#hence.... this thing i suppose
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astranauticus · 7 months ago
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Director of the False Last Act
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sad-leon · 1 year ago
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Tried out a new style :D
KoFi || Patreon (psst, lineart up for download on patreon if you wanna color him yourself)
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indilaras · 6 months ago
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howdy, captain
ID: a drawing of Dani from Rolling with Difficulty (Per Aspera campaign), in her Season 5 design. She is standing with her arms to the side, tilting her head and looking at the viewer. Part of her coat obscures the lower half of her face. Wisps of blue flames surround her. She is mostly in shadow. The background is a dark blue with a noise effect. End ID.
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lightbulb-warning · 2 years ago
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Saiouma not-week not-day five: Phantom Thief
Nothing says platonic rivalry like having a
⋆。°✩ matching ⭒°。⋆
conspiracy board with your nemesis so you can track their every move!
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doyelikehaggis · 3 months ago
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25 Days of Sleighpairs: Lord John Grey x Denzell Hunter (Outlander) + “Comfort”
It was a long, tiresome night. Being on the run had a rather exhausting effect; although, John wasn't entirely sure if it was down to that or the injuries to his face. Whatever the cause, they proved effective in sending him into a blissful, dreamless sleep. He had not the faintest idea how long he had been out for, but when he roused, he found Dr Hunter's heavy eyes on him.
A small smile graced his lips when he realized he was awake, but it slipped into professional concern as he immediately made to move closer. 'Are you in pain?'
John wasn't entirely sure how to answer that; he thought he might be, as there was a dull ache in his head, but it also felt completely detached from his body. It was like he was split in two.
'Not as much anymore,' he said truthfully.
Dr Hunter still touched his face tenderly. He didn't dare remove the patch from his eye, seemingly not wanting to disturb its healing. But he touched every other inch of skin around it, gently inspecting the cut on his forehead and cheek. John couldn't do anything but sit there and watch him. Not because he was too weak, no, because he was startled by his delicate touch.
In the last few days, he had gone between yearning for human contact, feeling despairingly starved of it, to being overwhelmed by the touch of another.
His chest was still battered and bruised and stinging from the marks Claire's nails had raked across his skin. Jamie hadn't been any gentler, but he had expected nothing less, he supposed. He still wasn't sure which hurt the most, whether it was the brutal beating or his shattered heart. It had already broken before he had thrown the first punch; that damage had been done the moment he had started to believe that Jamie Fraser was dead.
Even now, he could feel the sharpness scraping his chest, cutting up his insides like he was made of paper. But he could also feel Dr Hunter tenderly, attentively checking him over, maybe more so than was entirely necessary, but what did he know?
'We should leave soon,' Dr Hunter told him, his voice low so as to avoid the possibility of being detected in their hiding spot in the woods.
'Yes, of course,' John said agreeably. He then looked at him properly, taking in the shadows under his eyes. 'Have you slept at all, Dr Hunter?'
He shook his head. 'No. Thee was restless, and I was worried.'
'You should rest.'
He still seemed hesitant, but, as a healer, it was evident that he knew they would not get much further if he was too exhsuated to see straight. He nodded, and he lay down on the cave floor beside John, who watched him. He remained facing him.
It was a strangely comforting gesture, made even more so by the way that he reached out for John again, fingers brushing his hand between them. In his delirious state, he wondered the meaning behind it, if there was one at all. Then he slipped back off again, cocooned in warmth from the closeness of another.
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longlivetv · 24 days ago
That feeling where you don’t want to exist so you just lie down and close your eyes even though you’re not really sleep tired because it’s as close as you can get to just not
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s2pdoktopus · 1 year ago
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I found Lilai!! My baby <3
Since I have this, I'm gonna gush about her
Lilai is born between a Yu disciple who followed Jiang Cheng in the name of the Violet Spider and a rogue cultivator who followed him during the Sunshot campaign. Her parents' love story is quite famous (or infamous, depending on the person retelling it.) Its popularity rivals the stories about Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan.
Yu MeiSi is a stoic woman, borderline emotionless and her falling for a clumsy no name rogue cultivator was a hilarity nobody saw coming. (Jiang Cheng was busy wrangling a wayward Wei Wuxian to witness the events)
After the Sunshot campaign MeiSi basically approached Gui Peng and asked him what he thinks of her. (When she first saw him she thought he was hot. No one else saw what she saw in the guy but it's love at first sight for her.) Peng, not sure why one of their best generals was asking his opinion, said that he thought she was strong and that he's honored to have fought with her in the war. MeiSi was pleased (it didn't reflect on her face) and left. After that she kept coming back to him for tea time, joined him in his errands and kept insisting that she wanted to help in the area where he was rebuilding. Hanging out with her made Peng fall for her and he later complained to his friends that she's out of his league. The response of his peers at the time being, "I thought you're already seeing each other?" (MeiSi definitely thought they were dating) Peng got a realization and in a drunken fit of confidence, asked for her hand in marriage. MeiSi accepted gracefully (in her head she thought "FINALLY!! how long should the courtship be??") They gathered everything they could for the wedding in a ruined, rebuilding sect and surprised Jiang Cheng with the request to officiate the wedding.
Jiang Cheng was teased for officiating a wedding when he wasn't married himself. When he broke this news to Yanli she told him to collect her money from Hao Fei (there's a bet between the girls on whether Peng will realize or not. The guy is very oblivious.)
The wedding between MeiSi and Peng happens then the canon plot happens, Jin Ling is born and then almost a year later Yu Lilai is born. (Her dad chose to give her the surname Yu to show her connection to a clan)
Yu Lilai is the first child born to a Jiang disciple in the Jiang clan.
She is currently the best swordswoman in her age group, as if she was born with a sword in her hand. She is considered to be a genius at it. Although it does appear as if the gods took away her ability to understand social cues in exchange. She's strong, she knows she's strong and she isn't afraid of many things, her sect leader included. Whenever the disciples want to ask their leader something (like, for example: a torture dungeon) they ask her to do it.
Jiang Cheng is exasperated about her lack of tact. (He has learned from the many many interventions he had to do between the children that she has no ill intentions. And has small to zero emotional sensitivity. Or social awareness) Small mercies, she's well mannered, polite and obedient. She's learned that asking for his permission to speak first is important to avoid offending diplomatic guests. Jiang Cheng is happy when she's racking up points for Yunmeng Jiang in cultivation conference exhibitions though.
She is often with her XinXue Shijie and Lian Shixiong. XinXue enables her bad habits and Lian made it his responsibility to dodge possible diplomatic problems made by them.
She was also Jin Ling's friend as a young child. But since Jin Ling isn't spending all of his time in the Jiang Sect, and with the new kids her age joining the sect giving her more options, they kind of just fell off. She's too oblivious to notice that this affected him. She does remember that as kids she and Jin Ling promised to marry each other.
One day, in Jin Ling's attempt to reconnect with her, he asked her to join him and his new friends on a night hunt. She offhandedly mentioned the childhood promise, wondering if they'll fulfill it now because he needs a wife. This embarrasses Jin Ling (Lan Jingyi wouldn't let him live it down) and vehemently disagrees. Yu Lilai doesn't get why it's a big deal but promises Jin Ling that she'll wait for him anyway. (Jin Ling is embarrassed but also weirdly touched)
(Whether there's actually anything there, the adults only wish they would figure it out)
Every time she emotionally compromises someone important to her, she gains a little emotional maturity. Her dad feels kind of bad about it because she definitely got it from him. Her mom consoles her husband by saying that it was cute. They are one of the Jiang Sect's weirdest families, second only to Jiang Cheng's own.
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hiswrlds · 3 months ago
My fatal flaw is wanting sonic team to adhere to Sonic's core character traits while not adhering to them myself mostly due to my inability to write smart funnier dialog or even understand quibs or comebacks sometimes
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permanentreverie · 4 months ago
it has been an evening of highs and lows, ladies and gentlemen.
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alternative-snake · 1 year ago
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it's pronounced kaylee.
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tropicalcontinental · 8 months ago
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Fucked up slugcat and its iterator
I'll name them uhhh, Two Sided Coin idk
I'm getting more attached to this every passing second it's kinda fun
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ssruis · 9 months ago
Ruikasa posting that got away from me (again). You guys can’t be mean to me pandemonium is on engsekai in like five days. don’t blame me blame colopale.
Ruikasa is very interesting for me 2 think abt wrt rui and his hang ups bc Rui is very single-minded in going after what interests him - he taught himself robotics/engineering/a million other things, he pursued directing on his own, he would rather stick to his own paths and do what he wants to do instead of do what would make him more palatable to his peers
Rui: I wouldn't be expending my energy on something I don't intend on doing.
Tsukasa: Yes. That's the kind of person you are. You wouldn't be doing something if you didn't really want to...
Rui: right?
(Wonder Halloween)
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(Area dialogue)
I don’t feel like hunting down every instance of kids around him going “we don’t want to play with you because it’s dangerous/we think you’re weird” I think I’ve done that enough times. But my point with those instances is that he valued what he loved over attempting to become someone who would fit in.
Desiring to connect with a person beyond the level of just friendship/wanting to know way more about someone is different than studying & learning a subject though, bc it’s
1) typically a two way street in that it’s reliant on the other person to want to share things and want to connect with you in return
2) also reliant on you not fucking up the relationship, which is pretty easy to do if you come out guns blazing like “hey you fascinate me & I want to know what makes you tick. And also everything else about you.”
Both points being something rui has zero experience with. Which is also why I think he opted to ask other people about tsukasa instead of talking to him directly.
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(Kaito initial 2*)
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(Area conversation)
He’s still very curious about Whatever The Fuck is up with tsukasa tenma but he’s obviously pursuing knowledge a little less intensely/overtly than he does for other stuff
(After talking about movie directing techniques) Director Ohara: … Well, that might not be useful to you as someone who’s aiming to become a stage director.
Rui: …No.
Rui: I’d rather be taught more specific techniques.
Director Ohara: …Huh?
Rui: What I want to create is a show that everyone can enjoy regardless of any limits.
Rui: In order to make that dream come true, I want to learn about direction in all kinds of media.
Director Ohara: …Oh?
Rui: That’s why I want to absorb any ideas and ways of thinking from any field.
Rui: All of the methods you know — please teach them to me.
(Backlight lens flare - TL haruka’s penguin)
All of that to say Rui is very clearly interested in learning more about Tsukasa, but also (imo) very wary of overstepping any social boundaries that would damage their current relationship.
He mentions that he tended to rely on shows to connect to other people around him in Pandemonium -
Rui: I had always thought that I could never properly understand everyone around me.
Rui: As I started doing shows at Wonder Stage with everyone, my way of thinking and feelings began to change.
Rui: Now, I am able to understand and connect with someone without relying on shows, and I’ve come to value the beauty of laughing alongside others.
Rui: that’s why — tsukasa-kun. Thank you for giving me the chance to change.
(Pandemonium - TL tsukasa’s #3 fan)
- which is also the event where he & tsukasa connect more *outside* of shows, and the event that both he and tsukasa acknowledge as an event that made them grow a lot closer. (more recent connect live, wrt them talking abt performing fixer, iirc. I hate to “source: trust me” but we’ve reached my limit for hunting down sources & it’s finding a tweet from forever ago where someone translated what they were talking about)
Anyways. Sorry. I just love that quote & what it says about Rui. I’ll spare you the “directing as a one way street/settling for the closest thing to a connection/laughing *alongside* others instead of providing a show for the audience to laugh at (ensekai if you change that specific sentiment I’ll be so mad)” thoughts. Back to the original point.
It’s interesting to think about how rui’s hang ups wrt friendships and his very intense curiosity/very determined pursuit of knowledge on the subjects that interest him intersect. Like. Before this point, whenever he was interested in something he could just go online and read everything he needed to know and satisfy his curiosity to his heart’s content.
Having to both navigate something completely foreign and pump the brakes on obsessively learning everything he can would be a novel experience for Rui. To say the least. “If I pursue this with as much intensity as I do with any other endeavor I am going to fuck something up (he is suffering)” kind of situation.
Being interested in a *person* is so much different & so much trickier and scarier to navigate. Especially with how much Rui values his relationship to Tsukasa as someone Who Matches His Freak.
and with Rui’s whole “I should be satisfied with what I have and if I’m not then it’s because I’m greedy/selfish” :
Rui: (… Geez, I really lack a backbone. When will the time come when I find myself satisfied with the way things are?)
Rui: (While working to make my dream come true, together with everyone, I will make their dreams come true. A way to do that — let me think of one.)
Rui: (fufu, how greedy of me.)
(Curtain call - TL Arven Oven & tsukasa’s #3 fan)
(Talking abt wanting to keep doing shows with wxs and his actions in OHE) Rui: Now that I think about it, I’ve been pretty selfish.
(World link - TL haruka’s penguin)
I think Rui’s approach to it would be very “I’m asking for more when I already have a great friendship I’m The Most Selfish Person Alive & must never say anything” which, tbf, would be his reaction wrt having feelings for literally anyone, not just tsukasa. However. Since this is a ruikasa post. unfortunately. I will say that what would be exclusive to Tsukasa is “he’s already given me so much and I still want more… I’m The Most Selfish Person Alive & must never say anything.” Rui is dramatic like that.
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intercomkris · 2 years ago
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npcs to the save file , part one |
associates to the reardon family
penny pizzazz ; penny is a del sol valley native but san myshuno local since 18 when she scored a modelling gig with her co-manager vanessa jeong, besties since highschool. the 26 year old fashion designer and model has her own modelling business located in san myshuno, serious about her craft and work, penny is shown to play zero games when it comes to getting the thing done and her trusted and currently highest profile model brianna reardon knows that of all.
marcus flex ; marcus is a sba hall of famer and retired basketball icon, working as an coach for the windenburg stallions and running his basketball camp in windenburg for young and talented basketball players, marcus is highly respected in his field of work. marcus knows talent when he sees it and that's why he's reserving a spot for ishmael reardon as of currently. like penny, marcus is extremely strict and serious about his craft and getting things done and his method is tough love, when he yells, it's not out of angers it's out of love and many players learn to recognize the pattern.
donovan al fraser ; donovan is a sba hall of famer like marcus and actually played in the sba with marcus for some time before retired back in the mid 90s. donovan retired back in the early 2000s and has become a private basketball coach since then. a close friend of brian reardon, donovan took up the task of mentoring his son ishmael for marcus's basketball camp in windenburg. donovan skilled with the ball and technique, ishmael is already steps ahead of his peers in the field and is granted top stops in the big league.
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inferno-silentdragon · 2 years ago
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Open the Door
Happy 2nd Anniversary OMORI! 
Originally posted December 25, 2022
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theauthorityvol1 · 1 year ago
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hmm i don't know if i actually think he'd wear shorts and stupid socks
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seaweedstarshine · 8 months ago
I am swamped with catch-up at work after my week at My First Ever San Diego ComicCon, but in lieu of doing anything else here, here’s the a weird video I got taken in the Doctor Who booth (I suspect I'll get time to be on tumblr again more mid next week).
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