#heloise's drawings
bearslime · 2 months
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alfredojesta · 2 months
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been practising faster sketching >_<
this made me realise i still need to make a design for pamela (candy pop's hammer)
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bastart13 · 3 months
Do you have a schedule or smth like that for the updates or will you update whenever you have time? (I don't wanna pressure you or anything I'm just curious😭)
No certain update schedule right now. I'm doing this in my free time outside of work. Currently, I'm designing and drawing the sprites for characters and outfits that appear in season 2 :D
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I know Bayard doesn't show up in season 2 but I wanted to draw him anyway
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stringcage · 1 year
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i geta the art block i drawa the muse
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lacnunga · 4 months
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little out of context sketches of my little crimean guys :3
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cdmodule · 1 year
Been seeing too much negativity lately so new tag "game" time: Object show fans and artists, reblog this and talk about your favorite object show artists in the tags (and maybe what you like about their art)
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rosedelosvientos · 1 year
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Finally, an episode dedicated to our best girl (and of course, Luana Bajrami)…is here!
Thank you very much to my Patreon community ❤: Chok, Ate Maryanne, Randall & Tresha, Ros, Baby D., Nina, Mary Ruth, Anny, Natasha H., Richard, Melissa L., Meg J.
If you love my art and would like to support, consider joining my Patreon fam! Through my Patreon page, you can help me continue creating art with as little as 3 bucks per month.
As a thank you and in return, I offer some benefits. :) Click here to check it out: https://www.patreon.com/rosedelacruzart/membership
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anoras · 11 months
i keep meaning to draw some of the npcs from the campaign I'm dming 🤔
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Ooh, looking good Heloise!
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
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🦋Heloise Orklyn, Second Year NRC Student🦋
Main Tag | Character Playlist | Aesthetic | Personal Stories | Voice Claim | Cards | Inspiration 
Name: Heloise Orkyn 
Other Names: Helo (ONLY IMAN), Nightshade/Beladonna (Lilia), Madame de Ombre (Rook), Box Jellyfish (Floyd)
Age: ??? (Younger than Vidaria)
Birthday/Starsign: March 25th
Height: 155CM
Eye Color: Lime Green
Hair Color: Raven Black
Homeland: The Land of Mists
Family: Unnamed mother, unnamed father, unnamed grandmother
Dorm: Diasomnia
School Year: Sophomore
Class: 2-C (No. 12)
Club: Spelldrive Club
Best Subject: Alchemy, Astronomy and Flight
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Chocolate covered cherries 
Least Favorite Food: Olives and Lilia’s cooking
Dislikes: Anyone or anything that might harm Vidaria
Hobbies: Physical training, fencing, traveling, stargazing, playing the twin game with Vidaria and bullying Sebek 
Talents: Hand to hand combat 
(Early Years)
Heloise is a young fae noblewoman and handmaiden to Vidaria, her mother is of one of Queen Maleficia’s ladies in waiting and her father is a diplomat and the current viceroy of the Land of Mists. She was born a few years after the ceasefire between the Land of Mists and Briar Valley and her parents had something of a star crossed romance. Her mother was a noblewoman of the Cherith court and her family did not support her union with a retainer of the Draconia family. But as Draconia forces continued their conquest of her home, she feared what that could mean for her future and attached herself to Heloise’s father as a matter of survival. However, she developed a genuine (and more importantly, mutual) love and respect for her husband over time, despite being cast off from her family and branded a traitor. 
Once Heloise was born, her father decided it was best to send her and her mother back to Briar Valley where it was more peaceful and they would be looked after by his own family. And it was in this environment that Heloise grew up, learning magic from her mother and grandmother and combat from her father. One thing she was particularly fascinated with was astronomy and studying consolations. In her father’s personal study, there was a large telescope and one of her favorite pastimes was stargazing through the telescope with him. 
When she was a little older, it was decided that she would be sent to the Draconia court to be a companion to the crown prince’s bride, a lonely girl also from the Land of Mists named Vidaria. 
(Life in the Draconia Court)
At first, Heloise and Vidaria don’t hit it off very well. Because Heloise was born after the ceasefire, she has not really experienced war first hand like Vidaria and thus had a slightly more positive outlook and worldview. And her early education was not without an unhealthy dose of Draconia propaganda regarding the cause of the war and their hand in it. Heloise also had a much kinder relationship with Lilia from the beginning because he was a friend of her father. For a while, Vidaria was as indifferent to Heloise but over time, Heloise slowly broke through her defenses with her special blend of sweetness and mischief. And there was something else Vidaria noticed about Heloise that she found rather peculiar.
Both girls has very similar hair and eyes and they stood at nearly identical height. Heloise noticed this as well and one day, when Vidaria had lessons with Lilia that she dreaded, they decided to put their resemblance to the test by swapping clothes. Heloise attended the lessons while Vidaria went out riding. Surprisingly, their ruse worked and Lilia only realized the truth when Heloise broke the 5ft distance rule that Vidaria had put in place for interacting with him. Lilia was quite amused by this, and this incident ultimately resulted in Heloise fully earning Vidaria’s trust, as well as her friendship. 
For years, Heloise was Vidaria’s closest companion at the Draconia court. They would ride horses, stargaze and occasionally swap clothes to trick those around them. But while she was being a friend to her, something lingered on Heloise’s mind that she could not shake away. She did not understand Vidaria’s apprehension towards the Draconias or her fear of Lilia, both of which seemed to go against the stories she had been told about the war. After one of Vidaria’s episodes, Heloise confided in her mother who told her in confidence the whole truth about the war between Briar Valley and the Land of Mists and the catalyst for the ceasefire. 
She was so shocked by what she was told that she actually excused herself from court for several days so she could sort out her feelings. Everything Heloise had been told about the war was a lie and she felt a tremendous amount of sadness for Vidaria she she now understood her feelings and how she was silently suffering for the sake of peace between the fae kingdoms. After a long depression and giving it extensive thought, Heloise determined that regardless of the orgins of the war, Briar Valley was her home and the Draconia’s had treated her and her family kindly as opposed to her mother’s family who had disowned them. She also decided she wanted to be as supportive to Vidaria as she could and she began honing her magic and combat skills with the hopes of one day becoming one of her retainers once she became queen. The first attempts by pro Cherith resistance groups to kidnap Vidaria began around this time as well and Lilia was kept busy trying to keep Vidaria safe. 
Over time these attempts became more frequent and more violent and Vidaria actually began to have a change of heart regarding the Draconia’s as those who claimed to want to help her put her through one traumatic episode after another. Vidaria began to resign herself to her fate at Briar Valley’s next queen and did not appreciate how the resistance groups were still instigating conflict between the kingdoms. Especially since by this point she was about to begin attending NRC and Queen Maleficia was considering canceling her enrollment out of fear for her safety. But after some heavy pleading, the queen devised a plan that would allow Vidaria to still attend NRC and Heloise became a part of that plan.
(Freshman Year to Present Day)
This is covered more in depth in this assorted lore post, but essentially, it was decided that Vidaria would enter NRC under Heloise’s name and vice versa. This was done in part to alleviate kidnap attempts and despite the danger Heloise was placed in, she agreed, enthusiastic to be of help to the princess who had become her friend. 
Their freshman year at NRC was rather pleasant for the most part since most girls had not really experienced the world outside of Briar Valley before. They were both thrilled to be experiencing the outside world and normal things like attending school and having friends. Iman became their guide to navigating this new world and both quickly flourished at NRC. Heloise joined the spelldrive team and quickly became one of its top players due to her fantastic magic and flight skills. 
Unfortunately, due in part to an ongoing feud Vidaria was having with Sidonie, Heloise was placed in a very dangerous situation that following spring, resulting in her being kidnapped by a Pro-Cherith resistance group. She was taken to the Land of Mists and even after realizing that she wasn’t Vidaria, the resistance members still kept her hostage for several weeks. Because of her father’s position in the Land of Mists, this caused a major conflict which nearly broke the ceasefire between the kingdoms. Thankfully, Lilia was able to retrieve her but the ordeal left Heloise severely traumatized. She was returned to Briar Valley to recover but the process was extremely slow and for a while, her friendship with Vidaria was left very strained. 
While healing, Heloise experienced terrible nightmares about her time in captivity but also had a lot of time to think about her future. One thing that occurred in captivity was that she discovered her UM and used it to escape her captors long enough for Lilia to come storming in to deal with them. She read a lot and really plunged into studying the history of the fae kingdoms and eventually began to despise those from the Land of Mists for the pain they had caused Vidaria under the guise of helping her. And her determination to stay by her side as a retainer and companion became stronger than ever. 
At her parent’s insistence, she continued to sit out her sophomore year to continue recovering. For a while, it seemed that Heloise would have to be held back a year because of how much of her second year she missed. But after threatening Crowley to have Heloise continue her schooling at a rival school, (and a generous “donation” from Queen Maleficia),  her parents were able to send her back to NRC and she will be returning to complete her sophomore year after the cultural festival. 
Though small in stature, Heloise has a very poise and imposing air of one not openly threatening but also one not to be taken lightly. She has been described as having a very “deadly” air to her that she will occasionally use to her advantage. She bears a strong resemblance to Vidaria with the major differences being Heloise’s eyes being slightly more pointed and a more brighter green. Her hair is also a little longer and worn loose with a few braids. 
On her back there are two deep wing slits that are often covered by the clothing she wears. Her wings are an iridescent blue and rosy pink with a bright golden glow that is more vibrant in dark and foggy weather. Since her wings are fully developed, she has the ability to fly without the aid of brooms but still insists on using brooms due to Vidaria’s insecurity about not being able to use her own wings. 
She wears her school uniform with an open blazer, white over the knee socks and mary jane shoes with a slight kitten heel. Unless when wearing her ceremonial robes, her nails are always painted green. 
Heloise’s personality is one of many contradictions; she is refined but mischievous, open but enigmatic. In some way’s she and Vidaria are opposites in the way they have grown up. While Vidaria was very serious and cold in her youth, she has grown into a lively and sly young lady, but Heloise, who was once very playful and cheerful in her youth, has become far more serious and stern. This is especially true after she returned home after being held hostage in the Land of Mists. 
But though she is serious, she is not completely without a sense of humor and when around those she is closest to, she still indulges in causing mischief with Vidaria by her side. Prior to the end of freshman year, she, Vidaria and Iman were the best of friends and got up to many fun things at the expense of those they didn’t like. 
Generally, Heloise is pretty comfortable around humans but doesn’t actively go out of her way to interact with them, the exception being Iman, Silver and surprisingly, Crisanta. She certainly has a higher opinion of humans than Sebek, but has seen enough in her life to also be wary of them. She is well aware that she appears unassuming and unthreatening and uses it to her advantage when she can. Do not let her appearance fool you! She is a determined, fighting spirit who will not hesitate to defend her and hers. 
🦋Unique Magic🦋
Heloise’s unique magic is called Midnight's Veil and is essentially heightened umbrakinesis. She has the ability to manipulate shadows, including her own, and use shadows to make herself invisible.
🦋Other Skills/Talents🦋
Fencing ~ Heloise’s father is an accomplished swordsman and taught Heloise all she knows. She frequently practices her craft with Silver and Vidaria
Spelldrive ~ Prior to the end of freshman year, Heloise was one of the top players on NRC’s spelldrive team and her departure had heavy ramifications for them, resulting in yet another loss against RSA that spring. 
(Will be updated more over time)
Heloise’s last name is a reference to the Orkney islands, of which Morgause (sister of Morgan Le Fay) was queen. 
🦋In-Canon Adventures🦋
Heloise was not attending NRC at the start of the twst prologue but appears in Book 5 when she returns to school in time for the cultural festival. She will soon appear in a future chapter of Shining Hearts. 
🦋Relationships (As Of Book 5)🦋
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Because Heloise has only recently returned to NRC, she is not familiar with any of the freshman students. But of the second and third year’s, she gets along reasonably well with most of them though she is closest to her dormmates. While Leona doesn’t think much of Diasomnia students, he tolerates Heloise’s presence on the spelldrive team and respects her skill and grit. The only characters she doesn’t really get along with is Rook and Azul. She doesn’t trust Azul for some of his underhanded actions during their freshman year and as for Rook, she doesn’t like how he tries to pry into Vidaria’s affairs and it can be said he is partially to blame for the incident that forced her to leave NRC for most of her sophomore year.
🦋Heloise’s Relationships With My Other Twst OCs🦋
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As mentioned above, Heloise is currently not familiar with any of my freshman ocs, including Yuulan. 
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notevenanna · 2 years
just watched portrait of a lady on fire and oh my god oh my god oh mY GOD????
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mynonjo · 10 months
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Shadows of Sybil
Setting: Chicago by Night
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Ava Heloise
Clan: Toreador
Age appearance: 29
Eye color: Red
Hair: Black
Ava is carrying the shadow of a powerful Lasombra.
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Dakota Raine
Clan: Gangrel
Age appearance: 18
Eye color: Blue
Hair: Red dreads, long messy
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Ollie Hopkins
Clan: Nosferatu
Age appearance: 30
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Brunette, clean shaven
Was previously a boxer - tall and has a large build. Wears a realistic porcelain mask to cover disfiguration underneath.
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Shuichi Saito
Clan: Tremere
Age appearance: 35
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Wears a signature green suit with broach. Was consumed by shadows & the abyss but is connected to Ava.
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Clan: Ventrue
Age appearance: 8
Eye color: Green
Hair: Pink
Wears a shoolgirl uniform with two black bows. Carries a stuffed lamp chop plush.
Long post but I was so happy to have the chance to draw these lovely characters for such a great chronicle ☺️ Have to introduce them all!
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star-synth · 3 days
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Haven't shown Heloise much love recently, so here's some random drawings I did Poor girl's also gotta deal with the solver's bs, it doesn't get better :(
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Expanding on my MLP next gen AU "shipping is magic" except i let too many ideas marinate in my head at once and now my wrist hurts from drawing so much :)
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I would say "ships and lore under the cut" but tumblr ALWAYS likes to fuck up my post layout whenever i post SPECIFICALLY MLP base art for some reason soooo.......idk
As some of you may know: i included fluttershy x tree hugger into my next gen but recently i've decided that in this AU: fluttershy is actually now in a polycule with tree hugger and quarter hearts (that one background pony that looks like link from the legend of zelda) because i saw it be included in one of dragonairlover (or SodaSurfer97, depending on where you follow it)'s old youtube videos back when it did next gen requests for people as part of someone's next gen and i really liked that idea so i included the ship in mine, the mostly-yellow pony with the triforce necklace is named canary crescent (he/him) and he's the son of all three (biologically, i mean) while the blue-haired pony next to him is named navi (she/her) and she's just flutter and quarter's kid. Obviously, navi is based on navi the fairy from the actual zelda games though i wanna say that she's got some inspiration from the blue fairy from pinocchio as well
The next five are gonna take a while to explain....so y'know how i had two lunacord kids already? Well....i decided to expand it into 7 and base them all on the 7 deadly sins because i thought it'd be cool (the ones i already made represent pride and sloth now), the pink one represents lust and is named "after dark" (she/her), the red one represents wrath and is named "wild side" (which TOTALLY isn't because i had the beastars opening theme which coincidentally is also titled "wild side" stuck in my head while drawing, what are you even TALKING about!??!?....anyway, she/her) The purple one represents greed and is named "hypebeast bling" (god, remember when hypebeasts were a thing? He/him) the brown one represents gluttony and is named "midnight snack" (they/he) and lastly the blue one represents envy and is named cendrillon (who TOTALLY isn't named after the vocaloid song AT ALLLL!!!!!! She/her) cendrillon wants to be like her older siblings, thus why she's envy
These next ones: well....idk how many people know of this nowadays, but when the episode "baby cakes" first came out, people theorized that rarity ALSO had a baby in that episode alongside mrs cake because in the opening scene: she was seen looking at a baby with a VERY similar color palette to her. I actually really like that theory so i decided to incorporate that into my next gen, with rarity having a kid with stony pony before eventually getting with braeburn and having rosemary and having to give the kid up for adoption because she couldn't take care of her (and also because stony's a fucking deadbeat lmao) ......so yeah, i named her heloise (she/her) and she's very spiritual and cool......probably has an AWESOME crystal collection. The blue pony next to her is named "birthday cake" and she's pound and pumpkin cake's younger sister. Lastly there's prince corium, chrysalis and tirek's 14-year-old son. I imagine that he's not really evil in the same way his parents are, but he's moreso an edgy fuck who thinks saying slurs and making fun of furries is peak comedy....also he has some SERIOUS beef with pastel dream (my flashlight kid from another post)
Moving onto equestria girls, i didn't want it to JUST be the next gen from the pony universe but just in the EG universe so i decided to be a little creative. So for EG's mane 5 we have rarity and applejack's identical twin daughters praline punch (who's a graphiti artist and is into amekaji) and frou-frou (who's super ditzy and into hime gyaru), fluttershy and bulk biceps' daughter sunny sunflower, sci-twi and sunset shimmer's daughter pasadena (who has a crush on sunny and TOTALLY isn't named after pasadena from crash bandicoot I SWEAR!!!!) And flash sentry and timber spruce's daughter happy camper (who is a trans girl, but is still a lil early into her transition and she's into cryptozoology)
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eldstunga · 8 months
Really enjoy the Heloise art you've been doing
Thank you! Me too, it's a very... liberating and fun style to do and pretty different from how I usually draw, so it's very relaxing in a way.
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djinarocks · 29 days
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With the boyfriend who is a professional killer who murders people for his clients, Elodie feels bad for Lucien's murdered kills. She usually wonders why he is a hitman in the first place. Elodie's group at first doesn't trust Bolok due to him being a professional hitman. They fear that Elodie would not be safe with him. That's until when the group starts observing Elodie and Bolok's relationship, Lucien is protective and loyal to Elodie and that was the time when they started liking him. Elodie introduced her group of friends to Lucien and his first reaction he thought in amused way they were Elodie's sisters. The Burlesque Girls are nothing but supportive of Elodie's relationship with Bolok. Jeanne likes him, Bolok makes Elodie genuinely happy and safe. Madelline likes his fashion sense, but her blunt side has no chill so will sometimes make snarky comments on what Bolok wears. Heloise asks tons of questions about Bolok and his relationship with Elodie. Ines ships Elodie with Bolok, isn't above making shipping drawings about those two.
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