#help why does maris chin look like that 😭
captain-misery · 6 months
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some of the stuff i like
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•••••-There’s Always Me-•••••
A/N: helloooo, this is Chapter 2! Ain’t no one tell me how addicting writing is and how ideas just flow into your brain at random times 💀. Anyway, so like I said, expect Danny next chapter, and this chapter was inspired by the song:
Author won’t zip it: yeah you may be wondering, “how the hell does this damn song get you this damn chapter?”…well honestly I can’t answer that, since not even knowing why😭🤧. But anyway, hope you enjoy! Again, here’s the link for character and introductory
••••••••••Lover doll•••••••••••
My jaw nearly touches the floor when I hear these news, I quickly gasp and furrow my eyebrows, throwing my hands in the air. The words “we’re moving” echoes through my head, and my mind spins with thoughts.
“What? B-but Mama, we’ve been here our whole lives a-and-” I babble off to then get interrupted with a stern voice.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you will not question my decisions. And besides, I found a good place a few blocks away from here…” she purses her lips and then cups my cheeks, with a hopeful look in her tired eyes, smiling softly as her voice goes gentle. “It’s that recent building, ya know that French Quarter place. It’s a comfier spot, it’s not as expensive, and I think it’ll be a great change for us.” She says softly, glancing over my shoulder, at the sleeping children in the living room. She gently rubs her thumbs along my cheeks with a hum. “I really do think so, I-I don’t like sleeping in bed, knowing my kids are sleeping on the cold floor of our small living room.” She frowns and looks back at me, before embracing me into a hug.
“I promise…it won’t be like this anymore.” She says, her voice breaks in emotion. I can’t help the tears that sting into my eyes as I wrap my arms around her and bury my face into her shoulder. Inhaling deeply as my lip quivers, nodding, letting my tears fall onto the fabric of her coat.
“okay Ma…alright.” I whisper and nod, as we stand there for what felt like hours, in comfort and affection. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Fast-forward to the children awake, Mama’s sleeping in her room as I plate porridge oats. The children sit on either sides of the small round table.
I grab their plates and dish out the oats, setting spoons on the side. I plop down on my chair and look up at the children with pursed lips.
“well dig in kiddos, I’ve scraped up some money from my paychecks to buy us a treat or something” I say with a smile, shoving oats in my mouth and swallowing it down. As the kids all whoop, their mouths full of porridge as they grin.
“really?!” Tom and Junbug squeal after they down their bowls of oats, Evan giggled as oats dribble down her chin.
“yes really, and also…I’ve got some news.” I say softly and nervously, as I reach over and wipe Evan’s chin with a napkin. I clear my throat, they silent down and rest their spoons in their bowls.
“s-so Mama found us a new spot in that new French Quarter place.” I gulp, looking down at my lap, anxious of their reactions. “And we’re moving next week…school’s gon be the same, and all that. Only thing is different is where we’re gonna live.” I say softly, finally looking up with a reassuring tone only to be met with faces of disappointment.
“What do you mean we’re moving?!” Tom nearly shouts and gasps. “Yeah, how we movin’ after living all our lives here!” Junbug huffs in a frustrated tone.
“look kiddos, I know I know. But Mama said it’ll be good for all of us. And plus, we don’t sleep in a living room no more” I say in a confident tone, as I finally caught their attention. They immediately get silent and have faces of surprise.
“wait what?” Tom peeps out as a smile slowly creeps onto her face. “Like we get our own rooms?” Evan squeals out and jumps outta her seat, rushing to my side with giggles. I snicker and shake my head.
“No, not exactly like that. There’s two rooms in the new apartment, so one for Mama and Ev’, then you kids.” I smile as I bite my lip, hugging Evan.
“ohhh…” Junbug then stops in his tracks, letting Tom and Evan dance in excitement around the table and into the living room, leaving me and him facing eachother on the table. “where’s your room?” He frowns and furrows his eyebrows.
I purse my lips and shrug, looking up at him but quickly resting a hand on his and gently squeezing. “That’s nothing for you to worry bout, just be a good kid and help me clean, alright,” I say softly, trying to look up into his eyes. He frowns and sighs, nodding slowly.
“okay, okay.” He stands up and stretches his arms, looking back at Tom and Evan squealing in enjoyment. He collects the bowls and places them in the sink, as I start to wipe down the table. “Tom, Evan, c’mon, help clean up now.” I say in a stern voice, they eventually break apart from the dancing and grab the broom. Evan scoffs and crosses her arms, pouting and scrunching her eyebrows up at me.
“why do I gotta clean? Olivia and Sarah tells me they don’t gotta clean up” she huffs out and stomps. I roll my eyes as she mentions her little friends back at kindie, putting my hands on my hips. “Well you ain’t Olivia and Sarah, Ev’, now c’mon and go push the chairs in.” I say as I finish up the table with a sigh and glance over at her. She rolls her eyes but obliges, pushing in the chairs as Tom sweeps and Junbug to wash the dishes.
Not too long after, they get dressed into clean clothes, and get ready to leave to that five and dime on Charles’ Street. Soon after, they head out and make it to the shop
“okay chil’ren, just stick by me and you all cam pick one thing for either you or the new home.” I smile and turn around, counting all three heads as we enter through the entrance doors. They all nod and giggle in agreement, we walk to a section full of sweets. As I watch over them picking out their candies, a tune rings and echoes through the shop. I raise a brow and whip my head to the entrance, watching as a group of men walk in. Lover doll, oh Lover doll
Lover doll, Lover doll
The words that sing out of one of the men’s mouth. I glance over at him, connecting eyes with the one singing and playing his guitar. His jet-black hair, and soft features, as well as his perfect nose and sharp jawline has me staring for a moment too long.
That I ever did ever see Let me tell you lover doll You were meant, just meant for me
He sings out of those plump lips, while staring into my eyes with those mesmerizing, sky blue eyes. My lips part but I finally blink, trailing my eyes over to the men who came in with him, watching as they take handful of items. I raise a brow and look back at the singing one, he quickly glances away with narrowed eyes. He clears his throat and continues to sing, walking around to the female shop staff and customers. I purse my lips and look down at Evan, who’s been pulling at my skirt for a doll on the display table.
On the first time that I saw you How I fell for your cuddly charms Lover doll I'm crazy for you Let me rock you in my arms
“y/n, please! That doll is my dream! I’ve got none at home! Pleaseee!” Evan begs over the singing, in a hushed tone but pleading tone. I pout and quickly pick her up to her feet, glancing at Tom and Junbug grabbing their chocolates and then at the doll’s price tag. My eyes widen and I nearly choke at the tag that reads, $23. I quickly shake my head and hold Evan’s face in my hands.
I'm so glad I found you Never thought dollies came full grown I'm gonna tie a ribbon around you Wrap you up and take you home
“Oh Ev’ it’s way too much, I barely even have 23 dollars in my pocket.” I whisper softly as I glance at my hand with only 11 dollars, the song still going on. Then tears well into eyes as she sniffles and frowns. “Oh please, please, please. I-I really want it. Please, y/n”, she begs and nearly sobs. I huff and nod, I gingerly swipe her wet cheeks with my thumb, wiping her tears before whisper-yelling at Evan. “m’kay, Evan I need you to round up Tom and Junbug. Fast, okay? I’m gonna um…pay for it okay, so you guys wait outside for me. You’re on a mission.” I say in a partially playful matter, softly pushing her to them. I stand up straight, and I look over at the cashier who is obviously swooning over the young man’s singing. I walk over to the counter, The least I can do, is for the expensive ass chocolates, I sigh and think to myself. I slip 9 dollars on the counter for the chocolates, then slowly but swiftly move back over to the doll stand in the counter.
She’s distracted enough, I think to myself as I watch with cautious eyes around me and reach over the display stand…
A/N: well wontcha look at that, Danny finally appeared 😭👀. I hope y’all enjoying it so far, I sure the hell am. It’s pretty fun to get creative like this. Again, leave any feedback please, and a question I wanted to ask bout the chapter length was:
Is the chapter too long? Or just right?
I don’t wanna bore nobody who’s reading, so ya know, let me know please! Anyway, if anyone new would like to be added to a tag list, please do tell! I’d be more than happy to add you, (or if you even wanna be removed! I’ll be fine with doing that as well! children are kinda annoying, so I don’t blame ya one single bit!)
Again, I’m tagging people who I think is interested enough to read it 💀💀: @ashtag6887 @sissylittlefeather @precious-little-scoundrel @vintagepresley @p0lksaladannie @devilsflowerr
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: hawaii five-0 season 1
steve has a much deeper voice than i thought he would lmao not at all important but felt like sharing
ooh his dad is hiding something
he's dead :(
I don't completely trust what the mayor is saying
danny hid the stuffed animal he got for grace :(
i'm already loving steve and danny's dynamic
“pineapple infested hellhole.” 😭
danny's ringtone for his ex wife sends
damn punched him straight in the face 😭 this partnership is off to a great start
they look so done in that scene of them wearing the shirts 😭
“where are you trying to go? go ahead. want me to shoot you? stop.” fjgkfkdks
two eps in, and steve and danno are fighting like an old married couple
“to my cousin, who always brings light to darkness.” I’M CRYING
sid being their cousin was actually unexpected for me
“you weren’t held when you were a baby, were you?” "i was held, okay? i have photos, if you want proof.” “photoshopped.” pls 😭😭
lmao danny is so passionate about ham and pineapple not belonging on pizza
rachel hasn’t even been introduced onscreen, and i already hate her
that entire scene with the sharks sends so hard
“how long have you guys been married?” dkfjfjs
I knew there was more to craig than just being a kidnapped victim
“old house, thin walls.” “oh! God!” “yeah! you said that a lot last night!” HELP 😭
the medical examiner is hilarious
“ever make it to double pretzel level?” “triple banana, bitch.” too damn funny
oh crap, mary found the box
the looks on chin and steve’s faces when kono took that woman’s dog 😭
lmfao “it’s not like it’s the dogs fault”
it should be illegal to make kono cry
woah a wild josh dallas appears
losing it over ian being ben’s father
steve absolutely lit up like a damn christmas tree when danny told him he likes when he says “book em, danno.” if you’re in love, just say that <3
the scene with them spreading ian’s ashes was beautiful
danny looking around and lowering his voice before he says to steve “you miss me, don’t you?” dkgjfjs that’s so gay
“you talking to your wife?” HELLO????
“if i wanted him dead, he’d be dead.” sir, that does not help your case in any way
oh crap, she lost lily
poor lily, she lost her mom and her dad
they just?? unknowingly cooked a man?
chim and danny are the ultimate brotp
erica getting hit by that bus was…so regina george
fuck that was funny
i knew that guy was dirty
“why do you think i brought my family here?” “i don’t know, you’re a murderer. who cares?” pls this is why i love danny
“i told you, i hated that guy.” danny, read the room for me, baby
the last few minutes of this episode are freaking intense
laughing my ass off at the fact that i was only going to liveblog my reaction to the first episode, and now i’m on episode ten 😭
“he’s 25.” “this kid looks like he’s 12.” aww, danny. i know he’s dying, but you don’t have to lie
no thoughts, just danny calling steve “babe”
so that’s rachel
if they develop both rachel as a character, and also her relationship with danny, i think i could actually like her
that’s it for the first ten eps!
when i started this show, i did not expect to love it so much, nor did i expect to be shipping steve and danny lmao
you’re a real one if you actually read this entire post
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