shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 4 years
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What if the Pale Mother acted more… motherly? Pale Tree constantly badgers eldest about (non-existent) love life.
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 5 years
He should meet my Ushas. He can speak... but not with his mouth.
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this guy isn’t even a courtier, just creepy. i like to imagine he can’t speak with that rigid jaw, so he just makes weird shoebill sounds.
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 5 years
If your fave is dead in canon clap your hands, *clap clap*
If your fave is dead in canon,
And you’ve had to turn to fandom,
If your fave is dead in canon clap your hands *clap clap*
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 5 years
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imagine ur otp and also ur brotp and also ask yourself, which friend am i??
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 5 years
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Heya, folks! Just poppin in to let you know that as soon as I get to 900 followers, I’ll be giving away a free fully color commission to one lucky follower who reblogged this post!
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Here’s an example of what you could win!
Multiple reblogs count for a better chance to win! So have at~!
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 6 years
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Path of Fire Alphie 🌿 He absolutely does not like the crystal desert. ( I, however, love it.)
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 6 years
First 2 to DM me get a little portrait of their salad. Go.
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 6 years
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This is the 4th time... the 4th fucking time. I don't care anymore. Here. Have art.
This is Ushas of Dawn. He's been kicking about in my skull for awhile and he's gone through several iterations. This one feels close to the truth. He's a former Mordrem and does not remember much before Mordremoth. He was very young when he responded to the call.
He was always small and unlike some mutations other sylvari went through he never gained drastic height or bulk, his transformation was more insidious than that.
What we see as a beautiful, doll like face is a mask. It's all mimicry. He did not look like this before he heeded the call but he can't remember what he used to look like either. His mask is made out of leaves and petals cleverly arranged to mimic a sylvari face. These leaves can unfurl to reveal the truth; a lamprey mouth with a ring of viciously sharp teeth around that outer rim that can be moved and used to grip. They also secrete a mild venom in massive amounts. The aim isn't to kill prey but to make them pliable. Once subdued prey could be dragged back to a blighting tree for repurposing to Mordremoth's purposes.
This adaptation also made Ushas very good as a scavenger. He can eat pretty much anything and if he's really hungry he has been knowm eat lichen and moss.
He does not talk much initially because he was a solitary hunter back in the day. There's also the fact that he is mostly mouth and teeth... when he does speak he makes the mouth movements but the sound is coming from the base of his throat, which can be... unnerving.
Without Mordremoth's guiding will he has spent a very long time in the deepest Maguuma slowly returning to awareness.
He can be very sweet however what he thinks of as a good gift is very different to what those around him would consider a good gift. He is very quizzical and his favourite pastime is mask making.
I look forward to role playing again with the community.
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 6 years
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Mordermvari haven’t been forgotten. Thank you.
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 6 years
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Sylvari female
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 6 years
Just an RP Pro Tip from someone who has either been an officer of or leading RP guilds/groups for the past 10+ years:
“IC does not equal OOC” does NOT translate to “OOC feelings don’t matter.”
It also does not mean if someone is upset about something that’s going on in an RP OOC that they “need to grow a spine.”
OOC feelings absolutely do matter when you are playing with other people and not just writing your own stories. Other players are not your NPCs. They are people who are going to have–I know this sounds weird–actual feelings about the things that go on during RP.
OOC feelings about what’s going on during a plot arc, RP session, etc…absolutely do matter, and if you’re leading an event, are a guild officer, or a guild leader, it’s absolutely part of your responsibility to make sure everyone involved in the RP that’s happening is having a good time OOC.
That doesn’t mean nothing bad can happen to characters IC, it means part of the responsibility of leading events or plot arcs is to make sure your players are having fun OOC regardless of what is going on IC.
If your players end up in situations where they feel their character can’t do anything right, can’t ‘advance’, can’t ever succeed no matter what they do, or is always getting in trouble even when they’re trying to avoid it (and that is not part of what they want to be happening), your players are not going to enjoy the RP.
YOU might be enjoying it, especially if your character is one in a position of power, but if all you ever focus on is whether the people in control of the situation are having fun you’re going to find that you run out of people to play with after awhile and will get a reputation you might not necessarily want. Yes, this applies even in settings where there are strict social rules/norms or strict hierarchies of power.
Yes, this means your military leader, high ranking Sith, pact commander, squad leader, or whatever a ‘high rank’ is in the game you’re playing can’t just walk all over players who have characters of a lower rank unless that’s the scenario that’s been agreed upon and, even if that is the agreed upon scenario, you still do regular check-ins with those players to make sure they’re still having a good time.
If they’re not, that’s when you pause the RP and figure out what can be tweaked so everyone involved is having a good time and enjoying the RP OOC. It is not appropriate for you to ever brush aside one of your players saying they’re not enjoying the RP scenario with, “It’s lore/canon, keep IC and OOC separate.”
Doing that means you’re doing a very poor job at event/scenario leading.
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 7 years
Do want!
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M-mordrem mounts………
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 7 years
Tired: Plant based characters and creatures who refuses to eat meat cause they are “one with nature” and as a result are exclusively vegetarian
Wired: Plant based characters who are so one with plants they refuse to eat them and exclusively eat animal flesh as a result
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 7 years
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 7 years
Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they’re even born.
F. Scott Fitzgerald; The Beautiful and Damned (via sunsetquotes)
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 7 years
Sylvari Asks
1) Are they woodier or leafier? Succulent, deciduous, evergreen? 2) were they modeled after a specific plant? If not, what was your inspiration? 3) what kind of climate are they most comfortable in? 4) what kin of climate are they least comfortable in? 5) what’s their relationship with gender? 6) what’s their relationship with the Pale Tree? 7) how do they react to Mordremoth when they first hear him? 8) during what cycle were they born? 9) what are their opinions on Trahearne? 10) would they take selfies? 11) random headcanon! 12) how old are they? 13) what does their love life look like, if they have one? 14) what did they see in their Dream? 15) favorite thing about playing your salad? 16) what armor set are they currently wearing? 17) do they have a favorite major city? 18) what’s their favorite food? 19) least favorite food? 20) their biggest secret?
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shadows-in-a-dream ¡ 7 years
The gender fluid term for sugar daddy is glucose guardian
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