#helps with typing and that i learn piano as a kid
forsaire · 4 months
I was tagged again by @bewareoffreaker and @frescoisnotinthemilitary
So FIVE MORE things i like about myself...
I love how focused I can get at a task when I'm super into it
I think I'm a pretty fast typer 😅 (don't ask about quality sometimes though... doo doo)
I like how weirdly flexible my one thumb on my one hand is in one specific way
Bouncing off that... I can make my thumb on my right hand touch my forearm
I am a strong swimmer
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ladykailitha · 24 days
Steve is a History, Art, and Music Nerd
I’ve been seeing some headcanons lately about Steve being a science and math nerd and how cool it would for him to put the Party in their place with his knowledge, and you know I’m headcanon whatever you want, but he spends too much of the show with that stuff going over his head for me to espouse to that idea.
So I present to you Steve the HAM nerd!
Now the middle one is more of “I art so Steve art, ROAAAAWWWWRRRRRR!” type headcanon but the other two have some merit in canon.
Behold! My thoughts!
History- Steve is shown to have some interest in WWII twice. Once when Dustin is explaining that the Upside Down creatures think they’re superior and he quips “Oh like the Germans!” Dustin yells at him, but Steve isn’t wrong.
The other time is when he’s trying to show Nancy his essay for colleges and he compares his grandfather’s heroism in WWII to a basketball game he helped win. And it’s well written and explained well.
So maybe a little English in there, too.
But there was something else interesting that made really think that Steve is a history nerd. Lucas is one, too. And they share a lot in common. The common sense when their smarter friends try to dive into trouble head first, and basketball.
Art- We know that while Steve isn’t an intellectual like most of the party, he does share certain emotional intelligence that is present in the three other characters that aren’t “school smart”. Will and his painting, Jonathan and his photography, and Eddie with his music.
So Steve being artistic fits into that very well. I think he does pencil drawing. So that he can erase things when he messes up. He doesn’t think he’s very good, but he’s very enthusiastic about it anyway.
And finally:
Music- While Robin and Dustin were fighting over who got to translate the creepy Russian message, Steve kept focusing on the music at the end. And then fucking guessed it correctly it was the merry-go-round in the middle of the mall and then this beautiful bastard told them it was an Indiana Flyer. He not only knew the song, but knew the music was specific to the type of carousel in the mall.
Like, Eddie playing a song that had only been out for three weeks is impressive, but so is that.
So, no I don’t think Steve’s music taste is whatever is on the radio. I think he puts a lot of thought into the type of music he listens to, because he loves music. I would say that he probably learned one of the classic 80s kid being forced to learn an instrument instruments. Piano or violin. My bet is violin.
Because I’ve know people who play piano tend to use anything and everything as a keyboard when they’re bored and Steve doesn’t. So most likely violin. He probably stopped in high school when sports started taking up too much of his time, but yeah Steve is as big a music nerd as Jonathan and Eddie.
So there you go, Steve is a HAM nerd.
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Recently, through Twitter, I have become aware of the fact that modern American parents have been very ignorant of their parental duties when it comes to their children. Parents are banding together to complain about the schools their children attend because their kids are getting bad grades in class, or they're getting detentions for doing bad consistently, or they're being held back because they're just not at the same level as their peers.
There was an entire thread of some woman whining about how the school was failing her kid, because his English class grade was so bad. There were thousands of comments agreeing and various reposts with anecdotes from other parents with similar experiences.
"My 26 y/o son can't even write a check for God's sake!"
And one single person finally replied with, "Do you guys not teach your kids anything at home before they start going to school?" Which then spawned people with actual common sense questioning the level of involvement these people had in the lives of their kids.
This is what led to a large surge of people complaining about how it's the school's job to teach them everything and they did their job just keeping them alive.
Now, I don't want to be mean, but it's gonna come across that way.
Parents are lazy these days.
When I was a child, my Nana and mom had me learning with Hooked on Phonics before I entered pre-K. I was 3 years old and already sounding out words that rhymed. I was practicing how quickly I could say them in under 30 seconds so I could progress to the next lesson.
mat hat sat that cat vat pat bat fat lat rat brat
When I was in pre-K(4 years old), they had a single, really old computer that had a bunch of Winnie the Pooh CD-ROM games. Because I always got my work done faster than everybody else, they let me use the computer because I could actually read and follow Pooh's instructions, and it kept me busy.
And when I entered kindergarten for the first time, I was really surprised to see that Hooked on Phonics was actually part of my curriculum and I was already very well ahead of everyone else. My mom and Nana took traching me very seriously. They not only read to me, but they would also get me Madeline books and cassette tapes from the children's library downtown. And then I would listen to the cassettes telling the story while reading the book at the same time to get used to the words.
At three years old, I was helping out in the kitchen, learning all of the different kitchen utensils and types of measurement. My mom often went between English, French and American Sign Language at random times so I picked up a lot of stuff that way. We never had a computer in the house for the first 12 years of my life, but I did have an old keyboard to learn how to type. Nana gave me basic piano lessons for a couple years. Mom taught me how to hem my clothes because she would buy me bigger clothes, hem them to size, and then let them out as I grew. Hell, Sperm Donor taught me how to write a check when I was 8. He was also a Financial Adviser, so I got a lot of lessons on money management, investments, and 401Ks and shit.
All these incredibly simple things ended up benefiting me later on, because I was so far ahead of all of the other students that it consistently put me at odds with them. I was better at reading, cooking, sewing, music, languages, etc... I was allowed time to do whatever I wanted while the rest of them had to catch up.
There is a lot more to being a parent than just making sure your kid eats three meals a day and doesn't die in a stupid way. And it seems like a lot of parents these days have completely forgotten that they have a duty to their kids beyond the feeding and clothing thing.
Certain things SHOULD be taught in schools, like how to balance a checkbook. But if it's clear that the school won't cover it, why aren't YOU doing something about that? And why do so many parents have no clue what the hell their kids are even getting up to in school? Why don't y'all get involved in your kid's lives?
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link7057 · 2 months
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First, I'm so sorry for the late answer months later 😭😭🙏 Please forgive me and second!! Actually I hadn't thought of many headcanons for her... yet... but she's one of my favorite characters so ofc I thought of some!! I might say silly ones or ones more about her personal life (and definitely not projecting some parts!) I love Christina Posabule 🙏♥️
Music wise I think Christina would like 60s music, rock, and/or synth-pop or idk genres are hard to actually get right nowadays. If it's specfic, "The Daughters of Eve" and Mitski would be part of her favorites fjjdbrbnd (then I think she'd like The Killers especially "When You Were Young" when she was in her teens :)) Speaking of Christina in her teens, she'd want to learn piano or some sort of instrument but her parents probably got annoyed by how much she played so she wouldn't have as many chances. She's definitely a bookworm or just loves reading and also writes in her freetime like little stories or poems. And when Block ended up staying with Orel's family, she was kind of the only one who missed him as her parents didn't really mind/express their emotions about it.
Andddd talking about her parents, they're both VERY controlling and kept watch on what she'd do, the polar opposite with Orel, which his parents didn't gaf where he was 💔💔 Especially Poppit, and I think with Christina's story it'd be a toxic mother-daughter relationship (mommy issues!) rather than her and her dad, and that Poppit rather likes taking charge but to be in "a woman's place" y'know sexism and even tells Art what to do but makes sure that he does what a "man has to." And she'd be veryyy persistent on Christina with how she presents herself and make sure that she was a nice church girl at all times. And Poppit would very much have breakdowns in front of her and vent to her about her own issues... yeah... And whenever Christina was getting yelled at or being told what to do the only thing she could do is not say anything back to not upset them. She was also grabbed a lot like by her wrists or something similar how they showed in the show. When she moved to Moralton, she was bummed out bc yeah she just moved to a new place where she knows no one. Then when she met Orel something about him intrigued her and she's like Oooh y'know what I like this place already... then BOOM! Having to move again :( Also I don't know if it's just me but she's probably homeschooled or she's just attending another school jfjfnntnf and about her past town she'd be doing so many shenanigans during the same time as Orel probably. Another silly thing she might be more confident than him like I think he'd be more shy when he got older fjjdjnfbfn
Also yes Christina was sadistic I had to say it bc... we remember Orel's masochist era... And same thing with her being emo/goth when Orel was and at least for a while when they were teens👍👍 It's canon bc I said so
About when she's an adult, once Orel and her got married and had their kids, she'd be really worried about repeating anything her own mother used to do to her (along with Orel who'd try to be the best dad to his kids and would ask Christina if he was doing a good job if he was too worried about becoming anything similar to Clay or just anything otherwise) and I'm not quite sure about if whether she kept contact with her parents but she probably would but obviously has a strained relationship with them along with Orel's parents... But she would give her own family all her love :D also she's definitely working in a type of job I forgot which one but something that helps people bc she's sweet like that <3 so yeah girlboss !!
I might've forgotten some things to mention or other things I had in mind for her but yeah!! Or it was badly/worded weird perdón. Thanks for reading 💕
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horseshoegirl · 6 months
Set Me Alight: Part 7 - Paint It, Black
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📜Life is messy. And complicated. And writer blocky, with a dash of imposter syndrome... I just want to put that out there... Anyway...
Well, the poll won out. You all want to know what Jake said to Midge. This is solely a flashback chapter. I can't say I'm surprised at who you all disliked in the last chapter, though I hope this one will give you some insight into why Midge has held on to this for as long as she has.
Special thank you to @teacupsandtopgun for helping me to write a certain part of this! You can thank her for the puns! And @sarahsmi13s for taking a peak at it!
❗️+18, Minors DNI, Strong Language, Enemies to Lovers, Original Female Character (s), Short OFC, Bradley Bradshaw x Natasha Trace, flashbacks, Halloween college parties, school, angst, sexual themes (overhearing), drunkness/inxotication. I mentioned angst, right? 💀
#8k <- yes, i know
Part 6 | Masterlist | Part 8
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*Halloween Four Years Ago*
Giving orders to a football team to put up Halloween directions was not an easy feat. They were kids in a joke shop, only too happy to take every opportunity to jump-scare each other with a spider, a white sheet or slide out from behind a door and shout boo! 
Despite the antics, you were grateful for the help. Nat and you wouldn’t have finished in time. And even then, you suspected Nat probably would have given up halfway through, merely deciding to throw Yellow Caution Tape on the walls and call it a day. 
You wouldn’t have stopped - even if it became a doomed effort. 
Bradley’s friends weren’t what you expected them to be. True, their appearance fit the bill a thousand times over. Tall, broad shoulders and bulging muscles were all the product of hard work - including Bob, who was smaller than the rest, though not by much.  Even their mannerisms, from how they acted childish and goofy to how they winked or playfully flirted, everything you saw played into the stereotypical type that was the classic college football jock. 
Then you got to know them—really know them—and hated yourself for ever associating them as such. 
You already knew Bradley and had met him on occasion. When he stayed over to be with Nat, he was often up before you, and you’d chat with him over a cup of coffee. He always brought her a cup to wake her up when he could, and it always made you smile. 
His story was a sad one. His father passed away when he was only two years old, leaving his mom to raise him alone. While he couldn’t regale you with his memories of him, he instead offered you the stories attached to his father’s things: a button-up Hawaiian shirt in pale pastels, a pair of coffee-brown Ray Ban sunglasses, and even a worn Milk chocolate leather-strapped bag he used to lug his books around campus. 
Then, his mom passed away in high school, and his father’s best friend took him up until the point decided to leave for school. Bradley chose his words carefully when he spoke of any of them, offering little, and you wondered if the loss was still too much for him to bear. 
Or something else had happened, and he didn’t want anyone to know. 
 But as you helped him blow up a few balloons for the floor, a song from a later decade played through the speakers, and Bradley lit up, producing a smile wider than the nearby Jack-o-lantern. He launched into a story about how much his parents loved music and how his father would play the piano, which alone made him want to learn. 
You asked him if and when he did if he’d play for you one day.
Javy Machado, however, couldn’t be more different from Bradley if he tried.
He was just as meticulous as you when it came to detail. The two of you were discussing the best way to tape Velcro to the kitchen cupboards to stick fluff to the sides and mimic cobwebs when you discovered this fact. He was … quietly smooth and persuasive, with a suave smile that indicated he could charm his way into or out of any situation he wanted without needing to flirt or play it thick. 
“Angle it like this, Maeve,” he had explained, stretching the piece out. “Principle of maximum contact area equals maximum adhesive stretch.”��
You had raised your eyebrows at that remark, which prompted him to chuckle softly. 
"Science major," he shrugged with that smile, making your internal monologue stutter to a halt until you went, "Wait... What?!" 
He only laughed at your reaction, amused in a way like he’d been expecting it. But it was that look of genuine interest in his eyes that made you ask him properly. 
He didn't know what field of science to specialize in, but Javy made all of it sound amazing. From stars to not dirt—it's soil—to understanding how the world worked, he knew he wanted to spend his life trying to figure it all out. If he could throw a ball around and be part of a team with his friends, he considered himself fortunate to do both. 
Even if his passion was so far removed from your own, you may have seen some of yourself in his journey, trying to fit in while doing what you loved most. 
Holding up a string of lights against the wall, Reuben Flitch told you he was floating through school, waiting for the day he could finally be free. On that day, he’d take over his family’s business. Comparing him to the fractured story of your brother and sister following in your parent’s footsteps never seemed to cross your mind. 
Because when you asked what the business was, his face lit up with an enthusiasm you hadn’t expected. 
“My grandparents own vineyards," he had beamed. "They've been in the family for generations. I've grown up with the land, the grapes, and the entire winemaking process." 
He told you stories of growing up, playing through the vines and rows of trellises, making you long for the rows of apple trees at Aunt Viv's. He also talked about spending time with his grandfather, learning the process of pressing grapes and his grandmother tending and picking the grapes. He spoke about the people, everyone from the gardeners to the people who bottled the wine to his siblings, with whom he'd played hide-and-seek within the cellars. 
He told you a business major was worth it, as much as he loathed it, if he could own the place one day.  
You hoped he did. 
But Mickey Garica and Bob Floyd were... characters, to say the least. It was easy to talk with them, even laugh with them, as the three of you spread tiny black spiders all over the apartment. 
Mickey couldn’t stop asking if you could paint him one day, though you imagined it would be fandom-inspired rather than a realistic portrait. The second you asked him about his favourite universe, he launched into a word vomit of praise for each and every one. He spoke of Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Batman—not DC—as the character deserved to be separated from the rest. 
It made you wonder if the one portrait would be enough. Still, you happily humoured him, saying you needed the practice. 
He was in Health Sciences, hoping it would be enough to get his foot in the door to become a firefighter. He talked about it so passionately, about being capable of making a difference and saving lives, that you honestly couldn’t see him in any other role. 
And given the opportunity, Bob was so full of sass and witty comebacks to the ones you managed to throw his way, you were surprised he was seeking an Anthropology and Archaeology degree. He seemed to have a natural talent for what Comedians had labelled “crowd work.” You honestly would have taken him for a drama major had he not told you differently.
However, once he explained his choice, you understood why. Growing up, having been a Boy Scout, learning about nature, rocks, and life. He wanted to know more about life, history, and how things were. 
A visit to an archeological dig site in high school sold it for him. His eyes lit up when he spoke about ancient civilizations, lost artifacts, and all the mysteries surrounding human evolution. He rattled off facts about Neanderthals and cave paintings, which had you urging him for more. 
He happily obliged and was encouraging when you offered a few that you knew of. 
All of them were so passionate about what they wanted to do with their lives, even Bradley, who wanted to pursue football seriously as a career; you admired all of them for it with your entire heart. 
But Jake Seresin was... you didn’t know. Nor did he, it seemed. 
Jake was there at your side every time you went back up that ladder, claiming someone needed to catch you should you fall again. You had rolled your eyes, a slight smirk gracing your face, but you let him all the same. 
He wasn’t as open as the others, wanting to flirt with you more than anything else. Somehow, you managed to get him talking about football, and when you asked him why he played, he admitted that his father had gone and played at the school. He had been urged to apply, and his family would support him throughout his entire ride. 
“Family money,” he said, his tone light when you gawked at him. You didn’t ask what his parents did, but knowing he came from a rich family, you wondered if he didn't want people to know. You certainly didn't. Nat didn’t know, at least not yet. 
It prompted him to add his parents weren’t pressuring him into one career or another; they simply wanted him to keep up with the sport. So, he was buying time and taking electives, trying to figure it out, though he would have to make a decision soon. 
And it made you wonder, under that confidence, under that layer of charm and ease on his surface, if he was searching for what everyone else in the group had already found. While everyone else didn’t fit the stereotype, you wondered if Jake was attempting to mould himself into it. 
How you wished to tell him, he didn’t have to. 
But Jake wasn’t a painting you could tear apart or theorize about. And as you pinned that last streamer to the ceiling, you realized over the course of the afternoon, you’d unwittingly developed a bit of a crush on him. 
You weren’t stupid. You recognized the signs the second he caught you off that ladder. The second he handed you that shot. He was laying on the charm, the flirty glances, the playful smiles. Even the slight touches on your waist as you leaned back, pining streamers to the ceiling, were waving the red flags in your head. 
Jake was either genuinely interested or actively looking for someone to hook up with tonight. 
It wouldn’t be you, that’s for sure—not even for someone so charming and handsome as Jake Seresin. 
In the last two hours, the guys took turns getting ready first while everyone else finished with the final touches. They wanted you and Natasha to go first, but you vehemently refused, knowing they’d ruin hours of hard work if left unsupervised. 
You also wanted to see this through to the end, but you kept that to yourself. You had revealed enough of your quirky, artsy side to them. You did not need to add to it by gushing over the decorations or how the entire apartment turned out, possibly damaging whatever relationship you'd established so far. 
People were weird when it came to shit like that. 
Jake and Bradley emerged from Nat’s bedroom just as the two of you were headed toward yours. The hallway was already lit in a deep red from the lights now neatly strung up in the corners of the ceiling. Though the sun was beginning to set, shining warm light through your window, you knew the total effect would be entirely eerie when night rolled around. You couldn’t wait to see it.
Bradley was dressed as Indiana Jones: a white shirt, a brown leather jacket, and a fake whip at his side. His outfit was complementary to Nat's Marion Ravenwood, her costume the classic white dress from the first movie you spent a while making. Though she did ask you to take some creative liberties with the design, the dress was more risque than necessary. 
The only thing remotely movie-accurate about it would be the puffy sleeves.
You couldn't help but whistle when Jake stepped out from behind Bradley. Instantly perking up at the noise, he let out a sly smirk and straightened the lapels of his deep black leather jacket. 
"Danny Zuko, huh?" you laughed softly. "Guess you've got the whole 'bad boy' vibe down." 
Jake smirked at you, copying one of the iconic character's signature moves by sliding his hands into his black leather jacket pockets as he strode by. "Only missing my Sandy. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find one, would you?" 
You coyly peered at him over your shoulder as you continued down the hall. Unknown to either of you, Nat and Bradley had stopped to watch the interaction, filled to the brim with curiosity. 
"Wouldn't know. I'm more of a Rizzo myself. Too much sass and not enough patience for leather pants." 
"To get into them or to get out?"
With a glimmer in your eyes and a smirk on your lips, you pivoted to face Jake completely, still walking backwards. “You're quite the smooth talker, aren’t you?” 
Jake shrugged, giving off the vibe of, ‘I can’t help my reputation.’ However, you could see the easy grin on his face, and one side of his mouth crooked upwards, making him appear boyish—just like the character he was dressed up as. 
It made your heart flutter inside your chest. 
“It’s a shame I’m more into the rough-around-the-edges type,” you teased softly, pausing by the corner. 
Liar. Oh, you horrible liar. 
Jake’s grin didn’t disappear when you saw him press his tongue to the inside of his cheek, arching an eyebrow. Instead, it turned into a knowing smirk.
“Is that so?” he teased.
You flushed, at a loss for words. Jake's teasing gaze lingered, and the lift in the corner of his mouth suggested he saw right through your lie. Your cheeks burned hot. 
Jake's chuckle echoed softly down the hallway as you made your escape, somehow making your heart race faster. You didn't dare look back, but you could feel his eyes on you as you turned the corner and down the hallway to your bedroom.
As Jake retreated back into the apartment, Bradley coughed lightly. He exchanged a knowing look with Nat, who had been watching your retreat. He jutted his head once toward you, and Nat replied in kind with a single tilt of her head toward Jake. 
They didn’t need to say aloud what they were thinking. They’d talk about what they discovered later, but it wouldn’t stop them from pressing this interesting development further. 
When she reached your room, Nat found you already in your robe, sitting at your vanity, brushing your hair. You had already laid out your costumes on your bed earlier in the day, and Nat raced to hers the second she saw it, making grabby hands at the fabric. 
"Ahh, it turned out so great, Maeve!" she exclaimed, grabbing the top and holding it up. You glimpsed at her through the reflection of your mirror, smiling when she hugged it to her chest.
“If I had made it any deeper, Nat, you’d be showing off more than just dangly bits.” 
She blew a raspberry at you. You giggled, shaking your head.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to do couples costumes. I never thought Bradley would go for it,” she said after a while, standing next to you and straightening her hair in the mirror of your vanity.
“Really?” you asked, concentrating on not poking your eye out with your mascara. 
“How else am I going to shoo off all the girls practically clamouring to get with Bradley? It’s a nice way to do it, don’t you think?” 
“Maybe. Not every costume as a twin, though,” you said, lowering your hand to gesture to yourself. You hoped Nat would at least acknowledge the effort you’d made or pep you up for a party you'd originally never wanted to hold. 
“What about the Danny wandering around the apartment ‘without his Sandy’?”
You dropped your hand from where you had started fixing up your other eye, glaring at her reflection in your mirror. “Really, Nat?” 
“What, you don’t dream of a little Summer Lovin?” 
You felt your face flush. As if Jake would ever really go for someone like you. “It’s Halloween, Nat.” 
“Exactly. It’s Halloween, and it’s getting colder. Maybe you’ve got chills, and maybe they're multiplying.” 
You groaned, dropping your head and smacking it against your vanity. 
“You’re sure he’s not the one you want?” she bumped you with her hip, grinning.
“Can you stop with the Grease puns? Please,” you squawked. 
Nat laughed, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger as she stepped away. "Okay, okay. But if you change your mind, I think Danny Zuko out there wouldn't mind being 'the one that you want.'"
Fingers wrapping around the handle of your hair brush, you didn’t lift your head from the vanity as you chucked it in Nat’s direction. She laughed hard, and you didn’t need to look to know you had missed her completely. 
Nat eventually cajoled you into helping her slip into her dress, adjusting bits and pieces of fabric here and there. You sat back down at your vanity as she twirled once in the mirror, declaring she was satisfied. Then her eyes went to the door, and her attention shifted to Bradley and what waited beyond it. 
"Are you okay if I go out? Do you need any help?" Nat's voice was laced with excitement, and her eyes gleamed with anticipation of finally having a party as she smoothed down the sides of her dress.  
You shook your head, leaning back in your chair. Nat didn’t meet your gaze. "No, I'm good. I only need to touch up my makeup, and my dress is a slip-on," you smiled. "Go make sure Bradley keeps his hat on." 
Nat wiggled her shoulders, biting her lip to mute her squealing giggle. The puffy sleeves of her short dress waved with her, and she precariously tip-toed out the door on her high heels. Once in the hallway, she dramatically yelled, "Come and get me, Indiana Jones!" 
You stifled a giggle, shaking your head, allowing yourself to turn back to face your mirror.
Staring at yourself, you searched every part of your face, making sure your foundation, blush, eyes, and lips were just how you wanted them to be. You toyed with a strand of curled hair, wondering if what you had done was enough—if all of it had been enough. 
Then your eyes came to rest on your costume, so carefully draped across the end of your bed through the reflection in the mirror. 
You're not sure why "Flaming June" happened to be your favourite painting, though you supposed it had to do with the girl in the painting so casually draped across that seat next to that fountain. She was curled up almost like a serpent, covered in sheer transparent vibrant orange, the painting's only bright pop of colour.
The painting was supposedly meant to depict nymphs, sleeping Greek nymphs for that matter, or even Victorian society's obsession with beauty. However, you argued differently in the paper you wrote for it.
You cared more about the juxtaposition of fire and tranquillity in the piece than about whatever cultural influence or social construct it had at the time. That one girl was at the centre of the painting, wrapped in sheer, see-through colour. She was meant to be the focus; that much was certain. 
Maybe you thought her dress signified the chaos of the world around her, and all she wanted to do was find a moment of peace. 
You’d spent countless hours at the fabric store trying to match the correct shade. Once you had completed parts of Nat's, you spent even countless more at your sewing machine, staying up late to make progress on yours. 
And each time she asked you to make alternations on hers, the more drastic you made it to be ‘just that much sluttier', the more you thought about what you could do to yours. In the end, the thin straps holding up your dress, revealing bare shoulders and the long slit between your breasts, ending just before your belly button, was all you could stomach. 
You held the dress up, contemplating your thoughts. You could do this. You could survive one simple Halloween party - one simple college rager party. 
The second the apartment was starting to flood with arriving guests, Jake realized you hadn’t emerged from your room with Nat.
He had been off to the side near a bookcase, talking with Bradley, hoping to stave off the crowd and the rest of the football team for a little longer. He knew they'd want to talk football and strategies for the season, and Jake simply... didn't. 
He wanted a night off. He wanted to relax and have a good time. And talking about football wouldn't be it. 
Bradley had said something to Jake, but he hadn’t been paying attention. He was too busy searching the gathering pods of people for your face. Why, he didn’t know. But he was eager to find out. 
Bradley snapped his fingers in Jake's face, startling him from his search. "Earth to Jake!" 
Jake shook his head, focusing back on Bradley. "Sorry, what?" 
Bradley raised his eyebrows under the rim of his fedora. "What's going on in that head of yours?" 
Jake regarded him for a few seconds before finally looking down at his drink, bringing it to his lips, admitting, "I'm just looking for Maeve." 
As Jake took a drink, Bradley grinned. "She's probably still getting ready. Nat said her costume was based on her favourite panting." 
Jake didn't even look up from his drink when he asked, "What's her favourite painting?" 
"Why? You looking to make a good impression?" he said, still grinning. 
"Fuck off, Man," Jake snapped, taking another swig to finish his drink. Bradley only laughed, now shaking his head. He would have let Jake simmer in his ask, but this was you. He had to give Jake at least a decent running chance. 
"It's Flaming June, the chick in the orange dress. It's a brilliant costume idea. She made it herself." 
Of course, you would have made it yourself, Jake thought. 
"Surely you came across that painting with your 'rich upbringing.' Nat was practically force-feeding information down our throats a few seconds ago to ensure we recognized her costume. It’s some Freddie Luigui piece. I don't know." 
"I know it," Jake snapped. "I've seen it before." 
Jake was pretty sure he had, maybe once at one of his father's fundraising parties, though he actively searched his mind, trying to remember what it looked like. 
Bradley remained silent, slouching against the bookcase and crossing one leg over the other. He narrowed his eyes at his friend and tilted his head. 
"Why the sudden interest in Maeve? She isn't one for..." Bradley trailed off, searching for the correct word. Just as Jake was about to ask him what he meant, Nat's approaching heels on the hardwood floor stopped them both. 
She stopped at Bradley's side, red solo cup in hand, looping her arm through his. "What are you two handsome boys gossiping about over here?" she giggled at her boyfriend, her chin plopping lazily down onto his bicep. "See any snakes in the crowd, Indy?" 
Bradley pulled his face back into a grimace, reciting the famous line. "Snakes. Why does it always have to be snakes?" 
Jake rolled his eyes at their banter, placing his empty cup on the table between them. Nat giggled, tilting her head back, indicating to Bradley she wanted to be kissed. He complied without protest, leaning down, pressing his lips to hers in an overly dramatic display merely to piss Jake off. 
"Get a room," Jake groaned, mocking a wrenching noise. The couple separated, turning to Jake with amused smirks. "You've heard and seen far worse, dude." 
Jake shuttered, the unwanted memory of walking in on Nat and Bradley from weeks ago flashing through his mind. Sharing an apartment with Bradley had its moments - some good, some decidedly less so. It made him wonder if Maeve had to put up with the same shit he did. 
“Where’s Maeve?” Jake asked Nat, ignoring Bradley's remark. "I haven't seen her yet."
Nat opened her mouth, about to tell him you were still getting ready, when she caught sight of a flash of orange stepping out from behind the corner of the hallway. You came into view, your head angled down, mindful of stepping on your dress as thin streams of transparent fabric trailed behind you at your sides. 
Javy let out a low-toned whistle from somewhere in the room, and heads turned, one by one, as you took your final step into the apartment. 
“Damn girl, you clean up nice!” 
Lifting your head, you were surprised to see eyes on you. Javy glided forward to greet you from where he had been standing at a nearby table, and you smiled at him, though a little weary. Deep down, you knew his comment was meant to be a compliment. But something coarse, like sandpaper, rubbed against your heart at the remark, lingering longer than you would have liked. 
“What? Not bad for a fine arts major?” you joked somewhat deprecatively, though your voice held none of it. 
Javy held out his hand, and you grabbed it, allowing him to lift it above your head. With a pump of his wrist, he urged you to spin under his arm several times, letting your dress fan out. You giggled as he urged you, though you wobbled on your heels. The dreaded things were Nat's only contribution to your outfit, and you were severely regretting it. 
He let you go, thinking you had your footing on the last, slowed spin. But when you came to a stop, you were on the verge of falling over, your head dizzy, and your legs unbalanced. 
To his credit, Javy tried to reach out and steady you, already regretting the step he took back. However, before he could, another pair of hands, one on your hip and one taking your hand, steadied you. 
Jake’s hands were firm on your skin, pulling you close as you lost your balance. You fell into his chest, head tilted back, half falling over. And looking up at his face, seeing the amused grin on his lip, you drew in a sharp breath at the sight. 
"Letting me make a good first impression?" he quipped.
“By catching falling women?” you laughed breathlessly, bringing your free hand to his chest. If you had let your hand stall slightly longer than necessary, you would have never admitted to it.
“Seems noble enough,” he replied, helping you to stand. Though he might have let go of your hand, he didn’t let go of your waist. “Or do you make it a habit to test the reflexes of every guy you meet?”
You couldn’t resist the playful jab. “Only the ones who seem like they can handle it. And the pretty ones.”
Jake's grin widened, and he even risked sneaking a quick peek at your lips, letting them rest there for a few seconds before his eyes roamed the rest of your body.
"Flaming June, right? Frederic Leighton's Masterpiece."
You blinked in surprise, letting out a small gasp. You honestly expected to tell people what your costume was, not just some girl in some random orange dress. Jake's knowledge of the painting, let alone his identification of it so quickly, was scoring him some major brownie points. 
"You know your art," you commented nonchalantly.
He shrugged, "I might know a thing or two. I always had a thing for the classics. By the way, it suits you." 
You practically preened under his gaze. "Thank you," you said, a shy smile creeping onto your face. He beamed at you in return. 
Yes, you might have a crush on him. But for the first time that day, you figured it wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
This was a bad idea - Oh, this party was such a bad idea.
Believing you were having a good time and actually having a good time were two separate things. You certainly felt one of those things. As the night went on, and with each drink you tipped back, alcoholic or not, regret built in your stomach. 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting. Maybe you were seeking reasons where there initially were none, allowing Natasha’s suggestions to slowly chip away at your resolve until you finally gave in. Maybe it was the promise of letting loose, to embrace the spirit of Halloween with all its creative potential.  
Maybe it was the promise of making new friends. Of getting to know people outside the art department. Natasha had told you to mingle. She wanted you to mingle, and yet... you didn’t know where to start. 
You didn't expect Nat or Bradley to coddle you, but they could have introduced you to a few people besides the core group before things had gotten this bad. You didn't dare approach Javy or Rueben, who played beer pong and chugged beers back like it was nobody's business. They were off doing their own thing, and you didn’t want to intrude. 
 Mickey and Bob had gone home earlier in the night. Bob proclaimed he had a midterm to study for, and Mickey wanted to go home anyway so he could call his family in peace. You strongly suspected he wanted to watch Halloween movies instead.
Rocky Horror sounded like a wonderful idea right about now. 
You couldn’t hang around Nat and Bradley all night, either. And nobody from your art classes would even dare set foot inside a party where nearly half of its guests were from the sororities.
You knew that. While you did extend the invitation, you told them you wouldn't blame them if they didn't come. They had looked at you with such disregard you wondered if they were seeing you through newly polished rose-coloured glasses. And standing up against the wall next to your bookcase, like an insipid wallflower, you could hardly blame them for it either. 
You couldn’t introduce yourself in a place where you were the outsider, even within the walls of your own home. Soon after the first few attempts, that realization settled deep into your chest. And you couldn’t help but feel like you had done this to yourself -  an attempt to be part of something like this, even if just for a night.
But Jake… Jake was still here. At least, he should be. He had been by your side for the beginning of the evening, talking to you about what projects you were currently working on over another drink—not whiskey—after you had started to hiccup while putting up decorations. 
After he recognized your dress, you weren’t ashamed to tell him. You had launched into the ideas and thoughts behind two paintings and one sculpture, an old table that you were trying to turn into an elemental-type sundial. You told him about the zodiac signs you had already burned into the wood after sanding it down and how each was placed in its own little section as it related to its element. 
You had reached halfway through your thought process when you realized how lost you were in your explanation. You froze mid-sentence, blushing harder than the colour of your dress. 
"Sorry," you had said. "I ramble when I get excited about my art.” 
But Jake’s interest hadn’t waned. If anything, it urged him to ask, “How did you find something you're so passionate about? Creating things... making art?"
His question had made you pause, though not over what to say but merely how to say it. “It was my voice when words fell short or my escape when the world grew too loud.” 
You caught a glimpse of something in Jake’s eyes—a flash of longing, a momentary crack in his confident demeanour. What followed was a slight nod. It was there, and then it wasn’t, as if he’d accidentally revealed more of himself than he wanted. Then he caught himself, suddenly straightened his spine, and continued the conversation as if that brief lapse in judgment never happened in the first place. 
Ten minutes later, he excused himself to get another drink. And you hadn’t seen him since. 
You scanned the room for him, hoping to spot that black leather jacket among the sea of people. But it was impossible. Under the dim, eerie glow of the lights, each costume blurred into the next, and the crowd swallowed any hope of finding him.
Reaching for whatever mixed drink Nat had made you earlier off the table, you pushed yourself off the wall, weaving through the throngs of people, figuring you might as well try to see if she knew where he had run off to. 
Liquid sloshed over the rim of your cup onto your hand as you dodged a zombie here, a fairy there, and music pulsing like a heartbeat through the packed room. Laughter and snippets of conversations swirled around you as you scanned the sea of faces, both masked and not for Nat. 
Glasses clinked, a witch cackled, and the scent of spiced pumpkin mingled somewhere in the mix with the tang of alcohol and body sweat. By the time you spotted her leaning heavily against the kitchen Island, red cup in hand and her laughter too loud, eyes slightly unfocused, you knew the night had taken its toll on her sobriety. 
She was too preoccupied with telling a bunch of people a story to notice how you quickly launched the contents of your cup into the sink behind her. You extended your arm when you were close enough, looping your arm around her waist. Her arm came up at the same time, sliding across your back to pull you close. 
Nat tilted her head back onto her shoulders, glancing at you with happy eyes. "Maeve!" she whined tipsily. 
Given how far gone she was, you were surprised at how accurately she pronounced your name. She bent slightly, still holding her red Solo cup in her hand, to hug you tight, her face smooshing into your neck.
“It looks like you’re having the time of your life,” you snorted. She nodded against your skin, biting her lip in a smile with a happy, drunken snigger. She lazily pulled back to meet your eye, and you smiled at her. 
“Have you seen Jake around?” 
Nat paused, her gaze flickering around the room as if she'd genuinely forgotten about him, though she didn’t lift her head off your body. "Jake? Oh, I haven't seen him in a bit,” she slurred slightly. “Why? Do you two likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee each other? Is Jake going to make you scream grease lightin’?” 
You reached for her red Solo cup and pried it from her hand. “Okay, yup, you're cut off.” 
“Nooo,” she pouted her arm a dead weight as she tried to take it back. Her hand hit the bottom of the cup, and liquid shot up, once again covering your hand in whatever type of alcohol Nat managed to mix together. You could only sigh. 
“Here comes the fun police,” she muttered under her breath. “I thought you’d be off doing your own thing.” 
Well, that fucking stung just a tiny bit. 
“I’m not going to be the one who cleans up your vomit tomorrow morning, Nat.” 
“I’ve only had,” she held up her hand, widening her thumb and pointer finger probably further apart than she thought, “this much to drink.” 
Luckily for you, Bradley appeared, having seen what was going on. He looked amused yet concerned as he slid between the gap of the island and Nat to observe his girlfriend babbling nonsense on your shoulder. “What’s happening here?”
Nat made another grab for her cup, but Bradley gently intercepted her, taking her hand into his before she could even grasp it. 
“That,” you offered. 
 “I think it’s time we get you to bed, love,” he suggested, wrapping an arm around her waist. You let him take her, happy for him to bear her weight. 
Nat leaned into him, mumbling something incoherent, a mix of protest and agreement. Bradley spared a glance at you, silently thanking you in your unspoken agreement. You nodded, watching as he sandwiched her to his side and carried her off towards her room. 
It always seemed like one of you was always taking care of her. At one point or another. 
After getting rid of Nat’s cup, you felt the sticky residue of both of your spilled drinks on your skin and felt the urge to run to the privacy of the bathroom to wash it off. Stumbling down the hallway, blusters on your feet finally making themselves known, you let your hands casually slide along the wall. The music from the party faded into a muffled, dull noise as you walked. 
You wanted to smile at the lights. The red eerie glow along the top corners of the ceiling only reached not even halfway down the wall, plunging the floor into a dark abyss. You clumsily stuttered through it, unable to see anything below your waist.
It was exactly as you pictured it, and yet you couldn't bring yourself to manage the slightest grin. 
The bathroom door was down at the end of the hall slightly ajar, with the red LED light illuminating its edges from behind. You zoned in on it like a wobbly arrow to a target, tired and completely done with tonight and everything about it.
You reached for the curved handle, about to push the door open, when a high-pitched giggle came from behind the piece of wood. You shot your hand back like you had been burned, and with a quick turn of your heel, you plastered your back up against the wall. 
You immediately knew what was happening behind that door, and it made you throw up in your mouth just a little. 
Ugh, I’m going to have to disinfect the hell out of that bathroom tomorrow. 
The next voice you heard, however, made your heart drop into your stomach. 
“You like that, don’t ya, sweetheart?”
You didn't want to believe it, but you had to see for yourself. Leaning forward off the wall, you peered through the crack in the door, only to spot a black leather jacket taking up most of your view—the same black jacket you had complimented Jake on earlier that day. It was a stark contrast to the red glowing light above him, and something snapped in your heart and recoiled back as one slender bare leg in beige fishnet stockings wrapped around his. 
There was an overly drunken and seductive 'ahm,' forcing you to glance over his shoulder at the girl he was with—her costume was a bejewelled Taylor Swift outfit to match her long blonde hair. 
You swallowed your bile and adverted your gaze, pressing yourself back up against that wall, out of sight and hidden completely from view. 
You knew this was a possibility; Jake was merely looking for a hookup and nothing more. You had considered it all afternoon. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel utterly hurt at the sight. 
"I mean, Nat's pretty clever befriending that girl.. what was her name, Maeve?" the girl snickered. 
"I know. It sounds like something out of those weird fantasy books everyone loves." A whimper from his companion followed Jake's breathy and muffled laugh.
At the dig, your hand went to your chest, your heart thudding painfully under your palm. The realization they had been talking about you, about Nat, made tears flood your eyes. 
You didn't understand it. Or maybe you did, and you were too blinded by the possibility of someone like him, someone like Nat, Bradley, Bob, Mickey, and Rueben, to beat the fucking pyramid scheme and care about someone like you. 
What other explanation was there except the fact you had been blinded by those who proved to be the exception? Blinded by the fucking elementary school crush cause he had flirted, smiled, joked, and maybe even showed some half-decent interest in you. Clearly, the second he figured out you weren’t going to hook up with him, he sought his sights on someone else. 
Jake wasn’t trying to mould into the stereotype. He was the fucking stereotype.
"Even her costume," she sneered. "Like, who the fuck dresses up like that for a college rager Halloween party? You're supposed to dress up slutty."
You couldn't speak, staring down the front of your dress to what you had thought had been a risky enough slit. You couldn't even breathe. 
"You kidding me?" he laughed lowly. "Bradley was practically screaming at us what she dressed up as. I'd have no fucking clue what she was otherwise. I'd guess some random Greek Godness obsessed with that awful shade of orange."
Your hand slid up from your chest, around your throat to feel your harsh, rough swallow. Only it didn’t stop there, suddenly finding yourself wrapping it around your entire mouth, stifling any noise wanting to escape. Through shaky inhales in and out of your nose, you fought hard to stop yourself from crying over this. 
Over him. Over a fucking jock who would say anything to hook up with a girl. Only to get his dick wet. 
But you couldn't prevent the tears from welling up in your eyes, or from one finally spilling over, dropping down your cheek only to stall there, or how the hand covering your mouth curled up around your cheekbone, only to stroke away the tear. 
You refused to look back at the door through the crack, so you fixed your gaze on the darkness consuming the ground. And as you lowered your hand, you caught the ugly black smear marring your skin.
 How could you not? Standing in the glow of that red hallway light, it was the only thing you could see.
The artistic irony hits you like a freight train. Here you were, dressed as the girl in your favourite painting. Her dress had been the only bright shade of colour in the entire painting, and you, standing in the top half glow of bright red LED lights, had failed to notice what had been staring you in the face all along.
Orange was muted by red, and black bled through all. The only thing about you that stood out the entire evening was this tiny black mark scarring the back of your hand—black tears from smeared mascara.
"I would have guessed an orange," the girl snickered, quickly followed by a mewl. "Though she practically blended into the wall, I couldn't see her with the lights." 
Lips plucking on skin echoed off the title and out the door, and Jake drew in a ragged breath as he agreed. "She did blend right into the fucking wall, didn’t she?"
Your eyes burned. The girl giggled. 
“How long do you think this one will stay? She seems… different, to say the least.” 
Jake sniggered. “Seriously, you think Natasha Trace is hanging around that girl out of the goodness of her heart?” 
His laugh was so full of malice that it was nothing like the ones you had heard pleasantly filling your ears earlier. 
“Everyone knows after what Nat did, she needs an image clean up. Playing the saint, befriending the weird loner art girl, giving her the best friend badge?” 
“If she thinks she’s got a place in the big leagues, she’s in for a rude awakening,” the girl murmured. “Pathetic. People like her don’t belong with people like us.” 
There was a pause. “It’s just like Natasha, though. She always needs an audience, something to validate her feelings. It’s brillant really.” 
Jake's agreement was a silent blow, his next words the dagger. "Nat's smart. She knows how to play the game. Maeve's just...convenient."
Convenience. The word echoed in your mind, bouncing off the walls of your already crumbling self-worth.
“Give it a year. Trace is going to drop her the second the next new shiny person comes along. And everyone is going to forget about the little art girl she used up and discarded. Or she’ll become the most hated girl on campus.” 
Without your back up against the wall, his words might have made you crumble into that dark abyss. 
“Can we stop talking about her now?” the girl whined. “I thought you promised to get me off.” 
Jake chuckled lowly, the sound morphing into a low, predatory growl. “You brought her up, sweetheart. But don’t worry—I’m all yours now.” 
You pushed yourself away from that wall, stumbling down the dark hallway to your bedroom out of instinct, refusing to subject yourself to any further torture. But just before your door, you fell into the wall, your shoulder throbbing as you slouched against it. 
The world around you swirled, leaving you consumed by one thought—and one thought alone.
That. Fucking. Asshole! How dare he! How fucking dare he!
To hear Natasha be demeaned, your friendship demeaned and used as a stepping stone in pursuit of a meaningless hookup... anger boiled under your skin. You didn’t care what he or what they had said about you, but Nat? 
If Jake thought he’d succeed in sweet-talking you, to play you like a puppet on a string, just as he assumed Nat had been doing, he had another thing coming. If he was going to talk shit about your friendship with her, you’d show him just how spineless you could be. 
Oh, he’d wish he’d never caught you off that fucking ladder. Wished he had never met you and flirted with you, obviously a ploy to find someone to hook up with. You gagged at ever having a crush on him in the first place. 
But as you leaned against the wall, trying to steady your swirling thoughts, doubt wormed its way into your mind.
What if he was right? 
What if your friendship with Nat was just a convenience, a way for her to maintain her status or recover from her sorority fallout? You knew nothing of it, nothing more than what she told you. There could be more to the story, things she hadn’t revealed, things nobody else had either.
 No, you shook your head, trying to dismiss the thought. Nat had been there for you in ways no one else had. 
Jake was just an asshole. Plain and simple. 
But then another thought sucker punched you in the gut. 
You couldn’t tell anyone else what he said. You wouldn’t be responsible for causing that type of drama within a friend circle, one that long before you ever showed up. They never would have believed you anyway, and Nat… she worked so hard to get out, escape the rumours and gossip, to put it behind her. She didn’t need to know about this.
You had no choice but to carry this burden alone. It was a lonely decision, but perhaps loneliness was a small price to pay for the semblance of harmony among friends—or so you tried to convince yourself.
But Jake. You could no longer give a rat’s ass about Jake. If he wanted to attack Nat, then fine. You hit him right back. That much you could still do. 
Whatever had possessed Frederic Leighton to name the piece you currently embodied, “Flaming June,” whatever possessed him to gift that girl with fire in her name, that fire was suddenly born in you. 
A flame that sparked and kerosened your soul to burn, hot and bright. It was a wildfire that rushed under layers of skin and ignited every nerve, ending with a ferocity you never knew you possessed. It was born to protect what you had found - Nat, Bradley, Bob, Mickey, Javy and Rueben. And that fucking asshole would never be allowed to put you down, Nat down, like your family did, ever again. 
Pushing yourself off the wall, you stepped into your bedroom. Slamming the door, the lock clicked hard into place. 
It never opened the rest of the night.
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lavendermunson · 1 year
enchanted | knight!eddie munson x princess!reader
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summary Eddie never saw you again after that night, you both were ten years old and sitting in a piano, just a couple of kids enjoying each others company but since you were a princess with an arranged marriage, you got trapped in a castle. You never saw Eddie again but he did, getting close to your windows to watch you, you grew to be the most beautiful he has ever seen. A re-encounter might change the world, even put upside down two different kingdoms.
tags +18, afab!reader, perv!eddie, mentions of jason craver sorry, best friends to lovers kind of relationship, masturbation reader and eddie, mentions of food in a nsfw way, set in some fairytale, mention of low self-steem. one use of y/n just one i swear it’s you won’t even remember it. i tried to be as inclusive as possible so i didn’t mention anything about the reader’s, no skin color, no hair color, no body type, if i missed something tell me! i want everyone to read this and picture themselves as a princess, although i did used she/her pronouns and the reader was born in autumn. mentions of death eddie’s mom
a/n i pictured a lot of princess from disney and also toon inspiration from bridgerton, it’s the first time i write something so long so forgive me for any mistakes. if you want me to keep writing this story don’t forget to mention it :)
wc 2.4k… i surprised myself
moodboard | next chapter
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A few years ago two kingdoms decided to unite, building a wall to protect them both and agreeing on sharing everything. With this agreement also came the rule of “arrange the marriage of their second born children at the age of 20” The two of them being born in the same year made it easier for it to be more under control, thanks to their older siblings being already married or out of town.
Prince Jason, from the Craver family, was born in the light of the summer, and with it came his whole personality. He isn’t much of a charming young man, his soft hair shines under every light, even the fire, what’s supposed to be aggressive and dangerous. The boy used it in his favor, lighting his room every time he got a new girl on his bed from one of his famous parties.
From the second kingdom, Princess Y/N from the Willow family was born in autumn, just in time when the trees start to let go of their orange-colored leaves. She was a quiet girl, always surrounded by books, avoiding parties, and helping her mom grow all kinds of flowers. She’s never had a boyfriend, and always tried to keep herself busy until the day of her wedding, which she named “the end of her life”.
She didn’t like Jason, at family dinners, he always had a girl in his arms, he wasn’t polite and he was irresponsible. Didn’t have what it took to be a good prince, let aside the new king. The princess was about to turn 20, in three weeks exactly, she was scared of her future because she had too much more to learn, to see, to experience.
At the start of the cold winter, Eddie was born, the same year as the prince and the princess, his friends always joked about that “If you were born into the Craver family, you would’ve married the princess” he always laughed about that, knowing that only happened in his dreams, one time, after a private Christmas dinner with the Royalty, when his uncle Wayne became the Willow king’s right hand. Eddie was being trained by his uncle, in sword fights, first aid, horse riding, everything to serve as a knight to the Willow kingdom and to keep him close, but the long-haired boy hated it, he wanted to play guitar, play piano, conquer every instrument in existence, he loved music thanks to his mom who unfortunately died when he was a little boy.
Eddie had an innocent crush since that dinner, he was 10 the same as you, and you showed him the piano and started playing with it.
“You should come here and take classes with me, I'm pretty sure you’re going to be better than me. You have talent, Eds” You said.
“She said I can take classes with her, Wayne.” little Eddie begged his uncle to let him go “Pleaaase”
“No way son, you have to start training,” the older man said, with a frown on his face.
Since that day, you never saw Eddie again, but he did, when he gets a little too close to the kingdom and stares at your living room window where you read, every day, at 5 pm. He watches you bite your bottom lip when you flip the pages gently, your fingers rub the words as you furrow your eyebrows, he realizes he is head over heels for you.
It was a Sunday, the air was cold and the clouds were getting in the way of the sun making its light a little bit dim. Eddie grabbed a horse and some grapes, to keep him company while he watched you read, it wasn’t weird, right? He wasn't doing anything wrong, just an innocent act of… spying. His uncle stopped him after hearing the loud steps of the horse.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m going for a ride, just to clear my head”
“No, you get back here young man” The voice of his uncle was louder, firmer, Eddie whined at the old man with a frustrated look on his face “Did you forget tomorrow you start working for real? We have to get you ready”
“Ready? I’m ready Wayne I just need a little time to myself”
“Nonsense, get back here you have to clean your armor”
They both get back in the little house, Eddie sighed as his uncle showed him the new armor.
“But it’s clean!” Eddie whined again, Wayne eyed his nephew annoyed, and tossed a cloth into the young boy’s chest.
“It’s not, it has to shine,” he said, Eddie sighed again, defeated. “C’mon”
Eddie stayed home that day, the first day he skipped his little spying routine, and thank god he did because what happened that day at 5 pm would’ve broken his heart.
“Just one kiss, please?” Jason said to you, getting the book out of your hands and throwing it aside.
“You are drunk at 5 pm? What is wrong with you?”
“Nothing! Just kiss me” he leaned in closer to your face, fingers touching your jaw “We are getting married, don’t you remember?”
“I do, I think about it every day and it makes me so sick, now I have a migraine because of your little tantrum” You push him away, and with all the strength in your body, gravity played a little turn and betrayed you, making you fall on top of him on the floor.
“Are we going to practice?” Jason had a grin on his face, his hands tightening on your waist. You get up quickly at the feeling of his touch, fixing up your dress you leave the room, not after scoffing at him and his absurd behavior.
On Monday, the kingdoms were throwing a celebration in honor of King Craven’s 60th birthday. Everyone in town was celebrating, having a big party for themselves with the excuse of their least-favorite King. The servants were getting the party started, Queen Craven decided to go with a ball instead of a casual dinner, where people from other towns would come to see the castle and have fun with beautiful gowns and expensive jewelry.
After Eddie met with the Willow king and queen, his new job was taking care of their little princess. He was excited about it but also nervous. He’s getting a chance to spend time with you, to watch you for a few more minutes than usual. It was a new sensation for him, some kind of anxiety mixed with enthusiasm, walking around with a heavy metal armor over his body relaxed him a bit, it was making pressure on his chest so his heart wouldn’t burst out, the only ‘bad’ thing was he didn’t have to wear a helmet, he was afraid his grin was too big on his face and decided to look for an empty room to make a little dance of celebration.
Finally one of the doors opens, and thanks to his bad luck he finds your room. You are currently in a large undergarment, looking at yourself in the mirror and making a disgusted face. You didn’t have a corset on because you hated them, but something was off with your self-esteem that day.
“Sorry, sorry i-” he said, stunned to speak at the sight of the beautiful princess. He also dreamed of seeing your body, it was better than his imagination would have pictured. The parts of your naked skin were glowing, he closed his fist trying to keep himself on edge, the desire of touching you, feeling your soft skin with his fingertips, and placing kisses all over you made Eddie turn around quickly, closing his eyes in an attempt to memorize what he just saw.
“Wait! Don’t go!” you said, getting in your dress as quickly as possible as he touched the door handle “Can you tie up my dress? It’s pretty difficult for me since i can’t reach”
Eddie opened his eyes wider, trying to ease his breathing and slowly coming up to you ‘Your wish is my command’ he said to himself.
He nods in your direction and gets closer, you move your hair to one side so Eddie can tie up the dress easier, and with his big fingers, he takes the laces of the dress tightening up a little, and makes a secure knot on your back.
“Please make sure you add a bow, i-it looks better that way” You peek your head over your shoulder for a second, he nods again and tries to make a proper bow, but it turned out nicely than he thought.
He rests his hands on your waist, looking at your reflection in the mirror, you keep checking if the dress looks good and trying to fix some parts of it that look loose. You didn’t mind Eddie’s touch, you knew who he was and what he was doing here (kind of). You were happy inside, you always wanted Eddie as a friend since that night when you were kids, and now you can keep him close, even better, speak to him and get to know him.
“Thank you, Eddie,” you say, getting out of your pool of thoughts.
“You remember me?” he asks, eyebrows crinkled on his face, and you giggle looking at his surprised face.
“How could I forget such a pretty face?” Eddie flushes instantaneously.
“Me? You are the one who looks speechless” you blush, the little flirt game making your heart flutter.
“You think so? I believe this dress has something wrong, do you?”
Eddie takes his time to reply, looking at your reflection again he keeps looking for the mistake you were searching for earlier, but he seems to miss it. He gets brave enough to trace your waist and torso with his fingers, going up from your back and resting his hands on your exposed shoulders, rubbing them delicately. You shiver at his touch, something that you have never felt before, your tummy starts to feel funny and your breath hitches, the boy behind you is quick to notice your little squirm, he laughs at it and gently takes his hands off you, you miss his touch already.
“I don’t think so, it looks… you look really good” he says, giving you a look of reassurance. He misses your skin too, it’s been just a couple of seconds since his fingers ignited with your warm skin and now his hands are too cold for his liking. You turn around in a quick twist, locking eyes with him.
“So… you work here now,” you ask him, getting lost in his chocolate eyes.
“Yes, from now on”
“What do you have to do?” His cheeks feel warm being close to you, now he hates the armor that protects his chest from the warmth of your body.
“I have to take care of you, actually” You are quick to notice he is trying to hide a big smile “Your mom kept talking about your little trips to the outside and she wants someone to protect you”
“You think I need protection?” you cross your arms in front of your chest, Eddie brings his attention to your little act trying to look tough and he gets lost in your cleavage for a minute.
“N-no, I’m sure you are fine” he shakes his head and finds your eyes again “Since you’ve been back without a scratch i know you got everything under control, i mean… she only wants to keep me close to you so she can relax” he curses at himself for feeling so nervous all of a sudden, the fact that he didn’t know about your trips to the woods outside the kingdoms makes his blood boil, he kept tabs on you every day, all day, how did he miss this?
“I’m pretty sure she thinks there are monsters out there” you laugh, covering your mouth with your hand “i only go out to read, sometimes i need to clear my head and be somewhere new, you know?” He nods, he understands perfectly, that’s what he said to his uncle just yesterday.
“Yes, but now I'll be doing my job and watching you” ‘like i used to’ he thinks to himself.
“Alright, i don’t mind you doing your job” You roll your eyes and turn around “I have to keep getting ready, can you wait outside?”
“Yes, of course” he leans his head to the front and you giggle at his movements “I’ll leave you to it”you giggle at his movements “I’ll leave you to it”
“I’ll take a lot of time, you can just go get some food and I’ll find you in the kitchen”
“If you need something i’ll be there, i have to take you to the Craven kingdom in an hour”
“Perfect, i’ll find you there” he leaves your room after listening to your words, you look at him with a soft smile before he closes the door and you run to the bathroom to clear your head.
You quickly realize you miss his touch on your body, the pool on your panties confirms it. You lift your dress and sit on the edge of the bathroom, reaching for your pussy and rubbing your clit over your clothes with your fingers, closing your eyes, and trying to focus on him. His masculine scent comes back to you, remembering his fingers touching you and the way he looked so good in that armor, you made sure to remember he had been working out to get the job. Your imagination takes you far beyond, it was almost as you were listening to his moans, but no, it can be, he is in the kitchen at this moment. Maybe he is eating a tiny cookie with his big hands, crust getting all over his mouth, maybe he is eating a cupcake while he gets frosting over his fingers and he sucks them clean, eating the bottom part while licking at his sugary lips.
But you were wrong, he wasn’t in the kitchen, he came back a couple of seconds after you went into the bathroom. He wanted to ask you something before you had to be in a public space, surrounded by people he didn’t like. But you weren’t there, he got worried for a second until his ears started ringing, recognizing your voice through the bathroom door and your shaky moans. His cock got hard just hearing you breathe in and out with a fast rhythm, he quickly got his hand under his pants and started to rub his dick, moaning at your pretty noises not noticing you could hear him, he managed to run to a bathroom close to your room to release his cum and wash his hands after. You did the same in your bathroom, quickly cleaning your cum so it doesn’t drip onto your clothes.
If that’s how both of you get after seeing each other for less than an hour, it would be worse when you have to be together day and night.
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sorry i ended up like this :) if you want more i’ll be happy to write it, leave some ideas of what should happen next i’ll be reading you ♡ feedback is appreciated! don't forget to REBLOG TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR!
tags: @stephanie-nicks76 ty for commenting luv. join my taglist in the form or comment here
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reimeichan · 11 months
I was diagnosed with severe combined type ADHD well into my adulthood. The many years of undiagnosed ADHD has a major source of my trauma, and I hate it so much.
I know a lot of people think of ADHD as a silly, quirky disorder. Someone with ADHD has trouble sitting still, has focus issues, has short term memory problems, etc. None of this sounds like anything so bad on the surface.
What people often don't see is... how people like me are treated.
(tw child abuse ahead)
Growing up, I was often punished and berated for things that "normal" kids could handle. I constantly forgot my homework, couldn't get the executive functioning to start on projects until the last minute, would be so hyperfocused in a book that I would miss dinner, be unable to sit still long enough to practice piano, etc. And each time that happened, I would be punished for it. Hit, spanked, yelled at, grounded, belongings destroyed... it was constant, daily punishment. It felt like I could do nothing right. Pretty much all of my punishable actions could be tied in some way to my undiagnosed ADHD.
It was genuinely awful and I have a lifetime of trauma from that. I'm scared of even shaking my foot when I'm by myself in my own room, I feel guilty for spending any amount of time reading or playing video games. I beat myself up for my lack of executive functioning. And my parents never, ever tried to help me learn those skills. All they did was try to beat those "habits" and beat the "laziness" out of me. And tell me that "all kids experience that, you're just making excuses" (I now know that ADHD is often found within the same family, and I highly suspect at least one of my parents to have it as well to the point they normalized their own experiences).
I can genuinely say that many of my mental health disorders (the DID, the depression, the anxiety, the suspected NPD, and anything else I've missed) can all be tied back to my undiagnosed and unmanaged ADHD, and all the trauma that came with that. Hell, even into adulthood, I struggle more with my ADHD symptoms than I do with anything else. If anything, the other things just further exacerbate my ADHD struggles. It genuinely sucks.
This isn't to say I find all aspects of my ADHD bad. I genuinely enjoy the hyperfocus (when it's hyperfocus on something I actually want to hyperfocus on). I think the way my brain jumps from topic to topic, connection to connection, has made me more creative than many of the people around me. And it's very much a part of me that makes me kind of uniquely "me". But also... I know it's such a big part of my trauma history that to try to paint it as this positive thing in my life would be a lie.
But yeah. I wish we talked more about how traumatizing living with ADHD is.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
hey i wanted to asks if you could do more of F1 race team owner Hawks please
Sparing some thoughts for Yandere F1 Dads Hawks and Dabi:
Keigo has his own race team, his company makes cars for these races, and Dabi, his husband races for him. Keigo spends a lot of time in his home office late at night, designing new cars that are faster and better equipped for Dabi. Dabi would join him in his office after putting you to sleep, helping Keigo out or just keeping him company sometimes, a cup of coffee for tye blonde and scotch for him. Their conversations often revolved around you, cars and dirty jokes, obviously.
Keigo wearing his designer 3 piece suits and forcing you into wearing team colours/Dabi's merchandise when he takes you to races to support Dabi. You're not super fond of tye tracks, but if it's any consolation, Dabj and Keigo make sure you have those big noise cancelling headphones on (the one they give babies). The only downside is that they still force you to wear the team costume and big headphones even when you're older.
The races are usually held in Monaco, the Richie rich city where there's casinos clubs everywhere. And youd think that your rich dads would leave you at the hotel and go to these casinos to have some fun. But no, since you're too young to go to these places(you're not, they just don't want you to suddenly become a gambling addict or meet the disgusting pervs that these places are full of), so they do more family appropriate activities with you. Like cycling dates, which would've been alright if it they weren't famous, so now everybody on streets is staring at you and taking pictures of you losing your breath and turning red and sweaty because you have low stamina, unlike your dads who are fit sportsman.
Dabi trusts reader 100%. He knows hes raised a good, honest, sweet kid- no, he raised an angel. It's just... everyone else that he distrusts. That's why he spends a lot of time in the garage building trackers that he can have Keigo sew in your clothes, bags, shoes. Keigo isn't completely on board with "tracking" your every move, but then Dabi always paints such a picture about what could possibly happen if someone gets their dirty paws on you and you're never seen again, leaving your dads wondering what kind of hell you're in. So, now Keigo is sewing in the trackers and hiring disguised bodyguards to keep an eye on you during school and whenever you're out in general.
Keigo cooking in the kitchen while Dabi helps you with your homework, having endless patience as he explains the same thing over and over again with the softest voice ever. Of course, Keigo brings in healthy snacks for you two, watching his two favourite people just... being themselves.
While Dabi helps with the academic side of your development, Keigo likes to spark your interests with different hobbies. He plays the piano, so he'll teach you how to play one, or at the very least, an instrument of your choice. And when music class is over, he'll have you help him with cooking, usually baking because you like licking the frosting off the spatula (just like Dabi). Keigo also encourages you to draw futuristic type of cars, and the blonde takes it as a challenge to make all your designs, however unfeasible they may seem, become real.
Thats not to say that Dabi doesn't do fun activities with you. He'll have you join him in the garage and teach you a lot of stuff as he works on his cars and engines- he'll make sure you know how to change your oil and tyres so that you don't need someones measly son (aka Bakugou) to change them for you and then hold it over your head. Dabi would definitely over for you to learn how to drive from him, but until you're old enough, playing car simulation video games with him will do.
When you first started dating Katsuki, whenever you would leave home, Dabi would have serious anger issues that he would take out on his cars as he destroys them with a metal bat or a wrench. But you'd never know that he's angry, because by the time you come home, Dabi is cool and nonchalant.
Keigo, while he pretend he's not bothered by you dating, doesn't cope so well either. He may have a happy, calm exterior, but when he goes to work, he fires like quarter of the company. He takes out his anger on other people, so that when he returns home, he can sigh and pretend he's much better at coping this news than Dabi.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Hobie stans hear me out:
SpiderPunk x SpiderPosh
I like the idea of a SpiderPosh.
He's a kid, born into money. He was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has been to private school all his life.
He got bitten on a fancy school trip. He has a fancy East End accent and drinks tea with his pinky out. He wears polos and ascots and Calvin Klein underwear unironically.
Hobie meets him and it's like 'ugh fucking hell' cause growing up in London he's come across his fair share of twats
But instead of being stuck up - SpiderPosh is just... Totally innocent and naive in nature.
He's the complete opposite of Hobie - coming from a 'utopian' universe like 2099. He genuinely thinks bigotry is horrifying and unfathomable. He hears about the things that happen in Hobies universe and he's just - floored.
Not only that, but he's concerned. It upsets him. Despite his looks and nature, Posh is extremely firm in his belief in justice, and kindness, and fairness.
To him, the thought of homelessness, and poverty and bigotry is gutting.
The more he knows about discrimination the more he hates it. The more he wants to help.
That's how he starts idolizing Hobie -
At first Posh is entirely intimidated by Hobie, with his bright colors and jagged edges. Whereas Posh is like the pages of a perfectly printed hardback novel.
He's afraid Hobie might hate him, or think he's a poseur. But he still tries anyway, apologizing for even bothering Hobie.
At first, he just asks what his anarchy patch means, and when Hobie tells him, Posh can't help but be dazzled.
A world without leaders, without borders, without poverty or excess. Posh tells him the idea sounds beautiful.
"I think we could do it - humans I mean. It's possible. We all want to do better, we just have to hold ourselves accountable. I'd give up a lot, for a world like that. I'd know we'd all sleep better at night, am I right?"
"Yeah," Hobie tells him. "You are."
Posh plays the interaction on repeat. Thinking about how Hobie explained it so easily, and stood on it so firmly.
He didn't know why his hands would sweat at the thought, even hours later.
And Hobie keeps it in mind too.
Later, he comes to Posh, giving him a book on Anarchy - told him it was due back at his universe's library in a couple days. But he'd figured that maybe a Posh would want a read.
Posh enhales the book in that time, reading over the pages Hobie had dog-earred, the scraps of paper stuffed between the pages with Hobies handwriting and thoughts.
The day the book is do back Posh gives it back to him, and the two send their entire lunch in the Society Campus food court, spilling their thoughts.
Posh thinks he's amazing. He tells him so.
Hobie thinks he's benevolent - a reminder of the good in the multiverse, the true good, the people worth fighting for.
Soon, he starts pestering Hobie, eager to pick his brain - asking for protesting tactics, and how to get people to listen.
Hobie is a happy teacher, always patient, and always fun. He's Posh's favorite type of person. So entirely him, that Posh could never seem to forget how other worldly he seemed.
When Posh learns about Hobies blue laces, to be honest, he's shocked. If anything, he's a bit upset. None of which surprised Hobie. He knew Posh was sheltered, altruistic to a fault.
But it's not that Posh is disgusted with him.
If anything, he's worried sick for Hobie.
He's asks him if he wants to talk about it, or unpack it, or if he's still processing it. The thought of Hobie killing someone, and then living with it everyday scared Posh. Hobies still a person.
But Hobies mostly over it.
Posh understands that sometimes things need to be done, but he still wonders how Hobie carries it with him. He doesn't bring it up anymore though. Hobie has made it clear it isn't a venting matter.
Sure, Hobies rock sounds like the sounds of cars being compacted to Posh, but he likes supporting Hobie.
Posh plays classical violin and piano, and although he and Hobie basically never play together - Hobie, a fellow musician, loves Posh's technique and the complexity of his pieces.
Sure they're the exact opposite. Sure Posh eats pizza with a fork and knife - and Hobie has to teach him how to eat it otherwise - but deep down they're fighting for the same cause.
They have the same values and views and love for the world. They'd both die for freedom and equality.
And they are in love yes they are gay boyfriends. Sheltered Posh gasped at the word queer, and when Hobie explained reclamation and the power in the word - Posh saw the light and now they're two radical gay lovers who do radical queer things
Theyre like those old couples that lie in bed next to each other in reading glasses doing wordcross or knitting before bed except it's Hobie and Posh in matching pajamas reading praxis and discussing the history of anti-capitalism in the west
Hobie and his cute kind boyfriend Posh
Okay say hi to my new oc y'all eventually I'll give him a real name a posh snooty name but until then
Punk and Posh
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cactus-cass · 10 months
do you have any headcanons for the ggy trio?
Tysm for asking this aughhhh
I'm only gonna go over Greg in relation to the other two because Gregory alone I talk about headcanons for a lot, and he's included in the post about the 3 star fam headcanons. So yeah
I just made a separate post for my sorta headcanons for GGY specifically, which you can find here.
Greg was a really good friend before being glitchtrapped. He was during it, too, but that was Rab playing an act. He's a super sweet kid, despite everything
Greg would give Tony his own pocket money sometimes. "I get a lot of it, and you need it more than me." Tony didn't like to accept it, but Gregory is a persistent person.
Greg would always help Ellis with the arcades he wasn't very good at. "I learned this strat, actually...."
Gregory would get them both snacks and sneak them under the desks in class, the trio eating them when the teacher wasn't watching. This was especially the case if Ellis seemed less hyper in class or Tony was particularly quiet.
Gregory was extremely helpful and kind with Tony when his dad got locked up. He was there for him. Ellis is better at lightening the mood, but Gregory is good at real comfort and supportive words
They're all there for each other. Gregory fights when people pick on his friends, which is rare-ish-- they don't really get bullied-- but it still happens, and Greg gets hurt. He gets anxious. But then Ellis and Tony are there. Tony's awful attempts at comfort make Gregory laugh, while Ellis is naturally good at making people smile
The trio balances each other out perfectly, and it makes things easier in school! Sometimes, Tony needs to lighten up and see the bigger picture. Sometimes, Gregory needs to relax and take things slower. Sometimes, Ellis needs to be brought back to earth a little.
Ellis has a pretty normal life. He doesn't have any particular bad shit going on, only the losing his two besties thing in the case of canon. His home life is okay, though; he has a caring mother and a little sister he enjoys taking care of, despite her attitude sometimes-- It's small, and it's nice. His dad is usually away at work, but he finds time for his family.
Ellis has as much monty merch as he can possibly get, but he insists on winning it himself at the Plex instead of just finding it on amazon or whatever.
Tony's secret opinion on Ellis would be so heartbreaking for him. Ellis would be devastated to find Tony doesn't like his silly side. It'd drive him away, "Wow, man. Okay. I'll find new friends, you can have Greg all to yourself. Enjoy it."
If Gregory knew about it, he would side with Ellis. He'd be angry, but also try to help Tony loosen up. "Hey, you don't have to be super mature yet. You're so young. Trust me, you should enjoy being a kid before you force yourself to grow up. Being forced into growing up sucks, I promise." Tony would hate the fact that it sounds like he's talking from experience.
Tony loves music! His dad liked music, and he could play guitar, so Tony likes music and wants to learn to play. He also wants to learn piano. He learned like 2 meme songs on piano to impress people in music class and almost got detention (tryhard)
Tony listens to music mainly at the moment. He wants to learn to write songs. He doesn't wanna be a songwriter-- He's still set on investigative journalism. It's just a hobby
He'd write lemon demon type shit mixed with like uhhh. Idk. Less silly, more serious stuff. Imagine Cabinet Man, but it's about an arcade controlling a person, and it's slower and more ominous sounding (the GGY song)
He listens to songs his dad likes, often. Reminds him of him. He misses him every day, and it's a way of escaping. He usually listens to music late at night, and he thinks... just thinks.
Gregory is the one who got Tony into cheesy 80s music instead of mf. The Clash and The Cure, which his dad likes. "Should I stay or should I.... Nah. Listen to this." He hands the phone back and it's playing Material Girl
Speaking of, Gregory loves 80s music! Ellis loves hard rock and punk music. They really do reflect their glamrock faves in terms of favourite music genre!
They'd have a collab playlist that they can all add music to, and Gregory always quietly adds things he thinks are funny. Tony got 'How Bad Can I Be' blasting in his ears one day and turned to see Gregory and Ellis giggling away nearby.
Gregory adds real songs. Some really good ones. But then he also adds it's raining tacos 60 times. They played it on a speaker once, and when it's raining tacos started playing, Gregory turned it up so it blasted through the cafeteria. All 3 of them got detention
The trio definitely snuck into a show at the Pizzaplex. Yeah, two of them can afford it, but what's the fun in paying? And it's from there that Tony was obsessed with Bonnie. It's the one thing at the Plex he can't pretend he doesn't find childish
Tony has been trying to forget it. He's too old for all that. But he just loves the characters despite everything. He'd start going into how he can like the glamrocks because he researched glam rock, while Gregory and Ellis don't really care-- "Yeah I looked into Glam Rock. It's like. A part of queer history. It's important haha. and I can look into its influence. Okay? It's normal and fine and mature." And they're just like "??? Okay???"
Greg's favourite is Freddy, Tony's is Bonnie, and the duo are super close. Ellis isn't stupid. He definitely thought they were gonna end up together or something; even if they weren't gonna end up like that or anything, Ellis is a huge tease
They all tried cooking once! Tried. Tony isn't a bad cook at 14, but he's an awful, terrible cook at 12. Ellis can't cook at all, and Gregory can only bake (at age 12, also badly).
No matter what they're making, Ellis manages to make slime every time. His favourite to cook is spaghetti and the pasta is always mushy, the sauce always thick as hell with not enough meat... It's slime. Tastes nice, with the worst texture of all time. Despite that, the boys like it anyway. When Tony's sad Ellis is like right. Dude. I'm making you my slimy spaghetti surprise rn
Greg would bake them all cookies at the weekends they work on school projects! They're usually slightly too hard or too soft, but they taste okay.
Ellis helped one time and the cookies became slime. "Oh my God Greg. Who made these, Ellis?" "Uhmmmm excuse me you're doubting the master chef of the three musketeers?" "He helped."
Greg got extremely, scarily good at baking that one September before he and Tony went missing (Afton/the Mimic can really cook apparently!)
The trio has a Minecraft server, owned by Gregory. Tony builds actual houses and stores, Ellis builds really huge complex things like farms and redstone contraptions + traps, and Gregory builds sometimes like Tony, but is shockingly good at it. He builds megabases. But he also starts a million things he never finishes, accidentally breaks things, causes chaos (usually along with Ellis), buries Tony or moves him while he's AFK, and /kills everything.
Ellis and Gregory built a dangerous labyrinth, and Greg teleported Tony to the centre of it. He's in spectator mode with Ellis, watching Tony struggle and constantly respawn in the maze while he complains. "MF GIVE BACK MY CREATIVE PERMS???" "Seek the exit, and your desires will be met." (leaves vc)
If Tony ever gets genuinely annoyed by their antics, Greg usually builds him something as an apology because he feels really bad about it.
And uhh that's all for now! I could probably come up with more eventually, but these ones have been on my mind abkshduhdjd
Thanks for the ask!
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Glad the surgery went well! Heal quickly and leave the pain behind!
My ask is what head canons you may have regarding my fave, Everett Blakely?
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Hello darling! I really appreciate you so much :) Reminder that my requests are open and I'm almost completely caught up with them! So keep sending in requests so I have stuff to do until I'm healed haha!
More under the cut, cut for length, some light spice sprinkled in:
-Everett Blakely is a sweetheart and you can't convince me otherwise
-Is the type of man to buy you flowers—but not just any flowers, and not roses. They're too cliche. Unless they're your favorites, in which case he'll get you roses then.
-Keeps careful note of what you mention liking/disliking. And yes, he definitely has them written down somewhere haha
-Is a wife guy and GENUINELY a wife guy; he's got your picture and he carries it around with him everywhere he goes and he's ready at any given moment to brag about how amazing and special you are
-Is really creative with compliments; doesn't like giving super generic compliments, but really tries to come up with things that are specific to you and your looks/personality
-Loves to go dancing
-Is actually really good in the kitchen? Sunday meals are his favorite to help out with or take over for you because he gets to put in a lot of time and effort into them
-Strikes me as the type of guy who appreciates you and tells you how much he appreciates you every day
-There's never a dull moment; he's always coming up with the funniest jokes, the weirdest questions, or great stories to share with you
-Is super physically attentive to your needs, both romantically and basically—so he knows when you need a good cuddle or need some intimacy....and he also knows when you're getting sick or when you need some more sleep
-Loves showering with you
-Would, in fact, write you naughty letters of love to let you know how much he misses you
-Is the type of man to wordlessly share clothing, especially his jacket. He thinks you look much better in his clothes anyway
-Is amazed at any type of skin-care routine that you have going and wants to learn more
-Could listen to you talk for hours and hours
-Carries groceries for you
-Is the type of man to have one hand on the steering wheel and the other on you somehow
-Loves to sit with his arm around you casually
-Actually is a munch and loves being on his knees, though he'll never admit to that
-Is not the type to tease in public but is very very okay with flirtatious remarks sent your way that get you both wanting to leave
-Car sex
-Is super handy at a bunch of random different things around the house and that's definitely a turn on for you
-Adores leaving hickies all over your chest
-Is not ashamed to walk out the door with lipstick smeared on his mouth because hey, it's from you and you're perfect hahah
-Knows how to play the piano (but not well, he quit playing when he was a kid and he only remember the right hand really). But he can carry a tune fairly well.
-Is a super gentle man when it comes to sex and prefers taking his time and ensuring that it's proper lovemaking, none of that hurried frenzied stuff that others might get up to
-Has definitely gotten frisky with you in the shower though, and that's another story
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cosmic-c-kiddo · 11 months
I'mma put my own head canons here soo hehe
Cg! Lucifer Morningstar
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★- He would be absolutely clueless until you explain age regression to him and caregivers
☆- He would show you his devil face because you asked if he can be your cg and he wanted you to make sure you knew who you wanted to care for you. But you would just show him love.
★- He doesn't know what he's doing but surprisingly he's doing amazing!
☆- So because of that he would slowly begins to use his wings for comfort. Or his devil face to play and you would absolutely enjoy it.
★- He would start doing angel traditions (?) That are like for older brothers and sisters and what they do for their younger siblings.
☆- He would always be hyper aware to you so if you slip in public he's prepared.
★- He would start caring some form of bag that will hold stuff animals, coloring books and crayons. Anything that's discreet enough for the public.
☆- He loves giving nicknames!!
★- His favorite to give is little one, Gremlin, Starlight, little star, and Baby!
☆- He would play the piano for you especially to help you sleep.
★- He would love to go to shopping trips or actually any trips! And spoil you rotten
☆- He would Ask Chloe where's the best places to go for kids and bring you there!
★- He would give the best cuddles.
☆- He would absolutely give you uppies because he's super strong.
★- He would give you apple juice in a cool cup so you can pretend to be just like him.
☆- Would watch anything with you as long it makes you happy.
★- Doesn't stop him complaining though. But when he sees that it makes you upset he stops. He begins to only complains a little but make sure you knew that he's only joking and loves spending time with you.
☆- He would sing you to sleep. Or tells you the best stories.
★- Either made up or real history
☆- Sometimes he would tell you stories about heaven and hell.
★- If you suffer from nightmares he would always be there to comfort you. And hold you with his wings.
☆- He would bake and cook with you! Depending on your age you would just watch but your happy to do so.
★- He slowly stops wearing suits when your little because you tell him it feels like he would be leaving. (Or any type of fear) and he would start wearing jeans and band/ normal t-shirts.
☆- Plus it allows him to be messy so he's not to upset having to change types of clothes
★- He would blare music and you guys would both dance and sing together. And be super goofy.
☆- He would play with your hair and allow you to play his.
★- He is not afraid of glitter and after you learned that he regrets saying it. Because there's always glitter on him no matter how many times he showers.
☆- He would also carry candy for you big or small and always "sneakily" give you one.
★- He loves playing pretend no matter what it contains and you always make him the hero of the story and it warms his heart everytime.
I will possibly add more lats <3
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I got bored in church today so I started coming up with band headcanons for the chain so here (sorry it’s really long I’m a huge band nerd)
concert band:
time - flute. he’s just the whimsical type to play flute, also he can go incredibly high and his fingers probably blur cuz of how fast he’s playing
twilight - baritone/euphonium. twi just seems like that mellow yet determined type, though he will get very aggressive if you call it a “mini-tuba”
warriors - trumpet. I don’t think I need to elaborate.
wind - trombone. wind is 100% a trombone kid- making jokes 24/7 and whether their funny or not is a 50/50. he blasts super loud to annoy everyone but he’s low key amazing at playing
four - four stumped me a bit. I’m not too 100% sure because his personality is rather complicated (hahahsrhjrjfjajajahz), but I think he’d play alto sax. he can play the others too; tenor, soprano and bari (ITS 5X HIS SIZE AHAHA).
legend - trumpet. he’d be first chair and extremely smug about it, though he’s so insanely good at trumpet. he makes a 3 octave instrument 5 octaves. he snarks a whole ton at the rest of his section and constantly has to put people in place (people aka warriors).
hyrule - flute. also very whimsical along with time. :) he seems like that happy type and just likes the flute cuz it makes a pretty sound. yes hyrule we love you for that <3
wild - percussion. so obviously percussion. he’s extremely good at everything in the back. he loves to double up on mallets (holding two mallets in each hand) and go ham. he can make it sound very pretty tho :) he can do fancy things with drumsticks and the metronome fears HIM. he also summons demons in the back of class during warm ups (very proud of him. if you couldn’t tell, I’m a percussionist).
sky - let’s be honest, he’d be in orchestra (what a traitor /pf). but if he were in band he’d defo play clarinet. very soft and mellow, and does the instrument justice. very attentive in class and definitely a teachers pet yet not to the extent it’s annoying. he just really enjoys being there.
jazz band:
time - he would play alto sax but would definitely do flute cameos whenever he could. he likes making the crowd go “WOAH! A FLUTE IN JAZZ? THATS EPIK”
twilight - I think he’d learn trombone for jazz. amazing at improvising and his solos are astounding round of applause for twilight 👏👏
warriors - still trumpet, he loves jazz and quite good at the whole concept. 10/10 he loves those high notes in his solos
wind - still trombone. he likes playing around with glissandos and very good at them. his playing is very fun and interesting!
four - i think he’d do piano despite the fact he has 4 saxes to choose from. a god at music theory and has so much fun with the piano. four’s fingers can stretch impossibly far to reach keys. that boy loves his soloing!
legend - trumpet as well. nothings really changed, he likes smooth jazz and you cannot change my mind. he’s usually pretty nonchalant about jazz but he secretly has so much fun with it.
hyrule - electric bass. he loves to have funky solo’s and makes it all look super easy. he can get super energetic and start having *too* much fun in which the band director needs to tell him to calm down 💀
wild - DRUMSEEET! my boy can really rock out on this thing. he really knows how to make the song interesting without being overpowering (sometimes). really good at making things pop
sky - upright bass! that lil guy loves his bass and rather shy with solos, preferring to let others do the solos. he downplays his 11/10 improvisation. which is stupid sky you are amazing at bass
extra headcanons:
time and hyrule would talk a lot in class despite the fact time tries to pay attention. those two have so much dirt on the rest of the band and they KNOW it.
wild and four like to go early before rehearsal to just screw around. whether it be remixing music or just straight up doing some crack stuff, they have a blast.
wind would help twilight with trombone since he’s still a bit new to it. even though he can be a bit annoying to the band, wind is a great teacher and twilight is improving a lot.
wind and warriors would be the evil duo of “who can blast the loudest”. everyone in the band despises them for it.
like I mentioned earlier, warriors is constantly challenging legend or just testing him in which legend blasts warrior’s ego everytime without fail.
more on the double mallets with wild, he quite enjoys making small peaceful songs or finding them to play. if you come early you can hear him practicing and his playing is very soothing. :)
like I said, sky would probably be in orchestra, but I like to think he does both. often doing cameos for both groups, as well. almost like the middle man because the band and orchestra hate it each other, but both agree sky is an exception and everyone cherishes him.
time is the president of the band. everyone loves time. the students and the director. he’s probably one of the best players in the band. extremely mature but in those SMALL moments he’ll do something devious.
twilight is also cherished by the band. he’s very hardworking and has adopted several students. many look up to him as he’s a bit more approachable than time. (time is scary to new people)
though warriors can be annoying, he’d never do anything purposely to screw up the band during performances or whatever. he loves being here even if he’s showing off 24/7.
four is really a jack of all trades when it comes to sax. everyone teases him whenever he plays bari due to the size difference, but no one goes to far because deep down their all scared of the tiny short gremlin who will start speaking in music theory language and confuse everyone.
wow, your still here? 💀 im concerned for your health and mine. really though, if you read all that, I admire your dedication and thanks for listening. there will certainly be more headcanons to come so if you liked this do not fret, it’s not the end. sorry this is so long and sorry for the people who talked in church that I shamelessly tuned out.
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milkteaarttime · 8 days
Latte Personality: A More In-Depth Analysis
I did say I wanted to retcon Latte a little more. I thought I could have done better explaining her personality type. Since she was lowkey still baking in my empty shell of a head when I initiated the first update. I would like to go into more detail and humanize her a little more and give a bit more in-depth of her personality (because I want to separate her more from me and into a character that only has my attributes but not an self-insert. Also to separate from my personality, an ENFP)
Please excuse any grammar and spelling issues. I'm half asleep lol
If I had to use the 16 personalities MBTI to describe her, I want to say she is The Consul aka ESFJ. Maybe her enneagram is 2 "The Helper".
Personality outline:  
Latte is naturally very social, she has great practical skills, knows what her place is, and is a very loyal person. She is a very trustworthy, warm, sensitive, and hard-working woman.
Growing up she was a popular child in the Chinese community in her area, worked hard at her family restaurant, sang and played piano, studied well at school, and was social/polite/pleasant in front of adults and kids alike (haha how traditional). She is responsible, never had a bad thing to say about her parents/life, never complained in front of others and leaned into the ideal version of a daughter her parents/culture believed she should be. She participated in local events and talent competitions with her singing/piano, and she won a few times. This elevated her “status” among the Chinese kids in their community. “Why can't you be more that girl… Latte?”  (Yes she's the kid your parents would compare you to.) But because she was legitimately warm, the other kids couldn’t be upset with her. 
Supportive and chatty, the type to make people feel reassured/welcomed. Her nature to care for others and establish harmony makes her easy to get along with. Her personality is like the nice popular girl in high school who knows a bit abt everyone if you will.
She is also very good at making connections with people. Her experiences working at a restaurant and building rapport with the regulars helped her with learning how to be a good nurse. 
She can make people around her feel at ease and diffuse/de-escalate any angry customers at her family restaurant and patients at her hospitals. Making her the preferred person to call to smooth disagreements. Even if she hates confrontation.
Bit of a traditionalist when it comes to dating/romantic life, and definitely wants to be chased. She believes the man pays for the date/dinner, gets her parent’s approval before marriage (had they been alive), dislikes talking to multiple people and having “options” since it seems dishonest to her and she is very loyal. Never flings and situation-ships. However, in return for wanting a bit of princess treatment, she will go above and beyond to make her partner happy. 
Some drawbacks: 
Due to her upbringing in a traditional Chinese immigrant family as the eldest daughter. She tends to want to maintain appearances/faces. This is a huge part of Chinese culture, "do not embarrass the family". Think Mulan and the “bring-honour-to-her-family” type. She is often worried about their family’s appearance and their standing in the community. Especially stressed about how her actions affect her family and social image. the worst she had done was a mild emo phase that she hid well from everyone, only Viktor knows about it.
She can sometimes be seen as inflexible. She is fixated on keeping the status quo, not rocking the boat/keep the peace. A big example is Viktor being less conventional so she keeps attempting to change him and often mothers or nags at him.
Sensitive towards criticism, as the eldest daughter, she grew up with a lot more “suggestive feedback” than her brother or any other child would, this causes her to become a perfectionist and sometimes defensive of herself and her actions. She is deathly afraid of losing the place/reputation she fought tooth and nail to get. Seeks approval from people “higher up” on the social/relational hierarchy than her. Can get a bit needy when she thinks she is not being seen.
Can be too selfless and neglect her own needs, courtesy of the “Be considerate to others” lesson her mother drilled into her. She often lets her parent’s teachings and her traditional upbringing dictate her choices even if it is not 100% beneficial to her (foreshadowing lol)
Gets upset/stressed when others step out of bounds, disrupts order, or when things are out of her grasp and understanding. Again, she is too afraid of the drawback to being “different” and the idea of losing the “place” and “role” she worked so hard to establish. 
(Thank you for reading this far!! I did some research and a lot of soul-searching to craft Latte. I used my own experiences with my culture and expectations to make her a more realistic character. But her backstory is still largely creative and not real lol.)
(Latte is the kid my Chinese parents would compare me to. No joke XD)
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Hi it's your local spawn from hell who wrote about Yandere Mickey-
Anyway, can little me request the turtaleles with pianist MC? Yeah thanks my ideas basic af leave me alone It can be a fic or hcs I don't give a fuck-
I'm just a ginger music nerd who craves content that isn't mine-
Makin my way downtown, walkin’ fa— OH?? WHATS THIS??
“Pianocat939 asked:
Hi it's your local spawn from hell who wrote about Yandere Mickey- 
Anyway, can little me request the turtaleles with pianist MC? Yeah thanks my ideas basic af leave me alone It can be a fic or hcs I don't give a fuck-
I'm just a ginger music nerd who craves content that isn't mine-“
All turtles x Pianist!Reader
(In honor of this occasion I only see it fit to write with your cursed ass names) 
Raggedy Cloth:
HUGE sweetheart.
Likes to sit close to the bench, his head and arms propped up on the wood - taking up as little space as possible.
He watches closely, his tail wagging gently in anticipation as your fingertips drum on the keys. His smile widens as he hears the notes, snuggling up to you. 
Sometimes he has a hard time not hugging your torso, having you there in his arms just lulls the turtle right to sleep— doesn’t matter what you’re playing. 
You could be playing the most chaotic, horrifying, heart wrenching piece of sheet music and as long as he was hugging you, he’d be fine. In fact, he’s incredibly content!
If you gently pat his head before playing, the churring that vibrates from him is rather hard to play over— but eh who are you kidding? It adds a good baseline. 
He hardly notices anytime you mess up, and if it really starts to bug you - he’s rubbing up and down your back, telling you to take a break, get a snack, anything to help you calm down. 
Danielston III:
He isn’t exactly the type to sit and watch you play. 
However, when you had expressed an interest in piano, he quietly began working on a custom-made keyboard. Purple, of course.. with accents of your favorite color. 
It has more sounds than the original, and, it’s a lot more practical. 
It did come with headphones.. however, he may or may not have messed with the jack so it could hook up to his headphones as well — with Bluetooth.
You know how he records everything? 
Sometimes when he’s really overstimulated, he’ll just pull up recordings of your music, the sound calming his nerves until he can get himself back together. 
When he’s understimulated? There is nothing stopping him from remixing your talent.
He DEFINITELY adds your mess - ups too, he thinks your tirades of frustration are actually really humorous.
I like to think he makes most of his ‘jammy jams’ by himself, considering how he knows what he likes, but you know.
Overall he appreciates your talent— but in secret. He’d die before letting you know how much he relies on it. 
Mikey Mouse:
Loves your playing so much!! 
Theres no better feeling then listening to you play and working on his art— he considers you an incredible artist, especially if you compose your own music. 
His mood depends on what you’re playing, it can really affect what he plans on drawing.
If you play chaotic things, he acts like he doesn’t mind at all!! And really he doesn’t, but if you look over his shoulder, you’ll notice it’s inspired him to draw his own chaotic things..  
Things you wouldn’t even wanna unleash on your own worst enemy.
Everytime you finish a song or overcome a rut you were in, he’s bombarding you with compliments. 
“That one was so cool, Y/N!”
“Where did you learn to play like that?”
“You did it! I’m so proud of you..” 
incredibly genuine too— like it’s overflowing.
I feel like this was short, but there’s not really much to say about the mikester 😭 Hes just content to be in your presence. He sees you as an artist the same as him, same level and creative ability. He loves being around you.
He makes sure you have a couch instead of a bench for your piano
So he can lean against you and prop his legs up on the armrests of course!!
He’s quick to point out when you do something impressive, like a chord progression you had been practicing all day. his brows furrow as he gives you his signature smirk, “Class-ayy~” 
He often reads comics while you play, chuckling anytime you mess up. 
If you point out his laughter, there is LOADS of teasing in for you. 
“I don’t see what’s so hard!” He laughs, as you scoff, asking him to play it if it’s so easy! “Well, you can’t expect me to just do it perfectly with hands like these..” he gestures to his 6 fingers, but scoots closer to you anyway, muttering something about how “but.. if you insist~”
He’s surprisingly really good his first try! Great for someone with “hands like his”.
If you try to teach him though, he’s yawning through your whole lecture — instead staring at you and how prettily your features meshed together. 
“Leo? Did.. you hear anything I just said..?”
“Hehehehhh.. nope. ♡”
He’s.. Shameless..!
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undeadsourpatchkid · 11 months
assorted papa headcanons
Secondo and Copia are two different types of theater kids: anti-Hamilton theater purist vs. gleek
Primo was really into DnD when it got popular in the 80s (he always played as a wizard)
Terzo loves helping new ghouls adjust to the human realm - he was the first papa to become fluent in ghoulish (thanks to Omega)
They didn't need to learn, as "Papa" is lead singer and band/church figurehead, but each has a preferred instrument they like to play: drums for Primo, bass guitar for Secondo, guitar for Terzo, and piano for Copia
fuck their canon ages, Primo and Secondo were born mid-to-late 50s (i feel like them having the same mom would make sense, maybe irish twins?), Terzo between '62 and '65, and Copia somewhere in '69 or '70 (shortly after the release of seven inches)
Terzo for sure would be addicted to shopping on etsy
Secondo and Primo did a double drag routine for a short stint in their 20s - Secondo learned how to strut in pleasers when they gained popularity in the late 90s because of this
Copia is the resident history nerd - loves talking about the Roman empire, triangle shirtwaist factory incident, the radium girls, etc
Copia has his rats and Secondo has his snakes, but the closest Primo got to a pet was a huge, black, furry "dog" that would only visit him in the gardens after the sun set. Terzo nearly pissed his pants when he saw it for the first time and the ghouls said it was a hellhound, but to Primo that's just Beelzebubba (who eats anything but is particularly fond of the carbonara leftovers from dinner)
Primo smokes weed, not much of a drinker. Copia is the opposite (he greened out during a midnight mass when he was a bishop) and loves red wine. Terzo uses a bowl that looks like a kitty paw and Secondo drinks vodka like water/is very fond of cuban cigars
Primo would have the most insane dad lore. he's the type of guy to casually drop the fact that he got arrested in '78 for running from the cops in a foreign country and pretend like it isn't a big deal
Primo, Secondo, Terzo, and Copia are the names they received when they ascended to cardinal - I think their names would be something like Basilio, Fausto, Antonio, and Remigio
Copia didn't want to get plastic surgery after becoming Papa - Sister Imp. was only able to convince him of it after killing his brothers the others died because he saw too much of them when he looked in the mirror :(
and one more thing about that -> Copia had nothing to do with the killings of the previous Papas. Sister orchestrated it herself and passed it off as something beneficial to the new papacy, which he couldn't stop due to him being a mama's boy
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