sunandsstars · 2 years
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Jake x Neytiri x Na’vi!Reader
Summary: When finding out the expansion of his family Jake became ecstatic, his favourite girls were bearing his children. But Neytiri found his excitement annoying, pregnant woman right? Warnings: Pregnancy, Mentions of hunting/dead animals Word count: 2.3k
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Happiness is simple.
Jake followed the same routine every day since the war, it was always wake up, give his mates kisses on the cheeks then getting ready to start the day as clan leader. He always started with learning from Mo’at about being Olo’eyktan and the spirit of Eywa, even though he has been Omaticaya for a few months there is still much to learn. Then he goes hunting with the other warriors in the forest, after catching prey it was eat then spend time with his girls.
While it wasn’t unheard of for a tri-relationship in Na’vi culture, it was extremely rare. Mo’at says they must be blessed by their great mother to continue with the ritual, and bless them Eywa did.
Neytiri was the first one to find and welcome him to the clan, she taught him the ways of the people and bonded with him under the tree of voices. Jake thought that one mate was it, they are bonded for life and needed no other. But along came ___, she was the same age as Neytiri at the time and a good friend to her.
They both went to Grace Augustine’s school when they were children, they played together and was raised together as friends. But Neytiri always stated she felt something different when around her, something she always felt around Jake. Never with Tsu’tey and never with any other men or women in the clan.
___ was sweet, she was a skilled hunter and a warrior, already passing her Uniltaron when she was of age to. Jake saw why Neytiri liked her, and decided to get to know her himself. As time did pass by over the weeks he fell more and more in love, with both woman. Neytiri, Jake and ___ bonded under the tree of souls. A union that could not be forgotten.
“Ma Jake?” a tired voice broke out from the hammock, “what are you doing up so early?” ___ sat up and rubbed her eyes, yawning and glancing at how the sun just started revealing itself over the planet they orbited.
“I was just thinking, yawnetu” he reached over and grabbed the back of her head, pulling her flush to his chest and kissing her hair. “Besides, our wife wants us up to hunt. Remember? she has been craving a lot of strange things lately…” he glanced to where Neytiri usually slept beside her and found the space already empty, assuming the woman was down in the forest already.
“You can go without me. I am too tired” ___ snuggled deeper into her mates side, breathing in his scent. Jake however, looked at her with raised brows, she never passed the opportunity to hunt with her partners. ‘Maybe she really is just tired’ he didn’t want to worry himself with anything too deep and slowly moved her arm to get out of bed. His mate scooted to where he slept and snuggled into the warm spot, tail curling around her body.
Jake chuckled and put on his cumberband, grabbing his knives and making sure they’re sharp enough he strolled out their hut, climbing down the tree branches and landing to the ground. He sniffed and looked around, saying good morning to the already awake Na’vi and humans. Walking towards a part of the forest he saw a footprint and went to track it.
Jumping above roots and ducking under others the Olo’eyktan moved around skilfully. Dreads swinging from side to side, ‘man i should have put it up’ he groaned in annoyance. Usually Neytiri had a band on her and would put it up for him and he was thinking of asking her, but he’d have to find her first.
He stopped in a clearing where the footprints disappeared and found no dented grass or snapped twigs. His trail was lost. He stomped his foot like a child, Neytiri must’ve gone up but he couldn’t track her like that. A hand slapped the back of his head and he screeched in shock. Whipping around he came face to face his his other mate.
“Like a baby” she tsked in English, having seen him throw his mini tantrum. Jake’s cheeks flushed, he was a leader, a warrior and yet sometimes he acted like a child, he was silly and his head sometimes became airy, easily forgetting customs and rules he was taught. Norm called him a himbo, whatever that meant. “Come” snapping out of his thoughts he was dragged away from their spot and towards the river that was nearby, seeing two dead yerik with an arrow lodged in each neck “I need help with bringing these back to the clan”
‘Jeez how long has she been up’ he scratched his head and tilted it to the side, staring at the hexapedes in thought. He walked up to one and his mate the other, grabbing the animal and hauling it over his shoulder. Grunting at the weight of it he watched Neytiri tie up its legs and do the same, the two slowly walking back home. Jake pouting the whole way, he didn’t even get to shoot anything…
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___ was up and about, the sun high in the sky and shining down on the Na’vi that resided by Hellsgate. She was helping with simple chores, deciding to take rest and not do any extraneous activities. Mo’at has let her know of joyous news and told her to take it slow today as the elder can see the exhaustion on her daughter in laws face.
Hearing yipping she turned to the sound, seeing her mates back from their hunt with two large yeriks on their backs. She dropped her basket of fruits and rushed towards them, some hunters already grabbing the animals and prepared them to skin. “‘Tiri” she hugged her mate, excited to finally have seen her this morning. Waking up without her was upsetting, she usually liked basking in the warmth of both of her mates and not just one.
“Yawntutsyìp” Neytiri responded back, wrapping her arms around her mate and kissing her unbraided hair. She would have to redo it for her. Jake watched in great love, and a little bit of jealousy. So he intervened and grabbed ___, wrapping his own arms around her. Neytiri glared at him.
“Hey now, where’s my greeting hmm?” he nuzzled his face against her hair and breathed in, the scent of Pandoran flowers hitting his nose. ___ giggled at the look Neytiri was giving him, she always found their little rivalry funny.
“My beloved, we greeted each other this morning. ‘Tiri and I have not until now” the woman in his arms gently pushed him away and went back to their wife’s arms.
The Tsakarem smirked at their husband and he only stuck his tongue out in retaliation, “nì’eveng” she rolled her eyes.
“Why have you gone out so early?” ___ interrupted and moved away to glance up at the other woman, raising her eyes and giving her a knowing look. She knew the condition Neytiri was in, it was the same as her but a few days further along. But her wife did not know that she was the same, having been a recent discovery. Jake did not know at all about either of them. Men.
“I was craving yerik and decided to catch two for us and share with the clan” to be honest she just wanted the yerik for herself, selfishly. But her wife and clan came first, even if she knew the rest of the hunting party were out now gathering more meats. ___ thanked her and held her hand, turning to their husband who was still pouting at them.
“I want some too…”
___ laughed and dragged Neytiri away before she could evoke more chaos, leaving Jake who was called by his human friends. “I have some news my love” she started when they where further away, bringing Neytiri’s hand to her belly she grinned.
The Na’vi could only blink, staring at her hand in silence. Then she grinned and giggled “I cannot believe it”
“Believe it”
“We are both..at the same time..the great mother has truly blessed us” She pulled her wife closer and put their foreheads together and breathed in, closing her eyes “oel ngati kameie”
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Jake could only watch from across the camp in confusion, ‘was their separation really that much of a big deal? Women’ his tail hit Norm behind him who was out of his avatar, deciding to go human for the morning. “Hey!” he complained and swatted the appendage that was still hitting him “what’s gotten you so worked up?”
“You see my mates over there? Why are they acting so lovey dovey”
Norm and Max turned to one another and deadpanned “Buddy..they’re mates. It’s normal”
“But i’m their mate and i’m not getting any attention” he pouted. Norm could only roll his eyes and slapped the aliens leg, Jake turned to look down at him in question.
“Lemme get into my avatar, then we can go have bro time. Max, link me up”
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Jake and Norm strolled through the foliage, after breakfast the clan separated to do some more chores like cleaning, making clothes or patrolling the area. They’re not in hometree anymore, being out in the open could be dangerous for them.
“So, any idea of why my wives are basically disowning me?” Jake started, thinking back to breakfast when the two woman where basically all over each other, whispering loving words and piling food onto one another’s leaves.
“Women are complicated, maybe something major happened for them to act this way” Norm thought back through his Pandoran knowledge, trying to remember anything about Na’vi females and their biology.
“Maybe.. I mean Neytiri said she was craving yerik and woke up at fuck knows what time in the morning to catch them. And ___ was too tired to do anything physical at all” Jake huffed and sat down on a large rock, picking a fruit that was nearby and tearing into it, throwing one at Norm who barely caught it.
The avatar then realised the fuss, the cravings, the fatigue. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, but then again Jake has a below average IQ…
“I think you should talk to them” Norm finally concluded, he won’t tell his companion directly, it wasn’t his place to say, he bit into the fruit and watched Jake. The Olo’eyktan nodded and stood up, patting Norm on the shoulder and leading them back.
“I just hope they’re ok”
“By the sounds of it i’m sure they’re more than ok”
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The two woman devised a plan together, they would tell Jake then announce it to the rest of the clan tonight. They could not wait any longer.
They were sat waiting in their pod, chatting and updating their song beads, one more to signify their new journey into motherhood. Jake rounded the corner and barged in, his feet slapping onto the ground heavily. “So you two gonna tell me what’s going on?” ‘smooth Jake smooth’ he mentally scolded himself, coming across as too harsh.
Neytiri just threw a piece of twine at him “mawey ma Jake”. ___ stood up abruptly and padded towards her husband ears wiggling and head spinning, she was nervous. Telling Neytiri was one thing, but telling Jake was another.
“Ma Jake..we have something to share with you” the man in question raised an eyebrow, finally he was gonna get some answers to their weird behaviour. ___ grabbed his hand and rested it upon her still flat tummy, pressing it into her a little so he could feel the tiniest bump in her skin.
Jake blinked.
He blinked again.
Then he grinned “No way” he pressed again into his mates stomach and laughed out in glee when he felt it more. ___ nodded and beckoned their other mate towards them, grabbing his other hand and holding it to his other wife’s tummy. If Jake’s grin could get any wider it had “No way” he voiced again in disbelief.
“Srane skxawng” Neytiri hit his head lightly, chuckling at his expression. He felt tears well up in his eyes, he had two kids on the way. His wives were both pregnant, at the same time. It was a miracle.
“Jake?” ___ saw the tears in his eyes and cupped his cheeks, her face contorting into worry “nga tam?”
“yawne, oe nì’ul to tam” He grabbed his girls and nuzzled them, kissing both of their heads, cheeks and lips. Crying out of happiness, he gives his thanks to their deity “irayo si Eywa”
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Their clan held a great feast that night, their leader was starting his own family, two children on the way was a blessing and their Tsahìk made sure to say great prayers over the fire.
Jake was in bliss, his hands never left Neytiri’s or ___’s tummies. Not even to eat, the latter having to pop food into his mouth every so often to make sure he doesn’t starve. Neytiri could only slap her tail against his back at his silliness, but she cannot deny the happiness she felt in that moment for her mates.
“Oe tsìlpey fi’u ‘evenge” the love struck man tapped Neytiri’s belly with his hand, she merely spared him a glance and waved him off, disagreeing entirely.
“It will be boy. I can feel it”
___ finished her food and rested her head against her mate, the glow of the fire making her look ethereal “yes, he will be strong warrior. Like his father” Jake just sniffed in reply, feeling more tears come up. The woman on his other side hit him on the shoulder and called him a weakling.
But he couldn’t ask for anything more, this was his family. His fortress. He wasn’t gonna let anyone else take it away from him.
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Norm sat on the opposite side of the fire, giving his bro a solid nod in approval. He knew it all along, never doubt the mind of a scientist.
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salemsimss · 1 year
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Sometimes I think about the Hellgate save ft. some screenshots from when I was trying out seph's paperbacks preset
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anne-ominous · 1 year
They finally uploaded it! The haunt i work at got to have Doug Jones come in and do a guest lecture on character acting and I seriously ascended when I heard the news.
I got picked during the Q&A, and out of the dozens of questions running through my head I wound up asking for skincare tips, because I love roles that require masks or heavy makeup and prosthetics to pull off, which absolutely wrecks my face all month.
His answer was exfoliate lots and use a dab of olive oil.
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keeshin · 1 year
A story of an unlikely trio of Pandora the cheeky and curious 17-year-old. Ignis the "big" and cold bodyguard and Apollo the drama queen, all three seek sanctuary in a hotel: Hotel Aeternus, but are on a brink of survival because of health and supply issues, so they were sent off to the big and dangerous world full of monsters and mutants and filled with adventures where they find their true identities and show "their" true colors. One of which has strange descent that they know about although many find those religions as a scam or a death wish. Sometimes they tend to fool around and do non-illegal activities but it's all Pandora's fault.
Pandora, 17 years old and is the youngest of the trio and is the cheekiest of the group likes to spend her time mostly at the library, due to the fact loud noises disturb her she finds solitude in the hotels hidden library where she can read away and be an award teenager once she gets out the room. She almost became homeless for many MANY mistakes and stunts she have pulled off in the past missions she went with Ignis and Apollo. To the point they all almost died from something Pan was not supposed to disturb in the abandoned shack. Long story short, she will either drag them with her towards danger or drag danger towards them.
Ignis, 21 years old and is the most responsible one in the group. She is Apollo's bodyguard and the hotel's security ( It's a pain in the ass to guard Apollo in the hotel anyway, Even outside he's unbearable.) Just find her at the entrance she's always there.
Apollo Baros also known as Apollo the magnificent god (He's not a god -Ignis). Singer and entertainer of the hotel he is mostly found at the bar being bodaciously handsome with his whiskey at hand and a damsel in the other.His looks will bewitch you with such power that you will let him step on you with no remorse
Ps. Each of them wrote their descriptions, I have no power over any of them.
Pps. You wrote MY description with such blasphemy! Of course I must interfere and write the most biblically accurate Apollo as possible!
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leapsoflaughters · 1 year
Light Up Your Night With Multi-Color Hells Gate Firework | Lol
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Add Some Excitement to Your Celebration with Leaps of Laughter's Multi-Color Hells Gate Firework! Light Up Your Night and Make Your Event Unforgettable. Get It Now!
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annsom · 2 years
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Les portes de l'enfer sont les portes de votre esprit. Entrez à vos risques et périls, vous pourriez trouver quelque chose d'intéressant ☺️😈 . . . #annsom #hell #parisvibes #architecture #portail #portesdelenfer #hellsgate #vitraux #nightphotography #nightparty #nightcity #nightvibes #photodenuit #nuit #nightshots #nightcity #nightcitylights #nightcityview #parisbynight✨ #parisbynight (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7Iue8sQRm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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havatabanca · 2 years
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tuuuuuuuua · 17 days
OMMMHMHHGG SO SUPAAA FUNNY SOTRY ABOUT THE LINEUP THING SO BASICALLY I- i gave up. ill finish it....soemtime js not now ykkk. 0u0; but uhhh NEW NOTEBOOK???
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some meenahs bcz my frind tol dme to draw herrrr .
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I LUV HOW I DREW DAVE OMFGGG!!! kan looks super cute tooooo!!!
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then a rose.....that i hate how it turned out. (plus read tags)
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luckkythirt33n · 2 months
HellsGate Airlines
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Coming soon to an ao3 near you.
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dazed-cherry · 2 months
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📍Astoria, NYC
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lowqualitygarbage · 2 years
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Breaking briefly from my stupid au/crossover stuff to post more shoe painting!
I work at a top-rated haunted house every year, and got so excited about auditions last September that I painted up some shoes based on it to wear. I think I managed to bang these out in one night, so they're a little less detailed than my other shoes.
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localunseeliefae · 2 years
okay so my thoughts about shadow and bone?
i don't like it that wylan and jesper got together so early i need my slowburn
this whole sword thing was kinda pointless since alina learned how to make a light blade anyway, it was like a side quest to get crows involved again
david and genya are the highlight of this season, probably the only ship this show made me like (sorry wesper i love you in books but here? they're just kinda there and i don't think i would give a second shit about them if not for the books)
mal getting inspired by sturmhond? YES PLEASE I NEED MORE OF IT, im really glad that they decided to keep this storyline from books
also i absolutly love mal going away for a while, so he and alina can find who they are without each other i think it's gonna make their relationship more organic and not as forced as it was in the books
im honestly waiting for creators to explore the depth of alinas power in future seasons, i admit that im disappointed that they omited a lot of her inner dilemas from the books, but the plotlines that may come from her getting the shadow power sound very promising and im here for maybe her struggling with morality? being a bit more ambiguous which would set for interesting inner conflict
which being said, im a bit disappointed with darklings cremation? scene, i just feel it was much more powerful in the books while here it was kinda bland
in general series felt a bit rushed and im still not inclined to like the crows being directly engaged in political problems of other countries i know it's to make the storylines connect but i miss them being just thieves from the barrel, fighting their own battles, not the big worlds ones
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anne-ominous · 11 months
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Half an hour left of Halloween so time for some shitty mirror selfies and a pic with the lovely Gertie the Birdie.
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keeshin · 1 year
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Coming soon...
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Jake x Neytiri x Na’vi!Reader
Summary: One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. ___ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right?
Warnings: Talks of war, Briefly mentions death/Bodily harm, Angst, Swearing, Non-con Word count: 2.4k
A/N: Here it is people, the angst series :( Prepare yourselves
Taglist: @itsyoboysparkel @dumb-fawkin-bitch @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fanboyluvr
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Having one mate was enough for a Na’vi, they did not need another to deal with or weigh them down. It was a huge commitment and for most, a waste of time. More than one significant other was a rare case these days anyway, usually only reserved for Na’vi of a higher ranking, like an Olo’eyktan or Tsahìk.
Jake didn’t know that the Na’vi can bond with more than one at a time until Grace brought it to his attention one day, “Na’vi will mate with only one other person for their whole life, unless duty brings them to marry another” she stated, smoking a cigarette haphazardly in the lab room, eyeing the man who sat uninterested in his wheelchair.
Mating. Jake thought it sounded primal, animalistic, something the creatures back on Earth used to do just to get a quick fuck. But when Neytiri brought it up and he finally experienced it himself, it could only be described as sublime. He’s never felt such feelings, emotions. You share them with your partner in such a deep level it left him feeling breathless.
Following their mating the skypeople attacked and cut down the Tree of Voices, severing one of their main connections to their ancestors. That’s when he realised it was time for war. Several clans joined the mighty Toruk Makto to fight for Pandora, when he called they answered. But the battle was bloody, long and gruelling, they all lost brothers and sisters that day. But at least now they will find peace in Eywa’s warm embrace.
The Great Sorrow then became something of the past and the Omaticaya were relocated to an area by Hellsgate, the humans and Na’vi finally living in harmony but not peace, a lot preferring to still shun the aliens away from their home.
But the forest provided tall trees to cover them from predators and plenty of abundance, humans will also be with their technology inside an environment they can thrive in, so each side wins. Jake had finally been anointed as Olo’eyktan with Neytiri being his tsakarem, the couple couldn’t be more happier with the way things have become, fully believing the skypeople will not return.
But happiness must soon come to an end.
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“Ma sa’nok! Why?! Why must we be mated to her?! She is useless!” Neytiri yelled angrily at her mother, the Tsahìk, she has just been told her mother has been seeing visions in her sleep and suspected Eywa was trying to tell her something. This ‘something’ was about her child’s third mate, which she did not anticipate.
“All of our roles play an important part here daughter” Mo’at glared, has she taught her child no less? “your new wife will be a good edition to your family and therefore the clan. It must be done, Eywa has spoken”
Neytiri did not understand, her and Jake were happy together. Alone. They did not need another person to ruin the balance of their life. She turned around sharply to her husband who was sat on the ground by the tree of souls, urging him to make an opinion on the matter with a glare. Jake coughed.
“I agree Mo’at. We are fine together just as it is”
“This is not your decision to make Jake Sully. The great mother will not be happy, she has done this for a reason and we must trust her judgement. She has shown me what will happen if this does not happen, you and your family will fall under a great despair, it will disrupt all we have made” Jake’s ears perked up, alarmed, ‘what does she mean a great despair’. As his thoughts started to turmoil Neytiri continued to talk to her mother, coming to an understanding that it was the way of life. She cannot disregard Eywa’s wishes.
With a huff she walked towards Jake and pulled him up by the arm with no effort, eyes a glare and ears pinned to her head. She walked away and towards her new ikran, ready to get back to camp. “So.. do you know who we’re supposed to mate?”
“Are you gonna tell me?” They flew into the air, Bob screeching as they went above the trees, staying low to the forest. Neytiri didn’t answer his question and stayed silent, shit. He was just a man, a man who knows when NOT to anger a woman, especially one like her. He decided to not take it any further.
Arriving back to Hellsgate they dismounted and landed onto the floor, Jake greeting the humans who passed by them, taking samples from the nature. Neytiri walked up to where the food was being prepared, a group of woman sat by some small children who they looked after while parents were away doing chores. She grabbed one of ladies by the arm and dragged her towards Jake who only stared in confusion. Soon morphing into realisation.
“Introduce yourself” The warrior exclaimed harshly. Knowing that Mo’at has already told her of the plans, she knew going to her daughter first would cause another war and the elder planned to avoid it. So telling the new mate first was the best option for everyone.
“___ te Syakx Hìfey’ite” the woman’s ears lowered to her head and she faced the ground. The pain in her arm where Neytiri gripped was hard, sure to bruise. “I am a gatherer, a healer. I do not hunt like you or -“ Neytiri squeezed her arm to silence her, having enough of her talking.
They were close in age, both eighteen years old and fully grown adults. They both attended Grace’s school together growing up, they were close. ___ was closer with Neytiri’s sister though, Sylwanin. When she died, the younger sister blamed everything on the other girl. Cursing her out and they never talked again until now.
___ was nervous, she knew she had to mate with them, both of them. She knew that the other woman was angry at her still, even after two years. She could not blame her for the grief of her sibling. But over something she did not do? She was not at fault here.
“Nice to meet you” Jake said curtly, not really wanting to talk any further. He did not like the idea of a second mate either, even on Earth it was extremely taboo so he felt awkward on the matter. Neytiri let go of her arm and dragged Jake off, presumably to talk about anything but the ceremony that is supposed to be held later today. Announcing the decisions their Tsahìk has made to the clan, surely they would all be most pleased. ___ could not say the same towards the couple who walked off.
One part of her thought that they just wanted to be alone for a while, being more recently mated and being thrown into another relationship was confusing and disrupting, she understood that. But the more rational part knew that while Neytiri continued to dislike her, she knew their life together would be filled with nothing but pain and suffering. But she would put on a brave face. For her own sake and the clans. Eywa has spoken.
But is what Eywa saying right?
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She was correct, the clan was most happy. Despite some whisperings here and there, they would have to agree that they would all make a good trio. ___ was a good healer, she was gifted with her skills. She was also good to the elderly and children, always happy with a smile on her face. Neytiri was a good huntress and a Tsahìk in training, her battle abilities are most adored on. Jake, he was their Toruk Makto, Rider of Last Shadow. He was well respected in that alone.
But while the Omaticaya was happy, she was not. Sat next to Jake on his left she was left to eat in silence as him and Neytiri conversed without her. Not even looking in her direction once. She figured that they would not talk to her all through the night and decided to make peace with herself.
A little girl tapped her shoulder and ___ turned around to face one of the children she often looked after, Sray. “You are going to be mated to them?” she looked at her Olo’eyktan and his wife, yellow eyes wide.
___ nodded and forced a smile on her face “Yes, Sray. I will be” she stated softly, not comfortable with saying the revelation out loud.
Suddenly Sray sniffed, doe eyes watering “does that mean you will not have time for us anymore? Please sa’nu! I do not want you to leave!” the sweet girl jumped in the adults arms and clung to her chest, fearing that if she let go, ___ will disappear.
“Ma ‘evi, I will always have time for you and everyone else, just because I will be mated, does not mean I will not see you ever again” ___ kissed Sray’s head, wiping her little tears and grinning. Bringing comfort to the girl, Sray smiled back, still sniffling.
“LeNa’vi! Fìtxon awnga fpe’ pxefo mìso!” the people cheered, raising their drinks and whooping. The three will be mated under the tree of souls, to legitimise the union.
Jake and Neytiri looked at each other, worry in the man’s and anger in the woman’s. They did not want to do anything with her, but would have to make it look like they had, they were not stupid. If they did not do this then the people will become angry, it would be a disgrace. Only the great mother shall know.
Standing up, Jake held his large hand out to his wife who took it. Letting go and walking towards the direction of the tree, they would not take the ikran, but rather run through the night. Jake then turned to look at ___ who still sat with Sray in her warm arms, he nodded his head to the direction Neytiri went and followed her.
A little hurt that he did not offer his hand to her, ___ kissed Sray’s forehead and stood up, walking after them. As they got deeper into the forest they began to run, ___ tried her best to catch up but the two were hunters, they were more used to navigating the thickness of the fauna better than her.
“W-Wait!” she called in English, but the two ignored her and ran further ahead of her. ___’s ears slicked back and she huffed to herself, heart beating erratically with annoyance.
At some point the jungle got too thick for her to get through and she paused, the two she was following nowhere in sight. She twisted around, straining her ears to hear any calls or footsteps to help guide her. But to no avail, she lost them. Meaning she herself did not know where she was, this part of the forest was so much further out from the old hometree, a part she has not navigated before.
Her breathing started to speed up, panicking. Did they leave her? Alone? Here? She knew they did not like her, but this was too much. It was past eclipse and night, anything could come to kill her.
A rough hand grabbed her arm, the same one Neytiri held earlier that day and turned her around. An angry Jake stood there with brows furrowed, fangs bared. “Why did you stop?” he growled, ears slicked back “you were supposed to follow, not stop and sightsee like a lunatic!”
She did not know what that word meant, but by his tone it was something mean. Her own ears pressed against her head and her tail tucked between her legs, she yelped as she was harshly dragged through the forest, Jake never letting go of her arm even as they got to the tree of souls.
He let go and stood next to Neytiri who had her queue attacked to one of the hanging branches, tendrils letting go and she broke the bond. Turning to see ___ with a hand on her arm, the bruises were darker than before, the sting aching the area and making her hesitant to move it.
The warrior glared at her and snarled “you will have a baby put in you, as it is the way. But we are not bonding. Never. You will deal with that shame” she barked in Jake’s native tongue, her words were harsh and the prospect of not bonding with the only people she could was demeaning, it brought water to her yellow eyes. This was low, a baby without a bond was seen as disgrace. She would bring great shame to Na’vi.
“Kem si ke plltxe kurkung!” ___ closed her mouth, she did not want to anger Neytiri further than she has. Jake, who stood watching the ordeal, strolled towards ___ and pushed her down onto the ground, pulling her loincloth to the side and doing the same to his.
“Pey! Oe kawkrr-“ her words were again cut off as pain filled her lower abdomen, he entered her. It was her first time and he just did it so fast without considering her feelings. Tears streamed down her soft cheeks, pained noises leaving her mouth as Jake started to move. He manhandled her onto her stomach, pressing his hand to her lower back above her tail bone, if the pain at her core wasn’t enough then the sensitive space on her back was.
Neytiri simply watched as her glare burned holes into the girl beneath her, the person that ruined her life. That took her sister away from her, took everything. She was not going to welcome this destroyer into her family, never. She’ll make sure ___ and her children will be shamed, if not by the people then by her own kids and husband.
___ felt something warm release inside of her, oozing out of her hole. She felt Jake lift off of her and heard him step towards his mate, both of them softly talking to one another while ___ was left to curl up, sobbing quietly. The man that was supposed to care for her, supposed to love her, took her dignity and now her first child.
Her heart squeezed in her chest as she could only imagine the future to come.
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zrinathesarentu · 2 months
How I imagine, Norm, Trudy and Jake would entertain themselves in that camp, out of Hellsgate.
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