theknifeinyou · 11 days
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@divinetenebris asked: ❝ you can’t keep getting your feathers all ruffled when anyone else gives me attention. ❞ from Charlie to Andi
Andi stared at him, her jaw clenching before she decided to take another beat and sip her soda. "I could say the same thing to you since you get all moody when someone talks to me. I'm just supposed to be okay when some rando comes up and starts touching you and flirting with you? Fine. Then you can stop being all broody and turning into a turtle when someone does it to me."
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likezoink · 2 months
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"We’re like two trippy peas in a far out pod, man."
dialogue starter for @divinetenebris (thorn!)
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wavrlywizard · 3 months
@divinetenebris liked for a starter
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" ... I think you're lost." normally alex was the one wondering off not knowing where she was, or what she was doing. "Or you look lost.."
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psychcwound · 3 months
@divinetenebris said, ❛  i thought you were dead once, and it almost destroyed me. i could not bear it if you died again, not when i could save you.  ❜ Charlie to Jackie cause pain
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there was a FLINCH at the words, and then silence as doe eyes refused to meet his. jackie remembered the middle of the night when nat found her after coming back from hunting, huddled around a failed fire and shivering so hard that she thought her teeth would crack. she wouldn't have made it through the night, she remembered hearing taissa say to van when they thought she might not be LISTENING. she wasn't thinking about herself, though, just about how she knew shauna didn't want her there. none of them seemed to. so charlie explaining this to her, giving her a reassurance that at least ONE person in this cabin cared about her existence, made big, fat tears well up in her eyes. a hand rose as jackie attempted to wipe them away, lips pursed tightly.
"i -- i didn't mean..." she didn't mean to what? make him WORRY? to make anyone care? she knew that some of the girls thought that she had gone outside for attention, another cry for help that she wasn't the star of the show or the true captain anymore. when did the definition of jackie taylor get so fucked up that nobody seemed to know who she was anymore? when did everyone assume that she had the worst of intentions? finally, she sniffled pathetically -- a tear escaped and moved quickly down her cheek. "i didn't know that you cared."
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clickedbait · 3 months
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After her stint with helping Mystery Inc, Coco was released on good behavior. Questionable ethics on what good would entail really, but what trouble could she really get up to in her solitary confinement. All she had were her journals, needles, and a sewing machine-- which was high privilege in a penitentiary, but she was Coco Diablo and she always got what she wanted. Or at least she used to.
It felt impossibly hard to return to the world of criminals after being released. Apparently after helping out those meddling kids and their dogs it was viewed as treason in the eyes of anyone looking to oppose or make a mark. But she needed to create, needed to work with her hands and the only place she felt she could do so with tack, class, and creativity? The music world. It's how she wound up backstage several months into working with the Hex Girls, hands currently sewing a slit in the dress of @divinetenebris, "The next time you want to galivant so freely across the stage in one of my masterpieces, do take into consideration where the band equipment is."
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atrickrtreat · 7 months
@divinetenebris "I've been looking for you everywhere. I thought you were dead." to October from Stza
"I texted you, told you that I would be unavailable for a few days," October said, thankfully the bruising on her face had died down now and was easily covered with makeup. Damn spirit getting the best of her and her team. "Dead though? Isn't that a bit dramatic, Stza? I didn't think you cared that much. As you can see, I'm fine."
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wickedslip · 4 days
“ sometimes you just need someone to tell you you're not as terrible as you think you are. ” from Aurelia or Thorn or Dusk, your choice!
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The thought made the storm cloud gloom settle in overhead and drudged up all sorts of feelings and emotions that she otherwise didn’t want to think about. She often wondered if her former best friend had thought this, and it was as though the words were unfurling from her deceptive, loathsome albeit enchantingly lovely mouth—dripping like poisonous saccharine. But this was not Narcissa Parris, she was not standing before her now, capricious proclivity and full of errant contempt. The betrayal was foremost in her thoughts, and though she didn’t mean to or want them, they visited like misery often did. The falling out between their ephemeral friendship had been soul-shearing, and she felt the looming absence of her in the most inopportune of times. The phantom of her still clung to the fabric of space around her for all time, as well as the malignant ghosts of her former coven.
Pulling out of the chokehold the reverie had taken on, casting her into the grips of an engulfing undertow, she couldn’t help but to stare at Aurelia, violet eyes as large as saucers. It took every action to not give in, and she felt herself losing control, the spark that lit the fuel to the fire streaming from her veins to incinerate prevalent. Her emotions catching up with her mind, the moribund notions began to slowly subside as she clawed her way up from the perilous depths that tried to contain her.
❛ You aren’t terrible, I’ve seen terrible acts performed by monstrous people. Trust and believe me when I say that isn’t you. ❜ Her voice rasped out, nearly breathless.
She wouldn’t have caught them on fire, and she would have likely taken herself out of the equation before hurting someone that was declared seemingly innocent. But the feelings that loomed told her she wasn’t in control of her emotions, and her abilities were on the damn fritz [ . . . ] again. She needed a drink. ❛ Do you want to go to the Notch Brewery on Derby? I am dying for a Mezcal margarita. ❜
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andtheylive · 10 days
“it was the worst four years of my life, of which no pictures exist.” from Thorn or Salem to Sidney
"not even a yearbook photo?" the last two years of sidney's high school experience set a course for the rest of her life. she tries not to let it define her, she is more than the celebrity victim she's been dubbed as, but that reputation follows sidney no matters where she goes.
nonetheless, as awful as the two-year period was, there are plenty of pictures that serve as an alibi to that time. cast photos from the school play, polaroids with her friends, senior pictures. bright spots that sidney can look back on with a wave of bittersweetness ... she hasn't in some time, but she can.
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"that's too bad," sidney remarks. the corner of her mouth curls, her expression is soft, "i think i would have liked to what you looked like."
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resplendentdare · 10 days
"I know this is serious, but you can still smile. You're allowed to enjoy things." from Charlie
Saskia clenched her jaw closed, swallowing hard as she adverted from Charlie's eyes. She was having fun just the day before, she didn't understand why she just couldn't bring herself to enjoy things now. Grief was a funny thing like that. "But that's just it; I feel like I'm never gonna be happy again, and smiling's out of the question."
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liraspins · 2 months
🍸 from Cyrus or Elvira, your choice!
🍸 to catch my muse drinking alone
"Elvira?" Lira couldn't believe her eyes as she stepped into her construction she called a bar. No one was supposed to be here. But as she stepped in she saw that Elvira had poured herself a drink from the empty counter. "You need a bartender to ask you what's wrong and slowly clean the counter?" she asked, half teasingly, half serious. She was a little concerned though, considering Elvira didn't seem like the type to break into bars and drink alone. Usually that would have been Lira in that stool.
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rebelpuff · 3 months
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"what if they don't like me?" from charlie or stza (hope this is okay!) / @divinetenebris
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“   then   they   don't   like   you.   ”   buttercup   shrugs   ,   unbothered   and   unconcerned.   if   the   world   fell   apart   every   time   someone   didn't   like   someone   else   ,   everyone   would   already   be   dead.   “   you   base   your   self-worth   on   the   opinions   of   others   ?   kinda   pathetic.   ” 
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ch1maeras · 7 months
because of his anxiety with touch, charlie will constantly ride past dani to kiss her on the cheek. so he can at least show some affection.
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HI WHAT THE FUCK SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH ?????? she gets a goofy lil smile every time and her heart gets so happy she's so proud of him for even doing that much 🥹
p.s. her phone is out bc she takes lil videos of him skating and posts them to her stories with a bunch of heart emojis and stickers that say " mine " n shit
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havvkinsqueen · 2 months
oh dang happyyyyyyyy birthday <3 i hope it's a great one!
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-- ANDY ANDY ANDY! Thank you so much! Giving you a big internet hug. I hope you have a great day as well.
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psychcwound · 2 months
@divinetenebris a starter from nat to thorn (bridgerton verse!)
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she felt like a fish out of water. she felt like a fish that had seven eyes, glowed a fluorescent pink, was wearing a STUPID dress, and was out of water. natalie didn't belong here. she knew it, everyone in the room knew it, GOD knew it. her palms were clammy as hands held onto her glass of (incredibly spiked) lemonade with all of her might, eyes shifting from person to person before landing on an older gentleman who was staring at her as though she were... prey? fucking christ, came a most unladylike thought. but she WASN'T a lady. she never has been. feet moved in a diagonal away from him before she almost bumped into someone and she cleared her throat.
"pretend we're having an amazing conversation that just can't possibly be interrupted," she whispered quickly, slightly panicked. a fake laugh, loud enough to hopefully deter the man coming her way. eyes widened a fraction as she watched the other. "i would rather die than speak to that man for more than two seconds. i will owe you my LIFE if you save me."
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clickedbait · 3 months
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The concert had been one hell of a high he coasted through, dancing in the crowd with a mess of other fools also hypnotized by the three women on stage. The difference between him and the rest of the general attendees was the VIP badge around his neck and the dog at his side, Scooby allowed into the venue after a very bold conversation about ESAs at the front. Not to mention they weren't just VIPs, but also friends of the Hex Girls. They'd helped them on a few occasions with this or that, mystery or stalkerish fans and it always came back around to this-- enjoying the hell out of a concert while blitzed out of his mind. The others had forgone attending, but Shaggy wasn't a stranger to going places alone with just Scooby. Tonight would be fun regardless of it.
But it was post show and he was making his way backstage with Scooby, the two getting by security and heading towards where they spotted @divinetenebris coming from a dressing room. He was quick to smile at the sight of Dusk, hand lifting and quickly waving, "Dusk! Hey!" He starts towards her, happy gait to his movement while Scooby trotted alongside him. He came to a stop near her, smile still on his lips, "Groovtastic performance tonight. You rocked it."
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atrickrtreat · 7 months
@divinetenebris ❛ you look like you're freezing. come on, let's warm up inside. ❜ to Eimy from Cyrus
Eimy had walked over to Cyrus's without a jacket, just up and leaving the studio because a strange feeling overcame her and she felt the need to check in on him. She had learned a while ago to not ignore those tingles that came over her when something felt amiss. "I'm a little cold, but I'm fine. Nothing a cup of coffee can't help," she offered a small smile but allowed him to usher her in before she said anything else, arms wrapping around her midsection. "Is everything alright? I felt like something was wrong."
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