#help me I drank a latte and energy drink today and my eye has been twitching ever since
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Sangyeon x f!reader
W.C: 6.2k
Warnings: alcohol consumption, suggestive themes, arguing, mentions of cheating
For the 12 Months I Loved You Collab by: @sunlightwoo
Note: um...better late than never right?? This was supposed to go up in February but things happen. It’s one of my favorite ones that I’ve written, but I feel like I say that for every single thing I write lmao. I hope you like it plsssss let me know your thoughts. Thank you.xx

A long exasperated sigh left your lips at the sight of Sangyeon in the corner of the reception hall, chatting up a pretty redhead. His arm draped around their waist, clutching their body close to his, their faces close enough to smell the expensive champagne lingering in their breaths. A palm was placed on his chest as he leaned down to whisper something in their ear. Earning a flirtatious giggle from them, along with a sultry nod.
Their delicate fingers wrapped around his black tie as they pulled him close to whisper something against his plump lips. It was your cue to look away, but something inside of you—maybe the five flutes of champagne you had indulged in when the night was still young, prevented you from looking away.
Gripping the body of your sixth flute you prepared for what was to come, though when he smirked and unraveled their fingers from his tie, you let out a sigh of relief. Sangyeon still hasn’t broken rule number three of your friends with benefits arrangement.
As common courtesy for the other party, under absolutely no circumstance you are to hook up with other people.
Though when he ran his fingers down the side of their arm teasingly making them shiver at the feather-like feeling. One you had relished in for many nights on end, you knew he would not only be breaking rule number three but rule number four as well.
As common courtesy for the other party, under absolutely no circumstances you are to hook up with other people, especially when the other party is in the same room.
The anger flourished inside of you like an unwelcome weed. And you knew green was definitely not your color, but you couldn’t help but feel the jealousy take over, running along your veins like bitter poison. Your grip on your champagne flute got tighter. So much so that if you were destined with superhuman strength you would’ve shattered it into pieces, especially when his knowing eyes met yours. A glint of something sinister sparking behind them while his fingers laced with those of the red head.
He turned away before giving them a shy whisper and then tugged them gently towards the door of the reception hall. Leaving you behind in the middle of his best friend’s wedding reception, on your sixth flute of champagne, while you broke rule number six.
Don’t catch feelings for the other party involved.

To be fair when you and Sangyeon had agreed to the terms and conditions of your new no strings attached relationship. You were positive, even overly confident that you weren’t going to be the one to fall for your brother's asshole friend.
You had known him for years, grew up with him. He always made it his mission to make your life a living hell. Whether it was purple food coloring in your hair conditioner back in middle school (you had an odd mixture of purple and red that had somehow turned a nasty shade of burgundy in your hair for almost a year as you grew it out enough to cut off the damage,) or calling you ugly while simultaneously including all the the synonyms. He had made your life a living hell, he had been the reason for your tears whenever your insecurities took over. And he had been the reason for your newfound jealousy now as you sat on your couch a week after your brother's wedding still replaying the scene back in your head like a bad old timely movie.
It had started when two of you got drunk on Christmas Eve, laughing boisterously at your nonexistent love life’s.
“Who knew the reason we would be bonding is because we haven’t gotten laid in months.” He said, throwing his head back, gulping the remnants of his beer.
”For your information, I got laid last week. But I’m not bringing my one night stand to meet my family.” You rolled your eyes, bumping your shoulder against his.
He sets the beer bottle to his side, before leaning his elbows on his knees and gazing over at you. “How many people asked you where your date was tonight?”
“Too many.” You sigh, running your finger along the condensation of your own beer bottle. The memories of yours and Sangyeon’s family coming up to you asking you the million dollar question still prevalent in your mind. “You?”
“Not as many as I expected but still a lot. I just wish maybe they can back off.” He leaned back, placing his elbows behind him. He tore his eyes from your form and focused them on the night sky. “Maybe I should’ve hired a date or something.” He comments.
Your family's holiday party was still bustling behind the front door of your childhood home. Yet, the thought of ever going back in, earning judgmental looks from your single aunts was keeping you away.
He was right, maybe you should’ve hired someone as a date for the night.
Sangyeon bumped his knee against yours gently, “Want to date for the holiday’s?” The question came off as a joke, his sweet and gentle laugh following it. But as you sat there contemplating the idea, you realized that it wasn’t as bad. He was practically family. Your parents and his parents had been trying for years to set the two of you up. If you were to show up on New Year’s with your arm looped in his, no one would bat an eyelash. In fact you were willing to bet money that your mom and his would start crying pure tears of joy.
“Why not?” You shrug, “Our parents have been planning our wedding since we were kids, and as much as we don’t like each other. In some twisted sense of the word I do trust you.” Sangyeon did a double take, sitting up straighter and leaning in just enough to be in your line of sight.
“Are you sure?” Concern washed over his features. His bottom lip found its way in between his teeth as he waited for your response. “Like, you want to date me for the holiday’s?” He asked pleading for reassurance. Despite the relationship between the two of you not making sense to anyone outside your friendship circle, the level of trust and respect for each other’s boundaries was evident. You two pushed each other, got under each other’s skin, but you also knew when to stop. Which is why this plan was perfect. Foolproof.
And somehow the two of you agreed that from then until further notice you would be each other’s dates for every holiday in the near future. Yet, if you had known the outcome of it you wouldn’t have agreed, especially not when the thin threshold had been crossed on your birthday.
He had showed up with a cheap bottle of vodka, all the romantic comedies he could find at the gas station and a boyish smile. His lips were on yours after five shots of the drinking game you had invented and you were naked underneath him after seven.
“I’m just saying, adding sex into the mix wouldn’t be such a bad idea.” He proposed with a shrug during a very awkward hang over filled coffee talk at the rundown cafe the next day. “We can even add some rules so it wouldn’t be so weird.”
“Adding rules is the weird part, Sangyeon.” You rolled your eyes before taking a sip of your herbal green tea and then cringing at the taste. “But they would help...you know to keep things from getting messy.”
“Then it’s settled.” He smiled widely grabbing the kids menu you had ordered from and a red crayon, scribbling down messily in his almost indescifrable handwriting:
Holi-date No Strings Attached Rule Book

Can I come over tonight.xx
Your eyes roll to the back of your head in annoyance, upon reading the text from Sangyeon. Of course, he hadn’t contacted you for over a week and the only time he decides to do so is when he’s in need of a good fuck. You throw your phone down on the table, resting your forehead against it. An annoyed sound falling out of your lips.
“Hello there negative nancy,” Kevin says, slipping into the seat in front of you. “I got you your favorite.” He sings, placing the iced matcha green tea latte in front of you and flicking the top of your head to get your attention.
You whine, lifting your head up a pout evident on your lips as you break the seal of the plastic lid with your paper straw. A poor attempt to reduce the consumption of plastic. Changing the straw wouldn’t do anything for the Earth when your whole cup is made out of non-biodegradable plastic. Maybe it’s the effort and the thought that counts, either way you take a sip from your drink, savoring the taste as it coats your tastebuds. Letting the false promise of a full six hour surge of energy run down your throat.
“Thank you for buying today.” You nod.
“It’s the least I can do for helping me with the web design project.” He smiles an award winning smile before bringing his hot mug of black coffee up to his lips. Hissing from the heat and cringing at the taste. Just like how he couldn't phantom how you liked the vibrant green liquid, you couldn’t understand how he drank five cups of black coffee daily. Indeed, he was not human, you concluded that a couple years ago.
You shrug, wrapping your fingers around the cup, “I had time to spare, but don’t get too comfortable with my help. It’s rare that I finish my work early.” You point an accusatory finger at him, furrowing your eyebrows before breaking into a wide smile.
“Ehh,” Kevin shrugs, “we’ll see about that when you’re begging me to buy you one of those nasty vomit colored drinks in a week.” He finishes sending you a wink that usually has all the girls and guys weak in the knees. You on the other hand have been so accustomed to his flirty ways after years of working side by side that it did nothing to you but annoy you slightly, yet in some odd way it comforted you.
Since day one everything between you and Kevin was comfortable and easy. He sat next to you in your digital marketing class Sophomore year of college and the two of you had been inseparable ever since. For a while you harbored a fat silent crush on him, his flirting being a point of confusion for you back then. It wasn’t until you experienced first hand what dating Kevin would be like that your crush dissipated into nothing but a platonic kind of love.
It was awful, the two of you had only gone on two dates. Two very disastrous and nightmare inducing dates, that sent shivers up both of your spines when just the mere thought of it entered the front lobe of your brains. It was then, while attempting to wash out a red wine stain out of your white dress in his and Jacob’s kitchen that you both agreed to just being friends. Eventually leading up to being coworkers as well.
It was a shame, you could always see yourself possibly loving Kevin and it would be easy too. And as much as you’d like to imagine it sometimes, he wouldn’t be able to give you what you wanted and vice versa.
“How’s the boyfriend, trouble in paradise yet?” He raises his eyebrow at you, hitting your calf lightly with the tip of his dress shoe.
You groan, running a hand through your hair, “Sangyeon is not my boyfriend, we just hang out sometimes.”
You quirks an eyebrow, smirking, “That’s what I said about Jacob and I, and look at us now.” He raises his left hand wiggling his ring ringer, letting the gold band catch the light of the setting sun. “Till death do us apart or something like that.” He shrugs, taking another sip from his coffee.
“Yeah but you two are perfect for each other, Sangyeon and I are like water and oil we don’t mix unless, well...you know.”
“Unless the two of you are fucking? Yes I am aware, the horror of me walking in on the two of you last month still keeps me up at night.” He shudders, pushing his half empty mug away from him. A disgusted look on his face.
“Ugh,” you put your head in your hands in utter despair, “I thought we agreed to forget about that and move on.”
“Fine I won’t bring it up again,” He rolls his eyes and sits back, crossing his arms in front of him. “But I know there’s trouble in paradise, does it have to do with what happened at the reception?”
You stare at him with wide eyes. It wasn’t just the events that took place at the reception. It was everything before the reception, during the reception and after the reception. You swore to yourself and him the morning after the two of you first accidentally slept together that you would never fall for him. But as it turns out, you had fallen for him long before that, a moment lost in time. A moment you couldn’t pinpoint but you just knew that what you felt for him was more than platonic. It sucked.
“Maybe,” you shrug, stirring the contents of your drink with your paper straw, distracting you and avoiding Kevin’s look of concern. “Honestly, I’m not sure. He’s just so frustrating. We agreed to have rules to make this whole fucked up situation less of a mess, but he broke two of those rules that night, purposely. I could tell that he was enjoying it.” You let out a defeated sigh and push your drink out of the way, bringing your arms to rest on top of the table, crossing them and hiding your face in them. You couldn’t pinpoint the exact emotion you were feeling, but you just knew it was bad from the way your throat closed up and the tears that were brimming in the corner of your eyes.
Kevin hummed and leaned forward onto the table, ruffling your hair in the process. “And what rule have you broken?” He whispers.
“The one in which I wasn’t supposed to fall for him.” You lift your head, digging your palms into your eyes forcefully. “I didn’t want to, I still don’t want to, but I can’t stop. It’s like he’s casted some kind of love spell on me. Maybe it’s part of his evil plan to destroy me once and for all.” You sigh, grabbing your phone and turning it over. The text sitting there unread, haunting you.
“Don’t answer it.” Kevin covers your screen with his hand. The sadness he held for you is evident behind his soft eyes. “I know you want to but don’t answer it. It’s only going to make you feel worse and frankly I still hate seeing you cry.”
He’s right. Answering him would only make you feel smaller than you already do. You didn’t want to see him, but you longed to have him hold you even if it meant nothing to him. You push Kevin’s hand away, swiping your thumb over the text, hitting reply. You know you should listen to your best friend, but there’s a reason why the two of you would’ve never made it far in a romantic relationship.
You were stubborn and never listened.
8pm, don’t be late. I have to wake up early tomorrow.
Kevin sighs, shaking his head in disappointment, falling back in his chair, scoffing. “Last time, tonight will be the last time and then we break it off.” You say, avoiding his eyes.
“That’s exactly what I said and I ended up having a shotgun wedding.”
Can’t wait, miss you.xx

“My job’s having an event for Valentine’s Day.” Sangyeon broke the silence, his chest still rising rapidly, matching yours. As you came down from your highs.
The second he had walked in through your front door he was pinning you against your poor excuse of a dining room table, without a proper greeting. He barely gave you a second to think before he was peeling your clothes off in a haste and carrying you off to your room.
“And you want me to go with you?” You turn your head to face him. He was laying down on his side, his head resting on his arm, watching you cautiously.
“Mhm,” He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you close. “I need a plus one, I have this annoying coworker that doesn’t leave me alone. I figured if I brought you along they would back off.”
“So I’m not just your date, but also your cockblock?” You tilt your head to the side, raising your eyebrow. “What happens when they find out we aren’t actually dating?” You poke his chest with your index finger. It was smooth and muscular and decorated with the beautiful marks you left behind a few minutes ago.
“They won’t.” He smiled leaving a light kiss against your neck, trailing his lips up and sucking on the spot he knew would have you moaning in seconds. “What do you say?” He bites your earlobe, pulling it before sitting up again.
You sigh and bring your sheets up to your body, sitting up. “I can't, I have plans already.” You lie hugging your knees up to your chest. You wanted to go, pretend once more that you and Sangyeon were more than holiday dates and fuck buddies. But you couldn’t put yourself through that anymore. You were getting used to being by his side, living out a fantasy in your head. When all he wanted was a quick fuck and an easy pass.
“I have a date, Kevin and Jacob’s friend.” You shrug, closing your eyes, mentally apologizing to the couple for dragging them into your problem’s once again. “We’re going out to dinner.” You finish, opening your eyes and looking over at Sangyeon who laid there, messy hair decorating his pillows, stunned. You knew what he was thinking and you were just waiting for him to say it. To get it over with so he’d leave as fast he came in.
He chewed on his bottom lip and then scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. “Oh, what about rule number seven or whatever.” He quickly got up from your bed, letting the sheets covering his lower half fall down to your carpeted floor.
As common courtesy for the other party, under absolutely no circumstances you are to date other people, until officially calling the deal off.
“Well, I don’t know. I like him. We’ve been talking for a while now and he’s sweet. He likes me.” You shrug, watching as he walks around your room looking for his discarded clothes. “And I haven’t broken the rule, yet. I was hoping we could talk about it and just call this whole thing off once and for all.”
“No but you broke rule number one or something.” He puts on his boxers fast and digs through your scattered clothes on your floor for the rest of his clothes.
You sat there silently watching him, running through your memory files as you recalled the rules and what rule number one consisted of which had nothing to do with what you had done. Or lied about doing.
As common courtesy for the other party, always use protection.
“That’s not what rule number one is, it’s -”
“Whatever, you broke a rule before calling it quits, you were basically cheating on me.” He yells, leaving his white washed jeans unbuttoned as he runs a frustrated hand through his hair. You were floored, witnessing an angry Sangyeon wasn’t rare for you. In fact, growing up you had been the product of many of his angry outbursts while inducing your revenge, but it was never serious. This was different. This felt different. This was serious, he was accusing you of something you didn’t do. He was accusing you of doing the one thing you saw him do at your brother’s wedding reception. It made your blood boil.
“That’s fucking rich coming from you, when you cheated on me first, but I never brought it up because although you fucking did break a rule. We are not together so who am I to get angry at you?” You threw your hands up in the hair, before pointing an accusatory finger at him. “Who are you to get angry with me?”
“And they were a good fucking lay, much better than you in every single aspect.” He spits out, angrily putting on his shirt. His words hurt. He was hitting you where it hurts the most and he wasn’t even aware of it. You held his gaze, refusing to break down in front of him.
“Why not ask them instead, why didn’t you go to them tonight instead of coming here?”
He shrugs, looking around your room, focusing on the polaroid pictures you kept on your mirror. Anything was better than looking at you, and the tears pooling in yours in which he undoubtedly was the cause of. But he was hurt too, you let him come over, you let him in and he had given you everything. Poured out his unwarranted feelings into every kiss he left on your body and every pattern he painted onto your skin with his delicate fingertips, just like he always did whenever the two of you got together. He knew he had broken rule number six a long time ago. Back when the two of you were still in high school, when the rules didn’t exist and his crush on you was nothing compared to what he felt for you now. But he was scared of telling you, and it had gotten him nowhere.
His heart still broke just like he feared, and even worse he had broken yours too.
“Maybe I should, this was a mistake. Being with you in the first place was a mistake and I knew it was going to bite me in the ass one day.”
“Get out, I never want to see you again.”
“With pleasure.” Sangyeon turns around and walks out the door. It wasn’t until you heard your front door slam shut that you finally let yourself cry.
You should’ve listened to Kevin.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Jacob pulls his scarf around his neck. Though, it was February it had snowed last night. The winter clothes that you had slowly started putting away, swiftly made their comeback when you woke up shivering that morning.
You shake your head, stuffing the heart shaped cake you had made for both him and Kevin the day before. Be mine inscribed in sparkly purple store bought icing as per request from Jacob, “It’s Valentine’s Day, you should spend it alone together.” You raise your eyebrows suggestively at the two men in front of you.
Kevin leans forward, one hand on his waist while the other one moves up and flicks your forehead, “get that pretty head of yours out of the gutter, Jacob and I are gonna romantically eat our weight in this beautiful cake you’ve made us, while watching the Bring it On series.”
“I’m trying to get him to realize why the third one is the best.” Jacob says pointedly, bumping his shoulder against his husbands. “Solange Knowles steals the show, but he doesn’t want to admit it.”
Kevin scoffs and turns to face him, “I love you and I love your love for the Knowles family but face it babe the best Bring it On movie is the first one, it sets the precedent for all the other movies.” He finishes painting the picture out with his hands in the air before kissing the others cheek.
You shake your head, silently giving Jacob a knowing look. Of course the third Bring it On was the best one, but you won’t ever say that out loud. At least not with Kevin present, he won’t ever let you live it down. Will go on and on about how both you and Jacob were wrong until he was repeating himself.
“It sounds tempting but I’m going to pass, I have my own date with my couch and heart shaped pizza and -”
“Your vibrator.” Kevin interrupts, raising his eyebrows, smiling smugly at you. The embarrassment taking over your body and rising out of your ears. Jacob rolled his eyes, hitting his husband’s upside the head, and a warning look. Kevin pouted, “What? I’m not wrong, that's what she does every Valentine’s day, I’m just stating the truth.” He complains rubbing the back of his head.
“We’re going to go now.” Jacob places both of his arms on top of Kevin’s shoulders, mouthing a sorry in the process. You brush him off, “the offer still stands, if you get bored you can join us.” He opens the door and pushes his husband through the door frame.
“I’m good, have fun and no Kevin you can’t sleep on my couch after Jacob’s kicked you out again.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, last time, I walked in on you and San -”
Jacob covers his mouth with wide eyes as he continues to push him out of your front door, Kevin shrinks at the realization that he almost slipped. It had been three weeks since you last met him, since he last reached out to you. The only thing you knew of him was that your mom had called you to tell you that he had finally gotten the promotion he had been desiring for almost a year. Doting over him like she always did. It had gotten worse when the two of you showed up hand in hand at New Year’s last year. You were proud of him. You wanted to hug him and celebrate his achievement in every which way you could. But you meant it when you told him that you didn’t want to see him again. You couldn’t trust yourself or your heart when it came to him.
“We love you, call us if you need anything.” Jacob said, sending you a kiss and shutting your front door. You smiled, listening to their bickering out in the hallway, standing there until they were far away and you couldn’t hear them anymore. They were characters, the two of them and even worse when they were together. It was why they were so perfect for one another, they completed one another in every sense of the word and it made you insanely happy, but also sad.
Sometimes you wished, whenever you were alone at night and staring up at your popcorn ceiling that you could have what they had with someone that loved you to the point in which they couldn’t live without you.
It will come, at least that what you told yourself whenever the tears stopped. You just had to be patient.

You were halfway through an episode of the Vampire Diaries, and your fourth slice of pizza when the knocking on your front door sounded. You rolled your eyes, quickly pausing your show and setting down your half eaten pizza slice in the box, before standing up. You obviously weren’t expecting anyone but you figured it was Kevin after getting kicked out again. It was never serious, this game both he and Jacob played. It was some form of twisted foreplay thing they did to keep things interesting. They had explained it to you once when you shared your concern for their relationship. Sometimes you wished you hadn’t asked. You could’ve gone living your life peacefully without knowing the details of their sex life.
“I’m going!” The knocking became more desperate the closer you got to the door, and it confused you. Maybe this wasn’t part of their roleplay fantasies and something had actually happened. It worried you. You could feel it all over your body as you grabbed hold of your doorknob. “Kevin is something wro-” You stopped mid sentence when you swung your door wide open revealing a very drunk and disheveled Sangyeon.
You brought your hand up to your chest, holding onto the necklace his family had given you back in highschool as a graduation present. You never took it off, it brought a sense of comfort whenever you were caught in situations that had your anxiety spiraling out of control. Situations similar to this one.
“What are you doing here?” You step aside to give him room to enter, inviting him in without a shadow of a doubt. You shouldn’t have done that, but the part of you that will always care for him was stronger than the part of you that wanted nothing to do with him.
“We agreed to be together every single holiday season and it’s Valentine’s Day.” He say, his voice slurring slightly at the end, evident that he had consumed more alcohol than what he could handle. “I can’t leave you alone on Valentine’s Day.” He finishes, his voice turning small at the end. He ran a shaking hand through his hair causing it to stand up in different directions as he paced through your living room.
You pressed your hands up to your cheeks, letting the coldness of your palms relieve the heat that had suddenly overtaken your body. “B-But we broke things off, we don’t have to do this anymore.” You drop your hands down and point at him and then at yourself, swallowing the lump that was forming in the back of your throat. “Don’t you have an event at work? What are you doing here?”
Sangyeon looks down, taking his lips in between his teeth, “I didn’t go.” He whispers before raising his head, his eyes welling up with tears as he stuffed his trembling hands into the pocket of his white washed jeans. You swore he didn’t own another pair. “I couldn’t go without you. I-I want to spend Valentine’s Day with you and the rest of upcoming holidays...But I also want to take you out on dates and binge watch shows with you and make love to you and hold you while you sleep. I want to wake up with you in my arms, and kiss you while you’re complaining about morning breath and make you breakfast.” He takes a shuddering deep breath before sitting down on the armrest of your couch, digging his thumb into the palm of his hands. “I just want to be with you forever.” He says, clearing his throat before letting the few tears he had been keeping fall.
“Sangyeon I-” You looked around your living room frantically. Your heart was beating out of your chest. The words that had fallen out of Sanyeon’s lips with ease were the last thing you had expected to ever hear him say. It was everything you had longed to hear him say for almost a year now and you didn’t know how to react. Should you tell him to leave to give you some space to take everything in? Or should you run up to him and kiss with all the love and passion you harbored for him? You were caught at the crossroads. was overwhelming.
Sangyeon scoffed, shaking his head before raising it again, turning his head to focus on your tv, avoiding your eyes. “You don’t have to say anything. I know you don’t feel the same way, I just couldn’t keep it in anymore. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids and I don’t know when you told me that you were seeing someone. I was so angry at myself for never being able to just confess and hurt that I had been too late.”
The air in your lungs caught itself in the back of your throat. You walked towards him quickly crouching down in front of him, taking his hands in yours. “Sangyeon look at me.” You swallowed, placing two of your fingers underneath his chin and guiding his head to face you, finally locking eyes with you. You felt so weak and full of energy, ready to kiss him until the two of you died from lack of air and you wanted to laugh. “We’re so stupid Sangyeon. This entire time I thought you only wanted me for sex while I slowly fell for you and now you’re telling me that you had the hots for me since we were kids...wow.” You smile, swiping your thumb underneath his eyelids wiping away his falling tears. “I’ve loved for a long time. I don’t know when I started to love you. Just that when I realized it I couldn’t stop.”
“‘I’m sorry.” He hiccups, his fingers wrapping around your wrist. “I’m sorry for what I did at your brother’s reception, but I swear on my grave that nothing happened between us. They were drunk so I called them an uber and walked them to their ride when it arrived.” He confesses, leaning down and circling his arms around your waist, guiding you to stand up.
He rests his forehead against your stomach sighing. “There’s never been anyone else for me other than you. You make me feel so stupid and frustrated sometimes. I know I shouldn’t have said the things I did that night, like you said I had no right to bud into your love life and being angry is no excuse but I was scared of losing you.” He looks up, his bright eyes pleading. “I’m still scared of losing you.”
You sniffle, bringing your hand up to his head, letting your fingers thread through his already messy hair, “I’m sorry too for lying. Clearly I had no plans.” You laugh lightly, pointing around your living room. “I had somehow convinced myself that lying about seeing someone else would be an easier way to end things, but it hurt so much seeing you leave knowing that there was a possibility I would never see you again.”
Sangyeon laughs, his shoulders shaking gently before he leaves a chaste kiss against your clothed stomach. “Honestly, that would be impossible, we’ve been practically married since the minute we entered this world.” He stands up, towering a couple inches over you, “If I hadn’t come tonight our moms would have forced us to talk sooner or later, I just got a little too drunk and beat them to it.” He presses a kiss against your head before pulling you into a tight hug, sighing happily. “I never want to be without you.”
You nod against his chest, “Will you remember this tomorrow?” It was a thought that had been running through your mind since his confession hit you full force knocking the wind out of your body. Though the few times you had a drunk Sangyeon in your presence he remembered every single tiny detail the next day. This was just your fear taking full charge at the thought of him waking up next to you confused, and walking out again.
He hummed, smoothing his hands down your back. “I’ll write everything that happened down and in detail. I’ll even describe the look on your face when I told you that I loved you. Which by the way have I told you that I love you...a lot.” He teased, leaning back and wiggling his brows.
You leave a light kiss on his chin before pulling away, unraveling his arms from your body. “I love you too.” You walked around him and sat on the couch picking up the remote. “Want to join me?” You tilt your head, your thumb hovering over the play button.
Sangyeon pouts slightly, copying your movements and sitting down next to you. “I haven’t asked you to be my official girlfriend yet.”
“Ask me in the morning, I want you to ask me when you’re sober.” You smile, kissing his lips lightly and wrapping your arm around his waist, leaning your head against his chest.
He makes a sound of approval, placing his arm around your shoulder, “Okay but I have another confession before you press play.”
“What is it?” You press your cheek against his chest before looking up at him confused.
“I already watched this episode, Elena and Damon get into a fight.”
“Don’t they always.”
“Yeah but I don’t want to watch it again.”
You shrug and press play, “Unfortunately, you have infiltrated my Valentine’s Day plans so you’re stuck watching.”
“I did it in the name of love.” He groans, shifting and pulling one of your legs over his lap, holding you closer, as the snarky remarks between the two characters start, sounding loudly through the speakers he had helped install when you first moved into your place three years ago. He almost told you he loved you that day, but then you had put an ice cube down his back and his mind instantly started thinking of ways to get his revenge. His confession hiding away again.
But now it was out in the open and finally he could love you the way he knew he could. The way you deserved.
“And I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”

#kdiarynet#kpopscape#the boyz imagines#the boyz scenarios#the boyz fluff#the boyz x reader#the boyz fanfiction#the boyz fanfic#the boyz angst#sangyeon imagines#sangyeon fluff#sangyeon scenarios#sangyeon blurbs
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You get the demon brother's their Starbucks
[imagine: you go out to get their drinks and purposefully use a dumb nickname for them]
Pure Black coffee with three shots of espresso
You were on pick up duty, whilst Lucifer was busy with work
He gave you his order and you were on your way
As soon as you got to the Starbucks or known as Impbucks
You weren't in the mood for dealing with anyone asking about the popular demon's life
As soon as the cashier asked for a name
You went for the first thing that came to mind
"A kidney crusher for Lucy, is there a Lucy?!"
As soon as you got back home you went to Lucifer
"I got it! Enjoy~"
"Lucy...? Must you always haunt me with that nickname."
"it's cute, try to take a break with work, okay Luci?"
Before he can say anything you distract him with a kiss on the cheek
Ginger with coconut milk with pineapple and starfruit
Mammon needed you to go on a coffee run for him
Witches held another debt over his head
Whilst he was running around trying to call up all demons that owed him
You were at the local Impbucks
Waiting in line with his order written down on your D.D.D
Once you got to your order you couldn't help but hope of cheering him up
You decided on a silly nickname
"Golden shake for Mammy!"
Luckily, when you got to the demon again he had a moment to himself
"hey handsome, got your drink."
He snatched it off you, trying to hide his blush
"what took you so long?! I've been waiting for CENTURIES."
"silence, I got you your drink,now you owe me money."
You walked off before he could fully process your claim
Ice Blue lemonade with lemon slices and monster
Levi rarely goes out especially if it's only for one thing
He's been craving some energy and asked you to go get him a drink from Impbucks
You, as the wonderful human you are, agreed
You had to wait in the rowdy line as people grew impatient
Almost breaking your nose when you bumped into the demon Infront of you
Levi owed you at this point
One part of your heart wanted to do something funny and another wanted to convey your annoyance
And so the name was chosen
You almost had to fight the cashier on it
"special gamer-ade for a Levo-zero!"
As soon as you got to his room you placed the drink down
He was cheering, thanking you for doing him this favour
"HUH?! Levo-zero?! I ranked level 999 today in my game! Do you know how special that kind of achievement is?!"
"right now you're a level zero best friend."
"what did those normie's do?! I'll summon loton-"
You decided to silence his rage
"maybe you could be a level 100 boyfriend instead."
Don't worry, he'll seek you out as soon as he calms down
Iced Green tea with honey drizzle with mint dressing
Satan had an outburst due to the house becoming too loud outside the library
He locked himself in his room out of guilt and hopes for peace
You decided to get him some tea to cheer him up
He's been suggesting to go in a Impbucks date for the past few days so you thought you'd go there
Luckily, the local Impbucks wasn't too crowded
You weren't in the mood to deal with a crowd
But as much as you were doing this out of the kindness of your heart
You were sadly the victim of his outburst
He made you feel very shitty about yourself
So nothing is better than passive aggression!
"green paradise for a shat-tan- is that correct? Shat-tan?!"
You had to force yourself not to laugh when you picked it up
You soon arrived back home, knocking on Satan's door
"who is it? If it's Mammon I will shove my book down your-"
"it's Me, I brought tea."
You were immediately allowed in
"Shat-tan....? I have been shitty to you today, haven't I? I'm so sorry, I never meant to snap like that - thank you for getting me tea."
He wasn't off the hook but you accepted his apology
You two spent the day reading together
Satan showering you in kisses and compliments
Strawberry and raspberry frap with strawberry Syrup with frozen berries ontop of whipped cream
"sweetie! Lucifer is forcing me to do my homework, can you get me some coffee? I can feel my skin breaking out from the stress."
Having mercy on his soul you agreed but could feel the cold grip of death creep upon you
You were behind on homework and you weren't sure if Lucifer has noticed or not
You knew today would be the day of reckoning
You were directed to the local Impbucks and had to wait in line
You spotted a table taking pictures of their orders
You were immediately reminded of the lustful demon
This place was perfect for him
You got a notification from his social media
A compliment about the stress and how long you were taking
You felt yourself frown, deciding to not go for a cute nickname for him
"frozen berry frap for assmo! Please pick up your order!"
You charged out when you heard murmurs about asmodeus being there
Once you got home you rushed to get him his drink
"you're an angel! Can you help me with this- WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
He finally noticed the name when he went to take a picture of it
"I don't know it just seems to come out that way, ASSmo."
"I'm sorry for complain but you were taking so long and I couldn't stand-"
You gave him a quick kiss on his cheek
"stop whining, it's bad for your skin."
You gave him a few more kisses, taking your leave but only met your demise outside his door
Vanilla bean with sweet cream latte with cinnamon powder ontop
You were out helping him record his workout
He needed energy and you needed a place to sit down after following him around for hours
You rushed to the nearest coffee shop
You scanned the food section, deciding what you should get
Once your turn was here you gave your drink order, asking for almost the entire food options
"energy booster and extra for Beely-bug."
You quickly jogged back to the gym after picking up more food
He was waiting for you, growing anxious
"did anyone bother you? You wouldn't let me go with you but I wanted to-"
You shoved the food Infront of his face, distracting him
"nothing happened, just got stares from all the food I got."
Whilst he digged in you stole a swig from his water bottle
"thank you- Beely-bug? I like it."
He couldn't stop smiling as he drank, happy you picked something cute
Chamomile tea with milk, honey syrup and lavender
"hey, I ordered a drink from that Impbucks down the street, can you get it for me?"
After forcing him to say 'please' you agreed to get his order
But as revenge for getting in his face whilst he tried to go back to sleep, he shoved his foot in your face
He was struggling with sleeping as often as he normally could
A concern in itself
You had to deal with waiting for a long while, texting the sleepy demon to see how he was doing
Remembering how rude he was earlier you decided to choose something dumb for his order name
"sleepy time for Belfeet, pick it up on the counter on the right!"
You tried to get home as fast as you could
You found him hiding in the attic, grumbling as he forced his eyes shut
"your saviour is here!"
He popped his head out from the blankets and did the grabby hands for the drink
He let out a tired thank you, yawning between each word
You sat with him whilst he drank, watching him grow more tired and calm
"Belfeet...? Haha you never cease to be petty."
"just for that I'm leaving, no cuddles for you!"
He watched you leave the attic, too tired to be quick to react
"ah- WAIT-!"
#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me shitpost#gamingclubpresident#obey me mammon#aracadejohn217 9#obey me mc#obey me asmodeus#obey me beezlebub#obey me satan#obey me leviathan#obey me luficer#obey me belphegor#Starbucks#Starbucks rip off#obey me imagine#obey me x reader#obey me headcanon#obey me x you#a fun silly little thing#i know the doodles aren't completely clean amd look amazing#it was quick doodles#i don't draw drinks#or food#i really should practice more
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when i’m feeling alone, you remind me of home
Three different years, three different Christmasses, and three different reasons Jake's awake all too early in the morning on December 25th.
(or, did anyone say CHRISTMAS FLUFF???)
read on ao3
december 25th, 2014.
06.08 a.m.
“Oh my god, have you been here all night?”
Jake's not sure whether Amy’s about to laugh at him or tell him off about how he needs to take better care of himself. From the incredulous look on her face, like she can’t believe her eyes when he nods at her from behind his desk, it could be either.
“Jake, that’s insane. Have you ever heard of, I don't know, sleeping during the night?”
(It's the second alternative.)
He has heard of sleep, and he’ll confess the thought of his bed with its good mattress lump and too-soft pillows is more tempting now than when he first considered going home about eight hours ago, but he also just drank a can of artificially blue energy drink and might never sleep again. All the better - it’ll give him more time to catch his arch-nemesis, who sent him yet another rant about omelets yesterday that left Jake none the wiser and all the more frustrated.
“I’m trying to get a trail on Doug Judy,” he shrugs in response to Amy. “You think a person can disappear into thin air?”
“I’ll go with no on that one.”
Jake groans. “I swear that’s what he’s done. It’s infuriating.”
“I’m sorry he got away,” Amy tilts her head to the side with sympathy, “but I promise you’ll catch him. Just go home and get some sleep.”
“You go home and get some sleep.”
“I have! I’m just stopping by to get a couple of hours of work done before I have to go back to my brother’s place.”
“Why are you going to your brother’s place -” He makes note of the red and green stripes on her knitted sweater and her red bauble earrings. “Oh, right. Christmas.”
Never one for family-centered holidays or one with a particular skill for keeping track of time, Jake could have sworn the occasion wasn’t happening for another few days at least, but Amy nods. Her earrings sway with the movement.
“So you’re working on Christmas?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re working on Christmas,” she retorts simply.
“Yeah, but I don’t celebrate it. You like being with your family.” Jake snaps his computer shut and leans over his desk instead, hands clasped together and chin resting on them. “What’s the mysterious deal here? Has there been a juicy scandal in the Santiago family? Please spill.”
Amy sighs, her cheeks turning a shade of pink he recognizes from the last time Captain Holt complimented her work on a case in front of the bullpen. “There’s nothing juicy. I just needed some time away from my brothers if I’m going to survive today.”
“I thought you liked your brothers?”
“I have seven brothers, Jake, and I like all of them. Except for David. Perfect David,” she says, screwing up her face like it pains her to say the name. “David is planning to take the Sergeant’s exam this year. David is looking at buying a house. David’s proposing to his girlfriend. Aren’t you thinking of getting married to your boyfriend, Amy? Oh, that’s right - you two broke up! Such a shame. You two made an adorable couple!”
“Yeah.” She bites her lip. “Sure. Ouch.”
She starts writing on her computer, fingers tapping over the keyboard with speed and only stopping for brief moments when she looks out the window like she’s taking a break to think. Jake decides to give her a moment alone and dives back into his own poorly structured document of barely existent and equally far-fetched leads. He doubts he’s writing anything coherent at this point, but the thought of Doug Judy out there taunts him too much to allow himself to stop.
He feels guilty whenever Amy mentions her breakup with Teddy. It’s been three weeks since the most catastrophic double-date in history, and most of the time, they’re cool, but then there are moments where he’ll mention Sophia and notice how Amy’s eyes will turn away and her expression will morph into a smile so different from her natural one. He can’t decipher what it means, or if it’s nothing and his mind’s playing tricks on him from when he had a little bit of a crush on her. It’s not like it would matter, he reminds himself. He’s with someone, he’s happy, and Amy’s over him anyway.
It doesn't stop him from wishing he could read her thoughts sometimes.
“Are you having dinner with your mom tonight?” Amy asks, jolting him back to reality. The tapping of her fingers against the keyboard has slowed down, and the tension that radiated from her before seems milder. Jake thinks he can note the hint of a smile on her lips.
“How do you know I’m having dinner with my mom?”
“You told me last year?”
His memory flashes back to a late-night, dead-end stakeout last December. “Right. Right, yeah, I am - Sophia’s away visiting family, so.”
Either Amy's smile turns more wistful, forced, or he’s imagining it. “That sounds nice. Are you planning to get any sleep before then?”
“Sleep is for the weak,” he tries joking, but because his body is cruel, moving his face triggers a massive yawn that makes Amy giggle.
“Actually, sleep deprivation is linked to a weaker immune system, higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and trouble with concentration,” she lists, ignoring his eye-roll. “Seriously, Jake. Go home and rest, then come back with a clear head tomorrow.”
“Nah,” he shrugs. “Just need more coffee.”
“I pity your doctor.” Amy shakes her head. “But hey, it’s Christmas - if you promise me you’ll go home and sleep after, coffee’s my treat.”
“Consider it my Christmas gift for you. “ She’s out of her seat and taking on her coat before he’s even had a shot to ask why he’s willingly going outside in the cold when there’s perfectly acceptable, free coffee in the break room. Then again, he’s not one to say no to a surprise. Especially not when the words on his computer are getting blurrier by the second, and he’s lost nearly all faith in his own skills as a Detective thanks to the failed capture of Doug Judy three days ago. Caffeine will help him stay awake; maybe long enough to come up with at least one more idea. Something - anything - and he’ll let himself go home. As soon as he’s made progress, he’ll rest.
“Gingerbread lattes. Sickly sweet, so suits you perfectly.” He gives Amy a quizzical look as she puts down the red and white Starbucks cup in front of him. She blushes. “I mean, because you eat what I believe is a dangerous amount of sugar. Nothing else.”
Jake grins. “That difficult to hide your crush on me, huh?”
“I don’t have a crush on you. If you’d like to give me a Christmas gift, I’d very much appreciate you quitting bringing that up.”
“Uh-uh, it’s a no-can-do.” He unscrews the lid from his cup, licking up the sweet foam. “This is great, though. Thanks, Amy.”
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas,” she says, and he thinks he sees a glint of that shy, covert smile again. “For what it’s worth, I really think you’ll catch him. I believe in you. Just get some sleep first.”
“Merry Christmas.” He lifts his cup like he’s making a toast. “I believe you can survive Christmas lunch with your family. Maybe even without strangling anyone.”
Amy snorts. “Now that would be a Christmas miracle.”
“So would Doug Judy surfacing again be at this point.”
She holds up her own takeaway cup, touching it to his. “Cheers to Christmas miracles, then.”
“Cheers,” he laughs.
In the corner of his eye, he sees his phone light up with a Merry Christmas-text from Sophia. He can’t fully explain the guilt that follows when he waits a few minutes to reply, or why he’s struck with a sudden desire to tell Amy another joke first so he can make her laugh again, but it's probably just sleep-deprivation.
december 25th, 2017.
05.33 a.m.
Jake wakes up not knowing how to breathe.
It’s not happening as often anymore - not nearly as frequently as it did during his first weeks home - but often enough for it to no longer surprise him. The dreams before he wakes up are almost indistinguishable from each other, always another version of Romero’s gang having him backed into a corner with their shivs pointed at him. Melanie Hawkins is watching the whole thing go down from the other side of the cell, her laugh nefarious and causing his blood to freeze to ice. In every dream, he screams for help, but no one ever comes to save him.
It’s fine, he tries to tell himself, forcing in air through his mouth. His chest hurts, his heartbeat’s far over the healthy bpm and a sense of instinctive dread is pooling in his stomach, but he’s fine. He’s home.
He listens for the sound of cars driving past outside her window, a trick he’s learned after too many of these nights, and reaches out his right hand to touch his nightstand. A second wave of fear floods him when he realizes he can't hear a single car, and when he reaches out his hand, all he feels is a wall that doesn't belong to his bedroom.
He sits up so quickly it makes him dizzy. He doesn't remember where he is, and can't distinguish the room in its encapsulating darkness, but if he's back in prison or Romero or Hawkins have somehow manifested in his real life, he's all too aware he doesn’t have anything to fight with except his bare, trembling, hands.
This is where you die, a voice in his head wheezes, and his lungs feel tighter. This is where it ends.
The sound of another person’s breathing sharpens his focus. It could be someone from Romero’s gang standing behind him, breathing down his neck, but the only thing he feels is droplets of sweat trickling down his back. It could be Hawkins, standing somewhere in the room watching him, but this breathing seems too slow and peaceful. Nervously, he looks to the side, and even in the darkness of this room, he recognizes the silhouette of his fiancée sleeping next to him in bed.
The puzzle pieces seem to fall into place, mitigating the waves of panic as they go. He’s not at home, because he’s with the Santiagos, celebrating Christmas upstate with his in-laws-to-be and their many kids and grandkids. He and Amy drove here yesterday, celebrated Nochebuena with all her family, and they’re staying for Christmas dinner today.
Everything’s fine, he tells himself instead, and finds that he’s able to force his breath into the pattern Amy taught him after one of his first attacks. In, out. You’re not in prison. Inhale. You’re okay. Exhale. Repeat until it works.
As his eyes become more and more used to the darkness, he’s able to make out the contours of Amy’s face. She’s on her side facing him, her hair draped across the pillow and her hands holding onto her part of the blanket. It doesn’t seem like he’s managed to wake her up. She’s fast asleep, and Jake pats himself on the shoulder for having learned to ride out the panic attacks on his own. It’s bad enough that he can’t sleep; he’s wrecked with guilt when it affects her, too.
He presses a kiss to her forehead. The corners of her mouth twitch into a small smile, and the aching in his chest is replaced by a comfortable warmth.
He’s careful not to try and disturb her when he gets out of the bed they’re sharing, finding a hoodie and a pair of pajama pants he’s thrown on a nearby chair, and sneaks outside.
The snow shocks him. He’s used to a gray, rainy Brooklyn during December, a polar opposite to the Winter Wonderland surrounding their rented cabin. It's still a couple of hours away from daylight, but the porch lighting and bright snow are enough to make him feel safe. He scrapes clean a spot on the edge of the porch and sits down.
The air is cold in his lungs, but it’s the refreshing kind of cold, the kind that feels healthy and makes you realize how polluted the air you breathe on a daily basis is. It’s far from the signature prison smell of mildew and fear, far from the stuffy atmosphere in the courtroom during their trials, far from any of the memories that haunt him during nightmares and nocturnal panic attacks.
He’s safe. He’s free. He’s okay.
He grabs a handful of snow, squeezing it and feeling it shape after his palm. If someone had asked him during a night he laid awake in his cell, whether he thought he’d ever see snow again as a free man, Jake’s not sure what his reply would’ve been. There were a lot of things he wasn’t sure he’d ever get to experience, but here he is, living them. He forms the snow to an imperfect snowball, then throws it against a tree. It gives him an odd, childish sense of having achieved something, so he does it again.
“Having a snowball fight with yourself, are you?”
He turns around to see Amy standing in the door opening. She’s in pajamas, bathrobe, and her winter coat, but despite her Michelin-man-like appearance, she still looks like she’s shivering when she sits down next to him, handing him one of two steaming mugs of coffee.
“I just needed to get some fresh air. Sorry, I tried not to wake you.”
“You didn’t. I only noticed when the bed got cold. You’re an excellent source of heat.”
“Where would you be without me?”
“I’d be colder,” she states simply. “And sadder. Worse in every possible way. But you know that. Let’s not talk about it.”
“Yeah. Let’s not.” He takes a sip from his mug. The coffee burns the roof of his mouth, but he can tell his cup has been doused with the perfect amount of sugar, so he keeps drinking. “What time is it?”
“Nearly six. I bet all the kids will wake up soon, and the quiet in this house will turn into chaos as everyone’s opening their gifts and trying to capture reactions and thanking each other,” she laughs. “Get ready for the annual Santiago Christmas chaos.”
“I’m excited,” he says with full honesty. If he had to think of a good opposite for prison, a crowded living room of families with children opening gifts on Christmas morning is a strong contender, and it’s made even stronger by the fact that he’ll have Amy by his side for it. “Merry Christmas, babe.”
“Merry Christmas.” Her face is cold, but her lips are warm from the coffee when she kisses him. “Now do you think we can go back in and snuggle under our comforter until we actually have to get up?”
Jake doesn’t know if he’ll ever be free of the nightmares, but he knows that for as long as he’s laying forehead to forehead with Amy Santiago, pretending to complain when she rubs her ice-cold feet against his, tickling her as revenge just so he can make her laugh, they seem further and further away from reality.
december 25th, 2020.
05.17 a.m.
Although she's only been born for a mere five weeks, Jake’s already certain his daughter is a flat-out genius. For example, even though it's her first time celebrating, she's got one of the staples of Christmas celebrations down to a T; she's waking up far earlier than should be allowed.
“She's way too excited about her presents to sleep,” he suggests with a yawn as the infant’s crying wakes them up for a third time that night. “Truly my daughter.”
“More like she's hungry and wanting attention,” Amy mumbles as she reaches for the nursing pillow, trying to find a comfortable position for both her and baby. “Still your daughter, then.”
“Guilty as charged,” he says, and in the low shine of the table lamp on her nightstand, he can see her rolling her eyes at him. Leah’s grunting in complaint as Amy takes a few seconds to unhook the strap of her nursing bra, bordering dangerously close to a cry when she can't seem to figure it out, but then it works. The sound of Leah's content suckling fills the room, bringing with it a novel feeling of peace they've come to know in the last weeks.
When she's crying, their hearts are shattering. When she's happy, they're floating on air. And because their daughter is barely a month old, they're on a constant rollercoaster between the two absolutes.
“You can go back to sleep if you want,” Amy offers, not for the first time that night. “I’ve got this under -” She yawns. “Control.”
“I know.” He could, and considering the low total amount of sleep he's gotten this week, he probably should, but he has another idea. “This is nice, though.” Leah’s pajamas has reindeer heads on the feet, and he holds them in his hand. “I can’t believe it’s her first Christmas.”
“I think you’re more excited than she is,” Amy laughs. “We’ll see what she thinks about it after the two-hour car-ride to my brother’s place.” “She’ll sleep through it. You’ll worry.”
She grimaces, stroking her fingers over the tiny hand Leah is holding on her chest. “Touché.”
“Merry Christmas, babe.”
“Merry Christmas.” Amy stifles yet another yawn. “You don’t mind getting up with her while I close my eyes for just a little bit longer, do you? Or else I might actually fall asleep in the middle of Christmas dinner.”
“No, of course not.” Jake doesn’t tell her he was hoping she’d ask. He can’t risk ruining the surprise he came up with at work two days ago. For someone so sleep-deprived he almost took Charles’ lunchbox from the precinct fridge two days ago and was about to start chewing before Terry stopped him, he feels it’s some of his finest idea-work.
Leah finishes eating and Amy burps her, handing her over to Jake like she’s the most precious of goods - which, to be fair, is accurate. Their daughter finds her favorite spot with her head on his shoulder near immediately and he gets out of bed almost as fast, only stopping to give his wife a kiss on the cheek before leaving their bedroom.
Even a year ago, he would have laughed in the face of whoever had told him he’d ever willingly wake up at 5.30. He would have called them insane if they’d suggested it would become the routine it has, or that he would like it. Every morning when he gets up for work, he’ll wake up extra early and take Leah for a couple of hours, giving Amy some undisturbed sleep and himself some quality time with his daughter. She is, without exception, in her happiest mood in the mornings. Sometimes she’ll give him what sort of resembles a smile if he makes a funny enough face, or she’ll wave her hands when he sings to her. Jake can’t imagine a better way to start his day - if he has to spend a whole workday away from her, at least he gets these moments first.
He’s not going to work today, but he still has plans for their morning together. It’s the first-ever Christmas they’re celebrating as parents, which he figures calls for a more luxurious breakfast than their usual coffee and toast, and Amy may have suggested no big gifts this year, but she didn’t say anything about ones addressed from their daughter - loophole. She insisted they’d get a tree, though, so now there’s an over-the-top decorated fake tree in the corner of their living room with a whole of three Baby’s First Christmas-ornaments. Two of them were gifted by Charles. As was five other gifts, and he only stopped because Amy made him.
“This is the Christmas tree,” Jake tells his daughter as he shows it to her for the one-hundredth time, only for the way her eyes light up when she gets close enough to see the lights and baubles. “It’s not real, because your mom’s allergic to those, but it looks pretty nice, right?” Leah coos. “Yeah, I know. We’re being extra this Christmas. It’s all for you, you know.”
“But it’s what you deserve,” he adds, kissing the top of her head and breathing in the baby scent he just can't get enough of. “Even though you’ll never remember this. I guess it’s mostly for us. But you’re a great excuse.”
She whimpers like she understands and is offended by what he’s saying, and he laughs at the timing.
“Don’t worry. It’s been fun. You’re going to have amazing Christmasses. I’m kind of jealous, actually.”
He sits down with her in the armchair placed in front of the three, putting his feet on the footstool so Leah can lay against his knees. “I never liked celebrating holidays much, because my dad was either drunk or just wouldn’t show up, so me and my mom were alone for most of them, which sucked.” Jake pouts his lip, and Leah moves her head in a way he decides to interpret as nodding. “You’re never going to have that. You’ll have gifts and people everywhere, a billion cousins to play with and food for days because your grandmother is an amazing cook. You’ll love it. I sort of feel like I’m getting revenge for all of my failed holidays by making sure yours are perfect.” He rubs his nose against hers in an eskimo kiss. She makes a noise that is not quite a laugh but leaning towards it, like she’s trying to figure the motions out. “I guess you could say we’re discovering the traditions together, huh?”
The beauty of being an adult is you can make a new family with new traditions, a memory of Holt’s words from a Thanksgiving seven years ago comes to mind. Jake’s always considered the squad his family, and he’s made traditions with Amy in their years together, but he’s never been this excited about them before. He’s already humming to himself when he plays the Taylor Swift Christmas album on his phone, putting Leah in the baby bouncer and pushing it so it moves by itself. He googles the recipe and narrates his actions to her as he goes, mixing eggs with sugar and melting butter and stopping every now and then to bounce her seat again. He takes an involuntary break to change his daughter’s outfit, finding an even more festive one he couldn’t stop himself from purchasing when he walked past it in the store last week. It’s a baby Santa suit, complete with hat and all, and he takes about twenty-or-so pictures of her in it before remembering what he was doing before.
It takes twice as long as the recipe suggests, but eventually, Jake’s looking at two plates of saffron french toast that’s only a little burnt, matching Super-Mom and Super-Dad mugs - also gifted to them by Charles - filled with an attempt at a gingerbread latte that he’s sure will taste decent with enough whipped cream, and the Christmas gift addressed from Leah is imperfectly wrapped sitting next to Amy’s plate. It might well be one of the proudest moments of his life, and he gives himself a mental pat on the back for being such a natural talent at the whole festive traditions-thing.
He contemplates singing as they enter the bedroom. The idea falls flat, because he doesn’t know any Christmas songs well enough to avoid completely butchering them, and the act of balancing a baby, a gift and a coffee cup without dropping either is enough of a challenge, but he does manage some humming as they go to wake up Amy.
He wonders if she’s heard them, because she sits up in bed way too fast for someone who just woke up, but she’s smiling at them with a glee that seems to erase all traces of exhaustion when he sits down on the side of the bed, handing her the coffee.
“You dressed her as Santa,” she laughs, tickling Leah’s belly with her free hand. “Oh my god, she looks so cute.”
“Bought the outfit myself,” he grins. “Merry First Christmas as a mother, babe.”
“I’m loving it. I thought we said no gifts, though?”
“It’s not from me, it’s from Leah. Loophole!” Jake half expects his wife to roll her eyes at him, but she simply grins wider.
“She might have one for you, too.”
“Oh, Lee. You shouldn’t have!” He shakes his head at his daughter, getting a confused look in return. “You’re too nice to us.”
“Well, she does keep us up all night.”
“True, true. She’s lucky she’s the cutest.” He kisses his daughter’s cheeks not for the first time that day. “She might have fixed another little surprise for you out in the kitchen. Well, her and I. Mostly me. But she was very supportive!”
This time Amy does roll her eyes at him, but affectionately, before putting down the coffee on her nightstand and reaching over to kiss him.
“Merry First Christmas as a dad, Jake.”
He still considers himself a beginner in the area of Christmas traditions, but as he and Amy take turns eating their French toast and unwrapping their Leah-themed gifts while the other one bounces a suddenly fussy baby in their arms and Taylor Swift’s Christmas album keeps playing on a loop in the background, he’s certain he’ll be able to learn.
He’ll do anything for the two people who are already his greatest gift of all.
#my writing#b99#brooklyn 99#brooklyn nine-nine#peraltiago#jake x amy#b99 fic#brooklyn 99 fic#brooklyn nine-nine fic#b99 fanfiction#brooklyn nine-nine fanfiction#jake x amy fic#jake x amy fanfiction#peraltiago fic#peraltiago fanfiction
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Ephemeral || 02
↳(adj) lasting for a very short time
pairing: Jimin | reader (with a surprise?)
genre: angst, not too much
word count: 2.1k
summary: six months ago, Park Jimin broke your heart, though getting over him isn’t quite as easy if you’re still in love with him
warnings: none
a/n: I don’t hate any of the people who are portrayed as dislikeable characters in this story! Also sorry that this is kinda short, but I really wanted it to have this ending so yeah :)
previous chapter ; next chapter
Fifteen minutes into having to sit with Jimin and Irene you felt like ripping out every hair on your head one by one. Jimin hasn’t looked at you even once, but to make up for his loss, Irene went on and on about their relationship, purposely staring you down with every word she said. According to her Jimin was ‘the sweetest guy she’s ever met’, ‘sooo considerate’, ‘showering her with affection and gifts’ and so much more. A part of you wanted to believe that all she rambled about him were pointless lies, but the other, larger part of you believed her and it hurt you more than it should’ve.
As they finally decided to leave, you were about to pass out, Irene having killed the remaining brain cells, that were still there after a night with no sleep. The whole time, you’d stolen glances at Jimin, and you had to admit that he still looked amazing, undoubtedly remaining the most gorgeous guy you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Irene had seen the times you looked at him and started grabbing onto his arm and smiling up at him to ‘mark her territory’. You really couldn’t understand why they even sat down with you guys in the first place but you guessed it was just to bother you.
After they’d exited the coffee shop, you finally felt like you could breathe again. None of your friends wanted to ask you about how you felt, because it could possibly trigger a major breakdown, which wouldn’t be good at all, so you all tried to act like the last twenty minutes didn’t happen. After they left was also when you realized Jungkook’s deathgrip around your shoulders. You let out a sigh and let your head fall back against his shoulder.
“Everything ok?”, he whispered into your ear and you just lightly nodded eventhough you both knew it wasn’t.
Your self-pitying thoughts were interrupted as Sana started to speak up, her voice loud and cheerful as usual. “So I heard there’s a party at Yugyeom’s dorm tonight and since JK over there is friends with him, I thought we should go.”, she said and drank up the rest of her latte. Yoongi didn’t seem too amused at that idea and groaned, “or you can come over to mine, I still need to finish off some beats.”, he looked at Sana. Yoongi and Namjoon were underground rappers on the side and Yoongi currently worked on some new beats for them, you all knew that it was really important to him. “Aish, but it’s been so long since we’ve gone out, please Yoongs…’, she whined and shot him puppy eyes.
Jungkook cleared his throat. “Actually I wasn’t planning on going tonight, but I guess I could tell Yugyeom that you guys are gonna show up.”, he uttered awkwardly, which earned a few annoyed sighs. Sana was still trying to get Yoongi to come with her and finally he seemed to give in. That’s another thing about their relationship, every other person in this universe, apart from Hoseok, wouldn’t even stand a chance on changing Yoongis mind about anything, but Sana seemed to work wonders on him.
“I’m not going either.”, you stated and Sana groaned a disappointed ‘Y/N’, but Jungkook came to your help. “We’ve made plans to hang out today since last sunday, sorry guys”, to which you just gave a convincing nod, eventhough he just told them a straight up lie.
“Since last sunday?”, you asked him with a light chuckle as you left the shop, a few feet behind the others. “I figured you could use a pizza and some company tonight, after… you know.”, he gave you a bunny smile and pushed his bangs out of his eyes.
You honestly were greatful for a friend like Jeon Jungkook, he always seemed to understand you and knew exactly what you needed when you were down.
“Thanks nochu, I really wouldn’t’ve liked going to that stupid party.”, you sighed and smiled back at him. “I know”, he said and looked around the campus, “I just don’t get it.”, he then stated an a grim tone. You just sent him a questioning look. “I don’t get why Jimin would ask Irene to be his girlfriend.”, he said and you sighed in frustration. “Can we just stop talking about it?”, you pleaded, feeling like all energy was drained from your body. “No just let me finish. He always told me and Tae that he regrets sleeping with her. He also said that he thinks she’s annoying. I’ve never told you this but he really regretted your breakup.”, his voice grew quieter as he spoke and you felt a slight pain creep up in your heart. “It doesn’t matter, not anymore. He couldn’t’ve regretted it that much because he never tried to fix anything between us and now he’s in a relationship with her so he probably doesn’t dislike her as much, does he?”, you let out a humorless laugh and bumped Jungkook slightly.
“I’m getting over him, so let’s not mention him again alright.”, and he agreed.
As the day carried on you continued to feel down, but still looking forward to your evening with Jungkook, since it’s been a while since the two of you had hung out alone.
Sana’s been on a constant high since Yoongi agreed to joining their night out and has been distracting you from finishing your essay as she hummed a random song, and that for the past thirty minutes.
“Hey I don’t want to ruin your mood but it’s kinda hard to focus on this with you singing that stupid song.”, you huffed and she looked up from some kind of mind map she’s been sketching out on a piece of paper. “Sorry Y/N…”, she uttered and paused a little before speaking up again. “You know you can talk to me about it? I know you prefer telling Jungkook but I’ll comfort you too you know? I get that you don’t wanna tell Mina because she’s gonna go full mum-mode again but my point is… I’m here if you need me.”, she sighed and looked at you pleadingly.
“Honestly, it’s fine. I’m grateful that you care, but there’s nothing to worry about, of course I’m not feeling too great about it but I’ll just suck it up and get over it, that’s what I should’ve done a long ass time ago, and now I feel ready to do exactly that.”, you said and smiled. She seemed happy with your answer and her mood was back to normal. “Ah Y/N, I’m so proud of you! That’s how your mindset should’ve been from the start… or should I say the end?”, she giggled at her own joke and then pointed to your laptop, “You better finish that before Kookie comes here and I’m gonna get dressed for the party. I’m so excited, you don’t even know how long i’ve waited to go out again and Yoongi agreed to come along and I just have a good feeling about tonight, you’ll see!”, she brabbled while leaving the room.
As the evening came around, Mina, Sana and you sat in the living room, you waiting for Jungkook and them waiting for the guys to arrive. Apparently even Namjoon agreed to come with them, neglecting his studying for the night but to be honest he could easily nail the degree at this point. Sana was once again trying to get Mina to talk to Taehyung about her obvious crush on him but she refused like all the other times you’d asked.
When the knock on the door finally came, Sana jumped up and yanked the door open. “Heyy boys!”, she cheered and as she spotted Yoongi, a high pitched squeak escaped her throat. “You look so good baby! I’m so happy!”, she jumped at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I can see that”; he muttered but his tone was affectionate. Their little moment ended as Mina pleaded for them to “move their asses and finally leave”. You waved at them and then looked up at Jungkook who was the only remaining boy outside your door. “Come in, I think I’m starving, you guys took long enough!”
He chuckled and threw his jacket over a kitchen stool. “Sorry princess but we took longer because we had to convince Tae that it’s slightly inappropriate to wear all Gucci to a house party.”, and you just had to giggle at that, invisioning an image of Taehyung with all of his Gucci jackets in your head.
“You order”, you said as you scrolled through your phone, Jungkook just nodded and searched the number of the pizza place online. When he was done you were happy that the pizza was on it’s way but also frustrated that you still had to wait about twenty minutes. “You want something to drink?”, you asked him as you walked over to your kitchen counter. “You have some rum and coke?”, he asked and you came back with a extra large bottle of coke and a full bottle of rum. “Yes sir!”
The pizza finally arrived and you basically ran to the door, quickly payed the delivery guy and skipped back to the couch, where you and Jungkook had been sitting, drinking alcohol, and happily opened the large carton. You let out a satisfied groan as the delicious smell hit your nose, quickly took out a piece and took a huge bite out of it just to groan once again. “This is so good!”, you uttered as Jungkook finally started eating as well. “Yeah I know this pizza place is the best”, he said while heavily chewing down on his piece. “Thanks for coming over Kookie, it means a lot.” He just smiled while watching the TV, “Always.”
Later that night, both of you had drunken a generous amount of rum and coke, maybe some beer too and you were feeling the emotions coming up. It didn’t help that you had ‘The Arctic Monkeys’ playing in the background. “I know how they feel.”, you slurred as you sat, leaning onto Jungkooks shoulder as he had his eyes closed. “What d'ya mean?”, he muttered and cracked on eye open. “You know, they sing about this whole crawling back to someone thing? I do that too. I’ve done that with Jimin six months straight. They’re like ‘maybe I’m to busy being yours to fall for somebody new’, but I’m not even his. Well if he asked me to be, I would. But he wouldn’t ever ask. I’m such a mess.”, you sighed and tried to swallow the lump that has built inside your throat. “You’re a perfect mess though…”, Jungkook said and pulled you into his embrace. “No, this isn’t perfect at all, it’s just a huge pile of shit. I’d probably beg for him, on my knees to just love me back already, but I’m not even sure if he’s capable of love. Anyway, you shouldn’t have to listen to this.”, you tried to calm down again. “I’m so beyond mad at Jimin for doing this to you. He’s just an asshole, I’m his friend but I’m so done with him really.”, you could feel his muscles tensing up and hugged him tightly. “You shouldn’t worry about this, it’s basically over and I’m ready to move past him.”, you concluded and he seemed somewhat satisfied with your answer.
A comfortable silence settled between you two and you just sat and enjoyed each other’s company. You tilted you head up slightly to look at him, and maybe it was the alcohol in your blood or the fact that he just looked extremely good with his hair slightly ruffled and his lips shining from when he licked off the beer he just drank, but suddenly you felt the desire to kiss him. He noticed you staring at him and looked at you with questioning eyes, but eventually started leaning down to you.
Before he met your lips and he stopped and whispered, “Do you really want to do this?”. And all you could reply was, “What if that’s exactly what I wanna do right now?”, and with that you pressed your lips to his.
#bts#bts ships#bts imagines#bts scenarios#jimin smut#bts jin#bts jimin#jimin scenario#jimin imagine#jimin au#jungkook#bts jungkook#jungkook scenarios#jungkook au#jungkook imagines#bangtan sonyeondan#bangtan#bts reactions#bts au#yoongi scenarios#yoongi
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