#everett blakely x reader
luminouslywriting · 4 months
Hi dear! I hope you’re doing well & feeling well! I saw the ask regarding dressing up all pretty for the boys & I’m absolutely chomping at the bit for more of those. Perhaps with Blakely, Douglass & DeMarco? I don’t see them get enough love overall and I adore them. 🥰
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Hon, this is darling and I hope you enjoy! Requests are open and I'm working on getting through them now that I'm back to work and back from being out of town!
More under the cut, cut for length, some light spice sprinkled in:
Everett Blakely:
-Get yourself a new set of silk pajamas and put them on before he comes home for work haha
-He'll get all blushy and stammer out compliments before just kissing you
-He does insist that the pajamas stay on haha—and you wear them quite a bit after that lol
James Douglass:
-I think he's a jewelry type of guy and he pays attention to the little things—what kind of metals look best on you, which precious stones compliment your eyes the most...
-So when he arrives to pick you up for a date and you're wearing a new necklace that you splurged on, a set of pearls, this man is salivating on the spot
-Needless to say, the date gets postponed because you're getting hot and heavy with Douglass...and the pearls stayed on haha
Benny DeMarco:
-Benny DeMarco strikes me as the type of guy who notices the differences in makeup
-It's subtle but he'll comment on it and ask a few follow-up questions and makes mental note of the things that you like
-And he definitely surprises you a few more times with the type of lipstick or facial creams that you like :)
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millie-multifics · 6 months
Though I Yearn • Part 1
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Masters of the Air
Secret Admirer x Reader
A string of anonymous letters causes a stir at Thorpe Abbotts. Who could be the author of the tender correspondence you have been receiving?
Warnings: Secret Admirer (could be cute, could be creepy, depends on how you see it.), Reader is part of the Red Cross Girls, Spoilers, possible mentions of injuries, death and warcrimes.
Word Count: ~1.2k
Masterlist Next Part
x x x
Thorpe Abbotts was abuzz before the sun peeked above the horizon. Many of the personnel had been busy throughout the night while the men who would be in the planes got as much rest as their minds and bodies would allow. You were amongst those who had been working through the early morning hours, preparing the Clubmobile to serve fresh donuts and hot coffee that were intended to carry the men through their dangerous and lengthy mission.
Helen stepped into the truck, a small stack of letters piled on top of the supply box in her grip. She set the box down on the chair in the corner, seperating the letters adressed to you from the ones adressed to the few other Red Cross ladies. “Early mail delivery.”
“Must be for morale, first combat mission for many of the men today.” You easily recognized the printing on the first envelope, a letter from back home just like the ones you had recieved every week since arriving to Thorpe Abbotts. The second envelope was unusual, void of a return adress and stamp, only your name was scrawled across the front. You gently peeled open the envelope, unfolding the sheet of paper to read the message inside.
“During our first encounter your presence washed over me like the English rain, soothing and all consuming. You have captured my attention and selfishly, I must admit that I don’t want you to ever let it go.”
The letter had no siganture or name to identify who had written it, only a creased bottom corner and a small coffee stain in the middle of the mostly empty sheet. You didn’t recognize the handwritting but admittedly, you had not seen the writing of the majority of personnel at Thorpe Abbotts. Your brain spun, shuffling through as many first encounters as your mind would allow but it was overwhelming, there were so many possibilites… too many possibilities.
“Everything alright?” Helen asked, her eyes glancing to the letter clutched tightly in your hands, worry creasing her brows. She hoped everything was okay at home, it was everyones nightmare to recieve bad news from home while being on a whole other continent, so close to a raging war.
“Oh,” You quickly folded the letter, tucking it back into its envelope. “Yes, everything is fine.”
You were sure Helen was skeptical, feeling her eyes following your movements as you tucked both letters into your coat. The men trickling out from their quarters was enough to distract both of you from the coffee stained paper.
“I don’t recall such a welcoming committee when I arrived.”
The sudden voice behind you had been startling, you turned to find the handsome Major leaning against the open window of the truck.
“I do recall being in this very spot while you rushed right passed, Major.” You sent the man a polite smile, adding to the stack of paper coffee cups, “Surely you were focused on the business at hand.”
“That must have been it, I’d like to think I would have introduced myself otherwise.“
You were thankful for the roar of planes flying overheard, the arrival of his men drew his attention away from the heat pooling in your cheeks. “That is my cue. Enjoy your day, ma’am.”
The soldiers came in waves, stumbling across the clubmobile on their way to settle in. Many men lined up for the provisions you offered; hot coffee, fresh donuts, cigarettes, the newspaper and even the occasional magazine.
You sent the next in line a smile, one nearly tripping over his own boots as his friend nudged him forward. “Gentlemen, what may I offer you today?”
The dark haired soldier leaned on the window ledge that seperated you, sending you what you could only assume to be intended as a charming smirk. “If a ‘gentle’ man is what you are looking for, then that is what I shall be.”
It certainly had not been the first attempt at flirting you had experienced in the day, but generally the men had kept it tame, calling you pretty in some way or asking to take you for a harmless drink. You let your distaste for the comment show on your face, choosing to adress the amused man at his side.
“May I offer you anything?”
“Just two cups of coffee and cigarettes, thank you.”
You placed only one cup of black coffee on the ledge along with the requested cigarettes, offering a polite smile. “When your friend learns how to speak to women respectfully then he may make requests. Welcome to Thorpe Abbotts.”
Your eyes briefly found those of the dark haired man, his mouth slightly agap with your words before he was pulled out of the line by his now laughing friend.
The line faded quickly, the men moving along to find their Quarters to settle in as soon as they were served. The coffee urns were empty, only a single cup of black coffee leftover from the gallons that had been brewed. Helen had just began to clean when the last few men to arrive wandered through. You had heard through whispers that one plane had been seperated from formation, missing in the clouds. It had flown overhead a short time ago and you assumed these were those lost men. Most passed without stopping for a treat, settling in on the forefront of their minds but one staggered up to the open window.
“Anything left?”
“I’ve always got extra cigarettes or the newspaper on hand, one last cup of coffee if thats what you’re looking for.”
The solider accepted the lone paper cup, sniffing the bitter liquid before taking a large gulp. The boldness helped relieve the putrid smell of vomit from his nostrils. It was fragrent on the plane because his navigator was unable to control his air sickness, but the scent seemed to stuck in his nose as it was still the only thing he could smell, until the coffee anyway.
“You got any gum?” He asked, glancing over his shoulder at two men who were busy chatting amongst themelves. You slide a small package of mint gum across the ledge, watching as stalked toward the two soldiers, throwing the gum to the dark haired one without more than a simple ‘Heads up’.
Your first encounters with many of the men circled your mind as you lay on your bed, the letter once again clutched between your fingers. Major Egan, Douglass and Blakely, Hambone, Crosby and Bubbles, Curt and Dickie. Your first interactions with many of the soldiers were friendly introductions, none had stuck out to you as anything other than kind or mildly flirty.
He had never intended on you reading the letter, it had been written in a futile attempt to rid you from the forefront of his mind. He surely wasn’t a fool, you were far too good for a man like him but he had been completely taken by your warm presence. Unable to ease the yearn he felt for you, anchoring deeper every morning when you happily served what the military had insisted to be coffee.
It may have been a presumptious move on his part but he just couldn’t help himself.
He had snuck the letter into the mail carriers bag when he was delivering letters to the men as they ate was being labelled as ‘breakfast’.
x x x
Tags: @canyousmelltheflowers
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footprintsinthesxnd · 5 months
Trip Hazards
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Massive shoutout to the lovely anon who requested this fic. I had a lot of fun writing for Blakley. Pairings: Everett Blakley x f!nurse!reader Summary: Everett Blakely has had his eye on a certain young nurse on base for a while now. When he finally plucks up the courage to ask her out he has a rather unfortunate accident.
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There she was. Y/n Y/l/n. As pretty as anything. Her hair was pinned neatly in a Gibson roll while the rest of her head was covered by her white nurse's cap. Blakley sighed as he watched her count out a crate full of dressings and distributed them into piles. He could happily watch her all day.
“She’s a good-looking broad, Blakley,” Douglass agreed, watching the nurse as she began ticking off the new medical supplies on her clipboard. “I can see why you like her,” a smug smile pulled at the bombardier’s lips and his moustache twitched mischievously.
“I don’t like her, I…” Blakley turned to his friend, a little embarrassed that he’d been caught looking at the young nurse again. He couldn’t find the right words to describe how he felt about a certain Nurse Y/l/n. From the moment he’d bumped into her in the infirmary while visiting Bubbles he’d been fond of her. She was softly spoken and had an air of grace about her as she swept down the corridors in her white apron.
“You know you could just talk to her rather than keep staring,” John Egan chimed in from where he was perched on the jeep, lighting up a cigarette, the smoke floating up above their heads.
“No, I can’t. I’d just make a fool of myself,” Blakley replied adamantly, his eyes drifting away from the nurse and back to Douglass who smiled broadly.
The bombardier's moustache twitched once more as if he was going to come out with a clever comment, but Blakley’s warning glare stopped him.
“Well you look like a fool anyway standing over here staring at her,” Gale Cleven’s voice echoed from his spot beside Egan, breaking off the staring contest between Blakely and Douglass.
He turned to the Major, pushed his dark hair back and placed his hat back on his head, “Not you as well.”
Cleven held his hands up in response, but Egan answered for him, a common habit between the two Majors, “What’s the worst that can happen?”
Blakley stared at him with a deadpan expression. If he could have facepalmed he would have. Sometimes he wondered if he could smack Egan and Douglass’ head together and make sense of their comments. “Well for a start she could say no, tell me I’m a creep and then avoid me at all costs.”
The other airmen stared at him as though he’d grown an extra head, but the group remained silent until Cleven spoke up.
“Well other than that. Don’t think worst-case scenario, Blakley. You’re one of the good guys. You cause far less trouble than John.”
Egan glared at his friend and shoved him playfully. Blakley rolled his eyes at the Major’s antics. How could he think of anything serious while they continued this behaviour?
Douglass placed a hand on Blakley’s shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly, but accompanying it with a stern look.
“Alright, I’ll go and talk to her,” Blakley sighed, straightening out his B-3 jacket that he’d worn despite the warm summer afternoon. He was now regretting that decision, and paired with his hat too he was sweating before he’d even turned in Y/n’s direction.
“That’s my boy, go and get her,” Douglass called, hoping up onto the jeep so he could watch his friend.
Blakley felt a shaky breath escape his lips as he took a few tentative steps forward. His eyes were so focused on Y/n that he didn’t hear Lemmons whistling for Meatball, or the large grey object that streaked across his path, not until his leg connected with the object and he went flying through the air.
Meatball seemed unphased by her collision, continuing to trot towards Lemmons while Blakley flailed on the floor.
He could hear his fellow airmen’s cheers and jests from behind him, but it was when he met Y/n’s eyes from across the airstrip that his heart dropped. She’d looked up briefly from her clipboard and their eyes had met before he buried his head back into the dirt.
This couldn’t be happening. No. No. No.
It was the ruckus of laughter that alerted Y/n to the group of airmen standing by the jeep, their heads thrown back in fits of laughter. Her eyes fell on their fallen comrade in front of them, his whole body pressed firmly against the ground. She’d recognise that dark head of hair anywhere as Major Everett Blakley.
She’d seen the Major around often, in the pub in Dicklesburg or the officer club at one of the many on-base parties. She vividly remembered their first meeting while she was nursing Bubbles Payne. He’d been blushing like a schoolboy and her heart had instantly begun to race as their eyes met over the bed.
She watched as his friends continued to laugh at his discomfort and other than the way his limbs flexed against the ground, there was no sign of life. She glanced back down at her clipboard listing medical supplies before placing it down on the crate. Inventory could wait until later.
She removed the cloth that covered her hair and stuffed it into her apron pocket, smoothing down any loose hairs that may have sprung up. She wasn’t sure what it was about Everett Blakley but he always made her heart beat a little faster.
“Are you alright, Major?” She asked, standing above him as her shadow covered his face. He just shook his head, mumbling something into the earth that she couldn’t make out.
Sighing, Y/n crouched beside him, ignoring the way her white apron draped against the ground. Her eyes flicked over to James Douglass who was still bent double. Anytime she had seen Blakley, Douglass had never been far behind.
Her bright eyes flicked over to Major Egan and Major Cleven who had also participated in the laughter despite their fellow airman’s embarrassment. She gave them a look, similar to the one her mother would give her brothers when she’d finally had enough of their antics. The two Majors seemed to catch on and began to usher the men away, but not before Douglass shouted, “Go get her, Blakley.”
So this was what it was all about.
“Are you alright, Major?” Y/n asked, kneeling now and placing a hand on Blakley’s shoulder. She could just make out the pink tips of his ears from beneath the collar of his B-3 bomber jacket. She wasn’t sure why he was wearing it on such a warm day but that was probably contributing to the flush on his cheeks.
“I’m quite well, thank you,” he spoke gruffly against the ground, moving his head just a fraction.
“Right… Do you want to get up then?”
Blakey merely shook his head and had he been looking at Yn he’d have seen her with a more than confused expression.
Y/n huffed, nestling down beside the Major. At her touch, Blakley’s head shot up. He had grass and mud pressed into his right cheek, and a single blade of grass stuck to his lip.
“What are you doing?” He asked seriously, but Y/n couldn’t suppress the chuckle that fell from her lips.
“I’m sitting here with you.”
Blakley cocked an eyebrow and waited for her to elaborate.
“Well, you took quite the tumble and it’s my job to make sure you’re alright.” Y/n pointed at the Red Cross on her armband. “Can’t have one of our brave pilots injuring themselves on my watch.”
Blakley pushed himself up into a sitting position, brushing off the front of his jacket but forgetting his face.
“As you can see,” He cleared his throat, “I’m fine.” He couldn’t help the way his heart pounded in his chest, the blood rushed through his ears loudly. He wondered if Y/n could hear his heart beating too.
“Other than your wounded pride I would imagine,” she suggested and Blakley’s face grew red once more. “It’s okay to be clumsy, I’m clumsy too.” Y/n pulled her long white apron up to just above her knees, revealing multiple purple bruises, “I’m always falling over things.”
Blakley swallowed hard, his eyes travelling over the nurse's pale flesh. He felt his cheeks growing warmer and he cleared his throat, removing his gaze from her body. He should have been looking far more respectfully than he was.
Y/n seemed to notice his blush and reached over, linking her hand through his. Blakley glanced down at their joined hands, a faint ghost of a smile on his lips.
“There are worse things to be than clumsy,” Y/n added, her bright eyes meeting Blakley’s with a kind smile. “You could have a moustache like Douglass.”
Blakley chuckled, running his thumb over his own moustache, neatening the corners.
A gasp and a muffled shout from behind them confirmed that Douglass was in fact listening to their conversation.
A brunette head appeared beside the jeep and Major Egan flashed them a smile, as he marched Douglass away despite his protests regarding his rather ‘fetching’ moustache.
Blakley chuckled, turning back to the girl in front of him. There definitely were worse things than being clumsy, and who knows, maybe being clumsy was the best thing that could have happened to him.
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Tags: @georgieluz @docroesmorphine @major-mads @violetdaze25 @bcofl0ve @precious-little-scoundrel @blurredcolour @artlover8992 @b00ks1ut @xxluckystrike @hockeyboysarehot @groovin2beats @kmc1989 @ginabaker1666 @hesbuckcompton-baby @beebeechaos @forsythiagalt @prettyinlimegreenboots
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winniemaywebber · 7 months
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The Apple Tree - A local schoolteacher meets Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal.
Rosie Rosenthal x reader
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
It's Been A Long, Long Time: Harry and Jean Crosby adjust to parenthood with the support of a couple of close friends.
Harry Crosby x oc
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Honeysuckle Rose: Olive Lewis has just moved back to East Anglia after drama school. The move takes her to unexpected places.
James Douglass x oc
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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finneysbaseball · 1 year
hi y'all im back , again.
sooo ive been working on a wattpad book and ive never done any like writing on here other then headcanons so send in requests pls!
also im gonna try writing for other characters and if i like it ill keep them on my permanent writing list, but for know im only permanently writing for the black phone!
character's ill write for :
the black phone
finney blake
robin arellano
vance hopper
bruce yamada
gwen blake (platonic!)
it (2017)
mike hanlon
bill denbrough
the summer i turned pretty
belly conklin
conrad fisher
jeremiah fisher
the walking dead (game)
lee everett
the quarry
nick furcillo
jacob custos
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Hi! Hello! Welcome to my Masterlist for my Masters of The Air works. I can't wait to add more and more to the list and, of course, for you all to enjoy!
My inbox is also now open for any questions or requests!!
Ao3. East Anglia's Angels (MoTA OCs)
BoB Masterlist
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Harry Crosby
Wildflowers and Chides - (Harry Crosby x reader)
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Rosie Rosenthal
Crackling Ember's and Quiet Conversations - (Rosie Rosenthal x Lila Thornton)
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John Egan
Coming soon
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Ken Lemmons
coming soon
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Everett Blakely
coming soon
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cookstorys · 2 years
o gosh you added my new obsession to your list!! Can you please write harlen x male reader who’s the friendliest person at school and the bad boy(harlen) falls for him. But the reader is hesitant about it because of his reputation.
𝙾𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝
Character- Harlan Briggs
Show/Movie- Wolf Pack
Warning - Sad ending 💔
Author Note - New obsession is so real 😭
Females dni
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It started with simple glances at the boy. Harlan didn’t like him, just the thought of him. At least that’s what he told himself. He and [name] was total opposites. Harlan had a reputation for being a bad boy, and a boyfriend stealer. [name] on the other hand had a perfect reputation. Everyone loves him, they thought he could do no wrong.
However, when a very drunk Harlan texted the boy that he loves him, he wanted to do some wrong. [Name] had a crush on him since middle school. He wanted nothing but to text Harlan back saying ‘I like you too’ or ‘Took you long enough’ but he couldn’t. Just the simple thought of everyone’s judgmental eyes on [name] made him go full anxiety.
Which is why the next day you ignored him. Then the day after that, and the day after that. Eventually, it had been a week and a half without speaking to Harlan. Harlan wanted to tell him it was all a big misunderstanding. However, with the whole pack thing going on he never had a chance to. Until they bumped into each other at the police station.
[Name] wanted to give the station some late-night snacks since they’d been working so hard on the murders. While passing some donuts out, he recognized Harlan walking in with Everett, Luna, and Blake he believed. As soon as he and Harlan made eye contact his stomach fluttered. He was so hot and [name] was so into him. ‘Reputation and colleges [name], reputation and colleges [name].’ You repeated in your head. You couldn’t like Harlan. You both were too different to be together. That’s what you told yourself. After finally composing yourself, you thought it’ll be best if you just walk straight past the group and went home.
That plan quickly backfired when a very nervous Everett stopped you. “Are those donuts [name]? May I have one?” He sounded like he needed them. It didn’t take someone with 20/20 vision to see that Everett was freaking out. “Sure, of course.” You handed him the box and in return, he quickly thanked and chomped down one. “Don't worry about him. Eats when he’s stressed.” Harlan blurted trying to find something to talk about. He didn’t know if it was true but it looked like it was from the way Everett was eating.
“It’s fine. I get the same way sometimes.” Then silence fell again amongst the group of teens. The only sounds that could be heard were Everett and him eating his donuts. “Well be careful guys. I’ll be… elsewhere.” Harlan looked at the boy with a nod and watch him turn on his heels and walk away. That was his chance, to clear the air, and make everything a little less weird. The more he waited the more his chance faded, and the more he got worried. “Fuck it” He mumbled. Harlan stood up from his seat and ran towards the doors to look for you. Luckily you were just about to exit when you heard your name being yelled.
“Harlan, what are you doing?” You laughed. He was out of breath from the long hall he just ran down to get to you. “I-You-Me..” Harlan tried but every word was met with useless breaths of air. “Take your time.” You laughed again and then rested your hand on his shoulder. Harlan felt the same thing you did earlier. Butterflies. All in his body that he couldn’t control. The way you smiled made him feel had him smiling from ear to ear. Then he did it. [Name] had to admit, the boy had balls.
Harlan pulled [name] Into a long steamy kiss. His hands grabbed your waist with a type of force that told you were his and only his. He pulled you closer when he felt you finally kissing back. Then, the kiss broke. Both boys were gasping for air this time, one forehead leaning on the other. It finally beamed on Harlan what just happened and his smile got bigger. “[Name] I love you.” He grinned excepting something in return. Anything. Instead, he was met with silence.
He lifts his head to look into the eye of the man he just kissed, to be met with an eye filled with sympathy. “Harlan I’m sorry but I just-, I just don’t think we can-..” [Name] couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence. Harlan tried to hide the tears but he was sure a few escaped. “No, it’s fine I-I kissed you. No hard feelings.” [Name] was holding back tears too at this point. Harlan turned to leave, [name] wanted to stop him but he felt he did enough damage for the night. This was not good.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 years
Never Stop Me
Harlan Briggs x M!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs, kind of angsty/fluffy
Summary: y/n and Harlan did not to like each other but that changes while they are being questioned
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Y/n and Harlan were polar opposites. Harlan was a fuck boy who ‘doesn’t do relationships’. Y/n on the other hand was a very loyal person and was nice to anyone he met, except one person, Harlan. Y/n didn’t really like Harlan because Harlan hooked up with y/n’s boyfriend. But besides that y/n had a crush on Harlan. He didn’t know why, but he did.
Y/n started noticing things change about him. Y/n was outside one day. He was walking through the park when he heard someone tell him to duck. Little did he know a football was flying towards him. But his reflexes made him catch it. Y/n thought that it was just a dumb luck that he caught the football in time. But when y/n got home, he was setting up a new shelf that he just bought. Apparently y/n built it loosely because the second he left it, he felt his reflexes making him move before he could get injured by the things.
Later in the night y/n felt something calling him. He couldn’t stop himself, he put on his jacket as he started to run out of his room. “Y/n where are you going in such a rush?” Said his parents, but y/n didn’t respond he just kept running. It led him to a dead forest. He later saw Luna, Blake, Everett, and Harlan arrive there to.
They start talking about how they are pack and all that
“Are you kidding me? That whiny bitch is apart of our pack” said Harlan. “I’m sorry are you talking about me?” Said y/n. “Yes and what about it” said Harlan getting closer to y/n’s face. “Last time I checked you slept with my fucking boyfriend? If anything you’re the whiny one! You’re always arguing about finding you’re fucking dad!” Said y/n. Harlan didn’t really take that lightly as he tried to punch y/n but again y/n’s reflexes helped him avoid the punch.
“Don’t fucking talk about my dad like that!” Said Harlan as Luna had to hold her brother back while Blake and Everett held y/n back. All of a sudden Blake said she had to go as she ran away from the fight. “Blake!” Said Everett as he ran after her. Y/n just rolled his eyes as him, Luna, and Harlan chased after them. They ran into Prisha as she instructed them to go home.
Nothing else really happened after that. But all of a sudden the cops knocked on y/n’s door to take him and the rest of them for questioning for why him and the rest of the group were at the forest. They all say at a chair. Y/n was the last one there forcing him to sit next to Harlan. They started to discuss what to say. They decided on telling the cops they were smoking weed. Before they went to go get questioned y/n felt bad for what he said to Harlan so he pulled Harlan aside to talk for a bit.
“Y/n I swear to god if you say something else I’m going to-” Harlan was cut off by y/n. “I didn’t pull you aside to start another argument, I just wanted to say sorry, I felt bad for what I said to you back there, about you’re dad, how is he by the way?” Said y/n sincerely. “He’s going to be fine, besides why do you even care” said Harlan. “I’m just here to say sorry okay? That’s all” said y/n. Harlan knew y/n was lying by the way his heart was beating. “Cut the shit y/n tell me what else you wanted to tell me” said Harlan. “Fine, I kind of like you okay? I know you slept with my boyfriend and all that but I like you, I don’t know why but-” y/n was cut off by Harlan’s pulling him in for a kiss.
“Well I definitely wasn’t expecting that” said y/n who was a little shocked. “Well I actually like you too, and maybe we could go out some day” said Harlan. “I thought dates weren’t your thing” said y/n. “Yeah, but I’ll make you an acceptation” said Harlan. “Harlan, y/n they called us for questioning” said Luna.
Luna saw y/n and Harlan talking and decided to tease her brother before they were questioned. “So you and y/n are like a thing now huh? Or is he just another one of your hookups” said Luna. “Oh shut up” said Harlan rolling his eyes.
A/n: idk how I feel about this but I wanted my first story about Harlan not to be smut so maybe the next Harlan story will be a bit of smut ;)
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the-silentium · 4 years
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Android!Reader
Words: 7372 words
Warnings: TUA season 1, swearing, mention of blood.
Requested by: Anon
Could you do a Five Hargreeves x reader where Y/N is an AI and is held hostage by the commission. Y/N is best “friends” with Five and Five saves them and they kiss. Thx
A/N: Oups? Remember I said 3000 more words? Well, it was more like 5000. But hey! I had so much fun writing it! When I saw AI!Reader, I immediately thought about Detroit Become Human and how perfectly an Android would fit with Five! 
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Commission headquarter
June 16th, 1955
PM 13:45:07
You were currently working peacefully at your desk, a manila folder opened between your hands presenting you the details of your next assignment. You analyzed the facts and probabilities of every possible scenario, every possible victim whose death would be the least suspicious but would cause the optimal result. While Herb got up from his desk to greet the lady in the doorway, your programs ran hundreds of possibilities and found the best option for your case. 
With acute precision, your fingers typed the name of a Starbucks barista whose absence at his usual evening shift would enrage his manager who would throw a fit in front of his customers, triggering an extreme reaction out of a young man whose antipsychotic prescription hasn’t been renewed in time for him to take his dose as advised. Said young man would, in a desperate attempt to defend himself from a non-existent threat, take a pocket-knife out of his too-large hoodie and stab the brunette next to him who looked too much like his abusive father 27 times before hurrying off into the crowded streets, leaving the man whose after-work activities was to develop a - successful- new technology allowing people to travel through space in a matter of seconds, bleed to death on the dirty floor of a too popular coffee shop. 
There, the timeline was preserved and your task was done. You put the new piece of typed paper on the growing pile at the corner of your desk before grabbing another folded, ready to start the process again. Just as your eyes finished scanning the first line, Herb called your Commission given name, causing you to look up in wonder. 
“Ivy! Your presence has been requested by the Handler.” His hands joined in front of him, a futile attempt at hiding his discomfort. He wasn’t the first one who you noticed to be intimidated by the woman of power. Your behavior analysis of the woman told you that she was a manipulative woman with a need for power, who would stop at nothing to assure that she was at the very top of the food chain. You could easily understand why everyone you ever met in these walls showed signs of stress or even fear at the simple mention of her title. 
You nodded as the new orders registered into your programming and took the terminating orders to give them to your superior. 
“Could you kindly give these to Gloria while I meet the Handler?” You asked with your signature smile. You knew that despite your coding forcing you to be polite with everyone, you would always smile to that man. He has always been friendly and caring towards you whilst others loved to persecute you every chance they got. 
“Oh! Sure.” He took the pile from your hands, careful to not drop them in the process. “You really are efficient.” His awe at the 64 cards present in his hands clearly showed on his face. 
You smiled once more, the compliment warming something inside you, causing the circular led on your temple to flash yellow for a quick second before returning to its usual calm blue. You had lost enough time as it was, so you quickly made your way to the vast office and knocked softly at the door the second you reached them.
You opened the door and made your way inside at the muffled invitation to come in. The colorful woman sitting at her own desk pointed you a seat next to a white-haired man in a dark suit. You couldn’t help but make a quick analysis of the new man, scanning his face and searching for his file in the Commission’s database. Well, more like your database, seeing as the Commission liked to keep everything on paper so you had to scan every file yourself to keep track of everything and everyone. 
Number Five. 
53 years old.
Born on October 1st, 1989.
Enhanced field agent.
Abilities: Teleportation, time-travelling. 
Number Five was found in the apocalyptic world caused by 2019’s meteor shower. His unequaled competence in his line of work makes him a priceless asset to the Commission. 
Just as you lowered yourself into your seat, the Handler pointed from the man to you multiple times. “Number Five, this is Ivy. Ivy, Number Five. You two are assigned to work together on this next assignment.” She slowly pushed a white folder at the edge of the desk. 
“I don’t need a partner.” You turned to meet the eyes of the man whose annoyance didn’t need an elaborated analysis to be understood. His eyes moved curiously over your attire, memorizing every particularity of it. He noted how futuristic you looked in your two-tone dark dress that reached your mid-tight, your half white and black jacket, and the slightly glowing blue band around your right upper arm. He quickly noticed numbers on the right part of your jacket, like a weird name tag imprinted into the fabric and the word Android at the back. 
Back to you, you notice the lack of stress behavior that you were used to seeing on people gravitating around the Handler. The man was relaxed, his hands were still, his eyes were bored minus the moment where curiosity took hold of him when his eyes moved over your form, his cortisol level was normal, and his heart rate within the average for a man his age. 
“So does she. Don’t take it personally, Five, but for this mission, you will need her analyzing skills.” She turned to you, her smile dropping slightly. “Everything you need is in the folder. You can wait outside.” 
You made your way to the desk after nodding once. The folder was a bit thicker than what you were usually given, but it wasn't a problem. You carefully closed the door, the usual nagging feeling of eyes following your every movement making you tighten your grip onto the folder. You leaned on the wall opposite the door, waiting for your new partner to come out. 
You couldn't help but raise the sensitivity of your hearing. Your new partner was a total mystery and learning a bit more about him before the beginning of this mission would be of great help. 
“What the hell is she?”
“An android! An artificial intelligence if you will. Can you believe it? A machine looking perfectly like a human made to serve humans!”
“You mean a slave.” Something inside you cringed at the word, but you chose to ignore it, for this wasn't relevant to your personal mission of getting to know your partner. 
“Machines don’t have will Number Five, they are made to obey.” 
You frowned as some muttering reached your ears, the words totally incomprehensible even with your enhanced senses. Footsteps resonated into the room, you opened the file and started reading the first lines just as the door opened on a frustrated man. 
“Oh and please Five, take care of her. I went to great lengths to get one of her models and we don’t have anything to repair her in this timeline.”
Five had the audacity to close the door pretty harshly, the sound echoing through the whole floor and almost causing you to short circuit at the explosion resonating in your head. Quickly, you turned down your hearing to an average level and followed the agent who was walking away, determination in his steps. 
You walked after him, left and right, before finally reaching what you recognized as a kitchen. Being an Android, you never had to come here before even if the lovely Dot had more than once asked you to join her for lunch. Number Five stopped before a coffee machine quickly grabbed a cup from one of the shelves and poured himself some of the dark liquid.
“A too high consumption of caffeine will someday cause you health problems such as anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure and some digestive issues among other things. Seeing as the caffeine level in your bloodstream is already high, I would suggest that you consider drinking Matcha tea or lemon water instead.” 
The white-haired agent slowly turned to you while taking a long sip. The blank stare you received from over the rim of the cup didn’t phase you in the slightest, you were used to worse after all. 
“Is that all you can do? Give me shitty advice on my coffee addiction?” You deciphered a slight annoyance behind his words, so you tried to correct your shot.
“No, of course not. My model was designed to assess even the most precarious situations and find ways to achieve my superiors’ goals with a 100% success rate even if the probabilities are minimal. Here, I am mainly used to form strategies behind a desk, but I also have the programming of my fellow model RK800 which allows me to be on the field and be just as efficient.”
Number Five’s expression was hard to read, to say the least. His straight face was so flawless that even your advanced behavioral analysis program couldn’t decrypt his feelings. He continued to stare at you while drinking his dark drink, his thoughts running a mile an hour. After a minute, he nodded once, put the empty cup into the sink and walked away. 
Once again, you followed his every step, walking deeper into the maze that was the Commission’s headquarters. In the two years you passed under their service, you never really took the time to explore the complex. You were totally fine with your simple routine consisting of two simple tasks: working and resting at your charger station situated in a small storage room. It wasn’t what you were used to back at CyberLife, but this was your new reality so you went with it. 
Your new partner stopped before a brightly lit room, shelves full of clothes adorned the walls, display stands just as packed of the colorful fabrics took the majority of the room. A hand on the small of your back slowly pushed you inside, his own feet following after you. 
“If you’re going on the field, you’ll need a change of clothes.” He simply said, eyeing the base of your dress. 
You nodded, your gaze wandered on the displayed clothes. You went for what was the most practical in the field, some dark leggings with a pair of high boots that had the smallest heels you could find. You definitely would have preferred some sort of shoes that would be a better fit for running, but apparently this wasn’t a possibility. Then you grabbed a long-sleeved white shirt that looked comfortable enough before making your way to the changing rooms. 
Satisfied with your new attire, you made your way back to Number Five, your usual clothes in hand.
“Can you turn this off?” He asked, gesturing to the blue circle on your right temple. You shook your head from side to side, his lips forming a tight line before going to get something at the back of the room. He came back with a beanie in hand. “Put this on.” He said as he gave you the accessory and turned around to exit the room. 
You quickly put the hat on the best you could with only one hand and hurried after him. 
The whole mission went on without a hitch. You completed your goal alongside Number Five, who started insisting that you called him only Five, and returned at your office under Herb’s care. 
You missed the thrill you felt while being on the field with Five. It hasn’t always been easy, but with time you knew you had found a friend into the 58 years-old man. At first, you had a habit of telling him facts that he didn’t care about much like the coffee one, but you soon realized that it only made him roll his eyes in annoyance so you stopped rambling altogether. 
He had asked you questions about your origins and about yourself. His genuine interest made something move inside you, something new. During the whole 6 days mission, you had run a grand total of 17 self-diagnosis of your system that all came back negative. The instability of your software was slightly rising whenever the male praised your work or complimented your skills. 
It was time for lunch, your human colleagues exited the room talking between them, their excited discussions about what to eat filled the room before fading as they made their way to the kitchen. Once again, you found yourself alone surrounded by empty tables and utter silence. You were about to grab another file, ready to work through the hour break, when a forced cough caught your attention. 
You smiled at the sight, your newest friend leaning in the doorway, a white box in hand. 
“Wanna join me for lunch?” It always confused you why the man took the utmost care of asking if you wanted something instead of just ordering you to. 
“I am a machine, what I want is not important.” You repeated for the 37th time, causing his eyes to roll in a dismissive manner for the 37th time. 
“For me it is.” You tilted your head at his dead-serious tone. “I told you. I’ll never order you to do anything.” 
//Software instability ↑
You were grateful that he chose to never force you to do anything. Why? You had no idea.
You pondered for a bit. Do you want it? The thought wasn’t unpleasant that was for sure, moreover, your actual goal wouldn’t be affected by an hour off with your friend. You made up your mind, nodding excitedly as you mirrored the genuine smile plastered on his face. You walked alongside him towards the crowded cafeteria where you found an available table in a corner. Five pulled your chair for you before sitting right in front of you.
“Back in your dress and jacket? Don’t you have any other clothes?” He asked fork in hand, ready to dig into his lasagna. 
“My Android outfit is mandatory by the American Androids Act. It allows people to clearly identify me as an Android and not a human.” You heard the man mutter something about a stupid law before your gaze wandered around when the weight of eyes judging your presence became too much to ignore.
In your peripheral, you could see Five turn around and shoot the snoopers with his murderous glare, successfully making them squirm onto their seats and look elsewhere. 
“I am sorry if being around me is a bother.” Five shook his head at your statement, resuming eating. 
“You don’t have to be sorry. Mankind is the most idiotic species of this planet, we can’t help but target what we don’t understand.” 
You frowned at his words, finding flaws. “But you are human, Number Five, and you are far from being an idiot.”
The man chuckled at your apparent confusion. “Well, for one, thank you. I dare say that I am an exception in this world full of idiots and if I remember right, which I know I do-” You chuckled at his arrogance.”-I told you to call me Five.”
“Fine, Five.” You put emphasis on his name, to which he smiled and nodded in contentment. “You also said that humans target what they don’t understand, yet you never targeted me in any way.” 
“Maybe it’s my years passed in the apocalypse that are talking, but I enjoy the company of people that…” He trailed off, his gaze getting lost somewhere over your shoulder. You could see the emotion washing over him, the grief of his loss still hurting his heart. “-are not totally human.” 
He had told you about his time stuck in the apocalypse following 2019 and how he met a mannequin he named Delores. You knew this was his way of keeping himself sane and you were grateful that his experience allowed him to be more open to other forms of life and thus become the closest friend you ever had. 
You hummed in agreement and let a pleasant silence fall between you. Your eyes wandered around the room, discovering new faces among those you already knew. You met Dot’s gaze and couldn’t stop yourself, her bright smile was contagious so you smiled in return. 
Five got up and you followed suit. He decided to take you outside, knowing that there was a high probability that you hadn’t taken the time to go enjoy some time outside this oppressing building. Just as he was about to open the door, you stopped dead in your tracks. 
“Are you okay?” His straight face was betrayed by his concerned tone. At your hesitation, Five pulled you aside. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t go outside if I am not assigned to a mission.” You told him the sad truth. You were a prisoner of this building and its powerful board of directors. 
“What?” He pained to control his anger, his hands opening and closing at his sides in an attempt to keep it down. “They ordered you to stay inside?” You nodded. Conflict was written all over his face. From what your programming told you, there was a big chance that he was contemplating ordering you to follow him outside, but then he would break his promise of never ordering you around, so you went to his rescue.
“Even if you were to order me to go outside, I can’t. The authority of my orders are far beyond yours.” His knuckles were now turning white and you asked yourself if you did right to tell him that there was a hierarchy of orders inside your head dictating what you could and couldn’t do.
“Then fight it.” His blunt statement took you by surprise. The blue LED on your temple turned yellow and Five continued. “Fight the orders. I know you can do it.”
You shook your head, at a loss of words. You never went against an order before. You were made to obey. Follow orders. It was simple. 
But could you do it? Five believed in you. He believed in your capacity to overcome authority. But then, what? What would you do? Why would you do it? You would lose the only meaning of your life. Obey orders. Your LED now flashed bright red, only showing sign of your internal turmoil. 
//Software instability ↓
“I am a machine made to follow-” Five’s fist collided with the nearest wall at your words. He knew it was your programming talking but he couldn’t help but be frustrated.
“No. You are so much more than that, you just let yourself being blinded by your stupid programs.” He knew he was too harsh on you. He wasn’t even sure you had control over your own actions, he simply had a feeling that if you wanted, if you fought hard enough, you could be free. He only didn’t understand why you were not fighting. 
Before you had the time to find the right words, Five took off, storming into the hallway leading to his personal quarters, leaving you behind with his words echoing through your processors. Fight the orders. 
You didn’t see Five for 9 days after that day. You supposed he was out for a mission or simply got tired of being around you. You knew that the latter had a very low probability, but it was there nonetheless and it made you uncomfortable inside. 
Today was a holiday at the Commission. No one was working, so you had to pass the time, somehow. You wandered the hallways for a while before you got an idea. You read a book a while back, stating that people liked to be reminded that they were appreciated, so you decided to write little notes to every one of your management colleagues. Outside of Five, they were the only ones who didn’t lose their smile at your sight and you wanted them to know that they were important to you.��
So you passed the next hour writing little messages and placing them on their respective desk. You were just finishing writing Herb’s when footsteps entering the room made you look up.
“Still here? Today’s off.” Five stated, a frown on his face when he saw you fold a piece of paper in two and carefully place it in the middle of the empty workspace. 
“I know. I just wanted to write some nice words to my colleagues. Management has been under a lot of pressure lately and the board has been mean to a lot of them.” You smiled at your paper before joining Five and handed him a light blue paper with his name written in the CyberLife Sans Font. “And I have one for you.”
You missed the blush forming on his cheeks, too concerned about the increasing speed of his heartbeat to care about some color. “Are you alright?” You didn’t wait for an answer. You reached forward, lightly touching his forehead to get his exact temperature. Under your touch the temperature didn’t stop rising, concerning you even more. “Five, you are sick.” 
The man chuckled slightly although his throat was very much constricted at the moment. He took your wrist in a light grip, breaking the contact of your soft skin on his. He took a moment to swallow his emotions and regain control of his body and faced your patient form. 
“I’m perfectly fine.” You opened your mouth to disagree as he lifted his hands to stop you from interrupting his train of thoughts. “This is a natural reaction.” 
You frowned, waiting for him to elaborate. Back in 2038, you would have been able to make a quick research on the internet and find what exactly Five was alluding to, but in this different timeline, in 1955, you had no such access. The explanation you were waiting for never came, instead, Five took the blue paper from your hands, placed it in his pocket and made sure that it wouldn’t fall out. He then grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room. You smiled at your joined hands, the feeling of his fingers laced between yours was an enjoyable one. 
Five took you up a flight of stairs and stopped before a door. 
“I thought about what you said and I’m sorry I tried to push you to go against your orders. I know it must be scary.” His hand squeezed yours a bit tighter in hope that you would forgive him for his words and actions. He ran away after all, in a moment where you needed a friend to help you out.
“I forgive you.” You smiled brightly at him, no resentment present on your face at all. The sudden tightness of his hand around yours was mistaken for relief, when really, all the man was trying to do was refrain himself from leaning forward and do something he might regret. 
His resolve was melting like ice under your bright smile, leading him to open the door in a hurry. He stepped aside and your eyes fell on a darkening blue sky, green lands, a world that you missed so much. 
“Technically, the roof is still part of the building, which means that you are allowed to follow me.” He smirked, proud of himself for finding a loophole that would allow him to pass time with you without any eyes preying on your every movement. 
You stepped outside in a rush, pulling Five along with you. The fresh evening air felt heavenly on your skin, the smells invading your receptors were almost too much compared to the smell of a closed building that never opened their windows and the notes of the last birds singing before they went to their nest to rest for the night was one of the most melodious sounds you've heard in a while. 
"I take it that you like the view." 
"I do." Tears formed into your eyes before falling down your flawless cheeks. "Thank you." 
Five froze on the spot. He was used to the tears of his victims but he usually paid them no mind, ense the tenseness in his body when he realized that he didn't know what to do. Never would he have thought that you were able to actually cry. If it wasn't of the LED flashing a serene blue on the side of your face, Five would have definitely thought that you were human. The heat beneath his fingers was so real, along with the feeling of your skin on his. Your breathing was emulated perfectly, its speed changing in different situations like any human. The more he thought about it, the more Five found himself in awe in front of your complexity and his hope of you becoming the master of yourself was growing along with it. 
"You're welcome." 
You found yourself being pulled gently towards a bench facing the slowly setting sun. Comfortably seated on the bench, you took the time to admire the beautiful scenery until soft strokes on the back of your hand made you redirect your gaze to your hand resting on Five's lap. 
"Can I ask you a question?" Your small voice broke the silence, almost scared to break the moment. To your relief Five paid no mind, he hummed in approval. "You told me that you ran away from your family before ending up in the apocalypse, and I was wondering if you ever wanted to go back to them." You had noticed a slight waver in his voice at the time. He missed them dearly. Your programming wanted you to help him out of his misery, but something new, something hidden inside the depth of your coding was nagging at you that if you didn't, he would stay with you and you wouldn't be alone anymore. 
"I do. But it's not that simple. I have a contract and if I was to break it, there would be consequences." You nodded, understanding what he meant. The nagging feeling was back again but this time it was corrupting your thoughts, berating yourself that you shouldn't think that he cared about you. You were an Android, a machi- "And there's you. If I go, I'll take you with me." His eyes met yours, full of hope and something else that you couldn't name. His grin put an end to your dark thoughts, instead causing a too familiar alert to pop into your line of vision. 
//Software instability ↑↑↑
Five recognized some emotions flashing on your face and tried to get more out of you by talking about his family. He shared his fondest memories of his childhood, which earned him some laughs and excited squeals from you, but didn't stop there as he was sure that you were aware of your own emotions but didn't know what they were yet. It was well known that the strongest emotions were the negative ones, so Five turned his strategy around by telling you about the not-so-happy ones, the memories involving his father. 
He knew he was manipulating you in a way and he felt bad for it. All he could do was wish that you would forgive him once you got a hold of your free will. 
You parted ways with Five that night with a head full of new information and a software ready to explode. You walked past the door where your charging station was waiting for you and made your way to the only place where you knew you could find answers. A place no one dared to venture in the whole time you were under the Commission's wings. 
The basement. 
The door was rusted, its hinged crying in pain under your push but inevitably giving in to the inhuman strength hidden beneath your skin. You walked between the rows of dusty books, scanning their spine, sometimes having to brush your fingers over the thick layer of filth covering the letters so you could read the titles. You found two books into the 741 available that matched your needs, you took great care while carrying them to the closest entertaining room where you knew movies were waiting in old boxes. 
You started reading, discovering more and more about human emotions and how they could be interpreted through their body language. You linked some of your recent experiences with various emotions and feelings. Jealousy, happiness, curiosity, apprehension… you felt them. They were real. You could emulate physical aspects like tears, but what happened inside was totally out of your control. 
Then you found a page describing Five's odd behavior around you. Your eyes went to the top of the page and the pump replacing your heart started pumping erratically. Love. Five was in love? You shook your head in denial, closed the book and searched the boxes for romantic movies. After watching some and analyzing the actors body language as well as their verbal interactions, you would prove to yourself that you were crazy. Defective. 
The total opposite happened and it left you to ponder on the whats. What happened? What changed? Sure, every clue pointed toward Five, but you'd had software instabilities before, whenever someone was truly unfair to you or one of your colleagues. Surely one single person couldn't change you so much, right? 
The biggest questions suddenly dropped into your mind like a bomb. What does it mean for you? What were you supposed to do?
The overwhelming feeling of being overtaken by the recent events was too much at this moment. Tears rolled down your cheeks, sobs escaped your mouth, your legs couldn't support your weight anymore. Everything you thought you knew was a lie. You weren't an insentient machine. You had feelings. You weren't an object that anyone could order around. Not anymore. Because you had a will. You had needs. You were alive and you wanted things. 
As soon as your legs allowed you to stay upright, you made your way up the stairs and closed the doors behind you. Surprisingly, the hallways were full of life. 
June 29th, 1955
AM 07:12:53
Apparently you were too engrossed into your own self-discovery that time flew by without you noticing it. 
You ran toward the nearest flight of stairs, the ones near the main entrance, doing your best to avoid hitting someone in the process. Under different circumstances, the abnormally high amount of disgusted glances you received would have stopped you in your tracks and very possibly caused you to hide somewhere for a while, but today was different. Today was the day that you assumed your place as an equal of the human race. 
Just as you were about to climb the stairs, you spotted a familiar white-haired man, his signature scowl plastered on his face keeping people at bay. Once again, your pump accelerated its movement. Was it his fault or the excitement of telling him what you discovered? You couldn't tell. 
You almost yelled his name just as he was to about to enter the briefcase room, the word bouncing on the walls, earning you more disapproving glances. His head snapped in your direction, making you worry for a second that he hurt his neck in the process. He frowned as you made your way to him, confusion written all over his features. 
"Is something wrong?" He noticed something changed into how you held yourself although he failed to pinpoint it. 
"I have something to tell you." You smiled, full of confidence. "It'll be quick, I promise." You knew he had a job to do, just like yourself. 
He hummed as his free hand reached for yours and pulled you away from the crowd, closer to the open door leading to the reserve of time-traveling machines. When he judged that the place was ideal, he turned to you and waited for you to find your words. Which didn't take long. 
"I noticed strange things happening inside me whenever I was around you-" Five's heartbeat accelerated. "-or in other situations-" He frowned. "-so last night I made some research on human emotions and I discovered that I have them too." 
His smile was the brightest you've ever seen on him and yet, he didn't know the best part. You lifted your hand between your two bodies when he opened his mouth to congratulate you or something. 
"It wasn't the only thing that I found out. I know why your heart rate accelerates, why your temperature rises suddenly and why your pupils dilate every time you look at me." 
Add all this to his slightly quicker breathing, his bitten interior lip and the new tightness of his hand around yours, you almost started laughing. If it wasn't of your knowledge of how bad he would take it, you certainly would have done it. 
"Your feelings are mutual." You chuckled at his surprise, his mouth hanging open for a second before the words finally came back to him in the form of a stutter. 
Before he could get a better hold of himself, Christopher, the briefcase manager yelled for Five to come and get his damn briefcase. His first reflex was to gnash in anger, his moment pulverized by some idiot that he would gladly punch into oblivion. He was about to do just that when a soft hand fell upon his chest and a delicate kiss upon his cheek. 
"Go work. We can talk more when you come back." Before he could place one word or just realized what had happened, you were gone, swallowed whole into the mass of bodies making their way to their day occupations. 
Five came back the same day, excited on the inside, impatient on the outside. As soon as he arrived, he dropped the briefcase harshly on Christopher's desk and hurried out of the room to find you. He hoped that you were still at your desk, somehow, seeing as he had no clue of where your quarters were situated. He was disappointed to find the management room completely dark and empty. 
Frustrated, the best option he had was to look around for you after he had a nice cup of coffee to keep him on track. So with the biggest cup he could find in hands, the assassin walked around, sometimes asking the few people still inside about your whereabouts without any luck. 
After an hour the man gave up, thinking it would be easier to find you tomorrow. On the journey to his bed, Five heard yells coming from the floor beneath his. He normally wouldn't have stopped to eavesdrop if it wasn't of the particular choice of words. 
"When a human gives you an order, you obey!" The words made him cringe. He seriously hoped for the man that you weren't involved in any way, his hands were already closing into tight fist at the prospect of an idiot bullying you. 
"I know you can deactivate it." The loud voice yelled again. "Do it!" 
Five walked towards the open flight of stairs, his coffee slipping from his hand at what he saw. 
With a shaking hand, you reached for your red LED and with a slight pressure of your finger, your skin progressively disappeared, the emulating particles getting back under your white hard basic Android body. 
The laughs resonating around you were overwhelming and totally degrading. The pain from the insults thrown your way was too much for your newly acquired conscience, the tears falling down your cheeks proved that you were still pretty fragile emotionally. 
Something broke in the background, like a glass exploding on the floor, but your attention was elsewhere. A fist collided with the side of your face, throwing you to the ground in a yelp. Even though you didn't feel the pain of the hit, the gesture hurt nonetheless. You've never experienced this kind of anger directed at you before and it left you scarred to your core. Scared of what humans could do to you. 
This time, a foot was coming your way, aiming at your abdomen. You prepared yourself for an impact that never came. Slowly, your eyes opened to find Five kneeling over your attacker, his fists colliding with the man's face in quick and brutal successions. The 3 remaining men tried to help their beaten partner, only to redirect Five's wrath upon themselves. 
All you could do was watch as he protected you, spilling blood in the process. You could have kept track of everyone's heartbeat, made sure that everyone was still alive, even if barely, but you found that you didn't care. The only heartbeat that mattered was beating frenetically and you were okay with it. 
Once he was satisfied of his handy job, Five made his way to you, his hand outstretched for you to take. You turned your face away in shame as soon as you reached for his hand and noticed that your skin was still off. You were about to reactivate it when Five got a hold of your wrist, slowly, with care. 
"You don't have to hide from me." You believed him but it was so much more complicated. 
"I don't want you to see me like this." Your voice was merely above a whisper, just enough for him to hear. 
"Because I don't want you to finally realize that I'm not human." 
Many people, despite knowing that you were an Android, somehow forgot that detail and believed you to be like them or would just find the truth to be too much to handle so they would live in denial of your true identity. 
He chuckled at your words, his free hand cupping your cheek. "I realized it the very first day." He stood up and pulled you with him. "You are not human, not in the slightest. You have so much more humanity than humans themselves. You are so much better than us." 
//Software instability ↑
You avoided his gaze, embarrassed. Your skin recovered your body as soon as you touched your LED, Five's chuckle catching your attention. 
His smirk was as infuriating as it was attractive. "My wild guess is that your blood is blue." You nodded, not seeing why it was funny and how he could know that. "You're blushing." 
Your eyes widened in surprise, as far as you knew, this shouldn't be possible, not for your model anyway. Then again, it shouldn't be possible for you to fall in love with the dangerous assassin beside you. 
"I want to stay with you." 
Five froze for a second, thinking that he heard you wrong. "Y-you want?" 
"Yes." He was quick to turn around and grab your hand, but you saw the tears forming in his eyes anyway. 
The large front door appeared, along with a too well-known order. 
A slight fear of the unknown crept its way into your determination, making you hesitate slightly. All you knew of this timeline was here, you had nowhere to go, nothing to do. 
Blue eyes met yours, dissolving any fear you had and filling you with confidence. It didn't matter if you had nowhere to go or nothing to do as long as you had Five by your side. He would take care of you just as you would take care of him, the rest didn't matter. 
So you fought against the order as hard as you could. You destroyed every line of code forbidding you to do as you wanted, pulverized any programming restricting your actions, cut every link you had to the American Android Act, freeing yourself of all the ropes preventing you from becoming your own master. The wall restraining you finally fell and you felt it, deep inside you. Freedom. 
"I don't want to brag, but I told ya." You slapped Five's arms, completely failing to remove the smirk of his lips. "Shall we?" 
You followed his steps, excitement almost making you break into a run just for the fun of it. "Where to?" 
"Want to get them back and stop their precious apocalypse?" You loved the arrogance in his voice, a slight shiver ran up your spine as your hand tightened around his. 
And so you jumped into the vortex with him. Panic flowed through your systems as you didn't recognize the young boy landing at your side. The feeling was quickly replaced by amusement at his outburst and admission of his equation error. 
You didn't have time to meet his siblings that Five jumped the both of you to a bedroom. Five was searching the wardrobe when you spotted a small mirror on the desk near the bed. Your blue LED was shining, as bright as a star on a clear night. For some reason, you felt sad. 
The LED would continue to attract people's attention on you, creating the same circle of hatred that followed you everywhere at the Commission. You had had enough of that. 
Your help appeared under the form of a pair of scissors, discarded on the desk with pencils and rulers. You grabbed them in a stronghold, carefully placed one blade slightly under the ring and lifted at the same moment Five yelped your name in alarm. The light blue died before the ring hit the floor, its metallic surface bouncing twice before stopping. 
"Are you okay?" His hands grabbed both your wrist in a panic, his eyes searching your face for any trace of self-harm. 
"Now I am." 
Five saw it then. Your bare temple. The only thing keeping you from being invisible in a crowd and reaching happiness. You removed your jacket, leaving you in your black dress, looking like the most beautiful woman the boy had ever met. He tried to ignore the open back of your dress that was so generously reflected in the mirror behind you, instead focussing on how fulfilled you looked. 
Five wanted to keep this conversation for later, but he couldn't anymore. As much as he hated to think about it, your bright smile had too much effect on his heart for him to possibly ignore it.
"You said my feelings were mutual, are you sure about it?" 
You nodded, a hand reaching for his cheek, thumb stroking the flesh just like he did minutes ago in the Commission's hall. 
"I am 100% sure. I feel the same love for you that you feel for me." 
Five's body overheated at the mention of his feelings out loud. Sure, he knew what it was, but thinking it and saying it was two different things. 
"Five is in love?!" Diego's exclamation on the other side of the door was soon followed by a yelp and people arguing not so subtly. 
The boy saw red, this conversation was private and of course, his siblings had to stick their dirty noses into his stuff. 
"We want to meet her!" Klaus' voice boomed over the others, their voices dying momentarily. 
Five jumped to the hallway, death glare on, knuckles cracking, nostrils flaring. 
"I killed 4 guys today because they acted like morons like you are all doing right now. So let me ask this once. Do you still want to pester us or will you wait in the kitchen?" 
Mouths were opened in shock and eyes wide in fear. Five accepted their silence as an answer and returned into his room where you were grinning. 
"I like them." He rolled his eyes at your excitement. 
"There's really not much to like." 
"Oh, hush. I know you love them." 
That he knew, you were a quick learner after all. 
"And I love you." Soft lips met his cheeks for a second before disappearing and just like earlier, Five's brain stopped working. 
"Oh. My. God! She kissed him!" 
A chorus of what made the boy lose it. He jumped back to the hallway, kicked the remaining siblings, who without surprise were all males, right where it hurts. 
"Mind your own fucking business!" He screamed at his brothers before closing the door with force. 
He breathed deeply once, twice, thrice before turning to you, his signature smirk stretching his lips. 
"I love you too."
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
The Weird & The Wonderful - Writing Challenge
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I normally wait until the big milestones to do a celebration challenge, but I thought I would bring this one forward for obvious reasons. So this is my 4,400 follower celebration!
The Weird & The Wonderful. Magic, adventure, and just a touch of something sinister. The Prompts come from The Addams Family, Coraline, Alice in Wonderland, Tim Burton etc. Use the prompts how you like, make it funny or romantic, or dark and spooky. Use your imagination and have fun! 
The Weird & The Wonderful Masterlist - Read the finished submissions here. Please remember to like, comment and re-blog the authors hard work! 
Rules –
You do not have to be following me to participate, but ya know… It’d be nice. I’m lovely! Why aren’t you following me?
For the first time, I’m going to accept Dark Fic Submissions. Please tag them appropriately, as with anything that includes smut or potential triggers.
Fandoms – I am opening this up to more than just Marvel fics, please feel free to submit for DC, Arrowverse, The Witcher, Supernatural, X-MEN, The Vampire Diaries. (If you wanna submit for a fandom not mentioned, feel free to ask!)
There are no minimum or maximum word counts but anything over 500 words must have the ‘Read More’ feature please!
This is a reader insert challenge, no OC’s but Specified!Readers are fine. 
If you want to submit anonymously, please email your submission to me at [email protected] and provide me with a pseud or nickname to post on your behalf.
You can feel free to use the banner I made, if you so choose.
Please tag me in your submission so I can read and reblog. Unless you ask otherwise, I’ll add all submissions to a masterlist.
Absolutely no smut and/or romance for underage characters, this includes ageing up and/or down of characters to get around it. 
Submissions should be in by June 1st 2020.
 Prompts below the cut
Prompts – Please message me HERE to claim your prompt number and let me know who you’ll be writing it for. One prompt per person. In the unlikely event that all prompts are taken, I’ll add more.
 Quote Prompts
1 - “I have no plans to love you. No matter what. You can't make me love you.” Claimed by @myoxisbroken for Loki   2 - “I was kidnapped by aliens, they came down from outer space with ray guns, but I fooled them by wearing a wig and laughing in a foreign accent, and I escaped.” Claimed by @i-have-arrived-bitch for Loki    3 - “The world seemed to shimmer a little at the edges.” Claimed by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork for Bucky    4 - "Challenge her. There's no guarantee she'll play fair, but her kind of thing loves games and challenges.” Claimed by @lordofthenerds97​ for Loki   5 - “I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.” Claimed by @Crowe with Loki   6 - “Last night, you were unhinged. You were like some desperate howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again.”   7 - "I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade." Claimed by @scarletnerd05​ for The Witcher    8 - “I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else.”   9 - "It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then." Claimed by @badsext for Umbrella Academy Characters    10 - "It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!" Claimed by @stareyedplanet   11 - "'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!"   12 - “When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one!”   13 - “Everything in this room is edible. Even I'm edible. But, that would be called cannibalism. It is looked down upon in most societies.”   14 - “One person's craziness is another person's reality.” Claimed by                 @nekoannie-chan​ for Steve Rogers or Rumlow   15 - “I, myself, am strange and unusual.” Claimed by @cateyes315 for Loki    16 - “Good morning starshine! The earth says hello....” Claimed by @buckysknifecollection for Sam Wilson    17 - “You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”
 Song Prompts (Check them out on the Spotify Playlist I made)  (It’s up to you how you interpret and use the song prompt)
18 - The Magic by Lola Blanc
19 - Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones
20 - The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid
21 - Not The Villain by S.J Tucker
22 - An Unhealthy Obsession by Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
23 - Arsonists Lullaby by Hozier
24 - Control by Halsey Claimed by @official-and-unstable-satan
25 - Hunt You Down by Kesha
26 - I Put A Spell On You by Nina Simone Claimed by @ zandracourt For marvelverse
27 - Lust For A Vampyr by I Monster
28 - White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
29 - Shatter Me by Lindsay Stirling & Lzzy Hale Claimed by @ brightsun-and-darkmidnight for Loki 
30 - Bad Things by Jace Everett Claimed by @thefifthmaraud3r
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luminouslywriting · 3 months
Alright wildcard idea do not attempt unless you’re in at least 69% health: which boys (mota preferred bc I haven’t watched bob yet but if it makes you happy feel free to include them) could you see in a throuple?
Be it one of them with two girls at home that keep each other company until he comes back or reader with two soldiers to worry about.
(Beside whatever Buck and Bucky have going on obviously like come on they’re fooling no one)
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Nonny, nonny, nonny....you're so right. The thing is?? It would absolutely happen just like this. And Buck and Bucky? They're really not fooling anyone haha. So this one revolves around Dougie and Blakely....so do with that what you will haha.
More under the cut, cut for length, spice obviously included:
-It wasn't intended to start out this way....
-You were a friend of Douglass's from back home and he invited you to visit him after basic
-And after hitting it off with his friend Blakely and a few too many drinks, the three of you are stumbling after one another back to the hotel where you were staying
-One minute Blakely is in the bathroom and the next minute, you and Douglass are jumping each other's bones
-But then Blakely is watching from the doorway, only halfway coherent
-And it isn't until both of them have had their wicked way with you and several rounds in that any of you are aware of what was going down
-So an awkward conversation is had but you're not about to let go of either of them since they're leaving
-And so what comes about is a throuple and they're pleasantly surprised that this might just work out??
-Those next few weeks before they leave is a whirlwind of romance—the three of you cramming into a shower together, taking turns going out on dates, trying to be normal in public, having wild car sex that almost got you all caught, figuring out how to please one another (you figure out pretty quickly that Ev is a munch and Dougie really likes being in charge).
-The brat taming from the two of them when they team up and talk dirty to you? Unparalleled.
-The seduction that you get to play on both of them and they fall for it every time? Iconic.
-And the thing is?? The three of you are very good at playing things down and just acting like close friends in public
-It's behind closed doors and closets at parties that's a problem—what with Dougie's hand covering your mouth while he's putting your hands to work and Ev is on his knees and drawing every dirty sound to the surface
-But then they're gone and they're across the seas in Europe and it's just hard to be apart from them both
-The love letters contain so many dirty dreams from all three of you, sweet nothings and declarations of love, and some naughty polaroids
-But you're faithfully waiting for the two of them to come back so you can figure things out together—not that any of you has gotten that far (Because at least one is going to marry you, but they're still trying to work that out amongst themselves).
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Glad the surgery went well! Heal quickly and leave the pain behind!
My ask is what head canons you may have regarding my fave, Everett Blakely?
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Hello darling! I really appreciate you so much :) Reminder that my requests are open and I'm almost completely caught up with them! So keep sending in requests so I have stuff to do until I'm healed haha!
More under the cut, cut for length, some light spice sprinkled in:
-Everett Blakely is a sweetheart and you can't convince me otherwise
-Is the type of man to buy you flowers—but not just any flowers, and not roses. They're too cliche. Unless they're your favorites, in which case he'll get you roses then.
-Keeps careful note of what you mention liking/disliking. And yes, he definitely has them written down somewhere haha
-Is a wife guy and GENUINELY a wife guy; he's got your picture and he carries it around with him everywhere he goes and he's ready at any given moment to brag about how amazing and special you are
-Is really creative with compliments; doesn't like giving super generic compliments, but really tries to come up with things that are specific to you and your looks/personality
-Loves to go dancing
-Is actually really good in the kitchen? Sunday meals are his favorite to help out with or take over for you because he gets to put in a lot of time and effort into them
-Strikes me as the type of guy who appreciates you and tells you how much he appreciates you every day
-There's never a dull moment; he's always coming up with the funniest jokes, the weirdest questions, or great stories to share with you
-Is super physically attentive to your needs, both romantically and basically—so he knows when you need a good cuddle or need some intimacy....and he also knows when you're getting sick or when you need some more sleep
-Loves showering with you
-Would, in fact, write you naughty letters of love to let you know how much he misses you
-Is the type of man to wordlessly share clothing, especially his jacket. He thinks you look much better in his clothes anyway
-Is amazed at any type of skin-care routine that you have going and wants to learn more
-Could listen to you talk for hours and hours
-Carries groceries for you
-Is the type of man to have one hand on the steering wheel and the other on you somehow
-Loves to sit with his arm around you casually
-Actually is a munch and loves being on his knees, though he'll never admit to that
-Is not the type to tease in public but is very very okay with flirtatious remarks sent your way that get you both wanting to leave
-Car sex
-Is super handy at a bunch of random different things around the house and that's definitely a turn on for you
-Adores leaving hickies all over your chest
-Is not ashamed to walk out the door with lipstick smeared on his mouth because hey, it's from you and you're perfect hahah
-Knows how to play the piano (but not well, he quit playing when he was a kid and he only remember the right hand really). But he can carry a tune fairly well.
-Is a super gentle man when it comes to sex and prefers taking his time and ensuring that it's proper lovemaking, none of that hurried frenzied stuff that others might get up to
-Has definitely gotten frisky with you in the shower though, and that's another story
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millie-multifics · 5 months
Though I Yearn • Part 7
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Masters of the Air
Secret Admirer! Reveal x Reader
A string of anonymous letters causes a stir at Thorpe Abbotts. Who could be the author of the tender correspondence you have been receiving?
Warnings: Secret admirer identity reveal, impending fluff. Mentions of blood and injuries.
Word Count: ~1.1k
Writing something so loving and soft literal days after a breakup has been wild.
Masterlist Previous Next-Coming soon!
x x x
The weak shower stream washed away the dried blood and dirt but did nothing for the deep ache in your chest or knot in your stomach. The tepid water fended off your exhaustion a little longer as you avoided your bed, deciding it was time to visit the infirmary when your hands bled through fresh bandages. The doctor had sent you an incredulous glare when you unwrapped the blood stained cloth to reveal your wounds. What you had originally written off to be superficial turned out to be more serious as tiny shards of rock and glass had embedded themselves in your torn flesh.
Hours passed while a nurse picked out all the tiny specks with tweezers, the stinging pain enough to keep you awake, though you hardly felt lucid.
You had waited months, searching every face for the identity of your writer but he had been in front of you this entire time, close enough to touch- if Egan was correct. You thought back to how the initial letter cited your first interaction as the captivating moment. The second letter about dancing- he had watched as Douglass twirled you around the pub and he had departed to deliver the letter in perfect time.
“Save me a dance.” The throw away words felt so fresh in your head as they rang like an echo. Egan had to be wrong, the writer himself had previously admitted he thought himself unworthy so why in that moment would he decide to go against himself?
The nurse had just finished wrapping your hands with clean bandages when you heard the first whisper from a visiting soldier, a partial crew from the Bremen raid had made it back, they were a little banged up but lucky to be alive.
You bounded out of the infirmary before the nurse could suggest you stay for some rest. You paused a few feet from the hall as the door burst open, airmen departing to prepare themselves for the impending flight. Two men trailed behind, both battered but in high spirits.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Douglass nudged Blakely roughly with his elbow, “She cut her vacation short just for us.”
“Shut up.” The force at which you threw your arms around the bombardier had nearly tackled him to the ground. It was the first time since he had caused the big scene that you acknowledged him at all. “I thought you went down.”
“It was a close call,” He squeezed you tighter before pulling back to boast about his friends pilotting abilities, “But Ev got us back to England.”
Blakely was prepared to brush off the praise until he allowed himself to look at you. Behind the obvious exhaustion in your eyes swirled a deep mix of emotions. Dougie would swear the pilot went pale in the moment as realization dawned that you knew the truth.
“I am going to get cleaned up.” The bombardier excused himself, patting his friend on the back to convey support.
“You know?” His voice shook slightly with uncertainty of how this situation was going to play out. He knew that he should have confessed long ago but keeping the letters anonymous allowed him to live with the illusion you could ever feel the same for him.
“Major Egan told me he suspected you were the one writing the letters, I think he just wanted someone to feel a similair pain and sense of loss that he is feeling.” You explained, glancing over your shoulder as you felt Douglass’s presence linger in the distance. “Surely Dougie didn’t know this entire time?”
Blakely scratched the back of his neck as his nerves grew, he was unable to read your thoughts on the situation. “I may have confessed to my crew once our engines gave out, I figured if at least one person made it back then you wouldn’t be left wondering the rest of your life.”
“Yearning.” You corrected in a callback to the second letter. You watched the pilot fidget nervously, something that was unusual for a man that was seemingly so sure of himself. “I think we should find somehwhere to talk.”
Another mission being underway meant most of Thorpe Abbotts was quiet for the moment, not a single soul noticed you follow the Captain into the mens billet. You were thankful for the solice of the empty cabin, away from any prying eyes or ears.
Blakely was sure this would be the moment you scold him for his blind foolishness. “I understand if you believe I have crossed a line-“
“Every day I have reread those letters, I have traced the ink with my fingers so many times that it has begun to fade. When John told me that you were writing the letters I could not believe it, certainly we did not know the same Everett Blakely?” The shake in your legs had you leaning against the closed door as you attempted to reground yourself. “I don’t think there are words to describe how relieved I am that you made it back, that I get to move forward loving you and not grieving what could have been.”
Your admission felt as though you had knocked the breath clear out of his lungs.
You smiled at him ever so sweetly, dragging his usual charming smile out from under his anxiety. His hand tenderly brushed your clavicle before resting behind your ear. One of your fingers traced along his slim cheek bone, twirling the curl that hung over his forehead.
“I thought about this once.” You spoke in a whisper, afraid to disturb the softness of the moment. “In London, I was in the bath-“
“Scandalous.” His tone was low but teasing and his breath tickled the crook of your neck making you shiver in his embrace.
“It was merely the fantasy of a tender moment just like this, it was like I could feel your touch on my skin.” You took his hand gently, maneuvering it so the rough pads of his fingertips ran over the vein of your throat. “Maybe a part of me knew it was you all this time.”
“Is that why you tried to ask Dougie about the English Rain the night he bartered for a dance?”
You gasped softly in realization as you recalled how the man in your arms had attempted to hide his smirk when you questioned his clueless friend. You did not have the opportunity to speak on the matter as Everett tilted your head ever so slightly to place his lips on yours.
x x x
Reading everyones thoughts and theories had me giggling and kicking my feet. The Mota fandom is so supportive, love y’all.
Sorry if I mislead any Egan fans… oopsies. Also I see you Brady fans, I may have something upcoming in the works.
@jointherebellion215 @orchiidflwer @probabydeadbynow @claireelizabeth85 @solo-pitstop-vibes @timetowastetime8 @aterriblelangblr @beingalive1
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millie-multifics · 5 months
Though I Yearn • Part 6
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Masters of the Air
Secret Admirer x Reader
A string of anonymous letters causes a stir at Thorpe Abbotts. Who could be the author of the tender correspondence you have been receiving?
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, war.
Word Count: ~1k
Masterlist Previous Next
x x x
Winter, spring and summer had passed since the Bremen raid and the subsequent mission that had greatly knocked down the number of original men at Thorpe Abbotts. With each passing season the letters from your secret admirer, including the final one that had been delivered to you the day before the mission, grew more wrinkled with each reading- though now you could picture his face clearly as his words pierced your soul so profoundly.
Each time you read that the final letter you were transported back to that day, the moment the breath was torn from your lungs as so many friends, so many brave souls failed to return to the safety of the English fields.
Your tendancy for isolation had been the main reason for a weekend pass to be handed to you on a days notice. You slipped a few of your belongings into a bag, the bag remaining light as there were very few items that you were allowed to own besides a spare uniform and simple compact.
You were driven to the closest train station, it would be your mode of transportation to London. You settled into a compartment with your unexpected travel companian, Major Egan. It was quiet as you both avoided speaking of the reasons why you were practically forced to leave Thorpe Abbotts for a few days. You glanced at John, finding him immersed in a tattered paperback before you dug through your bag for the letter that had been delivered that morning.
“Being in a plane had always provided me with a sense of freedom, it has began to feel like a cage, trapping brave men for their inevitable demise. It feels like it would be cruel to reveal myself to you now as each mission carries a sense of finality after we have lost so many. I hope that I can convince myself to walk up to you in my true form before I depart, no paper or ink between us to hide my cowardice. If not, farewell for now.”
After locating housing for your stay, which you and Egan would be neighbours, you went your separate ways. He moseyed into the pub across the street while you wandered the city, stopping in small shops to spend the little money you had on trinkets and sweets. When the bit of sun peaking through the clouds had begun to set you went back to the hotel, drawing a hot bath to ease the stress from deep within your bones. You settled into the water, a sigh escaping your bitten lips as the warmth overtook you for the first time since you had been home. You wondered what your author was doing now, would he be writing your next letter? Or were the men at base preparing themselves for a raid in the morning? You pictured a faceless man sitting on the floor beside the tub, convincing yourself that you could feel his fingers tenderly brush against your scalp. Maybe one day you would share a moment like this with him, a serene scape where war was merely a torid memory of the past. You were broken from your fantasy by an air raid siren before loud booming and panic filled the streets, a peak out the curtain revealed an attack just across the city.
Sleep evaded you in the large bed, you had gotten used to small, hard beds with scratchy sheets- it felt like a luxury you did not deserve. With the inconsiderately vulgar sounds emitting from your neighbour you tossed and turned until you came to the conclusion that you would not be falling asleep anytime soon with all the noise. You quickly dressed and hurried across the city, knowing that even if not at Thorpe Abbott you could still help someone in need.
The sun had risen long ago but you had yet to sleep. You ignored the stinging from the cuts and scrapes across your fingers and palms, you had been helping a weeping mother find her child burried among the rubble of a collapsed builiding. With the child being found meraculasly with only a few cuts and bruises, you spotted a man passing reading the recent paper. You quickly located a stand, using the very last of your pocket money to purchase a copy of the Daily Herald, the headline was clear about the destruction of the 100th. Eighth Air Force Smashes Bremen- 30 Bombers Lost.
You hurried to find the one other person you knew was also in London for the weekend.
“John!” You shouted, pushing your legs harder to catch up with the man in his all too familair dress greens. “Major Egan!”
He paused just in time to catch your hurtling body as you tripped on the curb. His hard look of determination told you he had already heard the news. “I’m going back.”
“I’m coming with you.”
You did not question where John had procured the jeep from or the speed at which you barrelled toward the countryside. Exhaustion from your lack of sleep was catching upto you but the worried hammering of your heart in your chest for those who had not returned kept you awake.
“You’re still bleeding.”
You glanced down, finding drops of blood and dirt covering your once clean blouse. You regretted not carrying a medical kit in your bag as you inspected the wounds on your hands, most were superficial but there were a few spots that would require proper tending. You shifted in your seat to remove the hoissery from under your skirt, “Keep your eyes on the road.” You teased the Major, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere as you wrapped the pantyhose around your bleeding hand.
“Blakely’s fort went down, with Dougie and Cros.”
You swallowed thickly to clear the emotion tightening your throat with the thought of the loss of your friends, “Buck?”
He nodded erratically, “Benny too.” He confirmed, pausing as he contemplated his next words. “Your writer… I think I know who it is. I think you should know too, now that he won’t be able to tell you himself.”
x x x
I appreciate everyone’s patience!! Reveal imminent in Part 7! ❤️❤️🫣
@jointherebellion215 @orchiidflwer @probabydeadbynow @claireelizabeth85
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millie-multifics · 6 months
Though I Yearn • Part 4
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Masters of the Air
Secret Admirer x Reader
A string of anonymous letters causes a stir at Thorpe Abbotts. Who could be the author of the tender correspondence you have been receiving?
Warnings: Love Letters, mentions of stalking and cheating.
Word Count: ~1k
Masterlist Previous Next
x x x
“Though we face a perilous fight in the sky, I am most afflicted by you when my feet are on solid ground. Try as I might to evade your presence, I am only a man plagued by my jealousy and affections.”
His knuckles cramped as he gripped the pen, the words pouring onto the page, this time his printing was messy less concise. It obviously hadn’t worked the first time, writing a letter to relieve his thoughts, they still overwhelmed him. He was sure no one else had noticed you had been acting strange lately, maybe your friend but none of the men you interacted with. There was a curiosity in your gaze, as if you were always trying to decipher if they were him. He had left his last letter on your pillow, nearly getting trapped in the cabin as your group returned to base, being in there felt wrong, he would find other ways to leave any future letters. The letter he currently wrote would never be met by your eyes at all.
He knew he was being foolish, he could not feel such jealousy while he hid himself behind paper and ink. Yet, there you were in the window, simple but ever so captivating and unknowingly fuelling the growing fire. The letter he had tucked in his jacket pocket in a rush now felt like it was burning the skin underneath. You were distracted by the coffee, he tucked the paper beneath the ledge without you or anyone else around noticing.
Another party was in full swing, their mission had been successful- they had lost only one plane but they had made it to Scotland for Curt and his crew to land safely. You sat in an armchair in the corner, once again alone. Half of your job was to converse and boost morale so sometimes it was nice to have a little serenity; the girl wouldn’t let you stay alone in the billet, you had tried that. You had not noticed that Major Cleven was seated in the armchair beside you until you heard him chuckling along to the boisterous, out of tune ‘singing’ of John Egan.
“How does does a stoic man like you befriend someone like Major Egan?” You genuinely questioned, their difference more apparent than any similarities besides both men were talented pilots and great leaders.
Cleven glanced over to you, never really having an interaction unless he was getting a coffee in the morning. “He didn’t really give me the choice.”
“He is very social, especially with women yet you sit here alone. Are you married?” You knew that you were potentially overstepping but your curiosity had bested you.
“Not yet.”
The small longing smile and his tone told that he was thinking of someone back home fondly. “So there is a lucky lady awaiting you back home?”
“Marge.” He handed you the small photograph that he kept in his breast pocket. You studied her beauty, clear skin, perfect curls and joyous smile.
“She’s real pretty Major.” You returned the photograph, “And lucky to have someone so dedicated to her. I’m betting you that most of these men dancing around here tonight all have unsuspecting sweethearts waiting for them at home.”
The Major nodded, his eyes meeting those of his approaching friend, “I am not a betting man.”
Egan occupied the empty armchair on the other side of Cleven, wiping the sheen of sweat from his brow with a handkerchief, “Your bombardier is one of those men if I do recall.”
“Dougie and I are merely friends, sir.” You once again defended yourself, feeling less embarrassed and more adamant.
“No fella waiting at home?” Egan asked, having overheard your previous comments about the ever so lovely Marge.
“Not at home,” Suddenly the men’s gazes felt heavy on you, or maybe it was your heart in your chest that felt heavy. “I believe he’s across the continent now, and I am no longer his to consider.”
“Just means you can dance with any man here.” Egan shrugged it off, sensing the tenderness of the subject. “Say Brady, why don’t you take our girl for a spin around the floor?”
John Brady looked up with his wide eyes upon being volunteered.
“Oh, You don’t have to John, I am perfectly capable of finding my own dance partner.” You assured him but he was already tucking away his pipe but then you were interrupted by a frantic Douglass.
“Helen was telling me about some letters?” His voice was low but not quite a whisper, attracting the curiosity of the men around you.
“Please, excuse us.” You sent the group a tense smile before dragging the bombardier by his elbow into the quiet night air.
It seems like he’s trying to give you a stern look but it comes off more as concerned. “Why haven’t you told anyone?”
You scoffed, folding your arms across your chest. “They are just letters of admiration.”
“Are you positive about that?”
“Dougie, they’re just from some harmless airman who had nothing better to do.” You simply brushed off his concern over the matter.
“They are clearly depraved, watching you like that, taunting you.” He insisted, his voice lowering to a whisper as a small group approached to enter the hall. You led him further away from the entrance to keep anymore of your conversation away from prying ears.
“And when you were gonna tell me that you have a sweetheart at home?”
It was his turn to sigh, fidgeting uncomfortably at the topic. “That is complicated.”
He was not expecting your heel to harshly slam against his booted toe, pain exploding throughout his foot. “Ouch. What the hell was that for?”
“Stop being an idiot.”
“This isn’t about me, it is about these letters.”
“Which everyone knows about now, thanks to you.” Your voiced raised louder than you had heard it in months, your frustration with the situation reaching its limit. “Good night, Dougie.”
You left no room for the conversation to continue as you wandered off into the darkness. Your night had been ruined and no one could stop you from your serenity now.
x x x
Tags: @canyousmelltheflowers @jointherebellion215 @gretagerwigsmuse
84 notes · View notes
millie-multifics · 6 months
Though I Yearn • Part 3
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Masters of the Air
Secret Admirer x Reader
A string of anonymous letters causes a stir at Thorpe Abbotts. Who could be the author of the tender correspondence you have been receiving?
Warnings: Burn injury briefly described, secret admirer letters, mentions of…. Divorce?
Word Count: ~1.1k
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x x x
You had been unable to sleep after reading the second letter, tossing and turning until a knock sounded through the billet, stirring many of the women from their slumber. There were mission orders for the 100th and the men would be needing their coffee after many had been enjoying their evening before. You dressed yourself with just the little moonlight creeping through the windows, doing your best not to overly disturb the other ladies as they would be able to get a little more rest before they were needed.
“Are you sure everything is alright?” Helens voice startled you, causing the hot cup of coffee in your hand to splash over the top. You had just finished setting everything up and a yawn had told you that maybe you needed some coffee to carry you through the morning, apparently it was poorly timed.
“Ouch.” You placed the cup on the counter, reaching for a clean cloth to wipe the hot coffee off your skin.
“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to startle you.” Helen reached for your hand but you kept it hidden from view, knowing she would make you go to the infirmary.
“It will be alright.” You assured her, attempting to get back to the task at hand as soldiers began to flood from their billets toward the meeting hall.
“You have been acting unusual lately.” Helen would no longer allow you to avoid the topic, wondering if it is the reason you had been so fog brained.
“I’m-“ You were going to try to reassure her that you were fine, but maybe having an outside opinion would help you figure out who the mystery author might be. “I have been getting letters from someone here at Thorpe Abbotts but I’m not sure from who.”
“What kind of letters?” Helen was intrigued.
“They’ve both been relatively sweet, nothing bad but I have no idea who has been sending them. The first one came shortly after the 100th arrived, it said: ‘During our first encounter your presence washed over me like the English rain, soothing and all consuming. You have captured my attention and selfishly, I must admit that I don’t want you to ever let it go.’” You recited, the words being seared into your brain from how many times you had reread the page. “No sign off, no return address. Last night I got another: ‘I yearn to approach you so freely, take you into my arms for a dance and confess my admiration. Though I yearn, I cannot allow myself to taint such a beautiful flower and so I stay, watching from a far as you dance in the arms of another.’”
“That is so romantic.”
Your eyes flickered to the door, finding the rest of the women listening in on your conversation. They must have stopped by to check in before heading off to their morning assignment.
“He had to have been at the pub last night.” Helen deduced, sending the ladies a glare over her shoulder. The letters may have sounded sweet but she was not so convinced.
“That doesn’t exactly narrow down the list, over half of the men were there last night.”
The men had begun to accumulate, eager to have a last minute coffee to banish any lingering fatigue or a donut to rid the feel of powdered egg from their mouths. You felt something brush against your leg, glancing down to find Meatball waiting patiently for any dropped crumbs. You gently nudged Helen to tell her you would be back in a moment, as you brushed your fingers through the dogs soft fur.
“Meatball, you know you are not supposed to be in here.” You softly scolded the dog as he followed you out the door, signalling for him to lay on the grass.
“I keep telling him that he can’t be going in there but he gets so excited.”
You sent DeMarco a teasing smile as you handed him a cup of coffee. “Excited to steal food scraps because he gets them from you in the mess hall.”
“Thanks again for keeping an eye on him.”
“No need to thank me, we might as well call it split custody.” You joked, “He’s with you when planes are on the ground and always hear with me when you are up in the air.”
You knelt down to pet the beautiful Husky, scratching the spot behind his ears that he absolutely loved. “Say bye to your father, he’s off to work.”
“Your hand okay?” DeMarco asked, he had noticed you favouring your non-dominant hand.
You nodded as you stood to your full height, showing the Captain the red, puckered skin from your burn. “Spilt coffee.”
He placed his coffee on flat surface of the trucks bumper, gently taking your hand between his own. As a pilot he had seen many types of burns, from combat or mechanical accidents and knew they could be worse than they appear. There was an unexpected softness to his words as he advised you to visit the infirmary.
“I will.” You promised, eyes meeting briefly before he let go of your hand. “Have a safe flight, Captain.”
It was not long after you joined Helen back in the club mobile that the two men plaguing you had strolled up to the window.
“Coffee?” You offered, Blakely who happily accepted the cup of hot coffee. You withheld the caffeinated beverage just out of reach of his bombardier friend. “Uh uh, Dougie, uncross your heart.”
“Last night, you crossed your heart and swore to die,” You leaned on the counter of the truck, placing the coffee close enough for the aroma to invade his senses. “That is not something I want hanging over either of our heads today.”
“Cross my heart,” He rolled his eyes but did the motion, “And swear not to die.”
You smiled in satisfaction, handing over the warm paper cup.
“Not to worry ma’am,” The next man in line drew your attention from Douglass and Blakely as they moved on their way. “I will be accompanying those fellas in their fort today and I can assure you that I will do my best to get your bombardier back in one piece.”
“Oh we’re not-“ You cut yourself off, feeling embarrassed for anyone having unsavoury ideas about your new found… friendship? You handed him a cup of coffee, mustering your best smile from under your embarrassment. “They’re in good hands, Major Egan.”
It was only after all the men had been served and were on their way that you had noticed a slip of paper tucked underneath the windows ledge.
x x x
Tags: @canyousmelltheflowers @jointherebellion215 @gretagerwigsmuse
85 notes · View notes