#henn architekten
labellamacchina · 7 years
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Porsche Pavilion
Wolfsburg, Germany
Henn Architekten
Photographs: HG Esch
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bauwelt · 6 years
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Bauwelt issue 24.2018 “Cow Shed” published on November 30th, 2018
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architectnews · 3 years
Zalando BHQ-Z Building, Berlin
Zalando BHQ-Z Building, Berlin Modern Office Building Photos, German Interior Architecture
Zalando BHQ-Z Building in Berlin
28 Mar 2022
Architects: HENN
Location: Berlin, Germany
Renderings by HENN
Zalando BHQ-Z Building, Germany
HENN’s Zalando BHQ-Z Building is currently under construction in Berlin. BHQ-Z will complete HENN’s three-building headquarter complex for Zalando, one of Europe’s leading online platforms for fashion and lifestyle. The BHQ-X and O buildings were completed in 2019 and the BHQ-Z is scheduled for completion in 2023. The design declares the city’s identity as a global tech hub, while staying true to its Berlin roots.
The building’s z-shaped plan is a contemporary twist on the traditional Berliner block. The interior courtyard, normally a private space, playfully shifts to the perimeter of the site to create an inviting and dynamic street-frontage. The building’s courtyards appear as excavations from the building’s massing. Wrapped in highly-transparent glass, the building’s distinctive voids enter into a dialogue with the neighboring buildings and urban context.
Martin Henn, HENN Managing Director and Head of Design: “The BHQ-Z Building is a next-generation work environment whose architecture completely dissolves the boundaries between fixed and collaborative workspaces, public and private, digital and physical. The office has become a true place of exchange.”
The two spiraling atriums organize the office physically and conceptually. The full-height atrium, located directly across from BHQ-X, is open and accessible to the public; the second atrium, which is open from the third floor to the top floor, will be used primarily by employees and collaborators. Together, they create an open and communicative space with a high-degree of visual and physical connection between the floors.
Occupants circulate through the center of the building, at the pinch point between the two voids. This area is the social heart of the building, while quieter, more secluded spaces are located along the periphery of the floors. The facade reflects the interior organization with a gradient from more traditional windows at the workstations to full transparency at the atriums.
The BHQ-Z Building relies on three-dimensional space, rather than interior partitions, to create different zones of use and organize workspaces. The architecture translates the digital commons of the internet into a physical workplace, allowing for the effortless flow of information and exchange of ideas. The design is the result of HENN’s decades of expertise designing future-oriented work environments and the firm’s concept of Office Urbanism.
Office Urbanism understands the office as a kind of micro-city; a flexible setting for a wide range of activities, with a gradient from private spaces to more public ones, enabling workers to participate in the urban life all around them.
Zalando BHQ-Z Building in Berlin, Germany – Building Information
Architects: http://www.henn.com/en#design Year: 2022 Typology: Office Client: Zalando Location: Berlin, Germany Area GFA: 17, 134 m² Status: Under Construction Consultants: MuP Braunschweig (TGA), Lumen³ (Lighting design), Werner Sobek (Building physics), Werner Sobek (Structural engineering), Werner Sobek (Facade planning)
Team Team: Daniel Festag, Reiner Beelitz, Martina Fabre, Michael Sadomskyj, Emiliano Lupo, Klaus Ransmayr, Dirk Breuer, Ralph Hempel, Anne Henkel, Daniel Recklingloh, Silvia Forster-Golm, Peter Lee, Anatolii Romanov, Andre Serpa, Denise Gellinger, Nora Graw, Martin Erdinger, Oliver Koch, Matthias Palloch, Georg Pichle
photograph of the ceremony: HIH Invest Real Estate
Zalando BHQ-Z Building in Berlin images / information received 280322 from HENN
HENN Architekten
Renders: HENN
Address: Berlin, Germany, western Europe
Buildings in Berlin
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Public Baths, Karl-Thon-Straße, Nauen, 30 km west of Berlin Architects: TCHOBAN VOSS photography © Lev Chestakov Public Baths Nauen City
50Hertz Berlin Headquarters Building Design: Love architecture and urbanism photograph : Werner Huthmacher Photography 50Hertz Berlin Building
Arcs and Squares Housing, Mitte Design: TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten photo © Nils Koenning Arcs and Squares Housing
German Buildings
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ma-sose-21-g-07 · 3 years
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HENN / Muck Petzet Architekten - Ehemaliges OSRAM-Gelände, München, 1965 / 2015
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bureaueuropa · 5 years
THE ADVENTURE OF THE EMPTY HOUSE Audiovisuelle Installation - Fotografie - Podiumsdiskussion
Im München der frühen 1960er Jahre entstehen kurz nacheinander zwei Verwaltungsgebäude des Architekten WalterHenn. Die Bauten der Osram Forschungszentrale in Untergiesing und der Deckel Maschinenwerke in Obersendlinggleichen sich wie Zwillinge, aber mit ungleichen Schicksalen. Von der Osram Forschungszentrale verbleiben nach dem Abriss 2018 nur noch die ikonischen Fotografien Heinrich Heidersbergers, dagegen wurde das Verwaltungsgebäude der Deckel Maschinenwerke 2019 einer neuen Nutzung zugeführt.
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Fotografin Vilma Pflaum, dem Komponisten Benedikt Brachtel und der Organisation fürzeitgenössische Fotografie „Der Greif“, entwickelte der Lehrstuhl für Neuere Baudenkmalpflege eine multimedialeInstallation bei laufender Baustelle. Am Abend der Veranstaltung erleuchtete das Deckel Gebäude in Anlehnung an dasbekannte Nachtbild Heidersbergers. Der Blick auf die Außenfassade und das dabei entstandene Bild wurde so zurReminiszenz an die Architekturfotografie der 1960er Jahre. Eine Bild- und Toninstallation lässt gleichzeitig alle Etagen,die mitten im Umbauprozess stehen, zum Diskurs zwischen Betrachter, Kunst und Substanz werden. Die ständigeVerhandlung zwischen Bauwerk, sich verändernden Anforderungen und individueller Rezeption wurde erfahrbar; der oftvorbelastete Blick auf die Bauten der 1960er Jahre, Fragen des Umgangs mit Bestand und dessen Wahrnehmung wurdenin einer Podiumsdisdiskussion hinterfragt. Direkt auf der Baustelle setzten sich alle Akteure im Dialog zwischen Altemund Neuem mit Themen der Prozesshaftigkeit, des Mashups und der Collage auseinander.
Podiumsdiskussion: Gunter Henn (HENN), Muck Petzet (Muck Petzet Ar- chitekten) , Vilma Pflaum (V P Photography), Jürgen Meyer (Neuhof Schulen), Gita Cooper-van Ingen (Der Greif), Burkhard Körner (Bayrisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege)
Ein Projekt der TUM, Professur Neuere Baudenkmalpflege in Zusammenarbeit mit Vilma Pflaum (Fotografie), Benedikt Brachtel (Audioinstallation), Thomas Albdorf (Fotomontagen) und DerGreif (Kuration der AV).  Projektleitung: Europa Frohwein
Mit Unterstützung durch: Kulturreferat LHM, Bezirksausschuss 19 Obersendling, Schnitzer&, Neuhof Schulen, Pronovi Fondsverwaltung, Foto Leutner Wien, Bayrischen Architektenkammer, TUM Fakultät für Architektur
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transsolar · 5 years
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Alnatura Lehmbau @ Südwestrundfunk: Neben den genannten Architekten haas cook zemmrich STUDIO 2050 war TRANSSOLAR dabei sowie Knippers & Helbig, Tragwerk, Henne & Walter, Haustechnik   KNP, Bauphysik Atelier Dreiseitl, Landschaftsarchitekt und Lehm Ton Erde für Stampflehm https://www.swr.de/…/Stuttgarter-Architekten-CO2-neutrales-… Projekt bei Transsolar: https://transsolar.com/projects/alnatura-campus Foto: Roland Halbe
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euro-17 · 7 years
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Dienstag war ich in Regensburg. Den ganzen morgen hatte es noch geregnet. Die Stadt konnte ich am Nachmittag glücklicherweise trocken erkunden.
Die steinerne Brücke (so ist auch ihr Name) rechts im Bild soll mal die einzige Brücke zwischen Ulm und Wien über die Donau gewesen sein. Sie wurde zeitgleich mit dem Dom (links im Bild) gebaut. Die Architekten von Dom und Brücke sollen eine Wette abgeschlossen haben, wer als erstes fertig werde. Als die Brücke in den Rückstand geriet, schloss der Architekt einen Pakt mit dem Teufel. Dieser war bereit zu helfen wenn er die ersten drei Seelen bekommt, die die Brücke überqueren. Selbstverständlich war die Brücke zuerst fertig. Zur Einweihung wurden zahlreiche Gäste eingeladen. Der Architekt geriet in Not und überlegte, wen er denn zuerst über die Brücke schicken könnte. Bis er auf die Idee kam: ein Hahn, eine Henne und einen Hund. Der Teufel war so verärgert über diesen Trick, dass er die Brücke zerstören wollte. Er stellte sich unter die Brücke und wollte sie anheben. Sie war jedoch zu schwer. Doch seit dann hat sie in der Mitte einen Buckel.
Auf Bayern 3 wurde der Tag “der verlorenen Socke” zelebriert. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass verlorene Socken so ein verbreitetes Problem ist! Die Digitalisierung kann aber auch auf diesem Gebiet helfen. Offenbar gibt es seit kurzem eine App, die Single Socken wieder zusammenführen kann. Sozusagen ein Swissflirt für Socken. Gut, nicht?
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delhi-architect2 · 4 years
Journal - Vote Now: The 8th Annual A+Awards Public Vote Is Now Open!
It’s time for arguably the most exciting moment of the 8th Annual A+Awards, the world’s largest awards program for architecture and building products — Public Voting is officially open! This free, online vote will reveal what you, our global community of architects, designers and creatives, deems to be the world’s best architecture in 2020. This year, there are an incredible 430+ projects shortlisted for awards in more than 100 categories. Without further ado, dive into voting and be a part of the 2020 A+Awards decision-making process:
Cast Your Votes Now
The firms and designers behind the nominated projects are vying for international publication in the next edition of The World’s Best Architecture, produced by renowned publisher Phaidon, as well as a coveted, custom-designed A+Awards trophy and global media exposure. It’s therefore vital we get as many votes as possible, in order to reach a definite result for each category. The public vote typically garners hundreds of thousands of votes each year, making the A+Awards Popular Choice Awards as highly regarded as their Jury-voted counterparts.
A taste of this year’s A+Awards Finalists, clockwise from top-left: Capsule hotel in a rural library by Atelier TAO+C; Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation at the American Museum by Studio Gang; The Twist / Kistefos Gallery by BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group; Mountain House in Mist, Zhejiang by Shulin Architectural Design; The Shed by Diller Scofidio Renfro, Lead Architect and Rockwell Group, Collaborating Architect; n.n. Residence by J.MAYER.H und Partner, Landscape Architect: Mikhail Kozlov with the participation of Tatiana Skibo, Maria Khokhlova.
Check out the complete list of nominated projects and firms below, together with buttons that will take you to the voting page for each category.
If you’re looking for a specific nomination, hit Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac) and type in the desired firm or project to jump to that nomination.
If you are a nominated firm, be sure to share this article and instruct your followers to vote in your category to maximize your chances of success!
Coworking Space
Memphis Teacher Residency by archimania
Tech901 by archimania
Ethos Society by Gensler
Exchange at 100 Federal by Perkins and Will
Visitor Center of Changping Future Science City by HuYue Studio
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Factories & Warehouses
Laboratory for Shihlien Biotech Salt Plant by WZWX Architecture Group
COPENHILL / AMAGER BAKKE by BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
Recycling Center Morgenstelle by vautz mang architekten bda
Delas Freres Winery by Carl Fredrik Svenstedt Architect
Promotion Center of High-Tech Park in Baoding by SZAD/Yunchao Xu/Atelier Apeiron
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Mixed Use
Ballet Memphis by archimania
Zeppelin Station by Dynia Architects
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park by AAarchitects + IIA Atelier
SIE | Home 21 Multi-Housing by trans_city TC ZT
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Office – High Rise (16+ Floors)
Leeza SOHO by Zaha Hadid Architects
Dock 72 by S9 Architecture
China Resources Tower by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
Vantone Centre by CLOU architects
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Office – Low Rise (1-4 Floors)
Office Brabant by Studio Piet Boon
Coffee Production Plant – Meama by Khmaladze Architects
ASICS EMEA HQ by Powerhouse Company International
KeenSystems by Denkkamer Architectuur
Dingshi Logistics Office Building by ARCHSTUDIO
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Office – Mid Rise (5-15 Floors)
Solar Carve by Studio Gang
Krause Gateway Center by OPN Architects
La Tête by caspar.
Zalando Headquarters by HENN
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Office Interiors (<25,000 sq ft.)
Expensify Office by Pure + FreeForm
No. 9 Rhapsody by 9 studio design group
Autodesk Boston Workspace Expansion by Utile, Inc.
Hush Studios by Inaba Williams Architects
Upfield office ‘the Attic’ by JDWA (Johan de Wachter Architecten)
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Office Interiors (>25,000 sq ft.)
Coffee Production Plant – Meama by Khmaladze Architects
The Agile Whale by Young H Design
Warner Music Group by ROCKWELL GROUP
Jaguar Land Rover Advanced Product Creation Centre by Bennetts Associates
TikTok by Gensler
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Pop-Ups & Temporary
Temporary Site of Shengli Market – Creation of Spatial Order by LUO studio
Salvage Swings by Somewhere Studio
Rabbit Dens – 3D Printed Playground by Archi-Solution Workshop
The Line by REgroup
“The Truth is Local” Interactive Storefronts by Local Projects
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National Museum of Qatar Gift Shops by Koichi Takada Architects
WOWDSGN Shanghai MixC Store by Shanghai United Design Group Co.
277 Mott Street by Toshiko Mori Architect
Zhuyeqing Green Tea Flagship Store by X+Living Architectual Design Co.
Carner Barcelona Perfumery by Jofre Roca arquitetes SLP
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Shopping Center
Cube Gallery by CLOU architects
Muse Edition by New World Development Company Limited
Shangrao Greenland City Exhibition Pavilion by Shanghai PTArchitects
Bund Finance Center South Mall Interior Design by Kokaistudios
Peak Galleria, Hong Kong by Aedas
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Green Leopard Lighting Flagship by CUN Design
One Times Garden by W.design
Tengchong Jingye Gaoligong Town “Shuangyan Wanyue” Exhibition Center by CAPOL International & Associates Group, Guangzhou Branch
WuliEpoch Culture Center by Atelier Alter
Il frantoio by RP Architects
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Unbuilt Commercial
OIZ Office by Yazgan Design Architecture
The Matchstick by Anderson Anderson Architecture
Unipol Tower by Mario Cucinella Architects
Terminal Warehouse by COOKFOX Architects
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Architecture +Adaptive Reuse
Capsule hotel in a rural library by Atelier TAO+C
Hutong Bubble 218 by MAD Architects
Domino Park by Silman
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park by AAarchitects + IIA Atelier
Sammode Research and Innovation Center by FREAKS
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Architecture +Art
Marble, Wood, Paint. Rice by EDAA
I Am A Man Plaza by Cliff Garten Studio
Central Presbyterian Church by Henriquez Partners Architects
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Architecture +BIM
DTU Energy – B310 by Christensen & Co Architects
Mar Vista Connect 11 by Connect Homes
TitletownTech by SGA
Unipark Commercial Center by Hugh Dutton Associates
Abbotsford Law Courts by WZMH Architects
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Architecture +Branding
La Moitié by One Fine Day
YouTube Lobby by Valerio Dewalt Train & Office Of Things
Thai Brasserie by Blue Elephant by Studio Locomotive
Living Proof by SGA
The Moen and House of Rohl by Valerio Dewalt Train
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Architecture +Climate Change
Marine Education Center at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory by Lake|Flato Architects
Yan’an Baota Mountain Tourist Service Center by Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University
Street Bio-Corner by LPA STUDIO
Bubble Wrap House by Amber Book
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Architecture +Collaboration
Tower of Time by ZXD ARCHITECTS
Pixel Swarm Custom Feature Ceiling by Arktura
Mason by Vaslab
WONJIN Aesthetic Surgery Gallery Clinic by A U N Design Studio
Santander Client Strategy HUB by taller paralelo
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Architecture +Color
Ingenium Centre by Diamond Schmitt Architects and KWC Architects Inc.
Re Bar by Organic Design Architecture Studio
Shorebird Campus by Studio Sarah Willmer Architecture
Forest of Numbers by emmanuelle moureaux architecture + design
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Architecture +Community
Community Center of Sandu Poetic Residence by QUIYUE Architects
Fass School and Teachers’ Residences by Toshiko Mori Architect
Yulin Alley by Nhoow Architects
Financial City Community Center by Lacime Architects
Cloud Forests; Pavilion for Children’s Play by UNITEDLAB Associates
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Architecture +Engineering
Krause Gateway Center by OPN Architects
Diablos Rojos Baseball Stadium by FGP Atelier
Mori Hosseini Student Union | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University by ikon.5 architects
The Stratford by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
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Architecture +For Good
CURA by Carlo Ratti Associati
Bayalpata Hospital by Sharon Davis Design
MLK1101 Supportive Housing by Lorcan O’Herlihy Architect [LOHA]
Yulin Alley by Nhoow Architects
Mud to Mortar by ARCHIVE Global
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Architecture +Landscape
Chemin des Carriéres by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter in collaboration with Parenthèse Paysage
Salesforce Transit Center and Park by PWP Landscape Architecture & Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
Protest Portals for the Pacific Connector Pipeline by FLOAT architectural research and design
Boonma by Sher Maker
Darling Square North by ASPECT Studios
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Architecture +Learning
Mountain House in Mist, Zhejiang by Shulin Architectural Design
Fass School and Teachers’ Residences by Toshiko Mori Architect
International School of Debrecen by BORD Architectural Studio
Liva Riverside Book Bar by Lacime Architects
Cloud Forests: Pavilion for Children’s Play by UNITEDLAB Associates
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Architecture +Light
Billerica Memorial High School by Perkins and Will
Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice by Fisher Marantz Stone, Inc.
Catoptric Surface by Open Source Architecture
The National Museum of Qatar by L’Observatoire International
The REACH at the Kennedy Center by L’Observatoire International
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Architecture +Living Small
Chimney House by Atelier DAU
The Twins House by DELUTION
La Pointe by L’Abri
Hotel Des Artistes Duplex by Bromley Caldari Architects
PRIM HOUSE by Studio Locomotive
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Architecture +Models & Rendering
8850 Sunset Boulevard by Morphosis
From Japan To The World by Lunas Inc.
Little Red Flower Kindergarten by THDL (Tianhua Design Lab)
Pixelated Timber Pavilion by Aaron Brakke | Whiteknee & ILIAD Lab UIUC
Canadian Nuclear Labs by HDR
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Architecture +Photography & Video
Horizon Neighbourhood by doublespace photography
Secular Retreat by Jim Stephenson Photography + Films
Valerio Olgiati – Experience of Space by Félix Michaud Photographie
Voisin Organique by Shao Feng
One Thousand Museum by feinknopf photography
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Architecture +Prefab
Week’nder by Lazor/Office
A•lava Summer Stage by Aalto University Wood Program
Collins House by Bates Smart
INFINITY 6: manifesto for future schools by Crossboundaries, Beijing
Mar Vista Connect 11 by Connect Homes
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Architecture +Preservation
Görttwiete by caspar.
UC Santa Cruz, Upper Quarry Amphitheater Restoration by Dreyfuss & Blackford Architecture
PARISI Court Reconstruction by ARCHIKON KFT.
Michaelsberg Abbey by caspar.
32 on Kloof by dhk Architects
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Architecture +Renovation
Qishe Courtyard by ARCHSTUDIO
Baishaquan #157 by gad
Pingyao Diesel Engine Factory Renovation for Pingyao International Film Festival by Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University
401 Park Repositioning by Elkus Manfredi Architects
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Architecture +Sustainability
Olympic House by 3XN
Bayalpata Hospital by Sharon Davis Design
Natural Wisdom by Tus-Design Group Co.
GRUENE ERDE Breathing Headquarters – A Plant-Based Systems Design by terrain: integral designs BDA
Horten upper secondary school, Norway by LINK arkitektur
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Architecture +Technology
The Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino by DCL (Design Communications Ltd.)
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Architecture +Urban Transformation
Tainan Spring by MVRDV
Domino Park by James Corner Field Operations
Nodeul Island by mmkplus
Face to Face/Tête á Tête by PLANT Architect Inc.
Pocket Space by CAA
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Architecture +Water
Pylonesque: a water harvesting tructure for Ban Wang Toei School by PAREID with INDA (International Program in Design and Architecture, Chulalongkorn University)
Manshausen by Stinessen Arkitektur AS
Sydney Park Water Re-Use Project by Turf Design Studio
Natural Wisdom by Tus-Design Group Co.
Design by Radical Indigenism: Lo-TEK Agricultural Terraces by Julia Watson
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Architecture +Workspace
Bond Collective Bushwick by Christian Lahoude Studio
Autodesk Boston Workspace Expansion by Utile, Inc.
Hush Studios by Inaba Williams Architects
Case Room by Geoffrey von Oeyen Design
DocMagic by RA-DA
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Gallery & Exhibition Spaces
Edge by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates / Rockwell Group & LAB at Rockwell Group
Changsha Meixihu International Culture & Art Centre by Zaha Hadid Architects
Poster House by LTL Architects
The Century Project for the Space Needle by Olson Kundig
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Hall / Theater
Theater Le Diamant by COARCHITECTURE
MÉCA by BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
TEO Center for Culture, Art and Content by A.Lerman Architects
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The Shed by Diller Scofidio Renfro, Lead Architect and Rockwell Group, Collaborating Architect
He Art Museum by Tadao Ando Architect & Associates and He Art Museum
MuseumLab by Koning Eizenberg Architecture
Interpretation Centre of Romanesque by spaceworkers
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Mountain House in Mist, Zhejiang by Shulin Architectural Design
Air Mesh : Metal 3D Printed Space by AIRLAB SUTD
Crane Pavilion-Folded Flight by GBBN Architects & Tai Kang Group
Bex & Arts Pavilion by Montalba Architects
Town Enclosure by CLB Architects
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Religious Buildings & Memorials
Saemoonan Church by Lee Eunseok+KOMA
CAFUBE Funeral Home by LOKOMOTIV.archs Office LKMV
Suzhou Chapel by Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
Saint John Paul II Church by Robert Gutowski Architects
The REACH Expansion by Steven Holl Architects
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Unbuilt Cultural
Silo City by STUDIO V Architecture
Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation at the American Museum of Natural History by Studio Gang
Flower Exhibition Center by MUDA-Architects
Niger Heritage Niamey Musee de Fleuve by Stantec Architecture
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Architecture +Brick
Altinho by António Costa Lima Arquitectos
San Sa Village by llLab.
UnHistoric Townhouse by System Architects
Hobhouse by Brisac Gonzalez and Arquitectonic
Billerica Memorial High School by Perkins and Will
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Architecture +Ceilings
Apparatus Architects Studio by Apparatus Architects
Fluid Space by Kris Lin International Design
Al Musalla – Qasr Al Hosn (The Mosque – Al Hosn Fort) by CEBRA Architecture + DCT Abu Dhabi
BIT Sports Center in Beijing by Atelieralter
Lumen at Beacon Park by Touloukian Touloukian Inc
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Architecture +Concrete
Coffee Production Plant – Meama by Khmaladze Architects
Villa Varoise by NADAAA
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, The REACH by Silman
Casa Cajueira by UXUA DAS by Wilbert Das
Dongyuan Qianxun Community Center by Scenic Architecture Office
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Architecture +Facades
Parking Garage Facade P22a at the Cologne Exhibition Centre by wulf architekten
adidas World of Sports ARENA by Behnisch Architekten
Singha D’Luck Cinematic Theatre by ARCHITECTS 49
Oficines Can Serras by AQUIDOS Arquitectes
Health Sciences Innovation Building, University of Arizona by CO Architects
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Architecture +Glass
OPEN VILLAGE by Shimu Wang
Maraya Concert Hall by Guardian Glass North America
The Voyager by Shanghai PTArchitects
P.C. Hoofstraat 138 by UNStudio
Bubble Wrap House by Amber Book
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Architecture +Metal
White Deer Plain Mountain Homestay by Guang Zhou Hui Yi Ming Cheng Architectural Design Co.
108 Chambers by Pure + FreeForm
Student Services Building, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, by CO Architects
Saleforce Transit Center by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
Re Bar by Organic Design Architecture Studio
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Architecture +New Materials
The Circular Garden by CRA – Carlo Ratti Associati
Ashen Cabin by HANNAH
Circle Shade by Eva Jensen Design
New River Train Observation Tower by Virginia Tech
Maison Pour Tous by ENSAG / LabEx AE&CC / designbuildLAB
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Architecture +Stairs
The Link by Methanoia + BMA + EEI
Olympic House by 3XN
He Art Museum by Tadao Ando Architect & Associates and He Art Museum
Stairway to Heaven by CCS Architecture
Meridian Residence – Stair by ROBERT KERR architecture design
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Architecture +Stone
Stone Nest Amphitheatre for Community Activities by 3andwich Design / He Wei Studio
SOFTSTONE by SETUParchitecture studio
The Boulder House by AtelierJun
Private Spa Pavilion by smartvoll
Il frantoio by RP Architects
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Architecture +Wood
Restroom in the Mountains by Atelier Scale
K.S. Kindergarten Lunch House by S.O.Y. LABO.
Pingelly Recreation and Cultural Centre by iredale pedersen hook architects with Advanced Timber Concepts Studio
Bjergsted Financial Park by Helen & Hard
Harbour Building for a Sailing Club, Amsterdam by Margulis Moormann Architects
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Bars & Nightclubs
Connie Cocktail Lounge at the TWA Hotel by Stonehill Taylor
Little Sister by ROCKWELL GROUP
Option Coffee Bar by TOUCH Architect
Bar Lotus by OFFICE AIO
Felix Meritis Amsterdam by i29
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Health Care & Wellness
Bayalpata Hospital by Sharon Davis Design
Expansion of Santa Fe de Bogota Foundation by El Equipo Mazzanti
EKH CHILDREN HOSPITAL by IF (Integrated Field)
The Ark, Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice by Squire & Partners
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Hotels & Resorts
Wyndham by MIA Design Studio
TWA Hotel by LUBRANO CIAVARRA Architects
Dexamenes by K-Studio
The Museum Hotel Antakya by EAA-Emre Arolat Architecture
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Garden Hotpot Restaurant by MUDA-Architects
%Arabica Coffee by B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio
‘Hong’ Japanese Cuisine by Guang Zhou Hui Yi Ming Cheng Architectural Design Co.
Angelot Patisserie by Say Architects
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Unbuilt Hospitality
Biwak by noa* network of architecture
Voronet Lila Hotel by Yazgan Design Architecture
The Orchard by WOJR
Uganda Dental & Vision Clinic by Paul Lukez Architecture
Khat by Studio Toggle
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Government & Civic Buildings
Coworking LAB NucÌa by CrystalZoo
Rescue Company 2 by Studio Gang
Reception Pavilion of Québec’s National Assembly by Provencher_Roy
Woody by Atelier du Pont
Kristallen – Kiruna City Hall by Henning Larsen Architects
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Higher Education & Research Facilities
Academic and Residential Complex, University of Illinois at Chicago by Solomon Cordwell Buenz (SCB)
DTU Energy – B310 by Christensen & Co Architects
University of Law-Paris I – Modernisation of the Lourcine Barracks – Paris (13e) by CHARTIER DALIX
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Courtyard Kindergarten by MAD Architects
Galaxy World Kindergarten by Lacime Architects
Little Tiger Chinese Immersion School by Murray Legge Architecture
CIFI Donut Kindergarten by THDL (Tianhua Design Lab)
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Capsule hotel in a rural library by Atelier TAO+C
Microlibrary Warak Kayu by SHAU
Hunters Point Library by Steven Holl Architects
Architecture Library, Chulalongkorn University by Department of Architecture co.,ltd.
Billie Jean King Main Library by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
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Primary & High Schools
Fass School and Teachers’ Residences by Toshiko Mori Architect
Mwabwindo School by 14+ Foundation
KB Primary and Secondary School by HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro + KIDS DESIGN LABO
Leisur activity center by GRAAL ARCHITECTURE
Ecole de commerce et de culture générale by Bonnard Woeffray
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Unbuilt Institutional
First Year Student Village by Perkins and Will
The Honey Bee Research Centre by Moriyama & Teshima Architects
Kamyaran City School by CAAT studio
CAMSUR Capitol Building by CAZA Architects
Small Hill Kindergarten by SZAD/Yunchao Xu/Atelier Apeiron
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Private Garden
Terra Dominicata Hotel & winery by SCOB Architecture & Landscape
TAKI NISEKO by e/d,A. Landscape Design
Outside-in Pavilion by Valerie Schweitzer Architects
Slot House by Arterra Landscape Architects
70 Rainey Sky Garden by Design Workshop
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Public Park
Thammasat University Rooftop Farm by LANDPROCESS
Karen Blixens Square by COBE
Whiting Forest of Dow Gardens by Metcalfe Architecture & Design, LLC
Domino Park by James Corner Field Operations
Nanchang Red Earth Park by SHUISHI
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Unbuilt Masterplan
Vejlands Quarter by Henning Larsen Architects
Roman Façade/Piazzas of the Tiber by Ballman Khapalova
Silo City by STUDIO V Architecture
The Fontana Urban Greening Master Plan by Design Workshop
POST CITY by Tp3 Architekten und Caramel Architekte
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Urban & Masterplans
Jiangyin Greenway – Weaving and Stitching by BAU Brearley Architects + Urbanists
District Wharf by Perkins Eastman
Niederhafen River Promenade by Zaha Hadid Architects
Central Park Public Domain by Turf Design Studio
Pocket Space by CAA
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Downtown Loft by Bushman Dreyfus Architects
Sacha by SABO project
MW’s RESIDENCE by arctitudesign
Imperfect Residence by NC Design & Architecture Limited
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Multi Unit Housing – High Rise (16+ Floors)
The Drapery by Aria Property Group
550 Vanderbilt Avenue by COOKFOX Architects
The Amberly by Woods Bagot
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Multi Unit Housing – Low Rise (1-4 Floors)
XS House by ISA
Fifteen by Metaform Architects
Hadohilljo Townhouse by UNITEDLAB Associates
Simgok House by SsD
Paintworks Apartments by DROO – Da Costa Mahindroo Architects
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Multi Unit Housing – Mid Rise (5-15 Floors)
Jeanette301 by Lorcan O’Herlihy Architect [LOHA]
RISD North Hall by NADAAA
139 SCHULTZ by CPDA Arquitectos
108 Chambers by Pure + FreeForm
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Private House (L 3000-5000 sq ft)
Sky House by MIA Design Studio
ATELIER villa Costa Rica by Formafatal
Ishawooa Mesa Ranch by Lake|Flato Architects
Metrick Cottage and Boathouse by Akb Architects
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Private House (M 1000-3000 sq ft)
Skigard Hytte by Mork Ulnes Architects
J-House New Orleans by AEDS \| Ammar Eloueini Digit-all Studio
Lightus Retreat by Joongwon Architects + Peripherie Design Studio
Smith Residence by MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects
Menzies’ POP by Architects’ Creative
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Private House (S <1000 sq ft)
Glass Cabin by atelierRISTING llc
The Modular Unit by Teke Architects Office
Waratah Secondary House by Anthrosite
Aegean Pool House by Lake|Flato Architects
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Private House (XL >5000 sq ft)
Villa Varoise by NADAAA
Sand House by Studio MK27
n.n. Residence by J.MAYER.H und Partner, Landscape Architect: Mikhail Kozlov with the participation of Tatiana Skibo, Maria Khokhlova
House C by Cherem Arquitectos
Casa Piedra Acapulco by Taller GC
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Residential Interiors
Netsch House by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
West Los Angeles Residence by Clive Wilkinson Architects
Lightus Retreat by Joongwon Architects + Peripherie Design Studio
The garden house in the city by christos pavlou architecture
ALEX by Spacedge Designs
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Unbuilt – Multi-Unit Housing (L >10 Floors)
Bookan residential tower by Studio Saheb
MIRA by Studio Gang
Animated Bullding by Fatima Bahadori Nezhad & Shayan Karimi
H1002 by 314 architecture studio
333 Tremont St by Touloukian Touloukian Inc
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Unbuilt – Multi-Unit Housing (S <10 Floors)
BaseCamp Lyngby by Lars Gitz Architects
Mini Village by Studio BANAA with Sarah Lucy Estephan
Sada Residence by itms-partners
Student Residence in Saclay_momentum by bordas+peiro architecte
Variable by Marzieh Mirjafari
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Unbuilt – Private House (L >3000 sq ft)
The Meander by S^A | Schwartz and Architecture
The Wall House by BAKH Architecture
House by the ocean by MESURA
Casa Mas by Doo Architecture
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Unbuilt – Private House (S <3000 sq ft)
Gneiss House by Protz Studio
Camera House by Leckie Studio Architecture + Design
SkyValley House by Edward Ogosta Architecture
Hall House by WOJR
Six House by BNS Studio
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Gyms & Recreation Centers
Pingelly Recreation and Cultural Centre by iredale pedersen hook architects with Advanced Timber Concepts Studio
Ballet Memphis by archimania
Fusion Fitness q-plex Premium Club by OF-PONE
Harbour Building for a Sailing Club, Amsterdam by Margulis Moormann Architects
BIT Sports Center in Beijing by Atelieralter
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New Paddock – F1 GRAND PRIX DU CANADA by Les architectes FABG
Diablos Rojos Baseball Stadium by FGP Atelier
Al Janoub Stadium by Zaha Hadid Architects
Ariake Gymnastics Centre by NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD
Zaozhuang Stadium by Shanghai United Design Group Co.
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Unbuilt Sports & Recreation
Independent School Competition by Diamond Schmitt Architects
Quzhou Sports Campus by MAD Architects
SAP Garden by 3XN
Action Sports Facility by BLUR WORKSHOP
Asian Games Park & Stadiums by Archi-Tectonics NYC, LLC
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Transport Interiors
West Terminal 2, Port of Helsinki by PES-Architects Ltd
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Concourse D Annex by HOK
KLM Crowne Lounge by concrete
Alaska Airlines Flagship Lounge by Graham Baba Architects
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Transportation Infrastructure
Miyako Shimojima Airport Terminal by NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD
Auckland International Airport Landscape by SurfaceDesign, Inc.
Beijing Daxing International Airport by Zaha Hadid Architects
Køge Nord Station by COBE
Salesforce Transit Center by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
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Unbuilt Transportation
Pirouetted Bridge by ATAH
Platinum Bridge by Erik Andersson Architects
Comprehensive Development of Central Area at Xiamen New Airport by East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., East China Urban Architectural Design & Research Institute
Bellechasse Transport Center by Lemay
Yulong Snow Mountain Vistor Center by CCDI Group Co. and Studio 21
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The post Vote Now: The 8th Annual A+Awards Public Vote Is Now Open! appeared first on Journal.
from Journal https://architizer.com/blog/inside-architizer/updates/2020-aawards-public-vote-now-open/ Originally published on ARCHITIZER RSS Feed: https://architizer.com/blog
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nomadicvision · 7 years
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Porsche Pavilion at the Autostadt in Wolfsburg, Germany. It was designed by HENN Architekten. Swipe across for more... • • #germany #wolfsburg #hennarchitekten #autostadtwolfsburg (at Autostadt)
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architectnews · 3 years
HENN Architekten: Architects Munich
Henn Architekten, German Building, Munich Architect Office, Images, New Architecture Designs
HENN Architekten Munich
München Architect Practice, Germany, Europe – German Architecture Office News
HENN News, chonological:
28 Mar 2022 Zalando BHQ-Z Building, Berlin, Germany rendering : HENN Zalando BHQ-Z Building HENN’s Zalando BHQ-Z Building is currently under construction in Berlin. BHQ-Z will complete HENN’s three-building headquarter complex for Zalando, one of Europe’s leading online platforms for fashion and lifestyle. The design declares the city’s identity as a global tech hub, while staying true to its Berlin roots.
21 June 2020 Opticum of Leibniz University Hanover, Germany image © HENN Opticum of Leibniz University Hanover With the new Opticum research building for Leibniz University Hanover, HENN is creating an identity-giving site and a prominent location for top-class research work, including within the framework of the PhoenixD Cluster of Excellence.
19 June 2020 Medview Regenerative Medicine Innovation Center, Guangzhou, China image courtesy of architecture office Medview Regenerative Medicine Innovation Center in Guangzhou Hybrid building typology: Vertically-stacked medical technology laboratories and project spaces in the Medview Innovation Center. With the Medview Regenerative Medicine Innovation Center, the company for groundbreaking medical technology is getting a new headquarters.
22 Apr 2020 The Cube Dresden: first carbon concrete building in the World, Dresden, Germany Architects: HENN image courtesy of architects practice The Cube Dresden HENN has developed the concept design for the world’s first building made of carbon concrete, The Cube. The 220-m² experimental building combines a laboratory and event rooms, and sets an example of architectural and structural innovation at the Technical University of Dresden (a German “University of Excellence”).
24 Aug 2018 Westlake University in Hangzhou, China image courtesy of architects office Westlake University Hangzhou Forty years after opening itself to the world in 1978, China has established a new educational milestone symbolized by the founding of Westlake University in Hangzhou.
1 Dec 2017 InnoChain Winter School at HENN architectural office Berlin
HENN is pleased to report the recent hosting of the InnoChain Winter School at its Berlin offices. Early Stage Researchers and PhD candidates convened in the context of the European Research Network InnoChain in the Berlin office to discuss how their current research will shape the future of the construction industry.
Innochain Winter School 2017 – Drivers of innovation from HENN on Vimeo.
They were joined, in the framework of the Winter School, by experts in business and innovation development. The researchers and industrial partners of the InnoChain Network enjoyed a week of forward-looking conversations and valuable feedback exchanges. Interested members of the public were invited to attend the final two days of open sessions and visit the accompanying exhibition presenting all of the ongoing research projects.
The InnoChain ETN network is a shared research training environment aimed at examining how advances in digital design tools challenge building culture, enabling sustainable, informed and materially smart design solutions. The network’s goal is to train a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers, encompassing a distinct industry focus, in order to effect real changes in the way we think, design and build our physical environment.
Challenging the traditional thinking of design as a linear process of incremental refinement, InnoChain identifies three axes of design innovation potential, namely communication, simulation and materialization, manifesting themselves as distributed and interdisciplinary activities throughout the design chain.
With a core intersectoral focus, InnoChain connects “research in practice” with “research in academia”. The programme has assembled six internationally recognised academic research environments, each occupying a leading position in research into computational design in architecture and engineering, together with 14 pioneering industry innovation partners from architecture, engineering, design-software development and fabrication.
This is the unique synthesis that has formed the basis for the establishing of a shared training platform for 15 Early Stage Researchers.
The network creates a structured training programme focussed on the supervision of individual research projects, an intersectoral secondment programme, as well as collective research events, including workshop-seminars, colloquia and research courses. It provides a unique opportunity for young researchers to obtain new knowledge and skills, effectively positioning them by successfully combining strong innovative research practice with a critical industrial impact.
HENNarchitekten buildings, chonological:
12 Jun 2017 New Continental AG Headquarters in Hannover, north Germany image courtesy of architecture office New Continental AG Headquarters Building in Hannover by HENN The new company headquarters of Continental consolidates all the facilities formerly spread across the city in one location, simultaneously marking the eastern approach to Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony.
23 May 2017 Brunner Innovation Factory, Rheinau, southwestern Baden-Württemberg, Germany photograph © HENN / HGEsch Brunner Innovation Factory Building The innovation building as a hybrid of the most diverse programmes: development, design, prototyping and production encounter open office worlds, showrooms and a canteen.
4 Apr 2017 University Hospital RWTH Aachen Extension Design: HENN + C.F. Møller Architects images from architects University Hospital RWTH Aachen Extension The hospital complex of RWTH Aachen will be expanded with a new building, containing a central surgery area, including intensive care units and a new public entrance hall.
31 Mar 2017 Research Centre ARENA2036, University of Stuttgart Research Campus, Vaihingen, Stuttgart, Germany photograph © HENN / HGEsch Research Centre ARENA2036 by HENN How will the architecture of Industry 4.0 look? What role will people play in the factory of the future? ARENA2036, which will be handed over to its users on 30.03.2017 at the University of Stuttgart’s research campus in Vaihingen, reveals the architecture of completely digitalised and networked production.
12 Oct 2016 Baubeginn Haikou Tower South Building, Hainan, South China Design: HENN architects image © HENN Baubeginn Haikou Tower South Building
15 Feb 2013 Porsche Pavilion, Wolfsburg, Germany Design: Henn Architekten photograph : HG Esch Porsche Pavilion in Wolfsburg For the first time since its opening in 2000, the Autostadt in Wolfsburg received another building structure in the form of the new Porsche Pavilion. The organically shaped building is sitting at the central axis of the theme park and offers 400 m² of space for exhibitions and presentations.
HENN Architekten – Key Projects
Featured Buildings, alphabetical:
Aerospace Centre III, Wildau, Brandenburg, Germany 2009- image from architects Aerospace Centre Wildau The Aerospace Centre III (ZLR III) in Wildau provides additional space for the numerous growing companies seeking premises in the area around the new Berlin-Brandenburg Airport and Wildau University of Applied Sciences
BMW Projekthaus – Research and Innovation Centre, Munich, Germany 2004 photo: H.G.Esch from Henn Architekten BMW Projekthaus The Project House in the Research and Innovation Centre of the BMW Group in Munich opens up a new way of cooperation in the product development process because of the special way its space has been organised.
Centre for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, Germany 2009- image from architects Centre for Regenerative Therapies Dresden Centre for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) at the Technical University Dresden Interdisciplinary research and space for communication: the Centre for Regenerative Therapies Dresden carries out interdisciplinary research in the field of stem cell and regeneration.
Die Gläserne Manufaktur, Dresden, Germany 2001 picture : H.G.Esch from Henn Architekten Die Gläserne Manufaktur Gläserne Manufaktur is a place of transparency and dialogue and makes the experience of automotive production visible to the outside.
Forschungszentrum Dresden – Rossendorf, Germany 2009 photo : Steffen Michael Gross Forschungszentrum Dresden – Rossendorf With its establishment in 1992 the Forschungszentrum Dresden – Rossendorf took over the task of developing a modern, internationally competitive research institution at this location. For this purpose steps had to be initiated to modernize buildings and infrastructure in order to run them on a commercially viable basis.
MobileLifeCampus, Wolfsburg, Germany 2006 image : H.G.Esch from Henn Architekten MobileLifeCampus The central idea behind the design is an encircling, crossed over and apparently never-ending band. Cast in concrete, it picks out the tectonics of the buildings as a central theme.
MTU Aero Engines Polska, Poland 2009- image from architects MTU Aero Engines Polska Unity with various functional sections: as a leading company in the field of engine systems, MTU Aero Engines opens up a new production and development location in the Polish town of Rzeszów.
University Hospital Essen – Medical Research Centre, Germany 2009- image from architects University Hospital Essen The provision of 3,750 m² usable and ancillary floor area will provide the medical and scientific staff the necessary space to carry out their research and teaching activities and to develop new procedures and methods in the field of pre-clinical medicine.
More projects by Henn Architekten online soon
Location: Munich, Germany, western Europe
Henn Architekten Practice Information
Architekturbüro Henn studio based in Munich, Bavaria, southern Germany
German Architect Offices – contact details
Website: www.henn.com
Contemporary German Architectural Designs
Limbecker Platz – retail centre, Essen, Germany 2008 photo © webbaviation
German Architects
Munich Buildings
German Architecture
Comments / photos for the Henn Architekten Architecture page welcome
The post HENN Architekten: Architects Munich appeared first on e-architect.
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ma-sose-21-g-07 · 3 years
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HENN / Muck Petzet Architekten - Ehemaliges OSRAM-Gelände, München, 1965 / 2015
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architecturelab-blog · 11 years
HENN Architects wins competition for a "Glazed Software Factory" in Karlsruhe, Germany
HENN Architects wins #competition for a "Glazed Software Factory" in Karlsruhe #Germany
The new office building is developed for an IT company in Karlsruhe, Germany. Its central theme – the Glazed Software Factory – is not only expressed in the external appearance of the new building but is also continued in the building structure and…
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detail-de-blog · 12 years
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Henn Architekten bauen das neue Medizinische ForschungsCentrum des Universitätsklinikums.
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architectnews · 3 years
Berlin Architecture News, New Buildings
Berlin Architectural News 2021, New Buildings in the German Capital, Architects, Property Designs
Berlin Architecture News
Contemporary Building in German Capital: Built Environment Updates
post updated 28 March 2022
Berlin Building News
Berlin Architectural News in 2021
Berlin Architectural Designs – chronological list
28 Mar 2022 Zalando BHQ-Z Building Architects: HENN rendering : HENN Zalando BHQ-Z Building HENN’s Zalando BHQ-Z Building is currently under construction in Berlin. BHQ-Z will complete HENN’s three-building headquarter complex for Zalando, one of Europe’s leading online platforms for fashion and lifestyle. The design declares the city’s identity as a global tech hub, while staying true to its Berlin roots.
4 Mar 2022 Villa M, Grunewald Architects: GRAFT photos : Frank Herfort and Tobias Hein Villa M, Grunewald GRAFT’s design for Villa M – a private home in Berlin’s venerable Grunewald quarter presents a striking, modern interpretation of comfortable living in the city. It’s trapezoidal, sculptural form and modern architectural language symbolizes a boulder in a glacial landscape and differentiates it from its neighbours.
5 Dec 2021 HWKN Architecture Exhibition in Berlin: ‘Shape Tomorrow – Towards a Future-Oriented Built Environment’ rendering © HWKN Architecture HWKN Architecture at Aedes Architecture Forum German architect Matthias Hollwich and his New York-based firm HWKN have been dedicated to pioneering projects for over a decade, earning them a rank in Fast Company’s world’s Top 10 Most Innovative Architects. Most recently, Hollwich provoked with his publication New Aging: Live Smarter Now to Live Better Forever by turning stereotypical outdated building typologies “upside down” to make aging a graceful and fulfilling aspect of our lives through designed spaces.
15 Nov 2021 Shortlisted RIBA International Prize 2021 Three exceptional architecture projects from around the globe are revealed as the 2021 shortlist for the RIBA International Prize by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The prestigious biennial award celebrates projects that demonstrate design excellence and social impact. James-Simon-Galerie, Berlin Museum Island, designed by David Chipperfield Architects Berlin is one of the three.
15 + 4 Nov 2021 Bastian Gallery, Taylorstraße 1, 14195 Berlin Design: John Pawson Architect image © John Pawson Ltd, Courtesy BASTIAN Bastian Gallery Berlin Dahlem Building The inaugural exhibition ANSELM KIEFER – LE DORMEUR DU VAL sends a strong message about the profile that Aeneas Bastian intends to adopt at his newly built gallery. The Bastian family have created a new home for their gallery on Taylorstrasse in Dahlem close to the Grunewald Forest in the Southwest of Berlin.
7 Oct 2021 Corkscrew House, Lindower Strasse Design: rundzwei Architekten BDA photo : Gui Rebelo Corkscrew House The young office rundzwei Architekten has realised an unusual residence with a cork facade and roof. A base of rammed concrete lies below the ground level. Above, skilfully stacked split levels, which allow for flexible use, are accessed via a central, atrium like staircase.
8 Oct 2021 KaDeWe Design: OMA image courtesy of architects practice Kaufhaus des Westens, Tauentzienstraße Berlin Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) belongs to a consolidated tradition of historical European urban department stores such as Galeries Lafayette in Paris, Selfridges in London and La Rinascente in Milan. Historically, these department stores have been some of the pillars of early modern retail, acting as incubators for sophisticated crafts, social exchange and experimentation in services.
4 Oct 2021 Li18.Berlin, Lindower Strasse Design: Holzer Kobler Architekturen + zweikant architekturen photo : Jan Bitter Li18.Berlin With new residential and commercial units, existing commercial courtyards in the Berlin district of Wedding were repurposed and expanded, using timber hybrid construction methods.
28 July 2021 EMBASSY, opposite Koellnischer Park, Mitte Design: TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten photograph © Roland Halbe EMBASSY Berlin Buildings The “EMBASSY” residential project, consisting of six buildings, was built on a 22,774 sqm plot opposite Koellnischer Park. The listed park in Berlin’s Mitte district, not far from the Spree River, dates back to a city fortification from the 17th century.
25 Jun 2021 Francis Kéré Exhibition at Aedes Architecture Forum Berlin photograph © Urban Zintel Francis Kéré Exhibition at Aedes Architecture Forum Berlin Francis Kéré is a precise observer, excellent visionary and builder – his architecture is of radical simplicity. The architect, who was born in Burkina Faso and lives in Berlin, uniquely combines the culture and habits of the African and European continents.
25 May 2021 UP!, Hermann-Stöhr-Platz, Friedrichshain Design: Jasper Architects with Gewers Pudewill photo © HG Esch UP! Building International Architect Martin Jasper Completes his design “UP!”, the Adaptive Reuse of East Berlin’s Former Shopping Mall. A new chapter for an icon of Berlin’s city history: Martin Jasper and his team at Jasper Architects, in collaboration with Gewers Pudewill, have designed the transformation of an aging iconic shopping mall into a modern place for work and retail in Berlin’s Friedrichshain neighborhood.
3 May 2021 RTL Audio Center Architects: Evolution Design photography © Sebastian Dörken_Max Schroeder RTL Audio Center Broadcasting and media production company RTL has relocated its Berlin-based audio units to a new location. Completed in January 2021, the RTL Audio Center Berlin was designed by Swiss architecture studio Evolution Design.
14 May 2021 + 10 Nov 2020 BRICKS, Hauptstraße Design: GRAFT photo : BTTR GmbH BRICKS, Berlin Schöneberg A revitalized historical post office premises, expanding it with two new buildings and converting the original rooftops for commercial purposes. Thus a 32,000 sqm modern ensemble accessible to the public was created comprising offices, restaurants, retail outlets and apartments.
Berlin Architecture News 2020
Berlin Architecture News in 2020
28 Oct 2020 Komische Oper Berlin Expansion Architect: REX image : Luxigon Komische Oper Berlin This proposed design by REX for the Komische Oper Expansion aspires to create a respectful and individual partner that highlights the Komische Oper building and defines a new urban node befitting the significance of the institution. Its contextual massing, outward-facing public functions, and generous urban plaza integrate the building in the neighborhood’s fabric.
16 Oct 2020 BASTIAN Gallery BASTIAN Gallery, Berlin Dahlem
Axel Springer Building Design: OMA photograph : Laurian Ghinitoiu, courtesy of OMA Axel Springer Building The new Axel Springer Building in Berlin was officially opened this morning during a ceremonial opening with inaugural speeches by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, architect Rem Koolhaas and Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner.
Terminal 2 at Berlin Brandenburg Airport ATP architects engineers image : ATP
Terminal 2 at BER Airport is already “ready for take-off” and can open together with the main terminal T1 at the end of October. The additional terminal was conceived and planned in record time by the planner team ATP/amd.sigma strategic airport development. Just 38 months elapsed between the “first design sketch” and the “operational handover”. This means that the turnkey delivery of T2 took place “in time”, despite the complicated process, the late emergence of additional customer requirements, and a tight timetable. This makes it the fastest-built terminal project in German history.
“In order to realize a project of this scale in line with the quality requirements and the timetable, integrated design with Building Information Modeling (BIM) is simply indispensable”, said the architect Niklas Veelken, Managing Director of ATP Berlin, drawing attention to the successful cooperation of the experienced and widely-based planner team and the huge commitment of so many project participants. In its role as an integrated designer with responsibility for managing the planning process, ATP’s in-house experts delivered architectural and structural and building services design services.
T2 expands the capacity of BER by six million passengers a year and, at peak times, can process around 2,000 passengers per hour. In order to ensure that this capacity is available from the opening, the planner team conceived the building of just 23,000 m2 as a “fast track” project with an optimally simple building structure and façade. This approach paid huge attention to lean processes and high productivity in the execution.
In aesthetic terms, the fair-faced concrete and exposed ceilings are derived from an industrial building approach. The modern, metal-clad, and introverted building volume distinguishes itself very clearly from the strict, almost classical design of the adjacent BER buildings. The two-story terminal with three halls includes spaces for checking-in, handing in and collecting luggage, security controls, service facilities, shops, and restaurants. A bridge connects the new building with the waiting areas in the north wing of the main terminal.
3 Sep 2020 Digital Media Centre and Campus Development, Masurenallee 8-14 Design: Baumschlager Eberle Architekten renderings : Baumschlager Eberle Architekten, bloomimages Berlin GmbH Digital Media Centre and Campus Building in Berlin In a negotiated procedure, the Baumschlager Eberle Architekten design won the Digital Media Centre and Campus Development project of the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb).
1 Sep 2020 Bard College Residences in Berlin
18 Aug 2020 Berlin Hyp Bank HQ Architects: C.F. Møller Architects image courtesy of architects practice Berlin Hyp Bank HQ Building The new HQ is designed to support the banks sustainable vision, while at the same time contributing to the transition and urban development of the surrounding area.
23 June 2020 Mulberry Yards Housing Complex
10 June 2020 Kurfuerstendamm 68, 10707 Berlin-Charlottenburg Architects: tchoban voss photograph : Klemens Renner Kurfuerstendamm 68 The Alhambra cinema palace in Berlin-Charlottenburg was built in 1921 according to the plans of the architect Max Bischoff and became known in 1922 as the premiere location of the sound movie.
31 Mar 2020 Cube Berlin, Washington Platz Design: 3XN, Architects, Denmark photo © Adam Mørk Cube Berlin Building An 11-story office building located on Washington Platz in the Europa City urban district. The 19,000 sqm commercial property was produced by CA Immo.
11 Mar 2020 Georg-Knorr-Park Quarter
Berlin Architecture News 2019
Berlin Architecture News in 2019
6 Nov 2019 Wave Apartments, Stralauer Allee 13/14 Architects: GRAFT Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH photograph © BTTR GmbH Wave Apartments By not building along the waterfront and pairing the inner side wings, the two buildings, that make up the Wave Apartments development, form a continuous architectural figure.
11 Sep 2019 Atelier Event Space
10 Sep 2019 Apartment overlooking a Graveyard
4 Sep 2019 LG Signature – IFA Fair In Berlin News
IFA 2019
The Global Innovations Show
Berlin, September 5-11th
Interview with Studio Fuksas: Thursday, September 5th 15:00 to 17:00
Hall 18 – Mezzanine
Messegelände Berlin ExpoCenter City
image courtesy of article provider
The first significant appointment to discover news from LG SIGNATURE is IFA Fair in Berlin, one of the most important international electronics exhibition, that marks the beginning of the collaboration of LG SIGNATURE with Studio Fuksas.
If you planned to visit the fair, you can view the newly designed LG SIGNATURE exhibition area on Thursday, 5th September 2019, by the acclaimed architects Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, in charge of the concept of the installation called “Infinity“: a large kaleidoscopic play object that allows visitors to experience the space intensively through an infinite and repetitive pattern reflection. IFA 2019
28 June 2019 C.F. Møller Architects Office in Berlin News On 1 July, C.F. Møller Architects will open the doors to a new office in central Berlin. This is a consequence of an increasing influx of assignments following recent years’ focused efforts directed at the German market: C.F. Møller Architects Office in Berlin News
18 June 2019 Lindower 22, Wedding district, North West Berlin Design: Heim Balp Architekten, DE photo : Nick Ash Lindower 22 Berlin Building This interesting architectural project was conceived by the architects as a cultural project organized in the abandoned industrial compound of the Max Hasse Maschinen Fabrik, in the Wedding district.
12 Apr 2019 Futurium Design: Richter Musikowski Architekten photo : Schnepp Renou, Dacian Groza Futurium BERLIN
19 Feb 2019 Two Sides of the Border Exhibition
14 Feb 2019 Terrassenhaus Berlin / Lobe Block Building
1 Feb 2019 Flat Lands and Massive Things Exhibition
Architecture and Landscape in Norway Exhibition, Felleshus of the Nordic Embassies 5 Oct 2018 – 17 Jan 2019 photo courtesy of PLANE—SITE, Berlin Architecture and Landscape in Norway Exhibition in Berlin
More contemporary Berlin architecture news online soon
German Capital Building Updates 2016 – 2018
Berlin Architectural News
More Berlin Architecture News online soon
Location: Berlin, Germany
Architecture in Berlin
Berlin Architecture Designs – chronological list
Berlin Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect
Berlin Architecture
Berlin Architects
Jewish Museum Berlin
German Architecture
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architectnews · 3 years
House B, Hanover North Germany
House B, Hanover Building Renovations, German Real Estate, Architecture Project News, Images
House B Renovations in Hanover
16 Mar 2022
Architects: United Architektur
Location: Hanover, north Germany
Photos: Birgit Krause, United Architektur
House B, Germany
What was the client’s briefing? What was the program? House B was a renovation project by United Architektur that transformed the interior of a 1960’s duplex house located in Hanover, Germany. United Architektur saw value in the existing spatial features and therefore chose to preserve and renew them. The clients were a young family and asked for a program that incorporated new furniture, a library, gallery and child friendly improvements. The result was a series of detailed design interventions that are incorporated into the existing structure and space with minimum visual impact.
How was the project design? What is the inspiration, influences and style? Spatial transparency and generousity were the two principal themes in House B. The interior uses two double height spaces in the dining room and living area. These diversify the views between the upper and lower levels as well as the garden. The existing vibrant orange carpet was preserved and all new additions are in white to create a clean visual contrast.
A large 1:20 physical model was used as tool during the design concept phase to explore common ideas with the clients. By firstly experimenting with materials at smaller scale, they were able to be successfully united at a larger scale.
What were the predominant materials? How were they used? Materials were selected to preserve the design integrity of the existing building. United Architektur selected materials with a heirarchy of transparency that related to their design interventions. White polyester mesh, translucent polycarbonate sliding doors, white coated metal fixtures and the new plexiglass handrail protection for the mezzanine add to the interior design in a subtle manner while creating important visual connections between spaces.
The new hanging sideboard, made of white coated metal, is set away from the wall using a lateral fixture giving the unit an impression of lightness. It has three top-hinged openings that provide accessible storage for crockery in the dining room.
What is curious about this project? What is worth saying that was not asked? The apartment includes custom-designed furniture by Berlin Fashion Designer, Elena Kikina. Green and orange seat pads were created to block the stairs so that children cannot hurt themselves. They can be moved for sitting, playing or resting in several unique configurations. The seat pads are made of felt fabric covers over dense foam with a zipper opening that allows them to be removed and washed. The complementary colours were chosen to reference the orange carpet on the first floor and as playful design gesture for children’s use.
House B in Hanover, Germany – Building Information
Architecture Office: United Architektur – https://www.unitedarchitektur.com/ Lead Architect: Jens Brinkmann – @united_jensbrinkmann
Location: Hanover, Germany
Furniture Manufacturer: Elena Kikina, Berlin fashion designer
Physical Model: United Architektur
Photographs: Birgit Krause, United Architektur
House Designs
House B, Hanover North Germany images / information received 160322 from United Architektur
Location: Hanover, Germany, western Europe
Buildings in Hanover
Hanover Buildings
New Hanover Building Designs – architectural selection below:
Opticum of Leibniz University Hanover Design: HENN image © HENN Opticum of Leibniz University Hanover
New Continental AG Headquarters in Hannover Design: HENN Architekten image courtesy of architects office New Continental AG Headquarters Building in Hannover
Hanomag U-Boat Hall Conversion – RS+Yellow Furniture Outlet Design: BOLLES+WILSON photo : Olaf Mahlstedt, Hannover, Germany © BOLLES+WILSON Hanomag U-Boat Hall
Architecture in Germany
German Architecture
German Architecture Designs – chronological list
German Architecture News
German Architect Studios
Dupli Casa
Comments / photos for the House B, Hanover North Germany design United Architektur page welcome
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architectnews · 3 years
Forsthaus am See, Bayern 4-Star Hotel
Forsthaus am See 4-Star Hotel, Feldafing Commercial Development, German Building Project, Architecture Images
Forsthaus am See 4-Star Hotel in Feldafing
2 Feb 2022
Design: WSM Architekten
Location: Feldafing, Bayern, Germany
Images: WSM Architekten
Forsthaus am See, Bayern
A 4-star senior wellness and conference hotel is to be built on one of the most beautiful spots on Lake Starnberg and in the entire Oberland region, almost directly opposite the Roseninsel, which is famous beyond the region. Forsthaus am See will have additional gastronomy and beer garden areas are also to invite day guests to stay.
After a very wide-ranging design process, we ultimately decided on a thematic approach that picks up on the regional history: around the Rose Island there have been pile dwellings since 6000 BC, which were actually declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011. Based on this, we developed an abstracted, modern pile-dwelling settlement staggered up the hillside.
A rigorous, thematically based material concept (dark natural materials), as well as the avoidance of large-scale forms, allows the building volumes of the complex to disappear as far as possible against the background of the forest-covered lateral moraine.
Above a base zone of greened Nagelfluh blocks rises a first row of wooden buildings, occupied with gastronomy for visitors during the day and for hotel guests. This first row provides a privacy barrier to the wellness and meeting areas behind it, and visually blends out the main hotel building.
Design: WSM Architekten – www.wsm-architekten.com
Photography: WSM Architekten
Forsthaus am See, Bayern 4-Star Hotel images / information received 020222 from WSM Architekten
Location: Feldafing, Bayern, southern Germany, western Europe
Architecture in Germany
German Architecture
German Architecture Designs – chronological list
Munich Architecture Design
German Architecture News
Southern German Buildings
South German Building Designs – selection:
Gasteig Cultural Center Building Design Design: HENN image courtesy of architects practice Gasteig Cultural Centre Munich
Planning Dialogue Hafner – Urban Design Competition, Konstanz, southern Germany Design: KCAP Architects&Planners image © KCAP, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl Planning Dialogue Hafner Konstanz
Van B Residential Development Design: UNStudio and Bauwerk visualisation : bloomimages Van B Residential Development
German Buildings
German Architect
Comments / photos for Forsthaus am See, Bayern 4-Star Hotel designed by WSM Architekten page welcome
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