#her voice is def one of my favs
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puff-cat · 10 months ago
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Request from a friend of mine! Her design is so fun and funky I love it
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months ago
*runs in* I finished "The Epic Crush of Genie Lo" the other day and it was really good I recommend esp if you like Journey to the West and Kyoshi/Yangchen novels. It has a sequel too and I'm going to just....go combust because it's the last FC Yee novel and I def don't know what I'm going to do with myself once it's done ok by *backflips away*
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silly-plays-p3r · 1 year ago
so since you're up to ryoji, any conclusive thoughts on the new vas, if any?
I'm not that far. He only just showed up and I got one rank in.
.....Let's just say shit hit the fan for me on Thursday and I've gotten REALLY busy....ummmm.....fixing it so I can get back to my normal routine? Is that the best way to describe it (I still have stuff to do, but I'm not longer in "emergency mode")? I haven't picked up any game stuff since then (I literally passed out yesterday night cause I was so tired jfkldsjf). (oh wait, I'm so out of it I misread it as only asking about Ryoji....lol, well I'm talking about him first I guess, )
Going off the one interaction....... Yuri. I prefer Yuri. I already preferred Yuri's Pharos to Aleks' Pharos. I like both as MC.
There's something about Yuri's........Between OG/FES/P and the manga...... But Aleks' Ryoji feels more like it fits the P3 movies (same with Ikutsuki tbh). There's something about THAT portrayal of Ryoji that hits different compared to the other's.
THAT BEING SAID. I'll take Aleks. BUT ONLY if that means we can have Yosuke going back to not sounding as squeaky. TT0TT I can handle Adachi's voice change (feels like he decided to put on a more deranged mask). But Yosuke I want him back to sounding chiller. orz
Oh right, other chars fjdsakfja
Um....Aki's ok. I don't mind him. There's something about Liam's voice I prefer BUT, I wouldn't mind the new guy coming back.
Junpei is good (both in general and as a replacement). Keep him (if I have to deal with Junpei again that is)
Mitsu is good. I prefer Tara tho. Nothing against the new girlie, Tara's just one of my fav VAs. (the other VAs I like are Naoto's OG, Laura Bailey, Lily Vonnegut, Jamie Marchi, Kristen Bell, David Gallagher, and KH1!Haley Joel Osment, Santino Fontana...something about their cadence makes my brain go brrrrr but like for diff reasons)
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Speaking of Brrrr, I really like Yuko's and Shinji's a lot.
Both old and new Shinji are great. Love them.
Love the new Ken. I never hated his OG, and Cindy did a good job too. But the new one is really good.
Fuuka......she's cute (I'm more annoyed that they didn't add to her at all so far :'D thanks atlus). I miss the OG one. Wendee Lee did great too (she always sounded like a higher pitched ver of the OG to me).
I think I liked both Natsuki's VAs? I do miss the old one. I can't recall the new one's voice atm TT0TT
Koro is fine lol
I don't like Takaya's new VA. I like the old one give him back.
I think I like this Chidori VA more? I didn't mind the old one. (also Chidori run, stay away from Junpei TT0TT)
Jin.........I think I like him more?
Ikutsuki. Prefer the old one. New one would be good for the movie ver tho!
I miss the old Igor. Gimme back Dan Woren you cucks! TT0TT Kirk is fine but I want Dan back! (wait Dan is Byakuya from Bleach???? Gimme him back! TT0TT)
Aigis is better. I didn't mind the old one, but this was an improvement.
All the VAs for the SLs are great so far tbh (haven't done Moon yet, not cause I don't want to, but because it's optimal if I wait)
Yukari is................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................her directing is.......................her direction.....the way the director is directing her...........................................................................................................I hope the VA does well in other works. She can come back as a diff character tbh. "So you'd rather have Ruff come back?" Or Yukari can just....not come back as a character. :"D
I think the thing that irks me about the new voices are.......the new voices for the already existing secondary/background chars (chars who were never voiced before? no problem). I. DON'T. LIKE. THEM.
"Oh but it's cool to hear!" or "We need Yuri to still get a check" I don't care. I don't like it. It's weird. It's weird hearing P3MC's voice coming out of Yukari's dad ("oh like Aki's is any better?" AKI ISN'T A LOVE INTEREST FOR YUKARI OUTSIDE HC! TT0TT)
I hate that they swapped Mitsu's dad and Kurosawa. Did they eat? Yea, they did great. Does it bother me because I find it COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY???? YESSSS!
My 9/11 is the damn principal's voice being changed. oh my god, it's not the same. He was so perfect in the OG, he was bumbling it just.....god it worked. The new guy.....doesn't give the same doddering vibe. man orz (I know most people are coming for the new Aki guy, or someone else, but man I'm very annoyed by the NPCs being changed orz)
I think one of THE BIGGEST issues I have with them just....redubbing the whole damn thing is (MORE SO the side NPCs than the main cast).....just how costly that must've been. Like stupidly costly, like they didn't need to do it. It was just wasting money kinda costly. Like they coulda used that money for something else, like I dunno....PUTTING THE FUCKING ANSWER AND FEMC IN????? >_> *inhales* I know I know I KNOW. Before you say it. Before my lil strawman I talk to in my head says it. The english localization's funds were probs separate from the JPN devs funds. I mean, unless Atlus JPN controls Atlus USA's funding directly, and thus have more direct involvement. I mean, haha, that'd make sense. Haha, but if I was them, and that was true, I wouldn't let other people know that. haha
Apollo: *compels Midori for no reason tomorrow* Midori: The localization funds were actually allocated and tied to the JPN funds. It wasn't just SEGA USA that decided to replace all the actors, it was also SEGA Japan. Me: I'm at my limit is2g
They probs would've saved a lot more money from just....keeping most of the OG voices (maybe replace Vic). And then maybe dub all the SLs/additional side content.
Ummmm.....tldr; Liked some, loved some, was eh on others, hated the existing side NPCs got new voices. All in all I think it was probs a waste of money tbh. Don't do it again for the inevitable P4 remake. (P1/2? sure there's not a lot of dubbing in that one anyways)
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harmoonix · 1 year ago
👑 Queen Energy - Astrology Notes
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She, queen of the kings
🕊️ - Cancerian Degrees 4°, 16°, 28° in your Sun, Moon or Rising makes you look so pure and feminine, you have so much feminine energy inside of you and you tend to give mother vibes to people around you
🕊️ - Sagittarius Degrees 9°, 21° in your Sun, Moon or Rising makes you look so appealing to others. The type of person everyone is curious to know because you seem amazing from the first time they see you entering in a room
🕊️ - Midhaven in Libra Degrees 7°, 19° = The person can appear elegant and charming to the people, you tend to give others this vibe of lovely and harmonious person who seeks for peace
🕊️ - Midheaven in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25° = Native can appear hot and irresistible from the first sight people see them and but in the same time someone with a lot of confidence and brave
🕊️ - Venus aspecting Pluto (all aspects) can get people obsessed with them and I ain't joke, y'all can even have hidden stalkers or just people who stay in the shadows trying to know more about you = Oh, oh, oh, boy why you so obsessed with me
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🕊️ - Mars square/opposite/conjunct Midheaven can appear scandalous and attractive in the eyes of people, they are the moment. Show your confidence makes you haters explode
🕊️ - Venus in Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) will always stand up with their uniqueness, they have something unique inside them that's is so visible seen is like you go into a cave full of gemstones and they are the rare diamond
🕊️ - Venus in Leo Degrees (5°, 17°, 29°) will always make a good first impression, they are mesmerizing Inside and out and they shine always. They be having the best personalities ever
She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys
She will be the warrior of North and Southern Seas
🕊️ - Sun at Scorpio Degrees 8°, 20° are magnetic inside and out, they are always the type of mysterious energy in the room where everyone looks at when they enter in a room
🕊️ - Sun at Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26°, I have only one thing to say... You give princess vibes. Your aura, your personality, your words... everything about you seems so delicate and gracious
🕊️ - Moon in the 5th/10th houses will always show off their best versions of themselves even when they have it low. Because they keep it cool and attracting
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🕊️ - Lilith in the 3rd/6th houses have such an enchanting voice, Mercury rules these houses and here it gives these natives really good voices
🕊️ - Venus in Scorpio/Venus in the 8th house natives loves to get complimented about their looks, if they look too sexy or not. Never forget to tell them how gorgeous they are!!!
🕊️ - Capricorn in big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) will always have something in them that reminds you about royals, they always give this commander energy type of vibe
🕊️ - An Air Mars will always be sensual in the way they communicate and in their moods, it is in their blood to be like this, keep an eye out for them if you want to be theirs
🕊️ - Moon square/opposite/conjunct Saturn should be praised more about how much control they can have and how powerful they are because they didn't have it easy (Def an Queen Placement)
🕊️ - Jupiter - Neptune harmonious aspects: These are one of my fav aspects to have in a birth chart they are so spiritual and intuitive omg and they have this aura of "experimental soul" like they have been here before and know a lot of things sometimes even without a reason (I can sense/ see these natives can be protected either by universe or their ancestors)
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🕊️ - Venus - Ascendant aspects, this aspect is literally touched by Venus herself with the beauty and talent, very artistic, very lovely and of course very beautiful
🕊️ - Venus - Sun aspects, they give this warm energy that makes them to shine in the crowd and it gives them this angelic beauty
🕊️ - Moon in Fire Degrees (1°, 5°, 9°, 13°, 17°, 21°, 25°, 29°) are so savage in words if you especially in a fight, they can be brutally honest aswell and can call you out for the things you did wrong
🕊️ - Lilith - Saturn aspects these aspects can be very powerful and karmic once they learn they power no one can stop them, these aspects are giving the Lilith herself when she broke up with Adam and left the garden of Eden. She was furious,hurt and sad in the same time. These aspects can give the same energy
🕊️ - My beloved Air Risings have a unique magnetism upon others being air ruled comes with a wind of attraction (The Lords of Air Risings: Mercury, Saturn/Uranus and Venus are coming to slay not to play)
🕊️ - Asteroid Eva [164] aspecting the Ascendant look very feminine and gracious, well mannered, polite, kind at heart and sensibile. An good combination
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🕊️ - Asteroid Eva [164] aspecting Asteroid Adam (6461) - Girl you don't know how much power you hold, with this aspect you tend to have submissive energy around you (Makes sense look at the aspects names 😭)/ Let's say that... men who want an submissive partner will want you hard
🕊️ - Asteroid Aphrodite (1388) aspecting Pluto gives threatening vibes, people may be feel an threatening aura coming from you with this aura (I ain't joke I say from experience 😭). You have a lot of power and they don't like that at all
🕊️ - Pluto aspecting Sun natives are so mesmerizing, they have such beautiful eyes and energy. They are def powerful and full of potential
🕊️ - Natives with Sun in the 1st/3rd and 5th house are people who really know how to enjoy life, with them life is full of surprises
🕊️ - Leo Venus/Mars/Rising = Literally queen vibes. I love this aura so much. You are full of power. Love, Confidence. Everything is inside you
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🕊️ - Leo and Libra Moons will always bring this warm energy in the room. They are the type of people who makes everyone to laugh and feel better
🕊️ - What is not talked enough in Tumblr about the Neptune - Moon or Neptune - Ascendant aspects is that someone with such aspects can be very sensibilie to reactions and to people. And nothing wrong about being sensible, it shows how pure you are
🕊️ - Venus in the 9th house/Venus at Sag Degrees [9°, 21°] or Venus in Sagittarius can have a very curvy body, their thighs can be the most prominent/visible part of their body and their attractive alluring body making others just to want them even more
🕊️ - Sun - Ascendant harmonious aspects tend to be often in the spotlight because of their warm and shinning energy, a lot of people like to be around them because of their energy makes everyone to smile
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!! Royal Observations Notes just arrived !!😍🕊️
She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys
She will be the warrior of North and Southern Seas
I honestly love the Royal themes because they bring so much inspiration to my aesthetics 🕊️ Hope you are all doing good with the people you love 💕 have a good day 💕
- Harmoonix 2023
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venmondiese · 8 months ago
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summary: Aemond decides another fruitful payment for his eye, which he has been craving a long time. in that, he makes lucerys watch how he does it.
request from my lovely @qyburnsghost
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Rhaena Targaryen. warnings: 18+ MDNI, DARK THEMES, targcest, oral (f receiving), exhibisionsm, p in v sex, forced voyeurism, rhaena x lucerys (mentioned), they are all of age bc of my mental health, no luc*mond -- ye olde enemies to lovers
note: this def got me out my comfort zone, so here it comes!! aemond x rhaena must be one of my fav ships probably. For my sake, and bc i won't write such things, all of the people involved are of age, and i didn't picture luke as his actor because he was very much a child. i assure you that luke is NOT envolved on the sex more than watching TT so... enjoy reading!!
“Prince Aemond”
Aemond turned to the hallway to see, and his only good eye took the image of her. Pompous, with her pink dress and her braids prettily decorated with some pink ribbons. She looked ridiculously pink.
“Lady Rhaena.”
He, on the other hand, was all dark. His attire black from head to bottom, except the small gold details of the embroidery of a dragon on his clothes. His boots were imponent every time he walked around, and his eyepatch was no different colour. 
The only similarity between both was the silver hair and the purple eyes.
“I see you and your…” he searches for a word, mockingly walking closer, his arms behind his back. “Kin, have come back to my home.” He says, tilting his head as he looks down at her. 
Rhaena looks up to him, and her hands are clasped to the front. He has to admit how feminine she is; he has heard about her. How knights fought for her favour, and made songs for her, in hopes for her to like them.
“We are one kin after all, aren’t we?”
“I suppose you can call yourself that” he says smugly. 
Rhaena looks at him with impatience. He was being rude on purpose.
“And how is my mother’s dragon?” she asks, trying to fight him back.
“Oh? You mean my dragon?” 
“My mother’s” she repeats, stubbornly.
“Not anymore, is it?” He snickers, a smirk on his lips as he raises his eyebrows mockingly. It makes her fume.
“Because it was stolen”
“Because your mother died” he corrects her. “Nothing can belong to the dead, can it?” 
“I suppose not” she says, faking a smile. “Even though it was stolen. You wouldn’t be able to see those things, I suppose. My bad” 
She sees how it ticks him off. How his one eye twitches in place and his jaw gets tense. 
“You can call it however you want, my Lady. I did not steal a legitimate right to no one. Dragons do not work like that. Not like titles” He says. “Such as Driftmark’s” He adds.
Rhaena breathes in and presses her lips together. He is taunting her on purpose, because Luke's claim has been questioned, for how unvalyrian he looks. He looks none of it. 
“And you’ll carry his bastard offspring” he murmurs, as he asks, as he intends to walk away.
Rhaena looks at him at how indecent he is. She blinks in disbelief at his debauchery. 
“Excuse me?” her voice stops him in his tracks, and he turns slowly, having a certain air of smugness to him.
“You two have been promised to each other since you were two years of age. It is no surprise” Aemond shrugs it off with a smirk. “Imagine it. What a shame your late mother’s wish to make you Lady of Driftmark has to come by marrying you off a Strong man” 
“He is not-”
“Isn’t he?” 
No one else is around. Rhaena knows. She loves Luke, she really does. He is kind and funny. But he isn’t… appealing to her romantically. He was her stepbrother, and her future husband. 
“He will be a good Lord of the Tiles. A good husband too” she defends him, weakly, looking at Aemond “A Lady like me only desires for someone who shall be kind and tender. If he is so, I’d love him”.
“If it helps you sleep at night, then… believe so” Aemond shrugs, looking down at her. She wasn’t aware when they got too close, to the extent that she could practically hear his scent and hear his breathing. 
Aemond was gallardly handsome, in a different way than she thought Jacaerys was. She always met handsome men in search of her favour, just for after it, having to console Luke about it, that she wasn’t going to entertain the idea of any potential lovers. They were promised to each other since they were children, and she knew that. Is not that she hates him, she is just.. Used to him. To know that in their marriage, she will provide heirs. 
She often thinks that they married her to him because they want to assure Velaryon blood on Driftmark, the one in her blood that lacks his.
“Why doesn’t your father care of giving you a proper dragon rather than to marry you?”
“I will ride Vhagar soon enough” her stubborn voice comes, as if it was a threat that only used to amuse him even more, as his chest inflates and he smirks widens. 
“You imagine such a silly thing, cousin, but again, if it helps you sleep at night… Who am I to judge?” he says, smugly as he smirks. “Though I do not need to imagine a better life, for I am not the future breed mare of a bastard”
Rhaena opens her eyes in disgust at his lewdness, boldness and open rude comment. She feels enraged, being seen just like that. Like an animal to breed, and later to be discarded, put aside as if nothing. 
Rhaena moves her hand to slap him across his cheek, a loud smack on his right cheek that didn’t even move his face away. If anything, it hurt her wrist to do that, yet she hoped her gold rings could do some damage. 
His face barely moves, and his lips curl into an amused smile as he feels the stinging slap on her face. His only eye turns to her, and before she can move her hand down, he grabs her wrist.
Even if she pulls, his grip is strong, and makes her arm go stiff. She tries to pull away, but he pulls her into his chest abruptly, to lower his head and capture her lips on a forceful kiss. Her chest is pressed against his, and she is certainly sure he is stepping on her dress. His other hand moves to the lower part of her back, forcing her to be still as he kisses her. 
She hasn’t kissed anyone, just a stable boy once, but just because Baela dared her to once, but she never counted that. Still, she doesn’t know if a kiss should feel so messy as Aemond kisses her. She never thought she’d enjoy a kiss with someone who calls her a whore. 
Aemond drags her as if she doesn’t weigh a thing, holding her by the wrist and making her legs follow his long steps to an isolated, dark place of the keep. She guesses that Aemond would know each little corner of his own home.  
She doesn’t exactly know what his weird little room is, but Aemond closes the door, and he kisses her again, deeply, as if he needed her as the air he breathes. 
“Married to a Lord” He scoffs between kisses, as his hands grip her waist. “You deserve to be a real Targaryen princess…” he trails off as he moves to kiss her neck, and she whimpers softly. 
She is not sure that he knows that his wife won’t be a princess, but the thought of him wanting to give her everything he has to offer is rather�� oddly sweet. 
Rhaena feels his lips lowering to her breasts, and she has to blush at the lewdness, the debauchery of it. She wasn’t the most devoted follower to the faith, yet she feels embarrassed by those feelings, new, lustful feelings. She might pray for forgiveness later.
Aemond is rarely tender, she thinks. She thought he would be… forceful. But he holds her as if she is porcelain.  
Tender, but hungry. There is a certain pull to him; like an invisible string that held him back, but a burning desire within to give in to his whims. He looks up at her; as if for a moment to take in her features, as if trying to look some sort of disgust in her face. 
It is her who kisses him back, as he presses her against one of the wood tables around the room, and she holds his jaw with her both hands, her long nails softly scratching the begging of his jaw. She didn’t know how to kiss as passionately as he did, but she did her best. 
He appreciates the kiss, as his hands move to slowly pull up softly her dress, accommodating between her legs, too close as her pink dress gets pulled up and her breath gets stuck on her throat as she pulls back to watch him. He looked at her, as she could feel his hardness pressing insistently on her clothed pussy. 
“Indulge me” he says, in a raspy tone. 
It is not a plea, to her it sounded as if he is asking for permission to keep going, but before she can process the question, or answer it, he just kisses her again, moving his hands in her undergarments, up to her thigh more and more. He asked for permission or just informed her? She didn’t know, but it prepared her for whatever he wanted.
“Too good to be the breed of a bastard” he murmurs against his lips, before he accommodates her atop of the wood table, and he kneels in front of her. 
He doesn’t seem to hear her, and if he does, he truly doesn’t care. 
She tries to move the skirts of her dress to look at him, trying to move the fabric, which she regrets using such a puffy dress. She feels his cold hands moving her underpants, and when she can see his face between all of her skirts, he just leans in to taste her pussy.
The gasp that leaves her mouth sounds more like a sob and she tries to not fall as she sits on the edge, and her hands grip the edge as Aemond moves his tongue all the way up, devouring her, taking in her taste on his wicked tongue.
“Divine” he murmurs against her cunt, diving his tongue into her again.
She squirms slightly, her body accepting the foreign touch, but she was not used to it. It was overwhelming, in a sense. She didn’t know what to do with herself.
“Aemond…” she repeats her name again, she can’t possibly form another word.
“What? Can’t handle a little oral from your cousin?” he murmurs, and she can practically hear the smirk on his lips, as if this amused him greatly. “To think that all knights fight for your favour, yet here you are… with me…” he murmurs, with certain pride for acquiring such a price for himself. 
He was possessive about something he did not possess, since Rhaena was promised long before she could even think. 
“You are so…” She tries to say, but his tongue swipes across her clit, long and flat, and so thorough. He loved how easily he could rile her up, how quickly he could push her to the edge.
As his left hand, holding her thigh apart from the other, his right hand found her entrance as he pulled his mouth back a bit, shoving two fingers inside her cunt at once, pumping them in and out, as he licked her clit. He cared not if she liked it or not, because he knew she would. 
She had to bite her hand to stop the moans, little whimpers reached his ears, which was nothing but a delight. 
His fingers began to move in a steady, driving rhythm, and he licked at her pussy with slow, broad strokes. His fingers curled inside her, seeking that velvety spot that would make her little whimpers turn into scandalous moans. 
“Aemond, stop it, I think I-” Rhaena says, as the boiling feeling in her abdomen starts to make her legs try to close shut, because her cunt was receiving so much stimulation that she was starting to moan louder and more desperate for a something she was yet to experimentate. 
He does not, because he knows what she does not; he knows how close she is to cum, to soak his mouth and he would delight himself in her taste even after she came hard on his tongue. He holds her in place, caring not if she squeezes his head between her legs, because he will not stop until she cums. 
He hears her loud moans, that she tries to hide covering her mouth, her legs tremble, and he knows that she is feeling overwhelmed. She hears the little curse she says as she cums, hard on his mouth. To be fair, he has known women who cum a lot, but Rhaena… She was a new found delight of his.
“Hm, who would have said you were a squirter?” He murmurs, his face shines with the wetness, and she has to look away due to the lewdness. Good gods, what has she done? “Next time you’ll cum in my cock”
Those words are impregnated in her brain as she sits across the other end of the table at supper. She was beside Lucerys, as he chats with Jace, but she was drinking wine and sharing soft spoken talks with her stepmother. 
Lucerys had kindness in him, true. He was.. Nice. But not… appealing to her. He tended to be like a child, and she cringed a bit at that; they were old now, at marrying age, and one had to leave the child-like reassurance in the past. And Lucerys did not.
“He is looking at me” Lucerys says in a murmur to her, which makes Rhaena look at him, out of her thoughts.
Rhaena blinks a bit, her legs squeezing together at the name. She longed for his wicked tongue lapping her folds again. 
She turns her head to watch him, in front, at the other end of the long table at the family supper. He had no expression on his face, as if one of boredom and annoyance. When her eyes meet his, she notices the slight clench on his jaw.
“He is not” she says. Imbecile. She thinks, resenting him a bit. How can he be so clueless?
He is looking at me. She wants to say, smugly even, something so unlike her. Her heart beats fast as she swallows the fact. He was looking at her. 
Hearing Lucerys giggles as the pig is served, gets her clueless a bit, but she remembers the story they told her; the pink dread. That’s why Aemond said that night  ‘Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride’ 
It stirred her wrong. The same boy who mocked a Targaryen prince about not having a dragon, many times until he stood up to them, was about to marry her… a dragonless Targaryen. 
Lucerys never treated her wrong, Rhaenyra raised her boys right. But it made her uncomfortable, thinking about it. She resented him, for being able to do things, to choose, to ride a dragon, when he was… not worthy. 
The rest of the dinner is a blurry image, Aemond mocking her stepbrothers, and Jace trying to defend them. Jace was dreamy, she thought, he was everything a lady like her would like. But Aemond? The bones of her needed him, and just by having one taste of him, and not him whole. 
She hated herself for it. For resenting Luke, for wanting Aemond. As she walked on the halls, after her father sent them to bed, Baela went to Jacaerys, but she didn’t want to go to Luke. Why couldn’t she be like before? She accepted her fate, she is okay with it. Now it looks… like crumbs from what she could have.  
“Rhaena” It’s Aemond’s voice, from the end of the stairs. She turns, and walks closer, frowning a bit. Her chambers were not on the same floor of those in the royal family, she was merely an extension of it.
“Prince Aemond”
He smirks, his chest almost inflates with delight at her words. 
“I suppose you had a nice supper?”
“You were unnecessarily cruel” She states, still defending them in the kindness of her heart. 
“One of my many charming traits.” He was shrugging to it, as his hand wraps her wrists. “Come on.”
She finds herself again being dragged to his chambers, and no guards are close to the hall of his rooms.  Weird she thinks. 
He closes the door of his chambers, which seem cold and uninviting to her, as if no one ever lived here. She can see his bed on one side, and the lonely récamier next to the fire, as he guided her quickly to sit there, not allowing her a peak of his full chambers. 
“I have a surprise for you.” He says softly, a small smirk as he moves to serve her a cup of wine on the table. Her head tilts, not understanding a bit. “It’s more like a… proof of my loyalty.”
Rhaena frowns, what could he even give her? Jewels? Dresses? She takes the cup he gives her, and he goes back to serve himself another. She looks at the other side of the room, thinking about what kind of gift Aemond could give…
“Lucerys” She says, standing up immediately, her voice surprised, and her heart balls to her stomach, as she sees her betrothed, tied to a chair, and his mouth muffled as he tries to move the unmovable chair. 
He doesn’t seem hurt, or bleeding, just desperate to get out of the chair.
“Aemond, why would you do such a thing?” She cries, as she leaves her cup somewhere to be quick to untie him. 
“I told you” Aemond says, grabbing her elbow, and not allowing her to help him. “A gift”
Rhaena feels distressed, she looks at the dagger on Aemond’s waist, little dragon details full of sapphires, very sharp and very much him. She hesitates, and she fears that he’ll take his debt, an eye for an eye. Lucerys is at his mercy, and she wouldn’t be able to fight against him, she knows it. 
“Aemond, this is madness. Untie him” she says, her voice kind, and even if she resents the boy, she loves him, as a brother. “He has done…” She stops herself before finishing, because saying that ‘he has done nothing wrong’ would throw Aemond into madness. “Take it out on me”
Aemond raises his eyebrow. Lucerys’ voice comes as a muffled scream, but she doesn’t care.
“I was there too. I have the blood of the dragon, and Velaryon blood too…” She says, standing up for him. 
Aemond looks at her, and he walks closer. She can hear Lucerys’ sounds coming out as desperate, as if he was afraid that he will harm her. But she knows better than him. 
“Silly girl” He says smirking, patronisingly to her. “You really don’t have a clue of the world..”
Rhaena stands still, looking at her as she blinks a bit confused. She clenches her fists, and she follows him as he sits on the récamier, standing in front of him. Surely, she daydreamed about him? Yes. Did she want him to ravish her and fuck her? Surely. Did she hope that he’ll steal her away from a betrothal that by the passing second seems dreadful? No doubts. But to make Lucerys suffer from it… she was far too kind and sweet to do so.
“Stop this madness” She tries to plead with him.
“Madness? Perhaps” Aemond says as he takes his coat off, and he grabs his dagger, pointing it to her, as he sits calmly. “But also intensely pleasurable. For me, at least” He shrugs, and smirks. “Take off your underpants” 
Rhaena is taken aback, as she steps back looking at him. She turns to watch Luke, who shakes his head from side to side, as Aemond moves his dagger to press it against the fabric of her dress. 
“It is not a petition” He hurries her. 
Rhaena looks at the dagger. “But don’t damage my dress” she says moving back, as she leans to fetch the end of her dress to take her under pants off. It amuses Aemond greatly how she cares for such womanly things as dresses. It is endearing. 
Rhaena extends to him her underpants, and he inspects them, smirking. He stands up, and moves to Lucerys, smugly. “She is truly a vixen.” He says, leaving the underpants on his lap. “You had her hidden, not so well, hm?”
Rhaena feels embarrassed, and more ashamed because it turns her on. It was a torture to her, between duty and her most hidden desires. Lucerys was the boy she was promised to, but Aemond was the man she craved. 
“You won’t hurt him?” She asks as he sits back, and he sighs, moving to undo his breeches. 
“I’ll spare him… for now. Won’t hurt him, physically, at least.” He says grabbing her waist and his other hand moving to her skirts to pull them up. “I’ll just make him watch as I take what’s mine. How a true dragon takes what they want.” He says smugly, forcing her to sit on his lap, her back pressed against his chest as he moves his breeches for his cock to be free. 
He slides his hands, taking the edge of her dress to push it all the way up to her waist, in which Rhaena has to grab his knees so as not to fall. He has the same idea, as with one hand he holds her skirts up, and the other moves to spread her legs apart, revealing her glistening cunt to the onlooker. 
“Isn’t her cunt so…” Aemond trails off, and Rhaena understands what he is doing, showing her intimacy to Luke as if mocking him for having what he doesn’t. 
“Aemond” Rhaena murmurs in a whine, embarrassed as she tries to press her legs together, shy to be seen so exposed. 
The oldest prince grins at her embarrassment, leaning to kiss the side of her neck. “Shy, cousin? Don’t be, you are beautiful… enough to arouse anyone just with a look” he says amused, his voice almost a low purr. He glances at Lucerys, his chin pressing on her left shoulder, and he glances over at the bulge growing on his pants. Pathetic, he thinks. “Just like it does to him, no doubt. Watching you like this must be quite… stimulating.” He trails off, letting his fingers  down on her body, to her cunt. 
He savoured Rhaena’s discomfort, and the Strong’s arousal. He leaves soft kisses on her neck, and exposed shoulder, as he moves her body to his delight.
“Your maidenhood..” He murmurs, looking at her “Shall be mine”
The feel of Aemond’s cock sliding on her cunt is a slight discomfort at the beginning, as she was not used to feeling something pushing insistently inside. She is wet, and her mouth falls open as she has to shut her eyes, wanton sounds leaving her.
“Fucking you right in front of him. While he watches and wishes he could be in my place” He says smugly, his voice tense due to the way her cunt clenched around his cock inside, as if she was made to take him in every way. “You take my cock like the good girl you are.”
It was mortifying for her first time being in front of her betrothed, instead with him, on her wedding night, with him as her husband, not as a viewer. She opens her eyes to look at him ,and she cannot understand his face. He is somewhat mortified, panting as he still fights against the bounds. She can see the erection on his pants, and she feels ashamed. But the feeling does not last long as Aemond’s cock is thrusting in her insides and forcing her to leave the shame away, replacing it with pure lust. 
The thick length of his cock grinds deliciously in her walls, Aemond loves the feeling of her cunt just trying to milk him, as she moans loudly, for the bastard to hear. He holds both of her wrists on her back making her bounce on his cock to fuck herself. He smiles, her dress surely would be wrinkled, and he takes the chance to slap her ass as he turns his gaze down to watch his dick disappearing on her cunt. 
“Watch closely, Strong. This is what a real man looks like. This is what it means to truly claim a woman” Aemond smirks, as his cock went in and out of her, his cock slick with her juices. “See how hard he is from watching us. Knowing that if you truly liked him, your maidenhood would have been his. But it is not, and you won’t be his”
There is a certain air to Aemond that Rhaena craves. She finds herself nodding along with every word he says, his cock inside barely leaves her any room to think. She just needs him, deeper, harder, more and more.
“You will cum, pretty girl?” Aemond asks softly, voice more tender when referring to her. He loved to praise her, he realised. She was such a pretty thing to admire, it was inevitable. He reached around to rub Rhaena’s clit, his thumb rolling the sensitive nub as he pushed his cock deep into her cunt. “Cum all over yourself, darling”
Maybe it’s the endearing name or the overwhelming sensation of his cock so deep,slamming against her cervix and his balls smacking against her ass, but she moans wantonly as she cums, her purple eyes rolling back in her head as her orgasm hit,  the sweat on her body makes her feel more overwhelmed, and spilling her release all over his thrusting cock. 
“Take it, fucking take it…” He groans at the sensation of her tight cunt clenching around his cock, using her pleasure to spur himself on. “Such a good girl…” 
Aemond buries himself to the hilt inside Rhaena, his cock pulsing as he pours his seed deep into her womb. He smirks to himself, as his forehead rests against her back as they pant, the Strong bastard long forgotten by both. 
As his softening cock slips out of her used cunt, he knows one thing; she is his now. He puts his cock back to his pants, and he finishes the last remnants of the wine, leaving Rhaena panting on the chair. 
He watches his pathetic nephew, still struggling against his restraints, and gazing at Rhaena, as if wanting to check her security. Aemond rolls his eye before taking his dagger once again, which makes the little shit struggle even more. 
If Aemond wanted his eye, he would have got it before Rhaena came in. He instead cuts the bounds and grabs the neck of his shirt, pulling him to walk out the door as he takes off the restraint on his mouth. 
“You will— Regret this” Lucerys says panting, trying to gain his composure as Aemond pushes him out of his chambers.
“Yeah, yeah, I surely will, bastard” He says patronisingly, kicking him out of his chambers. “Deal with your pathetic cock first” He added before closing the door on his face.
He is quick to return to Rhaena’s side, holding her into his arms as he lays in the récamier, with her cuddling atop of him. 
“I didn’t ruin your dress…” He murmurs, and she faintly smiles. 
“Thank you” Rhaena murmurs softly. 
Aemond hesitates, his hand caressing her back. He is not good with words, never has been.
“You can… stay” He says softly. “Vhagar is big enough for both” He adds “And she puts eggs from time to time, and… One of her eggs can be yours” He says softly “Like your sister has Moondancer from Vhagar, maybe another egg will be for you…” 
Rhaena looks at him, and is a bit confused by his change of demeanour. “Thank you” she murmurs softly, nuzzling to his embrace. “For caring”
“I know how it feels” he adds quietly, still caressing her back. “To be trapped too”
Rhaena hesitates a bit, not sure if to reveal her heart’s secrets to him, but at this moment, when Luke is probably snitching on them, she trusts in him. 
“I just… They are good boys. But… Driftmark… and such… Baela would be an excellent lady. She was born to do that.”
Aemond nods softly “And you?”
“I am not worthy in my father’s eyes.”
He can sense Rhaena’s loneliness and he hugs her tighter. “You are more than worthy to me. Perhaps, and only perhaps, I will die very soon to leave Vhagar to you”
Rhaena chuckles a bit, and she looks at him with her soft, tender purple eyes. “Don’t. Tomorrow you and I will ride on her, go to Oldtown and escape from our families. My father will be absolutely mad”
Aemond smirks at the prospect, and he takes the challenge.
“I hope your silly dresses don’t take too much space” He jokes, and she giggles a bit. 
They talk for a bit more, Rhaena feels exhausted, but she forces her eyes to stay open and listen to Aemond respond to her questions. After some time, he insists on getting up, and at least for her to have a decent nightgown if she was sleeping around here. 
The banging on his door makes him know who it is. 
“Open the door, you one-eyed bastard!” It’s Daemon's voice, which Aemond feels not so bothered about.
“We can leave through the passageway if you want” He says to Rhaena, while she shakes her head, she has to face her fears.
She walks silent, as she hears the voices of her family on the other side, and she opens the door all by herself. She watches his father, as if he was ready to depart King’s landing, alongside with Rhaenyra wearing her coat, and Lucerys behind her. 
“Are you okay, Rhaena?” Rhaenyra asks, but Daemon interrupts her.
“I am going to kill him-”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Rhaena says softly, looking at the three of them. “I am fine”
Aemond walks behind her, and smirks. “Sister. Uncle, nephew. Don’t you want to enter?” He asks mockingly, crossing his arms.
Daemon seems furious, but Rhaenyra stops her, trying to calm her husband from killing Aemond.
“What has gotten into you?” Daemon asks, “Giving yourself as if-”
“Daemon” Rhaenyra stops him, trying to hold him back, and Lucerys looks at Rhaena, with… something she can’t decipher. Disappointment? Disgusted? She can’t understand the face, and it shames her a bit to hurt him like that, but it’s not like she regrets it. 
“He forced her” Lucerys corrected Daemon, still defending Rhaena’s honour. “I saw it”
Rhaena cringes, and she can see that so does Rhaenyra. She bites her lower lip as if considering her words, before speaking up again “He didn’t force me to anything.”
Rhaenyra looks at her, and she tries to get the best of the situation. Daemon seems more upset, but Rhaenyra shushes him.
“Well, we can always go back to Drag-”
“I’d say she rather enjoyed it” Aemond speaks up in a smug tone. 
The four of them turn to look at him, as he so smugly shrugs. 
“You bastard!” Daemon says before jumping to hit Aemond in the face, which the younger prince takes no interest in fighting, despises the hard hits on his face.
It’s Rhaenyra with the help of Arryk that helps them to separate (or to separate Daemon from Aemond), as she reprimands him for making the situation much worse. No one else about Aemond and Rhaena’s affair, and he was taking out any mean to talk them out of it, to remind Rhaena of her duties as a future bride to Lucerys, instead, Daemon entertains the amusement in which Aemond seems to relish himself into into torturing them all.
“You will marry Lucerys Velaryon” Daemon tells her daughter, pointing his index finger at her, not leaving room for her to protest. 
“I challenge prince Lucerys Velaryon to a duel, then” Aemond says, standing up with no problem, despising his bloody cheekbone. “For Lady Rhaena Targaryen’s hand in marriage”
Rhaenyra’s face is pale, out of any colour that she might have, and so does Lucerys. Rhaena looks at him, shaking her head. Sure, she wanted to get out of the betrothal, but to murder Lucerys? She won’t be part of it.
“Aemond, don’t”
“I’ll kill you before you put another finger on my daughter”
“Gladly, uncle. Only after I kill the little lord Strong”
"Do you dare to duel for my daughter's hand with her betrothed? What kind of-"
"Didn't you do the same with mum? You killed her betrothed in a duel" Rhaena says frowning, and Daemon gets quiet to that.
Rhaenyra looks at Lucerys, horrified at the prospect of it. He doesn’t seem particularly thrilled or prepared for it either, and there was nothing he could do to possibly win in a duel with Aemond. 
Rhaena tries to make Aemond understand the reason, to do anything but.
“Just break the betrothal” Rhaena says to Rhaenyra. “I am not a maiden, and Aemond will take me as his.”
Aemond sees the face of his half sister, she finds herself in an impossible situation. He turns to the little bastard pup, shitting himself behind his mum, unable to do any harm to him ever again, and he will make sure of it. That it hurts once he stabs him in the eye. 
Her sweet Rhaena has such a pure heart, and his hand finds her to feel the warmth of her kindness, that he sometimes lacks. But they'll manage, he knows that.
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storydays · 1 year ago
Brozone Random Headcannons
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So I've seen the Trolls Band Together 3 times and counting and it was so good! So to get back in the groove, and after having some kind words come my way from multiple people, I really appreciate you guys! I'm gonna try a new writing style. Now remember, these are simply my opinions :)
John Dory:
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*Okay, so it is canon that Branch is 24 in the Trolls 3, which makes John Dory about 44.
*Nickname(s): JD, John
Fav color: Aquamarine and Green
Pronouns: He/Him (He supports, but is comfortable as himself)
He also gives me aromantic vibes, because like throughout the movie, he was really nonchalant when the romance bits came up, however subtle they are, he didn't give a damn lol.
JD is giving big Aries vibe with how confident he can be, pretty cheerful, and gets frustrated by tiny details, and unnecessary interruptions.
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Bruce is the second oldest at 40
BIG Scorpio vibes!! He's strong (Y'all, have y'all seen how easily he lifted Branch when they first met) and hella independent. He was the first to question John Dory before their show, he was even hesitant to leave Vaycay Island before he sang with his brothers.
Nickname(s): Brucie, I feel like Brandy calls him that to mess with him or when she wants something. His brothers' (mostly John Dory and Clay), call him that to make fun of him as well.
Fav Color: White
DO NOT TOUCH THIS MAN'S HAIR!!!!! He will sic his kids on you and show no mercy.
Pronouns: He/Him (He's a huge ally, but he's also proud of himself.)
He loves experimenting and competing in the kitchen with Brandi, forces his brothers to try their food, and chooses whose food is going on the specials board.
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Clay is giving major middle-sibling vibes: at 35 years old.
Pronouns: He/They
Clay is non-binary and wears androgynous clothing but prefers their sweater romper and wristbands.
Nickname(s): Claybo (Viva calls him this to playfully annoy him), Clayton (Bruce and JD called him that as a kid, usually copying their mothers and grandma when they would scold him; but now call him that when he's overworked himself and they have to physically drag him to bed to rest.
Fav color: Green it was pretty obvious in the movie bc originally it was yellow when we first met him as a teen, but then we meet him later and it's green, and their whole outfit is green.
Def a Gemini! They're such a playful Troll, despite how serious he may act. But as he stated before, put some respect on his name bc they're a licensed CPA, fool!
Clay's favorite snack combo is:
Fries and a vanilla milkshake! He loves dipping the salty fries in the sweet vanilla.
They talk in their sleep, mostly about tax evasion and hot chocolate?
Hates doing their hair, Viva has to wait until he's sleeping for her to brush his tangles out.
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Floyd is the second youngest at 32
He's such a Pisces! He's so empathetic, compassionate, and oh, so sensitive.
Pronouns: He/Him
He and Clay definitely go all out for Pride (Bc Trolls are literally all spectrums of the rainbow! We learned that in Trolls 2! It'd be impossible NOT to have a big party for Pride), and drag their brothers and are literally so hype at the whole event and crashes MEGA hard the next morning and sleeps for a good 12 hours.
Floyd remained friends with Veneer because, c'mon they were vibing. He could see Veneer wanted someone to see him, so he convinced the Mount Rageous police to let the twins out for Pride.
Had a long talk with Velvet and helped her to see the error of her ways, and she began to be nicer to Veneer and listen to him.
Fav color is Black. He knows he slays the Rock Troll look.
I'm gonna settle this once and for all: Floyd is gay. The one earring in his right ear is a shout-out to his voice actor who is an openly gay singer.
Nickname(s): Flo (I feel like Branch couldn't pronounce Floyd's name yet when he was just learning to talk, so he called him Flo and it stuck.) Floydie (when his brothers tease him about his crush that he refuses to name.)
The hair in his face is like a comfort thing for him. He knows his hair is soft, and when he's bored, he plays with it, and twirls it around his fingers.
Floyd definitely has a collection of journals, from his songwriting to venting his feelings, and even (poorly drawn) doodles of his family.
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He is the youngest at 24 as stated earlier.
Pronouns: He/Him
Fav color: Midnight blue like his hair
This dude is hella smart; like has a super high IQ, but is super chill about it.
He and Poppy are that meme: Tired X Energetic on a level 10!
Nickname: Branchifer (Poppy calls him that when she's calling him out on his attitude or when she's about to start teasing him.)
Def an Aquarius: highly intellectual, creative, and likes to join in on social interactions when it's on his time. Poppy learned the hard way why she shouldn't force him to join in.
Similar to Floyd, he was a bunch of notebooks filled with songs he'd written.
Branch is shy when it comes to family PDA, like if his brothers were to group hug him, or if they tried to mother him, and gets especially prickly when they baby-talk him in front of others.
This dude is the prince of sarcasm, clearly picking that trait up from all his brothers. Like bro, why are you so sarcastic?!
Is undeniably the most sarcastic of the brothers. (His nieces and nephews start to pick up on that, much to Bruce's horror. Brandi thinks it's hilarious.)
Doesn't really like kids, but absolutely adores his nephew Bruce Jr ( I mean he loves them all, but has a soft spot for that boy.) Bruce Jr is autistic and nonverbal and struggles to communicate. I believe he uses TSL (Troll Sign Language), and when Branch learns this, he starts signing fluently with his nephew, surprising everyone, especially Bruce Jr, because not many people can sign so fluently, but then Branch explains, that he learned when he was younger because you could go deaf at any moment and it's such a useful skill.
Bruce Jr shows Branch his blueprints that he's made and honestly, if they wanted to, they could take over the world.
That's all for now! Let me know what you guys think!
A big shout out to @vacayisland appreciate you! This one’s for you 🥰
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tojipie · 1 year ago
for the lovely @honeybleed ‘s milestone collab event ! wrote this little drabble based on this song:
content: drugs, alcohol, strip club setting, no actual smut but def not pg
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thinking about being his fav dancer at the club <3
toji always comes to the club alone. tall, broad, always clad in a suit. thick hands hands that remain perpetually stuck under the bikini tops of the girls keeping him company.
the older man likes to nurse a bottle on his days off, long fingers dwarfing the neck of a sweet liquor you can't pronounce. he smells like it the first time he walks by you on his way to the private dances he can't help but pay for every night. you wonder what his lips taste like.
his composure is iron solid. unbreakable. the man didn't bend for any drug, drink, or woman. not that you were stalking him (you were). you watch him down bottles that would put any normal man in the ER, taking casual swigs in between feeling up the gaggle of dancers fighting for his money. he doesn't seem dunk, not even once. brushing it off like he does every night.
you strategize, subtle yet deliberate. memorizing his schedule to a T, dolling yourself up a little extra on the nights he comes in. word from the other girls was that it was easy to get his attention-- the real challenge was keeping it.
you catch him looking at you across the dimly lit club one night, eyeing you up on stage while another girl feels him up over his dress slacks. his hands falter over her waist as you turn your back to him. a sign that maybe, just maybe, you've piqued his interest.
toji doesn't look away for a second, taking you in with practiced skill. you know he's locked in when he shoos the other dancer off, raising his glass to you in a way that herds you over like a lamb.
you feel warm all over when you straddle him, giggling at how strong his legs are. heat radiates off his body in waves. the man's lower half is spread wide and corded with muscle, holding your lower half up as you rub and grind all over him.
toji hisses at the bold display, tucking a wad of 100s into the seam of your bikini. a generous client, rare but appreciated. he leans in, husky voice cutting through the booming music.
“you new here?” he mumbles, slipping a single between your cleavage. you feel the pad of his thumb slip under the thin ties of your bottoms, rubbing back and forth in the junction between your heat and your thigh.
“no, you know that,” you tease, pivoting to straddle him cowgirl style.
"smart girl," he praises. "knows when she's got my attention."
the air hangs heavy with an unspoken promise as the near stranger continues to spoil you. slowly, you turn, dropping to your knees in front of him to sit at eye level with the part of him you've been curious about this whole time.
"might have a new favorite girl after tonight, huh?" he leers.
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whitemancumslut · 2 years ago
tw: mentions of vomiting, language, me being delusional
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liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, and 7.600.099 others
yourinstagram my precious baby boy,
i promise to love you forever.
harrystyles So in love.❤️
↳ yourinstagram I love you
gemmastyles So beautiful🤍
↳ yourinstagram ❤️❤️
annetwist Gorgeous!!
↳ yourinstagram Thank you❤️❤️
florencepugh Gorgeous Mama!!
ynfan so fucking cute:(
harryfan i’m emotional right now. no one speak to me
~seven months later~
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff, and 10.889.990 others
harrystyles The Beginning. April 24th.
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yourinstagram My darling man❤️
annetwist ❤️❤️❤️
lizzobeeating OMG!❤️
harryfan1 OMFGGGGG WHAT .
harryfan3 NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY
harryfan4 A dadrry album. i’m so unwell i cant.
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff, and 8.880.028 others
harrystyles ‘August’ out March 8th.
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yourinstagram i love you
gemmestyles ❤️
harryfan4 AWW OMFG
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram, and 403,939 others
gemmastyles ‘August’ is out now❤️
harrystyles ❤️
yourinstagram Auntie Gemmy❤️
annetwist ❤️
Comments have been limited.
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan1, and 11.009 others
harrysupdates Photos featured in the ‘August’ music video!
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harryfan1 they’re the perfect family :(
harryfan2 dadrry is real. i still can’t wrap my head around this
ynfan1 many tears would shed
↳ harryfan3 a tear dropped before the video started.
harryfan4 he’s gotten so big😭😭😭
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liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles, and 11.992.027 others
harrystyles My new album The Beginning is Out now!
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yourinstagram I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU
harryfan1 FUCK YEAH
ynfan2 im emotional
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist, and 5.550.991 others
yourinstagram THE BEGINNING IS OUT NOW. @harrystyles i love you i love you i love you. not enough words in the world to express how much i love u and how thankful i am for u.🤍
View all 22,009 comments
harrystyles Youre my muse x
↳ harryfan1 I CANT RN
↳ ynfan1 i aspire to be like y’all
harryfan2 im so unwell rn .
harryfan3 i’m crying
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liked by harryfan2 and 2.220 others
harryfan me after listening to The Beginning:
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↳ harryfan4 NO NO NO DONT
harryfan5 Beautiful boy killed me. Had to take a large break before listening to the rest of the album.
harryfan7 i cried my whole way through
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liked by harryfan1 and 30,000 others
harrysupdates “Stargazing is based off a night spent with my wife, Y/n.” Styles takes a deep breath before smiling widely as he says, “I specifically remember the weather of that night. Very warm and slight windy. It was just around when we found out she was pregnant with our son. We were in the backyard just staring at the sky, catching every other star. Stargazing,” The man chuckles as he remembers the moment with his beloved wife, Y/n L/n-Styles. “I remember we just laid there for hours talking about how we ended up where we did.” Harry in the trailer of his Zane Lowe interview.
View all 335 comments
harryfan HES SO IN LOVE
harryfan2 Shes so lucky😭😭😭
harryfan3 imagine doing this with Harry :((
yourinstagram stories
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thankyouivy · 1 year ago
i think ive re-read your last blurb like 10 times I NEED MORE
R’s ex wont stop texting her so Spencer finds a way to let him know she’s doing alright (def more then alright ;) ) without him
OOPS ITS BEEN A SEC. I’ve been super busy with finals and family stuff this holiday season!!! (merry Christmas and New Years if you celebrate!!) I'm trying to feed you heathens before I start working on the alphabet blurbs, prepare yourselves!!! this might be my fav blurb I've done so far….
Warnings: Smut (18+), exhibitionism, harassment from an ex, revenge in the form of recording good sex, oral sex [f rec], fingering, exobitionism, piv sex, marking/hickies, spencer says “good girl”, possessiveness, spence being a thigh man, vocal sex, dirty talk, praise, begging, riding, squirting.
!!the link with this colouring is to a p0rnographic image depicting a scene in the fic, be warned!!
Show Off - Spencer Reid X Fem!reader
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You’ve been laying on his chest with your hands carding and tugging through his hair while since he got home.
Spencer’s hands caress your sides as you lazily make out, hands running over the soft cotton of your underwear and the warmth of your smooth skin. The only sounds in the room are the quiet, content hums and whines coming from your mouth, and the wet smacking of mouths licking into each other, but suddenly there’s a buzzing from under the sheets, which startles you.
You know it’s your phone, Spence always keeps his ringer on, so you both ignore it the first time, letting it go to voicemail. But when it rings again, you huff and fish for your phone under the covers, flipping your hair out of your face while using one arm to hold yourself above Spencer as you decline the call and place your phone on the bedside table. You look back to Spencer with a lust-filled gaze, leaning down to finish what you started, desperate to have some uninterrupted alone time with him after he’s been away for a few days.
Two minutes later, it’s buzzing again. You groan in annoyance, grabbing your phone off the nightstand to turn your ringtone off before, again, going back to Spencer.
Not even a minute later a series of ding’s are coming from the nightstand. You let out a frustrated whine, burying your head in the crook of his neck as you grumble.
“Work?” Spencer asks, voice raw and breathy from the previous heated moment. You shake your head and mumble something incoherent about “the jackass” into his neck. “He’s still calling?” Spencer asks, chuckling lightly at your nickname for your ex-boyfriend.
“Mhm” you groan, pulling your face out of his neck, the notifications still coming from your phone. He smiles sympathetically at you as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and places a kiss on your jaw. “No matter what I do I can’t get him to stop! I considered changing my number, but my boss said I can’t ‘cause all my files and data are listed under this one. It’s gotten worse since I started posting photos of us on Instagram.”
“I can ask Garcia to blacklist his number from your phone?” Spencer breathes, rubbing your back in an attempt to relax you and try to think of a solution. “Penny already tried... it worked for a little, but you know you can’t blacklist disposable cells,” you frown.
your phone dings again, and before Spencer can stop you, you’re snatching your phone off the bedside table and frantically typing something before tossing it off the bed, and onto the carpeted floor in frustration.
Spencer chuckles at your dramatics before climbing out of bed to grab your phone off the floor, looking down at the screen. “‘Trying to fuck my FBI boyfriend who has a gun.’ really, sugar?” He huffs out a laugh, sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his hand soothingly over your leg.
“Worth a try,” you shrug with a giggle. “It’s honestly just getting inconvenient, every time I get a notification I don’t know if it’s something important, or this dumbass,” you sigh.
“Remind me why you ever dated him?” Spencer teases, receiving a shove to his shoulder as he looks down at the phone again. “huh.”
You peek over his shoulder at the screen, draping yourself over his back, intrigued at his intrigue, “What is it?”
22:23 - Missed call from ‘Fucker’
22:24 - Missed call from ‘Fucker’
22:27 - Missed call from ‘Fucker’
22:29 - Fucker: hey babe
22:29 - Fucker: miss you ;)
22:29 - Fucker: and those tits of yourss
22:31 - Fucker: wyd?
22:33 - You: Trying to fuck my fbi bf who has a gun
22:33 - You: Stop calling.
22:34 - Fucker: ur dating a fed?
22:34 - Fucker: he fuck like one 2? know u miss this d
22:35 - Fucker:u know u want me
22:36 - Fucker: u miss how i make you feel he dont make u feel like that and u know it
22:36 - Fucker: admit it
“Well- he’s got clear narcissistic tendencies and incredibly high ego…” Spencer mumbles to himself. “And a tiny dick,” you add with a giggle, kissing at his neck.
Spencer frowns at that, and you can practically hear the cogs turning in his head. He’s half upset at the knowledge that you ever had sex with this guy, and half upset that it was clearly not pleasurable for you, at all.
“You know… even though pathological narcissists often portray themselves as shameless, that is part of the act, they are extremely self-conscious. Humiliating them often results in them losing control of the image they've built, which causes avoidance and denial. So… theoretically, if I were to out-do him in the area that seems to boost his ego the most, which is clearly sex, he would back off.” Spencer explains, pulling you into his lap.
“Baby, even though we both know its true, if I told him you’re better in bed, he’d just deny it and get more aggressive.” You smile at him, kissing his cheek and wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands fall to your waist.
“That’s true, so what if we had some… evidence... to back it up?” Spencer asks, blush appearing on his cheeks as you let out an exaggerated gasp. “Doctor Spencer Reid! Are you suggesting we film ourselves having sex to scare off my ex?!” You playfully hit his chest in mock-shock.
“I- yeah- yes-, b- but only if you’re comfortable with it- there’s no way he would share it, so there’s no risk o-” he stutters before you cut him off with a kiss.
“Yeah?… You wanna prove you can fuck me better? Got a big dick, long fingers, a good ass tongue, and know how to use ‘em, huh?” You ask seductively, slowly grinding yourself onto him in slow, teasing circles.
Mouth open in a silent groan, he looks down at your hips grinding on him before looking back up to you, open mouth turning into a smirk. “Worth a try,” He breathes, pushing his hips up into yours, swallowing your whimpers with a kiss, pulling you in by the the back of your neck.
Not breaking the kiss, he undoes your bra and pulls it off, running his hands up your sides to your chest. “Well he got one thing right; these ‘tits of yours’ are gorgeous.” He gropes your chest with his large hands as you giggle.
He stands up with you in his arms and flips you around, tossing you on the bed and climbing over you, sucking on the pulse point of your neck. “Can’t believe you used to let him touch you like I do,” Spencer growls into you, kissing over the mark he’s made.
“trust me, baby, he never touched me like you do- ah!”
You’re breathing heavy and whining as he teases you, no doubt trying to get you all worked up so you’ll show off just how desperate he makes you.
His hand traces shapes along your hip bone while moving lower down your body. He begins kissing along your chest, sucking and nipping as one of his hands dips beneath the band of your panties.
He teases you, laying his large hand flat over your lower stomach, applying a bit of pressure as his slender fingers dip into the crease of your inner thigh, touching you everywhere but where you need him.
You whine and wiggle your hips, desperate for some sort of relief from the swirling need in your core, but to your dismay he just continues teasing, pulling his hand out from your panties and running his middle and ring fingers over the mound of your clothed pussy.
You gasp as his fingers run down to the damp spot over your entrance. A groan muffled by your chest falls from his mouth as he attempts to press into you through the fabric before his fingers come back up to your clothed clit, moving in slow circles, pressing hard against you as your hips buck into the friction of the fabric.
“Spencer,” You moan, but it’s more like a plea, a plea for him to do something more, anything, really.
He chuckles at you, deciding that he’s done teasing (for now). He hooks his fingers in the band of your panties and pulls them off your hips and down your legs with a little help from you.
He moves down your body, sitting in between your thighs, torso hovering over your pelvis to get a good view of his work.
You let out a whine at the lack of touch. “Mm, impatient are we?” He mutters, running his hands over your upper thighs and spreading them wider. He grabs your phone off the bed and swipes over to the camera, keeping the camera flipped to the sheets, and hits record.
Humming in delight, he spreads you open with this thumbs, “Always so fucking wet for me,” he praises, gently rubbing up your pussy with his middle and ring fingers, pressing against your clit.
“Baby,” You gasp into a moan as your opening clenches around nothing and your clit pulses at the sudden touch. Spencer’s pupils are blown wide with lust as he gazes at you letting out little gasps and moans, completely enamoured by your body, bottom lip stuck beneath his teeth. “Fuck, sugar.”
One of his hands pulls your folds open while the other one plays with you. His middle finger runs up and down your folds, collecting your slick and rubbing it over your clit before teasing your entrance.
You whimper and push back against his digits, desperately trying to get his long, thick, skilled fingers inside you.
Slowly, he dips his middle and ring fingers into you, curling them slightly as he pushes them as far as they will go inside you, making you cry and writhe against him. His other hand works slow circles over your clit as he begins thrusting his fingers in and out of you faster and faster.
Little uh, uh, uh's fall from your lips as he pumps in and out of you. He bites his lip in concentration and lust, the wet sounds of your pussy reverberating around the room only heightening his arousal.
"That feel good, baby?"
"Mhm!" you cry out, eyes clamping shut in pleasure.
“Yeah?” he teases, smirking as he watches your eyes flutter shut once he starts rubbing that spot inside inside you that makes your vision turn white. Your jaw hangs open as strained moans leave your mouth, your hips arch off the bed, and your hands grip the sheets as you reach your first orgasm.
Spencer groans as he feels your muscles clench around him and your release gush around his digits, his hard cock twitching and leaking in his boxers. He slows his pace, helping you through your high with the consistent stimulation his gentle touches bring you.
“Good girl,” He whispers in that sexy grainy voice of his. You giggle breathlessly as you reach to stop the recording, looking down at him just when he pulls his fingers out of you.
Bringing them up to his mouth, he lets his tongue fall out, moaning in delight at your taste as sucks your arousal off his fingers, “Fuck, baby, I need to taste you.”
You wiggle your hips in anticipation as he hooks his forearms under your thighs and grabs your waist, his large hands almost covering the entirety of your abdomen. He lowers himself down, kissing and nibbling from your knee to the base of your thigh.
He roughly sucks and bites at your inner thighs, wanting to make marks that last for at least a week, marks that you’ll feel whenever your plush thighs brush together. He switches thighs while absentmindedly rubbing at your clit; too softly to get you off, but just enough to make you needy.
Just as predicted, you become a whiney, needy mess in a matter of minutes. You’re only knocked out of the pleasure-filled haze when Spencer pauses his attack to lean his smug face against your abused thigh and mumble, “He never went down on you, did he, sugar? ‘s that why you were so confused the first time I told you I wanted to?”
He phrases it like a question, but you know he already knows the answer. You avert his eyes when you nod your head, blush appearing on your cheeks as he coo’s.
“Awe, poor baby… ‘should show him what he was missing, yeah?” He mumbles, nipping the flesh of your thigh, his fingers still working gently over your clit. You whine, bucking into the sensation as you nod your head. “Go on, sugar, set up the camera,"
He goes back to sucking bruises onto your thighs as you prop the camera up on the plant pot that lives on your bedside table, angling it so the focus is on Spencer, and hit record.
Once you lay back down, he tightens his grip on your waist, keeping you in place as he licks a fat stripe up your pussy.
You let out a startled moan, slipping a hand into his messy curls and tugging, earning a groan from him. He kitten licks around your clit and down to your entrance, pulling away momentarily as your back arches off the bed to mutter, “god, you taste fucking incredible.”
He switches between flicking his tongue over your clit and lapping at the slick pouring from your opening, listening to your sweet cries. His tongue increasing its pace as wet, lewd, sounds from his mouth lapping at your pussy fill your hot bedroom.
Spencer watches from between your thighs as your eyes roll back, fluttering shut as your pretty lips part, letting out a strangled cry of pleasure as he suckles on your swollen clit.
Your squeezing your thighs around his head as you rock your hips into his face as you yank on his hair. Spencer groans, holding you in place as your thighs tremble, never stopping his attack on your cunt as your orgasm courses through your body.
He takes his time working you through your high and then cleaning you up, savouring the taste of your arousal as if it's not permanently stored in his mind through his eidetic memory and the sheer amount of times he's used his mouth on you.
He licks at you until your whimpering and physically can't take the overstimulation anymore, pushing his head away from your sopping cunt. He grins at you, lips and chin wet with a mix of your slick and his saliva as he licks his lips and pants, still catching his breath.
He crawls up your body, licking up your neck to your jaw, placing a sloppy kiss on your lips before throwing a smug look at the camera and stopping the recording, tossing the phone into the sheets as he goes back to kissing you, his soft lips mixing with yours.
You whine when you taste yourself on his tongue, that warm feeling in your core returning, and you know only one thing will calm your needy body.
You reach down, fingers tracing the lines of Spencer's toned stomach, dipping into his boxers, and gripping his cock.
He hisses at your touch, "fu-uck- we- we don't have to, sugar, you don't need to- I can ju-"
"I wanna. I want you..."
You hook your heel around his hip and flip the two of you over, so you're on top, biting your lip and moving so you're straddling his upper thighs.
You pull his rock hard cock out, stroking it as you watch Spencer's head fall back against the pillows, mouth open in a silent moan.
You fish for your phone in the covers while you continue stroking him, loving the way his eyebrows knit together and his chest rises and falls sporadically.
You grab your phone and move up further, so your pussy is right at the base of your boyfriends dick, his hard cock resting on your tummy, the tip hitting just below your belly button.
You snap the photo, and grin when you see the filthy image. Your perfectly manicured hand is placed delicately over the base of his cock, his tip is an angry red, and has a bead of precum collecting and threatening to spill against your stomach as you show off his length.
It's perfectly sinful, and you can feel yourself getting wet just looking at it. You can't stand to wait any longer, lifting your hips off him and grabbing Spencer to direct his tip to your core.
You rub his tip through your folds to lubricate it, just like Spencer always does before entering you, with your bottom lip stuck between your teeth, and he swears he could cum just at the sight.
Your hands find purchase on his pelvis, bracing yourself as your eyebrows knit together and your eyes flutter shut as you sink down onto him.
Finally bottoming out, you feel perfectly full, the light stretch his thickness brings you feels incredible. His hands find their place on your defined hip-bones as you breathe, getting used to the sensation.
Once you know you're ready, you flex your thigh muscles and lift your hips slightly, and with the help of Spencers hands on your hips you start to create a steady rhythm, fucking yourself down on to your boyfriends fat dick.
"Baby," Spencer gasps, sounding like he's had the breath punched out of him. You manage to smirk at him, despite the moans falling from your mouth as you start to thrust your hips down faster and faster.
"So beautiful like this, sugar- god, look at you, fucking desperate for it, taking what you need from me- fuck-" He goans, dilated pupils gazing at you with nothing but lust. You feel to tight and warm around him, Spencer can't help himself; he begins thrusting his hips up to meet yours, hitting that one spot inside you perfectly over and over again.
You yelp out a moan and twitch as your orgasm flows through your whole body, like giant waves rolling over you. Your toes curl and your nails scratch even marks down his toned chest, earning a hiss from him.
Your thighs stutter and begin losing the rhythm you created, hunching forward over his chest. Spencer takes the hint and plants his feet firmly on the bed before he begins thrusting up into you at a quick pace, forcing a yelp out of you as you fall onto his chest.
You can hear his whimpers and groans in your ear as he chases his orgasm, biting his shoulder to hold back your screams.
"Ah! hng- harder, please...," You moan into his neck, and Spencer's resolve finally cracks. He grips your hips harder and forces your hips down onto him, forcing his cock fully into you every time.
You gasp brokenly and surge forward to kiss him sloppily, moaning absurdly loudly in between kisses, scratching and yanking at his scalp.
"I- I'm so close! Spence- please-," You moan into his mouth, nails digging into his shoulders, leaving red crescent moons in their wake.
"Shit- me too sugar-"
"please! please... wanna feel it in me..."
He groans, looking down at where he's thrusting into you, reaching down to toy with your clit as you attempt to fuck yourself down onto him, despite how Spencer's caged you in.
"Spencer-," you cry out as you cum for the final time, completely at his mercy. Your pussy clenching and fluttering around him as you gush around him.
His hips lift off the mattress, pulling you flush against him and rubbing your clit impossibly faster as he pumps you full of his cum, jaw hanging open in ecstasy as his high washes over him. You all but scream in pure pleasure, your body spasming as more liquid spurts out of you.
When you come down, you feel the steady rise and fall of Spencers chest as he pants under you, not even daring to move off him. Spencer's hand cards through your messy curls, as you catch your breath, grinning down at him.
Once the two of you catch your breath, he pulls out of you with a choked breath and you roll off him with a whine. He quickly pads over to the bathroom to grab a damp cloth to clean you up and some water for the both of you.
Before he can even start to clean you up, you stop him. He gives you a quizzical look when you hand him your phone, but you just bite your lip nervously. "I- um- I never let him fuck me without a condom, he'll hate it..." You mumble, and you swear you can see his cock twitch when his eyes widen.
Without another comment, he blushes and snaps a picture of your fucked out body on top of the wrinkled sheets. You body is shining with a thin layer of sweat, your hair flowing across your shoulders and the pillow under your head, Spencer's cum dripping slowly out of your sopping pussy.
He cleans you up and makes sure you drink water, changing the sheets while you get ready for bed in the bathroom, and then happily holding you as you fall asleep in his arms.
Before falling asleep himself, he opens your phone and sends your ex a message.
23:25 - You: *Attachment: 2 images, 2 videos*
23:25 - You: She is doing just fine without you.
More of my stuff can be found here.
~ Ivy 🪴
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seandiazworms · 1 year ago
dating sean diaz hcs pt 2
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- before esteban fixed up a car for sean, u guys would always take the public bus around seattle
- his favorite dates r the ones where u guys go into random small stores and thrift shops
- both of u guys cackle REALLY LOUD at tacky shirts with stupid sayings and get looks from people 😭
- ur fav thing is to go “i found something ud like” and watch sean look up from the racks in excitement to see an overly patriotic shirt that says “don’t touch my truck”
- his face drops into a frown and he picks out something 10x uglier and say it looks like something ud wear
- sean secretly buys what u say is cute but u cant afford bc thrifting is so expensive for no reason these days
- “guess what i got” and he slithers it out of his bag with an evil smile 😭 suddenly him dissing u for an hour straight doesnt even matter anymore
- once esteban texts sean for dinner u guys hop on the bus back home. he never asks sean to come home for dinner alone though! common courtesy to invite the gf
- sharing wired earbuds on the bus ride home always. sean plays little love songs bc he only listens to music that he relates to in that specific moment 😭 corny but cute. he def has songs in his head that he thinks are ur guys’ songs and plays them every chance he gets
- when u first started eating with the diaz family it was so painfully awkward
- though he kind of likes it now, he did not want his girlfriend to get to know esteban or daniel too well LMAO he didnt want to be embarrassed by anything they possibly could say
- still, even when he tried so hard to avoid it, daniel and esteban still found their ways
- estebans the kind of dad to bring up embarrassing stories about sean when he was a kid bc he KNOWS how much his son would hate it
- “y’know (y/n), im surprised seanie boy over here even managed to get a girlfriend in the first place”
- “why is that, mr. diaz?”
- “i remember he thought girls couldn’t poop until he was in middle school! i had to break the news for him—he was in denial for weeks. his voice was shaking when i told him and everything!” u can see sean pause mid-chew in the corner of his eye 😭 “and please, call me esteban”
- you just awkwardly nodded and tried to not bust out laughing. sean notices and kicks u under the table which makes u ACTUALLY bust out laughing
- esteban and daniel knew from there u were one to be trusted
- “i bet (y/n) doesn’t poop” daniel randomly said when u left that night. seans immediately swiveled his head around 😭
- just like with lyla, daniel seemed to have a crush on u as well. the only difference is that sean tries to shut it down REALLY quick.
- “she shits all the time. sometimes i wipe her ass for her bc she shits so much”
- daniel’s “eww…” is like music to his ears
- u always playfully punch him when he does this in front of u and ask why he makes u look bad in front of him
- sean never admits its bc hes jealous of a little kid 😭 he just changes the subject and kisses u bc he thinks hes sneaky
- over the summer he randomly got a buzz and didnt say anything to anybody
- he just opened his front door standing there bald as if nothing happened and ur eyes wld just kind of widen
- u wld eventually tell him it looks good tho bc it DOES he pulls it off so well
- that summer u wld always randomly start feeling his head because the texture is so interesting
- it got to the point where hed just sit on the floor in front of wherever u were so ud get to feel his freshly mowed head
- he always ends up dozing off bc its so comforting and u wld feel his head pressed on ur inner leg.
- u also get the privilege of cutting/buzzing his hair 😋
- sean doesnt trust himself so u guys sit for 40 mins watching a brad mondo video before u start going ape on his hair
- he gets kind of nervous when u get close to his face and does that thing where u switch between a persons right eye and left eye while smiling awkwardly 😭
- surprisingly it turns out good!
- i feel like ud be super nit-picky on ur work, thinking its total ass. he wld just say its perfect over and over again
- he always stares at any reflective surface and smiles like a dork in front of it. even if u did do a shit job, he probably wouldnt notice or care all that much bc he loves blindly ❤️
im on winter break so i get to be cringe and free for endless hours thank u to like the 3 other people who also like sean diaz. u r all real ones
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tayytae · 10 months ago
You should do one where bill fuckes a Freader and overstimulates her cause he’s so sexually frustrated till she uses a safe word and then he takes care of her like a princess 🫶 I love your writing you just might be my new fav writer 🧏‍♂️ if your not comfortable you defs don’t have to do it <3
“Melody of Frustration”
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Synopsis: Bill, who comes home angry after a disappointing band practice where he kept messing up his singing. His bandmates' teasing adds to his frustration, leading him to take his anger out on his girlfriend..
Bill stormed into the house, his face flushed with anger and frustration. He had just come from a disastrous band practice where his singing had been off-key and filled with mistakes. To make matters worse, his bandmates had teased him mercilessly, poking fun at his missed notes and laughing at his expense.
As soon as he entered the living room, he saw his girlfriend sitting on the couch, reading a book.
“Hey," I greeted him with a smile, unaware of his mood.
Bill scowled and tossed his shoes off and onto the floor. "Don't 'hey' me," he snapped, his voice sharp with irritation.
I looked up, surprised by his tone. "What's wrong, Bill?"
He paced back and forth, running a hand through his hair. "Everything's wrong! I can't believe how awful I sounded at practice, and then those idiots won't let me forget it."
I frowned, concern clouding my features. "I'm sorry, babe. That sounds really tough."
"You have no idea," Bill muttered, still seething with anger.
Suddenly, without thinking, he lashed out at me. "And what are you doing just sitting there? Why don't you ever understand how I feel?!"
I recoiled slightly, hurt evident in her eyes. "I do understand, Bill. I'm here for you, always."
He immediately regretted his harsh words, realizing he had unfairly taken his anger out on the person who cared about him the most. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just so frustrated."
I nodded, a small smile returning to my face. "It's okay, Bill. We all have our moments. But remember, I'm on your side no matter what."
Bill took a deep breath, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I know, and I'm grateful for that. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
I reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "You don't have to make it up to me, Bill. Just know that I'm here to support you, even on your bad days."
Bill looks at you with teary eyes, his expression full of gratitude and love. "Thank you, love. That means everything to me. I don't deserve you." He leans in and presses his lips against yours gently. "I'm lucky to have you in my life."
I felt Bill’s hands grab me by the waist and pull me closer, then trailed his hands down to my ass. I let out a slight moan as our kiss continued to grow more rough and demanding.
Feeling my body respond to his touch, Bill deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth as his hands squeeze my ass firmly. "God, I want you so fucking bad,"
“Gonna make it up to you love, I promise..” Bill said, just above a whisper as he removed his lips and attached them to my neck.
Bill trails kisses down my neck, nipping at my skin lightly as his hands roam up my body, reaching for the hem of my shirt. He pulls it up over my head, revealing my bare chest and gasps at the sight. "You're absolutely breathtaking, my love."
I covered myself with my arms, a bit embarrassed and shyness of my body takes over; despite Bill’s compliment. Bill notices my hesitation and immediately pulls my hands away from my body, holding them gently in his. "No, don't hide yourself from me, love. You're perfect in every way. I want to see all of you, but only if you're comfortable."
I nod and then glance up at his towering figure, “Please.. I need you.”
Bill's eyes darken with desire as he takes in my words. "Thank god, because I need you too." He swiftly removes his own shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs, before moving his hands to my pants. "May I?"
I nodded again, my eyes watching his movements intensely as i felt my legs get hotter. Bill slowly undoes my pants, sliding them down my legs along with my underwear until i’m standing in front of him completely naked.
“Fuck, you're gorgeous." He leans down and presses a kiss to your stomach, causing you to shiver at the sensation.
With a swift motion, Bill carefully lays me down on the couch, his eyes drinking in every inch of my body as he kneels between my legs. "You're so fucking beautiful." He leans down and presses a kiss to your inner thigh, causing me to gasp at the sensation.
“Oh, bill-“ I couldn’t finish my sentence as I felt his lips suck my clit. My hands gripping his hair as I throw my head back in pleasure.
Bill smirks against my skin, his tongue swirling circles around my clit as he sucks gently. He uses his fingers to tease my entrance, occasionally sliding a finger inside to prepare me for what's to come. "You taste so fucking good, love. Better than I even imagined."
Bill groans against my skin at the feeling of my thighs tightening around his face, the vibrations only adding to my pleasure as he continues to suck and tease my clit with his tongue. "Mmm fuck, you're so fucking wet. And for me, all mine."
I’ve been occasionally moaning, but at this rate im whimpering and letting out loud moans as his fingers move faster in me, curling them to my g-spot with such good memory.
Bill smirks against my skin, his fingers moving faster and faster inside of me as he continues to suck and lick at my clit, his memory serving him well as he expertly curls his fingers to hit your g-spot. "Fuck, come for me beautiful.”
I clenched around his digits as I let out a loud moan, my white juice coating his fingers.
Bill's smirk widens as he pulls his fingers out of me, watching as my white juice coats his fingers. He brings them up to his mouth and sucks them clean, his eyes never leaving yours as he savors the taste. "Mhm- you taste amazing.”
I glance up at him with tired eyes, before bill quickly unbottons his pants and pulls down his jeans; along with his boxers.
Bill's cock springs free, already hard and ready for me. He steps out of his pants and boxers before climbing back onto the couch with me, positioning himself between my legs. "Do you want me to fuck you, baby?"
I nod as I wrap my legs around him, “Fuck Bill, I would want nothing more.” my red cheeks becoming more noticeable as I smile slightly.
Bill lines himself up with my entrance before slowly pushing inside of me, giving a low groan at the feeling of my tightness surrounding him. "Fuck, you always feel so good. But right now, I need to fuck you hard and fast.”
At that moment, Bill speeds up his pace and fucks me dumb. My face completely twists as I feel every inch of him in me. “Mm- Bill!” I moaned, my hands resting on his chest as he takes me rough.
Bill grips onto my hips, pulling me against him with each thrust as he fucks me hard and fast. He watches as my face contorts with pleasure, the moans that leave my lips driving him wild. "God damn, you're so fucking tight. You wasting my cock like that?"
I nod, moans and whimpers leaving my mouth. His name being repeated and repeated, as if it’s the only word i’d ever known.
Bill groans as he feels me starting to tighten around his cock, my moans and whimpers driving him even closer to the edge. He speeds up his pace, fucking me even harder and faster as he feels himself getting closer. "I'm gonna cum, baby. Cum with me."
As if I could tell the future, my juices cover his dick and a ring appears at the bottom of his cock. A loud moan escapes my mouth as I gripped onto his shoulders.
Feeling me tighten around him and my juices coating his cock sends Bill over the edge. He groans loudly as he releases himself inside of me, the ring at the bottom of his cock pulsing as he fills me with his release. "Fuck, baby..”
Bill's breathing is heavy as he collapses on top of me, his sweaty forehead pressed against mine. He pant from the intense orgasm that just ran through him and rest his weight on me. "Shit, babe..”
“Y-You still mad..?” I panted through my heavy breathing.
Bill chuckles and tilts his head to press a soft kiss on my lips before answering. "No, I'm not mad anymore. That dumbass band practice just had me heated, but seeing you like this... It takes all the anger away and just leaves me wanting to give you more..”
I nod, Bill leaning over and kissing the top of my head.
“Round 2?..”
Ok so like i havent posted ina minute.. so idk
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velarisdusk · 2 months ago
these are NOT meant to be soundalikes. i think our guys would use their own intonations, inflections, and creative decisions for things like cadence and ad-libs in these songs. this is meant to be a showcase of what vibes i think their songs would be. under the cut, i'll have notes on why i chose tracks, certain covers of songs, etc.
All that to say—This Is: Wings of Illyria
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01 The Great Escape — BOYS LIKE GIRLS the song that started it all.... i've definitely said this way too many times, but i'll say it again. the bridge. 'we won't hear a word.... they.... say / they don't know us anyway.' that is azriel's part. that is where the crowd goes batshit (buh dum tss). i think their songs would be a range of stuff like pop-punk, alt, rock. this one might be a bit different than the rest of the energy of the playlist, but i was not folding on this one, it HAD to be in the playlist.
02 Seven Nation Army — The White Stripes the bass in this is so iconic and i thought az deserved it. thats pretty much the only reason, i can't even lie
03 Take Me Out — Franz Ferdinand i just really love this song LMFAOOOO also i can see rhys KILLING IT on guitar. i ALSO really like the thought of az and cass having fun shouting the backing vocals. OH OH and az and rhys playing their instruments back to back with these shit-eating smirks on their faces mmm yum
04 Somebody Told Me — The Killers this is the first of the "fun" songs i chose for them, i think that'll make more sense when you listen to the rest of the "fun" ones. like i think these are the slightly less serious songs that they'd enjoy performing.
05 Kryptonite — 3 Doors Down i think this is one of the ones i find truer to their usual sound (usual, i say, as if i didnt just make it all up lol)
06 Sex on Fire — Kings of Leon a more mellow one comparatively. the instrumentals are great in this and i see them having fun with it
07 Come As You Are — Nirvana also a bit more mellow, but i think rhys would kill this
08 Aerials — System Of A Down so.. serj tankian has a very unique voice and i love it but obv rhys wouldnt sound like that yknow? i just think the guitar in this song is awesome and i think rhys would have a lot of fun playing this one (also az on harmony yum)
09 The Kill — Thirty Seconds To Mars a classic emo/alt song. this one all around is AMAZING for them. the backing vocals, the belting, the DRUMS. cass would have so much fun on this one
10 Everlong — Foo Fighters starts slow but picks up, i think the instrumentals all around are very them. i see rhys being super passionate on vocals (not to mention how iconic the guitar is HELLOOOO), cass smashing the mf drums, az with the mellow backing vocals
11 Dance, Dance — Fall Out Boy i think if any of these songs are a bit out of the realm of the others, these two fall out boy tracks are it. dont get me wrong, it still fits into the vibe with those "fun" songs i was talking about, it's just one of their less serious songs i think
12 Thnks fr th Mmrs — Fall Out Boy three hot guys singing about casual sex. need i say more?
13 Dear Maria, Count Me In — All Time Low pop punk singer rhys!! i love!! another "fun" song
14 Are You Gonna Be My Girl — Jet yet another "fun" song! ugh idk i just find them singing about a girl to be very hot and sexy
15 You're Gonna Go Far, Kid — The Offspring the guitar.. the aggressive lyrics.... the shouted ad libs (def cass on the 'trust, deceived' at the end of the second verse) and the lower harmony by az
16 Scotty Doesn't Know — Lustra A "FUN" SONG!! ONE OF MY FAV "FUN" SONGS ON THIS LIST!! like i said,, these hot guys singing about a girl.. add in the fact that theyre singing about fucking her>>>>>
17 I Was Made For Lovin' You — YUNGBLUD OKAY. i have a good bit to say about this one bc i realize it's an interesting choice. i had the original by KISS on here at first, but the sound was a bit too classic rock compared to the rest of their stuff. this cover gives a bit more of a modern-alt-rock sound? i want to make known that i HATE the way "can't" in the first "i can't get enough of you baby" is sung, but it's only once. i also love the PICK UP IN TEMPO AAAAA its really good. let me walk you through the thought process. im seeing in concert we've got like.. a dark stage. a spotlight on rhys seated at a piano, singing into the mic. once he sings the first chorus, he stands, the lights come up, az tosses him his guitar, he catches it with one hand, throwing the strap over himself, the guitar spins around him and then rhys starts fuckin GOING AT IT. anyway..... yeah that's why i chose this cover instead of the original
18 You Give Love A Bad Name — Bon Jovi ik i said classic rock wasnt their sound but this one is just so good. i can see them giving this one a slightly more modern feel
19 Savior — Rise Against do me a favor. listen to this with headphones. start the song with just the right earbud in, then at the end of that intro verse, put the left one in so the guitar grows. those isolated vocals would be az. thank u.
20 Situations — Escape the Fate remember how 16 was one of my fav "fun" songs on the list? THIS is my fav one. its just so openly sexual, vey raunchy, they'd be very sexy singing this and the crowd would cream their pants
21 The Drug In Me Is You — Falling In Reverse this one's just as simple as great vocals, bitchin guitar, amazing drums
22 Paralyzer — Finger Eleven again, BITCHIN guitar
23 I Hate Everything About You — Three Days Grace the AGGRESSION!!!!! RAAAA!!!!!!! thats it, it's aggressive and they'd be hot playing this song
24 Covet — Basement another slower song, but i love it so i put it. duh. every album has one or two slower songs, this is one of them.
25 Zombie — Bad Wolves i absolutely LOVE this one. it has more of that rock feel for these guys than the original by the cranberries. thats why i chose this cover. i can see them head banging to this one
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yall were interested so just gonna tag you here!! hope you enjoy :D @anarchiii @chairofchaos @blushingfawnsposts @mellowmusings @acoazlove
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liquorisce · 10 months ago
Do you have any eremika age gap au recs?? It’s my favorite trope and there’s nearly not enough fics out there😭😭😭
*rubs hands* I took my time with this because I am not the most avid fic reader unfortunately, but I do have a few recs and some more on my tbr. I think what you're looking for is not just an age difference but where the age gap is the focus? i've marked those in pink. definitely check the tags on these before proceeding!!
gonna start with mine just for completeness, and also because i love it *blush*
boy next door: For sixteen years, Mikasa has watched the boy next door. First: through the eyes of a child, hand in his during family trips, his hand on her first bike when she learned how to ride. Then: through the eyes of a teenager, peeking behind her blinds into his room on hot summer months when he didn't wear a shirt, eyes lingering on his lips when he pulled away his cigarette. Now, she is so much older, but he is older still, and the gap between them feels ever widening. But her desire to close it only feels more desperate.
i'm certain you've checked out @herblacktights 's ao3, but here are my favs of hers with that age gap sauce:
degausser: After a deadly flu pandemic that devastates Paradis Island and the rest of the world, Eren is all Mikasa has. After she turns sixteen, that gets complicated. -> the plot is entirely the age gap, lol!
comfort me: “Mikasa,” Eren drawled, fake scolding edging into his voice as he held the basement door open and led her outside. “Does Aunt Carla know what a bad girl you are?” For a moment, she looked stunned. A sliver of a second, a wink of an eye. Looking every inch the little girl he watched grow up, who he knew deserved better than him. But before it could take root in her and make him regret what he said, Mikasa gave him a terrible, sweet smile. “Aunt Carla says I deserve to do whatever I want after the year I’ve had,” she said and from the way that she was looking at him, he should’ve known it was a threat. cw: mild daddy kink!
love dog : this one is a bit different! teacher mikasa x student eren, and mikasa is the older one. cw: it doesn't exactly have a super happy ending. but it is one of my favs from hannah!!
Butterfly effect by @sunlightandsuffering : Sugar baby AU - older hobo eren x younger mikasa. how can i say this... it's the OG, the most delicious, lys-brand chaotic eremika but age gap flavour! i love it, i'm sure if you've been around this block you've read it lol, but it's simply amazing, read it again!!
You, me and our sins by @loneghostss : Eren is married and Mikasa has a boyfriend. But the fact that they both have someone doesn't stop them from sinfully falling in love with each other. (it is about eremika having an affair with each other and it is so sensual and hot, age gap is not central here but it definitely brings heat!!) you could also check out lost saints by the same author, there's also some age difference and great smut.
@dead-dolphins is a connoisseur of the age gap trope, defs check out all the aus on her pinned post!! ro is a master of drama and worldbuilding so her fics are always a treat. she's got some on ao3 that are all about that sweet age gap <3
chemical hype boy : idol mikasa x actor eren!! and eren is definitely playing into the older established actor mold!
i apologise if you feel something: Goth mikasa gets involved with older Eren, lead vocalist of a metal band.
the promised princess: a medieval fantasy au inspired by got. age difference is not the central theme, but it's a stellar fic regardless.
straight/edge by @sinigangsta-ao3: Mikasa Ackerman is prim, proper, and perfect. As the golden child of the Ackerman family, her academic achievements set her up for a bright future and atone for her older brother’s past mistakes. When the spring semester of her junior year arrives, she crosses paths with a local boy toward whom she’d typically never give the time of day — and they begin a whirlwind relationship that unlocks parts of herself that she didn’t know she kept hidden. this fic is more about the good girl x bad boy trope but with that delicious 3-4 year age gap sauce!! cw: NOT a hea
devilish lovers by softwinter: “I wanna be your friend, Mikasa,” he told her one day when she got home from school not able to feign a less distressed expression on her face, too many sixteen-year-old problems going on in her life. He had the habit of commenting that she was always sad, that he didn’t like how that transpired on her gray eyes.
“I thought you wanted to be my daddy,” something flashed in his eyes right then, like she’d said something forbidden, a kind of thing that could make her a bad girl in his eyes. cw: step dad kink!! definitely check the tags before proceeding.
heaven knows by @joannaofarkham: priest au where priest eren is mikasa's teacher in a catholic school. it is unfinished but the first chapter reads pretty well standalone!
eternally yours by @cxcassii: reincarnation au + age gap. It's been 2,000 years since Eren Jaeger was a titan shifter and unleashed the blood drenched madness of the rumbling upon the world. Now, in the year 2023, he's a twenty-four year old who lives with his best friend Armin. He goes about his days working as a pharmacy technician all while attempting to cope and come to terms with the loss of the loved ones he still remembers with clarity from his previous life. The atrocious sins of his past life he can never ever truly atone for. But most of all, there's one person he simply can't forget: His former love of his life, Mikasa. It's when he's not actively searching for her that they cross paths once again, and their love will once again be on trial when Eren learns that Mikasa not only doesn't remember their past life together, but is also seventeen years old. this one is still on my tbr but whatever i've read so far looks extremely delicious!!!
enjoy!! if anyone wants to add more please feel free to reblog and improve this list!! <3
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mythica0 · 6 months ago
Fop: a new wish Tword headcanons!
Because, once again, hyperfixation lol. In this is Dev, Hazel, Cosmo +Wanda, and Peri, in that order. (long post)
Dev (I love this silly lil guy)
-he is def a lee, although he likes twording ppl as well.
-he didn’t know until after he got really introduced to it(he always knew what it was and kinda what it felt like, but never really experienced it that much.) but he really likes being tworded. [don’t worry man, same 🙏]
-his death spot (and coincidentally, his favorite spot to be tworded) is his tummy!
-his laugh is the happiest sounding giggle you’ve ever heard. This laugh is so bouncy and bubbly and sweet. It’s the kind of laugh that you just know whoever’s producing it is having the time of their life.
-Whenever he’s tworded he stims, usually with flappi by his hands or little kicks. However, he never seems to try and get away.
-very easily flustered, both by the fact that he’s ticklish and that he likes it. however he can say the tword with ease(unlike me)
-would try to hold off his laugh but fail miserably
-he is weak to raspberries and tword games, but as much as he likes to deny it he loves them.
-after being introduced to twords, he gets lee moods, and the first one he ever got he did not understand. ‘Why do I feel all buzzy? Why do I want to be tickled?!’ Peri was happy to explain and assist (probs gonna write a fic of this one)
-Now, when it comes to being the ler, Dev is an absolute little shit.
-he likes to tword others, both because it’s fun for him and because he likes seeing others laugh. (He will tell you it’s just the first one. That it’s fun for him to make other ppl powerless)
-He’s pretty new to the whole thing, so he’s not super good at it yet, but he’s trying, and getting better!
-She is a ler leaning switch!
-she loves to start tword fights and absolutely loves it as a bonding experience.
-Her laugh is very wheezy, but don’t worry she’s fine.
-her worst spot is her ribs
-She doesn’t actually squirm all too much, kinda just goes limp.
-she is immune to visual teases after the twords start, because as soon as she starts getting tworded she shuts her eyes.
-Hazel loves to use twords as a way to cheer up her friends. (Although she tends to leave Jazz out of it since she’s afraid of being tworded)
-she is not shy about her love of twords at all. She’s very open about it.
-I didn’t come up with this one,(that award goes to my mootie @randommusicalfluff) but after finding out Dev is twordish, she absolutely gets him any time he’s being pretentious or pushing people away.
-she uses baby talk. And lots of it. A fave of hers is definitely to just repeat the tword over and over again in a teasy voice.
Cosmo + Wanda
-putting them together cause they’re basically a package deal.
-both of them are even switches.
-they love to team up, but also love to get into tword fights with eachother.
-sometimes after a tword fight they’ll have a cuddle sesh and watch a movie
-Cosmo’s worst spot is his wings, and his laugh is very funny, and kinda high pitched.
-Wanda’s worst spot is her armpits, and her laugh is kinda rough but very sweet sounding.
-they will use their magic to their advantage in a tword fight, or when lering as a whole.
Peri (my fav boi!!)
-he’s a ler but he likes being tworded too.
-his worst spot his also his tummy (him and his godkid have something in common that way.)
-when he’s tworded he squirms but mostly just curls into a ball. Most of his movements are in his wings, which usually flutter around rapidly.
-his laugh is very smooth, but also very frantic sounding. And it can get very loud.
-Now, as you’ve probably gathered, Peri loves to tword Dev. Especially to cheer him up. He just loves to see his godkid happy.
-he has a ridiculously good sense of when someone is in a lee mood. He just knows
-he loves to make a game out of it, and is overall a very silly ler
-the more he can make someone laugh the better he feels.
-hasn’t thought about using his magic before, until he sees his parents do it.
And that’s all I have today! Hope you enjoyed reading these and expect more fics of these guys in the near future!!
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blueberrysoaps · 14 days ago
A fic idea
(Sorry I’ve been inactive. Lots of stress and other stuff so I probs won’t get to this for a WHILE)
So maybe… a villain has a quirk that sends people to a fantasy world. Like basically isekai power. and either your fav ship or a character and a reader (in my brain it’s Bakugo x reader duh) where they’re completely aware this isn’t where they belong, and they end up going on a magical adventure to then get the equivalent of a planeshift spell from dnd and get back home.
Honestly this would be good with any character combos or like a group? The fantasy AUs for MHA are so good, it only makes sense that Isekai would be too.
And depending on how you spin it they could keep their quirks, not have any, or have a different sort of power that fits into the fantasy world they’ve traveled to.
So also, it got me thinking about MHA characters and their dnd classes. Because I love it and want to.
- deku is like an Eldridge Knight type beat. Or really any magical fighter maybe multiclass. I could also see him as a Monk. (Clearly his quirk confuses me)
- Todoroki is def an evocation wizard. Like it’s so obvious. But there’s also the fact that he doesn’t like every aspect of his powers, so he’s also a pyromancy sorcerer (also multiclass)
Not a class but he could be a fire genasi, or fiendish teifling for innate fire powers
- for Ururaka my brain tells me dunimancy (is that how you say it? Gravity magic) wizard. But honestly it doesn’t feel right and I don’t know why. Edit I came back: CIRCLE OF STARS DRUID it’s not perfect for her power but I think it’s so fitting for HER (also it’s my fav class and I love her)
- Iida is a Paladin. He’s so lawful good (not all paladins are lawful good, but the classic one is) and his hero suit looks like a suit of armor. Obviously the heroism subclass. (Maybe oathbreaker during stain arc??) but also eldirch knight utilizes strength or dex as WELL as int. So maybe that.
- Aizawa COULD be any class that has counter spell. But he gives Arcane trickster rouge.
- Denki STORM SORCERER. There’s other lightningy classes but the charisma stat is important here. Maybe with a level in wild magic, simply cause he’s chaotic yk yk
- Jiro BARD BARD BARD like it’s not a question to me. Loves the shatter spell
- Bakugo is a def barbarian. There’s one that sets bad guys on fire when you rage but I don’t remember which one. But that one.
- Kirishima has many options bc everyone just thinks of dragon when they think of him in a fantasy setting. There’s a ranger, monk, and a sorcerer class. There’s also dragon gods for cleric. I think the monk is best cause as long as your dex is high enough you don’t need armor. He also punches.
- so for mina you have to find a class that’s spell list have a lot of acid damage options, SOOOO the new Dancer Bard subclass is just *chefs kiss*
- Sero is difficult. Like I have no clue. But an artificer with a grappling hook isn’t TERRIBLE. But if you look at his quirk, basically he has a lot of mobility so I’m thinking monk, he’s step of the winding all day every day.
- tokoyami is a pact of the great old one warlock. THE VOICES. Also, not a class, but a species: he’s a Kenku. Clearly.
- Shoji. I don’t fucking know.
I mean I very much think he’s a rouge. He could explain away the mechanics of how much damage rouges can do in a single turn by having a bunch of crossbows. Also he’s a servalence kind of guy, he’s always checking for traps. So I think a good subclass is Scout.
- All might. Also a Paladin, for GLORYYY
Jk more likely redemption.
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doroinoue · 10 months ago
okay so i've been listening to the dorohedoro manga soundtrack for a while now, and my morning has been a little hectic so i decided to just ramble about all the songs and what/who i associate them with, and also which songs from the anime ost they remind me of (since the anime ost is very much inspired from the manga ost)
you can listen to the songs Here if you haven't, and i'll be going by this order, since thats the official one
Redacted, Recalcitrant, Repressed - khost: this one in my head is literally curse/risu theme and you cannot convince me otherwise Ever. Man Inside The Mouth from the anime ost is im pretty sure inspired from this song too so it All just makes sense. also the title itself reminds me of risu and the way he is and whatnot (im so shit at explaining good lird) also this is me just being insane but i think the voice of the guy singing KINDA fits risu more (the deeper more monstrous voice sounds like curse in my head too), like i love his actual voice too but when i read the manga i definitely dont imagine him with it i expected something more raspy(?), meanwhile aikawa being the one with the smoother voice (his raspy voice fits too giving that Kaiman and yadda yadda) Dont ever let me talk abt risu drhdr bro i dont stfu
Blaka Smoko - VOODOOM: i love this song so much but kai's stupid fucking face pops up in my head when i listen to it and i DONT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!!! though yeah uh this is pretty much either his song or the cross eyes in general since the lyrics are "i sell black smoke"..though the deranged laugh really reminds me of him solely. imagine a version of the drhdr manga where black smoke is like weed and they smoke that shit and get high i Think thats rlly funny i dunno what else to say tbh i think me associating the song w kai is preventing me from having too many thoughts about it. However i hope when he like shows up fr (not just in flashbacks) the anime ost makes a remix of this song cuz it genuinely fits (also i just love how this song directly mentions nikaido and kaiman, although a bit nonsensical given the context)
Dorohedoro Zombie Slushi - Candie Hank: im so certain 1000手観音 and another song (i cant remember which one) from the anime ost sampled from this one lmfao. anyway this one just reminds me of zombie ebisu, or ebisu in general. not even like living dead day, literally just zombie ebisu. its probably the vocals tbh, someone in a youtube comment was complaining abt them and another person replied "just imagine ebisu singing it" and i cant get it out of my head now. i can totally see her sing this song, especially knowing shes canonically interested in the manga ost album  (you can see her read the songs of it while checking it out in like episode 4? i think? the one where they follow doll risu around and end up in some cheap clothing store)
Eating food and fighting Wizards - Shitwife: this one makes me very nostalgic, i like how its one of the few songs that isnt just pure nonsensical chaos. like i love those too, infact im bummed out the anime ost doesnt have more chaotic songs given the manga is literally incomprehensible sometimes, but i like how this song kinda shows the more coherent and cheerful side of the story. of course this is just kaiman theme to me, i mean the title and all. i think kaiman would really like this song, he would def listen to it. it also reminds me of that scene where him and nikaido are driving in their motorcycles, it gives the vibe of a drive in the middle of the night to me anyway, not much to say for this one too, i just think its really nice (also the drums go crazy hard)
Enter the Hole - NAH: lovely magic predecessor LOL. perfect for me honestly cuz lovely magic is my fav song from the anime soundtrack. This one just reminds me of hole, i dunno. the brief ethereal part reminds me of the past of the hole though, before the lake of refuse was created (i forgot what they called that shit in the official translation forgive me..lake of refuse sounds cooler either way). thats all tbh
She is a devil - Hanali: devil nikaido theme song what can i say...i literally want this song beat for beat to play at the scene where nikaido grows her devil tail and gets devil high (if they even animate season 2 that far) either that or when theyre selling gyoza at the department store and she goes devil high again and starts beating ass. its so perfect for those scenes also i like to think the distorted singing at the very beginning is like what humans hear when a devil sings, i know it should be more ear bleeding giving the reaction everyone has in canon but whateva!!! also also i like to imagine nikaido was probably hearing something similar while her tail was growing and she was going crazy, i think maybe hearing the singing of devils in your head while slowly turning into one is a cool idea
LIZARD HEAD - Dr. Das: i cant lie this ones...a little boring for me. like the beat is cool and all, but i think this is the one song i have the least to say abt. to reference another youtube comment, they said smth abt imagining kaiman fucking around in hole to this song, and yeah. i see it. i think if the anime animates that little bonus(?) comic abt how kaiman spends his day in hole, they should use smth similar to this song
Transformations - Shackleton: ok i lied this is the one i have to say least about. i dont mind 10+ minute songs, but damn this ones even more boring to me. the pissing sounds arent helping either LOL. though i think if they had to play this song somewhere, or a variation of it, maybe it fits best at the part where kawajiri is making nikaido do the devil exam in his house or whatever...idk....
Dorohedoro - Igorrr: ALRIGHT BACK TO YAPPING. this song is so fucking good, dare i say its my favorite of the whole ost. and im not the only one, everyone seems to love this one. its literally just TIC TOC predecessor but even better. the classical music and opera singing inserted into this absolute chaos is insane and i cant think of a song that fits shin more honestly. like this is literally shin theme. it perfectly mixes his calm and rational self with the deranged outbursts he has. ive heard people say shin is a boring character and i genuinely cant wrap my head around it like HELLO...not only is his design just cool as fuck, but he has such interesting personality? my boy went through absolute hell and grew up from an aggressive and snarky kid to a calm and if i may say, empathetic guy. like he cares about the people around him, he was carrying three guys (one with his fucking mouth mind you) that passed out because of the rain flooding the underground basement. he refuses to kill people who are weak with magic, and generally doesnt really like going on killing sprees unless its a life or death situation (which since kid has made him go crazy, i like to think its probably cuz it increases his heartbeat and being a human+sorcerer maybe doubles the adrenaline this way). also the way he has inhumanely high pain tolerance, he can have his guts splattered on the ground and still manage to walk, to the point it even weirds EN out. like you gotta be some freak to get en concerned for you (or be kikurage lol). sorry this turned into a shin rant more than the song itself, i just cant believe so many people dont see how cool shin is. like hes not even my most favorite character but i will protect all the drhdr characters i like (which is most of them). anyway moving on
The Hole - Ghengis: alot of ppl say they think of hole (the place) when they listen to this song, but me personally?this song screams hole the entity, and artificial devil kai. like this song FEELS like its oozing with the sludge and that feeling every sorcerer that gets in contact with hole "magic" feels. i like to think the headaches they get is equivalent to the beat of the song LOLL. like just super loud and painful pulsing headache that can leave you paralyzed on the ground. anyway, i dont have that much to say, i just want this song to play at the central department store arc, OR. when artificial devil kai is first shown thas all
Don't Think, Just Kill - Roly Porter: i lied again this is the one i have least to say about. sorry. literally my only thoughts are that one of the songs playing during the living dead day episode is inspired by it but i frogor which one
Kaimans Head - Dead Fader: to compensate the fact i mightve lied once again im gonna ramble about something mildly related. so the one youtube upload i found of this song uses this one fucking risu fanart that legit makes me shit my pants. its honest to god the scariest freaking fanart ive seen of a character i like. its not like Shiver me timbers scary, its just so unsettling to me, like WHO COOKED THIS UP. WHO DREW THIS. i know hayashida would love it. she wishes she made risu this scary and not the catboy babygirl beautiful princess with a disorder she created (/J). anyway uh, this song goes pretty hard, i like it, i just dont have much to way besides that i like the beat maybe. also heres link to the youtube upload with the picture if u wanna know what im talkin abt
Radio 538 - Dow Jones Brotherhood: because the first time i listened to the songs was on youtube, i found this song pretty much last and uh. i dunno its cool! for some reason it reminds me of the cross eyes? ive no clue why it just does. it reminds me specifically of how all of them are basically just worshipping some guy half (if not most) of them havent even seen the face of. i like how the whole thing is basically just a cult. people built statues of the boss, tattooed his face on their hands so they never forget it, And the elites...oh those poor little guys. closest to the boss and got psychologically tortured with killing thousands of sorcerers daily and left to deal with the incomprehensible shit their boss does, while slowly building suspicion and disgust towards him, but unable to do anything because of how far theyve gone into this. like can you imagine how miserable dokuga and tetsujo must feel knowing their devotion to kai led to all their friends killed. id just die bro this is so fucked... anyway, kewl song👍 i love the cross eye elites
Stay down zombies! - Ed Cox: i honestly love how lowkey dramatic this one is. ALSO the accordion tune from el corazon is im pretty sure taken from this one! which makes two shin references yippee!!! i like how this one kinda mixes calm music with breakcore (do not erm akshually me on this one i dont care), just like how igorrr does. i dunno its just a cool song, though PERSONALLY i dont think it fits living dead day, it reminds me more of that scene where shin remembers his mothers death, and then slowly turns into a zombie. it gives off that vibe giving how the song progresses from dramatic and a bit somber, while the beat starts creeping in, accompanied by the accordion that i literally will never not associate w shin in general
ANYWAY WOW THATS ALL!!!! if even one person bothered to read all this, thank you. i love yapping about dorohedoro i love silly manga about a bunch of freaks and freak stuff and i am obsessed with hayashidas taste in music, knowing she picked all those artists cuz she likes their music makes absolute sense considering the kind of art she makes. i love you q hayashida im your biggest fan. also if you notice any grammatical errors pls remember english is not only my second language, but i also barely slept last night so that's my excuse
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