#hello i cooked something up pls clap
ratkiing · 1 year
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❝ you weren't there !! and i needed you … i needed you there. ❞
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cinnamontoastcroonch · 9 months
Me replacing Aphmau during that one werewolf wedding plot thing where Laurance goes a bit coo-coo, yes or no
now this… this is something😈. when i tell you this used to be my little falling asleep scenario for ages. i’m so deadass
naturally my answer is YES. but of course we must discuss all options:
yes- because obviously but also because it would require some other complex plot for whateva the hell aph is doing at that time rather than being the bride—is she imprisoned for “impersonating irene”? is she busy sneaking around for information? was she even imprisoned with the group? many many ideas to juggle. pls share your thoughts
no- this gives you a JUICYYYY OPPORTUNITY. juicy. are you ready? you’re not. imagine this: you get to clap back at aph for her fuckass comment she makes to laurance after the event about his “jealousy”. u get to be like: “pause” and COOK her up over the fact that he did all of that killing out of FEAR for her safety and HIS OWN as well as yours at katelyns. you get to put her in her place and let her know that not everything that man does is out of pining for her, and that he’s been through hell and back (literally) for her. and all she can do is call him JEALOUS. helllll no. and then laurance is all like: “omfg this mf is real as hell.. thas why i love her😏” and then yes. angsty heart-to-heart with laur ensues. and hopefully a well-rehearsed apology from aph.
tell me that ain’t smth.
anyways booboo lmk ur thoughts
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brucewaynesasshair · 2 years
i was rewatching titans(2018) and then in 2x07 dick started hallucinating bruce
i forgot how funny those scenes were so i took the time to write down some(a lot) funny stuff 'bruce' said
i put my comments in blue i thunk it's easier to read it that way
they say the suit makes the man. in your case, i guess it would be a...memorial urn. a whole life reduced to a decorative can of ash.
when you walk away from a job, you really walk away. let things go, *looks at the ground*, let, ooh, people... go. *still looking at the ground(he's talking bout jason🤚😭)*
you were gonna trade your life for jason's. noble. and fuckin' stupid. *lmao bruce🤚😭* you thought deathstroke wanted you? guess what, precious? he wants everybody but you.
genius. a nice, quiet place where they can finis him off.
*pretends to be on a call with dick* hello? hey, dick. oh, sure, i can look the kid up. hey, i just relized what your special skill is, the thing that makes you the natural leader in this group. you're the only one with my phone number.
*casually walks in* more people should drop their problem children off buildings. it clarifies the mind and body. *great advice bruce really good one😂*
that should do it. "sorry." always makes things right *he ain't wrong tho*
*bends down beside jason* ah...rest will fix him. then a team of shrinks *it was 1 shrink but it still didn't work but okay u couldn't know that bruce LMAO*, maybe some meds. uppers, downers, in-betweens. kid'll be right as rain. *spoiler he wasn't*
the master of unterstatment. *after dick said "no jason it's not ur fault for going out there alone"*
well done. you can check that off the list *'the list' there is a list🤚😭(ik it isn't..i hope.)*
houdini is flattering. houdini was not suicidal. *i'm sorry but i almost peed my self at this, GOLD!* there's no egg fried rice? *no bruce. there isn't😂*
now is working for me. *LMAO*
*the 1 n' only* NO SHIT! *from hank and bruce*
bastard's clever, too. no wonder dawn made the trade. *bruce pls🤚😭* i always imagined it was a lateral move, but now i see it's an upgrade. *an 'uPgRaDe'*
military speak for when you're bald-faced lying. you take note, kids. *takes out pen and paper*
everything else has gone so well. *oh yes it has gone perfect. couldn't be better😂*
*dick left but he's still here LMAO* it's nothing to worry about kids. just a mild psychic split. anybody need anything? milk? eggs? body bags? *bruce is going shopping🤚😭*
hide your little "boo-boo". it's too bad alfred isn't here to fix it. *immitates alfred* "oh...oh,somebody has a nasty splinter i'm sorry, master grayson, but that's going to have to come out. let me get the tweezers.
he speaks. *aperently he does😂*
five years. why does nobody remember that? *he was so upset about that part poor bruce😂*
now you're cooking, baby!
*just the whole dance scene*
and i'm the one with anger issues? *bruce is very offended by this😂*
let me guess. we have a date. *u better buy some flowers then mby slade loves tulips😂😂*
psst. yoo-hoo. there's somebody missing.
oh, cry me a fucking river. *upset hand gestures*
oh, it was very moving. *starts clapping* *we LOVE sarcasm LMAO*
okay that's it
sorry but hallucination bruce was my fav part of s2
also i'm pretty sure this is everything funny hallucination bruce said but if i misses something feel free to comment it🤗
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kilibaggins · 4 years
Current Requests
This is so nobody has to worry about whether or not their request actually sent!
If your request isn't on here, then I did not receive it. If you want something written feel free to send it (just follow the rules)!! This is in order that I have received them, not in order that I am writing them.
Warning: There may be The 100 season 7 spoilers below. I know some people still haven’t been able to watch that season, so please beware. Also, spoilers for other shows and things? So just be careful lovelys.
★ Raven Reyes headcanons?
★ Echo headcanons? (I’m counting these because I technically have to write for them lol)
★ I hope this request is ok. If you don't want to do it, that's ok too. Could you do one where it's set after season 2, so 1&2 are canon, but city of light and praimfaya don't happen, and Murphy, Emori, Raven, and Clarke live in a little house together as a family and it's a cozy winter day? It can either be romantic or platonic, (with a poly relationship or just memori) If you don't want to do this that's perfectly fine too.
★ Oh another one but different fandom! For Z nation, could you write Warren motherhenning (idk how to say it it erfdakfreo) the "kids" in between killing zombies and being badass and stuff? The contrast of *shoot, stab, "duck!", explosion*  becoming "Oh my god, Addy, we're in the northern states put on a freaking coat" in like 3 minutes should be fun! (and put murphy in anyway you see fit, of course, we all love a bit of murphy)
★ Am I sending you a request inspired by your own fic? Yes, yes I am! Okay so it's a bit weird but could you by any chance do hurt!murphy and doctor!jackson pleeaaase? Romance, no romance, up to you, and this is optional but I think it'd be interesting to see jackson flip at the 100 for the trauma they put Murphy through, maybe? Idk you're the headcanon person just yeah, that dynamic I guess XD
★ I’ve decided The gang defeated Allie. The nuclear plants did not blow up. Murphy got to live in that big ol house an cook for everyone. Clark still met Madi an thats how Octavia had her moral awakenin an stopped bein a shithead. Bellamy an Murphy kiss. Everyone claps. Anythin to add? Forget to put this in the og ask. Maybe Murphy/Bellamy? Pretty pls?
★ hello! would you write a fanfic about raven taking the test and seeing murphy, instead of abby, and raven knows it’s because murphy is her greatest love? maybe it would be fun if it took place after that happened: they’re living on that beach and memori broke up, and raven and murphy end up talking about raven’s experience in the test and so he finds out how she feels, and he feels the same way? maybe a first kiss? thanks a lot in advance. no pressure if this doesn’t inspire you!
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prussianvenom · 4 years
Angels Mom
Rhys goes to her buddy Angels house for a college project Only to find out that her buddy's mom is not only a superstar But the superstar Rhys has been idolizing for years
pls accept this hot garbage
“The teacher is such a dick!”
The brunette kicks over a small trash can in anger, 2 smaller figures following behind her in her warpath.
“Let's be fair Rhys, we do, do every other project or assignment together. It's reasonable for them to separate us.” Vana, bless her tiny heart, speaks sense.
Behind Vana was another smaller, mousier girl who followed with stacks of sketchbooks pressed to her chest.
“I’m sorry you can't work with your friend Rhys, but, I’m sure we can do alright on this project together.”
Rhys’ anger melts away. Now feeling like a complete jackass for being so unwelcoming to their other friend.
“Oh damn, no, sorry Angel, it's not that, I love hanging out with you, it's just. UGH, that guy is such a fucking dick.”
“It was pretty unnecessary to put you guys on the spot like that.”
“And make it seem like we don't have any other friends. What an ass!” Rhys stomps a little further ahead. “Anyways, no sense stewing about it. We should start planning out a schedule and stuff. Do you want to come to our dorm? Get a head start on everything?”
“Oh! Definitely, uh, but my mom is probably preparing dinner right now. If you'd like, I’m sure she’ll make enough for another person. If you don't mind coming over.”
Rhys’ face lit up at the promise of a home-cooked meal in lieu of whatever microwaveable shit she and Vana had in their dingy little dorm room.
“Oh hell yeah, are you on your way now?” Angel nods and Rhys turns to Vana. “Guess I’ll see you later tonite bro. Remember, Project Runways on tonite and I swear to God-”
“I won't tape over your stupid show again, it happened once ok!” Rhys chortles and waves her off and follows the other away.
“Ah, I don't have a car, we live pretty close by. That's ok?”
“Oh totally, good cardio or whatever. But like, wow? This neighborhood is like, ivy league houses. That must be like a small fortune, I didn't know you came from such rich blood.” Rhys jests.
Angel giggles. “I guess heh. Ma worked pretty hard to get where she is.”
“You don't say? Now that I think about it, this is the first I’ve heard you say anything about your family before.”
Angel stops and blinks owlishly at her friend.
“I haven't? Huh. I guess it never came up. I don't think I know much about your or Vanas family either.” Rhys nods in agreement. “In any case, since my mom is gonna be around I should let you know that she can be, a, well, a little eccentric.”
Rhys chokes on a sudden burst of laughter at her friend’s blatant rip on her own mom.
“It's true! I mean, according to a lot of guests we have had. She can be kind of abrasive, blunt. She has like no filter.”
Rhys smiles and turns to focus on the neighborhood. She holds back a gasp. They had wandered into the really, really nice part of town. Borderline mansions painted burgundy and trimmed with gold surrounded them. Bentley's and Mercedes parked delicately on gilded brick runways leading down to the road. Not only were these the people who went to their college, but these were also the people that could own the college if they pleased. The ones who did go to their college brown-nosed and bought their way in by the looks of it. Compared to Rhys and Vana who barely made it in by the skin of their teeth and several scholarships.
“Oh man, I was, I was kidding about the whole rich blood thing. You, you guys are like, loaded loaded.”
Angel deflates.
“I guess so, does that change things?”
“No no no! I didn't mean anything by it, it doesn't change anything at all. It's just, like, people that come from places like this aren't as humble and kind as you.”
Angel smiles wide and flushes under the compliment.
They stop at the biggest and gaudiest estate in the neighborhood. The mansion is hideous. It was yellow, trimmed with black, and topped off with both silver and gold accents. Even the gate to the driveway was overly ornate and encrusted with what Rhys hoped to god wasn't actual diamonds. The whole place exuded ‘fuck you’ money. Why else would go this much overboard unless you wanted people to know how much better they were than you? The disgusting palette tells you that they also didn't give a shit what you thought.
“Dear God,” She cocks her head, pleading with her eyes towards her friend. There's no way, there's no way she lives here. “This loaded?” Her voice strains in disbelief.
Angel grimaces and nods.
“It's bright yellow.”
“I know, as I said. She's eccentric.” She turns and pushes a button on a large porcelain keypad attached to the gate.
“Hello?” A burly deep voice answers.
“Wilhelm! Hi! It's Angel, we got out early today, I have a friend with me. Can you let us in?”
“A guest? Does your mom know?” Angel pouts and bristles.
“Well, no, but she's here to collaborate with me on a project for school, cmon.”
“Right, right. I'll be right out.”
“Your dad?” Angel cringes.
“Ew, no, Wilhelm is a family friend. He works as a sort of overall maintenance, security, assistant sort of guy.”
A moment later a big hulking statue of a man comes out from the garage on the far side of the house. Way taller than any dude Rhys had ever seen, covered in grease, and the bone structure that looked like it had been chiseled out of stone. He only appears more hulking as he approaches the gate. A shine catches her eye. They both were missing an arm. They share a small look of admiration towards each other's prosthetic, a silent camaraderie.
“Hey, Angel. How was class today?”
“It was alright, this is Rhys, the one I mentioned a while ago.” Wilhelm grunts in acknowledgment.
“Welcome to the Lawrence home, Rhys.” He greets as he opens the gate just enough to let the pair in.
“That guy is terrifying,” Rhys whispers as soon as they're out of earshot.
“Wilhelm? Oh, he’s a big ol sweetheart, once you get to know him. He’s not the one you need to worry about.” Angel carefully opens the door, closing it behind Rhys to make no sound.
“Angel?” A familiar-sounding husky woman voice calls out and Angel curses under her breath.
“Yeah, it's me Ma. I got a friend with me. Is that gonna be alright?”
“Of course baby,”
Then, sidling around the corner of the open dining room was the last person Rhys had ever expected to see in her lifetime. Hand on her hip, standing in the ray of sun, haloed like a golden goddess, was Rhys’ childhood-adulthood idol.
Jacqueline Lawrence.
An actress a long time in the making, recently made CEO some years ago of her own studio company. Not only that, but before her acting days she was a prodigy in the tech department, making her not only gorgeous but a genius beyond her years.
This woman bit and kicked her way to the top, embedded herself on the silver screen to be remembered and loved for generations to come. Adored and wanted by millions, billions even.
And she was Angel’s goddamn mother.
Rhys, knew, as a fan, that Jaq had a child, but it was always hush hush.
It was Angel.
Dear God
“Well, who’s this then?”
The silver fox approaches the duo, each move, each step, exuding confidence and power. Rhys nearly choked. She was floored, flabbergasted. This couldn't be real. She's never dreamed of being this close to this idol. Even at events she couldn't get this close, couldn't even get within arms reach. Yet here she was, even closer than arms reach. If Rhys reached out she could touch her. She briefly wonders if she’d recognize Rhys from all the events, and kind of hopes that she doesn't. She doesn't want to explain to her dear, dear friend that she's dreamed of meeting her mother since before she was even born.
“I’m, I’m, uh,” Rhys tries and fails to clear her throat. “R-Rhys, my name is Rhys. Ma’am”
Jacqueline bears her teeth in a wolfish grin.
“And what are you in school for huh, Rhysie?”
Rhys feels a cold sweat run down her spine.
“Coding and mechanical engineering ma’am.” Rhys mentally high fives herself for not stuttering, then again when she sees the appeased look on the actress’s face.
“Oh yeah? Did some coding myself back in the day. Little bit before I met Wilhelm. Kind of miss it. Maybe you can catch me up on all the new and improved bits, ey kiddo?” She winks and Rhys’ knees nearly crumple.
“I, I would be honored to miss.” Jaq chuckles and claps Rhys on the shoulder.
“Dear Christ this chick is more skittish than you are Angel!. It's freakin precious! Goodness, gracious. She's like a terrified mouse.”
“I'm just a big fan of your work.”
“Oh?” Jaq grins, and grips Rhys’ shoulder a smidge tighter which causes her to shiver, a reaction misinterpreted.
“Hey, kid, relax a little, I ain’t gonna hurt ya. You guys do whatever you need to do, lemme know if you need anything ok?” Jaq then turns to preen her daughter, pinching her cheeks comically before leaving.
The sharp turn throws long tufts of hair in their faces, and Rhys swears she could smell the overpriced conditioner she uses in her wake. She saunters, downright saunters off to where she emerged from and out of sight. The moment she's out of sight Rhys goes to throttle her small friend.
“Hey, Angel, quick question. Why. The. Fuck. Did you not tell me your mom is the goddamn Jacqueline Lawrence!?”
“I, I didn't think it was worth mentioning. I mean, she hasn't been on screen for a good while. Should I have said something?” Angel implores, looking up at Rhys with her big crystally eyes.
How she managed to elude Rhys’ obsession with her mother was astounding. At the same time, she's a bit glad though. There's a chance she wouldn't have invited her over otherwise.
“Just, surprised. Like, really surprised. She's famous, not to mention powerful. Like, make people disappear kind of powerful.”
“Oh, when you put it like that I can see why it could be a little alarming. She's just, never made it out to be a big thing, give me a sort of normal childhood and whatnot.”
“It's ok, crazy. You guys don't even look that much alike.” Angel giggles. “And I was honest back there, I am like a huge freaking fan. I kind of wished you invited me over sooner hehe.”
“Oh? So you can drool all over my mom?”
“No! No no no no, I wouldn't, I would never, I would still hang out with you! That wouldn’t change!”
Angel laughs loudly and gives Rhys a very incredulous look. For a second she could very much see the resemblance of her mother in her. She sets down her stuff and motions for Rhys to follow.
“I’m serious Angel, I do love hanging out with you. She's, she's just, she's my idol.” Angel gives her another dramatically tuned flat look.
“Mhhm, whatever you say, Rhys. You want to set up and get started, I’m going to go take a quick shower ok? Still got art 2’s lesson all over my skin and it's starting to get itchy.”
“Yeah, of course, I’ll sketch out some ideas and stuff.”
“Oh, also, don't be a spaz and weird my mom out.” Rhys mocks offense before flipping the bird at the giggling punk.
Rhys makes herself comfortable in the expansive living room. She makes a little setup, a little Rhys area for herself, to start working. She was so busy fucking around with various weird codes on her laptop that she didn’t notice the encroaching presence coming into her area.
“Quite the setup.” Rhys jumps a foot in the air from where she was sitting
Jacqueline laughs obnoxiously loud and plops across the other in a large lounge chair. She lazily swirls a glass of what Rhys assumes is whiskey in one hand, the other playing idly with the armchair. Rhys’s eyes bulge out of her eyes when she takes in Jacqueline's lounging attire. The shirt. The shirt was silk, buttoned-down to just above her navel, it was thin, white, and translucent. Quite translucent. It barely covered her breasts. She could see the caramel tan of her skin through the milky white. A living wet dream if Rhys ever saw one.
“Looking a little flustered there, kiddo. What’s wrong?~”
Jacqueline’s voice was dripping with accusation. It sent shivers racing up and down Rhys’ spine.
“It's, well, I’m a huge fan. And, it’s just, being near you, It’s crazy for me.” Rhys smiles weakly.
Jacqueline’s expression sours and her voice hardens.
“Is that the reason you hanging around my Angel?”
“Oh! Oh no no no no! Not at all. She, she never mentioned that you were her mother until today. We’re good friends. She just doesn’t talk that much about herself.”
Jacqueline smiles something bright and genuine. Though it’s their first meeting, Rhys feels like she’s seeing something rare and sacred.
“That’s good to hear.” She whispers to herself before chuckling low. The chuckles crescendo into full-blown laughter. “Oh man though, your face. Priceless. People, I’m used to them being antsy, but oh boy do you take the cake. Are you always such a spaztastic disaster?”
“No, well, it’s, you’re my idol. I know that must sound crazy. I’ve followed all your works since you’ve come onto the scene. For years I’ve tried my best to be as confident and stunning as you. I'm sorry. This sounds so cringy doesn't it?"
Already arched eyebrows arch higher.
“All my works huh?”
“Yeah?” Rhys swallows thickly. Jacqueline’s grin grows feral.
“Even the ones from my old coding days?”
Rhys’s eyes go saucer wide and her face drains of color.
So...so that’s why Wilhelm looked familiar to her.
“I..I don’t know wha-.” Jacqueline sits up straight, looking like the cat that got the canary.
“Oh my God! You have!” Jacqueline’s teeth exposed, looking Chesire-like, pure giddiness written all over her. “You’ve seen my pornos holy shit!”
“N-no, I, I mean, I-” Rhys wants to hide.
To run, to die, something to get away from this nightmare. Her first actual meeting with her idol AND her friend’s sister, for it to end up like this, there’s no coming back. She felt sick and buried her face into her hands for some solace.
“Aww, no need to be embarrassed. I was quite the bombshell back then, well, I mean, I still am now, you get what I mean. I’ve always been hot as hell. I’m impressed though. Thought I scrubbed every trace of those bad boys. Made sure none of them would see the light of day. You must have done some hard as hell digging to find those relics.
“They, uh, they were...I paid a lot to get some of them.” Rhys says meekly and confused.
“Holy shit, you serious?”
“To be fair, I didn’t know what was on the tapes when I bought them, I was under the impression they were old exclusives.”
“So what then? You only watched a bit?”
Rhys remains frozen and silent.
“Holy shit.” Jaq leans forward into Rhys space. “You watched all of them didn’t ya?” Rhys bites her lip nervously. Jaq gets even closer. “Did ya get off on them Rhysie?” When Rhys doesn’t answer Jaq continues. “Did you touch yourself?”
Jaq whispers it, with almost reverence. Joy in her voice, like a highschooler finding out her friend's crush. She’s not mad, not angry, not anything like Rhys imagined. She’s teasing her.
Rhys’ breath stills and clumps in her throat and chest. She’s on the border of panic and..arousal? She’s not quite sure. The cold sweat returns with a vengeance.
The silence drags on too long for Rhys’ liking, the way it lingers proving Jaq right about her assumptions.
“Ooo, Rhysie, Rhysie. Your silence speaks volumes.” She leans back, satisfied. Her legs spread wide, authority exudes from her broad form. Her aura reeks of smugness. “How would your friend react if she knew you got off to her mom, hm? That you beat off to videos of her mother getting pounded, huh?”
Jaq was mad. She deemed her an unfit friend. That or she was disgusted with her.
“God, you’re precious. I can smell your fear from over here. It's been a while since I found anyone this amusing.”
“W-...Really?” Confused again, Rhys chokes out a small reply.
Something flickers in Jaqs eyes, the tiniest bit. Something mischievous. She arches her back, shifts the smallest amount so her shirt falls a little more to the side. Rhys feels like her mind is melting. What the fuck is going on?
“Hm? Uh, yeah, you’re cute darling. Charming, in your own spazzy way. Own it. There’s nothing more dull and irritating than a dumb hot chick.”
“Huh? You, you think I’m cute?”
“Yeah I do, I don’t go around blowing smoke up people's asses unless they can back it up. You’re attractive. Hell, if you put some more work into it you could get heads spinning.”
“You think I’m hot?” Rhys is both stunned and highly incredulous.
“Not only am I saying you’re hot, but I’m also saying you’re sexy. Listen, Honey,” Jacqueline puts a foot on Rhys’s thigh, taking her by surprise. “I’m saying a whole lot more than that.” Jaq finally shrugs off the rest of the shirt, exposing herself to the other woman.
Rhys’s mouth is both dry and wet. If that’s even possible.
“So listen. Mama here hasn’t had any fun as of late. Would you like to change that for me Rhysie?~”
“But, but, what about Angel?” The protest felt weak even coming out of her mouth as she leaned against the foot and towards the woman.
“It’s pretty scummy of me ain’t it?” Jacqueline grins wickedly. “You can say no Cupcake...Just so you know, regardless of what she says, her showers always take half an hour or more. She wouldn’t catch us.”
“We...We shouldn’t.” Rhys has to force the words out.
“Ohhh, but when will you get the chance again?” She lazily draws a line across her chest down to the hem of her pants.
That was the straw to the camel's back for little ol Rhys. The brunette throws away the rest of her inhibitions and lurches at the woman. She shoves her face eagerly between the star’s breasts and grabs them by the handfuls. Jacqueline laughs at Rhys’s enthusiasm and tangles her hand in the silky brown hair. Rhys moans at the little tugs she's given as she sucks and licks the others tits.
“Ooh, hehehe. That didn’t take a lot of convincing did it, huh?”
Rhys doesn’t respond to the jab, just grunts as she licks a nipple into her mouth. Jacqueline purrs and tightens her grip in Rhys’s hair. Rhys whimpers and opens her mouth to moan, drooling onto Jaqs chest.
“You’re a sloppy little bitch yknow that?” Rhys whines against Jacqueline’s warm flesh. She rises on her knees to further bury her flushed face away. “Ohoho. Sounds like somebody enjoys a little demeaning.~”
Rhys looks up at the older woman with big glossy mismatched eyes. Embarrassment etched hard unto her young features.
“Shh doll, I ain’t judgin.” Jaq waves dismissively and peers down at the other. “Besides, you’ve seen all the crazy shit I got into and got off to. No need to be coy.”
Her hand yanks Rhys head back with a jolt. Jacqueline leans in and kisses the center of Rhys’s throat and whispers. “Let go Babydoll. Go on and tell me what you want.
Rhys’s breath comes out in loud broken gasps.
“I wanna...I wanna taste you. Want to make you feel good.” Rhys manages to get through harsh staccato breaths.
“Oh? Fan of carpet munching are ya?”
Jaq leans back and spreads her thighs to accommodate the other. She waves her hand in a gesture to give Rhys the go-ahead. The brunette tentatively grasps powerful thighs. She takes a moment to savor the heat coming off her before going for the zipper. Jacqueline follows the movement with her eyes. Lifts her hips for the younger to peel off the jeans. Smiling, taunting, as Rhys’ pale hand snakes over her thighs, shaking and nervous. Yellow satin panties, expensive no doubt, was the last thing that stood in Rhys’s way. The last barrier to a fantasy she had been living out in her head for almost a decade now.
Jacqueline picks up on Rhys increasing tension and guides Rhys’s hands to the cloth.
“Don’t mean to be a bitch here cupcake, but huh,” Rhys’s hand is pushed against the crotch of the panties. “ Can we get on with it?”
Rhys nods her head frantically and pulls the golden fabric down toned legs. It was a lot for her to take in. Her idol, the centerpiece of her infatuation, was sitting naked in front of her, legs spread, wet cunt right there for the taking. Rhys had to take a moment to thank whatever God allowed this to happen.
Rhys carefully leans forward and licks between her lips. Jaq bucks up into the contact.
“Stop pussyfooting,” Jacqueline growls. “Get on with it.”
Jaq fists Rhys hair again in an attempt to bring the other in closer. A shame. Rhys wants to take her time though. Regardless of the sensitive time situation they’ve been handed. She wanted to live it out to the fullest, remember every little detail. The knuckles against her scalp insisted otherwise. The first real violent tug of hair had Rhys jaw unhinged and moaning loudly. The noise vibrated against the others clit, eliciting a delicious reaction. Jacqueline rolls towards the sensation and chirps.
“Oooh, there we go!~” Jaqs voice was dripping with sex and mirth. “You dirty masochistic bitch.”
Rhys whimpers, drags her tongue flat against her clit, closes her lips around the nub, and sucks hard. Jaq swears and grinds her pussy against the student’s face.
“Finally~ That’s a good girl.”
Rhys whimpers at the honeyed purr. Her hand itches to palm the seat of her pants. Something to ease her own need. Rhys decides against it, this was more about Jacqueline than anything else. The woman in question is humming languid moans while she continues to fiddle and thread Rhys’ mangled hair.
Jaq shifts her leg. Then again. Rhys doesn't pay attention. Figures she's trying to get comfortable and whatnot, that is, until she feels the heel of her foot press against her inner thigh. She detaches from Jaqs cunt when the pressure slides to her crotch. She gasps roughly when the older woman grinds her foot roughly against her. Rhys collapses unto Jacqueline's knee.
“You are a cute little thing Rhysie.” She jerks the young woman by her hair, pulling her back into a straight position.
“C’mon darling.”
Rhys feels tears building in the corner of her eyes. This was becoming increasingly too much for her. It was overwhelming. Rhys tries to yank herself out of her grip. She feels frantic, desperate to get back to what she was doing. Jaq lets her drop and Rhys eagerly pushes her face back in between the actress’s thighs. Tongue delving back in, this time straining to push it in as far as it goes.
“H, Hey Rhys,” Jaq breathes out hotly. “You gotta be dying down there. Go, go wild baby.” She slides her calves up in between Rhys’s thighs. Rhys catches on after a dull moment. She glances up at matching heterochromatic eyes, searching for any signs of deceit. Jaq sighs and rolls her eyes dramatically. She fists her hand against Rhys scalp, the tightest she's gripped this whole time, and pulls so violently that Rhys feels strands rip out.
“I want you to get off against my leg Rhys. I want you to rut against my leg like the little bitch in heat you are. Show me. Show me what a pathetic and desperate slut you are. I want you to do all that while eating me out. Do you understand me, you fucking whore? Show me how big of a fan you are.”
Rhys is frantic now. Her whole body feels like there's a live current going through her. Jacqueline's words have her reeling. Her throat was too dry and her mouth was too wet. She nods dumbly and quickly. Her technique is sloppier and quicker with the addition of her embarrassing humping. She clamps the calf in her thighs, one of her spare hands gripping the meat of her leg with an iron grasp. The contact is a wave of relief for the student. She's already keyed so far up to the edge she fears she won't be able to hold on for more than a couple of minutes of frotting.
The situation is beyond surreal.
Jaq laughs airily. Just as breathless as Rhys at this point.
“Fuc-Fucking disgusting. Like a goddamn d-fuck-dog. God.~ You love it don't you,” Jacqueline looks at her with almost reverence. “Love being a disgusting needy little girl huh?~ Love being treated like a worm? Like dirt?” Jacqueline's words were rough, barely there, overshadowed by gruesome thrusts against Rhys’s face.
Rhys whined. The words bounced around her skull like a malfunctioning pinball machine. It left her too hot, too wet, and too horny to think or care about anything else. The stimuli has tears near spilling down her ruddy cheeks.
“God, you even like being talked down to. That's so goddamn pathetic.” Jacqueline moans through a cruel laugh. “You’re even crying.” She titters with delight.
Rhys realizes she's right with a sob. The tears had started to stream down her hot, hot face. She could only imagine how she looked to her idol right now. Hair in disarray, face red and covered in tears and sweat, whining grossly, all while sloppily fellating her and humping her leg like a dog.
She couldn't deny any of it either. Every word, every hurtful syllable, was right. They were doing it for her. Doing it for her so deliciously. They only added to the hot pool in her belly threatening to spill. Through trial and error, inspiration drawn from Jaqs seedy movies, she had found she was indeed, a little more, if not completely into, being degraded and punished.
Rhys feels the time biting away at their heels, they need to finish this off, and soon.
She uses her robotic hand to thumb against the older woman's clit. The cold untouched metal makes the actress jump and gasp. She giggles in unfound glee, like she had just discovered something new about herself.
“That's it! That's a good girl~.”
Rhys didn't know if it was how she sounded or if she also responded well to praise, but she drooled more. She curls her tongue and speeds up her movements with her thumb. Jacqueline arches her back and throws her head into the plush cushions of the chair.
“F-fuck, faster. Faster, kid.” Jacqueline had abandoned her hair and was now pulling at her shoulders.
Rhys lets her grip with her flesh hand go and pushes 2 fingers in along with her tongue. She could feel now, how hot and wet the tan woman's pussy was. She could feel the fine ridges of muscle spasming and clenching deliciously around her fingers.
Jacqueline holds back a shout. She plants her feet on the ground and buck into the stimulus with wild abandon. Her hands hold Rhys’ head down as she finally and abruptly comes. Rhys makes a high pitch sound to accompany Jaq’s gleeful growl.
Once she goes slack into her armchair Rhys hastily shoves her hand into her pants to rub her need. She barely manages to get her hand into underwear in her rush. She was soaking through the cotton. She was wet, so very wet. She vaguely recalls hearing Jaq groan above her.
“Well, ain't that a pretty sight. You close cupcake?” Rhys nods, absentmindedly aware of the words coming out of her mouth. “You gonna come without even thanking me for all this?”
Rhys doesn't even pause her manic frotting when she lays her cheek on Jaqs bare leg. She rises to her knees, so she can slip a finger into her hot pussy.
“Y, yes, thank you. Thank you so, so much miss.” Jaq laughs.
“For what?”
“ Thank you, thank you for l-letting me eat you out, miss.” Jacqueline hums happily. Pleased.
She grabs Rhys by the short hairs on her neck to tear her off her knee. She knocks the younger woman to the floor, rises to tower over her. Before Rhys can react Jacqueline's hand comes to wrap around her throat. The sudden vice forces Rhys to stare into Jaqs predatory gaze. She looked even more feral than before. Running her tongue over her teeth and lips, she looks down on her like a hungry wolf.
“Come,” Rhys body jerks at the command. “Come for me, Rhys.” The fingers around her throat tighten ever so slightly.
The sudden cut off from air has Rhys’ eyes rolling into the back of her head and her body rippling with new sickening pleasure. Her body tightens up violently. Her hands stutter and shake as they try to keep up with the high that hits her like an off railed roller coaster.
When her body finally stops convulsing Jacqueline drops her like a sack of bricks. While she lay there, capturing her stolen breaths, the other straightens up and goes back to redressing. She does it slowly, contemplatively. Maybe it's because of the post-orgasmic hue, or the high from lack of air, or even because the dream-like state of it all, but Rhys found herself taking in the mundane movements with newfound reverence. The smooth calculated way she buttoned the silk shirt back up without fail. The modeled pose of her body as she leans down to retrieve her pants and underwear. The almost sinful way she pulls them back up smooth tan legs. It makes her want to undress all over again.
Jacqueline smiles when she turns back towards the puddle of woman that was Rhys. She sighs and straddles the destroyed woman. The expression almost looks like one of sympathy.
“Hey princess, you still there?” Rhys nods,” You should fix yourself up. Wouldn't want your friend to see you looking like a two-bit whore.”
She tries to smooth down the mess she had made of Rhys’s hair, to no avail. Rhys experiences the intimate touch through a fog, but she holds unto to it as much as she can before it's gone. Jaq frowns when the hair doesn't quite cooperate with her. It wasn't perfect but at least she didn't look like someone was trying to tear her hair out anymore. She grimaces again and wipes Rhys’s mouth and chin with her sleeve. A sleeve to a shirt that probably costs more than Rhys’s entire outfit. It was a very motherly touch, Rhys thinks warmly.
“God, you look like a dog. Do you always slobber so much?” Jacqueline stands back up and gestures Rhys to finish fixing herself up.
“N, no. I don't think so.” Rhys mumbles, finally coming back to reality.
“Like, for real. Do you give blowjobs like that? Or do you skip the middleman and spit on the guys' dick. Jee-”
While Jacqueline continues spouting some convoluted and insulting monologue Rhys carefully stands. She was still out of it. She felt like a newborn deer finding their footing. This had all happened and ended so quickly it feels as though it almost never happened at all. Why had it happened? Was something Jaq did often? Rhys feels as if she would know, given the tabloid’s involvement in the entertainers' life. Why Rhys of all people?
Rhys regards her mutely in the dim light coming through the windows. Her berating voice a smooth white noise.
She was beautiful.
Rhys had always thought so, long before any fragments of a crush began to form. She was an ideal. Even while she portrays herself as crude and unforgiving, an icy queen to be trifled with. Even now while she picks on the person she just accosted for sex.
She was never supposed to be attainable though. Nothing more than a perfected idol. Never more than a dream.
Rhys' heart twists uncomfortably in her chest.
“Ms. Lawrence?” Jaq turns, a cigarette loosely hanging from her lips, brows arched. “What…” Rhys fidgety plays with her sleeve. “What was this?”
Jacqueline's frowns and turns solemn. Quietly she lights it and takes a long thoughtful drag. She lets the silence grow and fester as she billows out smoke around her. With a cigarette between long fingers, she approaches Rhys. She gives Rhys an authentic smile and leans up to kiss the brunette softly. It felt out of character for the other. There was no heated fervor, no urgency. It was so delicate. Gentle. A kiss you give to a leaving lover.
It causes the uncomfortable feeling in Rhys’ chest to double. It makes her chest feel hot and sickeningly heavy.
“It can be what you need it to be.” Jacqueline delicately holds Rhys face in her hands. “A fling, a dumb wet dream, an anonymous letter to penthouse forums, whatever. But, above all, Rhys, it needs to be our secret.”
“Our secret?”
“Just for you.” A door shuts upstairs and both women startle. Jaq turns dead stoic and holds Rhys’ chin firmly.
“If she finds out, or if you hurt her, I’ll slit your goddamn throat, capiche?” Jaq winks playfully.
Footsteps approach down the stairs. Jacqueline moves to distance herself from Rhys, who hurriedly goes back to her spot.
“Mom! What did I say about smoking inside! You know how much it agitates Tammy’s asthma.” Angel chirps as she emerges back into the living room. Jaq rolls her eyes at the name.
“It's my own house,” Jaq mumbles. “But I guess I’ll go outside. Wouldn't want to upset Tamithas delicate lungs.” Jaq waves and leaves once again.
Angel shakes her head and plops down next to Rhys.
“She didn't bother you, did she? I told you she can be well, from what I’ve been told, a bitch.” Angel whispers and giggles.
Rhys still dumbfounded by what had taken place in the last hour and a half, shook her head no. Jacqueline's parting words between the two of them still echoed in her head.
A secret. Just for Rhys.
“Uh, no, she was giving me some insight into some code I was working on.”
“Oh yeah? That's great. She's usually not so nice to guests. It's good to see she hasn't run you off.” Angel laughs.
A secret.
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debcnairs · 5 years
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( kim taehyung, cismale, he/him, 24. ) — i hear that PAK HAEIL has been living in seoul for around FOUR YEARS and works as an EXOTIC DANCER. rumor has it, they can be DEBONAIR & INSOUCIANT but also IMPETUOUS & MISCHIEVOUS which is why neon lights glowing at midnight, bodies entangled in silk sheets, sultry gazes & designer clothes makes me think of them.
its  me,  the  demon,  gem,  finally  making  this  demon's  intro  like  eight  years  later.  (  claps  for  myself  wow  look  @  u  go  !!  )  ANYWAYS... i  don't  have  his  entire  backstory  or  anything  like  that  figured  out  but  i  do  have  everything  i  know  of  below  the  cut  as  well  as  basic  info  /  plot  ideas  under  the  cut  !  it  kinda  sucks  and  i’m  sorry,,,,  love  me  anyway  pls  :/
SMASH  the  lil  heart  if  you  want  to  plot  with  this  shithead  !
                                        basic information.
full  name:  pak  haeil. nickname(s):  hae,  honey. age:  twenty-four. date  of  birth:  october  31st. birthplace:  london, england. current  location:  seoul,  south  korea. gender:  cismale. pronouns:  he  /  him  /  his. orientation:  bisexual. occupation:  exotic dancer  /  escort  /  sugar  baby  /  runs a  nsfw  twitter  acc. language(s)  spoken:  english,  korean,  french,  spanish.
                                   physical  appearance.
face  claim:  kim  taehyung  (  v  )  of  bts. hair  color:  changes  frequently,  currently  red. eye  color:  brown. height:  5  ’  11  ". weight:  165. build:  slender. tattoos:  far  too  many  to  count. piercings:  multiple  in  his  ears,  nipple  piercings.
season:  winter. color(s):  peach,  baby  blue,  purple. music:  not  picky  in  the  slightest. movies:  loves  comedy  &  action  movies,  starting  to  get  into   the  horror  genre. sport(s):  used  to  play  soccer  when  he  lived  in  london. beverage(s):  anything,  isn't  picky. food:  home  cooked  meals. animal:  cats.
father: tba. mother: tba. sibling(s):  n/a. children:  n/a. pet(s):  an  egyptian  mau  named  diamond,  extremely  spoiled. family’s  financial  status:  upper  class.
zodiac sign:  tba. mbti:  tba. enneagram:  tba. temperament:  tba. hogwarts  house:  slytherin. moral  alignment:  tba. primary  vice:  tba. primary  virtue:  tba. element:  air.
haeil  was  born  in  london,  england.  both  parents  moved  there  years  before  he  was  born  to  chase  their  dreams.
because  of  it,  he  grew  up  around  people  with  british  accents  &  picked  one  up  during  his  childhood  years.
his  parents  were  gone  a  lot,  both  of  them  working  but  he  didn't  really  mind  because  that  meant  he  could  go  do  whatever  he  wanted  to  do  without  any  consequences.
in  fact,  his  parents  were  the  ones  who  constantly  gave  him  permission  to  go  out  and  hang  out  with  friends...  all  that  good  stuff.
sure  they  didn't  really  KNOW  about  the  fact  that  him  &  his  friend  group  were   constantly  out  doing  things  they  shouldn't  have  been,  but  what  they  didn't  know  wasn't  going  to  kill  them,  right ?
he  was  basically  free  to  do  whatever  he  wanted  and  even  if  he  did  get  caught  doing  bad  shit,  his  parents  were  close  with  the  police  so  most  of  the  time  they  just  let  him  off  with  a  warning  and  sent  haeil  off on  his  way.
haeil  was  fifteen  when  he  experienced  his  first  party,  drugs  &  alcohol  within  his  grasp  and  the  peer  pressure  to  fit  in  with  his  friends  causing  him  to  cave  &  try  anything  and  everything  that  was  offered  to  him  that  night.
needless  to  say,  he  got  pretty  fucked  up  that  night  &  ended  up  sleeping  on  some  strangers  couch  after  passing  out  in  their  front  lawn  on  his  walk  home.
&  after  that?  haeil  quickly  became  addicted  to  the  atmosphere  &  the  way  that  drugs  /  alcohol  made  him  feel  so  he  continued  to  seek  it  out  with  each  and  every  chance  he  got.
that  lead  him  to  the  day  he  showed  up  back  at  his  home  at  four  in  the  morning,  drunk  &  high  out  of  his  mind,  parents  waiting  up  for  him  at  the  front  door  because  they  hadn't  heard  from  their  son  in  over  twenty  hours  &  were  beginning  to  think  he'd  gone  missing.
they  were  more  pleased  to  have  their  son  back  home  that  anything,  advising  him  to  be  more  careful  if  he  did  decide  to  go  back  to  the  party  scene  but  not  really  'punishing'  him  for  it  because  they  had  done  the  same  thing  as  kids.
hence  the  reason  that  haeil  continued  to  seek  out  anything  &  everything  he  could  that  would  get  him  to  his  next  high.
one  party,  though,  he  ran  into  someone  who  told  him  he  needed  to  make  money  so  he  could  afford  the  "better"  stuff..  and  haeil  being  the  person  he  was  went  right  along  with  it..  ending  up  at  some  hole  in  the  wall  strip  club  in  london.
he  had  no  idea  what  he  was  doing  for  the  first  few  weeks,  sticking  to  table  running  more  than  anything  but  he  always  had  a  curiosity  &  that  lead  him  to  ask  one  of  the  regular  dancers  to  teach  him  the  ropes.
which  they  did,  without  hesitation,  and  surprisingly,  haeil  was  GOOD  at  it  right  from  the  start,  knowing  how  to  use  his  looks  to  his  advantage,  knowing  the  in's  &  out's  of  how  to  make  the  most  money  all  while  still  being  able  to  have  fun  with  it.
after  a  while,  though,  he  was  bored  of  the  tiny  little  club,  wanting  bigger  &  better  things.. so  after  a  few  google  searches,  he  decided  to  move  to  seoul,  hearing  that  the  underground  party  scene  there  was  unlike  anything  he'd  been  able  to  experience  before  then.
it  was  only  a  week  after  the  first  google  search  haeil  made  that  he  was  on  a  plane,  moving  his  entire  life  without  hesitation,  excited  to  be  able  to  explore  &  go  on  new  adventures.
the  BIGGEST  flirt  you  will  ever  meet.
knows  how  he  looks,  uses  it  to  his  advantage  w  every  chance  he  gets.
is  so  unashamed  of  his  entire  life  it's  unreal.
takes  no  shit  but  also  doesn't  start  it  unless  it's  absolutely  needed.
actually  really  likes  the  "domestic"  things  like  cooking  /  cleaning,  loves  spending  time  in  his  penthouse  just  baking  or  cooking  for  friends  whenever  he  has  free  time.
a  shopping  FREAK,  he's  on  shopping  sprees  at  least  three  times  a  week,  and  if  he  isn't,  he  gets  grumpy  &  snippy.
will  buy  you  things,  constantly.  loves  the  fact  that  he  can  spoil  people  with  whatever  they  want.
also  LOVES  to  be  spoiled  (  hello  sugar  baby  life  )  and  loves  to  show  of  the  new  things  he's  been  gifted  to  anyone  who's  down  to  be  shown.
still  goes  to  parties  almost  every  weekend,  still  gets  just  as  fucked  up  as  he  used  to  as  a  teenager.
a  lowkey  petty  bitch  with  a  love  for  revenge,  even  if  that  means  helping  a  friend  get  it.
loyal  af  to  his  friends,  he'd  do  anything  for  them  tbh.
not  into  relationships  or  the  idea  of  love,  will  legit  laugh  in  your  face  if  you  say  something  about  him  settling  down  eventually  because  he  doesn't  believe  that  will  ever  happen.
spoils  the  FUCK  out  of  his  cat,,,, i'm  talking  got  the  cat  a  CUSTOM  diamond  collar  &  soooo  much  other  stuff  it's  unreal.
can  be  clingy  &  touchy,  esp  when  drunk  or  high... he  just  loves  skin  to  skin  contact,  it  doesn't  even  have  to  be  sexual..  he  just  thrives  from  it.
                                                  plot ideas.
someone  who  frequents  the  club  that  haeil  works  at  and  has  never  approached  him  but  one  day  haeil  finally  finds  the  time  to  go  over  to  them  &  wow  he's  really  interested  in  getting  a  friendship  out  of  this  person.
someone  who  doesn’t  care  about  haeil’s  lifestyle  but  is  there  for  him  constantly,  aka  his  rock  that  he  can  go  to  any  time  he  feels  like  he  might  need  to.
will  add  more  as  they  come  to  mind  !
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monoshii-wasu · 6 years
They notice you (batfam x reader)
Au : You’re a doll/figurine and you were sent to one of the batfam to become their helper. Dick was the one that sent you to one of the batfam as a gift but doesn’t know that you’re alive by a certain time of day. (If it sounds confusing, then you can comment me what I need to explain more on)
Warnings : Batfam or the DC universe do not belong to me. They belong to their respective creators. Other than that, none
what’s happening so far? : You are wide awake and they are now fully going to either accept you or leave you.
Bruce :
You blink once, twice, thrice
“Umm. Sir, can you let me go please?”
Bruce accidently dropped you out of shock
Titus catches you just in time!
Bruce asked, “Oh my goodness! Are you okay!?”
He picks you up 
your in the palm of his hand
“You’re so smol,” Bruce thinks to himself
Bruce asked, “What are you?”
you dust yourself off
“I’m a Pastiche Doll by the CrystalPaint company.” You say
You check yourself to make sure you didn’t break anything
you sigh in relief
you didn’t break anything
Bruce placed you on his desk so you could be able to sorta be on his level
(He sorta had to kneel down so you could talk eye to eye)
Bruce apologized, “I’m sorry for dropping you. I didn’t expect for you to talk. My name is Bruce Wayne. I assume your name is Pastiche?”
You smiled as you explained, “It’s an honor meeting you Mr. Wayne. You don’t have to call me Pastiche. You could call me whatever name you want to call me. As long as it’s appropriate
Tim :
You are upset at this boy for not cleaning his room
when was the last time you ate?
“Time to get up! It’s already morning and it looks like a nice day as well!
Tim is blinking
Tim says “I must be drea-”
You hit him with a book
“Oh I’m very real buddy!”
Tim shouts, “Who are you by the way!?”
He inspects you
You sigh in annoyance
“This isn’t what I expect our introduction to look like,” You sigh
you explained, “I am a pastiche doll sent by the CrystalPaint company where your doll does your chores yada yada.”
You never liked long introductions
Tim just scratches his cheek 
Tim says, “Ah uh the honor is all mine.”
You clap your hands happily
Your face darkens with an evil grin
“Now let’s talk about manners and taking care of oneself”
You ended up scolding him for an hour and 20 minutes
Tim thought “They remind me of Alfred.”
You place your hands on your hip as you declared, “Okay! Now that’s done, I’ll go cook you something to eat.”
You start to leave the room as Tim follows you behind
Tim asked, “You sure? I mean, you’re so small. Would you even be able to hold a knife?”
You smiled mischievously as you placed a finger on your lips
“Don’t judge a book by it’s cover ‘master’~”
Jason :
Something pokes your cheek
You groan, “Mehhh five more minutes”
another poke
you open one of your eyelids and see Jason looking at your
you are now a blushing mess while you quickly hide behind Pup pup
“Uh I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jason tries to comfort you
you cover your face with your hands
you slept on the job!
you gather up your courage and you’re now in front of Jason
You started to stuttered, “Uh um H. Hello. My uh.”
you are flushed while trying to say the word ‘master’
“It’s okay. Take all the time you need doll.” Jason reassured you
You calmed down a bit as you say, “I am a pastiche doll by the CrystalPaint Company. It’s an honor meeting you!”
You bow
You’re excited that you didn’t messed it up!
Jason laughs at your enthusiasm
Jason says, “Cool. It’s nice meeting you as well (y/n).”
Your eyes widen in amazement
“Um! Is (y/n) my name?”
Jason asked, “Yeah. I guess you don’t remember being pl-”
Jason drops the fact that he was playing with Bizzaro with you when you were sleeping.
He is mentally embarrassed that he, a grown man, was playing with a doll/figurine
“I uh mean yeah! It’s your name. You don’t like it?” questioned Jason
Your eyes are filled with stars as you yelled, “No! I love it!”
Jason just grins as he thinks to himself, “They’re so cute.”
Damian :
You are against the wall with one knife over your head, one next to your leg, another in between your legs
You are shaking in fear
Damian has his sword by his side
Who in the world sleeps with their sword!?
Apparently this boy does
Damian threatened, “Give me one reason you aren’t a spy sent by Grayson. or worse... my mother.”
You tried to speak but your too scared to even say anything
You nervously stand up while trying not to hit the knives
You immediately bow again and again
You quickly say, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m a Pastiche doll sent by cyber- I mean CrystalPaint! Please don’t kill me!”
Your heart is pounding with anxiety
Damian lessen his grip
“TT. You sure don’t look like a threat,” Damian mutters
You sigh happily
“Thank you for und- AHHH!”
Damian picks you up by the leg and starts inspecting you
“I wonder who crafted you. Are you a robot? A doll being controlled by a spirit?” He says with curiosity 
Your face is red from embarrassment 
He’s about to inspect your ‘family gem’
You quickly grab a book (with your magic) and hit him on the head with it
“Pervert!!!!” You yelled
He drops you while you safety landed on the floor softly
You are on the verge of crying
Alfred the cat tries to comfort you while Titus tries to distract Damian for a bit
Damian didn’t intend to make you uncomfortable
he reaches his hand out but clenches it into a fist and pulls back
Damian doesn’t know how to apologize 
Damian just picks up a tennis ball and says, “Let’s go Titus.”
You are hugging your knees to your chest
“Why is my owner like this? ...At least he doesn’t abuse me,” You thought to yourself
wipes your tears and gets up
you kissed Alfred the cat by the nose
“Thanks for comforting me,” You thanked Alfred the cat
Alfred the cat just meows happily in response
You walk down the kitchen with a little help
Alfred :
Uhhh awkward?
both of you are having a staring contest
you scratch your cheek
“Uh good morning mister.”
“Good morning as well”
“You aren’t scared? Usually some people are.”
Alfred just chuckles as he answers, “When you’re my age, nothing really surprises you that much. Now, who might you be miss?”
You placed the spoon next to you
“I am a pastiche doll by the CrystalPaint Company. It’s an honor serving you,” You say was you bow lightly
Alfred smiles as he says, “It’s a pleasure meeting you as well. My name is Alfred.” 
You smiled at him
“Such a nice man.”
Barbara :
You’re upside down
“Uh hey. Can you let me go?”
Barbara screams in response
“Okay. Nice talk,” you say in sarcasm
You fall to the ground
You try to stop your fall but your too late
You hear a crack
you opened your eyes and you see a crack in your leg
great. Just great. You broke on the first day on the job
Barbara recovers quickly from her shock state
she quickly says “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!”
She ends up fixing your leg with some glue 
You wobble a bit as you stand up
you use Barbara’s finger as support
After you’re sitting down comfortable and Barbara has calmed down
Barbara asked, “What are you?”
You say, “I’m pretty sure the readers are tired of me saying the same stuff over and over again. I’m a Pastiche doll that does your chores and yada yada.”
Barbara is confused but she just goes with it
“Um my name is Barbara. What’s yours?”
You smile while saying, “You could name me anything. That’s if I like it.”
136 notes · View notes
verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Dec 17 Dancitron Movie Night - Gotham s2 e1-3
Everyone’s very disappointed in Jim Gordon’s life choices.
Today MedicalMurdersaurus 7:22 pm *SLIDES into the room Tom Cruise style, holding a sack full of his now several month old Halloween goodie haul above his head* NoodlesAtNight 7:23 pm *Soundwave's rushing to put everything together, having been so very busy today with... things. He JUST manages to twirl out of the way of Swoop's slide, and ejects Laserbeak, who practically mobs Swoop for the bag.* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:23 pm *SQUEAKS* BIRD! NoodlesAtNight 7:24 pm {{Gimme gimme gimme gimme, let Bird see, aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA}} SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:24 pm *the dragon comes in /much/ more sedately and sensibly than Swoop. she's got her typical haul of treats! she's also got special "grayface gummis" made with mercury syrup that are shaped like the anonymous ask face. anon may have been a coward, but Bird will still get grayface snacks.* Hello, Soundwave! verdigrisprowl 7:24 pm *appears. he'd been hoping to get here before the other guests.* *oh well.* NoodlesAtNight 7:25 pm *Prowl can nudge Soundwave upstairs briefly if needs be?* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:25 pm *drops the bag in front of himself, then plops next to it and dumps it out for inspection* verdigrisprowl 7:26 pm *no, it's fine, he just wanted a quiet moment with him.* ((i'm assuming this is fuzzytimed to before unicron?)) NoodlesAtNight 7:27 pm ((if it's agreed that's best?? i wasn't 100% sure)) verdigrisprowl 7:27 pm ((i can say it's safe to say prowl wouldn't be going to movie streams if he's supposed to be organizing evacuations.)) NoodlesAtNight 7:27 pm ((then it technically took place yesterday)) [[Greetings, dragon. Those look new. Inspired?]] *Pings Prowl and heads past to oh so lightly brush his fingers against Prowl's before continuing to arrange the furniture.* NoodlesAtNight 7:28 pm *Bird gasps.* {{It so many! Where you Swoop get all this good?}} verdigrisprowl 7:28 pm *oh so lightly brushes back* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:28 pm *beams* All over! Me Swoop do LOTS and LOTS of trick or treat : > SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:30 pm There was maybe a little inspiration involved. I hope they're good! NoodlesAtNight 7:30 pm {{How many trick you play? Them Autobots get fooled?}} [[He is sure they will be as delicious as everything else you make - and if for some reason they are not, our critiques will be gentle and helpful.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:30 pm Kehehh! Nahhh! No trick! All treats. ALMOST one trick. But Him do treat too : > NoodlesAtNight 7:31 pm *Tiny bob for the dragon. Respect!* Swervester 7:32 pm //oof dinner finished just in time NoodlesAtNight 7:33 pm ((welcome!)) Swervester 7:33 pm //also ya i figured fuzzy timed bc swerve wouldn't be here either if unicron happening lmao NoodlesAtNight 7:34 pm ((i just didn't wanna assume without input! all good 😀 )) verdigrisprowl 7:35 pm ((i'm gonna go grab food after take me to church)) NoodlesAtNight 7:35 pm ((np not starting til 8)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:35 pm ((I've heard this song ten thousand times but literally this is the first time I have ever payed attention to the lyrics OMFG)) verdigrisprowl 7:35 pm ((until then i'll be dancing in my seat)) verdigrisprowl 7:36 pm ((IT'S INTENSE SHIT)) NoodlesAtNight 7:36 pm {{Who them almost? You want Bird trick them?}} SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:36 pm *the dragon churrs happily. Soundwave is so kind.* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:36 pm Uhhhhh.... Me Swoop not remember name. Me Swoop not ask. No care. Me Swoop ONLY want trick or treat. For Bird! Kehehheh. And beat other Dinobots. NoodlesAtNight 7:39 pm *Bird rolls in the air, whistling happily.* {{You Swoop beat them? Them wimps. Swoop beat, Bird knows.}} opatoes 7:39 pm Oooh! I got here just in time, huh? MedicalMurdersaurus 7:40 pm *snickers and watches her go* Them not FLY opatoes 7:40 pm ((asdzxcbm i JUST got back from spidey im getting no rest tonight NoodlesAtNight 7:40 pm [[You really must tell him more about how you learned to do all of this some time, dragon. He is most curious.]] [[That you did, Smokescreen.]] ((aaaaa lucky!! i hope you enjoyed it)) opatoes 7:41 pm /Smokescreen's running in and is throwing himself at the couch- he may look a little funny tonight. Mostly that he looks like Starscream./ MedicalMurdersaurus 7:41 pm ((Oh! Is there going to be a Christmas Eve stream?)) opatoes 7:41 pm ((I did! It was really good! Swervester 7:41 pm //unless i get a laptop for christmas and am allowed to open it i'll miss eve stream, I spend the christmas night/day at my mom's and mobile rabbit doesn't like my phone so MedicalMurdersaurus 7:42 pm ((I'll be with fam too. It's cool. We might just need a recap before the following one.)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:43 pm It... *the dragon considers for a moment* I mean, I guess it was difficult. But at first I was just- *hm, Prowl's here* I was just giving out plain energon. Then someone mentioned adding things. Then that one human, the feline human I think? Started making stuff. And I just... I just decided to try doing that myself. I did nearly blow myself up twice, but I already knew how to cook dragon-style, so once I figured out the rules with energon, it wasn't as hard as it could have been. Getting everything the right size for you all to eat was really the hard part! I had to rig up something so that I could get proper serving sizes. NoodlesAtNight 7:43 pm ((depending on how many people show up i will either just offer plot summaries for those who missed, or switch to something seasonal for one week and then resume 4-6 on the next week)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:44 pm ((sounds good!)) NoodlesAtNight 7:44 pm ((but if i switch then any future misses will have to be summaries or we'll fail to hit venomtine's day)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:44 pm ((venomtine's day is going to be a laugh riot)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:44 pm ((hell yeah)) NoodlesAtNight 7:45 pm [[...Smokescreen, that is the most horrible thing they have ever done to you.]] *Eyeing the Starscream appearance before playing back the dragon's speech in his head to catch up* opatoes 7:46 pm ... I wish I could say it was, Soundwave. But man, I can't wait 'til a couple weeks after this! So I can look good again. NoodlesAtNight 7:46 pm *Swing and a miss on that humorous shot. Oops.*
[[Where did you find implements large enough for our servings? Special order?]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:48 pm *makes no move to help Bird with candy mountain, cause a decent chunk of Swoop wants to see her try to fly off with it all* NoodlesAtNight 7:48 pm *She is definitely circling it and trying to figure out how to get it all back into her grip* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:48 pm ...You know those human car-building machines? I had to use two of those, a draconic control rig, and a pair- *uh, even though they're sterilized and very, very clean, she probably shouldn't cop to using corpse hands for anything* -and some other stuff to get proper manual dexterity. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:49 pm *is both delighted and intentionally useless* : > opatoes 7:49 pm /You tried, Soundwave. Smokey's not about to say anything that could possibly tempt worse things, though!/ NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm *Maybe if she just... drops to the floor and scoots herself under it back first with the help of her feelers?*
*...................Nope. No good.* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:50 pm *claps both hands over his mouth in an absolutely pitiful attempt to control his full body shaking laughter* NoodlesAtNight 7:51 pm [[You are quite the inventive little organic. He suspects our Wheeljack would be fascinated with your ability to rig things if we could get him out of his damned laboratory.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:51 pm ((Laserbeak's eyes have been bigger than her gut for a while now. is tonight the night she is bested? XD)) NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm *And not tempting greyfaces is very wise, Smokescreen. He's proud of you for having learned that, actually* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:52 pm I think he'd scream and duck for cover. *the dragon still puffs up, pleased by the compliment, though* The mechanical parts are more "creative" than "dangerous," but I suspect the code I had to use to get everything to interface together is a crime against programming. *oops, she said the C-word. sorry, prowl!* opatoes 7:52 pm /To be fair, he got into this mess by tempting them in the first place! He's gotta learn eventually./ opatoes 7:53 pm Say- Say, Soundwave, what kind of drinks do you have tonight anyway? NoodlesAtNight 7:54 pm *Okay. Okay. What if she - what if she bridges it? And she catches it in -- no, that's not going to work. How about trying to make a basket like Soundwave does?*
*She'll get about halfway into weaving one before realizing she won't have anything left to grab the candy with afterward.*
*She might just be, Swoop. Give her another few minutes.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:54 pm ((there's cat hair in my apple cider)) NoodlesAtNight 7:54 pm ((mood)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:54 pm ((how did this happen, I say as I pull my cat's face out of my mug)) NoodlesAtNight 7:55 pm ((at least YOUR cat was NEAR your mug. i somehow got one in there even though she was on the floor.)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:55 pm *flops forward onto his belly, chin in hands, to watch her with the most devious grin* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:56 pm ((the second the apples come out, my cat is there. it's actually really weird. I have to lock my apples in the microwave because she will eat them otherwise. and if I leave an apple core in the trash can without bagging the trash up and removing it she'll knock the can over and eat the core.)) Swervester 7:56 pm //HA i made koolaid earlier, my cat wasn't even in the same room and there was haior in it Swervester 7:57 pm //i had to pull out three strands like cat pls SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:57 pm ((cat hair is a magical substance)) NoodlesAtNight 7:57 pm [[Well, you are only a beginner. You can't be faulted for having so little time to practice compared to his species.]]
[[Oh, Smokescreen - tonight we have some of what Ravage has called a Thermometwist. Heated energon with minerals that leave your mouth feeling cooled despite the temperature. It is on the sweet and tart side.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:58 pm ((it's like ravage designed a drink specifically to make swoop feel attacked)) verdigrisprowl 7:58 pm ((IM BACK)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:58 pm *the dragon chuffs* That does make me feel better. *she puffs up with pride* And in any case, my cooking is what I pride myself on. opatoes 7:58 pm Oooh- that sounds pretty good! I had to check before I got up, you know? /Now, slowly, slowly, Smokescreen is making his way over to the bar, grabbing onto anything he can to make sure he doesn't fall over. His new claws *might* accidentally go through a couch./ NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm *OKAY. Okay. Laserbeak's got it. She's got this now. She knows exactly how to carry all of this upstairs to her room.*
{{Hey, Swoop. You putting goodies back in bag, taking upstairs. Okay?}} ((welcome back!)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:59 pm *griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins* Kay NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm *She whirs happily. Hah! No food yet has been created that will best her genius.* verdigrisprowl 7:59 pm ((i skim-backread but did anybody talk to prowl while i was gone)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:00 pm ((the dragon said "Crimes" but that wasn't to prowl, that was just a dig at her own programming skills)) NoodlesAtNight 8:00 pm ((we start when song is done)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:00 pm ((which start at "if about to blow up(); don't;" and go downhill from there)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:01 pm *sweeps the candy back into the bag, missing a few here and there but not noticing* Me SWOOP can candy kehehheh *carries the bag away with just one hand because he can* NoodlesAtNight 8:01 pm *Soundwave sighs softly at the claws through the couch. He's never going to have a week where he doesn't have to replace SOME piece of furniture again, is he?* ((lmao what a description - and nay soundwave didn't say anythin else to him yet cause i didn't want it to get lost haha)) NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm {{You Swoop stroooooong. Mighty Dinobot!}} *Picking the last few off the ground before following him.* verdigrisprowl 8:02 pm *is soundwave sitting yet? if so, prowl's leaning on him. if not, prowl's watching him expectantly.* Swervester 8:02 pm [he has found a seat, don't mind him] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:02 pm *understands sarcasm exists and doesn't even consider it a possibility because Bird compliments are <3* NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm *He is just now about to sit, which he does with more grace than one would expect from someone who just saw his expenses grow and grew tired at the thought.* NoodlesAtNight 8:03 pm [[Ah, Swerve. Good evening.]] opatoes 8:03 pm /Smokescreen's finally grabbing himself a drink and, on the way back, finally notices the claw damage, wings drooping and staring at Soundwave./ Uh. Soundwave? Can I give you a gift later? Swervester 8:03 pm Hey NoodlesAtNight 8:03 pm [[Perhaps.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:03 pm *follows Bird's lead on depositing the candy in its new home and final resting place* opatoes 8:03 pm !! /He's waving at Swerve in excitement! This has got to be the most excited any Starscream look-a-like has EVER looked./ Good, good! You've always wanted another couch, right? NoodlesAtNight 8:04 pm *She'll have him park it riiiiight on top of her latest pile of snacks. Hopefully it won't topple.* verdigrisprowl 8:04 pm It's a brick wall. They can just take a jackhammer to the bricks. NoodlesAtNight 8:04 pm [[Perhaps they will? That was a month ago.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:04 pm ((what the fuuuuuuck, penguin)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:05 pm *it does a little but whatever* NoodlesAtNight 8:05 pm ((he's pulling a mooney)) *Good enough for her! Hurry, hurry, back down!* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:05 pm I think it would hurt Bruce's pride not to be able to guess his father's combination. verdigrisprowl 8:05 pm ((i totally wasn't looking, who got shot)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:05 pm *scampers down again, laughing all the way* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:05 pm ((no one I recognized)) NoodlesAtNight 8:05 pm ((penguin offed some rando who probably pissed him off/belonged to falcone)) NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm ((OH RIGHT WARNINGS shit hold on)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:06 pm *the dragon snickers* The Goddess was drunk when she let his soul through. verdigrisprowl 8:06 pm He can jackhammer his way into the room, take the door upstairs, and open it at his leisure. NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm ((GOTHAM S2 1-3 // Violence, blood, death; includes eye trauma. Poor depictions of mental illnesses, continuing representation of a terrible institution. Flashing lights, foul/ableist/phobic(?) language, offensive accent imitation(?), passing mentions of sexual assault and cannibalism, character using incest implication for shock value against another character.)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:06 pm Oh! Us watching FIGHTING movie! opatoes 8:07 pm ... Man, I gotta bug Megatron about swordfighting later SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:07 pm He drank WHAT. verdigrisprowl 8:07 pm You don't pull a gun on looters. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:07 pm Dragon blood :V NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm ((Do note that this season is eventually where we get what I promised the first time we saw Arkham; if Arkham looks terrible, there is a very good reason.)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm He drank /WHAT/. *she'd be laughing, but her blood is vaguely blue* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:08 pm BLOOD NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm [[Hopefully no dragon you know.]] Swervester 8:08 pm Is he ok opatoes 8:09 pm begone SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:09 pm I don't think that the Gotham humans have any access to any dragons I know. opatoes 8:09 pm thought verdigrisprowl 8:09 pm ((seriously? a split personality? riddler can't just be riddler on his own merits for his own reason?)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:09 pm ((I know, right)) NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm ((not a development i much liked either tbh)) verdigrisprowl 8:10 pm ((*mentally replaces it with kronk arguing with his shoulder angel/devil*)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:10 pm ((mood)) NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm ((that works!! i shall join you on it)) [[Oh, punch him. He deserves it.]] *Settles up against Prowl. Ahh.* opatoes 8:10 pm Uh. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:10 pm Punch him hard. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:11 pm Where fighting go :< verdigrisprowl 8:11 pm I prefer the threat. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm ...Um. verdigrisprowl 8:11 pm The threat's legal and scarier. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:11 pm KEHEHEHH burp opatoes 8:11 pm Uh. Is that a thing humans can do SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm No. No it is not. NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm [[He didn't say not to keep the threat. A punch simply feels good.]] opatoes 8:11 pm ... man, human headlights look away NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm [[But you are right. Legal is probably safer with Loeb.]] opatoes 8:11 pm weird Weird I mean verdigrisprowl 8:11 pm ... Hmm. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:12 pm *the dragon kind of wants to point out that biting Loeb's throat out would also solve the problem, but after The Javert Thing she's trying to be good* opatoes 8:12 pm Be Batman, Gordon. NoodlesAtNight 8:12 pm *It would get him put in jail. Can't do much detective work from in there.* opatoes 8:12 pm ... Who's Jerome NoodlesAtNight 8:13 pm [[The circus youngling who slaughtered his mother.]] opatoes 8:13 pm ... Is he the Joker human later NoodlesAtNight 8:13 pm [[Perhaps. He does not know.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:14 pm Ooooh, is she going to hurt him? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:14 pm Them stripey : > opatoes 8:14 pm ((asdxccvb for a second this felt familiar but i think i got this part mixed up with like... assassin's creed movie SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:14 pm She did not. Hm. verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm ((the heck is with that skirt. it looks like an unusually modest Sexy Halloween Costume)) verdigrisprowl 8:15 pm ((prison striped skirt)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:15 pm ((I know, right)) opatoes 8:15 pm Anarchy! NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm ((they riff on the arkham wear late in the season, even the script knows lmao)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:15 pm ANARCHY! verdigrisprowl 8:15 pm ((lol good)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:15 pm ((god penguin is so gay for him)) NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm [[Penguin does not owe you for that. You did that to repay him from previous ones.]] verdigrisprowl 8:16 pm There's a question of scale. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:17 pm ((Penguin is gay (happy) because he's gay (homosexual) for Jim)) verdigrisprowl 8:17 pm ((gay^2)) Swervester 8:17 pm [squints] Isn't this sliding into all those moral objections he had before. verdigrisprowl 8:17 pm It most certainly is. NoodlesAtNight 8:17 pm [[It seems to be.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:17 pm I would assume so, but it's hard to tell with humans. NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm [[He stopped Penguin from getting arrested in exchange for helping to put away another criminal. He himself considers the scale even.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:18 pm Sir, are you- oh, it's Harvey. Nevermind, that's probably safe. NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm [[The officer who stabbed a witness. Flask.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:19 pm ((be happy, harvey ;; good on you)) verdigrisprowl 8:19 pm ((good work harvey)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:20 pm Soundwave. You fast forward to fighting part. NoodlesAtNight 8:20 pm ((i love that he walked. he's still so law-abiding he walked all the way to wayne manor instead of driving after having been drinking)) verdigrisprowl 8:20 pm ((i just assumed he didn't have a car without a patrol car)) NoodlesAtNight 8:21 pm ((also possible, but i like it the other way XD ))
*Soundwave leans forward, curious.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm ((honestly same)) Oooh, the child's sharp. verdigrisprowl 8:21 pm "Personal honor." Not wanting to thrash somebody isn't a manner of "personal honor," it's a matter of morality. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:22 pm I'm not sure whether his docent should be chiding him or not for being so clever. *hah* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:22 pm ((I love this Bruce but I have no idea how, when Batman shows up, Gordon didn't immediately drive over to Wayne Manor to give him a talking to because he is SO CLEARLY tiny Batman)) Swervester 8:22 pm I guess personal honor and morality alignment could fall on the same scale but yeah that's definitely an issue of morality and probably legality SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:22 pm *she /knew/ he'd be too proud to break down the door* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:22 pm Me Swoop like THRASHING kehhehehh verdigrisprowl 8:22 pm There's no pride in deciding whether or not you want to commit a lesser evil for a greater good. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:22 pm *...or not* NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm [[Besides, if he does something against the law, Loeb will have no problem holding it against him. He holds it against them when they're still police.]] Swervester 8:24 pm Did he have a plan Oh. He did MedicalMurdersaurus 8:24 pm KEHHEH him punch with gun! verdigrisprowl 8:25 pm *sighs* NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm {{It tiny thrash.}} *Chirp* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:25 pm *AAHHHH HER CHIRP IS SO CUTE* NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm ((a note of interest: this chase sorta mirrors the one from S1 's opener with positions reversed, i think)) opatoes 8:26 pm Gordon... NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm ((the weird cam angles, cop + criminal, through a kitchen, etc))
[[........../Well./ That won't be good. Primus damn it, human.]] Swervester 8:26 pm This child's catty. //rtdgfg does he read as autistic scale to anyone else verdigrisprowl 8:26 pm ((ur rite)) NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm ((which who he)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:26 pm ((hell yes he does0) Swervester 8:26 pm //bruce verdigrisprowl 8:26 pm ((bruce)) NoodlesAtNight 8:27 pm ((sometimes ye)) Swervester 8:27 pm //he keeps vacilliating between "no he's just traumatized" and pinging all my "ah someone autistic like me" brain signals and it's wild NoodlesAtNight 8:27 pm ((both. both is good)) verdigrisprowl 8:27 pm ((he can be both)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:27 pm Bird : > Swervester 8:27 pm //i like both verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm Hang up. NoodlesAtNight 8:29 pm *Tilts his head.* [[A phone that big, going unnoticed? Someone was bribed.]] Swervester 8:29 pm Did she have any reason not to believe him until she called back NoodlesAtNight 8:29 pm [[Even humans are not that unobservant.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm [[He does not think your average mech would go away and be secretive about a sales call, personally.]] verdigrisprowl 8:30 pm ... Maybe Swindle. Swervester 8:30 pm Swindle absolutely would. NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm [[...Swindle is granted an exception.]] verdigrisprowl 8:30 pm I suppose you DID specify "average" mech. Swervester 8:31 pm //crunch is better NoodlesAtNight 8:31 pm *Soundwave huffs softly.* verdigrisprowl 8:31 pm ((smooth forever)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:31 pm You Bird funny and *somewhat uncomfortable at the words coming out of his face* cute MedicalMurdersaurus 8:32 pm ((throw another vote on the smooth pile)) NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm {{You Swoop nice but noisy.}} *She pats him.* {{Shhhhh.}} Swervester 8:32 pm I want to ask who's head but I'm not sure I wanna know. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:32 pm *leans into the pats* NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm [[A guard's, obviously.]] Swervester 8:33 pm This thunderstorm thing is real convinenant NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm [[He does have a sense for the dramatic.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm *LOUD huff* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:34 pm ((so goddamn proud of himself)) *in his best whisper attempt* Me Swoop Dinobot. Dinobots not for quiet! NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm *She whispers back.* {{You Swoop do good job though.}} verdigrisprowl 8:35 pm He's quite the expert manipulator. NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm *Soundwave twitches slightly, but settles down again.*
[[He is. It is little wonder he pulled off what he did with his enemies last time.]] *Twitch again. Hm.* verdigrisprowl 8:36 pm *points at the man behind the podium* He made the... dragon blood drug. NoodlesAtNight 8:36 pm [[Yes. He thinks so. The voices match.]] Swervester 8:36 pm ...I should probably learn more about police roles because two seasons and I'm still not entirely sure why he's in charge of the police. verdigrisprowl 8:36 pm Oh. I didn't notice the voices. Well, further evidence. NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm [[It is his job to observe voice prints. Do not worry.]] *Pats knee.* [[He is in charge of the police because he blackmailed his way up th-- what is /that/.]] opatoes 8:37 pm ... He's like my boxyverse alternate MedicalMurdersaurus 8:37 pm KEHHEHHEHHEH Swervester 8:37 pm Whoa verdigrisprowl 8:37 pm Dragon blood. NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm ((TABITHAAAAAAAAAA <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 )) NoodlesAtNight 8:38 pm [[You do not breathe your blood out, do you, dragon? That seems... unhealthy.]] verdigrisprowl 8:38 pm I'm sure that's just the street name. opatoes 8:38 pm wait who's tabitha NoodlesAtNight 8:39 pm {{His sister. Neheheh.}} opatoes 8:39 pm b. but who Swervester 8:39 pm Jerome really bothers me man. NoodlesAtNight 8:40 pm {{What bother bar bot?}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:40 pm Bar bot?? Swervester 8:40 pm I can't put my finger on it but he really rubs me the wrong way whenever he talks. opatoes 8:41 pm ... He seems like an evilverse version of you, Swerve Swervester 8:41 pm ... What opatoes 8:41 pm ... What I mean- like, weirdverse you? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:41 pm *imagines someone petting Swerve backwards like a fussed cat and snickers* opatoes 8:41 pm Jerome seems like a weirdverse name. Swervester 8:41 pm [sputters] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:41 pm KEHHEHH MedicalMurdersaurus 8:42 pm Her stab : > NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm [[He's seen worse recruitment tactics.]] opatoes 8:42 pm Like, you're pleasant and likable and Jerome isn't- am I just sticking my pede in my mouth or something Swervester 8:42 pm You are [waves hands] opatoes 8:42 pm Frag- well, uh. Can we pretend I didn't say that then? Swervester 8:42 pm Yes opatoes 8:42 pm Thank you, Swerve- you're pretty awesome, you know! NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm [[Not a jackhammer, but...]] verdigrisprowl 8:42 pm They could have just. Gotten a couple of pickaxes. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:43 pm That a BABY explode! That NOTHING. Him Wheelack do bigger boom in sleep! verdigrisprowl 8:43 pm That was entirely unnecessary. NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm {{That just call snoring, peh.}} Swervester 8:43 pm Wouldn't some big ass hammers suffice NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm [[Unnecessary, but precisely the thing a youngling would dream up, he imagines.]] Swervester 8:43 pm How long have they been dead? This is a really dusty cave NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm [[Exciting, different, and noisy.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm [[They have been dead a year. And they did just disturb the cave.]] Swervester 8:44 pm Hmm Seems pretty cobweby for a year but maybe that's just how organic caves are verdigrisprowl 8:45 pm That seems a false dichotomy. NoodlesAtNight 8:45 pm [[His father was a rich human who likely had little knowledge of the real world. He wouldn't doubt it.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:46 pm What rich means? *knows the word but doesn't understand the context* verdigrisprowl 8:46 pm Oh, is that where the mayor's been. NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm {{It mean own looooooots of money, loooooots of stuff. Them not need know what everybody else knowing.}} [[...Ha. Tarantula. Imagine him in there.]] verdigrisprowl 8:46 pm ... Why would you do that to the poor tarantula. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:47 pm WHy not know? opatoes 8:47 pm ... Is he gonna do both NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm *Wiggling his little spider legs threateningly at the box head.* opatoes 8:47 pm Man, I would've picked choice A. NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm {{Them pay not to find out.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:47 pm *looks at Bird with no comprehension at all in his optics* Swervester 8:47 pm Wow they really need Batman. opatoes 8:47 pm I wouldn't mind a Messy on my face. NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm *Gently elbows Prowl.* @P: [[He trusts you would pick choice A as well.]] *Humor ping.* [[Wh--]] *Huffing.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:48 pm KEHEHHEHHEHH Fall! SPLAT! opatoes 8:48 pm get him pictures pictures of spiders man NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm [[Rather unobservant for a journalist.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:48 pm KEHEHHHH!!! verdigrisprowl 8:48 pm Getting in a tiny box with a tarantula? Sounds fun. Swervester 8:49 pm //that;s the worst time for the video to freeze on me ghbg NoodlesAtNight 8:49 pm ((do you need a pause?)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:49 pm *wants to throw people with letters off a building* !! : > Swervester 8:49 pm //it's back now i just missed like 15 seconds lmao MedicalMurdersaurus 8:50 pm Nice verdigrisprowl 8:50 pm ... I feel like there are easier ways to get in the paper. NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm [[That depends on what the point of the activity is.]] opatoes 8:51 pm ... Do people actually read newspapers MedicalMurdersaurus 8:51 pm What newspaper? *was but a wee dinotot when newspapers were a thing* verdigrisprowl 8:51 pm *... leans over to Soundwave* verdigrisprowl 8:52 pm @S «Where's the Starscream that sounds like a Smokescreen from?» Swervester 8:52 pm He's really interested in making a show of this isn't he opatoes 8:53 pm You'd think he'd just get a job in theater MedicalMurdersaurus 8:53 pm kehehheehhehhh! Him fall down : > NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm @P: [[Smokescreen's world. The grey beings are having fun at other people's expenses again.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:54 pm [[Perhaps he was denied a beloved role.]] [[This could be his revenge.]] [[WHAT IS HE DOING.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:54 pm !!! Swervester 8:54 pm Alfred why verdigrisprowl 8:54 pm *prowl assumes soundwave means THAT smokescreen.* @S «So they switched out his voicebox?» opatoes 8:54 pm I guess that's true. That's the kind of thing a really passionate theater person might d- Alfred WHY MedicalMurdersaurus 8:54 pm keheh him SMASH verdigrisprowl 8:54 pm What the hell! NoodlesAtNight 8:55 pm @P: [[He isn't sure what they did, but they did tamper with him.]] Swervester 8:55 pm PRobably a good reason to let him see the thing so he could know what not to go looking for! NoodlesAtNight 8:55 pm [[Protect him? By not letting him know who to hide from?]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:56 pm ((It seems like he shouldn't be able to fire his guardian. Creates some problems...)) opatoes 8:56 pm This... isn't going to go well, is it MedicalMurdersaurus 8:56 pm KAHHAHAHAH GET HIM!! verdigrisprowl 8:56 pm Wreckers. NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm [[Taking lessons from Rumble and Frenzy, he sees.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:56 pm aww.... Swervester 8:57 pm Evil Wreckers. verdigrisprowl 8:57 pm Redundant. opatoes 8:57 pm Phfff. NoodlesAtNight 8:57 pm [[Hah.]] opatoes 8:58 pm Oh yeah! The game called "Bullet munch" right NoodlesAtNight 8:58 pm [[...Yes. Yes, he is.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:58 pm ((Every other moment with Jerome, I can tell exactly which Joker incarnation he's trying to be. This Russian Roulette thing is the only time he feels like he's genuinely got his own take going. I like it.)) NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm [][][]The case is a bear?[][][] *Looks to Prowl* Swervester 9:00 pm Wow she's rude. NoodlesAtNight 9:00 pm [[What police slang is this?]] opatoes 9:00 pm She wants him to stay happy verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm I think it's Earth slang. NoodlesAtNight 9:00 pm [[Hmm. You drove with humans a while; do you know what it means?]] NoodlesAtNight 9:01 pm *He hasn't seen a single bear on this case. He doesn't get it.* verdigrisprowl 9:01 pm Not completely sure. But bears are considered big and dangerous. I like her a lot. She's probably going to die. Swervester 9:02 pm Probably opatoes 9:02 pm Are there any other good cops in this whole place NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[Hmm.]] *He's mostly used to the pandas, not the oth-- PFFFF* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:02 pm *blinks* The docent is quitting? Really? NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[He was fired.]] opatoes 9:02 pm ((... i thought he just held that pose it just froze on me NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[He has little choice.]] ((do i need to pause?)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:02 pm *blinks* Oh. Oh, yes, he. He was. opatoes 9:03 pm ((all good! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:03 pm ((whoops, I was half-watching and missed that)) opatoes 9:03 pm ((it just made it look like he was staring into space for much longer MedicalMurdersaurus 9:03 pm ((I guess I knew Alfred probably was loaded in his own right but I only just now realized how little he'd have in the way of expenses. He lives in someone else's home and drives someone else's car and I can't imagine Bruce makes him buy his own groceries. Where can I find a boy billionaire to work for?)) Swervester 9:03 pm Well that's awful timing for a chant,. NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm ((Idk but you better reference me when you get hired cause I want in too)) [[Oh, leave the records human alone.]] [[You already protected her. You did what you could.]] verdigrisprowl 9:04 pm She's not interested. Leave her alone. verdigrisprowl 9:05 pm (("I'm gonna take you down the path that rocks.")) MedicalMurdersaurus 9:05 pm ((He'd pretty much only have to pay for clothes, entertainment, and medical bills, though I bet Bruce got him super fucking amazing health insurance. )) NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm ((LMAO puff)) opatoes 9:06 pm Onions MedicalMurdersaurus 9:06 pm ono *realizes what's going on* opatoes 9:06 pm ... Well, I thought he was gonna go on SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:06 pm ((puff just improves the riddler 200%)) opatoes 9:06 pm Uh. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:06 pm *perks up, wings flaring and optics bright* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:07 pm Him going to burn them! : > Awesome opatoes 9:07 pm Swoop, no, that's bad MedicalMurdersaurus 9:07 pm What bad? Fire fun : > verdigrisprowl 9:07 pm They can shoot at their knees. opatoes 9:07 pm Humans on fire is pretty bad. NoodlesAtNight 9:07 pm [[And risk missing?]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:08 pm Bad for THEM kehheheh opatoes 9:08 pm ... Luckily, this human's bad at starting fires verdigrisprowl 9:08 pm You miss and you hit the ground or a tire. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:08 pm fun for fire person opatoes 9:08 pm GORDON NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm [[Both of which are soaked in -- oh dear.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:08 pm KEHHEHEH aw :< verdigrisprowl 9:08 pm ... You could have driven a LITTLE further away. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:08 pm KAHAHA SNIPED NoodlesAtNight 9:09 pm [[At least this Galavan knows how to mind his loose ends.]] [[Though that will make it more difficult for the Gordon human.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm ((i like how that was a big moment of quick thought, school. i wouldn't wanna go back either buddy)) opatoes 9:10 pm ... Oh yeah, how much school has bruce been missing? NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm [[Months.]] opatoes 9:11 pm ... Is that a lot of time for humans? NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm [[Some.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:11 pm Month is a looooooooooooong time NoodlesAtNight 9:12 pm [[Hm. Cute.]] *Checking in during a hard day of work. He appreciates that.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:14 pm *is instantly taken in by Alfred's storytelling and is glued to the screen* NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm [[...What is a kipper.]] *It must be a blanket. Humans tuck blankets. And clothes.* opatoes 9:14 pm ... What IS a kipper? Oh! ... Fish smoke? NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm [[When they're on fire.]] opatoes 9:15 pm Ohhh. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:16 pm Sausage NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm [[Redball. A bloody bullet?]] NoodlesAtNight 9:17 pm [[He really must stop talking to her.]] opatoes 9:17 pm ... He should really trace this call Oh verdigrisprowl 9:17 pm That's obviously a trap. Swervester 9:18 pm Ah she's going to die. verdigrisprowl 9:18 pm Yell for half a dozen other officers to come with you. NoodlesAtNight 9:18 pm [[...He's not sure there ARE half a dozen other officers left.]] verdigrisprowl 9:18 pm If he'd yelled BEFORE he left there would have been. NoodlesAtNight 9:19 pm [[Oh, you mean Gordon. He thought you meant her. Yes, he should have got more. But he does like to go alone... and she does know that.]] [][][]No heroes.[][][] *Sigh. He still doesn't listen to Harvey, does he.* verdigrisprowl 9:19 pm That's why you always bring backup. verdigrisprowl 9:20 pm ... There's a movie I just saw where that's a plot point. NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm [[Where what is?]] verdigrisprowl 9:20 pm Bringing backup. NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm [[Oh? What is it?]] Swervester 9:22 pm Why do humans spit like that verdigrisprowl 9:22 pm It's— Don't go watch it, I—think I'm going to show it in a few days. It's an insult. They think spit is gross. opatoes 9:22 pm Poor Gordon NoodlesAtNight 9:22 pm [[He will not watch it, on his honor. He simply wishes to know what to be excited about.]] [[Return faster, Gordon.]] Swervester 9:22 pm But spitting just makes them madder, wouldn't it be better not to opatoes 9:23 pm ... You really gotta clarify verdigrisprowl 9:24 pm It's Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. It's about the star cop in an interstellar police force. It's... a hard watch. opatoes 9:24 pm Come on- don't kill her off too verdigrisprowl 9:24 pm *gestures at the screen. what did he say.* Swervester 9:24 pm Did no oe call am ambulance? opatoes 9:24 pm ... /Dangit, why does Prowl have to watch movies he wants to see/ NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm [[Oh, he knows that name - the little space suited human who is friends with the cowboy, yes? It is about him?]] verdigrisprowl 9:24 pm They might not have got there in time. verdigrisprowl 9:25 pm I didn't see any cowboys. But there's a whole series and I only saw the pilot, maybe the cowboy comes later. NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *Nodding. He rather liked the Toy stories; he would hear about the Star Command stories too.* [[And her loss is regrettable. A commissioner who would finally do something...]] opatoes 9:27 pm Man, it must be a multiversal thing that Joker ALWAYS likes being on tv opatoes 9:28 pm thanks mr edge MedicalMurdersaurus 9:29 pm KEHEHHH lots of people SPLAT verdigrisprowl 9:29 pm *disgusted scoff. "tiny cogs in an absurd machine." juvenile.* NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *Shakes his head.* [[He continues to fall...]] *Glances at Prowl. Why the scoff?* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:29 pm YESSSS MedicalMurdersaurus 9:30 pm Again! Again! verdigrisprowl 9:30 pm *glances back.* He's pathetic. opatoes 9:30 pm The word of the night in gotham is defenestration NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm {{That fun word. Bird likes.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:30 pm What word? opatoes 9:30 pm Defenestration! NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm [[The Jerome human? Yes. Too flashy by half.]] opatoes 9:30 pm It means "The act of throwing someone out the window" MedicalMurdersaurus 9:30 pm Defense-stration Swervester 9:31 pm She definitely was making a ppoint opatoes 9:31 pm ... Yeah, pretty much NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm [[She could not have made a more obvious one even with a whetstone.]] verdigrisprowl 9:31 pm And his "philosophy," if you can call it that, is... mm. NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm [[Go on?]] opatoes 9:32 pm Go see your bff, Jim. Swervester 9:33 pm Don' seem fine MedicalMurdersaurus 9:33 pm ((give penguin a sincere hug and he'll do anything you want, Jim)) opatoes 9:34 pm Jim come on NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm ((pfff)) opatoes 9:34 pm ... Man, go see the magician verdigrisprowl 9:35 pm *hesitates.* ... I... have very little respect for most people who complain about being cogs in machines. verdigrisprowl 9:37 pm ((you're right, you CAN tell which joker he's channeling. right now we've got heath ledger.)) opatoes 9:37 pm ... Man, he's really easy to manipulate Swervester 9:38 pm //i don't even remember ledger's joker that well rip opatoes 9:38 pm Like the first guy to come up to him and be like "I believe in you, do this" and he eats it up opatoes 9:39 pm Just barge in MedicalMurdersaurus 9:39 pm ((he did the growly monologuing about a past story thing a lot. But it worked for Heath because his stories were contradictory. With Jerome, they are true stories so it misses the mark.)) verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm ((mainly the "monologuing about tragic past stories to imminent victims" thing)) verdigrisprowl 9:40 pm ((YEAH THAT)) NoodlesAtNight 9:40 pm [[Ahh. Petrex history in play, yes?]] *Tilts his head.* [[Not everyone is content with such arrangements, of course, but... he supposes it depends on what the machine in question is. This one does have some right to want out of the one he was in, or so it sounds.]] opatoes 9:40 pm oh no NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm {{Him easy to manipulate because him desperate. Need approval. It easy believe first good promise if all life bad. It gift from Primus.}} {{That what it looking like.}} verdigrisprowl 9:41 pm A fraction Petrex. A fraction abundant experience with the kind of people who make complaints like that. A fraction common sense and my own life experience ever sense. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:42 pm *glances over at bird and blinks slowly, that was a lot of analysis of something that was flowing right past him as he waited for gore* NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm *Soundwave nods.* NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm *And Laserbeak occasionally has her moments.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:43 pm *doesn't have his moments and doesn't follow any of what she said to a next step* You Bird see a magician before? : > opatoes 9:44 pm ... Man, is that the only entertainment they got? They could've gotten... A bouncy house? Or something? NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm {{Yes. Many time.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:44 pm What BEST trick??? : V opatoes 9:44 pm Uh oh verdigrisprowl 9:44 pm People like that don't seem to understand that "being a cog" means "being a part of a society." verdigrisprowl 9:45 pm If you're not a cog in a machine, then you're a useless cog lying on the ground. NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm {{Best trick..... best trick saw him bot in half. That one, brother do. Heh heh.}} NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm [[Ahh. Now he sees what you're getting at.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:46 pm PFF! Him Buzzsaw not a MAGICIAN! kEHHEHEH! Swervester 9:46 pm Is he hitting on her MedicalMurdersaurus 9:46 pm ((Alfred knows what's uuuuupppp)) verdigrisprowl 9:47 pm The opposite of being a cog in a machine isn't being free, being powerful, being liberated to do whatever nasty thing you want. It's being a hermit. NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[What, then, would you call him? If he is neither cog nor hermit.]] *Quite curious now* NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm ((alfred does indeed know)) verdigrisprowl 9:48 pm He IS a cog. He's just a poorly-shaped one that senselessly breaks the cogs around it. opatoes 9:49 pm This... is going to go really badly NoodlesAtNight 9:49 pm [[Hm. Then we'll have to hope there is a repair human present.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm {{Uh-oh. Him gonna get Buzzsaw treatment, neheheh.}} Swervester 9:50 pm This concerns me NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm *Laserbeak begins whistling a funeral dirge* verdigrisprowl 9:50 pm ... Trap door. NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm [[Hah]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:50 pm *snickers and watches Bird out of the corner of his optic (probably more than he watches the show)* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm {{Booooo. That boring.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:52 pm Them do with no box next time kehheheh NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[We wouldn't have much of a show if he perished, would we, Laserbeak.]] verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm Oh, HE'S going to die. verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm They're going after major political figures—the mayor, the police. NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[Of course. Deputy mayors are next in line should the original go missing. Which has happened.]] verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm Billionaires too, apparently. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:54 pm Them bad at shooting keheh NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm [[Naturally. If he is mad that his family built the city and was wiped off the map after doing so, then he will want to go for those who currently lay claim to it.]] Swervester 9:54 pm Given how corrupt Gotham is, the billioniares probably ARe major political players. NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm [[And what Swerve has said. Quite the observation, mech.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm [[...Ah.]] Swervester 9:56 pm I see. verdigrisprowl 9:56 pm Aha. opatoes 9:56 pm ... Man, no wonder he got rejected from acting school NoodlesAtNight 9:57 pm [[Primus. /Ratbat/ was less obvious than this.]] Swervester 9:57 pm He's awfully aware of the camera, it's coming across really cheesy act. opatoes 9:57 pm ... How obvious was Ratbat? Like- any specific stories? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:57 pm *snrk* verdigrisprowl 9:57 pm ... *mumbles* thought he was pretty good. Swervester 9:58 pm It just sounded really scripted, is all. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm [[He was, up until he turned straight to the camera.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:59 pm *claps* NoodlesAtNight 9:59 pm [[A move clearly designed to ensure that the city knew his face. Someone who didn't care about that would not have turned.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:59 pm ((Did the writers forget she left him or are we supposed to think her brains are that scrambled?)) NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm ((the latter. she thinks she can go back to him)) [[They would be too busy confronting the villain to bother with anything else.]] opatoes 10:01 pm ... Man, Alfred could've dealed with him just fine I bet NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm ((bah the audio got mildly desynced. sorry)) opatoes 10:02 pm Bruce. Alfred knew how to make a bomb from memory- he's probably gonna be fine Swervester 10:02 pm Magician's knife or real knifw? Oh. Real? NoodlesAtNight 10:02 pm [[Very real.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:02 pm DEAD verdigrisprowl 10:03 pm ((WELL, I SUPPOSE HE'S NOT THE JOKER)) NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm *Nudges Prowl.* [[Trap door.]] verdigrisprowl 10:03 pm *sharp laugh* NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm (( 😃 )) opatoes 10:03 pm ... Wait, if he's not the Joker, who is? NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm [[Not quite the laugh Penguin had in mind, he imagines.]] [[And he has no idea.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:05 pm ((becasue penguin <3s him)) opatoes 10:06 pm Dracula Cobblepot MedicalMurdersaurus 10:06 pm ((seriously how do none of the characters see the way penguin LIGHTS UP when jim walks in the room siiiiiiigh)) NoodlesAtNight 10:06 pm {{Temper, temper}} SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:06 pm Don't throw things in front of your subordinates. At least walk into the bathroom, first. NoodlesAtNight 10:06 pm ((they're all blind... as a bat. dohoho)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:07 pm ((hue hue hue)) NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm *...Has a thought. Will keep that thought silent for now.* Swervester 10:08 pm She's standing with her boyfriend! MedicalMurdersaurus 10:08 pm ((gordon's face)) NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm {{Neheh. Awkwaaaard.}} opatoes 10:08 pm Alfred is unstoppable! MedicalMurdersaurus 10:08 pm What awkward? NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm {{Him Alfred like her Lee. Him Alfred not know her got sweetspark already.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 10:09 pm Oh. *doesn't get it* NoodlesAtNight 10:09 pm *Well, she's not explaining more than that.* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:09 pm *would moon over Bird even if Bird had a bf so...* Swervester 10:10 pm Oh NoodlesAtNight 10:10 pm [][][]Poisons the well.[][][] Swervester 10:11 pm Um. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:11 pm ((I know we talk about queer coding villains but, man, are there any queer good guys in this show?)) opatoes 10:11 pm Uh. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:12 pm *the dragon stretches* Goodnight, Soundwave, everyone. Thanks for having me! NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm ((not as i can really recall offhand; this IS a fox network show unfortunately. but they do give us way more than we have on any other show, some who do good things at times, and many of the actors are, so i take it)) Swervester 10:12 pm //unfortunate MedicalMurdersaurus 10:12 pm ((I'm glad for canon gays and bis regardless)) NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm ((most of the cast is pretty woke tbh)) [[Goodnight dragon.]] Swervester 10:13 pm I better head out too. Night all. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm [[Goodnight, Swerve.]] verdigrisprowl 10:13 pm ((you promised me a Specific Ship and I am Awaiting that ship. idc if they're villains i am Ready)) MedicalMurdersaurus 10:13 pm Movie done. You Bird want to candy? 😆 NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm ((all in due time 😄 ))
{{Yes! Bird go candy. Swoop have... some. Three piece.}} verdigrisprowl 10:13 pm (("idc" i say like their villainness isn't also a draw)) NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm ((same)) MedicalMurdersaurus 10:14 pm It Bird candy. Me Swoop give. : > NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm ((half-assed spoiler: they also do something that pissed off the fanboys A LOT and are unapologetic about it being a first so ye)) opatoes 10:14 pm I should get some rest, too. Thank you for the show, Soundwave! Uh. And- sorry about the couch. I can give you a new couch- or if you just want credits, I can actually do that now! verdigrisprowl 10:14 pm ((you had me at "pissed off the fanboys")) NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm ((that's s3 tho)) MedicalMurdersaurus 10:14 pm ((penguin better smooch jim fully on screen )) opatoes 10:15 pm ... wait, baking pie without a recipe? ... I. I'm gonna have to see that later NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[You're welcome. Credits will be fine.]] opatoes 10:15 pm Can do, then! Also, you up for flying later? NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm {{Swoop still can have three piece. Him Primus say so.}} *Maybe he'll believe that.* NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm [[We will see. He has been... tired, lately. Perhaps one of the birds will see fit to join you.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:16 pm Primus? Keh! *assumes she's joking, he's Ratchet's kid after all, he's got NEGATIVE religious education* opatoes 10:17 pm Tired? You're doing okay- right? NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm [[Yes. Just a great deal to think about. It will pass.]] {{Yep. You see, Bird show. Come on!}} *Float float. Toward the stairs she goes!* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm Kay! *scampers along after his borby crush* opatoes 10:18 pm 'Cause you know, if you need help with anything, you can send me a comm- even if you just wanna read or something. NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm [[Thank you. That - is actually an important offer to him.]] *That hurt to say, but he got it out.* opatoes 10:19 pm ... Anyway, I've gotta go. I've gotta try to figure out flying and stuff. Have a good night, though. NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm [[Do not fly high off the ground. Stay low. Very low.]] opatoes 10:19 pm ... It is? Like I said, feel free to take it whenever you wanna talk or need a distraction or something. opatoes 10:20 pm You got it! Man- years ago, you probably would've told me the exact opposite. Weird, right? NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm [[/Very./]] opatoes 10:20 pm Anyways, night, Soundwave. NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm [[Goodnight.]] verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm ... You let me believe that's a Starscream with a Smokescreen's vocalizer. He's not. NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm [[...He thought you understood what he was saying.]] verdigrisprowl 10:22 pm What? No. I asked if Starscream's vocalizer had been altered, you confirmed it was likely. *he is :[* NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm *Thhhhis explains why Prowl took that explanation so well. It was a failed one.* verdigrisprowl 10:24 pm *:[* NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[He said he didn't know what all they'd done, but that they /had/ done things, and that it was Smokescreen's world. He thought-- never mind what he thought. He did an insufficient job of clarifying.]] verdigrisprowl 10:25 pm You could have clarified that it was a Smokescreen with a Starscream body. I spent all night thinking he was Starscream. What if I'd /talked/ to him? He'd start thinking he could get away with talking to /me/ if he puts on a disguise first. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm [[He should have. He did not, and he should have. He is sorry. You are correct. That had the potential to ruin your disconnection from Smokescreen. He did not and would never intend to interfere with such a choice.]] verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm *nods* ... Accepted. NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm *The tiniest of nods.* NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[That mech suffers more abuse at their hands than any other he knows about. He would interfere, but he does not know how; he no longer has any devices capable of blocking their work. The few he had were from sympathetic members of their species to start with, and he could not understand how they worked.]] verdigrisprowl 10:29 pm Mm. NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm [[If you ever wonder if they have done something to him, chances are that it is so. Guard yourself accordingly.]] *That wasn't to gain sympathy for Smokescreen, mind. That was to note that it's common and Soundwave has no way to protect Prowl from it from the side, other than to note that.* verdigrisprowl 10:31 pm Mm. *that's quite enough of banana-adjacent topics. leans harder on soundwave in an effort to distract him.* NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm *Doesn't know what to make of the Mms. Fidget.* [[Perhaps he should--]] *Oh. And now he's confused.* [[...All right.]] *Leans on Prowl. Is this what he's supposed to do now? He honestly isn't sure anymore.* verdigrisprowl 10:32 pm *he'll take it.* NoodlesAtNight 10:35 pm [[...He hopes the Gordon human does not give in.]] verdigrisprowl 10:35 pm He already has. NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm [[More. Give in more. It's not--]] *Shakes his head a little.* [[He could do better than this. It's not impossible.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:38 pm [[Our society and species are infinitely more difficult to work with and you threw Fuse out. It is /not/ impossible.]] verdigrisprowl 10:39 pm ... I also hope he moves back up. I—understand his position. NoodlesAtNight 10:39 pm *Nodding.* [[He hopes so as well.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:40 pm [[He does not get the time to hear about as much in your department as he once did. It's - it goes well? What of Minus?]] verdigrisprowl 10:42 pm *optics flicker a bit brighter* Minus is doing well. Thus far she's been learning how things work inside of the department—paperwork and such—but I've been able to send her out with more experienced officers on a couple of calls with next to no risk of violence. Cleaning graffiti and such. NoodlesAtNight 10:45 pm *Oh. Oh, that's better. He found a good subject. Thank Primus.*
[[Good. Better that she learn there are other ways to handle things. Of course, he himself would leave the graffiti reading "Prowl is Right"...]] NoodlesAtNight 10:47 pm [[But he is far more morally malleable than she will need to be, and it is best that she learn from you and your officers. It does no good to have anyone else clean a wall just to put a bug in it.]] *Pause.* [[For one thing, suddenly clean spots are far too noticeable for that sort of activity.]] verdigrisprowl 10:47 pm Graffiti is graffiti. *still, pleased.* NoodlesAtNight 10:49 pm [[Perhaps. Buzzsaw would have his head if he did not ask this--]] *Twist.* [[Would you consider designating free spaces where it is allowed? Where anyone may go to express themselves, so that their voices are not fully restricted and you have less to clean elsewhere?]] NoodlesAtNight 10:50 pm [[Volunteered locations, agreed upon by many.]] verdigrisprowl 10:51 pm That's not up to me, but I'd be for it. NoodlesAtNight 10:51 pm *Brightens. It doesn't have to be up to Prowl, exactly; it just has to be something he wouldn't fight against if it were proposed to those who DID control it.* verdigrisprowl 10:52 pm I'd recommend putting them far inside and far outside the city walls, though. Or else the only thing anyone will be expressing is how much they loathe the opposite faction, until ten bots show up with purple and red paint cans and start a turf war. verdigrisprowl 10:53 pm That's what most of the graffiti we've been dealing with is—factional rhetoric, mainly along Metroplex's wall, the divider between Autobot and Decepticon neighborhoods. NoodlesAtNight 10:57 pm *Nodding.* [[He has noticed. He still disagrees with the divisions, but until that can be made to change...]] *Frustrated, sharp motion with one hand.* [[Until then, it would be helpful. And to him as well. Public opinion tracking.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:58 pm [[He is pleased to know you are not against it. That will make carefully whispering into the right audials so much easier.]] verdigrisprowl 10:58 pm Is all that intrigue necessary to get a few walls to spray paint on? NoodlesAtNight 10:59 pm [[After what he did? It may be. Besides, our leader is... well. He does not need to describe Starscream to /you./ ]] NoodlesAtNight 11:00 pm *Holds up a hand. Correction, please hold.* [[What 'he' did. He knows. Still. Perception is what it is.]] verdigrisprowl 11:01 pm Hm. Just don't try to sell it as a solution to graffiti. Or else when graffiti continues to exist in places other than the art walls, someone will try to use that as an excuse to take the walls down. NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm [[Noted and highlighted. He will avoid that topic.]] *Settling down a bit now.* [[Have you had any ideas of your own? Any unusual improvements that might make your - or Minus' - life easier?]] verdigrisprowl 11:04 pm ... More new hires to replace the masses I'm about to fire. But that's for me to find, not you. ((brb)) NoodlesAtNight 11:05 pm ((np)) NoodlesAtNight 11:09 pm *Brightens more. Oh, this IS a good conversation now.* [][][]Masses?[][][] *Masses is a word meant for big numbers. Prowl does not use numbers carelessly. Soundwave is almost in Prowl's lap, he's leaned in so close. Curiosity!* verdigrisprowl 11:13 pm Mhm. You gave me quite a long list to work through. NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm [[And you are--]] *He almost doesn't dare talk about it, like mentioning it will somehow make the multiverse force Prowl to go back on all of this. But he can't NOT speak about it. It's too different. Too good.* [[You are finding what you need? They really will be fired and tried?]] verdigrisprowl 11:17 pm *the ghost of a smile* I've got a couple of mad geniuses in Internal Affairs. We're digging up mountains of dirt. Of course, you're only privy to this information as the head of Four I. verdigrisprowl 11:18 pm But expect some comms from them in the near future. They'll be looking for some footage to confirm their findings. NoodlesAtNight 11:20 pm [[Nothing you have said or will say passes his lips. Obviously. Or his mind.]]
*He's going to be dizzy with shock in a moment. Digging up mountains of dirt. Masses of foul cops getting tossed out on their afts. Actually getting to /help/ with the footage he collects--*
[[And he's - that--]] *One moment. Gathering together again.* [[They will actually agree to trust him as a source?]] verdigrisprowl 11:23 pm You're the optics and audials of Iacon. Collecting footage and passing it where it needs to go is your job. NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm *He pulls away, but only so he can sit back on the couch and stare up at the ceiling. This is nothing short of amazing, to him.* verdigrisprowl 11:26 pm ... Did— Did you not know that's part of your job. NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm [[Collecting and forwarding footage has been his job for longer than he will bother calculating. It is only that he did not think anyone else would see past his name.]]
*And now he's sitting up again. Look at all this movement. You have got him all stirred up, Prowl. Nicely done.* [[Thank you. And them.]] *Close once more.* [[This is what should have been before. He does not know if you can understand, having always been on the other side, but...]] NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm *That's just gonna hang there. He'll nod. Hopefully Prowl gets it.* verdigrisprowl 11:30 pm What—kicking out the cops that abuse their position? I was demoted for saying we should be doing that. NoodlesAtNight 11:32 pm [[You were?]] verdigrisprowl 11:34 pm Well—not JUST that. For saying that the enforcer system was corrupt and that for the sake of Cybertron we needed to clean up. verdigrisprowl 11:36 pm I could get away with speaking my mind under Sentinel. He didn't agree with me, but he—respected me. I could be outspoken. As soon as he died, I was shoved in a backroom to crunch numbers. NoodlesAtNight 11:36 pm *And Sentinel has just been semi-begrudgingly given one (1) single point of respect.* NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm *Which feels very wrong somehow, but Prowl isn't allowed to lie to him about things that important, and so he's just going to have to suck it up and acknowledge it. Which he has. With one whole point. For a PRIME.* verdigrisprowl 11:38 pm Orion agreed too, but by the time he was in charge, it was a moot point. NoodlesAtNight 11:39 pm *Oh god, that's an even more grit-fanged point. He really doesn't like having to give that one away.* [[...If ever he finds a way to time travel, he will consider finding your younger self and getting you into a higher, safer position.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:42 pm [[For now, if you have no objections, he would show the depths of his appreciation for all you are by offering you... nearly anything you could ask for, he thinks. Within mostly reasonable - and legal - limits.]] verdigrisprowl 11:43 pm Oh, don't waste your time. If you ever find a way to time travel, kill Nominus, Proteus, and Ratbat, get Shockwave appointed to Prime—BEFORE he loses his face, mind—watch him carefully to ensure he isn't messing with any ores, and shut Megatron up after After The Ark but before Towards Peace. NoodlesAtNight 11:45 pm *He doesn't much care what it is. The world's largest collection of police dramas? A night of having every tiny wish catered to? Someone who needs a punch in the teeth to get the daylights scared out of them? What, Prowl? What? Anything. Tell him.*
[[Oh, those were all already planned. He does listen to you, you know.]] [[Except the part about Megatron. He is not yet familiar enough with that mech's writings to have thought of that himself.]] verdigrisprowl 11:46 pm His early writing was fine, before he slid off the rails into xenophobic apocalyptic extremism. verdigrisprowl 11:47 pm ... And I'm not wholly sure about Shockwave. Take that one with a grain of salt. He TALKED like an anti-Functionist progressive, but evidence suggests he was working on his ore project since long before his empurata, so that could all have been a façade. verdigrisprowl 11:48 pm Put him in charge, jump a few million years forward, see how that goes, jump back and take him back out if need be. NoodlesAtNight 11:52 pm [[As you recommend.]] *Soundwave dips pretty low there. He is being absolutely serious. Nothing about his mental voice says otherwise.* verdigrisprowl 11:52 pm *Prowl has too much power.* NoodlesAtNight 11:53 pm *Not so much. As he said, he was already thinking about quite a lot of that on his own.* *They've got to test tampering with timelines sooner or later, after all.* verdigrisprowl 11:54 pm ... I shouldn't be advocating assassinating senators. *a sentence like that is usually followed up with a retraction of the original advocation. it isn't.* NoodlesAtNight 11:55 pm *After a moment more:* [[...If that should mean it changes this in the process,]] *Gesturing to the space between them.* [[Then he will try to find you again. Or at least to see to it that you are happy.]]
*But that's too personal, isn't it? He quickly keeps going.* [[The senators in question are not alive now. You do nothing but partake in a thought exercise.]] *And that is his official word on it.* NoodlesAtNight 11:56 pm [[Besides, he has his own mind and is capable of acting on it by himself.]] verdigrisprowl 11:57 pm Pff. Just track me down, hand me a magnet, and tell me I'm neat. My standards were extremely low back then. NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm *Disgruntled huff.* [[He will not be so lazy and cheap. You will be treated the way you deserve to be treated, and no less.]] Today verdigrisprowl 12:00 am Don't be TOO nice to me, I don't think I could handle that much positive attention back then. NoodlesAtNight 12:01 am [[Then he would be slow and patient. After all, the planet wouldn't be going anywhere anymore ... ideally.]] verdigrisprowl 12:02 am Trust me. Magnets and a single bland compliment are the best way to start. NoodlesAtNight 12:03 am [[Very well. But he can do better than that /now,/ if you will let him?]] verdigrisprowl 12:03 am ... All right. *a tad nervously. How effusive is this going to get.* NoodlesAtNight 12:05 am *That depends. How does Prowl take to being picked up and carried over Soundwave's shoulder like a sack?* verdigrisprowl 12:06 am *Oh. Very well. Carry on.* NoodlesAtNight 12:11 am *So it shall be.* [[Your department is in good hands, he has an intriguing forensic series bookmarked upstairs on his workstation, and there is an octopus-shaped magnet waiting for you on the small stand by the door. Let us be off.]]
*Already walking.* [[Oh, and he intends to perform a magic trick for you.]] *Huff* [[Before the night is done, he will raise the temperature back at your apartment without ever touching the thermostat.]] verdigrisprowl 12:12 am *actually laughs* I look forward to seeing this trick. NoodlesAtNight 12:12 am *Joins in and closes the stairwell door behind them.*
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whimstories · 6 years
Could u do "listen, we have very thin walls and I heard you crying in the shower, are you okay?" With adrienette pls??? I love your stories/drabbles they are so well written and I really enjoy reading them❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thankss
Send me a prompt and a pairing and I’ll write it for you!
((You’re so kind! I hope you like it, Nonny!
Adrien’s going to do it.
He does a swift rap three times.
He quickly realizes he wishes he didn’t do it. It’s awkward and intrusive, and really none of his business, but, dammit, if her sniffled cries haven’t haunted his mind for weeks, and he has to see her once to console her, or—
The door swings opens and, not to be overly dramatic, it’s like viewing a full moon for the first time. One moment he’s in darkness with only assumptions to her appearance then—wow, there she is. His neighbor is significantly more beautiful than he imagined—not that he fantasized about her, that would be odd considering the tears— and definitely more kind and inviting in the face than expected.
She has long dark hair worn in loose pigtails and has one of those “small but fierce” figures to her. Too much his type to be fair. He came to check she wasn’t suffering from chronic illness not chronic attractiveness.
“Ah, right, hello?” He stumbles.
“Yes?” She says pleasantly. He has definitely made an egregious error.
“I’m sorry, you seem to have taken my breath away.”
She gives a bemused grin. “How many doors have you been knocking on to use that?”
“Which would impress you more?”
She gives a halted laugh. “Wow, I haven’t met one of you in a while. What department? Hospitality? Economics? Oh wait, here’s the best one, Women’s Studies?”
“I’ll have you know, I’m so charming women didn’t believe I was real and put me under the Bechdel Test,” he voiced. “I passed, if you’re curious.”
She places a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh and, though he’s heard it before, her body language and bright expression just heightens his love of it. He can’t help but want to pull more from her. “You’re certainly more entertaining than the usual hit-and-run flirts on campus.”
“And more handsome?”
“Well now you’re just boosting your ego,” her eyes sparkle at him and an invincible swell of pleasure rises to his chest. “Ok, if you’re done, I have a project to finish tonight.”
Now he panics. Why was he here in the first place? “Ah, wait! Let me be straight with you.”
She keeps her hand on the edge of the door but doesn’t look in a rush to move. She stares at him with what he hopes is excited interest. He should have rehearsed this because now he just wants to continue their light banter and bask under her quick humor and maybe talk to her for hours… So he chickens out and takes the roundabout approach. “I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world.”
Her eyes change completely, lighting up in recognition, and she’s gawking at him in a way he can’t completely read. “Y-you’re the—“ A bright flush hits her cheeks then she’s slamming the door in his face.
“Um, hey?” He taps on the door a few times. There’s no way she was mad at him? He sang that terrible song to cheer her up and she laughed and even clapped for him. He had done it a few times— different songs, of course; no one enjoys repeats— and she always seemed much happier. His entire body deflates amid the idea that he brought up bad memories for her to run away from him.
Then the door swings open, the girl’s cheeks still pouting red with a few fly aways in her face. A plate with an individual sized cake wrapped in plastic is held in her hand and said ‘You’re my Barbie World’ in pink on top. She gestures the cake forward for him to clasp.
“T-thanks. For cheering me up.”
He looks on in awe. The cake is well-done, clearly made ahead of time, and he wondered when she intended to give it to him. For something so simple, she went this far for him. He’s beaming, half laughing at the joke and stupidly flattered, and brushes against her fingers under the plate which rises the red to her entire face. Adorable.
“I didn’t realize I left such an impression,” he teases.  
She sends a deadpan expression. “You’re definitely ruining it right now.”
He chuckles. “Oh come on, I’m adorable. What did you say? I was ‘entertaining’?” He winks at her.
She pulls her hands away and crosses them in front of her, obviously trying not to smile. “You’re not—awful.”
She does not give in easy, he smiles to himself. He can’t imagine anything making her cry without a fight. “Now you’re killing my impression of you.”
She rolls her eyes. “Sobbing pathetically over Japanese animation doesn’t leave any good impressions.”
He blinks a few times, his smile becoming more crooked. “Wait, what?”
“Oh,” she voiced. Eyes locking forward in a manner close to panic. “You didn’t know that. Of course, you didn’t know that. Oh, this is worse. You can leave now.”
She tries to walk backwards and close the door but Adrien inches his foot to stop the momentum. “No, no, my princess, you better invite me inside and tell me more because I’m very very interested.” He always imagined it was a bad boyfriend, tough classes, troubles at home, but instead he’s been wanting to console her from Grave of the Fireflies?
He inclines his body forward, leaving himself open and no room for question on his interests towards her. He wants to know more, needs to, like an itch under his skin. To get her name, to know why she feels a need to watch sad anime, what’s her major, what else can she bake.
She hesitates, possibly, hopefully, catching on to his thoughts. She sighs, “I have a project, remember?”
“Oh, I thought—“ He was kind of hoping it was an excuse for getting the random creep away from her door, and maybe it still was. He can’t help be more than disappointed and he shoulders sag. “You’re right, sorry. I’ll see you around?”
Before he steps away from the door to go back to his dorm, to honestly bang his head against the wall for probably saying something wrong or even considering to be in her league, the girl reaches forward and clasps his forearm. A sharp elation runs through his chest.
“But I… couldn’t help but notice you come home at weird hours, and I’m free tomorrow, and I tend to cook pretty big meals if you wanted to—well, if I happen to watch a sad movie again, I don’t mind your terrible songs, and they really are terrible, but they make me laugh and I think you’re pretty great…” She drifts off staring directly at him, eyes shining like undersea pearls, and she’s tugging a section of her long hair in a nervous gesture.
That pleasure filled swell hits his chest tenfold, all doubt flying out of his mind as his grin half breaks his face. She smiles back, bright and beautiful, and he can’t help but think if tears lead him to such a wonderful sight, he wouldn’t mind conjuring up a few of his own.
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wanna-17 · 7 years
joshua highschool!au
summary: you and joshua hong were strangers at a tutoring academy but what happens when he moves to your school and you guys bond over music and small cute moments?
genre: fluff, slice of life, semi-real life 
style: bullet-point 
length: 4.4k 
a/n: so this is something i’ve wanted to write for a while because it’s actually semi real life (not me ofc i cry someone i know) and i think their story is super cute. i’ve made some alternatives e.g. in real life it’s a church/school setting but because i’m posting on tumblr i decided to change it to a tutoring academy/school setting. but do let me know if you want a  version of the original setting :) also this ended up being really really long (mainly bc i know like a lot of exact details and wanted to include as much as i can) and im unsure if you guys like my writing style but im hoping to improve more over time as i hopefully write more bullet point styled scenarios :) 
Tumblr media
so you’ve been going to this tutoring academy for a while and you go like once a week
you actually look forward to tutoring bc u were actually put in a really good class where everyone is friends and even have a group chat for memes 
anyways theres this guy called joshua who sits at the back
and hes like the most handsome guy in the class and all the girls /not so/ secretly fawn over him 
and like there are loads of rumours about him which claim that he opened his own lil company that makes apps and stuff which earns him $$$ at the age of 12 and how he like used a drone to capture the whole of his relatives wedding and how he like mastered 3 instruments and is a tech genius and on top of that really smart
which you obviously dont believe because thats not even human ??
anyways you do admit he’s sort of ok-above-average lookswise but u aint that shallow because he has a bad personality and you just hate him 
but you have evidence for hating him !! 
one time you accidentally walked into him verbally being mean to this other poor guy 
so you naturally just assumed he was a bully and had a bad impression of him
you thought he was a prideful annoying rude and horrible person 
and you just dont understand the hype about him at the tutoring academy 
like they literally give out flyers with his face on it ?? umm ?? what marketing purposes lmao 
anyways one day at tutor
your friend kyulkyung is like omg did u hear joshua is transferring to our school next year hdkhfaaku
kyulkyung is highkey a fangirl of him and always tries to talk you into him being a lil angel and nice person but you just snort lol
anyways you obviously dont care that he’s going to your school next year so you just shrug whatever 
later that night when u get home u get a friend request on facebook from...dun dun DUNNNN what a surprise joshua hong 
and you’re kinda like well ok ?? no harm in accepting a friend request 
you accidentally click on his name too and think oh well might as well stalk him a bit 
and damn his fb profile is super interesting bc he actually posts a lot but its not like dumb stuff boys usually post about video games 
but like cute family pictures of him and his lil bro and you’re like this boy is family oriented i LIKE 
then you suddenly come across a video...of this guy from your tutor...on kids masterchef
so u watch it and its the cutest thing ever 
lil joshua stirring an egg and trying to make an omelet hehehe
and omg apparently he made it to the semi finals of KIDS MASTERCHEF???
you keep scrolling down and thats when u come across the evidence of him opening up his company with an app and tech jazz and u r like is this guy even rEALL
you’re still doubtful tbh so u go the appstore and type in his app and it comes up...even with CREATOR OF XX APP: JOSHUA HONG ???? you literally fall off ur chair bc wow 
he cooks, he makes apps, he’s family oriented..that is all i need in a man HA HA 
so next time at tutor u see him ur lowkey like the other girls staring at him bc wow he seems decent all of a sudden lol 
ur other tutor friends are like: u r so lucky y/n josh’s gonna be at ur school 
and ur kinda thinking maybe i should befriend him now cos he’ll defs be super popular at school 
but tbh this fawning literally stops after 2 days and you go back to reality and focus on ur studies and all that 
well as for joshua he doesnt really know u too to him ur that cute girl from tutor nothing much 
fast forward to the next year ~
you kinda fully forget that josh is even coming 
so the first school day back is all nice and chill and u get to ur fave class music heheh 
you love music bc it really helps u concentrate and you also play clarinet and piano and love it 
you’re also topping the class and sometimes you think you wouldn’t mind being a music teacher 
so in music u take a seat next to your friend seungkwan who has power vocals and plays trumpet and when he sings at school performances you always accompany him as a pianist with woozi on drums 
you and suengkwan are just chatting and catching up about holidays
when the teacher walks in followed by a student and you see that its joshua 
and you’re like thinking o crap this is really awks i should hide
before u can do any of that tho he kinda makes a  beeline for you and takes the seat next to u cos he only knows u in the class haha 
and you’re literally looking the other way and u pretend u dont notice him take a seat next to u and you’re overly engaged in conversation with seungkwan
but seungkwan being the lovely and outgoing kid notices joshua and is like: hey!! are u new dont think ive seen u before
seungkwan is friends with everyone and everyone loves him back
joshua: uhh yeah i’m new 
and seungkwan is super excited and like welcome!! i’m seungkwan and he sticks his hand out and is like and ur name is?
joshua is like i’m joshua 
and seungkwan is like oh btw this is y/n 
and it gets super awks cos u guys know of each others existence but maybe have talked like once when he had to pass u a bag of chips at tutor and u were like thank u 
and seungkwan senses something and eyes you guys back and forth 
after 837491 decades josh breaks the silence and is like hello y/n in a really meek voice
and you awkwardly smile and say hi 
luckily class starts and the teacher introduces joshua to the class and asks him what instruments he plays 
and the rumours prove to be true - he plays 3 instruments piano guitar and flute the real life guy cant play piano lmao
teacher asks him to demonstrate with the instrument hes most confident in 
and so he starts playing the guitar to the tune of fireflies by owl city and also shyly starts singing to the lyrics check out how cute joshua is playing fireflies on his guitar here IM sOFTTT
and everyone is in awe at how good he is 
and you lowkey feel your heart rate increase bc boi you love guys that play guitar and sing well 
the way he sings is very gentle and sweet and the way he strums the guitar with his long fingers and how his eyes are full of gentle passion just makes you sWOOON
and somehow the way he sings with his emotions poured in just really touches your heart 
after his performance everyone starts clapping and some girls even stand up and cheer lmao 
he gets back to his seat and seungkwan gives him two thumbs up and says: bro are you kimbap kidding you were great you really should play guitar for me next time i sing
thanks says joshua bashfully and he kinda looks over to you with a hopeful look as if hoping you’d say something too
so you’re quickly like: yeah you were really good :)
josh: thanks y/n
anyways the teacher shushes everyone and is like: let me announce your first assignment! it’ll be in groups of 4 and it’ll be a cover of a pop song of your choice which you’d have to arrange yourselves. if you need help, you are welcome to ask other classmates that have experience in arranging or to ask me
whenver its group work you and seungkwan always join woozi
woozi comes over to you guys 
and then both woozi and seungkwan are like to joshua: wanna join our group pls
and so joshua joins your group 
and everyone else in class is jealous lmao because u 4 are definitely the top group with all the musical geniuses 
ur kinda happy that joshua joined ur group bc he’s really good at guitar 
and so u guys decide that u will do keyboard, joshua on guitar, woozi on drums and seungkwan on vocals 
and y’all learn that joshua knows how to hack into arranging music programs for free 
and woozi is like: WHAT MY LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE????
also shows u guys that infamous app you made and he has some secret code so u guys can download it for free instead of buying it for $15
ur group actually gets along really well and has good dynamics bc everyone has great ideas on what songs to do and how to do it and stuff 
and its actually really fun with them even though you’re still awkward around joshua for no reason and he’s kinda shy too lmao
joshua suggests doing “breakeven” by the script 
and u have a fangirl moment bc u love the script and everyone agrees that its a great song choice :)
anyways one day you guys decide to meet after school to practice and  to refine the arranged piece which joshua and woozi did 
BUT FOR SOME ODD REASON seungkwan can’t make it anymore bc he has to babysit his little brothers and woozi has a student council meeting 
so its just you and joshua
and you two have never been like alone before like during group practice you guys make small conversation when the other two there and its all good and sweet but this was gonna be AWKWARD 
anyways so you try to initiate conversation by asking how he’s finding the new school 
and he just gives a short answer: pretty ok 
and it becomes you two just asking each simple questions and giving short replies
but its only when you he asks you how you started getting into music that the conversation really starts going somewhere because your eyes light up while talking about music and so does hie eyes
and you guys talk about how classical music is so under-appreciated these days and how mozart is a music legend and just the beauty of music etc. etc.
and in no time its getting really dark and you both have to head home
you guys walk to the bus stop and he gets on your bus 
and you’re like: hey i don’t think i’ve seen you catch this bus before?
joshua: yeah, but this bus also takes me home there are two buses that stop near my home!
you: oh ok cool 
from that day on you and joshua actually got super close due to both your love for music
you guys always practiced together with seungkwan and woozi even when the group performance was over (and your group topped and got A+!!!!!!!!)
you also encouraged joshua to join the school band club which seungkwan and woozi were also part of
you literally baited him in because the school band club was going on tour to europe next year to get some sick masterclass training and perform at famous places in austria 
so he basically joined so he could go to europe ;)))))) HEHEH
and even though you guys have different friend groups you guys sat near each other in the classes you shared, went to band club every monday morning at like 7am and also sometimes grabbed food together before tutoring 
this was when literally EVERYONE at tutoring and school started shipping u two together and you’d get embarrassed and joshua wouldn’t really say much either 
and to be honest deep in your heart you thought joshua was the ideal boyfriend but you had a rule where you weren’t gonna date in high school bc you wanted to focus on studies and you thought that high school relationships dont last and that they were pointless
and you’ve never really had a crush before so you’re super clueless lmao 
one time students in ur music class volunteered to busk on the streets and you thought it’ll be fine so u and ur squad (josh, seungkwan and woozi) all signed up for it ^^ 
BUT when the day came around, woozi had a really bad fever and couldn’t get out of bed and seungkwan’s mum had to show up to work so seungkwan had to babysit his little brothers again
and so the busking was at school ..,,, except when u got to school the gates were locked AND it literally started pouring 
you regretted not agreeing to your mum driving u bc u were a good daughter and didn’t want to bother her when it was her birthday 
you also regretted not bringing an umbrella with u as u didn't want to miss ur bus 
and so there you were soaking wet in the rain on a saturday morning not pleasant 
you didn't know what to do and none of your gal friends were busking and u didn't want to bother them so you ended up calling joshua and he picked up in 2 rings 
joshua: hey whats up?
you: sorry to ask of this but are you almost at school? because the gates are locked
joshua: oh really? i’ll be there in like 1 minute
you: ok see you soon
and in exactly one minute a car appeared and joshua hopped out with an umbrella
and he had the most concerned expression when he saw u soaking wet without an umbrella
joshua: omg y/n are you stupid why dont you have an umbrella
you just sighed as he held the umbrella above both ur heads 
joshua: why don’t we go inside my mums car before we decide what to do i dont want you getting sick :( 
you guys headed to his mums car and he just held the umbrella above both your heads and you noticed that it covered more of you than him
he could have easily put his arm around u so he wouldn’t get wet at all 
but this was one thing you came to notice and really admire about joshua
that he’s such a respectful gentleman 
whenever you befriended a guy you’d low key make it clear that you weren’t interested and just jokingly friend zone them 
he never made you uncomfortable with his actions or words and always 100% respected you and kept his boundaries 
anyways soon u guys found out that you had to enter the school from the back gates instead of the front  gates and the rain slowly came to a stop
cue: joshua’s mum eyeing you two in the rear mirror from the front lmao
anyways the day went well and you guys had a lot of fun busking together and even got ice cream together afterwards :)) 
next year rolls around and you guys have only maths and music classes together but still hang at tutoring
its  valentines day and tbh u never expect much because you’ve never received a red rose you’ve only gotten those  yellow friendship roses 
but during roll call the person giving out roses is like: y/n a red rose for you!!!! and you’re so SO happy bc who could be this secret admirer??
the rose also came with a super lame pick up line “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
you were so curious as to who it was 
joshua: oooOOOHHHH whose the unlucky guy pls we all know its you lmao
anyways europe FINALLy  rolls around and heck u are keen to visit mozart’s house
some of your girl friends like eunwoo, yuha and roa are also going 
when the whole band club arrives in europe every day is busy busy with music workshops and such and its only 5 days in where the teachers who came on the trip give the students like 3 hours of free time
teacher: ok u guys must be in a pair at least so u don’t get lost!!
however, all ur friends only want to go shopping while u wanted to take a walk and admire the scenery of europe 
but then someone taps you on the shoulder and u turn around and its joshua 
joshua: hey what were you planning to do during the free time?
you: i wanted to look around and see the architecture and the scenery and stuff but everyone wants to go shopping :( 
joshua: oh really! thats so good because me too i’d rather take a walk around here rather than go shopping; all my friends wanted to shop too 
you: omg thats great we are always in sync arent we haha
joshua: yeah we are! let’s go together then?
so you and joshua walk around the land of austria and admire the beautiful architecture and takes pictures of the scenery and visit all the pretty churches 
it’s literally your favourite day so far in europe bc you’re so happy ahhaa
(little did you know tho seungkwan literally refused joshua to hang out with him bc he was so sick of seeing joshua tiptoe around you. seungkwan: I BEG U TO HAVE SOME ALONE TIME WITH HER PLS BE ROMANTIC PLS CONFESS ALREADYYYY)
so that night dinner is also free time so students can choose where they wanna go to eat and seungkwan joins you guys and you guys all end up in a really fancy and aesthetic restaurant 
where the lighting is dim, there are lit candles and roses hung around and its literally a beautiful restaurant
you’re super oblivious but seungkwan is like glaring at joshua the whole time and kicking him under the table 
while they’re having a staring contest you’re just chatting away about how much of a great time you’re having and how this is the first time in your life you’ve been inside such a nice restaurant and  chugging on your food 
after the meal you take a toilet break and little do you know while you’re doing so seungkwan is giving mediating lessons to joshua so he can calm down 
and by the time you get back seungkwan is gone
you: oh where did seungkwan go?
joshua: oh he just went to chat with woozi
you take a seat and is like: so do u reckon we should head now?
and then joshua is like: actually there’s something i really want to say to you
and you just look at him super confused bc did something bad happen?? and you’re just super clueless and oblivious to his feelings towards you
bc the reason why ppl even ship u guys in the first place is because everyone can see how the way he stares at you, cares for you, catches your bus thats a 15min walk to his home when there’s one that stops directly in front of his home, how he always helps you with work, how he always encourages you to not give up whenever you’re having a hard time 
and then joshua is like: y/n you probably have an idea already but i really like you, i like you a lot. i’ve liked you since we got ditched by seungkwan and woozi in music class and we ended up talking about music and had a proper conversation. also the rose for valentines day this year, that was me too 
and you are S H O O K 
and your mind is blank
and then you blurt out the dumbest thing ever 
“sorry i only see u as a friend and dont want to date in high school”
teacher: ok guys we are heading back to the hotel now!!!!!
joshua’s eyes and shoulder’s drop completely and he looks so discouraged and sad
and you’re brain is just confused as to what just happened...you suddenly feel hurt? lost? 
you told yourself never to like anyone and up until now you’d never felt your heart race for anyone...you suddenly felt like you lost someone precious....someone special...
you guys part ways and head back to your respective friendship groups 
and the moment you get back to the hotel you head straight for your room, not wanting to talk to anyone about what just happened
bc girl u needed time to process what just happened and to really think bc you’re heart was aching for some strange reason 
(obviously you were oblivious to the fact that you had always liked joshua the whole time sighs) 
you can’t think straight so you decide to call ur sister nayoung 
you completely forget about the time difference between europe and australia 
and so when nayoung picks up she’s groaning into the phone: IDIOT ITS 7AM HERE AND A SATURDAY I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP 
you: you won’t believe what happened
nayoung: what did you get a boyfriend lmao
bc before u went to europe ur sister always joked about finding a handsome european guy with a cool accent lmao
you: not really no
nayoung: WHAT 
so you tell your sister everything that happened and how you felt so empty and lost after rejecting joshua and unexpectedly you even start crying 
and you can hear your sister sigh over the phone
nayoung: look y/n, the fact that you’re crying and even more confused obviously means you like him. to be honest i always had a feeling he liked you and i also thought you liked him too. these days all you ever talk about is him at home and you’ve never said a negative thing about him,,, you totally like him 
and you being a stubborn one are like: “no he’s my friend a really close friend that i trust, he’s basically my brother, its like i lost a relative” you sob
nayoung: remember in weightlifting fairy kim bok joo...do you think you’ll be okay if joshua wasn’t by your side anymore? think about it carefully, thank about all the times you relied on him in the last year sorry had to bring in weightlifting fairy kim bokjoo because #swag forever and this part actually happened in real life bc the girls sister said this lmao
and well it was true that you’d relied on joshua too much recently there were times where you were struggling and u turned to him for advice in particular that time where you were considering dropping out of music bc it was getting stressful and taking up so much time
and no matter what your family and friends said you wouldn’t listen but when joshua advised you mind u with the exact same things nayoung said you somehow trusted his words and he was like your rock at times and always willing to listen to u and encourage u 
by this point more and more tears were flowing and you didn’t even know why YOU LIKE JOSHUA BUT U R OBLIVIOUS POTATO 
nayoung: maybe you can tell him that you were flustered so you can rethink it again you might regret this later
you: ok thats a good idea ill try to...
and after nayoung the best sister in the world pep talked u and lectured u for the next hour u finally decided that you would reconsider ur decision and let joshua know 
you were dreading the awkwardness bc ever since the confession u guys had not talked and avoided eye contact at all costs 
you sighed and decided to sleep so u wouldn’t have to think about it for now and deal with it tomorrow
meanwhile in joshua and seungkwans room 
josh: seUNGKWAN U LIL IDIOT she freaking rejected me this is the most embarrassing rejection in the world how will i live after today??????
seungkwan: i dont get it tho y/n clearly likes u why would she reject u i even asked y/n’s sister nayoung to see if she had a crush on anyone 
josh: i’m never talking to u again seungkwan do u know how hurt i am 
*cue seungkwan trying to make joshua laugh by acting out natural disaster scenes from american movies lmao* 
so the next day you’re trying to find the opportunity to talk to joshua but he was always surrounded by ppl 
and u were so nervous bc u had planned what to say in ur head and despite the weather being -2318 degrees Celsius u were sweating from head to toe 
anyways right after breakfast and before boarding the bus u finally see joshua by himself because seungkwan had gone to the loo 
and you slowly approach joshua taking deep breaths because u were about to face the most awkward conversation of ur life 
but before u actually reached joshua he saw u coming and awkwardly looked away as he rubbed the back of his  neck
but u had to do this nayoung was right what if u regretted this and took this to ur grave he was the one guy u were so comfortable around and u could be yourself and he was so supportive and not to mention cute and smart too 
you: hey josh
josh: oh uh hi y/n
you: ummm look i wanted to talk to u about ummm yesterdays events 
cringe it was already getting so so so awkward bury me in a hole already
josh: ahhh ok sure what do you need to say?
you: the thing i’m really sorry about what i said yesterday...tbh i was really flustered and i just ended up blurting that out i hope i didn't hurt you. but i wanted to ask if u could give me a chance to reconsider what u said bc ur a really great  guy and i think i’ve never seen u in a romantic way before so starting now i’ll seriously consider your feelings for me and also work out if i have feelings for u 
and u were so embarrassed and u felt ur cheeks go red  and ur looking at the ground
josh: a chance? i couldn’t even get a single minute of sleep last night says josh jokingly
you: omg really im so sorry :(
josh: its okay im really happy that you’re giving me a chance ;;; like tbh if u think about it, we go same tutoring, see each other in band club and even share closes together...we really can’t be awkward around each other so i was thinking of approaching u and telling u that its ok if u didn't feel the same way
you: *blush* yeah thats true.............
josh: so y/n dont be awkward anymore ok? lets go back to the way we were
you nod sheepishly 
josh: and just give me your answer when you’re ready,,, i can wait an eternity for u HDJWFHWWK CAN YOU IMAGINE JOSHUA ACTUALLY SAYING THAT I CANT EVEN 
and yay its all good between u guys and no awkwardness and you guys back to your usual relationship
and like the more you think about it, you find urself falling for joshua and noticing just how handsome he was and how kind he was 
and you just really liked the fact that he was such a gentleman 
he didn’t push you about your feelings, he continued to respect ur personal space and he didn’t make moves on u and just continued to be a good friend 
but u heard from seungkwan that he was hurting a lot inside even though he smiled whenever u were around 
and u didn’t like seeing him in this state 
so you decided on ur answer !!! 
(bc ur heart fluttered so much whenever you were around him and u started actually caring about ur looks and how he thought of u) 
it was first period at school and it was music class
like 97% of music classes it was just practice 
and u purposely get seungkwan and woozi to practice with all the other students 
so u and joshua are just sitting on the stairs and joshua is lightly strumming on his guitar looking like a prince i tell u 
and u guys are just chatting away normally and u tell yourself i need to say it its okay it’s normal i’m just gonna say it 
and u probably have a super panicky look on ur face 
and josh is like: r u ok y/n?
you: im fine..it’s just that i wanted to tell you something...about u know...that
and you see josh’s face literally drop and he stops strumming his guitar and mumbles: oh
because joshua thinks he’s gonna get rejected for the second time rip 
and you’re really flustered again so you’re like
“i like you too, i want to give us a chance i can’t afford to lose you”
and literally the josh’s mouth curls into the biggest grin and u can see his eye smile hdahfoeifhq
and he looks you in the eye: y/n will you be my girlfriend starting from today?
you: yes i will joshua 
literally everyone is happy and suengkwan wants to throw a party for u guys
basically at school u guys are the music couple bc u guys sometimes do duets and are always defending each other when other ppl say that classical music is dumb 
and one time a teacher was super mean to u and joshua stood up for you and you are like where did the shy joshua go 
you guys perform a lot with the squad aka seungkwan and woozi 
joshua even shouts seungkwan bc seungkwan played a big role 
*nayoung in the background: what about me :((((((* 
and like at tutoring the tutor, jeonghan is even happy and is like to this kid: pass me $10 i said so they’d get together this year lmao 
i just realised i forgot about kyulkyung lmao 
kyulkyung is so happy and loves third wheeling dates to get free food lmao bc joshua is such a gentleman and insists on paying all the time
but eventually u guys decide to take turns and agree that he can treat desert 
and yeah you guys are couple goals because super supportive of each other, always watching out for one another and you guys only have eyes for each other 
ok i need to end it here lmao its like too long
and yes this girl got confessed to in austria (when they live in australia) its actually so romantic tbh im not jealous at all *wiggles eyebrows* 
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