#hello fellow horror podcast fans
yourfaveiskenough · 11 months
John Doe and Arthur Lester from Malevolent Podcast are Kenough <3
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John Doe and Arthur Lester from Malevolent are Kenough!
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oliverwolfboy · 1 year
My Magnus archives sells pitch (check the comments it has a much more coherent summary)
Why hello there my fellow bsd fans, listen to me as I tell you about the wonders of the Magnus archives while trying my best not to spoiler all of you. Do you want to have even more emotional damage, which I am sure you have plenty of after the latest chapter? Well come along for the ride as Alex and Jonny cheerfully remind us that this podcast is a tragedy. The Magnus archives is in fact a podcast, an amazingly crafted horror Podcast at that. The Magnus Archives is at first a anthology podcast, with our protagonist Jonathan Sims working at the Magnus Institute, a place dedicated to researching and archiving paranormal events as what they call statemants. Jonathan Sims or Jon as people often call him, is the new head archivist of the Magnus Institute, after the old one Gertrude Robinson died on the job. Jon is left to sort his way though an absolute mess of an archive, Jon however is not alone in this task as his assistants, Timothy Stoker and Sasha James, are there to help him, and Martin too i guess but he is barely any help. That is until an actual threat appears. Of course there are more characters then just our archival crew. The head of the Institute Elias bouchard is your classic asshole manager (even tho he isn't a manager), he really couldn't give a shit if his employees are in danger, but fine sasha i guess i will install more CO2 fire extinguishers and a CO2 fire system. Melanie King, the proprietor of the YouTube channel Ghost Hunt UK, anger issues if you want to know more you're gonna have to listen to the podcast. Basira Hussain and Alice ”Daisy” Tonner are both police officers, again if you want to know more listen to the podcast. Georgie Barker the host of the podcast What The Ghost, again listen to the podcast. If you want to be able to say, if I had a nickel every time I have been in a fandom where one of the villain characters have been a slavic clown with nikola in their name i would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it is weird that it happened twice, congrats you can now do that. Some of the tma characters are also named after horror writers. Tim stoker after Bram Stoker, Martin Blackwood after Algernon Blackwood, Elias Bouchard after J.W Bouchard, Melanie King after Stephan King, Eric Delano after Jamie Delano, Georgie Barker after Clive Barker, Sarah Carpenter after John Carpenter, Michael Shelley after Mary Shelley, and the Institute's American sister location the Usher Foundation is name after the short story The Fall of the house of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe. I am sure if you go looking you can find even more connections. So come along if you will, The Magnus Archives can be found on YouTube, Spotify, and anywhere you get your podcasts. Now i am just gonna tag as many characters as i can to send out the message and recommendation I am sorry about that. If you want a better coherent summary then go check the comments.
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the-acer-scientist · 2 years
HEY! HEY PODCAST GAYS! yes, y’all, hello! fellow podcast queer in need of a recommendation! I am completely sane and normal about (read: incredibly hyperfixated on) audiodrama podcasts and was completely normal and neurotypical conversation (went on an ADHD winding trail of a monologue) with my mother, who has now mentioned that she would actually love to try one!
However: I’ve only really listened to horror (a lá Magnus Archives and Janus Descending) and slow-plot-reveal comedy (Wolf359, The Amelia Project), which are her two least favorite genres. And thus I request your help, fellow podcast enjoyers: any recommendations for mystery pods? (For the readers, she’s a big fan of Patterson, Grisham, and I think Nora Roberts)
any recs appreciated!!
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dwsavideos · 1 year
Here is a guide to the Sing Street cast’s original music and other projects in case you’re a fan of Sing Street or if you’re interested in learning more about both Sing Street (musical) and the cast! Since they met in 2019, this cast has been making things together almost nonstop. It’s a very long post so just scroll through and click the links to the songs if you are interested!
Max Bartos (OBC Darren): Max’s biggest musical inspiration is Green Day plus he’s a huge fan of Spring Awakening. His music really reflects his musical favorites and his talent in his album called “Such Is Life” and his single “Playlist of My Life.” You can listen to those anywhere you stream music. Max is also in the process of writing a musical, another album, and he has a podcast called “Clowns ‘R’ Us” where he talks about all things horror! Max also has his own theatrical group who will be putting on a Spring Awakening Concert at the Laurie Beechmen Theatre in NYC on June 17th. Former Sing Street cast mate Skyler Volpe (OBC Anne Lawlor) will be in this concert playing bass in the band. (Tickets are on sale for my many Spring Awakening fans if you’re interested and live in NY!)
Ilan Eskenazi (OBC U/S Conor): has a sensuous song out called “Next to Me” which features the voices and musical talents of himself, along with former Sing Street cast mates Skyler Volpe (OBC Anne Lawlor) and Brendan C. Callahan (OBC Gary). “Next to Me” is available on all streaming platforms.
Skyler Volpe: As mentioned above, Skyler is one of the featured voices in Ilan Eskenazi’s song “Next to Me”. Skyler also plays the bass in an NYC band called “Themme” and also occasionally plays other gigs around New York- a few being with former Sing Street cast mates Gian Perez, Anthony Genovesi, and Sam Poon; and she also sometimes plays at 54 Below. Skyler is also in the Original cast recording of a show called “The Hello Girls” which is really good. That cast recording is streaming on all platforms. Skyler also wrote a play called “One Drop Cool” and is currently working on staging it!
Sam Poon (OBC Eamon): releases music under the name “Spoonuel”. Some popular songs of theirs that I personally like are “B With Me”, and “A Manic Hello”. They also produce music for their girlfriend and fellow DIY music artist Chloe Berry. Both Sam and Chloe constantly have music coming out, and their music can be streamed on all platforms. Sam also produces music for former Sing Street cast mate Brenock O’Connor, and sometimes plays gigs with other Sing Street alumni such as Gian Perez (OBC & Boston Kevin), Anthony Genovesi (OBC & Boston Declan), and Skyler Volpe. Sam and Brenock’s most recent song together is called “Macho”.
Anthony Genovesi: is a drummer who plays gigs in NYC with many with his former Sing Street cast mates’ bands such as Gian Perez, Jakeim Hart (OBC Larry), and Sam Poon. Anthony also has his own song out titled “Swim ‘Til You Die”.
Sophie Hearn (OBC Raphina U/S): has a beautiful song out titled “Wasn’t I” streaming on all platforms.
Gian Perez: Is in a band called “Office Hours” and also in a band called “SU$HI” with Anthony Genovesi. He also releases music as a solo artist under the name “No Love For Cowboy”. He is also still acting in theatre and TV.
Brenock O’Connor (OBC Conor Lawlor): is in England currently playing gigs and releasing his own music under the name “McGovern”. Brenock often collaborates with his former Sing Street cast mates, especially Sam Poon. Brenock also has one song out with former Sing Street cast mate Michael Lepore (OBC Conor, Eamon U/S & Boston Gary). Their song is called “When Your Lips Disappear”. Brenock just recently released an EP titled “Maybe Everything Could Be OK” and the bitter-sweet music video for one of the songs “Let Me Know When It’s Yesterday” features nostalgic footage of fellow former Sing Street cast mates Brendan C. Callahan, Ilan Eskenazi, Anthony Genovesi, Jakeim Hart, Gian Perez, Sam Poon, and Skyler Volpe.
Michael Lepore: has a few songs released, one with former cast mate Brenock O’Connor as mentioned above, and one of his own titled “Tongue Twisted”. Both songs are streaming everywhere.
Zara Devlin (OBC Raphina), Johnny Newcomb (OBC Barry), and Gus Halper (OBC Brendan Lawlor) do not have any music out- but Zara is still doing theatre and film in Ireland, and Gus is still doing TV and film as well.
ALSO: Brendan C. Callahan, Ilan Eskenazi, Jakeim Hart, Gian Perez, Brenock O’Connor, Sam Poon, and Skyler Volpe were in a band together (before Covid) called “The Kings of Positivity” and there are fun videos on YouTube of their performances and one-take covers.
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corvsayscawcaw · 7 months
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Since I'm actually gonna be using Tumblr more, I figured that a little introduction wouldn't hurt.
Warnings: Some of my posts might include blood and depictions of body horror and maybe the tiniest bit of gore (all fictional, of course).
⌦ Hello! Feel free to call me Corv, Pink (main blog @pink-purge), or any variations of the name Vincent.
⌦ As you can see, I'm really into analog horror. I'm also into murder mystery books, the occasional true crime podcast, random documentaries like Forensic Files, and rambling/info-dumping about my interests.
⌦ I am currently 17. I do not mind adults interacting with my posts, but please don't make it weird. No outright NSFW.
⌦ This is a 16+ blog due to the topics I will cover and discuss.
⌦ I don't have a strict DNI list or anything. Just be kind.
⌦ I go by he/him and they/them. I don't mind either one.
I hope my blog interests fellow analog horror fans and perhaps draws in new ones.
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Hi! Saw ur posts/questions on the Magnus Archives and wanted to reply. First, omg hello fellow archives fan!! I’m glad you like the podcast/transcripts lol!
TMA is an episodic horror podcast where each episode is essentially a standalone short story. However, there is an overarching metaplot, which becomes more apparent in later episodes, when the content of the statements start interfering with the lives of the employees at the Institute. So, a lot of the characters in the statements don’t show up again, but sometimes they do, so it’s a very “never know what to expect” situation (if they don’t show up, they’re also likely to be referred to/referenced, as the statements and lives of the employees start interconnecting).
It’s really good!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the series, and hope my above explanation helped to answer some of your questions. Have a great day!!
Thanks for the heads up.
I’m enjoying it so much! But I gotta go slowly bc horror stuff freaks me out! I decided to give it more of a go after I read the transcript and also because of you all explaining that there’s a through line in all of the stories/ statements! So as much as I don’t like podcasts or horror I really am finding myself enjoying the Magnus archives (even if I’m only 18 episodes in)
In fact I’m on my way to listen while reading right now!
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seecarrun · 3 years
From Above and Beyond
It was a suggestion from this therapist, funnily enough.
A way for Richie to talk through his feelings, come to terms with his trauma. A way for him to process everything through jokes like he was used to, only with the power to, like, edit out his unsavory bits, unlike his live shows.
"Plus, podcasts are huge these days," she added brightly.
So, you know what? Fuck it. Richie Tozier started a podcast. Every other mediocre white dude over thirty was doing it, why not him?
Overall, it had been fairly well received. His old, loyal fans were quick to tune in, as well as the new fans he had picked up after officially coming out, and his few fellow comedian friends were happy to give him a shout out every so often as well.
It was easy listening; a Topic of the Week kind of thing, analyzed by Richie himself, as well as any guest stars he happened to sweet talk into joining him that day. To no one's surprise, the Losers were probably his more frequent guests, either coming in over Zoom or physically joining him at his house if they were in town, with Mike, funnily enough, being the most requested, by far.
"I'm not even famous," he laughed once, when Richie explained this fact during a recording. Richie had brushed him off.
"You've got that sexy librarian thing going for you dude. And a deep, sultry voice I would kill for. Own it!"
It was the end of October. Halloween. And who else would be asked to co-host but Mr. William "Big Bill" Denbrough, King of Horror, himself.
"Gooood morning, everyone! Happy Halloween!" He drawled into the microphone, switching over to a Dracula Voice at the end. "Joining us today for our special, spooky edition of our Garbage Day podcast is a close, personal friend of mine, Mr. Bill Denbrough! Say hi Bill."
"Hello again to all three of you listening in."
"Harsh, man. Harsh." He paused. "But yeah. Hi Mike, Ben, and Bev!" Bill snorted and Richie grinned. "Anywho, as I said, today is a very special spooky Garbage Day podcast. Joining us today is not only dear Billium, but Mama Gail, a very talented, very beautiful, young medium specially suggested to us by none other than our favorite kooky librarian, Mike Hanlon, so you know she's the real deal."
That had been a fun conversation to have with his publicist when the topic for this particular podcast came about. One that started with a "Let me see if he can get that Long Island Medium chick on the phone," and ended with a deadpan and tired stare with a dry "You have a medium guy? Of course you have a fucking medium guy."
The kindly, round-faced old woman smiled at him serenely, clearly enjoying Richie's praise of her as 'young' and 'beautiful' in that same way similarly older women enjoyed when they were carded buying their wine at the grocery store. Richie saw the look on his own seventy year old mother frequently. "I am happy to be here, honey," she said calmly, her voice twinkling. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bill nod and smile just as sweetly back.
"Alrighty, young lady, no more stalling. Let's give the listeners at home a run down of what you'll be doing here today." Richie grinned, pushing the microphone ever so slightly closer to his guest.
Mama Gail started off with the usual disclaimers: all mediums Read differently, just because she says one thing, doesn't mean it would be the same if they were to have another Reading, she has no prior knowledge of either of them, besides what she had stumbled upon by simply existing.
"You are both famous, handsome young men, after all," she explained cheekily.
Richie beamed, nudging Bill in the arm and stage-whispering a 'I see why Mike likes her,' into the microphone. Bill snorted and rolled his eyes, elbowing him back.
Richie was pretty sure that he and Bill had both thought of the... dangers.... that talking to a medium brought about, especially for two people with as rich a history of death as the two of them, but their publicists seemed pretty confident that they had everything under control.
Wentworth had sadly passed away a few years prior, and with Bill going public about Georgie once his new book had been announced, it only made sense that those would be the areas of focus during this little stunt of theirs, and their publicists assured them that would be the case. Maybe naively, they trusted that assessment.
Or maybe they just didn't allow themselves to think of anything different.
So, when Mama Gail informed them, casually, that she was Reading the presence of 'two young men', Richie's breath caught in his throat.
"That's a weird way to refer to a retired dentist and a kindergartener..." he mumbled, feeling Bill go stiff beside him.
She blinked a few times, glancing uneasily at Richie and Bill, the hand where she was doodling into a small, spiral notebook, stilling. "Oh my," she began. "Friends of yours. With—" she snorted, "—a lot of opinions. My, you are a talkative one, aren't you?"
"Holy shit," Richie mumbled, absently, still not entirely sure what was going on, and still, somehow, knowing exactly what was going on. Next to him, Bill seemed to be of the same headspace, the corners of his eyes moistening with the threat of tears as his mouth hung open.
Mama Gail's eyes met Bill's, softening, before turning to Richie and softening even more, even though her eyes also held what Richie could only identify as mischief. "Your friends have quite a bit to say to you Richard, dear."
Richie gulped, but nodded, not trusting his own voice, but encouraging her to continue.
"They are here, darling, and together, and they both have something they want to tell you."
He wordlessly nodded again.
"They say 'Get a real job, you hack.'" She scrunched up her nose a little in faux distaste, clearly enjoying whatever nonsense was going on around her, but not wanting to admit it. "Now, the handsome Jewish boy seems very nice, but the little one keeps making comments about your mother that I will not repeat, thank you very much."
A wet sob erupted from Richie's throat, the world blurring as his heart swelled. He thought briefly about possibly needing to throw up, but instead, croaked out a teary, "That annoying little asshole," before finally succumbing to his tears and letting them fall freely.
Mama Gail turned to Bill then, blinking just once in confusion, like checking that she heard or understood correctly before clearing her throat and whispering, "Big Bill?"
"Y-yes?" he asked, the old, familiar stutter in his voice coming back before he could fight it.
"Bill," she repeated, her lips pursing into a thin line. "I have a message for you too, from your friends: The Turtle is alive. And it can help us."
To Be Continued…???
…But probably not :’) I LOVE this idea in theory, but this is literally as far as I’ve been able to go with any sort of plot. I have another ‘Eddie and Stan’s adventures in the macroverse’ fic in the works, so this may just be this little ficlet unless I can figure out a plot.
I hope you enjoyed anyway!!
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rileysecretfox · 3 years
It's that time again, folks. The time where I've found a new podcast I love so much that I have to post about it.
Friends. Specifically fellow tma fans still recovering. Let me tell you about Hello From the Hallowood.
I cannot EVEN WORD PROPERLY about how much I love this. The writing is awesome. The characters are ao beautiful and so queer that my heart is packed full of them.
Hello From the Hallowoods is a horror podcast with fairy-tale, post-apocalypse, capitalist dystopia vibes and more. It follows a whole bunch of character, all of whom are either interesting, lovable or both.
Here's just a few random sellingpoints:
- Ghost dog/s named Dogsmell
- Badass teenage dyke with a bat
- Sage old lesbian wives
- Terrifying library
- Queers of ALL shapes and sizes
- Absolutely stunning relationship between undead nonbinary being and sad traumatized ghost boy
- The main evils are, in my interpritation, Capitalism and Bigoted Religious Man
- Narrator has a delightful voice and also a whole lot of eyes (looks directly at tma fans)
The show does feature some heavy cws including misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, abuse and a whole lot of misgendering, all from Very Specifically Terrible Characters and it's in no way excused, and for me the unpleasantness of that was worth all the great stuff I'm getting from this story.
Diggory Graves has a permanent place in my heart and I *need* more people to share my love for them.
Pleeeeease give this show a chance, it's so good and so satisfying and if nothing else, you *need* to learn about the invisible guy and his frog boyfriend. You don't know you need it in your life but YOU DO.
Go forth and enjoy.
(PS, to prove how much I love this show; they have an episode titled "Spiders". And I listened to it!!!! If you know me at all, you know how deep my phobia runs. And it was WORTH IT)
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
hi i decided to be patient and let other people have a turn and now you've been asked all the questions so now i want diff answers same q's please 😙👉👈
6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15
🥰🤲 you only get one skip so choose wisely
Hello, friend. ✨ I have already answered most of these, but let's go again.
6. Did you have any new ships this year?
Camijah. 🥲
9. Recommend something that you really enjoyed in 2021.
Thanks to @whywaitdarling I started listening to Old Gods of Appalachia this year, which is a horror antology podcast focused on folklore around the Appalachian mountains. The narrator is absolutely brilliant and the stories are amazing. They have two full seasons now and a few side stories, if I'm not mistaken. It's just amazing. Stuff about witches, werewolves, ghosts, devilish creatures... Also, talk to @whywaitdarling, cause she's from the area and she vouches for some of those stories, which makes me want to go there just to get haunted. 🥲 It's so, so good and also inspired me to write The Witch Queen. So I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed that story.
10. Share something you learned in 2021.
I will skip this one because I'm an idiot and I've learned nothing. 🥲
11. Name a fellow fan who you really appreciated this year.
I've already named a bunch of my favorite peeps on a previous post, so on this one I will name another of my patooties, who's also one of the most talented people I know in this fandom: @destellolunar. ❤️✨ She has been super busy and not as around as we all wish she'd been, but she still brightens up my day (and usually my timeline as well) whenever she shows up. ✨ Hope you have a wonderful 2022, Beenana! ❤️
14. What do you want to do more of next year?
Read books. I've said this before but I have also just bought five new books (on top of all the other ones I already have 🥲 I'm not a horder, ok? I just like my books), so I really REALLY want to go back to my 50 books a year mark at least.
15. What are you looking forward to coming out in 2022?
I hope covid LEAVES so I can actually take some time off from work this year and maybe think about traveling again.
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Radish Fiction Online Cheats
Radish Fiction Online Guide
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Radish Fiction Online manual is a guide for a popular new recreation. Maybe being given a fixed quantity of Coins every month or so and then paying for added Coins is a higher alternative due to the fact humans are not going to be convinced to sign up for this app specifically whilst wattpad + ao3 are loose. But, most important shoutout to lowrites due to the fact she is superb hello, i like radish it an amazing manner to examine books.... however... why do i need to pay to study books ? It's too much like if you want human beings to pay the at least have a every day spin in which there purpose be distinctive quantities of Coins you receive. The radish content material is written often through self-posted authors and taken care of through genre — romance, fable, paranormal, youngster, thriller, l.g.b.t., technology fiction and general. For more subtle looking and discovery, tales also are tagged with labels like "blackgirlmagic," "billionaire," "insurrection," "werewolf" and so forth. The high-quality of the writing varies — and lots of efforts usually seem to grow to be as ham-fisted erotica — but radish books are proudly taking the mantle of snackable pulp fiction into the digital age. (and don't knock do-it-yourself authors — "sunglasses of gray" aside, andy weir's "the martian" started out as a self-published serial on his weblog returned in 2009 before the 2015 film model grossed $630 million at the global field office.) Even though you do should pay for most stories, i like that they have got coin activities often and unfastened memories for everybody to enjoy. Inside the year or so i've had this app, i had one hassle. With an e mail, they constant the problem inside an afternoon. I think that became just sincerely amazing. This app is the one of the first-class analyzing apps i have had. 10/10 i love this app , but something went incorrect with it these days . 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Meet mina from our viral hit his royal urge for food -- she just got fired from her task and thinks its the worst day of her lifestyles until she meets a sexy stranger named leo at a bar. After their warm one night time stand, mina discovers he is not just leo-from-the-bar -- he's leopold desmet, duke of brinovia. I could not find it everywhere. So i wasted all the ones Coins and my personal cash for nothing aside from some ordinary books that without a doubt weren't that interesting but i pushed thru it for a few free Coins that i by no means obtained and i am no longer the only man or woman this has befell to. That left a awful taste in my mouth, i nonetheless hold to use the app; now not as frequent as i used to because the costs are so ridiculous now and almost each ebook you need to pay for, three Coins consistent with bankruptcy without a doubt provides up. I really like horror testimonies too. Form of like wattpad. 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Charles expects little more than to just like the girl he to start with unearths as doll-like, but her love for his dogs (he's obsessed with the spaniels; his mistress hates them) and her innocent goals start to interrupt thru his resolve to hold her at a distance. In flip, charles fears the interference of his spouse inside the way his mother almost ruined his father-and all of england-along with her desires. And inside the midst of this, the married barbara, female castlemaine, is bearing charles's 2d toddler, whilst her husband stews, his delight unwilling to meekly take delivery of the title charles has bestowed in change for his spouse. It truly is around 126 Coins which is about $15.00 (with a % of Coins that has a reduction no much less). Yet if you visit amazon wherein that writer has published the equal book, you could get the exact identical aspect for everywhere among $zero.ninety nine-$4.ninety nine ethical of the tale, be smart with your money and test if they have it on the market on kindle/someplace else. But also this is quite messed up onradish's part. Thanks for reading, bye. The concept is good—providing hard working authors with money for their time and effort. Narrative is a key component of the human experience that can be traced back to pre-literate societies that relied on oral communication. It is therefore acutely susceptible to social, cultural and technological changes. The industrial revolution, which gave rise to serialization the first time around, drastically altered patterns of human behavior just as the digital revolution is doing today. The rise of the printing press facilitated broad new methods of distribution, which allowed the serialized novel to flourish, as first evidenced by the success of charles dickens's the pickwick papers. The bookburners writing team is full of pros from across the industry: max gladstone (who we talked to about season five and his other writing projects), margaret dunlap, brian francis slattery, mur lafferty, andrea phillips and amal el-mohtar. If you're familiar with ellen kushner's riverside fantasy series, beginning with swordpoint, you've already got a great hook to start this concluded serial: tremontaine is a prequel to the adventures in the novels. It also serves as a great introduction to kushner's world for those unfamiliar with her work-or any of the other excellent writers on the team, including alaya dawn johnson, malinda lo, joel derfner, racheline maltese, patty bryant, and paul witcover. But the cast doesn't stop with familiar faces: new characters include a korean tiger-goddess, frost giant mercenaries, and a charismatic, gender-fluid space pirate.this is the first prose serial collaboration between serial box and one of the big comic publishers, featuring the writing team of aaron stewart-ahn, jay edidin, brian keene, and yoon ha lee. If you love it (or prefer a different hero), keep an eye out for the forthcoming marvel titles black widow, black panther, and jessica jones, or the upcoming dc serials the flash: rogues. I hope this can be fixed! I love the app and the stories. But if i'm gonna spend real money on Coins to pay for books, i'd really like those Coins to be usable when i want to use them. It's obvious you're trying to get us to blow more money on this. They had this reading contest wherein you had to read 150 chapters to get 50 Coins. I had only 1 coin so i decided to wait for other chapters to become free. "you're just going to convert to phones. "reading as a vertical isn't going to go away," he goes on. "it's competing with vr, video games . . . But reading is an everlasting format. So how do you reinvent it on the phone?" Wattpad has had the most success so far in adapting novels for the mobile age. A toronto-based site and app that allows its mostly young, female fans to directly engage with authors and even comment on specific paragraphs, wattpad has accrued over 45 million users. As the best android emulator for gaming, memu offers you the best gaming experience. Fortnite mobile is confirmed not to be avaliable on google play, this post is about how to play fortnite mobile android version on pc with memu. All radish — free fiction & chat stories materials are copyrights of radish media inc..  our software is not developed by or affiliated with radish media inc.. Your blog is extremely a https://www.assignmenthelper.com.au/ decent stage to get enlightening posts. It is extremely an accommodating stage. I foe the whole hour but can't find a way to access radish live and missed trivia for my favorite novel... When i first got the app, i really enjoyed how different it was from others that i have had. However, it recently became more of a frustration than anything. They haven't had an event where you can earn Coins recently. For a full time grad school student, i can't afford to pay for Coins every month and valued the free events. Genres and categories included on the site are romance, ya/teen, fantasy/sci-fi, general, mystery/thriller, lgbtq+, late night, and paranormal. I have found radish's ya content to be particularly robust. Although i haven't explored the community chat rooms, the app does contain that feature if you like the ability to connect directly with authors. For voracious readers, romance and ya in particular, i really can't think of a better app that allows you to utilize your smartphone for reading. The free content within radish makes it comfortable to explore the app, and there are new and exclusive books by really exceptional authors. They'll put you out there to publishing companies and other people interested in your writing. Maybe you get an advertising contract, things like that. But i weighed the pros and cons and decided radish was the better way to go." And so in february 2016, thier began to also post his stories on radish, where the latest in his series of historical romance novels, silence is golden, has been read over 650,000 times. Thier wouldn't disclose how much money he is earning, but lee says it's a five-figure monthly income. Their latest move is the release, on march 29, of omnibus versions of several of their collected serials (all featured below). Keep an eye out at your favorite third-party digital bookseller (amazon, ibooks, etc.) For text-only collected episodes from: told over the course of four novellas, all published in 2016, this mythical medieval japanese epic features a disinherited lord, courtly intrigue with the heirs of the lotus throne, and a sorcerer who creates a mask for a young man, capturing within it the spirit of a great stag.
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sneakydragon · 5 years
The Fansplainers - Ready or Not
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Hello, fellow film fans! Welcome to another episode of our spoiler-enriched podcast The Fansplainers!
This week Ian and Dave are more then prepared to review the black comedy/horror film Ready or Not. What did they make of this bloody, satirical, subversive film and its grisly themes of family togetherness and killing housemaids?
Well, let them fansplain it for you.
Thanks for listening.
Dept. of Corections: Despite Dave’s claims, this film is not Canadian, but it was filmed in Canada with all of the secondary characters and one of the leads played by Canadian actors so it’s easy to see why there was a mix-up.
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The Fansplainers – Ready or Not was originally published on Sneaky Dragon
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DRtL Episode 57: Favorite Directors!
[ 1:25:42 | 78.47 MB ] Download MP3
Hello, Latin Club! If you’ve been following us for a while, then you know we’ve had our episodes in the past about Wes Craven and John Carpenter — but there are so many other horror movie directors whose work we avidly follow. We don’t necessarily have a full episode’s worth of things to say about each and every one of them, so we thought, why not do a grab-bag of everyone who’s work we admire? Join us as we discuss our Favorite Directors!
(The Media List for this episode is a little spotty — we mentioned a lot of movies very briefly in passing that did not make it into the Media List, but hopefully everything we discuss in any detail should be listed here.)
As always, let us know what you think in the comments, and please take a minute to rate and review us on iTunes to let your fellow horror fans know we’re worth checking out. Thanks!
If you’re a horror aficionado in the greater Seattle area, you probably know that next weekend (May 5-7, 2017) is Crypticon Seattle, the largest gathering of fans of the the macabre in the Pacific Northwest. Both of us are on panels this year, and if you enjoy our podcast, you should come see us babble excitedly about horror movies in person! Hope to see you at the Doubletree. Come introduce yourselves! We love meeting listeners!
Jennifer’s Panels:
Pacific Northwest Horror Enthusiasts and Friendship Society — Friday at 6:00 pm in Evergreen 3
Underrated Masters of Horror — Saturday at 3:00 pm in Cascade 3
What Makes Horror Relevant Beyond the Genre? — Saturday at 4:00 pm in Cascade 3
Podcasting Mixer — Sunday at 1:00 pm in Evergreen 3
Michael’s Panels:
Pacific Northwest Horror Enthusiasts and Friendship Society — Friday at 6:00 pm in Evergreen 3
What Was It About the 80’s? — Saturday at 3:00 pm in Cascade 5
Reading: Michael Montoure — Saturday at 4:30 pm in Cascade 2
Who Would Win? — Saturday at 8:00 pm in Cascade 7
Have We Outgrown the Ghost Story? — Sunday at 11:00 am in Cascade 3
Podcasting Mixer — Sunday at 1:00 pm in Evergreen 3
Alternate Cuts — Sunday at 2:00 pm in Cascade 7
Movies and television shows mentioned in this episode:
Abbatoir, Before I Wake, The Belko Experiment, The Blackcoat's Daughter, Blood Simple, Bright Lights, Citadel, Cold in July, In a Valley of Violence, Kairo, Kill List, Rebecca, Split, Spring, Stake Land, Suicide Squad, The Invitation, The Sixth Sense, The Visit, The Void, Vertigo, Victor Frankenstein, We Are What We Are
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twodeadchicks · 7 years
#TWDFamily Part 3
"It's not just fandom. It's family." If you are at all familiar with Walker Stalker Convention or Heroes and Villains Fan Fest, you've probably seen this tag line before. Though I'd seen it, I had never put much thought into what it meant until I experienced this family for myself. From attending the conventions as a fan to beginning this podcast with Kia, I have witnessed a fandom that supports each other with their whole hearts. I have seen people come together for each other in a way that can only be described as magical. Their one common thread? They love The Walking Dead and attending the conventions that celebrate their favorite show. In this four part series, I will be chatting with many of the people that make up this family. Today, we take a look at the fans who love to attend WSC! Many of the folks who were kind enough to speak to me will also be in Atlanta this weekend! If you see them, I encourage you to say hello! Who have you most enjoyed meeting? Jennifer Cronin (4 time WSC attendee):  I’d have to say the person I most enjoyed meeting was Norman Reedus. I've tried meeting him for three years and he finally came to Nashville this past year. I was excited and a nervous wreck. Once I got up to see Norman he was very sweet, asking how my day was. To make things better he even held my hand the whole time he autographed my Funko Pop and picture! Then sent me on my way with a hug and a piece of candy. Mel V (8 time WSC employee): Loved meeting Danai the most. She remembered me and talked about me on Conan O'Brien! [caption id="attachment_21859" align="alignright" width="300"] Mike Angelo with one of his favorites, Alexandra Breckenridge[/caption] Mike Angelo (5 time WSC attendee): JDM, Alexandra Breckenridge, Norman, Lawrence Gilliard Jr. Angela Barr: (4 time WSC attendee): Ross Marquand without a doubt! The first time I met him was in 2016 when I was volunteering in Panels at Walker Stalker Con Chicago.  I was standing outside the Panels area as he came out of Photo Ops.  He walked over and greeted all of us volunteers and thanked us. Then he gave each of us a hug! Ross gives the best hugs!! Stephanie Rodriguez (1 time WSC attendee): Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Robert Bernardo (7 time WSC attendee): Andrew Lincoln. Connie Connelly (1 time WSC attendee): So far it’s a tie between Lennie James and David Morrissey. Until I meet Jon {Bernthal}. Stacey Lee (2 time WSC attendee): Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Even though I've met him prior to his Walking Dead time, he is my literal everything at these cons and I cannot get enough. [caption id="attachment_21858" align="alignleft" width="220"] Ingrid Bascope hugging her favorite, Scott Wilson[/caption] Ingrid Bascope (4 time WSC attendee): Scott Wilson is so far the most amazing human being. I approached to him for a picture and I told him, "Mister Scott I'm a big fan. I watch all your movies with my dad. How I wish he was here with me to meet you!" And he look at me with a sad face and said, "I'm so sorry your dad is not here come! Let me me give you a hug!" He hugs me and my kids and tells them to be good at school. What do you love most about Walker Stalker Con? Jillian (3 time WSC attendee): I love the fact that James puts so much in to these events. He’s a fan just like us Jennifer Cronin:  I love the Walker Stalker Con family. Everyone genuinely cares about each other and we all love the Walking Dead. I've made forever friendships because of Walker Stalker and these people are now part of my daily life. Also, how awesome is it that you get to hang out with people who love the Walking Dead? I love my Walker Stalker Con family. [caption id="attachment_21856" align="alignright" width="300"] Gemma Hewitt during some of her favorite photo ops[/caption] Gemma Hewitt (2 time WSC attendee): I love the whole experience but making friends has been the best part, I've met some amazing people who I now class as my best friends. Heather Robertson aka Sparkles Handler (5 time WSC attendee): Meeting the other fans and making friends from all over the world. We look forward to seeing each other again at the next con. It’s like a big family reunion. Anna (9 time WSC attendee): I love the experience, the people, its not just about the celebrities you meet, i do go to meet celebs but i look forward to being able to see a good majority of my friends all in one place. Mel V: I love meeting up with fellow TWD family; people who have become lifelong friends through this awesome show! Stephani Walker (5 time WSC attendee): Everyone is there for the same reason. The troubles of the world cease for three days. Three days of fandom and horror. Everyone there has the same passion and love for this show among many other shows that are a beautiful and entertaining escape from the reality that stresses us out. For three days, nobody cares about the color of your skin, nobody cares about your religious beliefs , nobody cares about your political views and nobody cares about your sexual preference. For three days, thousands of people from around the world gather for a family reunion and meet their idols, have fun and keep all things spooky! Mike Angelo: It's an all immersive 3 days with people from all over the world that share the same passion you do. Angela Barr: I love so much about WSC but if I had to narrow it down to just one thing, I would say it’s the people that I have met at WSC. Whether it’s an actor from the show or another fan, I love that WSC gives me the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life who love The Walking Dead as much as I do! The Walking Dead family is absolutely amazing!  And getting the chance to get together with a group of people who share my love for this show is such a great thing! I am so grateful to James Frazier for starting Walker Stalker Con and allowing me to be a part of this big, beautiful Walking Dead family! Rachal Belew (1 time WSC attendee): I love the TWD Family. It's amazing that everyone there will help you out and wants to be your friend. Stephanie Rodriguez: The family style spirit the fans share with each other. Robert Bernardo: Meeting fellow fans from all over the world. Connie Connelly: How everyone comes together and helps one another. The fandom is so warm and friendly it feels like family! Stacey Lee: Even though Atlanta is hugeeeee, it doesn't feel that way. You can literally walk up to the dude standing in front of you in line at the ops and you have a new friend: it's rad. Do you have a favorite memory or story from your time attending Walker Stalker Con? Jillian (3 time WSC attendee): My favorite memory is meeting 3 of my closest friends; Ashley, April, and Amanda.  Gemma Hewitt: One of my favourite memories so far was the Saturday of London, I managed to buy an Andy photo op from somebody 10 minutes before the shoot so it was a mad rush but I got to meet him & he was sooo lovely! [caption id="attachment_21861" align="alignleft" width="300"] Heather Robertson, Sparkles the Unicorn, and one of her favorites, Ross Marquand at WSC Nashville 2017. If you see Heather and Sparkles, make sure to say hello and take a photo with Sparkles![/caption] Heather Robertson: At WSC Charlotte in December 2016 is the first time I met Ross. He was so friendly and down to earth and I loved talking with him. He remembered my name on Sunday after just meeting me on Saturday, and that made me feel amazing. The best part was when he made this amazing video for me. It was him standing beside me and doing 3 different voice impressions. It was the best thing ever. I still go back and watch that video over and over. Stephani Walker: This is my 15th convention but for WSC, I have many great memories. I believe creating a painting of Norman and Mingus’ rescue cat, “Eye In The Dark” along with a quote from Norman himself. He gets hundreds of gifts daily and it was heartwarming to capture a video of him leaving with Sean Clark and security carrying the personalize canvas with him. Stephanie Rodriguez:  I found out I was pregnant on the same day I met Jeffrey Dean Morgan. When I met him I was happier than I imagined I would be and he remarked on my huge grin. I told him it was the best day ever because I met him and found out that my IVF had worked. We took our picture and then he gave me a huge hug and a peck on the cheek before wishing me good luck. He was so sincerely happy in the exchange, it was just a great moment and really fulfilled my expectations of meeting him. He was fantastic. Robert Bernardo: During the first Walker Stalker in Atlanta, I remember meeting Andrew Lincoln and introducing myself as “Robert from San Francisco.” He said, “Hello, Robert from San Francisco.” Then, later in the day when we were doing the cast photos—he yelled out to the rest of the celebrities, “Hey, everyone! It’s Robert from San Francisco!” That’s my fondest memory from all the Walker Stalkers. Connie Connelly: So far when I met the governor, I was very nervous. I couldn’t talk and he asked me, “What’s wrong? You’re not a fan of the governor,” As he goes to my throat to pretend to choke me.  Any advice for new Walker Stalker Con goers? Jillian (3 time WSC attendee): My advice would be keep an eye on the schedules. They can change at anytime. And if you need any help with anything ask anyone. We’re all willing to help you out. We’re a big family. Jennifer Cronin: Plan your day as far as photo op times, autos, panels, etc. Portable phone chargers are a must! Germ-x so you dont pick up the con crud. Mostly have fun, this'll be one of the best experiences of your life and it'll go so fast, so cherish every moment. Walker Stalker Con is just amazing. Gemma Hewitt: My advice would be to plan your schedule and check the floor plan so you know where you need to go. Don't waste valuable time looking for a table! Also, if you are like me and get shinier throughout the day, a powder compact will be your best friend! I topped up in every photo queue! Heather Robertson: Don’t be shy. Talk to other fans when you are waiting in line. Join the meet up groups and connect with others. You will learn so much from the veterans. Plan, plan, plan. Do your research, it will help your first con experience go smoother. Anna: If allowed, bring water and small snacks, comfortable shoes (if you’re cosplaying the most comfortable you can find), bring a bag of some kind to carry your stuff, buy photo sleeves ahead of time or find a vendor who has them for 2 or 3 bucks each. You can fit 2 or 3 photos in each one until you get home. Don’t stress too much about a schedule unless it’s very time specific such as photo ops or panels. I thought having everything planned to a T was a great idea when I went to my first con (NYCC of all places). My "plan" for the most part fell apart midway through the first day. After that I decided to just wing it. Surprises happened, I got most everything I wanted. It was a great time. Above all, expect the unexpected. You never know what will happen when you least expect it. And don’t be afraid to ask questions to people who have attended cons before. I don’t think I would have survived NYCC and NYC without asking a ton of questions beforehand. Some people will be jerks and not want to share "secrets" but we aren’t all like that. I do my best to pay it forward to newcomers to any con (I’ve done a few others besides WSC and NYCC). I remember all too well what it was like to be new. Mike Angelo: Plan ahead. Start a year out if possible. Angela Barr: Be prepared for lots of walking and waiting. The venues where the Cons are held are pretty big.   That means between the Panels, photo ops and meet and greets, you may have to walk from one side of the venue to the other several times a day. And there are lines for everything. Lines to pick up your badges, lines for photo ops, lines for meet and greets, lines to get into the Panels and lines for food. But being cranky about waiting will only spoil the experience for you and possibly for others around you. To pass the time, make a new friend while you wait in line. To make the most of your experience - remember to pack your patience and wear comfortable shoes. Rachal Belew: Aim for the big stars you want but never forget the co-stars. They are all so kind and take the time to make you smile too! Robert Bernardo: Here are my Top 3. 1. Prepare a schedule in advance so as not to waste precious time. 2. Plan ahead for any Photo Ops (costumes, props and specific poses). 3. Bring: phone chargers, cash (Note: photo ops and autographs are “cash only”!), any prescription medication, plastic photo protectors, and comfortable shoes. Stacey Lee: Breathe. Take it in. Smell Jeffrey's breath and have fun. Ingrid Bascope: Get ready for 3 days of excitement and study the maps so you know exactly where to go. And don't hesitate to ask a volunteer for help. That's what we are there for.   Want to go? You can purchase your WSC Atlanta tix here!
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