#help! like stage fright is real and i have it and it’s like group project and worth so much and i am so scared
i have a presentation due on monday which i have to do in front of the class and i am like 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
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anhed-nia · 2 years
BLOGTOBER 10/21/2022: POPCORN (1991)
I hate this movie with my whole heart. It isn't just that it's obnoxious, inauthentic, unfunny, and not scary; it's that it insults me as someone who loves movies. It's a personal attack that weaponizes my favorite thing in the world against me, and I can't forgive it. This condescending wankfest poses as an homage to William Castle and the glory days of the gimmick, but POPCORN's B-movie impressions have none of the zany charm of that kind of filmmaking, and its Castle-esque gimmicks are so complex and unwieldy as to totally defy the original idea of making money from nothing. Few things are worse than an homage that doesn't show any real understanding the reference material.
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This movie doesn't deserve this great poster.
Jill Schoelen does her very best with the character of Maggie Butler, an irritating film nerd who lets us know she's a film nerd by name dropping Orson Welles for no reason, and hustling around acting very busy with a movie that's just a direct translation of her dream journal. She's even too busy to fuck her mouth-breathing boyfriend Mark (Derek Rydall), whose sexual frustration is his only characteristic. Soon Maggie is busier still, when her classmate Toby (Tom Villard) proposes that they and the other film dorks put on an all-night movie marathon to raise funds for their university's film department. They somehow stage this event in a condemned movie palace with the help of quirky old Dr. Mnesyne (Ray Walston, who the film tries to force you to love in the smarmiest way possible), who turns up with trunks full of old props to help drum up publicity. The marathon is a gigantic success, but during the night, the dorks are picked off by a killer in disguise—a refugee from a massacred "movie cult"—who holds the key to Maggie's apparently mysterious past.
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This is not Maggie, but...???
Without even getting into Maggie's convoluted origins and how her destiny is intertwined with the killer's, there's a lot of stuff about POPCORN that just doesn't make any sense to me. If the film department is so impoverished, how does this huge project get authorized? Why, and actually how, would the school allow students to operate in a decaying building that's on the verge of being razed to the ground? (Hopefully these plucky kids have all had their shots) How does a group of college students (especially Maggie who is so very busy) find the time and resources to refurb an entire movie theater, outfitting it with complex systems like this movie's version of Odorama, which blasts the audience with billowing, opaque clouds of noxious gas? How are the movie goers supposed to see through this fog, and how are they supposed to see around some of the costumes dispersed throughout the audience, which have gigantic rubber heads and other sight line-obscuring appendages? When the power goes out in the theater, what's going on with the swirling spotlights, mics, and amps used by the awful reggae band that's supposed to keep everybody entertained? And if most of these props are supposed to be original, like from the golden age of B-movie ballyhoo, why the fuck are they so complicated, like the gigantic movie-quality mosquito that, instead of just being drawn across the house by pulleys like William Castle's Emergo skeletons, is operated with a high tech remote control?
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I promise I would kill anyone who sat in front of me in a movie theater with that jumbo fright wig on the left or that big rubber fake head on the right.
OK OK, so we're supposed to understand that the killer has outfitted the mosquito with remote control capabilities, but…it just doesn't make any sense that this should even be possible with an ancient advertising prop. And this problem connects with what really bothers me about this movie: its basic misunderstanding of the form of production that POPCORN supposedly-lovingly sends up. The gang are using materials that Dr. Mnesyne has preserved from back in the day, but stuff from back in the day would be way cheaper and simpler than this. The point was to make money without spending money that you didn't have in the first place. Cardboard axes for STRAIT-JACKET. Seatbelts added to the "Shock Section" of theaters playing I SAW WHAT YOU DID. Fake life insurance policies lest anyone die of fright during MACABRE. A flimsy yellow "Coward's Corner" booth for anyone who was too scared to watch the end of HOMICIDAL. The most high tech thing you might encounter were the Percepto seat buzzers that went off during a key moment in THE TINGLER, but you can hardly imagine a dedicated Percepto operator sitting at an elaborate switchboard in an opera box, hand-selecting victims in the theater below like you see in POPCORN.
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While the gimmicks here are crazily luxurious compared to the real deal, the movies in POPCORN's meta marathon are very deliberately limp, dry, and stupid. The audience is only there to laugh, sneer, and throw shit, which is the most miserable thing I can think of as somebody who loves movies. Imagine being trapped in a theater filled with people who think that being incredibly rude and hateful is all it takes to be as witty as the cast of MST3K? Where this film really has its wires crossed is, the Castle movies were both cheap AND good, or at the very least, entertaining on their own virtues. Even "the worst movie ever made", PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, is creative and unpredictable, with wild dialog delivered wildly by certain stars. Many of the low budget movies that people would actually come out for in the slavering droves you see in POPCORN had more going for them than wooden acting, laughable effects, and bad writing. But, that's all you see in POPCORN: bad imitations of bad movies, and bad people laughing at them sadistically. You'd never know what's supposed to be enjoyable about the B- or even Z-movie experience, in all its campy, unhinged glory, from the shitty situation set up by Maggie and her friends. The gimmicks are way too overblown, and the movies are so bad they only invite cruelty from viewers. Like…why are we doing this, you guys?
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The point of the rubber head above is that when the wearer leans over, it dumps a pint of neon green "vomit" onto the ground (so make sure no one is standing next to you I guess). But I have questions about that, like, does the guy have to reset the thing every single time he does the gag? Can he only do it once? Is this possibly worth the effort? It seems like a huge pain in the ass all the way around.
Somehow POPCORN is even worse when it occasionally does things I wish I could enjoy. The "movie cult" of which the killer was once part made a psychedelic snuff film that we catch intriguing glimpses of, partially filtered through the bizarre dreams that plague Maggie's nights. Some of the special effects are decent, too, and the performers are really doing their best for the most part (including a sadly squandered Dee Wallace). There was some kind of potential here, but it all gets gobbled up by anonymous characters, demanding leaps of logic, brutally unfunny jokes, infantile music, and what can feel like an antagonistic attitude toward film itself. By blowing everything out of proportion in its shallow attempt at homage, it feels like POPCORN is saying, "The original gimmicks were so stupid we had to upgrade them until they're unrecognizable, and the original movies were so stupid that you can only enjoy them by treating them like punching bags." The logical conclusion of which is, "If you like any of that old stuff for what it was, you're an idiot." Not a great thing to hear. I don't feel like getting into the story of this movie's tortured production, but let's just say that it didn't surprise me to hear that it was as hard to make this movie as it is to watch it, effectively ending the relationship between creative partners Alan Ormsby and Bob Clark, and creating various miseries for the others. You can always tell when there's some joy missing at the heart of a film, and that is never clearer than when the film is supposedly about people who love film. Hopefully this is the last time I watch POPCORN.
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EDIT: It has come to my attention that I got some of the plot points wrong here, but I think if you've seen this movie, you can probably forgive me.
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theatre-expert · 1 year
The Crucial Role of Acting Schools and Classes in Nurturing Aspiring Actors
Embarking on a career in filmmaking is a thrilling yet challenging journey. Among the various facets of this industry, acting stands out as a cornerstone, requiring exceptional skill, dedication, and passion. For aspiring actors, the path to success is often illuminated by the doors of acting schools and their invaluable classes. In this blog, we'll delve into why acting schools and classes are the best investment for those who dream of making it big in the world of cinema.
Building a Strong Foundation
Acting is not just about talent; it's a craft that can be honed and refined through education and practice. Acting schools provide a structured curriculum that introduces newcomers to the fundamental principles of acting. These foundations include voice modulation, body language, improvisation, and script analysis. Without this groundwork, aspiring actors may struggle to develop a comprehensive understanding of their craft.
Professional Guidance
One of the primary advantages of attending Acting school is the guidance of experienced professionals. Acting teachers are often accomplished actors themselves, bringing a wealth of knowledge and industry insights to the classroom. They can provide constructive feedback, helping students identify and work on their weaknesses while capitalizing on their strengths.
Networking Opportunities
Acting schools serve as hubs of creativity and collaboration. Students have the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers, directors, casting agents, and industry professionals. These connections often prove to be invaluable when seeking auditions and future projects. Moreover, it's not uncommon for acting schools to invite guest speakers from the industry, further expanding students' networks.
Exposure to Different Techniques
Acting is a diverse field, with various techniques and styles. Acting schools expose students to a range of acting methods. This exposure allows aspiring actors to discover which approach resonates with them and tailor their craft accordingly.
Practical Experience
Acting classes provide a safe space for students to apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios. Scene work, monologues, and group exercises are all part of the curriculum. These practical experiences help actors overcome stage fright, build confidence, and develop their own unique acting style.
Audition Preparation
Auditions are the gateways to roles in the film and television industry. Acting schools prepare students for auditions by simulating the audition process. This includes mock auditions, cold readings, and audition etiquette. Through this training, actors become more confident and adept at impressing casting directors.
Understanding the Industry
Acting schools not only teach the art of acting but also provide insight into the business side of the industry. Students learn about contracts, unions, marketing themselves, and the realities of the profession. This knowledge is crucial for navigating the competitive world of acting.
Cultivating Emotional Intelligence
Acting is a deeply emotional endeavor, requiring actors to tap into their emotions and connect with the characters they portray. Acting classes help students develop emotional intelligence, allowing them to convey a wide range of feelings convincingly.
Feedback and Improvement
In the acting world, feedback is invaluable. Acting schools offer a platform for continuous feedback and improvement. Constructive criticism from instructors and peers helps actors identify areas where they can grow and excel.
Boosting Confidence
Confidence is a key ingredient for success in the entertainment industry. Acting schools nurture self-confidence by pushing students out of their comfort zones and encouraging them to take risks. This newfound confidence extends beyond the stage or screen, benefiting actors in all aspects of life.
Enhancing Communication Skills
Acting is, at its core, the art of effective communication. Acting schools emphasize the development of clear diction, effective dialogue delivery, and the ability to connect with audiences emotionally. These skills transcend the stage or set, making actors more compelling communicators in their personal and professional lives.
Fostering Creativity
Creativity is the lifeblood of acting. In acting classes, students are encouraged to think outside the box, experiment with character interpretations, and explore imaginative realms. This creative freedom not only enhances their acting abilities but also nourishes their overall creativity.
Character Development
Creating authentic and multi-dimensional characters is a hallmark of great acting. Acting schools provide students with the tools to dive deep into character development, helping them understand the motivations, backgrounds, and complexities of the roles they play. This depth adds depth to their performances.
Overcoming Challenges
Acting often requires actors to confront challenging and emotionally demanding scenes. Acting classes offer a supportive environment where students can safely explore these challenges and develop coping strategies. This prepares them to handle difficult situations on set or stage with grace and professionalism.
Access to Resources
Acting schools typically offer a range of resources that students can access. These may include well-equipped rehearsal spaces, libraries of scripts, and even partnerships with local theaters and production companies, providing students with opportunities to put their skills into practice.
Portfolio Development
Aspiring actors need a portfolio of work to showcase their talent to casting directors and agents. Acting schools assist students in building this portfolio by offering opportunities to participate in productions, workshops, and showcases. This portfolio becomes a powerful tool for securing auditions and roles.
Personal Growth
The journey of becoming an actor is not just about the craft; it's also a journey of self-discovery. Acting classes often push students to explore their own emotions, vulnerabilities, and perspectives. This self-awareness not only enriches their acting but also leads to personal growth and a deeper understanding of themselves.
Perseverance and Resilience
Acting is a field that demands resilience. The audition process can be grueling, and rejection is part of the journey. Acting schools instill the importance of perseverance and resilience, teaching students to bounce back from setbacks and keep pursuing their dreams.
Access to Industry Insights
Industry professionals often visit acting schools to share their experiences and provide valuable insights. These guest speakers offer a glimpse into the realities of the film and theater world, helping students set realistic goals and expectations for their careers.
An Investment in the Future
Enrolling in acting school is not just an expense; it's an investment in one's future. The skills, knowledge, and connections acquired during this time can pay dividends throughout an actor's career, leading to fulfilling roles and opportunities.
In the competitive world of acting, education is the key to success. Acting schools and their classes offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to preparing aspiring actors for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. From building a strong foundation to fostering creativity, from practical experience to personal growth, the benefits of enrolling in Acting school are far-reaching.
For those who dream of gracing the silver screen or captivating theater audiences, acting schools are the training grounds where these dreams can take root and flourish. They provide the essential tools, mentorship, and experiences necessary to transform raw talent into polished performances. So, if you're an aspiring actor, remember that the journey begins with education, and the doors of acting schools are open to help you step into the spotlight of your dreams. Embrace the opportunity, and let your passion for acting be your guiding star on this remarkable journey.
In the ever-evolving world of filmmaking, aspiring actors must equip themselves with the best tools and knowledge available. Acting schools and their classes provide the essential building blocks, professional guidance, and practical experience needed to thrive in this competitive field.
By investing in their education, aspiring actors not only enhance their chances of landing coveted roles but also embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. So, for those with dreams of making it big in the world of cinema, the doors of acting schools stand wide open, ready to lead them toward their shining moments on stage and screen.
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asterlark · 3 years
ok. samwell college of music au. i wrote all four years let's go babey
eric bittle is this lovely southern tenor (sounds kinda like mitch grassi or ben j pierce) who posts covers (& sometimes originals, but always with neutral or no pronouns because he can't post anything that says he or him ☹) on his youtube channel and has major stage fright but is very talented; he also plays ukulele
he got into samwell college of music on a voice scholarship and his dad doesn’t exactly approve but eric was never the 6′2″ masculine football player he wanted anyway so why not go for his dreams
he auditions for the very competitive samwell men’s contemporary chorus (there’s like 20 choirs; chamber choir, jazz choir, a cappella groups (lax bros do a cappella), combined choirs, etc- smcc does contemporary pop/rock music) and while he’s very very nervous and shaky as he auditions, directors hall & murray see a lot of potential in him (with major grumbling from student director jack)
(the rest of this ridiculously long au under the cut)
the group is small, for a chorus, because the point of the group is not a wall of sound but a focus on all of the very talented guys’ voices coming together in these gorgeous harmonies and basically they’re like one of the best choruses on campus and all the male singers want in
so there’s jack zimmermann, who of course eric knows because everyone knows who he is, he’s the son of bob and alicia zimmermann, both incredibly talented and famous musicians, and basically those genes were in his favor because he’s mega fucking talented
(jack was supposed to sign a recording contract to be in a band with his best friend kent parson when he was 17 but something happened between them and the pressure was too much and jack overdosed on something- there’s so many rumors no one knows what’s real- and kent signed solo in LA & went on to win grammys for his albums about a mysterious ex and jack disappeared for a few years to be a counselor at a music camp and reappears at samwell, knocking everyone’s socks off again like he’d never left, except with a renewed vigor and intenseness that freaks everyone out)
jack is a contemporary writing & production major, freaky talented and sings like a modern day frank sinatra, and he plays like 20 instruments and can read music like breathing air and writes songs like if he stopped he’d die; his music is folksy and mournful and he plays all the instruments on his tracks himself- guitar, piano, strings, drums- it sounds like a full band but nope. just jack. he’s intense
“we all get nicknames in this choir,” justin informs eric on his first day, “we’re those kinda guys.” so he’s bitty, which he finds vaguely offensive (bc he’s not that short!) but still cute, & the rest of the group is introduced to him:
“shitty” knight (voice like colyer) is a musical education major and an enigma of a singer with this awesome, earthy, raspy voice that’s really interesting to listen to and a very.... unique style & look; he writes cheesy but shockingly good raps about social justice topics and he will sing-lecture you if you’ve said something offensive (he also plays banjo)
justin “ransom” oluransi is a music business & management major with an angelic voice you can’t help but listen to; he’s sultry and has an incredible range and does runs like nobody’s business (with a voice like daniel caesar or leslie odom jr UGH)
adam “holster” birkholtz is a voice performance major, wants to be on broadway and it’s all he ever goddamn talks about basically, he’s a belter and has a lot of charisma and starpower and he’ll charm the pants off of you within one note; can also play piano and irritates everyone constantly because his regular volume is like a level 11 (voice like the frontman of my brothers and i combined w/ x ambassadors lead singer)
larissa “lardo” duan is at the local art institute because performing arts is not her jam and she’d much rather paint; she’s a barista at annie’s and supervises open mic nights and keeps the annoying choir dudes from driving away all her patrons
“i’m not even in your dumbass choir,” she says when the group gave her her nickname. holster just told her that she was an honorary member and then started sing-shouting a song at her about how good she is
bitty’s first year is hard because he’s talented and he works hard but he shies away when anyone asks him to sing outside the group and like, he can sing to a camera by himself but being on a stage with everyone looking at you and the sole responsibility of the song on your shoulders is terrifying and no thanks
jack does not. understand this. he’s been performing practically since he came out of the womb and he doesn’t really get performance nerves (what he gets is anxiety about how he did after he gets off stage that follows him home and makes it so he can’t sleep) - so he bothers bitty about it constantly like “you just need practice, you just have to sing by yourself a lot and then you’ll get over it” which like.... that’s true but it’s also hella scary and bitty’s like “no thanks!!!!”
but jack’s annoying and intense so he makes bitty do open mic with him every saturday night and it’s going okay and bitty loves his choir and loves his school and these new friends he’s making and he finally feels comfortable enough to come out to them during his second term
then during their spring choral showcase at the end of his freshman year bitty has a solo and he’s worked really hard on it and he’s feeling good- okay he’s completely freaked out but he’s trying to feel good- but when he gets up on stage there’s so many people and the stage lights are so hot on his face and he flips out a little and maybe he passes out from anxiety and stress right on stage and it’s terrible and he’s so embarrassed and ashamed that he ruined their set at the showcase
of course jack blames himself because “we shouldn’t have given you a solo before you were ready, i misjudged it, i’m sorry” - and they all feel kinda bad bc holy fuck they didn’t know his stage fright was that bad like they didn’t know someone could pass out just by being anxious to sing
he practices all the time over the summer and goes to his local open mic at jack’s insistence and it actually helps a lot because instead of a sea of strangers judging him it’s a bunch of people he knows and they’re all smiling at him and when he finishes his song they cheer for him and it boosts his self-confidence a lot
his sophomore year they have three new members- chris ”chowder” chow (voice like ieuan), an excitable music education major with impressive rapping skills, derek "nursey" nurse (frank ocean or leon bridges type), a songwriting major who can also play violin and guitar, and will ”dex” poindexter (like tom west), a production & engineering major who tried out with chowder bc he needed moral support and didn't expect to get in but impressed the directors with his voice
the year’s going pretty good, bitty’s still pretty scared of singing alone but more confident now and the open mic nights with jack haven’t stopped, so he’s getting better. and one night they’re hanging out at annie’s after closing waiting for lardo to be done so they can walk her home, and bitty suggests that jack sing with him one of these nights, and jack says he doesn’t know any of bitty’s songs and bitty says they can write one together half jokingly but then jack is like “yes.” with that Intense Look
SO they get together a couple days later in jack’s room at the house they all live in together (bitty moved in at the beginning of the year after previous smcc member john johnson called him- how’d he get his number?- and told him he could take his room if he wanted), jack with his guitar and bitty with his ukulele, and it’s a little awkward until bitty says jack should play him one of his songs
and, okay, he doesn’t really know what to expect because the only music jack ever released to the public was that one single he did with kent parson when they were 17 so bitty doesn’t even know if he has anything to play him, but he does- he starts playing these soft, sad notes on the guitar and opens his mouth and sings about being lonely and scared and unsure, about false starts and shaky ground and not knowing where you stand with someone, about expectations and lying awake at night and wishing so hard you were someone else, and bitty watches him sing and just kind of... realizes he’s head over heels for this boy and internally Freaks Out a little
he tries to put that aside and they start to write this song, at first it’s weird because jack’s like “all your songs are love songs i can’t really relate to happy love songs” and bitty’s like “listen... i’ve never even had a boyfriend i just write a bunch of sappy love stuff because it’s not about me it’s about whoever’s listening to it, they’re gonna project their own experiences on my music anyway so it doesn’t matter if it’s my real life or not” and jack’s like “alright while fake af that’s smart and i respect you” (what bitty doesn't say is that he writes about what he really wants which is to fall in love & be in a happy relationship)
they say they’re just gonna write this kinda vague sad song but they both secretly write lines about their actual lives so it ends up being really personal and real and raw for the both of them
they sing the song at open mic that saturday and the crowd at annie’s is never that big but they’ve never got a standing ovation here before, and some girl shouts “MAKE AN ALBUM” (it may or may not be lardo) and they both blush furiously and bitty’s like “... that was really nice, jack” and jack’s like “... yeah it was good good job you’re really getting some confidence out there nice work” (bitty: “THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT AAAAH”)
around this time jack’s really thinking about what he’s gonna do when he’s done at samwell, talking with his parents and his agent and looking into different record companies and deciding if he wants to sign with anyone or possibly start his own company- the head of a small company called falcon records in rhode island has been talking to him a lot, and jack talks to bitty about how he thinks it’d be nice to start small, and the record exec georgia and the producer marty had both been really nice and welcoming, and bitty’s so happy for him but also just... sad that he won’t be around jack every day after he graduates
THEN at a haus party celebrating their win of a local choral competition, who shows up but none other than pop star kent parson to Ruin The Fun
bitty sees the way jack pales when kent walks in, notices them disappear upstairs together and feels a little sick worrying about jack but chalks it up to the highly alcoholic concoction shitty and lardo had cooked up but nonetheless decides he’s sick of the party and goes up to his room and hears.... a little too much
and YIKES he’s standing right there and kent parson, pop star, two-time grammy winner, is looking a little rumpled and staring right at him and he puts his hat on and clears his throat and snaps at jack- “hey. well. call me if you reconsider. but good luck with rhode island. ...i’m sure that’ll make your parents proud.” and jack’s shaking, and bitty doesn’t know what to do but jack goes back into his room and bitty’s just kind of standing there like What The Fuck
so.... he kind of stews over winter break but tries not to think about it too much and he and jack text a bit and jack tells him to practice and bitty’s like “oh, you” and jack’s like “im serious” and bitty’s like “>:( it’s christmas”
spring semester starts and they're doing well in competitions and they go to semifinals and then finals for a prestigious collegiate choir competition and the pressure is mounting but they all are so optimistic and really feel like they're on the same page and bitty’s confidence is better than ever and then.... they don't win
jack especially takes it very hard, but then he also has signing to worry about, which everyone helps him with and he decides to sign with falcon records and start work on an album after graduation
speaking of graduation, shitty and jack graduate and it's hard for them but harder for bitty who feels like he's losing jack in a way, he knows how intense jack gets when he's making music and it doesn't feel like he'll have any time for bitty anymore so when they say goodbye bitty goes back to the haus and listens to his and jack's song and just cries
but, like in canon, dadbob has words of wisdom to impart and jack has an "oh" moment and races across campus to kiss bitty
they get together and the next few months are spent with jack working nonstop on his album (which tbh, he'd had many of the songs written already so it's mostly recording and producing) and texting bitty constantly and coming to visit him and playing him demos of all the songs
jack also asks bitty if they can record the song they wrote together & have it as a bonus track on his album & bitty says of course, so when jack visits they set up an impromptu studio and record vocals in the guest bedroom and this deeply personal song they wrote before they were ever together means so much more to them now
and bitty is so happy but so scared and sad too because jack is playing him these songs telling him "they're all for you bits, & a lot of them are about you" and he just doesn't know how he's going to keep all this love inside even though it feels like jack's career is at stake
he tries to shove it down and stay strong though, especially since he's now an upperclassman and they're taking on new members- connor "whiskey" whisk (voice like finneas or the male singer in valley), a music business/ management major who seems to hate bitty's guts and tony "tango" tangredi (like chaz cardigan), a jazz composition major who astounds everybody with his endless questions but also his ridiculously impressive composition skills & naturally perfect pitch (he can also play saxophone??)
i want ford in this au so fuck it she is a composition major with dreams to write scores for musicals and she stars training as a barista at annie's (aka training to corral the smcc)
the pressure of it all proves to be a lot and bitty and jack have their hi, honey moment where bitty's like i can't be this deep in the closet!!! and so they tell the smcc and also jack's label that they're together and that eases things a bit
jack's album comes out to much critical acclaim and shouting in the groupchat ("#1 ON ITUNES BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!") and several months later, when smcc has already been eliminated from choral competition in an earlier round, jack is nominated for SEVERAL grammys including best album, song of the year, and best new artist
when the time comes he takes his parents and bitty on the red carpet which, everyone keeps being like "who are you here with jack?" and he's like "my family and my good friend :)" and yes it is awkward
jack wins... all three awards. it's the comeback everyone is stoked to see and when his third win is announced, he and bitty are so elated that they kiss before he goes to accept the award
his speech is basically just "um... wow. thank you. i just kissed my boyfriend on live tv. this is amazing and i'm so humbled. i'd like to thank my boyfriend and georgia and marty and my parents and my friends and my boyfriend"
obviously the press has a FIELD DAY with this but bitty & jack are honestly vibing and so happy that it doesn't matter untiiiillll bitty's mom calls and he has to tell her "mama i'm gay and i'm going on tour with jack this summer okloveyoubye"
the last few months of bitty's junior year pass quickly and he's voted student director which is a huge honor considering how much he struggled with stage fright and confidence & how he'll now be stepping into ransom & holster's shoes
r&h and lardo all graduate (the smcc basically crashes the art school graduation and all scream when lardo gets her diploma lmao), which is a bittersweet occasion and they all do a bit of tearing up
that summer bitty goes on tour across the u.s. & canada with jack and his touring band (snowy is a bassist, tater is a drummer and poots does backing guitar, he also brings nursey to play violin on a few songs) as well as georgia who's there to manage logistics
and tour is so fun & chaotic with many bi and rainbow flags in the audience that end up thrown on stage and draped around jack's neck and they spend so many nights in the bus drinking and laughing and fooling around on the guitars and bitty's uke and exploring new cities bitty has never been to before and it's the freest bitty has felt in a long time
summer ends though, and jack leaves for the uk/europe leg of the tour, and with the new school year brings a few new members- river "bully" bullard (voice like gregory alan isakov), a music therapy major who draws his own cover art for his songs, lukas "louis" landmann (like jr jr), an electronic production and design major with a penchant for EDM, and johnathan "hops" hopper (like keiynan lonsdale), a film scoring major who wants to write music for movies and video games
bitty meets and befriends some of the other student directors- shruti, sd of the women’s contemporary chorus; sharon, sd of the chamber choir; and edgar, sd of jazz ensemble (even chad l., sd of the all-male a cappella group)
senior year passes similarly to the comic; coach visits and sees one of bitty’s competitions, jack comes to madison for christmas, smcc does well in competition and goes to regionals etc
however… bitty keeps putting off and putting off gathering the songs for his senior recital
he has a hard time doing that because he’s so focused on the group and making sure they’re performing well and as they advance in competition, everything else starts to fall away
eventually the rest of the smcc has to lock away his uke and change his youtube password and FORCE him to choose songs for it and start preparing because he cannot graduate without doing this recital and doing well on it
he chooses (of course) a beyonce song, a few of his own songs, an ellie goulding song, and an adele song
with all that his breath hitches and his hands shake before he goes on stage, he does really well and his voice instructor prof atley tears up a little in the audience as does his mom
meanwhile smcc goes to semifinals, then finals, of the national collegiate choral competition they participate in
and i imagine bitty faces somewhat less homophobia in this au because i mean, he’s in the performing arts, but i think it’s still there and he also faces a good amount of classism from richer students and performers who think they’re better because they had the resources and money to be performing professionally from a very young age, and he has been practicing via filming himself on a shitty camcorder and posting it to youtube
but they still get there! and the national finals are fucking HUGE and a big deal and a little overwhelming
bitty’s stage fright is Present because this is the biggest stage and the biggest stakes he's ever had and he has a big solo in one of their songs so if he fucks up, he fucks up a national championship for his whole group and school
luckily though, when he steps on the stage with his best friends and sees his boyfriend and family and smcc alums in the audience and they perform their first song, a high-energy pop medley that always gets the crowd going, everything seems to melt away and it's just him living in this moment and singing his heart out
when it gets to the next song and his solo, he forgets to be nervous and belts it out, getting screams of approval from the audience when he finishes
(dex and nursey do have a duet together that they had to practice for many long nights in the practice rooms alone but that's neither here nor there)
their time on stage seems to last both hours and no time at all and then they're done, the crowd gives them a standing ovation and it's at least 30% r&h & shitty's hooting and hollering and jack's enthusiastic clapping that makes bitty & the others beam with pride
then it's just waiting, giddy and nervous beyond belief in their green room, for the judging to be over
after what feels like forever they're back on stage, arms linked together waiting and hoping for their name to be called and it is, they win and it feels like years have built up to this moment, and bitty tears up because years ago when he was fainting from anxiety at having to perform in front of people he never could've imagined that he'd do this, that he'd be the student director that led them to a championship
they get the trophy and a ridiculous amount of flowers from their loved ones and they all are just in giddy disbelief that this is happening, they're national champs!!! they are the best choir boys in the nation!!
they come home and the rest of the school year passes by so quickly that it's very suddenly graduation and bitty can't believe his college career at samwell is over 😢
(he and ollie and wicky take pictures together, o&w talk about how excited they are to devote full time attention to their band & wedding planning and bitty's just like wait you're gay??)
bitty got plenty of offers from record companies but he likes his freedom of creativity and he has a built in fanbase from doing youtube all these years so he decides to make an album independently (jack helps him produce & master it 🥰)
when bitty's album comes out about a year later, full of bops about being gay and in love and having struggled but come out the other side more confident than ever, it doesn't get any grammy nominations- and he didn't expect or need that.
what it does do is it resonates. it makes the rounds in youtube and queer internet circles; people his age reach out to him saying this is the music they wish they had as a kid and kids reach out to him saying he's a role model and they're so glad to have his music to listen to. his album is written about as an underrated gem that shines with queer brilliance and is sure to start a party when it comes on.
his parents may not fully understand the road he's chosen for himself but they're still so proud and promote the album as hard as any of his loyal fans (especially the one country-inspired song on the album that he wrote and dedicated to them).
and jack, jack who saw this album from its infancy to its release date, who took the film photo that ended up being the album cover, who worked with bitty to make sure his vision was realized exactly how he wanted it to be, is proud beyond words.
jack starts using his semi-abandoned twitter again to tweet "stream [album name]" every day and bitty retweets them sometimes, with just a "this boy. ❤"
and they're happy. they're good. they have come so far and they are reaping the rewards of all the hard work they put in to make the music that they truly love.
the end :)
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Nothin’ On You // Sero x Shy!Reader
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A/N: Kinda long! But I owe Sero for taking so long on finishing this! Hope you like it! ^^
The first time you meet is for a school project
In middle school he was the cool guy that got along with pretty much everyone. At first you would hide away, which was easy with a quirk like yours. You would turn translucent and mute according to your mood, so every time you tried to muster up the courage to talk to him when he passed you by in the halls, you would completely disappear. It was a game of chance to see who was paired with who when the fated project came up, but when you were paired with Sero you almost entirely disappeared off of the face of the earth. You begin to wonder if you could escape class without being noticed when he makes his way over and plops down in the seat next to you.
"Name's Hanta Sero, what's yours?"
Your face flushes, body turning translucent for a split second before you take his hand and shake it. "It's..." Your voice fails you. Of course it had to happen now. Your quirk just had to be a two-in-one kind of deal.
Lifting a finger, you scribble your name down on a loose piece of paper and offer it to him.
He looks at the scrap of paper with curiosity. “Cute name.” He looks back to you. “Is that your quirk? The..?” He motions to his body and mouth.
You nod sagely.
He beams. "Nice to meet you."
The tension in your shoulders lessen. Grabbing your textbook and one of your notebooks made for this type of situation, you write down several questions before pointing to the textbook pages.
He reads each message, surprisingly more patient with your quirk than others. Some expected you to push past it or get over your shyness, but he went with it. It made you feel.. valid. Like your quirk wasn't a burden.
“Sounds like we'll be having a few all nighters on this one, Mr. Takeshi expects waaay too much of us if he wants this done in a week.” Sero looks at you curiously. “What do you think? We could do it at one of those 24/7 cafes nearby.”
Feeling yourself relaxing, you realize you've returned to being opaque as you nod in agreement. "Sounds like a plan."
His smile brightens. "Hey, your voice is pretty cute too chica!"
This time you're glad you disappear from sight, hands covering your mouth as he laughs heartily.  
The project was an odd success
After your initial shock and shyness of being paired up with Sero, you both were a rather successful couple when it came to academics. You split the work equally and helped each other when either of you needed it. While he wasn't always the brightest, he always managed to put a smile on your face when you were studying long into the night, when your eyelids grew too heavy and your will to study lessened. When the day of the presentation came and you both took to the front of the class, it was his support that kept you from disappearing out of fright. However, now that it was over, you were surprised he still wanted to hang out with you, even if it wasn't required anymore.
“Oi, chiquita bonita! Over here!” Sero waves to you from across the classroom. He was sitting in his normal spot with his usual clique, and normally you didn't mix with them. They seemed nice, but it was always awkward when you joined him. You felt like they only tolerated you because of him.
Gathering your items, you shuffle out of your desk space and join him, blushing slightly as he scoots his seat to the side to make space for you right next to him. You could feel the burning stares of the girls surrounding him. You held on though, focusing on staying opaque, knowing he would try getting to the bottom of why you were nervous. Oh if only he knew how hated you were by his clique of girls.
“We did pretty good on the presentation didn't we?” He asks while draping an arm across the back of your chair, his body completely at ease. “Even the cabrón was impressed.”
You smack him lightly on the back of his head. You didn't know a lot of spanish, if at all, but you picked up some slang from the boy next to you. “Don't be mean Hanta, he's not all that bad.”
The girls’ hiss at your action, but Sero only laughs and tugs you closer under his arm. “Lo siento cariño. I'm sorry, but it's not my fault he has a stick up there.” He gestures upward with his middle finger.
You knew if you tried speaking, your voice would have fizzled out like a drop of water on a hot stove.
After the project you two were nearly inseparable, everyone knew you and Sero were an item (even if you both didn't see it)
“Dios mio! What did we do to earn this princesa?”
You turn around to the source of the voice, pausing on decorating the stage of the auditorium. It was Sero, you could tell immediately by his voice, but what you didn't understand was the context of his words. What was he talking about?
The confusion must have shown on your face as he moves closer and climbs onto the stage, walking up to you until he was by your side. “You're all dolled up. What's the occasion?” He holds you by the shoulders and peers behind you as well, earning a pinch on his cheek.
“It's the dance this week, remember? But the play is before, so we have to set up so it's all ready for the night. That means dress rehearsals too.” You were a part of the theatre group, an odd choice for someone who disappears when they get stage fright, but you were heavily invested in what you did. It was a passion you indulged.
“Aye, yeah I forgot about that.” Sero rubs his neck and looks at the ground, deep in thought. At least for two minutes. After the two minutes he peeks at you with a mischievous grin. ”Wanna go to the dance with me?”
To your credit, you manage to stay opaque while your heart beats wildly in its cage. “Thats a dumb way of asking me out.” You mutter while sliding down from the stage, nearly cutting yourself on one of the loose planks.
“¡Cuidado!” He holds his arms out, ready to help you down. “I don't want my date to get hurt you know?”
“I can still dance in a cast.” You brush off his concern with a rare smile. Crushes aside, you appreciated his friendship and concern.
“The fuck is this, Romeo and Juliet? Get a room!” A classmate yells from the lighting stage, laughing when you flip them the bird.
Sero joins in the laughter, leaving soon after apologizing to your classmate. Said classmate meets you in front of the stage, arms crossed and looking back and forth between you and the now closed auditorium door.
“So are you guys dating now?”
“No, we're just friends.” You rub your neck, feeling the translucency crawl up your neck. But it couldn't wipe away the smile on your face.
You gravitate towards each other
Stretching your arms in front of you, you twist your body to the right and sigh as you feel a pop. You didn't particularly like gym class but it was nice to get a good stretch.
Looking around at the field in front of you, you wave at the occasional friendly face. You had friends in this class, which made it even more bearable.
"Hola princesa!"
Turning around you grin at the familiar face. You run to the fence blocking you in, gripping it as you watch your friend run to you. He holds your hand through the fence, a normal occurance and a habit you've grown fond of.
"What are you doing here?" You question while turning your hand in order to squeeze his, heart fluttering when you see the small tinge of pink on his cheeks.
"Just here to say hi. My next class is in E block." He peers over your shoulder. You were about the same height, somewhere around 5'4, so you relished being able to see him eye to eye (mostly) while it lasted. He grew a bit over the break of your first year. "Playing anything?"
"Volleyball." You shiver. "I'm team captain, but I suck at it." Who would you pick? Would you actually be a good leader? You feel your voice leave you as you begin to rival that of an onion skin, growing more and more invisible.
A small pinch on the back of your hand pulls you back to reality. Sero waggles a finger, tisking at you. "Don't sweat it, you'll do great." He squeezes your hand before backing up, walking backwards as he heads to class. "Just breathe princesa!"
"Got it." You whisper to yourself, waving to him as you watch him enter the building across from you.
Sadly by the end of your second year, he had grown taller, leaving you craning your neck to look at him.
When he entered U.A. you still cheered him on
Graduating middle school was tough when you split off into different schools. You knew you would keep in contact, but it was so much harder to spend time together when you didnt attend the same schools. Still, with each video chat and phone call, with each text, you showered him with all your love and support. He wanted to be a hero, and you were happy to support him with that dream!
You: Saw you on the tv, you were amazing!
Sero: thanks 😙 still lost tho 😅😅😁😁
You: Yeaaah🤔 but you still looked really cool! Still, didn't realize you were strong enough to pull that Todoroki guy that way 🧐
Sero: Im just full of surprises princesa 😘
Sero mentioned you often to his friends
You were mentioned in at least one conversation a day, it didn't matter the context, you just sort of popped up. What could he say, he loved you! You were his go to for support and someone he truly valued. Plus you weren't crazy like his classmates. 
“You keep talking about her but we've never actually seen her.” Mina leans forward on her palm as she sips at her milk tea. “You're not lying about her are you?” She wiggles her eyebrows, eliciting a laugh from Sero. 
“Course she's real.” 
Kirishima lays his head on the table of the booth they were at, looking at Sero with confusion. “Got proof? It’s not manly to lie to your friends bro.” Sure he believed in his friend, but after a year of just hearing about a special girl, it was hard to keep believing without some form of proof. 
Sero holds up a finger as he pulls out his phone. Placing it flat on the table, he pushes the power button and watches his friends faces light up as they view his lock screen. It was a picture of you.
“Woah! Who's the hot chick?” Kaminari asks excitedly as he returns from the bathroom. “Is she single?”
Sero powers off his phone before smacking a piece of tape on his friend’s mouth, surprisingly feeling a twinge of anger at his words. You were his best friend! He had to protect you!
 On the inside he knew his anger was from deeper feelings, but for now it was just from the fact that he may need to defend your innocence from his own schoolmate. You were so shy, he knew Kaminari’s flirting would be too much for you.
“Yeah, no cabrón. She's taken.”
You were there for his graduation
Needless to say, you were at his graduation! It was difficult to find him amidst the crowds of families wanting to take pictures of their children and siblings, and even some heroes wanting to say their goodbyes! You were absolutely bombarded and neigh invisible after overthinking the whole thing, so when you finally found him you were stunned into invisibility when his friends jumped you. 
“Ohmygodohmygodit'sactuallyyouuuuuu!” Mina screams as she pulls you into her, squeezing the life out of you before you can get a breath out. 
The boys were much gentler, but just as excited. Especially Kaminari.
“Hey it’s the hot girl- more like the gone girl, what's happening?” He questions as you disappear from sight, your voice completely AWOL.
Sero smacks his face as he curses his friends out. “Chingues! Give my girl some space hijos de perras!” 
Mina gives you enough space to breathe but holds you much like one would a hostage. For a hero course student, you believed that she would have done very well as a villain. 
“Nope! We get to meet this girl of yours, Tape Boy!” She looks down at you, squinting to try making out where your face would be, unknowingly glaring directly at you. “He talks about you almost nonstop yet you haven't visited us at all, how unfair is that?” Mina grins. 
You come into focus, your voice a mere squeak as you brush some hair out of your face. “A little? I should've visited..” You introduce yourself to his cadre, your name stumbling off your lips. 
“Hot and shy? What a cutie!” Kaminari hugs you from your available side where Mina wasn't holding you in a headlock. 
A whip of tape smacks the blonde and sends him reeling back to Sero who holds him in a similar hold Mina was holding you.
Your friend ruffles Kaminari's hair in a somewhat violent manner, grinning at him with threatening eyes. "Go easy on her cabrón. She's not used to so many people doting on her."
They were doting on you? You tilt your head and look at Mina who was still examining you. "I don't think I deserve to be doted on, that's not what's going on here right?"
"Of course not, but you and I are gonna have some girl time while the boys get us a spot at a restaurant! You're gonna tell us all about how you and Tape Boy here met!" She chirps excitedly, pulling Bakugou in with her free arm as he tries escaping past her.
You feel a drop of sweat as you accept your fate, watching Bakugou attempt to wrangle his way to freedom. "Sure, sounds nice."
Sero made it rather big as a hero, see, he wasn't the strongest hero but he was very popular
He had always been popular, so it made sense to you when his ranking kept going up and up until he was in the high twenties. You knew he was good at what he did, being a source of smiles even in dark times, but it always brightened your day when you heard your coworkers mention him in passing. 
“Have you heard about the hero Cellophane yet?”
“Yeah! I think I saw him around yesterday. He was eating soba with Shoto.” 
You look backwards to see the faces of your junior coworkers. They were in a different department than you, but you enjoyed chatting with them every now and then. Mostly when it came to heroes as you had somewhat of an insiders look. 
Had you forgotten to mention you were friends with Sero- Cellophane? 
You debated whether to tell them over tea one day until you heard their next words.
“He’s kind of hot isn't he?”
... Maybe you would keep the secret to yourself. 
As a hero he makes time to drop into your life, sometimes randomly 
What else was to be said? Really?
A blur flashes by your face, causing you to yelp in shock, stepping back and nearly falling onto the unforgiving pavement. Luckily, said blur created a swing of tape just in time to catch you, pulling you forward and bringing you into his arms. 
“Lo siento mi corazón! I didn't mean to make you fall.”  Sero grins at you, his arm wrapped securely around your waist. He definitely meant to make you fall, you could see the mischief behind his eyes. 
“As if Hanta.” You pinch him on the cheek, a smile coming to your face when he whines. “Look I’m happy to see you but I've got to get to work on time today, no funny business.”
“No funny business?” He repeats after you, rubbing his chin in thought. “Then I guess I’ll have to escort you to make sure you get to work on time.” 
Your eyes widen as you feel his hold grow tighter and more secure as he holds you flush against him. Oh no. “Wait Sero-!” 
And just like that, you were in the air, swinging from building to building with him propelling you both forward. You attempt to scream at him but your voice is lost along the way as you hear the clicking of cameras. 
Oh god they were taking pictures.
“Niña don't worry! We’re almost there!”
 Luckily for you, you were never caught on camera. So your quirk did have some uses. 
The media was sure he had a partner 
The photos really ended up getting him in hot water as every interview he did, the topic of romance was brought up. Fans would notice he would avoid the topic of love, but on his social media he would constantly mention a girl. No one knew who this girl was, but fans and news stations were determined to wring it out of him. 
Once the red light of the on-air button was out, the reporter in front of Sero swiftly covers the mic pinned to her lapel and scoots to the edge of her seat. Sero watches in quiet amusement as the whole station becomes silent. Weird. But he knew why they grew quiet so fast. They wanted information, and if even the news anchor waiting for his time to come up stopped his boisterous laughter, it must've been important. 
“Off the record. Do you have a secret sweetheart stashed away somewhere Cellophane?”
Oh. This again. 
He stretches his arms in front of him as he runs through his normal excuses and dodges for this question. All still viable and working, but.. Maybe he could give a little hint. The media was on his ass about this after those photos were taken of him and his girl, so it was only right to clear the air right?
“Turn on the cameras. I’ll give this to you.”
You were crushed when he admitted he did have a sweetheart (of sorts) and even more so when the media suspected it to be the Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl
The media did end up getting a bit of info out of him  and when you heard about this special girl your heart couldn't help but crack under the thought of him distancing himself from you to be with her. You treasured your friendship with him, romantic or not, you didn't want it to end. Because of this fear, you are the one who starts to close yourself off.
“Chiquita, what's wrong?” Sero follows you as you make your way to the kitchen, a bowl of chocolate coated pretzels in your arms. “Are you sick? I can stop by the pharmacy for you.”
“N-No, its okay. I'm not sick..” You back up when you see his arm stretched outward, flinching when the back of his hand meets your forehead. 
He hums. “No fever.” 
You push past him, abandoning the bowl of chocolatey treats on the counter. You felt yourself becoming frustrated. Not with him, but with yourself. His opinion meant the world to you- he was your best friend! And you were letting this relationship of his get to you. How petty could you be? He did nothing wrong. In fact, you should be happy for him, finally dating his high school sweetheart.
But the thought of him dating Invisible Girl- the irony of him dating an invisible girl- was just too much for your heart to take at the moment. 
You had no way to take out this frustration. So it was reflected onto him. 
“Please!” You slam your hands on the counter, voice fading in and out as you hide your face in the collar of your turtleneck. “Please.. Just go.”
The apartment was quiet, filled with only your ragged breathing as you hold in your rampant emotions. When he leaves with a silent goodbye, you're unsure if the breaking sound surrounding you is just in your head or if something truly reached into you and tore your heart to pieces. 
He makes it very clear who that sweetheart is
Finally, he announces just who captured his heart. It was live on a jumbo screen, playing as you were out getting “groceries” for the nights dinner. 
The hollow feeling in your chest wasn't easing, and it definitely wasn't made any better when you saw the Stealth Hero on the television next to her team. Though your calves were certainly doing better with how much speed walking you would do when you passed by convenience stores with tabloids lining their windows, photos of Sero and Invisible Girl on the front. 
Work went by dreadfully slow, and lunch went by just as uneventfully as usual. You ignored the chatter of your coworkers, uninterested in what they had to say. 
After the report came out, no one was talking about the top heroes anymore. They all were focused on the potential lovers and what other secret admiring the heroes had in their ranks. If other heroes were hiding their own affairs. If the popular Cellophane could hide his romance, maybe someone like Deku or Shoto could be too. 
“We’re going out for drinks later, want to come with?” Your junior asks as she slings her purse strap over her shoulder. “Jin is paying~”
You respond with a polite smile. “No thanks. I’m going straight home.”
- - -
Going straight home was the plan, but in the end you had to make a quick trip to the nearest grocery store for dinner. Something quick, as you didn't have the energy to make something complicated. 
Which meant you ended up buying only instant ramen.
It was on your way back, crossing a busy sector when the sound of your friend on the jumbo screen caught your attention. 
“She's my corazón. Mi vida.” 
You look up at the screen, stopping in your tracks.
Sero was blushing, a shy smile on his face, but his eyes were lit up with joy. You heart pulses rapidly in your chest, a blush creeping up your cheeks. You had never seen him so flustered, it was always the other way around. 
“I’ve loved her since middle school. I never wanted to drag her into this, so I never confirmed her name- but its not Invisible Girl!” He amends quickly, looking at the reporter with a knowing look. He wags his finger, his infamous cocky smile replacing the twitterpated look from earlier. 
“Sure, she has a similar quirk, which is how those photos came to be.” He leans back in his chair. 
“You want to know her name right? I guess it wouldn't hurt to say. I’ve kept it hidden for so long, but here it is.”
And then he said it.
He said your name.
Looking directly at the screen, he smiles gently, eyes full of the warmth you've been craving ever since you were paired for that project years ago. 
“Ella es mi tesoro. She is my treasure.”
Racing home, you're not surprised when you find the lights on in your apartment. In fact, it only spurs you forward. 
Yanking open the unlocked door, you drop your groceries and launch yourself into Sero’s arms as he held them open for a hug. 
He was sweaty from rushing from the news station to your apartment, but neither of you were concerned about it as you laugh. You laugh at the tape still clinging to his clothes, you laugh at the ramen spilling out of your grocery bags, you laugh at your tears.
You laugh at how long it took for you both to finally admit how much you loved each other.
“Mi corazón.” He pulls back from the hug and cups your cheek, looking at you with love softened eyes. “I love you.”
Tears brim your eyes. 
You speak in the clearest voice you've ever spoken in. Skin bright and flushed pink. 
“I love you too.”
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harrowharkboygf · 4 years
Game Night
a short post-season 5 oneshot. read on ao3
Catra liked to think of herself as a dedicated person. There were a lot of things she still hated about herself—the therapist Perfuma had recommended to her had said during their first session that it would take time to fully forgive herself, to get out of the “self-destructive mindset” she had spent so long embracing. But she at least prided herself on her resolve, her resilience, her determination.
However, it turned out that in terms of determination, she was nothing compared to the princesses’ crazed desire to hold as many social events as physically possible.
At first, during the initial celebration at Brightmoon and the stream of Thank You For Saving The World, Princesses! parties that were thrown in their honor as they traveled across Etheria to help with rebuilding efforts, Catra thought that this was just because of the circumstances. Everyone was clearly thrilled to be alive and happy that the princesses were back to being heroes, and they wanted to commemorate the occasion with festivities.
(It was still weird to think of herself like that. As a member of the Princess Alliance. Would it ever get less strange?)
But then Catra learned that the princesses were just like that. There were endless game nights and iceball tournaments and flower crown-making circles and picnics and trips around Etheria just for the purpose of seeing the sights. Late night planning meetings that turned into sleepovers, and visits to their allies under the guise of “checking in” that held no tactical purpose in the end.
This was so foreign, so beyond her reality; she had grown up in the Horde, where her idea of free time was just more training. Her only celebrations came in the form of stolen moments with Adora and extra ration bars, which she hoarded like it was water in the Crimson Wastes.
But despite how skeptical she acted, deep down Catra loved it, even the flower crowns. She discovered that she was very good at iceball—so good that she and Adora were banned from playing against each other on the grounds of being too competitive. (Thankfully, Glimmer and Frosta were equally worthy opponents.) Spinnerella and Netossa were more than happy to teach her all their tricks; Catra found the couple oddly comforting, a nice, stable, older presence that she’d never had before.
But above all, Catra loved the quiet moments the most. Late sleepovers with the Best Friend Squad (her attempts to change the name to something more badass, like the Kickass Comrades, had been shot down) had, much to her surprise, become one of her favorite things. The old Catra would have scoffed seeing her now, eating sweets and giggling late into the night, but she didn’t care. Arrow Boy and Sparkles had actually become her friends, dignity be damned.
And of course, there was Adora. Beautiful, amazing, wonderful Adora, with her sparkling blue eyes and soft lips and strong arms that always ended up wrapped around Catra. She could hardly believe it was real, that Adora loved her. She wondered if she would ever be able to wake up and not stare in disbelief at the sight of Adora lying next to her, staring at her with soft, loving eyes. If one day she would stop fearing that all of it was a dream.
“Hey, lovebirds!” Glimmer shouted. “Quit being gross and get over here so you can finish helping us!”
They had spent the last two weeks in what had formerly been known as the Fright Zone, and what was soon to become Scorpia’s kingdom. The still-newly-minted princess had decided to use it as a refuge for former Horde soldiers who were looking to turn over a new leaf. “After all,” Scorpia had said, “if Catra and Adora and I all changed, everyone else can, too.”
But unsurprisingly, the place was still, as Catra put it, full of shit. So the Princess Alliance decided to clean it up and redecorate.
“You said we could take a water break!” protested Adora.
“Yeah,” said Catra, smirking. “We’re so thirsty.” She blinked innocently up at Glimmer from her perch on Adora’s lap, one arm slung around her shoulders and the other hand playing with her blonde hair.
Mermista, who was carrying a stack of boxes nearby, rolled her eyes. “Yeah you are,” she muttered. Behind her, Sea Hawk gave them a thumbs up.
Glimmer put her hands on her hips, shaking her head. “I said you could take a water break when Adora tried to lift a literal tank without shifting into She-Ra. But that was twenty minutes ago! Let’s go, you two. Chop chop.”
Adora’s gaze was fixed on Catra, a soft smile sliding across her lips. “Just a minute,” she told Glimmer, not breaking eye contact with Catra. Gently, she tipped her head upwards and kissed her. Catra let herself dissolve into the kiss, closing her eyes and exhaling.
They pulled apart only to press their foreheads together. “I think we’re annoying,” Adora stage-whispered.
Catra barely kept herself from giggling. (Giggling. What the fuck, honestly.) “You think?” she asked.
She heard Glimmer say, “Bow! Come help me!” Then she felt hands wrap around her as Bow and Glimmer bodily lifted her up off of Adora’s lap. She hissed in fake-annoyance, squirming in their grip.
“Don’t pretend you two are much better!” she shrieked as they deposited her onto a pile of stacked bedrolls. “I saw you feeding Sparkles at breakfast!”
Frosta scoffed as she used her ice powers to hang a lantern. “I get it, you’re all gross! When can we be done? I’m bored!”
Scorpia delicately set a plant down on a nearby windowsill, mindful of her claws. “Soon! Thank you so much for your help, guys. The place looks great.” Everyone beamed, pausing to look around and admire their handiwork.
It did look great. The walls had been painted a lighter color, and the hallways were now well-lit, filled with softer, more pleasant decor. The clanging of machinery still echoed, but gone was the smoke and pollution; Entrapta had spent a long time working on a more clean form of energy, one that was better for magic and the planet and whatever.
Speaking of the pig-tailed princess—“Where’s Entrapta?” asked Catra. “She didn’t want to come and invent some bot to help us?”
Perfuma adjusted her girlfriend’s placement of the potted plant, trying to give it as much sunlight as possible. “She’s very busy with all her new ethical science projects now—”
“Semi-ethical,” corrected Bow, rubbing the back of his neck.
“—But she was invited to our celebration tomorrow night! Hopefully we will see her then.”
“Another party? It never ends, does it?” Catra said to Adora, who had come back to stand at her side.
Perfuma clasped her hands together. “Oh, this one will just be a small get-together. We’ll throw a big party once all of Scorpia’s citizens move in, but this is just for us princesses!”
“And Bow and Catra and Sea Hawk,” Mermista reminded her.
Perfuma shrugged. “Honorary princesses!”
Adora cleared her throat. “Alright, team, let’s get these last few things in place. We can pick up the little bit that’s left tomorrow morning. I think it’s bedtime.”
“And then I said, “Uh, your ship’s on fire!’”
The room burst in laughter. Catra wiped a tear from her eye as she cackled—there was something about Mermista’s deadpan delivery that made all her stories way funnier than anyone else’s. “And did you ever run into that pirate again?” she asked.
Sea Hawk spread his arms grandly. “Why, of course! He approached us a short time later to tell us how our genius and fighting prowess inspired him, and how he had decided to become an artist and build statues in our honor. To this day, his children sing our praises around campfires.”
At the same time, Mermista shook her head and said, “Nope. Never saw him again.”
This unleashed another wave of giggles. Still snickering, Catra leaned forward in her seat and took a cookie off the plate on the table in front of her. As she did so, Frosta opened her mouth wide and pointed wordlessly at it. Catra rolled her eyes and tossed a cookie at her. She caught it in her mouth and gave a muffled cheer as she chewed.
Bow rubbed his hands together. “Okay, guys, let’s get started.” He gestured at the table in front of them, which would soon be the center of Scorpia’s strategy room. Tonight, however, it was covered with a big game board and several playing pieces, dice, and stacks of cards. “Here’s how we play—”
“We’re here!”
Entrapta practically bounced into the room, Emily close at her side, beeping cheerfully. Wrong Hordak followed close behind them, smiling his typical sheepish smile and holding a tray crammed with an almost-impossible amount of tiny pink cupcakes.
Adora stood up to greet them. “Hey, guys! Welcome to…”
Her voice trailed off abruptly as the last guest entered. Catra felt her heart begin to pound; she stood up too, curling her claws into fists. Melog, who had been sleeping next to the sofa the Best Friend Squad was sharing, sprang to its feet, hissing. The rest of the group froze, exchanging shocked glances.
Hordak (the real one) stood in the doorway, somehow managing to look both awkward and stern. “Hello,” he said shortly, his deep voice echoing slightly.
When no one answered for a long, tension-filled minute, Entrapta looked rapidly between the group and Hordak, her eyes wide with confusion. “Sorry we’re late,” she said tentatively. “Did I…did I bring too many people?”
Mermista buried her head in her hands and let out a muffled scream. Sea Hawk patted her arm sympathetically.
Catra struggled to choose between saying What is he doing here and Absolutely fucking not and just straight-up attacking him. Judging by her facial expression, across the table Frosta was thinking along the same lines.
Entrapta twirled one of her ponytails around her nervously, her smile slowing sliding off her face the longer the silence dragged on. Next to her, Wrong Hordak shifted from foot to foot. “Uh…”
Perfuma hastily jumped up, a fake smile plastered on her face. “We’re so glad you could come!” she chirped, flinging her arms around her.
Wrong Hordak joined the hug. “I have missed you, brothers!” he told them tearfully.
At Perfuma’s pointed look, Scorpia and Frosta made space for the newcomers, bringing over more chairs.
“Will you be joining us, Hordak?” Catra asked icily, sneering at him.
“Be nice,” Bow whispered to her.
“She has a point,” Glimmer whispered back.
Hordak glared right back at her. “Entrapta invited me. Am I not welcome here?”
Adora managed to pick her jaw up off the floor. “Uhhh…no, um, take a seat. Bow was just about to tell us how this game works.” She sat down, pulling Catra down with her.
Bow started to explain, occasionally being interrupted by Frosta, Perfuma, and Sea Hawk, who all had their own opinions on how the rules should be interpreted. Meanwhile, Catra hissed quietly, “Are we seriously just going to play a board game with Hordak of all people?”
“He’s changed, I guess,” Adora murmured back.
On her other side, Glimmer rolled her eyes. “Allegedly.”
After the war had ended, the Rebellion didn’t really know what to do with Hordak. Sure, he had saved Entrapta and turned against Horde Prime, but they weren’t just going to let him sit back on his throne. Originally Catra had been in favor of dumping his ass in the Crimson Wastes, but Huntara was having none of it.
So eventually the princesses settled on letting him live in Dryl with Entrapta, as long as he swore never to hold any political power or territory for the rest of his life. An oath they would make sure he held, with magic to ensure it, if necessary.
“I don’t trust him,” Catra murmured.
Adora placed a comforting hand on her thigh. “Me neither, but Entrapta trusts him. And whatever makes her happy, we’ll support.”
They watched Hordak sneer as Perfuma tried to offer him some fruit juice. She frowned back at his rude behavior, huffing in that trying-to-be-dignified-yet-offended way of hers. Frosta looked like she wanted to stick his head in an ice block. Meanwhile, Entrapta was in full science mode, spilling out a detailed lecture about dice and probability.
“Even if the thing that makes her happy is Hordak?” grimaced Glimmer.
Adora sighed, rubbed her forehead. “Even so,” she said glumly.
Bow clapped his hands, signaling the end of his rules explanation. “Okay, does everyone get it?”
“Yes,” said Catra.
“Totally,” said Glimmer.
“Yeah…” said Adora.
Bow gave them a look that suggested he knew they hadn’t been listening at all. “Okay, let’s get started!”
Thankfully, Catra was able to figure it out as she went. The game was fairly simple: the players had to try to be the first one to make it around a map of Etheria, while fighting mythical monsters and challenges along the way. She leaned forward, smirking, her competitive nature taking over. “You’re all going down,” she said, making a show of cracking her knuckles.
Glimmer scooped up the dice and began to shake them. “As if!”
Scorpia laughed and shook her head. “No, guys, Perfuma is the champion at this game. She’s beaten me every time, she’s that amazing.”
The flower princess blushed a deep crimson. “Oh, Scorpia!” she trilled. “You are amazing too!”
Catra watched this play out fondly. Despite her and Scorpia’s…rocky history, she was genuinely sorry for all the pain she’d caused her. Although Scorpia had said she forgave her, there was a while after the war where things had been awkward, uncomfortable. She was happy to see that the former Force Captain had found someone who could make her happier than Catra ever could.
Hordak made a strangled noise in the back of his throat. It took her a minute to realize that he was laughing. “This is a childish competition,” he announced, sounding annoyed.
Mermista rested her chin on her palm. “You’re just mad that you couldn’t conquer Etheria and now you can’t win this board game.”
Hordak stiffened. “How dare—”
“Okay!” Bow interceded, his voice hinging on hysteria. “Glimmer will start!”
They went around in a circle, their game pieces slowly advancing with each roll of the dice. Catra was not thrilled when Glimmer rolled four tens in a row and she kept only rolling ones and twos. Thankfully, she was able to get Sparkles back when she pulled a Brightmoon-themed card and “teleported” her to the little red and yellow spot on the board that was supposed to represent the Crimson Wastes.
Scorpia was, unsurprisingly, the best sport about this. While everyone else soon succumbed to playfully cursing each other out as they scrambled to keep their game piece ahead of the group, Scorpia was the one congratulating everyone even when they fucked her over.
Even Perfuma huffed when Frosta got her stuck in the “Northern Reach”. “This is a betrayal,” she sniffed dramatically, crossing her arms. “I will never, ever forgive you.” A moment later, she cracked a smile and winked at the younger girl to let her know she was joking.
Wrong Hordak landed on a “Magic Zone” square and whipped out a card. “Do not worry, sister! This piece of paper says the Sorcerers’ Guild has granted me the power of…time travel! I will reverse your plight!” he declared. He reached down and daintily picked up Perfuma’s piece so he could place it back on the path.
Perfuma giggled. “My hero!”
“That was supposed to be used for your piece,” Entrapta pointed out, fidgeting with a small gear as she waited for her turn.
Adora shrugged. “Eh, let him do what he wants,” she said. She leaned back and not-so-casually draped her arm over Catra’s shoulders. She leaned into her girlfriend’s touch happily.
Entrapta pulled out the recorder she clearly kept with her at all times. “Observation number two hundred and fifty-three: when playing games, rules are to be broken at the player’s convenience.”
“Now you’ve got the spirit!” chuckled Sea Hawk, who was currently attempting to steal alien chips off of Mermista’s plate. Every time she caught him, he gave her the most lovestruck eyes he could pull off until she let her snag a chip.
Wrong Hordak handed the dice to Actual Hordak. “Your turn, brother!”
Hordak took the dice emotionlessly and rolled it. A five. He moved his game piece to the appropriate square.
“You landed on a runestone!” Perfuma cheered. “That means you get to move ahead five spaces!”
Hordak frowned down at the tiny drawing. “This pathetic image looks nothing like the real Black Garnet. It fails to capture the strength, the raw power that eminented from my runestone. How comical.”
“Your runestone?” Catra repeated, raising one eyebrow. “It’s not yours anymore, Hordak.”
He glowered at her. “In a better life, it was.”
Glimmer narrowed her eyes. “Are you saying that—”
Entrapta scooped up the dice. “My turn!” she chirped.
Adora hastily stood up, gripping both Glimmer and Catra’s arms tightly. “We are going to get more fruit juice!” she said. “Bow, will you come with us?”
His grin was particularly strained. “Of course!”
They both looked at Glimmer. “Fiiiine,” she sighed, before transporting the Best Friend Squad to the nearby kitchen.  
Once there, Adora immediately turned to Catra and Glimmer. Melog slunk in after them, not wanted to be separated from its owner.
“He’s a terrible person!” protested Catra, already knowing what she was going to say. “I want him out of here.”
“Everyone did terrible things while they were in the Horde,” Bow reminded her gently as he poured more fruit juice into cups. Including you was the unspoken meaning behind that sentence. She looked down at the ground.
“But,” Bow said, handing her a cup, “what matters is that they’ve changed.”
Glimmer took the juice pitcher out of his hands, kissing his cheek. “I agree with Catra,” she told him as she poured. “Hordak might have said he was sorry, but he doesn’t act like it.”
“ And ,” added Catra, emboldened by someone siding with her, “he’s just straight up gross. How someone could possibly find that greasy-haired stick-up-his-ass attractive is just absolutely beyond me—”
“I know! He’s all—” Glimmer deepened her voice, hunched her shoulders. “—‘Pathetic princesses! You know nothing of true power! I am Hordak, Prince of Evil! Mwahahaha!’”
Catra laughed so hard she choked, and almost fell over.
Even Bow, who was rooting through the cabinets looking for more napkins, chuckled. “That’s cute,” he told her.
She winked at him. “ I’m cute.”
“You are.” He pulled her into a hug from behind, pressing his lips to the side of her head.
Adora took Catra’s hand. “Just please try to refrain from killing him for tonight,” she asked. “Afterwards, you and Glimmer and Mermista can start an I Hate Hordak club if you want.”
Catra tugged playfully on her ponytail. “Don’t tempt me. I will run that club.”
Her girlfriend poked her cheek in return before helping Glimmer and Bow stack the cups of fruit juice onto a tray. Catra grabbed another bag of alien chips, just in case.
“Alright,” said Adora, carefully balancing the heavily-stacked tray and ignoring everyone else eying her worriedly. “Ready?”
Bow winced as the tray wobbled dangerously when she took a step. “Adora, do you need—”
“I got it!”
Glimmer shook her head. “Maybe we’d better walk back to the strategy room. I don’t know if those cups can survive a teleportation trip.”
“We’ll be fine!” Adora assured her, and then promptly tripped, sending the tray flying.
“I’m really proud of you,” Adora told her as they waved goodbye to the group. They all had to return to their own kingdoms; it still wasn’t stable to be gone for too long.
Catra looked up at her. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, you—” She was cut off by a yell of frustration coming from the direction of the skiff waiting to take their friends back to Dryl.
The two of them watched Wrong Hordak and Entrapta attempt to bodily lift Emily onto the skiff, which was hovering a few feet above the ground. The bot was nothing more than deadweight, beeping irritably.
“Her programming is due for an update soon,” Entrapta explained. “Sometimes she gets sulky like this.”
“She doesn’t wanna say goodbye to her friends,” Frosta said. She seemed particularly pouty herself. She had become particularly clingy after the war ended, and probably wasn’t happy about having to go back to her own kingdom alone after spending so much time with everyone.
Catra could relate.
“We’ll see everyone again soon,” Glimmer reminded her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We’re throwing a celebration once Perfuma and Scorpia get everyone settled here, remember?”
“Yeah,” said Frosta, sticking out her lip grumpily.
Wrong Hordak shrieked as one of Emily’s appendages kicked him in the face. He dropped her with a thud.
“Emily!” scolded Entrapta. “Not nice!” Scorpia and Perfuma moved to help them, which definitely made things more successful. Meanwhile, Hordak watched the whole scene unfold from inside the skiff, not bothering to offer his help.
“As I was saying,” Adora said, still chuckling, “I’m really proud of you, Catra. I—I know it can be hard to keep your anger in check when you’re dealing with…”
“With the former dictator of our childhood?” she finished. “I know.”
“You’ve come a long way.”
Catra laced their fingers together, leaned against her shoulder. “So have you.”
Mermista called Frosta over to their skiff, where Sea Hawk was helping her load up their bags. The game night victor gave Glimmer a hug, then Bow, Adora, and, to her surprise, Catra. “See you later, Horde Scum,” Frosta said, parroting her mentor.
Catra grinned back at her. “See you later, princess.”
From the skiff, Mermista tossed a wadded-up piece of paper to Catra. “I look forward to it!” she shouted as Sea Hawk helped Frosta into the skiff.
“Me too!” Catra shouted back.
Adora looked curiously at the paper ball. “What’s that?”
Catra handed it to her without saying a word, smirking. Adora unfolded it, revealing a flyer.
Calling all Etherians!
Do YOU hate the former Horde Lord?
Do YOU fantasize about ruining his day?
If so, this is the place for you!!!
Meetings will be held at Brightmoon Castle. Any questions, please see Catra or Princess Mermista.
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
2020.09.27 Rolling Stone Japan - interview with SUGIZO - translation (selection)
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SUGIZO talkes about how he met his friends and why was it important to him now to release a live album
Original text: Joe Yokomizo
Photos by Keiko Tanabe
Translation: kyotaku
SUGIZO is releasing the first live album in his solo career, 'LIVE IN TOKYO', on September 30th. This work delivers the two day birthday performance 'SUGIZO 聖誕半世紀祭~HALF CENTURY ANNIVERSARY FES.~' that was held last year on July 7th and August 2nd at Nakano Sunplaza, giving you a chance to not only enjoy the live atmosphere but also the magnificent collaboration with his sworn musician friends.
It's a masterpiece I'd love many people to listen to, but it might be surprising to people who only know SUGIZO from LUNA SEA and X JAPAN and not his solo work.
In this interview we will get to the bottom of it, discussing the live album, the foundations of SUGIZO's solo work and his music, and the history with the artists who joined the project.
ー It's the first time in your career you're releasing a live album, which is very unusual now that the video releases are so common. You were that happy with how those 2 days turned out?
I was planning to release a live album from before. I heard from my staff they wanted to release the material from this half century celebration, but because I've released live video works so many times I thought it's time to change my approach.
I feel that young people nowadays are not really familiar with live albums. These times we can easily watch live videos everywhere including YouTube. But back in our childhood the live album from the artist we were indulging in was a real prize. For me it was YMO, JAPAN and PiL. Miles Davids or Frank Zappa also had quite a few live releases. And, Deep Purple or Peter Framptom also had famous live albums, even as I wasn't influenced by them. With such artists, live albums in 70s and 80s were treated as extremely valuable. I have a lot of admiration for those times, so I was hoping to eventually be able do it myself.
- I see. Before we talk about the content, I wanted to ask you when did you encounter the so called psychodelic trance music that is the foundation of your solo music?
In the mid 90s. First, I was really into hardcore techno or minimal techno in early 90s, speaking of the ambient world like The Orb or 808 STATE, I really love the scene of that time. And few years later, at the same time when I started my solo activity, European drum n bass or abstract hip hop were very popular, I was quite influenced by the club culture and music around then, and then naturally I gave myself to trance.
The first rave I went to see was Vision Quest in 2001, and from then I got even more into it. The feeling of life in the perfectly linked music and the flow of universe, like dancing with the rising sun and chilling in the afternoon, my instincts were telling me that people had a connection with this kind of music from the ancient times. Not the music from the cities, the music with roots in nature. Kind of primitive music. I found great value for music there.
◆Then they discuss JUNO REACTOR, learning what kind of rhythm feels good, how working with a South African percussion team Amampondo helped them grow spiritually, especially thanks to the drummer Mabi, SUGIZO's chase of the 'black groove' to finally understand East has its own good points; he can be proud as Japanese and SUGIZO's solo activity reflects everything he's learnt.
Next, Joe asks SUGIZO for a primer of his solo work, SUGIZO lists 'Misogi', 'FATIMA', 'DO-FUNK DANCE' and 'Lux Aeterna'◆
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meeting Kyo(DIR EN GREY/sukekiyo)
- Remarkably for each of two days you invited guest vocalists. All of them are musicians you're very familiar with, could you tell us first about how you got to know Kyo (from DIR EN GREY/sukekiyo)?
From the start I was close with some people they know and their staff members. So I went to see their show and we were introduced. It was surprisingly recently, like around 2005 or 2006.
- What was your impression when you saw DIR EN GREY for the first time?
It was the first time I felt threatened by a younger band. I'm sorry for saying this, but I haven't felt threatened or impacted by any of the younger artists, within this genre. That's why I was quite surprised with how great they are. What they're expressing, their worldview are incredible. At that time I could feel that their performance or sound are not there yet, but I could already feel the intensity of what was pouring out of them, the endless possibilities.
I was especially looking at Kyo thinking 'he's a genius'. There's no theory or detailed reasoning with him. He's just doing things by instinct. But he's good with words, good at drawing, as an artist he can express himself in so many different ways. Then, when I met him in person he was just so pure and innocent, doesn't it seem like he's not greedy at all? So it was a shock of 'a genius like this exists?'.
- It was Kyo who wrote the lyrics for your collaboration song 'Zessai', was it a request from you?
Yes. Thinking to sing the best it'd be better if that person writes the lyrics, and when I asked [Kyo] he happily did. When I sent him a 2nd stage Mix demo asking 'it will be like this, what do you think?', he already had the singing (melody) put in. And the lyrics have been done too, when I asked 'woah, that's the actual thing?', he replied 'yup, I've done them'. It's the same with DIR. Thus, he's a genius. When an image comes to his mind he cannot wait. It all felt so fast. He's really a phenomenal creator.
- How was the performance at the Half Century Anniversary?
I felt he definitely is someone who follows his instincts. When you stand on the stage and things get serious it totally doesn't matter if you're younger or older (as in how long you've been working in a music business). Of course there was no stage fright, I felt as a performer he's just huge, and at the same time it felt like there was mutual respect. It felt like it would be a waste to let it just finish like that. That's why I'm very happy that we can release the collaboration from the stage [on the live album].
◆Next, they talk about TERU and TAKURO (from GLAY), followed by Kiyoharu (I'm skipping here a lot)◆
-Kiyoharu said 'I've performed on various stages so I can't imagine myself losing, but when playing together with SUGIZO the pressure is very different'. Often when two different performers stand on stage together sparks will fly.
The same thing can be said about RYUICHI and SUGIZO, the spark/heat of the collision of a guitarist and a vocalist is often very attractive. In a way there's also the aesthetics of traditional rock, that the combination of Kiyoharu and SUGIZO might be able to embody this spark's attractiveness. That's why the collision on the stage makes me shudder, but also it's possible to blend together. With [the combination of] Kyo and SUGIZO there's no blending together, it feels different. And with TAKURO・TERU we're different type of people. When Kiyoharu is on stage I feel he's the same species as me.
- It's interesting that the character of all those three groups of musicians is totally different.
That's true. I think it's amazing I could have a line-up like that, it's really by chance that they are my good friends coming from the same genre.
◆they finish the interview talking about the sound and working with Dub Master X, sound mixing for the album, SUGIZO wants the live sound to have intimate, close feeling◆
一 So how was it to complete a live album without compromising on anything?
It's a live album, but it it makes me feel like I was able to create a 'SUGIZO's Best Album'. 2 years I go I released what was meant to be my biggest compilation, but obviously the sound from the studio and from the concert have totally different types of energy. As someone who's been performing on the stage for a very long time, I'm really glad to able to pack that energy for the first time officially on an album. Of course live performance has less precision than the studio album, but performance has way more energy.
Another thing is that as you know it is difficult now to perform due to the pandemic. I haven't played live for half a year, when thinking about it, it's the first time in my music career to not play any shows for this long. That's why I'm really yearning for the stage performance, the live show. When I was still doing them it was something obvious, but now that I can't, making this album made me keenly aware how important concerts are in my life and how much I need them; and to tell the truth working on this live album was like saving myself in a way. Obviously a live album can't rival the real thing. Not even a live dvd nor a live stream can match the excitement of being there [at the show], but I worked on this album hoping to let you feel at least some percent of that feeling. At any rate, I'm really grateful to be able to create a work like a live album that inspired me so much as a child.
Btw 絶彩 feat. 京 [LIVE IN TOKYO] available here
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hologramband · 4 years
Never The 1
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(gif crds cryinghimbos) 
Alive!Reggie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.5k
A/N: This is taking place after the boys cross over, I like the little theory where “crossing over” means just “crossing over” back to life or something, idk we gonna roll with it tho lol. 
The song I use in this is  “Never the 1” by ROSIE
The hallways were busy as you and Flynn walked side by side to your next class. This dreary Monday was almost over, just one class stood between you and hanging out with your friends. 
You knew how to sing, but you never thought you were any good, so you tended to keep to writing lyrics here and there, but mostly helping with Flynns sides of things when it came to advertising the bands events and other things, helping the band in a few different ways. 
“So, (Y/n), how have things been going with you and Dylan? Is he starting to be more okay with you spending more time with the band?” Flynn started a conversation while waiting for you to switch your books at your locker. 
Dylan was your boyfriend of seven months, things had been good between the two of you until you started wanting to spend more of your time with Julie and the boys the last month or so. You had an image issue before you met Dylan, never really being confident in yourself, you liked hiding in the background. Julie and Flynn had always included you in everything they did, but something just finally clicked with Dylan, he made you feel special. 
When the band took off you were ecstatic, growing close with each of the boys, especially Reggie, your personalities meshing really well, and Alex, him becoming like a brother to you.
You still made time for Dylan, hanging out with him when you weren’t helping the band, even invited him to practices when you went, but for some reason he wasn’t a fan of hanging out with your friends. 
“Eh, he’ll come around eventually. He can’t expect me not to have any friends other than him.” You shrugged your shoulders and closed the locker door, the two of you changing topics and continuing to class. 
When you get there a smile instantly grows on your face, this was your favorite class of the day since you shared it with both Flynn, Julie, and the boys. 
“(Y/n)! Hi! Are you coming to practice today?” Reggie smiled as you sat in your seat across from him. 
“Well duhh, wouldn't miss it.” You smiled back and looked around at the rest of the group, falling into a conversation with the rest of them. 
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, signaling you got a text from someone, looking down you saw it was Dylan. 
-Hey babe, something came up so I, won’t be able to go to Julies with you after school, sry :/-
You frown at the message, he hasn’t been to a single practice yet, “something” always coming up, but send a short reply saying it was okay before the teacher, Ms. Adamson walked in and started her lesson. 
“Alright class, for the next project I want to get your creative juices flowing,” She clasps her hands together and moved to the board, switching her powerpoint slide to the instructions to the new assignment, “by the end of the week I want you all to have an original piece prepared to present or preform for the class.” 
You felt your eyes widen and your body stiffen, the main reason you haven’t ever let anyone hear you sing was due to your crippling stage fright. 
You glance around and see the rest of your friends smiling and high fiving each other, seeing this as another opportunity to bring a light to the band. 
“Is this a group project?” Luke raised his hand and asked, only to be met with a smirk and a shake of the teachers head. 
“Unfortunately, Mr. Patterson, this is an individual project, consider it a time for everyone to showcase what talents they have and are keeping hidden,” Ms. Adamson laid her hand on your desk and sent a subtle wink your way. 
She had walked in on you one day in the music room while you were messing around with some new lyrics for the song the band was working on.
You sunk in your seat a bit more and looked to see the rest of your friends looking your way, slight confusion on their faces, meaning they also saw the wink your teacher had sent your way. 
The rest of the lesson was focused on the details of the project and her giving ideas on what could be done other than music, such as spoken word, a painting, etc. You spent the rest of class figuring out what you could do other than sing, but had a feeling Ms. Adamson would accept nothing else from you. 
The bell rang, signaling the end of the day and everyone stood from their chairs and collectively walked to their lockers, getting ready to walk to Julies for practice. 
You made your way to your own locker, smiling when you saw Dylan standing to the side of it. 
“Hey, Dyl.” You went to give him a kiss, but he moved his head so your lips landed on his cheek instead. 
“Sorry I can’t come today, I bombed a test in math so Mr. Douglas is making me stay after with a tutor for the next week to fix my grade.” He shrugged his shoulders and his eyes were darting from place to place. 
Deciding not to comment on his weird behavior, pushing it off as just embarrassment of failing the test. 
“No worries, you’ll make it to one eventually,” You smiled at him and saw the crew walking towards you, everyone always walked to Julies together after school. 
Dylan noticed your gaze shifting and stiffened at the sight of all of them. 
“Hey,” You placed a hand on his arm, confusion growing, “everything okay?” 
He simply shrugged your hand off. 
“Yeah, yeah, just gotta get to the library, see ya.” He left a chaste kiss on the top of your head as he rushed in the opposite direction of your friends. 
“What was all that about?” Alex commented as he swung an arm around your shoulders. 
You were still in shock that he ran off like that, but again blamed it on the bad grade, as dumb as it was. 
“Not sure,” you mumbled, quickly changing your attitude, “you guys ready to head out?”
With nods all around you all started the short walk to Julies. 
Practice went great, the band trying out new songs that Luke and Julie had written, you fixing a few of the lines so the song flowed a bti better. 
During one of the breaks, everyone decided to sit and talk about the upcoming project. 
“What are you guys gonna do? Not being able to play as a band?” You wiggled your eyebrows at the group and they all kinda shrugged. 
“Oh I know what i'm doing! “Home is Where My Horse Is” will finally get the recognition it deserves!” Reggie stretches his arms along the back of the couch that the two of you were sitting on, setting his feet on the table in front of him. 
Laughter erupted from everyone, already knowing that was what Reggie would do. 
“What about you,” Alex turned the attention to you, “Ms. Adamson sent a pretty pointed wink your way when explaining it was gonna be individual.” 
You felt your cheeks burn a bit and you shrugged your shoulders. 
“Eh, you know how she is, I’m sure I’ll come up with something.” You looked around and realized that your answer hadn’t satisfied the group. 
Your phone again buzzed with a text from your mom saying you needed to get home. 
“Oh, sorry guys, mom needs me for Dinner,” you stood quickly. 
“Ah, saved by ‘mom’,” Julie winked. 
You laughed as you gathered your things. 
“I’ll walk you!” Reggies exclaimed as he jumped to his feet, meeting you by the garage doors. 
This was a pretty normal experience for the two of you, Reggie and you always enjoying the walk together, being more open with just the two of you rather than the whole group. 
“Lets go, partner,” you winked at the reference to his growing love for country music. 
It wasn’t a terribly long walk, but after the sun went down it was always safer to have someone with you. 
Another thing that happens when the sun goes down is the reminder that you forgot a jacket, a slight chill running down your spine. You had hoped that you covered it up with a couch, but within seconds an extra layer of warmth was thrown across your shoulders. 
Reggie had taken his flannel from his waist and given it to you, you thanked him as you pushed your arms through the sleeves. 
“So, how are things with you and Dylan? You seemed upset earlier when we got to your locker.” Reggies glanced at you.
“Oh, you know, it’s fine, he’s just been a bit distant lately, i’m not sure what’s going on but i'm sure we’ll get through it.” You shrugged and looked at your shoes, suddenly finding them very interesting. 
“There’s something else, c’mon, (Y/n),” Reggie slightly bumped his shoulder into yours, causing you to look up at him, a slight smile from the action on your face, but falling instantly. 
“Um,” you look back at your shoes, “it’s really nothing, silly really.” You shrugged your shoulder again, stopping as you got to your driveway. 
The real reason you had been so shocked when Dylan walked away earlier was due to him not telling you he loved you, he had always said those three words before parting your side, no matter the circumstances, for the last four months of your relationship. When he didn’t say them this afternoon it took you by surprise. 
“Well, you know i’m always here right?” Reggie moved a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up in his direction. 
“No matter what it’s about, whether you need to rant, cry, or share something really cool, I’m always here to listen,” He smiles down at you, causing you to crinkle your nose and smile back, bringing him into a short hug. 
“Thanks, Reg. It really means a lot.” You pull away and walk the last few steps to your house, hesitating at the doorway, turning back as Reggie spoke again.  
“Have a good night, (Y/n),” Reggie smiled at your retreating figure, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“You too, see you tomorrow!” You waved and walked in the door to your house, pulling his flannel a little tighter once the door closed, then shaking the thoughts that were entering your head away. 
Reggie was just a friend, plus you had a boyfriend, Dylan might be distant right now, but he was still there…
The next few days had gone by quicker than you anticipated, it now being Thursday and you still didn’t have a plan for what you were going to do in class the next day. 
You had tried writing a few lyrics, but nothing felt right, you couldn’t find the right inspiration for what you wanted to do, you honestly didn’t even know what you wanted to do. At this point your game plan was to fake being sick so you wouldn’t have to stand up in front of the class, gasping like a goldfish out of water. 
You sat in your last class of the day, all your friends talking about what they were doing tomorrow, Alex had a drum solo with a few lyrics he had come up with, Luke singing one of his songs he was able to whip up within an hour, Julie doing the same, Flynn had made a really cool beat she was going to freestyle to, and Reggie had Home is Where My Horse Is. 
Ms. Adamson had given you the day to work and finalize your projects for tomorrow, and you were starting to feel overwhelmed. 
The bell rang and snapped you out of the anxious trance you had been in.
You walked to your locker and tried to figure out what you were going to do, you had under 24 hours to figure something out now. 
“Hey, (Y/n), you coming?” Reggie and the rest of the group were at your side, waiting to see if you were going to walk back with them. 
“Um, I think I’m gonna stay back today, I really need to focus and figure out what I’m going to do for tomorrow,” You ran a hand through your hair and let out a breath, “Plus I think Dylan is tutoring in the library so I might see if he can help or something, I haven't really much from him lately.” You lightly laughed at how sad that sounded, and shook your head, waving to the group as you walked towards the library.
“Let me know if you need anything!” Reggie called out and you sent a grateful smile his way. 
You didn’t see Dylan when you walked in, so you choose a secluded spot in the corner, trying to get some work done. 
After 30 minutes of staring at the blank paper, you give up, deciding to call it a sick day tomorrow and pray that something comes to you this weekend. 
As you pack up your things you scan the room again, curious if maybe Dylan had just come in without you noticing, but frown when you don’t see him. 
You start drafting a text to him that you were looking for him, but stopped when you heard a book fall from the shelves a few rows away, and a moan that sounds quite familiar. 
Slowly, you walked down the aisle paralleling where you heard the noises coming from, and froze by what you saw through a break in the books. 
Dylan was here after all, but he had his hands all over someone else, lips on someone who wasn’t you.  
A tear escaped from your eye as you turned away, deleting the text message you were going to send and starting a new one. 
-Hey, I was looking for you in the Library. I found you… I left the bracelet you got me on the table by your aisle. -
You removed the small charm bracelet the boy had given you after your three month anniversary and placed it on the table, hit send, and blocked his number. 
Tears were flowing freely now, as well as your thoughts.
Did he ever care? 
Was I just a joke to him? 
Did he ever love me? 
Why wasn’t I enough? 
You found yourself in the school's music room, taking a deep breath as you sat down, pulling out your song journal. 
Inadvertently, Dylan had given you just the inspiration you needed for your song. 
Your fingers flowed freely on the keys, finding the right melody for the emotions you were feeling. You played and wrote the notes down, some lyrics came now, but you were focused on the melody. 
The janitor eventually came around and told you that you had to leave, and you rushed home, not wanting to forget the lyrics you had in your head. 
You skipped dinner and ran straight to your room when you got home, the tears starting again as your phone flashed with a text, not due to the sender, but the picture on your lock screen. 
Angrily you opened your phone and deleted all the pictures of the boy you had loved, not wanting the reminder that you had trusted him flashing  in your face anymore. 
While deleting the pictures you ran across one of you and Reggie messing around in the garage, the next one of Flynn and Julie with their arms wrapped around you. 
You smiled and set your lock screen as the picture of the girls and you, your new background the picture of you and Reggie. 
Feeling a bit better, you went back to work on writing the lyrics that you had been thinking of. 
When you finally finished, you saw the clock flashing 4am at you. 
Having all your emotions finally written out on paper made you feel worlds better, and you found sleep easy after, but just too easy at that. 
When you woke up the next day you saw that you had already missed the first few classes of the day. 
Reggie, Julie, and Flynn had all called and left text messages asking where you were.
Cursing, you got up and dressed, throwing the first things on that you could find, one item happened to be Reggies flannel he had lent you the other day, giving you a sense of ease when you breathed in his cologne.  
When brushing your teeth you saw your reflection and gasped, no amount of makeup would cover up the red puffy eyes that blessed your face. 
With a sigh you splashed some cold water on them, helping a little, only being able to tell now if someone was really looking. 
Not having the time to focus on this you gathered your things and ran to school. 
You walked through the doors and took note of the time, and made your way to the lunch room where you found your friends at their usual spot. 
“Well, well, well, there she is,” Flynn called as she saw you approaching. 
You smiled at the girl and sat down, trying to keep your head down, hoping they wouldn’t take notice of your appearance, but to no avail. 
“Babe,” Julie turned your face towards her, “what happened to you?” 
Before you could answer you felt a hand on your shoulder, turning to see Dylan standing there, anxiously rocking back and forth on his feet. 
“Um, can we talk?” He scratches the back of his neck, looking from your friends to you. 
“There’s nothing to be said,” you whisper and turn away from him, but he just sat in the empty seat in front of you. 
“You haven’t been answering my texts, just let me explain, please.” He was getting stressed, you weren’t giving in like you typically did. 
“They won't go through, I blocked you,” you shrug, “and there's not much to explain, you lost me the second you decided to make out with Sara in the library, sure was a pity you got caught, wasn’t it?” You shot daggers with your eyes as you spoke, a slight gasp from Flynn came from your side. 
Dylan felt the hostility from the band and shifted in his seat, why he was still here was beyond you, but the bell quickly ended the conversation. 
You stood and tried to walk away, just for Dylan to catch your wrist and turn you towards him. Before he could get a single word out you felt yourself word vomiting.
“Why wasn’t I enough for you?” the question that had been ringing in your head since you caught him finally came out, a single tear running down your cheek.  
His mouth opened and closed a few times, and you just nodded and pulled your wrist away from him, only a few steps away before Reggie had you pulled into his arms in a tight hug, soon joined by Alex and Luke, then the girls. 
They pulled away and you wiped your tears, smiling at them. 
“C’mon, we gotta get to class.” You muttered, Reggie slinging his arm around your shoulders, not an abnormal thing, but it was just what you needed in this moment. 
Class was going by quickly, the rest of the band performing their pieces, Reggie just sitting down from singing HIWMHI.
“Alrighty, last, but certainly not least we have (Y/n),” She smiled at you and you stood, making your way to the piano in the corner, the band questioning this since they only thought you knew how to play the guitar, just wait until they hear you sing. 
You clear your throat and start on the keys, taking a breath and letting the music take over. 
“Met you in October
You talked sweet and a little slow.
And I thought, mmm 
I think I, mmm”
It was obvious to almost everyone in the room that this song was about Dylan, what most of the room wasn’t aware of was that this was a break up song. 
“Warm eyes and your hands cold
You sang soft like a sore throat
And I thought mmm
I think I mmm
Cause I know you're dangerous
I saw through your games and played them
And I hate myself for letting you in”
You look at Ms. Adamson before continuing to the chorus, he eyes already gleaming with pride that you chose to sing. You tried to send a mini apology for the curse word that was coming in the next part.
“Now I could write 10 songs 'bout 9 ways you fucked me over
Only took you 8 second to forget 7 months together
We were up till 6 in the morning
5 ways a week
You said 4ever then left before I counted to 3
Loved you a little 2 much but I was never
I was never the 1”
You took a deep breath and played the keys a bit before moving onto the next part of the song. 
“You mеt me on a Friday
I dressed up likе a first date
So you'd think, "mmm
I think I mmmm"
And I knew we loved when
You stayed past 2 am
And I thought mmm
Does he think mmm”
You looked up and opened your eyes, making eye contact with your friends, Julie and Flynn having small tears in their eyes, knowing this song was written with fresh heartbreak. 
The boys all had looks of shock written on their faces, this being the first time hearing you sing, and the emotion ripe in your voice just making it that much better. 
Reggie had a hint of a smile on his face, pride radiating from him watching you blossom in front of him.
“And I knew you were dangerous
I saw through your games and played them
And I hate myself for letting you in”
You closed your eyes and launched into the chorus again, really letting the emotion carry you through the rest of the song. 
“Now I could write 10 songs 'bout 9 ways you fucked me over
Only took you 8 seconds to forget 7 months together
We were up till 6 in the morning
5 ways a week
You said 4ever and left before I counted to 3
Loved you little 2 much but I was never
I was never the 1”
You took your hands from the keys and repeated the last line again, just your voice filling the crowded classroom. 
“Loved you a little 2 much, but I was never, I was never the 1”
You held out the final “1” and then stepped back from the piano, applause breaking from across the classroom. 
You shyly courtesy and quick step it back to your seat, your stage fright quickly returning. 
“I would like to thank you all for your participation today, and another thanks for being vulnerable with everyone in the room. Everyone was absolutely amazing, I'll have grades up by Monday, have a good weekend!” Ms. Adamson dismissed the class and all your friends' eyes turned to you. 
“WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL US YOU COULD SING?” Luke exclaimed with wide eyes and flailing hands. 
You giggled a bit and shrugged your shoulders.
“Girl, that was so good, did you write it all last night?” Julie shook her head in amazement. 
“Uh yeah, inspiration hit and I just wrote until it was finished.” You shrugged and wring your hands together, not wanting to focus on the moment that inspired it all. 
“Um, are we going to the garage to hang? I can go get my things,” You tried to change the subject by standing and starting towards your locker, Reggie hot on your heels. 
“(Y/n)! Wait up!” You stopped and waited for the boy to catch up, continuing as soon as he was by your side. 
“You really have a great voice,” Reggie gushed as he looked down at you. 
A blush crept on your face as you shook your head. 
Reggie leaned against the neighboring lockers to yours as you gathered your things, looking up at him when you saw his muscles tense. 
You then followed his gaze to see him looking at Dylan walking on the opposite side of the hall, arm slung around Sara, like he used to with you. 
You returned your gaze back to your locker, a new rush of emotions flowing through you. 
Reggie lightly rested a hand on your arm and pulled you into his chest much like he had a few hours prior. 
“He’s an idiot for letting you get away,” He mumbled in your hair. 
“No,” you pulled back slightly, “I’m the idiot who thought someone like him actually loved me.” You wiped a stray tear, Reggie then grabbing each of your hands in his own.
“Don’t you ever think like that, he was rude, careless and just plain stupid for not seeing what he had right in front of him.” 
You look up at the boy in front of you. 
“(Y/n), you are the most beautiful girl I know, inside and out. Your thoughtfulness for everyone around you is absolutely amazing, you care for so many people, you do so much, and don’t ask for anything in return. You are a whole package, and anyone who doesn’t see that is blind.” Reggie finished and wiped the tears that fell while he was talking. 
You leaned back into his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso, feeling grounded, safe,  in a way you never did with Dylan. 
“Thank you,” you muttered, leaning back and feeling butterflies in your stomach, “Um, Reggie, I don’t want to start anything right now, I need some time to figure me out-” you started, but were interrupted by Reggie shushing you. 
“Hey, don't stress about this, you take all the time you need, I promise you I’m not going anywhere.” He smiles down at you, you return it tenfold. 
“Hey! (Y/n)! What would you think about a feature on our next song?” Luke comes running up beside you and Reggie, ending the moment that was occurring. 
“Um, i’ll have to think about that a bit,” You smirked, Reggie grabbing your bag and placing it on his shoulders, wrapping an arm around you as the group walked out of the school. 
“By the way,” Reggie whispers in your ear, “I’m loving the way my flannel looks on you.” 
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cosmic-coyote7 · 4 years
Speed write from suggestions via Twitter
[ Lukanette - Camp Rock AU ]
(Kinda camp rock but sorta touched the second movie more. Oh well. ^^)
The sun rose above the cabins that formed a circle around a vast (and currently extinguished) firepit. The cabins were worn with their peeling paint and screen windows with holes in them, but many memories were contained in these structures. Countless lyrics had been written, hundreds of songs performed, and scores of various instruments had been housed here with their talented owners.
A sign at the entrance to the driveway declared this isolated place Camp Rock.
Legends had lived here and learned to find their voices and their talents. Being able to go here was a major opportunity and many worked hard for the chance to perform here.
One such performer was Luka Couffaine. Sixteen years-old and having been playing guitar since he was five, he lived and breathed music.
He hooked up his electric guitar into its amplifier as his fellow bandmate, Ivan, got behind his drums. His sister and bassist, Juleka, copied him in hooking up her instrument that was like another part of her body.
Ivan counted them down as Luke tested his microphone then ran his fingers over the strings, his electric blue guitar pick gleaming in the early morning sun. 
They began practicing, their sound projecting out over the campsite and beyond over the water.
Various campers began waking up and groggily making their way outside. Some people were jamming out with the band and dancing along to the sound, but most just looked annoyed at being woken up by loud rock music.
One of the few who looked grumpy was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She had once admired Luka, but she knew now he was a stuck up pretty boy who thought he was king of the camp because of his talent. 
They were rivals. 
Marinette preferred to sing and play piano. Luka could sing, too, but the guitar was his forte.
After the song was over, Luka jumped down from the stage and grinned broadly at Marinette, his dark and dyed hair already sweaty. 
He looked pretty, she gave him that, but she still didn't like his attitude. 
"How was that, Dupain-Cheng?" he asked smugly.
"It didn't put me back to sleep," Marinette offered. A few people snickered. 
Luka chuckled and backed up, his smirk prominent. "You ready for the battle of the bands tonight, Dupain-Cheng?"
Marinette’s smile was challenging. "You bet. Kitty Section will be blown away by Miraculous."
"That's my girl!" Alya Cesaire, the drummer for her band, stood proudly at her friend's side. 
Luka simply nodded then went back to join his own bandmates.
Later that afternoon, Marinette was hanging out with her own bandmates that made up her group, Miraculous. 
Their bassist (and sometimes pianist), Adrien Agreste, watched as she paced around and continuously fidgeted with her hair. "You okay, Mari?" he asked, concern in his bright green eyes.
Marinette scowled as she crossed her arms. "That Luka Couffaine thinks he's so cool and amazing," she huffed.
"I mean…" Alya turned her laptop around to show Marinette Kitty Section's Instagram and website. "They have over ten thousand followers."
"Half of them are simps for Luka," Adrien said dryly.
"He is pretty," Alya said fairly. "Talent and looks can get you ahead of the game."
Marinette rolled her eyes, not wanting to be reminded of Luka's sparkling eyes or his bright smile…
"We need to blow them out of the water at the battle of the bands," she said with determination. 
"Well, we're supposed to do covers tonight," Alya said. "Why don't we just focus on the topic we were given?"
"What was it again?" 
"Julie and the Phantoms," Adrien answered, his eyes twinkling. "We've been practicing 'Finally Free', remember?"
Marinette groaned and flopped down, resting her head in Alya's lap. "I'm so nervous. We need to be perfect tonight."
"I mean we'll be steller," Alya insisted, smiling as she patted Marinette’s head. "But we should just have fun," she continued as she gave Marinette her water bottle and the other sat up to drink. "You should just end this rivalry with Luka and kiss already."
Marinette choked and spat out her water as the fluid got down her windpipe and back up her nose as she coughed.
Adrien snickered, and Marinette threw a shoe at him in retaliation. 
"I do not wanna kiss Luka!" Marinette snapped, her cheeks flaming red like she had a sunburn.
"Mhm," Adrien and Alya said at the same time with twin tones of disbelief.
"I hate you both," Marinette grumbled as she grabbed her keyboard to continue practice. 
Luka chuckled as Juleka and her girlfriend, Rose, worked on adding sparkly designs to the instruments and jacket sleeves to look extra vibrant for battle of the bands.
"I'm so excited!" Rose gushed as she fiddled with Juleka’s jacket sleeve. She normally was their lead singer, but a cold had put her on vocal rest. She was already a chatterbox, so the best they could do was restrict her singing. "You guys are going to do an amazing 'Now or Never' cover!"
"Thanks, Rose," Ivan said as he tapped on his drums and adjusted their equipment. His smile was sweet.
"Miraculous is going to be a difficult rival," Juleka murmured in her usual soft tone.
Luka sighed. "We can handle them." His guitar strumming became a tad more aggressive. "The audience won't be able to take their eyes off of us." 
He took a pull from his water bottle, trying not to let the hostility take over and affect his playing. 
Rose smiled brightly as she dropped on the log Luka and Juleka were lounging on. They liked this spot on the shore of the lake. It was quiet over here. Peaceful.
"Yeah, but we know you won't be able to take your eyes off Marinette, Luka." 
Luka inhaled some water down the wrong pipe and choked for a minute as Ivan helpfully pounded him on the back. Knowing that was going to bruise his spine tomorrow, he scowled at Rose.
"You know it's true," Rose said with an upturned nose as she resumed her work with glitter.
Luka harrumphed as he grabbed his guitar and began to play more forcefully. "Come on. We have to practice."
"Welcome, rockers!" The head counselor, Clara Nightingale, beamed at the sea of campers that had gathered around the stage, eager faces upturned to gaze at the performers for tonight. 
"Is everyone having a good time?" Clara called. The campers cheered, their voices projecting out over the lake, sounding like a crowd at a real concert. 
Marinette was pacing up and down. She and her bandmates were huddled in a tented area to have privacy for changing and warming up. 
"Mari, will you chill? We got this." His smile was warm and encouraging, but Marinette still felt the jitters of stage fright. She, who burst into song practically everywhere she went, was nervous. It was a weird feeling.
Alya smiled as she finished her make up and put an arm around Marinette. "Don't worry about the competition part. Just rock their socks off, girl!"
Marinette smiled at her two best friends then joined them in a group hug. "You guys are the best."
Kitty Section was playing their best. That was obvious to everyone. Luka was shredding the notes and letting the entire camp hear just what his guitar was capable of.
Juleka’s deep bass added a mystical melody to the higher electric cords.
Ivan's drums boomed like thunder amongst the string instruments, their rendering of the opening song for Julie and the Phantoms was causing the audience to scream and jump around.
"We ain't searching for tomorrow..."
Ivan's deeper voice could be heard even over the wailing instruments. 
"Tomorrow," Juleka echoed him, her voice hypnotic. After she came out of her shell, she had found her singing voice.
"Because we've got all we need today,"
"Today," Juleka choruses.
Luka grinned at his sister then got up to his mic. 
"Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins"
Juleka stepped up to her microphone and belted out, 
"We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain!" 
She flipped her hair back as she held the last note, and the crowd went nuts.
They clapped along with the audience singing the chorus then rounded off the song. They took a bow and smiled hugely at their fellow campers. 
Marinette, who was standing off to the side of the stage, couldn't help but be entranced by Luka and how alive he looked up on stage. He was amazing…
Her jitters were gone. Her fears a mere memory.
Marinette had never felt so free than when she was performing on stage with her bandmates.
Adrien and Alya added their backing vocals as she sang 'Finally Free' with all the energy she could muster.
"We're all bright now
What a sight now 
Coming out like we're fireworks,"
Marinette giggled as Adrien jumped around and stamped his feet. He was a goofball, and she knew he found his happiness in music to escape his life at home.
"Marching on proud
Turn it up loud
Cause now we know what we're worth"
Alya beat on her drums and smiled wickedly as she sang and added her lower voice to the melody. 
Adrien joined Marinette in a duet, and he winked at her as she drew out the end of the verse and they jumped into the chorus.
Marinette danced over to Adrien and offered her mic. He grinned and sang back and forth with her.
"I've got a spark in me"
(I've got a spark in me)
"And you're a part of me"
(And you're a part of me)
"Now till eternity"
(Now till eternity)
"Been long and now we're finally free"
Little did Marinette know that as she danced away to jam out beside Alya's drums that a pair of light blue eyes was watching from the crowd, and they burned with jealousy.
Marinette finished the song, drawing out the note perfectly then grinning as she took a bow.
Adrien and Alya jumped up as the campers screamed even louder and applauded them.
Once she was off the stage and Clara had taken over again, Marinette paused as she saw a familiar figure standing beside the bonfire.
Luka was watching her with an odd expression: determination mixed with irritation and maybe… some admiration?
"Hey," Marinette greeted him. She smiled slightly, deciding maybe she had been a little petty. Seeing Luka so vibrant on the stage had softened her armor. "You and your band were spectacular. "
Luka blinked as if he wasn't sure how to react.  He lost a lot of the irritation to be replaced by shock. "Uh… thanks," he said nimbly.
She smiled, and he responded to it with his own. 
"You looked radiant up there." 
Marinette’s cheeks felt hot again. She smiled shyly and said, "Thanks, Luka."
He looked at her, really looked at her. Weeks of being rivals and giving one another a hard time all seemed like a childish waste of time. 
The way her eyes shimmered in the firelight did funny things to his heart.
Marinette walked up to him and leaned up, intending to kiss his cheek and consider them friendly rivals from that point on, but two friends who happened to be watching made their move.
Rose bumped into Luka and sent him right into Marinette while Adrien braced behind her long enough to avoid them hitting the ground.  He slunk away as the pair stared into one another's eyes for a long moment. 
Then they leaned in for a gentle but emotional kiss. They leaned back at the same time to touch foreheads, their smiles as radiant as the rearing fire behind them.
Clara was announcing the winner behind them, but it didn't matter. In Luka's and Marinette’s eyes, they both had won.
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A Prompt
April 14th: What do you like about being autistic?
can be Hard To Say only because it's like, literally everything about me being an autistic person's Characteristics lol, and that like, that initial sense of Difference between myself and other people was like, noticing some sort of mismatch / misalignment, but also that i was the one feeling shut out / out of place about it, so it's defined in that negative way like, well i guess i'm doing things wrong somehow, and it all keeps being framed like, whenever it seems to stand out that there's something Different about myself, it's about trying to figure out what's wrong here, why some interaction isn't working or whatever, and when actually getting positive responses or whatever, it's doesn't quite feel so individual, like, oh i guess i'm just seeming normal to people here, right lol. but that, also, of course, things you Could consider positive / like about yourself sure might not be received / responded to in that way by other people, can't always even just feel neutral about anything / not notice it, even if it can't possibly actually Matter / isn't causing any kind of problem for anyone else it's like well why are you doing this unnecessarily & Weirdly.....and you know, pathological model vs social model, naturally, where i don't think "hey if this part of being autistic led to Negative Experiences, it's b/c being autistic is worse than being allistic and i wish i was allistic, b/c that's the only way to Not be, for example, objectively and rightfully excluded and punished by people around me" lmao
but for a start i saw some quote from an autistic person the other day mentioning just this sort of like, what they love about themself re: being autistic, and i remember one of them being You Mean What You Say lol, with the example "if i ask 'how are you' it's because i want to know how you are" lmao like yeah a really exhausting Greeting Ritual in particular when it's like, literally every time you hear that you have that awareness like "okay remember this person doesn't Actually want to hear about how you are," tbt to times like "when it's was really discouraging being texted regularly like 'what're you up to / how long will you be away' because for a sec i'd interpret it as 'this person is actually just asking what's up or wondering when you'll be around to hang out with, might be asking with the intention of making plans With you,' but then i have to remember it's about hoping i'm Away so my presence isn't interfering with what they want to do and of course it's not about genuine interest in my life/day otherwise or wanting to hang out" like, this shit is exhausting lmao. and you know, of course i know Different Communication Styles and how people will read different implications and intentions into the same kinds of interactions or behaviors or whatever, it's just Funny(tm) when like. some nt ppl think their social/communication styles are what's Objective, Universal, Correct, Intuitive, Effective, etc. like they'll be like "it's Great to say what you mean instead of Playing Games" and think autistic people are blunt / rude & it's b/c they're communicating Wrong, like actually you guys are saying you love ppl who are Real & Honest while being that post like "i love drama i love games if you fuck with my friends i will help you do it" lmaooo
also yknow to an Extent i think that like. sometimes just being very independently Enthusiastic about something can seem fun to nt people lol like, yes i can monologue about something aloud for 5 or 10 or 80 minutes maybe, or just you know, talk about it to myself via Posting lmfao, and sometimes that appeals to people or they at least regard it Neutrally because it's like. supposing that sometimes even when it's not something someone else is also interested in, idk, people are down for a like, individual experiences of unfettered expression of that passion lmao, but like, ftr i would hate instances of this as like a "because being enthusiastic like that is," deep inhale, "cute" or whatever, like, if i'm gonna talk about something it's a Lecture okay lmao. and plus i do plenty of it via Text lmfao, so, not many times i get to in person talk about whatever, or it'll be like, look at this video of a cool bird. i do not need someone's like, Personal Affection to find it Cute or Wholesome that i'm passionate about birds, or, god knows, fine anything else Cute, an assessment i never need or want, engage w/the information being shared please lmao. and then also, you know, i Draw Things based on it being v Of Interest lol so that's like, thank you to myself for having these Thoughts i want to express about Things Of Interest, i get to have fun like, just focusing in on what Creative Project i wanna do about it lol even if it's also like, boy, what if i could just have the idea and it'd Manifest, and you know, drawing is a way i am Talking About Something, certainly also if i'm dropping a tags essay about it lmao.........love to just delve tf into things and have all these thoughts & things to say about it, and really like, Exceptional when anyone wants to engage with this like, repeatedly / regularly lol. shoutout, Thanks, Epic
and well you know. i don't have any incredible specifics coming to mind here but in whatever ways i might think of things Differently it's like, hell yeah then, epic of me, i will be out here Figuring Shit Out even if i have to marinate on things, i'm sure motivated to engage with stuff that's Of Interest to me, when i have these solid ways to communicate with other people it's fun and flexible lmao, and i think there's that fun of being like, Performative in a way, theatricality, which i think like, maybe a source of that can be when you Have to be aware of the "rules" of interactions / social performance, but also how yknow, you can Act any way, there's nothing universal, there's maybe plenty of bullshit involved, hence how you can Have to be at least somewhat aware of things because you have to try to figure out the Secret rules and patterns and you know, simply Being Yourself and Behaving Naturally at all times isn't an option.....def have the Theatre type Theatrical thing lmao, the "theatre gay ft religious parents, enjoying harmonizing in the church choir lol i'm a Tenor babey" experience lmao, being in 4th grade auditioning for this set of play scenes like oh i get to be the main Antagonist guy? also i'm playing a guy? also i'm in this play and have lines and stuff? Hell yes lmao. and the Stage Performance via eventual roles via dance classes, i remembered the other week the studio i used to be at Used to have this like, idk, thing where the older dancers in a certain group maybe used to have a trip to nyc, think that fell away not long before i was one of those more Skilled Dancers like damnit, never really went to nyc except driving in and out to pick people up from the airport, like hey that distant smudge out the car window is probably the statue of liberty or something.....but the rehearsing and playing a Part and being in shows was. a ton of fun. i Said No to Stage Fright lmfao and really enjoyed being backstage and rehearsals and etc. but also i think i just Can be theatrical you know, in my own social approach lmfao, i'm big on talking with my hands lmao and i can get like, some Social Momentum going that way, i can have some confidence and can sort of hit that groove and it's like, not exactly masking trying to act """"normal"""" but i'm still Being Myself in this more "acceptable" way that nt people might better Understand or whatever. i also just like, personally, i love to be kind of theatrically Funny for sure lmfao and like, if people are just like overwhelmed by the least amount of goofiness / can't or won't play along at all i'm like, Please, work with me here lol, also like damn you live like this??? cmon lol
and well, nonconclusion, but it's pretty difficult to think of things like, what do i Dislike about being autistic which isn't about the way allistic ppl treat you sucks, like, e.g., it'll be like damn augh oof Misophonia, aural texture hell, hardly fun but that's not always a disaster, and as long as i can like, do something to block it out, and if i have to be like "hm this is distressing me b/c this noise is really really pissing me off lmao" as long as you know, i'm not amongst people who are just going to be annoyed at me for making up some problem and/or daring to speak about this experience inconveniently. be normal maybe. idk i'm just like right on, Myself
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Story: Messing with the stars
Chapter 1
I always end up here. It is as if her voice drags me back. It’s a miracle that no one has noticed how often I sit here to see her.
She finishes rehearsing, I grab my backpack and race to the parking lot to catch up with my friends.
Lottie, Gary, Lucas and Hope are waiting for me in front of Lottie's car.
"Bobbycakes, where were you?" Lottie looks annoyed, the others just get in the car.
“Sorry, Lottie. Mr. Hughes wanted to talk to me about my homework.”
My eyes move like magnets to her, like every single day. She has her dark brown hair tied up in a beautiful braid. Her green crop top matches her beautiful eyes perfectly. She laughs as she walks home with her best friend, Kassam. The two quickly bonded over their love for music and had being inseparable ever since.
“Bobby, are you listening?” Lottie brings me back to the real world, she looks angry. But decides to just get on the wheel. I walk into the passenger seat and turn to see her beautiful face one more time.
“Did you hear that this time it will be obligatory for us to participate in the school play this semester? It will directly impact our Drama class. ”
Everyone sighs in frustration.
“Why are we taking Drama again?” Asked Gary, clearly annoyed.
"Is mandatory this semester, an attempt by the school to make us more creative and versatile, or something like that." Says Hope, somewhat disinterested. After all, she is known for being good at whatever she does. She doesn't mind leaving her advanced math class for a semester in order to recite some lines.
"It wouldn't be a bad thing if I had to kiss that beautiful theater freak." Gary is smiling, definitely imagining himself in that situation. Gross.
“Alison Light?” Wow, Lucas seems to have been paying attention to her too.
"Hell yeah mate, she’s gorgeous." Lottie rolls her eyes, and Hope dramatically changes the conversation.
Alison Light, aka Sunny or Sunlight. (Or at least that's how I would call her if I had the guts to speak to her.) Everyone else calls her Ally, and I'm embarrassed to say that my friends call her theater freak.
There is a rumor, that Sunny's dad passed away 5 years ago. Her mom found a job in London, so they had to move from Scotland. Alison took refuge in music, which has always been what she loved the most, entered the choir, the school band, each play, whatever was involved with music, she did it. That's how she earned the ‘theater freak’ nickname from everyone else, especially, Lottie and Gary. Unfortunately, everyone listens to Lottie and Gary.
I came to school a year later. Lottie immediately thought I had the potential to belong to her group, to this day I have no idea why. She told me that if I wanted to belong, I had to be around people with potential, and when Sunny approached with vibrant eyes and a huge smile to introduce herself, Lottie pushed her to the side, and made fun of her for having a 'crush' on the new kid and behaving ‘desperate’.
I didn’t defend her. I followed Lottie down the hall, and didn't turn to see her even once.
Every day when I see her in the hallway I wonder why I chose a scary stranger instead of the girl with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, and the conclusion makes me quite embarrassed.
I chose Lottie because I was tired of being the kid everyone made fun of regardless of the consequences, the one who was just a joke. The boy Caitlin Evans cheated on by pretending she wanted me to be her boyfriend just to humiliate me in front of the whole school. I saw the opportunity to be someone different, and I took it. Letting go not only poor and humiliated Bobby, but also the opportunity to meet Alison in the process.
The next day I walk with the boys to the auditorium. Most of the students are already there. The music is quite loud, and her perfect voice immediately reaches my ears. As we get closer I can finally see what's going on. Kassam and Alison are doing a duet of the song "Into the Unknown" which in my opinion is not easy to sing. I’m annoyed to admit that they sound perfect together. Their harmonies are beautiful and their notes are totally clean and well placed. All of us who do not normally belong to this class, have our mouths open.
“As you could hear, this class has talent to spare. I will not accept less than what I know you can give. Everyone will sing a part of the song you wrote me yesterday on the list.” Mr. Hudson loves music as much as Alison, and has been an important person in her life for the past few years. He has always been kind to me, and has invited me multiple times to participate in his plays due to my and i quote ‘charming personality ’.
Auditions started. Surprisingly my friends did a pretty decent job. I would not choose them as the protagonists but they were not bad.
I always wanted to try theater. I've been watching it for years, since I've never missed a play by Alison, no matter how delusional it sounds. And I always liked singing, but believe me or not, I have stage fright. Also, even if I sang, the chances of me beating Kassam in the lead are microscopic.
"McKenzie, let's go. I have a feeling you will do a good job, I am excited to hear you.” Mr. Hudson, I honestly hope I don't fall off the stage while I go up, for me that will already be a victory.
The music starts playing, but I am unable to open my mouth. I turn to meet her green eyes, which for the first time in years seem to speak to me. She tries to tell me to focus on her, and I do. The song starts again, and this time I manage to start singing the words, which sound more whispered than anything else.
"Of your kiss, your touch, your love" Sunny starts singing with me, everyone turns to see her, but she seems determined to help me sing this song. I remain somewhat fearful during the chorus, and she takes the second verse like a queen. Focusing on making me feel comfortable, still staring at my eyes and taking my hand.
Suddenly, she is the only thing I can see.
The connection I felt the first time I saw her feels stronger than ever as we dance together across the stage, our voices sounding perfect next to each other, like they're meant to fit together.
I'm definitely not half as good as Kassam is, but without a doubt my connection and chemistry with Sunny is much stronger, or at least that's what I want to believe. A man has to have hope. It was a magical moment, like when Troy and Gabriella meet and sing 'Start Of Something New' together. Don't judge me, I saw her with my sister Gemma.
The song ends and everyone is shocked. Lottie seems about to pass out, and Lucas looks at me in disbelief.
"I've found my stars." Mr. Hudson whispers, his eyes lit up.
"What? No way! They were supposed to be solos, not duets ” Lottie yells, clearly about to lose her patience.
"My decision is final. I've never seen so much chemistry, it's like they were meant to be together. ” Seems like I'm not the only one who thinks so. I knew Mr. Hudson was a smart guy.
"This work is going to be the best we have ever done, I assure you." Sunny blushes slightly, we are still holding hands, and I honestly don't feel like letting her go, but she starts to pull apart gently.
"Thank you, Sunny." I whisper, she looks at me with mischief in her green eyes. That's when I realize what I said. WE ARE NOT NEAR THE STAGE OF NICKNAMES, GOOD ONE IDIOT.
"Omg, I'm so sorry, Alison. I, You probably don’t even know my name and I’m calling you by a nickname, this is so embarrasing.” I start to mumble things that I don't understand myself.
She smiles at me, trying to calm me down. "It's okay, Bobby McKenzie. Professional joker, awesome baker, beautiful eyes. From Scotland, just like me.” She emphasizes my name, so I have no doubts that she knows who I am. And I almost passed out with the beautiful eyes thing. Fuck, she's so sweet.
“Sunny sounds adorable, I was getting tired of theater freak anyway. And like Mr. Hudson, I could see your full potential. You just needed a hand.”
I blush, hard. She likes it. Both the nickname and the fact that she made me blush. I can see it on her face.
Lottie grabs my arm and starts dragging me toward Hope to leave.
This time I don't let history repeat itself.
"I'll see you tomorrow... Sunny." I wink at her, trying to sound and look as cool as possible.
She smiles. "See you tomorrow, partner."
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shyvioletcat · 5 years
Kingdom of Ash Tour Sydney
Oh my gosh, I’m sorry this took so long. My notes were much more extensive than I thought and then just a lot of poor time management. Anyway, here it is.
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A few choice bits of information/quotes:
“Being a dork pays off you guys. Who knew?”
Says Melbourne like a local
Loves our coffee. Says she’s moving here because of it.
Advice to aspiring writers: find someone to share your work with. Giving and getting feedback teaches you so much. Gives you a form of community.
Got into writing because it’s what she loves and it makes her come alive like nothing else does.
Music plays a Huge part in her creative process
Daily writing schedule. Plays with Taran then about 930/10 she starts. Gets admin stuff done first 9-8 job.
Nothing compares to sitting down and writing a scene she’s wanted to write for years and years. Describes it as time stopping and the closest thing to magic, at least for her.
Had a question about her creative circle for bouncing ideas around and talking about her stories. Sarah didn’t talk to her family about her stories at all when she was younger. Doesn’t like her parents reading her books. She referred back to writing ACOTAR and she asked the audience “do you know what it’s like to write an on the page sex scene knowing my father was going to read this?” Said it took her about three glasses of wine to deal with it.
About her dad reading said scenes: He said “I just skip those scenes.” Sarah’s reply “I’ll do you one better. I’ll just rip those pages out.” Then she talked how it was much worse when ACOMAF came out the next year.
Josh has become her creative sounding board over the last few years. He reads the early drafts of Crescent City and lets Sarah ramble to him for hours. She thinks it’s really cute they get to do that.
He thinks he’s every love interest in all her books. At events people ask if he’s what Rhys was modelled from. Josh will say yes. Sarah was very adamantly said it was a no.
Fellow writers help her from looking like a complete idiot. In particular Lynette Noni. Calls her a secret Disney Princess. Has become her can’t live without critique partner.
She said don’t listen to the people who say writing is a dumb dream. But said it’s a long long road to getting published but not impossible. “Don’t ever listen to the haters man.”
Her parents were always incredibly supportive. Her mum would leave snacks outside her door so she wouldn’t disturb her while she wrote
When her parents told her that she needed a job to support herself Sarah didn’t want to listen. But she said they were ultimately right because there are no guarantees in publishing. One of her favourite moments is when she became a New York Times best seller and she got to call and tell her parents. The first thing her mum said was she regretted telling Sarah to be realistic about the expectations of yourself. But Sarah was adamant they were right.
She thanked us and got quite emotional. Thanked us for supporting her books, she was walking around Sydney harbour and thought to herself how lucky I am to do this for a living.
Someone from the audience screamed “I love you” she said “I love you too, I love you all so much” (insert my hysterical tears). She couldn’t express how much she appreciates everything we all have done for her and her family, the fact we have allowed her to live out her dreams. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this being the loveliest group of people I’ve ever had the honour to meet”. SHE LOVES US.
Crescent city
Doesn’t think her parents can read a single page of crescent city. Joking, it’s every other page. Started as excess creative energy, a real passion project. 
Describes it as taking the ToG/ACOTAR worlds and jumping ahead over 3000 years to where they have modern technologies and comforts. Magical creatures living together in complex hierarchies. Feels different because of the modern setting but has familiar aspects, e.g. snarky sassy heroines and brooding sexy muscled men. Says there are so many. So many.
Josh: “why are there so many attractive men in this book?” Sarah “because it’s a fantasy. FAN-TA-SY.”
No real defined plot yet.
Knew it was the story she wanted to tell because of an experience on a plane. Sarah was listening to a piece of music and saw a scene play out and she burst into tears. She didn’t know the characters or how they got there. The scene will be in the first book and is like THE MAJOR BIG SCENE. Kept thinking of that moment of creation and how much it overwhelmed her and that was the deciding factor that that was the next story she needed to tell.
World of Throne of Glass
World of Throne of Glass. Started off as an encyclopaedia. It will be a chronicle that exists in world and Sarah describes it like going into the library of Orynth and pulling it off the shelf. The premise of the book is that Aelin has hired this cranky old scholar to travel around all the kingdoms/continents and includes the travel logs, transcripts from interviews with the characters, insight into how they felt, letters between characters. The book itself is like the the Terrasen courts private copy so it has letters between characters. Glimpses into the future.
Throne of Glass/ACOTAR
The idea of Throne of Glass came to her when she was 15/16 years old. Gripped her like no other story had. Throne of glass has a special place in her heart because it’s what started her on this journey.
Sarah was changing Kingdom of Ash right up the very last minute.
Mystery questions from the lobby:
What would happen if all your villains met?
The thought of Maeve and Amarantha gave her chills to think about. Would they rip each other to shreds or form and unholy alliance? Undecided.
Did you cry during the writing of the final book? If so which moments?
Number one scene. The Thirteen. 
Gave lots of details about when Manon first appeared, a piece of music from the Fright Night remake was playing and she saw the cottage scene play out. She saw Manon disembowel the farmers and how her teeth and claws came out and just thought “I love you”.
Loved witches since she was little because she realised witches were often women with power when women weren’t allowed to have power.
Sarah went to the mat for Manon. She hadn’t sold the rest of the books, only up to Heir of Fire. Writing about Manon gave Sarah her courage and came into her life when she needed her attitude. She said “Over my dead effing body” when editor said to cut Manon.
Sarah listened to a song from the original star wars and that was when she saw the sacrifice of the Thirteen. She needed to have Manon start where she did in Heir of Fire so when we all got to the scene in Kingdom of Ash is would really hit us strongly as it had hit Sarah for the first time. Sarah was sobbing at her desk when she saw them making their final run. She saw then Manon screaming and begging them to to stop because she realised she had a heart and loved them.
Sarah said she needed to lie down afterwards, she considered a happy ending for a moment, but then she thought about how the ladies never get to make the big heroic sacrifice and she really wanted the Thirteen to make the badass sacrifice and she wanted to make that moment when their exploding with light and not darkness absolutely destroyed Sarah.
Happier scene is the last goodbye between the main three, sobbing so hard. Really ugly crying not Frodo crying nicely at the end of The Return of the King, but bodily fluids spraying everywhere. So many tears.
Sarah would also get super amped up. Example: When Elide saves Lorcan she got so amped up she literally straddled her chair like she was riding a horse. (She re-enacted it on stage too). Then it was just more ladies were doing their badass thing like:
as Aelin flies down on the bird and explodes and destroys the wave and then Rowan is like that steam is going to boil every one like lobsters, got to get rid of that.
When Aelin makes her run and Lorcan sees her and he’s crying, you know if Lorcan’s crying some intense shit is going down
Then when Aelin is trying to get the mask off. That hit Sarah hit her so hard, didn’t expect it. Felt physically ill writing it. It was one of the few times Aelin was unhinged and in a panic. Seeing Aelin in a panic out Sarah in a panic.
Aelin has been like a person to Sarah and has carried Sarah through a lot of hard stuff. Sarah has said to herself “my name is Sarah J Maas and I will not be afraid”
Would say “What would Aelin do?” to give herself that swagger. Any time Aelin is in pain Sarah was in pain and would be like “My baby my baby! Let me help you”. 
Such a joy to write. Aelin was telling her and showing Sarah where to go.
ABOUT THE ENDING OF KINGDOM OF ASH: Travelling in Costa Rico to a rainforest exists at cloud level. (Side note from Sarah: Vote for the environment! Do it for the golden toad). One of the most beautiful places she has ever been. Sitting in the backseat listening to music from John Carter of Mars. Sun broke through the clouds and lit up the mountains and Sarah heard the last line of Kingdom of Ash about the kingsflame blooming and she knew what the last line was and that’s what she wanted to get to. She starting crying (surprise surprise) didn’t want to tell her travelling companions so she lied and said she was crying because the view was so beautiful. Writing with Aelin at the helm guaranteed her nothing. Aelin did it though, she stuck to Sarah’s plans and Sarah got the ending she wanted.
Call out from the audience about Gavriel. Uproar from the audience. “Why did you do that!?” “Why would I do that? Because I’m a horrible person.” Any time a hot guy full of muscles dies it’s a sad day. Poor Aedion. “It would have been so hot! Not in a weird way! The two of them hanging out, the lion and the wolf and oh my heart... you mean I have no heart, that’s what you’re thinking.” Evil cackle.
Who of all your characters do you see sitting in a rocking chair and knitting and telling their grandchildren the wildest stories in their old age?
Throne of Glass. Dorian. Don’t know why.
ACOTAR world would 1000% be Cassian. Nessian book will come out after Crescent City. She started it just for fun, hadn’t planned to write last ACOWAR. Sarah was out to lunch with her editor and got a little drunk and pitched her other books, but then forgot. Agent called a few weeks later telling her the editor wants to buy these books.
She literally doesn’t have the time to get all the stories she wants out of her. Wishes she had Hermione’s time turner.
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So that’s it. Again, sorry it took me so long. Sarah was so lovely and I still can’t believe I got to see her in person. There’s a lot I took away from her talk for myself, mainly just how adamant she was about being yourself is the way to go. We’re better off when we’re true to ourselves and love the tings we love without feeling bad for it. 
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Saori Hayami - Interviews
I just read a few really interesting articles. The links are sourced, and I’m just going to be copying and pasting my favourite responses here. Due to the length, I’ll only be doing a snippet of the first interview here.
Interview Info:  Originally Posted 12/08/2014 (August 12, 2014) Written by Ray for Anime Diet
You decided to become a voice actress in elementary school. Why did you decide to pursue that so early in your life?
Well, looking back—I really did start very early! But I think that was the time when I had the most energy about my dream. I didn’t think so much about the process of getting used to it, but I was thinking more like  “Oh, there is this kind of job. Wow, it must be fun!” So I decided very quickly to pursue it that way.
You play piano and draw well, we heard. Have you ever won any awards for them?
(Laughs.) I never actually entered a contest, but I did have piano recitals. As for drawing, as you might have guessed from my laughter... I’m really not that good at it. But when I was in elementary school, I had private drawing lessons and the drawings from those lessons were shown at the Ueno art museum. I mentioned that once on a radio show, and for some reason that was picked up and included as part of my profile. But my drawings are totally opposite from the ones you might imagine.
In Mahouka, you play a sister who has strong emotional feelings toward her older brother. They almost act like lovers. What’s your opinion on brother/sister relationships in anime?
I don’t have brothers or sisters—I’m an only child—so I don’t know what it’s like to have siblings at all, let alone falling in love with them! I can imagine if I had a brother, but to fall in love with him, I couldn’t ever see that in my life. Still, my close friends who have siblings don’t think they can have a romantic relationship with them, so perhaps if I ever had a brother, I don’t think I would have a romantic relationship with him either.
Otakon '14: Saori Hayami interview
Interview Info: Originally posted 24/08/2014 (August 24, 2014) Written by Jeff Cheung for Japanator
What is your approach to voice acting? How do you get in character and create a voice?
If I don't know the work, I use the resources provided by the audition. I would skim the material and create an image for the character.
Do you try to become the character? Or do you understand what the character first and then do what you think the character would do?
[...]I'm not the type that would first understand the character to become the character. I would first get the feel, the aura of the character to first get a grip on it. As the story moves on then I would be inspired by that, as the story moves on and develops the character, to flesh out the character.
Can you share with us how it is dubbing western TV shows into Japanese?
I haven't done enough dubbing to say "this is how it is or ought to be," but in my opinion dubbing a film into Japanese can really bring out a new angle or change the feeling of the film. [...] A typical 2-hour movie will take a day to do the recording, so there's a degree of difficulty in dubbing a whole 2 hour in a single day. It's always interesting to see how the film is expressed from a Japanese perspective given the Hollywood movie probably took much more time to create. That said, I'm always a bit more nervous when dubbing a movie, so I don't really have much time to stop and think about it. I did a dub for a movie[...], but I am too embarrassed to go see it.
How do you feel about performing at anime or game events? How do you approach that as a voice actress?
So there are a lot of types of events in Japan that I participated in. There are talk events, singing events, autograph, handshake events. Then there are things like drama CDs, Blu-ray commentaries, etc. I see events being a way to come face-to-face with people who enjoy my works. While it might be nerve-racking at times, until then, I don't know or see the faces of the people out there that enjoy my work. It's important for me that I get to see these people and understand that my work matters.
Any parting comments for your overseas fans?
I feel happy being able to see everyone. There is a great distance between Japan and the fans here, but I feel today that the distance may not be all that great. Using anime/manga as a window I hope we can share our ties together, despite the physical distance. Lastly, I want to thank all my fans for the continuing support.
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Interview: Saori Hayami
Interview Info: Originally posted 7/01/2015 (January 7, 2015) Written by Daniel Briscoe for Anime News Network
Growing up, was singing and working in entertainment always your dream, or was there something else you wanted to do when you were younger?
When I was small, I found performing in front of other people a bit tough. I actually avoided it as much as possible. When I would go to one of those sentai shows at an amusement park, the heroes would ask for a courageous kid from the audience to help them defeat the bad guy, and I would never raise my hand. My mother would tell me, “Come on, raise your hand! You can do this!” But I was not one of the “courageous kids.” I didn't want to. At the same time, I loved singing and acting, and I loved to perform things from my own imagination. Now here I am, doing the things I thought I could only imagine doing in reality, through songs and voice acting.
As you began to develop your voice, did you have a moment when that stage fright went away and performing was no longer as scary as it used to be?
It started when I first entered school for training in voice acting. I was still a child who couldn't perform in front of people and couldn't express myself to their faces, but I really wanted to go to this school. I couldn't tell the people around me that that's what I wanted, though. Instead, I left a flyer for the school on the kitchen table. When my mom came home and saw it, she said, “What is this?” I answered, “Voice actors seem really interesting these days. I think it might be an interesting occupation.” Then my mother said I should give them a call, and that first step was when things started to change. I realized that I have to be brave and do something in order to change anything. My mother pushed me to make that call and apply, but she was never going to do it for me. It was all up to me, and that was a big realization for a girl that was only 12 or 13 years old.
After you finished your formal training, how long was it before getting your first performance job? Can you describe how you felt the first time someone said “We want you to sing” or “We want you to do voice acting for us”?
I was actually in school for seven years, but our school has a program sort of like an internship where at the end of each year, people who are successful will be chosen to enter the industry. It was at the end of my second year that I was chosen to take my first job, and after that, it was a mix of work in the industry and training in school going on simultaneously. It's like before I was even out of school, I was having to face reality, and I was facing the real tests without having learned any of the theories behind the answers. In school, they mainly tell you how to behave and perform in front of the mic, so there was a lot I didn't understand about the much larger process. [...]I was terrified and I was put on the spot a lot, without my mother there. Those first years were nerve-wracking. My parents couldn't be there with me most of the time, and there was just a lot to handle.
What music was influential for you when you were growing up? Do you have an artist or group that influences you still, or maybe one that inspired you when you were younger?
Music [of all types of genres] was constantly being played in my household, so I grew up with a lot of variety. My mother especially loved funk or soul music, and I don't think I could tell you the names of the groups, but if I heard the music now, I would know it and I could tell you when I first heard it because it became such a deep part of me. The music from those times is what I remember most strongly. Japanese music, especially rock-style music, is the kind that I could actually sing along with so I would practice singing along with those songs. Apart from that, I also learned piano as a child, so I love classical music too.
Do you have a favourite [director] to work with, or maybe someone who taught you something new while you were working with them?
That is a very hard question. For every project I have worked on, the staff has given me at least one new thing to take home with me. Specifically, the sound director for the “Eden of the East” films, Kazuhiro Wakabayashi [...] taught me a lot. It's not like he hammered lots of stuff into me while we were working together. [...]He would tell me how to see a scene or what to do over a dinner, conversationally. He is more like a fatherly figure than a boss. I learned many things from him not just about technique, but as a person. It's hard to choose one person over another when you've worked with so many because they become like family.
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ideunju · 6 years
sympathies of self-deception,
produce project, ep. 2: <<bonus>> prompt, pick me! stage wc: 567
okay, so.
she’s not number one ... or two ... or five. or ten, for that matter. and, okay, she doesn’t anticipate a lot of screen time and she’s certainly not center stage but that’s okay! it’s. totally. fine. it’s a group song, a theme song, no less, and it’s only the first episode. that just means there’s room to grow. 
(she cries in the bathroom when their numbers are revealed, ugly heaving sobs in the shower that she pretends never happened. eunju, not-top-ten, oh eunju beams with red-rimmed eyes and enters the practice room the next morning with a clear head. she’s disappointed, (really, really disappointed) but she’s not defeated. just - a little hard on herself. she’s grateful none-the-less, knows that there are trainees far below her that would kill to be where she is now. it was her own fault for being too confident, for expecting too much, god, i wish - )
the goal is to survive.
the song itself is easy enough to learn. the choreography is detailed but that’s not anything that five years of being an msg trainee hasn’t prepared her for, she learns it quickly and helps out other trainees who’re having a hard time, but in the end, she leaves the responsibility to the choreographer. her head feels kind of “swimmy.” she’s not altogether there, so during blocking before they’re set to perform, she laughs with the new friends she’s made and smiles brightly for the cameramen. she doesn’t let herself fall victim to the negativity, catches herself and pinches the soft skin of her inner wrists when she finds the thoughts of inadequacy creeping in behind the optimism that has always come so easy.
the entire experience is foreign to her. the closest she’s ever gotten to something like this is recording herself to monitor her progress but this - this is real, this is performing on what is essentially a music show broadcast. it’s exposure she’d known would happen but hadn’t quite anticipated. not that it’ll even reach as many people as any of her seniors’ groups would, but it’s a start. it’s a hello.
eunju’s never been prone to stage fright but the butterflies start up when it’s her turn to sit in the makeup chair. she cracks jokes with the kind makeup artists, keeps the tone light when she’s switched out to go into wardrobe, skips her way to the hair stylist and beams at her reflection when she’s all made-up and ready for set. she looks more or less the same as she always does, the makeup bright and natural - innocent, pretty. she knows enough about show business to know that they, the trainees, are meant to represent a clean slate, a brand new venture, a new opportunity.
she toys with the hem of her pleated skirt to keep herself occupied, shoulder to shoulder with other people just like her as they all wait for call time, and decides that she quick likes the idea of that. episode one was practice and this stage would serve as a metaphor for her wiping the slate clean and starting over.
when they’re all in place, the butterflies flutter harder and, oh, she remembers why she does this. she looks around at the other contestants and thinks she knows why they do, too.
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kazosa · 7 years
Second Chances - Jeff x Reader
Summary: Reader and Jeff work a project and become fast friends. The project ends and they go their separate ways, neither forgetting the other. With Hollywood being a small community, you two bump into one another either at events or projects, but there is always something keeping you apart. Will the obstacles ever end?
Chapter 1 Summary: Jeff & Reader meet. Nightmare movie set. Reader is a PA.
Warnings: language (probably), slow burn
A/N: I have a few ideas to continue this, but it’s still developing.
Picture was originally posted by @crzcorgi  Thanks for that ;)
    Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to be in show business. I thought that I would be an actress, but when the time came to perform, my stage fright took over and that ended my dream of being on stage. I didn’t let that stop me from being in the business though. All through high school, I worked on all of the plays and musicals building sets and running the lighting boards for the productions. Our local community had a performance group that regularly put on shows and I managed to weasel my way into working on those as well.
    As it turned out, I was really quite good at all of the technical aspects of the production. By the time my high school career ended, I was second in charge to the director in both high school and in the local community theater group.
    I took all of the classes I could get at the community college and in just a year, I decided to move to Hollywood to look for work on a real production. Surprisingly, it didn’t take me very long to find work. I did work in the trenches as a production assistant. People tried to warn me that I would be treated worse than dirt, but I really didn’t care, I’d be working on something people could watch and say, “I worked on that.”
    Production assistants deal with a LOT of crap from absolutely everyone. It’s the nice people, talent or crew, that really make the job worth while. The ones that understand that you’re just trying to do your job, the one’s who haven’t turned into a prince or princess and will still get their own lunch. It was the little things.
    Sometimes, you’d be lucky enough to make friends with the people on the crew or cast members and they would continue to be your friend. Sometimes they completely forgot about you as soon as the production wrapped. Nine times out of ten, it was the ones who stayed friends with you that helped you get more work.
    In 1999, I’d only been in the business for a little while and still hadn’t built up a thick skin when it came to people chewing me out. I was working on a really crap movie that had potential to be good with the actors that were on the sheet, but the script had been rewritten so many times, it had turned to a big ol’ pile of mess. But, there was one good thing that came out of that shit-show, it was where I met Jeff.
     You’d finished your lunch in record time and had found a nice quiet place to hide out until your hour was up. It was about the only time during the day when you could stop thinking and rest for a few moments. Tonight was going to run late and that meant that you’d be working 18 hours that day. You’d been yelled at so many times already, and it was only just lunch time. You were working your ass off and getting a TON of work done, but the assistant director and everyone else expected so much more out of you. You thought for sure that they needed more PAs, but there were only four of you and two had already quit. You didn’t blame them one bit, but now you were doing the work of three people and it was wearing very thin on you.
    You sat hunched down behind a tree just big enough to hide you from view. You had your discman and headphones on playing your favorite Glenn Miller cd, it was the only thing that helped. You sat there with your eyes closed and the soothing tones of “Moonlight Serenade” just started to play when a shadow fell across you. You hoped to God and all things holy that it wasn’t the slave driver AD coming to give you even more work to do.
    “I’m on my break, Todd,” you grumbled not opening your eyes. It may have been a nontraditional time to take a break, but you were absolutely not giving it up.
    The person nudged your foot.
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    “This tree taken?” the low, smooth voice asked.
    At that, you shielded your eyes from the sun and cracked your eyes open to see the new cast member standing over you, holding out a bottle of water.
    You took the bottle of water from him and cracked it, “Thanks.”
    “You mind if I sit?” he asked.
    “It’s a free tree,” you said, sounding much cooler than you felt and that was not saying much at all. “What about the costume?”
    “Eh, I’ll worry about it later,” he said. “What are you listening to?”
    You slipped off your headphones and hand them to him. You watch as he slips them on and listens to your music, waiting for him to judge you. You’d seen him on set for a few days prior to this moment, but you hadn’t had much need to talk to him since Serena was all over him. Serena was the only other PA. Working with her was like doing her work, too.
    He didn’t judge your music choice.
    “Swing, huh? You trying to relax or get in a good mood?” he asked handing back the headphones.
    “Both,” you said at the same time.
    “Don’t let ‘em get you down. I see you. You’re working your ass off and getting the job done. Anyone can see that. Try to take care of yourself, too, so you don’t get sick,” he pointed at the water bottle you’d barely touched. “You’re the only one keeping things moving around here,” he smiled, and what a smile it was. “Okay, I’m done giving advice. I’m Jeff, by the way.”
    “(Y|N),” you said holding out your hand.
    “Nice to meet you, (Y|N),” he said taking your hand and holding it a little longer than necessary. He cleared his throat and settled back against the tree, letting go of your hand, before continuing. “Nice spot you picked. Hope you don’t mind my intrusion.”
    You shook your head no. You really didn’t mind at all. If it was going to be someone from the cast or crew to sit with you, you were glad it was him. You were so comfortable with him. He just had this calm, relaxed way about him. You did guess that when he was able to go out and have some fun that he was the life of the party. His energy just barely contained below the surface, and yet, he really was so calming to you.
    Lunch breaks had been your only refuge for the last week and a half. It was the only time, it seemed, that you could get a moment of peace. Having Jeff there was nice though, the conversation was so easy. Usually you were so nervous and quiet around new people, but you found yourself chatting away. You and he both shared a lot in a short amount of time.
     The beeping of your watch alarm told you that your lunch hour was over. Time had passed far too quickly. You dreaded turning your radio back on.
    “(Y|N),” Jeff said getting your attention, “it’ll get better. You’ll be working on bigtime movies before you know it.”
    You turned on your radio and were met with a barrage of angry voices asking where both you and Jeff were.
    Keying the mic, “Found him.”
    “Get back to set now, bring the talent!” the 1st AD barked.
    “Missed us, huh?” he said already standing.
    You rolled your eyes and nodded. Jeff held out his hands to pull you up.
    “Would it be okay if I met you for your lunch tomorrow, too?” he asked. “I just like the quiet. The company is nice, too.” he grinned.
    “Boy… If I didn’t know you were married…” you said. “Now let’s get you back on set before they completely lose their minds.”
    You were pretty sure you would have given him anything he asked for if he only smiled at you like that. Jeff found you every day at the same time for the next two and a half weeks, and made sure that you took the much needed break on time. In that time, you kept working hard and were getting things done with efficiency. If Jeff was the only one that noticed, you decided you were okay with that.
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jeremy5165882-blog · 7 years
Week 9 - Rendering presentation and photoshop process
Intro: This week we completed our Project 2 assessment by doing a presentation on the rendering we had poured blood, coffee and tears into. p.s (as this week9 post consists of more than one post and is rather lengthy, I’ll be splitting it up and structuring it like this:       -intro       -reflection and critical evaluation on presentation       -photoshop process       -research board process       - 2 separate posts with all the images, documentation of rendering, and work process
Reflection and critical evaluation on presentation:
-Was I adequately prepared? I think I was prepared enough to give a simple presentation, but as I wasn’t sure what type of presentation we would be expected to give; thus i retained a few basic ideas on presenting which could be applicable to what we were doing. Looking back, I think if I had written a few notes, memorised them and practiced speaking in front of a mirror, it would have assisted me better on the day.
-Did I speak clearly and articulately? Unfortunately, while I think my attempt to speak was passable in a way, I don’t think I spoke that clearly or articulately. I’ve always had trouble speaking in front of people while doing a presentation, and I have difficulty transferring what is in my mind, into a worded explanation. (tbh a small part of the reason I transferred from my previous course was to avoid public speaking and presentations… I obviously dug a bigger grave when I chose industrial design). This is something I’ll have to practice I guess, as I realise presenting is a big part of this course, and if you’re able to convey in an articulate and aesthetic way the concept you have, it’ll be extremely useful in the future.
-Was the pace of my delivery appropriate? It was decent but not great. Instead of pacing the content out in even segments, I accidentally spoke a little too long on some and hurried on others due to nervousness. If I made a small structure such as: -introduce process/name, describe, background info, tie into next topic] for each thing I talked about, it would’ve helped pace my delivery more appropriately.
-How did I feel before / after the presentation? Before: Nervous reck.      After: relief.
-Was my support material effective / helpful Yes, I found my support material to be very helpful and effective in conveying my idea and process across to the audience. My research board/support material helped to guide me as I had organised it in a step by step process of what I had done. So if I ever got lost during the presentation, I just had to refer back to the board and continue. It was also quite easy to point to each quadrant of the board when presenting, as it referred the audience with a square of visual images to the idea/process I was talking about.
What did I do well and what would I do differently next time? -I’ve pretty much summed up all the pros and cons in each question above, but something which I think I did normally was the support material and the simple but effective concept behind It. For next time, I hope to practice different small aspects of public speaking such as overcoming stage fright and learning to articulate words clearly so that I can be more equipped to present something in upcoming assessments.
Photoshop Process: This unfortunately reminded me a lot of our course in fundamentals where each project takes around 20+hrs, and if you haven’t considered once taking the easy way out before the census date or through an accidental topple over a cliff, you’re either extremely gifted or not doing it right. The product I chose to render was an Ultrasone Edition 8 EX headphone, and looking back, I reckon I should’ve chose something easier. As this was my second time ever using photoshop, the darn headphones took around 20-25hrs to render, not including the research board, printing process, indesign and illustrator programs.
I’m really bad at computers in general, so opening photoshop gave me nightmares. I started off by: -drawing and pencilling an outline of the headphones and then scanned it in and opened the file on photoshop. Next, I -constructed layers Using the basic Colourfill ayer + Light layer + Dark layer which the hairdryer tutorial introduced to us, I created a set of layers for each segmented part as well as ordering them into groups and files. Next I -created paths for the individual segments which made up the headphones. After fiddling a bit with illustrator, its apparently easier to draw paths and then import them to photoshop instead of drawing with the pen tool. Once all the paths were complete, I assigned them as -masks to each respective layer with its corresponding part. I then -coloured each layer and discovered that if you’re working with a black/silver coloured object with lots of reflections, shiny aspects/facets, it’s better to colour everything in shades of grey and then use the brush tool to whiten or darken the grey to achieve the desired look. This way you can achieve both a black and a white from a base grey colour, as well as create differences between light and dark to replicate a mirror finish. Once each segment was coloured, I painted -aesthetic replication of mirror finishes, shine etc over the segments which were shiny/reflective on the original product. Using the brush tool, and modifying the opacity, brush size (all the way from 1-2ppx – 300 – 400), hardness and colour, I painted over the parts with my mouse cursor resembling a real life brush stroke. This part took me hours as I had to research light reflection and mirror finishes as well as creating even brush strokes with a mouse and the varying degrees of light and dark around each painted stroke to create the desired surface aesthetics of the matte ceramic, chrome/aluminium and polished pvd (physical vapour deposition). I came to a realisation that no matter how the object looks or feels in real life, the only tools you can recreate it with photoshop is an aesthetic manipulation of light, colour and texture to deceive the perception that it is actually like the real object. Thus I then moved on to -textures By finding an image of the texture on google and then cutting and shaping to fit over the required segment. The grill/net pattern over the flat part of the inner earpad of the headphone was relatively easy to construct as I only had to shade it whiter in the middle and darker on the edge of the circle, but the real complexity came from recreating the pleather (synthetic leather) look on the earpads and headband. I drew tiny white and black lines across a black surface, then layered the texture on top and then used a satin layer and a few other changes to create that soft rippling effect of tense stretched pleather. I then applied -logos and text For the logo and grouped text, I copied it from the product/website and photoshopped it to fit onto the headphones, as the tutors advised us against just typing a company’s logo, and to make it more realistic and appropriate if we just transferred the original logo across. Finally, I moved to the -background Where I created a gradient fill of black to white to accentuate the products shine and black and white tonal qualities.
This concludes a brief summary on the photoshop process that I completed to construct the headphones
Research Board Process:
For the research board, I used InDesign to construct the layout and appearance. I allocated my board into 6 quadrants, with each quadrant being able to hold 4 images. From left to right, each box showed a step of my processes. 1st box –Inspiration, 2nd box – pinterest, 3rd –research, 4th –form/materials, 5th – documentation of photoshop progress, 6th – surface/materials finishing. Thus I was able to show a glimpse of each of my steps, while retaining the ordered and aesthetic construct within one board.
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