#her name is katrina 💕
moscowluvr · 8 months
mathias being the son of az.riel and tam.lins sister. slay.
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lilbeanz · 4 months
hello beanz, hope you're doing well! do you have any useless worldbuilding headcanons or jodt facts which are utterly useless or very mildly useful to the plot?
Hello lovely💗 I'm doing well, and I hope the same for you!
And gah! This is such a good ask! Definitely a thinker, too 🤭
The Useful Headcanons:
• The Wizarding World is called the Wixen World because fuck the patriarchy. (And yes, I realise both "wizard" and "witch" can be perceived as gender neutral, but typically, wizards are male, and witches are female (ugh👎))
• There are more magical schools than just eLEvEn, because as a wise man once said:
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Take it from Hermione and Draco in GS,ch4:
“There’s around fifty in all of Europe,” Hermione began.
“Another fifty in Asia,” Draco carried on.
“Several in the Americas.”
“A handful of smaller schools scattered across the Pacific Islands.”
“And near a hundred in Africa.”
• Generally, wix are not homophobic, transphobic, or racist. Their prejudice problems revolve around blood and magical creatures.
Historically speaking, the Victorian era really fucked up Muggle society. And, yes, there was homophobic/racist ideology pre-Victorian era (1600s - 1700s), but by then, the magic and muggle world was already at odds with each other (Statute of Secrecy was eatablished in 1692) -- why would purebloods concern themselves with such trivial Muggle bigotry?
• Which leads me to my next worldbuilding point; Paganism. Traditional witchcraft and its influences on both the Wixen and Muggle worlds. Pureblood families are known to celebrate the Wheel of the Year -- equinoxes and solstices etc... Paganism existed before the statute and still exists into the Muggle world of course, which is how Muggles have wicca and the craft. Why Wiccan Muggles gather at Stone Henge for the summer solstice and all sorts. It just makes sense 🤌✨️
• Wolfstar. That's it. That's the whole bullet point. Just. Wolfstar.
• In Pureblood society, there is an unspoken hierarchy. The Malfoys' circle consisted of the Goyles, the Crabbes, and the Notts (and other notable Death Eater names), as well as the Parkinsons, the Greengrasses, and many other blood purist sympathisers.
Draco grew up with Greg, Vince, Pansy, Daphne, and Theo. The coming war will surely test the strength of childhood bonds...
• The divide between Draco and his father means Draco is becoming his own person as opposed to following in his father's footsteps. Draco finds himself striving to be a little more like his mother, and a lot more like himself.
The fire of rebellion flourishes inside him, but how far can he go before the flames grow out of his control?
The Not So Useful & Sort of Silly Headcanons:
• Crabbe and Goyle are not as thick as some people (*cough* Harry *cough*) perceive. Vince is a Transfiguration whizz-kid & Greg enjoys art.
• Pansy Parkinson falls in love very easily, but also very quickly moves onto her next meal -- ah, her next fixation.
• Mad-Eye Moody enjoyed a very relaxed year of his retirement from 1994 to 1995, with absolutely no home intrusions or attacks from dark wix.
• Lucius Malfoy has an unhealthy obsession with white peacocks. Especially his prized darling, Bartholomew Armand Malfoy the Third.
• Dobby has a cupboard specifically for storing all of his socks at Hogwarts.
• Professor Burbage had a groovy flower-power phase in the 70s.
• Harry sometimes finds himself talking to Draco's embroidered portrait on the Black family tapestry at Grimmauld Place.
• Erik, Nikolaj, and Katrina embark on a journey across America after graduating from Durmstrang. In their travels, they may discover many things...
I'm sure there's more! But here's what I can think of off the top of my head! 🥰💕
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fuckthemforthis · 9 months
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Maribor recap or long rambling, some pics and trying to make sense in my head:
1. Thank you @chibi-chellist again for reaching out, it meant a lot not to be alone! Rambling about the boys is so much better in person and when it's not one-sided. I enjoyed meeting you and sharing experiences! 💕
2. Kaj pa Ester? is one of the cringiest things I've recently seen, especially dialog wise haha BUT it is also funny and kinda cute. Very teenage-y I guess, with too much lots of kissing and parties for which scenes they used some terrible modern cajke music (like use the good old soul ripping ones that don't mention Elon Musk... teenagers today smh). Anyway, I wouldn't mind it being longer and better developed in the emotional areas which you see they scratched but need deepening to give an actual sense of plot and sense to the movie. Could be due to the fact it was supposed to be a show first tho. However, I couldn't see Bojan's personality, mannerisms or gestures so in that sense I feel he did a great job acting 👏
And THE SCENE. Oh boy. Less sad and more frustrated bojerking. Putting shame aside to admit I would love to have it available on demand, especially for some ragged breathing appreciation...
3. Bought and tried Jan's fav cookies, yaay! They're really soft and don't crumble so I approve and will enjoy. I'm sure sentimental reasons are definitely a big part of why he named them as favorite and when I think about it they really suit him but there are better Slovenian cookies like almost any from Težak bakery in Zreče.
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4. Half the venue were teenagers or parents with anything between 4 to 12 year olds. I was surrounded. And since I sat a few rows above the backstage entrance, kids all tried reaching for them as they were going off stage and among all the girls there was an 8 (?) year old boy who reached out and Bojan gave him a high-five... and lemme tell you I very much dislike kids but the way that boy turned and excitedly smiled melted my icy heart.
5. Third concert of theirs, third time on Jan's side. And I think Kris somehow knows & takes revenge by not singing NGVOT whenever I'm in the audience 😔
Well Krisko, princess dear, no photos of you 😝
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6. Found it adorable how as ASTP was starting, Nace went to drink some water, took his bottle and clinked it against Jure's 🥂
7. Love that Maks was there again, I like the guy. At some point during the concert he was leaning on the fence above me taking pics and I missed half a song watching him work 🙈
8. As I was behind the loudspeakers, I heard Bojan's singing fine, but talking barely because it was often too distorted. What I did hear was him saying we came there for a workout to burn all the cookie calories from the last few days... and boy are you on the wrong track because I came back home with four different packs of cookies 🍪
9. Band dad Niko's daughter was with him watching the concert from next to the stage and he danced with her and it was adorable. The existence of good dads baffles my poor unloved ass...
10. We all know how in the setlist there's a connection between Padam and Demoni because Bojan even sometimes said "and when we fall they come", but I realised the chain starts with Dopamin. First you get a dopamine rush and feel like flying but soon you experience a crash because your body used up all the good stuff and then comes the falling and the demons (and then you go back to someone so the demons would go away but that someone just plays you again - if I wanna extend it to Katrina). Yes it's kind of a concert - post concert sadness - concert rinse&repeat metaphor
11. Janči had problems with his pedalboard for the first two or three songs, he and Kiki spent minutes fiddling with it trying to get it to work. Poor guy can't catch a break.
12. So yeah, the last point is based on Jan being sick, but it's actually about the main reason I like them so much - the connection, love and care they share.
I realised Jan wasn't okay during the concert so Bojan just confirmed it for me. He obviously still slayed, and he went to play at the front a lot, but there were telling moments.
A) When Bojan came to Jan at one point and rubbed his back in a very non performative way, squeezing at his shoulder and whispering something.
B) When Jan plopped down during Padam I thought "not when he usually goes down, is he okay?" and then Bojan leaned down to stroke his hair.
C) The most telling of all, when he sat down during Umazane misli. I kept looking at him, ignoring the left-front-right karaoke. He looked so tired and off, put his head in his hands and then Kiki gave him a bottle of water. When Nace turned around and noticed him like that, he smiled encouragingly and told him it's okay three times (yep they were close enough to read lips) and that's when I was 100% sure something was wrong and he was either feeling off emotionally or sick. He then got up, went to the front, played his ass off and only when he was walking back was it visable again for a moment how empty his expression was.
D) Jure coming to comfort him and cheer him up as soon as he could lift his ass away from those drums, leading him to the front where in the end Jan turned out to be the one stroking Nace's back in a "yeah it's okay" kinda way
E) As they were leaving for the final time, someone gave Jan a wrapped present he looked actually happy about and he threw back a pick but it fell where the person couldn't reach so Nace took over making sure the person gets it.
That's it. They are all utterly beautiful. And anyone who knows me, knows I use that word to describe people first and foremost on the inside. Beautiful.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
And the new MC - OC for Ethan will be...
I've finally made a decision!
Ethan's MC:
In the end, I was not unlike this anon. I didn't want to say goodbye to Ethan and Casey either. But, I can't deny that it's become challenging to write Casey in two different universes, especially when I feel she fits so much better in one. I thought of keeping them around, just writing for them less often, but I do not have time to write for a third pairing.
So I decided to go with the option of tweaking Casey's character in the Ethan universe. Some things about her will change, but at her core, it will still be Casey.
I'm changing her name slightly and changing her faceclaim to Elyse Taylor. This allows me to differentiate the two characters enough to effectively write for both pairings. But another benefit is, it allows me to change my HC a bit.
When I joined the fandom, I wrote an alternate ending for the canon version of OH. But, I probably would have a different version if I created my own HC from the start. So, now I'm going back to the start.
I don't plan on updating any AU's that have already been written at this point, they will remain Casey with Katrina as the FC. But I will "retrofit" my Ethan x Casey headcanons. I will create a new meet my MC, as some details will change slightly. Again, these won't be monumental changes, but they will alter things a little.
Oh, and Baby Emma is staying around and she will remain their only child.
Meet the new Kaycee:
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But there is more!
New OC:
On another front, I will have a new OC for Ethan as well, but she will exist solely in the Tobias/Casey universe. She will be my Greekatina (Greek/Latina) character and I can't wait to introduce her. However, that will be a little bit down the line. I want to establish the changes to Kaycee (yep, that's her name), and I want to get Tobias/Casey's HC written to at least their wedding before I begin introing the new OC for Ethan.
This is my new OC, Eva - and you'll learn more about her in the months to come. (FC: Ivana Baquero)
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I think we can admit - Ethan is quite the lucky man. lol
Completed AUs, and AUs that are currently posted and in progress, will stay in place with Casey. But starting now, anything that is part of my HC will be Kaycee, including MC Mondays, etc. I will all templates, MC Mondays, Wedding Wednesdays, etc, but it will take some time.
Thank you SO MUCH to all who provided feedback, and who have been supportive as I've made this choice. I hope you will enjoy the things I have yet to come. 😊💕
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embrassemoi · 3 years
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here’s some doodles SBTMAS’s MC! I headcanon her as having that fluffy blown out 70s hair but always tied up (to help symbolize how she’s lowkey always on her guard and her walls won’t allow her to “let her hair down” and be truly vulnerable). Also the name I’ve been calling her in my head is either Katherine or Katrina because both could be turned into the nickname Kitty 💕 I have so many HCs about her she’s my new religion i s2g I’m down bad
Oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH!! You’re joking right?? I’m screaming this is so good!! Your  interpretation of the MC is lovely — I’m speechless!! I’m genuinely at a loss for words!! You’re so incredibly talented and I looked at your drawings for a solid ten minutes just freaking out over them!! I absolutely adore them, thank you so much :’))) it means the world to me <3333 xx (definitely going to put it as my screensaver for a whole to remind me to update lol)
[ Ooo!! And I’d love to hear your headcanons! ]
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I've just gotta ask how the warlords would react to an MC who was a total goofball and just had to explain all of her pop culture references from the present! 👀
I’m so sorry this took so long but OMG I LOVE THIS ASK!! Thanks for the request!! 💕✨ Also sorry if some of these memes are ancient, I just have a thing for dead memes.
Oda Forces
Nobunaga: It was a bright sunny day, and you and Nobunaga were carrying huge bags of konpeito inside the castle. Just as you stepped inside you almost dropped yours, but managed to catch it much to the his relief. You weren’t thinking as you shouted “Hurricane Katrina?! More like Hurricane Konpeito!” and began laughing to yourself. Nobunaga’s confused face was enough to make you laugh harder, and after you explained the joke to him he smiled a bit. “Ah I see. As devastating as hurricanes may be, that’s a funny joke.”
Hideyoshi: You, Hideyoshi, and the other warlords were back home from a council in another city. The two of you decided to lead the horses you were riding back home on to the stable as the rest of the warlords filed inside the castle. “Ok (Name), I want you to take the horses to the stable while I go fetch some carrots for them,” he said. As soon as he turned around, you said, “So I take the horses to the back?” “Yes”. “Horse tack is attached?” “Um… sure.” “Hat is matte black?” “…What?” “Got the boots that’s black to match?” “Um, (Name), my boots are white—” You were laughing hysterically the entire time while Hideyoshi just looked like O_o. When you explained the reference to Hideyoshi he was still confused, but decided to keep that to himself as he shrugged and walked away to get the carrots.
Masamune: (Some of you may not recognize this reference lol. I’m referring to a game/show called Sengoku Basara, where Masamune Date is a main character. Please play/watch it, it’s super good!) While the two of you rode on one horse into battle, you were suddenly struck with an amazing idea. You lightly tapped Masamune’s shoulder, earning his attention. “Yeah (Name)?” “I have a request,” you said. “Um, ok, what is it?” You giggles and replied “I want you to shout the phrase “ARE YOU READY GUYS?!” at the top of your lungs.” As confused as he was, he followed your directions, earning a “YEAH!!!” from everyone behind both of you, and it was so perfect you almost cried. After the battle, when you explained the reference to him, he grinned. “Wow, I never expected to be such a big star in your modern world.” Since then, he always did the same thing, earning an enthusiastic response from his army each time.
Mitsunari: You were waiting for Mitsunari to finish getting dressed so you could go out for a stroll. As soon as he stepped out of the room your eyes were drawn to the pair of god awful sandals he was wearing. Your mouth twitched slightly as he smiled at you. “Let’s go (Name)!” He chirped before you couldn’t fight the urge anymore. “O-Ok Mitsunari,” you said. “But I have one question for you.” He tilted his head. “What is it?” He said. You clapped and pointed your hands at his shoes. “WHAT ARE THOOOOOOSE?!” You shouted, catching him off guard. He blinked and replied, “Sandals, (Name),” he said, and you laughed hysterically. After you explained it to him he was still left confused. “So, you weren’t actually asking me what these are?” You giggled. “Let’s y’all about it later,” you said, taking his arm and walking outside.
Ieyasu: You and Ieyasu were sitting inside of your room, sitting in silence as you both enjoyed the calm and peaceful quietness. However, that came to an end when you heard a crash come from outside, followed by Masamune yelling “Dammit!” “And I OOP—” you said instinctively, sipping your tea. Ieyasu gave you an incredulous look. “And you what???” You spit out your tea, coughing loudly while laughing hysterically, making him grow a bit concerned, before composing yourself and explaining. He rolled his eyes after you were finished. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” he said, but you didn’t fail to notice a spark of amusement in his eyes.
Mitsuhide: One day, you decided to prank Mitsuhide by telling him that you accidentally killed his fox. You approached him and tried to sound as convincing as possible, but he didn’t buy it for a second. When you asked him how he can never be fooled he said, “I can see the truth in your eyes, (Name),” before turning and walking away. However, before he could exit he heard you sing, “How can you see into my eyes like open doooooors.” He turned around, confused, until you explained it to him. Now both of you sing it together everyday (cue annoyed warlords)
Ranmaru: You were sitting outside, enjoying the breeze, until you heard footsteps approaching you. You looked up to see Ranmaru holding a basket with a smile on his face. “Hello Lady (Name!)” he said, and you smiled. “Hello Ran,” you returned the greeting. “What’s that in your hands?” He smiled. “It’s a surprise!” He kneeled down and opened the basket, revealing an interesting looking dessert. Just before he could tell you what it was, you spoke. “OwO! What’s this?” You said, watching his face go blank in confusion. ““O-Owoh”???” He asked. You howled with laughter, confusing him even more. Once you told him the reference, his confusion turned into awe as he clapped his hands excitedly. “Oh that’s so neat! Things from the future sound so interesting!!!” He beamed. “Oh and by the way,” he continued, picking up a piece of the food. “These are red bean buns.”
Uesugi-Takeda Forces
Kenshin: On a Sunday afternoon, you and Kenshin were busy sparring in preparation for your next battle. Just as he was about to strike at you, you deflected his sword, sending it flying and landing on the grass. “Dammit,” he muttered under his breath while panting slightly. “I should’ve attacked you from behind.” You saw this as the perfect opportunity to make the best meme reference you had the entire day. “BUT’CHA DIDN’T!!!” You yelled and burst out laughing, confusing the man beyond belief. Soon his expression turned sour. “Ok, you don’t have to rub it in,” he said, making you laugh even more. After you calmed down and explained that it’s a funny little reference from pop culture in your timeline, he himself let out a chuckle. “You definitely love referencing this “pop culture” of yours don’t you?” He asked, before he went to pick up his sword for the next round.
Shingen: You and Shingen has gone out to a tea house on a date that you’d planned since forever. Unfortunately the moment you entered, you were greeted with nothing but rows of full seats. Your beloved sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well, looks like we won’t have anywhere to sit today.” You both were about to leave until your eye caught a vacant table in the corner of the room. “It’s free real estate,” you said and grabbed his hand before he could ask you what the heck you just said. When you reached the table he questioned that weird remark of yours, and you laughed in reply, explaining the meme to him. He chuckled slightly. “That’s pretty funny. And it makes sense too. You always find a way to make me laugh (Name),” he said just before the maid approached your table to take your orders.
Yukimura: Yukimura and you were at home, and since you felt rather creative, you decided to cook lunch for the day. The main course was going to be sushi, so you and Yukimura went to the marketplace to buy the ingredients. While you strolled around looking at the vegetables, you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around and saw Yukimura holding an avocado in your direction. You immediately suppressed your laughter before taking it. “An avocado! …thanks,” you said before putting it in your basket. Yukimura has the most confused expression known to man and you couldn’t help but guffaw. After you explained the meme, he rolled his eyes. “Only you would laugh at something as dumb as that,” he said as he turned around, trying not to burst out laughing himself.
Sasuke: (I saw an IkeSen Vine Compilation video which included this vine so I just had to as well—) The Kasugayama warlords decided to take you to the beach to celebrate your birthday. The moment you arrived you were hit with the pure breeze and scent of ocean water before you and the others carried your belongings to the sand. As soon as everything was set up, you and Sasuke looked at eachother before shouting “SAND GUARDIAN” at the top of your lungs in unison. You and the ninja ran towards the shore before he practically dived into the sand and popped his head out. He then shouted “I AM THE SAND GUARDIAN, GUARDIAN OF THE SAND,” at the top of his lungs, and you followed that up by collapsing on top of him yelling “POSEIDON QUIVERS BEFORE HIM!!!”, and as the sea rolled towards him, Sasuke screamed “FUCK OFF” making both of you laugh. Meanwhile the other three warlords watched the entire display with confused expressions.
Yoshimoto: It was your birthday and Yoshimoto had planned a mini party for you. As soon as you entered the decorated room with him you automatically said “SKSKSKSKSKSKSK” as loud as possible. The poor man jumped backwards in surprise, making you burst out laughing. When you explained the meme to him he tilted his head. “VSCO Girl?? That sounds interesting. Though I like those hair tie things you showed me. ‘Scrunchies’ I think…?” You almost collapsed laughing.
Mouri/Kennyo Forces
Motonari: You were waiting for Motonari to board the ship so that you could finally set sail once again. As soon as you heard approaching footsteps you immediately turned around, only to find him holding a pineapple with a smug look on his face. “Look what I found lying around the shore all by itself!” He said, proudly showing it off to you. You were about to congratulate him until the theme song of a certain show popped in your head. Without thinking, you immediately spouted “WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!” Motonari’s shocked face made you cackle, and then you told him about Spongebob, to which he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Hm…” he said while staring at the pineapple. “So this is where Spongebob lives? Very well, he seems like an interesting fellow so I’ll leave his house in tact.” You suppressed your laughter as he walked out.
Kennyo: Kennyo watched you sharpen spears in concern. As much as he appreciated your willingness to fight he couldn’t help but feel worried for your wellbeing. He approached you, wincing slightly with every scrape you left on the blade. “(N-Name),” he said and you looked up. “Are you sure you are ready to take on yet a million more enemies? Especially with so many bruises?” You laughed a bit and grinned. “Don’t worry Ken. I’ve got the power of God and anime on my side,” you said before letting out a cackle. The monk had never been more confused in his entire life. “Aneemay?” He said. You almost died laughing before you explained what anime was and the entire meme itself. Despite his confusion he smiled and ruffled your hair. “That’s definitely interesting. After the battle I’d like to hear more about this interesting “aneemay” you seem to like so much.” You nodded, grinning.
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random-comfort · 2 years
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F/o List
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Main f/o has 💙 by their name. Current character(s) I'm hyperfixating on will have 💌 by their name. 💍 means we are married or engaged. Tag for everyone is: 💕my loves💕
Not comfortable sharing any f/os
Connor - [Detroit: Become Human] 💍
Era: Post pacifist deviant Connor ending
Relationship: Fiancé
His tag: 💍⭕racing thirium pump⭕💍
💙 Tadashi Hamada - [Big Hero 6]
Era: Not important
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 🩹a new angle🩹
Howl Jenkins Pendragon - [Howl's Moving Castle]
Era: TBD
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 💫like starlight💫
Fred Weasley - [Harry Potter]
Era: Goblet of Fire
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 🧨wicked🧨
Campbell Bain - [Takin' Over the Asylum]
Era: Not important
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 💊good vibrations💊
Draco Malfoy - [Harry Potter]
Era: Goblet of Fire thru Half-Blood Prince
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 🍏love like a curse🍏
Wednesday Addams - [Wednesday]
Era: Not important
Relationship: Girlfriend
Her tag: 🪦cold heart turned warm🪦
Franken Stein - [Soul Eater] 💍
Era: Not important
Relationship: Husband
His tag: 🪡a dissection🪡
Roy Mustang - [Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood]
Era: Any time pre ending
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 🔥blinding flames🔥
Jack Frost - [Rise of the Guardians]
Era: Not important
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: ❄snow day❄
Larsen Michaels - [Prep School Blues]
Era: 3rd season / post prom
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 🚬cigarettes and sweet whiskey🚬
Loki Odinson - [MCU]
Era: Thor 1, Avengers, Thor 2
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 🗡the rightful king🗡
Hiccup Haddock - [How to Train Your Dragon]
Era: How to Train Your Dragon 2
Relationship: Boyfriend
His tag: 🪶there is something out there🪶
Ichabod Crane - [Sleepy Hollow] 💍
Era: Not important
Relationship: Husband (and married to Katrina)
His tag: 🩸despite sense and reason🩸
Katrina Van Tassel - [Sleepy Hollow] 💍
Era: Not important
Relationship: Wife (and married to Ichabod)
Her tag: 🌹you can do magic🌹
Their joint tag: 🥀you have bewitched me🥀
The Doctor - [Doctor Who]
Era: Modern series seasons 2-3
His tag: 🪛blood orange sky🪛
Ginko - [Mushi-shi]
Era: Not important
His tag: 🦠one-eyed fish🦠
Edward Elric - [Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood]
Era: post "the abyss"
His tag: ⚙equivalent exchange⚙
Ling Yao (and Greed) - [Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood]
Era: any time pre-ending
His tag: 👑future emperor of xing👑
Viktor - [Arcane]
Era: Not important
His tag: 🧪love and legacy🧪
💌 Five Hargreeves - [The Umbrella Academy]
Era: Season 4 (before ep5)
Relationship: Best friend (platonic soulmates)
His tag: 🪓in every timeline🪓
Jake Rodriguez - [Original Character]
Era: Not important
Relationship: Childhood best friend
His tag: 🍂wanna get lost🍂
Remus J Lupin - [Harry Potter]
Era: Prisoner of Azkaban
Relationship: Father figure
His tag: 🌕full moony🌕
Tony Stark - [MCU]
Era: Post Avengers
Relationship: Father figure
His tag: 🧬love you 3000🧬
0 notes
jerzwriter · 3 years
Meet My MC (Tobias & Casey Universe)
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Dr. Casey Rose MacTavish Carrick
Updated 9/11/2023
Book: Open Heart
LI/Husband: Dr. Tobias Carrick 💕
Face claim: Katrina Bowden
Full Name: Casey Rose MacTavish Carrick
Nicknames: Kid, Princess, Sweetheart (Tobias) Case (everyone else when lazy)
Age/DOB: July 26th (I HC her to be a month shy of 30 when Book 3 ends)
Born: Philadelphia, PA
Raised: In Philly until she was 12, then moved to Berwyn, PA
Parents: David MacTavish, 64 (at the end of Book 3), former teacher, currently a high school principal. Rose MacTavish, 55 (at the end of Book 3), former preschool teacher/writer, now works as an editor. Casey is very close with both of her parents. Her father can be overprotective, but she and her mother keep him in line. Her mother became very ill when Casey was four, leading to years of health problems and crippling debt. This is one reason Casey wanted to become a doctor and why she's a strong advocate for universal healthcare.
Siblings: She is an only child, but she is close with her cousin, Peter, who is two years older than her and also an only child.
College: New York University, Biology, BS - graduated Summa Cum Laude.
Med School: University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Graduated 5th in her class.
Occupation: Attending physician at Edenbrook Hospital, member of the diagnostics team. Eventually moves to Washington, DC, where she is an attending at George Washington University Hospital and is also a lobbyist for healthcare reform. After the birth of their third daughter, Casey & Tobias started a new chapter and opened a family practice together in Washington, DC.
Growing up: Her family was lower-middle-income, they got by, but Casey understands what it is like to do without, especially after her mother's medical bills left them nearly destitute. As she entered her teens, her family was doing better economically, and, with a lot of sacrifices, they moved to an affluent suburb of Philadelphia in the hopes of providing a better high school education for Casey. Unfortunately, she hated it. She preferred the culture and diversity of living in the City, and she missed her old neighborhood. She was always extremely smart and wanted to be a doctor for as long as she could remember. She was well-liked and had friends, but wasn't popular. She was more concerned with her studies than socializing. She participated in the drama club & track team in HS solely because she knew she would need extracurriculars on her college applications. She liked to ice skate and was very good at it. She always loved reading. She didn’t date much in HS, but toward the end, she dated her good friend Ryan for a short time. It wasn't very serious, and they both understood it would likely fizzle out when she went off to college.
College Casey: She knew she wanted to return to an urban environment for college so that limited her search. She loved attending New York University (NYU), and it started a lifelong love affair with NYC. She was very social and well-liked but not a party girl. Greenwich Village was her scene, and she could often be found at various museums, at The Strand Bookstore (where she worked part-time), or looking for cheap tickets to Broadway plays. She didn’t want to get involved in a serious relationship during college, but she fell in love with a grad school student Tomas Sanchez at the start of her junior year. He was a psych grad student and, like Casey, he was involved in local activism. That's how they met, and it bonded them. While he was a leading organizer, she was a volunteer, but she was well known in the community, particularly fighting for equality issues and social justice issues, as well as equal access to healthcare. Casey & Tomas were in love for two years, but their relationship ended when he graduated and accepted a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in Los Angeles. They were both heartbroken and attempted to make it work long-distance a couple times in future years, but in the end, they accepted it wouldn't work. They remained lifelong friends, and she was definitely his "one that got away." For the longest time, she thought he would be the same to her, but eventually, she realized he was never meant to be 'the one.'
Med School Casey: She attended the prestigious Perelman School of Medicine at UPenn in her hometown of Philadelphia. She was thrilled to be back in Philly. She was very studious but still managed to have fun. After her break up with Tomas, she insisted she didn’t want a serious relationship until after med school. She met fellow student Jessica Phillips, who was a grade above her, and their friendship turned into something more. Like Casey, Jessica had her heart broken and didn't want to end up in a relationship. But the two fell in love. Still, they agreed that it wouldn't be forever as their residencies would likely pull them apart. It was a very sad parting, but they were able to remain friends. She had a brief fling with Jeremy Jackson, a doctor she met while volunteering at a local clinic. While he would have been happy to see them go further, Casey knew this was just short-term. During med school, she volunteered for organizations that provided medical treatment for the homeless and uninsured, and that was her favorite part of her med school experience.
Other Past Relationships: Ethan Ramsey - They both developed feelings for each other during her intern year, and they had a brief, passionate affair. When he left for a WHO mission in the Amazon without telling Casey, she was heartbroken, but she was done. When he returned talking about a "reset," she told him there was nothing to reset. While she still had lingering feelings and remorse, she respected herself too much to allow herself to be treated that way. Bryce Lahela - The two became quick friends, and during the start of their intern year, they may have drunkenly made out once or twice. But they both agreed they were better off as friends and not taking it to the next level. Bryce went on to become one of her closest friends. She is still friendly with all of her exes but only maintains regular contact with Ethan and Bryce.
Traits and Random Thing: She's extremely intelligent, but not in a stuffy way. She's very personable, flirtatious, and the life of every party. Down to earth and genuine, what you see is what you get with her, and she does not believe in games. Loyal to a fault, she can be too trusting and ends up hurt as a result, at times. She's stubborn, sarcastic, witty, and caring. Normally, she's very self-assured, but a lifelong anxiety disorder can impact her, and when she's not in full control, she can be insecure. She loves reading and bookstores, she would kill someone for a good bagel, and loves all kinds of music, dancing, concerts, and having fun with friends. She despises inequality and injustice and uses her voice and position to advocate for the historically underserved in our society. Her anxiety disorder was exacerbated after the Senator's assassination attempt at Edenbrook.
Physical: She is 5'9" with blonde hair and blue eyes. She prefers to wear laid-back and casual clothing, but she does enjoy getting dressed up on occasion. She upped her game a bit after she began dating Tobias because he's a little more of a fashionista than she tends to be.
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