#her saying ‘you’re doing a. a job. you’re doing your best’ to Tula…
jackklinemybeloved · 1 year
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someone tell erika they’re already absolutely nailing this pitch
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malfoys-demigod · 4 years
Third Time’s a Charm - Tim Drake x Reader
A/N: This is set in the YJverse and you’re Batgirl since Barbara is now Oracle
Summary: M’gann and Conner attemp to play matchmaker on you and Tim Drake. 
The weekend at Mount Justice was awfully colorless. No missions, no plans, no fun for everyone. Everyone who had a significant other were lucky enough to spend time with each other, making things seem less lifeless at the Cave. Artemis was teaching Wally to shoot, Dick was constantly flirting with Oracle, Beast boy was out with Perdita, and so on. The rest who didn’t have significant others decided to entertain each other, playing games. 
For M’gann and Conner, being a motherly and fatherly figure, stood beside each other against the kitchen countertop, watching everyone get along with each other, with big heart eyes. That’s until she spotted two certain people alone. 
You were listening to your favorite music on your headphones as you stared at the window, looking at the magnificent view of Happy Harbour. 
Tim on the other hand was just on the couch, watching videos on his laptop while holding a coffee mug on his left hand. 
M’gann, bored out of her mind, noticed something between you and Tim. She whispered to Conner point at you two, “Is it me, or is Tim and Y/N the only people in this cave single?” Conner looked at M’gann disbelief, not realizing that as well. “Oh yeah. I can’t believe I failed to see this. It’s funny how they grew up together in Wayne Manor but barely talk to each other.”
The truth was, you and Tim weren’t exactly close. You both exchanged a couple of words throughout the day, but both of you were are always too focused on either your jobs or yourselves when you had nothing to do. Back at Wayne Manor, Tim spent his time being the best student in Gotham Academy while you spent your time being the best in your extra curriculars, such as being the captain of a varsity. 
Of course M’gann, wanting to play matchmaker, proposed the idea to Conner, “They have potential chemistry together. I say we play matchmaker and bring them together.” Connor looked at his girlfriend with a silly face, “You’re really bored, aren’t you?” 
“Don’t worry, it’ll only take three steps for them to fall for each other.” M’gann said with a mischevious smile. 
1. Friday night at the fair 
After M’gann making Tim ride with you in every ride possible, Conner whistles for Tim to look up, “Hey Drake, come over here.” 
Tim walks over with both hands on his pockets, “What’s up Conner?” 
Conner pulls out a wallet from his back pocket and holds 20 dollars in the air. “This should be enough for you to buy yourself some a large cotton candy.” Tim shakes his head and returns the money, “Thanks but I’m alright.” Conner pushes back the money to Tim with a serious look, “I insist. Go. Buy. Youself. Cotton. Candy. Now.” Tim nods, and walks away terrified. 
You just came back from the bathroom after fixing your hair when you saw Tim holding a huge stick of cotton candy. Your eyes widened and you ran quickly to him, jumping up and down. “TIM, can I have a piece? Please, please, please??” 
Tim not caring about the cotton candy gave everything to you. “Uh, you can take the whole thing.” he sheepishly smiled.
“AH THANK YOU!” you bursted with joy. 
“Knock yourself out, Y/L/N.” he scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. 
As you happily savored the taste of the cotton candy, all Tim could see was you and the background lights of the carnival at night. His eyes were focused on you. The way you smiled with a satisfied sound as you ripped small pieces of the cotton candy, piece by piece. This is where he started to take more notice of you. He tried to look away as you took notice of his staring. You smiled and motioned for him to take a piece and he did, just a little so you could have it all. “Thanks, Y/N.”
“No thank you, we wouldn’t have had this if you didn’t have bought it.” you smiled innocently. 
Tim thought, ‘I guess I have to thank Conner for lending me the money.’ 
Then as he looked around for Conner, he failed to find him but luckily saw a carnvial game stand. The particular one where you have to shoot all those plates with one try without missing a single plate. 
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He noticed that nobody was lining up for it so he grabbed your hand and ran towards it, causing both of you to blush. 
“Where are we going, Tim?”
“How about I win you a prize?” 
As you both stopped, you saw the booth in front of you. “Tim, you sure you can do this?” 
He scoffed, “Have faith in me, Y/N. I’m getting you the biggest prize they have to offer.”
Thanks to Jason teaching him a few tricks, Tim successfully shot down all the plates with one try, making you gasp in excitement. “Oh my gosh, Tim! What’s the prize! What’s the prize!” you jump up and down. 
The person in charge of the booth handed Tim the biggest stuff animal, coincidentally your favorite animal, and 100 bucks!
As Tim lovingly gave you the stuffed animal, you spotted the 100 bucks, “What are we going to do with the money?” you shot Tim a curious look. 
Tim thought of a brilliant idea. “Would you like to go on a date with me, Y/N?” waving the money. 
“I’d love to, Tim.” you blushed. 
M’gann and Conner were just behind the booth, thanking the person in charge for handing their money to Tim as they knew he’d win. 
“Can’t believe this is happening.” M’gann hugged Conner. “It’s going all so well, Conner!!” 
“Can’t believe he hasn’t gave me back the change for the cotton candy.” he joked. 
2. SaturDATE 
Tim’s lunch date was such a Tim thing. He brought you to a coffee shop, but like one of those hipster coffee places where everything looked so colorful and vibrant. 
As you walked in, you gave him a curious look. “I know you’re a coffee guy but I expected the shops you’d visit frequently to be more dark and casual.”
“I wanted a change for today. Besides, this place reminds me of you. Colorful and vibrant.” he smirked. 
This day just got better and better by the minute. The both of you learned so much about each other as you started tackling simple questions to the deepest ones you could get to. 
“I regret learning more about you at such a late age, Tim! Who knew we had so much in common.” you said with doubtfulness. 
Tim sighed, “I totally agree. I could imgaine us right now as best of friends at Wayne Manor, staying up all night, watching movies together, and basically doing everything together.” 
“Believe me, I feel the exact same way. I tried doing these things with Dick, Jay and even Damian but it never felt right.” 
The two of you had so much fun that day that you were there from noon to evening, not even realizing that you both had a big mission the next day. 
It was 10pm and the both of you got voice messages from Dick and Conner saying, “Hey love birds, it’s nice to see you finally bonding but we have a big mission tomorrow. I expect to see you both at the cave in 10 minutes.” 
The both of you checked the clock and laughed at how neither of you knew it was getting SUPER late. “Well, we better get going.” Tim said as he held out his hand for you to stand up from the bean bags you sat on. 
3. Sunday madness 
Klarion, the witch boy, posed as Tempest and stole the remaining fragments of the stature, needing to resurrect Tiamat from Aquagirl. He made his escape through a portal, but was followed by Tula. 
Beta Squad, led by Nightwing, arrived on the scene in the Sacred Well of Marduk’s Temple. But Klarion threw the reconstructed statue into the pool which caused a giant water snake to come out. 
Klation blasted the water snake, knocking the tablet of Destiny which was bound to Tiamat ran off with it. Klarion chased after it, leaving the heroes to fight the water-snake form of Tiamat.
The watersnake knocked you out, leaving you unconcsious. Tim saw this and yelled, “Y/N!” He ran towards your body, checking for a heartbeat which he heard, sighing in relief. He stayed with you the whole time from when Aqualad came out from another room, saying the mission ended because the tablet was destroyed and Klarion escaped, to bringing you to the Cave, waiting for you to wake up. 
After a few hours, your eyes started to open slowly. You were about to stand up until someone stopped you. “Hey, it’s okay. Just lay down for awhile, you still have a concussion.” a familiar voice said. 
It was Tim. He smiled and stroked your cheeks with his thumbs. “Why don’t I get you some water?” 
“How about some coffee from that hipster place?” you weakly laughed. 
“I don’t want to be too far from you. I hope my coffee here will do.” he stood up and left the room when M’gann, Conner, and Dick came in. 
“Hey kiddo, how ya feeling?” Dick sat on your bed. 
“Better, especially that my favorite brother is here.” you said with a big smile. Dick playfully looked back hoping Tim wasn’t there to hear that, “You’re lucky Tim didn’t hear that! You would have broken his heart!!!” he whisper shouted. 
M’gann stepped forward, “He wouldn’t have been hurt by that. She sees him as something else, don’t you Y/N.” 
Before you could answer, Tim popped in with 2 mugs of coffee in his hands. “I hope she does because I see her as something else.” You blushed as you took a mug from him and kissed him. “I hope that answers it.” 
Before Tim could kiss you back, Dick pushed Connor and M’gann out, “Let’s give these two some privacy, after all they already have a room.” 
Dick crossed his arms and chuckled at M’gann and Conner. “I’m so disappointed in you two.” which made that look at each other with a confused look. 
“How come? The both of us managed to make them fall for each other!” M’gann said. 
Connor patted Dick on the back, “Okay you can plan out their wedding all by yourself. In fact, your whole family can deal with the expenses while we sit back and relax.” 
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violetwolfraven · 5 years
Idk if you’re still doing this but #5 with Spitfire?
Shit. I hope this wasn’t just sitting around in my inbox for too long. I haven’t checked it in months so sorry if you waited for a long time.
Also I’m sorry but I felt like writing angst.
The day was full of people avoiding her and feeling sorry for her and acting like she was going to break and Artemis was sick of it.
Sure, they all knew why she was leaving early that day, but that didn’t mean they had to remind her continuously by making it extremely obvious that this was not just any other day.
She knew her teammates meant well, but she really wished they’d stop. To be honest, she wanted to pretend this was another regular old day until it was time to go.
Also... they might not be able to see it, but Dick was really the one who needed the sympathy, not her.
Nightwing had known Kid Flash for a hell of a lot longer than Artemis had. And even if she’d been closer with Wally than Dick had been, they’d been best friends. Dick was the one taking this hard.
Artemis hated seeing him like this. He was one of her best friends. He was like a little brother to her and had been since they were 15 and 13, which was why she was agreeing to spend this day with him; probably the worst day of the year for both of them.
Wally’s 21st birthday. The birthday he’d always looked forward to, claiming he was going to have a big blowout party where the whole Team would go out for drinks, or Shirley Temples for the younger ones, before he and Artemis went home and put on his favorite movie and probably did some other stuff.
Not that Artemis was going to let the younger kids on the Team see how broken up she was that they’d never get to do that.
“Ready to go?” Dick asked hoarsely, telling Artemis that he’d probably been crying.
She nodded, “Let’s get this over with.”
Dick only managed to choke out a, “I miss you, buddy.” after leaving a cupcake at Wally’s grave before running off, probably to go cry in the car.
Artemis took a deep breath, crouching down in front of the headstone.
“Hey, babe. Happy birthday. Um, Dick and I are going out for drinks after this, and then we’re gonna go see what’s going on as far as crime and crack some heads while drunk. Then we’re going to go watch your favorite movie and eat cake while we cry. We figured that’s what you’d want us to do.”
Artemis could only imagine what anyone passing by would think about the conversation if they heard it without context. Wally would have found that hilarious.
“I hope wherever you are, you’re happy. I hope you’re living it up with Tula and Jason and everyone else we’ve lost over the years. Knowing you, I’m sure you are. M’gann and Connor are still going steady. Kaldur is doing a good job with the Team. You’d be proud of him. And Bart’s doing real good with the Kid Flash mantle. To be honest, he gives you a run for your money, and no, I did not intend that pun, though I’m sure you would have.”
Feeling tears prick at her eyes, Artemis really didn’t know what else to say.
“I wish you were here with me. Dick’s taking this really hard, and... well, so am I. There, I said it. I miss you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give to have just one more day with you. So, anyway, happy birthday, Wally. I love you.”
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Diamonds or Twine pt.1 - Robin van der Hook x Reader (The Place Beyond The Pines)
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Author’s Note: Possibly more a ‘mini series’ than a Full Fic Mendo. I’m pretty sure I know how this all goes and I really don’t need to drag it out, I just love him so much I want to give him his own series 💜💙 He is my 🌞 Disclaimer: So, obviously, TPBTP characters/setting/etc are not mine. We’re gonna start Pre-Luke, just gimmie a tick... Premise: Whilst on the way home from a job in up state New York you figure you could use a mechanic to make it through the last 200 miles... Apparently, Schenectady has just the guy... Words: 3858 Warnings: N/A
______   She was lost and lookin' for the interstate Needin' directions, and I was the man for the job I told her way up yonder past the caution light There's a little country store with an old Coke sign... Then a left will take you to the interstate But a right will bring you right back here to me I was sittin' there thinkin' 'bout her pretty face Kickin' myself for not catchin' her name ...'you fool, that coulda been love. I knew my old Ford couldn't run her down She probably didn't like me anyhow So I watched her disappear in a cloud of dust
Is this heat playin' tricks on me Or am I really seein' what I think I see? The woman of my dreams comin' back to me She went way up yonder past the caution light Don't know why, but somethin' felt right... Thank God for good directions... 
You were 250 miles from home when the noise started. And you elected to ignore it, you could get back just fine. What, it was 4 hours to New York City? That was nothing. It’d fly. Your truck was reliable… it’d get you there. It was probably just a nick, or a stone or something, nothing to worry about, it’d pass… 200 miles from New York and the noise hadn’t stopped. But luckily hadn’t got any worse. You’d passed through so many towns where you could have had it checked, but you were still determined that you could get home. Your F-150 was almost brand new, nothing bad was going to happen. Except the voice in your head, which was running through every plausible scenario; from a breakdown, to blowing up, to full on kidnap… “Shut up! Y/N! You’re being ridiculous!” You just turned the radio up a little more, then you could barely hear it… much better!
 165 miles from home and even the radio didn’t help. And you decided the next town would be your last hope. The voice in your head had finally worn you down. “Schenectady…” Sounded like a small town in the middle of nowhere that wouldn’t have much of anything; As long as it has ONE decent mechanic! You slowed your truck down to cruise through the town; it looked pretty empty. You had a hard time finding anyone, yet alone a mechanic. And your truck really didn’t sound great at a lower speed like this. What the hell was wrong with it!? Eventually you managed to flag down what appeared to be the only man in town; “Excuse me!!!” Luckily he was a kind older gent, and he came over right away; “Gosh, I’m sorry I… I really need a mechanic… Do you happen to know of a good place I can go?” Instead of answering your question he tipped his head; “Where you from?” “Uh, New York City sir, I was working up state… I’m driving home – but something’s up with my truck…” “You going back by the interstate?” “…Will be.” Although you weren’t sure what that had to do with anything “Well, you just passed a really good mechanic on your right up there. Shorter distance…. But, if you want to be pointing at the interstate, then you want to keep going in the direction you’re headed – there’s a nice little shop called Van Der Hook Autobods – it’s down Washout Road. One track, right at the end, you won’t miss it – and coming back it’ll just be one track again – trust me, it’ll be impossible for a city girl to get lost.” You chuckled politely “But, you’re in a F-150, so, I’m sure you’ll have no problem with the track. Even if there’s something wrong with it.” “Van Der Hook Autobods on Washout Road. Got it.” “He’s a good guy, there isn’t a thing he doesn’t know. If he can’t fix your truck, likely no one can.” “…I think that’s supposed to be a confident statement. And I’ll take it!” You flashed a grin “Thank you so much Sir!” “No problem! I hope you had a safe journey home.” “If he can fix this first… I guess!” “Well… There’s that-!” * Eventually you met a little bumpy dirt track at a seemingly dead-end road, and continued to roll your F-150 down it. “Van Der Hook Autobods… Huh? That’s the place…” You drove on through the gates and parked up. Even the engine cutting out sounded horrible. “…Oh God… I’ve really done it…” You opened the door and hopped down; staring around. Right now there wasn’t a soul in sight, and the worn out wooden buildings looked like they needed a little work. Added to the off-white Toyota parked up at the side, your gleaming race red Ford F-150 looked completely out of place. You walked towards what you presumed to be a workshop, by the tools strewn around and the cars parked up. But you didn’t get far enough to find the man himself as you were set upon by a dog. “Oh! Woah…!” The barking was friendly, as it jumped around you, tail wagging, paws up – you crouched down; “Hey---! Hey---!” you showered it with both love and kisses. “…Oh my goodness…! Okay…!” In return you got enough kisses to last a lifetime, and it had you giggling “Alright! Alright! I get it!” You didn’t realise that he’d appeared until he spoke. Of course, he’d heard the engine, and he’d certainly heard better ones. And the slam of the car door – and his dog’s barking. But he was finishing something up, and when he hadn’t been called out by a voice he knew, he wondered what might have happened to the driver. But, he didn’t even recognise you. And eyes flicking to the District of Colombia licence plate might explain why. He watched you for a moment, deeply curious – Tula was usually a shy dog, especially around strangers… But apparently this didn’t apply to you. “Tula! Leave her alone!” You looked up, met by the inquisitive blue eyes of, you presumed, the star mechanic. “Oh, no it’s okay…” you stood, “I’m Y/N… Sorry to kinda come unannounced, I was told you were the guy to come to…” You pointed behind you to the truck “…I have no real idea about cars, so I can’t tell you what’s wrong but… something isn’t right. And I kinda felt I needed to get it looked at. The person I asked recommended you…” He processed all your information very slowly, looking between you and the truck about 15 times; “Good thing too, if that was your engine…” He held his hand out, still black from engine oil; “Robin.” You felt like you were going to meet the worlds biggest stereotype, and shook his hand; “Well Robin, if you’re as good as he said you were. I’m gonna be in a lot of debt to you!” He didn’t quite smile; shy? Or calculating?... both?, “Aw, I’m sure it’s not all that bad. I could have you on your way in no time!” At least he sounded as confident in himself as your saviour in town did. Your next comment was almost absent minded as you took a minute to really take in your surroundings, looking out across the land in front of you, how it slopped down a hill and continued on for miles until the horizon line. “This looks like a great place to run...” “Haha. I wouldn’t know...” You stepped forward “And you get to see sunrise and sunset from here... it’s stunning...” He walked out to stand beside you; and you got a good look at him in the light - scruffy dark hair with wisps of silver. Looking like he hadn’t shaved in a while; rather by choice or simply because he never had time. His white vest top was edging grey and the array of stains from working with heavy machinery all day were innumerable. His blue jeans to match... But his eyes; as he looked out across that horizon line and the sun hit them; a clear watery blue flecked green. Maybe he looked like he hasn’t slept in weeks, but he was certainly alert and alive. And his energy was electric, if nervous; “I mean I guess...” Robin waved his hands around frantically indicating to things - “it stretches back a good couple of miles, I have a trailer down there, lots of dirt track roads that kinda thing... in summer you don’t really see the sun come up, but you can see it set pretty good; best place to view either would be up there though...” He pointed back to the roof of the ramshackle garage building. “If you climbed to the roof you’d be able to see both pretty good I’d say!” “Sounds romantic.” His laugh was as nervous as his energy “Not that I’d know anything about that... now, this car of yours...” “Oh, yeah...” “What happened?” You led him to it - “That’s what I figured you’d be able to tell me; suddenly it started making this weird sound.” He nodded; “I heard.” “Well I thought I’d make it home... but it got worse and, I don’t wanna be stuck on the side of the road so...” “Home-!? To DC?! With that racket? Girl, you are brave...” You tipped your head “DC...? Where do you get that from?” He indicated to the plates “DC plates, DC car.” “Well, I live in New York.” He shot you a look; “with DC plates?” “What’s wrong with that?” Robin shook his head “No, no, no... how long have you had this?” “... A couple of months... I guess...” He made a sharp intake of breath, “Is that bad-!?” “Why does it have DC plates?” “It was my brothers...” “And he didn’t tell you?!” Robin looked at least a little shocked at that, “Tell me... what?” “You live in New York, where?” “City.” He blinked at you a couple of times; a city girl with an F-150? “...Right... this is illegal. So as soon as you get home do me one favour. Apply for New York plates - this isn’t gonna fly, and you’re gonna get in a lot of trouble.” “...Why didn’t he tell me?!?!” Your voice pitched in disbelief; that was just like him though. JUST like him “I’m gonna kill him.” Robin popped the hood with a chuckle; “No, well, that’s also illegal...” he scanned the engine, “hmm...” You looked from it to him and back; you knew barely anything about cars so... that ‘hmm’ could mean anything. “Was that good or bad.” “Undecided... you’re gonna have to give me a minute; but I know exactly what it sounded like... How long do you reckon you’ve been driving like this?” You grimaced, unwilling to confess “C’mon, you were got try to do another 160 on it so you might as well say...” “... Probably 100...” He laughed “Oh God! And you made it??! Well-made car and well run I’ll give it that...” he walked back to his workshop, and proceeded to poke around with a screwdriver “Ah, yeah... I thought so.” “Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?!” You folded your arms, hoping for some kind of verbal answer, not whatever he was keeping in his head. “... Okay so...” what came next was a bunch of car jargon you’d make neither heads nor tails of, and when Robin had finished all he’d succeeded in doing was confusing you. “What?” He sighed “I tried to warn you it’d be hard to understand...” but he gave you a sweet smile, “it’s a one in a million wearing accident, but it’s the kind of thing that happens and everything gets recalled? Y’know, one of those... I mean all you need to know is I can fix it.” “Today?” He gave a frown, but didn’t like that it made you look disappointed; “I don’t promise miracles... but yeah, probably...” “Well. What do I do if you can’t fix it today?!” Robin jerked his thumb back to the expanse of land he seemingly owned “There’s a trailer you can stay in... don’t worry I won’t charge you.” “Isn’t that your trailer?” He scoffed “I don’t live in a trailer.” “Well... who does?!” He tipped his head to your question, wondering why you’d be interested in the first place; “No one... currently. I mean yeah, people from time to time hit its empty... I’ll stay up here. You’ll be fine, don’t worry.” You weren’t that worried, he didn’t look that intimidating. You reckoned you could take him in a fair fight.  “I mean I’d rather not if I can help it.” “Why, city girl, important meetings?” You folded your arms defiantly; “I might.” He laughed; “What are you doing all the way up here?!” “We have an upstate office... I went to project manage up there, cuz that’s what I do, and no one ever likes going to the upstate office.” “And you volunteered because...?” You indicated to the truck “I like driving.” “Of course.” “I do!” Robin didn’t sound disbelieving but he’d put you on the defensive. “But you know nothing about cars?” “Fixing cars!” “Get a better brother!” You opened your mouth to protest but realised that Robin was probably right about that and instead made a face like you thought he was being fair. Which he wasn’t sure he liked, “...oh... I’m sorry...” “No. It’s okay... I don’t think we ever got over the teenage fighting phase.” “Older?” “By 5 years, yeah.” “Ah...” he spoke as if that made sense, which prompted your next question; “Do you have siblings?” He shook his head; “No... sometimes I wish I did....” You looked around you again; “Do you get lonely up here...?” “Sometimes... I got my dogs. Ain’t that right Tula!” She barked in agreement; “See?” You smiled and couched again; encouraging Tula over to you; “I think I’d like it...” “What?” He shut the hood and held his hand out for your keys, “Oh sorry -“ You handed them over, “The quiet... you get to think, and take time, and...” “New York City too fast paced, city girl?” You narrowed your eyes, clearly he was about to fixate on that nick-name for you; “No... but I like being able to leave...” He rolled your truck up into his garage - with your help, you didn’t want to seem like you were going to push him to fix it and expect him to do all the heavy lifting. Robin told you he didn’t want to risk starting the ignition again, in case the F-150 decided to give up completely or the damage became worse. “Light packing?” “I was there a week. I don’t need too much...” You watched as he searched his tool box to set up with exactly what he’d need, “Do you want some help? Can I help?” He shook his head “No... that’s cool... don’t worry about it! But you can keep me company. Unless you’re about to tell me you need a Starbucks and WiFi in order to effectively communicate?” You folded your arms; “Cuz I’m a city girl?” He laughed, liking that you were taking his jab in your stride; “You got it!” “No...” You hoisted yourself up onto a clutter free ledge (surprisingly few of these seemed to exist in here) with a smile, “I think I’ll be pretty good at keeping you company.”
 So for the next few hours you got to know one another. Skipping around mundane surface conversation and small talk, he wanted to know more about you. And every interesting question he asked only led you to counter with one of your own. Yes, you can know that... but only if I know this... Robin liked that; you had an openness about you without being too quick to give yourself away. And a curiosity of your own; not only that, but you were actually interested in his answers. You didn’t ask anything for the sake of asking. You would follow up on his answer with “Where’s that?... What do you do there?… Hang on you what-!?... That’s incredible!” He enjoyed that, the wish to know more. He wasn’t sure he knew all that many people who wanted to know him that well that quickly. A lot of people dropped their car off and came back when he told them to collect it. You didn’t have much choice, but you didn’t have to stay here.
 Eventually he put his spanner down and stood back. He ran his eyes over the engine once. Then leant forward and talked himself through it all again. You couldn’t hear him from where you were sitting, but it was a curious thing to watch. Then he smiled, confidently, stepped back and shut the hood, turning to you; “You’re good to go!” Your face instantly brightened; “Really?!” “Yeah... There’s little bits I can see would need doing eventually, but to get you back home, which is the most important thing, you’ll be fine. But just make sure to take it to a servicer and please, those plates! File that paperwork! If I had time I’d take you through it but…” He turned to you with a sympathetic smile; “You don’t look like you need a fine - or to get in trouble with law enforcement!” “Oh my god! Thank you!!! I... I mean I don’t even know how to thank you enough!” “Hey, good conversation is thank you enough, believe me...” There was a gentle smile on his face and you knew your observation of his loneliness wasn’t wrong. “...I guess this paperwork will be thank you enough too!” “Oh yeah! Do that and you’ve done your one job!” Robin laughed, as you opened your car door to get your purse; “How much do I owe you?” “Oh no!” He was bashful, with a shake of his head “don’t worry about it.” “No, come on...! You can’t do that..!” “Don’t worry about it!” “Robin! I could be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a broken truck right now! You halted progress on everything else for me, let me pay you!”
He gave a sigh; “You’re gonna stand there and be a pain until I cave, aren’t ya.” “Pretty much!” You grinned, knowing he’d got a good measure of you. “That’s how they do it in the city... huh?” “No I think that’s just me, but it is a useful tactic!” “Alright...” he mumbled a number, but you weren’t about to let him get away with that. “What?” “100.” You narrowed your eyes at him, betting it was nowhere near that original price and handed notes over “No change, no take backs.” He fanned out what at a quick count was at least $300.  “Oh...” he said it softly “That’s a hell of a tip...” “I think you deserve it.” You opened your car door again to straighten everything up, “You put up with me for two hours straight...” He opened his mouth, but promptly shut it with a sigh. He wasn’t sure he could tell you how much of a pleasure that was, without it coming out sounding as sad as it was meant to. Robin had done that once too often before…
 You kicked around for a little while longer, until you could tell the sun really was on its way down, and you ought to head off to find the interstate before it completely set on you. Driving in the dark was never particularly fun when you knew where you were. You said goodbye to Tula first. And again we’re smothered in love; “Okay! Okay!” You giggled “I love you too!” You turned back to him “Thank you, again!” His smile was shy; “You’re welcome... do you know where you’re going from here?” “Straight?” He laughed, once again shy as his pretty eyes flicked away from yours “Right... up to the end, yeah and then...?” You shook your head slowly “Not a clue!” “Okay...” He held his hands up to act out the directions; “Left to the next junction, should be a stop sign, and then a little one for the interstate. I promise you can’t miss it. Turn right there, and you’ll be on your entry ramp. Then I guess you can take it from there home?” “Uh huh! You got it! Thank you! Man, Robin, I owe ya a lot! I just... I mean it I can’t thank you enough.” He gave a grateful smile, he knew you were – you’d only expressed your gratitude to him every other sentence since he’d fixed it up. “That’s sweet… Unfortunately I’m not on tripadvisor or whatever rating site the kids are all using these days.” You laughed a little louder “Dang it! I’ll keep it in mind!” “If you’re ever back up here though, city girl, and you need a fix! I got you covered!” “I’ll remember that!” You gave a wave and walked back to your vehicle, “Until such a time, Robin!”
You opened your truck door and were about to climb up when something compelled him to call you back; “Hey! Y/N!” “Uh huh!?” You paused, looking back to him and he smiled; “I mean, if you turn right into town for any reason... or you want those other little niggles fixing before you head back, you know... to make sure it’s 100%. You can always take a U turn and it’ll bring you right back here.” You bit your lips together as you smiled, and this time you looked a little shy yourself “Thank you Robin! I’ll remember that too!”
 You turned the ignition, almost half hoping it wouldn’t start, but it did... and it sounded smoother than it had even when you’d got it. Wow... he’s done an amazing job, I’ll give him that! Robin waved you off as you started your still near enough 200 mile journey home. You didn’t want to push your truck too hard until you had to. Until you hit the interstate and could let it fly, and give that fixed up engine some exercise. Whilst you were still in reach of a mechanic you just wanted to ease her into it. You indicated left and took the road as far as you could. He was right. There was a stop sign just a little way out of town at a crossroads, with an interstate sign in the bright green you were used to. Only his voice kept resounding in your head. So before you knew it you’d been staring at that stop sign for 5 minutes. If anyone had pulled up behind you it would have compelled you to move – you’d have had to make a decision and shift somewhere. And you’d probably happily be speeding off down the highway by now. But no one did. And you might call that Devine Intervention. You took a deep breath, indicated and turned...
 Robin was clearing up when he heard the hum of a decent engine coming back down the tracks. And this time he wandered outside to watch the car arrive. Race red, of course. You hopped down, slamming the door. Something had called you back to him, like there was something here. You weren’t supposed to go anywhere just yet. Like even in those short hours, you’d left something with him… “Is something wrong with my fix?? You come to complain?! Seen as you can’t do it on the internet?!” He folded his arms jokingly, but you pointed back to your truck with a smile. “You know... I was thinking... if there are further niggles... I... I don’t think I wanna risk anything, y’know, 200 miles is… quite the way!” He took another sharp breath; “Well, you’re right, it is nearly 200 miles... I can understand the concern...” “Well, can you take another look?” He nodded, his smile widening by the second; “Of course I can... but uh...” He looked to the horizon, “Ya aren’t getting out of here before dark...” Robin looked back to you curiously, and the way you simply shrugged; “Guess I’m gonna have to stay...”
--- @dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad. Well. I’ve only had this in my head since I watched TPBTP for the first time. And that was the first movie I watched for my ‘Reviews’ segment... Before I started taking these requests... SO that was a LONG time ago! Anyway, Robin, didn’t I promise when Sway was over? And here we are Boi 💜💙
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: Welcome To Happy Harbor, Drop-Zone, What’s The Story
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Episode 3: “Welcome To Happy Harbor”
The episode begins with Speedy interrupting one of Brick’s shipments.  Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad soon join the party.
Brick gets cocky and pays for it.  I’d completely forgotten about Brick’s appearance in this episode.  We see Brick in the trailer for the third season.  I bet he appears in Arrowette’s origin/recruitment episode.  It would be a nice callback to the first season.
The boys attempt to recruit Speedy to the team but he’s a manly man who doesn’t need to be part of a team.
“Recognized Robin B-01, Kid Flash B-03”
You know Batman programmed the codes and was all “Robin will be the first”.  It’s also a nice nod to Robin’s status as the first sidekick.
“Mission assignments are the Batman’s responsibility.” – Yep, poor Red is the one who has to reign in their shenanigans.  This Red doesn’t know how easy he has it – there should be a crossover between the Red of the cartoon universe and the Red of the comic book universe.  Comic book-Red can terrify Cartoon-Red with tales of his Conner and Bart.
“This team is not a social club.” – Kaldur would be the one most adamant about assignments and not wasting time on socializing.  He entered the Atlantean military at 12 years old.  He’s had structure and duty drilled into him at a young age.
“I cannot read his mind.” – Ooh, foreshadowing of M’gann’s later abuse of her powers?  That is a pretty clear violation of privacy for no other reason than convenience.  On the one hand, I cut M’gann some slack because even at 45 years old she is still a teenager by her race’s standards.  Teenagers don’t always make the best decisions and she’s obviously attempting to impress her teammates.  On the other hand, J’onn is a very ethical telepath and I’m positive he would have coached M’gann on the proper uses of telepathy.
“We all know what you’re thinking right now.” – Wally the horn dog is taken straight out of his solo comic in the late 1980s.
Wally and Dick competing over M’gann’s attention is hilarious.  I don’t think Dick event wants M’gann’s attention as much as he wants to annoy Wally.  Meanwhile, Superboy is not amused by their shenanigans.  At all.
Kaldur continues to be the only “adult” in the room.
“Granny Jones’ recipe from episode 17” – Subtle foreshadowing of an element that wouldn’t become prominent until much later in the season.
Wally needs to learn subtleness in his flirtations.
“Here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy.” – Wouldn’t that have been one of the first things J’onn would have gone over with her?”  
Superboy would be highly sensitive to telepathic intrusions due to his experiences in Cadmus.  If your entire upbringing revolved around telepathic manipulation, you are sure not going to want anyone randomly popping into your head.
“Helo, Megan.” – What we thought was a catchphrase is more foreshadowing.
The Martian bio-ship is cool.
“Fast with his feet. Not so much with his mouth.”
Yep, Dick is having too much fun giving Wally a bad time.
Kaldur takes the lead and reaches out to Superboy.  Even before it was made official, the writers did a great job laying the foundation for Aqualad to become the leader of the team.
“Mimicking boys is a lot harder.” – Would it be?  Do Martians even have gender?  Their natural forms – green or white – are basically androgynous.
“Are tornadoes common in New England?” – A pretty sensible question.  Kaldur lives underwater, Conner’s a newborn, Megan’s an alien, and Wally’s from the Midwest.  Dick is the only one who lives in New England area.
The team battles Mr. Twister and comes out on the losing end.  I’ve always felt Red Tornado was one of the most formidable heroes around. How do you fight a tornado?
“That was quite turbing.” – Dick’s mangling of the English language is thrown back into his face.
Megan deduces (wrongly) that Mr. Twister is the Red Tornado.  To be fair, it was an obvious guess.
“Stay out of our way.” – Is this Conner’s catchphrase?  This is the second time in three episodes he’s stated a variation of it.
The rematch with Mr. Twister is going as well as the first round.
“First thing Batman taught me.” – Yeah, I can see Bruce believing “never be without a weapon” is a valuable life lesson.  
Where did Dick hide the utility belt? It’s rather bulky.
Megan devises a plan and the team makes short work of Mr. Twister.
“Cool.  Souvenir.” – Wally begins his collection of trophies.
The scientist at the end is Dr. T.O. Morrow – his search for Red Tornado sets up a future episode.
“Sorry.  I’ll strive to be more accurate.”
“And more respectful.”
Yep, Dick and Conner could both use lessons in manners and tact.
Conner mutters an awkward “Sorry” to Megan.  Judging from his expression, it pained him in his soul to do so.
Episode 4: “Drop-Zone”
For those curious, the first three episodes of the cartoon, along with the first five issues of the comic, took place from July 4th through the 12th.
“Drop-Zone” begins on June 19th – Kobra has forcibly taken control of Bane’s Venom-production facilities on Santa Prisca.  Bane is not happy.
Bane battles Mammoth for control of the island and loses.
I like Kobra and his minions visual design.  Very nice. I’m not sold on Shimmer or Mammoth (pre-transformation.”
We flip ahead to June 22nd.  Two possibilities for why we are now in June – which is before July, not after.  One – the creators messed up and put June in the captions instead of July.  Two – we skipped a year between episodes 3 and 4.  I’m going with the first option as the team still hasn’t elected a leader. Pretty sure you can’t have a year’s worth of adventures without an established leader.
That said, I’m pausing “Drop-Zone” and switching to the comic as the fifth issue takes place on July 20th. I’m trying to keep this in chronological order.
Issue 5: “What’s The Story?”
Wally is at the HQ – bored and flirthing with Megan.  Wally suggest a camp fire.  Megan enthusiastically agrees but dashes Wally’s hopes by inviting the rest of the team.
Tents are set, fires lit, and smores made.
Dick tells Wally to tone down his flirting as it’s “kinda bordering on the creepy.” Yeah, Wally isnt’ exactly smooth.
Conner’s not impressed with camping: “Sleep in these flimsy things called tents and sit around the fire?”
Dick scolds Wally again: “You’re about as subtle as a train wreck.”
Megan wants to learn more about her teammates.
Aqualad begins.  Here are the highlights:
·         Grew up in Shayeris, a city of Atlantis
·         Atlantis has many people, many cultures
·         Completed his education at 12 and began mandatory service in the Atlantean military
·         At 14 years old - Transferred to the prestigious Conservatory of Science in Poseidonis
·         Queen Mera is the headmistress of the Conservatory
·         Met Garth and Tula at the Conservatory
·         Garth Kaldur saved Aquaman’s life during an attack by the Ocean Master
·         Aquaman offered the boys a chance to become his protégé and later carry on his “suface duties” while he focused on running the Kingdom
·         Kaldur leapt at the chance while Garth continued his magical studies
Nice origin recap for Kaldur.  I love the inclusion of Garth and Tula as it is a nice nod to Arthur’s original sidekicks.
Wally goes next. Highlights:
·         Jay Garrick is still the original Flash!  Yes!  I love the nods to the depth of the DC Universe. Modern creators don’t seem to care about characters and continuity but Greg Weisman and company flawlessly incorporate all aspects and elements of DC’s history.
·         Barry’s next.
·         Wally desperately wants to be Kid Flash but Barry is “No! No partners! I don’t want the responsibility!”
·         Wally’s all “Screw that.  I do what I want.” and recreates the chemical combination that caused Barry to turn into the Flash.
·         Wally as a science nerd is unique to the Young Justice universe but it’s a nice addition to the character.
·         After a few weeks, Wally gains super-speed.  He campaigns to be Barry’s new partner.  Barry’s not thrilled but agrees as long as Wally does “exactly as I say, when I say it.”
The writers did an excellent job of establishing exactly why the heroes allowed the teenagers to run around in costumes:
·         Aquaman is training a protégé to assume his role as surface world ambassador/protector.
·         Batman doesn’t want Dick to turn out like him.  Bruce doesn’t want Dick’s “inner light” to face out.
·         Barry had no choice as Wally was hell-bent on being a hero.  Better to have Wally by his side than face the danger alone.
Roy is too busy being a manly loner to discover Ollie’s reasons.  Traditionally, Ollie doesn’t make the best life choices so it could have been the more typical “well, letting a kid run around in a mask and punch criminals seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Robin passes on story-telling time.  At first, Wally ribs Dick about Batman not letting him say anything but realizes he’s rubbing salt in the wound and passes the story-telling baton to Conner.
Conner doesn’t say much. He mentions the G-Gnomes and the containment pod.  Conner states he never thought for himself until his rescue.
Conner states the one thing that’s always on his mind is “Destroying Superman.
And with that bombshell, I’m off to work.
Up next, we continue story time and resume “Drop-Zone”.
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How To Test Skin Ph
New Post has been published on https://skin-care-routine.com/skin-care-routine/how-to-test-skin-ph/
How To Test Skin Ph
A. What Is Skin pH? How to Tell if Yours Is Healthy, and Why It Matters
Products that claim to balance the skin’s pH are in vogue today. Here is an introduction to what they do and whether they are worth it.
It’s official: pH is the new black. From the dermatologist’s offices to the Sephora corridors, “pH balance” is the expression on the well-moistened lips of all Beauty Maven. The market started to flood with detergents, toners, moisturizers, pH strips and even high-tech portable pH sensors. When it comes to beauty treatments and products that aim to restore the skin’s pH balance, today’s market is a bit like the Wild West: there is a rush to make some important statements and certainly some snake oil is being sold.
Although beauticians, dermatologists and wellness gurus have different philosophies, everyone agrees that pH is important for the overall health of the skin. So we thought it would be a good time to take a step back and ask some basic questions, such as: What is pH balance anyway? And why should you worry about that in your quest for amazing skin?
1. What is the pH, anyway? A short science class for beginners
Let’s go back to science class for a moment. PH is a numerical scale that shows how acidic or alkaline something is. On the pH scale from 1 to 14, 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline. What does this have to do with your skin?
PH is not the only trend word – beauty experts are also increasingly talking about how the pH value can affect the so-called “acid mantle”, a thin barrier on the skin’s surface that helps maintain the acidity of light. Dr. Youn explains that if you disturb your acid mantle with very aggressive products, you will suffer the consequences and they will not look good. Although recently reintroduced into the dictionary, the term “acid mantle” actually dates back to 1928, when it was coined during one of the first studies on the pH of the skin’s surface. This is evident in an article published in Current Problems in Dermatology in August 2018.
2. How pH has become one of the most recent trends in skin care
“Its acid mantle is made up of amino acids and lactic acids, in addition to tallow, also known as fat-free acids,” says Tiffany Masterson, founder of the Drunk Elephant skin care line in Houston, Texas, which ensures that its products have balanced pH. Masterson is a pH-trained freelance and has become a leading voice in the field, thanks in large part to her brand success. “The acid mantle accidentally protects the skin from environmental influences that lead to aging and general irritation,” she says. The brand’s Slaai Melting Butter Cleanser debuted in April and immediately impressed beauty experts with its pH-balancing powers.
Other products, such as Tula Pro-Glycolic 10% pH Resurfacing Gel, are so popular that they are often completely sold out, both online and in department stores. The excitement is so great that retailers, including Sephora and Dermstore, have dedicated areas on their websites for pH balanced products. La Roche-Posay launched My Skin Track in 2019, a wearable sensor prototype that detects traces of sweat from your pores and promises an accurate measurement of skin pH in just 15 minutes.
3. Why pH balance products are less important for healthy skin
As far as the pH and the acidic matter of the mantle are concerned, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Much depends on the natural condition of your skin. Karcher explains that healthy skin is more than just pH. “PH is the flavor of the month, but it has to be part of the big picture,” she says. “Yes, you need to have acid pH to have healthy skin. However, if your skin is healthy and you use an alkaline cleanser, your skin will be back in a few minutes.”
Karcher believes that pH is one of several components that keep skin healthy, but it is not the only one, nor is it necessarily the main one. “There are so many factors that contribute to the overall health of the skin that if you focus only on pH, you will lose many others that are as or more important than pH,” they say.
4. How a growing understanding of intestinal bacteria sparked interest in pH imbalance
As a plastic surgeon who specializes in holistic beauty, Youn believes that one of the reasons why pH is so popular in skin care may be the growing research on the microbiome that protects us from germs, food breaks down to release energy and affect the skin. “Now there is something called the gut-skin axis, where we found that gut health also affects the trillions of bacteria that live on our skin, and if its pH is unbalanced, it can affect that,” Youn cited a review published in July 2018 in Frontiers in Microbiology.
Youn says that while many in the world of holistic beauty are obsessed with pH, ​​the acid mantle and the microbiome, they are not yet in the medical world. “The real question is how strong and how long the pH of a skin product affects the skin. I don’t think we know. If you ask 10 plastic surgeons who recommend skin care products about skin pH and mantle acid levels, they probably won’t have a clue what you’re talking about. ”
5. The best way to find out if your skin products have low pH
You may not have to worry too much about the pH of your products if you have healthy skin. However, if you already have inflammatory skin conditions like acne or eczema, use cleansers, serums, and moisturizers in the 4.6-5.5 range to prevent skin peeling, says Cates.
Since most skincare products in the U.S. don’t write the pH of the formula on the label like many K-Beauty products, you can find out the pH of a product on the brand’s website or call the company and ask. If you want to be sure, you can also buy pH strips and test a product yourself. “If you live in a place where tap water is hard, your skin’s pH may become more alkaline,” says Cates. (If you see white spots on your glasses or calcification in your showers, you probably have hard tap water, according to Sciencing.com.) One solution is to try to clean with micellar water, which French women have been announcing as a big secret. skin for decades.
And when all else fails, it is sometimes better to remember that less is more. “There is something I call a ‘hospital phenomenon’,” says Masterson. “Each time I gave birth to my babies, I spent several days in the hospital and then in bed at home to recover. I really didn’t pay much attention to my skin at that time and guess what? My skin has never been happier. That’s because I let it work on my own and left the acid mantle alone to do its job, which it did very well. When you’re struggling with skin problems and don’t know what else to do, the answer is often “do less”.
  B. Easy Ways to Test Your Skin pH Level
The pH of the skin plays an important role in the overall health of the skin. Our skin works and looks better in the middle of the pH range. 5.5 is ideal. But what exactly is “skin pH” and how do you determine your skin’s pH value? We will answer that today!
1. What is the pH?
pH means “potential hydrogen”. This term describes the acid-base ratio of a substance. The pH scale works in a range from 1 to 14. A pH of 1 would be the most acidic. A pH of 14 would be the most alkaline (basic).
2. pH and your skin
Your skin is protected by a thin layer known as an acid mantle. It is a film of amino acids and lactic acids responsible for the absorption of lipids and moisture, blocking germs, pollution, toxins and bacteria. Science has shown that the acid mantle should be slightly acidic at a pH of 5.5. If it is too alkaline, the skin is dry and sensitive. You can suffer from dry, sensitive skin and even have eczema. When your skin is alkaline, it inhibits your ability to fight matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). These enzymes destroy collagen and cause wrinkles and sagging.
In a study recently published in the British Journal of Dermatology, women were followed for 8 years. Those with alkaline stratum (the outermost layer of the skin) developed thinner lines and crow’s feet and were more prone to sun damage than those with acidic skin. It is very common for the skin to be excessively acidic. The result of acidic skin usually manifests itself in rashes and acne. If the skin becomes too acidic below 4.5, it can become red and inflamed.
3. How do I test your skin’s pH?
It is not easy to test the pH of the skin. For a perfect answer, you would need to consult a doctor or dermatologist who uses a pH meter to determine your skin’s pH. This simple eight-question test will help you determine where your skin fits on the pH scale.
4. How was your skin score?
a. If your main answer was B, then your skin’s pH is too high
You have alkaline skin. The skin’s acid mantle is released from its protective lipids and is a victim of bacteria, ultraviolet rays and aggressive ingredients. Take a look at the products that are used to wash, exfoliate and moisturize your face. Try Nayelle’s gentle CLEANING for a pH-balanced facial cleanser. Our HYDRATE Probiotic Moisturizing Cream and REJUVENATE Anti-Aging Night Cream are also formulated with a neutral pH so that your skin reaches the perfect pH value.
b. If you answered A most of the time, then your skin’s pH is perfect
This is your skin’s happy place. Having such good skin is no coincidence for you. We know that you are washing and exfoliating with the right products.
c. If your main response was C, your skin’s pH is too low (acidic)
You have oily skin, rashes and tenderness. You may be overdoing your exfoliating products (think of acids) to absorb excess fat. Although this type of exfoliation can keep your complexion healthy, your skin suffers very well. You may have relied heavily on facial cleansers and scrubs.
5. Other ways to test your skin’s pH
As mentioned earlier, testing your skin directly is difficult. You would need to consult a doctor or dermatologist who uses a pH meter. Many dermatologists agree that observing your skin’s behavior is the best way to know your skin’s pH level.
6. Test your salivary pH
Your body’s pH is a good indicator of your skin’s pH. An easy way is to test your saliva. You can try the pH ion balance strips. Simply dip a strip in your saliva and get an instant reading of your internal pH in 0.25 increments.
  C. Discover How to Balance Your Skin pH – Naturally
Dry or oily skin leaving you down? Find out why skin pH is important – and how Puracy products can help balance skin pH. If you suffer from skin problems, balancing your skin’s pH may be the key to beautiful, healthy skin. If your skin is dry, oily or prone to acne, the expert tips in this article should help you restore your skin’s pH balance naturally.
1. What is the normal pH of the skin?
By measuring the pH (meaning “hydrogen potential”), you can determine how acidic or alkaline a particular substance is. On a scale of 0 to 14, water has pH 7. Therefore, it is considered “neutral”. Anything below 7 has a higher acidity. Anything over 7 is considered alkaline. The general assumption is that the skin’s pH is slightly acidic and ranges from 5 to 6 on the pH scale. Some recent studies have suggested that the ideal pH level for the skin may even be slightly below 5.
2. Why is the balanced pH of the skin so important?
When the skin has an ideal pH value, it has an improved barrier function, better moisture retention and less flaking. A slightly acidic pH value of the skin helps normal (healthy) bacterial flora to adhere to the epidermis. When the pH of the skin is more alkaline, it can potentially be related to, and even cause, the following dermatological conditions: eczema, irritant contact dermatitis, diaper rash, acne and fungal, fungal and bacterial infections.
3. Water quality has a big impact on your skin’s pH
Your daily bathing routine will have a dramatic impact on your skin, and one of the biggest culprits for unbalanced skin is the quality of the water in your home. Puracy makes cleaning and hygiene products that work very well. Our passion for natural cleaning services is our profession and we are here to share it with you.
If your scalp and skin feel dry, regardless of the type of shampoo and liquid soap you use, the water may be hard. Owners should consider investing in a water softener. In the meantime, a shower filter is an excellent and affordable option – especially for renters.
Professional tip: your community should be able to tell how hard the water is.
4. The best water for skin pH
During the bath, the best water for skin pH is soft, non-alkaline and low in minerals. Since hot water dries out the skin, it is best to use warm water whenever possible.
5. Find the best products to help balance skin pH
Cleansing and moisturizing creams understandably affect your skin’s pH. The ideal range for skin care products with a balanced pH value is between 4 and 6. Unfortunately, typical bar soaps can have a pH value of up to 12 and are particularly hard on the skin of the face.
To keep your skin healthy, use a pH balanced soap such as Puracy Natural Body Wash with a pH between 5 and 6. This formulation is a gentle blend of natural coconut cleansers, clinical grade moisturizers and pink Himalayan sea salt. Hypoallergenic soap with a balanced pH value is free of chemicals that can remove the natural oil from the skin.
Professional tip: With simple pH test strips, you can quickly determine if your skin care products have a balanced pH value.
a. Why toner is important for the skin
Immediately after cleaning your skin, apply toner that will help to calibrate your pH. Read the list of ingredients before applying any product to the skin. If alcohol is at the top of your ingredient list, it is likely that you are dehydrating (rather than nourishing) your skin.
b. Also, look for a shampoo with a balanced pH level
Also, check the list of ingredients for your hair products. Many cosmetic companies consider sulfates (such as sodium lauryl sulfate) to be perfectly suitable for use in “natural” shampoos. Since sulfates are alkaline, they can dry out and alter the skin’s natural pH.
Puracy Natural Shampoo uses natural botanicals and coconut-based cleansers to gently cleanse the scalp and hair follicles. Be sure to follow our natural conditioner to block out moisture.
Professional tip: Depending on your hair type and the health of your scalp, it may be best to wash it every few days.
c. Don’t forget to make lotion
Within minutes of getting out of the shower, ensure vital hydration by applying a nourishing moisturizer with a balanced pH.
6. Restore your skin’s pH with Puracy products
Puracy Body Wash, Natural Shampoo and Natural Conditioner range from 5 to 6 on the pH scale, while Puracy lotions range from 6 to 7. Our products are scientifically designed to work with the skin’s natural pH – all without harsh or irritating chemicals .
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jeremystrele · 5 years
The Meaning Of Motherhood, With Actress Madeleine Madden + Curator Hetti Perkins
The Meaning Of Motherhood, With Actress Madeleine Madden + Curator Hetti Perkins
Hetti Perkins and her daughter Madeleine Madden. Photo – Alisha Gore.
Actress Maddy is on the cusp of her Hollywood breakthrough, staring in the forthcoming film, Dora and the Lost City of Gold. Photo – Alisha Gore.
Hetti Perkins is an Eastern Arrernte and Kalkadoon woman. Photo – Alisha Gore.
Maddy is Hetti’s youngest daughter. She has two older sisters Lillie and Thea as well as a brother Tyson. Photo – Alisha Gore.
I know you as Mum, a big group of people know you as Aunty. But who do other people know you as?
Hetti Perkins: I’m also kind of known as Mum to people I actually didn’t give birth to, which is lovely. That for me is something very special because it’s not so much a biological relationship but more of an emotional relationship. And aside from my very close extended family, I think I am best known for working in Aboriginal art and in an activist role. I feel that I’ve always tried to represent the voice of artists on a national stage if the opportunity was presented.
I remember when I was nervous about getting up to do a talk one time and my Dad, Charlie Perkins, said to me, ‘It’s not about you. If you get the chance to speak for your people… get up  and you do it, and you do a good job!’ In some ways that is quite intimidating, but it’s also liberating because it isn’t about you, it’s about the work you can do for your people. That is the way I was raised.
The Art And Soul documentary series on ABC TV , the show I co-curated for the Venice Biennale in 1997 and Papunya Tula: Genesis and Genius, which was also exhibited at the Art Gallery of NSW in 2000… I’d like for people to see that those projects are part of a bigger strategy for the promotion of our peoples’ interest, collectively.
Madeleine Madden: I love that advice that Pop gave you and that you have passed on to us.
It kind of takes the fear out of it, it empowers you. And, you know, it’s what makes it all worth it – not some personal ambition or dream, it’s like the dream of the community.
In the public eye, Pop is seen as a fighter and really passionate and outspoken. But some people might know him best for his for his soccer career as well as his civil rights activism [achieving justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including leading the Freedom Rides through NSW and becoming the first Aboriginal person to lead a federal department].
What was it like being in the spotlight when you were young, and how did that influence you?
Hetti: Myself and my younger brother and sister were very fortunate in some ways. We had a very strong mother, Eileen, who is still with us and will probably outlive us all! She supported Dad 100%, enabling him to do what he had to do and what he wanted to do.
When we were in Alice Springs  and I was in primary school, the kids knew who my dad was and what he did, and they weren’t very complimentary about it – they would call him a shit-stirrer and things like that. That’s pretty confronting when you’re in the third grade. When we went to Canberra to live for a long time, the racism took a different form: it wasn’t sort of as personal and about Dad, but it was more schoolyard taunts about being a blackfella.
It’s interesting because if, say, I wore glasses I’d have been called ‘four-eyes’ or if I was a bit chubby it’d have been ‘fatty’ or whatever. But racism is different, it’s such an insidious thing. They try to make you feel that you are genetically a lower form of life.
Being black is something intrinsic to you and certainly, it was to me. Even though my mother is not Aboriginal, we grew up and still do feel 100% blackfella. I loved being a part of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, and being with Dad, going to all the demonstrations, having people over and hearing them talk. What I remember most about it, is that some of the toughest activists were so gentle and kind to me, and extremely funny.
Growing up, there was a sense of unity, of collective action, and if there was in-fighting, people sorted their stuff out behind the scenes. I guess that has sort of changed, now, there are a lot more platforms for people to have their opinions, informed or otherwise, and share them widely. Back in the day, if you pardon my cliche, people earned the right to have an opinion and make a statement, because they had done the hard yards. They got off their arses, they were going to the demonstrations and meetings, doing things rather than sitting at home in front of a keyboard, spraying out about whatever was going on.
Maddy: Nowadays you feel like you are standing on the shoulders of giants, because back then people literally put their lives on the line, and risked their personal safety so that others could have opportunities.
A lot of people have wanted to know about the man Pop was, but I also think of Nanny Perks standing with him. It would have been very difficult for her marrying an Aboriginal man in the 1960s, as a white woman in this country.
Hetti: I remember talking to Mum about that. I said, you know, ‘A black, poor, young fella with uncertain prospects.. and you married him anyway’. She was, still is, deeply in love with Dad, and I think theirs is a great love story! They are two very well oiled parts of a synchronised unit.
Often Dad was under pressure, I see that now he could be volatile and angry, but he was always loving. We felt that we were the things that mattered most in his life. He simultaneously had a fire in his belly, a burning sense of injustice, and he just couldn’t swallow it. I think almost dying at quite a young age, with his kidneys and the transplant and especially the experiences he had as a child, he felt that he was given this chance and he wasn’t going to waste it, he was going to devote every energy to it. But as I said, he had Mum. And it wasn’t like ‘There’s Dad and he goes to work and we don��t really know what he does, just that he’s never here’. We actually knew that he was sacrificing time to do the work that he needed to do for our mob. We were ok with that because we also felt that we were part of that fight.
When you were young we all lived together with your Pop and Nanny, and you were exposed to a life where the politics and the personal were the same thing. At 13, you were the first teenager in Australia to deliver an address to the nation, which really sort of set you on a trajectory. From playing a cat in the preschool play or Dora the Explorer’s bestie in the forthcoming Paramount blockbuster, for me observing, your acting and activism has always seemed like a natural path.
Photo – Alisha Gore.
Photo – Alisha Gore.
Photo – Alisha Gore.
Do you feel like acting and activism was a natural path for you?
Maddy: I think so, I mean it would be weird if I wasn’t political in the house that I grew up in. We were always encouraged to have an opinion and stand up for what we believed in, we always had a seat at the table and were involved in the dialogue the adults were having. I think it was a blessing to have experienced that and the voice that this instilled in us, from such a young age.
I have heard actors of colour that have said, ‘I’m not really a political person’. And I’m generally shocked about that because I am like, ‘How can you not be?’ I get that some people are all don’t-talk-about-religion-and-politics-at-the-table, but we can’t just keep our heads buried in the sand. If you have a platform you need to use it. Obviously many people face difficulties in their lives, and we should normalise talking about that. And that also means talking about politics. It shouldn’t just be left up to the 1% to make decisions for us. I am going to keep speaking up for as long as I can.
Hetti: You’ve had a very strong sense of injustice from a very young age and that need to correct any injustice you may see around you.
It’s interesting in my work too, with artists, a few have said, ‘I’m not an Aboriginal artist, I’m an artist’. And I’ve always found that quite confusing. Over the years I have unpacked the idea, and I think to say something like that infers that there is something lesser in being an Aboriginal artist. But to be connected to your own identity and express it doesn’t reduce your opportunities. For example, It doesn’t mean you can’t play the role of a non-Aboriginal person.
Maddy: I think there is still this fear, from the past when people got typecast or stereotyped, of being called a ‘black artist’. People are worried they are getting boxed in… but, well, break the box. I can understand how you just want to be treated like an equal like anyone else, but unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. I think you need to just be a front runner and do the damn thing you want to!
Hetti: As you were growing up, I was working at the Art Gallery Of NSW (my children literally had free rein on the gallery, thanks to some very friendly childcare policies during my 13 years!).
Do you think being brought up in a home where work and life merged together has influenced the choices you’ve made?
Maddy: I think the way you intertwined the two has definitely trickled down into our lives. Yet you have always prioritised family first over work and I know that my siblings and I definitely do the same. The Gallery really was a second home. It was such an incredible place for children to exist in – among people that were just so passionate about art, life, love and natural beauty!
I tap into all of that with my acting a lot – all that we were immersed in.
Hetti: Artists would come into our home and stay with us – people like Mike Rakowitz,  Christian Thompson, and Tony Albert. There have been a lot of amazing creatives in your lives and it’s always been remarkable to me how you have all just gone with the flow. You know, ‘Move over, make some space on the lounge’… Or ‘Now they want a turn at Guitar Hero!’
Maddy: Yeah! And I think artists take a real leap of faith, really go out on a limb and risk it all. A lot of those people overcame really hard challenges and made art out of them. We have always just been surrounded by brave, wonderful, kind people and that is the best childhood that anyone could ask for. I think that’s why you are such a great mother because you mother people of all walks of life… and now we have ‘siblings’ from everywhere!
Hetti: Yes we are very fortunate. You had a wonderful childhood, and I’m glad you did because I think that it is such a formative time and it is often too short. These days, I don’t think kids get enough time to go outside and climb a tree, walk the dog, or just sit down and do nothing. There is a lot of focus on homework and goals and tasks. But having the time to hang around and be in each other’s company in an unstructured way is something that’s really important.
Photo – Alisha Gore.
What’s the best piece of parenting advice you’ve been given?
Hetti: Even when I was a child myself, I was one of those kids that loved looking after the littlies! I feel like I did get some good advice – everything from always keep the baby’s feet warm to don’t use nappy wipes… practical things – but I guess, in some ways, I always felt innately maternal.
When I was growing up I felt very strongly about what kind of life I wanted for my children. I really wanted my kids to grow up in Sydney (where I moved to for university), to experience the multiculturalism, the plurality – the best of Australian society… The excitement and creativity of a city like that with all its beautiful natural attributes, a very strong Aboriginal community, and a fabulous LGBTQI community.
But I’ve also very strongly felt that parents actually need to earn the love and respect of their children. It’s not something you should take for granted. I don’t believe in any sort of physical punishment or anything like that; I think it’s much better to try to get kids on the same page and to achieve a balance. You know, happiness is really the most important thing.
Maddy: Yeah exactly, I think you lead by example and that’s the best way: showing by doing and putting in the hard work… like the extremely hard work of raising four kids by yourself! Kids make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, but I think the important thing is to hold yourself accountable. Do you take responsibility for that behaviour? Do you grow from it and learn from it, and go ‘Ok I’m not doing that again’? I think that’s a really nice aspect of how you have raised us to behave.
Hetti: I think some kids, when they really muck up or go off-the-rails, are hurting themselves but also punishing people as a way of hitting back. It’s an interesting one.
Your father, Lee, passed away when you were six, which seems at odds with saying you had a great childhood. But you’ve always had loving family around you.
What do you think you’ve learned from your childhood?
Maddy: I think it was definitely a very tough year for us because Pop passed away and then Dad soon after. But I think from those moments, that were obviously very hard, we now know how to deal with grief well. When you have Earth-shattering, soul-destroying, ‘How do I get back from this?‘ moments, you remember you’ve always got each other. I am so blessed to have that reassurance that our family can all band together and keep going.
It’s also a reminder of how you stepped up, which was huge: you were the mum, the dad, the best friend and everything. I think it’s a massive testament to you as a person, and to our Grandparents on both sides.
I remember how Nanny Lil (Dad’s mum) said, ‘You just have to keep going, lots of upsetting things have happened in our lives and in our collective past’, (referring to growing up as a black woman, and the really tough things she faced). She added, ‘Grow from it, get strong from it. Life goes on and so should we’. Now I feel that anything life kind of throws at us, we will be able to get through it.
Hetti : I think it’s important to have that security because it gives you confidence. I also think of your grandmother Lily and how she relates to her grandchildren. She has taught me a lot. She’s one of those people that really laughs with you, and that’s a beautiful thing too. You say I stepped up, but I did so because I was supported to step up, and we all knew we had to keep going.
In many ways, the world is quite different from the one that I grew up in. To me, you are someone who is very social-media savvy, articulate, and seem to enjoy the opportunities that being online gives you, especially to engage with others.
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of the social media world?
Maddy: I love that quote by RuPaul, who has been a massive idol and inspiration for us. She says ‘Unless them bitches payin’ your bills, pay them bitches no mind.’ and I think that is the best approach to have with the haters. The negativity is always going to be there and sometimes social media makes people think it’s ok to behave in certain ways when it’s not. Online bullying is awful, a kind of a silent killer.
But I love the opportunities social media gives me, and by that I mean the art, the cute videos and funny memes – that’s what I get out of it! I took a break from social media (Instagram and Facebook) for three months and it was really good for my mental health. I felt less anxious, I was on my phone less, I was only caring about people who I actually care about. Then I got back on it and I just did a big cull on what I was seeing. Social media can be fantastic for raising awareness for good causes, getting people power going, and building momentum for movements. I’m really grateful for that too.
Hetti : Yes, when it’s used for good, not evil, it’s brilliant. There is a risk, but you know what, in every generation, there is always something that people are rolling their eyes about or freaking about. It used to be about watching too much TV!
Maddy: We have all grown up to be very connected to the outdoors and involved in the community.  I volunteer with Seed Mob, an indigenous climate action group, and we’re all genuinely concerned because we can see the impacts now. A lot of women around the world are going on birth strikes because they don’t want to raise children in a world that’s essentially dying, as world ‘leaders’ stand idle.
Hetti : I can understand that. I think it is responsible parenting to think about what our children will inherit, whether in their local community, or the wider world. Do I want to bring a child up in an apocalyptic world? This threat to our beautiful creatures, plants, rivers.. the list goes on. And it’s because of one thing and that’s us: humans. The decisions that are being made from the Adani Coal Mine to the fracking in the Northern Territory to Oil prospecting in the Great Australian Bight make me feel extremely anxious and also furious. It’s all about the short-term and votes – no taking responsibility, making quick decisions to get the quick bucks and support, pulling the wool over the eyes of the community, and branding anyone who is a dissenting voice as Lefty-latte sippers!
Maddy: or calling them green-collared criminals! Even saying that to kids, who go on the school strikes, when their parents have said, ‘No you go out there, we support you to fight for your future’. And that’s a privilege you have given to us; always supporting us to go out there stand up for what is right, for our future, and people who can’t stand up for themselves.
What does Mother’s Day mean to you?
Hetti: There is a very conventional sense of what ‘Mother’s Day’ is. Obviously, we celebrate it – because we’ll take any kind of excuse to give presents and get together. Doesn’t matter what the cause is, we’re there!
Maddy: [laughs] Yeah, I love Mother’s Day, it should be Mother’s Day all day, every day, 365! It’s a moment where we can all just really celebrate the people in our lives, whether they are our biological mothers or people who have inspired us or anyone who has given us love or guided us. It’s a wonderful day to say thank you and make those people feel lovely and special… and have cake! We all love having a celebration at our house.
It’s nice how you always raised us to be affectionate and loving in that way, because it feels like that door is never closed, you know. I think It’s really important to show children that you love them, have an active interest in what they are doing, and that they have done a good job. This comes back to that leading by example; I think that is the best thing a parent can do!
Hetti: Beautiful… Well, that seems like a good spot to conclude this wonderful discussion – maybe one day we’ll look back on this one as another of our highlights!
0 notes
gulescamisade · 7 years
Alaska: Day 12, Checkpoint
[[ The truck keeps rolling along, but it's starting to slow. Micexa pipes up from the driver's seat. ]]
MICEXA: I can see the checkpoint...
MICEXA: Everybody stay low and quiet.
MICEXA: I'll handle these guys.
MITUNA: -Never-
KARKAT: =holds onto a rock and ducks Dave gently and Mituna if he has to=
HESONY: =please and thank you Little Angry Man=
HESONY: =He had moved to the passenger seat earlier and did his best to cover the space behind them by moving a crate in front of the open area. Hopefully it would be enough.=
MITUNA: -A crate cannot contain me-
HESONY: =He straightened in his seat and fixed up his legislacerator jacket a bit, trying to comb down what was probably messy hair.=
MICEXA: -no but really-
MICEXA: -she would be doing that for Hesony if she weren't driving lbr-
HESONY: =This is true=
MICEXA: -the truck slows, and the group can feel it stopping. They hear the voice of a troll outside the driver's side asking for a permit, and then shuffling as Micexa pulls it out and offers it from the window.-
[[ There's quiet for several long moments. Then a guard asks, what are you heading south for? What's in the back? ]]
KARKAT: =meese=
MICEXA: -ONLY THE FINEST MEESE. She growls, leaning into the door of the truck.- Did you not see my permit? Do you want me to inform the High Legislacerator that you were the reason I didn't arrive on time? I'm sure she would find a special place for your body. Maybe she would even let me pick it out myself.
REDGLARE: -She reaches for her STABBING STICK, subtly-
KARKAT: =you stop that. Give him the stick=
HESONY: =Gives the checkpoint troll a steely glare from behind Micexa's head=
MITUNA: -Put the stick in me-
[[ There's quiet for another few moments, and then another shuffling. The guard says, you're welcome through. ]]
MICEXA: Thank you very much. -the truck begins to roll forward again, slowly, and she releases a tense sigh.-
HESONY: =Just...slightly slumps=
MITUNA: -Releases a tense fart-
HESONY: Sparky, was that you?
[[ The aroma is powerful. ]]
[[ But the truck doesn't travel very far through the checkpoint, trolls and buildings on all sides and patrolling all around, before there's the sound and light of a huge explosion just behind them. ]]
MITUNA: -Powerful-
KARKAT: You couldn't point your ass towards the-!! =boomski=
MICEXA: Fuck!! -she hits the gas, then swerves as debris from the gate lands in the road just ahead-
HESONY: =actually flinches in his seat, whirling around. was it directed at them??=
[[ The explosion pretty much demolished the gate they just went through. ]]
HESONY: =Grabs onto his door to steady himself!!=
HESONY: Miss--! Keep driving!
REDGLARE: -ok now she's got a white knuckled grip on her staff-
[[ There are the sounds of shouts, running feet, and gunfire all around outside the tarp covered back of the truck. ]]
KARKAT: =So it shouldn't be for them he clutches Terezi's weapon and holds onto Dave and Redglare so she doesn't slide about=
REDGLARE: -Hisses and coughs...- wh4t's h4pp3n1ng?(edited)
HESONY: I don't know! =He's still tryin to look out the window while keeping low=
MICEXA: Someone's attacking the--!! -FUCK. Another grenade is thrown just in their path and she swerves again, but this time right into a building. The grenade goes off in the dirt many yards away, but the truck is officially halted with a jolt.-(edited)
HESONY: Just stay down and stay quiet.
KARKAT: =JERKS with the stop and growls...... quietly=
HESONY: =oh my god he almost went through the windshield. Thank frick for seatbelts=
[[ The driver's side door is wrenched open, and a dazed Micexa is dragged out with a soft cry in her throat. ]]
MICEXA: \|/ait-- no--
REDGLARE: -panting. MAYBE also trying to get up, for what that's worth, but it's easy enough to keep her from doing that. She probably doesn't have the strength for that.-
REDGLARE: W3 c4n't--
HESONY: =He was in the middle of telling the others not to move when suddenly Miss is GONE=
MITUNA: -Peels himself off the bed of the truck-
[[If anyone peeks out from the tarp, they'll see Miss being grabbed and held by two humans and a troll. ]]
MITUNA: wha7 7he fuck
HESONY: =even in his dazed state, he rips himself out of the seat and follows after her through the open door=
KARKAT: =ALRIGHT. NUTS TO STAYING QUIET AND HIDDEN THEY'RE BEING ATTACKED. Here comes a hissy fish-oh.... yeah sure he totally peeped=
[[ If anyone jumps out, they will ALSO see this. ]]
KARKAT: =looks at the human= .....What?... Wait are you rebels?
HESONY: =He's running towards the group that has her and he's automatically throwing aside his own weapon with his hands raised.= PLEASE! Please don't hurt her!(edited)
KARKAT: =fins perked almost=
REDGLARE: -ONE LEGGED, USING HER STICK TO BE UP. The fall from out of the truck is a doozy, though. DOOF.-
MICEXA: \|/ait-- just check the-- -heck. Oh hello Hesony and Karkat.-
KARKAT: =REDGLARE GODDAMMIT he glances at her and HUFFS=
[[ The little group looks at Karkat and then Redglare emerging from the back of the truck, bewildered for a few moments. Then one of them speaks. ]]
ALMA: Fuck.
ALMA: You're Umbral Ultimatum, aren't you?
KARKAT: That depends on who's asking.
MITUNA: -Pokes his head out-
REDGLARE: -She is stubbornly trying to stand. Wings buzzing, muscles TREMBLING. That leg was holding her back.-
JUHANI: =a human (who spells her name with six letters) is holding onto Miss by her hair=
JUHANI: Please answer her question.(edited)
ALMA: Are these trolls holding you hostage??? -holds Micexa EVEN MORE THREATENINGLY-
KARKAT: .... =jumps out to steady Redglare= No, they're helping us. So.... don't kill her.
REDGLARE: wh4t. Do you know 4bout us.
KARKAT: =yes, yet=
KARKAT: =but we need them still=
HESONY: =he's just on his knees by now, just full out begging=
HESONY: =Pride, somewhere in the trophosphere=
KARKAT: =good not-god man.=
ALMA: -eyeballs their conditions and... reluctantly releases Micexa, throwing her toward Hesony.- We don't have time. You guys can't stay here.
KARKAT: We weren't planning on sticking around... but why?
HESONY: =CATCHES her as he stumbled to his own feet=
MICEXA: -huffs... and leans against Hesony-
ALMA: Look around, we're lighting this place up. -CONTINUED EXPLOSIONS AND FIGHTING IN THE BG-
KARKAT: ....Fair point. Also good job. Fantastic.
JUHANI: =stares at the two legislacerators from top to bottom= Cleaning house, if you will.
ALMA: Ju, we need to find Kuyra. He can sneak these guys out of here.
MICEXA: -rrrr...-
REDGLARE: -wheezes.- on our w4y south. f41rly f4r. m1nn-- nn—
REDGLARE: -focus. clear throat.- m1n3sot4. 4m3r1c4.
MITUNA: america
MITUNA: fuck yeah
JUHANI: =She nodded and moved aside to contact Kuyra on their radio=
ALMA: We'll worry about getting you out of the checkpoint first. -rests a hand on Redglare's shoulder gently-
HESONY: =he's just quiet. silent. not even contributing to this conversation.=
ALMA: I have to go. Ju, I'm leaving these guys to you for now.
KARKAT: How many of you are there? Holy shit.... =this is fantastic=
REDGLARE: -nods a little...-
ALMA: Meet up with me when you can. -MUSCULAR SPANISH WOMAN DASHES AWAY!!!! Shooting at an approaching group of trolls-
JUHANI: =she glanced up, nodding.= Kuyra's farther down the road. =She tilted her head at Micexa= Is that truck still functioning or did you wreck it completely?
MICEXA: -huffs- It's probably going to need more work than we have time for.
MITUNA: -Looking at Spanish booty-
ALMA: -it winks in the afternoon sun-
JUHANI: =breathes steadily through her nose= Well done. =she says, like's it's Miss's fault they crashed=
MITUNA: -Porrim would appreciate that butt-
MICEXA: -fite me bro-
JUHANI: =gestures down the road with her rifle.= On foot then. Go, I will cover you.
MICEXA: -looks at the rest of the crew-
KARKAT: =Looks at Redglare, then glances to the Micexa and Hesony= ......
KARKAT: =AGGRESSIVELY FUCKING GESTURES down the road then turns to Redglare= Do you want a lift? I ask as I'm going to do it anyway?(edited)
JUHANI: Do I have to suggest that those unharmed carry the wounded? =she's mostly looking at the legislacerator pair. Forgive her for not trusting you.=
HESONY: =he's still RATTLED.=
MICEXA: -were used to it its cool-
HESONY: =Even so, he hesitantly moved toward the crew.=
REDGLARE: -GOD DAMN IT... Sigh.- w3'r3 1n. 4 hurry. just-- do 1t.
MICEXA: -she's gonna help whoever else lets her... and then dash down the road. MIGHT AS WELL DO IT WHILE THEY CAN-
HESONY: =He ducks down in so that someone can crawl onto his back.=
MITUNA: -He's got him and Tula. Floats them on down the road-
KARKAT: =Hoists her and goes on foot while he has Dave tucked in a baby sling on his chest probably=
HESONY: =also picks up his shield from the dirt and hustles toward their destination, wherever that may be.=
[[ There are splatters of gunfire in the dirt around their feet as they go, and in the chaos they can see trolls fighting humans, trolls fighting trolls. There's plenty of bloodshed, and it's hard to tell who's winning, but more and more of this checkpoint is catching on fire. Maybe that's a good sign. ]]
[[ Down the road, there's the face of a human peeking around the side of a building, and then their hand waving them over before they duck and hide again. ]]
KARKAT: =Hustles on his legs and goes around the corner, with haste... but warily=
MITUNA: -War. War never changes-
LATULA: ok4y sh1t so th4tz l1k3 your BRO r1ght?????
[[ The human is hunched down at the side of the building, and it looks relative quiet over here, with lots of upgrown grass. He waves to the group once they get there. ]]
KUYRA: hey uhh... youre the UU guys right?
MITUNA: why doe5 everyone know who we are
KARKAT: Gee, I wonder.
KUYRA: haha... yeah. im kuyra. just-- just the scout guy.
KARKAT: Alright Just The Scout Guy Kuyra, great. We're us, you're you. Now what the fuck is happening?
KUYRA: i guess ju didnt have time to tell you anything... uh. were the rebellion.
KUYRA: were taking over the checkpoint. taking back travel routes from the empire.
KUYRA: -glances around anxiously- we can talk more when we get back to base. they might find us here.
LATULA: fuck1n!!!! 4LR1GHT gu3ss w3r3 t4k1ng your word for th4t!!! do you got 4 doc 4t l34st c4us3 TH4T SON 1S GONN4 B3 FUCK1N BUSY.
KUYRA: -eyes them- yeah...
KUYRA: uh. alright follow me.
MITUNA: i can7 feel my arm
KUYRA: -sucks man...-(edited)
MITUNA: -Brushes it against a wall-
KUYRA: do you... need help with your arm??
KUYRA: ???
MITUNA: we all need help fucking look a7 u5 bro
KUYRA: ...yeah. thats what i figured.
HESONY: =he knows what that entails as he'd had a practically splintered arm too at one point, but for now he's going to elect to not be a smart ass.=(edited)
MITUNA: -Still floating himself and Latula-
KUYRA: ok. lets go. -sneaks through the grass toward a fence, and it's cut enough to let people through one at a time, so he pulls back the wiring to allow them all to crawl through-
MITUNA: -Can he just go over the fence-
HESONY: =You know what forget it= Sparky's been using his psionics for long periods over the course of several days now.
[[ He could go over but it's high and also there's a very good chance someone will see them. ]]
MITUNA: um excu5e you i wa5 pa55ed ou7 for a day 7here
HESONY: Likely due to the aforementioned overuse of your abilities. =he could just shut them off, but he never particularly enjoyed using it.=
LATULA: -babe no-
MITUNA: or maybe becau5e 5ome dicknub fucked up my already fucked up arm
KUYRA: -stares at these guys like... are y'all gonna come through the fence or...-
MITUNA: -Floats through-
MICEXA: -SIGHS and crawls through herself-
HESONY: Maybe because all of you didn't know How to take a fucking Hint.
MITUNA: you le7 7erezi die
HESONY: =He'S crawling through when he hears that and just STIFFENS=
LATULA: -SHAKES MITUNA A LIL- yo OK l1st3n th4t w4s fuck3d up 4nd fuck th3s3 guyz but l3tz just G3T TH3R3 ok4y???? dud3 1 4m gonn4 fr34k out 4nd 1 h4v3 NO 1d34 wh4t to do but w3r3 l1k3 th1s clos3 to f1nd1ng SOM3BODY who m1ght! SO CMON DUD3. G3T YOUR 4SS THROUGH 4ND L3TZ GO.
MICEXA: -turns and growls in Mituna's direction, but she... grabs onto Hesony and tugs him.-HESONY: =crawls through the rest of the way so he's not a roadblock.=
KUYRA: -wow... awkward...-
LATULA: 4LR1GHT cool. sh1t. sh1t ok4y. cool. -Shes gonna go next and just SHINMY ON THROUGH-
MITUNA: -Grumbles himself, but sticks with Latula. Okay maybe that was fucked up but like...Terezi is fucking dead and he's just...still not okay-
LATULA: -tru and also for realz fucked up but she can't stop thinking that if they linger too long the party is gonna get even smaller. she squeezes on his side as they get through.-
MITUNA: -He's all skin and bones now-
KUYRA: -he leads them through more grass and then into woods where they travel for a bit before finding a ditch that conceals what seems to be some kind of sewer opening- in here.
HESONY: =is crying very subtly=
MITUNA: -Take a fucking sip-
MITUNA: -Follows this strange person into a hole-
KUYRA: -it seems to lead into sewer tunnels, and then a rather heavy door that he taps on for a good thirty seconds in some kind of elaborate code before it swings open. And then....-
MITUNA: -The sweet release of death-
[[ Inside, it's a series of elaborate tunnels and rooms, and there are a lot more humans as well as some trolls down here. They seem fairly well-stocked, and there's a good number of them. It's a base of the rebellion, alright. ]]
REDGLARE: -glancing down the tunnels... must have taken some cues from LOCAS. It seems to be working for them so far.-
HESONY: =as far as he knows, they might all be trudging to their doom=
MITUNA: -Arm around Latula. Good arm that is.-
MITUNA: cool
JUHANI: =She nodded up ahead=
JUHANI: The barracks are to your left. You will be brought there after doctor visits, some food in your system and nice baths. How does that sound? We will have to see about vacancy, but perhaps we can get you all beds near one another.
MITUNA: -Holds onto latula-
JUHANI: Now, our physician is this way. Please follow me.
LAUTLA: -if he's holding on her then he's going to the physician cause she is DEFINITELY following that way-
MITUNA: -Welp, here we go-
MITUNA: -At the physician they get the amazing news that Mituna will be joining the lose a limb club-
HESONY: =Hey look Miss, Mituna and Redglare are going to match us.=
[[ His doctor is an 18 year old med student. She was from the coast until the water apocalypse happened. ]]
MITUNA: -But can she amputate-
[[ Oh definitely! She's looking the procedure up in a book right now. ]]
MITUNA: -Looks at Latula. HELP ME-
MITUNA: -She's looking up how to lop my arm off. HELP -(edited)
HESONY: =If you're gonna complain, I can always do it.=
MITUNA: -You can eat a bag of the saltiest dicks available-
HESONY: =choke on a box of bisquick=
MITUNA: -cry more-
HESONY: =he will beat you with your own amputated limb=
MITUNA: -Fist yourself with it-
HESONY: =nO, no, Mituna deserve the honors, besides, Sunny doesn't know where this thing has been=
MITUNA: - 8) -
HESONY: =Do not look at me with that face=
MITUNA: -8)-
HESONY: =Aight, Sparky, your name's Stumpy now=
MITUNA: -You still let Terezi die-
MINDFANG: -Do worry mituna she knows a guy who makes kick ass arms.-
HESONY: =stfu Stumpy what do you know=
MITUNA: -I know I'm losing an arm, and a friend of mine died and both those things are p much your fault.-
HESONY: =if you troglodytes had complied, maybe both those things wouldnt have happened!=
MITUNA: -I hope you get expunged, bitch boy-
MITUNA: -Just you. Only you.-
HESONY: =That's not how it works!=
MITUNA: -It will today-
HESONY: =You do realize if she kills me here, the probability of everyone else dying is even higher??=
MITUNA: -No we'll put you outside.-
HESONY: =you'll have to kill me first, Sparky=
MITUNA: -That can be arranged-
HESONY: =try me, snotwaffle=
MITUNA: -Lick my anal cavity-
HESONY: =no way, you havent bathed in like over a week=
MITUNA: -Eat my bunstuff-
HESONY: =maybe the eon you stop smelling like ass=
0 notes
aion-rsa · 8 years
INTERVIEW: Scott Snyder Explores Poison Ivy’s Roots in All Star Batman
SPOILER WARNING: The following interview discusses major plot points from “All Star Batman” #7 by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay and Francesco Francavilla, in stores now.
Scott Snyder is the self-professed luckiest dude in comics. While the superstar writer has undeniable talent, it’s his ability to tap top artists as creative collaborators that ensures nearly every one of his releases is an industry-wide event.
For “All Star Batman,” his latest from DC Comics, Snyder has assembled what he calls a murderers’ row of artists to illustrate Batman as the Dark Knight faces off against reimagined versions of some of his greatest rogues, including Two-Face, KGBeast, Mr. Freeze and this week, Poison Ivy.
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Following issues drawn by John Romita Jr. and Jock, Tula Lotay illustrated “All Star Batman’s” main story, with Francesco Francavilla delivering the art for the backup featuring Duke Thomas and the Riddler.
Snyder discussed the events of “All Star Batman” #7, as well as the personal joy he feels working on his new series with such an incredible group of artists. The New York Times best-selling writer also shared how “All Star Batman” is very much a continuation of his run on “Batman” with Greg Capullo. Snyder also teased upcoming projects at DC Comics, as well as new creator-owned titles, with Francavilla.
CBR: When you were writing “The Wake” for Vertigo, we discussed your love of science and how sometimes, real things that happen in nature are often times stranger and more compelling than anything that can be dreamed up by a creator. In “All Star Batman” #7, you’re telling the story of Poison Ivy and her study of dendropharmacology – using trees to develop medicinal drugs and possibly, bioterrorism. Why do you feel grounding these villains in the real world makes for such a scary threat to Batman and the rest of the world?
Scott Snyder: I try to write these stories for myself. I obviously keep the young readership in mind too, and try not to write NC-17 craziness but at the same time, I am trying to make the villains – and Batman himself – speak to personal fears and fears and anxieties that are in the air right now. The best way for me to do that is to make these villains very real. I am afraid of that intersection of speculative science and real science. [A place] where you can’t quite tell when things are just off the rails from what’s really happening.
Every one of the stories in “All Star Batman” has that theme in it. The technology that Mad Hatter uses in the next issue speaks to something that Harvey mentions back in the first arc where he talks about a lens that, when you wear it, you can look out at the world and skin things the way that you want without affecting any superstructure. Your wife is a different person if you want. You can see your car differently if you want, but it’s still there. You just don’t know what the objective truth of it all is unless you switch back to clear setting.
In that way, every story from Freeze to Ivy to Hatter and then to the final story in “All Star Batman” #9, all speak to different technologies or phenomena that could end the world in some way or another. That’s why this arc is called ‘Ends of the Earth.’ In a lot of ways, it’s one big story about the fragility of the world right now from an aerial view without getting too political from any one side. The mystery keeps coming until “All Star Batman” #9 where it culminates. It’s a large story about the demons in the air.
And those “demons in the air” are something that we often talked about during your run on “Batman” with Greg Capullo as you also wanted to ground that series in real-life threats.
Yes, that’s right. And we’re doing that again here. Each one of these stories shows Batman a different way that the world could end. The first one [with Mr. Freeze] is through natural cataclysm. There’s an ancient spore that is released from the permafrost. Even though it’s Freeze’s plot, the idea is that Freeze says that this will happen soon enough once the permafrost melts, which makes it this inevitable international calamity. The second story with Ivy, even though she’s not doing this, there is this mention of these terrible biological weapons that can be pulled from this tree. That fear is baked into the DNA of the story. And the third issue, “All Star Batman” #8, really shows the complete collapse into subjectivity. It’s this idea that you retreat to your own world, a world of your own making, so deeply that the world itself collapses around you but that’s okay. And the fourth one brings it all together in “All Star Batman” #9.
I really love this series. I love this arc. It’s the most fun that I have had in superhero comics, I think. As much as I adored working on “Batman” and loved working with Greg and can’t wait to work with him again, there is always a heavy pressure on that series, namely “Batman” proper, because it has to hold up so much of the line. I always given tremendous freedom and I am still very, very grateful to DC for getting to do those stories. But there is still this propulsive quality to this machine that has to keep moving. It’s always in conversation with itself, and there is not a lot of room to experiment and try different things and slow it down. It was wonderful for six years, but for me, to get to do this now, feels so invigorating. It feels like when I started on “Batman” – I had all of these new resources. I love them equally as jobs, and again, I can’t wait to work with Greg again, and I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world – it was the best ride of my life – but I don’t miss the intense pressure of being on the main book.
Your rogue for this issue is Poison Ivy and while she’s never been as romantically linked to Batman as Catwoman, there is certainly a high level of sexual tension and even compatibility between the two characters. What is it about Poison Ivy that attracts Batman? Because he often tries to redeem her when they face off, and in this story, he even says that he’s come to the desert to save her.
I think Poison Ivy is a completely redeemable character, and I think he relates best to her through an appreciation of science. She is a brilliant scientist who has done groundbreaking research and she was so determined to get her point across about the importance of exploring the wonders of the natural world that she has almost turned herself into a villain or a monstrous version of who she wants to be but it doesn’t mean that she isn’t an anti-hero a lot of the time.
I think that she’s interesting to Bruce because she exists very low on the scale of villainy out of the people in his Rogues Gallery. If there is a long spectrum from 1 to 10, Joker would be 10 – completely irredeemable and black – and Ra’s would be about a 9.5. [Laughs] Ivy exists a little bit further along than Selina, but not as far as Freeze, not as far as Penguin and not as far even Harley [Quinn]. There is camaraderie there, where I think that Batman, who himself could be seen as falling on that same spectrum to some people, sees a connection with someone like her. She has a mission and a purpose that she believes in, but is just too tunnel-visioned about it to understand the ways in which she has overstepped and become sort of the villain of her own story.
Let’s talk about dendropharmacology, the science that Poison Ivy has mastered. I love this idea of studying the trees and their possible medicinal properties by taking the tree back to its beginning, from bark to pith. You describe it as a form of time travel, but you’ve also told this story with Poison Ivy from front to back. Why did you make that choice for this character and this story in particular?
The nature of Ivy’s research is slowly working backwards from the bark to the outer and the inner rings of the tree and finally to the pith to find the most medicinal properties in it, because the greatest potential for discoveries lies at the very pith of the tree. The idea was to tell a story about the girl who begins at the darkest, roughest part of it, the bark, which is incinerated after being blamed for this plague and then take it backwards to this moment of wonder that started it all at the beginning. And I also wanted to use that as a parallel of the journey that Ivy goes through even if it’s just in a very small, echoed way in the issue too.
I was not overly familiar with her work but I must say, Tula Lotay did a superb job on “All Star Batman” #7.
Oh, my God – I can’t even tell you how much I love her as a person and an artist. I am so honored and grateful that she agreed to do this one with me. It’s one of my favorite issues that I’ve ever done, visually. I really hope that I did it justice.
To me, between Jock doing Freeze and Tula doing Ivy and what Camu [Giuseppe Camuncoli] is doing next with Hatter, I am just so grateful and so lucky to be working with this murderers’ row of artists. No one on this series other than Jock and Francesco [Francavilla] on the backups is someone that I have worked with before. For me, getting to work with everybody from Declan [Shalvey] to [John] Romita to Afua [Richardson] and the people coming up like Sean Murphy and Paul Pope, it’s just so exciting and just so invigorating. I hope it comes across in the pages. It’s some of my favorite stuff that I’ve done. I really want to say thank you to the readers for being so supportive and making the book competitive when really, all I am doing is have a good time with my friends and show readers why these villains and why Batman are so potent and interesting and awesome right now.
It’s not like I forgot about your run on “Batman,” but with Riddler featured in the backup and specifically mentioning “Zero Year,” I was reminded that these aren’t Elseworlds stories or starring a Batman from another Earth in the Multiverse. “All Star Batman” is in continuity, and everything you did on “Batman” is in play.
Oh, yeah. It’s there too for sure. There’s going to be mentions in the next arc after this arc about things that happened in “Batman” with Greg and me. There is a mention of the final machine that Bruce was working on. There is a lot of stuff coming up, especially in the event that I am doing with Capullo that looks back and walks through that we seeded into our run that we didn’t get to explore so we are building that into this story, as well. That run, in some ways, is a closed book in that writing that issue [“Batman” #51] was such an emotional experience. Getting to finish and say the book will forever be done in terms of, “You did it,” and, “You finished it,” and, “You made something that you are proud of with somebody that you love and a team of people that you love.” There was that feeling that you can’t really ever describe.
At the same time, it’s a living part of the conversation that I am still having about Batman and his mythology with myself and hopefully with readers. [Laughs] Certainly, all of those thoughts and all of those ideas about what he means and what he represents here in “All Star Batman” is a bit different for me than from “Batman” because I no longer feel tethered to Gotham. Tom [King] is working so heavily in Gotham, so I can take Batman out of the city. By not taking him to Europe, like Grant [Morrison] did, and because I have such a love for Americana and American folklore and history, it’s been such a freeing experience to set him on these epic stages against these classic villains. I love that aspect of it. “All Star Batman” has this different feel, and yet at the same time, a lot of the material that we were exploring in “Batman” comes back to bear in this series.
Finally, I have to ask you about Francesco because, damn, he’s good.
He’s alright. He’s alright. He’s an up-and-comer. [Laughs] You have to understand, Francesco and Jock were the first big superstar artists that took a chance on me when I was nobody, for “Detective Comics.” I still remember begging them both to do that story, and they were both immediately awesome about giving me a shot. They will forever be family to me. I just spoke with Francesco yesterday on the phone, and it wasn’t even about work. It was just about family stuff, but also stuff that we are going to do together in the future for creator-owned and at DC, as well. I love him dearly, and again, I am in awe of what these people that I am working with are able to do. I am the luckiest dude in comics.
The post INTERVIEW: Scott Snyder Explores Poison Ivy’s Roots in All Star Batman appeared first on CBR.com.
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