#hence the new desings
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Thank you anon for sending this and for the remainder of the month of October YES 😆
So here's an update on what the crew looks like 🤔, I decided to give them my own twist on their OG and Studio designs 😗
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From left to right it's Snow, Bendy, Boris, Cup, Mugs, Cala-Maria and lastly Alice
Bendy has a more humanoid-demon look and Boris has a more wolf boy look. For Cup and Mugs they're basically haunted porcelain ball-jointed dolls (I got the idea from the game 😁) Cala is a mermaid . . . no surprise there and Alice is a half fallen angel via my interpretation.
Snow also went through a design change and is also male now, you see he was always supposed to be male but because I could never grasp on how to draw male figures I just drew him as a female but I guess that doesn't matter since he is a shape shifter after all hope y'all can accept him 🥺
To start off this month long come back here's this
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I usually do UnknownSpy's dressuptober challenge on insta but I'm gonna do it here as well I know we're 5 days into the month but please forgive me I've got a full time job now and can't be here as often so let's see how this goes who knows maybe I might start doing some art streams someday 😁
Also sorry all current asks in my box will be deleted 😔 as to make room for the new ones 😉
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razorblade180 · 8 months ago
This is my RWBY Hot Take:
BB ended up being canon because of fandom and VAs pushing for it. Which, is not necessarilly a bad thing, but it is when you can ACTUALLY tell. And I think that´s the problem.
Now, RWBY has always been on the sights of Yuri and Queer fandom, which are a both a force to be reckoned with whenever people want to admit it or not. This shouldn´t be surprising considering that they showcased not one, not two, not three, but FOUR main characters with very unique desing, appeal and personality. OF COURSE the show was gonna attract lesbian women like honey attracts flies XD
At the same time however, RWBY kinda wanted to fall into very classic old tropes of anime, hence why even 10 years later Ruby has still to show attraction to somebody, like a proper shounen jump character, with some twists every now and then. Which is why you can´t convince me that Sun wasn´t put there to be Blake´s love interest, but the fandom had already taken into the main characters hooking p between them and just wouldn´t move from there.
Proof of that is that even after 10 years of absolute 0 development, White Rose is still one of the biggest ships out there, receiving new art almost daily by, you guessed, lot of tumblr queer (which seems to be in abundance, maybe there´s a correlation? Beats me). Now, this isn´t me throwing shade over WR, they DID have some very good base and chemistry, but people rationalizing that Weiss MUST be bi or even yet, a Compulsory Het (despite absolute 0 evidence that´s even a thing in Remant) just doesn´t paint a very positive figure of the fandom.
What I´m trying to say with this? Well, if a fandom can be THAT obssesed with queer characters (Ask CanonSeeker about it if you don´t believe me) and attract an audience who clearly has an obsession with them either because they just want to see girls kissing (lot of pervs around, the NSFW reddit sub has MORE subs than the main one :/ ) or because they want to see their representation/projection/whatever and see absolute no issue with the crumbs and the bad things RT did some of its queer workers (like Kdin)... who is there not to say that this couple, (or any other even!) is not fanservice?
People want to see what they want to see, and will resort to all kind of emotional pitfalls to rationalize their preference or how "it was always meant to be".
No, having a base as friends is not enough. Yes Nora, people can be friends, and sometimes it´s better if they remain that way, as you have discovered. You can´t have a character show attraction that is slowly being reciporcated for seven years only to drop itone day and say "nah, it was never about it" and pretend the fandom who is not just looking for validation and seeing hot girls make out bdon´t end up scratching their heads in confusion. That´s just now how it works. SPECIALLY when lot of people were dropping after the disaster that was Vol.5
Which is another reason that it feels like the writers just caved:
They realised they were not going anywhere with BlackSun and with the WF, so they just removed it out of the equation and pretend it never existed. They needed to keep their fans interested, and while at it, some Rainbow Capitalism to get some more attention. People called it forced because morons are "ugh, lesbians!" (Not forgetting that some people on both sides of the equation just can´t get that Bi people exist) while the reason can be simply that RT can´t write romance for shit, and the relationship feels more like they just wanted to speedrun to make up for 6 seasons where they still had plausible deniability (forgetting that they just put that line on the sky dropping Sun...) while at the same time not outright confirming until the last minute.
So, the whole point of this rant is: BB is fanservice? Yes.
But it´s the BAD fanservice. The kind of you can TELL they are caving to the fandom for attention, and doing so in a kind of unnatural way, that they try too hard to give crumsb ("Yeah... Ruby.") and have to confess in a magical plot device that feels like taken out of a fanfic, so instead of "this is the natural progression our characters took" feels more like "Yaaaaaaas, we gave the fanatics what they wanted, aren´t we great!? Another "cultural" victory, yay, so now give us the money so we can greenlight Vol 10!"
So, TL:DR - If you are going to give fanservice, try at least to make it FEEL natural, or don´t give it at all. If you ar unsure, get a good producer, a guy whose sole job is to say NO.
This time I think I’m just going to primarily be the bridge that allows people see and respond to this with their own opinions cause if I’m being honest, it feels like you got into the weeds a little and I couldn’t follow. Please be civil in comments.
As for my personal opinions about BB in general i will reiterate what I’ve thought for the past few years now. The ship itself is fine but any cultural impact it would’ve had was lost when you wait so long that Disney beat you to showing a lgbt kiss scene. I think RT did course correction when seeing its popularity which isn’t in itself bad at all, but they just sucked at it.
The two roads people have to walk is thinking BB was planned from the start or added later due to popularity. If you think the first one, then face the fact RT handled it very poorly and unnecessarily made things messy by adding Sun. If you believe the second then don’t be delusional if someone has the opinion it made certain narrative choices messier or that once again, Sun was written as a potential love interest.
I like BB but RT made some questionable choices that wouldn’t say hurt Blake and Yang’s character, but hindered scenes because they dragged it out too long. Also hate to say it but 95% of their relationship healing, comfor, angst, etc. was built off of Adam. So when ya kill Adam… the thing that made the dynamic interesting is gone. That’s not a problem if he died at the end of the show, like most characters do with the trope.
But I will say I do respect the fact they didn’t immediately date after murdering him because that just doesn’t look good on any level. However, Atlas had a time skip. As much as I love Ren and Nora, maybe we should’ve gone to the dance club and do the kiss there before Atlas went to hell? Then we could have a nuanced discussion about if the two of them telling Robyn without consulting anyone was okay.
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notsodailycake · 1 year ago
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Here, i finally finished this💀
Meet my Zelink fan kids! I have alot planned for them, but I'm too shy to actually share everything, especially bc I've only now just started fully exploring Totk (i got the game around last month) and so i wanna make sure I'm like, canon accurate, but i wouldn't mind answering questions about them👉👈
Anyhow, some fun facts about the desings:
Sonia has scars on her eyes and the tip of her left ear, why? The ones on her eyes were caused by a wolf she came across the one time she ran away from home (due to her jealousy over her sister when she was born, it's a long story), the one on her ear is bc of a bird she tried to grab once since Adira thought it was cute and wanted to pet it (Adira was 2, Sonia was 5)
Sonia's earring was a gift from her bff/crush, a gerudo girl that imma keep secret for now bc I'm still working on her
Adira's feather necklace is a gift from her close buddy/bff, a rito, which I'm also gonna be hush hush about for now
Adira messes around with alot of not so safe devices out of curiosity and the need to create, but gets her hands dirty/hurt in the process, hence the band-aids
They both have small fangs thanks to their mom (iykyk)
Adira's favorite color is pink, Sonia's is blue
Also, huge thanks to @carogdraws for helping me desing their clothes! It was a huge help and i probably wouldn't have done it without it ^^
Now, those are the extra info i have for them, the rest of the basic info i have already shared will be under the cut
Yes it was copy pasted from the last post i did about them, but i have a need to keep everything in one neat little post sue me
The two girls are 3 years apart. Oldest is Sonia (yes, named after Queen Sonia herself), and the youngest is Adira
Sonia is more like her dad, especially in terms of looks, but she inherited her mother's eyes and thurst for answers. She's very energetic and adventurous and likes helping others
She tends to be the guinea-pig to a lot of her sister's projects and creations since she has almost no self-preservation. She enjoys it tho, thinking it as a fun activity to try out new things and hang out with her sister. She also enjoys carving things, mainly toys and masks. Most of her sister's toys were made by her when they were around 11 and 8
Although she is usually quite the airhead, and not really the brightest (like her dad, cough-), she definitely inherited her mother's overthinker mind. Doesn't help that she also tends to think little of herself, being the firstborn of the Princess and Hero themselves, alot of people put her under alot of high expectations and although her parents tried their best to show she didn't have to prove her worth, the gossip around town was hard to ignore, doesn't help the fact that her sister has started to become a prodigy to her mom, creating inventions to help hyrule and planning to bring the royal system back when she's old enough
Sonia though, has no intention of bringing the royal life back, nor to continue it. Like her dad she wants to explore, she's fascinated by history and wants to disvover every small relic left unseen. And she wants to travel beyond Hyrule one day as well and help those she comes across her path. But also perhaps, escape the duties and expectations others put on top of her, and perhaps prove herself better then those expectations
She loves her sister tho, despite everything, and will never admit to her how jelouse she actually is of Adira. How jealous she was of Adira of being able to hang out with their mom so much, have so much in common with her, sometimes she wonders if she has anything from her mom other then her eyes
Adira is alot like her mother, especially in the looks department, but she has her father's eyes and thurst for chaos. She's usually quiet, but very sassy when needs be, and although seeming quite shy, she got quite the temperament and wont hold back her tounge
Like mentioned previously she becoms a prodigy to her mom, creating and getting invested on inventions to help hyrule and planning to bring the royal system back when she's old enough. She spends most of her time studying and working on anything technology finding it fun to see what possible outcomes it came give
Although sometimes the pressure is too much, as much as her parents give her the liberty to explore her interests, as she had started to show advancements in her creations and helping hyrule, as well as proclaiming to bring back the kingdom (even tho she was a child when she said that), all eyes were now set on her and she is terrified of any failure, and to disappoint everyone, she usually confides on her sister who never cared of her status and just liked to be around her for her (and well, she felt too embarrassed about it to tell her parents about it, they didn't need to worry about such simple things in her eyes, they already fought the townsfolk so much bc of that, she didn't want to make them dislike her parents bc of her)
She admires her sister alot, looks up to her and wishes she could be as cool as her, as free as her, but she isn't good in any sort of physical activities and is usually just stuck in the lab. And that causes a smidge of jealousy as Sonia is able to bond more with their dad then Adira ever could, she feels like she has nothing in common to her dad other then his eyes and need for chaos (which the second part was something looked down apon by others)
And those are the basics i have so far, there is more but I'm unsure about it for now, and aren't 100% concrete yet, so i wont share at the moment
But before i end this, here are some small fun facts:
Both Sonia and Adira are pure glutons, just like their dad XD. They have cooking sessions together quite often, helping around the kitchen when they can;
Sonia loves horses as much as her dad does, but she is terrified of riding them, because when she was little and riding one for the first time, the person who set settle on didn't do it properly and she fell, head first into a rocky ground, and to add onto it, the horse stepped right onto her pinky. Now she has small panic attacks trying to ride them
Sonia actually used to hate Adira. Since Adira was a rainbow baby, Zelda and Link did kinda get overprotective with her and accidentally neglected Sonia. That didn't last long after Sonia did cause a whole scene with running away and almost getting killed- but that's likez a whole other story in itself lol (i might make a more detailed post about this later). But after that incident, they were able to work things out, and Sonia ended up being way more protective over Adira than her own parents
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cimmerianbaby · 2 years ago
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❌MokuPatch's new Desing👑
--Some fact about she--
👑She was born on the 28th of June
❌She doesn't have a soul, but she can feel the emotions without the vials of feelings, only very weak
👑she is blind in her left eye, having an X scar (it's been like this since she was born)
❌Her crown was a gift from both her parents when she turned 1
👑Is dating CloudMoon (By @alicehopes ) having a great relationship with her.
👑MokuPatch's Story❌
She was born when her parents were still quite young in an accident, and her parents had the help of Moku's grandparents, Ink and Cross, who helped take care of her. Hence the simplest name, and until now, being an only child.
Mokupatch is shy with strangers, but with acquaintances she is very lively and carefree, a perfect friend.
She abilities consist of having purple lines, and two claws like Scarf.
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bowlofsoup145 · 4 years ago
My current course at college is graphic design and im really loving it, especially with the topic and theme i have chosen for this year which is, re-designing the game of thrones book covers!
Hence these three images which represent house Stark, Baratheon and Lannister.
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Though these are not the original designs as i had to be more fomal with them. Lockdown has given my fingers an itch which this new brush, i used for the background, has slightly cured.
Another of my favourite desings that i have done so far is this poster that i made for the "a dance with dragons" book.
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The fire was really satisfying to draw and shade with those deeper reds and oranges.
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earthnashes · 5 years ago
Idk if this is spoilers but do the Rito have a new desing?
Nope, I’m keeping them almost entirely the same as they look in BotW; I like their design too much to change it.
I tweaked the hell outta the Goron design because they felt.... weird? Like I like their design well enough, but there were some elements I didn’t care much about, hence the heavy tweaking. In fact, the Twili and the Gorons are the only two races I did any heavy-handed tweaking with, the rest of the races are generally the same with minor or small adjustments according to my headcanon.
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ankitapattnaik · 5 years ago
INGREDIENTS ( Sweet corn_1 cup Corn flour _2 tab spoon Salt-1/2tsp Red chill powder -1/2tsp Oil (for frying) For serving Green chillies _2 choppedgreen coriander leaves Lemon METHOD
crispy corn recipe | crispy fried corn | crispy corn kernels with detailed photo and video recipe. an interesting and popular fried snack recipe made with corn kernels and indo chinese sauces. the recipe was first introduced in the menu of restaurant chain barbeque nation as starter meal. but now it has been accepted by many other restaurant chains and also by several street foods and fast food vendors. crispy corn recipecrispy corn recipe | crispy fried corn | crispy corn kernels with step by step photo and video recipe. street food recipes or snack recipes are very common and a popular sought after a meal from a young and urban audience. these are generally quick, easy to make and more importantly lip-smacking in taste. it can be made with myriad options and one such popular and easy street food snack is the crispy corn recipe known for its crispiness and taste.
this is my second attempt with crispy corn recipe and i am revisiting as part of my clean up activity. the main reason i am revisiting the recipe is due to the fact that in my previous post the crispy coating was not uniform across the corn kernels. it was inconsistent and i was receiving the complaints from my readers. hence i am re-posting the recipe with a new crispy corn batter. my revisit was mainly towards the flour used as part of the coating. i have used equal proportions of corn and rice flour which makes it ideal for a crispy texture. whereas the plain flour helps to stick it to the corn even after the deep-frying process. typically the main issue while making the crispy corn recipe is non-stickiness of the coating to the kernels during the deep frying. but this recipe post should ideally tackle that issue.
crispy fried corn furthermore, i would like to highlight some of the tips, suggestions and variations to crispy corn recipe. firstly, in this recipe, i have used frozen sweet corn kernels which are already deseeded and also thawed. if you like to use fresh sweet corn kernels, you may have to de-seed it first and then boil in water. secondly, you can follow the same step and procedure with baby corn or tender corn shoots. you do not have to deseed them and use it as it is. lastly, the dish is served warm and it may lose its crispiness once it is rested. hence you can deep fry these with the coating and sautee it only when it is about to be served.
finally, i request you to check my other popular street food recipes collection with this post of crispy corn recipe. it mainly includes recipes variations like gobi 65, crispy corn, veg crispy, onion rings, chilli potato, idli pakora, chinese bhel, jalebi, french fries, honey chilli potato. further to these i would also like to highlight my other recipe collection like,
snacks recipes collection chaat recipes collection indo chinese recipes collection crispy corn video recipe:
recipe card for crispy fried corn recipe: crispy fried corn crispy corn recipe | crispy fried corn | crispy corn kernels 5 from 3 votes PREP TIME:10 MINUTES COOK TIME:15 MINUTES SERVINGS: 3 SERVINGS COURSE:SNACK CUISINE:INTERNATIONAL Print Recipe  Pin Recipe easy crispy corn recipe | crispy fried corn | crispy corn kernels
INGREDIENTS FOR BOILING: 4 cup water 1 tsp salt 2 cup sweet corn FOR FRYING: ¼ cup corn flour ¼ cup rice flour 1 tbsp maida / plain flour ¼ tsp pepper powder ¼ tsp salt oil, for frying FOR MASALA: ½ tsp kashmiri red chilli powder ¼ tsp cumin powder ½ tsp aamchur ¼ tsp salt 2 tbsp onion, finely chopped 2 tbsp capsicum, finely chopped 2 tbsp coriander, finely chopped INSTRUCTIONS firstly, in a large vessel boil 4 cup water and 1 tsp salt. add 2 cup sweet corn and boil for a minute. drain off the sweet corn to remove excess water. now add ¼ cup cornflour, ¼ cup rice flour, 1 tbsp maida, ¼ tsp pepper powder and ¼ tsp salt. mix well making sure the flour is coated well to sweet corn. sieve the mixture to remove excess flour. deep fry in hot oil making sure to keep the flame on medium. stir occasionally, and fry on medium flame until it turns golden brown. drain off over kitchen paper to remove excess oil. transfer the fried corn into a large bowl. add ½ tsp chilli powder, ¼ tsp cumin powder, ½ tsp aamchur and ¼ tsp salt. mix well making sure the spices are well combined. also add 2 tbsp onion, 2 tbsp capsicum and 2 tbsp coriander. mix well-combining everything well. finally, enjoy crispy corn recipe with tomato sauce.
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imsharmauttam · 5 years ago
Top 10 Successful Online Business Ideas in 2020
Top 10 Successful Online Business Ideas in 2020
Every day many of the individuals are going to start their online business. As you all know that the internet is the biggest platform for Online Research or learning anything very easily. The same Online business is Very creative and successful for all the new creators.
Earn up to 1000$ Everyday with Blogging
What NOT to do with your healthy lifestyle?
The Best and Most Successful Online business ideas according to the research I had given below reading very carefully and then make your decision about which type of online business you’ll be going to start in 2020.
10. Online Stores/ Shops
Online stores are one of the very high profits as well as a successful online business in the world, You may make your online site of product selling. You can sell your own products in it as well as Other Merchant will also able to sell their products from your website.
9. Online Book Writing
If you have good control over typing on Keyboard then you’ll go for the e-book writing. You have to take the projects online and make an e-book and send it to your clients via PDF format or else.
The limitation is that you are a good typer because the e-book contains 100-200 Pages so, you have to type fastly.
Just go any of the online Freelance sites and make your profile there and make your clients and make your money. This is the very simplest and easy form of job in 2020.
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8. Training & Online Workshops
Under this job, there is a very high scope of online business and the traffic is very less in this field So, you may easily build your business very well in less time.
If you have good communication skills then you start your own classes, sessions, conferences, Training E.t.c. The youtube Platform gives you the authority to Post Video format posts on every field.
Best ON-Page SEO Tips
Best OFF-Page SEO Tips
In which field you’ll know very well, Make your content and post it on youtube or some other relevant Platforms you may also make your own website Like Udemy which provides their Teaching services Online.
7. Freelance
If you have the knowledge in various or in a particular field then you go for a freelancer as you do jobs at your home. Freelance Jobs is very popular between teenagers as well as every individual who want to start their own business.
Freelance gives you a great responsibility for doing a job in your field. So, the best field you have the knowledge just apply for it on freelance and make your clients happy. The best part is you will make money with this simple step as well as you’ll do your studies as well.
6. Social Media Marketing
SMO (Social media marketing) is the key module of Digital marketing under this you just have to Promote products or anything according to your niche of Social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, E.t.c.
You have to do SEM(Search engine Marketing) SMO(Social Media Optimization) also for doing SMM because you have to know about all strategies of a digital marketer which he does for Promotions.
There are 2 Ways to do SMM
Join the Affiliate Network and Promote your products on social media platforms according to your niche.
Make your clients and Promote his Products on Social media for which you’ll be paid for that.
5. Web-Designing
If you have the knowledge of Web-Development you may go for web designing. You may create or Desing existing Websites for some payment.
There are several online Platforms for doing Web designing or any kind of job like Article Writing, Resume creator, SEO Specialist E.t.c. Some platforms where you can perform your task very well like Fiverr, Freelancer, E.t.c.
You just have to log in to these Platforms and Make your Profile well and then post some type of examples of your work on it, make your charges for doing your job, and send your work online to your clients. The best part is you are your own boss. You have to do all work at your home.
4. Blogging
The Easiest and easy online business/Job in 2020 is Blogging. You have to make your own website and make your blogs and publish it on your Website. If you post around 20-25 articles on your site then you’ll be able to monetize your site with Google Adsense.
Make sure that you are doing proper SEO, SMM, SMO on your site hence articles are not enough for making money you have to get Organic Traffic on your site. And please don’t do any type Black Hat SEO on your site Adsense will Reject you Account.
Write a Money Making Blog in 2020
Note:- If you are going to make your Website the go for Paid Domain And Paid Hosting, For free go for Blogger which is n Google blogging Platform.
3. E-commerce Business
The best and all-time successful business is an E-commerces site. It means selling your products online and get payment also online Like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, E.t.c.
For making an E-commerce store you have to make a Responsive Website according to your niche(Which type of Products are promoting on your website).
How to SELL ClickBank Products in 2020 How to Start Facebook Marketing in 2020
After that just Add Products on your site which was gonna sell in the online market. The only drawback is Teamwork for managing or maintaining the E-commerce site you have to make your team as well.
Alone it is very difficult to manage an E-commerce site. Hence if you have a team then it is the most successful online Business of all-time.
2. Digital Marketing/Online Marketing
Digital marketing has not a particular definition but in simple words, it means Make your Money Online or digitally. There are various platforms for earning money online like Website, Social media marketing, Youtube, E.t.c. In fact, All of the above business is also a part of Digital Marketing.
You’ll make money digitally by creating your youtube channel or by creating your Website, Selling products online, Vlogging, Blogging, Online Teaching, Online store, E.t.c.
1. Affiliate Marketing
The first online business is Affiliate Marketing which means Earn By Sharing or referring. Join any Affiliate Program and promote their Products Online on Website, Social Media, E.t.c. It stands to promote your products online from any platform If anyone buys the product from your reference you’ll be paid commission for it.
There are various platforms for joining Affiliate Networks like Clickbank, Amazon Affiliate, MaxBounty, E.t.c.
These are the Top 10 Most Profitable Online Businesses in 2020. If you like the Article then Share it with your friends and comment down below what do you want next.
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architectnews · 3 years ago
Interprotección Offices, Polanco Mexico City
Interprotección Offices, Mexico City Building, Mexican Architecture, Architect, Images
Interprotección Offices in Polanco
8 Sep 2021
Architects: spAce
Location: Polanco, Mexico City, Mexico
Interprotección Offices
Sometimes you need to slow down, to speed up.
Interprotección is a Mexican group of companies that are distinguished experts on insurance, bond and reinsurance brokerage. With more than 40 years of experience in integrated risk management and consulting, their business model is based on flexibility, decision making, responsiveness and creativity to solve risk problems.
Offices are beginning to be analyzed away from the mere “employee container” mentalities, and closer to being recognized as competitive tools for organizations.
Interprotección understands that, during this period of forced isolation, organizations have been affected by the impossibility to physically share ideas and have the processes of co-creation among collaborators that shape the office experience. spAce has detected the new needs and functions of the corporate space in pandemic and thus reinterpreted the requirements of Interprotección.
The office, in addition to attracting talent, has certain elements that make it a valuable and incomparable experience, where the brand and space coincide in a unique experience that strengthens the organizational culture. For example, through elements such as meeting rooms, dining room, informal meeting areas, the oasis and other flexible spaces of inspiration and interaction accompanied by technology.
Offices are no longer just places to work, they are spaces to interact, collaborate, connect, strengthen resilience, and even play. This is achieved through high-spirited and playful spaces that allow collaborators to disconnect, but also to experience, hence the concept coined by spAce: The Resilient WorkPLAYce.
The virus has confirmed the fact that we are fragile and vulnerable beings, both physically and emotionally, and for that reason the importance of protecting health and strengthening the immune and mental system has been heightened.
Therefore, a different, more empathetic, more flexible and much more fun working model emerges with a comfortable and welcoming physical adaptation that offers strategic lighting and acoustics to enhance pleasant moments. The global trend of improving health and seeking well-being is certainly reflected in the space.
In a constant evolution of motivation and productivity, the design was based on the interconnection of workspaces with the right balance for individual and group work, with high efficiency in the sanitization processes, that also allows you to choose the amount of sensory stimulation and physical support for every work moment.
The finishes make up an integral part of the project, by combining them in a complementary way, we discovered colored carpets, glass, wood, vinyl and furniture that emphasizes the connection between collaborators and leaders. In general, neutral colors predominate throughout the project, but in some key points (walls, columns and carpets) bright tones were used according to a color palette that uniforms the image and helps reinforce the identity of the corporation.
The atmosphere and sensations emanating from this space were strategically generated with architectural elements that refer to a place very different from that of a traditional corporate. With the aim of encouraging socialization in a relaxed, fresh, natural and totally welcoming atmosphere, a large cafeteria is designed as the heart of the company—the nodal point that connects the three levels of the company in different atmospheres to achieve different levels of privacy and collaboration.
On a cafeteria wall, shaped with black lines on a white background, different faces that the graphic artist interprets as “short stories to live today, because tomorrow who knows” have been shaped with the intention of activating creativity and inspiring.
Interprotección wanted to integrate an iconic element within its offices: a slide. Considering that it is an innovative, futuristic and avant-garde organization, the company vision is projected through this different and fun component that connects both levels. It is important to fuel the concept of the importance of play and fun in a workplace as part of the experience, just as it is advocated in The Resilient WorkPLAYce. A visit to Interprotección, both from collaborators and visitors, will be hard to forget.
Interprotección Offices in Polanco, Mexico – Building Information
Architectural Design: spAce, Juan Carlos Baumgartner, Gabriel Tellez Web: www.spacemex.com Desing Team: Humberto Soto, Iván Cortés, Ulises Mora Project Date: January 2020 Location: Terret Building – Polanco,ciudad De México Wall Chart: Rocca Lc Light Design: LUA Contractor: Alpha-hardin Furniture: Herman Miller Surface Area: 3,200 Sqm
Photography: Aldo Cárdenas Gracia
Interprotección Offices, Polanco Mexico City images / information received 120620 from v2com newswire
Location: Mexico City, México, North America
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foxyfoxpl · 6 years ago
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Nightbear have new desing!
Name: Nightbear
Age: 36 years old
Gender: Male
Type: bear + rat hybrid
-eat (especially cheese)
-sing and play instruments
-tail his boyfrend
-not enthusiastic
-ticking his tail
-nightmares animatronics
-getting up early
-eternally tired
-very tall
-love his boyfrend ❤
-he has a contract with a demon (hence these patches)
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NightBear Ref
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sherristockman · 7 years ago
How Fasting and Minimizing Lectins Can Benefit Your Health Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Dr. Steven Gundry’s book, “The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in ‘Healthy’ Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain,” which spent 13 weeks on The New York Times best sellers list, reveals the deleterious effects of lectins on health. I’ve previously interviewed him on this topic. Here, we continue that conversation, while also delving into a few other complementary strategies, including the importance of vitamin D for autoimmune diseases and the benefits of fasting. “Certainly, when the book began to get traction, it clearly started to bother a lot of people … As a general category, a lot of them fall into the low-fat vegan community. The ‘grains and beans are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. How dare you question what everybody knows?’ … I’m not against [grains and beans]. In fact, I’ve got a bean recipe in my book. All I’m saying is that we have to be very cognizant of the lectin content in grains and beans, and that there are ways to destroy lectins. Pressure cooking the beans makes them perfectly safe if you want to eat beans,” he says. Testing Reveals the Impact of Lectins on Health Gundry isn’t guessing when he talks about the health effects of lectins. He’s done a tremendous amount of research in his clinic over the past 17 years, and measures the effects of lectins on biochemical pathways using laboratory testing. This way, he’s been able to determine, scientifically, what the responses are. Gundry explains: “When I resigned my position as professor and chairman of cardiothoracic surgery at Loma Linda University 17 years ago … I decided to make my practice a research project. Everyone who came into play with me, I asked them to let me have a few tubes of blood … every three months [which are sent] off to labs that I think are doing cutting-edge work.” One of the many things Gundry has looked at is the effect of supplements, and the differences quality makes. Here, the proof is in the blood work. “I could even tell when people were changing brands of supplements based on their blood work,” he says. Over the years, Gundry amassed files on thousands of patients, and as time went on, increasingly better tests became available allowing him to assess inflammatory responses in a number of different ways. “I didn’t do this with an agenda. I didn’t have a grudge on my shoulder against lectins. If I could eat mashed potatoes, french fries and phenomenal French bread every day, I’d probably be a happy guy. I would probably be a lot sicker, like I used to be, but I have nothing against these things. It’s just that as the data came forward from thousands of people, very distinct patterns emerged. Reproducible patterns. I could reintroduce [lectins] and watch the immune system get turned on again. Then I could remove some of these factors and watch the immune system calm down. There was clearly a cause and effect,” he says. Human Body Has Self-Defense Mechanisms Against Lectins, but Few Are Healthy Enough to Benefit From Them From my perspective, it is clearly rational to recommend a lectin-free diet to patients with autoimmune conditions, and many autoimmune specialists do. Gundry recently submitted a paper which was accepted for presentation to the American Heart Association EPI Lifestyle Scientific Sessions for March 2018, showing 90 of 102 patients had complete remission of all biomarkers for autoimmune disease by removing lectins, and all within a six-month period. Interestingly, while lectins can trigger inflammation, they’re often found in vegetables that also contain beneficial micronutrients and polyphenols. So, how do you achieve a healthy balance of nutrition, and do you really have to stay on a lectin-free diet forever? According to Gundry, lectins are nowhere near as problematic if you’re healthy, as your body has built-in defense systems against lectins. “We have an amazing mucosal system that can bind lectins. We have acid in our stomach; it’s pretty good about breaking down proteins. We have an amazing microbiome, much of which enjoy eating lectin proteins. We have all these defense systems,” he says. The problem is that few people these days have fully functioning defense systems, thanks to the overuse of antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, proton pump inhibitors and poor diet. “Our defense system in the West has been decimated, so we’re seeing more of the effect of what these lectins can do … Everybody’s a little bit different, but … once we get the gut back in shape [and] solve the leaky gut problem … then it’s time to — if you want to reintroduce dietary lectins — start with small vegetables; peel and deseed them if you want to. Certainly, pressure cooking solves the problem for most people. But I … actually urge people to start reintroducing dietary lectins,” Gundry says. If You Have Autoimmune Disease, Lectins Can Be Disastrous People with autoimmune diseases, on the other hand, may indeed have to stick to a lectin-free diet on a more or less permanent basis. This includes people with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and Sjogren’s syndrome, the latter of which is the most common cause for dry eyes. A commonly prescribed treatment for dry eyes is the drug Restasis, which is actually an immune-suppressing drug used for heart transplants. “If you have dry eyes, please ask your doctor to do the autoimmune test for Sjogren’s syndrome,” Gundry says. “There are two of them. They’re easy to obtain. You’ll be surprised how many people with dry eyes are positive for Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disease [that] comes from the gut.” Other common autoimmune diseases that fare better on a lectin-free diet are mixed connective tissue disease, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and micro colitis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and multiple sclerosis (MS). When Saturated Fats Do More Harm Than Good Interestingly, while I typically recommend a high-fat diet for most people, there are instances where (otherwise healthy) saturated fats can do more harm than good — until you’ve healed your gut and get healthier. As explained by Gundry, if you have leaky gut from a disturbed microbiome and eat a lot of lectins, saturated fats may actually worsen your health by allowing lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) to piggyback on the fats through your intestinal wall. LPSs are dead bacteria or, more specifically, the cell walls of dead bacteria, but your immune system treats them as living bacteria and mounts immune defenses against the perceived invaders. Recent research cited by Gundry found that children with juvenile MS who ate more vegetables had far slower disease progression than those who ate a high saturated fat diet. Gundry explains: “If you have intestinal dysbiosis, if you have a mixture of saturated fat-loving bugs and simple sugar-loving bugs, which is the [result of the] standard American diet, you’ve got a setup for having a bunch of LPSs in your gut. You’ve got a setup for an intestinal wall that’s constantly being broken by lectins. I think that this is really one of the main reasons that MS and the other autoimmune disease get a total hold.” The Importance of Vitamin D Aside from a lectin-free diet, Gundry also recommends higher than normal vitamin D levels for his autoimmune patients, who typically have low levels even when getting plenty of sun exposure. For this group of patients, he typically recommends a vitamin D level between 70 and 100 ng/ml. To reach this level, some patients may need to take 25,000 to 30,000 international units (IUs) of vitamin D3 per day for months at a time. In fact a new paper proves that T cells in autoimmune patients are resistant to the immune suppression power of vitamin D, and these people may require very high doses to dampen the immune system. I have enormous respect for Gundry’s clinical acumen, but my review of the literature does not convince me that it is necessary to go above 80 ng/ml, albeit that might be splitting hairs. Clearly, I have been over that level with sun exposure alone so it is possible to get levels that high naturally. However, getting levels that high from the sun and from oral doses are two different things, as many of the epidemiological benefits observed with higher vitamin D levels may be due to other wavelengths like the near-infrared in sunlight. Gundry continues: “The most I’ve ever had to have a person take is 45,000 IUs a day to get their vitamin D levels up to 70 ng/ml.” He has purposely kept his own vitamin D level above 120 ng/ml for the last 10 years. “I learned this from a couple of patients about 10 years ago when we were actually quantifying levels above 100 as toxic. Their vitamin D levels were about 270 ng/ml — a man and a woman in their 70s. I was flabbergasted. I looked at them and said, ‘Why aren’t you dead?’ They said, ‘What?’ I said, ‘You have toxic levels of vitamin D.’ They said, ‘Who says?’ I said, ‘Well, everybody says. Conventional wisdom says you ought to have these incredible neuropathies. How long have you been doing this?’ They said, ‘All of our lives. Vitamin D is incredibly important.’ So, I’ve been pushing vitamin D on my autoimmune patients. Quite frankly, once the gut is sealed, their vitamin D level requirements go down quite dramatically.” The reason for this may have to do with the fact that bacteria in the small and large intestines act as signaling messengers for stem cells that replete enterocytes, which are constantly shed and replaced. Vitamin D is essential for stem cell proliferation in this area. If you have low levels of vitamin D, they do not proliferate well. In most autoimmune diseases, the gut barrier is decimated; hence, these stem cells need additional help. Low Vitamin D and Elevated Parathyroid Hormones Often Go Hand in Hand He also recommends taking vitamin K2 when taking high-dose vitamin D to avoid kidney calcification and other problems associated with vitamin D toxicity, and he measures serum calcium to ensure a proper balance. “One of the things that were fascinating to me early on was that people with low levels of vitamin D almost universally had elevated parathyroid hormones, which of course leach calcium out of bones. As I kicked people’s vitamin D levels up, their parathyroid level came down. When I see people with elevated parathyroid hormone, I don’t immediately go looking for parathyroid adenoma anymore. I push their vitamin D up. If by pushing the vitamin D up, their parathyroid hormone comes down, problem solved. I can tell you that many people who are on a stable dose of vitamin D and then either forget it or they’re traveling and they stop taking it and come back for a blood draw, that even though [they only dropped from 70 to 50 ng/ml], all of a sudden, their parathyroid hormone starts [becoming elevated].” The Many Benefits of Fasting Gundry is also an advocate of fasting, both intermittent fasting and longer water fasts, which I’ve recently embraced myself. I now do a five-day water fast on a monthly basis, and since I was used to doing 20-hour daily intermittent fasting, I really had no hunger at all. Most struggle with hunger pangs by Day Two or Three. This is easily avoided by working your way up to the point where you’re fasting 20 hours a day for at least a month before you try a longer water fast. I personally do not know of any more powerful metabolic intervention than fasting. Gundry agrees, saying: “We have an amazing repair system that goes to work when you’re fasting. Not the least of which is [letting] your gut rest. It’s probably one of the smartest things that any of us can do — putting the wall of your gut at rest, not having to absorb nutrients, not having to deal with the constant inflow of lectins or toxins. But I think more importantly, it gives [your body] a chance to finally do some serious cleaning of your brain … Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s have a unifying cause, and that is the brain is defending itself against perceived threat, a lot of which are LPSs. If you put your gut at rest and don’t have LPSs coming into your system, and the longer you can maintain that, realistically, the better off you are. As Jason Fung would say, intermittent fasting is great; doing a modified calorie-restricted diet is great, but it technically is so much easier to just stop eating … The second level of my modified food pyramid is “Don’t eat anything.” Importantly, fasting activates autophagy, which is your body’s way of taking out the trash. Surgeons will typically excise lipomas (soft rubbery bulges beneath your skin that develop when fat starts to grow in soft tissue), but fasting will actually get rid of lipomas without any surgical intervention. Fasting will also trigger the regeneration of stem cells. Remarkably, whereas low-calorie dieting will cause morbidly obese people to develop skin folds that must be surgically removed after significant weight loss, this typically does not occur when you’re water fasting. Your body actually eliminates the excess loose skin as you go along, because your body is in such efficient regeneration mode. Even having as little as 200 or 300 calories a day is enough to abort the autophagy process, though, which is why I now do a complete water fast. For me, it’s been a game changer. The mental clarity it provides is truly profound. Now, if your insulin is high when you start a water fast, you may experience hypoglycemia, which can trigger severe headaches. Gundry suggests taking coconut oil or MCT oil several times a day to counteract this. That said, if you’ve been doing 18- to 20-hour daily intermittent fasting for some time, you’re not likely to have an insulin sensitivity problem and won’t crash once you begin your water fast. Should you develop either intractable muscle cramps or flu-like symptoms while fasting, know that both of these are symptoms of sodium deficiency. Your body’s sodium requirement actually increases when you’re fasting, so make sure you take some high-quality unprocessed salt every day to avoid these side effects. It’s Never Too Late to Regain Your Health As noted by Gundry, it’s never too late to turn your health around. One of his patients started seeing him when she was 85 years old. She had coronary heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and hypertension. Now age 96, she’s “a vivacious fireball who’s dating an 80-year-old and dyes her hair red.” “It’s not rocket science. It really isn’t. There are some fundamental principles that anybody can put into action and change your life. I tell people, ‘You’re probably going to hate me for a couple of weeks, but then you’ll probably start liking me.’ Except for my critics. They’ll never like me,” Gundry says.
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vinoperitus · 8 years ago
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Miolo Lote 43 2012 – This is the first premium wine produced by Miolo in 1999 to pay tribute to Giuseppe Miolo, a grape grown from Veneto/Piombino Dese – Padova, who immigrated to Brazill in 1897, in the Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul. He acquired 24ha of land and in the papers this parcel of land was tagged as Lote 43, hence the name of the wine. The Lote 43 was the sustain for the family for many generations and in the 70s it was planted finally with Vitis Vinifera and these vines were used for the 1999 and 2002 vintages of Lote 43, with a blend of 50% Cabernet Sauvignon and 50% Merlot, spending 12 months in new oak barrels, plus further ageing in the bottles in the winery cave. In 2011 and onwards the blend has changed to 60% Merlot and 40% Cabernet Sauvignon with the creation of the first D.O. of Brazil, to follow the rules. The 2012 vintage was released just last year and has notes of blackcurrants, dark stone fruit and a hint of menthol. The aromas are of blackcurrants, licorice, hint of dry tobacco leaves and some linger bitterness. Medium body and tannin with high acidity. A nice example and it will age for many years to come. _____________________________________________________________ #vinperitus #wine #winetasting #winereview #wset3 #vinhos #vinho #vino #vin #вино #ワイン #와인 #红酒 #יין #wein #vinhos #redwine #vinhotinto #tinto #merlot #cabernetsauvignon #valedosvinhedos #riograndedosul #rs #miolo #lote43 #do @miolowinegroup @grupomiolo #special http://ift.tt/2pcC81x
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