#helminthic infestations
rsa6355 · 8 months
Dorogov's candles with ASD-2 fraction
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Properties of the ASD-2 fraction included in the candles:
improves tissue trophism
increases the level of metabolic processes in the body
Has a pronounced antiseptic effect.
practically non-toxic, does not have a cumulative effect. Indications for use of ASD-2 suppositories:
benign and malignant tumors of various locations;
Immunodeficiency states;
Fungal and viral infections;
Chronic dermatitis;
Bronchial asthma;
Gastritis, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, helminthic infestations;
Hypertension; phlebeurysm;
Pyelonephritis, cystitis;
Adnexitis, colpitis;
Cervical erosion, chlamydia, trichomoniasis:
herpes, candidiasis;
Arthrosis, arthritis; Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, liver failure, kidney disease. Not a medicine.
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alteredsilicone · 8 months
Idk if you ever mentioned this, so imma ask: What would Viri's and Loid's dynamic be? How would they interact with one another? What are her thoughts on the Cavia? Does she have any overall opinion on the Murmur, Albrechts Labs,The Vessels, etc? Also, what's her opinion on Kalymos?
I'm pretty sure the most I've talked about the new content-adjacent things is just how Viri ended up being the Chosen Operator due to Wally targeting specifically her!
Viri and Loid - she didn't particularly enjoy being called a deserter, but it's not like Loid is privy to her sad and tragic backstory and how she was brainwashed into servitude. Viri has experience mediating with cranky people so she mostly let Loid lead her from task A to task B while watching out for his emotional reactions to the Indifference. Once the events of the quest pass, Loid apologizes to her for his initial hostility, but Viri assures him that they can mend that over a cup of milk coffee and a slice of cheesecake, so they keep in touch and Viri brings him snacks from the outside world and tells him of all that has happened since he went into cryostasis; including updating on what the Entratis are up to upstairs. Long story short - a bit of a rocky start but they end up becoming friends.
Cavia - broke her heart in a billion pieces! ESPECIALLY Tagfer. Viri's father, Amadeus, was a virmink breeder who was infamous for his attachment to his "specimens", he would give a name to each and every virmink he bred (even the failures that had to be put down) and was very attached to them. Tagfer's depression over losing Minn shook Viri to her core. She now sometimes wonders if the virminks she and her father looked after also shared such deep feelings within the recesses of their minds...
The murmur - since they function as Wally's minions she feels responsible for holding them back, especially due to her strong affinity for the Void. Sometimes they whisper to her and call her a traitor - the murmur sense the void angel within her, and think she is one of them but are confused as to why she attacks them or more importantly - why she can resist their master's call.
The lab and vessels - Viri has seen her fair share of weird science, her mother worked on infestation, but Viri never-ever found out what exactly she worked on since it was top secret. Albrecht is an Orokin and Orokin doing shady, dangerous shit was not something that surprised her in the least. She would just quietly catalog anything interesting, but mostly keep it to herself (usually she forwards all information to Ergo for Perrin safekeeping, but Viri promised Loid that nobody outside of a select few Tenno are allowed to know of the Sanctum's existence).
Kalymos - little known fact! Viri adopted a hyekka kavat whose name is Bacchus! She loves naked kitties! Circling back to the Cavia and her father's work, Viri is definitely an animal person; she is used to handling them and respects them almost the same way you would respect a person. The question is whether Kalymos would like Viri...
Here is a picture of Bacchus as a bonus:
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derelicthorror · 2 years
helminth vs gravemind FIGHT
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abimee · 2 years
i love althaea. totally normal amaurotine except for the bug thing
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oneirophasia · 1 month
Okay, my turn to make a voidpunk poll, no more of this "digital and fleshy and eldritch and fay and divine are all mutually exclusive things" nonsense
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warframe1999 · 2 months
i’ve seen like 5 different people now, in response to my infested theory, be like “well duh eleanor can control minds, she’s nyx” and i just gotta say. no, she literally isn’t. do you guys truly think that our girl here, eleanor nightingale, is the same entity as the nyx warframe that was designed by ballas and mass produced to protect/serve the orokin empire?
rebecca has already confirmed that the protoframes are completely separate entities from the warframes they are based on.
albrecht entrati found people infested with the technocyte, found a way to save their life by making them a protoframe in the process, and that is how she (as well as the rest of them) got those powers. that was my theory. he was inspired by different warframes’s designs from the (his) past/(their) future; they are not the same beings.
entrati merely brought the helminth strain of infestation from his time to create partial warframes.
if you wanna discuss theories that’s one thing that i am all for. but if you’re going to just be rude and imply that i’m somehow stupid for even posting what i have, when you don’t even seem to understand what i’m saying, then please, think again before posting. i’m not here for discourse or to start an argument, i’m here for talking about this fun update in a game i like that i’m excited for.
let’s have fun!!! stop trying to pick fights. i’m not here to debate. i’m here to have the party of our lifetime.
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silence-of-autumn42 · 3 months
So, Jade Shadows. That quest was...Interesting. I've seen a lot of negativity, and I have to be honest, I disagree with a lot of the issues people have had with the quest. Maybe this is because I wasn't obsessively hanging on to every piece of promotion for this update, but I didn't find it underwhelming, or that it was poorly handled. Did we learn everything about the Stalker? No. And I don't think we were ever going to. But what we got was a key part of why he hates Warframes, specifically, and not necessarily the Tenno as a whole.
Spoilers under the cut
So, the warframe pregnancy. The implication of the quest, to me, is that Jade and Sorren were "low guardians", non-Dax guardians of the Orokin, who had a relationship, which resulted in Jade falling pregnant. This was against the Orokin laws (although it's unclear if it was the pregnancy of a Low Guardian which was illegal, or the relationship which resulted in the pregnancy) and at least Jade was turned into a Warframe, as punishment.
Despite becoming a Warframe, Jade remained pregnant, and eventually ended up taking part in the massacre of the Orokin during the Night of the Naga Drums. Sorren was, at this time, still a Low Guardian, and his life was spared by Jade. At some point, Sorren became the Stalker (I suspect after the Night of the Naga Drums, but that's not confirmed or explicitly denied anywhere, as I'm fairly sure the Hunhow narrated diorama was a figurative memory of the event, rather than literal), and discovered Jade.
Now, we don't know what condition Jade was in when he found her. It's possible she was unconscious, especially if she had an Operator controlling her, like many other warframes, but it's also possible that she became comatose at a later point in time. So, it appears that much of the Stalker's motivations around hunting down the Tenno are intended to protect Jade from being utilised as a weapon by the Tenno, out of a sense of guilt for failing to protect her from becoming a Warframe.
So, what does it mean for a Warframe to be pregnant? We have no clue. This is the first time we know of it having happened, and so there's nothing for us to base this on. That being said, the child appears to have inherited at least some of Jade's warframe abilities, as well as her physical appearance. This suggests that at some point during gestation, the baby became infected with the Helminth strain of Infestation. Will this child grow up? No idea. Will the child be able to move autonomously? Seems so, given they were moving while being held by the Stalker. This is something we'll have to wait and see about.
By the end of it, it seems like Stalker has abandoned Hunhow, and disappeared off into the system with his child. It seems like Hunhow now has no allies, but the Stalker does seem to have taken his advice from the Reapers Lament entries on the website - to cultivate something, to raise something to prosper - his child.
Now, I will admit, the labour minigame was...odd. I don't necessarily have a problem with it, it just wasn't particularly engaging? I think that's the only problem I had with the quest. I don't know what I would have preferred, but I'm sure there was something else that could have been done there.
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technocite · 8 days
Monsterframe hex notes below the cut: it’s become a horrible doozy of an au and I’m having so much fun with it
I’m taking a page out of dark sector for this au and making it so that the Hex have to get weekly booster shots that slow down and control the helminth infecting them. This wasn’t really a problem when they worked with Entrati, but as fugitives they’re on a limited supply of the booster shots and are forced to ration it out and manage going for longer periods of time without the booster stabilizing their bodies. They’re able to resupply boosters by raiding Scaldra encampments and stealing supplies, but that’s usually extremely dangerous and risky. Initial attempts to convince the Scaldra that they’re *not* infested monsters that need to be put down like a sick dog are extremely hampered by the fact that someone keeps turning into a horrible warframe beast and runs around biting people. Because Eleanor’s so infected she’s given priority to the booster shots (because nobody can really afford for her to get even more infected) but the rest are often forced to argue over who’s going to have to endure a week without a booster (this is done by pulling straws, or by a rotating system. Originally it was done by volunteering basis but they had to stop and find a new system early on because Arthur’s martyr complex led to him going a full month without shots and having an absolutely horrible time.) Going an extra week without the booster is technically manageable, although it does greatly increase the risk of an episode and by the ninth day the unlucky hex is usually antsy and agitated and physically ill from the helminth consuming their body from the inside out. If someone transforms, a booster can be used to force them to revert back to human form. It’s the most effective way to bring someone down, but they try to avoid doing this due to boosters being in short supply.
So the tf triggers would be
- injury (the more severe the higher the likelihood of turning, I.e. stubbing your toe won’t turn you but getting shot in the abdomen by a high caliber bullet and having your guts turned into canned dog food and your artery exposed spilling dangerous amounts of blood too quickly is a quick one way trip to monster land.)
- Using their powers too much (like, really pushing it past the point of exhaustion. Their powers do take some effort and energy to pull off and there’s a point where you’ve exceeded your body’s ability to manage. Usually this isn’t a problem unless someone is forced to be using a warframe ability for at least a few hours straight. Passives like super speed/magnetizing small lightweight metal doodads/telepathic communication don’t count).
- Psychological distress (extreme emotions and stress can trigger a transformation. The fight or flight response can trigger a transformation. Basically anything that floods the body with cortisol could trigger a transformation. Which is not good news for the hex since they’re all suffering from Super Space Cancer That Makes You Mentally Ill)
The transformation is gruesome and painful (there will be vomiting of blood and bones cracking) but it thankfully takes no longer than a minute to complete. It can be fought to an extent, but doing so often makes the process a billion times worse and drags it out unnecessarily. Because that’s fun and I love horrible werewolf narratives because i have wires crossed in my brain that makes this stuff delight me unreasonably.
When transformed, the level of lucidity that they possess varies depending on the circumstances, and more often than not they’re trapped in an extremely panicked, enraged and/or irrational state of mind, often overwhelmed by extreme hunger and pain. Thinking clearly in this state is extremely difficult, and attempts to do so are excruciatingly frustrating. When they return to human form (which happens either after a period of time where they exhaust themselves, or are hit with a booster serum, or are calmed down by the power of love and friendship and whatever) their memories of what happened during their rampage ranges from complete amnesia to vague impressions to disturbing clarity. They also suffer from hangover-like symptoms for several hours afterwards. Everyone’s having a horrible time and their bodies and minds are slowly being unraveled from the stress and the helminth and they are in desperate need of a hug. The moment they figure out the Drifter can alleviate their emotional and physical pain via transference they practically swarm them and argue over whose turn it is for transference because oh my god they need help.
There’s more and none of this is set in stone because it’s all made up but it’s ten pm and I’m tired so that’s all for today
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agoddamn · 6 months
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@cardinalgoldenbrow ...is this a bad time to admit that I don't think that Kullervo is real? I have a larger theory on that, but I straight up do not believe he's real and I don't use anything from his story on a literal level to support any of my interpretations.
(Very short version: Kullervo is a native of Duviri. This means that he does not exist in the real Origin System, but is a reflection/growth created by someone that fell into Duviri; just like Thrax is for the Drifter. You'll never guess who I think his source material is!)
Ughh...I really hate the--
Alright, let's agree on terminology right now to help keep all this straight. I'm going to call unpiloted sentient warframes (ie Dagath) preframes. I had been using 'protoframe', but obviously 99 is doing something specific with that so I need a new term.
I don't like the preframes, story wise. I think they exist in an awkward state of canon where their real purpose is to justify frames having personality for both visual reasons (Khora and Atlas animations illustrate very different personalities) and to preserve the twist of the Second Dream.
Practically, Warframe as a story is less interested by the implications of frames representing a real independent human personality; you are either wearing them like a skin suit or taking control of them and using them to kill just like the Orokin did. In the second case, nothing has really changed for the 'life' of a frame. They just got new bosses and the daily grind stayed the same.
"But you took away their pain! Umbra!"
The Sacrifice makes the point over and over again that Umbra's case is unusual and unique. You have not communed with any of your other frames like this; that's why the Operator is surprised and confused in the first place.
I'm actually not even sure that Dante is an autonomous preframe. Because--
You don't get to be any kind of frame without the whole Infestation thing.
Following that, this means that preframes weren't always consciously rebelling, but losing themselves to the Infestation. You get Infested, you lose brain function. That's always been consistent about the Infestation, even the 'tame' Helminth variant, even in the Entrati family.
This also makes most sense to me because if there had been some way to get a functional, obedient preframe if you just found someone obedient enough to mutate, the Orokin would have just kept doing that and had no need for the Tenno. As much as Ballas isn't the most reliable narrator, I think he's being honest and accurate when he talks about how preframes simply could not be controlled. I don't think it's just a matter of personal respect.
I do agree that preframe Insurrections make most sense for what Loid is talking about, but even that doesn't quite add up, because Loid says that he found out that Dante died while he slept. Dante would never have still been active up until Loid went into stasis if he didn't have a Tenno pilot; he says himself in the next line that people harboring (what we're assuming but Loid hasn't actually stated are) preframes were not tolerated.
Dante seems to have been publicly active up until Loid's stasis. Loid is surprised to hear of both Dante and Drusus's deaths. These facts don't fit Dante being a preframe and suggest that he had a Tenno pilot instead.
Neither Drusus nor Loid ever directly states that Dante was an autonomous preframe. Loid says that Drusus purposely blurs the line between Tenno and frame identity because of his fondness for Dante. This doesn't necessarily mean that Dante was autonomous, but that Drusus wanted to believe that he was.
We see in the text that Drusus is extremely emotionally motivated. Personally I'd fully believe Drusus avoiding an inconvenient truth, particularly since the Tenno were supposed to be a complete secret. He could very well have met Dante, found out about the Tenno later, and lied to himself.
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bkh-s-7449 · 4 days
Again. Try again.
He hates it. He doesn’t want to. Drifting in and out of consciousness, not resting, going some place else. Bile wells up from somewhere within the dark cavity that makes up his body, organs and tissues he no longer recognizes, twisted and remade. It burns the inside of his mouth. He gags, and it spills over his lips, dribbling between the slats over his jaws. The uncleanliness revolts him. He revolts him, himself. 
The skin around his wrist slips loosely beneath the restraint, raw and peeling, as he tries to reach for his mouth for the umpteenth time. He’s lost count. It’s unlike him. He always keeps count. He wishes he could wipe away the spit and vomit and blood, mostly. They hadn’t done that for him yet. 
None of them want to get near his disease-ridden mouth. 
Florix draws his legs up to his chest, bare now, the left thigh barely recognizable against the right. They’d been back. Taken the rest of the uniform, taken blood, given intravenous, given the company of beeping monitors. It is not personal. It is nothing but the most clinical degree of malice, cold and professional, a distance between perpetrator and victim. It is the way you treat a non-person. Still, did a non-person feel such shame? Did they even recognize their own body? He wants to claw a way out of his, split it open at the belly so he doesn’t have to sit with it, stripped bare, handled like a dead animal, hideous and desecrated. 
He stares at the wall, so he doesn’t have to look. Had he failed his Corpus a second time? Worse, had he failed his new family? Is he really so useless? Simple obedience. Simple competence. 
A crawling sensation writhes beneath the skin. He hears a feverish moaning, and knows it to be himself, but it is far away when it leaves him. He screws his eye shut. 
The relay lights twinkle pleasantly in her optical sensors. Thin lines of connective tissues stretch over them, making her vision aberrant — but it remains functional, functional enough. Functional for this. There is a familiar presence behind her, the click of a heavy armor that is also a body, chains. They would know it by the scent, the ancient strain. Kin of kin. Helminth. 
But not Harrow. 
They feel a flicker of uncertainty in her precepts. She turns, and her strong, wide-set ambulators are uncharacteristically uneven. She remains in control, but the sensation is new. His anxiety. It saturates her flesh, permeates through to her mechanical elements. The abject horror hums just beneath the surface, barely managed, threatening to overpower the faint connection at the first misstep. 
Yours is ours. 
What are they doing here? He recognizes it. The blue face of Pluto looms outside the curved windows in the corridor. They’re following a trail. 
The warframe comes down to them on one knee, gleaming silver, teeth like interlocking blades, a pallid eye embedded in the side of its face. The sting of sea air. Her receptors gather and carry each piece of information they can, internalizing, sharing, and he urges them forward, until the mangled formation that makes up their head presses against his breastplate in an act of recognition. The pressure against their “forehead” floods their system with comfort. 
Think. Think. 
He has no mouth. Sharing this perspective feels like suffocating. A tremulous series of clicks and beeps rises out of her, their conjoined consciousness in a losing battle against panic. 
This is the only way. 
They press harder. Against the swordsteel flesh, against the scent of him. Communicate something. Just do it. Kin of kin. The infestation, if it must. Speak to each other from within this place. The nervous web they all share stretches thin. He braces. The reek of his own fluids sloshing around in the muzzle is quickly overpowering the rest. He’s divided. He’s slipping. 
The connection is severed. 
He doesn’t quite make it back. At least, the body does not stir. It remains, trance-like, its head bobbing, its own filth dripping down its neck. He is somewhere outside it, or maybe above, made to kneel at its crumpled form, to stare it in the eye that’s left in its face. 
His face. 
Even in the darkness, even on the vessel Isos, he cannot recall fragmenting so. They were always within him, but never had he been coaxed completely out. He does not know what to do. He did not know what else to do. If he had failed, or permanently rend himself from the cradle of his own mind. Not even a non-person, anymore. 
But it’s not out, is it? It might be nicer, it if was. It is within. He is still in here, still naked and disfigured, still naïve enough to have put himself in this situation, still trapped underneath the skin, even if he could not find the will to make it his own again. Control. He needs control. He needs perfection. 
Hours pass, or maybe they don’t. The lights flicker. 
Head research assistant and physician Doctor Alba Immox hasn’t been in the room for a while. No one has. Florix never got the time from her, and he’s not sure what part of the cycle this is. The part of him still ceaselessly clinging to the familiarity of schedules and rules tries to count the hours. The hush crawls along the floor, dragging itself. 
He smells him before he can see him. 
Before he can see at all. It’s the sting of sea air. Florix has never been at sea, but he knows it when it hits him. A taloned hand at the back of the body’s head, dwarfing it, a claw cutting through the straps on the muzzle like water. They loose the restraints, they curl around the body like precious silk. 
“Florix. Florix?”
Kin of kin. Something had called out to him, and something within him had understood. 
Florix inhales harshly, violently breaching the surface. His eye refocuses. He collapses forward, into the warframe, who leans over him to hide him from the cruel light of the vessel. No more. A shroud of black, Highway’s own, the soft mantle of darkness usually worn over his shoulders — it swallows Florix whole. His small hands cannot find enough purchase on the iron-wrought figure, no matter how much he reaches for him, grabs at him, clinging, desperate. 
Highway’s union with Sevagoth curls inward, shielding Florix from any but himself. A ripple of transference static betrays his exhaustion. Florix is safe. 
But their work is not done.
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grineerios · 9 months
Warframe OC Ask Game! (Quest edition!)
Send an OC(s) + a quest name, and I'll respond with an answer, or something inspired by the question/quest!
(Warframe has a lot of quests, so prompts under the cut.)
Awakening: For Tenno: What was their first Warframe? For Warframes: What is their earliest memory? For Non-Tenno: How have they dealt with the sudden return of the Tenno?
Vor's Prize: For Tenno: How did they handle their first mission? How has their approach changed since they first awoke from cryo-sleep? For Warframes: How did they initially react to being connected to a Tenno? Have they had previous Operators before their current one? For Non-Tenno: Do they have a favorite possession? How did they come to have it? Why is it important to them?
Saya's Vigil: For Tenno: How often do they take on bounties? Which faction do they enjoy bounties from the most? For Warframes: Did they have any partners, lovers, or close friends before becoming a warframe? How well do they handle emotional intimacy? For Non-Tenno: Have they ever been to Cetus before? What do they think of the local legends- The Unum, Eidolons, and the like?
Once Awake: For Tenno: How do they feel about working with an Infested being? For Warframes: How do they feel about being Infested? What are their thoughts on the Helminth? Do they feel any connection to the Infested Hive Mind? For Non-Tenno: What are your character's thoughts on the Infestation? Have they ever seen it in-person before?
Heart of Deimos: For Tenno and Warframes: What are their thoughts on the Entrati Family and their squabbles? For Non-Tenno: Has your character ever been to Deimos? Are they the type to take great risks if it could mean great reward?
The Archwing: Where is your character's favorite place in the Origin System? How often do they travel? What is their favorite form of travel?
Natah: For Tenno: How did they react to discovering Natah? Did it change the way they saw the Lotus? For Warframes and Non-Tenno: Does your character have any dark or embarrassing secrets?
The Second Dream: For Tenno: How did they react to awakening from the Second Dream? Did they remember that they were themselves, or did they think that they were their warframe? For Warframes: How did their Tenno awakening from the Second Dream affect them? Was it a good experience, or a bad one? For Non-Tenno: Were they always comfortable with themselves? If so, what brings them confidence? If not, what are their insecurities?
Rising Tide: For Tenno and Warframes: What do they remember from the Old War? For Non-Tenno: Have they ever been on a Railjack before? Can they pilot a ship?
The War Within: Given the chance, would your character ever perform Continuity? If yes, how picky would they be with their new body? If not, how do they deal with their own mortality?
Chains of Harrow: For Tenno: How did they react to the Man in the Wall upon seeing him for the first time? Has that reaction changed at all over time? For Warframes: What keeps them loyal to their Tenno? Does their Infested nature ever surface? For Non-Tenno: What's something that haunts them?
Apostasy Prologue: For Tenno: How did they take the Lotus' abandonment? How did they deal with the void in power that she left? Who did they blame? For Warframes: How did they react to Ballas still being alive? How did they support their Operator during this time? For Non-Tenno: Who would they consider to be their enemy? Why?
The Sacrifice: What does family mean to your character? Do they have a family- biological or otherwise?
Prelude to War: Is your character easily manipulated? What would it take to be swayed from their own values by others?
Chimera Prologue: Does your character ever feel othered by society? If so, how do they deal with it?
Erra: For Tenno and Warframes: What are their thoughts on The Lotus' family? Would they willingly work with them? For Non-Tenno: Have they ever seen a Sentient before? How did they react?
The Maker: How does your character view the Orokin? Positively? Negatively? Why?
The New War: For Drifters: Where were they during Narmer's invasion? Were they ever captured? If not, how did they stay out of Narmer's sight? For Operators: How did they react to discovering their Drifter counterpart? Where were they during Narmer's invasion? For Warframes: Would they ever willingly work with their Tenno's Operator/Drifter counterpart? Why or why not? For Non-Tenno: What is a comforting lie your character indulges in? Were they veiled during the War? How did Narmer affect their lives?
Angels of the Zariman: How does your character deal with guilt? What do they do when experiencing painful emotions?
Whispers in the Walls: What is your character's perspective on the Void?
A Man of Few Words: Who is your character's "ride-or-die" ally? Do they make friends easily, or tend to be distant?
Vox Solaris: Has your character been to Fortuna? What are their thoughts and feelings towards Solaris United?
The Waverider: Is there anyone your character looks up to? Who- or what- inspires them?
The Deadlock Protocol: Does your character have any connection to their biological family?
Howl of the Kubrow: Does your character have any pets? Do they like animals?
Stolen Dreams: How would your character feel about working with someone typically considered to be an enemy? Who- or which factions- do they trust the most?
The New Strange: How does your character approach an unfamiliar subject? Under what conditions do they learn best?
The Limbo Theorem: What is your character passionate about? What skills are they best at?
Octavia's Anthem: What kind of music does your character enjoy? Do they play an instrument or sing?
Sands of Inaros: How much of their childhood do they remember? Is there an event from their childhood that impacts who they are today?
The Silver Grove: How does your character's conscience- or lack thereof- affect their choices? How loyal are they to their moral compass?
Patient Zero: How altruistic is your character? Would they go out of their way to help someone, even if they didn't deserve it?
The Jordas Precept: For Tenno and Warframes: What is their perspective on the large amounts of killing required in their line of work? Do they feel guilty at all? For Non-Tenno: Has your character ever been to a Tenno relay? If so, what were their initial impressions?
Hidden Messages: For Tenno and Warframes: How loyal are they to The Lotus? For Non-Tenno: What do they do to relax?
The Glast Gambit: How does your character react to fame? Do they enjoy it, or avoid the spotlight?
Mask of the Revenant: Does your character celebrate Naberus? If so, what could they be found doing on Naberus Night?
Call of the Tempestarii: Is your character superstitious or spiritual at all? Do they believe in ghosts?
Veilbreaker: For Tenno and Warframes: Have they ever faced an Archon before? What was their experience like? Did they have back-up, or were they alone? For Non-Tenno: What kinds of freedom are most important to your character?
The Duviri Paradox: For Drifters: What was their experience in Duviri like? If they were a courtier, what would their Spiral be, and what traits would it take on? For Operators: How would they react to swapping places with the Drifter? Would they enjoy Duviri? Why or why not? For Warframes: Have they ever been to the Undercroft? Does fighting in the Void feel any different from fighting in the Origin System? For Non-Tenno: Do stories of the Tenno's deeds- both now and during the Old War- fill them with hope, or dread?
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themanwhomadeamonster · 10 months
i think it's really interesting how the infested can bloom flowers; we've seen that be possible with the helminth but never on a larger scale like in 1999, and they're evidently not the same strain either. they don't resemble lotus flowers either, does anyone have any idea what they could be based off?
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alteredsilicone · 9 months
"In-depth information of the Warframe mandate is forbidden to all but the Seven."
Despite this, Albrecht Entrati:
-got a hold of the Helminth virus, which is the specific strain of infestation used to make Warframes.
-made his own Warframe (Qorvex).
-time travelled to 1999 to Warframe-ify people who believed he was saving them from a plague.
Albrecht Entrati does not give a single solitary fuck, I am amazed he somehow avoided the Jade Light.
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redrreign · 8 months
wait what are the warframes if theyre not robots
okay so spoilers for the sacrifice quest.
technically the original warframes were people infected by the orokin with a bioengineered strain of infestation that turned their bodies into metal and shit. that's why they can be modified by the helminth i think!! it's less clear about the copies of frames considering there's no way the orokin infected Infinite amounts of people but i personally believe that all warframes you build are cloned copies of the original infected person
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theterribletenno · 10 months
Can’t draw so I’ll just write
Reclaimed Helminth Technocyte Testing.
Test site: Orokin Tower ship designation EUPHRATES, geosynchronous high-orbit above Pluto.
Overseer: Lady Chamis Muderole, 2nd daughter of Muderole family.
Staff: 14 Archimedean scientists (9 Technocyte specialist, 5 general biologist), 26 Dax, 31 Bridge crew, 109 Service crew, 19 prisoners.
Mission details: Experimental use of reclaimed technocyte from feral samples.  Former technocyte lab on surface of Pluto experienced un-planned release of specimens, resulting in colony infestation.  Contamination spread prevented by quarantine, feral infested unable to survive Plutonian surface climate.  Dax special force squadron collected samples before cauterization of compromised site.  Collected “Post-Helminth” samples have been extensively tested and modified for attempted re-integration into Helminth project.
Lady Chamis Muderole Personal Notes: I am repeatedly cautioned by my Archimedeans that the post-Helminth strains are unstable and unpredictable and that results cannot be guaranteed.  Executor Ballas has made it clear that more warframes are needed urgently, and that quantity supersedes quality.  Batch three testing will begin in less than an hour.  Archimedean Philias has been selected to fill one of the empty specimen tables after her unseemly outburst during my last lab visit.  My Dax guard’s sword came within an inch of her neck when she grabbed my wrist.  Speaking of the Dax, with only six of our seven tables filled I chose two of my Dax soldiers - Imugi and Pliamet, two of my best - and gave them a simple command.  Fight to the death, the survivor gets the honor of becoming a warframe.  Pliamet Dax began to speak, I did not bother to heed his words but I believe he intended to disregard my orders.  Imugi Dax had no such compunctions.  His sword struck true in the blink of an eye, and Pliamet’s head tumbled to the ground.  With Archimedean Philias and Imugi Dax filling the last of the seven specimen tables we can begin as soon as the injectors are loaded.  To stifle Philias’ incessant screaming I instructed my Dax to gag her with one of my golden bracelets.  It did so amuse me how perfectly that heavy golden bead fit in her whimpering mouth.
Post-Helminth Batch 3 test results
Specimen 1: Total failure, tagged for incineration.  What a mess.  It was sickening to behold.  Specimen 1 (John Doe, convicted of heresy) was an immediate failure.  The flesh at the injection site began to boil immediately, deforming into a raspberry-like mass of tumors that hung from naked bone.  The subject’s body continued to degrade until catastrophic failure of multiple organs.  What’s left of him wouldn’t even look like it had ever been human if it weren’t for the bloody skull visible on the left side of what was once his head.  The right side of his body was less affected, as he died before the infestation could spread thoroughly throughout.  Initial prognosis for failure is over-mutation of technocyte sample.  No further testing is required, the sample will be atomized.
Specimen 2: Success.  Unique phenotype, tagged for further study.  I had high hopes for this specimen (Son Nguyen; convicted of aiding and abetting rebel terrorists) and I was not disappointed.  The Archimedeans are right, the helminth strain does more with what’s inside a person than their flesh alone.  His flesh changed rapidly, the technocyte covering his arms, legs, and head with a smooth shell of gleaming steel.  Across his round iron carapace a multitude of pockmarks emerged, a pattern of sunken recesses that glow with unnatural blue light, a long thin needle rising from the very middle of each one.  These pocks and needles emit a tingling electric hum.  He will need to be inspected by experts on sacred Lua to determine if he is a new type, or a variation of the golem they call Volt.
Specimen 3: Final-stage failure, tagged for autopsy.  Specimen 3 (Dorian Mastiff; convicted of armed assault, murder of the first & second degree, and three other crimes) responded well to initial injection.  Very little screaming.  Plate-like extrusions of dull gray metal emerged across his skin, dermis underwent full replacement.  Musculoskeletal augmentation appears successful, pending autopsy report.  However, after protracted convulsions the subject’s belly collapsed inwards and then ripped open, spilling pink, red, orange and yellow entrails across the table and floor while the subject’s vitals flatlined.  Cause of failure to be determined during autopsy.
Specimens 4 & 5: Unqualified success, recommended for immediate deployment.  I had no particular expectations for our last two criminal specimens (Torres & Sia Fallon; convicted of possession of illegal firearms and conspiracy to commit treason) and so I was pleasantly surprised by the results.  It all began with the usual howling and thrashing as bone reshapes and skin turns inside out but imagine my shock when each of the two managed to wrest an arm free of the clamps, only so they could hold each others hand as they endured holy metamorphosis.  Beautiful to behold, as the shapes of their bodies deformed into haunting curves bulbous and hollow, hand in hand as they sang into the walls of the transmogrification lab.  Seeing them now I nearly feel a tear in my eye, the shapes of their curves, their peaks and valleys seem perfect to fit against each other like the pieces of a puzzle.  Two halves of a whole; balancing each other in both shape and color.  If Executor Ballas allows, I would very much like to keep these two for myself.
Specimen 6: Success.  Unique phenotype, tagged for further study.  Our Archimedeans are chosen for the prowess of their minds, not for their ability to withstand even the slightest amount of pain.  With the golden ball from my bracelet muffling her screams Archimedean Philias squealed and whimpered throughout the entire process.  If I had not gagged her I’m sure her screaming would have drowned out all other noise in the room.  And oh how I chuckled when I saw that gleaming golden bead trapped permanently in the angular beak that had replaced Philias’ mouth, clenched and frozen.  A precious little momento of her final moments as a human being.  Oh, I do adore her now.  How her research vestments gave way to streaming silken ribbons, how her features were completely hidden by the shining metal mask that grew from her skull.  She is so beautiful now, and so quiet.  I think I wish I could keep her most of all.  No telling what powers this new form of yellow gold and red silk could possibly possess, but that is what tests are for.  I wish I could see that perfectly chiseled beak of hers clutching that golden ball every day.
Specimen 7: Unqualified success, recommended for immediate deployment.  (Imugi Dax, volunteered)  In retrospect, I admit that subjecting Archimedean Philias to the transformation was impulsive and emotional, and doing the same to Imugi Dax was pure whimsy.  The only things aboard this ship that are allowed to second-guess me are myself and my cephalon.  I won’t express regret for my decision, but I will admit its shortsightedness.  With that said, I now ask myself why we do not use the Dax soldiers for more of our warframe projects.  The technocyte grafts with their flesh and bone so easily, Imugi never once screamed.  While the others howled, cried, and gurgled, Imugi was silent as stone.  The nanomachines rushed through his veins and arteries, turning his whole body a noble blue.  How calmly his shape changed.  The quiet re-ordering of bone and muscle.  Thick yet slender, powerful yet elegant, the stately helmet of the Dax fusing to his skull to give him a most commanding silhouette... and that beautiful slate blue all over him accented by dots and streaks of noble jade glow.  A perfect warframe.
Additional notes: We are squandering a great deal of potential using criminals as our primary test subjects for the Warframe Project.  The Helminth technocyte is best when it has good material to work with: individuals of exceptional quality.  Results from tests conducted on subjects with superior skills, knowledge, and physical condition like the Dax have such a high success rate while wasting test batches of degenerates and reprobates leaves me with tables full of mangled corpses.  The criminal fodder is much more suited for use in controlled mass-production cloning of archetypes.  This research is no longer just my assignment.  It is my passion.  It is my art.  We should not be wasting time and resources on reclaiming technocyte clay from the feral mud, we should be culturing strains of the finest porcelain for our masterpieces!
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riftwalker-limbro · 9 months
actually fuck it. i've got some kind of flu/cold which means i'm staying up coughing all fucking night instead of sleeping and of course we are bullying the ocs about this. have some discord screenshots. these are all me and yes we all forget oc details only to remember them in the most comically valuable moment. quick reminders that pule is 1. ace 2. allergic to non-helminth infestation. also that warframes have airholes in their back in my instance of lore. also also vince rattles when he breathes because he is several kinds of fucked up internally.
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but then How Would He Blow His Nose.
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