sign, this dictates how you present yourself to the world. Your rising sign is in Aries is in which makes much more sense for you.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“Aries is considered the child of the zodiac, explaining why you come off as so immature.” 
“Hey! I’m not that immature” sticking his tongue out in Raven’s direction. 
Raven cocked an eyebrow at the changeling, “Only further proving my point…next is your sun in scorpio. Your sun sign is the lens through which you see the world, so you see the world as a scorpio. Scorpio’s are known for being secretive, they tend to come with a lot of trauma and um...a high sex drive…” Raven’s face colored at the last statement. 
Gar smirked flirtatiously , “Hey Rae, didn’t you say you were also a scorpio?” 
Raven’s voice cracked again, as she continued, “MOving on to your moon in sagittarius…” 
Gar rolled his eyes and rested his cheek on his fist, she was taking all the fun out of his game. 
“The moon marks emotions and one’s true self, who you are way deep down. Your moon being in sagittarius means you’re a natural optimist, probably outdoorsy, but irresponsible.” 
“Yeah that sounds about right for me.” 
“Next is your mercury, which marks communication skills. Your mercury is also in scorpio..” 
“Which means I talk sexy too!” 
Raven rolled her eyes in annoyance, “Can you get off the sex thing?” she grumbled.  
“Trust me Rae, there’s nothing more I’d like to do right now than get off.” 
Raven pinched the bridge of her nose, she was really starting to regret inviting him into her room. 
“Mercury in Scorpio, means you’re more observant than you make it seem, and people tend to come to you to talk about their problems, also you love to talk...and talk and talk..” She grumbled. 
“What is this, the roast of Garfield Logan?” 
“That’s essentially what a birth chart reading is. Next is your venus, that marks how you love or what kind of partner you would be in a relationshi-” Raven paused looking at his venus on his birth chart. 
“What’s wrong? Does it say I suck as a boyfriend?” 
“No actually, quite the opposite. You have one of the best placements for your venus. Your Venus is in libra. Um, that means you’d essentially make a really great boyfriend.” 
Gar wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at Raven, “I don’t know Rae, the stars don't lie..” 
“Are you trying to get kicked out?” Raven glowered. 
“No ma’am, I’ll behave!” Beast Boy looked up at her sheepishly. 
“Ok, last but not least, we have your mars also being in Aries. Mars marks desire for action and physical energy.” 
Raven looked at him expectantly but Garfield had bit his lip to keep whatever disgusting remark he had inside his head. ‘So he can learn,’ Raven thought to herself. 
“Good boy” Raven praised him for his restraint. 
It was now his turn to blush, “Listen, I’m not gonna be able to hold my remarks back if you’re going to sit here and turn me on!” 
Raven rubbed her temples in annoyance, “and you were doing so well, too…your mars in Aries means you’re impulsive, you get mad quickly but you also get over it quickly, and you’re very energetic.” 
Gar quietly grumbled more sexual innuendo to himself and Raven had just about enough.
“Alright, get out. I should’ve never brought you in here, you’re driving me crazy.” 
Gar lazily stretched and got up seeing himself out of Raven’s room, he paused at the open doorway and turned to his teammate. 
“I don’t know Rae, all I heard was that I’d be great at sex and make a great boyfriend,” he lightly booped her on the nose, “So that’s just something for you to think about,” he said with a wink. 
“GET OUT!” Raven’s eyes went red with her anger as the changeling scurried away. 
Raven’s door slid shut with a hiss as she threw her astrology book in a huff as color flooded her face a third time. She hated when he was right.  
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
HI! Campaign 2 owns my soul and I love your work! Could you do a parental one with Fjord adopting a changling that copied one of the party members??
A Mask of Many Faces
Fjord & Child!Changling!Reader
Masking ones identity as someone else was just a way of life, your way of life to be specific, and you used it for any and every advantage you’d get, but you never would’ve guessed it'd lead to a new kinda change that would turn you life around.
Wandering the market you wanted to make yourself look unsuspecting and more mature so you shifted your form to look like a male dwarf you’ve once seen passing through, being extra careful around the town guard knowing the punishment if they ever caught you. As you look around you see some new faces browsing the different shops and stalls and curiously make your way forward. This group of people was very diverse in race, the biggest surprise to you was the goblin knowing they weren’t accepted very well in towns either. The group splits off from each other to do their own thing, still curious you decide to follow after the half-orc finding him the most interesting to you. You tried not to make yourself obvious, keeping some distance between the two of you but you still weren’t the greatest and others were starting to stare forcing you to retreat into an alleyway for better cover. You continue to spy on him from the shadows, too scared to actually confront him but still curious enough not to just leave it be, unfortunately some people have a more keen eye then others and one of the townsfolk walk over to the half-orc, whisper something to him and his gaze shifts over in your direction. You retreat farther into the alley in a panic trying to figure out what to do so you wouldn’t be caught, without putting much thought into it you change your form to match the goblin woman you saw with him earlier.
"Nott? We’re you seriously followin' me? Gave some of the people here a scare." You hear him say as he approaches you. Luckily you did hear Nott speak before and hoped it could help in your advantage.
"Yup, that’s me. Being the nosy little goblin I am, I suppose." You say with a perfect impression of her voice. He narrows his eyes at you slightly.
"Right, why though? What, were you worried about me?" He sounded like he was teasing you, or rather Nott, so maybe you were pulling this off after all.
"You know me, always worrying about your well being." You say with a laugh, at first you think this might actually work, but unfortunately you must’ve said something wrong as a blade suddenly appears, pointed towards you.
"Nice try, but I know for a fact the real Nott would never voice her worries 'bout me, and she defiantly wouldn’t be followin' me around the market unless she had to." You stare at the tip of the blade he pointed at you nervously, there was an odd aura coming off of it, especially from the yellow eye on the hilt. "I’ve overheard the people here have themselves a little changeling problem, guess your little charade's up, best now for ya to come with me quietly." He spoke in a low voice.
"No, no I don’t want to be brought to the guard, you have no idea what they’ll do to me." You still talked in the goblin woman’s voice, which may have just further annoyed him as he lifts you by the collar of your shirt with his free hand. You were trapped, you were scared, not knowing what else to do you just drop your current disguise and revert back to your true form, trembling as you cover your face with your hands. You wait a moment, and when nothing happens you slowly remove your hands and stare into his confused eyes.
"I thought changelings were taller then this." He lowers his weapon and places you down again so your not dangling off the ground but still holds a firm grip on you to prevent you from escaping. You look down at yourself and give him a shrug.
"I’m not a grownup yet." You simply say, running a hand through pale blue hair.
"You’re a child?" He looked shocked, and strangely his southern accent dropped, you unbothered by this nod. "What have you done to get the people so riled up here?" The accent quickly returns.
"Nothing, people just don’t like me because of what I am." His expression softens and he loosens his grip on you. It’s silent between the two of you for a moment until he speaks up again.
"You got a name kid?"
"Yeah, it’s (y/n)." By now he’d completely let go of you and kneeled down to match your height.
"Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you (y/n). I'm sorry 'bout my earlier behaviour, the name's Fjord." He holds his hand out for you to shake, you hesitate a second before accepting the handshake.
"It's okay, and it’s nice to meet you too." You say, putting on a small smile.
"So tell me, why bother stayin' here if you know the people are just going to treat you poorly?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. You scratch the back of your head in thought.
"Well, where else am I supposed to go?" You give a shrug, answering his question with your own. Fjord was now the one to go into thought over this, you fidget in place as you wait for him to say something.
"You know, you could come with me, if you wanted to that is. I know a thing or two about changing aspects and appearances to myself in certain situations for my advantage and with your natural abilities you could be very helpful to my friends and I." You stare at him confused, not fully sure what he was getting at. He places a hand on your shoulder, a quiet sigh escaping him. "I also know what it’s like to be treated poorly just because of my appearance, the world isn’t always the kindest people like us, that’s why it’s always better if we stick together." He gives you a smile and you can just make out scratch lines where his tusks would usually be.
"You… you really want me to come with you?" You ask shyly, his words finally setting in properly.
"Only if you want to, I don’t want to force you into doing something you’re uncomfortable with." He reassures. It doesn’t take long for a big smile to place itself on your pale, featureless face as you give him a nod. He gives you a pat on the head and a chuckle. "Well alrighty, I suppose you’ll need to disguise yourself so the people here don’t come after you." As he says this you’ve already changed your form to appear as a half-orc child making him jump slightly in surprise when he turns his attention back to you.
"I’ve seen a lot of people come and go, so I try to remember as many looks as I can to hide myself. This looks okay, right?" You look at him curiously for his approval.
"It’s perfect, no one will suspect a thing." He gives you another pat on the head before standing up and offering his hand for you to take, you accept it and he leads you through the alley and back into the busy streets of the market, no one being the wiser, just seeing a father and his child browsing the shops and stalls before meeting up with their adventuring group.
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Toji Oneshot
Fushiguro Toji
The sounds of the kettle whistling through the air, however the beauty on the bed is still sleeping soundly, her breathing is slow, three are no movements coming from her. She is still dreaming, and does not even hear the whistling of the kettle. A seconds later the kettle stops whistling, then a man get in to the bedroom, the first thing he see is someone laying on the bed. Her small figure is just covering one fourth of the bed, her long hair id spreading behind her. She is sleeping on the very edge of the bed, almost falling.
The big bulky man walk closer slowly, careful not to wake the petite woman by the sounds of his walking. He climbs into the bed, then pull the woman closer to him, for her not to fall, and for him to hug her close then bury his head on her neck. The big difference of their body is palpable, his big body is engulfing her small one.
There are no movement coming from the woman, she is still sleeping, the man beside her is looking at her. His big hands slowly make its way to her face, he is caressing her temple, then down to her cheek, her jaw, and her neck so slow that he is sure if she were not sleeping she will surely feel ticklish. He continues to do that until she slowly awakes. She is not that deep in sleep because she is waiting for the water to boil, so it is easy for her to wake up on a slightest movement.
She opens her eyes and found a man looking at her, his eyes are sharp, looking at her tender one, after a while she smiles, "Welcome home"
"I am home"
"I take it you already take a bath" she said after realizing he smells fresh. "Hmm"
"You forgot to turn off the stove"
"Oh right, the water is for you to bath, did you use it?" She put both of her hands beneath her ear to propped her head to see him better.
"Huh? I thought it was for you to use so I did not use it"
"Oh, I already took a bath. It is cloudy just now, it will rain, you never bring an umbrella, so I prepared the hot water"
"Alright then, I'll take a bath again" Toji said as of it is a normal thing to do, "huh?" She said as she looks at him quizically. "What?" He answers in the same confused tone.
"Don't bother, you don't have to take a bath again" she said, then Toji smirks "then let's take a bath together" Toji said as he scoops her on his arms, carrying her suddenly. She squaled in surprise and automatically put her arms on his neck.
"That's not even what I had in mind!" She said again "put me down!" Toji suddenly put her down in a fast motion, but he just go down, not actually let her go. She squealed again, "Toji!"
"(Y/n)!" He mimicked your voice and tone.
"Oh, you're a five years old, aren't you?"
"Yes Mama" Toji says while smiling mischievously and raising one of his eyebrows, mocking her.
"Okasan" he replied in a small voice, she is mad just now, but now she is laughing, she just can't help it. He smiles as he sees her laughing, he lay her down gently on the bed, she still laughing. It is just hilarious, imagine seeing a big bad Fushiguro Toji acting like a toddler while said "mama and okasan"
"If only your friends see you acting like that" she is still giggling"
*change of POV*
"Don't you dare tell them" he said while squinting his eyes. "What if I dare?"
"Don't tempt me" you raise one of your eyebrows, changelling him. You want to see what he would do if you refuse to cooperate. "You asked for it" He tickles you.
You are extremely tickles. His fingers are attacking your sides, you scream in high pitched voice and laugh loudly. You try to push him away, but he is too strong, he does not even budge a little when you tried to push him. "Stop"
Seeing you laughing, he feels even more tempted to tickle you. This time he is going for your armpit. You are laughing hysterically, you already feel weak from all the tickling, laughing, and trying to push him away, but he still tickling you. "Toji"
"I haven't even gone for the most interesting part yet" he said as he attacks your knees "wait" you tried to stop him, but he does not even wait and attacking your knees mercilessly. You tried to move away, but he quickly pushed you back and continue attacking your knees. You try to push him off, but he is just to big and strong.
"Please" You are now laughing non stop, your eyes is wet because of the tears from laughing, but Toji does not show any hint of stopping, he even looks more eager by seeing at you now.
"Please continue? Fine" He moves to your armpit, attacking it with his deft fingers. "Toji please"
He can feel that your strength is getting weaker, you do not push him as hard as before "no more" you said and he attacking you again with full strength for the last time, you lost control and put your strength into your hands trying to push him away, but you don't realize you push too strong, then you accidentally slap him, hard, the sound of it is so loud, even your hand stings. You stop struggling, and even he stops tickling you.
You are just looking at him, and he also mirrors your expression. "I am so sorry, did I hurt you? Are you okay?" You asks him while tentatively reach out for his face "honey, darling, I am sorry, I didn't mean to hit you"
Toji just stay silent while looking at you, "oh Toji, honey here let me see" you try to propped yourself to take a closer look to his jawline, but he suddenly lean on you, burry his face on your neck.
"Oh, honey I am so sorry, we'll put an ice to it, okay? I won't do it again, trust me" After a while you can feel Toji's shoulder ia trembling, 'is be crying?' you thought, then push him out a bit to look at his face. "Darling, are you alright? Please don't cry" you said while lift his face, you can see that there are no tears, but a smile. He laughs.
"Oh my, did you really think I am hurt?"
He looks at you while laughing, you look at him with an annoyed expression, you try to push him away, but he barely move.
"Really (y/n)? I'm Fushiguro Toji after all, how could I be hurt with something like that?"
"Mean" you said as you look away and turn on your right, then close your eyes in order not to see him.
"Don't tell"
"As if I really plan on telling them" You said as you take a pillow behind you and hug it to your face. Just now you are truly worried that you hurt him, you feel like crying because you truly feels bad that you hit him, but now you want to cry because you are upset that he was just joking.
"Don't be mad" He said as he try to pry off the pillow from you, but you hold it tightly into you, do not let it go.
"Alright it's my bad, I'm sorry" he said then hug you from behind, his big body is now behind you, holding your tiny body, his mouth is next to your ear, making you shivering.
"What should I do to be forgiven?" He asks, but you just ignore him, you don't even move an inch. He actually stop tickling you just now because he realize that your hand must be hurt, he can tell you are pushing too hard, but it's true that he does not feel hurt at all.
He tries to pull out your hand, but you refuse. Then, he slowly caressing your hand that bump hard into his jaw just now. "Your hand must've been hurt, right?"
You still do not say anything, you cry silently, not making any sound. Toji leaned over you, and kiss your hand that holds the pillow, once, twice, over and over again while whispering I'm sorry. After a while you melt and let go of the pillow to look at him. Your eyes is still wet and you sighed, "you are already forgiven"
"Alright, let's sleep" he said while pulling you closer, he take your hand and kiss it again. "As an act of apologize I'll kiss your hand until you fall asleep"
You are smiling at his words, but after a while you said "why are you only kissing my hand?"
"Why? Your other hand feels jealous?" He asks while smirking, then be pull your other hand and kiss it. He knows you don't mean your other hand, but he just wants to tease you.
"Not this? Talk properly then”
"Kiss me" you said as he leaned down and kiss you, after a while he breaks the kiss, turn off the light on the night stand and say "good night, you are not allowed to dream about anyone but me"
"Yes sir" you close your eyes, while feeling Toji's arm around you and his warm chest on your cheek you feel sleepy. You lean up and kiss his jaw "I'm sorry I slapped you, we're even now"
"No, we're not"
"I kissed you more than once" you chuckle and then lean for another kiss, you positioned yourself so you can sleep eye to eye with him with your mouth precisely beside his jaw and continuously kissing him until you fall asleep.
"I love you"
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narukoibito · 3 years
St. Mungos, since feeling is first who pays attention and Muggle FWB for the WIP Game?
Thank you for the interest, Anon! This took a while because things in my personal life are in chaos, but thank you for the request.
St. Mungos
This is my Healer!Ginny story that has been lurking in the back of my brain since last year. I’ve written a good amount of words, but then an entirely different plot appeared and now I may have to rewrite most of it, hence it’s lack of progress. But I still really want to finish this one day.
Ginny is a Healer on the 4th floor of St. Mungos. Her first patient is someone named Harry Evans. (This is a Harry never to Hogwarts story.)
The first thing Ginny notices is his eyes. They’re the most vivid, bright green that she’s ever seen. It’s unnerving how unseeing they are. A pressure builds up in her chest, an aching pain and nostalgia she can’t place.
The morning light from the window washes over his face, dancing off these round wire-rimmed glasses. His dark hair (black like a blackboard) appears to be on some ineffable scale of entropy — tousled and pointed in every which way, yet somehow it’s charming and works well with his sharp, unconventional features. Some of that hair spills over a bandage wrapped around his forehead. 
But it’s also the pleasant, vacancy in those eyes that strikes her, like she’s looking at the embers of a once bright flame. He looks like an innocent, half-lost child, his lips curled in a ghost of a smile.
Her clipboard and supervisor tell her his name is Harry Evans. The name creates an itch at the back of her head, something she wants to scratch at, but the odd sense of nostalgia must be misplaced significance. He’s her first real patient. 
He must matter to someone important to have his own room on the fourth floor of St. Mungo’s Ward 49. Usually they lumped all the long-term spell damaged patients in one place, let them wander under the supervision of one Healer. But this room is spacious and private, protected by complicated wards and concealing charms. Someone really cares about Harry Evans, and for some reason it causes a subtle burning behind her eyes. Maybe it’s because he looks like a newborn fawn. 
Who wouldn’t want to protect him?
“You’re new, but he’s not difficult. It’s mostly maintenance,” her supervisor says. “He makes it easy, don’t you, Harry?”
Harry’s gaze drifts toward the window.
Ginny scans his file. It’s actually surprisingly thick, but a lot of it has been redacted. The summary page sums it up though: he’s twenty-one; he has been here for three years; the diagnosis is vague (severe curse damage); there’s a long slew of attempted cures, none of which were successful obviously; now it’s about making sure he’s comfortable whatever that means.
“All right, let me know if run into any trouble.” Her supervisor is already starting for the door.
“Um — what about — I know his treatment is maintenance, but can I…?” Ginny’s not sure what she’s trying to say exactly. Harry Evans has seen a lot of Healers if the list of attempted cures is any indication, but she gave up Quidditch to become a Healer in the long-term spell damage ward specifically because she wanted to do something.
Her supervisor gives her a rueful smile. 
“Stick to maintenance. Harry Evans is a special case.”
Ginny turns back to Harry, who is facing her again, looking painfully innocent.
Somehow she doesn’t need convincing that he’s special.
since feeling is first who pays attention
This was a gift for the Harry/Ginny Discord Incognito Elf exchange. I managed to finish in time to gift it, but I want to take some additional time to rework it before posting. It is missed moments over the years as Ginny and her feelings for Harry evolve.
Ginny presses her face against the wall, peeking between the stair spindles. Her bright brown eye lands on the two boys hunched over a chessboard. Her brother Ron and Harry Potter, who, despite appearing to be losing, doesn’t look the least upset.
Harry Potter. 
The Harry Potter is in her house. Looking comfortable on their couch despite the faded, mended cushions. His face crinkles in laughter at something Ron says, his green eyes bright with contentment. Ginny doesn’t miss the occasional look of awe at the things she’s always taken for granted. It’s almost as if he can’t believe he is really here.
He isn’t what she expected – isn’t what she imagined he would look like after all those years listening to Mum recite her favorite bedside story, about the heroic Savior of the Wizarding World. She had pictured neat hair, a dashing smile, someone who would recognize a comrade in her and take her on all sorts of adventures. He would be different, he wouldn’t discount her dreams of flying and doing everything her brothers could and more.
Instead, Harry Potter has the messiest hair ever, a sheepish smile, and clothes that he nearly swims in. Oh, and he has somehow missed the memo and found the comrade in her brother Ron instead. 
Her fingers curl around the spindle. Not for the first time, a spike of envy shoots through her. If only she were a little older or a boy. Then maybe she would be the one playing chess with Harry. Maybe she would be the one to hide under his invisibility cloak and battle trolls and face You-Know-Who with him.
Ginny presses her face a little closer and lets out a sigh.
But Harry Potter is kind. He ignores all the times she has made a fool of herself. And he has the greenest eyes she’s ever seen. They are as green as those glowing jars of pickled toads at the Potion ingredients store Mum had taken her to. Pretty and kind and not dismissive of her patched clothes or her glowing red face.
Harry Potter. If he likes Ron, if he looks like he actually likes the Burrow, if his face grimaces at the attention at Flourish and Blotts, could it be possible that one day he could like her too?
Muggle FWB
Hah, so this was the first idea that I rambled off to my beta, which ended up with long, long emails back and forth on this idea that I never wrote! Here’s a snippet of that exchange:
Harry thinks he only see Ginny as a little sister, so when she suddenly proposes that they become friends with benefits in uni, he’s floored and says they’re practically family. Blinded by her anger over the rejection, she kisses him so that he knows what he’ll be missing. Of course, he then realizes his attraction to her. As their physical relationship progresses, they develop feeeeeeelings (gasp!). But Ginny thinks she only wants a physical relationship and once they have sex, it'll get out of her system. Harry has to work to convince her that she actually wants more.
But the backdrop is that Ginny doesn't think she wants more than sex is that when she was 11, she was kidnapped by Tom Riddle for as a kid (they met at the park a lot, and none of her brothers/Harry/anyone realized he'd been "befriending" her). Kid Harry figures out where Riddle took her and saves her.
Ginny wasn’t molested but she/Harry/everyone else is deeply affected by this event even though they don't realize it. Ginny thinks she's overcome it, and she's still a BAMF some the books but she's not fully over it as shown by her fear of being emotionally involved with Harry. It's why Harry refuses for a long time to think of her anything else outside of a brotherly way. 
Ginny has a really bad sexual experience (though it doesn't go all the way), and as a result she's disgusted by men (not scared), but doesn't feel any revulsion with Harry. After not being able to get close to any boy for a long time, she decides to proposition Harry. Harry, being noble, absolutely refuses at first, but she kisses him, he's very attracted to her, and is convinced by her that he's helping her get over this tick. So it's FWB but it fits their personalities, and still stays true to the Ginny is subconsciously afraid of a real relationship/intimacy with Harry, who realizes he wants more but doesn't know if just getting to be physical is more than he'll ever deserve and he wants what he can get if not real love from her - until, of course, he realizes he can't do it anymore and she has to decide if she's brave enough to actually let herself feel.
HAHA omg I’m reading over my emails and I talk about getting into The Changeling and only sleeping 4/5 hrs a night and then the exchange ends with my coming up with my alternate dimension idea of Harry getting thrown into the BWL!Neville universe. So you guys can see why this story never went anywhere despite several thousands words between me and my beta.
Whew, long post. Hope that satisfied your curiosity! 
I’m honestly not sure there are any left, but let me know if you have any other wip asks! Though note that I will be rather absent in the near-future because of life.
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ninakaina · 4 years
for once i WILL make a long analysis post no one asked for. p2 bad grief and his friendship with artemy below + p2 and classic changeling spoilers. let’s try to be serious about him for just a minute and forget about his giant pores and ugg boots i have no agenda i prommy
i know i’m not alone in thinking that bad grief’s relationship with his friends is one of the most interesting and telling aspects of his character in p2. for a liar, he’s extremely loyal. a lot of people have talked about how he comes through to protect rubin despite their differences, so it’s obvious how much he cares. lara also includes him in her confession, meaning she has reason to believe that he would try to give himself up to help her just as much as artemy and rubin, who it’s a lot easier to imagine doing something like that. he’s also a person constantly looking for acceptance, not by society, but by the people around him-- we learn this from his reflection, who also tells us how much artemy’s perception of him in particular matters to him. 
unlike stakh and lara, he isn’t angry with artemy at any point in the story, even if artemy kills piecework, and doesn’t lash out at him even in the cathedral. he doesn’t seem particularly angry with stakh or lara either; what bothers him most is that they haven’t accepted him (“gravel-hearted lara won’t even look at me”). i think an important difference is that he’s watched stakh and lara grow up and grow away from him. the core of what distinguishes his relationship with artemy from his relationship with stakh and lara is very simply the difference between reuniting with a friend you haven’t seen in years due to them moving away or going to a different school or whatever vs a friend you’ve spent years growing apart from-- there’s no inherently saying that you’re more compatible with the separated friend (although yeah, there’s a lot to be said about artemy being the glue that held their group together), but you see them still as the person they were when they left, and there’s an instinct to jump right back in to the relationship as it was. since that’s the last you remember of them, that past is current in your memory, as opposed to being clouded by everything that came after the sort of halcyon days of youth. grief seems a lot more sentimentally attached to the gang’s past than stakh and lara. in part i think this is because he’s a childish person, but i think it’s also tied to that desire for acceptance. 
when artemy shows up in grief’s nest, the first thing grief does is compare him to how he used to be-- specifically in a way that encourages denial. whether it’s an intentional choice or not, saying “you’re different now; you’ve gone soft” begs the answer “i haven’t gone soft”, with the implied “i’m not different”. similarly, through saying something along the lines of “could that be my old friend? no, you’ve changed,” grief ties artemy’s past identity to their friendship, such that engaging in their friendship is a return to youth. and there is a return to something; as much as artemy and grief trade half-insults, right from the beginning their conversations lack nearly all the tension and resentment in artemy’s early conversations with lara and stakh, and they have a good give-and-take in the way they talk to each other. there’s also a strong contrast here with artemy’s first conversation with lara, in which the first thing lara does is bring up how long he’s been gone, and stakh’s first words to him-- “why did you come? finally thought of some good excuses?” grief puts less emphasis on artemy’s absence than on hoping he’s come back, and less on how things have changed in the town than how things have changed with artemy. i’m talking a lot about it because it’s such a weird exchange, on the line between joking and heartfelt (”you’re no fun. aren’t you happy to see an old friend?” “oddly enough, i am”)
the other important thing that happens before-aglaya is their little railroad field trip. this is a weird moment. the plot itself doesn’t make a lot of logical sense as far as grief’s actions. artemy comes to grief asking to blow up the railroad tracks. grief doesn’t want to blow up the railroad tracks. grief agrees to blow up the railroad tracks, shows up to the railroad tracks, and tells artemy he’s not going to blow up the railroad tracks. and nothing really happens. the player can choose to just sit with him. if it’s a joke, it’s not very funny, and grief doesn’t seem like he’s in a joking mood. you’d kind of imagine he would just say no, or if he wants to send artemy on a wild goose chase he just wouldn’t show up. it’s not like there’s another dynamite supplier artemy would go to. for me, the explanation comes in what artemy says when he asks for the dynamite. the dialogue option that unlocks the event is “why not? let’s do it together. just like the good old days.”
aglaya is a force of maturation, a catalyst of coming-of-age. some of my friends were just talking about how in classic, she says she thinks the powers that be hated her because she wanted them to grow up. i don’t actually think this is a change with the force she represents in p2; she’s tied to a transformative stage of psychological development that deals with questioning authority and the established order of things. in p2 her power is most tangibly illustrated in her effect on bad grief. 
when artemy asks, just like the good old days (and one of the ways he can ask for the dynamite is through reminiscing about their old games and saying he’s feeling sentimental), everything about grief draws him to help. he wants to help his friend, he wants to protect himself, he wants things to be like they used to. but in the shadow of inquisition, he’s starting to mature, and to realize that things can’t stay the same. he’s starting to embrace the future, and i think he wants to face that future head-on with artemy, who has basically re-accepted him, which is why he makes the plans and shows up. he can’t resist going, but he knows better than to bring the dynamite.
their relationship gets more complicated as grief moves into the cathedral. in the conversation that begins with “we need to escape, cub. escape.”, he tries to outline his new philosophy. unlike immortell, grief isn’t concerned with mortality, but with humanity, and he’s become convinced that the only way to become human is to leave-- but he doesn’t leave, because artemy doesn’t leave. he doesn’t say he needs to escape, he says they need to escape. there are two explanations i can think of for this, and i think the truth might be a combination of the two. it’s possible that on some level, he recognizes, like aglaya, that artemy is the only character with some kind of agency. the only way grief would be able to leave the town is through artemy’s agency, although in practice artemy’s agency is limited to make that impossible (no option to agree). still, artemy has what grief calls an “inner freedom”, which he both envies and admires. it’s all pretty similar to aglaya’s fascination with artemy, except more familiar. grief has always known this of artemy, he’s just starting to put it into perspective. it also seems possible to me that grief just doesn’t want to leave without artemy. he exists best in the context of others, as he deals in the web of connections between people; he isn’t one to strike out on his own. the only time we see him alone is at the signal fire by the railroad, waiting for artemy.
artemy has, gives, or represents everything grief wants and doesn’t get: acceptance, a return to youth, and freedom. in the nocturnal ending, grief outlines (if you get lucky i guess) one other thing artemy has that he doesn’t: “a good, honest face”. in the diurnal ending, artemy still struggles to understand what the fuck grief is talking about, but their relationship leaves off on a hopeful note that one day he will. idk i don’t know how to end this there’s just literally so much to think about here
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