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apartment315 · 2 years ago
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bureaueuropa · 3 years ago
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S C H U H H A U S   S U Y E R
Bauaufnahme + Machbarkeitsstudie 2020 Fotos: Rouven Grom, 2020
Als klassisches Exemplar der progressiven Münchner Nachkriegsmoderne, ist das Suyer Haus, entworfen von Walter Sanzin 1961,  eines der schönsten Bauwerke am Rindermarkt und vorbildhaft für seine Bauzeit.
Das simple Stützen-Platten-System lässt in den Etagen maximale Gestaltungsfreiheit, hochwertige Materialien wie Holzfurniere, Aluminium, Terrazzo und Naturstein unterstreichen die Qualität der einfachen Konstruktion. Die Vorhangfassade aus schlanken Elementen mit Pivot-Drehfenstern bietet bis heute mit Transparenz und optischer Bewegung besondere Raumqualitäten nach Innen und nach Außen. 
Der Eigentümer hat Aluminiumfenster und Brüstungsflächen aus Blau lackierten, fünf Zentimeter ausgedämmten Stahlsandwichplatten der Firma Gartner mithilfe komplexer Handwerksleistungen und akribischer Recherche mit Sonderlösungen bis heute gut erhalten. Für Ihn gehört Reparatur und Pflege selbstverständlich zur Instandhaltung seines Eigentums. 
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mmjjbbaannkkss · 4 years ago
2021 Feb 8-34 Line, Sand
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” Mark Twain
Distro vaccines thru schools, register students, re-welcome parents, herd immunity, micromanaging middlers, stop over exaggerating, or your state has been open for 12 months with better results and elder cautions. /rant. T-cells have immunological memory capacity. /rant
W1/4 Definitely have to do cardio, found some cool balance videos. Why doesn’t anyone say Frinight? Some lite sessions I’ve dropped or pulled a plate, some heavy sessions I’ve added one. Seems okay, focusing on contraction the past weeks has improved. Earache my eye.
W2/4 Running on elliptical 60 revolutions activates quads and core, but has altered my diet drastically. Drive low, in starting to improve cardio by doing any, legs on catchup and mind checked out, abs pissed, goal up it by 10 to 100 then minutes. Speed saves quads but ads hunger, should get a good take to it eventually, or sweat trying.
W3/4 The goals and risks of fad/crash diets in a race to lose weight, catch and release. The dangers of certain goals are physical and mentally exhausting, risk vs reward. The process of actions gives experience to aid decision and familiarity with old fears as new instinct takes you to new challenges much harder than you thought you could do. You don’t have to do it alone, but you don’t have to attack yourself either, nerves. New train, new nerve.
W4/4 Stimulants in the slow-twitch larger muscles causes increased signaling and response time, albeit somewhat artificially or induced, it can also be interpreted as additional sensitivity, the difference b/w working out or just sweating, as muscle is built with resistance, adverse weight, contrapose isometrics, and to some extent the flex of posing muscles and concentric tension, example being glutes are strong but exhaust, a runner trades size for endurance, but with stimulants in regards to muscle they exhaust before muscle memory is trained, leaving a shitty workout and an addiction to caffeine. I’m no expert, and advise against the gas station stims at least, and from the cold can walk the coffee line with the patience of winter people. A difference, it was.
https://youtu.be/XEtfoM_WctM Mikhaila Peterson, talking about survival, with some interesting notes on inflammation caused by gluten attacking tendons and can include causing lower back pain.
https://youtu.be/WsOq4yw1F3g Physical Strength is the Most Important Thing in Life / 1hr, Sunday-ish, his humor is subtle or dry, but in a Texas accent
https://youtu.be/NXJuq1QB_ac Crowder & Hodge Twins GYM Work Out!
https://youtu.be/yd6nGdO8jE4 Fix Your Squat
https://youtu.be/wGKL62fGj6U Testosterone makes effort feel good | Andrew Huberman and Lex Fridman
https://youtu.be/l8YpYkqosa8 How to Change Your Genetic Destiny - Joe Dispenza
https://youtu.be/kt3jPiUs5MM I Play 14 String Guitar
Mon/ Slow Push > Treadmill warmup 5&5 > Shoulder press 3x 8 /507090- > DB lat Raise 3x 8 /555 > BB Flat Bench 3x 8 /456075 > Incline DB Bench 3x 8 /100i20*4 > Pec Deck 3x 8 /100*3 > Dips 3x 8 /3X > Crossover 3x 8 /2x25*3~ > Pullover 3x 8 /506565 > Tric Pushdown 3x 8 /656565 > Twist 3x 8 /7090110130- > Hot > Treadmill 20min > kinda melting, gotta level up, in the snow ffs it’s hot;
Am pwo 250ml; 2pm mug whey/tea, ⅓ cup almonds; grocery pickup, 200g burger, mug whey/tea; gym, 1/2L+, gone in, 1/2L, hot; home, 200g cuscus cran almond in pork broth, 200g pork; stuff, 130g coconut pineapple bread, mug tea/casein;
Tue/ Lite Pull 60x15/lb > Treadmill 10 > Lat Pulldown 60/2lf x15*4 > Palms-In Pulldown 60/ x10085*3 > Mach Row 5p (pullies) 60/2(half) x45*4 > Straight pulldown 60/ x30*4 > N shldr press 60/ x25*4? > DB Shrug 60/2x60*4- > Archers 60/ x2025*3 > Straight bar curl 60/x2030*3 > Preacher Curl 60/2 x30*4 > Prc Hammer 60/2 x30*4 > treadmill 10
Light/volume less single plate? /* That dude is cut and ripped for his size, and he's having more fun in the shower than we are combined?
mug tea/whey; 125g barley/craisins/almonds, 225 pork; mug whey/tea; gym, pw 1L, h2o 1/2L; home, 200g amish noodles, 200g stroganoff; mug tea/casein, coconut/pineapple/muffin (undercooked, nuked, fixed), frosting, whoops; 2 more;
Wed/ Slow Legs *6/lbs > Treadmill 10 > Mule 3x 6 /507090110 > Leg Press 3x 8 /8095110125140155170185 > Deadlift 3x 8 /50100150 > Leg Ext 3x 6 /50507090 > Leg Curl 3x 8 /507090110- > Side Bends X6/2/454545 > Heel Raise 3x 6 /30507090110-L > Mach twist x8/70901113 > Treadmill 10min
125 millet, 275 beef, 175 stroganoff, tea; 3 links, 5 eggs, 2 mushroom, jalapeno, ⅓ m onion, whey / tea; 3 cup popcorn, gym, ½ L recovery, ½ pw; home, casein / tea; 225g chicken, 200 red rice; cup cottage cheese;
Thu/ LIte Push *15/lb > Treadmill 10 > DB Flat Bench 60/60*4 > Incl mach press 60/ x70*4 > Pec Deck 60/ x7085100115 > Cable x-over 60/ x25?4 > Shldr Press 60/ x30*4+ > DB lat Raise 60/ 2x15 > Hoist 60/ x25253035 > Fwd Pulldown 60/ x40*4- > Tricep 60/ x40*4- > Twist 60/ x50507070 > Treadmill > Rev order
FRI/ Slow Pull > Earache SAT/
Mon/ Slow Push > Treadmill ~ > Shldr Press *6, 30456060 > Hoist *6, 5065*3 > Lat Raise *6,/2/555 > BB Flat Bench *6, 75i15*4 > Incl DB Bench *6, 70i20*4 > Pec Deck *6,100115130145 > Dips *6 666 > Pullover *6 506070 > Triceps *6, 506070~ > Twist *6, 506070
200g burger, whey/tea; {repeat casein}, gym, pw 1L?, 6 egg rolls, casein/tea; 4oz cheese, tea; x2;
Tue/ FST Pull > Treadmill 5 > Wide Lat Pulldown 7x7/75*7 > Palms-In Pulldown 7x7/100*7 > DB 1-Arm Row 7x7/25303540454545 > Straight Pulldown 7x7,30*7 > Row 7x7/607580*5 > DB Shrug 7x7/2x60*7 > Delt Deck Fly 7x7/20252525252530 > Straight Bar Curl 7x7/20303030404040 > Chair concentric curl 7x7/3050,70*5 > /2 prchr 7x7/1530*545 > Treadmill 5
⅔ cup almonds, 2 cup milk; back to sleep it seems; 200g burger, tea/whey; 200g burger, casein/tea; gym, 1L/3hr; must've tanned; home, 250g burger, jalapeno, tea/casein; 150g burger, tea/casein;
Wed/ Slow Legs > Treadmill 5, elliptical ii > Mule 3x 6 90110130 > Hack Squat x 6,20304050 > Side Bends /2/3x 6*,606060 > Deadlift 3x 6, 9090180 > Press 3x 6, 658095110125140155170- > LR Leg Ext 3x 6,606060 > LR Leg Curl 3x 8/elliptical 60/2,*2 > LR Heel Raise 3x 8,70909090 > Cable bowing *6/3040506580100100- > Twist mach *6/70901113 > Incl treadmill 2x15 min bpm // DLs kinda short, shld drop notch to 1; forgot to write all ellipticals;
tea/casein, sleep; tea/casein, 150g burger; 175g Potato skins, 4 eggs, tea/casein, parking lot snow snafu later, gym, 1L/3hr; phone, home, 2 slice chicken spinach alfredo, tea; tea/casein; x2;
Thu/ FST Push /lbs > Treadmill 5, elliptical 60rf, > DB Flat Bench 7*7/7590*6 > Incl BB Bench 7*7/125*7 > DB Incl Fly 7*7/115*7 > Shoulder Press 7*7/30*3,45-,30*3 > Pec deck 7*7/100*7 > *DB Lat Raise 7*7/5*7 > DB hoist 7*7/25303540404040- > Pullover 7*7/303040*450 > Trica 7*7/3040*550 > Twist 7*7/305070*5 > Elliptical 60rf
Pw; mom, 2 slices, casein tea; burger, pwo; downloads; gym, 1L, home, 180g potatoes, 6 eggs; burger, casein/tea; hot chocolate;
Fri/ Slow Pull > Treadmill 5 > Lat Pulldown 3x 6,9090105120135150165- > Chin Up neutral 3x 6,66-6- > Bench row palms up X6,120135150165180195 > Wide High Row 3x~ 65100*2 dry > DB Shrug 3x 8/2x6060,6060 > Rear delt fly 3x 8,8585100100 > EzCurl 3x 10,203040,5060- > Prchr 1-Arm 3x 10, 15304560-1 > Concentric chair, x10/30507090? > Twist X10/507090? > Treadmill 10/elliptical 60rv > Thinking to 5lbs a week after inventorying, and if a session finishes an assload of quick, sobeit.
200 burger, 250ml amino h2o; 250ml, popcorn; gym, 1L++; home, a pizza, 1L+vitC; cheese;
Sat/ Lite Legs remix > Treadmill 5, elliptical 60,60,60, stairwell 10, elliptical 60,60, treadmill 10, stairs? Should I eat without reward. Running on the elliptical, if i’d’ve been doing it for 5 years, it’d be the abs muscle memory that would be chunky by now, tldr not-bouncy elliptical no joke.
Week 3 (mixed: lite, slow) >
Mon/ Heavy Push /lbs > Treadmill 10/elliptical 60 > Shldr Press *6/60*3 > Hoist 30355065- > Lateral Raise *6/55510 > BB Flat Bench *6/75*4 > Dips *8/6666 > Incl DB Bench *6/7070909011 > Pec Deck *8/100i15*4 > Pullover *8/4040,4040 > Triceps *8/30454545? > Kneelmach twists *8/70i20*4 > Elliptical 60r > Treadmill I fucking hate treadmill walking my cooldowns;
4 bacon, 6 eggs, tea; casein/tea, 200g rice; gym, 1L++; home, 2 slice, 4 eggs; tea/casein;
Tue /Lite Pull 5*12 > Elliptical 60c > Lat Pulldown *10/456075*4 > Palms In Pulldown *10/100*6 > DB 1-Arm Row *10/45*4,50*2- > Straight pulldown *10/30*4,40*2 > Supine row *10/75i15*4 > Shrug *10/2x60*6 > Delt Deck *10/55*6 > Supine Curl *10/20304050,6060 > Preacher Curl 2/*10/30*6 > Alt DB Hammer /2/*10/2030*5liro > Elipti 60c > Treadmill 10 > Rev order
Pwo 250ml, 2 pizza slices, groceries; 180g skirt, mate/catnip tea; gym, 1.5L/3h; 8oz summer sausage; 225g rice, 325g chiclken;
Wed/ Slow Legs > Treadmill 5 > Mule /2 *6/50709011 > Leg Press *6/J'T;8095110 > 125140155170185,200215 > Hack Squat *6/- > Deadlift *6/50,100,200 > skippo some stuff >
Sit Heel Raise *6/50i20*5 > skip that > Bow/Crunch *10/3040506580100105- > Twist *10/90110130? > Finished the full stack at the leg press, possibly twice as hard as the horizontal press
Tea; tea; 2pm 200g burger, coffee; 5pm 225 burger, coffee; gym, 1L~+; home, salad (nuts, spinach, onions, cranberries, kale); 200g skirt, ~cup doubled crock broth/gravy/potatoes;
Thu/ Lite Push 60/lb/x > Treadmill 10 > Cable Lat Raise *10/5*6- > W should Press *10/50*6 > H Chest press *10/70*6 > Low press? *10/ 454560607575 > Xpunch *10/ 353535505050 > Crossover *10/202020202525 > Lock pulldown/over *10/3030 > Should I do side bends knelt?
Burger, tea; burger, tea; gym, rehydrate 700ml, pw ½x2; home, ⅓ onion, 3sm jalapenos, 300g burger, 300g rice/cayenne/fridge;
Fri/ Slow/Heavy Pull > High Row *6/50658095 > Lat Pulldown *6/60i15*6 > Low Row *8/60i15*9 > DB Shrug *8/2x60*4 > Delt Deck *8/70708080? > Prchr 1-Arm *10/30454560- >
200g burger, gr tea/casein; 200g burger, tea; never bw still; LOW CARB
Sat/ Lite Legs 60/lb > Treadmill 10 > Elliptical 60,60-60- > Treadmill 15 > treadmill 15 > Stairwell 15 > Leave some circulation so that I don't pass out you (German profanity?)
Trainers black, hoodie grey thin, drawers 2x, clean away closet, live in half the room;
Week 4 (all slow)
MON/ HEAVY PUSH > buys > Shldr Press *6/456075,90105120- > Pec Deck *8/100i15*5 > BB Flat Bench *6/607590105 > Incl DB Bench *6/70i20*6 > Dips *8/8,8,8,8 > Pullover *8/3535,5050 > Tric Pushdown *8/2/30456075-L > Twist *8/7090110 > Elliptical 60c > Treadmill 8
TUE/ SLOW-LITE PULL > Lat Pulldown *6/606075*4,90*2 > Palms-In Pulldown *6/100*4 > 1-Arm Row *6/2045*3 > Pullover/down *6/30303040 > Row *6/6075858590 > Sm Shrug *8/100*4 > Delt Deck *8/2/55*4 > Straight Bar Curl *8/20303040 > Preacher Curl *8/2/30*4 > Prch Hammer *8/2/30*4 >.
Wed/ HEAVY-SLOW LEGS > Body Squat *6/66; > Leg Press *6/110125140,155170185,200,215 > Rom Deadlift *6/100150200~ > Leg Ext *8/30507090- > Heel Raise *6/7090110130 > Side Bends *8/35506580100- > Cablebar Bows *6/35506580100100 > Rev Crunch *10/?chair 90*6/4? >
A thermal session but from eating a low GI breakfast, lunch had a smoothie the breakfast was high fat but had fasted half a day to get there, and the PWO niacin kicks pace slower but faster, have to get super better at cardio
Thu/ LITE-SLO PUSH > 6DB Flat Bench *6/30+456075 > 7Incl BB Bench *6/110*3,130- > 8Pec deck *6/100100100,100 > 9Crossover *8/2x20*4 > 3Shldr Press *8/30*4 > 5Cbl Lat Raise *8/10*4 > DB front Raise *6/364045- > 4Plate pullover *10/30404040 > 2Tric Pushdown *10/30404040 > 1Twist *12/50707070 > Treadmill 8
Fri / HEAVY PULL > High Row *6/3040506070 > Lat Pulldown *6/30i15*13 > Pullup *6/? > Mach Row *8/7590 > Low row *8/100105110115 > DB Shrug *8/2x60*3 > Delt Deck *8/ 20253035 > BB Curl *10/ 2030405060- > Preacher 1-Arm *10/2/30*3 > Preacher both *10/45-45-45 slowaf > AM crunches?
Sat/ LITE-SLO LEGS > Treadmill 10 > Stairs 10 > Treadmill 10 > Stairs 10 > Treadmill 10 > Stairs kneeraise 5 >
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yellowtuber-blog · 8 years ago
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New comer. It's the most exciting moment that a vintage display rack arrived and see what I'm putting on the rack...😝#teakshelf #vintagerack #vintagefinds #vintageinterior #retrodesign #retrointerior #elmeglasbruk #506070s #506070tal #barnmugg #vintageglass #swedishvintage #scandinavianvintage
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megaheelhunter-blog · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NNB ALICE & OLIVIA Black and White Leather Ankle Strap High Heel Sandals.
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trmpt · 3 years ago
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mucairphotos · 6 years ago
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Peak Stromhäuselarchitektur #506070 / on Instagram http://bit.ly/2L24Mhp
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bureaueuropa · 5 years ago
THE ADVENTURE OF THE EMPTY HOUSE Audiovisuelle Installation - Fotografie - Podiumsdiskussion
Im München der frühen 1960er Jahre entstehen kurz nacheinander zwei Verwaltungsgebäude des Architekten WalterHenn. Die Bauten der Osram Forschungszentrale in Untergiesing und der Deckel Maschinenwerke in Obersendlinggleichen sich wie Zwillinge, aber mit ungleichen Schicksalen. Von der Osram Forschungszentrale verbleiben nach dem Abriss 2018 nur noch die ikonischen Fotografien Heinrich Heidersbergers, dagegen wurde das Verwaltungsgebäude der Deckel Maschinenwerke 2019 einer neuen Nutzung zugeführt.
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Fotografin Vilma Pflaum, dem Komponisten Benedikt Brachtel und der Organisation fürzeitgenössische Fotografie „Der Greif“, entwickelte der Lehrstuhl für Neuere Baudenkmalpflege eine multimedialeInstallation bei laufender Baustelle. Am Abend der Veranstaltung erleuchtete das Deckel Gebäude in Anlehnung an dasbekannte Nachtbild Heidersbergers. Der Blick auf die Außenfassade und das dabei entstandene Bild wurde so zurReminiszenz an die Architekturfotografie der 1960er Jahre. Eine Bild- und Toninstallation lässt gleichzeitig alle Etagen,die mitten im Umbauprozess stehen, zum Diskurs zwischen Betrachter, Kunst und Substanz werden. Die ständigeVerhandlung zwischen Bauwerk, sich verändernden Anforderungen und individueller Rezeption wurde erfahrbar; der oftvorbelastete Blick auf die Bauten der 1960er Jahre, Fragen des Umgangs mit Bestand und dessen Wahrnehmung wurdenin einer Podiumsdisdiskussion hinterfragt. Direkt auf der Baustelle setzten sich alle Akteure im Dialog zwischen Altemund Neuem mit Themen der Prozesshaftigkeit, des Mashups und der Collage auseinander.
Podiumsdiskussion: Gunter Henn (HENN), Muck Petzet (Muck Petzet Ar- chitekten) , Vilma Pflaum (V P Photography), Jürgen Meyer (Neuhof Schulen), Gita Cooper-van Ingen (Der Greif), Burkhard Körner (Bayrisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege)
Ein Projekt der TUM, Professur Neuere Baudenkmalpflege in Zusammenarbeit mit Vilma Pflaum (Fotografie), Benedikt Brachtel (Audioinstallation), Thomas Albdorf (Fotomontagen) und DerGreif (Kuration der AV).  Projektleitung: Europa Frohwein
Mit Unterstützung durch: Kulturreferat LHM, Bezirksausschuss 19 Obersendling, Schnitzer&, Neuhof Schulen, Pronovi Fondsverwaltung, Foto Leutner Wien, Bayrischen Architektenkammer, TUM Fakultät für Architektur
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yellowtuber-blog · 8 years ago
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Swedish vintage 🍎tray holder from @din_loppis おリンゴさんのヴィンテージトレイハンガー。ありがとうございます😁これお色が、ブルーとブラウンがあって、長らく色で迷いつつ買わずにいたアイテム。てか、やっぱり、ろっぴすさんって、エスパー❔❓#trayholder #vintagetray #swedishvintage #scandinavianvintage #vintagefinds #506070s #506070tal #retrokitchen #retrodesign #vintageinterior #retrointerior
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jeremystrele · 7 years ago
The Best Beach Houses
The Best Beach Houses
Lucy Feagins
Mariko and Jeff Provan’s Mount Martha beach shack home. Pictured – Jeff’s collection of windsurfing sailboard fins from ‘yesteryear’. Photo – Eve Wilson. Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
The living area of the Provan’s Mount Martha home. The floor is polished and lined, and the space features an early 2000s Jardan couch and Japanese noren fabric door curtain in indigo blue. Photo – Eve Wilson. Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Looking into the main bedroom. IKEA kid’s kitchen, and a green Eames chair are on show. The green surfboard in the main bedroom belonged to Jeff in the 1970s. ‘I just can’t part with it no matter how hard I try!’ he explains. Photo – Eve Wilson.Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
This charming Mount Martha getaway is still one of our favourite beachside retreats EVER.
When it came to creating a beach retreat for his own family, Neometro’s designer director Jeff Provan found himself adopting a surprisingly ‘hands-off’ approach after taking possession of this humble fibro shack ‘we love this place so much and it works so well as a beach shack, that we are keeping it exactly as is’ says Jeff. ‘It’s not pretentious or precious, and has a great relaxed feeling to it’.
Revisit the original story here!
The Bondi home of Remo and Melanie Giuffré. The hallway, with amazing salon-hung artwork and trinkets along one entire wall, and an extra special custom designed hall runner!  ‘In 2010 I designed our hall rug: GIUFFRE FAMILY BONDI HOME’ explains Remo. ‘The compass points due north … exactly; but only in this precise orientation. In other words, this rug only “works” in this exact location and in this particular apartment… I reckon we’ll be here for a very long time, and the hall rug is there to celebrate that’.  Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Remo’s hallway is a museum!  Artwork by talented friends, merchandise from the hey days at REMO General Store, and collected trinkets.  Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
A corner of the lounge room, looking back to front hallway.  Portrait of the dingo is by Bryan Westwood, who won the Archibald Prize for his portrait of Paul Keating in 1992. Henry Wilson A3 joint stool.  Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Roman’s room – a montage of his art and surfing imagery.  Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
The Bondi apartment of Remo and Melanie Giuffre isn’t a weekender – but its proximity to Sydney’s best loved beach makes it worthy of inclusion here.
The Giuffré family aren’t really big on material things. The greatest advantage of living here, Remo says, is being close to the beach. ‘Proximity is everything’ he explains. ‘A few more blocks and that magical nexus between home and ocean would be broken. We love being just a few minutes away, and get a special thrill when we see wet footprints on the stairs leading up to our apartment’.
Revisit the original post here!
The incredible Byron Bay home of jewellery designer Lisa Black and family.  Spectacular view across to Cape Byron. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Swimming pool nestled in Lisa’s incredible garden. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Lovely native timber decks connecting all verandas. Step through garden, allowing the garden to come ‘into’ the building. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
The breakfast spot, especially in winter, as the deck faces North East with protection from cooler South West winds.  Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
When it comes to WOW-factor, we can’t imagine a more spectacular beach retreat than the Byron Bay home of jewellery designer and landscape architect Lisa Black, her husband Robert Bleakley and their two teenage children.
Characterised by rich textures and a moody colour palette, an impressive art collection and antiques sourced from all corners of the globe, this incredible home is surrounded by meticulously maintained lush tropical gardens, with a 180° view across untouched hinterland to Cape Byron.
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Mark Tuckey’s home at Clareville, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Photo – Sean Fennessy, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Looking from dining area out to front doors and front garden.  Photo – Sean Fennessy, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Dining area looking through to stairwell which leads up to the master bedroom.  Borg Morgensen leather and oak dining chairs, Mark Tuckey farmhouse table round Borg Morgensen rocking chair, Mark Schaller woodcut artwork – ‘Richmond’. Photo – Sean Fennessy, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
This is the beach side/front of the house, with classic Pittwater ‘P & O’ style rounded front.  Photo – Sean Fennessy, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
One of our all time favourite home stories EVER, the home of furniture designer Mark Tuckey and family at Clareville on Sydney’s Northern Beaches is total DREAM HOME material.
I mean… the front garden opens out onto the SAND at the BEACH.  ‘ Nuff said.
 Revisit the original story here!
The holiday home of Simone and Rhys Haag and family on Phillip Island. Living room with original fire place, hearth tiles from Anchor Ceramics, rug from Kulchi at Criteria Collection. The lamp is by Rubn at Fred International, ottoman from Pony Rider, and sofa from IKEA with tasseled Kip & Co throw, and H&M cushions. Styling – Simone Haag. Photo – Derek Swalwell.
The dining room centres around the Bumling pendant purchased in Sweden, IKEA dining table, and Carl Hansen vintage chairs from Modern Times, pictured with blanket from Scout House,  vintage stool by Clement Meadmore, and cactus print from Middle of Nowhere. Styling – Simone Haag. Photo – Derek Swalwell.
The front exterior of the house features deck built by Rhys, and oars, planters and camping stools from Waverley Antiques Bazaar. Styling – Simone Haag. Photo – Derek Swalwell.
This rugged, relaxed beach cabin in Phillip Island belongs to well known Melbourne designer / stylist Simone Haag, her husband Rhys Haag and their two young daughters Goldie and Clover.
With a laid back ‘Californian cool’ vibe, this place has an entirely different sensibility to Simone’s more Scandinavian inspired Melbourne home. ‘You really feel the shift in gears when you come here’ she says. ‘The place lacks any form of amenity such as wifi, a dish washer or heating, microwave or air con – but we always make do!’
Revisit the original post here!
The beach house of Jen Stumbles, Ben Kerr and family in Copacapana on NSW’s central coast.  Eames lounge chair, Barney Rubble light by Mance Design. Photo – Sean Fennessy, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Sofa by Timothy Oulton for Coco Republic, Bauhaus inspired chair by Coco Republic, reclaimed wine press made into coffee table.  Photo – Sean Fennessy, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Kitchen, with views across the garden to the beach.  Kitchen cabinets made locally, butchers block sourced at vintage industrial auction.  The exposed joints throughout the home are painted roughly in bright white and add to the relaxed, beachy feel of this family home.  Photo – Sean Fennessy, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Kitchen.  Butchers block sourced at vintage industrial auction.  Photo – Sean Fennessy, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Perched up high, overlooking Copacabana surf beach on the NSW central coast, this impressive beachside home with panoramic views belongs to Jen Stumbles and Ben Kerr, owners of Eco Outdoor.
We love the distinctive, robust materials palette here – a combination of textured stone, reclaimed timbers and lime-washed surfaces.
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The Avalon NSW home of Louise and Graeme Bell and family.  Louise says, ‘The exterior of home constantly receives praise from passers by and neighbours who have watched it evolve since we’ve been here over the past 5 years!’ Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Vintage outdoor setting sourced on eBay, plant and pot from The Pot Warehouse Tunisian Towel from Table Tonic. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Louise and Graeme’s living area, looking out onto the lush front garden. Juju Hat African Headresses from Louise’s store Table Tonic, Bo Butik vintage danish sideboard, Roger McLay vintage Kone chair, Icelandic Sheepskin from Table Tonic, Cowhide rug from eBay, dining table From Spence & Lyda (Eames Base) with a Corian top, vintage TH brown dining chairs sourced on eBay, butterfly chairs from 506070. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Nestled on a deep block just a short walk from the beach, and surrounded by lush plant life, the incredible mid century home of retailer Louise Bell of Table Tonic, her partner, architect Graeme Bell is one in a million!
Situated on Sydney’s Northern Beached, the house was originally built in 1957 by Australian architect Loyal Alexander for his own family.  Louise and Graeme have given it a subtle, considered update since they’ve been here – adding an era-appropriate breeze brick wall beneath the balcony, and pops of perfect yellow to complement the white facade.
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The timber-lined living room in Michael and Laura McCormack’s Point Lonsdale home. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
An old carport was transformed into a second living area! Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
‘We try to spend time outside when we’re at Lonnie, just gardening or pottering around,’ says Laura. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Property developer and entrepreneur Michael McCormack of Milieu, and his wife Laura, a speech pathologist, both spent summer holidays growing up in Point Lonsdale, and have a strong connection to the area.
There is something so familiar about their relaxed 1970s ‘Lonnie’ beach house, with its distinctive cedar timber panelling, soaring raked ceilings, and a charming hodge-podge of salvaged furniture and treasured pieces – just the way a weekender should be!
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The McCraith House on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula is one of the area’s most distinctive architectural landmarks, affectionately known by locals as the ‘Butterfly House’. Designed by modernist masters Chancellor and Patrick in 1955, the house was commissioned by Gerald and Nell McCraith. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Unique sliding doors lead out to the balcony, with views across the bay. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
When a home built in the 1950s still looks ‘out there’ in 2017, you know you’re looking at an architectural icon. Such in the case with Dromana’s McCraith House (or ‘Butterfly House’, as it is colloquially known). Designed by Chancellor and Patrick in 1955, this remarkable house was commissioned by Gerald and Nell McCraith.
Though its distinctive top-heavy design makes the Butterfly House a unique design and engineering feat – inside, it’s surprisingly modest. With just two tiny bedrooms, Gerald and Nell’s now-grown-up grandaughter  Bin Dixon-Ward recalls spending many summer holidays squeezed into bunk beds with her siblings and cousins. ‘There was a hierarchy and competition for who slept in which bunk,’ Bin recalls. ‘The boys always got the best of course!’
In 2013, the McCraith House was gifted to RMIT University, and now serves as accommodation for RMIT’s writer-in-residence program.
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The blissful home of Ozzie Wright and Mylee Grace Fitzgerald, in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Here is Ozzie’s studio.  Antique shark flag above door, and one of Ozzie’s art works to the right. The pink surfboard is one of Ozzie’s ‘Vampirate surfboards’, and the other board is Mylee’s Christmas present from Ozzie – a ‘gato heroi’. On top of the bookshelf is part of Ozzie and Mylee’s 1950’s / 60’s National Geographic collection. Vintage indian saris on the couch. Photo – Sean Fennessy, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Another view of that light-filled lounge room.  The coffee table previously belonged to Mylee’s great grandfather – it used to have taller legs but she says ‘they recently have had the chop, and now it’s the perfect size to sit around with floor cushions, friends and food!’.  Pony Rider cushions, bright green school chairs and a cluster of bananas! Photo – Sean Fennessy, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
The view pretty much sums it up! Photo – Sean Fennessy, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.
Pro surfer / artist / musician Ozzie Wright and his partner, songstress Mylee Grace Fitzgerald purchased their gorgeous rambling old 1930’s house, on a busy main road in Newport on Sydney’s Northern Beaches in 2010. Though their weren’t officially in the market at the time, a chance conversation with a  local real estate agent led them to this place – and it seems fate was on their side.
Though the home itself was built in the 30’s, in the 90’s previous owners added the front lounge room with enormous windows, which makes the most of the view.  From the street you would never guess the MAGIC that lies beyond the house – namely, an uninterrupted view of beautiful Bungun Beach, one of the only beaches in the area with no vehicular access.  SO special.
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bidenwatchnews · 3 years ago
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yellowtuber-blog · 8 years ago
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