#hello again time for shaggy to be a friend/fanboy
clickedbait · 3 months
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The concert had been one hell of a high he coasted through, dancing in the crowd with a mess of other fools also hypnotized by the three women on stage. The difference between him and the rest of the general attendees was the VIP badge around his neck and the dog at his side, Scooby allowed into the venue after a very bold conversation about ESAs at the front. Not to mention they weren't just VIPs, but also friends of the Hex Girls. They'd helped them on a few occasions with this or that, mystery or stalkerish fans and it always came back around to this-- enjoying the hell out of a concert while blitzed out of his mind. The others had forgone attending, but Shaggy wasn't a stranger to going places alone with just Scooby. Tonight would be fun regardless of it.
But it was post show and he was making his way backstage with Scooby, the two getting by security and heading towards where they spotted @divinetenebris coming from a dressing room. He was quick to smile at the sight of Dusk, hand lifting and quickly waving, "Dusk! Hey!" He starts towards her, happy gait to his movement while Scooby trotted alongside him. He came to a stop near her, smile still on his lips, "Groovtastic performance tonight. You rocked it."
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jongjongdaein · 7 years
Love, Live, and Heal
Word count: 2085
Genre: Angst
Member(characters): Wonwoo, You, Moonbin, Mark, & rest of Seventeen (but as a group)
Summary: Your two best friends die 5 minutes apart, how are you going to cope with it?
You know this if for you, don’t be sad too long. It’s okay to cry and let all your emotions roam free. I’m here whenever you want to talk to me and want to cry and need a shoulder. Don’t shy away from telling what’s wrong or going on in your life okay? Also I wrote this super fast and I don’t know if the story flows well, but its the best I could do with writers block, a pounding headache, a sprained ankle, and a stomach that is hurting like the pits of hell.
“Hey.” Someone sat down right in front of me
“Go away.” I huffed not looking up from my phone
“What, no.”
I roll my eyes as I let out a sigh and look up, my eyes traveled all around his face until it dawned upon me, “Wonwoo what do you want.”
“You’re acting all weird again I don’t like it.” He put his elbows on the seats armrests and started to lean forward, “What’s happening in your life? You haven’t spoken to me in 24 hours.” His eyes held a deep genuine worry
“Nothings wrong.”
“You see when girls say that, they usually mean the complete opposite. So honestly, are you going to tell me or are you going to suffer again by yourself?”
I stayed silent hoping he would drop the topic of conversation and talk about his new choreo that he created.
“Fine.” Wonwoo stood up and looked down at me, his fingers ran through his long shaggy auburn brown hair. It stayed quiet for a few seconds which genuinely felt like centuries, “Don’t tell me. Suffer through something that’s making you really depressed again because you simply cannot tell me what is going on through that head of yours.” He looked away for a split second and back at my drooping head, “It’s not like I cared anyways.” I thought that he had walked away
I never thought that he would give up so easily ever in his life, but after dealing with me not being able to speak about the rough patches in my life, he started to learn how to deal with my stubborn emotions. I wish that he’d pry the answers out of me and that he would always stay by my side. But all things don’t last forever, and some things surely die.
Two days beforehand
I dialed Moonbin’s number into my phone as I waited patiently at the bottom of my apartment for him to arrive.  Moonbin was someone I knew ever since the womb. Our mothers were childhood best friends and they grew up and old together. I always wanted someone like that in my life and god blessed me with Moonbin. We did everything together, from our first cut on the knee, to eating our very first pomegranates, getting our first kiss and special someone, all the way to our very first breakups. You name it, we experienced all together, and I was so grateful to have a bestfriend like him. We hung out everyday until Moonbin’s acceptance into Fantagio as their new trainee. I watched him from behind my computer screen on iTeen and his little web-drama, what a dork. He debuted with the group, Astro with five other equally as dorky, lovable, handsome kids. But for Moonbin and the rest of Astro were all like my older and younger brothers, they were there for me all the time and held a special place in my heart. Moonbin and I stayed in contact until this day, no force could ever pull us apart.
“Are you almost here?” I sat on the small stairs that led up to the lobby of my apartment and started to clap my feet together
“Yeah I’m almost there, I just stopped by at the bakery. Is Mark there yet?”
Mark, debuted with NCT 127 and is doing such an amazing job in his life. Today was the day he got a rest so he disguised himself and called us up after he hasn’t seen any of us in a while.
Mark was a friend we met while in secondary school. He was new to the class and had told us that he was a trainee with SM, everyone started to bombard him with questions and asking him to get signatures and to give out numbers. Moonbin and I were talking as usual in our seats in the back and didn’t bother to look up at the commotion that stirred our class the wrong direction. Mark’s gaze landed upon us and started to walk towards our seats. Of course we were curious as how life was as a trainee and if he got to see the groups and soloists that were with SM, but we knew that this is another life he was supposed to live, that we should give him air and space.
“Hi, I’m Mark. Originally from Vancouver, Canada.” His hands were shoved in his pockets and a bright smile took over his small face
“I’m Moonbin. Originally from Cheongju, South Korea.” He offered his hand to Mark with a similar flashy smile that got his eyes to crease into small dark crescents, Mark took his hand firmly and shook it without hesitation
“I’m _______. Originally from Vancouver, Canada as well.” I laugh and shake my hand a little to signify a ‘Hello’
Marks smile never left his face as fangirls and fanboys started chanting and murmuring on how lucky we were or how we didn’t deserve Mark’s attention. Others were jealous and others were completely done with the whole hype of a soon-to-be idol in our classroom.
Mark and Moonbin realized that they had so much more in common than they thought. Moonbin informed Mark that he auditioned for Fantagio and was waiting to hear back as Mark was telling him the crazy things that happened in SM training sessions and meetings. We all hit it off so well, we soon became the most popular trio in the school. We were called, “The Golden Trio.” We three were inseparable until Moonbin was accepted and had to move away and graduation happened.
Flashback End
“He said he was coming soon I’ll call him right-” I was cut off to a shot gun shot on the other side of the phone, “Moonbin.”
I heard no response, “Moonbin.” I kept repeating his name until I could hear his voice, “Moonbin.”
“Oh my god. _______, I… I don’t know if I’ll see you today.” His voice sent relief through my body but his words sent daggers through my heart
“Moonbin, fuck. God. What do you mean are you okay? What’s happening there?” By now I was on my feet, clear panic written all over my face
I could hear panting and grunting, fast winds blowing by the speaker, “There’s a shooting.”
Those three words, nothing more nothing less. “A…. A….. A what…?” My hand was shaking in fear my eyes filling up with tears, “Run, stay safe. Please.. God..”
Another two gunshots were heard through the phone, this time it was dangerously close. “I….” I heard coughing on the end of the line, “I got……” More coughing, “I got shot in the leg and upper stomach.”
My hand flew to my mouth, covering the shock and denial I was in, “No there’s no way. Tell me you’re kidding. Moonbin I can’t lose you. Please…” My voice was shaking now, my hands couldn’t stop shaking.
“I can’t move, everything hurts.” He moaned into the phone
“Moonbin please. Don’t close your eyes.” I warned him as sobs slowly escaped my mouth
“I’m tired though…” HIs voice slowly got softer by the passing millisecond
“Moonbin…. Moon please don’t die like this you have Astro waiting for you. You have everything waiting for you ahead. I can’t let you die like this what are you doing…” My hands wiped away the tears that escaped from both my eyes
The line went silent. With softs screams and loud ones filling up the line, fast footsteps surrounded my ears. Pedestrians yelling, “This man needs help instantly!” Fangirls recognizing Moonbin and screaming that their idol was close to dead.  Pedestrians calling the police and shouting, “The culprit is getting in the car! He’s driving away!” My eyes started to become blurry and I hung up and called Mark right away who was driving over with his manager.
“Mark…” I started to sob
“Hey! I’m- Are you crying?” His voice was worrying
“Moonbin… He…..-” I tried to get my words out but sobs just kept coming out of my mouth leaving me incoherent
I heard another voice in the background, “What is this stupid black car doing, he’s driving on the wrong side of the road.” My eyes widened, not them too.
“MARK. PUT ME ON SPEAKERPHONE RIGHT NOW.” Mark quickly heard my loud cries and places me on speaker phone, “THAT BLACK CAR HOLDS A CULPRIT THAT KILLED MOONBIN YOU NEED TO-” I was cut off by loud manly screams
“OH MY GO-” I heard a crash, tumbling, and painful screaming.
My phone fell down to the concrete flooring, my hands dropped to my sides. There’s no way. I lost…..  Lost both of them… In the span of 5 minutes.
My hands ran through my hair as i dropped down, my hips not touching the floor but instead sitting on top of my ankles.
“No...No…..NO…….” I cried out, “This can’t be happening.”
Several passersby came over to ask if I was okay, asking me what happened. I couldn’t even process it myself, how could I tell them what happened. An woman engulfed me in her arms and was stroking my hair. Leaving me to cry into her shoulder over the past 5 minutes, where I lost two of my best friends.
Wonwoo never left. Instead he sat right next to me. Getting lost in that flashback I started to sob. My tears wouldn’t stop leaving my dried out eyes as my voice was shaky. His arms quickly engulfed me in a tight embrace gently stroking my hair. Ever since the accident I stayed at my work building. I stayed inside my dull office not getting out of the chair unless it was urgent. Seventeen often visited me in my office to check up on me and make sure I was still alive.
Seventeen is a 13 member group that I met during my internship at Pledis while Mark and Moonbin were off training. I became close with the boys as I helped them vocal train and take care of them from the evil ruling of the staff and CEO. I watched them grow into the fantastic young men they are today and they slowly take down girls hearts one by one. They were there for me when Moonbin and Mark couldn’t, as they were busy creating their own lives. I quickly became very close to the boys and met one of my new best friends there, Wonwoo. We automatically clicked and I would be lying if i didn’t say that I definitely have had some romantic feelings towards him.
“You’re going to be okay.” He said softly
“They died because of me.”
“They didn’t. It wasn’t your fault.” He kept stroking my hair making me feel more relaxed
“It was…. If it weren-”
“It wasn’t your fault. It was the culprit. The one who pulled the trigger and drove the car. Were you any of those people?”
“Exactly. Therefore it isn’t your fault.” We sat there for a moment, Wonwoo hugging me. Engulfing me in his arms and me getting lost in his body and scent. “Don’t forget that Seventeen is here for you. You may feel like you have lost your entire world and friends, but we’re here. We can help you heal and be happy again. We’re here for you when you fall and we’ll help you get back up.”
I stay quiet for a moment, soaking my tears back up into my eyes, “What about you? Specifically?”
“I don’t think right now is a good time to tell you what’s been going through my mind, but I want you to never forget that I am here whenever you need me. I will stand by you through thick and thin. We don’t have a deep connection like what you had with the two of them, but I’m sure as hell that our relationship isn’t below that, that there is so much more to it.” He lifted my head and came dangerously close, “So will you let me help you, and let me know what going on in your head? Will you let me let you love, live, and heal?” As with that his warm lips were placed on my forehead. After feeling sad, alone, broken, and damaged for 48 hours, for once after their death, I felt right at home, like I was complete. Because I couldn’t cope with my best friends death alone, that I needed someone to show me how to Love, Live and Heal.
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