#help because i never third wheeled this hard before
jmdbjk · 1 year
He's naked .... in the bed...and there's that megawatt smile... and who is that smile for? Jimin.
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I am totally glitching over here. Trying to calm down.
Jimin says he's not in condition to be seen by Army? He needs a spanking... I'm sure JK is on his way over there to deliver one.
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enwoso · 4 months
Hi, I love your writing! I was wondering if you could write a fic where Rooney and Russo are recording there new podcast and they mention a funny story to do with you. With Alessia x reader pairing. You can make the story up but I thought it would be funny
THIRD WHEEL — alessia russo
sorry to whoever requested this as it’s took me so long to actually finish it, but it’s finally here!
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"hello! and welcome back to the tooney and russo show with me y/n l/n, and before you all ask don't worry i'm not stealing vic's job she's just poorly" you said down the microphone, getting yourself comfy in the big chair opposite the couch that alessia and ella were sat on.
"thank god we only have to put up with you for one episode!" ella says rolling her eyes playfully as you gasp, the two bursting into laughter.
"anyways i'm here with two of football most famous friends, alessia russo and ella toone!" you cheered as the two opposite you clapped as well as the people behind the cameras.
"are we the most famous friends?" ella turns asking alessia who shrugs, you clearing your throat to get the brunettes attention back.
"they've just written that on the script to boost your ego" you smile quickly before looking back down to the ipad as the ella starts laughing as does less.
“i’m not lying it’s on here!” you hold the ipad up in there direction showing them, “you really know how to make someone feel good about themselves don’t you, y/n!” ella jokes as you nod you head.
“it’s my speciality — ask lessi i do it on the daily for her!” you say winking jokingly towards less who shakes her head at your silliness.
“whatever helps you sleep at night love” alessia sighs, not wanting to disagree with you knowing the ramble you would go into.
"anyways before we get sidetracked anymore, the fans want to know a bit more about your routine when playing, asking if you find it hard to sleep before a big game?" you read out the question that was on the ipad in front of you.
"speaking on behalf of all three of us here, but we all sleep like babies!" ella says as you and alessia nod in agreement humming.
"yeah what's the saying, can sleep on a camels back" alessia blurts out making you make a confused face, as you mouthed a what to ella who shook her head also having no idea what the blonde had just said.
"that's not a saying babe, you've just made that up!"
"i have not, search it up!” the blonde defended her self as you still looked at her with a confused face trying to understand what she meant from her try at an inspirational message.
“um yeah moving on.. i sleep good all the time to be fair. but do either of you remember the night before the euro final?” you asked them both, ella nodding while less say shaking her head.
“oh yeah, i remember that night. do you not?” ella agreeing with you as she directed the last part of her sentence the blonde sat next to her, who shook her head while mumbling a no into the mic in front of her.
“so obviously we was staying in this really nice hotel, the tottenham hot spur hotel it was i think, and everyone was asleep and um in the night the automatic blinds kept coming up” ella explained as you nodded along.
“i never even noticed to be honest, but i remember you complaining about it in the morning” alessia pointed over to you.
“yeah and i only noticed them because you’d took all the blankets from me and i’d woke up freezing, and then-“ you began as the blonde across you cut you off with a gasp as her mouth went wide open.
“you say this all the time, but i don’t hog the covers!” the blonde said in a defensive tone, ella watching with a smirk on her face at the bickering between the two of you an occasional giggle coming from her.
“how would you know if you do or don’t? your asleep less?” ella commented as you hummed your eyes going wide, “exactly!”
“and then the stupid blinds kept me awake and then less had her alarm set for dead early and she didn’t even wake up — honestly worst night sleep i’ve ever had.” you grumbled carrying on with your small story as alessia mumbled into her mic about you being overly dramatic.
“oh i hate alarms me, i’m the type who had to wake straight up as soon as it goes off” ella says as you hum, “cause once you start snoozing, it’s game over”
“lessi is the worst for snoozing”
the podcast carry’s one as you talk along with the two girls, about random things that start a different conversation until you get up to the fan questions section of the pod.
“so we are up to when you guys at home get to know ella and lessi more off the pitch as they answer your questions where nothing is off limits, i’m excited for this bit” you smile down the camera before smirking to the two girls as they look at each other scared. you continuing to scroll through the ipad.
“first one is weirdest thing your both scared of?” you say giggling to yourself knowing what both of their answers are going to be.
“probably bananas” ella says pulling a face of disgust as you ask why. “i dunno, i just really don’t like them.
“um turkeys or just birds in general” alessia shrugs as your mind takes you back to the world cup of when there was loads of them there.
“there definitely both weird, the next one is directly for you lessi — this fan has said: alessia your half italian but can you actually speak it” you say reading the comment word for word off the ipad, looking up to see the blondes blank face as you begin to laugh along with ella.
“well i can understand it, i tried to learn how to speak it and i can speak a few words..” less trails off her words getting quieter and quieter with each one she spoke.
you raised your eyebrows humming in amusement, “yep and by tried you mean one duolingo lesson?”
“pretty hard to try and learn it when you have someone distracting you every five seconds wanting attention!” alessia argued, taking a sip of her water which was next to her.
“sorry for showing and giving my girlfriend some love?” you scoffed jokingly as you placed your hands in the air in defence. “next time i won’t bother” you added sassily.
the blonde pouting, mumbling along the lines of that you know that she loves giving you her attention you humming at her response, the blonde holding her hands up in an attempt at a heart with her fingers getting a small smile from you.
as ella dry retched down the mic, “do you have to do the lovey dovey stuff every where we go!”
“okay this is a good one, who’s the better driver” you ask, putting the ipad to the other side.
“well i think we can both agree who it’s not-“ alessia smirked pointed between her and ella who nodded in agreement knowing what the blonde was going to say.
“you- do you not…” alessia began before you cut her off, “hang on the question wasn’t to include me, and i know the story your gonna tell and it’s gonna be completely wrong but carry on” you sulked, sinking further in the chair you were sat in opposite the two best friends.
“no so you were in a really tight parking spot, which can i add i told you not to park in-“ alessia began to tell the story in between laughs as tooney listened intently, you sat across from them with a frown on your face.
“—and there was this bollard to the right of the car and i told you that you were gonna hit it if you carried on but you were adamant you weren’t gonna hit it. and of course who was right cause then the back of your car ended up with a massive dent in the back along with scratches along the side”
“yeah but in my defense right, since i did move slightly the way you told me to and if i hadn’t i definitely would have missed it” you defended yourself as alessia rose her eyebrows not totally convinced.
“is this the day you came to england camp sulking?” ella asked as alessia nodded her head slowly in response for you, you not wanting to admit it.
“and now i’m banned from driving lessi’s car-“ your frown deepened.
“i mean i’m not surprised!”
“and that’s all we have time for today, before i get outed anymore!” you perked up once again, the two girls straightening themselves up as you looked down the central camera.
“like you haven’t been outing us for the whole ep love” alessia commented as you waved your hand at what she said.
“thanks for joining me, less and tooney as i third wheeled-“ you began again but got cut off by ella. “no i was, as always!”
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lost-and-ephemeral · 7 months
hii can i request angst for love and deepspace, reader and mc are different ppl. our boys made plans with reader but forgot and left them hanging to hangout with the mc instead 😞
Series: In Her Shadow, pt.1 (ft. main trio)
Part 1 | Part 2
It feels like you've never been enough for him.
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader (seperate)
Tags: angst, hurt no comfort, reader is not MC, reader and guys are dating
A/N: Thanks for your request, sweetheart! Hope it doesn't look too OOC.
Part 1 | Part 2
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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Your relationship with Xavier could be called ideal, if not for one nuance.
His colleague, who takes up much of his attention.
There were times when he'd come home and talk about her with such excitement that you'd start to feel like a third wheel. But usually afterwards Xavier would apologize and say that no matter how strong his colleague was, you would still be the best for him.
And you'd like to believe that. Until he forgot about dinner with you because of her.
You've planned a perfect evening and cooked everything he loved so much, knowing how tired he might come back after a mission. Only for him to never show up this evening.
You've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Feeling how your heart was breaking even more with each passing minute. Maybe something bad had happened? Maybe he was hurt?
You texted him, only to get back, "Don't worry, I'm fine, my colleague just invited me to the cafe after our mission."
No apologies, no regrets. It seems that he just forgot about you and your plans together.
For a while you were silently sitting in your living room, staring at the phone screen. It was hard to describe all these feelings that were bubbling up inside you. Jealousy, anger. You didn't even bother to remind him about your dinner together and just put all the dishes away in the fridge.
Since when did she become more important than you?
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You always knew about Zayne's childhood friend. But you couldn't even imagine that she would make you feel so unwanted.
You had plans for today while your lover had the day off. As a cardiac surgeon, Zayne was busy most of the time and would come home late, completely exhausted. Of course, you wanted to spend every free day with him.
Except for one thing.
His childhood friend constantly overshadowed you. Well, you could understand why that was happening. After all, their friendship (or was it more than that already?) had been going on for years, and you couldn't stop Zayne from seeing her.
Sitting alone in the restaurant, at the table you'd booked together, you barely held back tears as you stared at the message marked 'unread'.
When Zayne didn't appear in time, you were surprised. He was always so punctual, what was wrong this time?
But when you asked him where he was, he replied, "Sorry, she asked me to visit an old candy store with her, I'll be back in a few hours," and you realized he'd completely forgotten about you.
And your last message went unread.
"Zayne, but we made a reservation for today."
You sat alone for so long that people started to squint in your direction. The only option was to get up and leave the restaurant before your heart was completely shattered.
And so you did.
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Usually Rafayel's studio was always open for you, so you could come to see him anytime.
But as it turned out, you weren't the only one he welcomed with open arms, day or night.
Today was your day off and you were planning to visit Rafayel so you could help him with something in his studio. He asked you to come in the first place. Usually that meant he just wanted to see you and was looking for any excuse, even the silliest one.
But instead you were met with a locked gate.
At first you thought it was just another joke, that Rafayel would come out and let you in, yet some time passed, and you continued to stand there alone. You tried to call him, but it was unsuccessful. No matter how long you waited, no one answered.
Finally you decided to call Thomas to ask him if something important had happened. Maybe Rafayel once again forgot about his own exhibition and had left in a hurry.
But it turned out you were the only one who had been forgotten.
"He said he was going to buy new paints with his bodyguard," Thomas explained. "Or something like that. Better not wait for him until evening, he's unlikely to be back before that time."
Devastated, you stood there for a while longer, thinking about his 'Ms. Bodyguard' who was spending more and more time with your beloved. It wasn't the first she took him away from you.
But this was the last straw.
You turned around, heading back home and desperately holding back tears.
It wasn't fair.
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neoiightss · 2 months
Teddy Bear - Lee Haechan
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Based on my favorite Dream song, hope you like it =) 
warnings: friends to lovers, tooth-rooting fluff, confession, y/n’s a bit insecure.
The end of the semester in a University. You believed it was a universal experience for any college student, a mix of reliving and exhaustion that fuels your body. Everywhere you went you could find excited students planning their summer trips to a beach or their hometown, and zombie-like students who just wanted to sleep for a week, usually you were the latter one, but this summer your roommate invited you to a short beach trip with her boyfriend and his best friend. 
Karina and Jeno quickly became the it couple in college due to their popularity and looks, but still, Karina never made you feel left out, always inviting you to parties and hangouts in Jeno’s frat, and just like that you end up meeting Haechan, Jeno’s best friend. 
You two instantly hit it off, he was talkative and kind; it was easy for you to come out of your shell and feel comfortable around him, you two had so much in common, from favorite artists to favorite food, and he became a friend of yours quickly. 
The problem was that Haechan was handsome, breath-taking handsome. His honey-like skin adorned with freckles hypnotized you, his dark fluffy hair, piercing eyes, full lips, and playful personality; it was a deadly combo for your heart. Still, next to him, you felt like just an intruder, someone he would conveniently befriend, you weren't popular or pretty like the girls you saw him flirting with at parties, how could you even compete? 
You didn’t want to ruin the friendship you were building, so you tried your best to push aside those feelings, but it was hard for you when he was constantly flirting with you as a joke, or how touchy he was. Still, you kept it to yourself, not letting your crush ruin the friend group. 
And just like that you found yourself in that situation, packing your things for the little get-away they planned to Haechan’s family house at the beach, it was only for the weekend so you didn’t need to bring a lot, still, you were excited to have some fun before flying to your boring hometown. 
It was later on the day when the boys arrived, helping you and Karina with the bags, not wasting more time to hit the road, your heart was beating fast with excitement, seeing everyone so talkative, singing, and making plans for the next day, it felt like you were in a coming of age movie, it was the highlight of your year. 
-Y/n, I’m so happy you could come, I won’t third-wheel plus I’ll have you to keep me company!
The boy said excitedly, gaining a small chuckle from you and a side eye from Jeno. 
-I’m happy too, it’s been so long since I last went to the beach, it’ll be fun 
You smiled at him, feeling his arms around you in a side hug. 
-I feel like we’ll be the ones third-wheeling you two lovebirds.
Karina laughed, receiving a playful punch from you. 
-Don’t say nonsense…- you mumbled, noticing how Haechan got quiet, it only made you more embarrassed- play some 1D! It’s my time to DJ.
You shouted from your seat, taking the aux from Haechan and choosing one of the band’s upbeat songs, shifting the mood as he started to loudly sing and perform with you. 
It was late at night when you got to the house, everyone tired from the trip, quickly going to their rooms. Karina and Jeno got to the master bedroom after many threats from Haechan if they did something in his parents’ bed and the two of you went to the remaining rooms next to each other. 
You lazily did your skincare, getting into a comfortable pajama, and laying in bed as you heard the waves, a small fraction of moonlight coming from the window. It was the perfect setup for a good night of sleep, then why couldn't you? It was around 1 am when you got up from bed, frustrated about the lack of sleep, everyone had plans for early in the morning and you didn’t want to ruin them because of your stupid insomnia, all of that made you want to cry. 
As you got up, you walked slowly towards the kitchen, trying to not make any noise, you opened the fridge in hopes of finding some milk, maybe a warm cup would help, as you looked you heard a familiar voice calling you, making you squirm as you turned around, finding Haechan sleepily looking at you. 
-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you…
You whispered with a pout, closing the fridge. The boy blinked slowly as he adjusted his eyesight, wearing a big white t-shirt and sweatpants, he looked so cute you just wanted to mess a bit more with his hair. 
-Are you having trouble sleeping? - he asked as you nodded - What are you looking for? 
-Some milk, but there’s none. -you smiled apologetically, Haechan opened his arms to welcome you, giving you a warmer hug than any drink, his sweet scent and soft skin made you relax your entire body. 
-Let’s sleep together, you can cuddle me like a teddy bear, I’ll sing for you too
He whispered, gently patting your hair. You flushed at his words, feeling your heart beating fast, pulling away from him to see if he was joking. 
-There’s no need, I’ll try to sleep again
-Nonsense - he cut you mid-sentence, pulling you to his room - let me take care of you, can’t let you like this. 
Just like that, you were curled up with him under his comforter, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours, the faint smell of his worn-out cologne invading your system as he got closer, embracing you as he played with your hair. You felt his chest vibrate as he hummed a lullaby for you, kissing the top of your hair. 
-Poor baby, I’ll take care of you, my pretty girl… 
He whispered between songs, all of that wasn't helping you at all to sleep. Your heart was beating so fast it felt impossible for him not to listen, your mind rushed with thoughts, and with the lack of sleep making you more sensible you didn't even notice once you started crying, feeling overwhelmed with emotions. It didn't take long for the older to realize, pulling away to look at you with concern, whipping your eyes. 
-What happened Y/n, why are crying? - he rushed, worried with you. 
-That’s too much hyuck, please don’t play with my feelings like that - your voice filled with hurt, too drunk on sleep to think straight about what you were saying - I know our relationship is platonic, but when you treat me like that it makes my heart flutter with hopes and I don’t like it, I don’t want to get delusional. 
It didn't take him too much to understand the situation, his confused face turning into a genuine smile when realizing that you felt the same, hugging you tightly before leaving a gentle peck on your lips, feeling you with confusion. 
-Princess, you have no idea how long I waited to hear that from you. I would never play with your feelings, everything I do is genuine when it comes to you. - he caressed your cheek with care, chuckling with your expression - I like you so much, I’m sorry it took me so long to say anything, I was so scared you would reject me, even when Jeno and Karina talked my ears off, I just couldn’t believe a girl like you would want me. 
You couldn’t hold your smile, hearing those words from him, realizing he felt the same as you, had the same worries as you, all you could do was hold his face and kiss him once more, this time longer and full of love, wanting him to feel all of that you couldn’t express with words. 
-I was so worried that  you would never look me that way, now I feel so silly too - you chuckled, giving him a peck once more - I’m so happy, hyuck 
-Me too, princess. I can’t believe a girl like you would feel that way for me, you’re everything I dreamed of. 
He whispered, holding you close as he gently rubbed your back, slowly putting you to sleep with a smile on your face. 
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jungshookz · 10 months
smitten: y/n (reluctantly) agrees to go to jimin's big halloween bash and she forgot how much she actually hated parties
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; smitten!miniseries!! bff!kook and smitten!y/n!! university!au!! honk honk humour!! the boohoo angsty wattpady fic of your dreams!! the pining and yearning is off the charts!! jimin’s still an asshole but what’s new!! 
➺ wordcount; 9.2k
➺ summary; putting on a smile while watching ji-eun cuddle up to jungkook is already hard enough, but when y/n is (reluctantly) invited to jimin’s massive halloween party, she can’t help but even more out of place. 
➺ what to expect; “you know, you’re my best friend and i wanna make sure that everything is… good between us.”
➺ currently playing on cee.fm; favourite crime [olivia rodrigo]
➺ smitten: part one [the almost confession]; part two [the incriminating note]; part three [the date]
»»————- 👻 ————-««
you’re pretty sure you’re in hell. 
you’re not sure what you did in your past life to have deserved this, but past-life y/n must’ve killed a baby or set an entire village on fire or something to that degree because you’re pretty sure that in this current timeline, you’re in hell 
you stay quiet as you munch on your (slightly soggy, unfortunately) sandwich, scrolling through your phone (but not really paying attention to your instagram feed because apparently you’re a glutton for punishment and you keep wanting to look up and just stare at jungkook and ji-eun in all their coupley glory) while your foot taps anxiously against the ground 
you know that if you say you can sit somewhere else to give the two of them some privacy that jungkook will insist that you stay, but you feel like the longer you sit here the faster the people around you will see that you’re just a big ol’ monster truck sized third wheel
you could lie and say that you have to go to the library to get some work done, but jungkook’s really good at knowing when you’re lying to him (apparently you have VERY obvious tells which you were very unaware of) so that’s not going to be a feasible plan either 
it’s just that being here is incredibly uncomfortable but it seems like the only option you have is to stay and sit through it — which, again, reiterates your point of you being pretty sure you’re being punished for something you did in your past life
“my handsome boy…” ji-eun giggles lightly, reaching over to adjust the collar of jungkook’s jacket before leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, “i like this jacket a lot.” 
“yeah?” he gives his girlfriend a boyish grin, looking down at his jacket before looking back up at her, “lucky for you, you can borrow it anytime you’d like-“ you glance up at them, the little voice in your brain stopping you from interrupting them to say that that is a nice jacket because you chose it for jungkook — and you feel like that comment could potentially lump you into the pick-me-girl-best-friend category which you’d very much like to avoid 
“borrow? no, i’m stealing it-“ 
“no way! i got this thrifted for, like, fifteen bucks, i’m not letting you steal it-“
“alright, then you better sleep with one eye open the next time i stay over at yours because this is a nice jacket-“ 
you can’t help but look over at the empty seat next to you on the bench as you let out a quiet sigh… you have never felt so horribly single in your entire life. 
and it doesn’t help that it’s cuffing szn this cuffing szn that all over your social media — your tiktok feed has not been very friendly to you as of late, the app flooded with countless videos of cute couples bundling up for the colder seasons
if anything you need to be cuffed to the wall before you go crazy and rip your eyelashes out from frustration 
unsurprisingly, jungkook and ji-eun are a couple now, but really, are you surprised? jungkook is great, ji-eun is great, they went on a great first date (thanks to you, let’s be honest) and all the dates after that went well too because it lead to jungkook asking ji-eun if she wanted to be exclusive with him 
you knew that things were going well when jungkook started hanging out with you less and less
and then when they officially got together, you didn’t think it could possibly get any worse but your already puny twice a week hangouts turned into two hours a week before he’d zip off to spend time with ji-eun
in fact, within the last two weeks, he’s only hung out with you once… which is fine, because you understand the honeymoon stage and you understand how giddy people can be when they get into a brand new relationship and just want to spend all their time with this new person 
you know for sure that if you were the one who’d gotten into a new relationship, you’d definitely want to spend as much time with your person because why wouldn’t you want to do that? you really can’t blame the guy 
you have other friends you can hang out with, but it’s just not as fun because even when you’re having a good time with them, your mind keeps wandering back to what jungkook is doing with ji-eun 
and of course, when jungkook mentioned to you over a quick lunch one afternoon that he was planning on asking ji-eun to make things official, it’s not like you could tell him that it was a horrible idea and that he shouldn’t be dating ji-eun without ruffling feathers and raising brows of suspicion 
the only person it would be a horrible idea for would be you, and you’re not enough of a dickhead to ruin a potentially good thing because of your own desires  
and obviously, she said yes because why wouldn’t she say yes?
you know, there really isn’t a way for you to talk about this situation without sounding like the most bitter person on the planet, so perhaps you should move on now  
“okay, i’m putting you two on drinks duty for the party!” jimin seems to appear out of thin air and you turn your head to look at him standing at the front of the table with an armful of flyers and the usual bossy, snarky persona that literally drains you every time you have an interaction with him, “unless you’re too busy making out to handle that.” 
“no, we can handle it-“ ji-eun rolls her eyes playfully, pulling away from jungkook before reaching over and plucking the list from jimin’s slim fingers, “jesus, jimin. twelve bottles of vodka??” 
“i’ll give you my credit card, just put all the charges on it-“ jimin shrugs, sliding in next to you before nudging you over a little, “this is going to be my greatest party yet. i’m charging $10 an admission and i’m renting out this huge house- i don’t think you can even comprehend how massive this party is going to be. it’s gonna be so much better than last year’s one.” 
“i remember hearing about your party last year!” you chime in, offering jimin a polite smile even though he’s not looking at you, “it sounded like it was super fun.” 
“so, you guys are on drinks, so that’s covered-“ jimin makes a tick on his clipboard before nodding to himself, “decor is covered, catering is covered, rent for the night is covered…” 
you poke your tongue against the inside of your cheek, slumping in your seat a little and resisting the urge to roll your eyes
you still have no clue what jimin’s problem is with you, but at this point you’ve gotten used to the way he acts like you literally do not exist at all 
you mentioned it to jungkook one time, wondering if maybe you were just looking too far into it and that there was nothing to take personally to which he responded with an enthusiastic nod and a “no, i also get the vibe that he doesn’t like you and i have no idea why… just let him be an ass if he wants to be one, don’t stoop to his level. life is too short to waste energy on weird people.” 
so if jimin wants to continue being an ass to you, you’re just gonna let it roll off you like water off a duck’s back 
“funny enough, y/n and i were gonna go to your party last year, but the kids in y/n’s building were trick or treating so we decided to stay home and watch horror movies and hand out candy instead-“ jungkook clears his throat, eyes flickering over to you for a brief second, “we also, like, decorated the doorway like it was a haunted apartment to freak the kids out. and y/n had this great idea to have a cauldron filled with warm spaghetti and she told the kids it was brain stew-“ 
“oh my god, i forgot about that-“ you snort, “i feel like we should’ve done, like, warm pudding instead or something, but the spaghetti kinda had the same effect and my kitchen smelled like an italian restaurant for two weeks after that-“ 
“let’s talk costumes!” jimin interrupts you, smacking his palm down on the table before pointing his pen at ji-eun and jungkook, “please don’t show up in anything tacky.” 
“we were thinking barbie and ken!” ji-eun grins, “not tacky, totally trendy — i know we probably won’t be the only barbie and kens in the room, but it’s just so trendy and i loved her pink sequinned cowboy outfit- or if that’s not available, i think the 80s skater costumes were a vibe-“ 
“i can’t whait to talk about horshes and capitahlism wiv a bunch of ovher kensj.” jungkook laughs lightly with a mouthful of sandwich, dabbing his mouth with his napkin before crumpling it up into a ball and tossing it at you
you scowl playfully when it bounces off your forehead and lands on the ground 
“you could go as allen, y/n. that’d be pretty funny.” jungkook swallows his bite, and you want to tell him that he doesn’t have to include you in every part of the conversation because you can practically see the pity for you radiating off of him in waves 
you know for a fact he feels bad that he’s not been able to hang out with you as much lately because every time you do hang out he always brings you a drink or a snack with sympathetic little puppy dog eyes
and every time you have lunch with him and ji-eun he’s always making an effort to include you in the conversation — especially when jimin is around because again, it’s pretty clear the guy doesn’t like you 
you and jungkook spent an entire afternoon trying to figure out why he didn’t like you so much, but you couldn’t come up with any conclusive results, so now whenever jimin is around, jungkook makes even more effort to include you in the conversation 
“allen was my favourite character, so that’s not even a bad idea.” you chirp, pulling out one of the flyers from jimin’s neat pile before looking at it for the details
“oh, right. yeah, you can come too, i guess.” jimin clears his throat quietly, taking the flyer back from you with a chuckle, “…you don’t seem like you’d have anything crazy going on on a friday night.”  
“i can come too? i thought that everyone was invited to this thing?” you raise an eyebrow, pointing to the little note on the flyer, “all it says is general admission.”
“…right.” jimin smiles sweetly at you, “and i suppose i’ll waive the fee for you since you’re… friends with jungkook.” 
“how sweet of you.” you respond curtly, offering a smile just as sweet before letting it drop as soon as he looks away
you are absolutely dreading having to go to this party. 
»»————- 👻 ————-««
“are you sure you don’t want us to come and pick you up? ji-eun has space in her car, you’d just have to sit in the back with all the drinks n stuff-“ 
“i’m good, jungkook, really-“ you mutter, pausing for a second to smudge out your lipstick before leaning back in your chair and turning side to side to look at your finished look 
not that this is jungkook’s fault, but the fact that the two of you really haven’t been hanging out as often gave you a lot of time to think about what you wanted to dress up as for jimin’s halloween costume, and after a solo spooky movie binge the other weekend, you decided that you wanted to dress up as emily from the corpse bride
sure, it’s been done so many times — but you love the movie and you love emily and you had so much time to get everything you needed for this costume so why not dress up as her?? 
you reach up to adjust your blue wig, tugging at it slightly to make sure it’s nice and secure 
“i’m just gonna uber there! plus, my place is kind of out of the way if you guys are already headed to jimin’s.” you clear your throat, “thank you for the offer though. make sure to let ji-eun know i really appreciate the gesture.” 
“okay, i will…” jungkook murmurs, and you can tell by the tone in his voice that he wants to say something but he’s holding himself back, “i guess i’ll see you at the party, then? we’ll probably be there in about forty minutes.” 
“yes, i’ll see you guys at the party.” you nod, wiping the leftover blue lipstick on your fingers on a tissue before reaching over to get ready to press the hangup button 
“y/n?” jungkook’s voice crackling out from your phone speaker makes you pause, and you pull your hand back 
“we’re- we’re good, right?” the question is somewhat of a surprise to you due to its weirdly serious, non-jungkook nature, your eyes flickering down to look at the contact photo you have set for your friend
he grins like a maniac at the camera, eyes wide and lit up with excitement at the cheesy corn dog he’s holding in front of him 
the corner of your mouth twitches in a fond smile at the memory of that day — jungkook was convinced he’d be able to eat three corn dogs in one sitting and the day ended with him basically destroying your toilet and then refusing to let you use it until the smell cleared out 
“what do you mean?” you clear your throat quietly, lips parting to say something else before you press them together and decide against it
“i mean- i know we haven’t been hanging out a lot lately so i just-“ jungkook coughs, “you know, you’re my best friend and i wanna make sure that everything is… good between us.” 
“i-“ you pause again, gaze averting to the side as you think about his comment 
if you’re being completely honest, you don’t think everything is good between the two of you — the first reason why being the fact that you are still completely and utterly head over heels in love with him, and the second reason being that he’s in a relationship with someone else and you’re really not sure how much more of this you can take before you go insane 
but this isn’t exactly something you can hash out over a crackly phone call, and you’re really not in the mood to potentially destroy two relationships at once 
you really don’t know what you’re going to do about this emotional mess, but what you do know is that you’re going to have to take it day by day until you’re eventually ready to face it head on — and tonight, your only job is to smile, enjoy being young, and have lots of fun at what you’re sure is going to be an amazing party despite it being hosted by someone who hates your guts for no reason 
“we’re- we’re good, kook.” you manage to push out, despite the words practically fighting their way out of your mouth, “you’re my best friend, too.” 
“okay. so i’ll see you soon?” 
“yea.” you look at yourself in the vanity mirror, wondering if the sadness in your eyes will make your costume that much more believable, “i’ll see you soon.” 
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
the six pack of lime seltzer water (you got the fancy kinds in glass bottles) clinks in their cardboard carrier as you walk on the sidewalk, blue heels clicking against the pavement as you follow the path leading up towards the house that-
“holy shit.” your jaw drops at the sheer size of this literal mansion — what looks to be an endless number of burgundy bricks separated by neat, thin layers of cement that are stacked on top of each other, two large, white columns that cast identical shadows on the curved sidewalk leading up to the large, black front door, and not to mention, the insane halloween decorations: huge spider webs stretched over the door and windows, fairy lights wrapped around the columns, a stack of pumpkins sitting by the front steps kardashian-style 
you don’t like jimin but you have to hand it to him, he sure can throw a party 
“s’cuse us, sorry!” a trio of girls dressed up as sluttier versions of the powerpuff girls brush past you, bubbles turning around to shoot you a grin, “love your costume, by the way!”
“oh, thank you!” your face immediately breaks into a wide grin, “you guys look great, too-“ 
the random compliment lifts your mood up slightly — you know you’re more than capable of making friends anywhere you go, so if jungkook is too busy mingling with the other couples, you know you’ll be fine 
and hopefully jimin will be too busy playing host to give you any attitude tonight 
you lift your dress up as you make your way up the steps, the corners of your mouth lifting in an excited smile when you see taehyung standing by the door greeting people and collecting their $10 by… having them tuck the bills into the waistband of his boxers
“magic mike?” you laugh, taehyung’s right eye dropping in a wink before thrusts his hips towards you 
“you know it, baby-“ he coos, reaching over to pinch the fabric of your dress to pull you towards him, your cheeks flushing when you stumble into his chest, “be nice to me and i’ll give you a lil lap dance in one of the private rooms-“ 
“taehyung, i swear to god, do not let any of those bills fall into your boxers because i’m not touching anything that touched your penis-“ jimin pops up behind taehyung dressed in a veryaccurate joker costume, his usual blonde hair dyed completely green for the look 
“hi, welcome to the party, $10 an admiss-“ the sweet smile immediately drops from his face when he realises it’s you, jimin leaning back slightly, “wow, corpse bride!” jimin nods, looking you up and down, “seems fitting.” he mutters under his breath, watching as taehyung tapes the neon orange bracelet around your wrist 
“nice to see you too, jimin.” you raise an eyebrow, lifting the six pack up with your other hand, “i didn’t want to come empty-handed, so i brought some drinks!”
“you brought six drinks for a house party? six sparkly waters, too… interesting.” jimin scoffs lightly, plucking the carrier from you before offering you a saccharine sweet smile, “how thoughtful of you. drinks are in the kitchen - first two shots are free, and then it’s $15 a shot after that. cocktails are $5 each, mocktails are $3- you seem like a shirley temple girl anyway- and all of it can be paid through venmo. the bartender will answer any other questions you have. bathrooms are upstairs, and the results to the costume competition will be announced at the end of the night. there are fifteen winners, and the votes are made by everyone here, so you might have a shot at winning something here.” jimin steps aside, gesturing towards the party, “have fun!”
“thank you, jimin.” you smile politely, stepping into the house and immediately rolling your eyes as soon as you turn away from him
so you weren’t able to completely avoid his dickheadedness, but hopefully that’ll be your only interaction with him tonight considering he’s probably going to be busy playing businessman all night 
$15 a shot is kind of insane, though 
you keep your phone pressed flush to your chest as you manoeuvre your way through the packed floor, the neon lights flashing and disco ball glimmering from above making it damn near impossible to navigate this place without bumping into backs and stepping on toes  
the DJ pumps his arm up into the air as he continues spinning his fingers against the discs, the crowd going wild as the song builds up to the chorus 
you can already tell that most of the people here are drunk (you can smell it, too) and you know, if you can’t beat ‘em, why not join them? 
you can find jungkook later, and alcohol is definitely going to make this night a little easier to handle 
“hi!” you smack your hands down on the marble countertop when you finally make your way to the bar, the vampire bartender turning to glance at you over his shoulder before tossing a cloth over his shoulder, “i want- something. shots, a drink, anything-“ your voice is already straining from the way you’re basically screaming over the music but this seems to be the proper way to communicate at a party like this 
“wait, y/n?” your eyes light up when you realise that it’s none other than namjoon in charge of the drinks (and you wonder if your friendship with him will mean he gives you more drinks without charging you for it) and you let out a gasp as you lean over the counter to grasp onto his wrist
“namjoon!” you grin, “oh my god, thank god, finally someone i know at this damn party. why didn’t you tell me you were going to be here??”
“why didn’t you tell me you were gonna be here?! i haven’t seen you at the library at all, otherwise i definitely would’ve talked to you about it- what can i get for you?” 
“top-shelf tequila, baby. i saw the list of brands that jimin bought - i want the most expensive one.” you raise an eyebrow, namjoon laughing to himself before nodding 
“alright, i gotcha- you need any chasers with that?” 
“you got cranberry juice?” 
“for you, i’ve got anything-“ namjoon smirks, holding a finger up to excuse himself  
it’s five seconds later that you’re presented with not one, not two, but three shots of tequila, namjoon winking at you as he slides the cranberry juice chasers over to you as well
“you better take these before jimin realises i’ve given you a freebie- i’m about to take a break here, someone else is gonna come in a sec to replace me- you wanna dance?” 
“um, of course i do!” you can’t help but squeal excitedly, “take one with me!” you push a shot glass towards him, namjoon shrugging before picking up the shot and downing it in less than two seconds
you take your second shot, eyes squinting as the burn of alcohol trickles down your throat 
you immediately shudder, reaching for the cranberry juice and tossing it down the hatch 
“oh, jesus-“ you hiss, shuddering against before sticking your tongue out in disgust, “god, that cranberry juice does not help whatsoever-!” you don’t get much of a chance to say anything else before namjoon has his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist, giggles bubbling out of your mouth as he drags you towards the crowded dance floor to join the rest of the drunken crowd 
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
okay, so maybe this party didn’t turn out to be as bad as you thought it was going to be! 
“that- oh my god-!” you throw your head back in laughter when namjoon pulls out the worst dance moves you’ve ever seen, your eyes pinching shut as you clutch at your stomach 
you’re not sure how much time has passed (to be fair, it’s gonna be hard to tell how much time has passed when you’re at a massive house party with flashing lights and nothing but the sound of speakers booming to guide you) but you know you’ve been having a lot more fun with namjoon than you’ve had with jungkook these last few weeks) ((in fact you’re having so much fun that you almost forgot you were supposed to be heartbroken that the love of your life is with someone else, but also, that could probably be the alcohol taking over)) 
you know at some point you’re going to have to go over and say hi to jungkook eventually because you don’t want him to think that you’re purposely ignoring him or something — after all, it’s not his fault that he likes ji-eun and it’s not something you can pin on him and grill him for — but for now, you’re going to dance a little more, sing a little more, and- 
“i gotta pee!” you gasp all of a sudden, realising that you haven’t peed once since coming here and there’s a lot of tequila sloshing around in your system
“what?” namjoon furrows his brows, reaching up to tap against his ear, “too loud, can’t hear you!” 
“i gotta go pee!” you repeat yourself, pointing towards the staircase leading upstairs, “’m gonna go pee n then ‘m gonna come right back-“ 
“oh, pee?” namjoon nods, finally catching your words before stepping aside a little, “okay, i’ll be right here!” 
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
the silence of the bathroom is more than welcome as soon as you step in and flick the lights on, not at all surprised to see a pair of elegant looking wall sconces lighting up the space 
you squint your eyes as you lean into the mirror, double checking that your makeup is still somewhat intact and you don’t look insane 
“hm. not bad.” you mutter to yourself, turning your head from side to side before nodding, reaching down to pull the endless amounts of tulle up so you can hopefully not piss all over yourself in your tipsy state 
you set the lid down as the toilet flushes, turning the tap on and rinsing your hands underneath the cool water 
“oh, damn-“ you wince when you realise you’re washing some of the blue body paint away and you quickly turn the tap off, shaking the water off your hands before reaching for a neatly folded cotton towelette of course, because regular paper towels aren’t fancy enough for a park jimin party 
you give yourself one last glance in the mirror (you could use a little more lipstick but it’s dark down there so no one’s going to be able to tell anyway) before flicking the lights off 
“oops! i’m sorry-“ you apologise instinctively when you open the door and stumble right into someone, taking a few steps back before looking up to see that it’s jimin, “oh, hey…” you clear your throat quietly, standing up a little straighter before offering him a meek smile 
you always feel like you’re in trouble when you’re around jimin and it’s the worst feeling in the world 
like he’s the principal and you just got caught cheating on a test and he’s about to call home to tell your parents as punishment 
or he’s an officer and he’s about to test you with the breathalyser and you know you’re going to fail because you definitely can’t walk in a straight line right now 
“why am i not surprised that you clearly don’t know how to handle alcohol?” jimin snorts, holding his hands out in case you fall over, “you better not throw up all over me, this suit is custom made-“
“i wasn’t throwing up in the bathroom, i just went in there to pee-“ you roll your eyes, placing both hands on your hips before shaking your head, “you are ridiculous, you know that? even if i was throwing up in your stupid fancy toilets, the normal thing to do would be to ask if me i was okay and if i needed some water! you- you are just so self-centred and just-“
“yeah, uh-huh-“ jimin reaches up to pat the side of your face with a smile, “by the way, if you were looking for jungkook, he’s at the VIP booth with ji-eun and the rest of us.”
“oh, perfect!” you nod, thankful for the information, “i’ll pop over and say hi in a bit, i think it’d be good to sit down too because my heels are kind of killing me and i wouldn’t be surprised if i had, like, a million blisters right now-“ 
“woah, i never said you were allowed to be in the booth with us.” jimin scoffs, pressing a hand against your shoulder to keep you from moving, “silly girl.” 
your lips part slightly as you look at him, and for a moment the only thing that can be heard is the faint boom and bass of the music playing from downstairs 
“are you… serious?” you ask, unsure if jimin’s joking with you or not
the bored expression on his face tells you that he is indeed, super serious 
all of this just feels so incredibly cliquey and immature and stupid and you know that you’re supposed to be the bigger person because jimin clearly won’t be and you like to think that you’re ten times more emotionally mature than him but he’s making it harder and harder for you to not want to shred up his nice suit with a pair of scissors and cuss him out in front of everyone 
“i’m dead serious. i’m just telling you this so that you don’t embarrass yourself when your drunk ass stumbles over and tries to join us.” jimin says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world, “enjoy the rest of the party, sweetheart.” he brushes past you to head into the washroom and-
“you’re a fucking dickhead, you know that?” you snap, jimin stopping in his tracks before turning his head slightly so you can just make out the side of his face, “i think i’ve been nothing but nice to you ever since i met you, and to be honest, i can’t even think of one reason why you are constantly so fucking rude and overall just unpleasant to me. i don’t say anything when you purposely cut me out of the conversation, i don’t nag when you ignore my questions and comments but respond to everyone else’s, and most importantly, i’ve never called you out for being a jackass when i think i’ve had every chance and opportunity to. if you have a problem with me, then just say so so that we can hash this stupid weird rivalry out and just get along. your best friend and my best friend are in a relationship, and i think it’s in everyone’s best interest that we at least try to get along-“
“oh, shut the fuck up, y/n.” jimin scoffs, turning around to face you, “you know, you always act like you’re better than everyone else, that’s why i don’t like you.”
you feel your shoulders stiffen at the comment before you shrug, crossing your arms over your chest, “well, i’m sorry if i’ve given you that impression but that’s not my intention, i don’t think i’m better than you, i don’t think i’m better than everyone else, and i can’t control how you feel about me but-“ 
“oh my god, even when you’re confronting me about being a dickhead to you you’re still being a sensible goddamn person, it’s like you’re purposely trying to piss me off-“ 
“okay, well, i’m not going to apologise to you for literally being myself because there’s nothing i can do about it. this is a you problem, not a me problem, so if you insist on being such an unreasonable drama queen for however long we’re going to have to spend time together, then i think the solution here is just for you to ignore me — which, you’re already doing a stellar job of, congratulations — and in return, i’ll happily ignore you.”
“i hate when people aren’t themselves. i pick up on that shit right away, and i gotta tell you, y/n, you might be the fakest person of them all.”
“what the hell are you talking about?” 
“i think we both know you’re hiding something from all of us. i think you’re hiding something from yourself, too. i think you’re lying to yourself.” 
there’s a pregnant pause in the conversation and for a second you want to ask him what exactly he’s implying here, but… 
“alright, jimin, well-“ you turn around to head towards the stairs, “you’re fuckin’ being weird, and i’m just trying to have a good time, so i’m just gonna go back down-“ 
“yeah, have a wonderful rest of your evening, corpse bride-“ 
you resist the very strong urge to whip around and literally just strangle the man, but you remind yourself that before you had this little interaction you were actually having a very good time 
“y/n!” jungkook stands at the bottom of the staircase as you make your way down, being careful not to trip over your heels, “hi!” 
“jungkook! oh, there you are- i was wondering where you were-“ you loop an arm with his as you drag him through the hoards of people and towards the bar (you really need a drink and it looks like namjoon is back on the clock)
“there you are!” he laughs lightly, reaching over to tap your hand gently, “i’ve been texting you all night trying to figure out where you were but- is your phone on do not disturb or something?“
“no, it’s not! i’m sorry, i should’ve checked my phone-“ you smile sheepishly, “i’ve been dancing with namjoon this whole time but- where are you guys sitting?”
“i don’t know, some area that jimin squared off for us and a few others- ji-eun’s been asking about you, she wanted to say hi-“ 
“oh! oh my god, yeah, i should probably go say hi to ji-eun-“ you gesture for namjoon to get you some water and he nods, grabbing a cup and filling it up for you, :your ken costume turned out great, by the way-“ you laugh, patting jungkook’s bare chest, “it’s, uh- it’s really giving horses and the patriarchy.”
“thank you, thank you- and your costume turned out so cool too, we should watch corpse bride again when we eventually have another movie night-“ 
“sure! sure, for sure.” you clear your throat quietly, a moment of awkward silence settling in between the two of you 
your friendship feels so… different now 
like there’s this unspoken air of something in between you and jungkook like an invisible brick wall 
and maybe it’s the liquid courage currently sloshing around in your body and the leftover exhilaration from finally calling jimin out on his bullshit, but now you have the urge to talk to jungkook about the weird tension 
“hey, kook, listen-“ you reach up to scratch the back of your neck, “there’s something i’ve been meaning to tell you but i’ve definitely been putting off for a while…” 
all of a sudden, a drum roll begins to boom from the speakers, the spotlights darting around the crowd before shining towards the main stage at the front of the room, whoops and cheers bouncing off the walls as jimin waltzes his way towards the microphone, a cocky smirk on his face as he raises his hand to get people to quiet down 
“oh, shit, the costume competition results!!” jungkook nudges your side as the two of you turn to face the front, “we can talk about it later, i wanna see who won what- i voted myself for best ken costume, so-“ 
you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding and you nod, thankful for the interruption 
maybe it’s a good thing you were interrupted 
telling him in the middle of a party probably wasn’t the best idea, anyway
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
once again, you really have to hand in to jimin 
the man truly knows how to throw a party, because it seems like just about everyone is having the time of their lives — and this costume competition just made things so much more fun
there are definitely a lot of good costumes here tonight and jimin decided to change it up with twenty-five different categories to go through so he’s kind of speed running through the names 
most scary costume, most realistic costume, most well-made costume: he’s got a lot of categories to get through 
you keep a content smile on your face as the costume contest continues to go on, enjoying jimin’s commentary to the point that you nearly forget that the two of you hate each other and he totally just disrespected you like he’s never disrespected you before twenty minutes ago 
“i wonder how that guy made it look like his head was floating… that shit was so cool.” jungkook claps his hands along with the crowd and you nod enthusiastically
“i know, right?! i’m sure he probably took it off tiktok or something - we can definitely look it up after the party and maybe we can try to recreate-“ you stop yourself mid-sentence, suddenly remembering that you guys haven’t exactly been the closest as of late so it feels weird to be offering to do something together, “um-“ you clear your throat, offering a half-hearted shrug, “yeah, we can, like, look it up later or something. maybe you and ji-eun can figure it out and let me know.” 
“yeah! or- you know, you and me-“ jungkook licks over his chapped lips, “like- you know, like- old times or whatever-“
“yeah, yeah- maybe! maybe-“ 
“now, before i announce this special category, i have something to read because-“ jimin sucks in a breath through his teeth before cocking his head to the side, “well, let’s just say it’s some context for the best simp costume of the night.”
you can’t help but frown at the strange category — out of all the halloween costume competitions you’ve been to, “best simp” has certainly never been one that you’ve seen before 
“just wanna remind everyone that this is just a costume competition, everything is based off the costume you’re wearing.” jimin adds, taking a slip of paper out of his back pocket before unfolding it with nimble fingers, “so, uh- you know. don’t take anything seriously, you know? just gotta loosen up and have fun.” 
your brows dip slightly at the weird disclaimer 
something about this doesn’t feel right.  
“dear j, this is something that i’ve wanted to tell you for a while but have never had the courage to until now. throughout our entire friendship, you’ve been so kind and loyal and honest with me, and i think that you deserve the same, so this is me being honest with you.” jimin speaks into the microphone, reading the words off the slip of paper with a tone of amusement laced in his powder-soft voice, “to be honest, i’ve liked you for nearly a year now, and i’ve tried so many times to push those feelings down but it’s clear that my feelings aren’t going anywhere anytime soon…” he recites, a smirk twitching at the corner of his mouth as he puts the piece of paper down, “any thoughts on who the winner could be? or should i keep going?” 
your eyelids flutter slightly at the weird change in mood of the lines and a strange feeling of familiarity of those words
“me at that one hot english professor.” a voice pipes out from the crowd and that gets a round of laughter 
you laugh along politely, but you can’t help but feel as though something is off 
something is off
something is very, very off
“i cherish you as a friend and the last thing i want to do is to make things weird, so… you don’t have to worry about my feelings, you know?” 
oh my god. 
you feel the blood immediately drain from your face when you finally realize why these lines are so familiar — it’s because they’re from the note you wrote for jungkook when you were going to tell him you liked him. 
your brain begins to work overtime to figure out how the hell jimin got his hands on that note and why the hell he’d think it’d be okay to read it aloud to this massive group of people and what the hell he’s even doing right now  
“what i’m trying to say is that i like you, j. i like you so much that i don’t know where to even put my feelings, and i’m sick of holding my feelings back and pretending that i’m fine with being just your friend.” 
you know that jimin’s never really been a fan of you, but even this seems like too much of a dickhead move even for him 
you pluck at the cuff of your sleeve anxiously, tracing your steps all the way back to the day you were going to tell jungkook about your feelings for him and the note that you’d accidentally given him that you were hoping was rotting away somewhere in a dump yard but clearly isn’t 
jungkook said he’d given ji-eun the note to spit her gum out into 
but what if she uncrumpled the paper and saw the note?
and what if jimin was there when she uncrumpled the note? 
and then they read it together and ji-eun mentioned that you were reciting this aloud in the bathroom and-
your heart starts to race in your chest and you feel the hairs prickle on your arms as anxiety begins to bubble in your stomach, and you know that no one’s looking at you but you feel like everyone’s looking at you 
you feel sick
you feel like you’re going to throw up and explode at the same time 
“how could you like someone for a year and not tell ‘em?” jungkook snorts, nudging you with his elbow, “who do you think the poor sucker is who said that?” 
“beats me.” you breathe out, feeling yourself shrink slightly when you notice jimin starting to scan the audience, clearly laser-focused on finding you, “i have to- um, i think i need some fresh air, it’s a little warm in here-“ 
“oh- okay-“ jungkook doesn’t get the chance to say much else before you’re turning around, pushing yourself through the crowd of people and trying your best to stay calm 
just breathe
in and out
in and out 
in and out in and out in and out oh my god HURRY UP MOVE MOVE MOVE-
you’re sure that no one will notice if you slink out through the back
and you can always text namjoon later and say that it was great spending time with him but you had a personal emergency and needed to leave the party earlier 
and if jimin decides to expose you, at least you’ll be gone and out of this house and nowhere near any of these people and you don’t have to look at their stupid sympathetic faces and you don’t have to deal with- 
“and the best simp of the night goes to our lovely corpse bride.” 
you freeze when the spotlight lands on you, your heart going a hundred miles a minute as it starts to beat harder and faster in your chest 
you only manage to turn your head weakly to glance over your right shoulder, catching jimin in your peripheral view before you’re slowly twisting around to face him, feet glued to the ground 
“why don’t you come up here and accept your sash, corpse bride?” jimin smirks, plucking the satin sash from (a shocked looking) taehyung’s arms before raising it up in the air slightly, “congratulations on winning, you get two free drinks from the bar. one for you and one for… well, probably also you. get on up here and claim your coupons!” 
you feel your face burning bright red in humiliation and you’re unable to tear your eyes away from jimin, your hands clenched into tight fists at your sides
this is a nightmare
this is actually a nightmare 
this is traumatising in so many ways 
the music seems to quiet down, a loud silence washing over the room as people look at you with expressions of confusion on their faces, everyone clearly a little thrown off at the weird category 
eyes, there are just a million pairs of eyes on you and you feel like you can’t move or breathe or even do anything but stand still in shock
it’s only then that you notice the calculating look on jungkook’s face, his eyelids fluttering slightly before his eyes widen and his head snaps up and over to look at you
his lips part slightly as his eyes dart over the features of your face and you feel your entire body flushing in humiliation and shame, forcing your eyes away from your friend and back to the dickhead on the stage 
“you are really something else, park jimin.” you manage to mutter out before turning on your heel and pushing your way through the crowd, people stepping aside to let you out 
“aw, where are you going? you had a great costume, that’s all we were trying to say!” jimin laughs, actually laughs into the microphone before shrugging, tossing the sash over his shoulder before moving on, “alright, well, more drinks for me, i guess. the next category is best couple’s costume-“ 
“y/n- y/n, wait!” jungkook’s voice is the one thing you hear among the music and bustle of the crowd but he’s the last person you want to talk to right now so you pick up your pace upon spotting the front door 
tears blur your vision as you finally burst out into the open air, your chin trembling as you try your best to keep your composure and not completely burst into tears
“oh my god, oh my fucking god-“ you whimper, sucking in large breaths of air 
run, run, run, the only instinct you have is to run, and you reach down to yank both heels off before taking off into a sprint, the grass slightly damp beneath your bare feet 
it feels very cliché to be running out of a mansion in a big poofy dress, but you can’t even take the moment to laugh at yourself because the only thing you can focus on is the fact that everything has changed completely and you’re forced to face reality a lot sooner than you would’ve liked 
“y/n, come on!” you turn to glance over your shoulder to see jungkook hot on your trail, “you can’t just run away from a discussion you don’t want to have, we need to talk because we both know that things have been off since i started dating ji-eun and now-“ 
“okay, well, now you know, then!” your chest heaves as you come to a stop to catch your breath (you have no idea why you thought running would be a good idea, you get winded after thirty seconds on the treadmill), spinning around to face your friend who skids to a stop, tripping over his feet a little before standing up straight, “the secret’s out, jungkook. we finally solved the puzzle. i love you. i’ve loved you for so long that i don’t even remember when i started feeling this way, but all i know is i love you. you’re the first person i think of when i wake up and you’re the last person i think about before i fall asleep. i would literally drop everything i was doing if you needed me, and you’re the only person i want to spend my free time with.” all the words that you’ve been holding in for the last who knows how long finally spill out, your mouth running uncontrollably, “i love you so much that i helped you set up your date with ji-eun, i love you so much that i’m willing to run in the rain just to get you a teddy bear and a bouquet that’s not even going to me, jungkook, i-“ you blubber, reaching up to wipe at your eyes, “i don’t know what to do. there is no one else in the world i’d rather be with than you, jungkook, and i- to be honest, maybe it’s a good thing that jimin did what he did because you do deserve to know the truth and you do deserve to know how i really feel about you. if this didn’t happen i think i’d just keep it to myself for the rest of my life, but you deserve to know this. i love you, jungkook. i love you and i don’t know if i can keep being friends with you if you’re dating someone else because it’s actually killing me on the inside-“ 
“i love you, y/n,” jungkook breathes out, and you feel yourself letting out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding
for the first time in a long time, you feel relieved, like a massive weight’s just been lifted off your shoulders 
you feel your heart soar in your chest, and suddenly it’s like all the humiliation and shame has completely washed away, and suddenly you have the feeling to run back into the house to thank jimin for doing this because you know you wouldn’t have said anything if it weren’t for this slightly traumatising experience 
“i love you, i do, but… not in that way.” his shoulders droop slightly and you feel your heart beginning to crackle like a delicate glass sculpture, each splinter creating more damage than the last, “i love you like you’re the first person i call when i get good news because i know you’ll be proud of me, or when i get bad news because i know you’ll be there to comfort me. i love you, like i envision you standing next to me at my wedding fixing my tie or calming me down when whoever i end up marrying is walking down the aisle. i love you like you’ll be fun auntie y/n who spoils my kids with shopping sprees at the mall and who allows them an extra scoop of ice cream after dinner. i love you because you make me a better person, i love you because you encourage me to be the best version of myself i can possibly be. i love you because you remind me to be smart and kind and humble and honest and i trust you to be the one to put me in my place if i ever need it but i-“
“stop.” you feel nauseated hearing all of these words coming out of his mouth, telling you that he loves you because and he loves you because but not just i love you too. “just stop, jungkook.” you know that you can’t control someone else’s feelings but you can control your own reactions, and if jungkook would’ve kept rattling on you don’t know what you would’ve said but you know you probably would’ve lashed out at him 
and it’s good that you finally got your answer, right? he loves you, but not in that way — not in the way that you love him 
“y/n, please-“ jungkook whispers, reaching out for you, his eyebrows scrunching together when you take a small step back, wrapping your arms around yourself, “please, i can’t lose you as a friend, you mean so much to me-“ 
“i need some time.” you manage to force out, the sickening feeling of humiliation and shame and embarrassment and disappointment and frustration and anger swirling around in your stomach, “i just need some time.”
“how much time?” 
“you should probably go back to the party.” you clear your throat quietly, offering your friend a weak smile, “i heard you and ji-eun were up for best couple’s costume. not saying that jimin rigged the system or anything, but-“ 
“y/n, how much time?” jungkook’s looking at you with sad puppy-dog eyes, and though it breaks your heart to see him like that, you need to put yourself first for once 
every instinct inside of you screams to console jungkook, to reassure him and let him now that you’ll still be around but you just need some space from him and the whole situation 
your eyes begin to water again as you press your lips together, shaking your head quietly, “i’m gonna go see if i can catch the bus home.” 
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
(- “the FUCK is wrong with you, huh?!” jungkook barks, slamming jimin up against the wall before grabbing two fistfuls of his shirt, “you sadistic fuck, who in their right mind would ever fucking do that to another human being?!” 
“i’m the sadistic one?” jimin laughs, reaching up to wrap his fingers around jungkook’s wrists, “are you fucking serious? you’re the one whose been dangling yourself in front of y/n like a damn carrot to a starved rabbit-“ 
“what are you talking about?”
“you can’t stand here and honestly say that you didn’t have an inkling that y/n liked you more than a friend. i’ve seen the way you talk to her, i’ve seen the way you look at her, i’ve seen the way you are around her- you think i’m the evil one? at least i don’t take advantage of my friends who are CLEARLY head over heels in love with me and would obviously do anything i wanted them to do and ask them to help me set up a date that i’m taking someone else out on-“ 
“get a fucking life and mind your own damn business for once, you motherf-“) 
🎙️ console y/n or call out jimin because what the hell was that?! (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (go say hi to yoongi and y/n in la vie en bonsai!) 
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!) 
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onlyangel4 · 1 month
the very first night. dr3. smau.
newly weds!daniel ricciardo x reader
after getting married daniel and reader take a trip down memory lane on their social media reminiscing about when first started dating
author's note: the maths doesn't exactly add up with where daniel was racing at what time please ignore that, this is just a fictional piece of writing
faceclaim: melissa roxburgh
part two
taylor swift series masterlist.
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: we are incredibly hungover post wedding day but i had an idea and i was wondering if you guys would like to see some unseen moments from when me and danny first met and started dating
user1 replied to your story: yes please !
user2 replied to your story: i would like nothing more
user3 replied to your story: oh my god this would be perfect
user4 replied to your story: yes please mother
this story has 128 replies
y/ninsta posted a story tagging danielricciardo
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written: since that was an outstanding yes, i have managed to rope my husband (can't believe i'm saying that) into posting somethings as well
y/ninsta posted a story tagging y/bff
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written: many of you know that danny and i met in 2014 at the british grand prix, my best friend is british actress y/bff and she was invited to redbull hospitality. i still have this picture of baby us from that day.
danielricciardo posted two stories
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story one written: since my wife has decided to take a trip down memory lane here is a picture of me from the day that we met
story two written: this man is technically who introduced me to my wife. seb and i were walking down the paddock when y/n accidentally walked straight into seb and fell on the floor, i helped her up and then we just started talking and we hit it of. we exchanged numbers and continued texting and calling every day.
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: due to my busy acting schedule in the usa and danny's constant travelling we did not actually meet in person again until six months later at the american grand prix. danny had invited me there and then after the race he asked me on our first date. this is what i wore to the grand prix, i remember trying on my entire closet before deciding on this.
danielricciardo posted two stories
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story one written: and this is what i wore to our first date
story two written: and this is the first picture i ever took of my now wife, i sent this to my best mate and told him that i was going to marry this girl someday
y/insta posted a story
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written: those of you that were about way back then will remember that we actually managed to keep our relationship secret for two whole years. that was until tmz began consistently photographing me leaving daniel's hotel room on race weekends
danielricciardo posted two stories
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story one written: so sky sports hard launched us (before that was even a thing) with a set of photographs that made it look like i was fucking my wife's brother and not y/n
story two written: seriously what the hell were we thinking y/n looks like our third wheel
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: after the shit show of an initial hard launch i dragged danny to a film premiere and then everyone believed that we were dating and not that he was shacking up with my brother
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: now this image has never been seen by the public before. this is from the day abigail was born five years into our relationship. this picture still makes me cry to this day.
danielricciardo posted a story
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written: this was the first time abi joined me in the paddock, she hated it, y/n had to take her back to the hotel
y/insta posted a story
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written: this is still my favourite picture of daniel and a three year old abi
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: we haven't ever told our engagment story because it is not very exciting but we were on a family holiday in spain and danny made abi run over to me saying "mommy mommy come quick" and the bam i found danny halfway down the beach on one knee
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, maxverstappen and 1,234,532 others
tagged: danielricciardo
y/ninsta: that is enough reminiscing for one day. i just got the first pictures back from the best day of my life
view all 38,726 comments
danielricciardo: i can't believe after ten years you are now my wife
y/ninsta: me too husband
landonorris: that was the best wedding ever
y/ninsta: we ricciardo's sure do know how to party
maxverstappen: p had the best time with abi
y/ninsta: them dancing together was the cutest thing
charlesleclerc: that picture of abi looking at your dress is so sweet
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
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srjlvr · 10 months
꒦꒷ enhypen ! enhypen’s ships with you as enhypen’s 8th member !
idol-ot7!enhypen X 8th enha member!FemReader … full fluff … no warnings<3 || not proofread !! || note. i have no idea what this is im so disappointed in this but pls dont kill me
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ε ї з — heeseung
heey/n the whole way!! fans started shipping the both of you ever since the first episode of I-LAND, and they swear they’ve never seen such good chemistry between two idols.
fans are CONVINCED you both are dating and honestly? both of you are not helping them relax!
with the amount of flirtings the both of you exchange in front of cameras is enough for fans to go crazy!
on the first episode of I-LAND fans could swear they saw heart eyes when they witnessed your and heeseung’s first time meeting each other.
the fact that you debuted in enhypen only helped the fans ship the both of you more, and let’s be honest you even act like a couple so fans are getting good reasonable reasons for your ship.
“you look so pretty today, y/n”
it was fan meeting day today and all fans were watching you and taking pictures, heeseung thought it was a good idea to come and give you and back hug.
“thank you, hee” you smiled and turned around to hug him. fans cheered and took as much as pictures as they could.
heey/n4life: “DID YOU SEE THE WAY HE HUGGED HER?? AND HIS LOOK TOWARDS HER?? i’m on the verge of fainting someone send help”
enhaloverforever: “heey/n is selling i want all to witness this *the video of you and heeseung hugging*”
iluvenha: “heey/n is that kind of relationship that i want”
ε ї з — jay
when you and jay first made some food to all I-LANDERS, fans started to notice you and jay more than before.
jongy/n became trendy in a blink, and fans kept waiting for more content every week.
your kind of ship is more like a parents ship, you’re definitely the parents of enhypen members, even when heeseung is the oldest.
the way you’re taking care of everyone and making food for everyone just makes the fans sob over the fact that the both of you are just cuties together.
when it was jay’s sunoo’s and jungwon’s graduation, you decided to make them some food, and jay joined you as soon as he noticed you. you’re just like that, inseparable.
even the members mentioned that a lot of times, you and jay are definitely something else when it comes to taking care of your members and feeding them well, only when you’re doing it together.
“what are we making today?” you asked jay, slapping your hands on the counter next to jay.
“some pasta and steaks for the eaters” jay smiled, “and some for the camera staffs too, so we have to make a lot”
as soon as the food was finished, you and jay started to serve everyone their food together.
jongy/n: “i want jay and y/n to cook me more than gordon ramsay😻”
enenenhypen: “if they ever open a restaurant i called dibs first!”
jjong: “look at how jongy/n is taking care of their members☹️ they’re so cute together *video of you and jay cooking together*”
ε ї з — jake
so we all like know how jake is taking a good care of ni-ki like he’s his older brother right? so double it!
fans started shipping you with jake as soon as they noticed that the three of you literally go everywhere together.
they call ni-ki the third wheel, it seems like you and jake are too busy flirting around to notice ni-ki’s mischievousness. you’re like the couples that takes care of the third wheel and spoiling them as much as they want.
besides hanging out with ni-ki together, you and jake always seem to walk around while holding your hands. at first it was really hard for fans to notice the both of you, because both of you were too shy to communicate, but as soon as you opened up, it was more visible to fans.
wether it’s holding hands together or even casually matching outfits, fans would go excited whenever they get a content of you two.
jaey/nlvr: “THEY MATCHED AGAIN TODAY!! their outfits are so cute do you think jay helped them with that😭”
jakieandy/nie: “a collection of photos of ni-ki third wheeling and rolling his eyes whenever he’s with jake and y/n😻‼️ *attachments of photos*”
iluvluvluvenha: “i want someone to hold my hand in public like jake and y/n pls😞”
ε ї з — sunghoon
your first meeting with sunghoon convinced EVERYONE that you’re THE perfect match so it was no wonder when fans started calling you and sunghoon ice prince and princess!!
from being super anxious around each other to going to ice skate together, fans witnessed EVERYTHING and got obsessed over anything both of you would do.
you’re a sucker for ice skating and know some exercises and fans know that too, but you still asked sunghoon to teach you, later on admitting that you just wanted to spend some time with him and get closer to him. the fans went indeed feral.
the ice prince and princess title belongs to you and sunghoon period and your fans will make sure everyone knows that.
“hold my hand and be careful, i’m here with you” sunghoon smiled at you while holding your hand tightly.
you wanted to joke around a bit so you pushed him down, making him fall.
he glared at you, but started laughing as soon as he saw you laughing, “next time don’t do it though or i’ll make you fall even harder”
y/nhoonmyloves: “okay but did you see the way sunghoon looked at her when he directed her? i would’ve fainted if i were her😫”
enhypenpen: “our ice prince and princess strikes again with some now ice skating content!! *photos of you and sunghoon skating* i missed watching our royalties skating together!!☹️”
ineedmorey/nhoon: “does anyone else just go back to that I-LAND episode where y/n and sunghoon went to skate together or is it just me? they looked like those cute couples that you see in ice rinks”
ε ї з — sunoo
i’m sorry to break it to you but you and sunoo are basically bestie and fans know that damn well.
you + sunoo = world domination! fans love love LOVE your friendship all the way from the first episodes of I-LAND.
they always say how your vibe matches his vibes so much!! some even see the both of you dating each other because you’re literally perfect for each other, like the other’s lost puzzle piece.
you won’t stop talking about each other, going around to places together A LOT, even skin caring together. your love for sunoo is very visible and you’re not even trying to hide it, same for him.
you’re his partner in crime and he’s yours, no one can take you away from him and it’s the same the other way.
“i’m gonna grab some coffee sunoo come with me” you got up from your seat and called sunoo.
all eight of you were sitting together when you suddenly decided you want some coffee. “it’s like a minute walk away can’t you just go there alo-“
“no riki! i need sunoo”
suny/n: “y/n and sunoo has that kind of friendship that everyone wants but never gets😭 suny/n teach me your secrets!!”
givenhypen: “i wouldn’t be surprised if sunoo and y/n would end up dating i’m ngl! look at how they always look at each other i’m so jealous”
ddeonuddeonu: “they’re the cutest! *photos of you and sunoo hanging out together* they probably sneaked out to hang out alone without any other member😫”
ε ї з — jungwon
oh it’s definitely the responsible siblings type of relationship. both of you are the official therapists of enhypen, and you’re each other’s best therapists too.
jungwon, being dealt with lots of worries, always came up to you to get advice, and you did the same. people who watched I-LAND and your conversations, found it so comforting and beautiful.
jungwon has mentioned you as someone he relies on so much and you did the same. fans ships you as the healing couple, you’re jungwon’s healing and he’s yours, and there’s something so special about it.
you and jungwon basically know everything about the other, that’s why you feel more attached to him more than others, and the fans noticed it right away.
they can’t explain it, but you’re in someway jungwon’s guardian angel, and he’s yours.
“how are you today?” you asked jungwon as you hugged him tightly
jungwon hugged you back, “i’m okay, thank you for listening to me even though we stayed awake until like 5 AM”
“EXCUSE ME?? 5 AM??” ni-ki asked and the both of you shushed him.
istany/nwon: “they’re so precious together it makes me cry😭 i want y/nwon as my therapists right now!!”
srjlvr: “im so jealous i need people like them in my life😭 i envy enhypen members so bad rn😞”
engeneforlife: “i’m just replying y/nwon’s therapy times and i love it!! y/n and jungwon are just so perfect for each other”
ε ї з — ni-ki
you have adopted ni-ki as your younger brother as soon as you first saw him in I-LAND and you didn’t even try to hide it.
fans started notice how childish you’d be around him, and when you were asked about it you said it’s because you want ni-ki to still live his teen years in the best way he could.
after making your fans sob over the fact that you’re so cute, they paid more attention over you and ni-ki. they found itself the most adorable friendship they ever saw.
ni-ki looks up to you so much, and takes so much after you. he always searches for you and takes care of you whenever he can. you do so too, playing around with him and teasing the other members all the time, going to do some mischievous plans and pissing them off together is never failing to make the fans and you laugh.
you always ask ni-ki for dance tips and he’s always happily helps you out because he enjoys his time with you.
“who took my phone away!”
it’s the third time jake shouted that question. you and ni-ki tried your best not to laugh as you know where it’s been hidden.
“hey why’s there a phone in the refrigerator?” sunghoon suddenly asked.
y/niki: “i bet hiding jake’s phone was y/n’s idea this time😭😭 she’s getting worse lately but it’s really worth it after seeing ni-ki laughing so hardly”
enhaenhaenhypen: “y/n and ni-ki are like my little siblings, always annoying but so adorable that you cant even get mad at them😫”
rikissquid: “having y/n and ni-ki together is like asking for a death wish but it’s so funny pls”
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PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts @filmofhybe @wonbinsnovia @daegutowns @aurumiee @soobywon @dhriti-stories @ariadores @firstclassjaylee @watamotee33 (bold means cannot be tagged)
••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 8 months
Ask me Anything...
Today seems just like any other boring day, slaving away in the office, but something different is about to happen. The steady hum of fluorescent lights is broken by the squeaky sound of wheels rolling up behind you. Someone is visiting your cubicle...
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"Dude, you ok?" you ask, startled by the sorry state of your coworker.
His name is John. He started working here a month before you did, but he's always labeled you as "the new guy." He's really annoying about it, but you've never complained. It's hard to get mad when you've got a crush on him. It just sucks that he's straight and always teasing you in front of the boss
"Seriously, John," you wave a hand in front of his unresponsive face, "Are you alive? You're drooling all over your shirt!"
His blank expression is unsettling, but seeing him slumped over in his seat like a lifeless sex doll is turning you on. You can't help but stare at the parted lips or the limp body. With a shudder of excitement, you notice the outline of his thick package as his slacks ride up his waist.
His prolonged silence is making you more nervous, "John? I'm starting to get worried..."
Suddenly his head jerks up! His glassy eyes stare blankly in your direction as his lips mechanically form the words, "Do not worry about this man's health. Your colleague will be returned to normal with no memory of this."
His robotic response only puts you more on edge, "John, why are you talking in the third-person?"
Before you get an answer, the man springs out of his chair and drops to the floor, sitting on his knees in front of you without a thought in his head. This can't be the John you know!
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Everything about this feels unnatural and wrong. His words sound rehearsed, like they're coming from a machine in his throat. His movements are limp and uncoordinated, like they're being pulled by invisible strings. Someone has taken over your coworker!
"This body is being used as a messenger," he explains from his knees, "He is being used to announce that the Bluecollarmcandtf is now open for Asks. For a short time, you can use the Ask feature to request a story..."
"What!" you gasp and glance around the office nervously. You can't believe that a silly blog you follow has somehow taken over your hot coworker! What if your boss comes out and sees John on his knees in front of you? How is this even possible?
"...you can ask for anything, and Bluecollarmcandtf will bring your fantasy to life. Maybe you want someone in your life transformed. Maybe you want them controlled. Maybe you want them humiliated. Bluecollarmcandtf will take care of it for you as long as you follow him..."
Your mind is racing, and you can barely grasp what John is telling you. Mostly, you're just worried someone is going to catch sight of your coworker kneeling in front of you!
"Ok, thanks for letting me know," you grit your teeth anxiously, "Please put John back to normal now."
"...John won't go back to normal just yet," John answers numbly, "Give him commands to obey. His body is yours to boss around for the next twenty-four hours..."
"Boss John around?" you gasp, wondering what to make him do.
"You have ten seconds to give John a command. If you don't, he's going to start braying like a donkey at the top of his lungs. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6..."
"Ok! Just shut up and kiss my feet!" you blurt it out a little louder than you mean to, but at least John won't start drawing any more attention to you by acting like an animal.
John stops his countdown and lowers his face to the floor, planting a kiss on each of your fancy loafers. The funny thing is that he doesn't stop. I suppose you weren't specific enough with your command because he just keeps mindlessly switching between each shoe, making out with them like it's the most normal thing in the world.
Your mind is racing with what to do next. Already, ideas of how to humiliate him and use him are swimming through your head, but remember what he told you. Asks are open!
Don't be afraid to request taking someone else under your control. Maybe Bluecollarmcandtf could do something about that boss of yours? You'll obviously have to be careful about what you ask. Fantasies can always be misinterpreted...
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mistkisbiggestfan · 11 months
TADC + Pomni, romantic / Jester! Fem! Reader
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Pomni (romantic), TADC (platonic) / Jester! Reader HC
A/n: Back on the grind we go!! REQUESTS FOR TADC ARE OPEN!!
Summary: You're stuck in the digital circus with a jester as your avatar like Pomni, but you're and actual circus performer. Words: 2174 Rquest: Nope!
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You were in the digital circus before her, before Kaufmo’s abstraction you and him were like a circus duo. Unlike others you two actually fitted the “circus” atmosphere, he told jokes and you performed tricks. 
You were one of the people who were stuck the longest, being in the circus longer than Ragatha, maybe a bit less than Kinger. 
You still remember Queener, after her abstraction, and before Kinger’s descent into total madness he told you at least one time per day.: “I miss my wife Y/N. I miss her a lot.” And then he proceeded to shriek suddenly at your sight, you knew he was really losing it.
But oh well! Not like you were the most mentally there either.
Yet you and Kinger talked a lot, surprising? Maybe. You two really fit with each other as he was the king and you – the jester. When Queener was still around you were always third wheeling on their dates (They didn’t have the heart to tell you to go away for even a second).
And so people came and went, then came Kaufmo, and you two became like a silly duo!
– Guys wanna hear a joke? – Kaufmo said as he turned around the corner, meeting you, Ragatha and Gangle in the “living room”, if you can even call it that. You were just juggling some rings, as you caught them you gave him a nod, just as Ragatha spoke up. – What is it Kaufmo? – All right. – He cleared his throat – When does a joke become a dad joke? – He looked at everyone in the room, none, except for you, looked excited. Ragatha sighed. – …When?  – When it leaves you and never comes back! – He giggled. Ragatha’s face turned into a surprised and concerned frown, as Gangle laughed awkwardly, meanwhile, in the back you were wheezing, trying to catch your breath. Laughing so hard to the point that the trio before you became actually concerned. You started to hyperventilate, not able to catch your breath, falling and laughing on the ground. Ragatha’s face changed again, she wasn’t sure if you were laughing or having a very concerning panic attack. After your small episode you wiped the nonexistent tear out of your eye and straightened your back, sighing you spoke up. – Ah, good one Kaufmo!!
They all looked at you like you were a lunatic and you were like “:D !!”. And after that you just started doing a juggling trick again, like nothing happened. 
From then on Gangle became a bit scared because of you. 
And then Jax came around, it really pissed you off when he pulled mean pranks on others. He always sabotaged your stage tricks, one time even going so far that he cut your rope a bit, just as you walked onto it, high in the air, it snapped. Leaving you to fall to the ground with a loud, clowny thud. He laughed as Ragatha helped you up.
Just as Jax composed himself from laughing, he saw you just, staring at him, no thoughts behind your eyes. Just a numb, lifeless stare. It came to the point that he was clearly uncomfortable. And as the tension rose, you finally broke it by laughing the prank off. “Oh, you got me there! ^^” 
And again, you walked off and started to do another one of your tricks. 
Ragatha knew you weren’t stable, yet you were always so cheery and never have you come to her, asking to vent. She was always confused by you, at one point thinking you were an AI just like Caine, or something like Bubble (Seriously wtf is Bubble?), but you were just like them – human stuck in the digital world.
You were always so silly, unhuman, and worse of it all, weirdly tall. She always associated jesters with short and slightly goofy people. You were quite unsettling to her, so weirdly unhuman in this, more than others. 
Just imagine how confused she was when you were the one to comfort her when she just couldn’t take it anymore.
Ragatha sat there, away from her room. Just as she was about to open her door, she heard Jax laughing loudly behind her, she froze. – Oh what’s wrong, dollface? – Jax what did you do this time? – She asked, hoping her anger wasn’t visible, she felt it bubbling inside of her. All the poor ragdoll heard was another laugh, this time louder, seeing Ragatha upset made the purple rabbit quite happy, feeling he succeeded in his “prank”. She sighed angrily, turning around as she put weight on the knob, scared to see what’s inside, and as the doors opened, she saw a hellish amount of centipedes crawling around, slithering away from the opened entry, she shrieked and ran away crying. Hearing Jax’s laugh echo through the digital halls. Somehow, you have heard Ragatha running down the hall, and you decided to see what happened. Walking slowly and proudly, you pondered – where is that doll? Your boots squeaked and the bells on your outfit jingled. The harmony of your steps was ended by hiccups coming from someone a short distance away, slowly, you walked forward. She was there – Ragatha. Hiding her face in her knees, leaning over her, you realized she didn’t need any of your tricks or jokes right now, so you sat beside her, bells jingling. She froze again, sniffling she looked to her right, at you. Looking back you opened your arms, gesturing towards a hug, although hesitant, she took up your offer and hugged you. Trying to calm her down you just let her be, calmly waiting for her to settle down.  Minutes passed by, you didn’t mind, but the red–haired doll was shocked. You were always a lunatic in her eyes, it wasn’t even meant to be mean, you were just like that. From that day forward Ragatha has seen you for more than just another crazed maniac, but on the other hand, how could one stay sane in this digital hell?
Even the pillar of the group, the friend who always helped everyone, had to be comforted sometimes, but you never seemed to need this. Ragatha and others (except Jax) asked you if you wanted to talk on many occasions but you declined over and over again. 
Caine always liked you the most – you were the only person who actually went along with being a circus performer, he helped you set up many different sets for your tricks. 
When Ragatha couldn’t help someone she sent them to you, and to their surprise you always knew what to say, it seemed like you had this amazing ability to comfort a person just for a second before going back to being a silly jester. 
And then, after some time, Pomni came around. 
You all were doing the intro, and as the voice called your name you performed one of your gags and bowed before the voice went away to someone else. 
But suddenly, you saw a really short person appear in the main room, as everybody gathered around you saw the person wearing a jester’s outfit, just like you. Only thing was, the person was much smaller than you, had puffy shorts and a funny hat with bells opposing your long galligaskins, and a pointy collar with bells worn by fools.
The day Pomni joined the circus changed you – Kaufmo, your best friend, abstracted. And Ragatha finally saw some kind of struggle coming from you, your made up image changing.
At first, you felt like Pomni was there to replace Kaufmo, I mean, someone to forcefully make up for the lack of your circusy duo. 
But you just couldn’t hold that against that poor girl, she was scared, confused and on the thin line of abstracting herself. So, seeing that you’re the one most similar to her – avatar wise – she really started to stick to you. 
And so you carried on, comforting Pomni all the time, and after she got the info you were here (almost) for the longest? Bro she’s always with you. 
She’s seen you talking with Kinger that one time and was very much confused (like everyone tbh), how the hell do you seem to be able to hold a conversation with him? That was until he shrieked in absolute terror and jumped back to his pillow fort as you sighed and walked off.
After one particularly bad prank of Jax’s that made Ragatha and Pomni feel like $h!%, you literally jumped his @$$, and after that, when Caine separated you were like: “Sorry felt a tad bit silly. Wacky even :3” 
Pomni is always holding onto you in some kind of way, or just standing really close, and wherever you go, she follows.
Soon, she became comfortable with you (even with your unsettling nature) to be really close with you, sometimes you find her at your room’s door in the middle of the night because she couldn’t sleep, not like you need it anyway but it's nice to pretend, right?
During one of those nights, as you rubbed circles into her back to calm her down, you realized she had fallen asleep due to exhaustion, and so you let her stay.
Just before you drifted off to sleep too, you heard a weird noise, looking down on the smaller jester in your arms you discovered it was Pomni who was making the noise – Purring, she was fr purring. (I love this HC, saw it on Ao3 and since then it lives rent free in my head)
Gangle found you the next day, both of you sleeping through the days “opening” always done by Caine, she checked up on you afraid of finding you abstracted instead she saw you two cuddling, Pomni lying peacefully on your chest as you held her close,Gangle squealed, she’s shipping you two ever since.
Of course somehow Jax popped out of nowhere behind Gangle and was just about to roughly wake you two up before being stopped by Ragatha.
You sat in your room, trying to perfect your new trick – juggling with knives. Your room was rather quiet, you asked Caine to make it so years ago, saying it helped you concentrate. And so the AI agreed, knowing he was keen on you, you didn’t really expect any negative reaction to your request. It was already past curfew of the amazing digital circus, the lights in the halls went out and everyone walked back to their rooms. Luckily for you, the digital walls, not actually made of anything else than lines of ones and zeros, were thick and didn’t let any sound in or out, because of that you almost missed the light knocking coming through your door, curiously you walked over, leaving your juggling equipment away.  Opening the door you saw no one else other than – Pomni? What was she doing here? – You thought to yourself, you smiled with your typical, funky grin. The smaller jester looked anxious, looking everywhere else than you. – Pomni! What’s up? Why aren’t you in your room? You asked, leaning on the doorway. She looked up, but just for a second before speaking very quietly. – It was loud… I couldn’t sleep. – You gave her a sympathetic look, you remember the loud soundtrack that was blaring in your room when you first came around, getting out of the way as you walked into your room. – Come in, Pom.  She did, blushing slightly at the nickname and closing the door behind her, you sat on your bed before gesturing for her to sit down. – Is there any other reason you’re here? – You said, suggesting for her to go on. Feeling the atmosphere shift, her breath quickened, and she started to hyperventilate. That alarmed you a lot, moving closer you sat just far enough for her to stay in her comfort zone.  – Hey, hey… It’s okay, I’m here. – She looked at you as you opened up your arms, mentioning for her to hug you if she wants. To be honest you weren’t convinced she would take up the offer but to your slight shock – she did. You started to rub circles on her back as she cried into your shoulder. You didn’t question her, everybody had a different coping mechanism when they first got here, if she needed it, you were to provide. Soon, you felt her tense and shaken body relax, the poor jester fell asleep in your lap, succumbing to the exhaustion. You yawned, and slowly turned to lay on the bed, taking her into your embrace, at that, she just nuzzled into your chest, bells on your collar and her hat jiggling lightly, during that time, you heard a low and muffled sound, it was… purring? Confused you looked down, yes, the noise was definitely made by Pomni, you guess it was one of the weird wonders of the digital world. You laughed softly at the cute jester in your arms before going to sleep yourself. 
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To Make a House a Home
Summary: House hunting in California was proving to be a challenge. Leave it to Bradley to manage to pull off the biggest surprise you’ve ever gotten.
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (no use of y/n, can be read as unnamed OC) 
Word Count: 1.6K 
Warnings: smut, fluff, language 
Notes: This was written off the blurb request I got during my TGM Blurb Party by @cherrycola27​. She requested Bradley. Smut/Fluff. House. “You can’t trick me into confessing my secrets” and it ran away from me, so she gets a one shot instead. Hope you like it and that it worth the wait, girlfriend!
“I don’t think I can handle an open house today, baby. Can we just go back to the apartment instead?” 
The dejection in your voice was clear. You had been on the market for a house for months now that you had relocated to San Diego from Virginia. But the market was nearly impossible right now, and you were dealt rejection after rejection for every single offer you put in. You were renting an apartment on a month to month basis with the majority of your things packed away in a storage unit, and both of you were so eager to get out of the third floor walk up and into a place you could make a home. 
Bradley squeezed your hand before bringing it to his lips as he took an exit off the freeway. It was sunny but not too hot today, and the wind from the open windows made the strands of your hair flutter around your face. “Just one, okay? I have a good feeling about this."
“Just one?” you asked, hesitation and reluctance in your voice. But you would humor him, he knew, because he never asked for much. 
“Just one,” he confirmed. 
You sighed, and Bradley knew you really didn’t want to, but you agreed with him nonetheless. You weren’t happy now, but his own excitement started vibrating under his skin, because he knew you would be. He couldn’t wait to see the look on your face. 
It was only another few minutes before he pulled into a neighborhood. He saw how you sat up a little straighter in your seat and how your brows pulled together out of the corner of his eye; you started to recognize your surroundings, taking them in. You didn’t say anything right away, but Bradley could practically feel the wheels in your head turning. You waited until he pulled into the driveway of a very familiar house before turning to him.
“What are we doing here?” 
The here in question was a house that could only be described as your dream home. It had almost everything your Pinterest Home Goals board could ever imagine, and maybe even a little bit extra, and you had fallen in love with it the moment you saw it during your house hunting more than a month ago. Your eyes had lit up in a way that Bradley had never seen before, only to be stamped out when the offer you had put in before you had even left the driveway was rejected the very next day. It had been hard, but you had simply smiled at him and said you would find another dream home, and that as long as you were with him, it didn’t matter. He knew you were being truthful, but he also knew that every home you looked at afterward simply didn’t compare. When he got the phone call from the realtor last week that it was back on the market after the original buyers had fallen through, he knew he had to move fast. With a little more cash down and a pre-approved loan for the rest, he had managed to sign all the paperwork and get the keys with you being none the wiser. 
Bradley turned the Bronco off and got out. You were still giving him that same confused, skeptical look when he rounded the vehicle to open your door for you like he always did. He couldn’t help but lean forward and place a kiss on the top of your scrunched up nose. 
“Come on,” he said, helping you down and closing the door once you were safely on the ground. “We should go inside.” 
“Bradley, there’s no one else here. And isn’t this house already sold?” 
You sound dumbfounded, and more than a little confused. You climbed the few steps to the closed front door, and Bradley couldn’t keep it to himself any longer. A smile took over his entire face and he dug around in his front pocket until he held his hand out. A shiny, silver key laid in his palm. 
“I..I don’t…what’s happening?” 
Instead of answering, he took the key and inserted it into the lock. The door swung open easily and he gestured for you to go in. You did so slowly, not taking your eyes off of him until you crossed the threshold. You gasped when you looked around. The large open concept living room and kitchen were bare, not a single rug or piece of furniture to be found as of yet. But on one of the walls right there in front of you, your favorite photo of the two of you hung, snug in its frame that had been sitting in your storage unit up until he had retrieved it earlier this morning. You stared at it in shock for a long moment. Bradley closed the front door and wrapped his arms around you from behind, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You turned to look at him, that same look of disbelief on your face, but your eyes were bright with love and awe.
“This is ours?” you asked quietly, like you were too scared of the answer. He nodded. “You bought this?” 
“We bought this,” he corrected, “but yes. We did.”  
You didn’t say anything, just stared at him for a long moment before squealing and launching yourself into his arms. The unexpected force of your body made him lose his footing and sent the both of you to the ground. He braced your fall with his body, but even then, he was laughing. 
“Bradley! This is our house!” 
“It is,” he agreed, looking up at you with the biggest smile on his face. You squealed again before leaning down to kiss him and he returned it eagerly. His hands settled on your butt, squeezing softly through the denim. 
“How did you pull this off without me knowing? You aren’t sneaky!” 
“I’m plenty sneaky when it means surprising the love of my life, thank you very much,” he remarked. You rolled your eyes but kissed him again nonetheless. 
“Our house,” you mumbled against his lips. He hummed in response, nodding. His cock twitched in his jeans. You always had a powerful effect on him, but combined with the way your body pressed against his, wiggling in excitement, and knowing that the happiness radiating off of you practically in waves was because of him, he was almost fully hard in a matter of moments. You could feel it, too. He knew by the way you ground down into him and tugged at his hair. You pulled away after a moment, rolling off of him and climbing to your feet.
He was about to push himself up as well but stopped when you tugged your shirt over your head. His jaw dropped as the material fluttered to the floor beside where he lay. You kicked off your shoes and worked on getting your jeans and panties off next. You returned to him as soon as you were left only in your bra, and you immediately set to work on undoing his belt and pulling his zipper down. 
“Don’t you want to look around?” he asked, even as he was finally getting with the program and raising his body just enough to quickly discard his own shirt. 
“No, I want to fuck you in our house. Right now. And I want you to tell me how you managed to do all of this.” 
He groaned in pleasure when you freed his cock from the confines of his boxers. “You can’t trick me into confessing my secrets. Oh, fuck, baby, god damn.” 
You had taken his length into your mouth with no preamble, sucking and licking him in the sloppy way that you knew he loved. The back of his head hit the hardwood floors as you hollow your cheeks. He cursed your name when you hummed around him. He threaded his fingers loosely through your hair. “Oh my god, you’re so good to me.” 
You didn’t work him with your mouth for too long, pulling off of him after only a minute or two, but he couldn’t bring himself to complain about it when you were climbing up his body and lining him up with your glistening wet pussy. You sank down slowly, and your matching groans echoed off the walls of the empty house. 
“You’ll tell me eventually,” you breathed, clenching around him as he bottomed out. You ran your hands over his chest, your nails scraping against his nipples as you went. His hips jerked up into you at the sensation and he knew you were right; despite what he said, your tricks always worked on him. 
He rolled the two of you so you were on your back below him. He thrusted in and out of you with long, hard strokes, you begging him for more the entire time in that desperate way you always did when his cock was buried inside of you. He wouldn’t be surprised if neither of you lasted long, but that was okay, because you had an entire house to christen.
“Welcome home, baby,” he grunted, slamming his hips into yours and reveling in the sounds you were making for him, echoing around him like music, “welcome home.” 
Notes: In my head I was picturing the couple from the first TGM one shot I ever wrote, A Change to Everything. You don't have to read that to follow along with this, obviously, but check it out if you haven’t! 
Tag List (please let me know if you’d like to be removed or added!) :  @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
@kassieesworld - @luckylexie - @lovemesomevesey - @mizzzpink - @books-for-summer - @a-serene-place-to-be - @deviltsunoda - @tv-fanatic18 - @memoriesat30 - @melody-death - @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog - @dabisblackprincess - @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy - @realdirectionx - @waywardhunter95 - @myownworstenemyyy - @sexualparkour - @sadpetalsstuff - @almostgenerallyalways -@alilstressyandlotdepressy - @14readwritedraw96 - @ccbb2222 - @taytaylala12 - @alittlechaotics-blog - @starkleila
@shelbycillian - @mavrellover91 - @vici111 - @merishfit - @plaper1 - @lunamooncole - @pariahsparadise - @bunny-nonnie - @blackwidownat2814 - @huang-the-geek - @jpgliv - @bluelicious - @loveyhoneydovey - @pisupsala - @nuvoleincielo - @olivezeppelin - @jynxmirage - @shanimallina87 - @ouralcohol - @lumpypoll - @discowitchyy - @bellaireland1981- @princessmiaelicia - @eighthwvnder - @floydflys - @smile-child-13 - @rashelruby10 - @csoutsider - @cowboybarbie - @haydensith - @itsizzythebell - @phantomxoxo - @myhealthymarvelobsession - @winterrebel04
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rileyh20 · 3 months
Pls, if you so kindly will, share some of your HCs?
Hello! Since ya didn't specify I will add all the HCs I have at the moment.
(I have not worked on them in a bit cuz of stuff, and I don't have that many yet)
Ponyboy Curtis:
A pyromantic, he loves fire (Until the church shit)
Has a fucking terrifying glare, but only actually glares at people when they wake him up (His poor brothers)
Should not be left alone around a stack of books (He’ll read them all in like two hours)
A really fast reader, but he reads the book over and over again to the point he basically memorizes it
Major third wheel, doesn’t matter if the ship is Jally, or Stevepop, or something else, he’s just a third wheel at heart
Definitely reads the book before he watches the movie 
Sometimes when he wants to write he just can’t, so he does other things instead, but once he’s in the zone, he’ll write for hours without hearing anything around him (He’s just like me fr)
Sarcastic and sassy af sometimes (Because I want him to be, no other reason)
He likes grandma hobbies (You know what I’m talking about, the knitting, sewing kinds of stuff, crafting thingies)
He would be the kind of person who helps you get your locker unstuck when you are either too scared to ask a strong person, or you don’t want your locker beaten into scraps when you could just ask Ponyboy
Cooks sometimes, he ain’t the best, but he isn’t terrible at it (He especially does it if Darry looks like he had a long day)
Sometimes he’s the only person able to stop Sodapop from putting food dye into the food (Especially if Darry is the one cooking)
Sorry y’all, but autistic Ponyboy is what I got for you guys 
Sodapop Curtis:
Gets lots of tips from women (Shares it with Steve sometimes)
Tries to understand why Ponyboy likes books so much, but honestly does not get him crying over them (He’s trying his best guys)
He was a MAJOR biter as a kid, like for no reason, just CHOMP
Has ADHD and absolutely NO ONE can tell me otherwise (Don’t even try)
Genuinely loved Sandy, and was so heartbroken when she broke up with him (Kinda canon?)
Darrel "Darry" Jr. Curtis:
Cries when needs to sign parent approval forms for Ponyboy, but if someone’s close by he tries to hold it in
Has a favorite book, it’s one his father got him before he died
He doesn’t like to read, but sometimes Ponyboy will read the book to him
Has shit eyesight, but refuses to get glasses
Darry doesn’t take care of himself when he gets sick
Darry is a fucking CLINGY person when he’s emotional (Specifically sad or stressed), like you ARE NOT able to get away from that man when he’s like that (Especially Ponyboy)
Doesn’t smoke at all so it doesn’t ruin his body
Stole a shirt from his dad’s closet before he died, it’s still in his clothes but he never wears it or puts it back 
Sometimes Darry sobs into his dad’s shirt after a hard day (The shirt from above)
Impulsive biter, just like if someone sticks their hand or arm in front of his face, he wont think and just chomps on them (Ponyboy and Sodapop try to warn the others, but they don’t listen)
Nothing for Steve Randle yet
Nothing for Keith "Two-Bit" Mathews yet
Dallas "Dally" Winston:
Scared of spiders
He’s also scared of dogs
Johnny Cade:
Definitely says a few dirty jokes 
I feel like he would be the type of person to have a summer job for some reason? (Ponyboy and Dally visit him at work sometimes and it’s chaos)
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oddballwriter · 5 months
The Second
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Summary: After going on an unplanned adventure with your best friend and crush, his host, and his host's wife to stop the end of the world, and ending up in an accidental love triangle... square...whatever shape it is, you go back to your hometown to clear your mind. It's a great success for you, helping you reconnect with your childhood friend and even bring him back to continue the fun and show him your life in London. But unbeknownst to you, it seems like it might just cause a rift that is born on one side of the triangle.
Warnings: Love triangle and unrequited feelings. The reader is referred to using she/her. Angst, it's soft but it's there. Third-wheeling. I can't think of anything else but I feel like there's more, if there is just tell me. 
Author’s Snip: This is sort of a pilot for a series idea that I have that involves all kinds of love shape situations, rivalry, and dragging friends into all kinds of avatar shenanigans on accident. So if you guys like this, let me know so that I can prep and have it ready for writing and planning.
Notes: This is not proofread before posting, if there are errors blame Grammarly for not catching it. I might fix them later.  
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 2,892
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Tag List: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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What an adventure you just went on. It all feels so unreal when you even try and think about it. Even as you stare up at the ceiling above your bed you find it hard to really digest fully.
Your good friend Steven turned out to be an alter for a person with DID who's named Marc Spector, whom you had not met, ever, throughout you and Steven's close friendship. In which Marc is the avatar and fist of justice for the Egyptian god Khonshu and was living his life while Steven was not fronting, unbeknownst to Steven, and has been playing a game of keep-away with a cult and their leader for a scarab. And you ended up finding all that out when some members of the cult kidnapped you to intimidate Steven and Marc. By the way, Marc is married and has been married, to a woman named Layla. And so you had to go on this whole adventure with all three of them to stop the end of the world, or something, nearly dying on several occasions, and now it's done apparently. Crisis averted. Also, there is a fucking third one.
You're sure that if you told someone outside of your journal and your new group of friends about this, then you would be thrown into a psychiatric hospital in record time.
And that isn't even mentioning all the complicated feelings you're having right now about the love triangle, that only you are aware of. Because of course, you're in a love triangle that the two other people have no idea exists. It's complicated. It was a little complicated at the start, and now it's so much more complicated because now there's another person involved.
Scratch that, four people involved. This is a love square.
Fuck it, now that Jake's here it might actually be a love pentagon now!
Either way, it all has to do with your feelings towards Steven. You had developed them pretty early on in your friendship with Steven because you just so happened to fall into your type. Dork, sweet, funny, and polite guys were your weakness. You tried to fight them off, not wanting to ruin the friendship that you honestly valued with Steven. But he just had this aura and energy that had your heart like a moth to a flame. Some might call it a slow burn. You'd say that it all was fast. But the warmth went to heat that got painful when you found out about Marc and Layla, and thus Steven and Layla.
You're not mad at Layla. Of course not! Why would you? She was there first, technically. It feels bad to say that. Both because you'd have to try and snuff out the feelings that you have, but also because it sounds wrong. It sounds like Steven's an object to be won instead of a person with his own thoughts and feelings. And you never once saw him like that. He was Steven. Nice, sweet, funny Steven.
You knew you needed to move on, even if it hurt. You know you don't have the guts and nerve to be 'the other person' even if you got the chance to be. It would be disrespectful to Layla, and Layla's a great woman. You settle on going back home, to your hometown, to see family and friends in hopes that it'll distract you, maybe even help you get over it if you're lucky. You call up your family who gladly accept the idea and will set up the room that you'll stay in by the time you get there. With that, you pack your bags, get ready for the trip, and head off.
You don't tell Steven that you're leaving to anywhere at first until you're just about to leave, figuring that if he tries to visit you and you're not there he'll assume someone else has kidnapped you and panic. You just send him a simple "As a heads up I'll be out of town for a while. I need a break.", at some point in your trip heading towards your hometown he texts you back with a single "Okay. Sounds nice.".
As it turns out, going around old loved ones really does help your blues. Matter of fact it seems like everyone from your life here heard the news that you'd be spending a few weeks in town and all got together to see you. Your uncle and dad actually threw a little family cookout so that everyone can come say hi to you.
Everyone had questions for you. What's London like? What have you been doing? How's life going over there?
Of course, you can't tell them about all the recent events and you also don't want to ruin your good mood by talking about Steven like you probably would have if this were a trip not spawned from him, in a sense. Overall, everyone's just happy you're back regardless.
You meet a really old face amidst the crowd of family and friends who've assembled. Samson. Sammy. God, you'd know his face anywhere and you know he'd know yours too. You and Sammy have been best friends since diapers. Your moms were friends. Apparently, the story goes that your mom and dad were at the courthouse waiting in line to sign the marriage papers and so were Sammy's mom and dad. Your mothers started talking and it turns out they have a lot in common. By the time both parties left the courthouse, they were in each other's weddings, to which they then found out that they both would be moving into the same area to settle down. Your moms swear that you and Sammy being close in age was just a coincidence but you always joked that it wasn't.
Sammy is hard to put into words. How do you describe the person who's been your best friend since both of you were coloring with crayons and all the way to high school graduations and beyond? The number one person you would talk to about things outside of your parents and through all of the other friends you've both had throughout your lives, the one that has always been the same. Sammy is just Sammy to you, in the most sincere way possible.
After seeing each other at the cookout you catch up on just about everything. What you've been up to, any life milestones you've gotten to while apart. You tell him about London and he tells you about his life here in town. Sammy's gotten up to a few things, had a few girlfriends, and apparently, he's developed his own business. Turns out he's a handyman and locksmith now and makes great money. Gets to make his own hours, so he says. Sammy teases you a bit and asks if you've been collecting British boyfriends. You know it's just a tease but it plucks at the still tender parts of your heart a little. You brush it off and say no.
"No?" Sammy questions, "Come on. Someone like you over there? You're kidding me. You've got to have some guys waiting like a dog for you to come back." he says. You decide to play along in the banter.
"Maybe I do. What of it, Sam-I-Am." you shrug, pretending like he's trying to compete and also pulling out old childhood nicknames. Sammy cringes and the nickname, "Oof, not the Sam-I-Am from kindergarten. You know only my dad called me that until you said it in class. Then everyone started calling me that till fifth grade." Sammy laughs. "Not you doing your shitty British accents when I said I had a thing for British boys back in seventh grade." you reference and make a call back of your own. "It made you laugh and that was my goal." Sammy playfully defended.
For a good half of your stay, Sammy was there, like always, and you would be talking about the old days. Referencing various moments and laughing or cringing together. It felt so nostalgic and good to just feel that bond again, have someone who knows all your little inside jokes and references because they were there when it was formed, and you both didn't want it to stop.
So when the day that you were to go back to London you threw out the idea that Sammy come back with you and continue the fun there. Show him what you've been doing and show him the little life you've created there.
Even though you live in a one-bedroom apartment you managed to accommodate your guest pretty well. You always knew that the pull-out bed extension of your couch that you bought second-hand would have a use someday. You two settled on rules and bases, along with where various things are in case they're needed.
After that, it was just more talking that made the time go by so fast and other things seem so minuscule. You hadn't really paid attention to the fact that you had a brief text conversation with Steven when you got back basically just telling him that you were back and what you're up to right now. It wasn't until he texted you something that sort of snapped you out of it.
You: I'm not really doing anything but my friend came back with me and will be here for a bit.
Steven: Oh that's nice
Steven: Can I meet them maybe?
You weren't sure how long you spent looking at that message, but it was long enough that Sammy noticed. "Something wrong?" he asks. "No," you reply, "Just one of my friends. He says he wants to meet you... if you're okay with that," you explain but hesitate slightly at the end, not really liking the sound of having Steven over right now after being able to get him off your mind. "Sure! I'd love to meet one of your friends here." Sammy responds, "If that's alright with you of course." he adds.
You take a second to weigh it out in your mind. On one hand, having the guy that you have feelings for over after you went on a whole vacation partially because he doesn't feel that way towards you doesn't sound like the best idea. But maybe having Sammy here will reduce that feeling of awkwardness since it can just be having your friends meet each other.
Taking the gamble, you tell Steven that he's good to come over.
The next few minutes are spent continuing to talk to Sammy, making jokes and having banter. When you hear the knock at your door you and a text from Steven that announces that he's arrived. You get up from the couch and make your way to the door, unlocking it and opening it up. And there he is, smiling at you and giving you his usual polite little "hello". You greet him back before stepping out of the way so that he can come in.
Sammy gets up from his seat on the couch and comes to shake Steven's hand. You see Steven hesitate briefly and sort of freeze up before taking the hand shake. You step in between them.
"Steven, this is my childhood friend, Samson. Samson, this is my friend Steven." you introduce them to each other and gesture to them respectively. "Nice to meet you!" Sammy comments. "Likewise," Steven responds.
You all take a seat, you and Sammy back on the couch while Steven takes a chair from your little dining table set. Sammy and Steven have some good small talk back and forth, talking the usual stuff when you meet new people. You can see Steven being a little fidgety, picking at his sweater sleeve, nodding along but having a small crease between his brows. All things that he does when he's nervous or concerned with something, you take it as Steven being shy about meeting and talking to new people like he usually is. You take it upon yourself to sort of help him by bringing up subjects that you know he's good at talking about.
"Steven loves Ancient Egypt and mythos. He knows pretty much everything," you mention. Sammy raises his brows in interest, "Really?" he questions. "Oh yeah," Steven confirms, "I would have made a bloody good tour guide if my superior wasn't out to get me." Steven remarks. You see Sammy hold back a laugh in the corner of your vision, you turn to him and light-heartedly scold him with a "Stop it.". Sammy looks towards you, his smile growing to a shit-eating grin. "Stop it," you repeat, "Behave. I told you not to laugh," you say as you struggle to keep your own laughter in. "He said the thing." Sammy squeaks out before letting a few laughs leave him. You lean in and bap him on the shoulder playfully, "Stop," you warn as you give him a few baps.
Steven lets out a small laugh that only you can tell is his fake trying-to-pretend-I-get-it laugh. "I'm sorry, Steven." you apologize, "Not even 24 hours in and he doesn't know how to act," you say as you look back to Sammy and give him a playful shake. "I'm sorry." Sammy says to Steven, "There's an inside joke to it I swear." he says.
"What's the joke?" Steven inquires. Your face drops, knowing what Sammy is going to say. "Don't you dare," you warn Sammy as you try to cover his mouth, but Sammy already knew that you are going to stop him and is ready to block your hand. You both spend a few seconds lightly wrestling as you try to cover his mouth and he blocks you in some way. "It has something to do with her-" Sammy says before you interrupt him with a "No!" in objection, "British boyfriend!" Sammy announces. "I don't have a British boyfriend!" you object through laughs as you hit him with a couch pillow. You both spend a few moments laughing. When you finally calm down you find Steven looking at the two of you like you've grown and extra head.
You sigh and look to Sammy, "Why don't you explain 'British boyfriend' to him since you want to talk about it so much?". "Okay, okay," Sammy submits. "This one," Sammy says pointing at you, "Had a thing for this one kid who was visiting family for the summer in our home neighborhood back in seventh grade, or seventh year, whatever it's called here. And so we have this joke that he was her British boyfriend. And I used to do a really bad accent to make her laugh and get all embarrassed.", Sammy looks at you and reassures, "I'm not going to do it, don't worry.".
The conversation goes on but you and Sammy can't help but say more jokes that you then need to explain to Steven, which leads to other stories and laughing fits between the two of you. You try to do the same with Steven in case he references something between the two of you, but you find that Steven just seems to sit there and listen, nodding along. You want to try and prompt something but at some point, you're able to sense this weird tension in the air whenever you do.
You aren't too sure what to do. You don't want to shoo Steven out since you've always said that Steven was always welcomed at your place, but the atmosphere is strange between the two of you for some reason. It isn't until Sammy gives something that would get the job done.
"You know, it's really nice to meet you, Steven. But I think the traveling is starting to catch up with me." Sammy says as he stretches his arms out. "Oh, no worry. I was actually thinking of getting out of your hair. You know..." Steven responds, "Since you guys probably had to get out early to get back here." he clarifies. Steven was already getting up to leave by the time he even started talking.
Sammy and you get up also, and you go in for the usual goodbye hug that you and Steven do when parting ways, Sammy shakes Steven's hand again and says his goodbyes.
Once Steven leaves, you and Sammy set up the couch so that Sammy can nap for a bit. You head to your room so that you can take one for yourself and reflect on the meeting. You still have a bit of that feeling of weird tension but figure that maybe Steven wasn't prepared for all the energy that you and Sammy created and all the inside jokes. Maybe a second get-together could help with that. After all, it might be great to have two best friends also be best friends with each other.
Meanwhile, Steven walks back, sitting in his thoughts quietly as he walks until Marc appears in a reflection along the walk. "What's with the long face?" Marc asks. Steven glances at Marc for a moment, "Nothing, it's just that..." Steven opens up with, "I felt like a bit of a third wheel over there." he admits. Marc shrugs, "Well it is her friend from her hometown, isn't it? I'm sure they'd be all chatty with each other.".
"Yeah, I suppose so." Steven replies, "It just felt a bit... off." Steven remarks.
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readychilledwine · 9 months
Happier Than Ever
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Summary- Lucien finds himself in familiar arms, After Elain rejects the bond (Lucien x Spring Court reader)
Warnings - sad Lucien, angst, a tamlin appearance, friends to lovers-ish
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You had never seen Lucien this defeated. He sighed heavily again, forehead pressed into his knees and silent sniffles falling from him.
She had destroyed him. Completely and utterly destroyed him. You moved to sit next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him against you. “It's okay to cry, Lu.” He wrapped an arm around you, burying his head in your neck and hair.
“I don't understand,” he cried softly. “I never pushed. I never begged. I never forced anything. I gave her space.”
“I know,” You ran a hand through his long hair. “I know, Lu.”
It could have been hours, days, weeks. You and Lucien stayed in that spot until he cried himself to sleep, head resting on the chest, body weight pressing you into your couch further.
You vowed then never to let your friend feel this way again, at all costs.
It took a month for Lucien to return to a more normal sense of himself. He had begun helping around your small home, hunting his familiar spots in the forest to find himself again, and would even tease you with his sharp tongue. He had even asked Tamlin to come tonight, hoping the three of you could maybe fall into a sense of peace you all had not found since before Amarantha.
You set the table, watching as Lucien held a warm cup of coffee, freshly bathed and changed into a button-down tunic and some softer pants. “Whatever you made smells delightful. As it always does. The worst thing Tamlin ever did in the manor was hire kitchen staff instead of you cooking for us every day." You watched as his smile grew as a familiar beast approached before shifting. “Let's see how quickly he threatens to kill me, or tries to seduce you, shall we?"
You shook your head, laughing as they greeted each other awkwardly. You knew there was anger there, hurt from both of them, but understanding deep down.
Tamlin made choices because he was in love.
Lucien made choices because he had found his mate.
Choices that had led to pain for both of them, choices that held a sense of loss for both of them.
Tamlin moved to you, kissing your head softly. "Missed you," he tucked a hair behind your ear.
"Missed you too," you nodded them towards the table. "I made your favorites." You placed the elk steaks in front of Tamlin and Lucien, seeing them both smile at the familiar spread.
“Thank you, little rose,” Tamlin kissed your hand. “I have missed your cooking. I will be honest.” You just smiled, watching Lucien pick at the food. “Lucien, is something wrong?” The male perked up, mask snapping back in place, and you and Tamlin could only just share a look.
"Just thought my next fancy meal would be made by her," his voice trailed off. He stared out the window for a second before coming back to you and Tamlin. "Did you hear about the last match?" He looked at Tamlin with a small smirk.
"Your team is full of cheats and liars," Tamlin muttered.
By the 3rd month in your home, Lucien seemed to have fully healed as he twirled you around in the meadow. You two had taken the rare day off from helping repair Spring to enjoy each other's company.
You had packed a picnic basket of cheeses and fruits as well as some wines and set out for the meadow you two used to frequent On days off from the manor by late morning.
Lucien had been all smiles and gentle touches the past few days, leaning in closer to you, flirting with you and flushing when you'd flirt back. It was as if you had fallen back into a routine you two hadn't felt in years. One that often led to Tamlin feeling like a third wheel and vocally mentioning it.
You two laid in the flowers, laughing so hard you began to snort lightly. Lucien just smiled, staring at you and then sighed. “This is the happiest day I've had in several years,” he reached his hand for yours, lacing your fingers together.
“I'm glad you are happy, Lucien.” He pulled on your hand, forcing you on top of him, free hand resting on his chest as your hair blocked the rest of the world from how close your faces were.
He glanced at you again, smiling as his other hand came your hip and rested there. "I should have never left you," it was a soft confession hanging in the air, waiting for your response. "It was always meant to be you, y/n. I'm sorry I was too blind to see that."
You shook your head, then rested your forehead against his. "You needed answers. I understood. I still do."
His eyes fluttered shut, a soft sigh of content leaving his mouth. "You are why I am happy, butterfly. You made me want to be better. You made me want to be the male you deserve."
The distance between you two was closing more and more, lips practically brushing with each syllable passed between you two.
"Are you going to kiss me yet?"
He chuckled, hand on your hip, moving to the back of your neck. "Of course."
He met your lips gently, savoring you, savoring this. It was like a sense of completion washing over both of you like a gentle rain.
There was no Elain.
No heartache.
No pain.
Just you and Lucien.
Lucien and you.
And the thought of that made you two happier than ever.
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GhostGaz Week - 2nd chances // road trip
This one is more of a dialogue based character study than anything else, I think. I felt unhinged writing it even though very little happens.
CW: use of cigarettes, littering, discussions of gender and sexuality, past dating experiences, brief reference to simon riley's terrible awful service experiences
Gaz doesn’t hate land transport, but he’d much rather be on a helicopter than in this silent car with Ghost right now. He’s viciously bored. If it was Price, he’d know how to carry a conversation. But fresh off his third milk run with Ghost, he’s floundering. He checks the clock and groans. There’s another hour before they hit the tarmac and head home.
Desperation for something to talk about makes him blurt, “You ever been in love?”
Ghost doesn’t give much indication that he’s heard, eyes never leaving the road, hand relaxed on the top of the steering wheel. Sometimes Gaz wishes he was a photographer. The Ghost in the driver’s seat would make a great campaign poster. He’s bulky with all his gear. Solid. The picture of a man. This is the guy protecting the innocent by risking himself. A skull faced badass.
“Take the wheel,” Ghost says.
Used to the routine by now, Gaz leans over the arm rest to hold the car steady while Ghost pulls pulls a cigarette from a pack and lights it. But where he usually only lifts his balaclava over the bridge of his nose, he reaches up to take the whole thing off. It’s the work of a moment for him to light the cigarette and open the window. Gaz finds himself looking between the empty road and Ghost’s scarred jaw and the shape of his nose.
“Yeah,” Gaz says, settling back into his seat. He tries not to stare, but it’s hard. Without the mask, Ghost is still the picture of a man. Just... different.
“Why’d you ask?”
Ghost tilts his head to make brief eye contact, then looks back at the road. “Why’d you ask if I’ve ever been in love?”
Oh. “Just… curious, I guess,” Gaz flounders. “I feel like we should know each other better by now.”
The silence is near painful as Ghost takes a drag from his cigarette, and then another. Gaz can’t decide what’s worse - if he’s being ignored or if Ghost is actively offended. He’s about to apologize when he gets an answer.
“Been in love a few times. Puppy love 'fore I joined up, told myself I woulda proposed to ‘er if things were different, but probably not. Was all over the place.” He takes another drag, exhales as he talks. “Had a crush on another private in basic, gave it a go when we graduated. Dated in secret for about a year before I broke things off. Hurt a bit but tha’s a part of it all, yeah?”
“Why’d you break up?”
“Didn’t like being his secret,” Ghost says around another puff of smoke. “He didn’t like my daddy issues.”
Gaz feels his eyebrows crawl up beneath is cap. “Didn’t know you liked men.”
That makes Ghost - Simon? - laugh. “Yeah, well, now we know each other better, I guess.”
Gaz's ears burn a bit. Into the silence, he offers, “Me too. I mean… I’m… not strictly heterosexual…?”
“You askin’ me?” the man snorts a laugh. “’ve seen your beauty serums, Gaz. I know you ain’t straight. Best egg in the carton.”
Gaz scrunches his nose, he can't help it. “What does that even mean?”
Ghost grins that grin. The one that makes Price shoot his whiskey. “You ever have dreams where you’re a girl?”
“What?” Gaz blanches. Five years ago, he’d have answered, doesn’t everybody? But he’s learned his lesson since then. “No.”
Ghost’s grin doesn’t falter. “I do.”
“Bullshit,” Gaz says, because what? What even is this conversation?
“Third love of my life made me go to therapy,” Ghost continues, like he didn’t just rock Gaz’s world on its axis. “Learned a lot. Admittedly before the Ghost thing. Broke up because the therapy was working. And then all the Ghost shit happened.”
“Of course.” What else is there to say?
“Flirted with someone a couple times in the last six months, but either I’ve been too subtle or they’re not interested.”
Gaz gropes around for an appropriate response because I've only ever seen you stare silently at people feels a bit rude. “Maybe it’s the mask? You’re hard to read.”
“Maybe so,” is the answer he gets. “What about you? Ever been in love, Garrick?”
The question shouldn’t startle him, but it does. He stumbles over his answer. “I dunno. Maybe. Had crushes when I was kid. Dated in sixth form, but I don’t know if that counts.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I was a kid, yeah? Everything feels intense when you’re young,” Gaz shrugs. “Doesn’t mean it’s love.”
Ghost is quiet for a moment, nodding to himself. Finally he says, “M’ therapist says that just because it’s a kid that feels it don't make the feelings less valid. If anything, feelings are more intense for kids. Puppy love is still love.”
The realization that Ghost is a romantic snaps into place. He sits with that for a beat before saying, “Well, she cheated on me with my mate, so that ended. Took a long time for me to get over that one.”
“That’s shite,” Ghost mumbles. “You datin’ now?”
“Not much time for a civilian relationship,” Gaz admits with a shrug. “And I’m not… out on base. I’m not not, just… I don’t really care to have people in my business.”
“Fair,” Ghost answers. He flicks his cigarette out the window. “Well, if you ever do think about dating on base, keep me in mind.”
Gaz might pull something in his neck, he snaps to look at Ghost so fast. “Huh?”
Ghost just laughs.
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blank468 · 5 months
Alright let’s beat the dead horse to the ground so hard that it can travel to the center of the earth. I found a tweet from someone who tries to defends Bakugo’s resurrection and say how it and his death raised the stakes in the final arc. I’m not going to reveal who made the tweet just to protect their identity but if you’ve been on Twitter you’ll most likely know where this paragraph came from.
“Edgeshot knows he can’t come back from this. Edgeshot is sacrificing his life to save a kid’s life I want everyone to remember that there aren’t as many pro heroes left after the first war many of the pros retired because of the discourse that happened after the first war. Plus, we know edgeshot’s efforts were in vain now, because Edgeshot isn’t the one who revived him He helped hold him together, but he didn’t bring him back to life. By pure luck, Bakugo’s own sweat exploded and jump started his heart. This type of stuff is seen in Shonen all the time, so I don’t wanna hear any complaining about this one. (Jjba pt3 spoilers until ⭐️) Let’s not forget when Star Platinum stopped Jotaro’s heart so Dio couldn’t hear the beat ⭐️”
First of all, I could care very little if Edgeshot was one of the majority of heroes that retired after the events of the war arc. Edgeshot as a character is a nobody. I’ll be honest, I thought he was pretty cool when he showed up in Kamino and his quirk looked interesting. But just like a majority of characters with interesting concepts, Edgeshot falls back into the corner and is given barely anything to do and has had no meaningful impact and connection with anyone before the final arc even started. I don’t feel anything about him sacrificing himself for Bakugo because he has never been shown or established to have any sort of character for me to give a crap about. I don’t care if he and Best Jeanist were students together at UA. I don’t care if he’s going to end up as dental floss for the rest of his life. I certainly don’t give a crap that Bakugo is now feeling grateful to be brought back by some hack who he had barely knew.
Speaking of Bakugo, if all of this is really Horikoshi intended to happen in his story, then why not do the basic thing when writing any story is to make a plan. There clearly should have been a dynamic between Bakugo and Edgeshot for this moment to feel impactful than it does. Horikoshi really dropped the ball with having his favorite character join Deku and Todoroki in the work study with Bakugo. He can’t go through a single arc that Bakugo is in without getting him involved with crap he has no real contribution to. I said in a previous post that Wonder boy has no real purpose/contribution in the main story line. His involvement with things like Deku, OFA and other side plots doesn’t amount to anything other than mindless yelling, guilt tripping, and just him treating everything as damn a competition. An egregious example would be the Endeavor Agency arc. Him acting ad the third wheel along with Deku and Todoroki doesn’t do any thing but give us more annoying moments with him. It’s one of the reasons why I dislike the dynamic between these three. I could on about why their dynamic is the most annoying and stupidest crap I’ve seen but that’s for another story. So back to the Endeavor Agency arc, He acts incredibly aggressive and inappropriate when he’s with the Todoroki family. He’s only in that arc so he can have power progression.
If Horikoshi wanted me to care about his dynamic with Edgeshot, why couldn’t he just have Bakugo do the work study with him instead of making a third wheel just because he’s afraid that his fans will get upset. Bakugo taking up on a work study with Edgeshot would have given the story a chance to do things that would have improve the final arc than it does. Let’s list them.
1. It gives a chance for Bakugo to develop as a character on his own without it being related to Deku
2. It could have helped painted Bakugo in a better light by having him feel guilty about Best Jeanist and make him regretful for his shitty attitude towards him during his internship
3. It would have given the creator an excuse to establish Edgeshot as a character and his relationship with Best Jeanist.
4. Edgeshot would give Bakugo some words of advice about not getting hung up over your past mistakes and focus more on improving yourself.
5. Edgeshot would have stated that he doesn’t blame Bakugo for what happened in Kamino; especially towards Jeanist
Second of all, what exactly is in vain here exactly? The only thing that I can think of that is in vain is his ego. Edgeshot I would think would have been better established to be more than just a support hero if he can do medical treatment on a battlefield. He had knowledge of this ability all this time and he chose to randomly choose it on this one kid who he barely knew.
Third of all, just because you excuse something by saying it’s a Shonen and you should expect it to happen doesn’t automatically excuse bad writing. Most shonen not only establish the world so the audience can get familiar with but they alsocreate rules on how stuff work like power scales for example.
Where in this story has it been established that Bakugo’s quirk can jump start damaged organs with the touch a tiny explosion? And how does that tiny explosion not do any damage to an organ that was or not have been stitched yet?
So basically what I’m saying is that Bakugo’s quirk somehow being able to jump start his heart was an asspull. And no, saying that you have spoken to a real doctor to get knowledge on the science of heart surgery doesn’t excuse your bad writing. It was already bad enough that a nobody character came in and turned into the world’s greatest surgeon incredibly late in the story, but the very thought that Wonder Boy’s quirk was able to jumpstart his heart without it damaging him is not only ridiculous but it ruins the stakes for this story. Why as a reader would I feel worried for a character if I know they’re going to be fine? Imagine if there’s a sequel to MHA and Bakugo as a Pro hero gets pummeled by a villain and his limbs were broken to the point where shouldn’t move. Would Horikoshi have Bakugo’s quirk somehow instantly heal his wombs and he’ll get back up like nothing just happen? How many fake out deaths is the creator’s pet going to have in this story? The amount of times characters have walked out of situations that should have killed them is not only laughable but proves why the story has no real stakes.
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Carpe Noctem 2
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You sit against the arm, one leg hooked over the other as the silent third mirrors you, nursing a gin as you set aside your flat soda. You really just want this to be over. Looking at the twins, neither of them have got very far into their cocktails. This isn’t just going to be an in and out deal. In fact, you’re more than certain they’ve duped you again.
Your best efforts as usual add up to nothing. You’re stuck there, the designated driver, the third wheel, the ugly one, beside a huffy brat ogling the dollish twins from afar. Well, you guess you’ll just have to wait this out.
You take out your phone and pull up your last message from Johnny. The usual; asking if you want him to save some slices for you. You hope it’s not too late to say yes. You reply and lean your phone against your leg as you once more peek over at the girls. They can flirt but you’re all going home together. That’s the agreement. Besides, these dudes are shady.
You check your phone. It’s close to midnight. He’s probably gaming or passed out on the couch. You kind of envy that thought.
“What’s wrong? Too good for me, sweet cheeks?” The voice draws you away from the screen and you hit the lock button.
“No, I’m good,” you assure him, “enjoying the music.”
“Ha, right,” he empties his glass, “you want a drink?” He looks pointedly at your forgotten soda, “a real drink. Might loosen you up.”
“No, I’m good.”
“Ah, geez, you think you’re a real catch. Well, whoever you’re texting doesn’t seem to agree.”
He stands up and strides away. You frown and put your phone back in your purse. Typical loser. You’ve dealt with the kind before. You’ve been in this same position too many times. The twins don’t really learn lessons. Mostly, because you’re there to keep them from any hard ones.
Whatever. Johnny’s at home waiting. That much you know. That guy doesn’t matter. Besides, he’s a bit old to be preying on the regulars here. It’s a bit ridiculous, pathetic if you’re cruel.
He sits back down and slurps loudly. You try to ignore him but can’t as he stretches an arm across the sofa, his hand close to your shoulder. He wiggles on the cushion, as if trying to bother you. You acknowledge him with a terse look.
“Lloyd,” he introduces himself with a wink.
“Wow, it only took you one drink to settle for me,” you tut and roll your eyes, “dude, don’t even. I get it. Let’s just both count our losses.”
“Hey, you got me all wrong. I get shy with the cute ones,” he pokes his tongue out, “aw, come on, let’s have a bit of fun.”
“I have a boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend? The one ignoring your texts?”
“He’s not– it’s none of your business.”
“Oh, don’t be so uptight. I can play nice. I can be a shoulder to cry on… a lap to sit on.”
You nod and give him a sardonic smirk, “does that usually work?”
“Well, I’ve slept with a lot of married women and I’ve never walked down the aisle,” he boasts.”
“Okay, so you’re scum.”
“Wow, that hurts,” he retracts his hand and touches his chest, “you’re missing out. I would put that extra cushion to good use. With how tight your wound, I can tell the boyfriend isn’t doing much with it.”
“Alright, thank you for your commentary,” you shift and turn so he’s only a blur in your peripheral.
“It’s not an insult, baby, it’s an offer. And it stands… much like something else.”
You shudder in disgust and flick your fingers in his direction. You’ll give the twins thirty more minutes.
“We should go. I wanna dance,” you say to Selena, “it’s girls’ night. Not girls and some dudes.”
“Alright, I get it,” she leans in, almost condescending and slightly drunk, “but he’s fucking loaded. And so hot. Like girl, there are boys down there, these are men.”
“Right, and I’m sat with the creeper with a broom growing under his nose.”
“Look, if you wanna just go, go.”
“And leave you with a bunch of strange men.”
“I don’t think you need to stick around because I don’t plan on leaving with you.”
“Come on, Selena, you know I can’t just leave you.”
“Well, I’m telling you to.”
“Enough. You’re not my mother.”
“No, but I’m your friend,” you insist.
“I’ll make my own mistakes,” she shrugs, “so, tell that dude to get a life and go home to yours.”
You stare at her. She gets like this and it’s no arguing. You always found that twins always acted like the stereotypical only child. They got their way and would settle for nothing less. She struts off and you look over at Sabrina. Great, she liplocked with the other one.
You go back to the sofa to get your bag. You’re frustrated. You won’t be able to sleep with the pit dipping in your stomach. You’ll be up all night until you get the text telling you they’re okay.
As you stop at the end of the couch, Lloyd stumbles, almost into you, before falling and flopping onto the cushions. His drink splashes over his shirt as he pats the spot beside him.
“Why don’t you sit down?” He invites you in a slur. You can tell by his eyes that he’s bombed.
“No thanks,” you grab your purse but he catches the strap, “hey–”
“Oh,” he reaches to set down his now empty glass, the mess glistening all over his satin shirt and his chest bared beneath it, “let me clear the throne.”
He wipes his mustache with his finger and you cringe. You tug on the strap but he doesn’t let go. He giggles and his head lolls as he does. It’s almost pitiful watching him. Out of his mind and almost helpless to his own vices.
Great. The twins are going to owe you.
You drop your bag and go to the bar. You grab a few of the cloth napkins folded neatly on it and return the man as he grumbles. You wipe off the stray droplets on the couch and sit, focusing on cleaning him up. You can’t just leave him soaked with gin, can you?
“Mmmm, lower,” he purrs as you wipe along his chest.
You say nothing and try to dry off the open collar of his shirt. You feel a tickle along your side and it crawls down to your hip. You stop him, tossing his hand away from you.
“Look, I’m just getting you tidied up, then I’m leaving.”
“Can I come with you?” He snickers.
“Please, no,” you retort.
He pouts and lets his head fall back again. “We’ll see.”
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