#hello happy pride i did something VULNERABLE today
whereimfeminine · 1 year
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Hello again!
May i request Ben and Garrett meeting their mate when they meet Renesme? She's Bella's elder sister and their first glimpse of her is her asleep with a 6 month old baby girl asleep on her chest. So protective the two of them!! As always please and thank you!
❝threes a crowd❞
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✭ pairing : Garrett x reader x Benjamin
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the older sister of Bella swan and when she finds out that Bella has had a child she can’t help but to pay them a visit, excited to meet her niece the two of them spend the afternoon playing and then lay down on the couch for some well deserved naps. Garrett and Benjamin are two vampires who feel as though they are missing something from their lives so why not pay their old friend a visit and hope he can help them figure it out, after all he is a doctor and the doctor knows best
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over the small town of Forks, Washington, as (Y/N) drove her old, reliable truck down the familiar winding roads. It had been years since she had left this place, seeking adventure and opportunities far from the quiet life of her hometown. But today, she was coming back for a reason she never expected.
(Y/N) had always been protective of her younger sister, Bella. They shared a special bond growing up, and even though life had taken them in different directions, that bond had never wavered. Over the past few years, (Y/N) had received sporadic updates about Bella from their father, Charlie. Bella had moved back to Forks after a brief stint in Arizona, citing health reasons, but the details had always been vague.
Today was different. Charlie had called (Y/N) late last night, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and excitement. "Bella's better now, (Y/N)," he had said, his words filled with a joy she hadn't heard in a long time. "She's overcome her sickness."
Sickness? The word had sent shivers down (Y/N)'s spine. She needed to know what had happened to her sister. And there was another piece of news that had taken her by surprise. Bella had a child, a niece. "Edward's adopted niece," Charlie had explained. "They took her in after her mother died."
The sunlit trees lining the road to Forks swayed gently as (Y/N) pulled into the familiar driveway of her childhood home. Her heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and worry. She had so many questions, and she couldn't wait to see Bella again.
Charlie was waiting on the porch, his eyes filled with an emotion that mirrored her own. They embraced tightly, father and daughter reunited after too long apart.
"Tell me everything, Dad," (Y/N) said, her voice trembling with emotion.
Charlie led her inside and began to fill in the gaps. Bella had been battling an illness, one that had left her weak and vulnerable. But Charlie spoke of her recovery with such pride and happiness that (Y/N) couldn't help but smile through her tears. She had always known that her sister was a fighter.
"And the child, Dad? Tell me about her," (Y/N) asked, her curiosity piqued.
Charlie's face softened. "Her name is Renesmee or Nessa as we call her. She's a sweet, bright little girl who's been through so much. Bella and Edward took her in when her mother passed away. They're raising her as their own."
(Y/N) nodded, her heart swelling with admiration for her sister's kindness. She couldn't wait to meet Renesmee and be a part of their lives.
"I want to see Bella, Dad," (Y/N) said, determination in her eyes. "And I want to meet my niece."
Charlie smiled, understanding the urgency in his older daughter's voice. "She's at their place now. I'll take you there."
As they left the house and headed towards Bella's home, (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder how much had changed since she had left Forks. Little did she know that her return would mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love, family, and unexpected blessings.
The Cullen house stood as impressive as ever, its grandeur hidden beneath the towering pines of the forest. (Y/N) and Charlie parked the truck and made their way to the front door. (Y/N) felt a strange mix of excitement and apprehension as they approached. She hadn't seen Bella in years, and she had never met Bella's husband, Edward, or their adopted niece, Renesmee.
Before she could even reach for the doorbell, it swung open to reveal Alice Cullen, her radiant smile lighting up the doorway. "Welcome to our home, (Y/N)!" Alice exclaimed, pulling her into a warm hug. "Everyone's been eagerly awaiting your arrival."
(Y/N) couldn't help but be surprised. "How did you know I was coming?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
Alice's eyes twinkled with a secret that she couldn't reveal. "Charlie sent Bella a message earlier today, saying you'd be joining us."
Charlie nodded in agreement, but (Y/N) couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it. She pushed the thought aside and stepped inside.
The Cullen home was just as beautiful as she remembered it, filled with a sense of elegance and warmth. In the spacious living room, she spotted Bella standing beside a tall, bronze-haired man who could only be Edward. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw her sister, who had transformed into a graceful, confident woman.
"Bella!" (Y/N) called out, rushing forward to envelop her sister in a tight hug. "I've missed you so much."
Bella's eyes filled with tears as she returned the embrace. "I've missed you too, (Y/N). It's so good to see you."
As they pulled away, Edward stepped forward, a warm smile on his face. "I'm Edward," he said, extending his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you in person."
(Y/N) shook his hand, feeling an immediate sense of trust and warmth. "Likewise, Edward. Bella's told me so much about you."
Just then, from Edward's arms, (Y/N) noticed a small bundle of joy. It was a beautiful, dark-haired baby with wide, curious eyes. (Y/N) couldn't help but gasp in delight.
"This is Renesmee," Bella said, her voice filled with motherly pride. "Our daughter."
(Y/N) leaned in to get a closer look at the three-month-old baby. "She's absolutely precious," she whispered, her heart melting at the sight of the tiny miracle in Bella's arms.
Edward smiled proudly as he carefully handed Renesmee over to (Y/N). The baby blinked up at her with a hint of recognition, her small hand reaching out to touch (Y/N)'s cheek.
"I think she likes you," Bella remarked, her smile widening.
(Y/N) held the baby close, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. She couldn't believe how much her sister's life had changed, but it was a change filled with love and happiness.
As they all gathered in the living room, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel that this reunion was a long-overdue blessing. She had her sister back, and now she had the chance to be a part of this new, loving family that Bella had found in Forks.
The morning passed in a blur of joy and laughter as (Y/N) and Renesmee played together in the cozy Cullen home. They had explored every corner of the backyard, watched cartoons that left them both giggling, and played with an assortment of baby toys that seemed to multiply with each passing hour. By the time the afternoon sun bathed the living room in a warm glow, exhaustion had caught up with them.
(Y/N) sat on the couch, cradling Renesmee in her arms as the little one's eyelids drooped with sleep. It had been a day filled with new discoveries and boundless affection, and both of them were in need of a nap.
As (Y/N) closed her eyes and felt the rhythmic rise and fall of Renesmee's breath against her chest, she couldn't help but smile. The bond she was forming with her niece was something she cherished deeply.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Bella had been quietly snapping pictures of the two of them, capturing the precious moments shared between her sister and her daughter. She had missed these family moments so much, and it warmed her heart to see (Y/N) and Renesmee getting along so well.
Edward gently took Bella by the hand and led her aside, away from the sleeping pair on the couch. His expression was grave as he spoke in hushed tones. "Carlisle called. Garrett and Benjamin are coming to pay us a visit."
Bella's eyes widened with surprise. "Garrett and Benjamin? Why?"
Edward sighed, knowing the situation required a careful explanation. "Carlisle didn’t say much."
Bella glanced back at her sister and the peacefully sleeping Renesmee.
Edward hesitated before responding, "They are aware that we have guest over right now. But bella, (Y/N), doesn’t know of our secret and we can't risk exposing her to our world."
Bella nodded in understanding, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision. She had always strived to protect her sister from the dangers of their supernatural life.
Edward continued, "Carlisle already warned them about (Y/N) being here like I said, they also know she’s human so he’s asked them to wear contacts to conceal their eyes.“
Bella looked back at her sister and daughter with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe, Edward. They mean everything to me."
Edward placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll get through this together, Bella. For the safety of our family."
As they returned to the living room, Bella couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, like their visit wasn’t all that innocent.
The Cullen house was filled with a palpable tension as Garrett and Benjamin arrived, their footsteps silent against the lush carpeted floor. They were known among the vampire community as mates, bound together by a connection deeper than mere friendship. But lately, they had felt something missing from their lives, a void they couldn't ignore.
They had heard rumors of a vampire legend, one that suggested vampires could have more than one mate. It was a risky and rare phenomenon, but they believed it might hold the answer to their unease. That's why they had come to Carlisle for what could only be described as a "check-up" of sorts.
As Carlisle greeted them at the door, his golden eyes concealed behind human-like contact lenses, he welcomed them with a warm smile. "Garrett, Benjamin," he said, extending a hand to each of them. "It's good to see you both."
Garrett and Benjamin nodded in response, their gazes scanning the room. There was an air of anticipation that hung in the air, but they couldn't quite pinpoint the reason for it.
Carlisle led them further into the house. "You must be quite Bella's sister is asleep on the couch with my grandchild."
The mention of Bella's sister piqued Garrett and Benjamin's curiosity, but they remained composed as they followed Carlisle.
As they entered the living room, their eyes fell upon the sight that took their breath away. (Y/N) was asleep on the couch, her chest rising and falling with the peaceful rhythm of slumber. In her arms, she cradled Renesmee, the infant's dark curls blending with (Y/N)'s own hair.
The moment their eyes locked onto (Y/N), something extraordinary happened. Garrett and Benjamin felt a sudden surge of intense emotion, a connection so profound that it left them momentarily stunned. It was the mating bond, a rare and powerful force that bound vampires together for eternity.
Bella, who had been watching their reactions closely, recognized the look of astonishment on their faces. She couldn't contain her smile as she approached them. "Garrett, Benjamin, meet my sister, (Y/N)."
Garrett and Benjamin exchanged glances, unable to tear their eyes away from (Y/N). It was as if they had found the missing piece of their lives, the answer to the emptiness they had felt.
(Y/N) stirred on the couch, slowly waking from her nap. Her eyes fluttered open, and she met the intense gazes of Garrett and Benjamin. In that instant, the mating bond solidified, binding the three of them together in a way they couldn't fully comprehend.
Bella's heart dropped in dread as she watched the extraordinary connection unfold before her. It had been the same look Edward gave her, the same one Emmett shared with Rosalie and Alice with jasper, she knew that look all to well and she was afraid that they all knew that their lives were now forever changed.
Carlisle led Garrett and Benjamin into a separate room, away from the watchful eyes of (Y/N) and the rest of the family. The tension in the air was palpable, and they needed to discuss what had just transpired.
Once they were in the privacy of the room, Garrett spoke first, his voice filled with awe and confusion. "Carlisle, we felt it... the mating bond. It was like a tidal wave, overwhelming and undeniable."
Carlisle's brow furrowed in concern. "This is troubling, indeed," he admitted. "A mating bond is a powerful force, but this situation is far from simple."
Benjamin, ever the optimist, couldn't help but see the bright side. "Isn't this a good thing? We've found our missing piece, someone who completes us."
Carlisle nodded slowly. "Yes, that's great for the two of you, but we have to consider that Charlie and (Y/N). They are all Bella has left linking her to her human life. Now that the two of you have found a mate within (Y/N), I fear how Bella might react."
Just as they were grappling with the complexity of the situation, the door swung open, and Bella entered, her eyes blazing with anger but her voice deceptively calm. "Did you do what I think you did?"
Garrett attempted to defuse the situation with a charming smile. "Bella, it's not something we planned. The mating bond, it's beyond our control."
But Bella wasn't placated. She pushed Garrett aside and confronted Benjamin. "You can't control who you mate with," he said.
Edward, who had been listening from the hallway, appeared at that moment. He knew how to handle Bella's emotions better than anyone. "Bella, come with me," he urged gently, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Bella hesitated for a moment, her eyes still locked onto Benjamin. But eventually, she relented and allowed Edward to lead her out of the room and into the forest to hunt.
As they disappeared into the woods, the tension in the room eased slightly, but the weight of the situation remained. Garrett, Benjamin, and Carlisle were left to grapple with the implications of the unexpected mating bond and the potential consequences it might bring to their unconventional family.
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tyllt · 1 year
Quotes (pt. 1)
You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. - Jon Kabat-Zinn
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison
Grow as you please. If I have to get to know you again, I'll do that. - Shams Tabriz
We eat the year away. We eat the spring and the summer and the fall. We wait for something to grow and then we eat it. - Shirley Jackson
Waiting, the thing that felt so pointless and annoying when I was young, is now this kind of delicious activity. - Lorde
There is not a single path forward that's painless. - Mikko Harvey
You can't plan life. - Gal Gadot
The next moment is not more important than this one. - Anonymous
The intentions going into the messes we make are, on the whole, exemplary. - Anonymous
There is no outcome, only eternal unfolding. - Socrates
Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet. - L.M. Montgomery
The past doesn't need you anymore. Your future does. - Anonymous
You can reach the shore even if you can't see it. - Anonymous
Mistakes are proof that you are trying. - Jennifer Lim
To live would be an awfully big adventure. - J.M. Barrie
Rare words! Brave world! - Falstaff, Henry IV
My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice. - J.K. Rowling
Fundamental cowardice, studied bravery. - aideomai
Ain't nothing come easy. No, nothing comes quick. It's gonna hurt like hell to become well. - The Oh Hellos
Man, you only ever have one life. - Moose Finbar
Open your thighs to fate. - e.e. cummings
I was experimenting to be the woman I wanted to be. I was in training to be a woman without shame. - Sandra Cisneros
There are no ideal scenarios. There is only the present now that is unfolding right before you with every inhale, every exhale, every inhale, every exhale. - Yumi Sakugawa
Just because you're out of control doesn't mean you won't be okay. - Anonymous
Show yourself, step into your power. Grow yourself into something new. You are the one you've been waiting for all of your life. - Idina Menzel
When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before. - Anonymous
You can't have connection and joy and happiness without vulnerability. - Brene Brown
I am trying to learn that embarrassments are lessons in humility. It is important to accept my imperfections as a part of who I am. By letting go of my pride, I thereby let go of my shame. - Anonymous
No day but today. - Adam Pascal
I can do this. I can do this. - Rey
What's life without a few dragons? - J.K. Rowling
Take the unknown road now. - Sara Girl
A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for. - William G.T. Shedd
He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch. - Jean Luc Godard
Do I dare disturb the universe? - T.S. Eliot
We shall not cease form exploration and the end of all our exploration will be to arrive where we started and known the place for the first time. - T.S. Eliot
With the New Year so young, it still yawned and stretched fresh with life... but Arthur would not eat until all were served. He brimmed with ebullience, being almost boyish in his love of life, and what he liked least was to sit still watching the seasons slip by. - Pearl Poet
Look upward, from this world to the heavens. Tomorrow, onto the stars. - Anonymous
Once men are caught up in an event, they cease to be afraid. Only the unknown frightens men. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
You cannot find peace by avoiding life. - Virginia Woolf
Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. - Kylo Ren
As Hagrid had said, what would come would come and he would have to meet it when it did. - J.K. Rowling
Fear is stupid. So is regret. - Marilyn Monroe
We leave for the sake of leaving and without knowing why. We always say "we must go." - Charles Baudelaire
There is nothing on my horizon except everything. - Rainn Wilson
Wherever you go, there you are. - Jon Kabat-Zinn
You can't go home again. - Thomas Wolfe
In for a knut, in for a galleon. - J.K. Rowling
Wake up. Look up. Get up. - Anonymous
What will happen if you do? What will surely happen if you don't? - Anonymous
No! You're still holding on! Let go! - Adam Driver
People aren't supposed to look back. I'm certainly not going to do it anymore. - Kurt Vonnegut
For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with different points of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
With the stillness of the night, there comes a time to understand, to reach out and touch tomorrow, take the future in our hand. We can see a new horizon, built on all that we have done, and our drams begin another thousand circles 'round the sun. We go on, to the joy and through the teats. We go on, to discover new frontiers. Moving on, with the current of the year. We go on, moving forward now as one. Moving on, with a spirit born to run. Ever on, with each rising sun, to a new day. We go on! - Don Dorsey
You could be the captain of your soul, but you have to realize that life is coming from you and not at you, and that takes time. - Timothee Chalamet
Your life is not on pause or delayed. Your life is still happening, so then the question is: are you fully awake to it, paying attention even if it is completely different from your idea of how it should be like in an ideal scenario? - Yumi Sakugawa
Once you realize there is life after mistakes, you gain a self-confidence that never goes away. - Bob Schieffer
Those who stay will be champions. - Bo Schembechler
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. - 1 Corinthians 13:11
You don't fail if you try: you learn. - Anonymous
Like Theseus' ship, we'll fix the busted bits. 'Til it's both nothing like and everything it's always been. It's a wonder we expect a thing to stay the same at all. - Oh Hellos
You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand. - Margery Williams Bianco
Live well and reap what you sow. - Palace
I will get hurt and hurt others, but my heart will forever be open. - Anonymous
I am the sea and nobody owns me. - Astrid Lindgren
It's not about having a good month, a good year, or even a good life. It's about having a good day. Over and over and over again. - Anonymous
Positive attitude changes everything. - Barbara Roberts
And you're always free to begin again, and you're always free to believe. When you find the place that your heart belongs, you'll never leave. Though you may not know where your gifts may lead, and it may not show at the start, when you live your dream, you'll find destiny is written in your heart. - Barbara Roberts
0 notes
anasticklefics · 3 years
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Poe/Finn
Summary: They land on a planet that has a field that tickles anyone who comes near, and Poe is having one too many feelings about it.
A/N: My first fic back from hiatus! Honestly I’m only posting something because I wrote more than half of this while I was gone, but felt inspired to finish it today. I hope you like it, I’m very proud 🥺
Words: 2k
A breeze of heat ruffled Poe’s hair as he stood at the edge of the Field of Laughter on a planet that had too much of an orange tint for his liking. It reminded him of dry, unforgiving land full of sand and nothing but sand, but mostly it reminded him of the times he’d been stranded, so thirsty he could die, running for his life over the scorching ground. Just last week, that is. It reminded him of being near death, and of watching Finn and Rey getting dragged just out of his reach.
“It’s okay, you know,” Finn told him now, watching Poe as Poe watched the field. “If you want to try it, I mean.”
Poe chanced a glance at him, wondering what the orange tint made his blush look like. “I’m good.”
“Poe.” Finn had mastered the knowing smile he occasionally shot his way wonderfully. An amusement to it, but also something kind that made Poe all the more embarrassed whenever it was aimed at him. Vulnerability, even during the war, was always something that terrified him, even more than the war.
“Really, I’m okay,” he said, averting his gaze back toward the dancing blades of yellow grass. They’d been told the field was bigger than it seemed, twisting and turning behind the mountains and the trees Poe had been surprised to find here. They all looked dead, but were apparently perfectly fine.
“If you’re worried someone will see or hear you we could go further.”
“Why do you think I want to try it?”
“Oh, come on now.” Finn bumped their shoulders together. “You don’t have to pretend with me.”
The Field of Laughter was said to be a very ticklish experience; so much so that the natives who lived by it had developed a thicker skin, quite literally so, in order to survive having to cross it. It had saved them valuable time, not having to walk around it, and it only got a couple of giggles out of the younger ones now.
Poe was absolutely certain he would never escape the dancing blades, whose only purpose in life was to tickle whomever walked over and through them. They were kept regularly short, cut with hovering blades and quick hands, as they could probably tickle someone to death if they were able to trap them. A field of torture for most, but something else to Poe.
“I promise to pull you out if it becomes too much,” Finn continued, but Poe could tell he wasn’t going to push it more. It was up to Poe to decide whether he was brave enough to be vulnerable in more than one way.
They’d landed there by accident. A mission gone wrong, but not so wrong it had really cost them anything. Just time, which they sometimes couldn’t afford and other times were swimming in. They’d been fortunate, for once, to be rich enough to give it away so easily to a planet that neither attacked them nor wanted to help them. Proud of their history, but wary of their grounds, meaning they told them everything but let them see little. Poe knew of the group that had settled not too far away from their makeshift camp, keeping an eye on them and making sure they didn’t stray past the point they’d been allowed to see. Poe wasn’t sure why they’d been forced to stay by the Field of Laughter of all places, but he’d been thoroughly on edge for the past two days because of it.
“Better be careful,” Jess had said, pointing to the field. “If you piss me off I might throw you in.”
Poe hadn’t replied, his ears still ringing with the story of the field they’d just been told. Lab-made. Torture device. Impossible to stop. It had made him want to peel his skin off to hear it.
“Poe.” Finn, his one and only confidant in this, hadn’t teased him like Poe had feared, but that knowing look had almost been worse. “Come on, let’s take a walk.”
One thing you should know about Poe Dameron: he had absolutely no idea how to handle any type of feeling that involved vulnerability, which included embarrassment and fear and love and lust. Unfortunately his feelings about tickling had traces of all, to a certain point. It was embarrassing to love something most people hated. It was terrifying to love something to the point of sensuality.
Finn had found out by accident, too. A drunken night, Poe too touch-starved and exhausted and in love with him to keep quiet, and while whatever they were was still unsaid and only shown in quiet fingertips to skin, Finn was all too eager to give him what he wanted after he’d let it slip. Poe refused to talk about it now, all of it unsaid and quiet, all theirs but barely.
Finn hadn’t mentioned the field as they’d started their walk, but Poe couldn’t look at him as they’d walked along the edge of it, maybe too close to it for comfort. One misstep and he could fall in, and then he’d have to face one too many truths at once.
Truth was, he almost wished someone would push him in. Just as an excuse.
“It almost doesn’t look like the blades are dancing,” was the first thing he’d said. “There’s no rhythm to it.”
“I’m sure they’re trying their best,” Finn had replied and Poe had laughed, nearly hysterically, as if giddy at the idea of having them dance over his skin.
“How does it even work?” he said now, two days later, the evening sun still bright and orange, but fading ever so slightly by the minute. “Like, do they go for your feet first or trip you or what?” He was only able to ask because it sounded so stupid to ask it.
“No idea.” Finn tilted his head at the field. “Does it work if you’re dressed and wearing shoes?”
“No idea.”
“Maybe we should ask someone. I’m sure they’d be willing to share.”
“We’d look too invested.”
Finn grabbed his wrist, squeezing once and calming him instantly. “We don’t have to.”
Poe went to bed untickled, tangled up in Finn’s embrace.
He only went because he’d dreamt of it and had learned to take dreams seriously years ago. In his dream it had been intoxicating, the sensation unbearable enough to have felt real, and so he went, wondering if he would leave or die there, laughing until it hurt him. That was the most fascinating part. Where did the line go between pleasure and pain when it came to something like this? How much could he take? Were Finn’s occasional prodding hands enough or was he capable of handling more?
In retrospect there was probably a safer way to figure this out, but Poe stopped by the edge of the field, feet bare and pants rolled up to his calves, with a relief he rarely ever felt regarding this. The early morning sun was more of a soft canary yellow than orange, and Poe felt he could breathe more easily.
“Hello,” he said, his voice a murmur as he bent to get closer to the grass. “Aren’t you causing a lot of commotion.”
He didn’t feel stupid to speak to it. Somehow he felt it was alive, just communicating differently than him. He’d walked as far as he’d been able to, but felt as if his laughter would still be heard if it caught him. Many years ago, when he’d had too much pride to admit to vulnerability, he’d been captured by a rope and remained hanging upside down for longer than was comfortable, squirming, struggling, but refusing to scream for help. He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep quiet during this.
The blades did nothing to acknowledge his presence and Poe longed for a thick forest - preferably a dark green one - to hide him from view when he reached out a finger to hover above it. An idiot, they would call him if they saw him. An idiot that’s asking for it.
If only they knew how desperately he was really asking. How loud and persistent and starved his pleas were, in the midst of a war that gave him no privacy to be candid.
“Would you let go of me if I asked nicely?” The blades were just out of reach. He could imagine them suddenly reaching forward and gripping him by the wrist, pulling him in and under for the rest of his giggly eternity.
But of course, they merely kept dancing. He wiggled his index finger over them. “Are you ticklish yourselves?”
The silence around him was deafening. If he fell he would be heard by the whole universe.
If he didn’t fall he could pretend he had. Say he’d been sleepwalking, hence his lack of proper footwear, and had ended up in this ticklish awakening.
Finn would know, naturally, but Finn would never tell. Would only try to gently coax the answers out of him and Poe would blush and blush and blush until he would say something stupid that would have Finn either laughing or rolling his eyes. Finn would drop it only momentarily, for it was too big of a thing to do on your own for him to never bring up again.
Poe wasn’t surprised when Finn appeared a moment later, his steps quiet but not non-existent. “Hi.”
Poe sighed and straightened, turned to glance at him quickly to hide the already spreading flush. “Hi.”
“I knew I’d find you here.”
“Dead or alive?”
“Hmm, either. Happy it was the latter.” He stopped beside him, letting their shoulders brush as they gazed over the field. “Are you gonna do it?”
“Not sure. Honestly I might’ve stood here for hours if you hadn’t arrived.”
“I can hold your hand. Pull you back out.”
Poe looked at him. Finn, with his own worries and dark circles under his eyes from how little he actually slept and his ever present way of reaching out without expecting anything back. If he trusted anyone with this it was him.
Finn met his gaze. “Okay?”
Poe held out his hand. “Okay.”
Finn took it.
In retrospect it was both an overwhelming and underwhelming experience. The idea of it, the actual act of stepping his bare foot onto the field, still made his heart race. But while it did tickle it wasn’t the hysteria he’d been imagining. To be fair, he only let it go as far as to his calf before he decided he’d had enough, but for someone as sensitive as him it should’ve been worse.
It did tickle, though. It tickled a lot.
“I think you’re just too used to the sensation,” Finn told him after they’d returned to their quarters.
Poe huffed in embarrassment. “Not like that.”
“Oh, come on. I’ve pinned you plenty of times.”
“Not like that,” Poe said, quieter.
“That sounds like a challenge.”
As he’d stepped onto the field, Finn’s hand tight over his, Poe had felt fear and excitement and shame and acceptance, all at once, as the blades started dancing over his skin. When he’d realized, after the blades had started tickling between his toes, that he wasn’t able to actually remove his foot from the grass, was when he’d started laughing and couldn’t stop.
“I’ve never heard you laugh like that, though,” Finn said now. “I’m actually offended. I’m definitely taking this as a challenge.”
“How did I laugh?” Poe asked, because yes okay sometimes embarrassment made him stupid.
“Desperately. More high pitched than usual.” Finn’s smirk was intoxicating and fucking terrifying. “Want to try to recreate it?”
“People will hear us,” Poe said, already laughing stupidly, nervously, too smitten for his own good.
“I have a perfectly good palm to muffle it.”
And so the rest of Poe got tickled, too.
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
Hello! I don't really see many guys who play Obey Me so it's actually kinda interesting to see that. I hope no one has been rude to you.
If you are open to requests- how about one where the MC isn't afraid to pact command the brothers when they want something? Be it a change in their behavior for a bit or for them to do something for them 😏
Hey! Thanks for the concern, everyone has been lovely on here so far, so I’m hoping it’ll stay that way, haha!
But anyway, that sounds like it’ll be fun to write 😏 I haven’t written anything In a while, so excuse the poor writing :)
MC Controls the Demon Boys with Their Pacts
NSFW // Sexual Language
MC has been wanting to be able to use their pacts on the brothers for a little while now. So one day, they decide to pay Solomon a visit...
MC decides today is the day. The day when they finally make Lucifer kneel at their feet. They walk up to Lucifers room and knock on the door, anticipation running through their veins. The door swings open and there stands the one and only avatar of Pride. It was quite late at night so he looked exhausted and quite ready to collapse none the less.
“Ah. MC. What are you doing here so late at night?” He smirked. Looking at him smile like that made their stomach twist into knots and they felt they couldn’t hold back more longer.
“May I come in?” They ask innocently, flashing him a smile and stepping closer inside.
“I don’t see why not..” Lucifer moves to the side to let them in and they smirk at him as they go past, running the plan over in their head to make sure it’s flawless. Lucifer turns round to shut the door but as soon as he does, he feels MC’s hand rub over his shoulder. They could feel him slightly stiffen at the meer touch of them. They lick their lips and lean up towards his ear...
“Lucifer. Lock the door. Now” They whispered seductively in his ear. Visible chills ran down his spine as a subtle click came from the door. Perfect...
“What do you think you’re doing, MC?” He said in a cold but also seductive way, turning around to put his face close to theirs. MC shrugs playfully and wraps their arms around his neck pulling him closer.
“How about you go sit on the bed for me...?” They purr, so close to his lips that they could feel his hot breath against their skin. He obeys his order and walks over to the bed with MC in tow. He pulls them in by the waist but MC pushes him down and straddles him. “I’m in charge tonight, Lucifer..” They plant kisses all down his neck, tangling their hand in his hair and tugging at his clothes. Silent groans escape his throat as he lays motionless underneath MC. They begin to unbutton his shirt as arousal pools in the pit of their stomach. They kiss down towards his navel, looking up at him with lewd eyes. They start meddling with his belt, tugging at it desperately, their eyes not leaving his. A tent building up inside his trousers, and desperation and desire burning in his eyes.
“Please, Master... Keep going”
MC was watching Mammon on the floor of their room, most likely selling something he stole from around the house. He looked so happy at something, which made them curious. MC didn’t really plan to do this today but they suppose it was a good moment...
They hopped off the bed and joined him on the floor, startling him slightly, but more or less not the reaction they were looking for. They huffed and playfully rolled on top of Mammon.
“Ey, MC, what do ya think you’re doin’?!” Attempting to wriggle his way out from underneath her, a light pink blush spreading across his cheeks.
“Mammon. Stay!” They spoke harshly, causing him to stop in a halt. MC felt an overwhelming feeling of power rush over them when they stared down at Mammon’s face, so shocked and vulnerable. They wanted more... “Kiss me”
Mammon’s body shot up, crashing into MC’s lips. They instinctively closed their eyes and pressed into the kiss harder, desperate for his touch and the taste of his lips. They ran a hand through his hair, gripping and pulling at it, a growl escaping his lips as his arms wrapped tightly around their waist, pulling them in. MC broke away from the kiss to explore his neck and collar bones. They kissed and sucked every inch, covering him in lovely red bruises, his mouth wide open with moans leaving his throat. MC could feel his heart racing inside his chest, like it was close to exploding, the faint pink blush that was previously covering his face was now replaced with a bright red tint and lustful eyes, like a predator reading to pounce on it’s prey.
They could feel Mammon gradually taking over them, leaning greedily into the kiss, pushing them further back so that he’s almost straddling them. Their name escapes from his lips in a lazy moan as his hands begin to wander underneath their clothes...
“Master... Please... Give me another order”
Levi had invited MC over for a game night, and was currently sat on the floor, game controller in hand, presumably on the last level on his game. It was somewhat exciting seeing him in his zone. His fingers quick at the buttons and his tongue slightly peeking out of his lips. Unfortunately, it did mean not much attention was on them. They planned to change that...
Usually at this time, Levi was pretty distracted and not really in touch with the world around him, which gave them a perfect opportunity to sneak behind him. MC crawled around to where Levi was sitting and put their hands around his waist, resting their head in the crevice of his neck. Levi continued to play his game so MC decided to test how long it wound take him to notice. They creeped their hands down towards the hem of his shirt, and fingered their way inside, towards his stomach. They felt him jump in surprise and swing his head back to face her
“MC—?!” They cut him off with a kiss, no longer able to resist. The outline of his muscles underneath his shirt, alleviating their desires and overpowering them with lust. They reached a hand towards his jaw, cradling it, pushing his face closer towards them to delve deeper into the kiss. They felt his body go limp from their touch and felt a hand gently touch their hip.
“Levi. Turn and face me.” He didn’t hesitate in obeying his masters orders, and was quickly facing MC, pushing deeper into the kiss, sloppy kisses and tongue included. His hands were placed either side of MC’s thighs and he was already on his knees, leaning over them. For a quick second, for the first time ever, they saw a glance of deep desire and arousement in his eyes. Burning passion as his cheeks grew red and he wandering hands explored more of their body. They wanted more, they wanted him to envelop her body in a tight embrace as he touched them in more erotic places...
“Levi. Stay.” A low whimper formed in his throat as he was forced off them, looking hurt and confused. MC proceeded to crawl up to Levi and place multiple kisses all over his neck, occasionally nibbling his collar bone to hear him groan in pleasure. Their hands wandered over his sweats, tugging and palming at them, causing his breathing to hitch and his face to burn up, his obvious arousal clearly showing. They giggled at his reaction as they licked over a bite mark, causing his head to lean back and moan their name deep in his throat.
“Master, I need you, now...”
It was quite late at night. MC was having no luck sleeping, so decided to wander around the house a little bit. As they walked past the library, they noticed a lamp was on. They weren’t exactly allowed up past this hour, so they peeked around the corner to check who it is. And there sat Satan, book in hand, tea by his side and a small red lamp dimly lighting the room around him.
MC didn’t plan on going to sleep any time soon, so decided to join Satan for a little while. They silently walked behind him where the couch was sitting and gently wrapped their arms around his neck, hands draped down towards his stomach. His body tensed up but relaxed when he turned around and saw MC, a silent purr leaving his lips from the sudden touch.
“MC? What are you doing up? Can’t sleep?” He asked, grabbing hold of one of MC’s hands and stroking it lightly, a small smile creeping onto his lips at the warmth of it. Just this small amount of affection made MC’s stomach flutter and they were finding it difficult to contain themself. Being alone at night made their situation worsen. “Would you like to join me?” Offering out a book from the pile that sat next to him. MC didn’t answer, their eyes were glued to the gently smile plastered on his lips.
A sudden urge came over them and they leaned down towards his ear, so close, they were positive he could feel their breath on his skin. “Satan. Put the book down.” He quickly obeys his order, placing his book on his knees, MC’s hands still wandering over his stomach and breath radiating across his skin. They reward him with kisses plastering across his neck, turning to his ear to nibble on and sucking the red marks they leave behind. Satan was a flustered mess at this point and was getting riled up by the second. They could feel him squeezing their fingers in arousal and groaning at each mark they leave.
They walk in front of Satan who desperately grabs and claws at their hips to try and get them as close to him as possible, desperation and desire burning in their eyes. A slight ping of wrath as he drags them towards him onto their lap to envelop into a deep passionate kiss. He was rough, and they were both panting seconds into the kiss, breaking away every few moments to take a breather before continuing, even deeper than the last.
Satan was grinding into the kiss now, his arousal obvious in his trousers, poking at them, making the pool in their gut grow larger by the second. “Take off your shirt. Now.” A commanding growl escaped MC’s lips as they felt the never fading smirk on his lips spread wider. Satan breaks the kiss to pull off his shirt, but is immediately back into it as soon as it’s off him, the shirt flung across the floor. MC traces their finger over his abs and grips on tightly to his shoulder, as low moans escape each others lips.
“So... What next, Master?”
Asmo had decided that today was a good day to pamper eachother. Just the two of them alone. And honestly, he’s probably more excited about it than they are. You two are sat on the bed together talking about whatever gossip Asmo could think up, because let’s face it, he hears it all, when they had an idea that was sure to make the Avatar of Lust falls to his knees..
Asmo had forgotten about the world around him and just kept on talking about things that MC didn’t exactly understand.. so they decided to spice things up and a bit and make things much more exciting. MC smirks at Asmo as they crawl their way over to him and place a hand right on his thigh.
“Oh, MC, how dirty of you!” He smirks in obvious enjoyment at their sudden move, ready to lean in for a kiss.
“Asmo. Stay.” They weren’t going to let him get what he wants that easily. Asmo stares in disappointment as he obeys his command. MC leans forward towards his neck, pulling down his shirt slightly and licks from his chest, up towards his jaw. A shiver runs up his spine as his body expresses how much this excites him. His hands are already slivering it’s way towards their lower back to tug them closer to his body, his eyes blazing with more lust than usual. He knew what he wanted and he wanted it now...
MC’s hands explored his body, using their finger tips to tickle certain sensitive places. He groans in pleasure as his hands grip tighter to your clothes, desperate for you to relieve him of his heightened arousal. They place 2 fingers underneath his chin as he desperately leans forward to engage in a kiss.
“Kiss me. Now.” Asmo lunges forward and he doesn’t hold back. He’s rough, lewd with desire and a longing to be touched more. Moans escape their lips as his hands trail over their body, discovering new erotic and sensual places. You should know better than to tease the Avatar of Lust...
“Do you like it when I touch you there, Master?”
MC was staring at the ceiling when they suddenly felt quite hungry. They thought they’d just quickly go downstairs to grab something to eat and then come back up, easy. But as they head down the stairs, muffled clashing noises could be heard in the kitchen. It wasn’t unusual to be heard in this house, especially with Beel around, so when they turned the corner to see none other than Beel helping himself to the fridge, they weren’t exactly surprised and instead snook up behind him to give him a hug.
He let out a sound of surprise at the sudden touch, and looked down to see MC squeezing at his waist. He gave them a sweet smile and offered them a bit of food. “You hungry too? There’s not much left, but I’ll happily share what’s left with you.” He grinned at them and continued to eat. They sighed as they realised they weren’t going to get much of a reaction out of him this way.
They swiftly let go of his waist and looked up at the tall man before them. “Beel. Stop and look at me. Now.” His body obeyed the order he was given and spun around to face them, so MC grabbed his shirt, and pulled him down into a kiss. Beel dazedly stared at them for a few seconds, once again surprised by the sudden affection, before eventually closing his eyes and pressing into the kiss, deepening it. MC’s hands moved from his shirt to his neck as their hands ran through his messy, orange hair, gripping at it suddenly, making him groan against their lips. “Beel. Lift me onto the counter” His hands quickly lifted them up and harshly placed them onto the counter, never once breaking the kiss. It was filled with passion and both their eyes were lust filled, both wanting more. MC’s hands trailed underneath Beel’s shirt, and towards his back, clawing at it slightly.
Beel started to explore MC’s body, making them moan onto his lips as his fingers ran over sensitive areas, sending chills down their spine and arousal form between their legs. He nibbled on their lip, occasionally breaking the kiss to bite down on their neck. His eyes looked so lewd as he stared at MC, begging for permission to go further.
“Master... I want to taste more of you...”
It was a peaceful night with Belphie. He’d asked them to stay and sleep with him, which, of course, they agreed to. But they had to get up because they were hungry. So now here they are, standing in the doorway of the attic, Belphie’s soft snores echoing around the room, the sounds of his breathing and the way his chest rose and fell so soothing to them. They couldn’t get enough of it. They walked over to where he was laying. He was cuddled up in several blankets, his arms tightly wrapped around his favourite pillow. MC was going to just get into bed and go to sleep, but they had other plans..
MC places a hand on Belphie’s shoulder and gently shakes him, no reaction. Didn’t surprise them really. MC eventually decides to crawl onto the bed and sit on top of him. They stare down at him, still sleeping softly, completely oblivious. It’s somewhat cute when they think about it. He actually always talks about being woken up by his true loves kiss so... MC licks their lips and leans down towards Belphie’s ear, giving it soft kisses and licking down towards his jaw. He stirs in his sleep and groans, grasping at their waist. They wiggle their hips playfully and chuckle to themself, once again leaning down towards his ear
“Belphie. Wake up. Now” His eyes bleakly open to MC sitting on top of him, a wet sensation along his jaw line. A smirk creeps across his lips as he looks them up and down, not saying a word. He leans forward to kiss them, but MC only pushes him back down again. “Stay, boy.” The heat from their breath tickles his neck and he obeys willingly, but bucks his hips against them smugly, causing them to gasp. They lean down and cock an eyebrow at him before going back to his neck, running their hand through his hair whilst the other runs up and down his leg. He groans and places his hand on their lower back, pulling them forwards slightly.
They move their hand towards his chin and pull it up so he’s looking at them. They tease him for a bit before slowly connecting their lips together, tongues entwining seconds later. Belphie was desperate for any type of touch, every moment that MC touched him, made him want to lose control. MC felt him become erect underneath their crotch, Belphie often grinding his hips into them to get some sort of friction. He moans against their lips from meer touches from them, he was overcome with clear lust and was waiting on his Masters orders on what he should do next.
“Keep going, just like that, Master...”
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
Anonymous asked:
Hello! I like your blog and the little comments here and there makes me laugh at times hehe ^^ May I request headcanons for Vil, Leona, Mal, and Floyd reactions and what they'll do to reconcile w/ the reader after a very hearted argument to which Reader may have said "I hate you" before storming out. Would they wait for a bit? A few days or hours? Or would they be upfront with their apology immediately? Reader also apologizes at the end, crying slightly if that's okay. If you notice me, thanks! 
°•°•𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞?•°•°•
HC's with: Leona, Vil, Floyd, and Malleus.
Note: Ofc, I was late yet again. Pls forgive me dear sir... And ofc tumblr hates me so it won't cooperate! Drafts got deleted 3 times.... so if it somehow becomes inconsistent... I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE! STONE ME GENTLY! anyways, i hope you enjoy this, actually no, I beg that you enjoy this?! Idk lololololololololol.
[𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚎𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚍? 𝙸𝚍𝚔 𝚕𝚘𝚕]
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°•°•°•𝙇𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙖 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙧 •°•°•°
“I HATE YOU!” with bits of tears in your eyes, you slammed the door shut behind you leaving Leona dumbfounded all by himself.
You hate him?You hate him!?!? Is that like for real??? He’ll scratch the back of his head in shame of pushing things too far to the point you were in tears.
But what can he do? His pride caught the best of him and he acted rash in the heat of the moment. This prideful lion just doesn’t know when to shut up smh.ಥ‿ಥ
He’ll try to remember when did everything started to go wrong, but he'll just get more and more guilty the more he thinks about it.
“Tchhhh... I messed up big time...”
It's not his style to give up easily, but his mind was set in a frenzy the moment he thinks about you leaving him.
A day without you started to become dull and boring the moment he grew fond of you. So it somehow became a habit of his to constantly seek you unconsciously. Whether it's a whiff of your scent, your voice ringing in the hallways, even the sound of your footsteps is something he could easily recognize.
But now that the two of you fought, this lion will find any way possible to avoid you seeing him.
Yeah... it will probably take a while for him to apologize...(꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
But when the time does come, expect Leona to prepare a simple yet sincere apology.
“Oi herbivore... Sorry about the other day ok? I missed my pillow for a while now...I lose...”
Simple yet sincere :') The prideful arrogant lion somehow learned to apologize despite his ego way ahead of him. He can't stand the thought of loosing you ok? (。•́︿•̀。)
°•°•°•°•𝙑𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙩•°•°•°•°•
“VIL STOP IT! I hate this! I hate everything! I hate you!” you quickly ran away to the door as vil stood in his spot stupefied.
You hate him? You hate the Vil Schoenheit himself?Then so be it...
Vil is basically pissed and angry™. Moreover, you had the guts and audacity to tell him you hate him. His pride was shattered in front of him. And he's not happy about that (꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
Nope. Nah. Never. He's not apologizing anytime sooner now. He'll be waiting for that spicy well deserved apology you have for him...
He'll try his best to avoid you and give you the sassy cold shoulder treatment™. It will probably last for a few days or maybe a week. He has his pride y’know?
Not until he hears a muffled sob in the hallways and realized it was your voice. You looked visibly upset and sad as you cried your heart out, all alone in the empty hallways.
Oh no... What did he do? Was his nagging that bad? Did he take it too far with the makeovers? Guilt ate his soul away as he tried to sort out his thoughts with the clear image of your crying face embedded in his mind.
“Okay... Maybe I did take it a little too far...”
Making up his mind, Vil will try to make everything set for tomorrow and apologize to you to fix this feud  you both have. ( ╹▽╹ )
When classes are over and the two of you finally get to be alone, Vil will try to straighten this misunderstanding now! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
“Hey Y/n I just want to tell you... I'm sorry.” “Vil I'm so sorry for the other day!-”
The both of you stared at each other with shock... Did the both of you just say sorry at the same time?
“Pfffttttt-” The both of you laugh from how hilarious this moment was. It felt as if the fight you had didn't happened at all. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
“Y/n I'm sorry... I took it too far with what I do without asking your opinion first...”
“Yeah... I'm sorry I lashed out at you too... That was petty...”
Vil will definitely make a million dollar once in a lifetime seen smile, so you better treasure this rare sight!!!(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
“No more fighting, okay? ”
•°•°•°•°•𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙮𝙙 𝙇𝙚𝙚𝙘𝙝•°•°•°•°•°
“Floyd I hate you!” you slammed your way out of the table, running away from Floyd.
Angering Floyd was not the brightest Idea in the book. His infamous “bad moods” was not something anyone would like to experience. But somehow, he was really pushy and annoying today and you were fed up with it.
“Ahhhh~ Koebi-chan hates me now? what do I do?”
Thankfully, Floyd wasn’t really angry, though he was sad and heart broken that his favorite person said they hated him.(╥╭╮╥)
Floyd is an impulsive boi, so he might secretly follow you to see your face or something lol.
Ofc, Knowing Floyd, he’d definitely skip classes and skip his job at the Mostro Lounge  due to his mood swings. Ofc, a certain octoboi wasn’t really happy with this.
Azul will probs tell Jade to help out his brother or something, lol Azul be secretly worrying for the two of you loooool.
However, with the help of Jade, the mushroom eel himself, he can guide his brother to make up with you!!!
Thank god mushroom eel is here to save the day! ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
A fight with Floyd won’t really last long. Because Floyd being Floyd, he’ll naturally come to you like nothing ever happened! That’s why you have to be patient and understanding when it comes to Floyd ok?
With the biggest hug from behind you. There was a cute eel boi that has come to ambush you with love!
“Shrimppy! Don’t avoid meeee! I miss you so much so hang out with me at the Mostro Lounge againnn!”
Floyd is not really good with his words nor his apologies. Though, his blunt and honest demeanor is definitely one of his charming points!!!! (☆▽☆)
“Shrimpy! I have some takoyaki with me! let’s share them together ok?!”
Ugh, Floyd is too cute... It would be a capital sin to not forgive him and decline his offer! Tsk I’m watching you, you better accept that apology!
•°•°•°•𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙪𝙨 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖•°•°•°
Shock. Pure shock. You hate him? The last thing Malleus wants is to hurt your feelings. In his eyes, humans are delicate and vulnerable beings, so he tries his best to protect you and treat you with utter delicacy. Yet it seems as if he failed to do that...
Just before you slam the door behind you and escape this fight, a hand grabs your wrist in attempts to stop you. Nonetheless you still make your way out, leaving Malleus standing there alone.
Malleus was deeply hurt and sorry for making you sad and angry. His heart was shattered with the thought of you leaving him, someone who made their way this close to his heart, someone he cherishes deeply.
But this fight wont really last long because Malmal would definitely try and apologize as quickly as possible!(ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ)
Malleus is the soft type of person and I feel like he’d give up easily if it was you lol.(。•́︿•̀。)
Even if his apology was heard but not accepted, he’d gladly say his sorry no matter how much time and patience it will take, just for you to forgive him.༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
He’ll try to give you and Hour or two to clear your mind, then he’ll apologize!
Standing in front of your room, he’ll knock lightly at the door in front of him... No answer... So you’re still mad huh?
Leaning his forehead at the door, He’ll try to talk to you in hope for you to come out of your room. But nahhh, no signs of you leaving your room soo (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
He’ll mutter apologies after another just in case you hear them :’D
“Y/n I’m sorry for hurting your feelings earlier... that was rash of me to say, so I truly apologize... I hope my feelings reach you.”
Hearing his voice, it would prolly sound as if he’s ready to cry any moment by now. You’d be a monster if you don’t forgive this fae cutie!!!(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻
When you finally come out of the door to see him. I bet you he’s moment away from his tear dripping down. Ó╭╮Ò
“You’re not mad now right? Then is it fine to ask if we eat some ice cream later?”
You bet that Malleus would give you the biggest  cheeriest grin in the entire world! oh the things you keep doing to him never surprises him. Pls dont leave this cinnamon roll or else-
That's it cuties! I need to sleep now- my classes are thriving, but I'm not!!!
God, school stuff are taking away my precious freedom and time for writing smh.
Oh god, I'm ranting again... What's new? AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Anyways, I need to woosh now and I hope you enjoyed this one!!!
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melliflovs · 3 years
Ball Game - Gojo x Reader
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Word Count: 2,238
Warnings: 18+ smut, wall sex, oral, slight praise kink
Summary: You go to your boyfriend's baseball game and find a special way to celebrate his home run.
A/n: This ended up going on too long so expect an equally smutty part two!
Never in a million years did you expect to date someone who was famous, especially not a jock. Yet here you are with a beaming smile on your face as your boyfriend stepped up to the home plate. The crowd going wild as he spun the metal bat in his hand, shooting a wave and a wink to the crowd.
"And here's number 69 Gojo Satoru stepping up for his turn to bat." The announcer began over the speaker, listing off his favorite color and pass times. "Bases are loaded and he's the right guy to finish this game off with a bang!"
The white and blue uniform stretched tightly against his muscles as he lifted the bat getting ready for the pitch. He always looked amazing when he played, radiating confidence and a level of calmness that you couldn't imagine with every eye in the massive stadium on him. He always used to joke about how he was so good at baseball that he could do it blindfolded.
He was probably right.
Even though he was the best in the league you couldn't help but feel anxious for him as he awaited the throw. Music started playing in the background as you watched Gojo nod to the pitcher, taunting him subtly.
You felt your breath catch in your throat as the man across from him cranked his arm back. Propelling his body forward. You saw a flash of white, the baseball hurtling over 90 miles an hour towards Gojo.
The familiar crack of the ball hitting metal brought breath back into your lungs as the stadium erupted into cheers, "It's going, it's going, and it's gone!" The announcer yelled as the ball disappeared into the bright blue sky. "Another home run from Gojo, making it his 12th his season. Beating his previous record of 10 last year"
You grinned from ear to ear as he jogged around the bases in a victory lap. So incredibly proud of him. As soon as his cleats touched home base his teammates ran from the dugout, surrounding him as three people lifted an almost full cooler over his head. You clapped and whooped as they dumped bright red liquid over him, drenching him.
Gojo looked so happy, jokingly shoving his teammates in fake frustration, dripping on the dirt. The team waved goodbye to the crowd as they headed to the lockers.
Slowly the crowds started to clear out now that the game had ended, the sun starting to set on the horizon. By the time you'd gathered your things, almost everyone was gone. You smiled at some of the usual vendors that stayed to clean as you began walking through the stadium for the last time today.
Gojo had been playing for the team for three years and for three years you were happily cheering at every game rain or shine. Most people who worked there recognized you by now and were always very welcoming. Some of the other player's girlfriends would sit in a group during the games but you preferred to be alone, it was easier to focus that way.
At this point you knew the stadium like the back of your hand, easily making your way towards the locker room and in turn your boyfriend. As the sky got darker you heard the click of the lights turning on around you, the warm summer air sticking to your skin. You'd need to take a shower when you get home.
You passed some of his teammates as they walked out of the locker room, they stopped for a moment to say hello and you politely congratulated them on tonight's victory.
"Didn't Gojo do great tonight, (y/n)?"
"Yeah, Geto. I was really proud of him. I bet he's in a good mood." Geto was always close with Gojo even though you always considered them to be opposites. He had his hair tied back in a bun, still wet from his shower. "Yeah." He grinned, "I bet he's in some type of mood."
You giggled at his comment. "Is everyone out of there?" You asked, gesturing at the locker room doors.
"It's just him in there now."
"Thanks, have a nice night." You said, bidding him goodbye as you headed into the lockeroom. It smelled slightly of sweat and men's body wash after their shower. Sunflower seeds littered the ground.
"Hey." You said approaching your boyfriend, "You did amazing tonight."
Gojo looked up at you with a smile, standing up from the small wooden bench he was sitting on. He still had his wet clothes on, stained red as his hair stuck loosely to his face. He leaned forward and gave you a soft peck.
Jokingly you scrunched your nose up at him when he pulled away. "You smell like fruit punch."
"That's what happens when you get Gatorade poured on you, babe." He teased. "You're sticky too." You said, shoving him away lightly.
"Oh, yeah? He grinned, lunging towards you and hugging you tightly against him. You felt his dirty clothes and skin stick to you. The sugar from the drink previously poured on him beginning to dry.
"Gojo!" You yelled, giggling as you tried to escape his grasp. Squirming around in his arms. "Now we're both dirty."
"Then I guess we both need to take a shower."
You froze as he held you, "Here?" you whispered quietly, your face growing hot at the idea. Anyone could walk in and the janitors would need to do their rounds soon but he didn't seem to care.
Gojo answered you by dipping his head down and kissing you. His hand resting on your cheek as his thumb stroked your soft skin. You melted into the kiss, your body relaxing as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. His lips were smooth and tasted like fruit, you readily opened your mouth for him. Eager to give him access. He pulled you flush against his strong chest. One hand slipping down and tugging at the hem of your shirt, "Off." He purred, his voice smooth as he pulled away for a moment, eyeing your still clothed body before he lifted your shirt over your head.
Satoru wasted no time and pulled down one of the cups of your bra, your breast spilling out. The cold air around you made your nipple pebble, goosebumps rising on your skin as he flicked it lightly. His smile widening when you moaned quietly.
He twisted it carefully, the feeling going down to your core as you rubbed your thighs together trying to find subtly ease the tension. Gojo never took his eyes off you, relishing in watching you squirm under his gaze. It was no surprise your action caught his attention. With a smirk, he pushed you back against his locker and used his knee to separate your legs. You let out a gasp as he bent his leg, his thigh rubbing against your heat. The small amount of friction made your pussy begin to throb as you slowly rocked against him.
"So hot watching you get yourself off like that." He murmured before leaning down and locking you in a kiss. Your tounges playing a game of push and pull as you ground down on him. Your legs began to feel weak, your body relying more and more on him to keep you up. The cold from the metal behind you and the firm body in front of you made your head spin. As he pulled away his bit your lip lightly, tugging it between his teeth.
Gojo was intoxicating to be with and the man most definitely knew it. All smirks and smooth words when you were around him. Your breath hitching in your throat when his hand rose. He tilted your head up, forcing you to make eye contact. His face was flushed and his pink lips were swollen as he looked at you. You were simply enamored with him as he started to unbuckle his belt. The soft jingle of metal made you tense, the sound practically echoing in the empty room. Your eyes strayed down, trying to watch his hand.
The grip on your face tightened, bringing your attention back to his face. His actions never ceasing as he freed himself from his white pants, the black belt falling to the floor. "Eyes up." He said with a growl, his thumb running along your bottom lip.
Mesmerized you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, catching his finger and sucking on it lightly. Gojo's eyes darkened as he watched you. His bulge growing increasingly harder at the sight of your lips wrapped around his finger.
You felt pride swell in your chest as his breathing deepened. Releasing his digit with a pop you smiled up at him, leaning forward and putting a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. "I've had enough of this." His words confused you, "What-" You began, quickly cutting yourself off with a squeak as he dropped his leg from in between your thighs. The feeling in your stomach dissipating as his warm leg disappeared. Your clit still throbbed, missing the pleasure you were just receiving.
Gojo swiftly moved onto his knees, a playful glint in his eyes as he dropped down in front of you. His fingertips made quick work of the button on your jeans as well as the zipper, pulling your pants down around your thighs and exposing the plain pair of black underwear. You blushed in embarrassment, you hadn't planned for this, especially no in the locker room. Otherwise, you would've put on something nicer.
"How beautiful." He murmured before removing them too. The cold air left you exposed, almost completely aside from your bra. Gojo may have been on his knees but you still felt vulnerable as his hungry eyes raked over your nude figure. It set your body on fire, knowing that he only looked at you like that. So needy and hard, just for you.
A gasp left your lips as Gojo lifted you effortlessly, your legs resting on his shoulders and your back pressed against the lockers. His lips quickly sought out the soft skin of your inner thighs. He sucked bruises into your skin, his tongue and teeth claiming what was his. You let out a moan when he bit a sensitive spot, your back arching off the metal. You heard him chuckle in between your thighs, the vibrations traveling to your core. You must've been practically dripping by now, pathetically clenching around nothing. A lewd sound left your mouth as he licked along your slit, his tongue lapping along your folds and tasting you. "So sweet."
Your hands were quick to thread your fingers in his hair, letting out a low hiss as his tongue circled around your clit. His lips latched onto it, sucking and toying with the bundle of nerves as you felt your pussy throb. "G-Gojo." you moaned, thighs tightening around his head. His hand moved to the inside of your thigh massaging you softly as he spread your legs open again, easily holding you up with just one of his strong arms.
His eyes never left your face while he was buried between your legs, addicted to watching your reaction as he pumped his finger in and out of you while he sucked your clit. Your hands threaded into his white hair still stained pink from earlier, tugging him closer to your core. Gojo let out a deep groan.
He looked up at you, admiring the way your chest would rise and fall as you moaned. Your eyes were hooded, clouded with lust as you gave him a small smile. Teasingly you tugged on his hair hard, pulling him up slightly. With a glint in his eye, he curled his finger inside you. "Fuck, shit, Gojo." You arched off the locker again with a lewd moan, clenching around him.
Gojo's finger sped up, inserting a second as you gushed around him. He eagerly lapped up your slick. Your hips began to buck into him, quickly beginning to lose control as he continued to finger fuck you. The pressure in your stomach blossoming as your legs shook around him.
"M' gonna come." You stuttered, making eye contact with him as a blush coated your cheeks.
"Gonna come around my fingers like a good girl?" You felt his fingers curl again, arching deep inside you. With a high-pitched moan, you nodded dully as you coated his fingers in your slick. Gojo kept pumping, riding out your orgasm as you breathed in and out deeply, your breasts straining against the material of your bra.
He kissed the inside of your thigh one last time before lifting his head. You reached down moving some of his hair out of his face with a shy smile. He was still visibly sticky from earlier, his uniform and hair tinted light pink. "I like that color on you." You teased as he shifted to sit on the ground, moving you and placing you on his lap. "I think we could both use a shower though."
"Yeah," He agreed, shifting you slightly against his crotch. His erection was prominent once you looked down, you could feel it from how he'd placed you as well, "I could also use something else."
You drew him in for a kiss, shifting your core against his bulge and grinding down lightly. "Let's do it."
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krabstick32 · 4 years
Snow Melts Quicker in Water
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Pairing: Giyuu x Reader
Synopsis: You and Giyuu fight, but things have a way of sorting themselves out. 
Tags/warnings: very light angst, mostly fluff, super light make out session uwu
a/n: thank you for requesting @aliaisreal​!! you’re super sweet, so thank you very much for your patience and understanding!! I hope the wait was worth it!! 🥺
Link to the ask: Request by @aliaisreal​
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The best (and kindest) way possible people could describe Tomioka Giyuu was that he was like water itself.
Like water, he adapted easily and quickly, His movements were fluid and continuous, unstoppable in its actions like a waterfall spilling over a cliff. His voice was baritone, smooth, but held power underneath the surface. He flowed through any obstacle in his life as best as he could, and that rang true even to your relationship. 
While he thought that he mostly went with the flow, It’s been an entire week since your fight, and it’s been an entire week since he’s talked to you.
Admittedly, you two have fought before—minor little squabbles where he always took it upon himself to be the first to apologize. He didn’t like the idea of you upset, but now was different. This was probably the biggest fight he’s ever had with you, and as much as he loves you, he didn’t want to be the one to make the first move this time.
One moment, he came home to you, tired and ready to go straight to your shared room and drop dead for the next few hours, but in the next, the two of you were saying things that neither of you meant, arguing over something that should have been a simple thing. 
That night, the fight was so big that he ended up taking refuge in the butterfly estate. 
Well, given the injuries he got in his last mission, he was already going to go the next morning, but he was hoping to see you and rest first before anything else. 
Breathing out a sigh, he sits up from the cold hospital bed he’s been sleeping on for the past week, and reflexively brings a hand to the bandages around his stomach. He never did like fighting with you. It always left a heavy weight on his chest, and it always occupies his mind, resulting in him fighting slightly sloppier than he’d like.  
Maybe he should apologize? There was a pillar meeting later on in the day, so if he wanted to, he could. He usually did, within the day, but this was the longest the two of you were actively mad at each other. The two of you fought, but last night was the first time the two of you fought for that long.
But for once, he didn’t want to. For once, he wanted you to make the first move, and maybe, just this once he should. 
Giyuu breathes out a heavy sigh. He’ll just think about that later.
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When Giyuu arrived at the Ubuyashiki Garden, he was thrown off by the fact that you weren’t there. He was further surprised when the Oyakata-sama came in, and there was still no sign of you.
Between the both of you, you were the early bird, and would usually be one of the first who arrived, if you didn’t come dragging him by his haori.
Your absence was rubbing him off the wrong way. He’s missed you a lot so he was really hoping to see you today, even if the two of you got into a fight.
While his facade was as perfectly emotionless and stoic as ever, his mind was spiralling deeper into worry. Why weren’t you here? Were you that mad? Were you so pissed that you chose to forgo the meeting because of him?
(Unbeknownst to him, his fellow pillars were looking at him. His face didn’t change, but everyone could see his worry clear as day.)
Oyakata-sama dismisses the meeting after a while, and everyone bows, leaving right after they were assigned with new missions and patrols. Giyuu only had to patrol his region in the evening...maybe he should go look for you?
On his way back to his estate to search for you, he passes by the butterfly estate and sees Tanjirou and his friends helping the girls hang the sheets. Well, it was more like Tanjirou was helping, while Zenitsu and Inosuke quarreled.
Tanjirou immediately notices Giyuu, raising a hand in greeting. He quickly hangs the bedsheet in his hand to rush over to the raven haired man. “Tomioka-san! How are you?”
“Hello Tanjirou.” Giyuu responds as the young demon slayer stands in front of him, adding, “I’m fine.”
“I’m glad! You seem distressed though, is everything alright? Are you worried about (F/N)-san?”
Giyuu doesn’t even try to hide it, simply nodding and feeling a little shy from how Tanjirou could easily read him. “She wasn’t at the meeting earlier. She’s usually there first.”
He places a hand over his chin and nods. “Oh, of course she’s not.”
That was news to him. “What? Do you...know where she is?”
“No…” Tanjirou responds, but his face immediately crumples in on itself, his eyeballs rolling back into his head. Both of them knew he was lying, but Giyuu still feels a little bad that he’s using the boy’s honest and earnest personality to his advantage.
Regardless, He gives the younger boy a look that has Tanjirou looking away abashedly. “I don’t think I’m supposed to say anything…”
It doesn’t take much for him to cave, and he sighs before telling Giyuu what he knows. “She went out for a mission. I thought you knew, but—” He cuts himself off when his nose detects panic and worry, the smell nearly taking over his senses. “—Ah! But don’t worry, Giyuu-san! This is (F/N)-san, I’m sure she’ll be fine!”
Oh, Giyuu knew you were strong and capable, but with a job as dangerous and unpredictable as theirs, so many things could happen. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to curse his pride. He should have approached you right after, he shouldn’t have let this go on longer than it should have.
The best thing he could do right now was wait for you, and apologize as soon as he sees you.
He hopes he gets the chance.
“You’re right. She’ll be fine.”
Tanjirou wasn’t sure who Giyuu was trying to convince.
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As the Snow Hashira, people expected you to be cold, stern, harsh, and while it’s not completely wrong, you were one of the kindest out of all the pillars. You had a heart of gold that shone through and had a smile that could warm even the coldest of hearts. It made it easier for people to approach you despite the initial impression, but everyone found it ironic that the Snow Pillar was one of the warmest, kindest, most genuine slayer from the bunch.
You were proud of your work as a demon slayer—saving lives, and killing the very thing that brought you and so many others so much pain—but the fact that you and your friends walked hand in hand with death was… well, it was a lot to take in.
Death is, and never will be something you think you’ll get used to. It was always painful—knowing that you could have done something to help, or knowing that their death was beyond your power. Whether you liked it or not, it was one of those things that just happened. No matter how much you wanted cheat death, there was no stopping it—
Which was one of the main reasons why you got so mad at Giyuu when he came home to you all bruised and bloody.
Instead of going to the butterfly estate, it was normal that he’d come home straight to you after a particularly challenging mission, in which cases you’d do basic first aid before rushing him to Shinobu. There wasn’t any problem really. There were moments where you would come home to him in a similar state, where he’d be the one giving you first aid, and you were happy he trusted you enough to show you his vulnerable side.
But you were just so painfully reminded of how you became a demon slayer, of how your family sacrificed themselves for your escape. You could see that Giyuu was barely thinking of himself, often throwing himself in harm’s way just to get a mission done.
Seeing someone you love give such little importance to himself made you both sad and angry. It rubbed you the wrong way, and you couldn’t help but burst and get mad at him. The fight escalated quickly, and both of you said things you didn’t mean.
Looking back, it was a little stupid. You reacted irrationally and immaturely when you could have talked it out with him like an adult. You acknowledged that it was mostly your fault, and that you should have been the one to apologize, but you just couldn’t admit your mistake, seeing as you still agreed with how reckless he was being.
So you avoided him, devoting nearly all of your time to your missions.
A few days after you started avoiding him, Oyakata-sama sent for you and assigned a mission that needed an entire day of travel. There was a group of Tsuchinoto’s that weren’t doing too well, and it required you to dispose of the demon and help them in any way you can. While you took the job with no qualms, you were a little apprehensive. You and Giyuu still hadn’t made up, and this mission required at least three days, and that’s taking into account if everything went smoothly, which things rarely did.
It didn’t sit right for you to leave without seeing him, so the morning you planned to leave, you dropped by the Butterfly Estate to see him. You haven’t talked to him for five full days now, and while he didn’t talk a lot, you really missed his company.
You find him sleeping in one of the rooms. A small part of you was hoping that he’d be awake so you could talk a bit, maybe even apologize before you left, but he didn’t even move at all when you opened the door. Considering how much of a light sleeper he was, it was a little surprising that he didn’t stir at all when you sat by the edge of his bed beside him, but he was still recovering from the injuries of his previous battle, so it can hardly be helped. In fact, it worked in your favor, because he didn’t wake up when you pressed a small kiss to his temple.
Softly, you put your forehead against his and press a hand against his cheek, whispering as lightly as you could. “I’ll be going now, but I’ll come back. I love you.”
He was clearly unconscious, but the way he leans closer to your touch made your heart melt and butterflies flood your stomach. Even when you were supposed to be fighting, he could still make you feel this way.
It figures. Snow always did melt quicker in water.
You smile and push the stray hairs away from his face. You let your hand caress his cheek as you memorize his features as best as you could, leaving the room once you've realized that you need to go soon. Turning, you take one last look at Giyuu before closing the door as softly as you could—and coming face to face with dark red eyes.
You let out a small yelp, too late to realize that it was only Tanjirou smiling up at you in confusion.
“Tanjirou-kun! You surprised me!”
“Sorry about that (F/N)-san. I was on my way to check on Nezuko.” He laughs a little bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. He looks back up at you though when he realizes whose room you were coming out of. “What are you doing coming out of Giyuu-san’s room? Is there something wrong?”
Was there something wrong? Well technically there was, as you two were avoiding each other, but you brush off his concern, finding it a little awkward to explain. “Oh, no! Not at all, I just wanted to see him before leaving for a mission.”
“A mission?”
You nod. “Yes, I’m not sure of all the details yet, but it might take a while.”
“Oh, I see! Please take care (F/N)-san!”
“Thank you Tanjirou-kun, I will. Stay out of trouble alright?”
“Will do!” Tanjirou was quick to deliver a salute, making you giggle despite your heavy heart. Seeing one of the Kamado siblings always made you smile - they were too adorable for their own good.
As you were about to step out the hall, you suddenly remember something.“Ah, by the way Tanjirou-kun, Giyuu was asleep so I didn’t want to bother him, but can you not tell him that I dropped by?”
The young boy seems to be thrown off by your weird request, and tries to question you as politely as he could. You were still his superior after all, and a person he deeply respected. “Eh? Not tell Giyuu-san?”
Tanjirou was apprehensive—he couldn’t lie for his life after all—but you must have your reasons, so instead, he resolved to just do his best. He was the eldest son! He could do this! “Oh, okay then, I’ll do my best (F/N)-san!”
“Wonderful! Thank you, Tanjirou-kun.”
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When Tanjirou finally cracked and told Giyuu where you were, the Water Pillar waited as patiently as he could. He was known for his patience, and for his go with the flow attitude, but when it came to you, he wanted nothing more than to just rush by your side. When he discovered your mission, he was practically itching to run all the way over to you. You leaving for your mission before he nor you could apologize sat terribly in his gut. The only thing tying him down to his post was his sense of duty. He still had missions to attend to here, and unless someone could cover for him, or unless it was a terrible emergency, he couldn’t leave.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you as a fellow pillar, but as your boyfriend, he was worried for you. Your fight left a horrible taste in his mouth, and he could never forgive himself if that was the last moment he had with you.
So instead, he sat patiently, going through routine and accomplishing his patrols and missions dutifully.
It wasn’t until a few days later when he learned of what happened to your party.
It was a lower moon, and while that would have been an easy job for you, you had five other slayers to protect and worry about. His crow reported that everyone was quickly brought to the Butterfly Estate, and that was the last thing he needed to hear before bolting from his estate and out to Shinobu’s.
“Where is she?”
Shinobu turns as Giyuu bursts through the doors, her smile as saccharine as ever. “Ah, hello to you too Tomioka-san!”
“Kochou, where is (F/N)?” Giyuu looked about ready to tear down the whole place to look for you, and Shinobu knew that. Regardless, Shinobu’s smile never wavers as she continues to tease him.
“Ara, are you worried about (F/N)-chan?” She continues, but for the first time, it eases him. Shinobu loved pushing his buttons, but she knew when to stop. If she was being like this, you should be alive, at the very least. She doesn’t motion or signal Giyuu to follow her, but he was quick to walk after the Insect Pillar, moving as quick and as fluid as flowing water.
Shinobu stops at a door, and slides it open to reveal you awake, sitting up on the bed. You seemed to be a little bruised and worse for wear with all the bandages and discolored patches of skin, but you were alive and you were breathing, and that’s all what matters to Giyuu right now.
From her periphery, Shinobu could see the relief on Giyuu, and as much as she liked pissing Giyuu off, she knows the feeling and backs off. There was always another time for teasing, she can do that later.
“I’ll leave you two be. Tomioka-san be careful of her injuries, alright?” As promised, the door slides back closed as Shinobu leaves you two be.
After a while, you pat the empty space by the edge of your bed, croaking out a short “Sit with me.”, before Giyuu moves to sit over carefully. When he was settled, his eyes roamed over your skin, quick to assess the number of injuries and thinking how critical and painful each one of them might be.
“Before you say anything,” You start, “I’m sorry.”
Giyuu’s thrown off and his eyes dart from the bloody bandage on your arm to your eyes. “What—”
“I was way out of line, and I overreacted. I was being petty in waiting for you to apologize first, but it should have been me. I’m sorry for overreacting…and for taking this long to apologize.”
“But it doesn’t mean that I'm sorry about everything else!” Because while you were aware you overreacted, it didn’t mean that your feelings came from nowhere. “I can see that I was wrong in the way I approached things but I meant every word when I said that you’re too careless! I hate seeing you in pain and you just reminded me too much of my family and I—”
He interrupts you by taking your hands. Lightly, he traces vague shapes onto the skin of your palm, the rough calluses on his fingertips a nice reminder that he was here, that he was alive, and that you were too. 
“I couldn’t handle the thought of you leaving me. I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.”
The two of you stay quiet, the weight being lifted off of both of your shoulders, until a thought occurs to you that causes you to pull away.
“But you’re not saying anything about your recklessness.” You point out, giving him a light glare, only stopping when a small smile curls around his lips.
He chuckles and the sound goes straight to your heart. “Okay, I promise to stop being too reckless.”
“You better keep that promise, or else I’ll hunt you down myself.” Smiling softly, you place a hand against his cheek and pull him closer. “I missed you.”
Giyuu hums against your touch and a week's worth of not seeing him drives you to press your lips against his mouth. He responds easily, shifting his weight onto himself and holding your body to lighten the strain on you. You hold onto the lapels of his haori as he deepens the kiss, and it was a good thing he was holding you because under normal circumstances, your knees would have buckled.
“(F/N)-chan! It’s time to change your bandages—” Hearing a foreign voice, causes the two of you to turn to the entrance— “Oh dear. I’m so sorry to interrupt!”—only to see Shinobu smiling at  the two of you like a cat that ate the canary.
“Sh-Shinobu-chan! It’s um...”
“Oh, I’m sure it’s exactly what I think hm?” Her smile seems to grow wider, and you feel your face burst into flames. She knew exactly what was going on. “But Tomioka-san, I never would have guessed! How bold of you to do such lewd things to an injured patient! Anyway, I’ll leave you two alone, I’ll drop by again later to change your bandages, (F/N)-chan!”
The sound of the door slamming shut signals Shonbu’s leave and both you and Giyuu were left staring at the space where Shinobu once stood.
Just when things were getting good.
“She did that on purpose.” You announce, and Giyuu nods sympathetically.
“She probably did.”
You sigh but then immediately flinch and clutch your side as it burns from the injury. Giyuu was quick to notice and moves right by your bedside, assisting you in lying back down
“Be careful. You’re mad at me for pushing myself, when you’re just as bad.”
“Hush, you should have seen how you were practically bleeding all over the place.”
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“Hashira Tomioka-sama, can we plea—“
It’s been two weeks since you left the Butterfly Estate, and as the Snow Pillar, you were well back on the grind patrolling and killing demons once you’ve fully recovered. The young demon slayers you saved though wish they could say the same. While you had some pretty critical injuries yourself, theirs were much worse, with all seven sporting broken bones, and other heavy injuries, but thanks to Shinobu’s medicine, they were on the road to recovery and physical therapy.
When the Oyakata-sama heard of the incident, he was quick to instruct someone to train the weaker demon-slayers.
Giyuu was more than happy to beat these slayers into shape.
Which led them here, Giyuu with a wooden sword in hand and a pile of sore bodies by his feet.
One such body groaned at the dirt floor as he clutched at the side Giyuu hit a little too hard. “We’ve already ran down the mountain, tried to dodge all of the deadly traps, and sparred with you. Surely we could have a short break, sir?”
Giyuu wanted to laugh at the naivety of these young slayers. When Urokodaki trained him and Sabito, they had it much worse, even being thrown down cliffs and waterfalls. And while Giyuu could say that Urokodaki was like a father figure to him, his training regimen was worse than any hell he could have experienced. But now was hardly the time to reminisce, he still had business to do.
He wasn’t one to intentionally intimidate others much, but he’s overheard plenty of rumors about himself. He’s heard that he’s one of the most…intimidating of the pillars, to say the least, and now, he’s not going to shy away from what could be an advantage to his situation.
Slowly, Giyuu walked over to the slayer and crossed his arms, looking straight through his eyes as he quietly spoke. “Your last mission was well-matched for someone of your rank.” He notes. “You hardly needed a Pillar for back-up, and because of your carelessness, she had to protect all five of you which landed the Snow Pillar in the butterfly estate. Now tell me, do you need a break?”
Despite Giyuu speaking in a voice no louder than a river’s burble, he could see the young man cower from slight fear before speaking in a shaky tone, “N-No, Sir!”
“I thought so.” Giyuu lightly clucked his tongue to himself before unfolding his arms. “Reset the traps and run through the mountain again. I'll let all five of you go for the day after.”
“Yes, Sir!” All five of them scrambled from their spot on the ground and scurried back up the mountain, letting himself feel a small morsel of sick satisfaction when he could hear the loud clacks from the traps and the pained grunts upon collision.
“I would say that it’s really nice that you took them in, but now that i’ve seen your face, i’m starting to think that this is on purpose.”
Giyuu was barely surprised to see the Snow Pillar herself right beside him like she was there the entire time. As pillars, both of you were faster and moved more efficiently than the average slayer, so you sneaking up on him was a common occurrence. You never seemed to get used to the opposite though, always claiming that he moved like a ghost.
“Maybe.” He shrugs, a little helplessly, tapping the wooden sword against the ground in a distracted fashion.
You laugh a nice tinkling sound he’s loves hearing, and he’s glad that you’re fine, and that the stupid little fight was resolved. He’s missed you a lot.
The two of you stood there together in silence, wincing when the sound of pained yelps travelled over from the small mountain Giyuu chose for training. A random conversation you had with your boyfriend suddenly entered your thoughts though, and made you wonder out loud. “Are you using the method Urokodaki-san used when he trained you?”
Nodding in affirmation, Giyuu hums in thought. “It was effective for me. And seeing how poorly trained they are from your previous mission, I thought that...” His train of thought short-circuited and was quickly derailed when you lean up on your tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his cheek. Giyuu’s ears immediately flush a deep red.
“You’re too cute, sweetheart.” You say, wrapping your arms around his neck. Seeing the ineffable Water Pillar flustered because of you was always a sight to behold. “Though, you didn’t have do thisfor me either.”
He turns his head away in hopes that you wouldn't see his face, but you simply laugh, and Giyuu feels his heart melt again. “They need to train more if they want to continue as slayers.”
You hum, letting your fingers sift through black strands of hair. “I know, I know, but lighten up, okay? Don’t be too hard on them.”
Giyuu nods as a reply and you place another kiss before pulling away. He wants to pull you back, but the trainees were already stumbling down the treeline, looking worse than they did a few minutes ago. Everyone was sporting new bruises and a few a lot of scratches, but seemed overall fine as they dropped down to the ground, panting for much needed air.
“All of you seem to be working hard.” You say in a kind voice, smiling kindly when their heads whip around to face you.
“Hashira (L/N)-sama!” They greet, scrambling to get up and drop to a bow in front of you. “We’re so glad to see you okay! Thank you for saving us!”
You wave your hand in front of your face, saying, “Oh, it was no problem! I’m glad all of you are okay.”
“All thanks to you. We hope you recovered well.”
“I did, thank you. Now stand up properly. Bowing for too long can’t be good for you all.”
One of them was about to open their mouth to continue the conversation, but Giyuu was quick to interject. “Alright, back to training.”
“Eh?!” All the trainees exclaim. It was clear that they respected the Water Pillar, but it was almost comical in how obvious the feeling of betrayal was in their voices.
“But we just finished!” A young girl among them who looked about ready to melt from exhaustion, points out. Another nods along, stating what Giyuu said earlier, in a hopeless fight for their much deserved break. “Tomioka-sama said we could go after!”
Oh, Giyuu is well aware of what he said. Instead of saying anything though, he feigns innocence, pretending he forgot despite having full intention of letting them go for the day.
He looks at the young slayers emptily, and responds in a deadpan tone. “Did I?”
Giyuu hears you sputter in laughter before punching his shoulder in a pitiful attempt to defend the poor kids. In both of your defenses, their faces were too funny not to laugh.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
First Date with Chrollo (Human Diary)
Hello everyone! I am back with another “First Date” post featuring the Prince of Darkness. This was an anon post but I can't find the ask anywhere! I have been watching JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures lately and it is a very interesting show. Dio turned into a zombie and he’s so mean to Joseph. Anyway, let’s get into the post. The end is a bit angst-y but I did that to take a slight turn from all Fluff. I hope you enjoy! Part 2 coming sometime this week.m
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It is common knowledge that Chrollo loves to read many books. When he was a child, he had time to read and that provided a great source of comfort. Although he seems to be ruthless, every human has the ability to seek compatibility and compassion. Both Hisoka and Chrollo enjoy the romance genre except Hisoka prefers to watch movies while Chrollo loves to read stories. You've known Chrollo since elementary school. You were fortunate enough to be able to move out of Meteor City and attend a better elementary school. As a child, you were an outcast and made few friends but on occasion, Chrollo would see you at a local arcade. Of course, your mother paid for the both of you to have fun but once it was over, it broke your heart because you knew about the conditions he’d return to once he left.
As time went on, you entered college and decided to invite Chrollo on campus so he could be something like a driving force for future success. You’ve been accepted into Yorknew University planning on majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Digital Art. Reaching Chrollo posed a challenge. He never responded to a few messages but on the third try, he answered with an excited response.
“Please forgive me y/n for not responding soon enough. I am more than happy to visit you. I am proud of you and your accomplishments. I do not see myself as a college man but, hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it right? I’ll be in touch.”
At exactly 7 PM on a calm Fall night, standing outside of the campus’ most prominent book store, you began to sweat and your makeup began to drip. Just as you were about to wipe it off, you heard a voice call your name.
“Y/n? Is that you?” He chuckled as he questioned your appearance.
Turning around, you jumped a little at the sight before you. This wasn’t the same Chrollo you remember, of course. He had grown several feet, his face was much sharper, his arms were much bigger, had a bandana tied on his forehead, and he had a few rings on. He was dressed in a white polo shirt, black pressed slacks and black dress shoes. It’s weird. It felt like an arrow was shot through your heart.
“Are you ok? You act as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I’m fine! I’m just---You--look…”
“Ah, I see. There’s no need to be flustered. I am the same as when we were kids.”
The Yorknew Sailor Store was designed something exactly like a Barnes and Noble except the walls were painted to match the school’s colors.
The bookstore had a perfectly designed Starbucks, with a wooden finish, black and brown metal tables, beige tile floor, and glass doors.
Chrollo immediately noticed the change in behavior, one he wasn’t used to.
The students were snooty according to him and reminded him of how the city council would act towards him, his family, and those who were like him.
First, you offered to buy him a drink. The good thing about Chrollo is that if you or anyone else offers to buy something, He will not reject it. There is no such thing as having too much pride regarding him.
“Do you drink coffee?”
“Of course I do,” he replied. “But I don’t think I’ve had any of these drinks. A Caramel Macchiato? That sounds good.”
“Order it then! That will give you just the right amount of energy for today’s reading!”
To you, this was just two friends reuniting with each other but something else told you that Chrollo thought it was something more. He only dressed up like this if he was going out with someone special and even then it wasn’t an expensive Polo Short, It was his best t-shirt and jeans.
It boggles your mind how Chrollo acquired his expensive clothing but maybe he obtained a great job and is able to make a living for himself.
“I’d like to order a Caramel Macchiato.”
“What’s the name for this drink?”
“Chrollo,” you responded.
“And for you?”
“I would like a caramel Frappuccino with soy milk and no whip cream.”
“Alright. That’ll be $15.00.”
Chrollo glanced at you wide-eyed.
“It’s ok. I got it.”
You take out your card to pay and as you move out of line you bend over to whisper in his ear. “Maybe you can pay for dinner though.”
He laughed and smiled. “Of course, y/n.”
The bookstore was full of comfortable furniture ranging from light blue, dark blue, white in the lounge area. Both of you decided to sit across from each other on the blue chairs that swallowed you both as you sat.
As he read, he’d point out any interesting points in the book. He got tired of yelling across the table, so he decided to share a chair with you. He could feel the heat radiating from your body.
It was almost obvious that you all were involuntarily flirting with each other. The school was full of couples but occasionally seeing the goofy couple was the highlight of everyone’s day.
“This man was so devoted to a woman that does not know that he exists.”
“Sounds pointless,” you say, still trying to read your book.
“Well, she knows he exists but she is ignoring him and making him look like a fool in front of everyone. He says that there is something about her that he has never seen in any woman.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s her eyes, smile, intelligence, the shape of her lips, and her perfume powder aroma. Those are things that drive men wild.”
You smiled and laughed but came to a quick halt when you felt something along the ridge of your neck made you still. The hair on your neck stood up still as the invading force came in contact with your skin. It was Chrollo grazing his nose against your skin, slightly sniffing in your aroma; slowly breathing in and out.
Closing your eyes couldn’t make your sudden arousal fade. At this point, nearly everybody was looking at you both and looked away. This behavior was innocent for college culture, but it was taken as a cute gesture rather than naughty.
You blush. It was quite surprising that your childhood friend viewed you as something of the sort. It was both flattering and scary.
There’s no denying that Chrollo is handsome but if you dated him and the relationship didn't last, it could ruin your friendship.
At this point, Chrollo had his right arm resting lazily behind your back as his head and next aimed in a position that would allow his nose to lay carelessly on your neck.
“You smell delightful. I didn’t know you wore such expensive perfume. Is it….,” He sniffs again, “Flower Rose?”
“Yes! How did you know? Does your mother wear it?”
“She does now. I bought it for her a week ago and now the guys in the city can’t stay off her.”
Wow. The City. Even though it was a hell hole, it was your hell hole. How is everything? How is your mother? How did you manage to have such an expensive taste in clothing and fragrance?
Chrollo enjoys making others flustered. It's amusing to see them stutter when they’re either aroused or nervous.
On the flip side, seeing Chrollo flustered was the highlight of the century! The bad guys are used to being “bad” but expressing softer emotions makes it amazing and a reminder that they can experience them too.
Grabbing Chrollo’s left hand, you gently kiss it a few times and wink at him. He smiled, hiding his dumbfounded expression, and blushed slightly.
“I see you catch on quick.”
“I was raised in Meteor City. Just because I’m here doesn't mean I have forgotten where I come from. But I didn’t know you liked me.”
“You were the only one that trusted me and played with me when no one would.”
It felt like two magnets were pulling you closer. If he kissed you right here right now, you could just melt into a puddle but before anything happened, Chrollo’s phone rang loud and echoed throughout the bookstore.
Glancing at his phone, you saw an unknown number call, and judging from his actions he stood quickly to his feet.
“I’ll only be gone for a second.”
Hmm. That was odd. During this short intermission, you continue to read your book. Ironic enough, you weren’t into romance novels per se, you enjoyed action and comedy books!
Once Chrollo returned, his face was flushed and his soft demeanor had suddenly disappeared. He looked as if he was going to punch a wall.
“What’s wrong, Chrollo?”
He glanced at you with a somber smile, hoping to convince you that he was alright. “I am fine, y/n.”
“Are you sure?”
“Well, if you count my mother being seriously injured, then yes.”
“Oh no! We can leave now, it’s fine.”
“No, it's ok. She wouldn’t want me to leave you all by yourself at this time of day.” He pointed to the night sky.
Wow! That was quick!
“What do you mean?”
“My mother predicted that I could end up with you...she also predicted that someone would be hurt or in danger if that prophecy was fulfilled. It’s sort of like give or take. In order to make someone happy, someone has to surrender their happiness and I guess it was her.”
A single tear dropped down his cheek and nothing more. He didn’t care if other men singled out his “weakness” because he’d destroy them all and he didn’t want y/n to know about his abilities until later.
The comfort of your warmth against his head provided more than comfort. He felt safe, welcomed, not judged, and vulnerable. He knew that you wouldn’t make him out to be a bad person but instead welcome him home with open arms. You were his human diary.
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cosmiccandydreamer · 4 years
Insecure chapter 4
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Paring (Otis driftwood x Reader)
(I do not own these gifs)
Masterlist is here please see warnings ⚠️
Mama and Baby were ecstatic on the wedding day; this was the happiest day for them. Rarely do they go to do such wholesomeness without ulterior motive like murder? The whole family helped with the event, Baby. You headed into the nearest small town to look for a dress, mama. Tiny cooked ( well tiny held things and watched), Hugo and Rufus helped set up the backyard decent with an archway. Otis, of course, was getting into fights with everyone, grumbling and bitching, but no one's spirit was dampened; they knew he just wanted things to go off without a hitch. “ WHAT ABOUT THIS ONE?” Baby squealed, holding up a bedazzled skimpy ….dress? If you could call it that. ‘’Mmmm, sugar that looks like floss on a hanger, I could see wearing that on the honeymoon but not that ceremony,” you chuckled lightly, chewing on your lollipop and looking back at the dresses, nothing here seemed to be standing out, and you were starting to get disappointed. You were not high maintenance, and a simple dress would be fine, but these weren't you. “ Baby, maybe we should look elsewhere, or I can just wear something I got at home. ‘NO, we are finding you something because this is the best store in town and you deserve something nice!!. 
She skipped along to the other rack of dresses along the wall. You signed and watched her jump around from rack to rack; you loved her so much. She was such a free spirit, never seemed to have a bad day, and up for a good time; you couldn't believe you were finally going to be sisters officially “ unofficially.” You hoped this was what he wanted and didn't get cold feet at the ceremony. God, what if he did. The thought of that was terrible. Having been lost in your head, you didn't notice her hop up behind you with a new dress. ‘ LOOK! WHAT DO YOU THINK? DO YOU LOVE IT OR DO YOU LOVE IT?” She wiggled the dress in front of you, waving it and flashing her megawatt smile.
You have to admit this was a beautiful dress; it was a v-neckline embroidered spaghetti strap lace dress. It was an eggshell white and looked like it would fall right at your ankle. You walked over and lightly touched it; you pictured you and Otis exchanging vows in this; it was perfect, not too flashy, and not too casual. 
Well, it was perfect until you saw the price. "Holy shit, Baby, we can't afford this! Have you seen the tag?" You pointed at it and started to slowly put it back toward the rack. " Ah no no, no no, this is the one we are getting your eyes lit up, and you'd look so beautiful; just wait, we're taking this home today" she shoved the dress Into your hands and walked over to the cashier who was a young early 20 something which had been burning holes in the back of her head this whole shopping trip. I mean, who could blame him? Baby was drop-dead gorgeous, and she knew it.
She skips over to the unsuspecting victim and turns on the charm; leaning over the counter, she twirls one of her golden curls in her fingers and smiles. " Don't you think my sister would look pretty in that dress Mr .. (a male name you like)? "Oh yeah, she would look great," he stuttered a bit and ran his head over the back of his neck nervously, little beads of sweat appearing on his forehead, he was already nervous, and Baby was just getting warmed up. 
"So .. here's the problem, handsome," her voice thick with flirt and sass. "I promise to my beautiful sister over there that she would be able to wear that dress on her wedding day tomorrow, but it's a little out of our price range. Do you think maybe there's something you could do?" She pouts and leans over the counter a bit more, looking at him from under her lashes. " I don't know I could get in trouble, oh," he stutters, and his sentence is cut off when Baby grabs the end of his tie and slowly pulls it toward her. " Oh please It would mean so much to us, and I could make it up to you! maybe you can come over to our house this week, and I can show you how much I appreciate your generous nature" she smiled at him and turned her head; she knew she had him right where she wanted him. It was always fun to watch these interactions. It was like a dance or something or a lion stalking its prey. " I um I think maybe I can do something um just don't tell anyone " gulp "ah ok?" " Of course, sweetums, this will be our little secret" Baby took his hand and wrote down her address with the pen she took from his front his pocket; you laughed a little knowing the fate that awaited the poor fellow, she strutted over to you taking your hand in hers and led you out the door. Back at the house, the party was in full swing, every member of the house was partaking. 
Spaulding was, of course, the officiant; he seemed to be almost as happy for this event as you two. What can he say? He loves to love! Finally, the moment came: one a buzz of excitement. Baby, of course, was your maid of honor and tiny walked you down the aisle. Otis wore his most  clean flannel and surprisingly non ripped jeans ( he owns a pair of those ?!) His eyes widened, and a smile crept along his face seeing you come toward him in that dress. He couldn't believe how stunning you were and how lucky he was that you were going to be his forever. "Why, hello there, beautiful'' he lifts your hand and kisses the top of it, he leans back a little and eyes you up and down " shit, mamas, all this for me?"
Looking up at him and staring right into his blue eyes you smile " all yours handsome.” "ALL FUCKING RIGHT LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED.  SURE THESE TWO WANNA GET THIS OVER WITH AND GO STRAIGHT TO THE HONEYMOON. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING HAHA! '' Spaulding's booming voice ripped through the backyard, causing you both to snap out of your love trance. " Alright, happy boy, you wanna go first? And try not to royally fuck it up in front of the lady hmmmmm?" " Shit shut the fuck up, cutter" he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny scribbled on paper that looks like he wrote and erased about a million times; he clears his throat " um yeah, so I wrote these, and I hope you like em and yeah here we go welp I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, the only home I've ever had, and that home is you.” He nervously put the note back into his pocket and cleared his throat; he read the vows fast as if to hurry and get past this vulnerable exposure as quickly as possible. 
You were shocked, to say the least; saying that you weren't expecting much in the romantic department was an understatement, the fact he was able to muster up these words completely melted your insides. " So what the fuck? You just gonna stare at me or something? What are you getting cold feet now, a woman? You're just staring .. say something!"  You look at a deep breath, suddenly aware of all eyes on you. alright y/n you can do this; you took a small piece of paper from your bra and opened it. " So I couldn't find the words for what I wished to say * clears throat," so I had to borrow them; in the words of Pablo Neruda: “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I do not exist, nor you.” Small awws and comments erupted in from the small crowd, "
WELL HOT DAMN THAT IS SOME HEARTWARMING SHIT" Spaulding well basically screamed, he took out the long hunting knife from his pants pocket. He handed it to you " ladies first, my dear" You had predicted that there would be some apprehension about slicing open your hand with a giant knife but the look Otis was giving you all the courage you needed, he was looking at you with a deep burning hunger, one that sent fire to your stomach and tingles to your core. With a deep breath, you sliced hard and fast into your left hand, never breaking eye contact with him; the pain was intense but forgotten, overshadowed by the lust growing more and more intense by the second you wanted your husband, and you wanted him now. You handed the knife back to Spaulding " alright happy boy, you're up" you clenched your hand close, feeling the warm blood flowing through your fingertips. Otis had a large grin by this point, hastily taking the knife and slicing it into his palm way faster than you did. 
He moved closer, taking your hand and pressing it into his, the blood from you and him mixing. " I now pronounce you sick bastards husband and wife! " And with that last statement, Otis grabbed your face with his clean and bloodied hand, pulling you into a deep kiss; you linked your hands around his neck, pulling him closer.
Breaking the kiss, he takes your hand and slowly licks your large gushing cut, staring at you deep in the eyes the entire time; this dark, sick so very erotic scene made you take a deep breath in and bite your lower lip breath hitched. You softly whispered, "Otis…"..  his eyes had become large and dilated with lust. That last whisper from you was enough to push him over the edge " Alright, y'all can get the fuck out. I'm about to do unspeakable shit to my wife, see y'all next week, no one bothers us, or  I'll blow your head fucking off.” With that, he threw you over his shoulder and with a smack to your ass he took you into the house. 
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hotchley · 3 years
mortch having a girl, specifically hotch coming home after a bad case to see derek-with glasses ofc- holding their babygirl while reading hotch’s high school play script
Grace I am in love with your brain and I need you to write this properly, but for now, enjoy this little drabble... thing whatever, we’re going with it (and I hope you liked the other mortch headcanons!!) 
the best thing they ever did
I don’t know what else to call it and all of the songs I’ve been listening to are sad and look... either of them with a daughter is just the best thing and yeah so please be gentle
Also where in canon is this? Fuck if I know, Tara and Luke are on the team but Derek left and Jack is a teen and Hotch is retiring in a few months and like Mr Scratch the episode did happen but not the shit after?? but that’s not that important just go with it 
read on ao3! (I cannot believe I am doing this)
tw: vague crimes against children, the slightest implication of child abuse
Cases with children were always hard. But cases with children, when he had two at home and Derek wasn’t there to ground him or make everything better by simply holding his hand and drawing circles were awful.
So awful that he just wanted to bury his head in the lumpy pillow at the hotel and scream. He missed feeling Derek’s arms around him as he slept, and he missed falling asleep on his shoulder, and he missed the scent of his shower gel.
He just missed Derek. And Jack. And their little girl. He couldn’t believe he had a daughter. He had always wanted to give Jack a little sibling, but his own failures had meant that never happened.
Until it did. Just in a completely different way to what he was expecting. He lost Haley to George Foyet, yes, but he gained a new family that he thought he would never find. And he knew Haley, wherever she was, was at peace, watching over him and the loves of his life with pride and happiness.
In the end, they saved the children. Their lives would never be the same and this would stay with them forever, but they would, with the right support, recover and flourish.
He used to tell the team that saving a victim was the best thing they could do because he needed them to carry on having faith in what they did and not start doubting whether or not they made a difference because they did.
But he too had wondered whether or not it was worth it. When he thought of everything Foyet had put him through, had his life really been worth saving?
And then he saw Jack. Jack who would always miss his mother and the person she had been to him, the woman he remembered, but Jack that looked at Derek and called him Papa without feeling guilty. Jack that sometimes got angry and threw tantrums but was every bit the boy Haley had raised.
And he knew that it was all worth it. As he thought of Derek- good and kind and beautiful Derek that had stuck with him through everything and held him after Mr Scratch had forced him to see his family die- he smiled. 
Derek Morgan was the best man he knew. And every single day, every single moment, he considered himself lucky to call him his husband. He knew how difficult it was for Derek to wave goodbye each morning, knowing first-hand the horrors of the job. But Aaron only had to do a few more months before the Bureau would give him his pension.
And when that day came, he was going to retire and join Derek at the local community college, where they would teach the next generation of lawyers. Together. Like they were meant to. Because even before they had fallen in love- unwillingly and resentfully realised that actually, they did care about each other a lot- they had been partners.
But before then, he would carry on with the BAU, writing reports until his eyes started to hurt and he has to fight back tears every time he looks at the photos. This time though, his desk was suspiciously void of paperwork that wasn’t absolutely essential to the case.
When he looked into the bullpen, Emily and Luke’s piles seemed significantly bigger. Tara and Spencer also had larger piles, but those were decreasing at an incredibly fast rate. 
He smiled to himself and pulled his phone out to text Derek that he would be home sooner than expected. But as he gazed at his lock screen- subconsciously counting down the days till he could change it to the family photo- he decided he would surprise them instead.
With the knowledge that he would soon be home and in the arms of his loved one, the paperwork was slightly more bearable. It was still brutal and heartbreaking and he kept needing to pause to stop himself from sobbing, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
Derek’s presence had always been more than a light, but still.
He finished before anyone else of the team, but he didn’t feel guilty leaving. They didn’t need him to hold their hands anymore. They hadn’t for a while, but Derek’s departure after the birth of their daughter- their beautiful daughter- had driven the point home.
It was why he was going to be able to leave without any regrets.
It was dark when he unlocked the front door to their home. Home. He thought he had lost that after Haley left. He never thought he would find it in Derek, but he would never stop feeling grateful that he got a second chance at a family. A second chance at being happy.
All the lights downstairs were off, so he assumed they had all gone to sleep. He checked Jack’s room and saw that he was peacefully asleep. Maybe it was the case, or the nostalgia that came with leaving, or maybe he was just a better man than his father was, but the sight of him sleeping without stirring or being haunted by nightmares bought on a wave of emotion so overwhelming he had to hold the door handle.
With every passing day, Jack looked more and more like his mother. Once upon a time, it would’ve been like a dagger to Aaron’s heart, but now it just made him smile with a fondness he hadn’t realised he was capable of.
Even though Jack wasn’t a child anymore- he was almost as tall as Hotch- he still found himself quietly entering to press a soft kiss to his forehead. He closed the door properly as he left, knowing his son would appreciate the thought in the morning.
The door to the nursery was also closed. Either she was sleeping, or Derek was still awake with her. He wouldn’t be surprised if it was the second. Derek loved their daughter the way he did everything in his life: with passion, the utmost care and his entire soul.
He hesitated in the doorway of their bedroom, wanting to enjoy the sight for just a moment.
Derek, in nothing but a thin t-shirt and pair of shorts, clearly ready for bed, and glasses that he somewhat resented wearing because it reminded him that he was getting older, holding their daughter in his arms. He held her like she was the world.
And in some ways, she was.
Aaron smiled at the two of them. And then he heard what Derek was saying.
The book in front of him was not the storybook Haley had bought Jack when he was a baby. Nor was it one of the many gifts they’d received from the team.
It was the script for the Pirates of Penzance. The same one Hotch had scribbled his notes all over, so he would know exactly where he was meant to stand and when he was meant to enter and leave. He wanted to be offended, but he couldn’t help but smile.
Theatre had been the start of his and Haley’s love story. He loved that Derek was so willing to celebrate it.
“I hope you’re doing the voices right,” he quipped, as Derek started to recite the first of Pirate Number Four’s two lines.
Derek turned and Aaron was still so taken aback by how stunning he was that whatever he was going to say died on his lips. He smiled slightly, trying to not give away how much the case had affected him.
“I thought you could use something good today. Em told me what happened. Do you want to talk about it?”
Not today. Tomorrow he would, but tonight he was going to love his daughter and fall asleep in Derek’s arms. So he shook his head and went over to the two of them.
His daughter babbled and smiled at him, wrapping her little hand around his finger.
“Hello darling,” he cooed. “Did Papa make you stay up for me? Or did you do that yourself?”
Derek laughed, a joyous and warming sound. “She did that herself. In fact, she almost woke Jack up with her screaming. I think she knew her daddy would be home today. Didn’t you?”
Aaron smiled as she carried on smiling at the two of them. “Thank you for staying up. I know I’m back earlier than usual, but it’s still late.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Derek said, still rocking the baby in his arms. She was a beautiful baby. And one day, she would be an amazing, strong and vulnerable woman. But for now, she was his little girl.
“I know. But I want to,” Aaron said in response. “Did she really almost wake up Jack?”
“Yep. She wanted to be held, and then I thought I would read to her, and I remember getting this out for Jack earlier. It just felt right. Haley had so many lines, how she remembered all of them is beyond me.”
“She was ethereal on that stage,” he said. But thinking of Haley didn’t hurt now. It hadn’t for a while. JJ had been right. He was happy.
“I’m going to change out of this suit,” he said, after a few moments of silence passed. Derek nodded, not even moving to put her back in her crib. When Aaron returned wearing Derek’s old pyjamas, he was still rocking her gently.
“You’ve never looked quite so beautiful as you do when you hold her,” he confessed quietly.
Derek smiled, passing her over. “And you never look as relaxed as you do when she’s in your arms.”
He laughed, then responded with: “Gas.”
Derek rolled his eyes in that fond way he always did, but he laughed along nonetheless. And when Aaron’s eyes started to droop, he took the now sleeping baby from his arms and went to the nursey.
As he set her down, he brushed his lips across her forehead, wishing her a peaceful sleep. 
“Goodnight, Penelope Haley Hotchner-Morgan. Have the sweetest dreams,” he said, leaving the door slightly open so some of the light could get in.
Aaron had fallen asleep in the few minutes he had been gone for, on top of the duvet and with his feet dangling off the end of the bed. Derek smiled at his sleeping figure from the door, wondering how anyone could look so sweet as they slept.
Derek moved him to be under the covers, having done it enough times to know how to do it without waking him up. When Aaron’s breathing remained even, he breathed a sigh of relief and climbed in on the other side.
As if he just knew, Aaron rolled over, burying his head in Derek’s neck as he wrapped his arms around his husband, feeling like home was perfect once more.
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eleanorbloom · 4 years
All I Ever Wanted (Bryce Lahela x f!MC)
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Warnings: Angst, cursing and smut. The second half of the chapter is NSFW and not suited for minors (I left a mark for those who want to read the first part fic but are not comfortable with smut).
A/N: Hello!  
I swore to myself that I’d only write my series and a collab I was invited to do, but chapter 12 left me wanting for more, so here we have the love and smut that was missing in that 30💎 scene.  I’m a hopless romantic so prepare yourselves for a bit of cheesiness.
I’m using the same tag from my BrycexMCxEthan series, thinking you would be interested in read this, so, if you want to be removed from this post, just let me know!
A/N2: I apologize in advance for any mistakes, English is not my frist language.
That’ll be all. 
Taglist @utterlyinevitable  @shanzay44 @choicesficwriterscreations @laiba-the-person​ @starrystarrytrouble​ @lahellacute​ @lucy-268​ @aylamreads​ @binny1985​ @romewritingshop​
 All I Ever Wanted
The chatter of people had decreased into an unstable hiss from the few people left in the room.
Bryce had said goodbye to Bobby’s and Danny’s family and was waiting for Eleanor, who was immersed in a joyful but melancholic exchange of memories with Danny’s mother.
When he found a picture of the hospital staff at a picnic a few months ago, he couldn’t help but smile at the happy faces of colleagues and friends having a good time, without the worries of daily routines.
No one could’ve ever imagined at that moment that two of those smiling faces would leave so soon. Nor that it could have been four.
As he sensed his eyes starting to burn again, he blinked swiftly to keep the tears at bay.
“You okay?”—Her voice was soft as a whisper, careful enough to not startle him as she appeared beside him out of the blue.
Bryce turns to his right, where Eleanor was looking at him with a worried expression.
“Yeah, it’s just… I know we deal with life and death every day, but it feels different to lose our people and so unexpectedly.”
Especially when someone you love was so close to death, he says in his head.
“Yeah, I know”
Eleanor looks around the hall as one of the volunteers starts packing up chairs. There were a few groups at the corner, mostly family and relatives of the heroes of Edenbrook. All their friends had gone by now.
“I’m ready if you want to leave”
“Let’s go, then.”—Bryce says as he heads to the door. Eleanor follows suit, instantly.
Outside, the sky is completely closed with thick, black clouds, threatening with rain any minute now.
“Should we take a cab?”—He asks, looking up the sky.
“No, I’d like to walk, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t.”
As they start to walk, they notice how quiet the street was. The only noises accompanying them was the clicking of her shoes, and a few cars passing by a couple of blocks away. Bryce couldn’t help but get lost in the sound of her steps. The confirmation for the umpteenth time that she was alive and walking by his side. As if the last few days, the last few hours hadn’t been proof enough.
Since the moment he knew Eleanor could die, every moment with her feels like a treasure to him. A challenge to not take anything for granted, especially her existence, and to make the most of his time with her. They couldn’t waste any more time.
With that in mind, Bryce looks down at her, searching for her hand. She had both hands pocketed and as she saw he was offering his hand, she tangled her fingers into his.
Although her face was pale and gloomy, Bryce noticed how her eyes softened at the touch of his skin. He felt tickles at the sensation of her soft touch in him.
They walked in comfortable silence the few streets that separated the reception center from Eleanor’s apartment. Every few feet, they would stare at each other and smile imperceptibly, Bryce just for having her by his side, Eleanor for having him when she needed the most.
Once they reach her apartment street, a thunder roared loudly above them, waking them from their deep thoughts.
“I guess the sky is angry too.”—She says looking up as she stops in her tracks, waiting for the bolt.
And all Bryce can think of, is if Eleanor wouldn’t have made it that night, the sky would have broken the earth in two. His earth, his world, his heart. Everything would have fallen apart if she’d gone.
Then, the sky turns white and shiny for an instant. The stroke of lightning like an enormous photograph flash illuminates their faces and makes them realize how wonderful life can be with just so little. 
After a moment she turns to him, looking for his beautiful brown eyes. But she can’t get enough as Bryce just take her by the nape of her neck and kisses her like he was gasping for air. His lips were cold, but in a matter of seconds, they were melting every inch of her skin he touched, his tongue roaming her lips, then her lips sucking his lower lip impatiently in an almost-too-fair exchange of kisses.
As Eleanor lets out a moan, a shower of rain comes down, soaking them in an instant. Neither of them seems to mind. Somehow the rain was all that they needed at that moment: something that washed them for all their fears, the loss, the pain. The uncertainty.
Eleanor rests her forehead in his, panting.
“Would you stay with me tonight?”—She pleads.
“I’d love to, Elle”—He replies before taking her by the hips and kissing her again, this time softly.
After a long moment, he embraces her, burying his face in her wavy, damp hair.
He breathes the sweet scent of her shampoo, bringing memories of the first time he discovered it.
Donahue’s was packed. Everyone was there celebrating the first day of residency. Eleanor had agreed to play darts with him. The bet was a kiss. The moment she turned to him, all victoriously, a trail of pomegranate scent reached his nostrils. And that night, even if she won, Bryce felt like a winner too, as they’d share the second kiss of that day. 
 “Should we go inside?”—Bryce doesn’t respond, still lost in memories.—“Bryce?”  
He pulls away reluctantly. There’s a mix of longing and vulnerability in his eyes she had never seen before. As if he was opening the doors of all the mysteries he had kept sealed since... Always.
“Yeah, it’s just… I’m so glad you’re still here. I can’t help but feel thankful every moment I’m with you.”
“Me too. I feel thankful for being alive and to have you by my side.”
She gives him a quick peck in her wet lips and then she takes him by the hand, pulling him to the building. The rain still pouring.
“Do you think Keiki will be okay if you stay?”
“Yeah. I’ll text her to let her know I’m not coming home, anyway.”
By the time Bryce and Eleanor enter her room, Bryce was pocketing his cellphone back into his jacket.
“All settled. She kinda assumed I would spend the night with you”—Bryce replies, sheepishly.
“Your sister is always two steps ahead of you, it doesn’t surprise me at all.”—She retorts as she balances herself in one foot, taking off her Mary Jane stilettos. Then she continues with her coat.
Bryce stands there, at the door, watching her silently, studiously.
“Are you okay, Bryce? You seem… really pensive.”—She asks, walking towards him.
He can’t help but feel a wave of tenderness as she is now at her natural height. About 3 inches shorter.
She cups his cheeks both hands and caresses him with the tip of her thumbs.
“Honestly, I-”—He clears his throat, feeling it tight.—I feel a little out of control. One minute I’m laughing and telling a story about some prank Danny and I pulled on the OR staff… the next I want to bawl… the next I feel terrified. Of what could’ve happened to you, of what could happen tomorrow…”
“I feel the same.”—She admits—"Every little thing knocks me off balance. Somehow today made everything that happened seem more… real than it did before."
“That’s it exactly. Before, I was somehow still able to keep it all in the ‘work’ portion of my brain, but now…”
“Now it’s taken over.”
Now Bryce was realizing how things would have been if she hadn’t made it. If the team wouldn’t have gotten the antidote. Or if Rafael wouldn’t have been there to protect her. She would have left this planet just as soon as Bobby Gunderson did. Without a chance to say goodbye, without a chance to tell her how much she meant to him.
A sob escapes in his breath, and suddenly he wraps her tightly, this time like he is clinging onto life. As if he frees her from his arms, she'll become thin air and will be gone completely oblivious of what he feels.
Tears were streaming down all over his face, a grimace of terror and hollowness that shattered her heart the moment she saw it.
“Bryce…”—She whispers, her eyes shimmering with tears, containing her own sob at the sight of him so vulnerable.
“The… the night I stayed with you I… I couldn’t even close my eyes, afraid that you could be gone any second. And… I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted to tell you what you mean to me, but I felt like if I did it at that moment, would be like a farewell, like a confession in deathbed, and I couldn’t think that way.”
His lips were quivering while trying to find the exact words to continue.
"Since the moment I knew you would be okay, I realized that I wasted so much time all these months, Elle. Trying to play it cool, hiding my feelings, my worries. Trying to keep my walls up, just to be strong and be the support you need. As if I didn’t need anything. And I realized that somehow, I was unknowingly pushing you away when you have been the person I’ve open up the most. About my family, about what I lived in college because of my parents. And at the thought of you leaving… without knowing how much you mean to me, it felt selfish… unfair.
“Bryce, it’s okay. We all have our times...”
“This is not about time, Eleanor, it’s about fear, about pride. But after what you have been through, I felt stupid for fear something as absurd as my own pride. My charade of having all under control.”
Eleanor wiped the tears in his cheeks.
“I love you, Eleanor.”—He said in the most steady voice he could—You’re the only person that from the moment I met, knew you wouldn't let me down as so many others did, even my own family. But somehow, it took me this long and all this tragedy to finally tell you how I feel about you. I’m sorry… I’m so sorry."
Large tears run down her face. But her eyes were shining with a warmth he hasn’t seen in weeks.
“Bryce…”—Eleanor saw the raw vulnerability of Bryce Lahela. The person she had grown to love even if she knew half of the depths and torments of his mind and heart. But now that she was knowing him at his lowest, it only increased the affection and care for him.
She observed the features of the man who was taking the biggest leap of faith and, becoming the bravest man she knew by showing all his vulnerability, even if it was his biggest fear. Then she kissed all the spots she had look: His forehead, his temples, cheeks, nose, jawline, chin, eyes, to finally his lips. Each peck filled with adoration.  
"Bryce, you don’t have anything to be sorry for.  I've been afraid too, because since the moment I met you you’ve been the one in my heart, but I was afraid of scaring you away, or lose you because you might not feel the same. But the truth is... I love you. I love you since, I don’t know. It feels like forever.”
On a normal day, Bryce would've retorted something flirty or cocky like "Of course you would, I'm too irresistible", but that day wasn't a normal day.
The rain had washed all his charades, all veils of confidence, carelessness, self-assurance, and all his flirty retorts. All that was left, was his deepest fears and hollows of his heart: to grew up in a family that never really cared for him; to lose his parents at the age of seventeen: to have to endure the consequences of his parents' actions, and always end up alone, without real friends, without anyone who would love him unconditionally.
Since the age of seventeen, he had always been on his own. His own emotional support. There never was a single person who would be there for him to vent up, to process feelings, emotions, stress. And since the moment he met Eleanor, he knew it would be different. But he had been carrying the fear for ten years. It wouldn't be easy to let all those walls go. But when it happened, when Eleanor found out about his sister, it was so easy to let the walls crumble. And even if he was used to seeing the judgment in everyone's eyes after finding his truth out, the only thing Eleanor gave him was understanding, support, empathy, generosity. Love. Unconditionally love.
“Let me take care of you”—She whispers, caressing his cheeks in the most tender way. As if he were about to break. —“You don’t need to carry all by yourself. You’re not alone anymore.”
He nods imperceptibly, as Eleanor kisses his forehead and he rests his head on her chest. She strokes his head as he hears Bryce sobbing, letting all out.
“I’m with you, love.”
How many nights she had dreamed of calling him that way. More than she could remember. And it felt so right.
How many nights he had dreamed of being called that way by her. More than he could remember. And it felt so right.
It enlightened his heart that had been buried deep inside all his fears and traumas. He felt alive like never before.
After a while, his breath steadies and he pulls himself out of her grip, looking at her in the eyes.
“Thank you.”
Bryce leans, kissing her chastely in the lips. They stare at each other, smiling.
After a few seconds, they kiss again, but the connection lingers, an innocent and sweet peck that soon turns into something more. Feeling the softness of his lips on her unleashes a desire that starts to flow quickly through her veins.
She opens her mouth in response to the desire, capturing his lips between her teeth, their breaths becoming one.
“Bryce, I want you…”—She parts from him a single moment, just to let him know her mind.
“And I need you, Eleanor”—Bryce gasp loudly before kissing her again, this time drawing a trail of kisses down her neck.
After feeling dead all those days, immersed in confusion, pain, and fear, she had made him feel alive. And he wanted to spend the first moment of his awakening by adoring her in the sweetest and exquisite way.
Soon, Eleanor unbuttons his tux and shirt, leaving kisses in every inch exposed, discarding it on the floor.
Then Bryce turns her to unfasten her black dress in the back, facing the same fate as his shirt. He embraces her for the back, roaming his hands all over her curves, pinching her hips, her waist, and then cupping her breast with both hands while leaving sloppy kisses in the crook of her neck. A wave of popcorn and vanilla intoxicates him with more desire. He pulls her tight against him, groaning as her lower back presses his crotch.  He grips her throat with one hand, arching her head back, kissing her fiercely, while Eleanor roams one hand between his tights, making him release a moan in her mouth. 
Eleanor frees herself from his arms, and bringing her hands to his belt, working on his pants until she sends it to the floor like the rest of their clothes. Then she takes off her pantyhose, and when she ups her head to look at Bryce, she finds him looking at her silently, contemplating every inch of her body.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?”
“Maybe a million times.”
“Make that one million and one, then. You’re absolutely gorgeous”.—He whispers, starting to suck kisses down her jawline, and staying at her chest for a few more moments, while he unclasps her bra and tosses it to the floor. After that, he buries her face in her breasts, cupping them with his hands and feeling the exquisite aroma of her skin concentrating in the apex of her breasts.
He slides his lips softly to her nipples, sucking it delicately at first, but then he nibbles them hard, making a moan escape from her throat.
His touch is like never before. Is gentle but confident. He knows exactly what he's doing, but somehow he touches her with new delicacy, with adoration. Thanking for being alive with every inch of skin he kisses.
As he goes down, Bryce takes her by the hips and pushes her to the bed, pulling her panties out. His kisses along her stomach and belly feel like fire, as he is getting closer to her sweet spot. Eleanor gasps with anticipation. 
Bryce grips her tights and opens them while leaving kisses and licks in her mound and just around her folds. Eleanor breaths heavily, her hips moving involuntarily as his soft kisses tickle in her core.
She thought he would tease her for a minute or two. But that night wasn't about teasing. Was about need and adoration. And he didn't want to waste another second without adoring her most sweet and satisfactory way.
Eleanor tugs the quilt as she felt his tongue sliding slowly through her folds and towards her clit.
“God”—She whispers.
After a few moments working on her core, Bryce places one finger inside her, then two. Then he curls them gently while looking for the right spot until she indicates he has reached it.
“Yes, yes, there, there!”
Without leaving her nub, Bryce goes up, leaning to Eleanor, kissing her breasts to then brush his lips into hers. The moment they meet, Eleanor takes his head desperately, moaning in her mouth while his fingers keep moving in circles and entering in her.
"Yes"—She breathes desperately, Bryce observing every feature of her face. The way her mouth was making a perfect O, the crease in her forehead when she frowns as the pleasure overtakes her.
Bryce picks up more speeds, and her hips began to shake uncontrollably. Bryce looks at her as a deity professing all her powers.
And her power works like a painkiller to him. Seeing her like that, reaching the peak of satisfaction the human nature can have, is the best proof he can get of how alive she is.
Her whole body shudders and then her voice is off, unable to articulate another sound. She can only return the kiss he gives her before tumbling beside her.
As Eleanor catches her breath a few moments later, she steals him a kiss, gripping his arousal. Then she mumbles in a sultry voice:
“How you want me?”
He wasn’t expecting that question, but after a few moments of deliberation, he answers:
“On all fours”
As if her patience was extinguishing, Eleanor stands up immediately, takes his underwear off, and then she crawls onto the bed as Bryce asked.
Bryce places himself behind her and grabbed her by the hips and enters her.  Slowly at first, sensing every inch of her as he pushes and pushes until all his length was inside her. Eleanor leaned on her elbows, stroking her hair as Bryce began to thrust her. The feeling of him inside her sends shivers down her spine, waking every fiber of her again. She feels alive, desired, loved.
“Bryce”—She groans.
Suddenly, Bryce takes her by the wrists, pulling her body to his chest, without stop pounding her. With one hand he cups her breast, with the other, he slides his finger to her clit. Eleanor arches her back, leaning the nape of her neck on his shoulder while tugging his hair in the back of his head.
“You feel incredible, babe”
"Don’t stop, please"—She cries in a tiny voice, as Bryce began to thrust her harder.—”Yes…”
“You like that?”
“Yes, y... you?”
“I love it”—Now his finger picks up speed.
“Fuck, yes, Bryce.”
Bryce kisses her jawline before pushing her back to the mattress, now taking both wrists and crossing them on her low back, holding them there.
As he pounds her faster, the noise of their bodies colliding fills the room, a maddening melody that brings them higher and higher.
“Fuck, yes… I wanted you exactly like this, Bryce”
“Like what?”
“Fucking me hard”
Bryce groans as her words invade his mind.
Their bodies connected was another proof of how alive she was, and how alive he was.
But something was missing.
He pulled away, got on his feet, and turned her in one swift motion, her body, shimmering in sweat, now facing him. Eleanor looks at him, expectantly.
“At least this time, I don’t wanna miss your pretty face while you cum.”
She grins naughtily, biting her lower lip.
Placing himself over her, he grazes her nipples, to then go up to kiss her.
After a few moments lost in her mouth, he stands and takes her hips, raising her a bit, reaching her sweet spot, and making her squeeze on the inside
“Bryce, yes”
Every thrust harder, nosier. Every thrust breaking the chains of the fear, of the loss, of what wasn't said. Of what he could've done. Every thrust getting them near to the edge, to the end of that once endless road of loneliness, of charades, of pretend.
There was no return now.
“Elle"—He breathes, sensing his body was losing control, her body tightened around him, making him explode any second now. 
“Come here, please”—She sighed.
Bryce lowers to her. Eleanor captures his lips instantly, as she was about to choke out of air.
“Bryce, you’re incredible"—She says, dizzy—“I’m… I’m… Ahhh!"—She buries her mouth on his shoulder, as she reaches her long-awaited orgasm.
The raw moan is enough to make him cum against her, growling while he motions erratically over her, as the sensations overwhelm him. Then he collapses by her side, both trying to catch their breaths.
They stay in silence for a couple of minutes, the big smiles never leave their faces.
“Is your need satisfied?”—She asks, turning to him.
“Honestly?”—He replies, placing a hand in her waist—“No, I’m not done, yet.”
“Good, me neither.”
Bryce wraps her in a warm embrace and Eleanor nuzzles in his chest, drunk of tenderness and love.
The rain had stopped falling. The room was quiet. They could only hear their breaths. The basic and simple proof that they were alive at that moment. Alive and absolutely aware of what they felt about each other.
“I love you”—She says softly.
“I love you too, baby.”
There was nothing left to say, but words of reaffirmation for a lifetime.
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kazimakuwabara · 4 years
A Name (part 3)
Part two can be found HERE
This first to visit him, after Kuwabara left his message with Yukina, was the smallest one.
‘What a glare. He’s like a rabid raccoon,’ Kuwabara thought as he observed the dark shadow, hidden up in a tree.
Well, he wasn’t really hidden, since Kuwabara had spotted him. But from the way he was hunched within the folds of the trees branches, Kuwabara suspected he wanted to watch from afar and wouldn’t like that Kuwabara had seen him.
‘I wonder if he’s like a ninja assassin? Demon’s exist, so surely those do too,’ Kuwabara thought as he craned his neck to look at his little visitor. Why in the world was he in a tree? Why not knock on the shrine door?
“So you caught him,” Shizuru’s voice interrupted his thoughts.
Kuwabara turned from the window he was practically pressed against, to look at Shizuru. She carried a tray of food, their lunch, and set it on the table in front of him. The meal was a pile sandwiches today, cut into neat triangular halves. This was a relief; it was something he could eat with one hand.
Some of the noodle dishes Shizuru had to feed to him, herself. Even with no memories, this embarrassed Kuwabara and stung at his pride just a bit. He wanted to take care of himself, but his arm was not getting better.
“He’s been by already?” Kuwabara asked, shifting away from his other thoughts, and focusing on his main curiosity of the moment.
Shizuru smiled openly at him, her smile fond and a little sad. She smiled this way at him always.
“Yes. They all have. Scurrying and hiding like rats. They had healing to do themselves, but when they could they’ve been skulking about. Looking after you from afar. Pure idiocy,” She sighed, and helped herself to a sandwich.
“Is it that hard to face a guy without any memory?” Kuwabara asked, taking a sandwich for himself.
Shizuru chewed considerably, her eyes drifting far away, “Perhaps. Perhaps.”
Kuwabara laid out a napkin, and helped himself to half the sandwiches on the tray. Shizuru, silently added two more on to his pile. He smiled, and with his good arm gathered the food up. As he stood, she stood as well, seeming to know what he was going to do, and what he needed. She adjusted his sling so that his useless arm would remain tight and unmoving against his chest, and then opened the door for him.
“If he’s an ass to you, let me know. I’ll chase him off,” Shizuru said her tone deadly serous. She waved a hand at the food, “But offer hims a sandwich. Maybe the little brat will come down.”
Kuwabara grinned, and promised, “I’ll have dinner with you,”
She scoffed, “I’m not going anywhere. Go on.”
And feeling much like a kid, Kuwabara marched outside and headed straight for the tree where he’s spotted his guest.
“Hello, up there! I saw you. Come on down. Have some sandwiches with me!” Kuwabara instructed, all smiles.
There was a sound to his left, and the shadow from the tree was gone. He looked down, and there was the small man he’d seen probably a month ago. His expression was still angry, though there was something like confusion burning in his red eyes.
“Come, let’s eat. And tell me your name, you already know I don’t remember. There’s no use pretending,” Kuwabara said, and thrust out the napkin full of sandwiches.
The small man flinched, taken aback by the sudden parcel thrust in his face. He stared at it, and then glanced at Kuwabara’s arm that was bundled tightly in it’s sling. He stared at it, for a long time, and then finally reached up, and took the sandwiches from Kuwabara.
“I’m Hiei,” he said, his voice surprisingly deep.
Kuwabara peered at him, taking in his red eyes, dark clothing... and his own bandaged arm.
“Are you still healing?” Kuwabara asked.
Hiei frowned, “What?”
“Are you healing? Your arm-” Kuwabara pointed at Hiei’s arm,  where bandages peaked out from his long black sleeve.
Hiei looked uncomfortable, “It’s not hurt... It’s just... like that.”
There was an awkward silence, and Kuwabara gestured to the porch of the shrine, “Let’s share some lunch.”
In all his life, Kuwabara had never had a more awkward and quiet meal.
That might not be true, since he couldn't remember most of his life.
But in his month of being away, he had never had a more awkward meal.
Hiei was quiet, and seemed to eat with some reluctance. Kuwabara didn’t know what to say to him, or to ask, and Hiei even seemed to be questioning why he was even here. It took no time at all for Kuwabara to eat most of the sandwiches, and for Hiei to eat just two halves.
Kuwabara peered at him, taking in his appearance, and style and decided he might as well try to get a little information, “Are you a demon?”
Hiei looked at him, seeming to be startled. His eyes went momentarily wide, and he had, for the briefest of seconds seemed... vulnerable and open. Maybe hurt. It was gone so quick, Kuwabara might have thought he imagined it but another thought flooded his head at Hiei’s face.
He looked like someone.
“You and Yukina are related.”
Hiei stood up, his face shocked, and maybe even... pale, “Why do you say that!?”
Kuwabara shrugged, “You look like her.”
“I look like her...” Hiei sounded astounded, his voice distant.
Kuwabara squinted at him, “Did you not know?”
“What... what kind of stupid question is that!? Of course I know!” Hiei spat, losing his patience in a moment.
“Well, you’re acting like you're surprised,” Kuwabara said with a shrug, and leaned back on his good arm.
“Because... you’re not supposed to know!” Hiei practically snarled and then cursed under his breath, pressing a hand to his forehead, “No, that’s not right. You do know... we just don’t... speak of it.”
‘This is a weird fucking conversation,’ Kuwabara thought, staring at Hiei, ‘What in the world does he mean? Why don’t we talk about Yukina being related to him... oh!’
“Oh!” Kuwabara said aloud, Hiei snapping to attention to stare at him.
“Is she your daughter?” Kuwabara blurted.
Hiei’s jaw dropped, “My... my daughter?!”
“I mean you look young, but maybe you’re not! I don’t know how demon’s work!” Kuwabara said waving his good arm in the air. He tapped a finger to his chin, and peered at Hiei suspiciously, “Is she your illegitimate child? Is it some strange secret? She’s like a princess, I’d see why you might need to keep it safe to protect her!”
Kuwabara’s imagination was running away with him now.
Hiei’s cheeks flushed red, and though Kuwabara didn’t know Hiei, something in him, told him he had just done something amazing.
Hiei’s hand caught the front of Kuwabara’s shirt, and he pulled Kuwabara into a stiff position, “She’s my sister! What weird ideas are you concocting?”
“Ow!” Kuwabara hissed, his voice petulant to his own ears, but his bad arm stinging quite sharply, “I don’t know! I’m just guessing! It’s not like I remember anything at all!”
Hiei’s hand had released Kuwabara before he’d even finished his complaint. And then Hiei was looking at Kuwabara’s injured arm with a severe expression. A shadow of... guilt... or responsibility, passed over Hiei’s eyes as he stared at it, and in a soft and almost tender voice he whispered, “Did... Did I make it worse?”
Again Kuwabara got the feeling he was seeing something amazing. He kept his eyes fixed on Hiei’s rigid expression, and adjusted himself before answering, “It’s fine. It hurts all the time, but gets worse when jostled. I know Miss Yukina is trying her best, but I think we should just get rid of it.”
“...You may never be able to fight again if that happened!” Hiei whispered, sounding... Kuwabara didn’t know how it sounded.
“Is that so bad?” Kuwabara asked.
Hiei pierced him with a pained stare, his mouth set in a grim line.
“Am I so necessary in a fight? I have a vague idea you and your friends, and me I guess, used to go off playing the heroes, but I’m just a human. I can’t be as useful as all of you. Just retire me. Like a lame horse. My arm is ruined, and my memories are gone. Might as well cut your los-” Kuwabara was cut off by Hiei’s hand coming down on his shoulder.
It was not firm, or tight. It was trembling. Hiei was trembling.
For the third time, instinct told him this was wrong somehow.
“Don’t... don’t say that. We.... we need...” Hiei’s voice was small, and hesitant. It was laden with guilt, and he did not meet Kuwabara’s eye. And he did not finish speaking.
Kuwabara felt a sharp prick in the back of his head. An intense pain.
And then... he remembered something.
“What good are you even for?!” Hiei raged in Kuwabara’s face.
Hiei’s face was dirty, and his expression hard, and maybe mocking. Blood was trickling out of a third eye, and he was shaking Kuwabara by the cuff of his shirt. Something was glowing just behind Hiei, something Kuwabara once knew.
Two other people were on their hands and knees, terribly injured as lughter climbed the air, a warning siren of the danger coming. The air was being sucked into a vortex just in front of the glowing object buried in the ground.
It was a sword.
Hiei was shaking Kuwabara again, and snarled, “What good are you even for?”
“What good are you even for?” Kuwabara repeated.
Hiei lurched back from Kuwabara like he had been burned.
“You said that to me... What good am I even for,” Kuwabara said calmly. The memory had stung, like alcohol on a wound. It stirred feelings, a little sadness, a little regret... but oddly it also made a strange happiness flood Kuwabara’s chest.  A protective, fond feeling he had for Hiei, and the other two injured figures in that memory.
For some reason, he was not angry at the unkind words Hiei had spit at him in that memory.
But Hiei’s face... was twisted with... regret? Self-loathing. Pain. There was a lot there, and all of them bad, and turned inwards.
“Hiei?” Kuwabara asked.
But Hiei was gone when Kuwabara blinked.
And Kuwabara was alone, his arm aching.
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dameronology · 4 years
hello stevie, my what i call incredible friend. thinking about #34 with padawan!obi that transitions into #46 with rots obi? like a cute confession/fluff imagine, please? thank you 😘💞
well hello to you and thanks for joining, miranda❤️
34 -  “you come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle? +  46 -  “what if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn’t entirely sure what he would have done without you. He wasn’t sure where you came from or how you found our way into his life, but you’d just always been...there. Your friendship was simply a fact of life and it was something he valued greatly. You might have been the only person in the galaxy who truly understood him; the only consistent thing in a world that was entirely crazy. 
He wouldn’t have described himself as clingy. The fact that he wanted to spend every second of every day with you and only you didn’t mean anything. Sure, he didn’t ever want to talk to anyone else, much less look at anyone else, but clingy wasn’t the right word. He would have called it dedicated. (Qui-Gon would have called it a disaster).
So dedicated, in fact, that you were the person he came to when his nightmares got bad. They were usually quite manageable, but after a particularly bad mission, the visions had come back to haunt his sleep that night. He’d trailed across the temple at some unholy hour, hair sticking up in a million different directions as he dragged his cloak behind him. 
After gently calling out your name, Obi-Wan waited for a few moments. He heard a crashing from the other side of the door and a pattering of footsteps. He knew you weren’t going to be happy: nobody dared to disturb your sleep unless it was entirely critical, but he would have rated this situation as a DEFCON 3 at the least. 
‘You better have a good excuse, Kenobi.’ You didn’t bother with a greeting, a grumble escaping your lips as his blue eyes met yours. He looked tired. He felt tired - his exhaustion was practically Force-vacuuming the energy out of you. 
‘I wanted...’ He couldn’t bring himself to admit he’d had a nightmare.  Would you have judged him? Thought him to be weak? You certainly thought he was a huge dork but no, not weak. ‘I wanted to cuddle?’
‘You came to my room and wake me up at 4am...to cuddle?’ Your words were tinged a mixture of humour and disbelief. ‘Qui-Gon really did whoop your ability to lie out of your ass, huh?’
Obi-Wan sighed. ‘I had a nightmare.’
‘Obi.’ You murmured. ‘You don’t have to lie to me.’
You held your arms out to him - without hesitation, he fell forwards, bodies colliding as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His fell around your waist, practically cowering over you as you tangled yourselves together. He rested his head on tops yours, holding you tightly as though he were the one protecting you. In reality, it was the opposite. Anything negative that he had been feeling melted away the moment you touched. 
That night was simply one of many; hundreds, in fact. The comfort that you found in one another only became more crucial as life threw curve balls at you. The solace that Obi-Wan sought in you after he lost his master and the consolation you sought in him when you lost a close friend only brought you closer together. In a galaxy so vast and so wide, you were one another’s home. Knowing that you had him to turn to in tough times was like a lifeboat amongst an unruly sea. 
Nothing about your closeness changed - you both grew as people, but you never grew apart. You watched Obi-Wan become one of the best Jedi you’d ever seen; a little less aloof than he’d been as a Padawan, but still your best friend nonetheless. Watching him finally grow a beard after so many years of patchiness was also a huge feat for him. On the flip side, he got to watch you find your feet, becoming an undeniable bad-ass. He watched you settle into the role with such pride. 
Obi-Wan had become tireder over the years. With the Clone Wars raging on and his Padawan slipping further and further away from him, your presence was a heaven send. The nightmares he was having as a Jedi Master had made his Padawan-era ones seem like children’s cartoons. 
And, every time he turned up at your room at 4AM, you’d welcome him with a sarcastic quip and open arms. It was simply a routine - and one he wouldn’t know what to do without. 
‘Let me guess.’ You murmured. It was 3.45AM and you’d both returned from a mission just hours ago. It had been rough. Men had been lost. Innocent men. And for what? 
‘You want a cuddle?’
‘If you’d be so kind as to allow it.’ Obi-Wan offered you a smile. It was fake - you could see that, no cap - but damn, he was pretty. 
Over the years,your hugs in your bedroom door way had upgraded to bed sharing. Neither of you ever discussed what it meant, nor what it could lead to, but it was the only way he got any sleep nowadays. Sometimes, Obi-Wan would be the one holding you, and other times, you would hold him. The most important thing was that you were together. 
You both slid into bed, a tangle of limbs as he rested his head on your chest. His arms were around your waist, whilst yours supported his head. It was almost vulnerable for him; he was supposed to be a General, one of the bravest men in the order. He was - he was undoubtedly the most selfless warrior you’d ever met - but the man needed a hug, goddammit. 
‘Don’t worry about today.’ You murmured, a hand gently carding through his hair. 
‘I’m sure that by next week we would have witnessed something so terrible that we forget about this bad thing.’ Obi-Wan replied. His tone was humorous but his words were like a thousand tiny knives in your chest. 
‘That’s one way of looking at it, I suppose.’ You replied. 
Obi-Wan only truly felt at peace when he was in your embrace. It was as though things suddenly became crystal clear the minute that you reached out to him - physically, mentally, emotionally and otherwise. Amongst all the intergalactic cockamamie and bullshit, you were the only thing that truly made sense. 
‘At least if things do get worst, I have an excuse to come and see you again.’ He said. 
‘What if I told you that you don’t need an excuse?’ You replied. 
‘What if I told you that I’ve fibbed about having nightmares before so I could lay with you?’ He peered up at you, blue eyes tired with exhaustion under the dark of your room. 
‘What if I told you that I know?’ You shot back. 
Obi-Wan’s body shook against yours as he let out a small laugh. ‘Get some rest now, darling.’
‘I was resting.’ You reminded him. ‘And you woke me up.’
With that, Obi-Wan shifted so that you reversed positions; he held you against his chest, one arm around your waist and his free hand supporting the back of your head as you buried it in his shoulder. He preferred to hold you - with everything go on, it felt as though he were protecting you. 
He could tell when you’d drifted off; your Force energy was calm - tranquil and soft and almost enough to drag him under with you. That’s what worked so beautifully between the two of you: there was a balance in the Force, something tying you to together, running much deeper than people who were just old friends.
Once Obi-Wan was certain that you were dead to the world, a small sigh escape his lips.
‘What if I told you that I’ve been in love with you since we were kids?’
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lotusthekat · 4 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T
Relationships: Lars & Steven, Lars/Sadie, Lars & Lion
Characters: Lars Barriga, Steven Quartz Universe; MINOR ROLES - Sadie Miller, Lion; other characters are only mentioned
Summary: The Pink Lars is a donut like any other. It might be more vibrant than others, both in appearance and taste… but it hasn’t been deprived of its own essence. It hasn’t been brought back as something else, and it has no scar as a haunting reminder. No, the Pink Lars is a cake donut like every other, and everyone loves it.
(Lars would’ve probably changed the name, but he doesn’t want to ruin the nice act from Steven.)
*Takes place after Letters to Lars (s05e16)
Word count: 3.173
AO3 / Fanfiction
A/N: Hello, SU fandom, here’s some good ol’ Lars-centric angst. :) This is probably the biggest existential nightmare I’ve ever written (and I blame Neon Genesis Evangelion for that), so I hope you like this, lmao.
TRIGGER WARNINGS - past canonical character death, thoughts of death, fear of death, trauma and implied past bullying(?)
Elegia: Greek/Latin form of elegy. Also the name of a song by New Order.
a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
It’s really been two months or so since he’s been away, and it’s quite obvious when Lars returns to the Big Donut; finding not Sadie, but the town’s former mayor. Obviously, he’s been informed by Steven’s letters back in space, yet he wouldn’t contain his surprise. Just Mr. Dewey working at the Big Donut seems to have been attracting a lot more costumers now.
Lars knows he can’t exactly eat, yet Steven insisted he had the pink donut named after him. The Pink Lars is so, well… pink, that even the dough itself isn’t the ordinary donut color. Steven actually orders six of the desserts – as it turns out, it’s become one of his favorites, right along with the chocolate donuts he regularly buys.
There’s quite a lot of people in town today, under the soft, warm blue sky. Steven and Lars soon settle in a bench at the boardwalk, the former already handing the latter one of the pink donuts.
“You think you can give it a try?” Steven wonders.
Lars is, admittedly, not hungry. He has eaten pieces and bits since getting back home, otherwise nothing much. Though a bite might not hurt.
“I guess so,” He accepts. Soon enough, Steven already puts a donut in his mouth. He enjoys it.
Lars, on the other hand, stares at his. It’s possibly the pinkest thing he’s seen – besides Lion and… himself. The donut, however, doesn’t have the same pink tone. Its frosting is sparkling and appealing, but it’s closer to purple, filled with pink sprinkles over a dark pink dough. The difference between his own skin and the food probably goes unnoticed to others’ eyes at first; on the outside, they’re both pink.
Despite the name, Lars knows they’re not the same. The Pink Lars is a donut like any other. It might be more vibrant than others, both in appearance and taste… but it hasn’t been deprived of its own essence. It hasn’t been brought back as something else, and it has no scar as a haunting reminder. No, the Pink Lars is a cake donut like every other, and everyone loves it.
(Lars would’ve probably changed the name, but he doesn’t want to ruin the nice act from Steven.)
 “… Lars, are you okay?”
Realization hits him. Lars has really just been contemplating a donut and Steven is reasonably concerned. The pink teenager releases a sigh, to filter the deepness of nonsense filling his head.
“Yeah.” He barely holds up a smile when he returns the donut to the box between him and Steven. “I think I’ll pass. I don’t have the stomach right now… literally.” He lets out a forced laugh.
Steven doesn’t laugh or smile in return, whereas Lars avoids the kid’s big concerned eyes. The younger boy swallows.
“Lars, I…” Knowing what he’s going to say next, Lars doesn’t wait for him to finish.
“It’s okay, Steven. I’m…” He bites his own lip. “I’m glad to be here.”
He’s saying the truth, clearly. But…
… no, Lars doesn’t want to sound selfish and ungrateful. Not to Steven of all people. The half-human boy saved his life, and sure, nothing could be the same again. Lars can’t eat the same way as before; he can literally not function like a human being anymore… but he’s glad he’s gotten this second chance. To be there for the people he loves. To be himself.
(But pink, pink, pink.)
Home has changed. He has changed.
Even so, everyone is fine with him becoming pink. Including his parents. They’re definitely shaken at what happened to Lars, and they were brought to relieved and terrified tears upon finding their son again. Yet almost a few weeks later, it’s almost as though he… hasn’t been to space, even though things are different now. If that makes sense.
Sadie is a lot more open and confident now. She sings with all her might, encapsulating the horror films she’s binged into her music. The Cool Kids are themselves, continuing to live as regular teenagers and discovering new interests, whilst giving life to their instruments. Lars cooks and bakes, and he laughs along with his friends. He introduces the Off Colors to the good things of life on Earth. Steven helps with that, as well as his own gem family. The Rutile Twins, Fluorite, Padparadscha and Rhodonite are having the time of their lives, free, loved, joyful. But most importantly, everyone embraces Lars. Everyone accepts who he is.
Everything is good.
(And Lars can’t accept it.)
Lars realizes he’s afraid of the dark.
The darkness was once a place of comfort for him. No one could really see him there. It was endless, omnipresent. Lars often found himself there.
Yet even with the skyscrapers revealing the night sky, today the boy can’t fathom his bedroom without the reassuring light of his lamp, or any background music at all.
(Holes might catch him. Silently, holes might swallow him again, before Lars can scream for help.)
Lars doesn’t need to sleep, but he knows he can. His eyes almost drift off, almost give in and rest. Yet right now his thoughts are loud and clear. His heart may not beat fast, yet his brain works like a machine nonstop.
His ears are filled with the somber music from his headphones. The lyrics, tragic but hopeful.
Lars thinks.
He thinks of Sadie’s hand against his. Her smile brightening when he’s in the same room. He feels her pressing her head against his shoulder, soft blond hair light to his face. Her macabre voice as Sadie Killer, her make-up, the lights and lasers behind her. Beautiful in every way.
He remembers Steven’s bouncy retellings, his patience, his kindness. Lars remembers the kid’s deep honesty, his comfortable presence. Lars feels their hugs, especially as he’s the one who hugs first nowadays.
Jenny, Buck and Sour Cream are their own souls as he’d always known. They’re fun to be around. They’re smart, funny, and supportive. Genuinely the best friends he could ever have.
He talks to his parents more. They’re more involved. They bake together at the kitchen often, his mother teaching desserts that aren’t in his recipe notebook. She helps him with the following potlucks that the Cool Kids plan. They hug, they say “I love you” to one another. They call him Lars.
The Off Colors look up to him. He’s their captain. They love his home, they excitedly watch the sun setting every single day; they have fun in the rain, when the sky doesn’t crack with lightnings. They trust his guidance, and they will follow him until the very end.
They… love him.
Lars is himself now. He’s open, he’s happy, he’s better.
(Why? Why?)
(Pink. Of course.)
(They love pink. They love the Pink Lars.)
He finds the stars above him. They’re suddenly so small in contrast to outer space.
He doesn’t sleep.
His home is filled with pictures. Many, many faces. So familiar, yet so unknown.
Lars sees him. Not the Pink Lars. Him.
Young, young Lars. Orange-skinned. Dark hair. Brown eyes.
A rare smile of such a young boy. A short-tempered kid excluded from his classmates. One that began pushing away the few people who cared. A boy that screamed and locked himself in his room far too often.
Briefly, Lars sees his own reflection on the glass.
Pink skin. Bright pink hair. His right eye, a saturated color, cut by a dark scar.
The boy is gone.
(Why does Lars miss him?)
Something that represents him.
Ube. Purple, creamy, tasty. A childhood memory. The pride in a child’s face, dirtied with speckles of purple.
The Pink Lars. Pink, round, soft, alive; sprinkles as a special touch.
Both so full of life.
Both, true to their essence.
They’re them.
Lars is himself.
(Is he?)
(Is he?)
(Is he?)
Sadie asks him if he’s okay.
They’re watching a horror film together. Lars can barely pay it any mind.
She takes his hand and kisses every pink finger of his. Her eyes, worried.
Lars smiles sadly.
“Yeah, of course. I’m even better when I’m with you.”
(Sadie looks far from convinced. She knows Lars. She knows he’s always struggled with openness and vulnerability.)
The blond girl says nothing, instead snuggling closer against him, his arm pulling her deeper into his chest. Lars feels relaxed. He enjoys staying like this. He listens to her heartbeats. Her warmth enters his pink veins, butterflies shyly filling his stomach.
(For a moment, he feels like he’s never become pink.)
You brought me back to life! Just… let me be somebody who deserved it.
Somebody who deserved it.
(Did the orange-skinned boy not deserve it, then?)
(He was just a boy. Sure, a kid who made a lot of mistakes. Too many. Who let outside opinions get the best of him. But he could’ve grown, too. Maybe, if he were given a chance other than the inevitable.)
(Did he not deserve a chance, too?)
Can't you see that I exist?
And I don't need an exorcist to let me out
Look at me and I'll appear
Why can't you see that I'm right here, that I’m right here?
 Why can't you see me?!
Why can't you see me?!
I think I might be
A g-g-g-ghost.
 (I'm calling you from the other side.)
Today, he’s alone at the beach.
Usually, Lars joins the Off Colors, and sometimes the Cool Kids come along as well. Now, he’s hiding his hands inside his pockets, lonely steps on the sand. The sunset is the same explosion of colors as every other sunny day.
It’s blue, pink, orange and yellow. The sun reflects on the water, which hits the sand softly.
Its pink is livelier than his own.
The orange is there, too.
They’re here and alive.
Lars stays and watches. Alone.
It’s all so distant. So far away.
Maybe they know the truth. Maybe they’re keeping their distance.
Lars doesn’t try to reach them. It’s probably for the best.
 Like that, he’s not expecting to be startled by a big creature staring at him.
Lars almost falls back on the sand, only to realize it’s safe.
The only other creature that is as pink as him. Same hair (or mane). Eyes that are not scarred but are deeper than other eyes he’s seen. As if the feline has seen years and years of experience, without sharing words about it.
“Hey, buddy,” Lars greets him, voice quiet.
As usual, the big cat says nothing. Still, he gazes at the pink space pirate and understands. Lion snuggles his face against Lars’, who sighs and hugs him back, arms tight around his neck.
Lion practically has no heartbeat, unlike Sadie, or Steven or anyone else. His deep breaths are the only remaining of life he has.
The distant seagulls sing somewhere. But somehow, all Lars listens to is Lion.
His eyes blur.
The town is so distant.
… Literally.
Lars casually figured out that he can walk on water like Jesus now. That’s something. He told Steven and the boy was enthusiastic about it, of course. And well, it is cool. He can see the fish swimming down him, and he gets to touch the sun that reflects on the water. Otherwise, he can’t go for swims anymore, while everyone else can.
He’s fine.
There’s no sun or powerful colors this time. The sky is clouded, foggy, yet the ocean doesn’t react too much. The water is usually not furious, anyway.
It might rain soon.
Lars can actually sit on water, too. So, he hugs his own knees and thinks. Stays.
Someone is coming.
Looking up, he finds Steven riding on Lion, with a puzzled look.
“What are you doing here?”
“Hey, man,” Lars gives him a finger gun. “I’m just chilling here. Got to use my Jesus privileges now, am I right?”
Steven doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t look remotely reassured.
(He understands. He wouldn’t find it funny, either.)
Isolated dripples begin surrounding them.
“Come on, let’s go to my house,” Steven offers. “It might be dangerous staying here.”
Lars hums, noticing the fish have all gone away. He stands.
In the way, Lars tries to throw in a joke or two about the whales he found near him earlier. Steven still won’t laugh or find it endearing. And Lion simply listens.
When they enter the beach house, the rain starts coming down. The ocean practically disappears in the fog now.
(He almost wishes he stayed.)
The falling water outside is the only sound you could hear, besides the questions in the kid’s puppy eyes. Instead of answering them, though, Lars has an idea.
“Hey, what do you say I bake those space cookies you like so much?” The older teen offers, patting the boy’s shoulder. “You have the ingredients, right?”
“I think so, but…”
“Great! You can help me if you want.”
He ignores Steven’s frown and heads to the kitchen, already knowing where the ingredients are thanks to memory. Lion lies somewhere near, attentive. Though unlike other times the three of them have shared the kitchen, the big cat might not want to attack the ingredients today. Lion is as lazy as the rain day.
The baking session is… surprisingly quiet. Lars is the one that does the talking this time, trying to cheer the kid up. Steven doesn’t seem fazed. He just follows the steps. Lars’ smile will falter little by little, yet he keeps going. Maybe that will change by the frosting, Lars hopes. The kid loves frosting the cookies, more than he does.
But then, Steven is just… there. Staring at the star-shaped fellas without any enthusiasm. Staring concernedly at them, as if something is wrong with them, even though they’re perfectly fine.
“Hey, Steve,” Lars lowers his voice and puts a hand on his back. “What’s wrong?”
(He knows what it is. And Steven knows that he knows.)
For the first time, Steven looks away and hugs his own arm.
“I… I think I should be asking you that.”
(Lars shouldn’t be shocked. He isn’t.)
“I… I don’t think I’ve ever actually asked how you’ve been lately,” Steven admits. “I was so excited to have you back home, and have everyone see you again, that I thought you’d be fine.” He sighs and adds quieter, rather bitterly at himself. “But I’ve never been good at asking the right questions.”
Lars contains the harsh breath that tries to escape, and he gently pats his friend’s shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay, buddy. You’ve got nothing to worry about me.”
Steven looks back with something akin to disbelief.
“I mean it, I’m okay.”
“But you’re—”
“Kid, I swear, I’m fine.”
“I don’t want to force you—”
“You’re not forcing me, Steven,” Lars reassures him. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.”
“You’re—” Steven observes dumbly and groans. “Why won’t you just talk to me?”
(It’s the same look from the pictures. From the gone, lost boy.)
(Revolted. Pushed aside.)
“T-There’s nothing to talk about!” Lars defends.
“I’m not stupid!”
“I never said you were!”
“Then why are you treating me like I am?!”
“Steven, it’s fine! I’m fine-!”
“NO!” Lars steps away. “STOP LYING TO ME!”
Whatever words were about to be said, they disappear at the sudden voice raise. At the angry – no, frustrated, tearful eyes. The clenched fists.
(Why does Steven look so much like him?)
Steven covers his own mouth, scared of his outburst. He recomposes himself or at least tries to.
“I… I thought we could count on each other. I thought—” He sniffs. “I thought, after we were stuck together, after everything we’ve been through, w-we could… be there for one another. You were there for me, you’re always there for me.” He pauses, his eyes more and more painful to look at. “But now you’re… you’re suffering, and you want to, what, you want to hide it from us? From me?”
Lars’ heart drops. “No- No, no, Steven, I’m- I’m fine—” He almost approaches again, only to get yelled at.
“Stop! I don’t need to be coddled! And you don’t need to hurt yourself for me! For anyone! Y-You of all people told me that!”
After that, Lars has become completely silent. There’s nothing around them, nothing but the rain falling outside, the shaky breaths coming from Steven, and Lion’s observation. The cookies are abandoned in the counter.
(And somewhere, somewhere far, a boy is screaming from his room, locked away.)
“Lars…” Steven’s anger has dissipated again. “I’m sorry. I know I messed up. I know things won’t be the same again, and I know you want them to be. I’ve noticed.” He hugs himself, guilt filling his avoidant gaze. “Believe me, if I could go back in time, I would’ve never let you go in that ship. I would’ve never let you…” He shuts his eyes for a moment, clutching his own shirt. “I wish I could fix everything. But I can’t. And I’m really, really sorry.”
Lars would have opened his mouth to reassure him. He would have pulled him in a hug and tell him again and again that it wasn’t his fault. But Steven seems to catch onto that thought, because he then says:
“Even if I didn’t mean to… and even if I saved you in the end, I… I still did this to you.” He pauses. For once, he takes in a deep breath. “So, I promise you, I’ll do what I can to make up for it. I… I don’t know much about my powers.” He begins taking a step forward. “I don’t know how to feel about them most of the time, and I’m still trying to understand how Lion’s work, too, but…”
Steven looks up at him, eyes sparkling like the starry sky Lars sees every night.
“We… we can figure out. Together.” He looks away again, adding, “If you want.”
Lars locks the gaze with him, and before he registers it, a laugh escapes him.
“Yeah.” He swallows a sob. “Y-Yeah… I’d- I’d like that.”
For the first time, Steven smiles yet he immediately bumps into the other’s waist, wrapping his arms tightly around him.
“I’m so sorry…” The kid repeats. Once Lars returns the hug, he freezes when he catches Steven’s following words.
“… You never deserved to die.”
It’s nothing more than a whisper, only for him to hear.
And yet it feels like a complete punch. The good kind of punch.
Lars loses it.
They cry as hard as the rain. So much that Lion eventually joins the hug, offering his support.
Later, they create the cookies together with more delight and trust. They’re more… alive than all the others they’ve baked until now.
Tonight, Lars gazes at the stars with tranquility.
(He lets the boy free.)
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yakuzacasual · 4 years
hi!! just saw that you opened asks again(super happy you did!❤) and I was wondering if you could do some jealous kengo hcs or reader getting jealous? whatever works best for you! I love this man!
Hello, love! Y’know how I said “soon” just to get piss drunk the next day and spend the rest of the others trying to wife Shadowheart von BG3? Yeah, that’s how it goes these days. But I got it done finally and I definitely enjoyed it. Maybe I’ll fit another request in today, since I’m closing in on finishing this batch FINALLY.
Thank you for requesting. As per usual, it’s been a blast to write for you and I hope to see you again in the next batch! Hope you enjoy and have a marvelous day :3
Kengo’s low self esteem is what causes him to get jealous very easily, often and stay bitter about it for long periods of time. He can’t help but feel like whatever man is trying to get something out of you, be it just a friendly interaction or something visibly more, he is just no competition to them and it makes him incredibly angry. That anger does not show up on the surface, however. He will let it bubble inside of him, eat away at his gentle little heart until he can’t take it anymore. And god only knows what he’ll do then, but smashing someone’s face in - possibly the person that made him feel this way - seems quite enticing. With enough alcohol and his buds by his side he’s prone to get himself in trouble a lot. That’s another way to tell when he’s deeply troubled and in immediate need of your attention.
He definitely won’t let you know about these conflicting feelings himself. That is unless you know him well enough to be able to tell whenever this kind of thing is happening, maybe through being a good people reader, maybe through . Surprisingly enough, he can tell when there is no point in trying to act like nothing happened. Nothing is easy with his emotions though and Kengo, who is not clearly understanding them either, definitely prefers being very tsundere until he figures them out himself. He will get you to jump through so many mental hurdles before letting you in. He’s feeling jealous? Maybe, but who out of the dozen people you’ve met made him like this is a mystery for you to uncover. Is he feeling insecure about the way you treat him? Maybe, but maybe not. Perhaps it’s something you did, BUT MAYBE NOT.
Kengo does turn soft and vulnerable the moment you confront him with your findings. The cat is out of the bag and there is nothing he can be tsundere about anymore. As much as he fought to keep this hidden, it feels incredibly freeing to know he can be truthful with you. However, rather than having a civil conversation about his bottled up feelings, he prefers getting hugged, really tight. He’ll gladly shrink in your arms, relaxing his ever tense shoulders, hiding his face as close to your heartbeat, as he can. Between shaky breaths and held back tears, he will slowly start to confide in you about his worries and maybe, if you don’t feel like you can help him, in this delicate state you may be able to coax him into getting professional help. What is happening with him is unhealthy, he knows as much, but he feels trapped within these feelings, not knowing what to do. Your support and guidance will give him the confidence boost to finally change for the better and in turn, he will make sure to always be there to support you. 
Surprisingly enough, he is not as jealous about women, as he is about men and that is true regardless of your preferences. In a way he can understand why you’d rather have a beautiful girl by your side, be it in a platonic or romantic sense, than a no good punk like himself. It’s easier to accept this way, while suspecting you may have something with another man deeply wounds his own male pride.
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