#help me jonathan nolan
faembrosia · 2 days
you write fanfic to be happy
I write fanfic to get noticed by the director and impress them so much i get offered a job as a script writer and slowly force my headcanons into actual canons and see my OTP kiss for real life while making money doing it and the actors then adopt me and we live happily ever after, everyone kissing
We are not the same.
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skintyfiia · 8 months
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anon-sect · 2 months
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Picture source: internet
Tom loved watching the old tv show Once Upon a Time. He had a celebrity crush on the actor Josh Dallas who played Prince Charming or David Nolan on the show. He had since then watched other shows that the actor stared in. It was one of his fantasies to meet the handsome actor in person one day.
Tom then got a bold idea of a way to be close to the actor in person. It was a risky plan, but he definitely wanted to attempt it. He had purchased a TF Ray phone that was quite expensive. He asked his friend Jonathan to help fulfill his fantasy.
"What, you really want me to do that?" Jonathan asked confused and curious at the same time.
"Yes, I want you to turn me into a pair of shoes. Put me in a box along with the TF Ray phone and mail me to Josh Dallas with this note." Tom explained one more time, holding a handwritten note signed by him.
Jonathan didn't know if his best friend was insane or just went plain mad. "Why would you want to do that? You don't know if the guy would wear you or even release you. You could end up as the actor's property forever. You sure you want to do this?"
Tom pondered Jonathan's questions. It really was a risk, but he had a huge crush on the actor. He really wanted to do this despite all the risk that his best friend mentioned. "I know what risk are involved before I even considered doing this. And I want to do. So, will you help me or not?" He responded, showing his stubborn resolve for a reckless course of action. It was scary not knowing what fate would happen to him, but it also excited him at the same time.
Jonathan saw that no amount of questioning would change his mind. Tom was dead set on going through with it. He decided that he would help him achieve his fantasy even if he was totally against the idea. He hit the flash option on the screen of the TF Ray phone. Tom was instantly reduced to a pair of shoes. He picked him up and wrapped him in wrapping paper. He placed the shoes in a box, along with the TF Ray phone, special written note and the instructions how to use the phone. After the box was sealed. He went to the post office to mail the box off. He felt bad for helping his friend achieve his fantasy, not knowing if he would even see him again. But this was what he wanted.
Tom stayed in darkness for what seemed like forever. He could hear voice as he was being shipped out to his favorite actor. He hoped he would reach him soon.
Josh was handed a sealed box when it was delivered to his house by FedEx. There was no return address on the box. When he opened it, he saw a handwritten note on top. He read it: "Mr. Dallas, I loved watching you in Once Upon a Time and your other shows. You are my favorite actor, and I have wanted to meet you in person one day. But I came up with a better idea. What if I could spend a day with you. So, I had myself changed into a pair of shoes for you to wear using the TF Ray phone provided in the box. Wear me, please. One day on your feet will be what I want. sign Tom."
Josh didn't know if it was a practical joke or actually real. He found the TF Ray phone along with instructions on how to use it. He was shocked it was actually the real deal. He unwrapped the shoes in the box. If the phone was real, then perhaps the shoes he was holding is a former human being begging to be on his. He first thought of the moral implications of actually wearing the shoes. But then he would be the only one to know what his shoes really are. Besides just one day would be fine to fulfill this fan's fantasy, what harm could it do.
Tom was so happy to see Josh Dallas holding him. He hoped the actor would at least speak to him, but he didn't. Instead, the actor did what you would normally do with free shoes. He was put on the actor's feet without a single acknowledgement of his human existence.
Josh thought should he talk to the shoes, but that would look very strange talking to a pair of shoes like they were a person. He just hope this one day on his feet would make the fan happy. Yet, he thought the fan was crazy to want to be worn on his feet.
Once Tom was secured with string arms tied up, he saw that maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to consider. The actor's feet crushed his insole face with force as he walked around his house. It was a constant crushing over and over. The pain was beyond his imagination. Even when the actor was just sitting down, the pressure of his feet pressed against his insole face was bad enough. The wiggling of his toes showed that Josh Dallas's feet owned him completely. As the day went on, the actor had a few errands to run. That meant more walking on him. Being shoes for the actor now didn't seem as much fun as he originally imagined. He started to beg for his humanity back. It was just only over an couple of hours and he was ready to not be shoes anymore.
Josh loved the way the shoes comfort his feet. He had never felt shoes that were this good. Even when doing some errands, each step felt so well cushioned. He pondered the thought of keeping the shoes despite knowing what they are. He decided, that maybe one more day of the shoes would be enough.
The next day, the actor went for his morning run, wearing his new shoes. It was so great running in them. It was like he was running on clouds. His feet didn't feel the stress of normal shoes. He would make a decision after his run when he got back to his house.
Tom was in agony as Josh was enjoying his morning run. The sweaty sock began to saturate his insides. A strong foot odor began to develop. His insole face was being molded by the actor's feet. After the previous day, he already developed a strong foot odor of ownership. It was on supposed to be just a day. He began to wonder if the actor would ever release him. He remembered that Jonathan warned him that placing his fate in the actor's hands might not go as planned.
Once Josh got back home, he took the TF Ray phone. He found the revert to normal setting for his new shoes. He honestly loved his new shoes and saw no reason to lose them. He deleted the revert back to normal setting, making his new shoes permanent. Only he would know that his special shoes are a living person. Everyone else would only see normal shoes, even his family would think so. He took the handwritten note that he had hidden and tore it to tiny pieces before throwing it in the trash. With that all done, he could treat the poor fan as nothing but shoes since he volunteered to be the actor's shoes in the first place.
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riddler-green · 1 year
Tea for three. Prologue
Summary: You have been a patient/prisoner of Arkham for several months since you were charged with a crime you did not commit. But what happens when you meet Batman's latest enemy? the man of the hour? In which you help Batman on his cases, you're Edward's new favorite person, and Jonathan is part of your past that you want so badly to return to.
Edward Nashton x reader, Bruce Wayne x reader, Jonathan Crane x reader.
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A/n: Holaaa everyone! here I am posting another story that I thought of in a sleepless night, I think it's one of my most ambitious fics that I've been planning but that makes it cooler! I should clarify that this fanfic is mixed with the 2022 movie with the Nolan saga (but in such a minuscule way that it's barely imperceivable). I'm back from my vacation so I'll update my other work soon! ♡
I also want to clarify that English is not my first language, so an apologize for the spelling mistakes. ✧˖°. (My English is rusty :´p).
(Also this fanfic is published on AO3) ✿
Warning: Fluff and angst, Obsessive Behavior, Canon Compliant (the flood occurred, sorry) Movie spoiler (Batman 2022) if there is another warning I did not put, please let me know.
Words: 5,400
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You stroll as two guards lead you to a room, you don't know where they are taking you but it's not like you could complain either. The guards behind you ignored you all the way chatting with each other as if they were not watching an Arkham patient, they let you into the individual visiting room. Still, you nicknamed it the interrogation room because you only come here when that person requests your presence.
You sit down without a problem in the stiff metal chair, the approving noise of the iron partition sounds throughout the place, and you hear one of the guards closing the door leaving you alone with him.
At first, it was tedious, even traumatic in a way to come to this room to talk to the person who captured you and brought you to Arkham without hesitation. You couldn't refuse to see him, not when the caped man is a colleague of an important commissioner. No matter how many times you told him, how many times you yelled at him that you were innocent, he either didn't believe you or just wouldn't listen. You got tired of telling everyone around you that it wasn't your fault, none of them listened to you.
The metal partition rises completely, and little by little you see the almost imperceptible figure of the knight of the night. He kept silent without sitting down, standing in front of you analyzing you as everyone does nowadays, but you no longer care what he thinks of you, you are practically a hopeless case for him.
"Hello?" your greeting sounded confusing, you were not expecting a visit from him, but you have an idea why he comes to you, on certain occasions he shows you cases of different indoles, also that he has found some clue of the…
"I'm looking for the Riddler" He doesn't greet you and moves closer to the glass that separates them, you can take a better look at him, he's still the same since the last time you saw him, his attire nor his face have changed at all, but you notice something different in his voice, is it tiredness you hear?
"The Riddler?" you look at him unclear as to what he means "Who is that?".
"A serial killer" he informs you, you often hear those terrible words from him, how often does Batman chase killers like that, it's like there's one every week, it's cruel but it's the truth, Gotham is the cradle of evil, hell on earth, some would say.
"And what have I got to do with him?" you ask hesitantly.
Batman leaves a gray folder in the crack that connects the two rooms as if it were a mailbox "I need to know your perspective".
For a moment you thought about rejecting whatever is in that folder, but your curiosity won you over, you slowly grabbed the folder somewhat heavy because of the many sheets stored, on the cover of the folder you can see a CLASSIFIED in capital letters, that fuels your interest even more and you open the folder.
It's a lot to take in at once, you open your eyes from the initial shock, you haven't seen so much blood since your clinical internship days, you close the folder for a few seconds to recover, and you look Batman in the eye with a frown, he didn't even warn you how grotesque the case could be. 
Batman looks back at you completely seriously, he looks immutable and silent. You open the folder again and are greeted by the same disturbing images "Wow, it's something " you comment uneasily.
You see the evidence, black and white photos of the murders stapled to the autopsy reports, it is amazing how this man can have such information. the more time you spend reading the events and the evidence the more disturbed you become. 
Mayor Don Mitchell Jr, mayor of Gotham for several years, you saw him once at a social event done by Gotham University, he was happy and smiling maybe because of the excess alcohol in his veins. but now you look at the crime scene, his face completely wrapped in duct tape.
"No more lies..." you whisper reading the message on the corpse of the mayor, then that was with an already established motive, to give a statement.
On the other hand, Commissioner Savage's body is barely recognizable, the cage on his head says it all.
This is no ordinary killer.
What have you gotten yourself into, batman?
"why are you showing me this?" you manage to ask him even with the murders fresh in your mind, you don't think you will sleep tonight.
The already-seated masked man repeats to you "I need to know your perspective".
"As a patient or as a psychologist?" technically you can no longer practice your career since they took away your degree, but he doesn't correct you, you peruse everything that was offered, the riddles, the pictures of all the letters he has left for Batman, descriptions of the crime scene, write-ups of the witnesses who found the bodies.
"Both" he declares.
The handcuffs on your wrists do not give you much freedom to move your arms but do not prevent you from handling the documents in the folder, if Batman thought this might interest you he was right, for better or worse you did not stop seeing file after file.
"How extravagant," you say your first impressions "Brusque with his victims, he really is angry" You turn the page to see the pictures of his riddles "But he is also ingenious, this is not prepared from one day to another, he has been planning this for a long time, I would say years".
"Angry at who?" the man in front of you asks but you don't answer him instantly, you take your time carefully reading all the research, it's a lot for only one killer and few victims, but it's nothing that can be used to find him.
"With the world" you turn the page to see Commissioner Savage's crime scene photo "The pattern is evident, the mayor...the commissioner...does not kill ordinary civilians." 
"Do you think it's political?".
You barely smile at the mere idea that this is just politics "No, this is too intimate for him, riddles are an essential part of his life that he knows how to use to his advantage...and I only come to one conclusion..." you shut up and rearrange the documents to close the folder. 
"What is it?" batman questions you with intrigue in his voice.
You see him again, he must be desperate somehow to find this Riddler who asks for the opinions of third parties, of "crazy" people like you, something he dislikes, he prefers to work alone, that's his emblem. Deep down it angers you to no end, he hasn't caught your living nightmare and he's already looking for another asshole.
"That" you passed him the folder through the crack in the partition between rooms, and he retrieves it in his hands "Is revenge, Batman, and a very wicked one."
"Give me a diagnosis" he speaks faster, and the anger starts to seep into his face and it satisfies you to sometimes see him like this, frustrated Batman...yeah that's a first.
you smile and relax in your stiff metal seat "You should ask Dr. Crane for that, he's more prepared than I am, don't you think?".
"He refused" You'd know he'd turn it down, he's not like Batman or you, he doesn't even like to play Clue.
"yeah, he doesn't have the hobby of playing detective" you shrug your shoulders "I can't give you a diagnosis because it's little, he has left only what he wants us to know, maybe he includes you in this because he admires you or because he wants to kill you, who knows" you blurt out everything you think without any shame, in your mind you are already putting together a criminal profile with only what he gave you, but you won't tell him that, he doesn't deserve your help.
The masked man's posture tenses and he begins to clench his fists, your smile grows. 
"all that, all those little clues he leaves you make me think this is all a big riddle on his part" You pointed to the folder held by one of his gloved hands.
"I don't think he's going to stop until he sees everyone on his list dead."
What you told him seemed to affect him, because he suddenly gets up and goes to the door without looking at you, and he found no news "I can't waste time" he whispers with disdain, he leaves the room and you stand watching the door where he left.
So it's a riddle against the clock, huh? you think.
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The sky in Gotham looks like a landscape worthy to take a picture of, from here you can see the buildings of different heights, the traffic between highways, and the bridges, even if you force your sight you can see people walking.
"Do you like the view?".
You continue to look through the window reinforced with bars and tempered glass, the bars cover part of the landscape but you can still admire the beautiful gray sky full of clouds ready to rain.
"yes..." you say putting your hands between the bars without stopping to think how happy you would be just to be out of this abyss. you didn't appreciate the beauty of the freedom you had before you were here.
"What do you like most about the view?".
You take a few seconds to respond, the handcuffs on your wrists started to itch on your skin, that itch so normalized on your skin that you don't do much to get rid of that itch, you didn't look away from the window, this simple reinforced window brought you comfort for all these months.
"You hear the voice of your therapist repeat your answer and nod, will your cafeteria still be open? The Gotham Library will have finally added new books? the university will have already changed that horrible lamp in one of your favorite classrooms? 
Batman already caught the Riddler?
"What a good answer actually, but I need you to sit down for a further conversation, soon the session will be over" The doctor's professional tone makes you tense up, you feel like you are not talking to a human but to a fucking robot, that's how you have thought them since you were imposed to this therapist.
You listen to what you say and sit in the other chair where you are supposed to be for the whole session, however, Mr. M has let you have the sessions while you watch from the only window, you are grateful for that, even if you didn't like him at all.
"I have been informed about your good behavior this week, if you continue like this you can be given more access through the hospital" Mr.M speaks calmly looking through several documents held by a wooden board.
Fuck you, you thought but didn't tell him, you don't have the luxury of being rude to him. you'll never get the same freedom you got when you were still an average citizen of Gotham and it saddens you, it makes your blood boil to remember every moment of your existence that you're here unjustly.
"Thank you" You speak as little as possible because you know you would break down in tears just remembering that you are another day of your life wasted locked up among so many criminals.
"But" Mr.M stops looking at his documents to turn to look at you "I was also told that you refuse to take your medication, why is that?".
"Why don't I need them" you speak cuttingly again, the itch in your wrists grows and you scratch with your fingernails without realizing it.
"you have to take his medicine...it will make your recovery process more enjoyable" he grabs his tablet with documents and writes again, Mr.M does not scold you but you perceive it like this, you want to go back to your cell, you feel so ashamed that your skin gets hot, how did you come to this? How did you fall so low that you are the one they have to medicate? 
"Fine" you lie to him, you dislike the taste of the medicine they force you to take, you know perfectly well what they prescribe you, you studied for it after all.
But everyone seems to forget that.
Only Batman can recognize your abilities, but he does not help you at all in your case.
And well, you paranoidly believe that Jonathan is only talking to you out of unconscious guilt.
"Okey" Mr. M gives a soft smile "Just one last question before our time is up" he checks the time on his wrist watch "Have you made a new friend? Have you managed to get along with anyone?".
You avoid the gaze of your therapist "No" you denied, another issue you don't want to address, your notorious loneliness in this hospital. If it weren't for your unique best friend who works here, you would be all alone.
You don't answer him, you also question the same thing, you haven't had an interest to socialize with the other patients since you arrived, and there are still things that are not clear to you.
Mr. M sighs dropping his papers in a file cabinet near him "Well, I'll leave it as homework for you to start seeing new people, making a friend sounds excellent."
"I'll try" You don't lie to him.
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It's been a day since Batman visited you and you had your weekly session with Mr.M, you haven't been able to sleep due to the tremendous curiosity of the new assassin the bat is looking for.
Just when you thought nothing could surprise you in this city since your accident, along comes a man with a question mark and puts the whole city in check, that's the city to him, a colossal chessboard, the DPGC, the Gotham elite, the citizens, they are all pieces in the game, and Batman and he are the only players.
Batman said he didn't have time, Does that mean that he has to catch him these days? how curious, with the Joker, it took months to find him, you were only intercepted in a couple of hours, and the Scarecrow...
no, you don't want to think about him.
You get distracted thinking about the Riddler again, you do your daily service arranging books in the small library of Arkham, your safe place where few or no people stop around these parts, here it is not necessary to use your wrist and neck cuffs, but your uniform is still on, and the plastic bracelet with your information identify you as a patient.
You yawn as you place a couple of worn-out books on the shelf, you felt like a bookstore worker, sometimes you usually fantasize that you are one to take away your boredom, but others usually burst your dreamy bubble.
Today, one of the guards decided to turn on the old-fashioned TV set in one of the upper corners of the library, you stand near a bookcase to see what channel they put on this time, usually they only put on the sports channel to watch the game of the moment.
But on this occasion, the guard put on the news channel, and you immediately put down the books you have to accommodate to concentrate on what is shown on TV.
The guard is still standing and so are you, both watching a live breaking news broadcast. The news anchor reports a new Riddler attack.
He bombed a prosecutor at the mayor's funeral.
The guard's face looked more and more frightened, you watched the news with morbid curiosity. Batman's new opponent seems more sadistic than you thought, that detailed report confirmed it.
But seeing their repeated acts on TV was shocking, you even heard the guard who put on the news say in a low voice " We are doomed. "
You silently agree with him, for the first time you are relieved to be locked away from all the chaos going on right now.
You saw how the explosion managed to reach Batman, surprising you as the guard, the man takes off his distinctive security guard hat when he sees the video, on the other hand, you are still stunned, not believing it, somehow you forgot that this man dressed in black and wearing a cape is still a human of flesh and blood, he simply can't die like that, not when he has things to save, people to capture.
He hasn't found your living nightmare yet.
Before you pull your hair out in frustration the news anchor states that Batman is still alive, the guard satisfied by the information puts his cap back on and returns to his guard position which is the entrance to the library.
You are still looking at the report, and suddenly the image of the man who calls himself the Riddler appears. You hadn't seen him in such detail until this moment, the photos in the Batman report were extremely blurry images, but this time he is in HD, he is completely wrapped in green clothes, and the only thing you can see of him, is his eyes. 
His voice is altered but you can notice that venomous tone of his he asked prosecutor Gil Colson some riddles, but in the end, he couldn't answer what Riddler wanted.
You sigh while grab another couple of books and start arranging them one by one. If Batman is still alive it means this isn't over.
"I knew I would find you here".
"It's not like I can go many places" You smile slightly turning to look at the man who spoke to you. 
Jonathan Crane, the living legend of the hospital, with tailored suits, no wrinkles in his coat, and a well-made tie that matches the sweater he wears under his coat. There isn't a single time you haven't seen Jonathan without his perfect appearance but maybe it's just you idealizing as usual. 
Jonathan gives you a polite smile "Right" Just by hearing that you know he won't stay to chat for long, he tends to contradict you most of the time just to annoy you and agree with you when he's busy.
"Are you coming to get a book?" you ask him the first thing that comes to mind.
"No, I wanted to talk to you before I left," he says adjusting his glasses "I'm going away for a couple of weeks to blüdhaven University to give lectures, it will be a simple thing" Your smile doesn't falter, you are touched that he lets you know when he won't be able to see you, and how he manages to keep the conversation so casual. 
As if they were still colleagues.
"Is that so? What will you talk about?".
"Childhood traumas" he reveals looking at you without any shyness, he has a barely perceptible smile but you notice it. 
"why am I not surprised?" you resume your work in arranging books "Although you know how to pick interesting topics, I wish I could attend" You recognize that Jonathan has been too devoted to his work and student life, he is that kind of strict professor who gives his students nightmares from the assignments and exams he gives. His lectures are fascinating, to say the least, you attended many.
"I'll tell you about it when I get back, in the meantime" From inside his suit he pulls out a  flyer in half "It's something extremely summarized but it'll do" You take the piece of paper and stuff it in one of your pockets. It's not the first time Jonathan smuggles things to you, god, you can even be sure he gives you something every time you see each other. 
"Thank you" you thanked looking at his face, he also remains silent looking at you, the eye contact between you is not something out of another world either, on your part, it's a habit that started when you were still studying, you can't help but want to observe everyone around you, analyze them somehow, see their behavior.
Jonathan does the same, but more rigorous and practical, he is direct and not afraid to say it, you see his hair combed to his liking, his glasses clean without any smudge, his eyes examining you. 
You leave your admiring mode when you diverted your gaze a little to the old TV that is still on, the news keeps showing the latest events of the hours, repeating the most recent crime of Riddler.
Your smile dims as you recall the video of the explosion, the prosecutor begging for mercy and the bomb stuck in his chest.
"Did you see what happened at the mayor's funeral?" you whisper to him in a low voice trying not to let anyone hear them, you look with your eyes for the guard on duty but you can't find him, Jonathan must have asked him for some privacy time, at times you forget the influence that the man in front of you has generated with years and effort.
He turns his head for a few seconds watching the news on TV and turns to look at you again with a sensible and neutral face. 
"yes, I saw it, I was there when it happened".
"What?" you utter with surprise "You were there?" there was no sign of a lie on his face to make you think he wasn't telling you the truth.
"Some teachers from the university we went to give condolences when the show happened" Jonathan clarifies simply, you approach him to talk closer, he doesn't seem upset "So it's true? Riddler attacked that prosecutor?".
"He killed him."
You shut up for a moment because of his statement, it's true, Riddler killed him, and almost Batman too.
"And Batman? Did you see him in action?" at this point you sound like first-rate gossip, but still Jonathan answers your questions, but is no longer as pleased doing so, the moment you mention Batman. 
"He arrived when most of the people had already been evacuated."
"Wow" you blurt out surprised, if you didn't know him better you would have been uneasy with his calmness when talking about the experience, he says it without any fear because that's exactly what's so special about Jonathan in your eyes, he's not afraid of anything.   
"Batman looked you up, didn't he?" Jonathan changes the subject quickly and you nod your head, you move away from his side to reach for a cart full of books to be arranged "He wanted my opinion on the riddler, can you believe it?" you laugh "I told him to look you up better, but you turned him down."
"That's right" he assures leaning on one of the bookcases for comfort, he looks at you picking up a book and you place it among several other books on another bookcase "I don't lend myself to that sort of thing".
"I know, killjoy Crane" you scoff boldly.
"Whatever you say" he sighs "I have to go, there will be a meeting at the university" Before you could say goodbye properly, he approaches you to give you an extremely momentary hug, it was so fast that you couldn't return the hug because he had already separated from you. You swore you could smell some of his cologne.
"uh yeah, see ya" You are barely able to utter the words without getting over the small contact they made, he has said goodbye to you like this, but you are still not used to it.
Jonathan smiles at you picking up his briefcase that you didn't see in the first place, walks to one of the tables where the TV control is, picks it up, and turns off the TV "I don't like you watching that" he tells you already heading for the exit where the guard re-enters the library.
You wrinkle your forehead due to irritation. Sometimes you don't understand Jonathan.
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You genuinely thought your head was going to explode from the pain. 
Being in Arkham meant being cut off from the outside, you had no idea of the chaos that erupted overnight, the perverse game of Batman and Riddler was so forceful, that Arkham unexpectedly came into the spotlight when the green-masked man was captured. An alert in your head went off when you heard from a very nervous guard. You thought it was almost impossible for Batman to catch Riddler, and that he's here being processed to this hospital gives a lot to suspect.
The report Batman showed you are not wrong, the madman of riddles is too elusive to be caught in such a short time.
Why? You ask yourself, why did he let himself be defeated?
The hospital was in chaos with the arrival of the new patient in the middle of the night, nurses running around, and security guards moving patients to different cells temporarily, you were taken out of your small cell to another one just as small and almost the same.
Even with suspicion in your being, you don't understand what all the fuss was about, not even when they paraded the Joker through the main hall in a straitjacket as if he were a villain from some movie did they get as upset as they are now with Riddler.  
You sat on your new bed just as hard as the one in your previous cell, not wanting to catch the social panic you try to meditate, Mr. M advised you to do so and since then you put it into practice.
Maintaining a state of relaxation is difficult but you have practiced it for months, you started the breathing exercises, and as you slowly inhale and exhale your thoughts begin to melt one after the other, calming you down, and making your anxiety about all the fuss disappear.
You exhale again and inhale hard again, you could be doing this all day, you have nothing to worry about, you're in your world, locked away from society, and must be recovering from whatever Riddler did as his closing snap.
You open your eyes and stop doing your breathing exercises, you hear a laugh. But not just any laughter, but a loud and annoying laughter, you instantly get up from your bed and run towards the door with a small glass window. The laughter was not your imagination, and you can recognize it now that you are closer to the door.
You don't see any guards guarding this section of cells, how strange. The laughter continues unabated. It must be some neighbor of your cell because of the proximity of the noise and you have an idea of who it might be but you ignore it for only a few minutes, you can't take it anymore and yell "Can you shut up for once?".
Your cell neighbor stops laughing and you can finally feel at peace, but instead starts a conversation.
"Scarecrow?" you close your eyes just hearing that horrible nickname he gave you at some point during his hospital stay. relatively the two have been in Arkham for a similar amount of time, both trapped by Batman and calling them the dark knight's worst enemies. 
But you could never compare yourself to someone like him Joker. 
You had a chance to get to know each other when you let him participate in common activities, you don't want to remember the first time you spoke to each other, it ended badly, period.
"Don't call me that, asshole" you insult him and he sounds pleased with your response.
"Ah! Are we sensitive today? It's a holiday! Let's celebrate!" 
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"our guest of honor has arrived, only his final trick is missing!" he continues to speak in that animated voice that irritates you.
When you talk to the Joker you get that feeling that he is speaking in another language, but he is not, you understand what you are saying but at the same time, you don't. You also realized that he knows too much to be just an Arkham patient. 
But everyone at the hospital can assure you that your neighbor is not an ordinary patient at all.
This time you managed to understand his words, Riddler still has an ace up his sleeve, how could the Joker find out about that?
"Did Batman interrogate you too?".
"Of course he did...I'm his favorite!" he replies in the same arrogant manner as always "but I don't forgive him for being so crude on our anniversary."
"So you saw it, huh? I don't think this is a coincidence" You suppose the Joker must have seen it too, of course, he may be reciprocally insupportable but he's not stupid.
The clown laughs, but you don't, you didn't say anything funny in your opinion.
"Poor little Riddler, he thinks he can be just like him."
You ponder what he says, returning to your bed as you sit up again, the sky begins to clear and you can see it through the tiny barred window.
What if this assassin wanted to imitate Batman in some way? 
"What a bizarre introjection you've made, Riddler" you whisper.
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First, there was an explosion.
You felt the whole cell rumble, you woke up instantly and got up from your bed to run to the door even with your eyes swollen from sleep, naively you thought it was some kind of earthquake. You stuck your face to the glass of the door in search of a guard or nurse, whatever it is that will help you get out of this cell, you don't want to die here.
However, the section was still empty, there was no one in the guards' small surveillance cubicle, and you could only perceive the monitors on, showing the news. 
You heard a completely strident noise, there was no earthquake. You turned slowly to the window, the color was changing from gray to orange.
It can't be.
you rush to see what's going on, you grab a piece of your bed to climb on it and reach the high window of the cell, you level yourself by holding your hands on the rusty metal bars, and you catch a glimpse of what caused such a noise. 
You saw the light of an explosion, the combination of yellow and red colors coloring the sky, the smoke, the fire. The explosion happened far away from Arkham, but you can still see it in detail, then the noise became present, and you grimace at the impact on the walls, but it was not over yet.
Explosion after explosion went off all over the city, from bridges to seawalls, a scene so hard to believe if you weren't watching it right now.
The sight takes your breath away, you are so stunned that you almost fall to the floor witnessing such an act, this is what the Joker is referring to? the Riddler's final trick?
not even the scarecrow did so much damage to this city, you underestimated the man with the riddles.
You could not take your eyes off the explosions, there were too many and well-armed to generate so much destruction. The second thing was the water, the waves and drains getting out of control and flooding several streets.
You grip the metal bars tighter, not believing this is real, but it is. Not just bombs but a flood, was that what he had under his mask? Is Gotham drowning with innocent people? 
It makes sense now, his cooperation when caught, the guards' restless attitude, and Batman's uneasiness.
Suddenly you focus on the bustle of what seems to be your cell neighbors, you didn't notice when they put the other patient in the cell next to yours. The noises came together to form a horrifying atmosphere. The laughter of the Joker, the excited laughter of your other neighbor, and the explosions that went on and on. Even with your breathing exercises, you could not relax in the face of this horrifying event.
Slowly you let go of the bars and stop looking in the window, slowly you understand one thing.
Someone beat Batman.
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Thank you very much for reading! And sorry for the mistakes!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.
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ghostboyhood · 2 months
plstell me what do i watch ‼️‼️
also hii 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 hohoho merrey christmas bevause im watching elf rn
HELP WHY ARE YOU WATCHING ELF IN JULY??? merry christmas 😍😍😍
omg so many recommendations...
velvet goldmine!!! its on youtube for free if you look it up its around two hours, iggy pop/david bowie fanfic from the 90s with christian bale, ewan mcgregor, and jonathan rhys meyers.. its soso good
american psycho, christian bale loses his mind and gets bloody but looks so hot doing it
the machinist!! another christian bale movie, psychological its really good, hes also losing his mind in this one PLUS christian bale lost a shit ton of weight for the role
inception, one of my favoritest movies ever, psychological dealing w going into peoples dreams and shit, its so good, leonardo dicaprio, elliot page, cillian murphy, joseph gordon-levitt, tom hardy
memento, another christopher nolan movie, it fucks w your head and perception of time plus lenny is hot as shit
night crawler, jake gyllenhaal stalks crime scenes to get good footage for the news and his acting is so fucking good and creepy
another country, kind of like dps but less of a friend group, canonically gay main character, communist best friend
okay sorry thats a lot.. i think it depends on ur mood, i can suggest more specific things depending on what kind of movie ur in the mood for 😘🤭
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Finished Person of Interest season 3, and boy oh boy what a ride! I'm honestly kicking myself for not having watched when it was airing, but I really thought it was just another procedural crime drama like we had at the time (and like there's still plenty of those, but they're not really my cup of tea).
But that sent me kind of into a rabbit hole about its end and why I've never seen reruns of it where I live. I mean, I get it that there are factors in TV distribution and licencing, but to this day I see constant reruns of shows like Castle, Criminal Minds, CSI, NCIS, and the such. The fact that the network seemed to stop having interest in POI after it became more of a serial than procedural and the fact that viewership also declined after that is very telling imo.
It also made me really mad, because it reminded me of what happened with Westworld, and I can't help to feel sad and angry on behalf of Jonathan Nolan since capitalism and network policies seem to keep getting in his way and not letting him finish the stories he (alongside with other people) wants to tell.
I really do hope that the upcoming Fallout series is successful, and most of all I really hope he gets the chance to finally fully realize his vision.
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kristenswig · 8 months
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Best Picture
The Holdovers
Killers of the Flower Moon
Poor Things
American Fiction
Past Lives
Anatomy of a Fall
The Zone of Interest I think it might actually be this easy but just in case! - The Color Purple, Saltburn, Origin, Air, Napoleon
Christopher Nolan - Oppenheimer
Martin Scorsese - Killers of the Flower Moon
Yorgos Lanthimos - Poor Things (most likely to get Denis Villeneuved, however)
Alexander Payne - The Holdovers
Jonathan Glazer - The Zone of Interest Alt for Payne - Greta Gerwig - Barbie (I never thought she was getting nominated but now that more people seem to agree I'm suspicious!) Alt for Glazer or Lanthimos - Justine Triet - Anatomy of a Fall JUST IN CASE - J.A. Bayona - Society of the Snow
Actress (optimism!)
Lily Gladstone - Killers of the Flower Moon
Emma Stone - Poor Things
Carey Mulligan - Maestro
Sandra Huller - Anatomy of a Fall
Greta Lee - Past Lives they'll reward her for producing the biggest hit of the year but take the performance for granted - Margot Robbie - Barbie I simply do not buy it! - Annette Bening - Nyad Well, - Fantasia Barrino - The Color Purple
Paul Giamatti - The Holdovers
Cillian Murphy - Oppenheimer
Bradley Cooper - Maestro
Jeffrey Wright - American Fiction (is he the secret snub?)
Leonardo DiCaprio - Killers of the Flower Moon (I was expecting him to get The Irishman-ed but I think Lily switching to lead will make them a pair) Will look the best on the red carpet - Colman Domingo - Rustin No<3 - Barry Keoghan - Saltburn On the off chance they're interested in nominating a single good performance in this category - Andrew Scott - All of Us Strangers
Supporting Actress
Da'Vine Joy Randolph - The Holdovers
Emily Blunt - Oppenheimer -----BAR OF CERTAINTY-----
Danielle Brooks - The Color Purple -----BAR OF SEMI-CERTAINTY------
Penelope Cruz - Ferrari (she's been nominated with less support?)
Rosamund Pike - Saltburn no legitimate awards body has nominated her without Annette Bening and I'm not predicting her either! - Jodie Foster - Nyad it's definitely not a rage stroke - Julianne Moore - May December do they care about the acting in this? - Sandra Huller - The Zone of Interest nice try! - America Ferrera - Barbie DJR is sucking up so many number 1 votes something wild is bound to happen - Rachel McAdams - Are You There God? It's Me Margaret
Supporting Actor
RDJ - Oppenheimer
Ryan Gosling - Barbie
Robert De Niro - Killers of the Flower Moon
Dominic Sessa - The Holdovers
Willem Dafoe - Poor Things When there's two from the same movie they go with the older one - Mark Ruffalo - Poor Things If they have to nominate someone under 50 in this category it certainly won't be for someone this pretty! - Charles Melton - May December cannot conjure the image of a single person putting this at number 1 on their ballot - Sterling K. Brown - American Fiction
Adapted Screenplay
American Fiction
Poor Things
Killers of the Flower Moon This is for my people who just lost someone - The Zone of Interest, All of Us Strangers, Are You There God? It's Me Margaret
Original Screenplay
The Holdovers
Past Lives
Anatomy of a Fall
Saltburn They can't do three good screenplays - May December Congrats on the WGA nominations - Air, Asteroid City
Poor Things
Killers of the Flower Moon
The Zone of Interest honestly wasteful to have shot this on film - Saltburn am I an Ed Lachman FAN? - El Conde
Costume Design
Poor Things
Killers of the Flower Moon
Oppenheimer (if EEAAO could do it) COIN TOSS - Maestro
Film Editing
Killers of the Flower Moon
Poor Things
The Holdovers
Anatomy of a Fall enough - Barbie Tar voters I know you're out there - The Zone of Interest get some help - Maestro cars - Ferrari
Makeup & Hairstyling
Poor Things
Killers of the Flower Moon (the BAFTA nomination is throwing me) ???? - Society of the Snow Presumably has to get one of it's shortlists? - Napoleon
Production Design
Poor Things
Killers of the Flower Moon
Napoleon wish I were brave enough to predict this - The Zone of Interest
Killers of the Flower Moon
Poor Things
Indiana Jones
The Zone of Interest Alt - anything animated
the good Barbie song
the bad Barbie song
Diane Warren
Killers of the Flower Moon alt - American Symphony, the other good Barbie song
Killers of the Flower Moon
The Zone of Interest I feel like that's it but here's the rest of the list in descending order of likelihood - Barbie, Napoleon, The Killer, Mission Impossible, The Creator
Visual Effects
Poor Things
Marvel 32
The Creator
Society of the Snow I'm bombing this category as usual - Spiderman, Napoleon, Indiana Jones
The Boy and the Heron
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (really?) every year I try to predict one of these but I've decided to learn my lesson this time - Suzume they're running - Chicken Run
20 Days in Mariupol
Beyond Utopia
Still: a Michael J. Fox Movie
The Eternal Memory
Bobi Wine: The People's President FRONTRUNNER SNUB - American Symphony possibly too experimental? - Four Daughters
The Zone of Interest
Society of the Snow
Fallen Leaves (BECAUSE there is nothing to get)
20 Days in Mariupol
Totem Justine's Revenge - The Taste of Things lmao - The Teachers' Lounge is Danish - The Promised Land is allegedly terrible so definitely a contender - Amerikatsi forgot to release it - Perfect Days what about the YAK - The Monk and the Gun It*lian - Io Capitano Remember taste? - Godland
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emzchaos · 1 year
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Oasis Springs
Marlie: I asked about Carlos Hernandez, doesn’t seem that he knows what his son is up to Johnny: Carlos is clean, you know this Marlie. Why would you suspect him when we got Eddie under our noses? Marlie: *Scoffs* I just had to cover everything, you know no one is ever clean. Johnny: We’ve been doing this job for a year now and you still believe Carlos has a hand in his sons work? I told you and the Captain told you, Edward Harton is the only target. Don is his clueless partner, he has no clue what Eddie is really doing Marlie: *Confused* Don Lothario isn’t the one in charge? Johnny: Don thinks he is in charge but he’s being played as a pawn by Eddie-Ronnie.
Johnny: Marlie, I may be new to the whole undercover thing but I’m doing my best to crack down on Eddie Marlie: Look Jonathan Zest, I’m not questioning your tatics, I’m just looking at every alley way for a side lead Johnny: Well I believe Carlos has no part, he’s my fathers friend, The Landgraab’s and Harton’s have strong history. Marlie: WHA- Fuck-FuckFuck!.. That’s why you were put on this job. You are the son no one knows about. Johnny: Captain said not to tell you but the longer I held off the more on my fathers and Carlos trail you were. Marlie: So why didn’t you let me know sooner? I’m your partner on this job, playing your wife
Johnny: I was following orders. If you have known sooner would you have said no to this? Marlie: Well yes I would have at the time. Now is too late, we have to pretend to be married Johnny: So you agree we only focus on Eddie Harton? Marlie: *Sighs* Fine.. Emma and Nolan Baker have to step things up though if we want to catch him
Johnny: What do you have in mind to do that? Marlie: A few things, I’m not sure what first though Johnny: *Annoyed* I’m not going to like this am I? Marlie: *Laughs* Lets put it this way, married couples live together, sleep in the same bed Johnny: We live together already, you and I are fine with our sleeping arrangement Marlie: Are saying the floor is better than a bed? Johnny: What the fuck are you saying Marlie?
Marlie: Sleep with me in the bed Johnny: I’d rather the floor than to sleep with the up and coming captain of the DVPD Marlie: I’m ordering you to sleep with me Officer Jonathan Zest Johnny: *Nervous*I refuse the order on belief this will make things awkward for us both Marlie: You’re cute when nervous, is making this a little more fun. Shouldn’t a married couple know what it’s like to be in the same bed Johnny: I’m not.. I’m not cute! I’m worried that we’d be crossing a line, also this is my first undercover job Marlie: Have you got feelings for me Officer Zest?
Johnny: *Surprised* NO! Marlie: You do, I guess you can’t help it and why wouldn’t you? Johnny: You are making this really awkward now and.. and- Marlie: Do you want to sleep with me as Johnny Zest? Not Nolan and not Officer Zest, just you and I Johnny: *Stammers* Uh.. Uh.. Uh…
✨ 𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 | 𝔓𝔯𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 | 𝔑𝔢𝔵𝔱 ✨
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flygavioli · 2 years
ao3 first lines
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
I barely ever post on here, but @ml-nolan tagged me so I guess I’m playing now
Oh leave him, Johnny, leave him!
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard and Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood)
Jon had read many books in his life. Actually, many might be an understatement. A whole lot of books might be more correct. A ton of books. Probably an uncountable number of books. Anyway. The point was, Jon had a lot of experience in reading books. He had read all sorts. But never had he read one that gave him the impression of wasting his time as much as this one.
Christ, what an awful book.
What a wonderful world this will be
The House in the Cerulean Sea - T.J. Klune (Linus Baker/Arthur Parnassus)
If someone asked Linus who he thought was the most confident person he knew, he wouldn’t hesitate a single second. It was Arthur. Arthur, who was always so certain about what he was doing, about the decisions he took, about what the right words were in complex situations.
Because Arthur was wise. Arthur always considered everything under every angle imaginable before making a decision. And if he ever felt like he wasn’t the best judge about something, he would ask Zoe or Linus for advice and trust them completely, without a trace of doubt.
Arthur was the most confident person Linus knew.
Except right now, where Arthur was the complete opposite of confident.
Oh good God, let me give you my life
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood)
When he had become the Archivist, Jon had thought the presence of his God in his head was overwhelming. The constant need for more knowledge, the incessant push of new information dropped directly in his thoughts, the difficulty to control his powers…
It was nothing compared to what he was living now.
We'll drink and dance with a hullabaloo
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard)
Jon was going to kill Georgie. Well… If her illness didn’t kill her first. And if boredom hadn’t killed him too.
To be fair, he wasn’t really mad, just particularly annoyed. He hated going to balls on his own, and he would have never agreed to attend this one if she hadn’t said she’d come too. But apparently, staying in bed to recover from a bad cold was more important to her than helping her best friend.
Alright, maybe he was exaggerating a little.
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard)
There were many things Elias looked forward to when he came back from one of his missions. Of all of them, this had to be the one he loved most.
Opening the door to their bedroom had been difficult enough with Jon practically glued to his chest, seeking his lips constantly for more kisses. It didn’t help that he had decided to start unbuttoning Elias’ uniform before they had even closed the door behind them.
I should have worshipped you sooner
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood)
The temple was impressive. Its massive front doors were framed by large stone columns supporting a pediment ornamented with various owl figures surrounding a giant eye. Next to the building, Martin looked minuscule. He felt so. That was probably the point, he thought. A simple reminder that humans were nothing compared to the Gods. The effect was all the more impressive with the growing darkness of the evening.
Must I pretend that I am someone else for all time?
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard and one-sided Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood)
Jon heavily drops himself in his seat, in front of his dressing table. He closes his eyes for an instant. He doesn’t want to see his reflection right now, not just yet. He still wants to pretend it was a normal day. In many ways, it has been a normal day. Nothing he has done today was out of the ordinary. Still, he feels more exhausted than usual. His body is sore in the same way as any other day, but his soul aches on its own for a reason he doesn’t want to unpack. Not now. For the moment, he just wants to bask in the safety of his room.
How Time Flies
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood)
As consciousness gradually crept in, Jon could feel the growing intensity of a sharp pain in his chest. He didn’t want to wake up.
Head empty, only jmart baby
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood)
Nothing could have prepared Jon for the intense feeling of love that passed through him every time he looked at Martin.
Nothing could have prepared him for the absolute adoration he felt for his daughter from the first time he had held her in his arms.
Nothing could have prepared him for the sight he had now in front of him.
Words of Love
The Magnus Archives (Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood)
It had been a slow day. They had spent the whole morning in bed, cuddling lazily. Around lunchtime, they had decided to go for a picnic next to the loch a few miles away from the nearby town. It wasn’t a big loch, but it usually took them a good hour and a half to walk around it. About halfway through their stroll, they had decided to take a rest to eat and watch the beautiful view they had from the bank. They had placed their blanket in a grassy patch near the water, and the sound of their laughs resonated through the sunny sky.
Uuuuuuh I don’t know who to tag, I don’t come here often enough, so uh, @mikecrewsteacup I guess?
Please come talk to me, I need more friends on this app
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summercourtship · 5 months
Can i just say that i extremely appreciate how you characterize these characters? like… the way you portray them is exactly how i imagine they would act… for example Jonathan (especially nolan!Jonathan) you maneged portray someone that is controlling, manipulative, and possessive (and HOT!!!!), but at the same time he still shows a vulnerable side (like when he is needy hates to show it), or Edward that is so easily passed as an shy and angry nerd, but you capture his temperament and mania so well!!! And Bruce!!!!! seriously you have NO IDEA how hard is to find a fic that Bruce that shows his awkward side!! that makes me star to questioning…. how do you characterize them? like, what goes on in your mind to think what they are thinking? do these questions make sense? i don’t know… but can you tell me the answers?
thank you! omw to give you a lil forehead kiss.
tbh it's really hard for me to describe how I write them just because... I do it. When I was starting this fic, I read various fics and sort of figured out what I liked that other people did in characterizing them vs what I didn't like and went from there. It's also easier for me to write something down and realize it is OOC- there are a lot of lines and passages that get rewritten multiple times because it's not it. Especially with Jonathan, he's the hardest for me to write.
Here is a very basic rundown of how I view writing each character, though obviously it's very bare-bones.
Writing Jonathan is just figuring out what he wants to gain from the conversation/interaction, and then figuring out a way that he can do it that is slightly off-putting but not enough to send the reader running. Everything he does is a red flag, so therefore nothing he does is a red flag (to the reader) because everything can be explained away. I also really love the moments where Cillian Murphy plays him... languid. He takes his time with his movements, not letting other people's schedules affect him. Any other aspects of his character just come naturally with all of the other stuff.
I based a lot of how I write Edward on how Paul Dano wrote him in Riddler Year One, though obviously with my own ~flair~ because that's just how writing works. What helps me is remembering that even though he's awkward, he also managed to convince like 500 people to be ride-or-die for him (and his cause). That, to me, indicates some level of charisma even if he doesn't realize it. Like Jonathan, he has something he wants to gain from each conversation, though he's more willing to let the reader figure him out (it's apart of the game, after all). Also knowing what makes him angry and where his delusions lie is good for those more tense moments.
Bruce is just me when I have to go be social in public. Awkward, but knowing that he has to do it. For Batman, he says as much as he can with as little words as possible. Bruce is the only one who is really trying to keep his secrets close to his chest- I don't think he necessarily wants the Reader to figure him out, even if he wants to be involved with her.
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susandsnell · 5 months
im sorry to drop a fuck marry kill with men into a lesbians box but um ok. fuck marry kill: scarecrow:nolan verse. JOKER:joaquin phoenix. the riddler: THE BATMAN.
Fuck / Marry / Kill
cinthia why are you the funniest person alive. this has cursed me for seven generations.
Okay this is going to be my most "hear me out" of all "hear me outs" except for one answer, but you knew that when you put this insanity in my inbox.
Fuck: deep inhale. I am prepared to accept bullying for this for the rest of my life from you, and that's okay, I'm at peace with my fate. okay okay so. I am not in any way, shape or form attracted to The Batman's Riddler/Edward Nashton. HOWEVER. This man is so fucking bizarre and funny that the reason I'd go for it is literally just to see what would happen. Like, we're talking a scientific approach here. That and I'm good at puzzles, and, idk, I like when men are pathetic like Flik from A Bug's Life so I feel like it'd at least be entertaining. Besides which @bethjohanssen literally once said Reeveseverse/B22 Riddler "looks like a sad lesbian" so it's easier to pretend.
Marry: Easiest answer if you've looked at my blog for more than 5 minutes. Dr. Jonathan Crane, you are my horror movie gothic supervillain blorbo for life in (almost) any iteration, including the funniest possible one where your plots don't add up, you change roles constantly, pop up places you shouldn't, and serve massive amounts of cunt while being the most compelling guy around who isn't named Harvey Dent while being given comparatively so little. He likes lawyers canonically so him and me will hit it right off, and despite very contrasting personalities, I think we'd actually get along okay? I can prep him for his career changes, we can be literary nerds together, and whatever I lack in terms of physical interest in him, I can make up for by being juuuust messed up enough for him to have material for ages. Plus marriage will help with taxes for a guy who takes so many varying gigs all the time! Also you can easily control this Scarecrow by pulling his hair.
And if Nashton is lesbian adjacent, whooooo boy Nolan!Crane...
Kill: Second easiest answer. I do hate to let you down, but since 2019 and through to the present day, I did Not Care For Joker (2019). Phoenix turns in a perfectly serviceable performance, but I find the character's writing to be the apotheosis of cringey SOCIETYYYY~ Flanderization that the Joker gets in pop culture, his tragedy is kind of so overdone it turns into the Frank Grimes episode of the Simpsons halfway through, and he's not nearly funny or compelling enough to balance this out. There's something viscerally unappealing about this version which may be The Point, but also makes this call a lot easier. I'm also just genuinely Not A Joker Person (I love Harley too much) (oversaturation), so this decision was going to be made regardless, but Phoenix Joker is about to Get What He Fucking Deserves (for his movie giving me a massive headache when I saw it in theatres).
thank you so much, I laughed my head off over this
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rocohen20 · 2 years
Fic Rec: Fan Edits/Vines as Players
I know that I haven’t posted a fic rec for a while (I work on a mega fic rec at the moment, but between school and exams I don’t have much time or energy). But I thought I would do something different right now. I don’t know if it would be the most entertaining or comfortable, however that’s the best I could manage with the limitation of this site.
In general I think that there are so many tallented people on this site, and I am a big fan of seeing what people come up with. When it comes to hockey edits I salute my hat every single time. You need to think about the perfect song, the footage to pick from, think of the nerative. So, in order to show my appriciation, and to tell you some of my too detaled thoughts about it, I present to you this fic rec.
I put a link to every one of the videos, but in order to put them all in this one long post I didn’t use reblog. I hope that you still enter the links and read what I had to say about them.
-When you touch me like this
What can I say, sometimes you just want to see players beating the shit out of each other while a romantic song is played in the background. Other than that, I love the disonance between the song and the vibe of it and the visual content. It crack me every time.
-Nhl as Vines
I just love how people have the time and energy to think about those sorts of compilations. There are a few good ones in here, but if I have to choose the highlight one it would be the TK/Nolan Patrick one.
This is just plain cute and fluffy. It got a number of pairs with cute moments with the song “mine” in the background.
-Vine compilations part 2
Once again, there are some good ones in here, in the highlight I would put the Quinn Hughes one the the FCC line one.
-Vine compilations part 1 
This is also really good. 
-Hockey Players being in Love with Each Other
It’s basically what the headline says.
-Yet another NHL vines
This one as well has some good stuff in it.
-I like Big Boys
This was the first ever edit about the song that I have seen. And I’ve rewatched it a thounsand of times.
-Bad Blood
This is the way to advertize the league.
-Total eclipse of the heart
I always liked bloopers reels. (when I was young they used to show those clips in so many birthday parties. Plus I really likes to laugh). And the combination of the song with the visual espect it’s just precious.
-The leagus as vines
This one has some good ones as well.
This one has some good ones as well. But I would like to refer you to the last clip. It got such a vibe of its own. I really want to read a fic about the double night hang out of the Switzerland boys and their afore-mentioned boyfriends. I really want to read about it.
Chicago Blackhawks
-Crack Video
The highlight here I think is the John Mulaney one and the Let it Be one.
-Mean Girls
This is a perfect edit. I think that the charachtarization is accurate.
-I like big boys
I liked all the edits of this song in all of its variety.
Patrick Kane
-I want watch the world burn
As a continuation of the mean girl verse, this is from the musical. I really liked the atmosphere.
Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
I just like the song and the pictures.
-Forever Young
I think that everyone loves nostalgia and in general we like to focus on the glamorous espects of our lives. We love the glory days and not the decline afterwards. So something about this song with those two just struck me inside so much. I lost the amount of times that I would just watch this video in loops. Plus, the fact that they are the last of a certain era of the team didn’t help.
-This clock never seemed so alive
Every pairing needs a sappy montage with a cute song. 
Dallas Stars
-Dallas Stars as FRIENDS
Amazing, what’s not to like about it. Friends opening sequence, but with the Dallas Stars.
-Dallas as Vines
This is seriously accurate to the core and just fun.
-Another Dallas as Vines 
This is also funny as hell, and I think that the ‘watch the light Kevin’ is the most funny one.
-Dallas Vines
When it comes to Dallas there were a lot of vines edits that spoke to my sole, and this one was no exception. I can literally quote the whole video now.
-Dallas as Vine
This one right here is one of the legendery edits of the Dallas Stars. The accuracy is just funny and hurt. I watched it so many times.
-Dallas Vines once again
I don’t know why, but I just love all the edits about the FCC line and the power play vs. penarlty kill that just do it for me.
Daryl Reaugh
This is an out of context greatest calls of him. There are some great ones in here, but the ‘double bennetration’ is living rent free in my mind.
Michael Ruffl (& Matthew Tkackuk)
-Take a hit
I just love the song along with the grittiness of the two of them. I didn’t know the song before, so it also introduce me to a great song. This playoff series was a great fun, and I enjoyed watching this edit come out of it.
Tyler Seguin
-Tyler Seguin as Vine
The funniest part was that it wasn’t even intentional.
-Or Nah
Tyler Seguin needs a sexy edit.
-Sexy as fuck
Sometimes a person needs more than one sexy edit about them.
Tyler Seguin & Jamie Benn
-What do you mean?
A short vine about them.
Jason Dickinson
-I got it from my daddy
I always thought about how he looked too similar to Tyler. This video is not wrong.
New York Islanders & New York Rangers
-Game Recap
That’s some funny and accurate game recap.
Philadelphia Flyers
-You want a guy that’s sweet
I love it when people do this sort of edit to a group with the Bo Burnham song. And she literally nailed with the discription of every single one.
-Results of Group Chat Questions
This is exactly what the headlight says.
-Mean Girls 
I always love the mean girls edits with hockey players.
-Man, I feel like a woman
There should be no reason for this song to work this good with the promotional clip.
-Rickey Thompsons edit
They are funny, but the first one is just hilarious.
Claude Giroux
-Take it off my shoulders
The edit is good. But also I had to put it here, because if you read the rest of the post you will see how she posted a primer of Claude Giroux. And when I mean a primer I mean a detailed book, including pictures. about each and every stage of his career. This is unreal with how much this is good an an awsome reading. I will recommend it to everyone who is listening.
-Claude Giroux as Vine
It short but it’s literally what he did.
-You’re the last of the real ones
This song just capsulate perfectly how we as fans sees him and his departure from the team. Players are humans, but sometimes we as fans see them as so much more, and we see them as those unatainable. However, at the same time they help us with ours lives. And I just think that she did such a good job with this song, and how she poposefully picked the upbit parts with the happy footage of Claude. Because that’s what it’s was all about, and he loved this team, and gave it his all. 
She mentioned it in her post, but also the fact that he was the last remaining peace of the old Flyers team, made him the last one. So with him gone, it’s literally not the same Flyers team anymore. And as a relatively new fan of the sport, recently is the faze where I need to deal with this phenomenon for the fist time. 
-I think I’ve seen this film before
And if the last vidoe showed the upbeat part of Claude Giroux, with this one she just hit me in the feeling. Claude went through the Flyers trading their captain, he’s been through the Flyers not knowing if they’d make a mistake to name him captain after what happend with Richards. But Claude showed them and to anyone who doubted him, how it was the right choice. And to see how it all just forgotten and they traded him regardless how he wanted to stay in this team for the rest of his career.
The lyrics that stood the most to me were “Who am I defending now?” because it showed perfectly how on one hand he capsulated this team and its image so much that when you think about the Philadelphia Flyers, you think about Claude Giroux. But on the other hand, now he no longer is part of the team. And the fact that he didn’t even have a cup to show for all those years, kind of put you on this inbetween place where you don’t know how to think about this team, this city that yo gave your life to it. That yo literally built your adult life in, and now you just need to leave and move on. Whether you want to or not.
-Don’t take the money
this one is also on the more upbeat videos, but I really like the verse with the “While we fight”. Beacuse it really shows the relathionship between Claude and management. Plus the song brings up the constant scale (that we as fans like to forger sometimes) between “This is the team, and this is how fun they are” to “Hockey is a besnuess and we need to look at the numbers, regardless of the player”.
-Nothing New
And if all the other Claude Giroux videos gave me feelings, this one is the one that made me ugly cry more times than I could count on.
This video is just amazing. It shows how the cycle is always reapiting itself, sometimes it’s abrupt and sometime it takes some time, but in the end it always repeats itself; It also show how as players grow old their place in the legue, in their team, gets questioned time and time again. Despite the fact that they could still be producing, or can have an integral part of the team. And especially when it came to Claude Giroux, it’s really showed how despite him wanting to stay, it didn’t matter. and the fact that the team as a whole had a meltdown didn’t matter, it was easy to blame it on the captain.
And on a more personal note. I didn’t heard this song before. And it wrecked me to hear it, especially the part about “How can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22?” I mentioned it on a different fic rec, but I enlisted to the army of my country when I was 18. And in highschool I was very optimistic about this and thought that I knew I it would go. But after I enlisted I found out it was nothing like I imagined it to be. So last year, as I literally was 22 and had to figure out my life after the worst 3 years of my llife, this song just hit me in the feelings. I know that you didn’t really sign up for this rambling, but I had to talk about it, because that’s why this edit have a special place in my heart. Because it’s not just the nerative and the emotional song that hit me.
Travis Konecny
-Don’t you want to?
I just really love the family dinamic in this edit. I could and have seen this video on loops on end.
-I like big boys
I really liked the twist in this edit.
Pittsburgh Penguins
-Penguins as Vines
This is the first part of the Penguins ones. All of her edits are so good.
-Pittsburgh as Vines
This is just plain funny and so put together. But the careless whisper one (and the first clip) just wrecked me.
Sidney Crosby
-Compilation of Crosby’s high pitch voice
Sometimes you just need to hear a compilation of someone high pitched voice and laugh.
-Look what you made me do
This is absolutely amazing. And out of all the players I think that Sidney Crosby is the perfect example for this song. Especially for how his attitude with the media and in general changed through the years. Can’t count the amount of times I watched it.
Toronto Maple Leafs
-Learn the Alphabet
It’s just hilarious. I love out-of-context footage.
-First Time
Sometimes when the pain is strong enough, you just need to laugh about it.
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews
-Thunder (credit to @sunshinemitch)
This video is so good. It’s the perfect song. It got the right hype to it, but also when you think about it it shows how lighning and thunder are always together and you can’t have the one without the other. And I think she showed it really well at the video, especially with the line “I was lightning before the thunder”. I also love how she showed the fact that one of them came before the other, but in general how they came at the same time.
Washington Capitals
-Caps+ John Mulaney quotes
It’s just funny, and if I had to pick the highlight I would choose the Tom Wilson part.
Nicklas Backstrom
-Fan Cam
Everybody need some appreciation with a mood song.
Nicklas Backstorm/Alexander Ovenchkin
-You’re 36
That’s just funny and short.
Those are all the post I had saved. I’m about to do another one (it will be shorter) about the vidoes I have saved on youtube).
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'J. Robert Oppenheimer, who has become a fixture in the public imagination after Christopher Nolan’s cinematically powerful film on Oppenheimer’s life, was a brilliant, enigmatic, imperfect human being.
Even so, what continues to resonate with me after watching the film and reading “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer,” the Pulitzer-Prize-winning book by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin on which it was based, was his clairvoyant moral courage. He was willing to challenge the political establishment in decrying the horrors of the atomic bomb during a time when questioning the bomb was perilously outside the political mainstream.
We can’t all take on the system like Robert Oppenheimer did or, for that matter, display the once-in-a-generation heroism of Mahatma Gandhi, Oskar Schindler or Rosa Parks. But if “Oppenheimer” is to have value beyond entertainment, it is incumbent on us to examine how the moral fortitude that Oppenheimer and other ethical exemplars displayed can help us challenge unjust moral strictures in our own lives and summon our moral values to perform acts of moral courage.
For even as we pursue our own self-interest and ambitions, most of us are deeply impressed by moral exemplars – “people who step forward with noble purpose and inspiring acts… (and) provide examples for the many others who are seeking ways to express their own benevolent impulses,” as psychologists Anne Colby and William Damon put it.
Psychologists have studied moral exemplars and come away with moving stories of their dedication. For example, Bert Berube blew the whistle on corruption inside the General Services Administration. Johan, a 17-year-old who refused to join the German Army in 1941, helped hide Jews from the Nazis, implementing his egalitarian respect for the universal similarity of all human beings.
Many other exemplary individuals whom Colby and Damon interviewed dedicated their lives to pursue altruistic goals. Matthew Goldberg, a pediatrician, devoted himself to helping poor children in Baltimore; David Linksy left an affluent business to pursue diplomatic solutions to conflicts in Central America. Closer to home, the late George Hrbek, a luminary Cleveland minister, took personal risks to advance the cause of civil rights during the 1960s.
We can’t all be moral saints, nor should we be. But by integrating moral values into our own personal life paths and appreciating the exemplary moral actions some inspirational individuals have performed, we can make more humane ethical decisions.
Moral dilemmas greet us every day. Your boss asks you to fudge some data to get the contract. Should you comply? You watch a colleague treat a co-worker derisively and wonder if you should confront your colleague. Your family refuses to accept a sibling with an alternative lifestyle and you are hesitant about how to act. Propelled by a religious upbringing, you wonder what you can do to help immigrants who don’t speak English find a safe place to live while they look for work.
A key is staying in touch with our moral principles and integrating them into our global self-concepts, so that thinking morally becomes a practiced sense of who we are. As U.S. Army General Norman Schwarzkopf remarked, “the truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”
Socialization is also important. Studies show that children whose parents use explanations that encourage empathy are more likely to perform pro-social moral behavior than children whose parents assert their power.
Schools also can play a role. Although moral discussions in schools get caught up in conservative-liberal cultural wars, they need not exert a polarizing effect. Jonathan Haidt has found that conservatives and liberals have different, but complementary, values, with conservatives prioritizing loyalty and moral purity, and liberals emphasizing social justice and fairness. Teachers should help children appreciate the merits of both sets of moral virtues.
Moral decisions are rarely easy. Oppenheimer struggled with them himself. But as the psychologist Thomas Lickona reminds us, “we are more fully human when we act virtuously.”'
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
Inhale Exhale
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JNWoVS by Phantomaq Being a teacher at Gotham University is certainly an experience, especially being a woman and a young one at the same time. Not getting taken serious from your older male colleagues or your achievements getting belittled. On my way to the head of the psychology department I couldn’t help but think why he wants to talke to me, all of my classes are going well and i am doing my doctorate one the side while also teaching. Words: 755, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Batman (Movies - Nolan) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Jonathan Crane, Original Characters, Reader, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Jonathan Crane/Reader Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Roommates, University read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JNWoVS
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justapillowpetpanda · 6 months
Prime Video's Fallout: A Devoted Masterpiece [Review]
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Fallout on Prime Video is a thrilling and devoted series, taking viewers on a unique journey unlike any other. Ella Purnell, Aaron Moten, Walton Goggins, Moisés Arias, Kyle MacLachlan, Sarita Choudhury, Michael Emerson, and many others make up the talented cast for this season. The series comes from Kilter Films and executive producers Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. Christopher Nolan directed the first three episodes. Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner serve as executive producers, writers, and co-showrunners. All eight episodes of Fallout season one will be available to watch today, April 10th at 6 p.m. PT on Prime Video.
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Credit: Prime Video Purnell is Lucy, an optimistic Vault-dweller with an all-American can-do spirit. Her peaceful and idealistic nature is tested when she is forced to the surface to rescue her father. Moten is Maximus, a young soldier who rises to the rank of squire in the militaristic faction called Brotherhood of Steel. He will do anything to further the Brotherhood’s goals of bringing law and order to the wasteland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-mugKDQDlg Goggins is the Ghoul, a morally ambiguous bounty hunter who holds within him a 200-year history of the post-nuclear world. These disparate parties collide when chasing an artifact from an enigmatic researcher that has the potential to radically change the power dynamic in this world.
Fallout Brings the Wasteland to Prime Video
The masterful storytelling in Fallout is brought to life by its exceptional design, character development, and cast. The first season of the series perfectly captures the oppressive nature of the vaults, but as the story progresses, the exclusivity of these shelters becomes less relevant. The show's quality is a testament to the top-notch writing and direction, as I found myself eagerly watching episode after episode until I was exhausted.
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Ella Purnell (Lucy), Credit: Prime Video I’ve played the games and have loved the franchise for years now. The eight episodes maintain the dichotomy between civilization and the uncivilized. Each character receives a unique direction for development. Lucy's changing beliefs as she grows some resistance to surface-dwellers is similar to chugging some Rad-X before entering the Glowing Sea.
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Moisés Aria, Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Video A poignant exploration of morals and ethics was woven throughout the episodes, impacting each character. I didn’t think I would become so engrossed by the experiences of these characters but I did. Amidst all the anger in the Wasteland, Lucy maintains a strong sense of hope. Meanwhile, her brother Norm becomes increasingly uneasy and angry amid Vault-led perfection. Decay and growth go hand-in-hand in this series both physically and emotionally.
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Walton Goggins (The Ghoul), Credit: Prime Video Fallout put together a stellar cast that brought out the camp, comedy, and gut-wrenching drama in each episode. Goggins stepped into two roles that saw life before the bombs fell and centuries later in a radiated wasteland. The character of Ghoul, portrayed by Cooper Howard, serves as a representation of how the pursuit of capitalist success and greed can negatively impact the lives of those in its way. Although the first episode only reveals a glimpse of his life, I believe that his story leading up to the bomb deserves more attention in subsequent seasons.
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Aaron Moten (Maximus), Credit: Prime Video The characters of Lucy and Maximus are both naive in different ways. Lucy's ever-changing ideology challenges Maximus, and their growth helps them approach the season's climax. The characters' unique traits shape their reactions to life's darkly comedic events and gut-punches. One person in the cast who surprised me right out of the gate was Moises Arias who played Lucy’s brother. Norm. He does an excellent job at navigating the want for clarity and the fear of what he could find.
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Ella Purnell as Lucy, Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Just because you might assume what Lucy's journey or character development might look like, it doesn't make it any less impactful. While I could make predictions about how she may or may not change throughout the season, Purnell's portrayal of the character deeply resonated with me. I didn’t expect to care so much for her character or begin to see through her lens as if the series' gameplay was right in front of me.
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Ella Purnell (Lucy), Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Individual and collective exploration of the buildings and abandoned wasteland of California revealed how much the buildings of Fallout have their unique voices in the season. The end credits and the starting logo in each episode reflected a theme and a setting that connected perfectly to the characters and storyline. In a similar vein, the characters discuss and dwell on the reality that they become products and establishments of what they believe while navigating the wasteland.
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Walton Goggins (The Ghoul), Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime The fans of the game series are always intrigued by the mysterious elements present in them. As we delve deeper into the backstories and settings of the characters, we come to realize that there's a lot of money to be made in the post-apocalyptic world. The phrase "war never changes" is commonly heard in Fallout 4 and other games, and, indeed, the effects of capitalism can still be seen in the wasteland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iZl7Ncyyhg The ProSnap camera, the Nuka Colas, the absurd Vault-Tec posters, and so much more are expertly designed for this series. The attention to detail is astounding and the music perfectly encapsulates the rollercoaster of emotions present in the games and this season’s journey. As an artist, I immediately loved the color scheme and tone used throughout the episodes. The visual illusion of joy inherent in an environment like Vault 33 matches up against the parallels of the Wasteland. The foley, music, and sound mixing echo the brutality and idyllic mid-century modern aesthetic of Fallout.
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Ella Purnell, Michael Emerson, Dale Dickey, Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Video The creative team did an excellent job. They designed an alliance between the decrepit visuals of a post-apocalyptic world and the odd surge of hope present in the capitalist structures in advertisements and art of the past. Stimpacks, Jet, the town of Filly, and pretty much everything else (even the homes crumbling and filled at 90-degree angles with sand) were nearly flawless.
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Brotherhood of Steel, Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Even large-scale pieces of factions, such as the Power Armor or Vertibirds used by the Brotherhood of Steel, were shown careful attention. At times it felt like I was playing the game itself when watching, just a pure love and dedication to Fallout could be felt in every moment.  Certain lore is expanded upon for the smaller things (creatures, survival, and more). It’s so obvious that this is a loved project.
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Power Suit, Credit: Prime Video Items like the Pip-Boy didn’t feel overused but instead, it often helped guide the story and Lucy without becoming more of a symbol to overshadow the series. The gore and bloody action are perfect for Fallout and trust me you get all the grotesque and absurd violence one loves from the games.
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Moisés Arias, Dave Register, Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Any rare complaints from the season would relate to minor design flaws. Anything I found an issue with appeared more in the first episode. The appearance of some of the Brotherhood of Steel felt too theatric at times when it came to stunts. Otherwise, the faction itself had an excellent representation of eerie fascist & fundamentalist ideology in the season. https://twitter.com/falloutonprime/status/1777893465957061073 There were a few minor issues with the visuals in the show. For example, Brahmin and other animals did not look as if they were decrepit or diseased enough for the post-apocalyptic setting. Sometimes, even sick animals appeared healthy, but fortunately, this improved as the episodes progressed. It would have been great to see a greater variety of characters, but the mere suggestion of their existence gave hope for their appearance in a future season.
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Ella Purnell (Lucy), Kyle MacLachlan (Overseer Hank), Credit: Prime Video Fallout does an excellent job of capturing the essence of the game's universe and presents a captivating story that spans eight episodes. The show effectively portrays the cyclical nature of trauma and how individuals find ways to survive even in the most hopeless situations. The full force of the mystery loved by Fallout fans is brought out. Details are woven in, which pick up on questions and answers being asked. I loved every moment of this season and I hope more seasons are headed our way! You can watch all eight episodes of Fallout on Prime Video starting today at 6 PM PT.
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Fallout Season One Review:
Read the full article
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nsfwhiphop · 6 months
Incoming Text for Director Chris Nolan - Read this important money making idea for your genius little brother Jonathan Nolan.
This text is for Christopher Edward Nolan CBE (born 30 July 1970) is a British and American filmmaker. -
Listen, I have a great idea for your little brother Jonathan Nolan (born 6 June 1976) is a British-American screenwriter, producer and director.
I want to encourage your little brother Jonathan Nolan to contact Jason Ferus Blum (born February 20, 1969), he is an American film and television producer.
Your little brother Jonathan is a genius writer and filmmaker but he doesn't make any money in Hollywood and that pisses me off because I know he could be making a lot of money if he joins the team of Jason Blum.
They made Jonathan Nolan a benchwarmer and this should make all of us angry, he's a genius but they made sure he remains a benchwarmer. He should be playing in the big leagues.
Why does it piss me off? It's simple really, because the garbage filmmakers are getting fat, getting paid and the genius filmmakers are starving and have no one to support their ideas, this should make all of us angry.
Listen, Chris, your brother Jonathan has the potential to make billions of dollars in the "Horror genre", there is so much money in the "Horror genre", that's why you must encourage your brother Jonathan to join the team of Jason Blum's Blumhouse productions and make only classic horror films for the next decade until he reaches billionaire status.
You can also create your own start-up film company and be independent, you can collaborate with Blumhouse productions, I know Jason Blum will be super supportive of your brother Jonathan.
Listen, Chris, you want to make billions or not? I know you want to see your brother put his genius talent to good use and bring home billions of dollars, so tell him to do only "Horror films" for the next decade and you'll see how wealthy he will become, he will be a billionaire in the next 5 years, I guarantee it.
Also, don't forget to tell Jonathan to contact film director "James Wan", he will teach him the rules of the game, "Horror genre" is a different kind of cinema and your brother Jonathan has to study this genre by watching all the hit movies in the "Horror genre", he has to study the screenplays, how they were written, what kind of recipe for success do they use, stuff like that. I know Jonathan is a genius, he will figure this out in no time, he is a fast learner.
Here is my personal opinion, I'm just a cinephile:
"I believe that your brother Jonathan Nolan has the skills to innovate in the "Horror genre", what does this mean? It means that he can blow our minds by finding his own style of Horror filmmaking, every one has a style in the "Horror genre" and I can't wait to see the innovative style of your brother Jonathan, I'm sure he will have the entire horror film industry talking about his new innovative approach to "Horror filmmaking" - I'm a fan of Jonathan and I know he will make a lot of money making "Horror films" and have fun at the same time."
You know Jason Blum, call him and talk serious business with him, he will help you learn all the tricks to succeed in the "Horror genre" films.
Here is the wiki page of Jason Blum: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Blum
Here is the wiki page of James Wan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Wan
It's time to wake up Jonathan, you can't be a poor benchwarmer anymore, it's time to make money with Jason Blum. Good luck bro!
Take care Chris and Jonathan Nolan.
Here is a meme of Jonathan Nolan saying:
"I can't do this anymore, I refuse to be a benchwarmer, I quit!"
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READ THIS : This version maintains the essence of the story while making it clearer and more readable.
Dear Christopher Nolan,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share an idea regarding your talented brother, Jonathan Nolan.
Jonathan's exceptional skills as a writer and filmmaker are undeniable. However, it appears that his potential hasn't been fully realized in Hollywood. As someone who admires his work, this concerns me deeply.
I believe there's a significant opportunity for Jonathan to thrive in the horror genre, an area where his creativity could truly shine. With the right support and collaboration, he could not only excel artistically but also achieve remarkable success financially.
One avenue worth exploring is a partnership with Jason Blum and Blumhouse Productions. Their track record in horror filmmaking is unparalleled, and I'm confident they would welcome Jonathan's unique vision with open arms.
Moreover, connecting with industry veterans like James Wan could provide invaluable insight and guidance as Jonathan navigates this new terrain.
In essence, I'm convinced that Jonathan has the potential to make a profound impact in the horror genre, both artistically and commercially. By seizing this opportunity, he could secure a bright and prosperous future for himself.
I understand that these decisions are deeply personal and require careful consideration. However, I felt compelled to share my thoughts in the hope of seeing Jonathan's talents recognized and celebrated on a larger scale.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I wish you and Jonathan all the best in your future endeavors.
Warm regards,
Your fan, Angelo.
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